The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, October 16, 1846, Image 3

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, , .
N. BeII, - . W. W. Wallace
F. Loienz,
spared and corrected every Afteynoop.
:1Y 4 : 1 : 11/3 Et
- Aleit,•Gregg, - Cincinnati.
'Consul, Bowman, Brownsville.
Nl'l.ane, Bennett, Brownsville
Oneota, Gorden, Beaver.
Michigan, Boles, Beaver.
Mary Ann, Dennhim, Cincinnati;
Newark, Finn), Zanesville;
Oneota, Gordon, Beaver. • • .
Louis McLane, Bennett, Brownsville
Consul, Bowman, Brownsville.
Michigan, Boles, "Beaver.
Wisconsin, GraCe, Cincinnati, ••
American, Smith; Cincinnati-
Inreonws ny-RIvER.
Titonongahe/a Impmements.—Per . str. Consul; 150
bbl.s. flour; - 40 keis nails; 128 boxes glass;
barley; GO bus. meal, .
Per str. Louis ill Zane; 3, boxes mils; 153 bbls.
nom; 61 boxes tobacco; 16i boxes glass.
River liiienigenee.
The U.'S. mail passenger steamer Clipper,
No. 2, capt. CIIOOIO3, will 4epart for Cincinnati
this morning. , _
cia•The regular passenger jacket Cambria, C'apt.
Fizarna, will leare for Cineinniti and all inter
inediatesporta tia-day, - t *
7 1:1„.
Capt. ra !mom
S. mail passenger steamer Mt:meager,
D, leaves for Cincinnati tomorrow
. .
ozyThe splen steamer Monongahela, Capt.
Sroirs,ln4i-besii hanied up to the wharf and will
resume her trips lie ii \
this port and Cincinnati
on Monday.
.014 ate arrivals at tt. Lob'. report a rise in the
Illinois river. ;
C. The Colorado :strived atCin uati from St.
Louisan.Monday, reports 4 feet 6 inihes scant wa
ter, at Sam Carl 18 miles below\St. Louis.
There were agrciund, Star Spangled Bancter Hard
Times, Lgleitendence and Glencoe: The Cok3ra
do took 600 barrels fluor [num the Hard Times d
it was supposed ehe would get off.,
cry The St. Louis Raville of the 7th says: "The
Mississippi, at this point, is, at Tiresen tin so, low a
stage that it is exceedingly 'difficult to navigate-it
with even light.drang,ht boats. The Missourimail
steamer was aground yesterday at our upper ferry
landirkg; a "mule boat," belonging to the ferry, got
fast around during the: day and two of the'boats
of the lower ferry were last on'the'bar opposite
Market street—one of them during By greater part
of the day. The proprietors of. the fin''' . had, to
,put on an : extra boat to lighten off those bard
aground. If the river continues falling it will in a
few days become almost, impassable, except for
skiffs. In the Missouri, at theßoonville bar, there 1
is only thirty inches, and from thence down not
over_three feet in the,channel, and falling,
ccjwA large number of smitatboatmen, running
in the New Orleans and Cincinnati trade, held a
meeting, in Cincinnatinn Saturday last, for the pur,
pOse otdevising means for the establishment of an
insurance company of their own, believing that
they are not fairiy dealt with by the Insurance
fices in that city,
There were sales of a few hundred barrels Hew
aid street flour, fresh brands, at $5 1271, a 'further
decline, which some holder are now willing to
- take. . There is a -general disposition on the part
of purchamrs, however, to hold offor the stearwir's
news. The stock is small, and the receipts light.
City mills is gatnerlly held of $5,37.; but some
holders are selling at $5 25. Sales of geed prime
red wheat are now making at 28 to 105 cts., and
mdinary to good at 952098 cents. Sales of wbite
cora were made at 67070 ctit., and :of yel
low at . 68 - to •:2
No tidings have yet been received of Me steam
er Great Britain, and the impression was gaining
ground that she . must ,either have been detained
beyond her appointed time, or encountered some of
the limn trying perils of the deep. The flour mer
it New York this t 00111 1 .14 confined dull, both buy
ers aid sellers standing aloof for the steamer's news
The shipping sales yesterday were to the extent of
.5.000 of 6,000 barrels, mostly for France, at $5,-
.56i015,624, manly at the latter, only at the for
mer for mixed brands. The receipts for yesteidaY
.and to-day are 30,000 barrels: Southern descrip
lions are quoted -to $5 50955 62i, with sales of
1.500 to 2.000 barrels, Georgetown and Brandy
mine, within a day or two. A sale of 800 bauels
southern and city round hoop was made at some
thing off $5 30. •
The dinaand fcir corn meal is good, and 2,000
bbts. save been sold, part to arrive, at s4os4 25.
Sales 100 bbls. rye Baer at $4 25.
Of corn, yestenbay afternoon 26,000 bushels yel
low sold at 70 cents; 2,000 southernwhite, 72; 600
.inferior western 68; and 1,000 Jersey white, at 82
.cents. Rye is 60084 cents, with sales of 3,0000 r
.4,000 bushels for export.
Considerable dullness has been manifest for a
,few days in the flour murdet. Small auks of fresh
.brands were making at $5 25,'„and it was, 'thought
deu wonld be taken by sorne 'holders. Rye and
.corn meal were - selling at $3'75: There was also
a fair demand for grain. Sales of prime red wheat
Werittrade at 108 cents—n slight decline. Prime
yellow corn is selling at 70 cents; oats at 33 cents;
flaxseed at 120122 cents; and rye at 70 cents per
bunhel.' Whiskey commanded Irons 25Q2G cents
.per gallon:.
OfMai of .t4o. Morning Post.
- Thursday, Od. 151 h, 1846.
Busses has experienced a Salutary change du
ring the week from the inactiuity and dullness con
sequent upon the low water; the recent rains and
'rise in our riverhas given an impulse to trade and
-set the wheels of commerce in motion—enlivening
, our thoroughfares and thronging our wharves with
thousands of tons of merchandise which have been
ancumulating for several weeks.- Every thing con
nected' with our mercantile interests has assumed
' its brightest and most pleasing aspect, and we now
' loorfor'6n uriinierhipted,throng of business until
the fall business is fairly over. • -
The very heavy rains during the early part of
the week have caused S considerable rise in our
rivers yesterday.. By the pier murk we noticed be
- tween fourteen and fifteen feet water in the chan
nel, the rise is principally until the Monongahel'a.
The Allegheny has also raised considerable. Tiie
~fu:sCCIFIES boats have been hauled on wad will doubt:
Jess have an uninterrupted and good season until
winter. . , .
Asuas;--There is a general improvement in all
descriptions of asbes:'• Pots particularly have ad•
•t:p*, rtrci7l.7z:.
4 , 4 E. . • , _ _ •
1- .Q. 4.•
‘,.` 4. 4 `",,, 4
• ''• •'
vanced in price, and are ritiW sought after at 31.
Pearl—good in request
,at cts. cash--Salaratus in
lots - have been sold at/l'ets.—Schorclaings remain
at former'quotationa': •
13 ZANS—Srnall ,white scarce, are in demand at
S l las4., Color‘d, plenty and dull at 75 cts.
new in_market. .
• lisr.swizZLno transaction to report; free at 250
27; as .to quality .
.Rnoeirs--Tbe very well supplied•and
but little doing, we quote7s to $2 perdoz., awing
altoiether to quality. .
`l3,rrrira—Fresh roll has advanced since-Ourlast
review, and was selling yesterday in market at 20
025 c. lb. Keg is still in good demand, though
no change in'figures---with light receipts. •
gdos--Good -fresh egg's have been In
market for 0010 c. -fp doz. •
Cusnss is scarce, owing to the fact that most of
the good. Western. Reserve is shipped to eastern
markets; there has been but few choice - lott re
ceived for several weeks for sale in this market:
COTTON YARNS have gone up still further-18
tents is now the rate. . •
Corroa has
.experieri4d no change since last
Corral is more firm, with a better feeling gen
erally on the part of holders; 7iesf are the ez
Cremes for prime Rio.
Terrazas are not much wanted. Sales in lots
hive been made at 25027. •
Faoris.The receipt of apples continue light
and are bought readily on arrival at 751`50,
owing to quality. In Damn' FRITZ. the receipt
continues light without change of figures, a decline
is looked for. •
Fzen—Bran has been selling for 7 cta.; a slight
cleeline from our last.
Grirsztro-:-"Crude has been selling in small lots
at 29 et*. The amount arriving is scarcely Ivor-
thy of note. ...
Gammas—Of New Orleans Sugar the:market
is littreav bear of sales of Havana and Jamaica
box-Sum•an a anlistitute at 9 cts. Coffee has ex.
perienced no change since our list. Teas remain
at former quotations. Molasses look firmer with
more enquiry and less disposition to sell; al: con
tinue.? quote 31 cts. in lots—a 33 to country.
Fiova—continues to decline, $3,500113,62,4 was'
the asking price yesterday. The present stake of
water will have the effect of increasing the receipts
which are now unusually large. A few transact
one in a retail way came nnder our noticeiestert
da • ,of an , excellent brand at $3,75(ii53,97,
Gr4tx—Satce our last review Wheat 148 s un
dergota \- further advance, and wari,in good
demand yesterday at 65-eta. per bush.—the last
accounts fro\the east notice an advance. Outs
continue ac 're demand at 20, at which rates
we notice tho sa of a number of large lots.—
Rye remains firma 33,with a good demand...-
The amount of corn o hand is not large—sales
were Made from store yestefday ot_33. Barley is
selling from 30 to 40 owingsto quality altogether.
Kir -.-Loose Timothy brin $6,50559 per tan
Hortsr--Crood Comb has Leen lling in the
market for 16(320 per lb.
Lann—We note sales of 100 kegs at , gene.
rally &IL
PoTA•ross--iiava been selling by the wagon •ad
at 45 eta, per bushel.
Baas—Good clean country rags are in active
demand at 3 rts, casb—almost any amount would
find a ready market at the above price.
Taxxses_Sensts--are in fair demand at 3 its.
Sxrps—Very little cloverseed arrives; it is held
at $1,0004,50. •Timotb.y sells for 151,23051,50:
Flaxseed has experldneed a alight 66vatret- and is
DOW held at 70080.
Savr--Salea No. 1 delivered at the river, have
been made at 90E083.
Inos-The market for some months past has,
not undergone the slightest *change, the -artiviti
manifested has been good.
Pry ftelfitg ilf the snarl t COD
tinges good, buyers haring regained their fortter
confidence come forward freely. Large quantities
of the different qualities of pig metal baste been
disposed of during the week at faro $2605300
$3l to $32,
ICivr• Tont:, Oct. 9
Weisscr—Rectified has met with a slight ad
van*. hOldeit are asking 10020 cash. Common
has been sold at i97 i 020.
huntited head of beef
cattle were offered this week it $153,50 per 100
lbs, and one one lot of prime hviighl. $4. The
market has boen very well supplied with hogs—a
lot sold in the early part of thelaweek at $3,50;
generally dull--Sheep have been aching at $1,25.1
We notice the sale to-day of 35 head of beef cat.
$3053,50,1A sheep at $1 per head, and 80
hogs sold at $3;50.
For Collecting Checks or Certificates of Deposit
On Ohio Banks, ,
-" Indiana "
St. Louis
" Kentucky " . •
u Erie, Pa., "
" Other Pa. 0
Philadelphia -
JUST received from New York, a large quantity
of-Havanna and Principe Segars of the' most
populeu and sur,ttaior brands now in use. Also, an
excellent article of chewing Tobacco.and several
bales ofsuperior Cuba Leaf Tobacco for sale.
No. 50, Third street, two doors from the Post
Office. ' May 9.
Phitaddp*, Od. 9
THE subscriber is now receiving a large and fine
assortment of FALL AND WINTYX DRY Georg,
recently purchased from the manufacturers and im
porters, in the New York and Philadelphia Markets,
since the grecyfall in iiiees, and will be sold twenty
per cent cheaper than the acme description of Gbods
were ever before °forted in this market. All those
wanting great bargains are requested to call at No:
65 Market street.
ALARGE 'and splendid. assortment of rich and
magnificent SHAWLS, just received this day
embracingall the new and desirable styles, viz: Paris
Printed Terkeri, Cashmere and Broeha, Embroidered
Black and Mode colored Silk, Fringe, Thibbet and
D'Laine, Chamelion Plaid, and Striped Silk, Merino,
and Persian, Plaid, Silk and Worsted, together with
a great variety of Woollen Shawls, and will be dis
posed of at a small advance on the original cost,
sepls No. t 35 Market st.
WE have now on hand afttll assortment of beau.
tiful French aad Scotch dress Gihgharns, twil
led and plain at remarkable low prices. Also, an
article• of em b roidered Gingham — verybeautiful for
Dresses, for sale by ADSALON MORRIS,
sePl5 No. 65 Market street.
RECEIVED this day, several packages of very
rich new styk Perivan—embossed Ombri,-Bro
cade, Chamelion, Striped, Plaid and Peak de Soie,
and Black Satin, Striped. Armour, Dress' Silks, and
will be sold cheap for Cash, by
sepl3 ABSALOM MORRIS, No. 65 Market st.
Six. Oases New Pall Prints.
JUST RECEIVED this day, embracing all the
new and desirable styles in the market; and will
be sold at greatly reduced, prices, by
sepls ABSALOM MORRII3, No. 65 Market .
Cashpsoroe iasolrise Loyikes :
TITST.RRCRfn, e.beantiful assortment of new
style Paris printed, Ombri shaded, Rep Corded
and-plaiu Cashmeres and roLains, and for sale by
Sepls. , - .A.I334OZINORRIS, 65,Market street.
Mosses Sitigarirt t
Now Dress Ginghlims.
Lades Dress Bilks.
r b~ , C yl.
:. h •~Y
For cinoinOlti.
THE splendid new and light drought
passenger steamer S ENA T OR , Capt.
14 , cLunu, will leave for the above and all -ipterinedi
ate porta, regularly.. For freight or pasaage -apply
on board. - sePielm
For Cirieinnatl.., . 5
The new draught packet steam
er CALIFORNIA., Captain Minter, Will
eave for .e above and at intermediate ports:this
day, regularly.'; ' ; ; ; •
For freight or passage apply on board, or to
J. W.'BUTLER & BRO., Second st. -
The California was built expressly forthe above
trade, and Will make her trips regularly during the
season. . ; angls
For `.Cinalnnaltl.
le i ; THE new and light draught passenger
-"'s steamer WES T ERN, Capt. BARER,
wil ease for the abo,e and all intermediate ports
regularly. The Western draws but 12 inches, and
was built expressly to run in the trade during the
low water season.
' For freight or passage, baying superior secommo
datiool, apply on board. jyls.
' For tottiavlllo.ategullor - Paisket.
The new and splendittpaisenger steam=
er TONNALEUKA, . Capt. J. K. Moody,
;k , •ff il.f ' l A .d.l.ll Tai r ,: n the trade from Pittabuth to Louisville,
during the season of 1846. • :
The Tonnaleuktwas built, expressly for the trade,
and is elegahtly furnished in every respect.
Forfreight or passage-apply on board
For Olnohmati.
The well known fast running steelier
CAMBRIA - , W. Forsyth, Master, will run
as a regular , Packet, leaving every Wednesday morn
ing at 10 o'clock, and Wheeling, at 10, P. M., the
same day. Returning, she will leave s Cincinnati
every SatUrday, at 10, A. M.
For freight or passage apply on hoard, onto
FORSYTH &Co., Agents,
No. 30, Water atract.
For Cincinnati and Lonlayilte.
The new and sple,ndid passenger steam
C 0 1.,U MB lA, 0 , 1 4 7E55, Master, will
ease 1 r . e above and intermediate porta, regular.
IP or kieight or passage apply on board, or to
jet ` D. WILKINS, Agent
• Pot Salsa* Louls,..ltegular Packet.
kart- 'The new and splendid passenger steam.
er BRUNETTE, Capt. Perry, will run in
e tra e p from Pittsburgh to 81. Louis, during the
season of 1846.
The Brunette was built expressly for the trade,
and is elegantly found in every respect.
Forfreight or passage apply on board.. apl4
Fort7iaotaaatt mall it. Louts
The passenger 'learner PALESTPM,
Capt. Williams, will leave for the. above
as intermediate ports regolorly.
For freight or • raave apply an board. jeS.
Tuesday Eveis,p)gPiepkat,
AEAThe new and splendid passenger steam
boat DECLARATION, Capt. Vorheta,
run sum regular paeketbetvreen Fittsbargb and
Cincinnati, leaving this port every Tuesday evening
at 3 o'clock. Returning she will leave Cincinnati
every Friday evening at 8 o'clock.
The Dec!amine offers superior accomnaodatinns
to passenger.. For freight or passage apply on p
The regular's:tit and paasenger steamer
MONONGAHELA, Capt. Stone, will ran
it.77:511, : ' Packet between Pittsburgh and Cincin
nati, leaving this port every Monday at 10, A. M.,
and Wheeling at 10, P. M., the same day. Return
ing, she will leave Cimitionati every Thursday, at 10,
A. M. For freighter passage apply on board.
The Monongahela was built espressly for this
trade, and offers to the passengers exintert, and su
perior aceomeaoddtionS. - mar 31
THE regular mail and pasenger steam
leit 7 3er UNION, Captain Maclean, will run as
a re„ ar packet between Pittsburgh and Cincin
nati, leaving this port every Monday at 8 o'plock,
P. M. Returning she will leave Cincinnati tm.ery
Thursday et 4 P. M. •
The Unien vas tuilt expressly for Ibis teade.
• affords every accommodation. -
. freight or passage apply on borrd. may 9
THE regular mad and passenger steam
will run as a \egular packet between Pittsburgh and
t z % tis4
Cincinnati, leav g this port every Tuesday at 10 A:
M., and Wkerli at 10 P. DE --
Of the same day.
Returning, ehe wil cave Cincinnati every Friday at
10 A. M. For rreigh or psasage apply en board.
The Hibernia wits mit expreasly for the trade,
mad offers to the passer' rs every comfort and su
perier iccommodations.„ , • apl
IVEDNk:SDAY c , . k oi.Clitt. -
i ft ; THE regular riSiTil Ik . d ssengersteam
,_-c-m4- er NEW ENGLAND, apt. S. H. Page,
wi run as a regular packer hers-et Pittsburgh and
Cincinnati, leaving this port every IV mclay at 10
A. M., and Wheeling at 10 P. M. the ame day.--
Hemming, she will leave Cineranati eve Saturday
it 10 A. M. For freight or passage apply o board.
The New England was built expressly for t : iii trade
end Oren, to the pirsengers every comfort arid e
-2 ior accommodatiohi. mar 2 ;
TDE new U.S. Mail steamer *CAM,
14... 4.nces, Masser, will run as a rego
lir passenger packet between Pittsburgh and the
above port during the season of 114.16 4 leasing every
Thursday at 10 o'clock A. hl.
The Acadia is new and hoe superior accontmode.
tions. For freight or passage apply on board ; or to
I. NEWTON JONES., 4 ent.
TIIE regular Mail and passengersteam
er CLIPPER N 0.2, Captain Crooks, will
run as a regularpacket between Cincinnati and Pitts.
burgh, leaving this port every Friday at 10 A. M.,
and Wheeling at 10 P. M. the same day. Returning
she will leave Cincinxiali.every Monday at 10 o'clok,
A. M. For freight or passage apply on board,
The Clipper No. 2 was built expressly for this trade,
end offers to her passengers every comfort and ac
aommodation. mar 23
The regular mail and passenger steamer
CIRCASNAIN. Capt. is:me Bennett, will
run as a regular Packet between Pittsburgh and
Cincinnati, leving this port every Saturday, at 10,
A. M., and 'Wheeling et iO, p, M., the same day.
Returning, she will leave Cincinnati every Tuesday,
at 10, A. M. Por freight orliassage apply on board.
The Circassian was built erpressly for this trade,
end offers to her passengers every comfort and ac
commodation. mar 23
The regular mail and steamer
d- , 7 MESSENGER, Capt. Linford, will run as
a regu ar. 'acket between Pittsburgh and Cincinnati,
leaving-this port every Saturday as 10, A. M., and
WheUling at 10, P. M., the same day. Returning,
she will leave - Cincinnati every Tuesday, at 10
o'clk A. M. For freight or passage apply on board.
The Messenger was built expressly for this trade,
and offers tn her passengers every comfort and ac
commodationa mar 23
corner of Fifth and Market
streets. This is on
tablishment in western POO.
sylvania where the theory and practice of Beek keep
ing can be.acquired. in snch . a banner as to enable
the learner to apply it itt once to
.b.neineul. in ad
dition to his usual course of instruction in Double
Entry Bookkeeping, he. has prepared for the use
of mechanics and .otbers who are not willing to in
cur 4he time and -expense necessary for 1 4 1 4 1 tirit!1;
the science upon the Double Entry prinoiple, a com
plete course of instruction upon SINGLE Emmy Boon.
KEEPING. A comfortable private parlor is -fitted up
for instructing Ladies, either in Penmanship or Book
keeping. Ladies' Chum, 2t04, R. rrt. Gentlemen's
Class, 10 to 12, 2 to 4, and 7 to 9 r. at. nett
lia Cure No Pay.
SELLERS' LIVER PlLLS—These celebrated
pills claim public confidence not only on account
of what the proprietor may say about them, but on
account of the good resulting from their use. Read
the following statement from a citizen of Birming
Bruturowsta, June 24th, /Sig:
Mn. It. E. Szu a as:—l take thin opportune of
testifying in favor of your invaluable wedfOßlO
bout two years ago I was taken aowe wit); a severe
intimation of the liver, and was
. se rhduCed . by gighj
sweats and other groomer' Ada dreadful disease,that
my life waadeepetrk'd - oE After ether means had
failed, I wee 'adviatid by no physician to try yout
Liver Pills, and tmust say that after taking one boa
and a half, have been restored to reasonable health,
Which I enjoy at this time. / therefore take pleasure
in recommending them to others afflicted with dis
ease of the liver. Yount respectfully,
These Pills stand unequaled by any medicine
known for the cure of liver complaint,' and may be
had of the proprietor, R. E. SELLERS,b7 Wood at.,
Pittsburgh. sep29
Tiait of Letters. -
fIratAIPTING in the Post Office, at Pittsburgh,
October 156, 1846. Persons calling for lettere,
whose names - are on this List, s lvill please say they
- are adsertised....
• •
Abrahams Wm •Allesort Ann'Maria
Adams Ettimitt 13 2 Allan George
Mains Elizabeth 13 Anderson Wm
Adams Robert Anderson Jnmes
Allan William Anderson'Sarah
Algeo William Arthurs Robert
Alford James H Armstrong Mary Ann
Allender Abraham Armstrong Dort
Anderson T B Archbold Israel Rev 3
Allender John E Armstrong Robert
Anderson Sally
Babington Thomas
Banning Edmond P
Ballantyne James
Barclay James
Bailey Thomai .1
Bailey Paul
Backus H
Baker John
Bailey John 11
Baum George
Barr - Catharine
Bawr John W
Barrister W .7 .
Baxter John
Barclay John
Bell John
Bell Thomas
Bennett William
Belled) , Robert
Beham Mary Ann
Bents William
Beckett Jaipes .
Best Alexander
Becker Andrew
Beavers John F
Beane Hugh
Bloor James H
Biseby Mansell
Biseler M
Blakeley E C 2
Bigham Thomas
Bighaia James
Bigelow Edward It!
Bidden Henry M
Bloor J W
Black Samuel
Boale Thomas 2
Bowers David
Canatnedel Peter Cohen! Simon '
Cammedel John Collins Henry E
Carbett Daniel Colton A G
Canon Henry CO 61TI Isaac
Carotbere Martha Colville Samuel
Carson Henry S comegyn Wil 1 2
CavendarJohp S coreeran 31ary Anna
Vassiday W I Conner Patrick
Cinifron John Conway Mary P
, Caldwell Catharine Coweans Margaret
[Campbell Alexander Conners Patrick
1 Campbell James Connley Patrick
Campbell Mary Miss Conghhn John
Caldwell John 3 Condrew Mieltael
Chamberlain Joseph D rook Mary
Chapman Luke Conghlin Thomas
Chatrer Ale Connelly W. C
Chritsman Jolui cross Andrew
Chamberlin Aron LI Crispin Peter H
Canaghan J A 31 Curio, A 2
Clouse Jam -s H Crisse.uger Simon
Clark George Crawford James
Clark Bailee Curren J
Cochran John cupples Harriett .3i
Cochran Jane Miss. Cummings John
Cochran Margaret Culbertson Samuel
Cochran Elizabeth 2 Curran Robert
Cochran Mary Jane .
Darling g G Douglierty Robert
Davidson William Dougherty Martha
David Alexander Douglass %Ulu=
Dawson Simpson Dougherty H
Dawson James Douglass John
Davidson Ellen Dougherty Sarah
Der:mount Cornelius Dravoe Peter
Devlin Patrick Drake Maihias
Di ford Harriett : Duiican Mary
Devol T Duncan Abraham
Dill Samuel. Duvall,.Kughler & Co
Dino George Dubois John H 2
Dicks Beramin W 2 Dunning James
Dickson John Dugan Patrick
Dickson William Dutio John
Dinning Charles D}ser Daniel
Dixon James Dunlap Thomas
Dorriiigton John Duprey) , W D 2
Dougherty Robert .Duiff
Eichart Psniel Erkson Garrett
Eaton H K Exacts &twain! j.,
Elliott Vincent Evans John VY
Everiitine Joseph Swings James.
Fansholigh Wm Fox John
Ferguson David yowirs 'William
'earns W W • I.'ortune Luke
Fields Win Doct 2 Fox Jacob 2
Flanntan s Patrick Fowler Siinlls 2
Floyd Villain 2 Fowler Simon
Fitch well Frazer Joseph
Flannigan iunes Freeman William
Fisher Jo* freely Joseph
Findly Joseph Freeman Alfred
Feusier Lewis Ful,mer George
k"ownes Thomas 2 inlcason Peter
Gallagher Elizabeth. Elizabeth Glazgow .M T
Getty Simnel orton
Gass Sarah (xlwin James W
Garrott A. e,_. Gonlon & Rufforty
Garwimd Elias • 2 Gorr* Frei:leis
Gaskill &timid Gracy Margaret Miss
Garwin William Greeniici'. G M
Gage Hiram - Grunt B -.
Gillespie Samuel Greerson B
Gibson Alfred A Grove George
Gibson William T Grates New.c.o.o
Gillean G T Doct Grstigny Lewis
Gurly John graham Jr 'rhos
Gibaom Adams - Graham Berl
Gibs°Vanua Graham Al**
Giljner John ,Gillespie
Gunning Henry
Hall Elikba Bess Charles
Aom henry Janata
Hamra,ll Josep4 2 Herron )17
Henry Nancy Highgate Thames
Hammett John nigh) , Joseph B
Hautoek John 'T kfull' Samuel
Hannah John HOB 30 1 tePh
Hallowell Henry Hindle Grundy
Harvy. Holmes N "James
Harris Sarah Ann Hopper Samuel
ligkrttey Thomas Hood William D
,Howard Renseller Horns Robert
Harvey Joh° F 2 Hooper Maria
Harr 's Thomas Hoskin Thomas
Harrison Nathaniel H Hood Daniel
Harper John t" Howell Henry W
Hart Sarah J Horn William
Hartley Thomas Hunter W
Haws J jk-G Hunter Robert
Hays Ephraim Huliobst 4 W
Hays Samuel _ Hanker Henderson,_
Hays John - B Hutchinson Charle;
fitness Edmund S Irwin Robert
Ingram Clarissa Irwin Jose*
Javens D i 9 4 899 TIPMes
Jackson Amelia oimstan . Mary M
Jackson Samuel / Tones J H
Jackson Elra i te'r Jones Reece C
Jack Wigiarn loges Davis(
Jackson Al)dipw Jones Mary
Jeffreys J P Jones Benjamin H
Jeffrey William Jones E & Co
Johnson A Jones William Rev
Johnson Sophia
X Jonps jacob
Keller Simnel Kelly Daniel "
Eelson Henry Kelley Edwarl
Kellogg Geo R Kerr Samuel
Kenney John Kingan Robert
Katney Garrett Kirk James
Kerns Anthony King J C
Keys W E Knight WRlarcl
Kennedy Capt Kenzies John .
Keys George Knox Joseph
Kemp Andrew Kertz Witham
Kane Patrick Kramer Frances
Kennedy Eliza gochler Robert Rev
Joxrr GivErrEi
Boswell Thornton
Boss D
Boothe Thomas
Bostick Edmond
Bowen L.E
Brown William
ikcown Winnefred - -: - Mrs
Brown P B
frown! Aim
Brow& Dixon
Brown Hallinna
Brown John E
Brown Charles
Brown A Miss
Brenisor Nancy
Bratton George
Bradshaw William
Bryant William
Braden Margaret B Miss
Bristol .O H
Brynt Meer
brand. Samuel
Bradley W
Thickly James
Bunner A .P
Bowman Lewis
Buchanan W A
Burgess Mr
Burton James
Burk John C
Berger G W
Burnsidei George •
Byrne Thomas
Burnett William Bev
Burglter James
• 1
XeirW C ' • Kelly George
Lang Harry Leonartl
Lawrence.Martlint Leech R
Lewis 'George Lite! Peter
Lavine Denied :, Listac Peter
Latimer Nancy Lindsle - jr:A
Landry Servius lackette Elizabeth
Latshaw James H 1 ,1131 c Msey
Lacock Joseph B 2 Lonergani Catharine
Leslie Margaret Lynch James
Lee Maria - Lynch Fiances
Leech Hiram - Logan Henry -
Lee J B LockiE Cain
Leidy Leonard. Lynch Williata
Lemon - William ' Love Julia A
Lowry Ann Maria
Maneeloi Ann Morgan Rav'W
Mansfield Andrew Moss Robert
Marcey R B Blonrcie Alin -
Matthews Ann • Mong Jacob B
Mason Louisa Molson Rcibert B
Mackey Thomas Morris L I
,Mann Peter • Morris David B
Matthews Wm Moon John
Mansfield Martin II Mowery Nicholai
Matson Rebeica Morrell Henry A -
Martin C Morelnd7, D -
Marshall Thomas Morrison Ann Eliza
Martin Daniel Moore San Mel C
Martin J L Morrison Maly
Mechesne3 - Henry Moore Carle. Rev
Miller & Henry Myler Saniuel
Mellon Samuel Munn Dugan
Miles Ezekialr• Mullin Hugh
Miles Mrs • Mudd Peter
Miller Phoebe S - Murdock M H
Miller Alex Murdoch james
Miller Joseph Munday Daniel
Montgomery James 3 Marna Joseph
31' •
M'Allister Mrs M'GirripseY John 2
M'Cauley Jacob M'Feely Jane
M'Cully Margaret M'lntosh William
M'Causland Willie& Nllntosh Maria
M'Carty Henry Milroy Samuel B
M'Closky Frances M'Kown Joseph
M'Cartby Dennis M'Kee L -
MTandless Elizabeth 31Keman Thomas
M'Candless Caroline M'Clane Alexander
M'Closkey Elizabeth M'Clure Mrs M •
M'Cloakey Margaret M'Laughlin D
M'Cosh Samuel 'M'Litin Thomas
M'Crea Sarah M•Lacighlin William
M'Coonell James M'Conel Margaret
M'Daniell -Michael Allaughliu Philip
M'DonnalMmily M'Conelly 'lves
M'Donnell Capt . M'Sweegan 'Frances
M'Donnell Isabella 311Iolierts Jane
M'Devitt Elizabeth M'Quissan Alexander
M'Gilion7 Alexander M'Hauglaten Lydia M
M'Gitiniss Hugh M'Queettz Andrew
31Guire John . Mary
M - Gee Hugh M'Swiggin Di Mrs
M'Fadden Sohn Af'phaii Joirn 2
M'Gregor W W
Nesbitt Margaret
Nelson Joseph}
Nesbitt Elizabeth
Nelson Sample
Owens William Rev
'osl;4am Sarah A
Oyer Henry
Patrick Sohn
Paul Thadeus W
Payne Sarah .1 Miss
Payne James
Parkas Charles % 1
Parker Levi
Patterson Mary Miss
Patton Lorenzo
peggs W H '
Peterson Anp Miss
Petticord David
Pentland Wig
Perkins Remy
Phelps %%Him L
Quibb X
Quigley 'llamas
Quinn Wm P Rev
Quigley Fanny 3tiss
Ray Sarub Miss Ross M Ny
Radcliffe Elias :Rocs John
Radley Jacob Rate hford T
Rent- t ,en Charles I) Rowland Evan
Rena A I) RoWP Joha
Reisinger Win _ - Ilowdalinsh Julia Miss
Reels Reason R Robinson Thomas
Reynolds David Robinson A P
Richards Bulah Mn Robinson Alex
Richards Mary P ' Rogers Joseph
Ricketts Lawrence . Rogers Thomas
Roberts Ain Miss Rogers Hamilton 3
Rockefeller E G Miss Russell JB '
flohland li Rev Russell )Villiam
Root Charles Rudy John g
Ilossboraugla Elizabeth Rubright Joh;
Sample Charles R Side hottom Isaac
Sample Charles Slater Josiah,
Sample John 1 Smith William 2
Sanderson Louis ; Smith David J L
Sargent Camline .Miss Smith Joshua •
Sawyer Francis B Smith L 1
Schofield Jesse W Smith John 1 2
Scarboixiiigh James Smith Prank,
&Sohn John Smith Eliza Miss
i Scarlet Lcvi Speer Joshua F
Scales-William Capt • Sneer Sarah Mrs
Scandreth Thomas.
,9- :IF ;
Sculthorp John Si* i David . 1
IScott Margaret Mrs 2 Stgedman Francis W. 2
Scott William Steel'Julin Jr.
Scott James Steel & CO
Scott John Stet ens George
Scott Thomas Stevenson Joshua
Scott Walter Sl,ewart William
Scott Sarah' E Miss Stewart Johti
Scutt Archibald Stewart Martha Miss..,
F,eeright Mary Mrs Stewart Semite( M
Sheridiut John Stewart James L .
Shields Joseph ic. Stewart P.etei
Short. John Stine John GI •
Shore Dialer Mis Stilley Jeremiah
Shumaker Peter Stillwell ChailesA -
Sloan north' Stone H F' ;" 3
Skios John)) 2 Strain David 1 2
top J I'far Streigh Andrew
SUBan Elizabeth Mrs Swinburn . James
Sim John Swart Isaac NI
p t ..
timuel Sykes Charles
, . T - • 1
Taylor Mary , A a iss 2Thompsonß H N
Taylor Joseph\B Thonapson William
Taylor George VK Thompson Wm S
Taylor Joseph A \ Tingle &'SugifOn '
Taylor Joseph \ Toll Hester Miss
Taylor Thomas Trailer Frederick
Taylor Sarah Mrs \i"riternan Henry C
Taylor 4 - roughDonithy
Teeters Marshall Tritible Theodore
Thompson IsaacTninick Hannah Miss
Thompson Hll Rev Turkett Elizabeth Miss
Thompson Janiee T,uclier`kiaitc ! - .
Thompson,pavid \ I
Y, \ 1
Vance John -- Vanghon John
Vankirk James Veitah Silas Rev
Van Amburg Mr 1 Vickers Samuel ,
yamli x er Ella : Vagil.s Jacobi
Vamlegrift J. . 1 _ s ,
Wallace Ezekiel , Williams Samuel \
,Wakefield J Rev 2 Williams John
Withouer E Miss Williams Win J
Walsh Ttujunee Williams John II C
Walls F. Wilson John 1 2 •
Wirt:iccle:Robert Williamson John
Ward Patrick Williamson Win
Warren George • • Willi David A
Washington George Will
Weeks Samuel Dr Wisebrod Peter
weirs Sarah E Wolcott Ellett Mrs
Weldon Margaret Wolfe & BroaT M 2
Warner P 8 Woad Williatia
Weraett Mary Miss Woodford A M'
Wetmore & Harris , Worthington Henrietta
Whitehead Ralph Wright Frederick - 2
White John - . 2 Wright Alexander
White Andrew Wunhop:Samael -
. y • ; i -
l'arnell David Young Samuel L ~. .
Yancey George , Young Harriett
Young John Yousling:Francis
Young Henrietta Miss ;
. -..- C. McKIRBEN,. Poitmaster.
Pittelaurgh,•Ctet. 15, i j
'~ ~ ..Fr
Noble Anne
Nick's Joh4
X° 11. 1 s Thot/141
Owens E
Winiketml Mrs
Philips Augustan ?
PiaProgr George
Planaett Williagt
Pope Williatri
Porter A P
Porter George
Pprter Joha , 1:0
Potter 3fary G Misr
Price H Capt
Price John I
rice George
Pritchard Jell?)
Sugar and} _ ittolusges.
A HHDS. N. 0. Sugar, strictly prime
• 25 bbls. Nos. 4 and 6 Loaf; •
10 cases -Lovering's" D. R. Loaf : Sugar
114 bbls N.t 0. Molasses, •
In store 'and for sale by , • ``''
300 BAGS GI-cell Rio, part prime;
.1 .: * Q'S Old Governmevt Java;•
Ayr:iy:mg this day and for sale by
F ISH --00 bbli. No. 3 Lary's Mackerel;
20 " 3 North
10 y
20 u Herring
5 !.‘ No. 1 Sitmon; in store and for
sale-by laug2s] LAM - SPAT & SHIPTON.
NEAS---1P pie&4l . lY. - H.,7inpl:, G. P. and
Powehong, of late importations, arriving and
for sate by [aug:2s . l LAMBERT & SHIPTON.
, For Sale at the Wharf :
Tun received per Canal Aoft= ,
10,000 feet inch poplay; -
. 10,000 " ' " seasoned;
4,5p00 4x4' Scantling.
_!yam - WILNAItTIi
Rg,,CEIld - ED—Per Canal Boat 'Great We *tem.,—
100 pcs Cherry Scfantling-- . 6i and 6x6-6000
Lights Window Sash suitable for the western trade,
12116, 10112 and Elilo. For enie
je6 * L. WILMARTH.
ITAVING a very large gnel ,c.otrimedAups .. ware
house, we etc
. prepamitl -du receive addi
tion to freight for shipment) a large amount of Pro
duce, &c. on storage at lowiates.
1y23 Q. A. AIcAIsi.ULTY & CO, Canal Basin.
50 ABLS. Pitch;
50 4 Rosin;
150 Dozes Tobltooo . , various sizes;
10,000 Seed lesfpigais; . • -
Oa consignmeat and Will be sold low for Cash, or
exchanged for pittsburgh iusaufsetures, by -
seps ViAOFr. '& ox.ozirNoß.
rr01i&c,c.0,75 large end 80 small boxes Missou.
ri toliasoo,, of pniao quality just received on
eimsi,gatoent, aad will be gild ror cash, or
Pittsburgh manizfacturem
august ;8 . & O'CONNER.
13HYSI,C AND FDYSICIANS, a Medical Sketch
Book, exhibiting..tku3 public and private life o
e most celebrated Medical Men of former days,
with Memoirs of eminent living London Physicians.
For sale by . H. , S. BOSWORTH & CO.,
tiepS . - No. 43 Market street.
/1711 E SKIN AND COMPLEXION, at this (and,
AL indeed, every: other) season, is often repulsive
in appearance, caused, in eight cases out of ten, by
the atmosphere; and what persons auppose disease
of the blood, is simply a disease _of the akin. :If
some of the thousands who take pargative medicine,
Pills, and uaeless Sarsaparilla, were tome on 'their
akin a softening rind clearing balm, that *peas the
pores, whitens the'skin, and causes a healthy perspi ,
ration, that, be the skin never so - disBgured ; unheal,
thy, or diaeased with pimples or freckles, sunburn.;
tan and morphew, the true end genuine _JONES'S'
ITALIAN CHEMICAL SOAP never - Tails to cure
and dispel thorn, and to make the skin 'clear and
Itively, It acts so mildly and soothingly on the
skin ; that physicians use it on ladies and infants, in
Old eases of scurvy, erysipelas, salt rheum, sore head;
ringwetm, and it (mind, the genuine Jones' soap)
has often effected a eure when every other mpedy
failed. Tkis indeed a blessed remedy.
Sold at JACKSON'S Patent Meditine Warehouse,
89 Liberty street, head of Wood—.at the same place
iA sold the Moorish' Hair Dye, Coral Hair Il.estori..
live, and Spaniel , " Lily White.
Patna:PAL Oritan—Sign of the American Eagle,
82 Chatham street,'New York.
THE poisonous eke,ct on the skin o( Common pp 3,
pared chalk is nut
,senerally known by ladies;
how yellowtough, and unhealthy it MOMS the aklp in
time; besides. what a corpse like, palidieolt it gives
when applied. 'phey .. ehotild - use a beaatifixl Rrepar
tion, purely vegetable, which give's the face arms . or
neck, a natural life-like whiteness,. and makes it
smooth, It - is called Jones* Spanish Lilly Whitt,
and is 'sold at JACKSON'S Patent, Medicine Ware
house, SO Liberty street, headof Wood; at the seine
pliee is sold Jones', Coral hair Restorative, Italian
Chemical Soap and unrivalled dialing scan, • '
)7 44- . t f • '
MILOUR--40 bble- Family Flourjuat ree , d end for
ectlO 110 Liberty et.
yEWANMIL—MOObushele of Ryawatited COY
which cash will be paid by .
ANtERUE WINE--10 nuke Santeruc Wine
p just received on Coneignment - and fornnle by
10E--10 Tierces Rice just reed and for sale by
CARET—_2caikekCiaret just received and for sale
BUCKETS- -29 doz. painted bucketsjtiet reed and
for sale by MILLE,I2.&RICKETSON;
octs No. 110, Libert • meet.
Tierces fresh Rite;
5. .
14 I:this, Conklin improved Lard, Oil;
10,000 Iba.. Bacon, Shoulders. On hand and
for sale by I F. SELLERS.
_- No. 17, Liberty street.
T ARD, 100 keks, No. 1, Lard on consigr -41••••••1011
And for sale .17 F. SELLERS.
sep24. • -No. 17, Liberty Street
Q - UGAittf,OUSEMOLLASSES.--6 bbis. , Goodals, ,
SrJJ lf. /ifolasses,r i in store and for sale by
sepP. ' F. SELLERS.
TT IDES-411 Missouri Hides, Ibr sale low to cl ose
• I -11 consignment. (je26) JAMES MAY-
CORN -117 scke Corn, tbr Bale by
TIM METAL.--1 - ton Scioto Furnace pig iron for
cale by de.26) JAMESMAY.
QIA:NINE-100 ounces just received and for sale
aepl I. ' corner of 6th and Wood ate.
a"( ACTIL)
U ,
SOAP—IO cases just received and for
sale by. •B. A. FAHNESTOCK & CO.,
•ep9 cor,6th and Wood st.
EFINED LIQUORICE-140 lbs just receive ,
and for sale by •
sep9 • ' cot. 6th and Woad sts
SAND CRECIBLE3-100 nests just received and
for sale by B. A. FAHNESTOCK & CO.,
sep9_ corner 6tb and Wood sts.
3rENEERS AND VARNISHES, of the very best
quality, for sale at H. H. RYAN'S Cabinet
are Rooms, N 0.31 Fifth 'istreet. jyl6
Catalan Ellie Barr'ela.
A FURTHER supply of the above just received
and for sale at manufacturers prices, by
sep23. GEORGE COCHRAN, 28 Wood street.
Blusquato •Netts.
g. SWARTZ has on hand a lot of very su
perior white and colored Musqueto- Netts
which will be soldchean at No. 106 Market street.
11l received, a large assortment of;the above and
for sale at - 'F. BLUMES '
sepB N0. , 112 Wood street, 2nd door above sth
Braslar , s
JUST received an aisortutent, large sizes, Bruiet.a
Band Bellows; alio, Parlour and Kitchen, do.
Wholesale and Itetail, JOHN W. BLAIR,
aep2o. 120 Wood at. .
Near Fashioned Hats,
O F a very superior quality, for sale by
aep3 corner of Wood and }lithe.,
J. Crawford, 211. D.
RESPTCTFULLY ten - dere his servicda to the citi
zens of Pittsburgh and vicinity. Office, St.
C4ir street, opposite the Exchange Hotel.
septl9.4l3m* -
/ r ,steat Inaprovement.
BEDSTEADS of different kinds with Gazzaros
iron patent fastenings, superior to anything now
ip use, for sale low at the furniture warehouse of
azagl. T. B. YOUNG 8t Co, Rand street.
FrlAßLES:riler; Centre and Card Tables of .differ
_L. cut pattertr. IT you want a good article cheap
call at the Fyrniture Warehouse of
- • __,,
T. B. YOUNG & Co,
31 Hand st
Wood Strret piroperty far Sale. ..
THAT desirable lot of ground at the foot of Wood
street, occupied at the tine attic great fire by
we. King & Holmes, is, offered for sqle.
Enquire of faugh] , \ .4. K. MOORHEAD.
133 and 135 . Woad street
SALMS & HYMNS, for the ma of the German
YlefMined Chitral in the U. s'; of Amens.% En
lab and German.' For sale
jell SCRIB & SCHEIBLER, 115 Wood at.
-~-~ r, ~ :_ f*
- ~>
it OW TO GET RED OF it. GOlTR.E.,..Mtittya
perseza• labor- tinder the tailgate* idea tbae
Goitre (art e.T.,qargement,on the throat, producing
great deformrt:Y;, - ..and 2after) death from pr essure on -
the Viud-trige "‘: , ...ssels,) is incurable.
This is a v ery , This disease, as.vvelt
as SceorepA, aratitaleated from the,system by that
pleasant, yet powerfunatedieine, JAIME'S Ai'rElth. ,
TIME. It is tis certain to Cue when Properly ;used,'.;
an that the sun gives light ao , heat... All is wanted
is a fair trial of rte virtues, and the tither will begin-
to diminish in Size., and gradually:becomesmsilerand
smaller until it entirely disappeare. , Frepared at No.
8 South . Truer> street, Philadelphia . .. •• - " •
For sale in Pittsburgh at the PESINTFat STORE,
72 Fourth street, near Wood; and aleciat the Drug
Store of H. P. Schwartz, Federal street r 4.lfegheny
City. • e x p 23.
without exception, the most valuable prepartion. toi
use.for the above diseases. It Converts 1100 PING
COUGH into a mild and tractable disown,. and ahem,.
tens iMduration - more than one-half, and producert
a certain and speedy recovery. From half to ono
tea. spoon full will certainly cure the - CROUP in in.
fants and young children in half, an holies time.
The lives of hundreds of children.will be saved an.
madly, by keeping it always on hand ready. foyers.
ry emergency,'. Prepared at No. 8, South Third .
Street, Philadelphia. .
For sale in Pittsburgh at the PEXIN TEASTODE;
72 Fourth street, near Wood, and also at . thi Drug .
Store of H. P. Schwartz, Federal street, Allegheny
City.. 'sop 23.
THE STAUNCH low pressure,
^ • ship built Steam Packet, - JULIA
'PALMER, Capt Ow.; A. SrArrttann,
having been put in complete condition. for sea, will
runupon Lake Sup eriord ming the season, commence
-ing ad August, between - the Sault de St. Marie and
the varions :ports, as business may warrant. The
J. P. is well furnished in every 'particular ' and-is as
fine a heavy weather vessel as any- ship that floats
the seas. Iles good. upper cabin, state rooms - tuad:
family saloons, as also single bertha, ladies cabin .
and steerage cabin. All well ventilated, and will
accommodate 100 cabin pasanngerr.. Freight in larg
quantities oan be stowed under decks. Parties with
or without freigliawill beaecouaraodated at the vari
ous landings upon the British slid American sides:
of the lake. • .
fr:r One ortwo voyage:: will be made to La Pontei .
during the Indian payments i and two pleasure voy
ages will be made entirely around the la/v.044 ,
wise * daring August - and September, giving, to plea,
sure travel an opportunity or enjoying.the moat do-.
lightful, unique and interesting scenery in the known.
world. State rooms or single berths can be secured .
in advance by addressing
• W. P. PORTER TAYLOR, Managing owner,
Sault de Ste „tdarie,
July, 1848. jy2o.3tatt3nt--
' N. B. Property consigned to W.F. Porter - Taylor:-
will meet with immediate despatch asordered' _
11.1edlczd and purnicall OELot.
Health is the charm of - liEe, wit i liontit gold,
Love, letters,' friends, all, all, are anenjoyed, -- .
. .
~,-------. DOCTOR BROWN, a
• .. , ,,...t,.. , regularly educated - physi. •
.e:;r - =-- ; s .-- 7 . .5... clan from the eastern cit' -
~ ' ....;., . ..,i, . .- . . .. les, would respectfully an'
~,•-,,,j,:.x,,E3?,==.....•4..-c „J i g . , nounce, to.the.citicens of
lii.. ''......''.. ':';) Pittsburgh, Allegheny and
~,..-tf•y; --,. vicinity, that he can be
a k .'„'=:.'4,.. li:.' i consulted' privately and '.
'O , 0 . 1t;;;•',..,'a..... ' confidentially, every day_ :
,Ivyiy,„ , evening at - his office on .
. : ____c•-• - ••\,, , ‘ Diamond Allq, a few
_ . —.........,,0es doors from Wood strost r .
towards the market. • : •
Dr. Brown gi%es his particular attention to the - •
reatment and imestigation;of thefollowing ,disea • -
sea: , ,
All diseasesarising . from ImouritieSof the Blood
scrofula, syphilis, seminal weekness. impotency,
salt rheum, diseases of the eye and ear, rheumatism,
piles. palsey,
Dr. Brolicti has much pleasure in announcing to
the public, that he is in possession of the latest in•
formation and improvement in the- treatment of
secondary syphils, practised at'the. Paris Lock Hes
pitaL The modem researches on syphilis, its
complications and consequences, and the improved
modes of practice which have been made known
to the public but recentley. and to those chiefly
who make this branch of Medicine, their particu
lar study and practise. •
Many new and valuable remedies have been late- -
ly introcluced,:whichsecures the patientbeingmer
curialized out of existence Strangers are apprised. l
that Doctor Brown has been educated in every l
branch of medicine, and regularly. admitted to
praCtise, and that he now ccouines himself to the
study atulpractice of this particular hranch,togeth
er with all diseases df-a. private or delicate nature,
incident to the human frmne. No cure,
Recentcases-are relieved in-a short time, with
out interruption from business.
-cibifice on Diam'ond Alley, a 'few doors fiorn
Wood street, towards the market.' ConsultatiOns.
strictly confidential. myl2.-d&vry
geottritg. to Purolaserii.
Each box of GESUINE BUGAB COATED FILM has up= a
InTmt'Vra.,m , rwv•7' , .wrmrmym , .q7rwlrwr-st,,i
PILLS are the first and only Medicine over - -
known that Will positively cure -
Headache, Giddiness, 'Measles, Salt Rheum;
Rheumatism, Piles, Heartburn, Worms,
Dfspepsia, Scurvy,- Cholera Morbus,
Small Pox, Jaundice, Coughs, Quinsy, -
_ Pains in the Back,_ Whooping Cough, „
, Inward Weaknesi, ' Consumption: Fite . ; -
Palpimtion of the Heart ? . Liver Complaint,
Rising in the Throat ? • erysipelas, Deafriess, _
Dropsy, Asthma:; Itchings of the Skin,
, • Fevers of all kinds, . . Colds, Gout, Gravel,
- Female Conaplaints, • Nervous CoMplaints, , -
And all other diseases originating from impurities o
;the blood: ' -
They have cured, since their introduction, -
over 2,000 persons, who - have been given up as hope
less cases, by the most einMent Physician=
icr They are patronized - and recommended by
men of the highest distinction, among whom are—,
lion. David R. Porter, lion. Henry. Clay,
lion. John Q. Adams, Rou. Daniel We - hater,
Don: Martin Van Buren, Hon. J. C. Calhoun,
Gen. Winfield Scott, Col. R. 41, - Johnsen, -
Hon. James X. Polk, Gen. I.ewistaso, _
Their - virtues
,are so infallitile that the money
will he in all eases they do not give lu:dyer
's& satisfaction.- Although but two and a half years
have elapsed since these celebrated Pills were first
introduced 'to the the sale of them in the
Eastern, and middle S tates',-hue. -has far exceeded Dr, ,
Clickeinaris moat sanguine expectations:: During the,
past year, alone, rio less than 10,000 gross of boxes
have been sold in the State of New York, 6,000 in
Pennstnia, 4,000 in. Maryland, 3,00010 Piety. Jet-,
say, 2,0 in Delaware, and 9,000 inthe New England -
States, requiring the constant - employment of-27 -
hands, exclusive of printers and engravers. ~,,,Inthe
same period,upw.ardit 'or-409,000 copies of the
, !Family Dector ,, hale.baps ordered .by emits fri •
every- section of the ciuntry; Theie- facts mu* -
show, conclusively x .that Dr. cliekenees SegarCpatt
ed Pills, besides la emgthe very best medicine in tho
world, are heldinthe higheatestimation by thepublic.
We' might extend Ship p A iblic.4 i
0. to an ndefin;
ite length, if w - p deetned. it expedient to publish all
tersimonials we kave received, not only from agents -
but individuals ' and families; who have experienced -
the benficial el:Teets.Pr Clickener's Sugar . Coated
Pills, but we deem it nrinecessary. The Mostin-
contestable evidence of their.unprecedented succ ess,
are the numberless Imitations and Counterfeits which .
have already appeared, notwithstanding the brief pc,
tied they„liave been before the public, Even setae I
Of our staunchest pill makers have had- the audacity ~ ,'$
to imitate the Capsule of Sugar, in order tO disguise
the ingredients of their vile compo - unds ; od palm •
them off for the "real sizqou pure,ii O uc h
shifts cannot last long svithont expasing their hideoun
deformity, Truth and henesty meat tPeYitably prey
vail over rascality and deception; • 1
For sale in Pittsburgh by W.M. JACKSOIi, elf-kft f
Ram: Medieine Wort - house, Igo. 89; Liberty street,
head of Wood 'at.; Pittelsurgh. Price, 2.oc,per box,
Dr, Cliakenereprineig4l e i fftee is SI saFcla 7 ,street,
Nowt York _ .
- - .
04r7 Beware of an imitation article called
proved Sugar Coated Pills, purporting to;be patented,
as both' the pills and the pretended-patent sre.fere
geriei;-got up 14y a tniaeralile quack in New York,
.usho, for the last four or five years, has made bkt
living by counterfeiting popular medicines!. - • -1
- Remember, Dr. C. X. Clickenes is the orilinal
inventor of Sugar Coated . Pills, and that nothing•of
the sort was ever beard of until he introduted theme
in June, 1843, ~,PurchasoFa ebordd; tbeVefore, always
s,sk for CliCkcnees segar Gaoled Vegetable:lo/1s; en 4
take ticr Pr they will he IT*4t . the vietiract of b
• jsuzies.n.piticein, Alderman , . ' • •
(IFETOP. On:Parretf,..
oFroosito D. Leech Ez
packet line office.. Dace hears fioal j - otolont
A., M., to 8 o'clotiv-P.,.11...