The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, October 15, 1846, Image 3

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, F5 - Loreni, -N. W. W. Wallace
' '.1 . 2 " < *".. .
44- ,
40 , T,
47,-75;: 7 47.:'t
' 4 4 7
t 6.•
:Prepared and corrected. every. Afternoon.
Pirge Assortment of Splendid. ifr'aniar and
Fashionable Pall Alipinery.
A T 111 , KENNA 7 S Auction Rciozils, N 0.114, Wood
et., 3d door :iota Fifth, the Agent of an exten
sive French Importing House, has
,lust arrived from
New York, and will this day commence opening a
large and splendid lot of fine French' _Millinery, of
the latest fashion andklireet from Paris, which he will
sell at extraordinary low prices; The ladies arepar
ticularly incited to call and examine. It is. perhapa
the largest and _best stock ever offered in this city;
comprising in part:, -
Thread and Lisle Lscei and Edging, Caps, Netts,
Bszenet;Cip . and Misses , Hat Ribbon, Mourning and
Dress,Caps, Cap fronts, rioWerS, Feathers, Quilling,
Head Ornaments, 4.c. . •
• P.•APKENNA, Auc,t,
" z
• ",
AT 6/ o'clock, p, on. Wednesday the 14th,
Thursday the 15tb,and Saturday the 17th
at the Commercial Auction Rooms, corner of Wood
and sth will be sold a large collection of choice
standard and • miscellaneous Books, embracing a
rgrhat variety ofr-works on History, Theology, Poe.
.try and Fictions
Bibles and Testaments of every variety of size and
style of binding.
Prayer Books, fine editions; Annuals and Holliday
Presents for 1847; .Blank Bos, St4tionary, Sco.
Private sales during the day avvory, - low prices.
Oct 14 ' ' ; -JOHN D; DANIS, Auct,r..
i. ; l •
;t - •
.POEMS BY AMELIA, 'new and 'celaiged edn•
tion, just toueived sod for.sala by
outl4, IL MELLOR, SI Wood st.
Books at Ns* York Prices.
THE subscriber respectfully 'announces to his
. friends in Pittsburgh, and the publia in general,
that he has opened at No. 254, Broadivay, N. York, a
good assortment of Law, Medical, Miscellaneous and
Foreign publications,_ which he. will sell at wholesale
or retail,i/kion the cheapest terms fur cash.
:He will till orders promptly, and forward them to
- Pittsburgh, delivering them at N. York prices. He
respectfully solicits orders from persons wishing to
replenish their libraries, confident that he can give
every satisfaction.. Address,' R. G. BERFORD,
octl3-3t' No. 23i, Broadway, N. Y.
1 .1 ..• • ri..4
TiIF. subscriber will receire . iresh Oyeters daily
-•from Baltimore, which he will 'serve up in all
••will •
the different styles, at the Franklin Hotel, Fourth at.,
between Smithfield and Grant,
ectl3 ' C. SCHMERTZ
:TIILACES in wholesale and retail stores, warehous
-1 :es, or groceries, hotels and on farms, and with
manufacturers and mechanics—for a number of sales
men, hook-keepers,ageotsiWarehouse men and boys,
and for - farmers; laborers, hostlsrs, mechaoics, &c.
Sta. Wanted. soon, - a number of cooks, house beep
ers, girls• for all-work•, nurses for the sick; arid for
etildren. Wanted to borrow on the best security,
several sums of money. r N'Vanted-.-Places for a
number of colored men, women, boys and girls.
All kinds of Agencies attended to promptly, and
charges mixlarsto, on applicatiOn at
- ISAAC ILARRIS' Agoncv and
octl3-3t Intelligence Office, No 12 St Clair st.
Cheaper than Ever, at
I -.
. .
• -..
Street,Sboe axi
a T r
l c; Trunk
pSptoosriete, Nthoe
. I ltd Lib- of
Wciod street. • . -
F. & H. Wouldrespectfully announce that they hare
in store.nnd are receiving their FALL AND WIN
consisting of upwards of five hundred packages of all
kinds niurTialities for Ladies, Gentlemen, Misses,
Boys ' youtne and childrens' wear. These goods
have been manufactured to our order, and expressly
fur the Pittsburgh market—all of which we are deter
mined to SELL VERY LOW, as from our facilities
in purchasing goods we arc enabled EQ to do,
-. We would solicit an examination of our stock by
all in want of goods in our line, either at wholesale or
retail, as we feel confident we shall be enabled to
please, both in regard to quality and prices.
The most of our goods are from manufacturing es
.tablishments with which we are connected. We shall
continue to receive weekly from - th - ose houses, fresh
.and desirable goods, made expressly for our sales,
No. 1513 Liberty street,
To:the , Honorable the Judges of the Court of Gen
eral Quarter Sessionsof the Peare„ in and for the
- dountyof allrgheny.
The petition of John Savage, of the First Ward
.eity of Pittsburgh; in the county aforesaid, humbls
.sheweth, that your petitioner has provided himself
with' materials for the accommodation of travelers
' and others, at his dwelling house, in the county
-aforesaid; and prays that your Honors, will be plea
sed to grant him a license. to -keep a public house
of :entertainment. And your petitioner, as in du
ty bound, will pray. JOHN SAVAGE.
We, the subscribers, citizens of the Ist Ward, do
certify that the above' petitioner is of good repute
- for, honest3rand temperance, and is well provided.
with houseroom and conveniences for the accom
- tncidation of travelers and others, and that said
tavern is Accessary.
Henry Smith, . Arthur Toner,
3. Kelly, • Wm. R. Taylor,
William Dunn, W. R. Gormly,
-John Lawton, James Stevenson,
J. Poland, John Ogden,
W. B. Wheeler, Arthur Nicholson.
'Splendid Terkerl and Brooke Shnwlai
A LEXANDER & DAY have received splendid
11L.Terheri and
,Droche French shawls, at greatly
reduced prices, the ladies are invited to call and ex
amine thein.
Arso.—A few pieces superior French cloths, just
received from the Philadelphia Auctions, at greatly
reduced - prices. • ALI;NANDER B. DAY,
octB 75 Market sti N. W. cor, of the Diamond.
IFTICEENAN, European Agent, now on his !wen
.fifth trip, in Europe, will in his absence liom
Pittsburgh continue to transact all business connect
'erl: with his profession, through his Agent, JA3q..S
MAY, Merchant. Remittances of money made to 'all
partsof E.ngland, Ireland, Scotland and the continent
of Europe. Collections of legacies, debts, inheritable
property and claims; searches made, cOpies of wills,
deeds and.documents procured, ite.
Dtr Apply to or address (post paid) JAMES MAY,
Merchant, Water street, Pittsburgh. ect6
A T the junction of Ferry and Liberty, adjoining
Kinkaid's Plough Factory, where he continues imanufacture the best article made in Pittsburgh
or tAllegheny, without fear of contradiction, which
will be sold at the lowest possible rates for cash.
Also, VENITLIN SHUTTERS, Stationary and
op-My.Venitian Blinds are always kept for sale
by H. H.. RYAN, on Fifth street. octl-ly
i 3,
•"c .1;
7.:K~ {-.a~4
.' t
: : !1 . Pe t , 1 44
2.§ _
^ . .=
S '34
.„ §§
.§ k\
; 4,
i,'ryr;y ~ ~~.
Alert G`reQ~, Cincinnati
Copsal, Bowman, Brown'sville—
.Louis M'Lane, Bennett, Brownsville
Oneota, - Gorilen, Beaver...
';'Michigan, Boies Beaver.
. - -
...i. Oneota, 4,, Gsardon, Beaver, •
Lonis„McLane, Bennett, Brownsville
.i , Consnl, Bowman; BrOWnsville.
Michigan, Boles, Beaver. .
Extensive SaleeflVeu - arid Valuable
Freaeh Orsteno
Wanted Soon,
' Morocco "Leather, and Bindings.
TUST received,a large stock of Morocco,Bindings
0, and . Lipings, and Lace Leather, for sale by
octl2-Irrid&w No. 183 Liberty st.
• Leather,
tai gri Sides of N. Y. and Baltimore tanned sole
p....L‘Ptlll leather, in store and for sale by
. •. W. BRYANT,
Octl2:lmdftw 184 Liberty st.
• T eirtnees Oil.
110 Blale. best brown Oil, just received and for
sale by NV. BRYANT,
0c.t12-Irndtm 183 Liberty at.
f S o p r s s n al is e h b an y d Missouri Hides in store and
octl2-Imd&w - 183 Liberty st.
Sheep Skins,
000 Sheep skins, Bark T .. annZ, I I 3 n R IVI N I
oetl2-Irndikw. 183 Liberty st
The Baltimore Sun of Tuesda3r, received last
night per the Brownsville boat, contains theofficial
despatches of Gen. Taylor, forwarded to' our gov
ernment at Washington, in, relation to tbe taking
of Monterey. In his Iver of the 26th of Seitem
ber, the Geneyal says: 4 -It - be seen- that the
terms granted the Meirican garrison are less rigo•
rous than those first impOsed. The gallant defence
of the town, and the ]fact of - la :recent change of
government in Mexico; helieved to be favorable to
the interests of Peice,-;induc'ed me to concur with
the commission. in Thise terms which , will, I trust,
receive the approval of the. government. The lat
ter consideration alsoAtrompted the convention -fcr
a tempOrarY cessation of hostilities. Though
scarcely warranted -- .by my instructions, yet the
change of -affairs since those instructions were is
sued, seemed to - warrant this Course. I beg, to be
advised; as early as practicable, whether I have met
the views of the government in these particulars."
Term - a of'capittilatiOri of the city of Monterey
capital of Nuevo Leon, agreed upon by the un
dersigned commissioners, to wit: General Worth,
Of the United States army, General Henderson,
of. the Tex . an volunteers, and Colonel Davis, of
the Mississippi riflemen, on the part of Major
General Taylor, commanding-in- - dile( the
ted States forces; and General Raguena and Gen
', eral Ortega, of the iirmy'of Mexico; and Senor
\Manuel M. Llano, „liaVernor of Nuevo Leon, on
--the part of Senor General Don Pedro Ampudia,
commanding-in-chief of the army of the north
of Mexico.
Article I. -As the legitimate result of the opera.
tions before this place; and the preseni position of
the contending armies,l it is agreed that the city.
the fortifications, cannon, the munitions of war, and
all other property, with the undermentioned excep.
timas,'lfe'surreodered to the commanding general
of the United States fitrees. now at Monterey.
Art. 11. That the Mexican forces be allowed to
retain the foirowing arms, to wit: the commission.'
ed officers their side arms, the infantry their arms
and accoutrements, the cavalry their arms and
accoutrements, the artillery one field battery, not
to exceed six pieces, with twenty-one rounds of I
ammunition. '
Art. HI That the Mexican armed forces retire'
within seven days front-this date, beyond' the line
formed by the pass of the Rinconada, the city of!
Linares, rind. San Fernando de Presus.
Art. IV. That the citodel of Monterey Le evac-I
uated by the Mexican, end occupied by the Amer
ican forces, to-morrow 'morning, at IO
Art:''V. To avoid collisions, and for mutdal con
venience, that the troops of the U. S. will not oc
cupy the city until the Mexican forces love with.,
.drawn, except-for hospital and storage purposes. j
Art, VI. That the forces of the United States will
not advance Leyond the line specified in the 2d ,
[3d] article before the expiration of eight weeks, or
until the orders or instructions of the respective
governments can be received.
Art. VII. That the public property to be deliver.
ed shall be turned over:rod received by officers ap
pointed by the comManding, , gencral of the two ar
m ies.
Att. VIII. That all doubts as to the meaning of,
au: of the preceding articles shall be solved by an
equitable construction. ward on principles of liberal.
ity to the retiring army.
Art. LK. That the Mexican flag, when struck at
the citadel, may be saluted by its own battery. I
Done at Monterey, Sept. 21, Irs46.
W. J. Wowrir,
Drigaler General U. S. A,
S. I ' l saner HEN DELLSON,
Maj. Gen. CornsiPg Texan Volunteers.
Cul, 3listi:sippi Riflemen.
MaxtrcL M. Lf.a,sci,
I'. It tux Ewa.,
Appro., ed:
L. TA ri.oa,
Maj. Gen. U. S. A Com'd'g.
Cornmienr. Congress. Shertff.
: 1 • 4 . 6
Greensburg, 110 4.1 95 GO 103 53
Hempfield, 218 190 191 140 212 111
P. Unity, 159 00 157 00 133 104
Salem, 127 00 08 118
Marnsburgb,-109 108 105 108 98 108
Unity, 71 35 70 38 71 30
N Hun tingdon 103 95 103 02 09 100
Youngstown, 125 33
Ligonier, 99 91 82 121 94 03
New Stanton, 23 :15
From the Western Star received last night, we
learn that the whole whig ticket has been elected
"by a large majority—perhaps 4 to 500."
COL WATSON, or• Batnmons._ln honor of
the memory of the gallant Col. WASON, the mem
bers of the Baltimore Bu - , held a meeting on last
Monday, and adjourned over till Thursday, after re
solving to wear the usual badge of mourning du
ring the present term of the twat.
We learn that Foster has a majority of 50, foi
Canal Commissioner, and Shannon 50 Wor Con
gress. The two democratic candidatei for the
Legislature, are elected, and the whip have elected
the Sheriff.
P _
BODY.—It is an astonishing fact, that a very
large class of diseases 'can only be cured by such
remedies as will enter into the 13Loon; and circu
late with it, through every portion of the body, for
only by this means can the remedy be brought
into immediate contact with the disease; and to at
tain this dcsirable„enif no preparation has been so
uniformly succesarit as 1)U 'JAYNE'S ALTER
TIVE. Sorqfula, Kings' Eril,Cancer and Cancer
ous Tumours, Irhite Swellings, Enlargement of the
Bones, Chronic Rheumatism and Gent. Eruptive dis
eases ofthe "Skin, old and indolent' Ulcers, Goitrous
Swellings of the Throat &c., arc etisrd with a certain
ty, that has astonished every beholder. It is, be
sides, one of the most pleasant articles that can be
taken into the itonntab, operating as a tonic, and
removing Dyspeptic find Nervous afiections, an&
imparting a glow of animation and health, une
qualled by any thing in the whole Alateria Medico.
For sale at No. 8 South' Third st—Price $1 per
bottle,or $lO per ilozeci.
For sale in Pittsburgh-at thePEKIN TEA STORE,
on Fourth street, near Wood, and at the Drug Store
of H. .P Schwartz, Federal street, 4.llegheny City.
[fit. SKIN AND COMPI"..N, at this (and,
indeed, every other) season, is often repulsive
in appearance, caused,lin eight Cases out of ten, by
the atmosphere; and what persons suppose disease
of tho blood, is simply , a disease of the skin. If
some of the thousands who take purgative medieine,
pills, and urieless Sarsaparilla, were to use on their
skin a softening and clearing balm, that opens the
pores, whitens the skin, and causes a healthy perspi
ration, that, be the skin never se disfigured, unheal
thy, or diseased with pimples or freckles, sunburn,
tan and m.orpliew, the true and genuine JONES'S
ITALIAN CHEMICAL SOAP-never fails to. cure
and dispel them, and to make the skin clear and
lovely.. It acts so - mildly and soothingly on' the
skin, that physiMoris use it on ladies and infants, in
old cases of scurvy, erysipelas, salt rheum, sore head,
ringworm, and it (mind, the genuine Jones' soap)
his often effected a cure when every -other remedy
failed. It is indeed a blessed remedy.
-Sold at JACKSON'S Patent Medicine Warehouse,
S 9 Liberty street . , head of Wood—at the same place
is eold the,Moortsh Hair Dye, Coral Hair Restora
tive, nod Spanish Lily White.
Panto:Pam Orrxcz—Sign of the American Eagle,
82 Chatham street, New York.
It or ctiaobiniktt.
THE splendid now. and light drought
pirisenger steamer S E N A TOR , Capt.
11 , 1 , CLunu, will leave for the above aud ell intermedi
ate ports, regulsrly. For' freight or paesage apply.
on hoard. .
For CluillnuolL.
The` new light draught paelret steam.
r,°l,7er CALIFORNIA, Captain Hunter; will
leave for the above and all intermediate ports this
day, regularly, * ,
For freight or passage apply onboard, or to
• J.„W. BUTLER& BRO., Second st.
The California was huilt expresslyfor the - above
trade, and will make her trips regitlarly:during the
For Cincinnati
f irs o THE new and light draught paisenger
J.d_.% steamer WESTERN, Capt. BARES,
will leave for the alio and all intermediate ports
regularly. The Western draws but 12 inches, and
was built expressly to run in the trade during the
low water season.
For freight or passage, baying superior auconatno.
dations, apply on board. jyls
For Loutsville;.ltegular PaOkot.
- , j3 4 , The new and spleadiol.assenger steam
er.TONNALEUKA, Capt. X. Moody,
will ran in the trade front Pittsburgh to
during the season of 1846.
The Tonnaleulta was bailt expressly fouthe trade,
and is elegantly furnished in overt'' t.
z respec
Forfreight or passage apply on• board. -F my 22
Vor cinctunait
4VThe well known fast' running steamer
CA•MBRIA,W.Forsyth, hinster ,will run
as a regular Packet, leaving every Wednekday morn
ing at 10 o'clock, and 'Wheeling, at 10,' P. M., the
same day. Returning, she will leave i Cincinnati
every Saturday, at 10, A. M. ; 1,
For freight or passage apply on board, or to
FORSYTH & C 0.,. Agents,' '
a 16 No. 30, Water street.
For Cincinnati and. Lou lcvllla
newandThe splendid passenger steam-
Lui,.in lA, O'NEAL, Master, will
leave tbr the above and intermediate ports, regular
For freight or passage apply on board, or to
jel D. 'WILKINS Agent.
For Saint Louls..negular Pst.kot.
The new and splendid passengerateam,
er BRUNETTE, Capt. Perry, wilt run in
t e trade from Pittsburgh to St; Louis, during the
season of 1846.
The Brunette was built expressly for the trade,
and is elegantly found in every respect. ;
For freight or passage apply on hoard. apl4
For Cincinnati and St. Louis •
g, The passenger steamer PALESTf.".;E,
Capt. Williams, leave for; the above
agdalintermediate poitS regularly.
For freighter passage apply on board. je9.
Tuesday. Evening Packet.
s, The new and splendid passenger steam
- - 41.4 boat DECLARATION, Capt.: Verbena,
will run asa regular packet between Pittsburgh and
Cincinnati, leaving this pert every Tneslav evening
at 3 o'clock. P.cturning she will leave Cincinnati
every Friday evening at 3 o'clock.
The Declaration °Tors superior accommodations
to passengers. For freight or paasage apply on
board. jel
I" The regular atrl passenger steamer
i-C -, -MONONGAIIELA, Capt. Stone., will run
as a regular Packet between Pittsburgh and Cincin
nati, leaving this port every 51onday at 10.
and Wheeling at 10, P. M„ the Ifilne day.' Return
ing, she will !nave Cincinnati every Thur4day, at 10,
A. M. For freight or passage apply on briard.
Tlio.l'donongahela was built espiessly for this
trade, and offers e passengers comfdrt, and su
perior accotrumodabs s. mar pi
rm. 04 THE regular mail and pasettger steam
er UNION . Ca plain 'Maclean, will run as
a regular packet between Pittsburgh and 'Cinein
nati, leaving this port every )Tonday at' r. o'clock,
P.-M, Returning she will leave Cincinnati csery
Thursday at n P. M.
The Union was built expresAy for this trade
atul ::fiords every accommodation.
For freight or pa,,ag,e ripply on bond. may
. .
Tlll;re4ular maA and pasnenger steam
-111./:Etql.A., Capt. John Klinefelter,
wilt run ay n regtdar ppcket bitty:ern Pittiiburph and
Cincinnati, leaving, the 4 port every Tuesday at ID A.
:NI., and Wheelite4 at It) P. M. of the cr,tne
Returning, tale will leave emeinnati every Friday at
30 A. I. For freiubt or pe..isaue apply on board.
Thu Hibernia buds expre,iy for : the trade,
and offers to the te....zengerlever;' curnfUrt
r I r ancotarno.l.atenq•
IV i:!.)N USDA l' PAC T:ET
r?".r , I N THE,ro,:ufar mad and pa.aleitvratear.,
..e.s ". -. ' -'t 4 l..Aor NEW ENGLAND, c a rt, v., B.
;vairota n rrqfdar packet I , etween Pittsburgh
Eincinuatl, )eating lino port every Wenturaday at IO
A. NI., and Wheeinig at In P. M. to
!Wornlng, slat, eedi ;VV., Ciuc nt ati es,try S :::day
a t ICJ A. M. For f';‘,;.-hlur 13,353 p! 1111 . . nn board.
Tie New Engiand teas inn; t elprc for tine trade
%Ina olitts to tie pa3sengets etc corntort and ,rtpe
ilor aceoramollat;ont. ; toar:26
; rl.l t Al' CACI.; ET F. E
, Ma. Tiffr'ner , U. S. Marl .tearaer ACADIA,
Lacaa, Master, ..11 raO, as a I,
ff--pa;lsvigrr phcLet betweco Pictstrurilt and
above port durtoff the 46.3,:i0n of 161.6, Jettrow, crag ' ,
Thurridav at 10 o'e:nol: A. M.
The Acadia is new and has superior acornnti)da..
tioos. For freight or paf.sagc „apply on bioartl, or to
apft J. NZl,,"ros
77 a, TEE regular mail and passenger-steam
... -er CLIPPER No. 2, Captain Croeltn,
run an a regular packet between Cineinnaln and Pitm
burgh, leaving this port every Friday 'at 10 A. M.,
and Wheeling at 10 P.M. the name day. Returning
nhe will leave Cincinnati every Mona.y,-.1 10 o'eloh,
A. M. For freight or pannage apply on beard.
The Clipper No. 2 wan bath enprernly for thin trade
end offers to her paucengern every comfort and an.
aornmodation. in r 23
s,, The reola rrn sit and passenger steamer
„1 ,- .......JCIRCASSIAN, Capt. Islac Bennett, will
run as a re;rular Packet between Pitt.iburgli and
Cincinnati, leaving this port every Saturday, at 10,
A. M., and Wheeling at to, P. M., the . name slay.
Returning, she will leave Cincinnati eveb• Tuesday,
at 10, A. M. For freight or passage apply on board.
The Circassian Was built expressly lbr this trade,
and offers to her passengers every comfort and ac
commodation. mar 23
I, lr. The regular-mail and passenger steamer
... ,, f.. 4 ; ,-4 1IFSSENGER. Capt.Lanford 'Will run as'
- fi
a regular Packet between Pittsburgh and'Cincinnati,
leaving this port every Saturday at 10„ . A. M., and
Wheeling at 10., P. M., the same day. ilteturning,
the will leave Cincinnati every. i'nestlay, at 10
clk A. M. For freight or paisage apply on hoard.
The Messenger was built expressly for this trade,
and offers to her passengers every comfort and ac
commodation. mar 23
ruilkiiiißtlf corner of Vieth and . larket
t Streets. ins mthe only es
.. • • • • . I tablishment in %%Tsui/1i Pcn
sylvania where the theory and practice of B keep
ing can be acquired in such a manner as to enable
the learner to apply it at once to business. In -ad
dition to his usual course of instruction in Double
Entry Book-keeping, he has prepared for the use
of mechanics and others who are not willing to in
cur the time and expense necessary for acquiring
the science upon the Double Entry principle-, a com
plete course of instruction upon Suldt.t: ENTRY 130i)F
KEEPING. A entnfortable private parlor is fitted up
for instructing Ladies, either in Penmanship or Book
keeping. Ladies' Class, 2t04, P. at. Clentlemen , s
Class, 10 to 12, 2 to 4, and 7 to 9 P. M. OCti
No Cure No_Pag
SELLEIIS> LIVER PlLLThcse celebrated
pills claim public confidence not only on account
of what the proprietor rnay say about them, but on
account of tho good resulting from their use. Road
the following statement from a citizen of Birming
BinnarunAm, June 24th, 1646
Mn. re,.. E. take this opportunity of
testifying in favor of your invaluable medicine., A
bout two years ago I was taken down with a severe
inflamation of the liver, and was so reduced by night
sweats and other effects of this dreadful, disease,that
my life was despaired of. After otl*r 'means had
failed, I was advised by my physician to try your
Liver Pills, ruld I must say that after taking' one boa
and a half, I have been restored to roasonnble health,
which I enjoy at this time. I therefore take pleasure
in recommending them to others afflicted with dis
ease of the liver. Yours respectfully,
Joto thvErrv..n.
These Pills stand unequaled by any medicine
known Ibr the cure.of liver complaint, and may be
had of the proprietor, R. E. SELLERS, S 7 Wood st.,
Pittsburgh. . serl9
QEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the
k. 3 office of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs,
W as hi ngton city, p:c., 'until tO'O'elotk, on
the 14th day - of November next, for furnish
ing the following 'goods in the quantities annexed,
or thereabouts for the me of the Indians; and deliv
erable at the fallowing places, viz:
70 do black silk r dci
40 do 8-4 cotton shawls
25 do 6-4 do
30 do 4-4 do
16050 yards calico, domestic
1000 do , do ? English and French
1200 do bleached cotton shirting
3000 do unbleached do
3500 do do cotton sheeting
CAJU do 'domestic checks, stripes and plaids
roo dozen wollen socks
7800 yards plaid linsey
1000 do flannels, assorts.]
1000 shirts, flannel
125 do calico
20 do sewing silk
350 pieces ribands, asorttd
070 yards bedticking
50 yards satinetts, assorted
• 490 do - Kentucky jeans
7 gross ‘i-orsted gartering
o • .11,1
640 pounde brass kettles
755 do tin kettlts
40 nests japanned kettles (S in a nest)
7d dozen butcher knives
14000 gun-flints.
To be delivered at the place where manufactur
ed, or in the city of New York or Philadelphia as
may be required ; without additional expense.
At Picas , ' York.
1290 pairs 3-point white Mackinac blankets,. to
measure 60 by 72 inches, and weigh 8
930 pairs 2k-point white Mackinac blankets, to
measure 54 by 66 inches, and- - weigh 6
pow ds Z • ' ,
596 pairs 2-point white Mackinae blankets, to
measure 42 by' inches, t 156 and weigh 5+-
• pounds ;
34q ?
.pairs lipoint white Mackinac blankits, to
measure 36 lir; 50 inches, and weigh 4/
pounds ; - •
310 pairs 1-point white Mackinac blankets, to
• measure 32 by 46 inches, and weigh- . 3+
. pounds
219 pairs 3-point scarlet Mackinac blankets, to
measure op by 74 inches, and weigh 8
pounds - • • •
200 pairs 41 j •point scarlet Mackinac blankets to
measure 54, by 66 - inches, and weigh 6
„ 55 pairs 3-point green Mackinac blankets, to
measure 60 by 72 inches, and weigh 8
290 pairs 3 point gentinella blue Mackinac
blankets, to measure 60 by 72 inches, and
weigh 8 pounds
240 pairs 23.point' gentinella blue Mackinac
blankets, to measure 54 by 66 inches, and
, weigh 6 pounds.
1060 yards blue, fancy and gray list cloth
350 do scarlet . do do
225 do grass green - do do
2050 . do blue saved list do
700 do scarlet do do
100 do green do do
50 pounds worsted yarn, three-fold
88 dozen cotton flag handkerchiefs
100 do Madras de
97 pounds Itnert thread
2SO do cotton do
At St. Louts. Missouri.
1020 pairs 3-point white Mackinac blankets, to
measure 00 by 72 inches. and weigh ti
707 pain 23 , point white Mackinac blankets, to
meas.-nit 54—by GO itches, and weigh
417 pairs 2 point t bite Mackinac blankets, to
ineut.ure 42 by -5::1 inclief, and weigh 5+
pa ands
300 pair, 13-point white Mackinac blankets, to
Me. 1 ,1110 30 by 50 inches, and weigh 41
130 pairs 1-point while .71 , 1ackinlc blankets, to
nirasure 3t2 by 10 iuches, and weigh 31
134 pairs 3 point scarlet Nlakinac bliniketg„.l.
rricaroie 7'.! in. and
p.or,:zi point ncarict ;11:tsf.kit(ac blankets, to
n.c,o/e tifencs, and weigh G
14E pair.- ',..Apaill.:4 , reen Mackinac blankets, to
hleasoFe -- C4) by inchcs., and it cigh 8
• , 1: 3 It 4
-pailst gcntirufl I,!ne 7.%iackinac lAan:
We's, to n...e.L.rure C) by ",".! inches, and
ir) pairs 1,1 pin: I;entincita blue Mackinac
blanketF, to ct.o=osute vi by Col incliez , , and
CO yards blue strouds do rcarlet do
tzuit do blbe, fence. and g u y list cloth
i 7 do g:ceo do e'• do
372 do F cadet do do
t 27:. 0 do • Hut scocd link do
550 do Fcco do do
ts2o scarlet do do
485 rounds scented yarn 3 row
dozen cotton flag handkerchiefs
.10 do :' , ladrao do
60 do black silk do
40 do S-4 cotton
20 do 0-4 do do
do 4.4 do do
loriou yank domeslic calico
2000 do English and French do
22 1 do bleach:id cotton shining
r, ow do utibloached do do
40)0 do do do sheeting
1500 do dotncstic checks, stripes, and plaid!.
309 dozen .00ulen socks
Isol yards plaid lirisey . .
2400 do flannels, assorted
450 flannel shirts
500 calico do
35 pounds linen thread
74 do cotton do
55 do sewing silk
20 gross worsted gartering
300 pieces ribands, assorted
100 gross fancy and slay pipes
50 pounds r'ermilion.
1300 poulds brass kettles
50 nests japanned kettles, 8 in a nest
400 tin kettles
05 gross squire awls
7000 fishhooks
25 dozen fish lines
25000 needles, assorted
100 dozen combs, assorted
t 0 do scissors
1 , 1000 gun flints
10 gross gun worms
200 dozen butchers' knives
25 dozen axes, to weigh from 5 to 5} pounds
45 dozen half-axes, to weigh 3i pounds
12 do squaw axes': to weigh 3 pounds
45 do hatchets, to weigh 1i pounds
There will also be required, to be delivered in
New York at the same time, the following agricul
tural implements:
200 axes, to weigh from 41 to 51 pounds
200 half-axes, to weigh 31 pounds •
1100 weeding hoes, different sizes
8 cross-cut saws, 4 of 6 feet and 4 of 7 feet in
75 drawing knives. 12 inches in length
60 augurs in equal proportionsof 1 inch, j inch,
and 1--inch
150 lb. brass kettles, assorted sizes.
The sum of slooo'is to be expended in the above
articles, and the quantity will be increased or di
minished to meet that sum. As no sample is to be
exhibited of them, it must be understood that they are
to be of the best quality.
_ _
The following agricultural implements, deliver
able at New York:
180 axes, to weigh from 44 to 51,pounds
180 half-axes, to weigh 3i pounds
1000 weeding hoes, assorted sizes
75 single-horse ploughs, With clevis and cast
iron mould boards
450 pairs trace.chains, bright, straight links, oath
_; chain to be 6 feet , t inches in length, arid
to* weighnot less than 3i-pounds _
5a log.ehains,. each chain to weigh 2.5 pods
850 best NO: 10 lyhitinnore cotton cards
20 iress•cut SaWS.,I feet in length'
20 ; do •do - 6 feet in longth
100 "single.cut" ersps.cut aavi files
150 liand•saws, of good quality
;20 hand saw files
75 ttiavving-knives, 12 inches iq,length
850 , Nuarters" screw augurs, in equal propor
tions of “2-inch," "1-inch," and "li-inch:"
900 giquarters," "socket-chisels," in, equal , pro
portions of 1 and / inch
75 planes, complete, equal proportions of ' , fore
and jack"
The sum of s`2ooo is to be expended in, the
above articles; and the quantity will be increased
or diminished to meet that sum As no sample
will be exhibited of them, it tuust be uncitTztood that
they are to be of the best yucilily.
GUNS. ' '
• -
In addition to the above and, fOreg,oing, there
will be required 660 north,-west guns, twa.thirds of
which must measure 36 inchesin length of barrel;
and onc-third 4 2 inches; to be delivered at the place,
where manufactured, r in the city of New York or
Philadelphia, as may be required; samples of them
are deposited in , the office of the Commissioner of
Indian Affairs.
Thcrd will als6 be required 100 Indi-an
more oriless;but as the department - has not a:suit
able sample it is expected that each bidder will ac
companY his bid with a sample of the article he
proposei to furnish.
The above proposals may be divided into five
parts, for each place of delivery, viz:
Ist. 131anketa.
• •
2d. Lir). Goods.
ad. Hardware, to include the agrieultural,imple
naents. i
4th Axes and hatchets
of . art west guns and cities.
The fewest competent responsible bidtle, will
receive the whole or any part of the contract ac
cording to the ab'eve scale, the department resent
ing. to ifisell the right to determine whether the bid
der is ednapetent and responsible er trot.
A schedule of 'the articles, with samples, may
be seen et the office of the Commissioner of Indian
Affairs, in Washington, exhibiting theamount of
money re' be expended for each article; but the de
partment reserves the right to increase or diminish
the gnatitity of any of the ankles named, or sub
titute (Alters in lieu thereof. ' -
The viholeamount in money to be applied to
the purchase of goods, will he about $35,000; of
which some $40,030 will be wanted on the sea
board, and the:residue in the west.. Goods . of A,.
mericaMmanufacture, all other things being equal,
will be preferred, but as all the samples of blankets
and cloths on hand are, of foreign manufacture, it
will be necessary, when a domestic article is bid for,
that theisample of it should accompany the bid,
to enable'the department to decide whether it is of
qual cpiality with the samples to be exhibited.
The party proposing to supply the articles will
make an invoice of all - the items embraced in the
above liit, and affix the prices, in dollars and cents,
at which he or they will furnish them, deliverable
in New Vork and St. Louis respectively, on nr be.
fore- the fifteenth day of Slay next, assuming the
quantityi of each article as specified in this adver
tisement and extending the cost, making an aggre
gateof the whole invoice before sending it on.—
The gilads Will be inspected New York or St.
Louis by .'an agent of the United States, who will
be anointed by the department for the porpose,
and to ascertain the conformity . of the - articles par,
chased With the samples exhibited, when the. con
tract shall be made, and with the terms of the con•
tract itself, which shall contain a clause, that it
the artieles are not furnished within the time pre
scribed, ; , or if they are of insufficient quality; in the
opinion'fof the agent aforesaid, and ic Within five
days after notice of such insufficiency the party
shall not furnish others in lieu thereof, of the-fe
quired quality, the United £true.
zed to nurchaie them Of e large any
increazti of price they a 1 to pay
therefonto the contracto
~t the said
differende to the Unite:l . 's - Tates,
Band4aiwic - lequired, in the amount of the
bids, cell} vo good sureties. the sufficiency of
who be certified by a United States judge , or
rict lattorney, for .the w
perlOance of
the contracts. I'l*m:eat will be made alter the
contract i$ completed, and ti.e delivery of the goods
at Nev.l York and St. Loni., respectively, to an
agent oil the department, upon a duplicate invoice
certified, hr him. '
Communications to he ma:iced, °Proposals for
Indian ,4 4 aods."
The liLls will be submitted with the follO9ing,
headint.l' nod none will be received that art not
made in: the form and terms here prescribed:
I (o"r we) to iumi.h, for the service of
the Indihn Department. thefollowing, goods, at the
prices aliised to them re:Tact:rely. viz:
i Were insert the list of goods.}
- "Deltverable in the city of New York, - or St.
LoMs. an or before the day of -next;
and in ease of the acceptiince of his proposal, the
quantity being prescribed by the. department, I
(or we} wal execute a contract according• to this
tgrecmrot, and give satisfactory security to the
deprtment, within ten days after the.aereptauee
of this but; and in rase of failure to enter into such
contract andigive such security, I (orlve) milli pay
to the United States the ditierence between the sums
bidden me. (or us,) and the sum which the
United States may be obliged to pay for the same
Each and e 7 Tery bid must alio be accoMpanied
with a guarantee in the following form, to Lie.iign
eil by one or more responsible persons, who Se. suffi
ciency Lust he certified by some one who is known
to the 4partment either personally or by his offi
cial position:
"d (Lir we) hereby guaranty that the
above bidder, will comply with the terms of the
advertisement for ;Proposals for Indian goods,"
dated October 1, Irsltei, if the contract should be
awarded to him, and enter into bond for the execu
tion of he same within the time prescribed.
WaniDnrain - ntract
October 1,'18.16.
W. "MEDIU. :
Commissioner of Indian Affairs.
oct7-ttawt Onov.
1 1 "'pubscribcr is now receiving a Large uhd 'fine
recently purchased from the manufacturers and im
portersin the Net' s ; York and Philadelphia Markets,
since tl+ greaffel in prices, and will be sold iieCnty
per centicheaper.then the same description efi Goods
were erkr before offerred in this market. Alt those
wantinzreat bargains ate requested to call iat ;No.
MarketGs street. , I
Now Dress ,Ginghanis.
7 " 5 Illva now on hand a'full assortment of beau
tiful French aad Scotch dress Gthgbams, twil
l% • • •
led andlilain, at remarkable Inw prices. also; op
article hf embroidered Ginghami--very -beautiful for
'Dresses for sale by ABSALOM MORRIS,
seplA No: 65 Market street.
Le.Ay's Drper
RECr.IVED this day, several packages Cf very
nigh new style Persiam—embossed Ombii, Bro.
made, Chamelion, Striped,, Plaid and Poult do Soie,
and Bl4ck Satin, Striped Armour Dress Silks, end ,
will be aeald cheap for Cash, br,
sepl.3 ABSALOM MORRIS, No. fib Market st.
Six Cases New Fall Print!. I
JUST; RECEIVED' this, day, embracing nII the,
new and.desirithre styles in the market; aadlwill
be sold ht-greatly rediMed prices, by
tepid Ans.4. - Lom MORRIS, No. 65 Ma:rket Et.
• •
1) HODES; 67....ALCORN,:(Late of New York city,)
No. 27 Fifth at., between Wood and Market,
Manufaktuters_of Mustard, Ground Spices, Catsups,
open during the present weekla large
aasortna,eut of articles in their line., which they will.
wholesale in quantities to suit dealers, at Eastern
wholesale prices. All articles sold by them Warm.
ted. Merchants intending to go east would do well
to call before leaving the city. They may b'd found
at theiri warehouse No. 27 Filth street, inißyates
Building. Isep7
Brick House and Lot lot' Sale;
Or ijt Exchange for, Nails or Window Glass. is
We, are 4uthorized to offer for-sale, or in exchwt,
for Widdow Glass or Nails, a well finished shd 6ab
stantiall two story brick house and lot,'lfifeet front
by 100 feet deep, situated on the 'AlleglienY river
above 11.1
e Glass House. It will be told at a reason.
ble price,litle unexceptionable. .
Apply to st4rEr.,y. 3nTar.Or. 4
sep..• `]teal Estate Agents.
- -
6134. Flonrinsi recUtand for
sale by. 11.11LL4R & RICKETSON,
octlo ; 170 - I.lbeity et
11) yt , WANT EII--3000 bushels or Ity e wanted, fur
irinch cash will be paid by •
WIN--.-10 cdoks Santerue Wine
juse tete:ied on consignment and for sate by
Tterets Rice just reed and for sale by
OLA4.ET-2casks Clara just received and for sale
BUCKETS -=20 doz. painted bunketejust reed and
for'saleby MILLER 11c RICKETSOg,„
0015 No. 170, Llfigrtfatieet.
- .
' - Emndrips. • ,
Tiereesfresh Bice;
0.1 14 bids, Conklinsimproved lard Oil; •
1 . 0,1 1 00 lbs. Bacon, Shoulders. On hand end
for sale by , -h. SELLERS. , :- scp24 -ISo. 17, Libe:rty street. ,
LARD, 100-kegs,No. 1, Lard on consignment:.
• And Connate by.. F. SELLERS.
sep24. No. 17;-Liborty str,eet.
QI.JGAR. IiOUSEMOLLASSES.--6 bble.‘Goodals, ,
0 S. 11. Molasses, in store and for sale by
sep23. - F. SELLERS.
. . .
T EMONS-75 BOXelf Lemona; for sale very low,
Li by : (jyl4) • JAMES MAY.
IDES-111 Missouri Hides, forsaie lOmr to close
consiinraent. - (je 6) • JAMES MAY.
O D I .
l'e .T
N 27 1
.scics con!, fois:.:l6:byAmEs,_mily
pIG METAL.-=r ton ! Scioto Furnace pig iron for
sale by . (j 026) !JAMES MAY.
c I UININ F --100 ounces just received and forsale
ikt o by B. A. FAIIINESTOCK & CO.,
sepl I. corned e 6th and. Wood ets.
CASTILg SOAP--I 0 cases just received and for
ease by • B. A. FAIINESTOCK & CO.,
sep9 cor. 6th and Wood st.
R EFi arzti N frsL I A UORICE-100 lbs just reeei;al
sepb ' cor. 6th and Wood sts
OAND CRUCIBLES—IOO nests just received and
, for sal&by B. - A. FAHNESTOCK& CO.,
_sep9 ' corner 6th and Wood sts.
yENEF.I2S AND VARNISHES, of the very best
quality, for Salo at H. If. RYAN'S Cabinet
are Rooms, No. 31 Fifth street. jyl6
:Canton Ziifte Barrels.
A FURTHER supply-of tbo above just received
and foi stale at manufacturers prices, by
sep26 'GEORGE COCHRAN, 26 Wood street.
Ls - sd. OLT.
AFEW barrels of a superior quality for sale low
to close consignment, by • -
scp 17 ' GEORGE COCIIRAN, i 6 Wood street.
EMONS.,--1.00 boxes lemons in good order,
for safe by • C. MARTIN,
..7 2 0 • 60 .Water street.
ENE SALINA TABLE SALT-50 bags (small
je size) eery fine Salina Salt, fit for table use and
Dairies, for sale low by B. C MARTIN,
.jy27 PO Wzi er st.
Biustineto Netts.
EQ, JB. [SWARTZ has on hand .a lot of tiery,sa
t,x perioi -white and colored Masquet6
which will be sold cheap at No. 106 Market stl•ini.
received; a large assortment-of the above,X.nd
lb,. sale at ate F. Bril.??lES
sepB Ne:!. 112 Wood atreet, 2ed - door above sth
Bra zleyfik-Sellcrsva.
TUST received nuaisortment,largesizes,Braziei , s
Q./ Hand liellol6l also, Parlour and gitclzen, do.
Wholesale-nlid Retail, JOHN W. BLAIR,
. - - I'2o Wood st.
Now Fitahloneil Hats, .
;OF a rcpt' superior qUality, for sale-by ,
1 s seri3 : 1 corner of Wood and Fifth ots
J. Cry:ll - ford,
7SPTqTFI,TLLY tenders his services to the citi-
SA, zena_bf Pittsburgh and vicinity. (Mice, St :
Clair strcer, opposite the Exchange Hotel, , •
Latest Improvement. -
BEDSTEADS of different kinds with Gazzani's
iron patent fastenings, superior to anfthing new
in use, for sale low at the fitrnitufewnrehouse of
angl. , E. T. B. 'YOUNG St Co, Hand street.
rfIA.I37IE-Pier, Centre and Card Tables of differ
ent pitterns. If you want a goo 4 article cheap
call at the - Furniture Warehouse of
2. B. YOUNG Sr Co,
jeG 31 Hand st.
WAR o.o l3l ,l lo :_a l r :: .3l. S— ob l y
e f
t o p the urchase a
warehouse of T. B. youiNG & CO,
jyl7 1 31 Hand st
I3EDSTEIADS--I)lahogany, Birch, lidaple, Cherry
and Poplar high and low post'bedsteads al
ways no hind and for sale low at the Furniture
wareldiffse pf T. B. YOUNG & Co,
jetj 31 Hand st.
I,VoOd Street Property for Sale.
riIHAT desirable lot of ground at the foot of Wood
street, occupied at the time\ of the great fire by
Messrs. gilt & Ijoimes, is onred for'sale.
Enquire of jangE9 J. K. MOtiIt.HE.A.D.
Sugar and Molasses.
A N. 0. Sugar, strictly prime .
` - -L i " 25 bbls. Nos. 4 aid 6 Loaf;
10 cases "Lovering's"D. R. Loaf Sugar.
118 'bids N. O. Molasses.
In store and far sale by
ang2s. j 133 and 135 Wood street
11 013ACC : 0,-40 lass Hutchinson's ss;
30bxs Prise& Ilarwood's ss;
"'• 10; " J. R. Grants ss;
• 1.5 i " - La'yton's ss;
IGs., 325., Bait. plug, and
Ladies Tuist; arriving this day. and for sale by_
300 .BAGS Green Rio, part , prime;
Old Government Java;
Arriving tms day and for sale 133 i.
bbis No. 3 Lary's Bliekerel;
20 '` " 3 North
10 ,L it 1 ,14 'u.
j2O " llerringiAlivrives)
1 "'No. I Salmon-, in store and for
sale by [qug2sl LAJIIBERT SHIPTON..
I EAS-4120 pag.kages Y. IL, 1mp1.,.G. P. and
-L Powebong, of late importations, arriving and
for sale by tang 25] LAMBERT & SIIIPTON.
For Salo _at the Wharf;
TUST received per Canal
10,000 feet inch poplar;
10,000 "- l'j, " seasoned;
45,000 " '414 -Scantling.
ECEIViED- - -Per Canal Boat Great Western.—
..LC 100 pies Cherry Scantling-515 and 6:6-6000
Lights Window Sash suitable for the westeni trade,
12116, 10x12 and Bxlo. For shle by
je6 ' ° L. WILMARTH.
TTAVINb. a %Try large and ,commodiona ware-
IA hour, vi‘e, are prepared to receive (in addi
tion to freight for shipment) it large amount of Pro
duce, &c. oh storage at lowrates.
iy23 C. A. Me - A.NULTY &-CO,
gn BBLS. Pitch: ' ' • 1 ' ' I
si -
ll 50 4 : 4 Rosin;
150 Biases Tobacco : various sizes;
10,000 Seed leaf Cigars;
On consignment and willlm'sold low for Cash, or
exchangectfor pittzburgh tnannfacturcs;%y" ' •
sops 4, TAAFFE & O,CONNOR.
TOBACCO. -=-75 large and 90 small bores Alissou.
ri tobacco, of prime quality, just received on
consignment, and will be tic , l4 cheap for cash, or
Pittsburgh manufactures. .
augustl9 TAAFFE Br. O,CONNER.
1131SALMS'& IfII,INS, for the use of the Gerubp
Refointed Church in the U. S. of America. ?
glish and'Oerman.• For eale-by• •
jell SPRISA & SCHEIBLER, 115 Wood st.
liook. exhibiting the public and private life ofj
the moat. celebrated Medical Men of former daya,l
with.Meniciirfi of eminent living London Physicians.'
For.aale b3i-. • Ti. S. BOSWORTH & CO.,
sep26 'No. 43 Dfarkt etrpet. _
arikllleft Bla4ectr,
drIFFIGg,on Pena st., oppoaito D. Leech &
packetlboOffice. Office hoors from? o'clock
A., M., to ko'olisek P., DI:
1 }
111 - OW TO GET RID OF A. DOITRE.--.Many,
ill persons labor under the mistaken idea that
Doitre (an enlargement on the throat, - producing
great deformity, and Often death from •
i pressure cn
the wind-pipe and large blood.vessels,) sancerable..
This is a very great mistake. - This disease; as well`_
as Scuortma, are eradicated from the system try that.
pleasant, yet powerful medicine,...llsTrtz's AMEBA.,
TtVE. it is "certain to Cure when; properly used:
as that the sun gives light 'and heati' /1.11 is wante:&..
is a fair trial of its virtues, and the.mmor . Will begin.)
to'diminish in size, and gradualry bee:erne smaller
smaller until it entirely` disappear-, L'Prepared at Dto.. tr z
8 Senth-Tunim street, Philadelphia. '
For sale in Pittsburgh at the pEarii TEA STORE.
72 Fourth street, near Wood, and also at the Drug
Store of li t P. Schwartz, Federal street, Allegheny:
without eseeption, the most valuable prepartiop tat
userot' the above diseases. It converts HOOPING , .
COUCH into a mild and tractable:disease, and ebor- ,
tens its duratiOn mere, and produeeti,
a certain and speedy . recovery. Froth half to, ti an -
tea spoon fall will certainly cure the CROUP iti'int• -
fants and yoong children in half an hour's tirne.-= --
The lives of hundreds - of ',children will he saved
nually, by keeping it always on hand ready,:for ova l .
ry emergency. Prepared at No. S, South Third,`
Street, Philadelphia. - - -
For sale in Pittsburgh at the PERIN TEA STORE ; ;
72 Fourth street, near. Wood, and also at the. Drug.
Store of„11. P. , Schwarth, Federal street, Allegheny
City. sep 23,
LAa IL strpEn.rml.
e'rg.c.•". THP. STAUNCH low. presr,nre 4
- ship built Steam Packet, 'JULIA.
. Capt A. STAIIIiitiID 4
having been put in complete condition for sea, will .
run upon LakeSuperier duringtheaeason, commence
ing 3d Augnst, between the Sault de St. Marie Mad
the various ports, as business may Warrant ! The-
J. P. is well furnished in every Particulawand
fine a heavy weather vessel as any 'ship thatßoats'
the seas. -Has good upper cabin,, state rooms and
family saloons, as also singla berths, ladies - cabin'
and steerage cabin. All well ventilated and will
accommodate 100 cabin'passengers. preightin
quantities can be stow.ed under decks. Parties with.
or withoutfreight will be accommodated at the vari;;...
oils landings upon the British and American. sideg'
p- One or two 'voyages will be madeto La Pontei
during the Indian payments, and two - ,plessirre Top!'
ages will be made entirely around the - lake consw
wise, during August and September, giving to plea€'
sure travel an opportunity of enjoying the most de'
lightful, unique and inteiesting scenery imtho known. :
world. State rooms or single berths can be securod! .
in advance by addressing
W. F. paRTEn. TAYLOR, Managing owner,
Sault de Ste Mario, Michigan.
July, 1845. ' ' iyf2o.3ta&Zra - •
N. B. Propertj- consigned to W.F. PaiterTnylo;`
will meet with immediate despatch as ordered.
'Medical and Surgical'oo,,ca.
Health is the charm of life, withontit gold, - . •
Love, letters, friends; all, al;; are nnonjoyod.
regularly educated physi.
I).ciaa from the eastern eiV,
would respectfully an r_
nounce,.to,the citizens of
Pittsburgh; Allegheny and-
5j . MV: l '..iTA.W45,' , ‹ vicinity, that he can be
'consulted privately and_
conildentially, every clay
; 3 ",'--„,S\ evening at his office -on ,
Diamond Alley, a few
doors from Wood s cot l
towards the market.
Dr. Brown gives his particular attention totho
riatracrit and investigationof the following disci;
- -
All diseases arising from Impuritlesof the 'lNood
scrofula, syphilis, seminal weeknets, xmpotencY,
salt rheum, diseases of the eye and ear, rheumatism
piles, palsay.
Dr. Brown has much pleasure in announcing to
the public, that he is in possession of the latest:M.
formation and improvement in the treatment o
secondarys.vphile, practised nt the Paris Lock Hes-'
pital. The modern researches on 'syphilis, its
complications.and consequences, an4he imprijvtd'
modes of practice Which have been made' known
to the public but recentley, and to - them chie4
who .make this branch nf 2 edieine, their pardcu :
lar study and practice.
new and valuable remedies havcbeen
ip introduccd, whichsecures the patientbeing.ifei,
curialized out of existence Stran.ers are apprised
that Doctor Brown ha.s bean educated in *every%
branch of inedicir.e, and regularly adinitted to
practise, arid that he now confines hhaiself•tii the
study andpractice of this particultqbranch,togeth
er aith ali d carxs of a private or delicate nature,
incident :to the hunaanfname.. No - cure, no pay.
Recent cases are relieved in a short time, with
outinterruption from ,business. - _ _
cCrOffice on Diamond Alley, a few doors from
Wood street : tarTard,s the market- Consultatioiaa
strictly confidential. myl2-d&rwy.
'Seca.itl' to PurEtt4seis.
PILLS are the first and only Medicine ever
known that will posifitqlw cure
. .
Headache, Giddiness, . Rhenm,
Rheumatism, Piles, Heartbure,Worims,
Disper:sia, Scurvy, Cholera .Merbusi
Small Pea, Jatinciee, Coughs, '
Pains in the Beek, Whooping Cough, .
Inward Weakness, Consumption, Fits,
Palpitation of the Heart; LiveiComplaint; "-
Rising in the Throat, Erysipelas, Deafriesa,
Dr4sy, _Asthma,
Fever; - of all kinds, Cads Gout Gravel
Femida Complaints, - Nervous Cornplaints,
And all other diseases origiaatin t i- from impurities at
the blood. -
0-They have cured, since their introduction,
over 2,000 persons, who have been given up as hope-.
less cases, by the most eminent Physicians.
i•oX They are patronized und recommended by
menNof the highestitiatinetion, among w 4016 arc
Hon. David It. Porter, Hon. Henry - Clay, - •
Hon. John Q. Adams, Honr - Danicl Webster',"
Hon. Martin Van Buren, Ron. J. C. Calhetin,
Gen. Winfield Scott, Col. R. M. Johnson,
Hon. James K. Polk, Gert.Leavis Cass.
Or Their virtues are so infallible that the money
will be returned in all cases they_ do notgive univer
sal satisfaction. Although but taro and a half years
have elapsed since these celebrated Pills were first
introduced. to the public, the sale of them in thd •
Eastern • and middle States has far eiceeded Dr.
Clickener's most sanguine expectations. During tho
past year, alone, no less than 10,000 grouts el bona
have been sold in. the Sato of Nev.. York, 9,000 in
Pennsvl vania,4,ooo in Marviand;l3,oBo in New Jar-
soy, 2;00 in Delaware, and 9,000 in the New England,
States, requiring the constant employment of •27
hands, exclusive of
,prinfors and engravers. In - the
same period, upwards of 200,000. copies .of- tho
"Family Doctor" have been ordered by agentn in
every section of the. etaintry. These - facts must
show, conclusively, that Dr. Clicitener , s Sugar Coat
ed Pills, besides being the very best medicine ‘ in
world, are held in the highest estimation by the palalic•
-We might extend thia publication to an indefin
ite length, if we deemed it etcliedient to publish all
tersimonals wa have receireci, not only.froin agentl
but individuals and families, NI lie haie experlence4
the bonfleial effects of Clickenerls Sirgar Coated
Pills, but we deem it unnecessary. • The most in
contestible evidence of.their unprecedented success,
are the numberless ImitatiOTlS and. Counterfeits which
have already appeared,notwithstanding the brief pez,
tied they have been before the public. Even some
'of our staunchest pill inakers.have had the uffdacity
to imitate the Capsule orSugar, in order to disguise,
the ingredients ortheir vile - comppiinds and, palm:
them off for the "real Simon pure." Such paltry
shifts cannot 'nation without exposing their hidcond.
deforMity. Truth and ,onesty must inevitably, pre,
sail over rascality nnd deception.; „. • • •
For sale in PittAttigh by WM. JACKSON, at his
Patent lll:editing Wcrrehouse, No: 89, Liberty stieet,..
head of Woud'st.; Pittsburgh. 'Pricp', 25c. per box:
Dr. Clickener's principal . offiee IltirClay street;
Devrare of an imitation article called -Intl.
proved Sugar Coated Pills, purporting toh6 patented,
as both the pills and the pretended patent are for
gerieq, got up by a misptable quack in. ivew YOrk,
who, for the last four or fire years, has, made' his
living by counterfeiting popular medicines. -
to- Remember, Dr. C. V. Clickener is tho original
inventor o f Sugar Coated Pills, and'that nothing of.
the sort was ever heard of until he itwollticed them.
in Juno, 1843. Purchasers should, tbeireihre,alickyri
ask for Clickener's Sugar Coated Vegetable Pills s and
take no ett f kr, or they.crill by) made the victims of-a .
fraud.. -
-13F7..13 supenoi Ci
der for
sal by , - C.-MARTM ,
- 80 IWafer - stre -
- _ 2 :.--- 4 2 - _
iti?.iugl of the