The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, October 14, 1846, Image 1

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    VOL,.'IL-,-N0:i.... - 73: - ;
L. 11.11.1t:PER;
N. T.Y. corner of Wood and Fifth S'ts.
Taims.—Five,dollnis a yearn payable in - Advance.
Six 'dollars will iriiariably be roilitiFed if not paid
within. the year. • •
SingleeapMea, TWO cznas.--for sale at tha .cOunter
of the Office and by Boys.
illpublished of Ile same office, on a double medium
sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in advancei
gle copies; six crafts.
,! .
Terms or
One insertion, $0 50
Vito 0 75
'rhreedo, 1 00
One areoky- 1 60
Two de„
_3 00
Three do, - - 4 00
Yearly' Ad
One Spare._
"SIF month; $l5-00
One year, 00
Larger_ adiertisements i
ter CAnns of four lines
P. Shanuori.
- TTOIINEY AT LAW, Greensburg, Welitmnie
j-I.Elsnd county, Pa.,will practice in the West,
cnereland, Indiana and Cambria coartis. decB-y
A TTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor in Chancery
.Office in }taws :new building, Filth street, be
tween Wood and Smithfield. ' augll
71.1ag•raw MlX•niglst,
ATTORNEYS -AT LAW, Office ;removed' to the
residence of H. S. Magraw, on youth it., one
door from Cherry Alley. • ap2ll
Wills 'ft Donnelly ,
.11: Pittsburgh, Pa. 011ie° on Fourth et., between
Smithfield-and Grant. , niarl4-y
Edmund Snowden3i
A TTOIINEY AT LAW, offiee in the building on
21. the North Last corner of Fourth and Smithfield
. .
streets. . novll.l
Ilamiltua 6t' Bruce;
AittsTTORIMYS AT LAW, office North side o.
. Firth streetibetween Wood and Smithfield its.,
burgli; pa. Collections made ou reasonable
°rms. decl- •
, • R. Ptlorrovr,
gLDERMAN; office north side of Fifth street,
between Wood_and Smithfield, Pittsburgh.
• : A2l.d.rOW Burke,
TTORNEY•AT LAW, office, Smithfield street,
Idp,L between Fourth street And Diamiand Alley, op
puma Mr. Gto. Whyrrittn's tobacco manufactory.
„ttpl6-y - , ,
James Callau,
. .
A TTORNEY AT LAW, ofGze in the chambers
occupied by Alderman ATTAasters,oit Fifth at.,
between Wood and Smithfield. aplB-y
DPCan & VClnre.
°limo oa Fourth—street, opposite IL & R. IL
stteritoh , A Livery Stabls, Pittsbnrgh. seplo-y
•; - Forward-& Ssvartsvrelder,
A TTORNEYS AT LAW, Fourth street between
Wood and Smithfield, opposite PUtterson , s
George F. Gllkraorei
A TTORNEY AT-.LAW, Office in Breed's build
,11;ings; 4th et, above' Wood, Pittshurgh ) Pa,
C. °clawloLoomis t
A ,TTORIsIZY AT LiV49, office Fourtk fit, abo7e
SuiiWCield julyl-y
A BEELES has removed his commission and for
warding-business from the Cana' Basin to his
new storehouse on .Third street ) nearly] opposite the
Post Office. '• may3o-y
Bichard - Cosvan )
ATTOILVEY AT LAW, office in Stuart's build
logs, Fourth at., above Wood: junel9-dw
John W. 13nrrelli i
A TTORNEY AT LAW, having returned front
j - -1. his European tour has taken an office on the
north easteorner of Fourth and Smithfield eta. Per
sons having had business and papers in the hands of
Samuel Kingston,. Esq., deceased, will ; call on the
above, .as all the unsettled basiness of Mr. Kingston
has been left in his hande. - mar&
charles 111.
TTORNEY AT LAW, Pitts' burgh, Pa. Com
missi3ner to take the proof and acknowledge
ment of` deeds, leases, contracts, deposites or other
writings, to be recorded or used in the States of
Kentucky, Indiana and Tennessee. Office No. SO,
Stuart's buildings, Fourth street. ; marl2-y
,Jamott .S. Craft,
11_, Pittsburgh,-Pa., haying resigned the office of
ectetary P. Nay. and Fire Ins. Co., will attend spe
cially to collections and business connected with
navigation, ituiurance; accounts and real estate. Bu
siness hours, 9A.M. to 9 P. M. Office, No. 1,
Stuart's buildings, (No. 80, Fourth at.,) second door
•eastisf Wood Street. feb3-y
Edwin C. Wilson,
Franklin, Winn° county, Penna.; will attend
promptly to all business entrusted to his care—col
a actions made in Warren, Clarion and Jefferson co.'s.
.7. A. Stockton & Co.
Murphy, Wilson & Co. Pittsburgh.
lion. James Kinnear,
'Ron. Alex. M'Calmont, I Fran
lion. James Wilson, Steubenville, Ohio. juy2.3-y
John A. Parkinson,
ALDERMAN, Fitch-Ward, Penn street, between'
Walnut and O'Hara, streets, where jhe may be
;limed at all times. Those having houses or other
property to sell or rent, can have the same punctu
.ally attended to; debts collected, and all: the duties
.of an Alderman will receive prompt attention.
- Holmes A: Son,
BANKERS and dealers ill Foreign and Domestic
'Bills of . Exchange, certificates of deposit, bank
-notes and specie. Drafts and notes collected, and
remittances -made to any part of the United States,
No. 55 Market street. jani-Y
Johnston Stockton,
KERS, No. 114 Market, street. sep 10-y
Seriba d Scheib
JD No. - 115 Wood street, three doors below Fifth,
?ittsburgh, Pa. - jan7 y
James Patterson ; Jr.,, .-
CORNER of First and Ferry streets, Pittsburgh,
rnanufatturer of locks, hinges and bolts,
tobacco; fuller, mill and timber screwS, housen
.crews for rolling millg; &e. seplo-y
W m.A. ward,
DENTIST, had. removed to the place of his, for
mer residence in Perm street, two doors below
B. E. Constable,
DEALER in Fancy and Staple Dry:Goods, 83
Market street, Pittsburgh. , no,lo-y
Ed•war Thorn's !
DUG and Family diedicino Store, corner of
, Pennand }land streets, Pittsburgh;.Pa., Phy
sycians, prescriptionsaccoratety compounded. Medi
cines can be had at all hours of the day or night..
jan2l-y •
Brownsville Juniata Iron Works.
MIDWAO.O HUGHES manufacturer iron and
nails warehouse Smithfield above roarth et.
seP lO- 1 -
C. A. DlP.Analty &
Canal Basin, Pittaburgh, Pa. - j milady
• _Martin 1411 e, .
"VAXILY GROCEll,:amithfielit- street, next door
jl2 to the Fifth Presbyterian Church. , june6
_ i _ ,
~; ,...97., ,, ,,yzat,.. , , . . ,
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, 1 ,-,, ~ . 1,.. . . - . Fri, • . r , : ~-xy . eh l •' 0
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~:, , P‘ .4 `-"" 1 % ..../„ .. „7 .0 *0 4 ). ,
, ' • . . 0 0 ,.. , _..... ~.........„,.. : . 141 F, e . , .g. • ':, la ' r _ g .;.-: . i
y 43 'ss'
i i , ' - .
z .
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% 4 4- 7 :17 i ; -. ' '''''- '. "*. "
-.4., v,
;, ;7 , 7 , 44 ei
• . -
- '
ds . 'ertlalite t
$5 00
6 00
7 00
8 00
10 00
15 00
One month,
Two do,
Three do,
Six. do, '
One year,
lAT U. S. Attorney, han removed hie office to
A No. 8 St. Clair et. eept4l
LUMBER MERCHANT, office on Penn street,
between 'minimid Hand ste., - Pittsburgb, Pa.
All commissions will be promptly attended to. mar4-y
School Book and Paper Warehouse.
LUKE LOOMIS, Agent,publisher, bookseller and
bookbinder,\No. 89, Wood atreet, Pittsburgh.
Two Squares
Six menthe,
One year,
n proportion.
Pilkinton's Unrivalled . Blacking,
IUrAnFACTURED and sold, wholeaale and re
i tail, Smithfield at. between 'Sixth and Virgin
ATANUFACTURER. of Lard:Oil and dealer in
Star Candles, Fifth street, near Market, S. W.
aide. mar24-y
Coleman:, Hallman d Co.,
I/AIT e r s ACTUTtERS of Carriage Springs and
. 1 A. 8., and spring steel, and dealers in
coach trimmings of every description, manufactory
- on St. Clair street, warehouse, 43 Wood street, op.
posite St. Charles Hotel. janil3-y
UiAr E DL manufacture and
constantly hand cut, moulded and plain
Flint Glassware in all its varieties, at their warehouse
corner of Market and Water streets, Pittsburgh.-*-
Oar works continue in full operation, and we are
constantly adding to our stock, which - enables us to
fill orders with promptness. Purchasers are respect
fully solicited to call and examine prices and terms.
sepl6-y •
Ott 64:Lantz,
A\tZtßEcty I vconnurnair. TFETll, Mgmittreet, tyro doors
below Fifth street
Pittsbargh, - Pa. - . A.lwaysdn hand a full assortment Of
Plate. and Pivot teeth; of a variety of shades, as
simple Plate; Alois:sand Discospidatoes, Gum teeth,
Screw Pivot teeth, &c. 'Teeth and blocks made to
order; Dentists supplied with all articles in the pro
fession. All orders from abroad must be accompan
ied by the cash.
Platina always on hand.
Dr. Daniel Attneal..
OFFICE on Smithfield, three doors from Sixth st.,
Pitrabarjh : • deelol
Dr, George Watt,
OFFICE, No. 77 Smithfield street, near Sixth st.,
Pittsburgh. aug2l-y
PIANO FORTE manufacturer and dealtir in Mu
laical Instruments, No. 11:2 'Wood street, near
PAINTER, Fifth„ near. Market st., Military flags,
Banners,-signs, designs for steamboat Wheel
houses, and fancy painting ()revery description neat
ly executed at the shortest notice. jr27•tiGin
DUMBER, and manufacturer of Pumps and Ify:
drains, which are superior to and cheaper than
any in the city. Please to calland examine foryour
selves. Ponta' street,between Smithfieldind Cher
ry Alloy. Hydrants and pumps repaired. janl-y
RECTIFYING DISTILLER, and wholesale deal
er in Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors,
No. 114 Liberty street, and 53 Diamond Alley, Pitts
burgh, Pa. /Y2I—Y
REMOVED to Penn at., between Irwin add Hand
streets, five doors below Hand at: ap1.51
SURGEON DENTIST, 118. Liberty street, a few
doors below St. Clair st., Pittsburgh. a. 2- •
sale and retail druggists, and manufacturers of
white lead, red lead and litharge, corner of Wood
and Second sts, Pittsburgh,„Pa. novl3-y
SUCCESSORS to Irvine & Martin, wholesale gra.
cars, produce and commission merchants, and
dealers in Pittsburgh 'manufactured articles, No. 60,
Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. apS4
TAND CLOTHIER, Liberty at., between
Sixth street and Virgin Alley, south side.
J.. D. Williams Lk, Co.
WHOLESALE and retail grocers, Forwarding
and commission merchants, and .dealers in
country produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures. No.
110, Northeast corner of Wood and Pillirstrcets.
sep. 8.
IV H a o n l: l E v l . A o !. d E ji a tr n e d etz re .. tail Drurgists,
STORE, corner of Wood and Fourth streets,
Pittsburgh - apl4-y
Sterett ek. Co., •
WIIOLESALEmid retail dealers in foreign and
domestic Wines and Liquors, exclusively,
No. 18 Market street
WHOLESALE and retail Grocer and dealer in
Forslign and Domestic Wines and Liquors,
Foreign and Domestic Fruit, Nuts, &c., No. 60 Water
street. sepal
Lambert & Shlpton,
W Commission
G ilr ßOC i p t S s , 1:; l tOlIVARDIN &
ancrPittsburgh manufactures, Nos. 133 and 134 Wood
street, Pittsburgh, Pa. feb2,
John Scott dt, Co.,
Merchants, No. 7 Comtnercial Row, Liberty
street, Pittsburgh.
J. &. J. WDevitt,
WHOLESALE GROCERS, dealers in -prddiaeo
and Pittsburgh manufactures generally-,-?4i.
224 Liberty, opposite 7th•street, Pittsburgh. aptly
WHOLESALE and retail dealer in Music And
VT - Musical Instruments, Piano Fortes, School
Books and Stationery, No: 122 Wood street, Pitts
burgh: . " janl-y
lITI4 . OLESALE GROCl4RB,jmporter s or ti n pl a t e
and quepnsware, andrifialers in copper and
Pittsburgh manufactured ittiales, Nos. 112 and 114
2nd et., betweon Wood and Smithfield ets. jal4-nl4-y
WM. MOODY respectfully announces to his old
friendithat he intends opening a Select School
in this city, on the first 'Monday .of April next, in the
basement of the Third Presbvte an Cburch..znar2l4
U. E. Sellersr -
TROLESALE DRUGGIST, and dealer in dye
stuffs, - paints, oils, varnishes,
.&c., No. 57;
Wood street, Pittsburgh. 3-octy
Dr. Wm. Ar. Wright,
1-. t. DENTIST, Office and residence in
St. Clair et., a few doors below Lib
_ a erty, near the Exchanee
John Cartwright.
Instrument Manufacturer,
CUTLER and*Surgical
No. 140 Wood street, two doors from Virgin al
loy, Pittsburgh, Pa. Always on hand an extensive
assortment of Surgical and_ Dental instrtiments,
Bankers', Tailors', Hatters', Ilkir Dressers' and Tan
ner.' Patent Shears; Saddlers' Viols, Trusses, &c.
George Cochran, • '
No. 28 Wood. et., Pittsburgh, n0v2.7-y
New Book Store.
TT , . S. BOSWORTH 8:-Co., No. 43. Market street,
-.V. next door to !Mid street, are_jrist.opening a
new and extensive assortment of Books and Station
ery, whieh,they will sell, wholeaale and rettd, at the
lowest prices:' - _ ap2S.y
SAMIEL C. sm.r.. - GEO. O. XtROVME,
(locenssorts O ROLDBMP AND DROWNE,)
. .
TAIPORTERS and manufacturers of Wall Paper
and General Paper Warehouse, No. 87 Wood
re et, Pittsbur: h. je2o
Win. °Marti Robinson,
L. W tlmarth,
M. C. Edek,
Flint Glass Establishmtut.
James Millers
George Bailey,
J. -Boyar,
U. D. Sellers, M. D
tingia Arters,
Ogden & Snowden,
Martin a. Smith,
It. A. Nahilestook
Thomas DlUlor's
P. C. Martin,
Johu H. Mellor,
James Park,Or, tt. Co,
Select Sphool.
Fr . aziklln'Hottio, Fourth. os(reet
Between Smithfield arid Grant Streets; 'Pittsslntrga
fully informs his fiend and the pane gener! -
Iy,that he will open the above splendid House •on
the lattlay of May neht, • j
The House being new, and finished in she.. aioct
commodious ,and convenient manner;— - arid haVing it
furnished with the newest and most utiful style of
furniture; flatters himself that be able ttiac
commodatelis friends and the travelling public, en a
manner not inferior to any., similar establishment in
. .
the city:. •
As. the House istituated near the Court ironie; ar
rangements have.been made to ormeala at any
hour in 'the day,"this • *ill be great - . convenience to
those who are in attendance at court.
Refreshments . of 'all kinds can be had. 'Boar
ders taken by the week 'or day:.
OtrEunch every day at 11 o'clock, A. M.
a. 30.
Washington Hotel,
TAMES ARAIS,TILONG, Proprietor, .Corner, of St.
Clair and Penn streets, Pittsburgh, the proprie
tor begs • leave to return his most grateful thanks to
his friends and the public for past favors, and hopes,
by attention, to merit a continuation of their patron
age. The houise is pleasantly situated near the El.
change; it has accommodations for travelers, and*
large room for public meetings, dinner or supper pat
Refreshments always ready, or prepared on the
shortest notice, with -the choicest the Barka will af,
ford. Gysters and Oyster Soup, also Fresh Shell
Oysters, received every day during the season. The
greatestcare has been taken in the selection of wines
and liquors. A variety of newspapers are regularly
filed in the establishment,
P. S. A Hot Lunch served up every day at 11, A
M. ap 18-y.
Canal Boat House.
lijy-R. DOSSETT, Penn street, Pittsburgh, Penna
Boarding and lodging, by the day or week, on
the most reasonable Strangers will find it to
their adv.intageto patronize him. Persons travelling
cast or west will find this-Minna a convenient loca/,
lion—it is within one hundred yards of the canal
basin, and convenient to the forwarding houses.
Every informatidn given to Iron 'iNlanufacturers
all branches of the business.
Name brewed ale can at all times be bad at the
bar. novlo-i
Lafayette Itefreetary.
IIkTOS. 61 and 63, Wood street, under Lyntlbs Ant.
1.11 tion store. The stibsesiberchave fitted up the
above place in superior style, and they feel assured
will give comfort and satisfaction to all who may
visit them.
Arrangements have bean made to have a constant
supply of Fresh Oysters, which will be served up_tri
visitors and families on the shortest notice. Oeil
luxuries, candies,
fruit and pastries of the choicest
kinds always on hand. Their Bar is Mod with the
best brands the market can afford; and Regalia, Cas.i,
toile, Principe and Havanna Cigars of superior qual.i
ity. Every attention paid to visitors. Their motto
ic, ovary luxury in its season. Prices moderate.
n0v10.3 , OGDEN Ix GIIISON.
Burnt District Hotel.
ISAAC MURDOCK, fernierly of the Union note!:
on Water street, having been burnt our; has bui4
a new and handsome house expressly Gai-tht.accom
modation of travelers, at the corner of Second and!
Smithfield streets, which will be known as the Runic
District Hotel.
Ile is now prepared to:offer every accommodation!
and every comfort to thetraveler, at very moderate;
charges. Ile is provided:with ample and convenient!
stabling. decl2-y!
a. r. sTEarrr. JACOD 'WEAVED
Ct TERETP & Co., wholesale and retail dealers in
►Foreign Wines and Liquors, corner or Marlict
and Front streets, Pittsburgh. Pa.
iterferences—Win.llu4n CS & CO., Henry F. Schwep
pe, Vim. Eichbaum, is. Weaver.
Their stock has been selected with great care,and
consists or the ehoisest qualities suitable fur this mar
ket, to which they would respectfully call attention
and solicit a share orpublic patronage. It comprises
the following in Casks and bottles:
Wines—ltiaclerias, Sharma, Lisbon,, Teneriffes,
P 076, BfalagasCalabrias. Liquors—Bramhes, Gins,
RUMS, and Whi.k;ea. aue23
Exchancc Hotel,
\ j LEN BROWN, Prearstrrost.-.-Terms $l,OO per
day. Theu ndersignod, formerly of the Merchants
Hotel, corner of Wood and Third streets, has leased
this superior establishment, and furnished it anew
throughout, with new beds, new bedding and new
furniture. Great care has been taken to till his cel
lar with the choicest viands. A handsome omnibus
and a baggage wagon are provided for the use of his
guests, and a Porter will In in attendance stall hours
to meet the demands of the,traveller. The long ex
perience of the undersigned in this business, assures
him that his ea/nest purpose to satisfy all who call,
cannot be unsuccessful. He feels altogether at lib
erty to promise his visitors a comfortable and cleanly
abode, liberal entertainment, and a hearty welcome,
at a moderate expense. ALLEN BROWN.
WILLIAM COLEMAN having, on the first day
January, inst., associated with him Jas. W.
Heilman and John P. Jennings, under the name and
style of Coleman, Hallman k co., will now have in
creased facilities for manufacturing Steel Springs,
hammered axes, American Blister and Spring Steel,
&c., to Which the attention of dealers is respectfully
solicited, and hopo by strict attention to business, to
merit a continuance to the new firm the favors so lib
erally bestowed upon him, Factory on St. Clair at.
—warehouse 43 Wood eta, opposite the St, Charles
Hotel, where can be found a good asserttnent of
Springs, Axles, A. 8., and Spring Steel, and Coach
Trimmings of every description, together with Iron, ,!
Nails and Pittsburgh manufactured articles. 'VT'The
highest price paid For scrap iron. jan22
A. Fulton,
BELL AND BRASS FOUNDER, has rebuilt and
commenced business at his old stand, No. 70
Second, between Markst and Ferry streets, where
he will be pleased to see his old customers and
Church, steamboat, and bells of evee7 size, from
10 to 10,000 pounds, cast from patterns of the most
approved models, and warranted to be of the beat
Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, Railing, &c. &c.,
together with every variety of Brass Castings, if re
quired, turned and finished in the neatest manner.
A: F. is the sole agent forßabbitt , s Anti-Attraction
Metal, so justly celebrated for the reduction of fric
tion in machinery. The boxes and composition can
he had of him at all times. novl3- •
Franklin Machine Works.
TINE subscriber having been removed by the
1 great fire to Allegheny, is prepared to make
Steam and Fire Engines, Hydraulic and Screw
Presses, for oil, tobacco or any other purpose, and
machinery generally. J. S. GWYNNE,
Franklin Machine Works,
On Rebecca street and Bank lane, West of Federal
street, Allegheny city.
N. B. Orders left in Pittsburgh with Mr. S.
Cuthbert, in Market street, 2 doors below Third
street, will meet with prompt attention.
m ay 11.
New Drug Store. •
ItJOHN I). 'MORGAN, Wholesale and Retail
Druggist, No. 93i Wood street, one door SOuth
of Diamond Alley, Pittsburgh :—The subscriber
has just received from the Eastern cities, and is now
opening at the above stand, a full assortment of
articles in his line, consisting of Drugs of all kinds,
Dye Stuffs, Paints and Varnishes, Chemicals,
&c., together wih all such articles as are usually
kept for sale at a wholesale and retail drug store.
His stock is entirely new, and has been selected
with care. He is confident that his articles, both'
as to quality and price, will please such as may fa
vor him with, a °alb
John DI. Townfend, •
jJ street, three doors above Third street, Pitts
burgh, will have constantly on hantLa well selected
assortment of the best and freshest Medicines, which
he will sell on the most reasonable terms., Physi
cians sending orders will be promptly utteirded to,
and supplied with articles they may rely upon as
•-. . • -
genuine, - -
Physicians , prescriptions will be accurately and
neatly prepared from the best materials, at any hour
of the day or night.
Also, for sale, a large stock of fresh and good
erfernery die 30d
LnxtifottAt a Etrdaved Price.
HE sbscriber would respectfully inform . his
andt.T-friendizi the public in- general that
his new
Factory is now completed, and with a large addition
to his machinery, he is prepared to, make considera;
bre quantities• of a superior article of Lard. Oil,
which he is determined to sell cheap, fully apprecia
ting the old pro . verb, that-."a nimble inspence is
worth retire than a slow...shilling." He feels confi
dent thatconsumers would find it to their' advantage
to give him e'en!) and examine for themselves.
Woolen manufacturers, machinists and Others, are
respectfully invited to examine 'his superior.oil, Fifth
street, near . Marker, opposite Ilunkeros Confection
ary store, and Metsrs. Samuel M'Clurken & Co.,
Liberty street. •-•. M. C. EDEY, •
Pittsburg° Lard Oil Manufacturer. '
A superior quality of Star Candles, always on hand,
of assorted saes., • mar24-y
Ornamental Ha'r Work
MRS. - RENTER, Wig Maker,
Allegheny City, six doors front the
4gueduct , opposite the Collectors
'ficeovishes to inform the pub
that she-has just commenced
3' . Ornamental Hair business,
las a. Tory superior stock, ic
ived, from the Eastern cities and'
is; and she is prepared to fill
orders at the shortest notice,
in a manner that cannot be
:tlled by any similar manufac
id intends keeping, a large as
sortment of Ornamental Hair Work, such an Ladies'
Wigs, Bands, Braids,-Curls, Necklaces, Guards,
Bracelets, Finger Rings; &c. Gentlemento Wigs,
Tanpries, Scratches, &c. ,
Airs. It. has been for many years engaged in the
business in France and the United States, and from
her long and experience, she,,feels.confident in being
able to give satisfaction :to all who- will favor her
with their patronage. Her prices are more liberal
than have been offered itxthis city heretofore. '
Mar 17-ly
JarOes Her/ord.& Co.
"[SAVE the pleasure to announce to their friends
i I that they again occupy their old stand at No.
83, Wood street, where they have opened an exten
sive WALL PAPER WAREHOUSE', and will have
contently on hand en extensive assortment of Satin
glazed and plaid PAPER HANGINGS, Velvet and
Imitation Borders of the latest style; and most hand
some patterns for papering }tails, parlors and chain.
They manufacture, and have on hand at all times,
Printing, Writing, Letter,Wrapping and Tea Paper,
Bonnet and Fuller's Boards—ail of which they offer
for sale on the moat accommodating terms, and to
which they invite the .attention of merchants and
ALSO—Blank Books of all kinds and the beat qual
ity, School Books, &c., abs'ays on hand and for'salo
as above. aug 2.5
Landreth.* Warranted Gazden Seca., --
1.1 bears the label and. warranty of Dwelt, LAN-
oars/. Furcate by F. L. SNOWDEN, N 0.29 Water
st. ' at the stand formerly oecupiod byGoo. A. Berry.
Extract from the 'Report of the .Visiting Coninaittee
of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society,' unani.
measly adopted and tirdered to be printed.
"These extensive gr unds arc on Federal street,
near the Arsenal. * •• •'''''. The earliest collec
tion of Camellias was `de here. Some of those
now in Ponsznin of the/ ,
`distinguished nurserymen
are ten feat high..--f". :,*). ' l. • The selection of
GREEN-1101.16E PLANTS it taleable and extensive.
"The Nurseries arc very correctly managed, sup
plying every part of the Union, a detail of which
would occupy too much or our space, we therefore
content ourselves with stating that the stock is very
large, and in every stair. of growth, consisting of
a collection of berbaeceout plants, fruit trees at-the f
best kind and most healthy condition, large beds of
seeding liplike, pears, pl WAS, &c., as stocks for bud
ding and grafting; a plan; very superior to that if
working upon suckers, Which' carry with them into
the graft all the diseases of the parent stock. ' •
”G"Aniarr; Semis of the 'finest quality have been
'.scattered over the country from these grounds, and •
'may always be depended upon. ,The seed establish.
ment of these Horticulturists is one of the most ex-
Pensive in the Union, and its reputation is well sustain
ed front year to year.
1 "To obviate the chance of mixture of the farina of
the plants of the same family, they have established
another - nursery at a suitable distance,
so that destine- i
'ration cannot take place, and which secures to the
purchaser a 'genuine article.' Knowing this the
Pge, quality and process or 'culture of every plant, 1
:the supply from their grounds is recommended with.
1 great confidence."
*,,,* Since the date of the "Report. from which the
Pbove is extracted, the entire establishment has been
greatly enlarged. The collection of Camellias em-
bracen all the finer kinds, and consists of some thong
sands of various sizes; so likewise with Roses, and
Other desirable plants, both tender and hardy; fruit I
frees, &c.
' The Seed Gardens alone (Myer fifty acres, end the
tyhole is, as it hat been fur More than hells, century,
cinder the successive management of father and son,
the most prominent in America.
irr Orders received by F. L. SNOW D.b.'N, from
whom catalogues may be redeived gratis; rear 9-3,
A Card.
HE subscriber begs leave respectfully to return
his grateful acknowlegerrients for the liberal pa
tronage bestowed upon hml for years past, and par
ticularly to those who so generously patronized him
since his misfortune by the bite fire. Having consill
mhly enlarged his busbies by associating with Wm.
B. Roberts as a partner, he would earnestly solicit a
continuance of foriner favors to the new tirm of
Roberts & Kane, and he trusts that by prompt atten
tion-to business they will give general satistliction.
' M. KANE, Jr.
The subscribers would respectfully inform their
friends and thu public that !they have removed to
their new warehouse on Third between Market and
Wood streets, south side, where they trucaby strict
attention to business, to merit a share of . public pa
tronage. They solicit attention to their extensive
stock on hand, which has been got up with great care,
in the latest style and most substantial mnnner, con
sisting in part of the following articles, viz:
Mahogany Wardrobes,
" Dressing Bureaus,
Book Case and Secretaries,
Section Back Sofas,
" Plano I do.,
" Divans,
" Ottomans,
1 " Victoria Chirs,
" French do;
" Plain do,
" Contre Tablas,
" Card do,
Ilureaus of every description,
" End 'Fables,
Marble Top Pier do, •
. 1 Centre do,
" Sofa do, .
" Dressing Burma,
" Wash Stands,'
Mahogany Work Stands,
" Hat Racks,
" Rocking Chtlit , a t
de Sewing do„
" Music Stools,;
" Arm Chairs, .
" French Bedsteads,
Butlers , Trays.
Mahogany, cherry and poplar bedsteads, warrant
ed proof against bugs, and superior` to any now offer
ed to the public. Also, a variety of Windsor chairs,
of the best qualithand a new eltyle of.arm chair with
spring seat, well adapted for offices or'societies, with
a variety of other articles too numerous to mention.
We have at considerable expense introduced into
our new factory on Front street, a steam engine with
machinery, which will enable us to sell, wholesale
and retail, at reduced prices. 1 9
The attention of Western Mer.hants, and persons
moving West, is invited to:oaf new and extensive
establishment. Western Cablietmakers are also re
quested to give us a call, as they will find they can
purchase from us for less than they can manufac
ture. (Wars from a distance will - receive prompt
attention, and the furniture will be carefully packed.
Steamboats and hotels furnished atthe shortest no
tice, and on favorable terms. ROBERTS & KANE.
N. B. Undertaking in all its branches attended to.
mdrlo-y R. & R.
mary of Christian. Doctrine •as used by the
German Refonned Church, English:and:German.—
For sale-at our store, No.- 11S Wood et. Pittsburgh.
jeli SCRIBA ft - SCDEIBLER., Booksellers.
Fall and Dry Ganda.
A. A;IIAs`QN, •
Acd: 62, Market Street, SZ•npson , e Row,
lIAS veceived 42 cases and, pa'ckages of. Cheap
Foreign and Staple Dry Gook, wh:ch have been
recently purchased at ruinous Ithv prices iii the east.
es markets, and be sold at extremely 100 pies.
We name in part
Splendid shaded Pekin and other itylcs.dress slats;
lack and blue black Gro de Rh nes, Poutt 'de Soie,
and Oro de Swiss; new style French cashmeres;
Mous de Lains; new style cashmere robes; Oreton
and California Plaids; new style Gingham, superior
quality; Alpaccas and Apines.• . • "
French Cashmere, .Terkerri Printed, very rich;
Zephyr Worsted, Brocha, Damask, Thibet, Merino,
Woolen and other shawls.
Linen Cambric •handkerchiefs, all prices; Item
Stitched and Revere Bordered litlkfs . ; Irlth Linens in
groat variety; Linen Sheetings; Damask Table Cloths
and Table Damask; Bird's Eye, Scotch and Hecker
buck 'Diapers; Brown Table Covors, Damask Nap
kins, Crash, &c.
New styles of Prints, of all qualities, one case as
low as 4 els.; one case Orange and Blue, slightly int•
perfect, 61- cents; good dark PrintsOkat colors, as
low as 7 cents; fine dark blue do. ,0 cents; . very rich
do. for 10 and 12 cents, usual pricelB and 20. cents;
sixteen bales brown Muslim', °Very quality, at factory
Pow Kentucky Jeans for 20 cents. Cassinetts as
low as 29 cents. Canton Flanneli 0 Dents: Also,
tickings, flannels, stripes, checks, blankets, taunter- 1
panes, plaid linseys, bleached goodi of every variety;
one ease- Nankeen as low as 9 cents per yard.
- . -
Black, blue, olive, brown, drab, French, English,
and American Cloths, from 82 to BS per yard. Sup.
black and fancy Cassirneres, all prices. Satin, Velvet,
Cashmere.and Silk Vestinga. A full etock of gloves,
handkerchiefs, cravats, hosiery, undershirts,
ers, &c. i --
Cash Purchasers ire respectfully ii4ed - to call and
examine our assortment before making. their selec
tions. Selling exclusively for cash,ivve feel confident
that we can offer greater inducemetits to buyers than
those who practice the credit systern.
sep29 4. A. MASON. "
aannows TVIRNEIR.,
AT NO. 46, .MAKET. ST.,
ESPECTFULLY call the attention of their
It friends, and DRY - GOODS purchasers generally,
to their estensive-assortment of I
Which is now complete in every deparrnent,
Purchasers are particularly incited to examine our
very choice selection of
Much attention has been given 6004' selection,t I
and in point of richness and rade:A we never before
hare been able to offer greater inducements.
-Fine Wool Cashmeres; Cashmere Reps; • I
Cashmere lrEcosse. Mous I lle-Laines;
• Fancy and Staple Silks, ;Ste. &c.
7'orkrrrf, Cashmere L'rochc.'
Embroidered and plain Cloth; dd. Thibet Shawls
of-entirely new and rich patterns in every variety!
of sale--also, Henniquin's .Bkk. Merino, with Fancy
Styles, at reduced prices. I
I Ladies Fancy Silk Velvets;
Paris Rid Gloves, in all shades and Nos.;
80. r.: Rthross.—Several boxes - Teed comprising!
the different late styles, choice patteths. FeW bones
very handsome patterns at 121 cents.
Linen Cambric flail, from 121 !cts. to the best!
in use.
Fne,:vciz AND Scorcit Gizzotnots-4-Of very desira
ble styles and qualities superior, at low priced.
French Thibet Cloths, tin all 'shades);
. Alpacas, Silk and Cott...Waspi,plSin_nnd
Bombazines, Lupine's best, at I unusually low
Ombri 4-4 Cashmeres;
F.tribossed Table Covers;
WOOLEN ISLA:car rs.-12 and 14-4 limey bound. 12-4
twilled beautifid article. Also loivCosis ofilitferent
, styles, all of which are offered at prices 30 per cent
Splendid Calicoes, at 10 and 121 ets.
Ourdomestic department is full, pOssessing advan
tages to the purchaser rarely to be foetid.
Brown Sheetings, yard witle,fropi quality, 6;
Do. do. do. Eizira heavy, Se
Gtxrcr.stri please take notice, that at our number
may be found at all times Frenchl Broad Cloths )
Pant stuffs and Vesting.; Satin and Silk Scarfs, and
Cravats, new styles; Linen and Silk Ildkfs., Gloves,
Hosiery, Gum Braces, Silk Elastics, Silk Umbrellas,
&c.. &c.
The above stock has been purelined within the
last 30 days since thegreat depreciation in prices in
the Eastern markets, and will be disposed or entire-I
lyte the advantage of the purchaser. Call and see
at the "Down Town Cash House." ,
• -
-- 30,Cases rich fall
0 -tiod s; French
.ind English Cash
mares and Mous.
dei Laines ; Gala
Lobrain plaids;
lain Frenc
loak C I 154 hs ;
rinted and plaid;
laakings; a full
ssortment of
'each Brodie, I
tinted Cashmere
lk. and colored I
Whet, plain and
law's, plain and
il'd Ginghams,
rarities, Alpacas
id , -piain M. de
Lines; plain, blk
Of 'rich . colored
:If Bonnet Rib
bons; Velvet and Bonnet Silks;' Frenah and Ameri
can Flowers, in great variety ; B.aid:; - and •Straw
Bonnets, cheaper than ever; a full 'assortment of
gentlemen's wear, such as Cravats, iShirts, under
Shirts and Drawers; Cloths, CassitnereS and Vestings,
all of which will be sold at a small.; advance over
New York cost. W. H. GARRARD,
sept 16 79 Market street.
rim-It:subscriber offers for sale a uaciiof land about
three miles from the city of Allegheny between
the Franklin and Beaver roads, containing one hun
dred and forty-one acres, about 44 of Which is clear
ed. This land is effered at reduced prices and will
be sold either in a body or divided into Lots to suit
purchasers. From its convenience to market it would
be a very desirable location either for', farming pur
poses, pasturing cattle or for Gardening.
Seventy-five building Lots on a creatiaf ten years.
These Lots are situated on Grant,- Wylie, Filth,
Ross and Diamond streets in the third ward of the
city of Pittsburgh, adjoining the New -Court House.
Persons disposed to purchase will find; these lots fa
vorably located as to health, convenience to busi
ness, and will soon be in the centre of the city. For
pirtibulars enquire bf J. C. Cummins;, or
G. W. Biddle,
HAS removed to N 0.102 Smith.
Seld st., where he will perform all
Ail • operations on the_ Teethsatisfac
• _
~,...,_, tardy. . ,
N. H.—Having lately made one
`.;• of the greatest impiovements in
171 i. 1.
h se a l s v e e v s e o r f a b pp is e s a er red lic b e e- a,
1 7 1
, five the public, he has been able
, to extract teeth with such ease
as to astonish all those who have
Pittsburgh, July 24, 1546-ly
- - 'Henry W. Wtll.llttms; .- -
(successor to Lowrie & Williams.)_•olrtce at
the old stand, Fourthstreet, above Smithfield. - '
THE PARTNERSHIP heretoforaexistin' g between
Henry W, Williams, Esq., and mysolfi in the pmc,
tice of the law, was dissolved by mutual consent on
the, 26th ult„ and the business will hereafter be con
tinued by Henry W. Williams, whom I most cheer
fully recommend to all for whom haVe the- honor
to do Intainest, as a gentleman every wiPy worthy of
their confidence.
seplfi-ly WALTER H. OWIIIE.
JAW.! DLAZELY; 401.111
Alderman,, Attorney at Low.
fIONTINUL to - attend to the selling and renthig
of Real Estate in the. City of Pittsburgh and Id,
einity.-Jfaving determined .to• devote a large. portion
of their time to this branch of business, they with
confidence, solicit a ,shato'. of the patronage of the
publieffrom tholfacility they possess and the experi,
enee.they hereto -Senior! partner having been .en,
g a ge f f ,the Re 'Estate Agency for near 20 years;)
they beliewe that, they will give general satisfaction.
Office on Is:ean at., near the U. S. Hotel, and Smith
field et., betweeil;Diamond Alley and Fifth street.
rililE—partnership heretofore e;isting- between
1,.. Hunker Dickson . is thief day dissolved by mu
tual -r,oneent. Vie affairs:of the- late firm_Will he
settled by P. fl. ltunker, who will continue the.Bak
-ery end Confectionary, at the old stand in Fifth, near
Market street. l'. H. HUNKER.,
Gs. SWARTZ hos on hand a lot offal° Lawns
which will he gold at the very low price of ISI
cents per yard, persons who {CUL a good article, at a
low price, would do well to call soon,
Also on hand a good stock Of Naagook musling for
LadierDresses very cheap at -
jel3 .i No. 106 Market street.
Pittsburgh Navigation and Ply* insua
rarice Company. ,
Office, r 1 i. 21, Ilci;ket &rest. -
William Eigo::'
Lewis Hutet4fon,
Fred. Lorenz,
f Jarhes
- 31. ALLEN, Pres't, -
Michael. Allen, 1
Analiutz, I
Thos. Bakewell,
Robeit peer, j
It. W• P,
irpllE FALL 'SESSION of this department .fif the
1, Western University, will commence in the new,
University Building, on the - . :FIIIei'MO.7.I).A.Y OF. SEe.'
ITEEDEe next, and the SPRING SESsIOX-of 1847,
. ,
..... ~..--t - --- !will commence on the FIZST AIONDAY OF :r.C.11.1:4AT
Money Wanted ills exchange xor ssa s and following.
, A Caps. ; .
an 1 . . . a This institution haring 'so :fir -recovered front.tlid
TI/E subscriber would inform dm effects of the great fire of April last year, as to have
6 4 public that he has received his fall i the new .building nearlycompleted with inireanod
I accommodatiounfor all its.clepartinenta, it is' hoped, .
stock of Caps, all 0 whichliave been principally
that the Law School will be found topresent themes. -
made to his order,l and as his purchases has been
made on the cash System, lid is enabled to sell his ed faCilitios and :attractions-to those who desire to •
stock of Hats and. Caps at unnsually low prices. far pursue a regular and thorough comae of lege/In/tea,
cash. His stock does not consist of-the cuttings of I tion, and to pr,epare theniselves creditably :for - ad:
Eastern houses, bet are air a fresh manufactured ; matinee to the bar. . -
p .: . ,
article. Neither is I his establishment relenished There will be daily recitations by the classes on
with the old sloe! from „eastern markets.. The assigned lessons, so arranged as to - embrime;witliitt;
a two years course. all the Principal and most iny-'
caanc; QU ''' 4l ''' I the course. --
Proprietor : being a ;hatter - iiiid Cap manufacturer,
by trade, as well anirofession, he is also daily man- _
p milt branches of the lew. Occasional lectures -
alfacturing Hats au Caps of: all descriptions, a i
,_ rind on law and equity, will also be delivered -as parrot -,
lbr their neatness had durability,
passed. 411 of which he offers at wholesale and THE Moor
.senr,C designed for assisting students':
retail, end-at such" prices as; cannot
. fail to please li n ee , ptitio ,
knowledge and readinessinthe prac
the purchaser. i • • Itics of the law will be resumed as ear : the n-
Rontivr FiN-yrr.r, Sec
aug2Q.dGm. • ;
No. 102; Wood•etre i t, third dbor below John D. Da
vis. Commercial - Auction ROcons.
John p. Dav is,
.1 - 11, Comer of WcMd and Fifth streets, Pittsburgh,
is ready to receive oerchandize of every description
on consignment for public or private sale, and from
long experience in the above busines, flatters himself
that he will be abletto give entire satisfactiun to all
who may lave,' him Isv,ith their liatronage.
Regular sales on .Mondays cud Thursdays of Dry
Goods and Panay articles, at 10 o'clock, A.M.
Ot groceries, Pittsburgh Manufactured articles,
new.and second-hand furniture, itc., at two o'clock,
Si1,41.8 . ;411;017 evening at ckirly gasdight. augl;'-y
.... ' BEWARE OF Fi(UJ9S,
SO.ME Druggists art misled inte.the error of: buy-`"
ing a miserable imitation of Dr. Smith's Sugar_: .
Coated - Indian Vcsetahle Pills. - simply because ; they '-=
_ . 'can purchase the spurioun - Omayer. We shall Mall
21tinit irrrent trine' Outdone by. Nature. evil::: np el elte g h
d il t 4alors zvo t r it iv re e tt 4 gl o to c u th t
e the r : c o: i n
t., l c) ,Q ', f
these imitators, buy and attempt to impose upon the. •
11 LE?r.PDY1 TAIWAMETrie.AN OILS - public with such worthless trash. „It is..not!thet•Su;':.`
urksville, pill s ,
. . A ItIKDIINII o.lP a N v A el T l li n ß ea E r . l3
rpitis Oil is obtained from •' . gar coating, alone that constitutes the'value or My
K o hu t it is my invention', for which I claim the:
Kentneky, at 01C tidpth" of 185 feet below the ! r i g h t , " G. BENJ.
.SMITH, 51. D., ••''
surface of the earth, and /170 feet through solid rock. 179 Greenwich at. and 2 Water et. Boston, ...
Its curative properties are truly astonishing, and as RE.-1D ANDJUDGE--MPORTANT FACTS,' ;
a Remedial Agent it may well be pronounced won- We, the undersigned, wholesale druggists in Lou
derful. • Since the discovery of! this Panacea of Na- isville , , Ky., are satisfied, from all the information
titre, humbers of remarkable mires have been effect- that u e can obtain, that Dr. G. BENJAMIN S.I3IITH .
ed by its 'use. It is lanocent—rPowerful•r-Safe andi is the original inventor of the Sugar-Coated Pills: '.
Certain in its effects. I It has been used with wiper- i' We are prepared to supply dealers at the Neer•
shelled success in 'the treatment of the following iyork price. .._• . . . , -- .. •.
~ • -
diseases:: Infiatnatatery lthevimatism, Burns and I Robinson, Peter 4- Cary, 492 Main street
Scalds, Cholic, Piles,! Plateleneev infiamthatien oft =.l. S. Morris ei- Co., 461 Main st.
the Kidneys, Deafitess, - -Consumption, Liver Cum-! Rupert 14- Liadenberger, 511 Main st. . ''' . ''-',..i , •
plaint, Inithisie, ..calif Read, Cancers, Weak and I George Lapping * Co., 79 Fourth at, _ - ,•-• _
Sore Eyes . Bruises; Fresh Cuts and Wounds, 1 Buil 4, Alden, 81 Fourth et.
Sprains and Strains, l. ropsy, Pains in the Breast and I The following from druggists in New York shows
Side, - Totter, Influenza, Ulcerated Sore Throat, :I invented the Sugar Coated Pills in 1543: ' _ ---'
Consuniption, Bronchitis, - Spasms.. illars, Spinal I ': . Kew York; June 16th, 1344. 1 •
Affections, Scrofula - or King's Fad, Coughs, Syphilis, we, the undersigned, never saw or heard of "Su _
Ringworm, all Bowel .Complairds, all Chronic' die-!!!gar Coated Pills," until Dr. G. Benjamin Smith roan-:
eases, Impurities of the Blood and General Debility. I uffletured and exhibited them to us about a yeatsince.
I' it is likewise very beneficial for; Female Complaints Rushton 4- Co. 110 Broadway and 16 Astor House..'.
in general; acts as a great Restorative from Languor, i 5 ,.„,,t D atu j e jAm . D . g t ; Liberty It.
weakness ofilack and ;Chest, LoW Spirits' and Exces-1 Thrace: Everett, 96 Hudson st. - -.. • --.''...
sive Debility. -I • ' I John pastree, 97 Hudson
Read the following Certificates,' all of which are t D a r& s an d,. 79 F u l ton ~,, t . ..
nuthentic; all the Perions•theroin named are now
living, and well knouln in 'Cincinnati: - I have been afflicted withpl
dyspepsia in its ostag-. ,
. , - - I Prrrantlacu, Aug 22,1546. • gravated form for three years past; and found no -
This is to certify that we have used the American relief relief until I used Dr. G. Benj. Smith's ffugar-Coat- •
Oil. fir the whooping cough, am ong o ur children, by 4 ed Indian Vegetable Pills." After using sir boxeS'of.
!giving them from 20 drops to a small tea spoonful m t said valuable pills, lam entirely cured. They r•vire.
night, which always en,abledthenti to rest well through la general remedy. I. K. LEEMAIi f , :;' the night. I also apidied it to one of the children t Paducah, Ky. ..Nov. 9;.154.5.
thatgot her arm burnt by turning over a tea cup 01l We certify, to the above facts. • • -.
hot coffee on it, the child seasedi crying by the time • Dr. Smith's "Sugar-Coated Pills" are universally '
the aim was dressed and Mauna, u p , esteemed - inhas never I esteemed - in this vieihitr. --' - - -
complained of it Mime, -I also was afflicted with a - lIODGE 41TENS & Co; hlerchants.
pain in my side aim breast,:and have been so for 161 Paducah, Ky. Nov. 19, 1543. ,
,•-r ears 1 commenced using the Oil b'y taking a tea- i
~ At the request of Dr. 'G. 'Benjamin Smith's agent,
spoonful twice a day mid in 3 or four days using of we cheerfully state that we visited the office of Dr.
!the oil I have ben very much rolioved,and . rto really 'Smith in September last, While in New-York, and•
believe that it is the beet family medicine that I have found hiritto all appearance earrying on a very ex' -
ever seen. I applied it to one or my neighbor's for I tensive business with his 'Sugar-Coat& Indian Vege- .
a strained aacle, which'relieved her in a few,minutes. table Pills. The extent of his establishment would .
We have also used dirt oil for a strained joint in our (astonishs any one not initiated in the mysteries of the
own family, which gave ease in a very short time., pill trade.—Louisville Journal. . . '.. .
We live on the east side ofPenn St:, 3 doors south of i ' (From Dr. Singleton.) -•. ,
_ .
Walnut, I am now as ;well as Lever was in my life. I Btnithland, (Ky.) Feb. 24, 1846.
MARGAIIET H. SMITH. ! Dr. G. Benj. Smith.—Dear Sin Nothing has ever,
been introduced that has sold so well and giVen such
general satistbetion as yew- - Sugar-Coated i Improved
Indian Vegetable Pills. Very respectfully, yours,
1 . (From 801 l ie. Alden.)
1 . , Louisville,(Ky.) Feb. 13th, 1.846,.
Dr..G. Benj. Smith--. Dear Sir: Yru will please 800
ins 12 gross of your valuable Pills, From present in- ..
dicationa we shall sell a large amodnt of theta;-- -
We find that they go very quick :. Your friends;
Pm - salmon, 19,1846.
This is to certify, that my son has had the Plethisic
for seven yeari,-and was very bad with it, and about
12 or. 15 days since, I commenced gicing to him
about'2o or 25 drops of the American Oil, twice a
day. shich relieved him in a daylor two of his diffi
culty Of breathing, andf hale now, entirely relieved
of his 'cough; our boy isllo years 41 age. _Welive in
King's Alley. NANCY. KING.
• •
Onvorrriavi, July - Ist, 1896. •
Sir: Having been cured of a very severe disease
of the eyes and head ;by the use of the American
Oil, I feel it my duty to the public 4 as well as to you,
to send you the following certificate:
I hereby certify that; } was severely afflicted one
year ago last winter, with inflamed sox's. eyes and a
very severe pain in my head from my eyes up to the
top of my head, and continued solfor several-weeks.
My eyes were so much inflamed 'and sore that 1
could not see to attend any business, nor could Itell
one object from another a few yards from me. I
called in a phypician,' but still got worse,' I also
tried a good many remedies that had cured others;
but in my case they failed. In April, 1845, I heard
of the American Oil, I procured:a bottle, and be
fore I had used a half M bottle I iwas entirely well,
and still continue so. I will not be without it in my
house as long as I can get the article. I also
gave it to one of my men that was working . for me,
that had the tetter in his hands so bad that when he
would grip anything tight in theta the blood would
burst out, and the use of half a lottle cured us both.
I would advise all.. that Ate afflicted in any way to
give 'the Oil &fair trial, and I 'think they will be
pleasedwith the effectit - will have, &cc.
Sold at One pollar por Bottle at Jackson's Patent
Medicine Warehouse, 89 Liberty, head of Wood at.,
Pittsburgh, Tun ONLY NLACY. szr. Prrrsiatmou where
the Genuine Anierimn OU cur be obtained.
Beware of a Counterfcit article. t The Seneca Oil.
put in American Oil Bottles, andi labelled 4.Amer
lCitil Oil:" It somewhat resembles the American
Oil, but possessesnone of its virtues or hoalingpow
W. Jackson respectfully informs_ the—Public that
D. Hail & Co., the proprietors of tho American Oil,
have appointed him their SOLE AGENT for. West
ern Pennsylvania... • ,
All persons wishing Sub-agenciei will. app!7 4189.
Liberty street, as above.;.
N. B. Sub-agents wanted for every town in the
A great number of ce:rtifieates arc on hand and
earl be seen at the offlee t , 89 Liberty ritreet, header
Wood, as 2847
H.:Williams , select., sohoolt
IkTORTI4 East corlidi.. Of Fedeial and .Robinio . 4
strepta,. its - Fait
isessiork-on.Alcinclay i , ,
. „ TEI3=IOI4I.AL3.
Frani Profdsoi. It"H. ifaihiiiL4ol; Colkti; 41;i4
Having attended an examination of the school.
taught isyMr. Williams, take-pleasure - in bearx
ing our testimony to the evidendeafforded by it of
the unusual, skill and labor- of. Mr. ,Williams: The
understanding of the principle
,of the subjects Which
the scholars hid :been studying, shown by :
clear answers to enestions asked by Others than the' ,
teachers,'prove the - excellence er the , New England
modes of teaching, in whieliMr: Williams seems to
be proficient, • - ' R. H. LEE,'
J. VirISHAItT,* ,
From the Rev. Mr.. Prato:, Reefer 'Hunt, 4-c.
Having attended an examination 'of the Select
School under the care of Mi. Henry Williarian'held
recently in his school room, corner of Federal and,
Robinson streets, Allegheny city, we wish to :call
Public - attention to this institution. We were - highly -
gratified with the progress and order oats schooL—: - :
This manner of simplifying and illustrating the flit; .
ferent branches it peculi.arly happy,"and . . well caldn:
la:ed to give interest- to - the pupils: His indde , of--
teaching them to read struck us aR ;torch' and . 014 0 . 5
that cannot fail to make, good readers..;
Fioni the knowlsdge • that - .we have - of Mr.. ,
llama' character as a teacher; his' zeal, fidelity_ and
success, we cordially recommend hint to. the :
Age of the public. His location is elegible for IMO
Cities. t& YID AUNT,
, • ,
I' attended the above examination, and can truTyr
say I was mud). gratified with the attainment of thq
pupils. PIM-STPN,
Vniversity /lavr 13,01001 e
soon as the - nuns!:
ber or students will just*. The degree of 44.c5ag, 7
Loa or LAW will be conferred of students. :al.tlit/„.
institution, according the rules usual in such inatitn7-
Any farther information that May be required can
readily be obtained on application to the -Professor
Wm.= H. LOWRIE, who las his otlice on 4thnbatt4
Smithfield street, Pittsburgh. : •
TEMIS--Seventy-five dollars a year,' or thirty-nev,
en and a half dollars a session. aug6-d3m
( Front Wilson, Starbird & Smith.)
Feb. 12th,'1846.
Dr. Smith—Dear Sir: About two-weeks ago . wo.
bought 2 gross of your Indian Vegetable Sugar Coat
ed Pills. Though business is dull here at this time,
yet wo have sold•them all. You will please send us
10 gross through /Messrs. Lawrence & Keese, ofyour
city, who will forward Dicey to us via Pittsburgh.
I- Yburs, respectfully,
This is to certify that I Live used the Supt.
coated e ille manufactured by G. Benj. Smith, of New.
York, for some time, and believe there to be a good
medicine; and also from enquiry in that city, 'I am
persuaded that he is the original -fuveritor, and'.
therefore, is entitled to the benefit of the inventou,
aug2l. Pastor Ist F,aptist Church Pittsburgh. _
We have forty, letters from different dealers solicit,.
rug the agency of my Pill, although they bad the spu,
riousio their store-'.one in particular from New Op.-
leans, which we shall publish. • -
Principal Offices—New York, 171) Greenivich et;
Boston 2 Water st/
itlr• G. BENJAMIN SAIITH is - written on the bot-'
tom of every box of genuine."Sugar-Coated Pills."
AGENTs—William Henderson Druggist, 205 Liberty
street Pittsburgh: ; John Sargeant Alleallany City, -
mayl Bd7m.
INF. undersigned would respectfully informlli*-
citizens of Pittsburgh 'and its sicinity„ that
has purchased from Mr. Moses COry, his large ancl-1
'splendid stock of Dry Goods, kept at No. 66 Marko
street, where he intends to kcop a gCncralassert.
meat of.seasonable goods, which ho will sell: t very '-
reduced 043 - Beall and judge feryourselves, -
No. 66 Markit'street.
To my friends and patrona I am much qbliged
and would respectfully recommend Mr, :
Cowen, my successor. - MOSES GORY:
ECEIVED THIS DAY,-by Express, aaotlier lot
of rich black- .MANTILT.A.S, at the Igewyork
Store, 79 Market street. -
augl7 H. C14.11.R.A.111);