The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, October 14, 1846, Image 3

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LOrelli; •"I N. Bell, '-- W. W. Wallace
7roprirtitt aril corrected..e - rery AfternOon
- • .' • ARRIVED
Calhoun, Cincinnati.
ConsUl;Bownvan, Brownsville.
- Louis Ml:ape; Bennett, Brownsville
Oneota, Gotden; Beaver.
Michigan, Boies, Beaver.
Oriente,-Gordon, Beaver.
Louid McLane, Bennett; Brownsville
(WSW, - BoWnran, Brovnisville.
Michigan, Boles, Beaver.
o .During the la'st eighteen hours our rivers
have risen twenty three inches, abd - were
slowly witli 3 feet 4inehes in-the channel.
'Splendid Terheri and Broche Shawls.
LEXANDER & DAY have received splendid
Terkeri and Broche French shawls, at greatly
reduced prices, the ladies are invited to call and ex:.
amine them. .
Atm.—Moir pieces superior , French cloths, just
received froth the Philadelphia Auctions; at greatly
reduced prices. .. ALIIAWDER & DAY,
octS 75 Market W. cor.of the Diamond.
OMETIDNG NE.W.-=-Lartres , and Gentlemen's
Oyster. Roams, Eagle Saloon,. Wood street.—
OYSTERS 1= OYSERSI 17-The proprietor respect
fully informs his friends and.the public that the Ea
gle Saloon will ho open this evening. Monday-, Sept
28th; - fez the' reception of Ladies and Gentlemen..'
The Saloon' will be conducted on strict temperance;
principles; Dinners and other meals will be ,
ded on the New York plan. at any hour of the day,
"at a price within the, reach of, the.most economical:
We feel thankful for the great patronage we have
.veceiied since our, opening, and assure the Ladies
.and Gentlemen Of Pittsburgh and vicinity, that ex
traordinary- exertions will be made to promote the
pleasufe . of iistors, and to make the Saloon a re
spectidile'and permatient.placc of resort during the
fall npd w:•atpr. See hills of fare attbe counter.
Dant and parties '
furnished with suppers,
.Brc. :at
shcirenntice apd'in style miequalled. sept3o-tf.
53 Splendid Building Loci at Auction..
A T o'clock, P. hlion Setup:* the 17th inst.,
an the-premises, will be sold 53 very handscime;
ly situated lots of ground on the Fourth street road
and adjacent( treets, laid out by,Mr. James - B. Irwin.
a'plan of yhick may be,secn !at the Auction Rooms.
' Terrris—lrs
_casli, or an approved endorsed note
at four months with interest and the residue in four
equal annual. payments .with interest.
octa JOIN D. DAVIS, Auct.
Iff tE.EI4' . AN, European Agent, now on Ills
ifeth trip,, in Europe . , Nyill in_ his absence from
Pittsburgh continue to trianact all business connect;
eewith prolession, through his Agent, JAnk.s .
MAY; Merchant. Remittances of money made to all
parts of England,lreland, Sccdland and the continent
of. Europe. Collections oflegacies, dcbta, inheritable
property.and - clahns; searches made, copies Of wills,
deeds and documents procured, Sze.
Oa - Apply to or address /post paid) JAMES'IiIAY,
Merchant, Water street, Pittsburgh. o c t6
• "••• ANDREW S -
T 'he junction of Ferry and Liberty, adjoiuing
EinknitPs Plough Factory, WIJCiel he 'Continues
to'rnaanufacture the best article anade in Pittsburgh
oz' Allegheny, withont fear of contradiction, which
trill be sold at the lowest possiblenatea far cash. .
Also, VENITIAN SILUTTERS, Stationary and
My Nennitian Blinds are' always kept . for talc
toy_ H. H. ft -Tex, on Fifth street. octi-ty
rprrar t.vo tnrerif
an acconnt of the Geography, History; Govern.
meat, and Resources, and - noted citizens of the State;
with ti map of the Staictind of ,each County; for the
use Of 'Schools,' by THOMAS U. Bonnets-is.
The 'above described book may 'With the utinost
propriety - be recommended to the attention of fired.:
tors efTablic Schools, and to Teachers in general.
The author in his preface states, " A &Ng: calculated
to impart to our youth a full-and accurate knoivledge
of their own State,has long been deeMed necessary.
'Whether this will supply the want, arperiencevalone
can. determine-. • The counties, are not treated in al
p:lobe/teal order, but in classe; - according to their
form of surface, productions, and historical relations.
To carry out the design, a small state map, in addi
tion to the several county mapsi, has been construct.
ed, with theclasses of countiet marked upon it. o
, ! For. sale by the' doz.'and retail at the Book and
Paper •Wareh mute of LUKE LOOMIS, Agent.
• ' Rep :3 0 SO,Wood at. Pittsburgh.
virtue of a precept under the hatids of the
lion . ...Denjamin Patton, Jr., President of the
.Capri of Common Pleas in and for the. sth Judicial
District Of Pennsylvania, and Justice of the Court
,of Oyer and' Terminer, and General Jail Delivery,
in and @said DiStrict, and William Porter and
William Kerr, Esquires, Associate Judges of the
same, courts, in and for the said' County of Alle.
.giteny, 'dated the 16th day of May, in the year of
our Lord one thoitsand eight hundred and -forty-six,
.and to roc directed, for holding a Court of Oyer
and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, at the',
•Court , Hottse, iritha city of Pittsburgh, on the 4th
Afthiday Of October next, at lb o'clock, A. AL'
'Public uotiee is hereby given, to,. all Justices of
thy Peace,-Corotter and Constables, of the County
.of-Allegheny, that they be then and there, in their',
proper -persons, with their rolls, records, inquisi.
tions;examinations, and other - remembrances', to
do those things ; which to their respecthe offices
iti - t4eir behalf appear to be done—mid also those
tiys,Y7aill prosecute ,the priseuers that now are or
miihe in jail of said county of Allegheny, to be
then, and there- to prosecute against them as shall
be just - .
Giv,ed under my hand - at Pittsburgh, this 16th
day of. September, im the year, of our Lord 18413,
enrol' the Coptmonwealth the 68th.
eef)tls.' ELLJ.XII Tnovrno, Sheriff
• .
MITE PRO4RE.SS OF NATIONS.—Arr Essay on l, the Progreis or. Nations;
In ProduCtire Industry,
Civilization, Population and Wealth; illustrated by
statiities .Mining, Agriculture, Manufactures,
Commerce, Revenues, Banking, Internal Improve
ments, Mortality, _Emigration and Population; by
Ezra C. Seaman.
A few „copies of the above work for sale by
aug2o - - corner ofigarket and 3d sts.
.SUAwLS, SI-I 4W1.. S
ALARGE and splendid assortment ofrich, and
magnificent SHAWLS just received this day
eth brining all the - neW - and dekirable styles viz: Paris
Printed Terkeri, Cashmere and. roclia, E4broidered
Black. And Mode Colored Silk, Fringe Thibbet and
Cliameliou Plaid, and StripereSilk, Merino,
and Persian, Plaid, Silk and Worsted, together with
agreat variety of Woollen Shawls and will be dm
*posed of at a small advance on tile original cost,
sepls No. SsMacket st.
Cotton Yarn, •Uo.
45 000 LBS. a.ssorted numbers, long and
4 abort reel Cotton Yarn.
- 16 000' lbs Carpet Chain: -
10,000 ' .5 Cotton Twine.
. 150,.BalettCommon Batting. ' -
100 5 5 Extra family do. . .
For sal low, to city or country trade, by
.M. B. RIIEY & CO.,
augl6 • 57 Wood street.
The attention of embasers is invited to onr
geral stock 'of these Goods.
4-4 superior Sea Island Shirting Aluslini;
15-16 ,
7.8 ' - rc• Cr sr
12-4 Iton Sheeting;
) 5.4 ‘t
9.8 . '
re -
mei 17 " -SHEA &r. PENNOCK
Assignees , Sale of:pfyGoodi.
TIME • Assignees , of B. E. Constable are now
ing ofr his entire stock of Fancy and Staple Dry
Goods i consisting of Shawls, Silks and Linens; French
and English'Merinos; Black and colored Alpacas,
Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinettsand Vestings, White and
Red Flannels, White 'Goods, Prints and - Ginghams,
Bleached and Brown Shectings, Hosiery, Laces, &c.
Irllso t large assortrAnt et' Gentlemen's wear,
Sh.K. andi Linen Pocket Handkerchief's, Shirts; Cra
vits, SsoCks arid Collars, all of which will he disposed
or at GREAT BARGAINS.. - Se p-30.
10110SPI PlNK—one case English, for sale hq
• ' ; P433 : a:Comm:err:4a! I . ltow,*berty at.
, • .
• ' l "Cir
•••,' t,
•• ti it • , t
C 2 44
'' P'
4-1- ,
~--- . 4 - v, -e?,
.---T--'2.--- -- -. ..10.5 7- #,_ 1 \
',. - t-- - c . ..C-)
\ ' , ,1.) O sT ,---- 6...,,zr,;•5. ';:c.5.- - : ,
, -
77-T Frm the lthniuy. Sun
111204TET THE -AUL
Col.' Watson, , of 1 e Balltmore Battallion, Ellied.
Three Ileindre,l. A:merteene Killed and
'. ...'. '-...-... re liill:l4eecl. )Votthilea.
. .
Bravery of General WortlL
Execution by Capt Duncan's Collra&
We received by telegraph , last evening, the fol
lowing thrilling news from'the Army, and imme
diately laid it before the public in an extra Sun, ,
The Picayune has received a hasty Memorandum
.of the operation of the 'American Army before
Monterey, from the 19th to the 2.lth of September.
On the 19th Gen. Taylor arrived before Monte
my, with a force of about 6000 men, and after re
connoitering the city at about fifteen or sixteen
hundred yards from, the Cathedral fort,. during
which he was fired upon from its batteries. His
force.was encamped at the -Walnut landings, about
three miles short of the city. This was the near
est position. the army could obtain a surftly of
water and bread, out of the reach of the enemies'
batteries.. • .
The remainder of the 19th was oieupie&by the
engineers in making a reconnoisance of the city
atteries and comuittading height&
. On the, - 20th, Gen..M , ort ,was ordered' with his ,
'division to move by .a circuitous route to the right 1
to gain, the Salullo . - beyond-the west of the
town; and to Storm the heights above the Bishop's''
palace, - which vital` .point the' enemy'. appeared' to:
have strangely neglected. - !L ' -
Circumstances Caused hiS bait on the night of
I the -2,otshort of the . intended. Position. On the
morilitig . .of the . 21st he., continued his route, and of;
ter an'eneoriniei With - a large-body of the enemies'
cavalry .end. infantry,. supported by artillery from,
thebeighti; lie.repulsed . them with loss, and finally
encamped, covering the passage of the Saltillo road.
dtWas here discovered that besides the • fort at the
,t - iidrop*s palace and the occupation - of the heights
I about-it, two forts on commanding eminences on
'the opposite 'side:of:the - San Juan had been fortified
and beetipied."
These two latter :heights re then stormed and..
L carried.;
.The.guninftlie last fort carried; being
immediately turned. nub. a, plunging fire upon the - .
Bishops . palace.. , . :. - :. • . -- -
h On this sane Morning, the list, the first division
. .
.cif. regular_troops under Gen, Twiggy . and the vol-
iunteer •division'under Gen. Butler, were ordered.un
der arms to. Make. a diversion to the lett of the
town, in favor of the important operations of 'Gen.
Worth. The twenty inch Mortar; and two twenty
. .
four Vounders'.eanisters, had been pat in battery on .
the night of the"2oM, in a ravine about 1400 yards
distant from the Cathedral. fort or citadel, and were
supported .by the 4th regiment of infantry. At t 3
o'clock, A. M., on the ' 21st; the orderwas given
for this battery to one, n.the citadel and town, and
iinmediately - after' the' first division, with the 3d
and 4th infantry in 'advance, under Col. Garland,
were 'ordered to reconnoitre and skirmish with the
enemy on • die extreme left or the city, and should.i
prospect of success oiler, to carry the. most advan
. 04 battery. ~' . -. . • . .
:This attack was directed .by Major Minsfield, en
gineer„and Major Kithey, itinarterrtiaster, of the
Texas division. -A heavy tire from the first bat- .
tery was .immediately opened -upon • the advance,'
but the troops Bonn tutned, :it , entering,..aed ens.
ging with the enemy in the streets of the-city,hav
frig- passed throtigh an ince s sant cross fire from„the I
citadel 'and - the ' second 'batteries. and-from the in.j
-Pantry who lined the prospeets, streets, and housel
tops of the-city.:. • - -
The rearof the'first battery soon turned, and the!
reverse fire of the troops through the gorge of Mei
works killed - or dislodged • the artillerists and in-1
. antlyfrom it and the building occupied by infant- I
iy immediately in its rear.. -
The first division was followed and supported!
by the. Mississippi end Tennesree, and
"first Ohio,
Regiments, the two former . . regiments- being !lel
first to site and ' occo py' the fort . 1
The success of the day here stopped. The Mis-1
sissippi; Tennessee, and • Ohio - regiments, though
warmly engaged in the street for some time after
the capture of thefint battery and its adjoining de.-
fences,. Were inside frarn'exhanstion and the loss i
they bad. stiffered, to gain' more advantage. A I
heavy shower of rain also cams up to CitilßS a sits.'
.pension of hostilities before the close of the day.
'The 3d, 4th, and Ist infantry, and the Baltimore
hattallion remained as the garrison of the captured
positiOn tinder Col. Garland, assisted by Capt.
Ridgley's battery.
welve pounders,. one four pounder, and one
howitzer were captured in this fort. . Three officers
and some twenty or thirty men were taken prison
ers.. One-of the 12 pounders was served against
the second fort and defences, with captured amuni.
tion during • the remainder of the day, by Copt. i
Ridglev. •' ,
The ;storming- party of Gen. Worth's division
also captured two nine pounders, which were also
immediately turned against their former owners.
On the morning of the 224 Gen, Worth continued
his operations; and portions of his division stormed
and carried successively the heights above the
Bishop's palace, Both were carried by a command
under Capt, Vinton, of the' . 3d artillery. In these
operations the company of Louisiana troops, under
Capt. Blanchard. performed efficient and gallant
service as part of Capt. Vinton's command.
Four pi,eces.of artiltery. with a good -supply of
ammunition, were 'captureclin the Bishop's palace
also'on this day; some of which were immediately
turned upon the enemy's defences in the city. •
On the evening of the 22d, Col. Garland and his
command were relieved as the garrison of the cap
tured fortS by Gen. Quitman, with the Missisiippi
and Tennessee regiments, and five companies of
the Kentacky regiments • -.
. Early.on. the morning of the 23d, General Quint •
man, from his position, discovered that the 2d and
3d forts and defences, east of the city, had been en
tirely abandoned by the enemy, who apprehending
another assault on the night of the 22d had retired -
- from all his . defenres to the main palace and its im
mediate virinity,... - ... .
A command of two companies of Mississippi and
two of Tennessee troops were then thrown into the
Streets .to reconnoitre, and Soon become hotly en
gaged frith the enemy. These were soon support
ed by Col. Worid's regiment of Texas Rangers, dis
mounted, and by •BraggS light artillery. and the 3d
infantry. The enemy's fire was constant and un
interrupted from the stitets,lhouse-tops, barricades,
In the' vicinity of the palaza. the pieces of
Bragg's artillery were also used with much efficien
cy far into the heart of the city. This engage
ment lasted the best part of. the day, our troopiThav
ing driven. the scattered parties of the enemy, and
penetrated quite to the defences of the main palaza,
in its immediate - vicinity, and to the Cathedral fort
or citadel, - •
Early in the afternoon of the same day, Gen.
Worth - Ossaulted, from the Bishop's palace, the west
side or the city, and succeeded in driving the ene•.
my, and maintaining his yosition 'within a short
distance of the main palaza, on the side of the city.
Towards evening the mortar bad also been planted
in the cemetery enclosed, and during the night did
great execution in the circumscribed camp of the
enemy in the palaza. Thus ended the operations
of the 23d.
On the.morning of the 24th, 'at an early hour a
communication was sent by Gen. Ampudia tor Gen.
Taylor. under a flag . of trues., making an offer of
capitulation to which the latter refused to
. accede,
as it asked more than th.e;American commander
would under any circa instances grant. At the Same
time a 'demand' to surrender was made to Gen.
Ampudia in reply. .
Twelire o'clock, M., was, the hour 4t which the
aceentance was to he communicated to the Ameri
can General.. _ . •
-At 11=o:clock,. A. 11., the Mexican General sent,
requesting a personal conference with Gen. Taylor,
which was-granted, the principal o ffi cers of rank
orreither side 'acceirapaigii* iheir General.
After several offers in relation to the capitol&
, . _.,...;
.....„: ,-. i',.-..ti !-•:,:-.1,1'. . 1-, . '. ! . .. 4 '''. -::•'-:-!•: i. , .:,
tion of the" city,. 'made on either side 'and refused;
at . half past 4 P. M.. Geri.-Taylor and say
ing he would give Gen. Ampudia one.hour to con
eider and accept Or refuse, left the conference with
At thc; expiration of the hour The Aischarg - e. of
the mortars to be the signal for .the recommence'•
ment M . hostilities
At the expiration of the : time agreed: on, how
ever, an officer was sept on the part of Gen., Arn„
pudia to inform the: tinaeriCan General ihat- to
avoid the ittither eXusion of blood, and the nation-
al honor being satisfied by the exertions of the
Mexican troops,.he.had;after the consnitation with
his general officers, decided to Capittilato, accept
ing the offer `of the American General.
The only Baltimorean cir PhiladelPhian in the
party of the list of - killed and we'unded, is Col.
Wm. H. Watson, of Baltimnie. No particulars
is given as to the mode or manner of, his death.
Ampudia said his force was 4,000,;but it is es
timated at 11,000. The forts occupied by Ridg ,
ley's artillery company, who turned the captured
pieces against the Mexican' forces and the firing
was kept up by this company during the day,
Our brave Col. Watson has been killed, and the
command has devolved on our brave and spirited
Capt. James,E. Stewart. ' - -
He fought like .ti'tiger; at one time he was: at
tacked by five Mexicans. He lost his sword, but
knocked one fellow down with his fiit, and seized
his musket with which pe irtiocked , down -three
more of the five with'the but, and bayoneted;thorn
on the spot.
Lieut. B. F. Owens, also fought with gallantry.
He led 30 men without the loss of a man up to
the very mouths of tjoe 12 pounders, .which he si
lenced and took.
Let Baltimore Huzza nine times nine for her
gallant and noble son, C.Payr STEW'ART.
Our loss is about 6 men killed, and from 10 to 12
wounded, and they are . being carried 'in every mo
Gen Taylor has warmly complimented Capt
Stewart and.Lient. Owens.
Poor Watson was killed at the head of his regi
The Express pff. 3.
The terms of capitulation were effect as Sol
That the officers should be allowedlo march out
with their side arms. ,
That the Cavalry and Infantry should be allow
ed to march out with their arms and accoutre
ments. „. ' •
That the ..kitillery shotild Le allowed to march
out with one battery of six' pieces and twenty.ope
reitariCfs - - of ammunition.
That all other munitions of war and supplies
should be turned over to a board of American oil.
cers appoinfed to receive them.
That the . Mexican Army should be allowed 7
days to evacuate the city and that the American
troops should not occupy it until evacnated.
That the Cathedral, Fort, or Citadel, should be
evacuated at 10 A. M., next day, (2:41i) the Mex
icans then marching out and the American garri
'son marching in. The Mexicans allowed to salute
their flag when hauled down. " !
That there
bal. an armistice of eight
weeks.during which time neither army should pass
a line running from the Rinconada througtrLinar'es
and San Fernando.
This lenient offer of the American ,General was
dictated with the concurrence orhis Generlls and
by motives of good . policy and consideration for
the good defencef their city by the llexicansTr
Killerl.—Captain Williams,Topographical Engi
neers; Lieut. T.errett, tat Infantry; Cap;. L. N. Mar
ris, 3d do.; Capt. Field, 3d .d 0..; Major Barbour, 3rd
do.; Lieut. Irwin, do. do.; Ilazlitt, 3d do.;
Lieut. dioskinS, 4th d ; Lieut. Wa.i.ols, 4th do.;
Capt. McKaaett, 3th 0 4 Col. IVatcgn, Baltimoie
battalion; Capt. Battl m, Ist Tennessee Regiment:
Lieut. Putnam. Ist do. lo.;
Wronided—Major Lea , 3d Infantry, severely;
Capt. Bainbridge, 3d do., very ' ,, htlyi.Lieut. P,ll.
Graham ; 4th do., severely; Capt. motte, tstilo.,
slightly; Lieut. Dilworth, tst do., 'vercly; Maj:
Arritercromble, Ist do., slightly; ieut. Wain
wri,ght,Sth do., slightly; Lieut. Ross -11, 3th
slightly; Lieut. Potter, 'I th' do., slig ttly; Major
Munsfield, Engineers, slightly; Gem B tier, Volun
teer Division, edightly; Colonel .Mitchell, Ohio
Volunteers, slightly; Col McClung; Mississippi
Regiment, severely; Major Alexander, Tennessee
Volunteers; Lieut, Allen, do., do.; Lieut. Scudder.
do., do.; Lieut. Nixon, dp:, do.; Capt.: Dowler,
Mississippi Regiment; Lieut. Thomas., Texas Re
giment; Lieut. Armstrong, Ohio Ile:lithe:lt, severe.
ly; Capt. WU-spiv, Texas 'Luigi:is, mortally wound.
ed—since died. •
_ltie:tv York Pfano•Vorlbr.
TOM/ MF.LLOR. No. SI Wood street (between
ty Diamond alley and .Itir street) has received and I
or sale three new -Piano Fortes from the manufiac
tory of A. 11. Gale & Co., successors to the "New
York Manufacturing Company," which will be sold
at the same price as io New York city; adding only
the price of transportation. -
The quality of these Pianos is now so well known,
and established; that it is not considered necessary
to state Wherein their superiority civet others coil
sistst, those who arc desirous of purchasing can he
fully satisfied, as to the quality atone and workman
ship,,by calling on the subscriber. The patterns of
these Pianos are entirely new and such as arc now
fashionable in New York - city. w,
They will be sold for cash or of moderate credit
for approyed endorsed paper.
SI Wood street.
31ovit.suva GOODS
JUST received a very beautiful assortment of
Mourning dress goods. Among them may be
found Lupine's superior Bombazines- et nearly half
their usual prices. Alpaca Lusircs, black, all Imo!,
Mous de Laines, Gloves, Crapes, &c., &c.
oc2 BARROWS & TURNER, 46 Market st.
Itend4 . ;ig for the Dlllllon.
YUST receis e ed \ at Cook's, 55 Fourth at., the fol.
lowing cheap and late publiCationst
New Vorklllustrated Magazine for October; beau
tifully embellished with fourspiendid engravings.
Columbian Magazine for October,
Marian and His Men, an Historical !Romance by
the author of Paul Jones, &c.
The Creole, from the German of'Zehokket, trans
lated by G. C. Hebbe, L.L. D.
The Temptation, a Romantic Tale by Eugene Sue.
Latreaument, or the Court Conspiritor, by Eugene
Living Age, No. 124.
Nursery Mimes—Tales and Fables—a beautiful
volume, and a gift for all seasons.
Vestiges of Creation, new edition, and ehe half
the 'price of the first.
Corrine of Italy, by Madame D'Stacl.
Sicilian Vespers, or the White Cross of-St. Luke's,
an historical Romance.;
AA°, a great variety df Bound Books, cheap pub
licatio c., at
sep3o 85 Fourth street.
T_T OUSTON AND Ills . (zq REPUBLIC—Just re
ju_ celved at COOK'S, 85, 4th Street, the follow
ing new and cheap publications:
'beaten and hie (*),lt/public, by B.;Bdwards Les.
ter, in ono volume, with a portrait of Ilonstnn.
Heroes and Hero Worship, by Thoi3 Carlyle.
Theresa or the CHef Hyadatus , F,all, by -N, T.
Tueker, Esq. •
The Ringdoye or the Privateer and the Cutter, by
J. H, Ingraham. _
Atan Gull, a Nautical Tale, translated from the
French of Eugene Sue, by WM. 11. Herber, Esq.
Geneoriere or the Chevalier of Marion Rogue, an
Episide of 1793, by Alex. Dumas, ft 2 'and complete,
Dlaek woods Magazine, for September.
London illostrated News and
• TitneS,,by the Great
Western, 2 dates, • ,
London punnh, 1 dato
Eastern Literary papers for this week.
N. Y, Farmer and Mechanic, for September.
A great assortment always on hand 'at Gook's, 85,
4th street. oct7
TUST ItECEIVD, a beautiful assortment of new
t 1 'style Paris printed, Ombri ,uheded, Rep Corded
and plain Cashmeres and Inain,s, and for sale by
sepls ABSALOM MORRIS, 65 Market. street.
TUST received from New York, n large quantity
EV of Havanna and Principe Segars of the most
popular and sup^:rior brands now in use. Also, an
excellent article of chewing Tobacco and several
bales of superior Cuba Leaf Tobacco for sale,
No. 50, Third street, two doors from the Post
Office.. may9.
Blankets Blankets 7l
101ECEIVEP THIS HAY, at No. , 46-100 Pair
Superior Twilled Blankets, Country made, a
beautiful article.
leo, Fancy bound, in great variety, all 'amebic')
aellieg at 20 to 30 per et. seduced prices; at •
• -p2B • No. 46 Market at.-
.ENV 1 1 .It, G 9 OD 8 .
THE subserilier is - now. receiving a Large and fine
assortment of Fitt AND W.Trrri.R Dim GOODS,
recently . purchased from the Inanumeturers and' an-.
porters, rii the. Nei; York rind Philadelphia Miirkirts,
since th e .gireet.ital in` pilteS, and will he sold ticcntp
per cent cheaper thim the same descSpton of Goods
were ever before. offeired in this market,. All thoso
wisnting great bargains are requested: to call at No.
6d Market street. . . • :•
sepia . AliSIAL0:11 JITORRIS.
New nrese
E have now on hand a full assortment of beau
,yy tiful French aad Seotoh dress Gihghanis; twir:
led and plain, at remarkable low prices. Also, an
article of - embroidered Gingh.amr4very beautiful for.
Dresses, for sale by A.85A.1.011.1 MORRIS,
sep ls NO. G 5 Market street,
lihdy*s Dress Silks.
ECEIVED. this day, several-packages-every
11, rich new style Persitin—embostied Ombri, Bro
cade; Chameliort, Striped, Plaid and Youltde Soie,
and Shck Satin, Striped Armour trees Silks, and
will be sold theap.forCash, by '
!eta ABSALOM MORRIS, N 0.65 Market et.
1511 - oeli NeW.
UST RECEIVED this day, embracing, all the
pew and desirable styles in the market; and will
be sold at greatly reduced prices, byl
septs . ABSALOM MORRIS, No, 65 Market at.
101 Iii NODES & AtiCORN, (Late of NeW York civil
1 . 10 No, 27 Fifth et., between Wood and Market,
Manufactureis of Mustard, Ground Ppices, Catsup,
Rte., Ike., will Open duringrhe present week'a large
assortment of articles in . ,tlM4r line, which they will
whelep„3l6 in quantities to tuit dealers, at Eastern
wholesale prices. All aidees sold by them warran
ted-. Merclumts intending t. go east would do well
to call before leafing the ci . They maybe found
at their warehortie;. No. 27 Fifth street '
in Ryan's
Building. " . ' - - : ' ' sep7
1 SOFT, FINE'AND CLEAN; to make the scalp
healthy, smooth,
white and fruitful,. so thnt a good
crop may spring therefrom, persons have but to ex
pend thirty seven and. a half cents.; And, reader,
our only objectfor selling.the artiele;at that price, is
knowing it to he all we state, that when you once try
this you never will use aught elst,l whether it bc
merely to embelish, to dress, beautify, and preserve,
to force growth, stop falling off, and cure scrufs or
TIVE will never hal to do all this, as hundreds will
tell you with gratitiele. It dresses ttfe hair beautiful
ly, and makes red'orsrey hair vote darkfrom the
roots. -7,
Sold at JACKSOIVS. Patent Medicine Warehouse,
S 9 Liberty street, head of Wood—price thirty sever.
and a half cents, fifty. Cents 'and one dollar per bottle.
At the same , place isstild the Italian Chemical Soap,
Spanish Lilly White and unrivalled shaving soap.
ItcatovEn-,The.celebrated medicines of Dr. T.
G. E.vans of 13rownsville, Pa., are; now for sale
wholesale and retail; at Jackson's Medical. Depot;
No. 89 Liberty street, head of Wood, Pittsburgh.
Wholesale-Stealers and Agoras supplied.
Dr. Evans' Sovereign' Tonic 'amt Grand Restore
'lwo certain cure fortho Fever and 'Ague.
Dr, Evans , Vegetable and Anti-Dyspeptic pills,
prico 25 cents per box.
Dr. Evans' American Vegetable Vcrmiftige,l)rice
cents per bottle.
Dr. Brans , - Tonic Eye Tinter, an infallible cure
for sore eye;, price twenty-five cents per bottle.
Ben. Dr: James Esters Black Syriep, for the cure
of Coughs, Cold, Asthma, Croup, •Bronchitis and
Consumption price one dollar.
Remember Dr.. Evan s, only. Depot, is JACKSON'S,
No. 89 Liberty street, head of Wood. jy2.
Tobacco, Snuff and Cigar Stara,
NO. 25 rtrm STRUT.
TIJST RtCEIVED, cog choice lot of macufac.
tared Tobacco, of roslous braada, among which
are, . !
Itrlnch's Aromatic Cavendish;
Peyton's Honey Dew Fives;
James Thomas', Jr., NCLilt Leaf;
John Enders Honey Dew Ladies" Twist;
Lawre Cooler Baltimore Plug- i
Also a' very fine lot of Ctib.a filler Leaf, which will
he sold small or large quantities.
Together with every variety of Ci4ara, which will
be sold wholesale or retail.
-'sep2s-dlat . JACOB .II'cOLLISTEIL
tLEXANDEft D.A.Ytake great. pleasure inlin
-Iforatirig the irthabiatista of•Pit!sburgh and the
sorrel!, that they havejust received a
splendid stock of New rail Goods, of althost every
description a large portion of whieh having been
bought at
at a artist sacrifice, and from the
Iraiitinera and manufacturers at nriprecedeatedly
low-prices, enaLlen bleu to Offer great indacemets
to Cult buyers; they would,•therefore, respectfully
invite them to esil .and examine their stock, being
coafident that they will he plessed!with the goods
and prices.
L4Dre.'S' InilL..lS GOODS.
Our stock of Ladies' then. goods is very sape,rior
and cannot he sarpassed, consisting is part of
Super Satin striped Cashmere, timbre shaded; do.;
Splendidyigurcd, do. in great satiety; California
a nid Clermont Piatds; GAlMP.aids; ClMsatis; Plain and
kilted and Satin striped Mouslin de Laines; Super
French and Scotch Gingliams; new.skide Embroider
ed do; splendid Cashmere and de Laitie robes; Ameri
can, French and English Chintzes of the latest styles,
Sc.i. Sc.
We have a very handsome assoitment of Silks,
such as super Black and Blue Black,'Fig , d and strip
ed Siiks; Super Plain and Figured changeable,i-do.;
Ombra Shaded and Changeable Striped, do.; Plain,
Black and Blue Black Sai.,,ns; Wide India. do; Plain
Black and. Blue Black Silks of eitra quality and
Width, suitable for mantillas, Lc. .4'4;
In this department we can offer great bargains,
from Auction sales or importhrs York and
Philadelphia, among which are splendid Terkerri
Shawls; Super Cashmere, do.; Embroidered Terker
ri, do.; Plain and .Embroidered Tffibet, do; Super
heavy Ottoman Silk, do.; Splendid India Silk,' do.;
Extra Hernanl, do.; Hears French Crape, do: Plain
and Embroidered Cloth, ilo.; Plain,lVig'd. and Em
breidsred Delaines, do.; Splendid French Ifroche,
do. all ..wdol; Ilrocha and Cashmere Long Shawls,
anti an immense variety of different descriptions of
Fall and Winter Shawls,. many of them will be sold
at half the cost or importation. I
Enibraedd in our stock ofthese are Super French,
West of Englund, and'Amerienn Cloths, of aimest
every color—Heavy Tweed Clothe; Bearer and Pilot
Chills for over-coats; Super Black Cassimeres;. Fan
cy Striped, do. in great variety, &el &c. ' •
Extra American Premium Blankets; Super Whit
ing, do; heavy Twilled, do; linse,ido; and a num
ber of other- raiiket of extra; quality.
LADIES ,. CLOAKrivas. •
New style Ombra Shaded Cloakings; Handsome
Plaid, do; Heavy Gala do for do.
A very large assortment of Alpacas and Merinos,
of every quality and piice, Freach Merinos and
Bombazines, both Black add colored,
ALSO, Cassinetts; Red; White and Yellow Flan
nels; Tickings; Checks, Diapers; Brown and Bleach
ed'Table Linens. Sheetings; Tablel Cloths; Canton
Flannels; heavy Gloves; Silk and ' Linen Ildkfs.;
Scarfs; Stocks; Collars, &c. &c., all of which we aro
selling much•lower than we have ever before been
enabled to do, ••
Tailors, Clothiers, and Country Merchants 'are
especially invited to examine our'-stock of French
Cloths, Casstmeres and Fillings, as we are prepared
to sell Goods to those who buv to sell again, as tow
as they can be bought in the regular !pay in the East
ern Cities. and by having a buyer ,resident in the
east, attendant upon the Auctions; we have rare fa
cilities for procuring new and desirable Goods; at the
lowest possible prices; we are regniarly receiving
now Goods every few days through tEe year.
oct6 75 Marketat.;•N. W. cor oftho Diamond.
OLI) WINES & LlQUORS—consisting of
Port Wine;
Madeira Wino;
Malaga do;
Rhenish do;—in halt — and' quarter pipes,
and on draught warranted pure; •
Pale Brandy, of different brands.
• Dark do, " f‘
Holland Gin, fine flavor; ,
Peach Brandy, S years old;' •
Apple do, 4 do do;
Old Rye Whiskey, 8 and 11 years old,
Part of the'' above Liquors frond under custom
HOuse Lock, for sale in quantities' to snit by
3y20 BO Water st.
Brick House and Lot for. Sa lo,
Or in Exi•hange for Nails or firindow Glass
Wn are authorized to offer for sale, or in exchange
for Window Glass or Nails,,a well finished and sub
stantial two story brick house and lot, 19 feet front
by, 100 feet;deep, situated on the Allegheny river
above the Glass House. It will be sold at a reason
ble price, title.unexceptionable. _
. Apply to BLAKELY &.1111TCPE/ 9
Op, 17. - _ Real .Eitate Agents.
x :: _ : ~'~: ~:
a=- -... .
":*;~ ..
L - fi5.70: TIIE splendid new and light drought
passenger eteamer-S EN AT Capt.
Al'ecußE, will leass forthe abovO and all intestnedi
ate purl's, regularly.- For freight or vatsage nrply
:The new light draught packet steam
1t:A . 41,n or CXT IFORNI C 4 pt- in Hinter,
. ,
leave4or the above and.all intermediate ports this
day,. regularly:
,For freight or pasage apply 02i
S. W. BID'LV.R&.: BRO., Second st.
The California was7bo expressly for the above
trade, and will ma reliereips regularly (hiring the
season., • - . . • .augls
THE new find light drittight pOsenger
, -' -4 -'-4 steamer WESTERN, Capt.',llnnErt,
wll eave for the-.abn.e and all intermediate ports
regularly. - The Western draws but 12 inches, and
was built expressV to . run in the trade daring, -the
low water season. ,
For freight or passage, having superior aCcorarao
dations, apply on board. -_ ' - , -jyrd
- For Louisville'—Regular
n .
, . ..
The kin , an steam
er TONNALEUKA, Capt. J. K. Moody,
will run in.the trade from Pittsburgh to Louisville,
duringvho season of 1846. -. -', : ..:. - -.. r
The 'Tonnaloakawasbuilt papreasly for the,
and is elegantly, furnished in every respect. • 7 '
For freight or .passage apply on board. i my 11.2
The well known Ihet running 'steainer
k i --.F.CAMBRIA, W. Forsyth, Master; vill run
as a regular Packet . , leaving every Wednesday morn
ing at .10 iveloch;and Wheeling, at 10, P. M., the
same day, Returning, she will leave Cincinnati
every Saturday, at 10, A,:M.
For :freight or Aim/sage;apply on hoard, or to
FORSYTH kOo., Agents,
ap 18 No. 30, Water Street.
- ' For Cincinnati and Louisville.
AfTah_ The new nod splendid passenger steam
• --...- er COLUMBI A, O , Nr..A.t, Master, will
eavaor t e above and intermediate ports, 'regular
-15. 1 . • . - • -
For freight or passage apply on hoard, or to
jet, . - - D. WILKINS, Agent.
For Saint Louis... Regular Pac4et..
t 4 The now and splendid passenger stem
er BRUNETTE, Capt. Perry, wili run_ in
the tralilrom PittSburgh to St. Louis, during the
seasonl of 1846. . • •
The4lrunette was built expressly for the trade,
end is 'elegantly found in erery - respeet. 1•
For freight or passage apply on board. - spl4 •
'For Cincinnati and St. Lord*
• I
, j The paarenger steamer PALESTINE,
k...,._ , - , -,, Capt, - Wiiliarna, vvili leave for- the above
and 1 intermediate . porta regularly.
For freight or passage apply on board, je.9.
ruesOssyr Evening PacluCt,
jyr".s. Tho now and splendid passenger steam
boat DECLARATION, Capt. Vorhees,
will cup asa regular packet between Pittsburgh and
Cincinnati, leaving this port - every Tuesday evening
at 3 eiclock. Returning the will leave Cincinnati
every Friday evening at 3 o'clock.
The:Declaration offers superior accommodations
to passengers. For freight or passages apply on
. .
CM . The regular mail an:passenger steamei
MONONGAHELA, Capt. Stone ' ,vvill run
aS a regular Packet between Pittsburgh .and Cincin
nati, leaving this port every Monday at 10, A. M.,
and Wheeling at 10, P. M., the same day. :Return
ing, she will leave Cincinnati every Thursday, at 10.
A. M. For freight or passage apply on board.
The; Monongahela was built expressly; fur this
trade, and otters to the passmagers - comfort, and su
perior accommodations. _ mar 3.1
, THE regular mail and pasenger steam
p't "7.'"5,1er UNION, Captain Jfatlean,will ran as
a regu sr packet 'between Pittsburgh and Cincin
nati, leaving this .port every Monday at 6 o'clock,
P. M. Returning :-,he will leave Cincinnati every
Thursday at 13 P. ik.f.
The Union was built ex - pressly for_ this - trade ;
and affords ever- acconmnidatiOn.
For freight or past4age apply on boril
THE reglilei t. tit and passeitger steam-
HIBERNIA', Capt. Jahn Klinefelter,
• • . ttr
will run as a regular Packet between .Pittsbnrgh and
Cincinnati, leaving this,port &cry Tuesday, at 1.0 A. -
and Wheeling at - 10 P. Di. et tire same
Returning, she Lilt :cave Cincinnati every 'Friday at
10 A. M. Fur freight or passage apply on board.
The Hibernia was :built espressly ror the trade,
and offers to, the passengers every coinfor( and su
perior accotnute , lations. apl _
fir/ e t. t i TUE regular mail . and passenger stet: m
er NEW ENGLAND; Capt. S. D. Page,
will rust as a regular packet between Pittsburgh and
Cincinnati, leaving this port_ every Wednesday at 10
A. lif. r and Wheeling at 10 P. M. the same day.—
Petnraing, she will leave Cincinnati everyfiaturda)
at 10 A. M. For freight or passage ripply on board.
The New England was built expressly for this trade
rad offers to the passengers every comfort and supe
rior accommodations. mar. 26
THE, new U. S. Mail steamer ACADIA,
-=' , 111,1. E. Lucas, 1114ster,.will run as a passenger packet between Pittsburgh and Axe
above port during the season of 1846, leaving every
Thursday at 10 o'clock A. M.
The Acadia is new and has superior accommoda
tions. For freight or passage apply on board, or to
ap9 J. NEWTON JONES, Agent.
THE regular mail and passenge' r steam
er CLIPPER No. 2, Captain Crooks, will
run as 'a regirlarpacket between Cincinnati and Pitts
burgh, leaving. this pcirt, every Friday at 10 A. M.,
and Wheeling at 10 P. M. the came day. Returning
she will leave Cincinnao every Monday at,lo o'clok,
A. M. For freight or 'passage apply ori board,
The Clipper No. 2 was built expressly fbi this Uncle_
end offers to her passengers every coinfOrt and dc.
aommodation. - • ,mar 23
r. The regularmail and passenger steamei
CIRCASSI.C.V, Capt. Isaac Bennett, will
run as a regular Pucket between Fittsbergh and
Cincinnati, leaving this 'pori every altirday, at 10,
A. M., and li/heeling at 10, P. 'M., the' came daY.
Returning, she will leave Cincinnati every Tuesday,
at 10, A: M. For freight or passage apply 'onboard.
The Circassian wan built expressly for this trade,
and offers to her passengers every comfort and ac
commodation. mar 23
The regular mail and pasienger steamer
Capt, Linford, will run as
a regular Packet between Pittsburglvand Cincinnati,
leaving this port every Saturday at 10, A. M., and
Wheeling at 10, P. M., the same day. Returning,
she will leave Cincinnati every Tuesday, at 10
o'clk A. M. -For freight or passage apply on board:
The Messenger was built expressly for this trade,
d off h pagers every comfort and as
- - loaf 23
ijIIPF;S .
corner r WRITING'
„ streets, Thie4Stlie only es
:: tablishmentin weitern Pen
sylvania where the theory.a.a — ctice of Book keep
ing can be acquired in such a manner as to enable
the learner to apply it at since to business. In ad
dition to his usual course of instruction in. Double
Entry Book-keeping, he has prepared for the use
of mechanics and 'others who are not Willing to in
cur the time and expense : necessary for facquiring
the science upon the Double Entryprinciple,
plete course of instruction upon Sinn& ENTRY Book-
KEEP:trio. A comfortable private parlor is - : fitted tip
'for instructing Ladies, either in Penmanship or Book,
keeping. Ladies' Class, 2t04,e. M. • Gentlemen's
Class, 10 to 12, 2 t 0 .4, and 7 to 0 rat; octl
. . No Cure Aro PAY'v
SRULERS , LIVER PILLg..--These celebrated
pills claim public confidence not only on account
of what the propriotor may say about . them, but on
account of the good resulting from their use. Road
the following statement from a citizen of, Birming
Ain. It. E. SELLEAS:-4 take this opportunity. of
testifying in favor. of year invaluable medicine. A.
bout two years ago I was taken down" with' a aerere
inflamation of the liver, and was so reduced by night
sweats and other effects of this dreadful diaease, that
my life was despaired of. After other' meads had
failed, I waa advised by my physician to: try youf
Liver Pills and I must lay that after takink ono boa
and a half; Ihave been restored to reasonable health,
which-I enjoy at this time.. I therefore take pleasure
in recommending them to others afflicted .with dia.
ease of the liver. • Yours respectfully, , e.
mPone Pills, stand unequaled by any ;medicine
own tbr the cure of liver complaint, and may tie
had of the proprietor, R.E. SELLERS, 57 Wood at.,
Pittsburgh. - sop29,
. .
I '~ ~ ~- +'
~a, .. =., ~,.?.~
f .S 7
Voet Incinuati.
For -Cincinnati
or Vinelrmati.
ilmarNanem, June 24th, 1846
LOUR--40 bbla. Family.Floorjustreedjand fox
- - 170 Liberty
111 WANT,SED-30 Q 0 bu s Rye wanted , for
whichcash - wilt ce paid - '
ATERITE 'E-,3 IN 0 casks Santoke" Wine,
la just receil4il on contiftnntent and forstae by
. outs _ WILLER. fr;
. , .
1110 E-1 0 Tierce::• Itice just ice. , d'ar.l for *xtle by
CLARET—llensks Claret-just. received and rotsak
by toctsl . MILLER fa RICKETSON:
JI:MEETS—PO doz. painted. bucket 9 justreed and
_,, forsale by; MILLER & EICKETSON,
°CO No. PO, Liberty street.
.; Sundries. - -
/', Tierces fresh Rice;
0 14 Conklins improved Lard 081 -
10,000 lbs. Bacon, Shonlders. On hand and
for sale,,by I - F. SELLERS.
sep24. 1' o:17, Liberty street.
LARD; 100 IL:cgs, No. I, Lard on consiguinent4,
And for 'rale by F. SELLERS.
sep24. ' No. 17, Liberty street.
QUGAR HOUSEMOLLASSES.-6 bbls. 4 Goodals, l
!...) S. H..MolaSses, in store and fur sale by
sep23.• , F. SELLERS,
EMONS-7,69:10res Lep - ions; for tale yeryloir,
j_j by , dyl4) JAMES MAY.
T_T ID F,S7-1111411sdo u ri
,Elides, for isle /OW to Close
consignnient. (je2G) JAMES MAX.
CORN--117 1 scks Corn, for sale by .
IG mETAL,-r ton Scioto Furnace pig irculfor
sale by 006) JANES MAY,
rkUININE-7-100 ounces just received and for Bile
1.4 . , by :' B. A. TAHNESTOCK
sepll." • corner of 6th anti .Woo'd sta.
fIASTILE spAp--lo cases just received:and for
.„.) sale by B. A. FAHNESTOCK &
sop 9 !. - cor.Sth And 'Wood st.
REFINED jttQtiOBIC 100.1bs'just. received
and for silo by
sep9 cor."6th and -1 - 1 - ood sts
QAND CRUCIBLES-100 nests just received and
►J for sak by' j B. A..TAIINESTOCK & CO.,
acp9 :: corner 6th and Wood 'as- •
•TENEERSi AND VARNISHES., of the very best
quality; Froi• sale at H. H. ILYAN , .s z Cabiaet
are.itooms,li.Co. 31 Fifth street..,
' . Croton AM° - Barrels.
ARFUTHER - supply of th e above just received
and for sale at manufacturers prices, by
sep26 GEORGE. COCHRAN, ;.6 Wood street.
Lard Oi
A FEW barrels of a superior quality for aile low
11. to close consignroeut; by
rep 17 GEORGE: COCHRAN, 26 Wood street::
T EMONS.-4100 boxes lemons in good order,
. for sale by P. C. .MARTIN;
20 ., • - • 60 Water street.
INE SAUNA TABLE SALT-66 bags (small
size) re* Sue rialiu.a. Salt, St for table use and
Dairies, for sale lew b I'. C. L'IA.P.TIN,
jy'47 . - 60 Water sL
, Musqucto - Nctio.
GE° -s. SWARTZ has on_ hand a lot of vel7 su
perior White cud colored Musqueto Netts
which wilt be seld.cheao at No'. 10a liarket street.
jet 3
1, - received . ; a large assortment of the above, and
forsale at - F. BLWIES
sepS No. IV. Wood street, P..nd door above sth
_ ,Brazier7s.n.l,o4-".
. .
CST receivOd an assortment, large sizes, BraZiCI S S
t BellOvi.a; also, Parlour and Kitchen. do.
Wholeialo JOIIN BLAIR, •
seP 29 . • 120 Wood at.
• FrtBhioned- Tints, -
ch r a very shperiorAl'ality, for sale
_ . M COPD z RING; ,
earner of Stood and Fifth sts.
Cia.vcrord, M. Di -
11) ESPTCTPtLLY tenders his services to the
zees of, Pittsburgh and vicinity. Office; St.
( f lair street, egposite the Ex change .
I l t!,.test lis!pri3reittent
RDSTEABS of di ff erent kinds Aritb Gazzain'S
iron patent fasteaings r superior to 41 - Oiling, now
in use, forsale low at the furniture waraciiise oC
angl. IT.. B. 'YOUNG & Co, Fraud street.'
centre and Card Tables of differ
eat patterns. If you want a good article cheap
call at:Ilio Furniture Warehouse cf'
T. B, 1'01.71 , 4; & Co; .
31 Hand st:
RQBE,s—=if yo,..t.wani to purchase a
Ngood'ivardrobe.chcap call at the fornitoye
wairtique of T., B. YOUNG. Bz. CO,
_jyl7 31 'land
BED,STEADS---Mahogany, Birch; 11101 e; Cherry.
and PoPlai high and low post bedsteads al
ways an handy and fur sale low at.ilie Furniture
Warehouse ofi T. B. YOUNG Co,
je6 - 31 nand st.
Wood 'tkeet Property for Sale.
THAT desirable lot of ground at the Eliot of Wood
street, occupied at the time of the great Bre by
I.‘leirte. King Si Holmes, is offered for sale.
Enquire of taugEr]. S. K. MOORHEAD:
tingai and .11.1olassis
Ar.„' N: 0: Sugar, strietly_prime
.-I"tf 25 bbls. : Nos. 4 and 0 Lo f;
- ID cases ; , Lovering's - D.:£._.. Loaf Sugar
118 bbls N. P. :Molasses;
In store and i'dr salebk • .
angss. 133 and 135 Wood street
rpon'Acco;,-4O bxs Ifutchinson's ss;
30 bxs Price 8c Harwood's 53;
10 J. R. Grante ss;
15 j Layton's -
55 155., 325.; Balt plu , r ' , and
Ladies Twist; arrivitt this day. and for sale by
AV offeit'
3fin RAGS Green Rio part prime;
Vt./ Old Government Java;
Arriving this day and for sale by
T 4 lE4I--150'bbls No. 3 Lary's.Mackerel;
-k 20 - . 4 . " 3 North
10 1 II &I
• ' 20 4 , Herring (Allwives)
5 "No. I Salmon; in store and 'for
sale, by taug,2s] LAMBERT- & SHIPTON.
I IEkS--12Q packages Y. IL, Impl., G. P. and
Powehong-, of late importations, arriving and.
for sale by (aug2sq LAMBERT & SHIPTON.
For Sale at the 'Wharf.
JUST received per Canal Boat
-10,000, feet inch poplar;
10,000 " • I >c , "seasoned;
45,000 ff. 41.4 Scantling.
1]) :V
BCEE:I3—Pa Cnal Boat Great Western—
lA, 100 pca Cherry' Scantling-5x5 arid GIG-4000
LightsVindow Sash - suitable for the' western trade,
12x16;10x12 and Sxlo. For sale by
"SAVING a very large Ad commodious swe
ll house, we are prepared to receiie.(in addit
tion to freight for shipment) 'clarge amount' of Pro
'duce, &c. on storgUilt - low rates.. '
" C. A. MeANULTY 8s CO, Canal Basin.
FF ;BBLS. Pitch;
JO 50 "- Rosin;
150 Boxes Tobacco, carious 512C/3;
10,000 Seed leaf Cigars;
On consignment and will he hold low for Cash, or
exchanged for Pittsburgh manufactures, by.
rrptIACCO.-75 large and 00 boxes 'Mason.
ri tobacco, - of prime quality, just received on
consighment, and will be sold theap for cash, or
Pittsburgh manufactures, • - -
august 18 ' :TA~AFFF & OTONNER.
I) .
5.)4...MS Si , llYMNS,:fdrAhe us.) of the German
Reformed Church in their. S, of America;
glish and Gerinan. For Eale by
jell, *SCRIRA & SCIFF.IBLER, 115.W00d at..
- IDBYSIC AND PHYSICIANS, a :Medical Sketch .
Book, exhibiting tho public and private life of!
the most 'celebrated Medical Men of former daya,
ilth Memoirs of eminent living London - Phyaicians.'
For sale by H, S. BOSWORTH & CO,
sep76 . 43Marketstreet.
James Blakely, Alderman. ,
OFFICE on Pdnn styopposite D. Leech Do's q
paeketline office. Office hours from? Welt'',
Vii., to 8 wotook
persdas labor uhdtr" the , 'mistaken idea WI;
Goitre :.(an enlariemont on , th - 7.
great' derbivraiiy; triton death from preieute
the wind-pipe and Inrfo blood4esaelso is Incurable.
Tilis is-a very "gregt glistake, disease, as well
asSt - ii0rtm......, are eradicated from the system by _that_
pleasant, yet..pownrftri medieinet,Jza - ses.Avrtzit.,
TLVE. It is as certain to enfeAihen ?miserly. used„ .
as that the sun gives light ancl beat. wante4' '
is a fair-trial - of its‘virtues, and the um:or - will begin, •
to diminish in size, and gradually become smaller anct ;
smaller until it'intirely disappearr.':Prepared at,No .
a South Trann street; Philadelphia. '• , For sale in Pit --L.:burgh at the Plih:Es.; TEA: STORE.,
72 Fourth street, near Wood; and nine at the-Drab_:
Store of U. P. Schwartz. A . Federal atreet,, Alleghest,r ;
City. .- • - -sup
without excep6on, tho most valuable prepationlq
ase for the above diseases, It converts HOOPINCr
COUGIFinto a mild,and tructablo diseme; and ober;
tens, its . duration more than one 7 halfi land produces
a certain and speedy recovery. From halfqa ono
tea spoon full will certainly enre:the CrtollF in dn.!:
fonts and young -children in hail an -hour's rime,--1-
Theliyes of handreds 4 of children will be saved' ant: •
nually, by keepin g it always on hind - ready fee eve t •
ry emergency. Prepared et No. 8, South ' . 111:144;
Street, Philadelphia.
Fos sale in Pittsburgh V at'the PEKIN TEA g
72 Fourth street, near Wood,- and"-alse at the
Store or 1i..-.P. - §phwartz, Federal street, Allegheny -
City. - - rep
LaYZYL strErErgiona
STAIINCH low Pretwil=t
chip built Steam Packet, SULU).
„ Ls,ptli „„ - -
ntt) A. 6-raNlimili;
having been pat in complete condition for cea,
run upon Lake Sepal-kir during the season, comtrtencr)
ing 3d- August, between the Sault de St. Marie and
the rations ports, as bneiness May warrant. -'. The
J. P. is well furnished in every particular, and is e
fine a heavy weather vessel as any shirr that floats'.
the seas." lias good upper cabin, state - rooms ,aid
family saloons, as also single beithc; ladies eahixt
and steerage cabin. All_ well ventilated, and :will:
accomModate 100 cabin passenger . s. Freight in large
quantities can be stowed -under decks. - Parties witll
or without freight will be aeeaainiodited at the earl
our landings upon the Mitish amd American cideg
Irr One or two voyages will be irtadd to laPctiatni
during the Indian payments] and two pleasure voy
ages .1)e made entirely arciund-.Me lake coast,.
wise; durin&uguat and September; giving to'pleae
sure travel en opportunity of enjoying the most Act
lightful unique and interesting scenery in theknown
world. State rooms or single berths eair be secore4
in advance bv addressict - .
W..r. 1 1 0 . 11.T.ER TAYLOB,Managibg owner,:"
Batilt de Ste Marie; Michigan,
' , jY2CI-3taEant
N. B. Property Consigned to W.F.. Forter - Tayltir
will Meet - with immediate desiistch as ordered.
T•lbdtettl and
- - -
Health la the charm of lire, Avithautit gold '
Lore; letterri; friends; all, all, .I,TO imenjoyecL
icgularly etlucated
cian" from the eastern cat' .
lee, would respectfully an
zioutwe, - to the citizens of
Pittsburoh _Allegheny and
Nicinny, that ha' - cap t.:
S ti
1 1 conxulted privately .- 844 .
Confide.otially, every - day
evening at his orace en
Diamond -Alley, few
doord from Wortiti S 404
to . ..walls the market. . - _ • _
_ -
lirown_giveS his. Taal euiar attention to
reatment and investigation of -the folloi-ing dife4,
Al! fKoin ImptFitiesorthP Blood
scrofula.,- •Eerninal- impotenty r
salt rheuln, ui theeye cs.ll ear; rhouttlatis,
Dr. Mach piCaCure in annotmetni to
the public, , thal_lleits in pose - ion of the latest in.
inmrovemeat treatruentof
secondary s, practical at the Paris Lock Ito.s.',k
pital. The , ' modern researches" on syphilis,
.complications and consequences, "and the improve
modes of practice which. bare.heen made I:novai
to the public but - recent:l,4, and toi these chiefly„ :
who inaltb this imatich of Nelicihe, their ..
Jar study and pray.ise.
:May new and valaable remedies havebtenlatep - -.
ly introduced, whiclisecures the patientheing mer;;
eurialized out of existence .Strangeis aretOrisett:
that Doctor Brown has been educated`in- every_ is
branch of medicine, and regularly admitted to
practise; and that he now confines. himself to 'tho. •
study emdpractiee of this particular brartch,togeth,-.
er with` all diseases of a private, or: delicate nature,'-:: .
incident to the human frnme. No cure, no pay. .
Recent CO:-.3 are relieved in a short. time, .With
out interruption from business.
o_,,Office oh Diamond Alley, a: few doors- from-
Wood Street, towards the inarlet. "CenSttlintioni
Strictly cmuldentiai. .myl2-48:vy •
Security to i3urcistisekai
R.4A ? , 4z of.GENUINE SUGAR COATED PILLS tuustpaa 4
• _ c
PILLS are the first and only, Medicine . over
known that positiv e ly cure -
Ifeada.che; Giddiness Measles, gall Rheims,
Riteematimn, Pilcs,, Heartburn-,Worms,,:.
- Dispepsiai Scurry, • CliMera Morhus, -
Small Pox:, Jaundice; Coughs, Quincy; • -
Pains in the Back, ' Whooping Cough,
Inward Weakness, Consumption,llM,-
Palpitation-Or the Heart, Liver Complaint, --
Rising in the Throat, ErviipelasiDeafness;
Dropsy, Asihria, IM - flings of the'Skiti; ---
Fevers of all kinds, Colds, Gout; Grivek
Pm:inlet - Complaints, Nervous Complainte,-
And all other diseases originating from impurities o
the blood.
li7 They have cured; since their intraduction,
over 2,000 persons, who have been given up as,
less cases, by the most eminent Physicians. •
frlr- They are patronized and recommended by.,
men of the highest distinction, aineng whom axe—
lion. David It. PoFter ) - • 'Hon. Henry Clay,
Hon. John Q. Adams, Hon: Daniel Webstery :
Hon. Martin Van Buren, Hon. J. C. Calhoun,
Gen. Winfield Scott, Col - . R. M. Johnson', - -
lion. James E. Pork, Gen. Lewin Cass. •
tkr Their virtues are so infallible Ihntibe money .2
will be returned in all eases, they do not give univerr
cal satisfictiun. Although but two and a half years
have elapsed since - these celebrated Pills were.firet . . -
introduced to the public, the sale of them is the
Eastern and middle States has far exceeded Dr;
CI ickener , s most sanguine expectations. Raring the
pest ybar- aßine, no less than 10,000 grass of boxes _
have beekeld in the State of New York, 6,000
Pennsylvania, 4,000 in Maryland, 3,000 in New
sey, 2,000 in Del aware, and'9,ooo in the Nenr England ,
States, requiring the constant employment. of 21
hands, exclusive of printers .and engravers. lathe
same period, upwards of 200,000 copies 'of, the
"Family Doctor" have been ordered by agents in
every section of the ct,untry. These facts -mast
show, conclusively, that Dr. Clickener , s Sugar Coat
al Pills, besides being, the very Lest medicine in the":
world, arc held in the highest estimation by the public,
We might extend this publication to an indefin
ite length, if we deemed it expedient to publish all
tersimonials We have received, not only from agents.'"
but individuals and fainilios, 'who iIIIVC experienced
the berdicial effects of Cliekener's -Sugar Coated
Pills, but We deem it unnecessary. The -Most in-_ : :
contestible evidence of their unprecedented success;
'are the ntanberless Imitations and Counterfelts*Lich
have already appeared, notwithstanding the brierpe,
rind they have been before the public.. Even:some
of our staunchest' ill makers have had the audacity .
tp imitate the Capsule of Sugar, in order to disguise --
the ingredients of their vile compounds* and-jialut
them off for the "real - simon pure," :Snob paltry
shifts cannot last long , without exposinglheirlideous
deformity. Truth and honesty innSt inevitahlypre.
vail over rascality: and deception, •. '
For sale in Pittsburgh by WM. JALESON,-at.hie
Patent Medicirm Warehouse,.No. sa;Liberty street,
head of Wood et:, Pittsburgh:: Price; 25e. peibel.-
Cl iokene Vs principal office is 81.-Barckay street,
New York.. i -•
otr Beware of an imitation arable called Int.
proved Sugar Coated Pills; purporting to he patented * ,
as both the. pills -and. the pretended patent are for-'
genies, got'tip by ernieerable quack in New Yorlf, : :
who,-for-the last- four.- or . live years, has
,Inade hisi•
living by, counts ifeiting'po p alas medicines. - -•',
0:r Remember, Dr..C., V. C: [chaser is the 04 gmor
inventor of Sugar Coated c ilia, a c nothing-4
the sort was ever 'heard of uatP
-in June, 1343. Purehasers..w al d, , therenire c - firsiays
ask for Clickeners civ- -- ' c. " 3a t e d
lake no
other ..*`y will be q/ade-1110-tice,an-tit4
") Et_CIDER:-12 sciferiDr Crab Ci l t
C.' -der *sale b
r . coum.
- rsx;rur