~ { COMMERCIAL RECORD PITT;SBURGH BOUD OF TRADE. Fpxxvrrei FOfl octonzn. Lorenz, 4 N, tell, - W. W. Wallace i?repared and. corrected every drtornooni PORT. OP PITTSBUBGII: , . 10 FEET WATER .ITr THE CHANFLEL'AREIF'ALLIR:O t • ARRIVED Wilmington, Dawson, Liverpool. Harlem, Hazlett, Cincinnati.' Island. Packet,-Worley, WheelinV • Consul,•BOwinan, Brownsville. . Louis MLane, Bennett, , BroWnsville. Oneota, Gorden, Beaver.` - kenizer. DEPARTED. • Clipper No: 2, Crooks, Cincinnati. New England, Page, Cincinnati: Defiance, Devol, Cincinnati. , Avihranktop, Dawson f -Steubenville. Allegheny, Gray;'Cincinnati. - - Schniillriil, Andrew s, CinCinnati. Alert, Gregg, Nashville. Oneota, Gordon, Beaver.... • - Lotiis McLane, Bennett, Brownsville. • Consul, llowinan, • Miclugan,.Boies, Beaver. , IItIPORTS'ET RIVER. Liverpool Per str Wilmington; 1040 bbls flour 50Thgq,bcan, 1 sck IVheeling—Pr str Island Paiketi 930 bbls flour, 16 1=8 . 2 trunks mdze, 1 pckge, 3 'sks feathers, 18 pcks buffalo robes, 50 bbls pork, 1 sck rags, 3. bills saddle tries, 3 cks glass ware, 21 bxs do, 1 fraMe, 2 Nils window blinds, 2 carboys vitro!, 6 bxs rodzc, 1 WI maPs, 42 bbls apples: Monongahela linprovantnt---Prstr Consul; 16 bxs. 3 bales erates, 90 kgs nails, 56 bars iron, 329 bz.s glass, 256 bbls 'Hour, r?i tons, 60 empty bbls, 1.50 bxs glass. ; g:?The regular 11. S. mail- passenger steatner Ittes.senger, Ca-pt. LINFORD,' leaves for Cineinnai this morning. 0:1- The' - splendid U. S. mail pa.sseger pack! , Hibernia, Capt. EIS/TEES LTER, Wilt depart for Cin Marital at 10 o'dt:sok to-Morrow. UThe fast running passenger Steamer Califor • ilia, Capt. Hunter, will leave for Cincinnati totlajr co-The U 6.. Mail passenger packet, Captain Srorz, leaves tar Cincinnati on Monday morning. gn Skies of N. Y. and Baltimore tanned sole eJiGoe./I..lleatber,'M stare and for sale by W. BII.Y.AIiT, 183 Liberty at. i . 0ct1.2-tmd&str 'l"annerls' Oil. • 1 1 2 Il s t a t. l l , 3 y est brown Oil, juvecei; . .ell ls t i t . p for!. ocll2-Imclltw 183 Liberty at. • "1 5O Spanish and Missouri Hides - in store and 1 , tit/ for sate by • W. BRYANT, octl2-Imdgm 183 Liberty st. ; - Sheep Skins. ' - 9 /111 . Sheepskins, Bark,,Ta.nned, for gale by VI- , W. BRYANT, 183 Liberty se. octl2-lad&:w Mordeco Leather, - and Bindings. TUST received, a large stock of Morocco, Binding's tj and Linings, and Lace Leather, for! sal e by WALTER BBYAN'F, No: 1,82 Liberty st. SPLENDID STOCK OF N.F.W FALL- GOODS. . octlg.-:l4Ki&w . A+LEXANDER & DAY, take great pleasure in in forming the inhabitants of Pittsburgh and the s. - ourrieg iding country, .that they have just received -a - — 7) ''''' - landid stock of sew Fail Goods, of almotft every escription a large portion of which having been _ - toughtatit:ction, at a great sacrifice,\and from the . "Importers and ;manufacturers at unprecedentedly liw prices, enables them to offer, great indUcemets to Cash buyers; therwould, therefore; respectfully ' • invite them to call and examine :their stock, being , confident . that thej_ will be pleased with the goods a ndpricei.. • ' LADIES , DRESS GOODS.