~r .'~: ;~,:: ,~ FOR transporting good between Pittsburgh and the X Easterri _cities without- transhipping, This old established line (being the Oldest portable boatline on' the canal) is now prepared to receive produce and, Merchandise for shipping either East or West. The boats by this 'line are commanded by ABU', expe rienced and sober captains, and provided with good crews. Boats and easgoes are transferred from and tacanal and railroad, saving all removal:and _separa, tion of goods. Trips made, in as short time, and goods carried op as fair terms as any other line. - Thankful Ibr, and - respectfully soliciting a continu ance of the" very liberal and - growing patronage hero tefore bestoWed upon this line, we with confidence assure those merchants disposed to favor us, that their business shall be done to their entire satisfaction. Goods carried by us, consigned to either of our houses; will be shipped to their destination free of charge for shipping, storage- or advance Of charges. As we hold no interest in steamboat stock, merchanni may depend upon their goods always being forwarded without delay, upon ' good boats and at the lowest rates of freight.' - Produce consigned to our house at Philadelphia for sale, will be sold on liberal terms, and advances made either at Pittsburgh or Philadelphia. - JOHN 111cFADEN Sr. Co.,Penn at., Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. AMES M. DAVIS & Co., 249 and 251, . • eprlo-6m Market tit., Philadelphia. 441.4: - CJ Pittsburgh PortOblo Boat LiIIO, ITNN*E€2IB46. VIOR the transpornttion of freight between Pitts jr burgh and the Atlantic cities, via Pennsylvania Improvements and Baltimore and Susquehanna rail road. • The Proprietors of this old established line, having completed their arrangements, are prepared to thr- 1 -iward goods to and from the East (on the openineof the canal navigation,) on as reasonable terms as any other responsible line, and are determined that no care or attention on their part shall be wantini , to se= cure a continuance of that patronage so liberally be stowed upon them for several years past. The decided success of the portable boat system, so manifest in the regularity and despatch experienced in the delivery of goods; the absence of al I risk of delay, breakage or , other damage, incident to the old system; where goods have to be hurriedly transhipped three,timei on the way, and the merchantable order In which produce has been avowedly delivered by them, has induced the proprietors to increase their stock considerably this season. Their extensive warehouses at each point, (uneaqualled by any other line,) affords them facilities to conduct their business with despatch; and to shippers the convenience of free storage, if required, until their arrangements aro complete—while their long experience in the carry ing trade, it is presumed, will be sufficient guarantee to their patrons and the public that they will success fully exert themselves to give general satisfaction. Produce receiveli forwarded, steamboat charges paid, and bills lading transmitted free tif charge for commission, advancing or storage, and all communi cations to the following agents promptly attended to, • • TAAFFE & O'CONNOIt, Cor. Penn and Wayne sts., Pittsburgh. THOMAS BORBIDGE, 278 Market street, Philadelphia. O'CONNORS & Co., North at., Baltimore. mar3o-y .ctinghsuxes Transportation Line. -- • -- 1846, Mg-, t - •••, , CIONDUCTED ou strict Sabbath keeping principles, !Li though not claiming to be the only One that is so conducted. The proprietors of this old established line have put their stock in the most complete order, and are thoroughly prepared to forward produce and merchmudize to and from the Eastern cities on the opening of navigation. We trust that our long experience in the carrying busine.s.s,and zealous attention to the interests of cus tomers, will secure to us a continuance and increase of the patronage heretofore bestowed on , Eingliam's Line.? Our arrangements will enable us to carry freight with the utmost despatch; and oar prices shall always be as low as the lowest harged by other responsible /Mei. Produce and merchandise will be received and for warded east and west without any charge for adverti sing, storage or commission. • Dills :of lading forwarded, and every direction promptly attended to. • Address, or apply to WM.--BINGIIAM, cor. Liberty and Wayne sts., RINGHAMS, DOCK F STRATTON, ' No. 276 .llarket at., Philadelphia, • JAMES WILSON. Agent, No. 122 North Howard st., Baltimore, WILLIAM TYSON, Agent, . Iprlo-y No. 10 West at., New York Independent Portable Boat Line , . - 4.1 FOR the' transportation of produce and merchan dixe to and from Pittsburgh, Baltimore and Biriladelphia; igrwithout transhipping. Goods Con signed to our care,-will be forwarded without delay, at.the lowest current rates; Bills of Lading trans nttted, and ail inetructions promptly attended to, freafrom any extra charge for storage or Commis lion., 'Address . Plekworth's Way Freight Line. . 142:13 1846 17 2 XCLUSIVELY fur the transportation of way freight between Pittsburgh, Blairsville, Johns town, Tiollidaysburgh, ,Water Street, tun] all- inter ' mediate places. One boat leaves' the Warehouse of C. A. MeAnul ty Sr. Cci4Pittsburgli, every day (except Sundays) and fihippers • can always depend un having, their goods forwarded without delay and on accommodating terms. . ""••:• We respectfully solicit youy:••;patronage. paocntt 4 •Tons. J. Picliwortli of boats,Wile, L'achange, Paris and Pacific. J. H. Barnes of boats, Push and Exolne. , John Miller of Cars On Portage Rail Road. Acmrts. J. PICKWORTH, Canal 'Basin, Johnstown, JOHN MILLER, 't " Bollidaysburgh, C. A. MUNULTY & CO, " Pittsburgh, MONONGAHELA ROUTE, lIROWNSVILLE. TO BALTIMORE, in 32 hours—flue $lO. TO_ PHILADELPHIA in 40 hours—fare $l2. ONLY 73 Lt/LES sTAGLNG! r -4.m4 1 SuWI U. S. MAIL. '74? - The Great Speed, Regularity and high Reputation already attained by this pleasant passenger Route, has induced the Post Master General, to place tile, New York and Philadelphia mails to Pittsburgh, on it: The superior and swill steamers CONSUL and LOUIS APLANE, leaves the Monongahela Wharf precisely at 8 cOclocl. curry morning, and at 6 o'- clock every evening, except Sundays. Splendid. Coathes await their arrival at Brownsville, to trans port Passengers and Mail, only 73 miles to the Rail ! oad at Cumberland. The preparations on this routiyare ample, and the connections complete, so that disappointment or de lays will be unknown upon it. By our tickets, passengers can delaynt Cumberland or alklalthnore, during their pleasure, and continue their journey either by steamboat or cars to Phila ,delphia. 'Office in the '_!St.' Charles Hotel," Wood st. Pitts burgh.-- J. ISIESKIMEN, 3,9! Agent. 6 Fifth Ward Livery Stable. THE eubscriber, having bought Out th• well known Livery Stable kept by C. B. Doty, in the filth Ward, respectfully informs his friends and the" Public generally, that he will keep at all times a stock of the beat description of riding horses, buggies, carriages of all kinds, and in short everything required, in his line of business. A considerable portion of his stock is new, and he isconadsut that no stock in the city will be superior to his. His terms will be moderate. His amble is on Lib eity- street, a few doors above the canal bridge, inhere he respectfully solicits a share of public pa tronage. CHARLES COLEMAN. Itle. He is also previded with an elegant Hearse, which be.furnished when required, oct2s-tf • , _ Hate I _ Natal! id • SPRING FASHION.--Just received by express from New York, the Sprint; Style '-Asiis - or Hats. - .All those in want of a neat superior Ha are iespectfullv: invited to'call. S. 1.‘d00.12E, _ N 0.93 Wood at. 3 doom below - Diamond Alley. marl • • ; • - , ' .1'74 c I 4, 4 • -411 • Reliance Portable Boat 'pine. C. A. McANULTY F.: Co., Canal Basin, Pittsburgh ROSE, MERRILL & Co., Smith's Wharf, Baltimore MEARS, RAYNOR Co., . Broad st., Philadelphia cEntigrafion Lincs. Tapsoott , s - Goneral Emigration °Mee: raREMITTANCES and passag to and from GREAT .BRITAIN AND =ELAND, by W. & J. T. Tapscott 75 South street, corner of Maiden Lane, New York, and 96 Waterloo road Liverpool. The subscribers having accepted -the agency of the above house, are now prepared to make arrange ments upon the, most liberal terms with those desi rens of paying the passage of their friends from the old Country, and }latter themselves their character and long standing iu business will give ample as surance that all'their arrangements will be carried out faithfully. Mess & J. T. Tapscott, erelong and favora bly known for the superior class 'accommodation and sailing qualities of their Packet Ships. The QUEEN or THE 3VEST, SHERIDAN, ROCHES . .T ER, GATtIIICK, HOTTINGUER,. ROSCItiS, LIV ERPOOL; and . SIDDONS, two of which leave each Port monthly, from New York the 21st and 26th and from Liverpool the 6th and Ilth, in addition to which they have arrom4.ements with the St. George and Union Lines of Liverpool Packets to insure a depar Iture from Liverpool, every fir edays being thus aeter mined, their facilities shall keep pace with their in 'creasing patronage, while Mr. W. Tapscows constant per-sonal superintendenee of the business in Liver pool is an. additional security that the comfort and .accommodation. of the passenger; will be portico .. larly attended to. • The subscribers being (as usual) extensively enga ged in the Transportation Business betweenl'ittsburg and the Atlantic Cities. :aro thereby enabled to take charge of and - forward ;passengers inunciliatcly on their landing, without a chance of disappointment or delay, and are therefore prepared to contract for pas sage from any sea port in Great Britain or Ireland to this City; thenaturc of the business they are engaged in giving them facilities .for carrying passengers so far inland not otherwise, attainable, and will, (e cessary,) forward passengers further Wil West by the best mode of conveyance :Without any additional charges for their trouble. Where persons sent- for decline coating hut, the amount paid for passage will be :efunded in full. REMITTANCES. The subscribers are also prepared to give drafts at sight, fur any amount { payable at the principal Cities and Towns in Enland, Ireland, Scotland and Wales; thus affording a safe and expeditious mode of Remitting funds lo those Countries, which persons requiring suclighiilities, will find it their interest to avail themselves of. • Application (if by letter post paid) will be prompt ly attended to TAAFFE & O'CONNOR, Forwarding and Commission Mercbauts, marr d&wy. Pittsburgh, Pa Rocnn, BROTHERS & CO. , . ,i.. 5.7 AItRANGE : .9.IEN.TS FUR • 184 6 • kritt. .BLAICEL I' 4- MITCLIEL, .I,unts. , 1D EMITTANCES to, and Passage 'to and f rom It Great Britain and Ireland, by Vie Black Ball, or old Line of Liverpool Packets. Sailing from New York and Liverpool on the Ist and 16th of every mouth. And by first class American Ships [Sailing Weekly.l Persons sending to the "Old Country" for their friends; can make the necessary arrangements with the subscribers, and have them brought out in any of the eight ships comprising the Black Ball or ()id Line of Liverpool Packets; (sailing from Liverpool on the Ist and 16th of every month,) also by first class ships, sailing from that port weekly, which our Agents, Messrs. James D. Roche & Co., there will send out without delay. Should tlu;se soot fur not come out the money will he refunded without any deduction. ' The "Blacklr, or old Line of Liverpool Packd ets," comprise the following magnificent ships, and will sail from Liverpool on their regular appointc-. day, as follows : Fidelia, On Ist Jan. Ist May. • Ist Sept. Europe, 16 6 th : '' 16th " 16th " ' New York, Ist rob. Ist June. Ist Oct. American, 16th • 44 16th 4 4 16th 4 4 i Yorkshire, Ist Mar. Ist July. Ist Nov. Cambridge, 16th . 44 16th " 16th Dec. Oxford, • . Ist April. Ist Aug. Ist 44 Montezuma, 1601 • " 16th 4 , 16th " Notice.—lt is well known, that the Black Hall is the very best conveyance fur persons to get out their friends, and as other passenger agents advertise to bring out passengers by that Line, the public are re spectfully notified by the owners that no passenger agents, but' Roche, Brothers & Co., and Blakely & Mitchel, are authorized to advertise and to bring out passengers by that Line. • We have at all times for the Drafts at Sight for any amount, direct on the Royal Bank of Ireland, Dub lint Also on Messrs. Preseottt, Grote, Ames & Co., Bankers. London, which are paid free of discount, or any charge whatever, in all the principal towns throughout , England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Apply to, or address, if by L-ettor, (post paid.) ROCHE, BRO'S & CO. ,o. 35, Fulton street New York. (Neat door to the Fulton Bank. MR. ROCHE, Sr., No. 75 Dublin street, Liverpool. I BLAKELY &MUCHEL, Penn street; and Smithfield et. Remlttauce• to England. Ireland, Scot-! land and Wales. s y ' ERSONS desirous of remitting money to any o :the above countries, can do so through the tub s on the moat easy terms. We are prepared ()issue drafiu for any amount over £l,OO sterling.— Remittances Made through our house any day heron , the 23d of May, will be received in Irelaad, by the 720±12 of June. • BLAKELY & MITCIIEL, Pittsburuli, Agents for Roche, Bro's Co., New York Paper I.Va—z:ebtiune • THE: undersigned having bought the paper ware house and wall paper Manufactory, late of Iluldship & Browne, have entered into a co-partner ship, under the name and style of Hill EL Browne, for the purpose nI carrying on the business in all its va rieties. They will have always un hand a complete assortment of PAPER liAffaNGS ANii_BORDER.S, of their own . manufacture, and- their stock will be improved and enlarged with periodical additions from the best French factories. Agents for' the well-known Clinton Paper Mill, Steubenville ' from which they will be constantly supplied witlt WRITING, WRAPPING, PRINT ING PAPER; BONNET BOARDS, &e.; all of which they offer wholesale and retail, at their store, 'No. 37 Wood street, midway between Fourth and Dia mond Alley, where country merchants and dealers are invited to call. • GEO. G. 1111.01VE, ,SAML. C. HILL. jeep-dCril 1 . , Drugs, Drugs, Drugs, • At No.?. Commercial Row, Liberty street, "Big Gol den Mortar" once more. IJAYS & ROCRWAY, thankful for the liberal pa ' tronage, which they have heretofore received and wishing to merit an increased share of public pa tronage, would respectfidly call the attention of the public to our stock of goods which we are now re ceiving for the fall trade. Among which may be Mond in quantities to suit purchasers, the following articles. Rhuebard Root, Liquorice Root, Flour Sulphur,do. Ball, Cum Arabic,, • Relined Boras, . 1 Cal'd Magnesia, Sal Soda, ! Carb Magnesia, Spanish Brown, Cum Aloes, • Gum Copal, Cream Tarter, Roll' Brimstone, Calomel, While Chalk, Sup Carb Soda, Ext. Logweed, Epsom Salts., Chi 'd do. Glauber do. Madder, Tartaric Acid, Yellow Ochre, Gum Scammony, Chrome Yellow, Bal CfMavia, do. Green, . Salt Pctre, Rose-Pink. • Together with a general assortment °Mils, Paints, Vafriikhes, Paint Brushes, Dye Woods, &c. &c., all otiwitich will be sold as low an at any other house in the city. ' senl9 ______ ____ • GEORGE BAILEY, PLUNDER AND MANUFACTURE I. OP Pumps and Hydrants Which are superior to and cheaper that any in the city. Please to call and examine for yourselves 1; FOURTH STREET, BETWEEN SDIMIFLELD AND GUMMY ALLEY DI-Hydrants and Pumps repaired. jan 1-w6&dy WlllMarn McKee TILL continues in his old business of manufactur kj ing Wagons, Carts, Drays, Timber Wheels, Trucks, and Wheelbarrows, on Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield, where he keeps constantly on hand, or made to order in the , shortest notice, ally amount of work, by the best of:workmen and good materials, and at prices to suit the times. Those engaged in the Santa Fe trade, and Furnace men, are requested to give him a call before purchasing elsewhere. ap7-y Alicglzeny Cemeter:, DERSON't desirons of purchasing- lots in this Cemetery are referred for inforMation to the Superintendent on the grounds, or to .E. Thorn Druggist, corner of Penn and Hand streets, Pitts burgh. By order of the Board. - J....e.HISLETT, deg 11 Superintendent. w.....r..~..._. ~_ litoiiii'Oii-s , ..e . i;iii . io- . 4 - i0 The Franklin Fire limnrance Company OF PHILADELPHIA. " CHARTER PERPETUA L.. $400,060 paid in of fice Mk, Chestnut st., north side, near Fifth.— I Take Insurance, either permanent orlimited, against loss or damage' by fire, on 'property and effects df every description, in town or country, on the most reasonable terms. Applications, made either per sonally or by letters, will be promptly attended to. C. N. BANCKER, Prest. C. G. Bascurn, Sec'y. -DIRECTORS: - Charles N. Bancker, Jacob It. Smith, Thomati Hart, George W. Richards, Thomas J. Wharton, Mordecai D. Lewis, Tobias Wagner, Adolphi E. Borie, ' Saiduel Grant, David S. Brown. • - - PITTSBURGH SGENCY WARRICK Iliniertx, Agent, at the Exchange Office of Warrick Martin, & Co., corner of Third and Mar ket streets. Fire risks token on buildings and their contents in Pittsburgh ; Allegheny and the surrounding country. No marine or inland navigation risks taken. augd-y. Pare and Marine liteurance. - HE Insurance Company of N2rth America, of T Philadelphia, through its duly authorized Agent, the subscriber, offers to make permanent and limited Insumneo on property, in this city and iM vicinity, and on shipments by the canal and rivers. • DIRECTORS. Arthur C. Coffin, Pres't. Samuel Brooks, Alex. Henry, Charles Taylor, Samuel W. Junes, • Szunuel W. Sin* Edward Smith, - Arnbros4 White,,, John A. Brown, Jacob M. ThOmas, John White, John R. gaff; Thomas P. Cope, Richard D. Wood, Wm. Welsh, Henry D. Sherraid, Sec , y. This is the oldest Insurance.Qompany in the '.l.lni ted States, having been, chartered in 1794. Its char ter is perpetual, and from its high standing, long, experience,, ample. means, and avoiding all risks of an extra hazardous character, it may be considered; as offering ample security to the public. , • MOSS ATWOOD. • At Counting Room of Atwood, Jones'kCo., Wa, ter and Front streets, Pittsburgh. : 0et2,3-y. NATIONAL VIRE • AND M All/NE INSURANCE COMPANY, New Ygek. . THIS well known and respectable company is pre pared through their PITTSBURG AGENCY, to make insurance of every kind connected with risks of transportation and inland navigation; to insure against loss or damage by fire, Dwelling !louses, Warehouses, Buildings in general, Goods, Wares, and Merchandise; and every description of personal property on the most favorable terms. Applications fur Insurance attended to without do lay at the office, No. 31 Water and 6S Front sts., by SPIRNGE.R. HARBAIGH Ar 4 At an Election held at the office in N. Y.; May 12th, the following named gentlemen were chosen Directors of this Company, for the ensuing year, viz: Joseph W. Savage, -=: . Stephen Volt, John Browner, John ST Chain, William G. Ward, Wm. W. Campbell, John Newhouse, Jacob Miller, William S. Slocum; Marcus Spring, John F.Mackie, Joseph S. Lake, ... John J. Herrick. And at a subsequent meeting of the Board, JO SEPH W. SAVAGE, Esq., n - as unanimously re-clec ted President for the ensuing year. au 4-1 v lumuraucc A IHERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia—Charter perpetual—Capital 500,-1 000 paid in. Office in Philadelphia, No. 72 Walnut street—NV'''. Davidson, Pres't; Frederick Fraley, Soc'v. This old anti well established Company con tinues to insure I.lMldings, Merchandize, Furniture, and Property, not of an extra hazardous character: , against loss or damage by Fire. Applications fur Insurances in Pittsburgh and its neighborhood will be received, and risks taken either perpetually or for limited periods, on favora ble terms, by GEO. COCHRAN, Agent, dec 21 No. 2G, Wood street. JOSIAII KING. J. FINNEY, JII. KING A; PINNEY, Agents at Pittsburgh, for the Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Company of Philadelphia. upon Buildings and 31erchaudize of every description, nod Mantle Itisks upon hulls or cargoes of vessels, taken upon the most tat °rabic terms. Office at the warehouse of King & Holmes, on Water at., near Market street, Pittsburgh. N. II King & rniney invite the confidence and patronage of their friends and community at large to the Delaware M. S. Insurance Company, as an Altai union among the roost flourishing in Philadelphia— ns having a large paid in capital, which, by the.oper ation of its .charter, is constantly increasing—as yielding to each person insured his doe share cif the profits of the Company, without involving hitn in any responsibility whatever, beyond the preinium actually paid in by him; and therefore as posei•sitig the Mutual principle divested of every obimaious feature, and in its most attractive form. nov•l-tt Agency of the Franklin Fire Insurance Company of Philadelphia. - N. E. corner of Third and Wood streets, Pittsbargh; rpitE assets oldie company on the first of-Janua ry, 1545, as published in conformity with an act of the Ponnsylvaida Legislature, were Bonds and Mortgages, Real Estate, at cost, • Temporary Loans, Stocks and Cash, Making a total of $909,653 42 Affording certain assurance that all losses will be promptly inct, and giving entire security to all who obtain policies - from this Company. Risks taken at as low rates as arc consistent with security. out S WARRICK-MARTIN, Agent. Si cw not and Cap Store. 42% 11. POULSON, (late of the firm 04 . Poulson & having opened his new store at• No. 73, Wood street, next door to the corner of Fourth, is now manufacturing and recei ving from the Eastern cities a very:large assortment of hats and caps of every description, warranted to be made in the best manner and of the best materials. Otter, Seal, tine and 'common Muskrat, Sealette, lfair-Seal, Plush and Glazed Caps. Also, a fine assortment of ladies, furs, such as Lynx, Fitch, Genet and Coney Muffs and Tippets and fur trimmings, all of which he otTers for sale at eastern prices for cash, both wholesale and retail. Country merchants will please call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. CIIA.S.II. POULSON. N. B. The Fall Faol.;no fur Hats and Caps rcceiv ed. sep27y_ Allen Kramer, EXCIIANGE BROKEIt, corner of Wood and 31 streets. Gold, silver and current bank notes bought and sold. Sight checks on the eastern cities thr sale. Drafts, notes and bills collected. RECERENCES. Wm. Bell & Co., John D. Davis, F. Lorenzo, Pittsburgh, Pa J. Painter & Co. Joseph Woodwell, James May, Alex. Bronson & Co., 1 John H. Brown & Co., Philadelphia. James 111•Candless, Cincinnati, 0. J. It. lll , Donaltl, St. Louis, hfo. W. 11. Pope, Pres't Bank of Ky., Louisville. Europli•an and American Agency. frillE undersigned European Agent having-again _I arrived in America at the regular time, will leave Pittsburgh, Pa. early in September neat, and sail from New York on the first day of October, ma king a THIRTEENTH tour through England, Ireland, .X.cotland, Wales, and returning to America in May, 1847. By this agency money remittances can be made by drafts fur large and small sums, payable at sight in every part of Great Britain, Ireland, Sze.; legacies, debts, rents, real estate and claims collect ed and recovered; searches of all kinds made; co pies of wills, deeds and documents procured, and the usual business appertaining to this Agency tran :mated as heretofore. Innumerable references giv en. Apply porsoually or adrdesspostpind, KEENAN, European Agent and Attorney at Law, Pittsburgh, Mr. J. S. May will attend to all European heel nessin my absence. 'Ol9. Gold - and SilverWatoho• O F the hest manufacture, both of England and Genova, iu large variety and for sale at the lowest prices—patterns, new and of the latest style. Also, Diamond pointed Gold Pens, another large supply,just received of thu best mirk°. Also, Silver Ware, Jewelry, line Table Cutlery, Spectacles, Pen cils, Tea Ware, Lamps, Military Goods &e. W. W. WILSON, je24 corner of Fourth - end Mat ket 5 LW ORLEANS SUGAR. —2ohhds - N. 0. Sugar for sale by (je26) JAMES MAY. After the lapse of about six weeks, I was attacked with a distressing cough and a violent pain in my right side. Some ten days after this when in a par oxysm of coughing, suddenly and Incest broke, and a large quantity of very offensive matter, mixed; with blood, was discharged; most of which (handl passage throtigh the opening of the From this opening there frequently passed a quantity of air, supposed to issue from the lungs. During all this time my sufferings were almost intolerable. My physicians, meanwhile paid the strictest atten tion to me, and did all in• their power for my !Term: ery. But with all their skill they could not reach the seat of distress, after the Lungs had become affect ' ed. I was visited during this time by at least twenty Physicians. It was now reduced to a certainty, that in/lama/ion of the lungs was rapidly taking place; and that this, would terminate my life in a. very short time, was in the highest degree probabie. At this critical stage, a messenger was despatched to Cincinnati, and a celebrated Physician of that place was consulted. When he was made acquaint ed with my situation, he remarked that nothing could 1M dune by medical aid, if the constitution itself was not sufficient to throw off the disease. My friends now despaired of my recovery, and I had no earthly ground of hope to survive many days. Fortuuately at thin juncture, I saw one of Dr. Wis.- tar's Pamphlets, entitled "Family Medical Guide," or "Treatise on Consumption of the Lungs." As I had often heard of dying men "catching at straws," I Mit this doing so myself. By the consent of my Physicians, I sent to vou for a bottle of the medicine. described viz: 4, Wisiar , s Balsam of Wild Cherry," which relieved me almost immediately. After I had used some live or six bottles I solar recovered as lo be up aril about. My cough ceased, and my lungs were restored to a healthy state—all from the heal ing and balmy influence and powerful medicinal vir tues of Wistar's Balsam. WM. JAMES BOG S, Secretary Were it not from the external injury I received in my shoulder and arm by the explosion, I feel cons-' dent that I might have been working at toy trade (which is blacksmithingo but this has prevented. By 'exposure, I have since taken several severe colds, and my only remedy has been "the balsam." And I now most cordially recommend the genuine Wis!ar'4Dirlsant to all who are afflicted with Colds, CougllS,V. Lung Complaints. I consider it an inval uable medicine—a real blessing to the world. Any person desiring further inform:thou, may call on me any time. yours truly. CIIR(STOPIIEit It. SMYTII. City of Dayton, Montgomery co., State of Ohio Sidiscrihed and sworn to, before me, Justice of the Peace, this 11th day of Feb. 12415. EBENEZER FOWLER. Testimony of Mare highly creditable citizens of .Dayton, in confirmation if the above. Wv. the undersigned, being intimately acquainted with 11 , 1r.5 myth; end hating acca and; AVLIICIIeii over him during has lute illness, do not Hesitate to say that the foregoing in by no means an exaggerated . statement, but so entitled to lull credit. Kr - The true and genuine "lEistar's Balsam of Wild (.7/terry,- is sold at established agencies in all Marti.' of the United States. Sold in Clutcnnati on the corner of Fourth and Walnut at reetx, Sr S VOR.I) & PARK. General Agont,d ror the Western States. For sale by L WILCOX Jr., S. E. cur. Alarket at. and the Diamond Pittsburgh. may _y. THE WILSON PILLS, as a remedy peculiarly adapted for headaches and dyspeptic affections, are pretty generally known and esteemed in 'this community; and the proprietor, so often as he has occasion to write or speak of them, can scarcely re frain from an expression of his grateful acknowledg roents to his friends for their patronage and kindness ;to him. lkis feeling s are the warmer from observing the — begiunleS and the entling"—thrown ahnoSt in juxtaposition—aim many nostrums and kindred pre parations equally loud in their pretensions, and much more inAstrieusly presented to the public; while his preparation noiselessly advances, even to remote places, soothing and comfbrting the afflicted, and permanently grafting itself upon the affections of new friends, thus continually widening the circle of its uselnlness. Although well satisfied that his medicine has, as it were, a principle of perpetuity in it, yet he is obliged to his friends for the most sub stantial evidence of the fact. 8600,615 93 100,967 77 207,499 72 In its natural history, if you please,. the Wilson Pill differs from most other preparations in not being originally made for sale, or witiva