The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, October 17, 1846, Image 2

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' - ALL paste NY' CONS l'lr.
, s= Below we give the totals:of/the vote on Tues
5.. aroma, imams:atm raillattgron- - ,s- day.. The official' table vt-ill appear - irCcltir paper
- 61 - Mondki - : ---
Baltimore and' Ohio Ballloal:-.. -,_ Power,
, _ .
Our last Baltimore papers contain a synopsis of Eider,
. , .
the twentieth annual reportt - of the President had I ,
Directors to the stock-holders of -ate Baltimore
and Ohio Rail Road Company. -
.The Hon. Lotus Wi s e:ice has resumed his du;
ties as President of the Company, butthe general
operations of the Company-are giveri-hy SA.S EL
Jos-as, - Esq.', - _the - - President pr! tern... The report
. . tern.
a steady increase in the transportation, both
of passengers and burthen,. as will be seen by the,
following - extract: . ' I
The` net revenue, including the receipts from the,
coal trade, after deducting the expenses of working
:and keeping the road in repair, amount to the sum l
- of $440,475 34—being $65,713 60 greater than '
the previous year, and more than sir per cent. upon
the capital of the company. Of this sum, how
ever, besides $05,740 64 (being principal, interest
sand premium 'ln sterling bills) on occount of the
' dqbt due the Messrs. -Baring, there have been up 1
- plied 'during the year to the reconstruction of the
road and to the construction of burthen cars adapt l
ed to the general trade; to improvements at the de-J
pots and to right of 'Way; to the purchase of loco
motive engines and the construction' of water sta.;
.Lions; to thepurchase of additional power and ma-i
ehinery foOhe accommodation 'Ol an increasing
cael trade, and on account Of a i nabstription -on '
behalf of the companyto the capital stock of the,
Pittsburgh and Connellsville Rail Road, the further
sum of $384,184 76, making together $34.9,03440
--and leaving of the net revenue.of the year at the
disposal. of the Beard the sum of $90,640 94—or
about one and .. a quarter per cent. s
• ' The attention of stockholders is then directed
_ . -- .
"to the actual and probable state'of the Company's
affairs, during ancbat the termination of the year
commencing wijh the first of the present month."
On this subject we make the -following extracts
from the report: . , -
"The Board;•therefore proceeded to state that i
on account of the contracts for the reconstruction
of the_thirty miles of road, already explained, there I •
i 1110155.5 , Pa., Oct.. ;14 th, IS•16.
will remain to- be paid' before the Ist of March %. L. Hearse s Eses—EncloSed I send-you a list
next, not less than $2.25,000;--on accou n t. of new o f returns for this, county as far As heard •from.
locomotive engines construetiug under contracts,
executed in the months of • Aprirand The districts to hear from will not alter the result
a llay last, and '
payable during the same period s7o,ooo;—for newlany or very little. Levis (Whig) will have about
hurthen cars now under construction, sao,oBlo, and ' Gf.T,Cinajority; Poweris' majority will be still larger.:
for improvements at the several depots, $lO,OOO, 1 • . I
To-these must be added the interest upon the; Yours, F...e.
bonds - now directed to be delivered to the OHIO. - stock.;
. holders and upon such temporary loans as it may I
be necessary to make iti unticipation of the reven- I llanotia 50 Cot - arr.—From the Maho'ning In
'tie, and also the instalment . payable during 'the 1 dex, we learn that Todd's majority- is (rein GOO to
year to Messrs. Baring, Brothers & Co., of London,' 700 in that county. Nalionins; county was made
estimated together at s93,Moassand forming an !last winter, by the whig majority in the Ohio Le
of existing engagements of not loss than%
, aislature,• the question of repeal was submitted to
I ts
$41?,000. . - -
It Will be perceived, therefore, that, independent i I the people of the county, and they decided by a
' of contingent expenses: such as rarely fail to Decor . , majority of 100 -to 150 in the affirmative.. So
in-the,courSe of a. twelvemonth's operations, the' there is trouble ahead t •
revenue of - the current year, if it should equal that ;
______ _____ . _ .._
of•the past, will be absorbed by debts already in. :y aw R „ Evr , cri .„,,,,...4 1 ,,, w ash i ngton
cured; -and consequently, that without disposing! - '
-of the company's bonds to meet the contracts for! rnh'n speaks in the highest terms of praise of the
reconstruction, it will not be in the pOwer of the new Revenue Cutters, which are now being built
Board to make any dividend at the, end of the'year. Jin this city and at Richmond, Va. The Union,
It is also observed that an amount of not less;
sthan's33s,says : ,• We are -informed by a letter, which we
(XJO, arising out of these existing en-! ga y s.
gagements,.must be paid before the Ist of alarth i have received by this evening's mail, that next'
next, and not improbably obliging the Board toI Monday, the 10th inst., the revenue iron steamer!
dispose of a considerable amount of their bonds; ..Polk" will be launched from the ship-yard of J.'
Without rerr ard to
.the of the market;
u in w hich% R. Anderson, in Richmond. It is the anniversary
case it.*ould be necessary to add the loss sustain.'
!of a memorable day in the annals of Virginia, as
ed bye. depreciated sale, to the other charges upon
the revenue of the year, as already explained. ' well is the United States—the capitulation of the
It is proper, also, in this place to state, that du-! British troops at York - town. The launch will con
ring the last session of the Pennsylvania legible- %
. it being the first'
. tore, a law was obtained authorizing the construe- atitute a sort of era iu Richmond,
!iron stcaimer that was ever launched in that irilas d
lion of a rail road from Pittsburgh — to some point
on the Maryland line,
where it rdight be united,' town. 14e have no doubt the spectacle will draw
with the Baltimore and Ohio - Rail road; and, it the !a crowd to the city." -0 .
expectation that it might thereby become an i • '
...__ _ .
portant lateral connexion of their road with the' . .. . !
Ohio - river; the Board, in the month of Nay last, j
Louow DVTIER—Meat nil-Est-a. since the
authorized a subscription to be made on behalf of edification of the English Tariti. remarks the
this, company for 700 shares, costing, at the par, Richmond Enquirer, the custom receipts at Liver.
v,alue,- $35,000, in case such amount .should be' pool have risen from about .C 7,500 a day to up
found necessary to secure the charter of the Penn- I wards of 4 , 13:01y) , a l t h oug h most of i r fc b u lki est
Sylvania 'compani: Seven hundred shares were
This Nei is at orth -
accordingly subscribed under the authority so giv
' articles are now admitted free.
en; and the, first instalment, amounting , t o $1,750, volumes of wild assertiarts-aad vague sreitilations
was paid out of the revenue of the Baltimore and j in aid of the beauties of protection: Sir Hebert
Ohio Rail road company.
' Peel referred to the same, result, as consequent
It is now understood that the Pittsburgh and;
Coruaellsville Mil road company are desirous of; upon the pm lions modifications of the English
progressing with their road with the least possible Revenue Systeni—and Loid Pahnersten in -the
delay, and that they are not without expectationsilinuse of Como:one cited the recent action r:4• our
I' further and greater assistance from this.compa-' Congress to substantiate the theory.
y. Whatever may be the result of these expec. i —a- ---._____.
tations it is certain that a, compliance with the sub- ' 31511 ICIX Lli .1N Til E WrST.--A friend traveling,
scription already made will be insisted upon, and
- the extent to which this company may be called ! at the West. eel ,. the New II at en Register, writes]
upon for payment, will be an addition to the onli-; us: " A fe llow P a " e nger on this !rose .is i s a shar P
gallons, already explained, to be discharged from j Yankee who has lix ed in Illinois about three years,l
such resouces as may be in its power. j mid keeps a grocery about sixty miles ftwir Chi-
It It would seem, therefore, that without a consid- '
Cate in the lever couatry. - lie has Lien cast to!!
erableincrease in the- business of the road, or al -
__like - diminution in the expense of working it, andl re P ie mish his sto ck • a nd one item of h i s recm it is . i
' unless the Board should be enabled to dispose of the ! twelve pounds of (Vold! lie Says the people
bands, proposed to be issued at fair prices. it is not ; there will harc it, and the grocers ~art Grp it.
only.probable, but certain, that there can be no They administer it by the teasPoontul." We should
' dividend at the end of the current year, but that I
thethink twelve pounds of calomel in oz.e year would
• net profits, and consequently the dividend, of`
the year ending September 30th, 1848 will also be I depopulate half the State, and yet this'was only the
- materially diminished." stock of one giocr4 sicre for six months!
. :IfTaskington Brain!!.—.There has been an im
proiement in the business of this branch during!
the last half year.
- "The net profits,' including the surplus of G.
568 31 after the dividend in April last, amount to
the sum of $50,575 70, of which the hoard have
declared - a dialdend among the stockholders of
three'dollars upon each share of stock for the last
sit months, payable on and after the 15th day of
the present month, and leaving a surplus of $ll,-
076 -70, to be carried to thaltaccount of the current
year." .
The report then proceeds to speak of the fur
ther prosecution of the road to the Ohio River.—
'From this portion pf the report w•e copy the fol
lowing paragraph :
"The recent legislation oe Pennsylvania, referred
to in another part of tilts report, if used with pro
per akill and energy by those in charge of the
work it authorizes, may ensure to the company, in
.dependent of all-other legislation, the opportunity
of , connecting their work with the western States,
if not at the best, certainly, at' a: point possessing
great advantages, and if it be not allowed to defeat
the prosecution of the. Baltimore -and Ohio 'Rail
road to its legitimate termination eta more south
ern point on the Ohio,-will deserve and ought to
receive every reasonable encouragement from this
compatifand from the people of Baltimore. "l'he
Board, at the same time, without meaning to
derrate the importance of the rail road from Pitts
burgh to the Maryland line,' are unwilling to lose
sight of the expectation that by means of the leg-
islation of the State of Virginia, they may yet be
enabled to prosecute the main stem of their road
to-wine eligible point on the Ohio river within
that State," •
. Mo.arsaar.—The question is frequently asked
ns, where is Monterey, the scene of the recent brit ,
limit victory of the American arms? The 'city of
Monterey, is the. Capitol of New Leon, in Mexico ) ,
mid is - situated on the Fernando or, Rio del l'igre,
ihinit 220 mike from its mouth. It is about 200
.111iles north of west from Matamoros, in latithde
213 deg. north, and lony,itude 24 deg. west from
Washington. The city is situated on the main
road from the RiO Grande to the city ofMexico;
it has a population Of '12.00 souls; the houses are
mostly one story high, and the streets are paved
Much like our cities in the North. The city
now in the possession of• Gen. Taylor,
• .ti ., l‘ , lsoa - zrzczscx VisnrcT has just been coin
- pleted near Breslah,,Gennany, intended to carry
the railway Of, ripper Silesia. It is 88 feet in
height, having. 38 arches, and the cost
has heen nearly X 700,000-.
5633 Foster,
550 Morton,
5461 :McCandless,
987 Howard,
5553 Hamilton,
Newport, 603
Ii ilands,
M Caskey,
4302 t trultz,
238 Edgar,
commesioxxs ron 3 rsans.
5304 Donaldson,
502 Wilkins,
Perkins ` 5434 Bryant,
Burns, 498 Davis.
INT*Corci, 5555 Ewing,
Tracey, :- 258- Sutn.
Arnixo a sun ONE 'WA
Bowman, - 5271 Patterson,
AVDowell, 257 Graham,
Anderson, - 502 Bayne.
co arlarEn.
Richardson, • - 5-114 Wey m an,
Hutchinson, 30 Thompson,
kE•cTVCSY Lsvc.—A It'unday ;:elsool in Boons :
borough, Ky., was recently disturbed by the keep
er of a neighboring grof,, , shop, seho rushed in and
shamefully abused the superintendent. lie was tried
before a justice's juryand acquittd ou the ground
that a Sunday &Fool is not a religicus nifetihgl
POTATO LS 1 N I N e.--PerEons from Penobscot
river, represent the potato crop in that vicinity as
only about one quarter what it was two years ago.
The failure last year, they say, discouraged farm
ers, and:only half the usual quantity was planted,
and only half a crop has been obtained from that.
expectS to sail about the 10th of Nevem
her, for India, „ with his wife and two daughters
his son and wife; also several other missionaries.
The company will probably consist of 11
past week' the number of deaths in Philadelphia
was tl7, of which- number 49 were under two
years of age. There were by consumption 12
deaths, and by convulsions 9,
city in the interior of China called Sou Tchou,
which has a population of five millions within its
walls, and ten millions within a radius of four
leagues around. Mr. Hedde, a French missionary
who had visited it, 'is given as authority for the
statement. It is the greatest silk market in China.
ROOF% ron .ras Rro GRAND/T.—Col. 'Gates. of
the U. S. Army now in command at Fort Afoul•
' trie, near the city of Clsarleston, has been ordered
to Point Isabel at the head of a detachment of about
250 men. On reaching Point Isabel, .Colonel
Gates is to organize a full regiment, composed of
ten companies, to be made up from the four regi
meats now 'in service, and to act as field artillery
The attention of those disposed to purchase build
ing lot. at low prices, and on liberal terms is re.
questedqO the sale of 53 lots thii afternoon at 2
o'clock, by John D. Davis, on the fourth Street
(xj.The - Washington Union says: " We under
stand that the f ltliami Indians are about to comply
with their engagements, and retire, from_ their late
territory in lowa. We are happy tolearn that no
force will be necessary to secure theiecompliance."
3443 Black, 4287
5374 • Kerr, 4269
5386 WEllhennyy 3916
_Cooper, 3956
529 Curry, 4 ' 577
.273 Glass, 554
531 Barker, 583
267 Bowman, ,57
4384 Folsy&e, -4— '
240 IVinebiddle,
The B.ltimore Republican_ explains, the- cittite+
of the trust Detriocratie deceit- tit , ithe tote liulti
more election:
The following table will show how much more
successful were nor-ON: tents in bringing nut (heir
vote Zth compared with the Presidential contest of
isl I, then were (141friefidS:
Deficit in Democratic vote,
Deficit in Whig vote,
The Democracy have,at this time in Baltimore
' a clear majority of five hUndred, and to those
whose supineness has been instrumental in giving
to the Whigs partial success, we say that they owe
on that account untiring labor fur the success of
the Democratic nominee for Mayor at the approach
ing election. The entire Democracy owe it to'
themselves, and to the principles they advocate, to
put forth their hest energies to wipe out the die.
grace of last week
Federal Ruin.—The country is experiencing a
turn of a disease known as federal ruin. Its first
attack was when Jefferson came in in 1800; it had
another when war was declared in 1812; wiltird
when Jackson was elected in 1829; a fourth in
1834, after the bank lost its deposits; and now a
fifth. It is rather a ruin of political prospects than
a national deterioration—of the federal party, rath
er than of our whole country. The latler.seems - ro
have gone on in its quiet, but, to the despots of the
old world, its terrible march of prosperity. When
r Jefferson got 'Louisiana, the federals planned dis
union: now that the democrats of today have got
I I Texas, there is the same plan on foot - by the same
old pOliticians, and both plans were alike prefaced
by the ruin cry. Business men, if they choose,
may of course quarrel with their profits, and, be.
cause democrats go steadily on, as they have in
the Mail', from Jefferson to Polk, Americanizing
our4nstitutions '
by lopping off the various excres.
ences of special legislation, may wage.war on the
party that has promoted so nobly the glory of the
country. But the sooner they open their eyes to
the deception of the whig leaders the better. They
will 'See that federal ruin means national- glory and
prosperity.—Boston Pau..
;tram CA.x.crLATIoNs.--The editor of
Yankee Blade- says: ---
"It would be a curious sight, to see all the ba
bies in the United States, under five years old to
gether; they would make apretty. little collection
of 2,400,00. What a squall there would be,
should they all be spanked at the same time. and,
what a heap of sugar plumbs -it would take to,
quiet them!"
• TOBACCO AND Croans.-4ire refer our readers,
especially those who indulie in the luxurious
weed, to the advertisement_ of 'J. M'Ccirmierstt, iq
another column. HiS cigar and.Tobacat are eit.
cellent, and can't be beat. M. is a clever fellow
and deserves to be patronised. Iris establishtnent
is on 'Fifth street, between Wood and Market at.
ay.W.Kenna will commence the sale of a large
and well assorted stock of Dry Goods, at the store
of J. Cannon, No. 88 'Market strtet,,between sth
and the Diamond, this morning at 9 o'clock, and
continue from day to day (Sundays excepted) until
all are sold.
Tax.r.r.—The Mayir yesterday committed to
jail to`await their trials Absalom Williams and
his wife, charged with stealing sundry articles,
such as sheets, counterpainsl:c., to the amount of
$5O from the St Charles Hotel.
Fins.— The roof of a dwelling house near the
corner of Wayne and Penn et., occupied by Jos
SENT, Esq., was discovered on fire yesterday at
noon Considerable damage was done to ihe
building and furniture before the fire was extin
THEATIIE.—Tun ahead. Look out for SILSBEE'S
Benefit, on Monday evening next—a gieat till is
in preparation.
Tun Orricens and crew of the brig Casket,
sent home on suspicion of being concerned in the
slave trade, were discharged at Boston on Satur
day, the evidence against them being insufficient
public: dinner was tendered by the New
York Board of Assistant Aldermen and the Board
to 110n..T. R. Walker, Secretary of the Treasury;
but that officer declined on account of the urgency
of his return to Washington.
Exrco extends the boundary of the U. States on
the west coaArom the forty.second to the thirty
second parallel of north latitude, and produces a
gnat alteration in the territorial possessions of the
belligerent powers. The comparative size of Mex
ico and the United States, in lSt.n3, was es follows:
Square acres.
United Stales territories, - ,1,408,000,000
Mexican territories, 'I,OS l ,G(H),000
We have now to deduct from .31exi
co and add to the United States:
Upper California, , • 240,50040
New Mexico, 1104 7'2,000
Texas, 23,904,000
Left to Mexico, . 570,303 -40
In 53 , 3, the postessioto of the vaTious rowers on
this Continent were es follows: -
Cratral America
i .'",,:,;-Tbe following wellmicrited compliment to
one of the moat wonderful discoveries of the age,
; veo'clip front an exchange piper Although not
Total (7, 1 325,0Ci(t miles) .I,Sb . o,o.4o,oo)actes.i personally interested in the matter, we hore so off.
t, d m e tr i.l en experienced the beneficial effects ot Clikene's
Deducting from Mexico arid adding
I Sugar-coated re..ctatlc Pm , atit e Pik that •
ted :States, .502,21.1et,1t3r) acres; and deducting from cannot . •*.
• 4 " "e
refrain from coutributio; our might in (la
the United States and adding to the British Pos- seminating alnowledgc of their extraordinary cir.
sessions, 320(10,004 acres which the United States, tiles. 'The atahjoined effusion, doubtless from the
claimed, but ceded to Great Britain by the Oregon; p en ,e samnle showcase of the intentor at the fair
of some enrapture,! fair oem, teat dina'e'red
n ' n
treaty, the posaessions of the various powers on I 'at the An , i i ri " ein ; l iAiinit .
the ' North American continent now stand as fol.i TO DR. t
i Bail! Clickencr hail! whose genius bright
)tales petysic foot, a dainty quite,
i M-ikcs all Jive:lats. shut zip shop,
By swalluvaitiz or a Ir.lly fluinl, ,,
iNo mote %ball tame or r.aultarnake
i People put up with pain or ache,
fistner man tnyris take to cure them,
_ Which t.-.olet s4--poll ! one rant endure them
p,...,:ii,i,f,„:.) 4 , ti.-„ J ,.., tu,t ,„ I rot Atow ter• ni.*li.e !I'M.' - .4'4lJr: quill' , handy
, , t „ ) fly vale 1 , 0E16 P•e as s - nest 3. , rut.).
Be the conquest of ;s:ew Mexico end z4IIII LO, ; 1 - . .7,,, 4 .,- , .- ' . ' - " . ' '
. there has been act. e- to this tin on a population es I -''' „,', - '''', e '' ' '''. S" i; :4l. "* 4 1 l',. ; elab i e : mi..
i tirnat c .,4 at Li,,,,wi 1 0 mwtit,„ moan} k ilia , lA , ~ i ii inch liiri.itiot our 4 ciAl the blotiti iieints ;3141-
a, e ...
tirrinte California at Ititiflt:th, and Sew ,Mexico or` tti ..l , t .
.4 290,1..X.1. ii,w 3lexico contains rho - best &p.ld i pleadA":""u puts
a."r3rkirng r , ii ! ' ' ~
i mines on he coots:ie..% also, silver. capper and j Iv) '.
4 .
4 ion T. cheat , Carr. ffl ' iun ,` a ' n fut. "'"gi
iron mines.A:neolture IS carried on by extensive 1 ).;" in ''''' tips ''''' c "" u ' r "" l '''', r •
_ , r itti , intf G., nnuyt , oul to cad lei
irrigation, for %ill/ell - the mountain tit dataa atlvrd l A _ , alter - , • late.. ' r
ini that airr quite umeit
1 great facilities. California is taid to contain vain- i u tott th , t; ~,, kit
it . , u
and rate.
able mines of coal, iron, zinc, gold aw,lapitc;„;mh .cr , ti,Etv ,-- 040..0 - .,. hail!
pin./ ;,,,,,,,...
but for agricultural arid grazing ptirptStet, its , ant. ' i .--,-. '" -- f n '
, f see pl 3 NIV such a 1 . .211iV,
i portance tra. been overrated, the pyttractc.: drotii.m., , .... . . .
c .,
owner havie4
filo, ca. ktfilesd
f. , k,ti
of- l o ,; *hit ,air. (Itig?.% I. , ng . f.•s - alCktie.% LOA .
1 " "
' i In order 'l9 be cured tor thee
jAtrelican peoplc.—.V. }' San.
i Mull Clic:.ener bad! thy fame shall be,
i .__.. . .. ._ . I As deathlris as thy pill. ire tweet,
Cantu.' A L — . lle captain of the Seabird intorm i
I us, says the Louii.vilic Journal, that, at Di its trirri.:)h :1 A li s t i j .: ' , l l ' l at i n ;: i n T r n rte,: hallil"l7,,,,::„.athhee feet.
a large box was placed on board his boat, and that.l thy
not knowing what it contained, he put it in the Q- R.
L'r ~
engine room oh hi s way down, the box b y iii ..„, re Sold by Win. Jackson, corn“ of Wood arid Lib
dent was partially opened, when it was wood to : efl Y
str..-vis., who it general . 3 .. gent for Dr Clicke.
he full of kegs of fgunpowder, at! in the iiii , ne , liaie jner . s Pills in Pittsburgh and s icinity
vicinity of the fire. The person or persons at!
Pittsburgh u, ho thus teekteaaly expose:! the '-e.alikra
unit all on board of :her to destruction, should be
ielerely punished__
1 46
. ,
2,5:0,1i0r) I %N.)
'3 4. 1
I t...;Uut.) 1.1:1:
Unsiuil States,
Central American,
cc). We find the above paragraph traveling' the
rounds of our exchange papers. We publish it for
the purpose of directing the attention of steartiboat
owners and officers to the matter, and if the :Mega.
tic:in , is true, we hope that such a thing will not
occur agaiu.
Polk. Clay.
8 ,80 6'413
._ ~ ::_a_~-~w . ~T
'max !—The London Atlas tells na 'that, according
to Thelewisltauthorities, MethOselalt did not live
as long as he Might have done had he attended to
good advice; for it is written.that as he waialeep
ing on the ground, when well stricken in years, an
aiget a.peared to him, and told. him that if he
aVould - iise upand build him a--house to live in, the
Lord would prolong his life five hundred years.—
Methuselah made answer, that "it was not worth
while for him to build a house for so short
term." And so he died before he was a thousand
years old.
A nor who weighcd'4o pounds caught a trou
that weighed 40 pounds, in the lake at Port Wash
ington, . •
AN Fforurar MAN.—The following is the New
Tork Sun's account of Elijah F. Purdy. We do
not know whatsort of an Alderman M:. Purdy
may have made, but if this history , of him be cor
rect, asfr grocer, and what is more as a man, he is
hard tel/beat.
"When in the grocery business, he always gave
poor men down weight; their molasses jugs and
oil cans went home so full that they had to carry
the corks in their hands; children coming for char.
coal had a handful thrown in after a heaped mea-
sure, and often has Elijah.Purdy carried.come their
baskets for them. He sold six cent loaves of bread
for the cents. To his poor tenants, when their
rents were due, he would say, -ldon't come till
you're done work when you'vOnothing else to do
then come and pay me.' He was'the grocer that
gave thirteen eggs to the dozen. He was always
at his counter, rain or shine, to accommodate the
poor. Was a neighbor sick, he was the first at his
bedside; was there a death, he was the first to in.
quire what he could do for the family, and to make
arrangements for the funeral."
A Wousx's Lorx.—We clip the following
from the St. Louis Republican: „.
.41Ve have already announced the apprehension
of Harber who stands charged with the usurde?
Meredith, of Baltimore. He is in confinement at
Von Buren, Arkansas, waiting for an official re
quisition from the Governor of Missouri. The
Lexington (Mo.) Eaprcss hiving occasion to al.
Ilode to the matter, let us . into the secret of the of his escape. His trial was a month off.
/He was securely guarded, but the dictates of hu
manity prompied•his guard to allow his wife to
visit hiku. Woman's ingenuity suggested to her
the means of affecting his escape. Hanging some
of his clothes against the wall, knowing they
would nut he touched, she contrived to Work out!
the mortar and bricks therefrom, carrying them out
daily, concealed about her person. None ever
thou • ; 4d-rxr-,-,miTritig her, and she worked away I t
a /dr task of luve'unmoicideel The result was
ie escape of her husband.
.1 , 02,230,1G0
2 1 1aarled,
Uu Tbuxeday the /3th itist., by the Rev. $.
Sparks, :4D Astrrox, to Miss EctNii LTLI
1.;1)2,001 tOO
I ,4 City QUAY)
1 ,Ozi I ,6 00, 1 )(.0
I 1 9,0.1(1,1iiiil
Farrstman , * California,
i tiU MOUE NI AV ItGUS—At COOK'S, Nu. F 5,
2 Fourth street.
r a titre, Travels. and Adventures in California, and
'Scenes an the Paritie Ocean: by Thais, .1. Farnham.
LCilbarn Tell; var the Hero vt . Switzerland: an his
torical romance. with engravings.
Ellen Munroe— Second Part—Sequel to Lire in
The Black Plumed Rifleman; a Tale of the Reyo-1
Ration; by N. M. Curtis.
The San orMonsieur Antoine:, by Madame George,
Sand, nab illustrations.
The Early Jesuit Maasions in :Vikell America} trams
lated by Rer. Witt..J. Kass—'{Viler & Putnam's Lib. ;
Living Age, No, 126.
.Tutu Cringle's Log—New edition.
Lives or Cislebrated Statesmen; by John Q. Adams
L. L. 1).
Punch's Oracle of Destiny; or New Fortune Tel
Punch's Bohemian Gipsoy Gii7l; or, Peep into Fu
Fir Isabella: or the Fanatic) of the Cevennes.
Lone Watch: by Henry Coeicton.
Sylvester Sound, the Soutoornbulistz the author
of Valentine Box.
Matilda: by Eugene. Suc—Now edition.
Handy Andy, Charles O'Malley, Hector O'Hal
James' Novels—Pull supply.
Biownson's Review for October.
Blank Books, Letter and Cap Paper, Inks and
Inkstands, Sand and Sand Boxes, Quills, Steel fens,
&c. &c., in short, every thing in the Stationery line.
iCY all at COOK'S, SZi Fourtlfetreet.• octl7
Large and Positive Sale of Dirt Goodsiete.
at Auction, by ,Order of Assignee.
ON Thursday the 22d mat., at 10 o'clock, A.M.,
at the Commercial Auction Rooms, corner of
Wood and Filth ntreets, will be sold without reserve,
by order of Assignee, a large and splendid assort
ment of fancy and staple Dry Goods, among which
ere the following, viz:
12 pieces French and English-Broad Cloths, ass'd
4 " Beaver Cloths;
2 " Grey Oregon Cloth;
5 " Pilot, do;
4 Cassitneres, assorted colors; _
12 " Waived, Boni and plain ..Setlettirl
assorted colors;
2 " Giraffe Velvet Cloth; •
5 " Twilled and plain Red and White Fltua-I
S " Ashland Tweeds, .
- 4 " Alpacca assorted; •
6 " Fancy Vesting;
263 Fancy and Woolen Shawls;
6 doz Anglo Merino Drawers and Shirts;
15 " Cbildrens Woolen Hoods; . .
54 51 Woolen. Comforts; .
32 pre-Whitney, Rose and Mackinaw Blankets;
17 doz Woolen Hose and i Hose;
16 " Silk and Gtim Suspenders;
Together with patent and shoe thread, sewing
cotton, Buck Glove& and Mitts, Silk Hdkfs., Gallous,
Buttons, Razors, Scissors, Spoons, Hats, Caps, Whips
Brogans, Scarfs, Stocks, fine Shirts, Shirt Collars,
Coiubs, &c. Terms Cash, par money.
The Goods Gass be examined the day previous to
octl7 . JOHN D. DAVIS, Auctioneer.
TOR SALE—About 400 cuts afire-double carpet
chain.:' An asSortnacnt pf window sash and glass;
tubs, buokots, wooden bowls; -half bushels and peck
measures, and matahes by the gross.
0ct17 , 16t E HARRIS, No. 12, St. Clair-et.
~~~ x h r
Prices of , n
First Tier, 50 cents. Second Tier, 371 cents
Third .20 1. I Pit, 25
Last night of the engagement of
... I ,IIR. J. S. SILSBEE.
Will Ve preiented a petite comedy called the
. .
A new Yankee Story of -
After which a Yankee Farce entitled the-'
To conclude with a Grand Drama coiled
Monday, Mr. SILSBEE'S Benefit
Doors to open at 7, performance to comrnence,at
71 precisely.
October 16, 1846. f
AN Election: for thirteen Directors of this Bank
will be held at the Banking House, on Monday
the I6th day of November nest.
octl7-dlrn_ THOMAS M. HOWE, Cashier.
TUST RECEIVED, an additional supply ofTobae
tl co and Cigars, among which aro the following:
Branch's Aromatic Cavendish; •• •
Peyton's Honey Dew Fives;
James Theme's', Jr., Nectar Leaf;
John Ender', Honey Dew Ladies' Twist;
Lawrc Grittier Baltimore Plug.
Also, a very fine lotofCuba filler Leaf, which will
be soldsin small !or large quantities.
Together with every variety of Cigars, which will
be sold wholesale or retail'.
890 ACRES of Farming Land, near St. Mary's
settlerqent in Elk County. • It adjoins the
lands of Bensinjer.& Co., who are the founders of
that settlement. To-a few German Farmers, wish
ing to emigrate to that section where they can enjoy
all tho advantaits of a new settlement, and where
the ordinances of the Catholic religion arc daily ad
ministered, thes4 Lands afford the same - comfort and
facilities as othqr lands, that cost twice orlthree
times as much. t. Mary's settlement now numbers
about 2500 soulsi and ix increasing rapidly. Should
a sufficient number unite and purchase the whole
tract, an exchange will be made for other property
near Pittaburgbd For further particulars apply to,
t L. WILMARTH, Penn street,
octl7-tf Or no V. SCRIBA, Wood street.
95 M i n. r eceived by Canal, for sale by
octl7 1 5 11nn st., between Irwin and Han
• Glass.
4A BOXES 10-12 Window Glace, Lorentz & Ilam-
A.) ittoies bra ed. L. WILMARTII,
octl7 Penn et., between Irwin and Hand.
1 Books.
j: Li
Life of Sweileaborg;
Green on Gambling;
BoswelPs Of Johnson; •
Wirt's Life or-Pairick Henry;
Goldsmith's Works;
Mortis^ 11;oess;
Burns , no;
BY10,11:1 f lu;
Sbakspeare's do;
Milton's Prosb Writings;
" Pueiical Works;
Ferule Blegtaphy;
For sale by. I it. S. BOSWORTH & CO.
No. 43 Markel street.
School Books,' Stationery, Blank Books,
etc. etc.
TOUR B. SIELI.OII, No. S. Wrod street, ho
t/ tweet, DiarnonklAtiey Atrd 4th street, respectful-
I iy i.Yitel the attchtion of Country Merchants and
i others, to his c.tte .sire stock of
School Books, 1 'riting and Lotter Papers, Bonnet
Boards, Wrapping. 'apers, Blank Books, German and
Auteriean Slates, 'amity - and Pocket Bibles, Sacred
Music Books, Ale, anacs, English and German, and
!German English, 11 of which will be sold at the
;lowest Cu,,), prict4 for Cash or Rags,
1,7.:r 034 i paid fir Rags
I`VLOVII- 0 4 rn
and for tolk,
rein, fresh ground—just received
GO' Wood street.
•Dt•TTEIL-10 4egsßutter, a very good article;
13 just received ta d, fur sal e by
L 56 Wood street.
John I j 7. Davit, Auctioneer,
tiot - rn-LAST CORNE r or 'WOOD AND Earn srscrrs,
TlO o'clock 111endai morning the lOth inst.,j. mill be sold n extrusive 12530Jtment of fresh
and seasonable Dr;l Goods, fine table and pocket
cutlery, boon'ishoei, hats caps, umbrellas, oil cloth
table covers, hosiert, gloves, 2 o'ctocx, one crate assorted China
and Quecnstaare; 14 dozen Coal, Devonshire and
socket stio.els. 20 dim, bed cords; $ day and 30 hour
mantel clocks, looltMe glasses, carpeting, hair and
husk niatttesses, feXtlier beds, bedding, large size
blankets. glassu are, nails, carpenter tools, tool
chests, 3 titils. N. o. , Alolasses, Young llyson Tea;
Virginia manufactured tobacco, coal stoves and bel
low ware castings; , a general assortment of house.;
hold and kitchen rurniturc, bze-
Ar 61 o'corg, P. M., an excellent collection ol
choice sod valuable hens Books in all the various de
panments of literature mid science, may be examin
ed-preview, to the sale.: -
co - Private sales dpring the day at low pricer,.
TED SN-- Several good cooks, and girls
T fir all work; Ipprentices for the carpenter,
hatter and shoemaking business; places in stores and
warehouses, and on Steam and canal boats, for sere
ral good eepers, salesmen and agents; also for
a number of schoolmasters, mechanics, farmers, la-!
borers, hustlers and boys. Also, wanted to borrow !
on bond and triortgagS or notes of hand well secured,
several sums of money. Money lent out and bor
rowed. Places wanted for a number of colored men
and women, boys and girls. MI kinds it f agencies
attended to for moderate charges, and the public‘pa
tronage thankfully sohcited. 1. HARMS,
octl7-1w A gcincy Office N 0.12 St. Clair st.,
A Card:
STeilEtT & Co. , ivould invite the attention of
dealers to their extensive:'assortment of Wines
and Liquors, embracing a great variety of brands,
now receiving, having been selected with care for
this market, by one lof the firm, from the Custom
House stores ot the Esstern cities. Purchasers may
depend upon securing a superior article at all - times
at their establishment; •
They would avail themselves of this opportunity
to tender thanks to their friends and customers for for
mer favors.-STEIIETT &to.
oetl6 Corer Market Sr, Front streets.
Br mdies.
HALF PlPES—rCogniac .Castillon, J. J. Do
puy • 11
Otard, Dupuy 6 Co.; Pelleyison, Seger,
Freres; A. Seigneur., and other brands.
6 qr. Casks — Finechampaigne, 1839; Maglory
Cogniac, and United Vineyard Propritors
5 Eighthßastant* Co.;
°Nate importations, wbich will:be sold upon pleas
ing terms, wholesale, in original packages, or other
wise. STERETT34 CO.,octle- • I
Front and Market ate.
a, etc.
Immure. •
"• Old Irish and Scotch;
Old. Mon. Rye;
Bourbon County;
.uantitiea'to suit, by
.rltet Street, cor Front.
Jamaica, “old; ,,
Santo. Cruz;
New England;
Antigna, 44 oldpi
For sale in
OLD Cherry and Peadh Brandies, "very Mice ,
Fast India and Wine Bitters; •
E. Mint and Cordials on drought and in Bot
tles, for sale by F.TERETT & -- CO.,
octl6 Market. st:, cor Front.
G 3 Splendid Built
AT 2 o'clock; P. M.
on the premises, wi
ly situated lots of ground
and adjacent streets, laid
a plan of which maybe al
Terrns-1-5 cash, or xi
at four mouths with intez!
equal annual payments W
Ing Lots at Auettote.
on Saturday the 17th inst.,
II be sold 53 veryhandsome
d on 'the Fourth street road
flout by Mr:James 11. Irwin.
iben at the Auction Rooms.
ro approved endorsetinote
icat, and the' residue fottr I
tith interest.
'JOHN D. DAVIS; Alia 1
~ ...e' '- ~ l w :<l ; ' jam*%G :i"3~:Ti= ~ tn.>'-id: : `2:;
. . .
Alry Goadtistare at Auction.
HE Subseriber intending to close up his Stock
off Dry - Goods, will, to-Morrow, Saturday; Oct.
17th, at 9-o'clock in the' forenoon have his,.first
Auction Sale of choice. Foreign and Demestic Dry
Goods, at his Store, No. 88 Market' street, between
4th and the Diatacind, and continue from day to day,
(Sunday's excepted,) until all are disposed of. The
Stock is made up of Seasonable Goods. for Ladies,
such itiplain and fancy Silks, Cashmere, de Lainbs,
Alpacas, Merinoes,- Bombazines, Balzarineii, Ber
rages, Calicoes, Chintzes, Gingliams, Silk Thibett.
Terkeri, Mous Delaine and Woolen Shawls, Hdkfs.
and Cravatts, Gliives and Hosiery, Silk Velvet fancy
Hdkfs., Superfine Irish Linen, Sewing, Silks, Thread
Laces, Muslin Edgings, Bobinett; a large variety of
Ribbons, Latest Styles, - Bonnetts, Patent thread,
&c. Gentlemen's Goods, viz: Superfine Blue, Black"
and Invisible - Greet Broad Cloths, English and
French--Cassimeres, Cassinetts, Tweed, Oregon,
t ietis, Buffalo. Cords, fa _ Vesting,in short; every
thing that is generally found in a etail Store.
C. S. Porama
Terms at Sale
. . ,
Valuable Building Lots in Allegheny
MHE subscribers will offer for saleut public sue
••tion,.On the ground, 24 very eligible Building
Lots, 24 feet; by 130, being part of the , Lot known
as the Pittsburgh City Poorhouse Lot, adjoining the
Lots of Stephen Caldwell, Esq., and Win. Robinson,
Jr. Esq., west of the Penitentiary in Allegheny_ City.
Sale to commence at 2 &clock, P. M., of Saturday
the 24th •inst; - -Onc-fourttrof the purchase money in
hand, or when the Deeds are executed. The, remain
der in one,' two, and three years, with interest.
Bonds and mortgages will be required:. -
A plan of said Lots can be seen either at the• R
ecorder's. Office, New Court House,or at the Offiee of
the Overseers ofthc Poor, sth street, between Wood
and Smithfield streets. .
- Drug Store and Fixtures for Sale.
TIMM 'subscriber, owing to ill health, is desirous
of quitting his present business, and offers: his
stock of Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery and fixtures
for sale.. The stock is wel/' selected, and perfectly
fresh. His prescription business will compare with
any establishment in the city. For further portion
lars, enquire (if by mail, to be post paid,) of..
corner of Penn and Hand streets, Pittsburgh, Pa.
octl6 (Chronicle and Journal please copy.)
. October 16,1845.
A N Election for thirteen Directors of this Bank
AIL for the ensuing year will be held at the Banking
House, on Monday the Sixteenth day of Nosember
next. foctl6-dlm) JOHN SNYDER, Cashier.
Poem• by Amelia.
gCOND edition enlared in one neat 12 nao. vol
kjume, jest received and for sale at Cook's Litera
ry Depot, 85 4th street, -
' . P/apjr .t. Plays:
JUST RECEIVED=at COOK'S; 85 Fourth street,
tj the follouing standard Dramatic Pieces:
Money, Kilt of the Commoniu - lituichbach,
Love Chase, The Wife, Li:fa - dim - Assurance,
Honey Moon, Dove's Sacrifice,;
Richard the Third, Lady, of Lyons, Fazio,
Grandfather Whitehead, Poor Gentleman,
Charles the Secohd, Othello, Gamester,
Hamlet, Cure for the .Heartache,
Don eusar de Bazan, Venice Preserved
lon Pizarro, Stringer,See.
HE subscriber will receive fresh Oysters daily
from Baltimore, which he will serve up in all
the different styles, at the Franklin Hotel, Fourth at.,
between Smithfield and Grant:
Large A.,
_...smortmend of Splendid Faney. and
Fashionable Pail Millinery.
T M'KENN.VS Auction Itooms,No.ll4,Wood
st.„ 3d door from Fifth, the Agent of an erten
sire French Importing House, has Just arrived from
New York, and will this day commence opening a
large and splendid lot of fine French Millinery, of
the latest fashion and diremt from Paris Which he will
sell at extraordinary low prices. The ladies are par
ticularly invited to call and examine. It is perhaps
the largest rind best stock ever offered in this city;
comprising in part:
Thread and Lisle Lazes and Edging, Caps, Netts,
11. inset, Cap and Masse Hat RildronT - Mourning and
Xtres.s Cape, Cap fronts, Flowers, Feathers, Quilling,
Head Ornaments, 4c.
Oct- 12; -
E,:tensive Sale' t' New and 'Valuable
4 T 64 o'clock, on Wednesday the 14th,
Thursday the 15tb, and Saturday the 17th inst.,
at the Commercial Auction Rooms, corner of Wood
and .sth sts., will be sold a large collection of choice
standard and miscellaneous Books, embracing a
great variety of works on History, Theology, Poe
try and Fiction.
Bib/es and Testaments of every variety of size and
style of binding. • •
Prayer Books, fine editions; Annuals and Hollida_r•
Presents for 1547; Blank Books, Stationery, &c.
Private sales during the day at very low• prices.
oct 14
.JOHN l) DAVIS, Aucttr.
- Cheaper- than Erir,.at •
Boot Shoe and Trunk Store, No. 186 Lib
erty street, nearly - opposite the head of
Wood street..
F. & IL would - respectfully announce that they have
in store andare receiving their FALL AND WIN
consisting ofupwards of five hundred_ packagearof all
kinds and qualities for Ladies, Gentlemen, Misses,
Boys, youths , and childrens , wear.. These - goods'
have been manufactured to our order, and expressly- -
for the Pittsburgh market—all of which we are deter
-tnined to SELL VERY LOW, as from our facilities
in purchasing goods we are enabled so to do. -
We would solicit an, examination or our stock by
all in want of goods in ourline, either at wholesale or
retail, as we feel confident we shall be enabled to
please, both in regard to quality and prices,.
The most of our goods are from manufacturing es
tablishments with which we are Connected; We shall
continue to_ receive weekly from those houses, fresh
and dxsirable goods made expressly for our sales.
.No. 186 Libert street.
- -v
'FRANK MILLER'S Water Proof Blacking;
for sale by
JAMPP BLACK-2 casks, assorted, for sale by
AL SODA; any qaantity- for sale by
CIIII.OIUDE of Lime, in tore and for Bale by
piI i •CUL I L t N'S Indian Vegetable Panacea;
R a . n C d u k le r n l l e n e ian Vegetable Remedy, on hand
101 USSE J L'S unrivalled shaving Crean), warranted
genuniej for elle by
R OSE PINK7-one case English, for sale by
octl 3 N 0.2, Commercial Row, Liberty at.
FEATHERS. -1000 lbs , live , geese, on
' consignment. For sale by
No. 110 Wood street,
BARRELS; 100 superior - Molasses barrels on con
signment. • For sale by - -,
oetl H 2 J.
W .50 do gs
pir . e; l. For sale by
J. D. WILLIA_MS & 'Co.
I I(.)foCrO,Fle by LI I I V. B VIVII/ I I:S e k
ocil2 (American copy.) No.llo Wood st
SUGAR., - 6 barrels elarined N. 0. Sugar;
5 " crushed and powdered, do.
10 assorted Loaf, do. '
/ case, to; R., Loaf, do. For sale by
octl2 J. D. 'WILLIAMS &
Assignees , Sale of Dry Goods.
TAisignees , of B. E.Constable are now sell-
J_ ing tiff his entire stock ofFaney and Staple Dry
Goods ' consisting ofShawls, Silks and Linens, French
and English Merinos, Black and colored Alpacas,
Cloths, CaSH imeres, Sa tin etts and Vestings, White and
Red' Flannels White Goods, Print's and Gingham,
Bleached and Brown Sheetings, Hosiiry, Laces, &c.
Also, a large assortment of GentlerneWs wear,
Silk and Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs, Shirts, Cra
vats, Stocks and Collars, all of which will be disposed
of at GREAT BARGAINS. sep-30.
t7ST received a very beautiful 'assortment of
tll Mourning dress goods. Among them may be
found Lupine's superior Bombazines, at nearly IN,II
their usual. prices. Alpaca Lustrcs;black, all wool,
,ons de Lollies, Gloves Crapes, Sze., &e.
oc2 - BAILROWS„,d TURN.F,II., 415 Market
'• • '
1. J. ASHBRIDGE, Overseer; of
WM: CHAPMAN,' the Poor.
JOHN M'CRACKEN, Chairman +
- of * Committee on City Farm..
realu Oyster*.
P. M>KENNA, duct.
James t'aystraach j
1 - IrQS JUST received from New York, a large nd.
barrel Guns; Revolvers with six barrels• single barrel
Pistols; table and pocket Cutlery; Raz ' ora, _Scissors,
Ste.;- ,Gold and Silver Pencils; Diamond
Pointed Gold,Pens; 'Gold Bracelets; Breast Pins;
Rings;' Shirt Studs and Crosses; Bead Bags; Silk and-
Velvet Purses; Steel Beads; Accordeona 10 and.
12 plain semitone inlaid; Musical Boxes; Toys and'
Fancy Goods of every description. _
' No. 61, Market st., Simpson's Row, betmteen Third
and Fourth sts. - . octB •
nErztratATisat '
" Wliat though' The eatties:inay not be'explained r :'
Since their ejjecto.- are drily ascertained,
Let pot delusion, prejudice, or pride, -. .
. .
Induce mankind to set the. means, aside;
Means which, tho , simple, me by Ilcaidn desigied
To alleviate the ills of human kind.>l. •
. ,
ITIHIS remarkable invention,:whi c h has received.
_lL'the universal approbation of the medical profee;-
sion of Great Britain,-Comprises an entirely new ap,
plication of Galvanism, as a remedial agent; hiYinearice
of 'which the ordinary Galvanic - Batteries,
and Magneticlleachines, &c., are entirely dispensed
with, and the mysterious power of Galvaniam applied
without any - of the objections which areinseparablo
from. the generarmOde nevi in use. The strong doz
es, and -irregular intervals, in which Galvanism in v.
plied by the Alachines, has been pronounced, after a
fair and impartial - trial, to be decidedly injursonS;and
it was to remedy this radical defect that this new app..
plieation was projected, which, after unceasing toffs
and perseverance,- has been brought to its present'
state efperfection. The Galvanic Rings answer, vill -
the purposes of the most expensive Machines, and ,
in many other respects are more safe and certain in : -
accomplishing-the desired effect. • '
The Galvanic Rings used" in connection with the
Magnetic Plaid, are confidently recommended in all
disorders which arizefrorn art enfeebled and taffindthy, .
state of the nervous or vital system, and eerie,
plaints are among the most painful 'and wavered - to
which we are subject. They arisc,. - wittearit exception,
from one simple cause-..a derangement of tbolibre.
out; System—and it wassin these cases that-othet,-
'remedies , .having so often failed, a new agent was.
greatly needed, which it is confidently believed, has
been found in the proper : and. judicious application -
of Galvanism.' . ~ _ . - - • '',
The Galvanic Rings have been
_used - with entire:
success in all cases-of Ilminatarisn, acute or chronic, •
applying to the head, ffice or limbs, Gout, Tic-polo.
revs,. Toothache, - Bronchitis, Vertigo, Nervous `Sick
, Headache; Indigestion, Paralysis, Patsy, Epilepsy;,
Zits,Cramp, Palpitations of - the Heart, ApoplertY,.
Stiffness of Joints, Spinal Complaints;:lumbago,
Neuralgia, Nennui Tremors, Dizziness .tif the .Elead,
pain in the Chest and Side, General Debility, Deficien
cy of Nervous and Phy'sical Energy,l and all NERV--
GCS DISORDERS", In cases ofconfirmed Dyspepsia --
,which is sirciply-a nervous derangement of the diges.
tive orgaingtheShave been found equally successful.
Their extraordinary: effects upon the systein must be
witnessed to be believed ? and as a certain preventive
I. for the pre - complaints they are equally senora:
mended. -- The - Rings are of different prices, being .
!made ofall sizes, and of various ornamental patterns, can be wor n the most delicate female without
the slightest inconvenience. In fact, the tre.nzatitui
is rather agreeable than otherwise. - • - ,
The Galvanic Belts, Bracelets, ilantli,.
Garters, - Necklaces, /Sic.
In some cases of a very severe character, and of
long standing, the-power as applied by the Galvanic
Rings is not sufficient Le arrest the Progress ofdiseaso •
and ultimately restore health. The improved Medi. ,
fication in the Galvanic Bela', Bracelets, &c., entire. -
ly refnedies this objection; any degree of power that
is required can readily be obtained, and no complaint
, which the mysterious agent of Galvanism can effect:
! will fail to be permanently relieved. These articles:'
! are adapted to the waists, arms, wrists,linabs;aricles,
or any part of the body, with perfect conieniente.-
The Galvanic Necklaces are used with greater bane-
fit in casea of Bronchitis or affections of the throat i •
generally; also in cases of Nervous Deafness; "and t
with almost uniform success as a preventive for Apo
plexy, Epileptic Fits, and similar complaints..
Christle , s slagnetio Fluid
is used in connection with the Galvanic Rings and
all their-modifications. This composition has been
pronounced by the French ChemiSts to no one oldie
I most extraordinary discoveries of modein science. It '
is believed to possess the remarkable power of ren
dering the nerves sensitive to galvanic action' by this
means causing a•concennation of the influence, at the
seat of disease, thus giving rapid and permapent re
lief. No other composition in chemistry is known to
produce the same' effect, or to impart a similar pro
perty to the nervous system, by means of an outward
1 -oval application. The Magnetic Fluidcontaina noth-.
og capable ofthe slightest injury; its application ie
! agreeable, and it is as harmless in its action as it is
1 beneficial inits results. Full explanations and direc
tions accompany it. The COmbined inventions arein
I every way perfectly harmless; they nre sold at prices
• within the reach of dll and the discoverer only re. _
questsa fair trial asa test of their, surprising efficacy
and permanent benefit.
Chriaties Galvanic Strengthening Plisse
....._ _
These articles form -another Valuable- appllcanon
, ofthe mysterious influence of Gal vanisni.- . They are
an important adjunct to the genuine Galvanic Rine -
! and their modifications, acting.npon the same prince.
I ple, but haying:the advantageof more local applies-
non. They are confidently recommended as a valu
able addition in the speedy cure ofßheumatism,aentitt
or chronic; in all. nereous - coniplaints - , -- and as a posi
tive remedy in • cases of Pain and Weakness in the
Chest or Back, Pain in the Side, inAinzatic Affections,
and in Weaknessar Oppression 'of the _Pulmonary or , .
gins. In Spinal Complaints their' effects are of the
most decided character, and they have often been
=el with complete success. They are also of the
greatest advantage in Pales and Weakness of the
Breast ,and are highly recommended for many of
complaints to which females are especially liableAs
an effectual means for strengthening the system n
. ..
v dr0 ! .. „....
debilitated with disease or Other causes; as a cer tain
aid in Constitutional Weakness,•as a Preventive or
Colds, and , in all affectiona of the Chest, generally,
the Galvanic Strengthening Plaster
be found of
great. and permanent advantage. In a few words;.it
embraces all the virtues of the best tonic preparation,
with •the important addition of the galvanic influence,. • .
which_ is neither'impaired nor exhausted, while the
action continues.- These articles will be found entire.. •• i
ly free from - those objections whThh area constant
source of complaint with-the ordinary - plasters in :-:
common use.. . • • -
0:7" The great celebrity and success of then° arti
• *cies havecaused them to be counterfeited by I-11pin.
cipled persons. To provide against imposition,
CHRISTIE. has but one authorized agentiin.enchcity or
the Union: The only agent in Pittsburgh,-
• - W. W. WILSON. • \---)
Of the highest and most respectable character; are /
constantly received, regarding the extraordinary/
value and success of the above articles. 'lt is
edthat in the city of New "rink alone, upwards of)
EIGHT THOUSAND PERSONS during a period of
less than a year, have been entirely relieved of the
most painful chronic disorders, some o& which have
completely baffled all former efforts of medical - art,
indeed many of the first physiciann.of this who
disapprove of the Galvanic - and Magnetic Machine - , ---,
constantly recommend this, application in their pine;
rice; and with the exception of those who are too _
prejudiced to give it a trial, the invention' has re,
ceived unanimous favor with the most intelligent
among the American Faculty.. Dr. Christie is at all •
times ready and most happy, to give every facility to
physicians, and all interested, for testing the_ truth of
his absertions and the efficacy of hie discovery.
Only ageney in Pittsburgh, corner of 4th 'and
Market street. octl4-dly
Splondtil Terherit and Etroche Shawls.
A LEXANDER & ray have received splendid
Terkeri and l3roche French shawls, at gzeatly
reduced' prices, the ladies are invited to call and ex
amine them. • : -
Arso,-....9 few pieces superior French ejoths,just
received from the - Philadelphia Auctions, atgreatly
reduced prices. ' ALEXANDER at - DAY, •
pctS 75 Alarhet ut, N. W. cor.of the -Diamond.
ILT KEENAN, Eurppean Agent, now on his twen
tieth trip,in Europe, will in his absence fro&
Pittsburgh continue to transact all business connect;
ed with his profession, through his Agent, .TAlrms
MAy, Merchant. Remittances of money made to all
parts of England, Ireland, Scotland and the continent
of Europe. Collections of egacies,delits, inheritable
property and claims; _searches made, copies of wills=_
deeds and documents procured, f.r.c. • •
Apply to or address (post paid) JAMES MA..Y;. -
l'ilerchant, Water, street, Pittsburgh. octfL ,
IDOEMS BY AMP.LIA, a new and enlarged 41,7
tion, just received and for sale by
octl4 J. H. MELLOR - 81 W0411.'