The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, October 17, 1846, Image 1

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.yOT . 4•.. - _ j. ,No. .s-.
.i.U111.1971t1) Arai nor En
. Alit.PV
N. TV, qf Wood and Fifth Sta.
Tzaler-Fire dollars a year, payable in advance.
•dellara will invariably be required if not paid
within the year.
Single copies, two err:sr—for sale at the counter
'ef the Office, and by lews'Boys..
- .
Is published at 'the - same office, - on a double medium
sheet, at TWO:DOLLARS a year, in advance) sin.
gin copies Lits cams. . ,
Teems of
Quo insertion, $0 50
TWo do, 0.75
Three do, I 00
One week, 150
Two do,. - $OO
Three do, - 400
Yearly Ado
One month, ea oe
'Two do, 6 00
Three do, 7 00
Four do, 00
Six do, 10100
One year, 15 90
Two Squares.
Six months, .$2O 00
Ono year, L'O 00
in proportion.
, rrve nom.ass a year.
One Square.,:.
Six month, . 81& 00
One year. . 20 00
- Larger advertisements i
' ZIP CAADS or fuer lines
'P. c.-siknianon.
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Greensburg, Westmore
- land county, Pa: ; will practice in the West
tint:olB.nd, Indiana and !Cambria courts. decF,-y
ATTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor in Chancery.
Office in Ilares new building, Fifth street, be
tween Wocid and Sthithfield. augll
k•irTQItN.OI_A.T LAW, Office - removed to the
r e ,;:dence or 11. Magraw, on Fourth st., one
gpor from Ci.:.'rry Alley. ' ap2l-y
Wins & Donnelly, -I
Pittsburgh, Pa. Otrize Z:n Fourth: st., between
Smithfield end Grant. marl4-v
Edmiuml Snowden,
A TTORNEY AT LAW, office in the bue;!ng on
the North East corner of Fourth andSmithrttlid
streets.- , n0v3,1_3,
Hamilton &
AittsTTOANFAT AT LAW, office' North side o.
Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield sts.,
burgh, Pa. Collections made on reasonable
erins. - dec4.l
R. Morrow. •
LDERIIAN, office north side of Fifth street,
id. between Wood and Smithfield, Pittsburgh.
Arkarow Markt,
A T TOlLNoffice , EY AT LAW, Smithfield street,
1 - 1 between Fourth' street and Diamond Alley, op
poniterMr. Geo. Weyman'artobicco manufactory.
a • 14-y
• Janie.
TTORNEY AMAW, office in the chambers
occupied by . Alderman INl , Masters, on Fifth st•
between Wood and Smithfield. apia.y
lifreiuullers dc. !Velure.
office on. Fourth street, opposite R. & It. IL
eatterson4 Livery. Stable, Pittsburgh. seplEt-y
Porsvard Scvartzwelder,
.Pottrth street between
21 Wood and Slnithfield, opposite Patterson's 'iv.
cry stable.. ap7l
- George Pi.
TTORNEY. AT TAW, Office in Breed's WW
II ham 4th st., above Wood, Pittsburgh, Pa.
- • - C. Orlando Loomis,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, office Fourth at., above
Smithfield: _ julyl-y
A BEELFti has removed his commission and for
warding business from the Canal Basin to his
new warehouse on T.' •4 . treet.; nearly opposite the
Post Office. may3o-y
Melia d Cowan,
A TTORNEY AT LA" V, office in Stnart 9 B build-
A_ings,Feuithh et., above Wood. jenel9-dwy
John W. Burrell,
A TTORNEY AT LAW, having returned from
- his European tour has taken an- office on the
north east corner of. Fourth and Smithfield stn. Per=
sons having had business and papers in the hands o
Samuel Kingston, Esq., deceased, will call on the
above ' as all the unsettled buainess of Mr. Kingston,
has lieen left in his hands. • magi-y,
Chairles I. Hey.,
A TT' OKKEY AT LAW, Pittsburgh, Pa. Corn
taissi3ner to take the proof and acknowledge.;
.reent of deeds, leases, contracts, deposhes or other
writings, to be recorded or used in the States o
Kentucky, Indiana and. Tennessee. Office 80;
Stuart'. buildings, Fourth street. ,insxl2-y
James S. Craft,
,Pittsburgh, Pa., having resigned the office o
ecretiry P. Nay. and Fire Dis. Co., will attdnd spel
eially to collections and business connected with
ravigation, insurance, accounts and real estate. Bu
siness hours, 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Office, No. 1,
Stuart's buildings, (No. 80, Fourth st.,) second
f door
east of Wood street. ab 3-31
141vrin C. Wilson,
' Franklin, Venango county, Penna., will attend
promptly; to all business entrusted to his cue—col.
lectiona made in . Warren, Clarion and Jefferson co.'s,
J. A. Stockton 24. Co.
Marphy, Wilson & Co. ) Pittsburgh.
- -John Bigler, . . •
Bon. James,ginnear, 1 Franklin.
lion. Alex. WCalmont,
- Hon. Janies Wilson, Steubenville, Ohio. juy23-y
John A. Parkinson,
A LDERMAN, Fifth Ward, Penn street, between
Walnut and O'Hara streets, where he may be
found at all times. Those having houses or Other
property to sell or rent, can have the same punctu
ally attended to; debts collected, and all the dutica
of an Alderman will receive prompt attention.
cet27-y '
N. liolines Scen,
BANKERS and dealers
Bills of Exchange, et
notes, and 'specie., Drafts
remittances made to any
No. 55 : Market street.
- • Johnston by Stockton,
KERS;No. 114 Market street. sep 10-y
Scriba 4 Siheibler,
No. 115 Wood street, three doors below Fifth,
rittabargh, Pa. jan7-y
James Pattersou, Jr.,
fIORNER of Pint and Ferry streets, Pittsburgh,
IL/ Pa., manufacturer of locks, hinges and bolts,
tobacco, fuller, mill and timber screws, housen
screws forrolling mills, &c. seplO-y
Win. A. ward,
TIENTIST, has removed to the place of his fur
l..., mer residence in Penn street, two doors below
Irwin. ; apl&-y
11. E. Constable,
,Fancy and Staple Try Goode, 83
Market street; Pittsburgh. . novlol
Edgar Thorn's
TARUG and. Family Medicine Store, corner o
3-1 Penn and Hand streets, . Pittsburgh, Pa., Phy
sycians , prescriptionsaccnrately coinpounded. Medi
tines can be had at all hours of the day or night.
jan2l-y •
Droirrisvilla Juniata Iron Works.
EDWARD HUGHES manufacturer of iron arid
bails, warehouse, Smithfield above Fourth st.
A. 21.1. , Airally Fz. Co.,
Canal Rusin, Pittsburgh, Pa, mar3tly
. -
!Martin Lytle,
XAXILY GROCEIt, Smithlehl street, next door
to th6Fifth Preebyterhui Church. june6
WORWARDLNG &, COMMISSION MERCHANTNo. 2G Wood id., Pittsburgh. nov27-y
. ,
New Book Store.
111 r: S. BOSWORTH - St Co.,
.No. 4 8 Market street,
next door to Third street; are just opening a
new and extensive assortment of Books and Station.
'cry, which they will sell, wholesalwand retal, at the
lowest prices: ' ap2.51
. .
IMPORTERS and manufacturers of Wall Piper
1.1. and - general Papiii:-Warehouse; NO. 87 Wood
!re et, Pittsburgh. je2o
WIII • O'Hara tiobluson,
lATE U.S: Attorney, has reepred his office' to
j No. 8 Bt. Cluir at. • . sept4-y
LUMBER MERCHANT, office on Penn strect,
between Irwin and Hand sta., Pittsburgh - 7 Pa.
All commissions will be promptly attended to.- mar4-y
- School Book msg. Paper . Warehouse.
LVICE LOOMIS, Aggit,publisher,bookseller and
bookbinder, No. 89, Wood street, Pittsburgh.
rnar2Sl ,
, • PillaintorVe Unrivalled S lacking,
j ANU FACT URED - ;Ltd sold wholesale and re-
In tail, Smithfield st., between Sixth and Virgin
AlA gta T r F c A su C ales ll ; F il l fth et o i f tt L e ar'd , Oil and dealer in
near Market, S. W.
side. • inar2.4.l
Coleman, Hallman & Co.,
. 4„ til l iltE al l i t a S ep o ri f ug ca s r t ri e Nc . Syr y e g a n ier r i d n
coach trimmings of every description, manufactory
on St. Clair street, warehouse, 43 Wood street, op
posite St. Charles lintel. jan23-y
• —•
Eliza Glass Establishment.
TULVANY k LEDLIE manufacture and keep
constautly„.on hand cut, moulded and plain
'Flint Glassware in all its varieties, at their warehouse
corner of Market and Water streets, Pit t tshurgh.—
:Our works continue in full operation, an., we are
'co:vtantry adding to our stock, which enablea us to
'6; orders with promptness. Purchasers are respect
fully s ol„cited to call and examine prices and tenni.
6:10 Snots,
mithfield street, two dm;s B below Fab street
Pittsburgh, P. Always on handn i",.: 1 1 assortment et
Plate and Pivot teeth, of a variety af shades, as
supple Plate, Molars and Biscuspidatoes, Ginn teeth,
Screw Pivot teeth, &c. Teeth and blocks made to
order, Dentists supplied with all ;aides in the pro
fession. Aldorders from abroad must be accompan
ied by the cash.
I:loPPlatitia always on hand.
PFICF. on Smithfield, three doors from Sixth st.,
Pittsburgh. docIU-y
Dr. George Watt,
CkFFICE, No. 77 Smithfield street, near - S.stia
Pittsburgh. oug2l-y
F. Blume,
TVlANO...FORTF,manufteturer and.desler in 31u
r steal Instruments, No. 112 Wood street, near
Ftfth. novl9-y
PAINTER, Firth, near Market et., Military flags,
Banners eiges, designs for steaznbeat Whet!.
houses, and fancy paintingofeverydcecriptienneat
ezeenteti At the abort 129tice.:-.1)47-tiGter.-
George Batley,
pLUMBETI, and manufacturer of Pumps and fly
drants, which are superior to and cheaper than
any is the city. Please to call and examine for your
selves. Fourth street, between Smithfield and Cher
ry* Alley. Hydrants and pumps repaired. jael-y
RECTIFYING DISTILLER, -.nd r.holenale deal
er in Foreign and Dorne,tic Wines and Liquors,
No. 114 Liberty street, and 53 Diarrooid Alley. Pitts
burgh, Pa. if2l
- D. Sellers, 11. D.
R ENTOVED to Penn st., between Irwin and liana
streets, live doors below 113:74 sE, 41115-y
SURGEON DENTIST, 118 Liberty street, a few
doors belciAv St. Clair fit Pittsburgh. ap2S-y
sale and retail druggists, and manufacturers of
w ite lead, red lead and litharge, corner of Wood
and Second eta., Pittsburgh, Pa. novl3l
SUCCE-SSORS to Irtine ts Martin, oliolealle pa
ten, produce and commission merchants, and
.dealers in Pituburgh manufactured articles, No. 56,
Wood streets Pittsburgh, Pa.--- ap.Sy
John M'Closhey,
AILOR AND CLOTHIER, Liberty et., between
Sixth street and Virgin Alley, south side.
.1. D. 'William* & Co.
WHOLE.SALE and retail grocers, Forwarding
V and commission merchants, and dealers au
country produce and Pittsburgh Alanufactures. No.
110, Northeast - corner of Wood and Filth streets.
sep. 8.
Fahnestock dr. Co.;
TlfOl,lSretail Dri•gist3, corner Siath
and 'WOOLtr and
streets. se 022".
STORE, corner of Wood and Fourth areas,
lITIIOLESALL and retail dealers in foreign and
doinestie Wines and Liquors, delusively - ,
No. IS Market street. ap6-p
P. C. Martin,
WHOLESALE and retail Grocer and dealer in
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors,
Foreign and Domestic Fruit, Nuts, &c., No. GO Water
street. septi-y
Commission Merchants, dealers in produce
and Pittsburgh manufactures, Nos. 133 and 135 Wood
street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
m and Domestic
,f deposit, bank
United States,
V - Merchants, No. 7 Commercial Row, Liberty
street, Pittsburgh. --',.-...,--. . al9-y
J. a:. .I. Ntroliv it t., 1 ,
WHOLESALE GROCER'S, dealers in :produce
V V . and Pittsburgh manufactures generally, No.
224 Liberty, opposite 7th street, Pittsburgh. np2B-y
WISOLESALE and retail dealer in , Musig and
Musical Instruments, Piano Fortes, School
Books and Stationery, No. 122 Wood street, Pitts
burgh. jan 1-y
WIIOLESALE GROCERS, importers of tin plate
and queensware, and dealers in copper and
Pittsburgh manufactured articles, Dios. 112 and 114
2nd st., betwien Wood and Smithfield sta. jal4-nl4-y
WM. MOODY respeetfidly announces to his old
friends a intends opening a Select School
in this cit n the firat Monday of April next, in the
basement - of the 'Third Presbyterian Church. mat2l-t
TITHOLESALE DRUGGIST, and dealer in dye
VV stuff's, paints, oils, varnishes, &C., No. 57,
Wood street, Pittsburgh. 3-oety
Dr. Wm.M. Wright, -,-
11 A
C"""1,.- DENTIST, Office and residence in
t '' , .1.-.- • St. Clair st., a fevidoors below Lib
_ erty, near the Exchance Hotel.
ma 11-y
CUTLEIt and Surgical Instrument Manufacturer,
No. 140 Wood street, two doors from Virgin al
ley, Pittsburgh, Pa. Always on hand an extensive
assortment of Surgical 'and Dental instruments,
Bankers', Tailors , ,liatters', Hair Dressers , and Tan..
ners' Patent Shears, 'Saddlers' Tools, Trusses, &c.
'itieor. VD_ C Ot h TAU
L. WU:north,
M. C. Eder,
Dr. Danlcll~l :~ltal.
James 3/111er.
J. Ilryar,
ling* Art ers,
Ogden & Snowden,
Martin & Smith,
Thomas Miller's
Storett & Co.,
Lambert et. Slt
John Scott G. Co.,
John H. Manor,
James Park, Jr., & Co.,
Select School
11. E. Selll3x2,
John Cartwright.
Franklin Ronne, Fourth street,
Between SniitAfield and'Grant •Strtets,,Pittssburgh
CHRISTIAN SCHALERTZ,• Proprietor, respect
_fully informs his friends and the, public general
ly, that he wilt open the above splendid House on
the-lat day of relay next. •
The House being , new, and finished in she most
commodioui' and convenient manner; and having it
furnished with the newest and most handful style of
furniture; flatters himself that he Will be able to ac
conimodate his friends and the unveiling public, in a
manner not inferior to any similar establishment in
the city.
As the lipase is situated near the Court House, ar
migements have been made to serve up meals at any
hour in the day, this will be great convenience to
those who are in attendance at court.
07Refrealirnents of all kinds can be had. Boar
ders taken by the week or day.
041 - Lunclr every day at 11 o'clock, A. M.
WashtngiOn Hotel,
TAMER ARMSTRONG, Proprietor, Corner of St.
CP Clair and Penn streets, Pittsburgh, the proprie
tor begs deaVe to return his moat grateful thanks to
his friends and the public for past favors, and hopes,
by attention to merit a continuation of their patron
age. The houisc7 is pleasantly situated near the Ex
change; it, has accommodations for travelers, and a
large room for public 'meetings, dinner or supper par
Refreshments always ready, or prepared on the
shortest notice, N% ith the choicest the Harket
ford. Systers and Oyster pup, also Fresh Shell
Oysters, receiveirevery day during the season. The
greatest cure has been taken in the selection of wines
and liquors.' A variety of newspapers are reguls.rly
filed in the estvblislametit,
P. S. A. not Lunch served up c.crydny at 11, A.
M. _op IS-y.
Canal Itoat Atomic.
1.3 Y R. rpOssErr, Pen M street, Pittsburgh, Penna.
Boarding and lodging, by the day or week, on
the most reasonable terms. Strangers will find it to
their advantage to patronize him. Persons trarclling
cast or west will find this house a convenient loca
tion—it is within one .hundred yards of the canal
basin, and cinivenient to the forwarding, houses.
Eveiy infannation given to Iron Manufacturelts in
all branches of the business.
Home brewed ale can at all times be had at the
bar. nisslD-y
Lafayette Itekee tory.
NOS. GI and 63, Wood street, under Lynes Aim
tine stint. 'lllO subscribers have fitted up the
ribose place in superior style, and they feel assured
will give comfort and satisniet.on to all who may
Arrangements have hese made to have a constant
supply of Frani Oystrrs, which will be served up to
visitors and flteilies on the shortest notice. Other
luxuries, candies,
fruit and pastries of the choicest
kinds always on hand. Their Bar is filled with the
bust bassi& the market can afford; grid Regalia, Cas
tello, Principe and Havanna. Cigars of superior qual
ity. Every attentive. paid to visitors. Their motto
is, every lusts: : in its season. Prices tooderats%
novld.v OGITEN k GIBSON.
Diarist District
SAAC itnAl.i.)ol..E.. formerly of the Union llutel
Waxer street, having Leta burnt out, haa built
a new and handsome house expressly for tht attain
modation n is tiers, at the corner of Second and
Smithfield streets, winch wttl be known as the Buret
JD, it LIOVZ repli Cd to offer crony aceommoatien
and eitery cimalart Ii tho tvnier, at very tuuslerate
charges. Ile is provided with Ample and conremnut
stabling. dee 12. y
n. 34,Ab P - wris,•r
'IIIRETT Cn., wto!esale .1141 retail dra!ers is
r o rrip, 141rsea and Liquor. ; earner or ':..larlet
and Front strcttl, Pitt4trargli. Pa.
it;ferencts—,Wm. lioatcs & Cu., I r lcory F. 5i10 . .. cr. , .
pe, \N rn. Elehbautn, Weaver.
Their Ittock has been teleded.with great earr,and
consists of the cht..e,t cualitles suitable for this 1.112.7-
ket, to which they would rerpectially eat! attention
and soiled a share of patdie. patronage. It cotnpriges
the folloolng in casks and laottles:
Sherries, Lisbon', Teneriirca,
I.;;Tnnrr—Drandier,G.n. ,
Eielintice !total,
f l oirsr.a 01' r•KNN .V.NI) CLAM STC., AL
k„, 131tOlcN, l'iturnitrlrje,--Totitiii 61,1 , 1.1 prr
rhy. Thro f4rrr,,r!r of the riktirharat
riot', corner or and 'llr.r,i 14,11.1 . 11
C'ALltlittlitsent, and it r‘'
thiwrithiruto with new lie's, new Ix:Mitt:2 and urn
furniture. Great cam has ,been taken to till it.
with the choicest viands. A !undulate oiumbna
and a baggage wagon arc provided Aur the use of his
pleats, and a POriVf will he in attendance stall hours
to meet the demands or the traveller. The long ca.
perience of the undersigned in this business, assures
bun that his easnestpurpose to satisfy all who call,
cannot be unsuccessful. lie feels altogether at lib
erty to promise his visitors a comfortable and cleanly
abode, liberal entertainment, and a hearty welco., c _
at a moderate expense. ALLEN bROWN.
W I Ejt . l . A .e N
ia h t a r N d iut t o h n i t ii h r : d
Hallman and John F. Jennings, under the name and
style of ColemarOlally_ml eo.; will now hare in- I
creased faVilies for mani - iflixturing--Steel—Springs
hammered ;, American Blister and Spring - Steel, j
kc., to which the attention of dealers is respectfully
solicited, - ,and hope by strict attention to business, to
merit a continuance to the new firm the favors so lib
erally bestowed upon him. Factory on St. Clair at.
—warehouse 33 Wood et., opposite the St. Charles
Hotel, where can be found a good assortment of
Springs, Arles, A. Spring Steel, and Coach
Trimmings of every deieriptron, together with Iron,
Nails and Pittsburgh manufactured articles. terThe
highest price paid for scrap iron. jail=
A. Fulton.
'DELL AND BRASS FOUNDER, has rebuilt and
commenced business at his old ,stand, Nu. 70
Second, hitween Market and Ferry streets, where
he will he • pleased to see his old customers and
Church, steamboat, and bells evory size, front
10 to 10,000 pounds, cast from patterns of the most
approved models, and warranted to be of the best
Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, Railing„ tie.
together with every variety of Brass Castings, if re
quired, turned and finished in the neatest manner.
it. F. is the solo agent for Baltbitt's Anti-Alleartian
Metal, so justly celebrated for the reduction of an:-
tion in mathincry. The boxes and composition can
be had of him at all timer. 00513-y
Franklin Machina Works.
rp HE subscriber having been removed by the
gr'Oat fire to Allegheny, is prepared to make
Steam and Fire • Engines, Hydraulic and Screw
Presses, for oil, tobacco or any other purpose, and
machinery generally. J. S. OW YNN
Franklin Machine Works,
On ReVecca street and Bank lane, West of Federal
street, Allegheny city.
N. 13. 'Orders left in Pittsburgh with Mr. S.
Cuthliort, in Market street, 2 doors below Third
street; will meet with prompt attention.
New Drug Store
IJOHN D. MORGAN, Wholesale and Retail
Druggist, No: 43i Wood street, one door South
of Diamond Alloy, Pittsburgh.—The subscriber
has justreceived from the Eastern cities, and is now
opening at the above stand, a full assortment of
articles in his line, consisting of Drugs of all kinds,
Dye Stuffs, Paints and Varnishes, Chemicals,
&c., together wih all such articles as are usually
kept for sale at a wholesale and retail drug store.
His stock is entirely new, and has been selected
with care, He is confident that his articles, both
sato, quality and price, will please such as may fa
vor him with a call. my9-y.
John DI. Townsend,
lut street, three doors above-Third street, Pitts
burgh; will have constantly on hand a wall selected
assortment of the best and freshest Medicines, which
he will sell on the most reasonable terms. Physi
cians sending orders will be promptly attended to,
and supplied with articles they may rely upon as
Physicians , prescriptions will be accurately and
neatly prepared from the best materials, at any hour
of the day or night.
Also; for salei a large stock of fresh and good
erfumery dee Bed
MHE Subscriber -Weald respectfully inform his
.friends-and the public in general, that hie new
Factoryis now completed, and with a large addition
to'his machinery, he is prepared to make considera
ble quantities- of superior article of Lard Oil,
which he is due:Mined to Sell cheap, fully apprecia
ting the old proverb, that "a nimble empence is
worth more than a - glow shilling.” He feels confi
dent that consumers would find it to their advantage
to give him a call:and examine for themselves.
Woolen mantifacturers, machinists and others, are
respectfully invited to_examine his superior uil, Fitch
street, near Market, opposite .Hunkees Confection
ary store, and Messrs. Samuel M'Clurken et Co.,
Liberty street. M. C. EOM'',
Pittaburge Lard Oil Manufacturer.
A imperioxnuality of Star Candles, always on hand,
of assorted sues.. mar24-y
dad intends keeping, a large as.
sortnient of Ornamental flair Work, such as Ladies'
Wigs Rands, Braids,' Curls, Necklaces, Guards,
Bracelets, Finger Rings, &c. Gentlemcns' Wigs,
'fanprics Scratches, &c.
Mn,. R . has been lbr many years engaged in the
business in France and the - United States, andi from
her long and experience, she feels confident in being
able to give satisfaction to all who will faydr her
[ with their patronage. tier prices are morn liberal
than have been -offered lit this city heretofore.
mar 17.1 y
I AVE the pleasure to . anneitnce to their Mends
that they again occupy their old stand at No.
„3, \Wood si eat, where they have oeened au Osten
sive WALL PAPER WARiIIiOUSL, and will have
clamantly on hand an estonsive assorunent of Satin
glazed and plain PAPER HANGINGS, Velvet and
Imitation Llordera of the latest it}le; and moat hand
sacn patternsfor pape:ll:z halls, parlors and Cham
They manitractare, and have on hand at all Jibes,
Printing, Writima, Letter, Wramalitg and Tea parr,
Bonnet and Falrar's boards—stt or which they offer
for sale on the moat iteommodating terms, and to
which they invite tho attention of mental:ma and
A 1...50-111anlx DooLa 44.01.424=1 th e besd,q nal -
ity, ScLool BouLa,, Oils ap4 on kl 3 i and ear ntic
at above. ' ay. 15
Landrethla Wiattaratecl Gordan Brads, •
DIRECT 1 - 1101 11111-I,IF.INHA. Each 'riser
boars flic lake; ani - warranty of Melo LA.N.
Du rm. For silo by F.l. SNOWD_EN. No. 29 IVater
#.1., at tte't.tanil formrtly oceupall by Goo. A. i44ry.
Extract frets/ the'RCjiortof tho Vitibeg Commix:or
of the Fettoxyhzt43 litorticulturtd oolni
tooosly adopted and Otiiered le be printed.
"•The4e exit:nova 4ipuntie ale o 7 Fetieral street,
hear the :Arsenal, • - ,1‘ . • • • The earliertc-atioc
hen of Caacilas ry:Apado ht:rt. of dote
v." , in 6611.7 Cialg
. 1 . 13411:V4C4 tilltrCl L yinCii
trn kr: high. • • * The seicetiou of
GRErN-INLstrLionxis valueWe Ind exten.tre.
'Tha tinrset ski 'terry correctly tnanaged,,,
!,plying eicry part orthe Union, detail of !ooch
\Artald occupy too teof tint epees, we therefore
eonteut outul ores e...ittr,st.tang that Lin stock in Acre
brge, and to ererfsitige , or grov,th. consisting .44 . '
ro it F.ST tail I.i itti F.IVI‘ A TREYS, L
GIti:ENS, 811ItUitti, .‘24 - 1) C1117.E1 , 1::104,
c" . ..lect,rw of het 4.-..c,CCOUS 14 , arltS, &lOC trues of the
beat kturi ar! most Lualthy cond.:ion, large beds of
i seeding apples, pears, pitons, ac., as stocks for bud.
dmg and grafting; a plan eery superior to that sf
orking upon socktra, which carry with their into
I the graft all the ilnicasea of the parent stock. A •
'.Ganctrzi Sztes of the fittest quality have beet
Pr the country from these grounds., and
!Ealy ay# tee tlrlart,ih , t Thr,
it:t el of o of the eat , l et
ICOtol.e . lo an rt; teputattaa slo:4l.lti,
j rd frota to t car.
- - r" ,t)...zkic the, chance; of tr.:tt;;;; ,, of Om taiwi. of
I;:anta rf Ott; lam, , tht) Isaac e.t.a.,
an.att,or uttl,:ty at a sa:tat;;," ( that drirer.e
, ration cannot take pl,cr, att.: which ..ieurcs t., the
puri.liat•er a '};scone ar.ecte.' Loon mg. thus the
age, quality and pI'OCCAS of culture , of scar
the supply froth their grounds is trcommended With.
I great confidence."
• Since the date of the 'lleport• from which the
abut is extracted, the entire establishment has been
greatly enlargek The collection of Canielltas em
braces all the finer kinds, and consists of some' thou.
sands of carious silea i i so likcivesc Wall Roses, nod
`other desirable-plants,_both tender and hardy;-f wt
_ .
The Seed Gardens alone rover 6ily acres, and the
whole iq u it ban been for more t_hi.nJ. L alf_a century,
ender the eucceuive manavenient of father and son,
the mom prominent in America.
! ;Cr Orders received by F. L. SNOWDEN,-rom
whom rat:thmes ntriv be feCtlVr'd gratin. ma'rft-y
ili-E-antiscribey begs leave respectfully to return
horgratefill a c knowlegernents fur the hberal pa.
trostage bestowed upon hint fur years past, and par
ticularly t o those who so generously patronized hitti
since his misfortune by the late tire. flaring consid
erably enlarged his busines by associating with Wm.
Itoberts as a partner, he would earnestly tinlieit , a
continuance of former favors to the new firm of
Roberts St. Kane, and he tffijusts that by prompt atten
tion to they dl give general satisfaction.
M. KANE, Jr..'
The subscribers would respectfully inform their
friends and the public that they have removed to
their new warehouse on Third between Market and
Wood streets, south side, where they trusPbv strict
attention to 13,1SiIleSS, to merit a share of public pa
tronage. They solicit attention to their extensive
stock - on hand, which has been got up with great care,
in the latest style and most substantial manner, con
sisting in part of the following articles, viz:
Mahogany Wardrobes,
Dressing Bureaus,
itook Case and Secretaries,
Section Back. Sofas,
Plana A do.,
" Divans,
"‘ Ottomans,
" Victoria Chairs,
" French do,
" Plain do,
4 . Centre Tables,
. 4 Card do,
\ Bureaus of every description,
End Tables,
Marbli Top Pier do,
•' Centre do,
.4 Sofa do,
4. Dressing Bureaus,
.. Wash Stands,
Mahogany Work Stands,
4, Hat Racks,
" Rocking Chairs,
.. Sewing do,•
" Music Stools,
44 Arm Chairs,
" \ French Bedsteads,
Butlers' Trays.
Mahogany, cherry and poplar .bedsteads, warrant
ed proof against bugs, and superior to any now offer
ed to the public. Also, a variety of Windsor chairs,
of the best quality ,and a new style of arm chair with
spring seat, well adapted for offices or societies, with
a variety of other articles too numerous to mention.
We have at considerable expense introduted into
our new factory on Front street, a steam englim with
machinery, which will enable us to sell, wholesale
and retail, at reduced prices.
The ; attention of Western Merchants, and persons
moving West, is invited to ouf new and extensive
establishment. Western Cabinetmakers are also re
quested to give us a call, as they will find they can
purchase from us for less than they can manufac
ture. Orders from a distance will receive prompt
attention, and the furniture will be carefully packed.
Steamboats and hotels furnished at the shortest no,
flee, and on favorable terms. ROBERTS &KANE.
N. B. Undertaking in all its branches attended to.
mary of Christian Doctrine as need by the
German Reformed Church, English and `German.—
For sale at our store, No. 115 Wood st. -Pittsburgh.
jell SCRIB& & SCHEIBLER, Booksellers.
Lard 00 ails Reduced Price
Ornamental Hair Work
&MS. RENTER, Wig litaker ,
AllegArny City, six doors from the.
Aqueduct, opposite the Collector's
Oflke, wishes to inform the pub
lic that she has just commenced
/he Ornamentai Hair business,
and has a very superior stock, re
ceived from the Eastern cities and
Rails; and she is prepared to fill
ell orders at the shortest notice,
and in a manner that cannot be
ttcelled*by any similar mallufac-
Jame" novrord At Co
A C Ard,
Fall and 'Mime Dry Goods.
A. A. MA'f,ON,
No. 62,. Market Stree4 Stmpson , s flow,
HAS received'4 . 2 cases and packages of Cheap
Foreign and Staple Dry Goode, which have been
recently purchased at ruinous low, prices in the east
ern markets, and will be sold at extremely low rates.
We name in part:
Splendid shaded Pekin and' other styles dress silks;
black and blue black Gro de Mines, Poult de Sole,
and Pro de Swiss; new stile French caihmeres;
Mous de Leine; new style cashmere robes; Oregon
and California, Plaids; new style Ginghams, superior
quality; Alpaccas - and
French Cashmere, Terkeiri Printed, very .rich;
Zephyr 'Worsted, Brocha, Da:mask, Thibet, Merino,
Woolen and other shawls.
' Linen Cambric handkerchiefs, all Prices; Hem
Stitched and Revere Bordered Hdkfs; Irish Linens in
Kipat-Varlety;'Linen Sheotings; Damask Table Cloths
and Table Datnask; Bird's Eye,Scotch and Rucker
buck Diapers; Brown Table vont, Damask Nap
kini, Crash, &c.
New styles of Prints, ofall qualities, one case as
low as 4 cts.; one case Orange rind Blue, slightly im
perfect, 6 cents; good dark Prints, fast colors, as
low as 7 cents; fine dark blue do. 9 Cents; very rich
do. for 10 and 12 cents, usual price 18 and , 2o cents;
sixteen bales brown Mullins, every quality, at'lactory
prices. Kentucky Jeans fur 410 cents. Cassinettiu,
low a 1.28 cents. Canton Flannels 9 cents. Also,
tekings, flannels, stripes, checks, blankets, Counter
panes, plaid limeys, beached goods of every variety;
one rase Nankeen as low as 9 cents per yard.
Black, blue, olive, brown, arab, Yrench, English,
and American Cloths, from €l:2 to $S peryard. Sup.
black and fancy Cassimeres, all prices. Satin, Velvet,,
Cashmere and Silk. Vesting*. A full stock of gloves,
handkerchiefs, cravats, hosier", undershirts, draw
ers, st.c. I
Cash purchasers arc respectfully invited to call and
examine our assortment befdre making their sale&
Lions. Soiling exclusively for cashovefe el confident
that we can oiler greater inilticements to buyers than
those who practice the credit system.
svp29 ; A. A. ItIASOi4 .
NEV nu, , cons.
11.1.111t0W8 45.[TtELICER,
F:SPECTFULLY ea !I Yfic attention of their
JLX,friends, and Dm - Gents. 4 purchasers generally,
tancir eatqaaive aokortmeo. of
Whirl( is now complete in viery deparrnent.
Purchaser* arc particu:arli iuritcd to examine our
very choice .election of I
- - - - - _
'Much attention haft been kiren :to their selection,
and in point errid nes: and Oriel g, we never before
Adte Urn We to e'er greater inducements.
Fine Wool Caahnierea; Cashmere Reps;
Cashmere Sri:cease. Mous Del,aines;
kancy awe' Staple ;Silks, /cc. Ac.
rokirri, Cahn:ere Broche.
Lathronlernil and plank Cloth; do. Thibet Shawls
of entirely listetr and rich Initterzo.--in 'every variety
or asslr--al o, llenni ;sin's Blk. kith Fancy
at reduced prices. 1 - -
Ladieri Fancy Silk Velyeirt;
Paris Kid tifoves, in all shades and Nos.;
tiotomr itknoxs.—SevePi,boxes reed consprising,
the dliferent'late styles, cti;kttel . iattetns. Few boxes. ;
very hand,onie patterns ai 121 cents. sI
Lulea Cambric' Kaifu, fintts 12 1 ets. to _ the bet 1
in assn.__ •
Fitz:vett ,t to Sturm' titrealt Tery desira
hie styles and quilibe3 suprtnor, at low prices. .
FreachThibet Cluths.imialfultades); •
Alpacas, Siik and Cott. V.' r arpv, plain •and fancv;
llonsbasines, Lupine's kelt, at unusually low 1
Ombri 4-4 Cashmeres;
Embossed Table Covers;
tirVl 14.4 iiinry bound, 124
tAvilied beautiful article. Also low coats of different
s'ylea, ail of wluoll are ere:ad - at pricos 30 per cent
Spl , all.l I'llizrox, at I.b, eta.,
(h.f drparstnent Is full, possesslng advan
t4ger to the poicliw.: rarely to he found.
Brown Siv,..zings, yard wide, good quality, 61
en. Extraheavy, Sc
T plolyse take nbtiee, that at our number
upy _co , uni at all t.tnesl F'renelt llrd'ad Cloths,
Psua stuii - s and Ventlngs; Sitin and Silk Scarfs, and
Cravltc., new ctvles; Linen had Silk ililkfs., Gloves,
Guns Braces, Silk kllastics, Silk Umbrellas,
'rile above stock has betin purchased within the
last 30 days since the great j :llepreciation in prices in
the Eastern markets, and will be disposed of entire. :
ly to the advantage of the Purchaser. Call and see
at the "Down- Rota Cash Iloque."
' 30 Cases rich fall
'loads; French
English Cash
'ores and Mous.
Laines ; Gala
Lobrain plaids;
lain French
loak Cloths;
rioted and plaid
loakings; a full
ssortment of
'rench Droche,
'rinted Cashmere
Ik. and colored
'hibct, plain and
;trawls, plain and
twihd Ginghams,
Merinos, Alpacas
Ind piain. M. de
,nines; plain, blk
, of rich colored
dress Silks. 'Alin). 12 cartons of rich Bonnet Rib
bons; Velvet and Bonnet tlilks; , French and Ameri
can Flowers, in great varlets; Braid and Straw
Bonnets, cheaper than eVer; a full assortment of
gentlemen's wear, such a's Cravats, Shirts, under
Shirts and Drawers; Cloths,!Cassimeresand Vestings,
all of whieh will be sold at a small advance over
New York cost. !W. 11. GARRARD,
sept Id .79 Market street.
91111: subscriber (lifers foil, sale ja tract of land about
three miles from the silty of Allegheny between
'the Franklin and Beaver rriads,: containing one hun
dred and forty-one acres, about 4$ of which is clear
ed. This land is &Tiered at reduced prices and will
be.sold either in a body o divided into Lots to suit
purchasers. From its convenience to Market it would
be a very desirable location either for farming pur
poses, pasturing cattle or sir Gardening.
Seventy-five building Lots on a credit of ten years.
Theie Lots are situated ion Grant, Wylie, Fifth,
Ross and Diamond streets in the third - ward of the
city of Pittsburgh, adjoining the New Court House.
Persons disposes' to purchase will find these lots fa
vorably located as to health, convenience to busi
•ness, and will soon tq in ale centre of the city. For
particulars enquire of J. C. Cummins, or
G. NiT. Biddle, Dentist.
HAS removed to No. 109 Smith
field st.'i where he will perform all
; operations on the Teeth ;satisfac
N. 13.—Having lately made one
Allk of the greatest improvements in
/forcep&that has ever appeared be
•F fore the public, he has been able
to extract teeth with such ease
r as to astonish all those who have
arailedi themselves °this services.
24, 1848 Ply
Pateiburv,h, July
Henry Williams,
(successor to Lowrie Br, IVilliams.) Office at
the old stand, Fourth street, above fithithfield.
THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between
Henry W. Williams, EsO., and myself, in the prac
tice of the law, was dissolved. by_mutual csinsent on
the 26th lilt. and the business'will hereafter be con
tinued by Henry W. Williams, whom I most cheer
fully recommend to all.for whom I hive the honor
to do business; as a gentleman every way worthy of
Metes Inventions Outdone by Natmee.
TPHIS Oil is obtained'from a well near Burksville,
Kentucky, at the depth of 185 feet below the
surface of the earth, and 170 feet through solid rock.
Its curative properties are truly astonishing, and as
a Remedial Agent it may well be pronounced won
derful. Since the discovery of this Panacea of Na
ture, numbers of remarkable cures:have been effect
ed by its use. It is Innocent—Powerful—Safe and
Certan in its:effects. It has been-used with unpar
allelled success in the treatment of the following
diseases: Inflamniatory Rheumatism, Burns and
Scalds, Cholic, Piles, Flatulence, Inflammation of
the Kidneys, Deafness, Consumption, Liver Com
plaint, Phtliisic, Scald Head, .Catteers, Weak and
Sore Eyes,: Bruises, Fresh Cuts and Wounds,
Sprains an Strain's, Dropsy, Pains in the Breast and
Side, Totter, Influenza, Ulcerated Sore Throat,
Consumption, Bronchitis, Spasms, Ulcers, Spinal
Affections, Scrofula or King's Fyn, Coughs, Syphilis,
Ringworm, all Bowel Complaints, all Chronic .dis
ea-ses, Impurities of the Blood and General Debility.
It is likewise very beneficial for Female Complaints
in general; acts as a great Restorative'troin Languor,
weakness of Back and Chest, Low Spirits and Blues
sive' Debility. .
Read the following Certificates, all of which are
authentic; all the persons therein named are now
living, and well known in Cincinnati and Pittsburgh:
Prerssuunn, Aug 2; 18-16.
This is to Certify that we hare used the 'American
Oil for the whooping cough, among our children, by
giVin . g them from 2O drops to a small tea spoonful at
n ight>shich always enabled them to restweLl through
the isight.--I also applied it to one of the children
that got her inn.burnt by turning over a teacup. of
hot coffee milt, the child seated crying by the time
"the arm was dressed ancf - tieinti-iip, a niLlias never
,com Plained of it since. I also. was afflicted with a
pain in my sideans breast, and have been so' for 16
I years. -I commenced using the 'OiLby taking a tea
spoonful twice a day .and in 3 or four days using of
the oil I have hen very much relieved:and do really
believe that it is the best family medicine that - I haVe
I ever seen. 1 applied it to ;mac of my neighbor's . for
I a strained uncle, which ridieved her in - a few minutes.
We have also used the oil for a'strained joint in our
own family, ivhial gaVe . ease in a very short time.
We live on the east side ofPcnn st., 3 doors south of
Walnut, I-am now as well as I ever was in my lit&
.Tbis is to Certify,that my son has had the Plethisid
for coven years, and Was very bad with it, and about
12 or 15 days since; I commenced giving to him
about 20 nr 2%.5 drops of the Ainerican twice a
day. which relieved him in a day or two of his diffi
culty of breathing, and he is now entirely relieved
of his cough; our be is 10 y ears of age. 'We live in
King's Altey; NANCY KLNG.
Sir: Having been eurcd'of a very severe disease
of the.eyes :and head by 'the use of the American
WO feel it thy duty-to the-public, as well as to you,
to send you the following certificate:
I hereby certify that I was severely afilicted one
year ago last winter, with-inflamed sore eyeamnd a
eery sevelm pain in my head from my eyes up to the
top of sn head, and continued so for ieireral weeks.
My eyes were -so much inflamed and sore that 1
could not see to attend any business, nor could I tell
. one object from another a few yards from me. I I
called in a physician,' but still got worse. I also
tried a good: many remedies that had cured others;
but in my case they failed. In April, IS-15, I heard I
of the American Oil. I procured a bottle, and be
fore 4 had used a half a bottle • 1 was entirely well,
and still continue so, I will not be without it in my
harts': as long as I can get the genuine article.- I also
give it-to one of my . men that was working for me,
that had the tetter in' his hands•su had that when be
would grip anything tight in theni the blood would
burst out,and the use of half a bottle cured us both.'
I would advise: all dhat . are, afflicted in anyway to
I give the Oil a:, fair trial, and I think they will, be
with the effect it will have, &c.isr e.
I `pleased - JOH MURPHY.
Sold at One Dollarim - r - Bottle at Jackson's Patent
Medicine Warehouse, fig Liberty-,-head of Wood st.,
Pittsburgh. THE ONLY PLACE Is. PITIEIItIaGII where
the Genuine American Oil CAN be obtained.
Beware of a Counterfeit article., The Seneca Oil.
put in American IJil Bottles; andiabelled "Amer
' ican Oil." It somewhat resembles the American
Oil, but possesses none of its virtues or healingpow
W. Jackson respectfidly informa,the Public that
D. Hail & Co., the proprietors of the Artterican Oil,
have appointed him theirSOLE AGENT for West
ern Pennsylvania.
All persons wishing Sub-agencies will apply at 59
Liberty street,as above.
N. B. Sub-agents wanted for every town in the
above District. • .
A great number of certificates are on hand and
can be seen at the office, 59 Liberty street, headof3S-1,
Wood. , aug,
Pittsburgh NrIVIVIL
rance C
Office, NO, 21,
Monet Wanted exchange for Hats and
THE subscriber would inform the
public that he has received his fall
stock of Caps, all of which have been principally
made to his order, and as his purchases has been
made on the cash system, he is enabled to sell his
stock of Hats and Caps at unusually low prices for
cash. His stock does not consist of the cuttings of
Eastern houses, but , are all a fresh manufactured
article. Neither is his establishment replenished
with the old stock from- eastern markets. The
Proprietor being ia hatter and. Cap - manufacturer,
by trade, as well as profession, he is also daily tman
ufacturing Hats and Caps of all descriptionsi and
tbr their .neatuess and durability, cannot' he Fur
-1 passed. All of which lie offers at wholeiale and
I retail, and' at such prices as cannot. please
the purchaser,
No. 102. Wood streeohird door below John D. Da.
vie Commercial Auction Rooms..
ctONTLNtiII to attend to the selling and renting
of Real Estate in the City of Pittsburgh and
cinity. Having determined to devote a large portion
of their time to thi's branch of business, they with
confidence solicit a share .of the patronage of 'the
public; from the facility they.possess and the, experi
ence they have (the Senior partner having been en
gaged in the Real Estate Agency for near 20 years,)
they believe that.they will give general satisfaction.
Office on Penn st., near the U. S. Hotel, and Smith
field st., between Diamond. Alley and Fifth street.
ti Carner of Wood and Fifth streets, Pittsburgh,
is ready to receive merchandise of every. description
on consignment for public or private sale, and from
long experience in the above busines, flatters hiniself
that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to all
who may favor , hiin with their patronage:
Regular sales on Mondays and. Thursdays of Dry
Goods and Fancy articles, at 10 o"cleick,
,Of groceries, Pittsburgh manufactured '
new and second handlurniture, &c., at two o'clock,
P. M.
Sales, every evening at early gas-light. angl2y
PrrrsuiLman, Aug. 14,..1546.
ton and Niro Inin=
Market Sind.
Michael Allen, William Ebbs,
C. A nslmtz, - Lewis liutebisoni
Thos. Bakewell, Fred. Loreiiz, -
Robert Beer, - James May,
R. W. Poindexter.
M. ALLEN, Pres't,
Ron}:nr FINNZT, Secretary.
ntur.:2(l-dam, _
John D. Davis,
insecdAtiplii !
1 IHE partnership heretofore - existing between
Hunker 4- Dickson ia this day dissolved by mu-
tual consent. The affairs of the late firm will be
settled by Pa H. Hunker, who will continue the Bak
ery and Confectionary, at the old stand in Fifth; near
Market street. P. H. HUNKER, -
Lawns t Lanett
GER. S. SWARTZ has on band a lot of fine Lawns
which will be sold,at the very low price of 181
cents per yard, persons. who want a good article, at a
low price, would do well to call soon.
Also on hand a good stock of Nansoek Muslin! for
' Ladies Deleasea very cheap at
jel3 No. 106 Market street.
- - :
'H.. Williams* Select Sea:too/0 .
A:TORTH—East earlier of.Pederal and Itob . msciii
.streets,. Allegheny, commence its Fall
session yen:many the 31stinst,
From i'r.oirsror 1?. 11. Lee, Washington CoMgr, amid
- - -
Having attended an examination of the, echool
taught by Mr. Williams, we take pleasure' in bear=
ing our testimony to the evidence affordediliy_lt . Of
the unusual skill and labor .of Mr. Williams. The
undeistanding of the principle ofihe subjeeta whieh •
the scholars had been _studying, shown by their
clear answers to nuestions asked by others than:the
teachers, prove the, excellence of the New,Eugland
modeo-5-of teaching, in which Mr. Williams seems-to
be - priaficient. : R. IL LEE,
- .
From the nee: Mr. Preston, Doctor Hunt; 4-e.
Having attended an examination of the =Select
School under the care of Mr. Henry/Williams • held
recently in his school room; ornerd of Federal and.
Robinson - streets, Allegheny city' we wish to call
public attention to this institution. We were highly
gratified with the progress and order of his school.—
This manner-of simplifying and illustrating the di&
fereut brnnehes is peculiarly hppy, and well
lated to give interest - to the pupils. . His mode of
teaching them to read struck us as noxel, and oho
that cannot,make good readers.-
Front the knowledge that we .havii -Of Mr.,Wil-
llama , character as a teacher his, zeal fidelity and, /
success, we cordially recommend him to the patron
age of the public..- His location is 'elegible for both
cities. _ DAVID HUNT, •-•
• I attended the above qmamination„ and can truly.-
say I was touch gratified with the attaintment -of the
pupils. , • WAI. PRESTON.
V niversity Liviv , School.
rutHE FALL SESSION of this department of the
j_ Western University, will commence in the new
University Building, on the Fa= MONDAY or 'SEP..,
TEDDER neat; and the. SPRING SESSION of 1847,
will commence on the Fula Atciu.ty or `FED107.147
This institution having so far recovered from thci
effects of the great fire of April last year, as to hate
the new building nearly completed with increased
accommodations for all its departments, it is hoped_
that the Law School will be fbund to present Mamas
ed. fhcilities and attractions - to, those who desire to
pursue a regular and thorough course of legal educa
tion, and to prepare themselves creditably for ad,
mittance to the bar.
There will be daily recitations by the classes on
assigned lessons, so arranged as - to embrace, within
a two years course, all the principal and most im
portant branched of the law. Occasional -lectured
hn law and equity, will also be delivered as part. oi
THE Moor Conn-r, designed for assisting studeuts
in acquifing hi:ion-ledge and readiness in the prac
tice of the law will hs resurned'as scion as thellunai--,
bcr of students will justify. The decree of BAME-
Loa or LAW will he conferred on students orthe:.
institution, according the rules usual in such institu%
Any further infoimation r that may be required COO
readilti• be obtained on application to the Professor,
WALT= H LOWRIE, Who has his office on 4th abiavo
Smithfield street, Pittsburgh. . .. -
:Tsams---Seventy-fivedollara year s ar thirty-BQT'.
en and a half dollars a ses.Sion: aug6.d3m
BEWARE OF rusens. -
TOME Druggists are misled into the errot of buy
ing a miserable imitation of Dr. Smith's Sugar--
Coated ludian Vegetable Pills, simply becaese .they
can purchase the spurious cheaper." We shall in all
cases expose such dealers throughout the country,
who, after being duly informed of therascality; of
these bait:toss, buy and attempt to impose upon, the
I public with such worthless trash. It is not the Su."
I gar coating alone that constitutes the value: of my'
pdl,,i,u t girt ! my intention, for which W3/112 the --
right. G. BENJ. SMITJI, 141.4).,
• 179 Greenwich at. and 2 Water at...Roston. -
We, the undersigned, wholesale druggists in Lou
isville, Ky., are satisfied, from all the - information
that we can obtain, that Dr. G. BENJAMECSLMITH
is the original inventor of the Sugar-Coated Pills.
- We are prepared to supply dealers at the New
I York price. . .
Robinson, Peter 4- Cary, 492 Main street.
J. S. Morris 4- Co., 461 Main -
"Rupert 4- Lindertherger,.sll Main st. _ • -
George .Lapping 4- Co., 79 Fourth st. • .
Bull 4- Alden, 81 Fohrth st.
The following from druggists in- New <York.shows
I invented the Sugar Coated Pills in 1843:
New York, June 16th, 1844,
We, the undersigned, never saw or heard of 4, 8 u.. -
gar Coated Pills'," until Dr. G. Benjamin Smith :"
ufactured and exhibited them tows about a year since. .
Rushton 4- 110 Broadway and 10 Astor House.
Iscud Randolph, M. A S 6 Liberty it.
Horace Everett, 96 Hudson St. a
John Castree, 97 Nielson St.
David Sande, 79
I have been afflicted With dyspepsia in its most ag
gravated form for three years past, and found no re
relief until I used Dr. G. Benj. Smith's "Sugar-Coat:
ed Indian Vegetable Pills." After using six boxes of
said valuable pills, I am entirely cured. They are
a general remedy; .1. K. LEEMA.N.
`Paducah, Ky. Nov. 9,1845. • .
We certify to the above facts. • •
,Dr...Smith*e "Sugar-Coated Pills" are universally
esteemed in tins vicihity. . •
HODGE GIVENS Ss.Co, Merchants.:.:.
Paducah, Ky. Nov. 19, 1845. '
At the request of Dr. G. Benjamin Smith's agent
we cheerfully state that We visited the office of Dr.
Smith in September last, while in New-York, and
found him to all appearance carrying on a very ex
tensive business with his Sugar-Coatd Indian Vege
table Pills. The extent of his establishment would
astonish any one not initiated in the mysteries - of the
I. . .
pill trade.—Louisville Journal.
(From Dr. Singleton.) • '
Smithland, (Ky.) Feb. 24, 1846...:
Dr. G. Benj. Smith.—Dear Sir: Nothing ban ever
been introduced that has sold so well and given such
general satisfaction as your Sugar-Coated Improved
Indian Vegetable Pills. Very respectfully, yours,
• . .(From Bull Sr. Alden.)
Ldhisville (Ky ) Feb. 13th, 1849.
, .
Dr.'G. BenjAmith---Dear Sir: Yru will pleaseseud .
us 12 gross of your valuable Pilts. From present in-:-.
dications we shall' sell a large amount of thena:-..
We find that they go very quick. Your friends •
(.From Wilson, Starbird Sr Smith.) -•
Louisville, Feb. 13th, 1.946.
Dr. Smith—Dear Sir: About two weeks ago we
bought 2 gross of your Indian Vegetable Sugar Coat:.
ed Pills. Though business is dull here at this time,
yet we brie sold them all. You will please send ea
-10 gross through Messrs. Lawrence & geese, of your
city; who will forward them to us via Pittsburgh,-
Yours, respectfully, •
This is to certify that I have used the Sugar .
coated E .ills manufactured by G. Benj. Smith,. of New
York, tor some time, and believe them to he a good'
medicine; and also from enquiry in that city, I am •
pe:suaded that he is the original inventor, and
therefore, is entitled to the benefit of the inventors:
aug2l. Pastor Ist Baptist Church Pittsburg!!.
We have forty letters from different dealers solicit
ing the agency of my Pill, although they bad the spit.
rious in their store—one iii particular from New ON
,which we shall publish. -
• Principal Offices—New York, 179 Greenwich et;
Boston 3 Water at.
.Xr G. BENJAMIN SMITH is written on the bot
, tom of every box of genuine "Sugar-Coated Pills."
Armin's-43'1E1am Henderson Drugglist i 2os - Liberty
street Pittsburgh: John Sergeant Allegheny city. •
maylSd7m. - , _
Attorney at Late
/1111 E. undersigned would respectfully inform the
a. citizens of Pittsburgh and its vicinity, that 'he
has purchased from Mr. Moses Cory, his large and
splendid - stock of Dry Goods, kept at N0.,66 Market
street, where he intends to keep'a general assort-,_
ment of seasonable Goods, which he will sell at very
reduced prices. Please call and judge for yourselves,,,,
No. 66 .Marketstreet. r •
To my friends. and patrons I am much obliged,.
and would respeCtfully recommend Mr. William'
Cowen, my successor. - MOSES CORY.--
RECEIVED THIS DAY, by Express, another lot
of rich black MANTILLAS, a t..the New York
Store, 79 Market street. • -