" ^V s-, _,„,' MEN `, • :•• $;, %...41;. 0 e ••*.•.f.1- 7.04.; • PUBLLSLIIED AMY' BDITED BY - L. n A 'N. W. corner of Wood and Fifth Sts. Teasts.—Viso dollarsa year,:payable in advance. Si: &Mars will-invariably be 'requited if not paid within i]ie year. . Single copies, TWO cnins:-..for sale at the counter of the Office, and by News Boys. , , z,. • .=, 1- , r "0— r-is 1.• .TIIE-WEEKLY =TRY AND'IIOItACTURER Ie pUblished at the game office, on a. double medium sheet;.,at 'TWO DOLLARS - a year, in advance; sin gle Copies, sts cprrs. , t•, r 4 liffiliti Terms of PER sgumm ot't ff a .1 1 One insertion, -$0 50 Two. -do, • 0 75 f,..& - Three dot • lOO One week, • l5O Tivo do, 3'oo . Three do, 400 Yearly Ad's cnerrozasir. One Square. Six month, _515.00 One year, " 20 00 Larger advertisements i tr, CARDS of fonr line ~• ATTORNEY AT LAW, Greensburg, Westmore . land county, Pa. ' will practice in the Welt gnoreland, Indiana and Cambria courts: decB-y . ' William /11 , Nahon, TTORNEY nu. LAW and Solicitor in Channerv. Office in Barr's new building, Fifth street, be ween Wood and Smithfield. augl tiaras" &•31,V1Knight, - diTTORNEYS AT LAW, Office removed to the residence or H. S. 3Tagraw, on Fourth st., one nor from Cherry -Alley. ap2l-y, Wlllr & Donnelly, A TTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, A Pittsburgh, Pa. Cane on Fourth et., between Smithfield. and Grant. marl4-y, Edmund Snowden, 4 TTORNEY AT LAW, office in the building on 11l the North East corner of Fourth and Smithfield -streets.- novll- ATTQIL NEI'S AT LAW, office North side o. Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield sts., burkli, Pa.. Collections made on reasonable ems. , dec4- R. Marrow. ALDERMAN, office north side of Fifth' street, between WOod and Smithfield, Pittsburgh. sap 0-y ' Andress , Burke, A TTORNEY AT LAW, office Smithfield street, 201.. between Fourth 4street and Diamond Alley, op posite Mr. Geo. Weyman's tobacco manufactory. apl6-y - A TTORNFX AT LAW, office in the chambers Joh. occupied by Alderman APhlasters, on Fifth at., between . Wood and , Smithfield. aplB-y ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, office on Fourth . street, opposite R. & It".. H. Patterson's Livery - Stable, Pittsburgh. • seplo-y Forward& SwartzwelcUr, • A: TTORNEYS AT LAW, Fourth street between .1 - 1. Wood and Smithfield, opposite Patterson , a liv ary:stable. a .7- - - • George F. Gillmore, A 7011.NEY 4T LAW, Office in Breed's build ings s4th at., above Wood, Pittsburgh, Pa. sup2-d ly C. Orlando Loomis. •TTORNE.Y AT. LAW, office Fourth at., above Smithfield. :1 ,11 .Y 1 -y • A. • BBELEN'hari removed his commission and warding business from the Canal Basin to his neW.warehoue on 'Third street, nearly opposite the Post °thee. - may3o.y • nichard Cowan, TTORNEY AT LAW, office in Stuart's build ings, Fourth et., chore Wood, juncl9-dw John W. Burrell, ATTORNEY AT !LAW, having returned from his European tour has taken an office on the north east corner of Fourth and Smithfield sta. Per icons having had business and papers in the hands of S above, Kingston, Esq., deceased, bill call on the above, as Al/ tho unsettled business of Mr. Kingston bag been left in his hands. mars • ' Charles 31. Hays, TTORKEY AT LAM, Pittsburgh, Pa. CODS.. miasi3ner to taie: the proof and acknowledge , rnent et deeds, leases; contracts, depositei or other writings, to be recorded or used in the States o Kentucky, radians and Tooneesee, Office No, 80 4 Atuart , s buildings, Fourth-street. marl2y ATTORNEY, COU,NPELLO.II. AND NOTARY, Pittsburgh, Pa., 'having resigned the office o ecretary P. Nay. and Fire ins. Co.; will attend spe .ciafly to nollections and business connected with havigation„insurance, accounts and real estate. Bu ,iitiess hours, 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Office, No, I, .Stuart's buildings, (No. SO, Fourth st.„) second door east of Weod street. fob3-y Edwin. C. Wilson, ATTORNEY AND. COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Franklin, Veaango county, Penna., will attend promptly to all business entrusted to bis care—..col- Jections made in Warren, Clarion and Jefferson co.'s. REF= TO J. A. Stockton & Co. . Murphy, Wilson & Co. i' Pittsburgh. John Bigler, Hon. James Kinnear, Hon. Alex. WCalinont,j• Franklin. Ron. James Wilson, Steuben • le, Ohio. 'u John A.:Parkinson, ALDERMAN, Fifth Ward, Penn street, between • • Walnut and O'Hara streets, where be May be ound at all times. Those having houses or other iiroperty to sell or rent, can have the same punctu ally attended to; debts Collected, and all the duties RE' an Alderman will receive prompt attention. oct27-y N. Holmes & Son, _ BANKERS and dealers in Foreign and Domestic Bills of Exchange, certificates of deposit, bank Dotes and specie,. Drafts and notes collected, and ferpittances made to any part of the United States, itro. 55 Market street. janl • .Ifolimictr*Os Stockton, BOORSELLERS, PRINTERS A.ND PAPER MA KERS, No. 114 Market' street. . sep 10-y Soriba & Saboibler, BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS AND BINDERS, No. 115 Wood area., three doers below Fifth, burgh, Pa. ________ jan7_y _ __ ____ James Patterson, Jr., C , IORNER of First and Ferry streets,. Pittsburgh, I,J Pa., manufacturer of locks, 'hinges, and `bolts, tobacco, fuller, mill and . timber screws, housen screws for rolling mills , &c, seplo-y Wm. A. Ward, DENTIST; has removed to the place of his for trier residence in Penn street, two doors below aplB-y 11. E. Constable, DF.ALER in Fancy and Staple Dry Goode, 83 Market street, Pittsburgh:• novlo-y Edgar Thorns's , and Family Medicine Store, corner. o I / Penn and Hand - streets, Pittsburgh, Pa., Phy . yeians ,.. prescriptionsaccuratelycompoupded. Medi cines can be had at all boars of the day or night. jan2l-y • . • ' Ltrownfri%ille' Juniata . Ikon`Works. WDATARD HUGHES iminufactOrer, of iron and _L'4 nails, warehotiee Smithfield above 'Fourth et. , WAnialty Bt. Co, - FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS Carnal Pittaburgb, Pa. mar3dy _ . Plaxtlat Lytle, "DialILY GROCER, Smithfield street, next doer jf to the Fifth Presbyterian Church. june6 - .:‘' . . - - 70, •(..V. 7 1, 7 7. 7,, ,.*".P1-n!" , .. : - 4711.- "" 7 " 1 1. 3 1 7 . '; i!'...4.., - ,,,:. ", jA'7- - --',-.44,,,) . - A . 1 4 :,,,-.,,,+•..., ..'.,..'.,, ,, t.:' , A ,,,;,,,,,,, ~ , ,...,,.,,,., A ,; t : , ...,.t,-,;-::'., - , ,;-,.,, =:;: - :• 7 .- -- , - ..:0'.;..‘ 1 , ''t'l._.'''-:4'''' " ' ' ' • • - - 1 - i . - . -.. ~ , ,, --e •?,:- 4 ;jor',,,,. .)i , . .._. • ~ . , . . " • - ' ' • , _ , i , . . ei ~• . • - . ..- .. ! - .- . -.'--- - '---, 1 - - ' ~ .- •-• . • :,:-.• --- '- , 'J : %:,-' ' • * : —.. ,-- 1 . --•1• .. . : ~...._. ;.' ... z._:- w ..... ..0!.,-_----: ~t 1: -.) -- - • •- • .. - -'‘' - . •• ' ' •-'•-. '' . . , *' * .. 4,-44 1, i., ~.,i ..... .. .......,.,:::.....:„., _;...-...= .;;.1." ' . 4A - '' '': t/, , ~. 1. ._. . r. , ii. , lia .. / :, , • ~,,,,,,,,;•.:,...:-.. . ._.!•.•,-,...,:-. i , ,„-, FI ~:. :44 , # . 0: , , 4. . 4, ,„ e : :. ~....__, 1 . - •,- .... • ' , / y ,..„ . „, , f , r - . 0 : . _.•.... :. ______ 00 ri g . ; , n • ... , 0: • : ,%- ,) ..-.) • - 7 .1.• : . •- 0 , . . , 1 . • - . 4 2 0- ': ' ''• A . - r• - - . ii: '. ' /,' . ... _ t . ___ ~.. ...._.. ,•- , . :, . /.. o. v‘ o . i • 0 ;'.--,..:: :•-•: - .: - .:' . / '-`;.:j, -.. '.,.,,, ,-,- ..-r., pi. o .: : ?:: ~1„.1 , ,,: . 0 10 , . _ ~. o.ii- - ‘ - --. 4 . 1 - ' • , -,-.----o'i: . ' .I.:-. :. #. ' 4-- :- L .. - -. 14-7-ii--- `'z'4 , . -'• 4 .. -: 4. . 4 ) ..,' .-- '.-, . . .' ; ' l46 /foe . 4 . '''''4 ~ '. -:*. - ".' "4> ' / 1. -- .- 4. : : ,4 : .'/." ".-.- i/ - '''! - --: . • -1- "=ll' *. -- -r ' ).':- •- ' ...,' - 1 - 0 - . ... . .. . . • _........ .. ..-,.....- ~,,„,„' ~.....-,....„ --- - . . . . ....NO 74 - • ' - '-- -.• : 7 • . . . .. . : . • ' , rt.' usl.it 11LP I _ITT rfi TT 11T-TVCI irk A "sr • - ,-,..--.....,.. - ......- ____, . . - . . --. / . 'dvertisfng, .LINES OS LESS One month,, Two do, Three do, Four do, Six do, One year, rtimements, E=! 'Aso Squares. Six months, $2O o_o One year, 30.00 a prOportion. rxvr. DOLLARS a:year. P. C. llamaltozi - it Bruce, Jeimes 31 , 0isnOlese &111,Cluse. ,4ames S. Craft, , George Cochran, FORWARDING & COMMISSION Mr.ILCHANT No. 26 Wood at, pittaburgh., nov27-y __z Now Booiatiiiis.7 - 7. S. BOSWORTH & Co., No. 43• Market-street, T~ 'next:door to:Third street, arc just opening a new and extensive assortment of Books and Station ery, which they will sell, wholesale and retal, at the lowest prices. ap2s-y SABILML C. HILL. CEO. G. BROWNE, HILL & BROWN-E, (IOCCESSOBS TO lIOLDSDIP AND DEOWNE,) IMPORTERS and 'manufacturers of Wall Paper and General Paper Warehouse, No. 87 Wood re et, Pittsburgh. je2o $5 00 6 00 700 8 00! 10 00 15 001 • O'Hara Robinson, T ATE U. S. Attorney; has removed his race to L No. 8 St. Clair et. sept4-y L. Wilmarth, LUMBER MERCHANT, office on Penn street, between Irwin and Hand sts., Pittsburgh;ta. 'All commissions will be promptly attended to. mar4-y School Boole and Paper I'Varehouse— LVICE LOOMIS, Agent,publikher, bookseller and bookbinder, No. 89, Wood street, Pittsburgh. mar2B-y Pilkintonhi Unrivalled Blacking, E and sold wholesale and re- J tail, Smithfield ?ILbetween Sixth and Virgin oct2/-y VrANTWACTURER of Lard Oil and dealer in I Star Candles, Fifth Street, near Market, S. W. aide. rnar244 WX. COLE-it/LW. JOHN P. JENNINGS. JA.9..W.,HAILDIAIT Coleman, IlaLiman & Co., M AIyFATIRLIS.of CarriageSripgs rd laes i ldsprin,stee v yeaiern coach trimmings of every description, manufactory on St. Clair street, warehouse, 43 Wood street, op posite St. Charles Hotel. jan2l-y Flint Glass Eatablishnient. manufacturelll l, l c L o V n. ANY ay Sz on LEDlf.. , T ut,m ouiaed andand keep plain Flint Glassware in all its rafieties, at thelr warehouse 1 1 / 4 corner of Market and Water streets, , 'ittaburgh.,-- Our works continue in full operation, ad we are constantly adding to our stock, which c abler us to fill orders with promptness. Parchaatia are respect fully solicited to call and examine prici9i and terms. i sepl6-y Otto Ituutz, 11/lAsTirrhtE,RreEeßt,.°„TvolY:onrinmoinwtri-i7trrre'el; Pittsburgh, Pa. Always on hand a full assortment or Plate, and Pivot teeth, of a variety of shades, as simple Plate, Molars and Biacnipirlatoes, Com teeth, Screw Pivot teeth, Sc. Teeth and blocks made to order; Dentists supplied with all articles in the pro fession. All orders from abroad must be accompan ied by the cash. ta• Platina always on hand Dr. DAlllel OFFICE on Smithfield, three doors from Sixth st., Pittsburgh. dnclO.v Dr. George Watt, OFFICE, No. 77 „SMirldield street, near Sixth rt., Pittsburgh. atig2l.l .P. Blume, P IANO FORTE. manufacturer and dealer in Mn. sical Instruments, No. 112 Wood street, near Fifth. James 31111rri pAINT_EII, Fifth, near 51arket st., Military flags, Harmers, signs, designs for steamboat Wheel houses, and fancy painting of every description neat ly executed at the shortest notice. jr .:7-46m George Batley, TILUMBEll,'and manufacturer of Pumps and Hy. &anti, which are superior to and cheaper than any in the city- t Please to call and examine for sour. seises. Fourth izreet,EKtween Smithfield and Cher ry Alley. Hydrants and pumps repaired. _is ul-y D. F. sTr.nrr . r. QTERETT Si co., wholedale and retaihteaters 0 Foreign Wine* and Liquors, corner of M'athet 'end Front stxcet*, Pittsburgh. FA. lkferencrA—SVm. li what.* tc Co., Henry F. Soh:rep ! pr, V Lichhas;rn, U. %Yea., er. Their stock has been selected with great care, and c011%:61, or the choisest forceps that has ever appeared be ..o, ' 't'. ' fore the publk, he has been able s t . to extract teeth with such ease . ' K . as to astonish all those who have availed themselves ofhisservices. Pittsburgh, July 24, 1846-ly _ . __ Henry W. Willlama, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, (successor to. Lowrie & Williams.) Office at the 'old stand, Fourth street, above Smithfield. . THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore ex isti ng b e twe en Henry W. Williams, Esq„ sad myself, in the prac tice of the law, alis dissolved by mutual consent on the Zdth ult, and the business will tiereafter be con tinued bydenry - W. Williams, whom I moat cheer fully recommend to all for whom I have the' honor to do business, as a;gentkmas every way worthy of their confidence, . eeplB-1, WALTER 11. LOWRIE. . 3EMVE MEM =ZS Man'a Inventions Outdone by-Nature. - - -1 •-• 11, Select School, • READ, REFLECT, ir..14187 . 4 78E INTOITII East corner 0l Federal and. Robinsott THE' A 3.114R-IGAN - --61L;,- ,, --1 N -streets, AlleglieriY, will eminence :its . -Fall. MEDICINKOB .NATURE. 2 I , sessismi- on :Monday the - 3 Ist Mats --- [IHIS Oil is obtained from a well near Burksville - "-* mA " • Lee;"l-IrashirtVen College; anel Kentneki, at the depth of 185 feel below the - IFr" Pr''ll.rs3°:‘ .P,. TI. surface of the earth, and 170 feet through solid rock. 1 olh rrs. Its curative properties are trulx.astonishing;-and.a.e Having, attended an examination of the schonl a Remedial Agent it may well be pronounced won-- taught by Mr. Williams, we take pleasure in . la_Car. ! derful. Since the' discovery of this Panacea of Na- lug our-testimony : to thp evidence afforded by it -of tare, numbers of remarkable cures have been effect- the unusual skill and labor. of Mr. Williams._ The cd by ita use: It is Innocent---Powerful—:Bafe'and understanding 'of the principle of the subjects which , Certain in its : effects. It has been used:With duper: the. scholars had been. studying, "shown; aliened success in the treatment of the - following clear answers NI, questions asked by others. than-the diseases: Inflammatory Rheumatism, Burns and teachers, piove the excellence of the Nei.: England Scalds. Gholie; Piles, Flatulence, Inflammation of modes of teaching; in which Mr. Williams Seams:- ' l 4 the Kidneys,: Deafness, Ccinsumption, Liver Com- be proficient. . Phtbisic, Scald 'Cancers, Weak and - J W I SHARTr.&c, Sore Eyes' Bruises, Fresh Cuts and Wounds, Pewit the Rev. Mr. - Preston", Doctor Hunt, ' Sprains and Strains, Dropsy, Pains in the Breast and 'Having attended an- examination- of 149 - . 4elecl Side, Tetter,l Influenza, Ulcerated Sore Throat, School under the earepr Mr. Henry Williams, held Coniumptiond Bronchitis; Spasms, Ulcers, „Spi na l recently in his school room, corner of Federal and. Affections, Scrofula . or King's Evil, Coughs; Syphilis, Robinson 'streets; Allegheny city; we: wk. - if - to CIA Ringworm, all Bowel Complaints, all Chronic dis- public attention to this institution. We Were:highly. eases, Impurities of the Blood and General Debility. gratified with the progress and order Obis school: It is likewise very beneficial for Female Complaints This manner of simplifying and illudtrating tho - dif; in general; acts as a great Restorative from Languor, &rent branches is peculiarly happy, and well calm, weakness of Back and Chest, Low Spiritsand Exces- lated to give interest to the pupils.- 'His mode - of - _ teaching them to read struck us as .novel,. and _ono Read the following Certificates, all of which - are that cannot Mil to-make good readers. - authentic; all the persons theiein named are now Froni'the knoWledge that we haVe'of -Mr. Wife living; and ivell known in . Cinchinati and Pittsburgh: Hams' character as a teacher; his zeal, fidelity end Pirnencar, Aug it'22, 1846. success, wecordially recommend him to the _patron 7 This is to certify th a t wq.hase used the American age of the . .His location is elegiblf/ IP-F.1;244 • Oil fur the , who t oping &ugh, among our ehildren, by cities . . - DAVID MONT, - giying them frdm 20 drops to a small tea spoon lid at - ..B.ICIPD BARD; night, which always enabled them to rest welt through . RICEPLI BEESON. - the night. I aWo applied it to one of the children I attended the ab - ove examination, and can truly thatgot her arm burnt by turning over a tea cup o f say Lwas much gratified with the itttaintment. thc _ hot coffee on it; tile child seased crying by the time Mils. • • Wfil. PRESTON', the arm was dressed and bound up, and has never aug2l-2m, - - complained of it since. I also was afflicted with a pain in my sidelana breast; and have been no for 16 -years. I commenced using the Oil by taking a tea spoonful twice a day and in 3 or four days using of the oil I have ben very much relieved, and do really believe that it is the best fel:Oily, medicine that I have ever seen. I applied it to one of my-neighbor's for a strained ancle which relieved her in a few minutes: We have also used the oil fora strained joint in our own family, which gave ease in a Vety short time. We live on the east ship of.Penti st., doors south of Walnut, I am now as well as I ever was in ply life; 1 MARGARET "H. SMITH. 1 Prrrsnuncu, Aug. 14, /8413'. This is to certify, that my son has had the Plethisic for OM-ill - years, and yvas very bad with it, and about 12 or 15 days since,. I commenced giving to him about 20 or .25 drops of the American Gll, twice a day. which relieved him'iri a day or two of his diffi culty of breathing, and be is now 'entirely relieved of his cough ; our, boy is 10 years of age. ‘Ve,live in King's Alley. 1 :! NANCY KING. Ctzemaizt, July Ist, 1846. Sir: Having b4en Cured:of:a= very severe disease of the eyes and [ head; by At use of the American' Oil, I feel it my dlity tfl the public, as well as to you, to send you the following certificate: . 1 hereby certify: that I was severely afflicted one year ago last winter, WO inflamed sore eyes and a !erylsevere pail: in my head from my eyes up to the top of my bead, and continued so for several WPOSS, ; 51y eyes were so much inflamed and sore that I could not see to attend any business, nor could I tell one -object from teether a few...yards from me. I ! called in a physician, 'but still got worse. ..I also tried a good mant , remedies that had cured others; but in my case they . failed. In - April, 1545, I heard of the Auierican Oil. , I procured a bottle, and be fore I had used a half a bottle I was entirely well, and still continue no. I will not be without it in my i house, as long as I:can get the genuine article. I also gavait to one army num- that was working. for me, 1 that lied the tetter in his hands so had that when he would grip anything tight in them the blood would I burst out, and the use of half a bottle cured us both. 1 I would advise all that are afflicted in any way to give the Oil a fair trial, and I think they will be pleased with the effect it will have, - &c MIIIIPHt Sold at One Dollar per Bottle ) t Jac N kson's Patent Medicine Warehouse, .S.V Liberty, head of Wood st., Pittsburgh. Tr= o,tsvr PLACE is P/TISDI3/Gti where the Genuin. Amin-iron pit CAN he obtained. Beware of a Countertbit article. The • Seneca Oil. put in American Oil Bellies, and labelled "Amer-. man Oil." It somewhat re'sciTibles the. American Oil, but possesses hone lof its virtues or healing,pow era, . W. Sackson respectfully informs the Public that D, Hail & Co., the proprietors of the American Oil, 1 hare appointed hire their SOLE AGENT? for West ern Pennsylvania. ="' 1; All persons wishing Sub-agencies will apply at S 9 i' Liberty strect;as above. I! _,, N. ti. - Sub-agents wanted for every town In the ~ ' bore Di , triet.•,. .. ~ 1 il A great number,of certincates are on hand and ;can be seen at the office, S 9 Liberty street, headof !Wood. aug 2S-2y „ • ~i ttaiburgla Navigation and k'fre Inan I ranee Company. o.iliC4 X 2. 2i, Maiket Sire Ct. ' DIU IiCTOUS : - .Michael Allen, ' ;, William Ebbs, C. Ansbutz, • Lewis , 'Hutchison, Thos. Bak - elven, : Fred. Lorenz,, Robert Beer, - - James May, 4 I R. W. Poindexter. M. ALLEN, Pres:t, Flossier FINNS'S, Secretary. aug2o-dtlru. • Money AV airted In exchange. for Hats and Caps. • - TIIE subscriber would inform the :34k% public that he has received his fill stock of .Caps, all of which have been principally made .to - his order, and 'as his purchases has been I made on the cash system, he is enabled to sell his stock of Hats and Caps at unusually low prices for cash. - His stock does not consist of the cuttings hi' Eastern houses, but are' all a fresh manufactured article. Neither is :his establishriaent replenished with the old stock' from eastern markets - : The Proprietor, being a hatter and Cap manufacturer, by trade, as well as profession, he is also daily man ufacturing Hats aura; Capi of all - descriptions, and for their neatness and durability, cannot be sur passed, All of }vhich he offers At - wholesale and retail, and at such Prises as cannot fail to please the purchaser. G. W. GLASSGOW, No. 102, Wood street, third door below John D, rig , Commercial 'Auction Rooma. REAL ESTATE . AGENCY. JAIILI BLAKELY, JOHN 1. arrrertra. Aidernfan, Attorney at Late, BLAtELY & NITCHEL, rtONTINUE to attend to the selling and renting Vi of Real Estate in the City of Pittsburgh and vi cinity. Itaving determined to devote a large portion of their time to this branch of business, they with confidence solicit a share of the patronage. of' the public; from the.facility they possess and the experi ence they have (the Senior partner having been en gaged in the Real Estate Agency for near 20 yearso they believe that they Will. give general satisfaction, Office on Penn st., near the U. S. Hotel, and Smith- j field st., between Diamond:Alley and Filth street. fY7 A UCTIONEER & cqmmissio T MERCHArT, ji Corner of Wood and Fifth streets, Pittsburgh, le ready to receive merchandise of every description on consignment for public or private sale, and frOm long experience in' he above busines,flatters himself that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. Itegulatiales on Mondays and Thursdays of Dry G3ods arid -Fancy articles, at to o'clock, A. M'. I JOf groheries, Pittsburgh manufactured articles, new and secondhand furniture, &c., at two, P. M. • Sales every eveningnt early gas -light. augl22y Tco" partnership heretofore existing between Hunker Dickson tis dalved b mu tual nsent. 4- The affairs is o h f they dissolved m late fir wil y l be settled by P. H, Hunker, who will continue the Bak ery and Confectionary, at the old stand in Filth, near . Market street. ' P. H. HUNKER, sepl ROBERT DICKSON. EO. S. SWARTZ has on hand•a lot offine Lawne ur which will be sold at the very low price of 181 i cents per yard, persons who want a good article, at a low "price, would do - well to call soon. Also on hand-a good stock of Nansook mualins for ;Ladies Dresses very cheap at • jel 3 No. 106 garket stmt. ' '. .' - ' 1 ...7 -. :. 1. .._.i '- ':- ';,- .: - -- -.1.,,,,, John D. Darla, ,moans t /Immo! University Law Se/mita, rrtHE FALL SESSION of.this department 0f.40 Wester n University; wilhcommence in theiguir University Buildin ,, , on the Finn ILToiSoity - or Sip, TEEeEA. neit, and the SPRING SESSION of 18.4'4 . will commence on the Fs is goriPs-Y•ef.4l/Ru4.47 following. This institution having sci-lar. re- - covered - from - the effects Ofrge great fire of April last year, as tishare the new building nearly completed with-increasedaccommOdations for all its departments, it is'llapeii that the Law School will be found to present increas, ed facilities and attractions to those who desh:p to pursue a regular and thorough course - of leg;al edcica, Lion, and to prepare themselves - creditably, forc4 mittance to the bar, There will be daily recitations by - the 01asaes-tin assigned lessons, so arranged as to embrace, a two years course, all the principal and most portant branches of the law, •Occasional-Jectureo on law and equity, will also be delivered as part di the course. Tan Moor Cotinr, desigied for assisting stadentil in acquiring knowledge and. readiness in the Prac tice of the law will ba resumed as soon - as the rita-C ber OF students Will justify. The degree of BACHE:: LOH. OF LAW will be conferred onstudents,•of-tke., institution, according the rules usual in snot". 11;13kitkv. Any further information that may be t•equited:ran readily be obtained on application to the Professor,. NV,4r.44R. H. rownte, - who has Ili ettee od.4th cil;•010 Smithfield street, Pittiburgh. ' - • - - - Trams—Seventy-five &Bars a yea.r, or thiFtkaeu en 31111 a half dellaraa session. aug6-d3m _ • EX T.ll - 40RD /NA. R y •Dtscr..osiirPgs. LEto Or . FRAUDS. - , • 2 CiGME Druggists are misled into the error of buy."-, ► lug a miserable imitation orDr. - Smith :a Sugar-. Coated Indian Vegetable Pills ; simply because - the," l ean purchase the spurious cheaper. We shall in all 'case s expose such dealers throughout-the country. I who, after being', eh* informed- of the rascality of these imitatots,bny and attempt to impose upon the public with such worthless trash. It is not the Su. garcoating alonejhat constitutes the value of my Pills, but it is my intention,- for which I claim - dm. right G. BENT. smrrir, M. D., 17.9 Greenwich st. and 2 Waters[. Boston.- READ AND JUDGE—LIIPORTANT FACTS. We, the undersigned, wholesale druggists in Lou.- isville, Ky., are satisfied, from all the information thatWe can obtain, that Dr. G.BENJA.MW SIMITH is the original inventor of the Sugar-Coated Pills. 'We are prepared to supply dealers .at the New York price. Robinson Peter 4- Cary, 492 Main street. J. S. Morris 4- Co., 461 Main st- - Rupert Lindenberger, 511 Main at. George Lapping 4- Co., 79 Fourth st. llull 4- fides SI Fourth st. The following from druggist's in New York shows I invented the Sugar Coated Pills in , New York, June 16th, 1844. We, the undersigne , er ss. or heard of gar Coated Pills," until Dr.G. Benjamin Smith man.; tifactured and exhibited them to us about a year sinee n „Rushton 4- Co., 110 Broadway and 10 Astor Houye. Israel- Randolph, M. D. 69 Liberty at.- • - Horace Ererett, 96 Hudson st. Zahn Castree, 97 Hudson at. Darin Sands; 79 Fulton st.. A VOICE FR.O.M, * ; KENTUCKY. I have been afflicted with dyspepsia in its most ag gravated form for three years past, add found. no ro relief unlit I used Dr. G. Benj. Smith7s.".Sugar-Cost ed Indian Vegetable Pills." After using six boxesof said valuable pills, lam entirely cured. They. are a general remedy:7 1 J. E. LF.E,MIN. Padttr-ab, liy. N0v...9, 1045. We certify to the above filets. Dr. Smitles"Sugar-Coated Pills" are universally. esteemed. in this vicihity. • • 110DGE GIVENS & Co, Merchants. Paducah, Ky. Nov. 19, 1845. • At the request of Dr.. G. Benjamin Smith's_ adent we cheerfully state that we visited the offfeelltif Dr. Smith in September last, while in New-York, and found him to all appearance carrying on a very ex-, 4ensive business with his Sugar-42eatd Indian Vego.. table Pills.. The extent of his establishment would • arktonish auy one not initiated in the myiteries of tho pill trade. — LouisvilleJournal.- - • (From Dr. Singleton.) - - Smithland, (Ky.) Feb. 24,.1846. - , Dr.'ll, Benj. Sraitb.—Dear Sir: Nothing has ever been introduced that has sold so well and given such gener'al satisfaction as your Sugar-Coated Improved Indian Vegetable Pills. Very respectfullY, yours, S. P. SINGLETON. (Frem Buil & Alden.) - • Louisville,(Ky.) Feb. 13th, 1546.- Dr, G. Benj. Smith—Dear Sir: Yru will please seed us 12 gross of your valuable Pilts. From present • in dicatiotts we shall sell a large amount of them.-- We find that they go very quick. Your friends, BULL & ADEN. ' ( From Wilson, Starbird & Smith.) • Louisville; Feb. 13thj 1846: Dr. Smith--Dear Sir: About two weeks ago wo bought .2 gross of your Indian Vegetable Sugar Coat ed Pills. Though business is dun here at this time, yet we have sold them all. You please send us 10 gross tbrough Messrs. Lawrence, & Keese, of your city, who t,l tbrward them to us via Pittsburg,h. Yours ' respecttinly, • . WILSON, STARBIRD & SUIT?. This 4ti to certify that :I have' used the Sugar Boated lls manufactured by G. Benj. Smith, of New -. y_ork;(for some time, and believe them to be a good irnedicfn,si end also from enqpiry in that city, I am - perittaden - that he is the original inventor, and, therefore, is entitled tcr the benefit of the inventor; S. WILLIAMS, aug2l. Pastor lot Baptist Church Pittsburgh-c,,- We have.forty letters from different dealers ing the agency of my Pill, although they had the spat.. rious in their store—one•in particular from New Or:: leans, which we shall publish. Principat Officea.—New York, 179 Greedwich-str Boston 2 Water st. _ - otr G. BENJAMIN SMITH is written on the bot. tom of every box of genui'ue "Sugar-Coated Acerrrs , --WiSiont Iltaderson Druggist, 205 Liberty street Pittsburgh: John.Scageant Aileghed i y city, maylBd7m, , - 'T HE underslgned would respectfully, inform-the: citizens of Pittsburgh and its vicinity, that - ha ![has purchased from Mr. Mnies Cory, his largo and: . `- splendid stock ofDry Goods, kept at No. 66 Market street, where he intends to keep a general assor- I ment of seasonable Goods, which he will sell at ve t reduced prices. Please call and judge foiyoutraelves, ry - 4 No. 66 Marketstreet, • _ auglB " WILLIA M COWEN: To my friends and patiorkt-am • and would respeetfully reconeinend .-Mr. " , Cowen, my successor. ' MOSES CORY. RECEIVED THIS DIY ) by Expre-ss,dnotheriot, of rich bladk KLANTILLAS,,--at 'the Now T9titL' Store IS Market street. ~ auirr -3Y,•.