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L . ‘,,„„,- ( 4:: .4.. ...._ , • - - - .., , - -, le -- - iP - . . -- ' - -•'-' ' ' •'• , .. . • ..... . .. • .-1..-..-_,..... ~. -.•....-.-::_:;....- _.,- ....;--,,.... ---- I'; --- ' • ••.,-- :-... - 1 ". -- - • -. 7 '', - •-...1=- --- ;. - . - .''.' ----- ---•-•-: -: -..--. '• •-• '.- -•i . -.•- - -_____________ __..._ VOL. 11.--NO. 71. ~ • . PUDLpHED'AND EDITED DT 'lV.:ll7.'coriiet • Med end Fifa Sti. • - TEI/M9.--Fivetillars a year; paYahle in 'advanOe. l Six' dollars .will bo.:Tequirod. IL not pOnl within the - ' - Single copies, Two CEIN - rs--ibr sale at the counter, of the,OESee, and by . News • TIIE.AYEEELT 31EDCLItY Lib 1111NITFACTURER • Is published at the same office, on a doublee - medium sheot, at TWO' DOLLARS a -yeari in'advance; sin gle copies, sflf, cnicts. - dvertising, Terin's of ELVE - LitiES OA LESS PER MILVIE OE TR Oud • lnsortion, $O5O Two do, , • 0 75. I 00' One-week, - 1 50 : 1 Two do; , " '3 00 'fhreedO, . 4'oo .Yenorly A.dv „ , • cumwEADtv Oi Two ,. , Tii r e do ? , 1 7 00 ;•pi'ur. dor- ° 00 10.130 - •: • , • ' *- Two. Squares. . Six months, • e2O 00 OD° year, - .80.90 n proportion. One Square. Six inaratti ; $l5 Of.l One year, - ' 20 00 . la_rger advertiSenients i CATins of four lines rrvz Dotr.mn a year • Shannon A 7 I7OIINEY AT LAW, Greensburg; Weitmore land county, - Pa. ' :wilt- praCtice in the West tatorelaittl; Indiana and Cambria Courts.' dec?,-y Wallow 3.11 , 1ah0n, ATTORNEY_ ' 'I.:A.IV and Solicitor in phancery. Office in Bares new building, Fifth street, be tween Wood and Smithfield. ; augll IPLasraw & 14. , Knight, I TTORNEYS AT. LAW, Office remind to the 2 - 1 residence' of H. S. - Magraw, on Fourth st., one floor from Cherry Alley. . ap2l-y Wills 4s;,,Popiuelly, . . TTORNEYS AND COU,NSELLOES AT .LAW, 1 - 1 , Pittsburgh, Fa. Office on Fourth st., between Smithfield and Grant. marl4-y Edntiuid. Ssowdea, ATTORNEV -kT' LAW; office in the building on A the East corner' of Fourth and Smithfield streets: uovll-y -- ,11a.mi.ltou ..11ruce ATTORN EirS, AT LAW, office North side Filth street, betweeri-W.Ood and Smithfield sts., )ittseargh, .Cullectione made on-reasonable ems- • • • I' • -• • decd-y It. MOrrow, A LDER.A.N.N, otrie:e north side of FAIL street, betweOn Wood and Sinithfield 2 Pittsburgh. seplo-v ' Audrew Burke, TTORNEY AT LAW;offiee, Smithfield street, 11.. between Fouirtliutreet and Diamond Alley, op poeite Mr.. Geo. Wiymin's tobacco manufactory. apl6-y James I,TORlliYzftil 1..1.1V,.0i1ice, in tile. thambets occupied by Alderman; :.l'Blssters, on Fitl6 st., bet;vpou Wood snit Sraittifiobl.- ap13.1 . • •• .liiChitalesilft: lUNClrtie. TTRILNEYS AND . COUNSELLORS AT. LAW, „1 - 3 L. °Mee pa, Fourth street, opposite 'IL & It. Psttersou'A Liviiyi Stable, Pittsburgh. tiepiNy Forward Arg: Swartzwe'der, TTORISEYS AT LAWS Fourth streetlietween ; AL- WOod- and Smithfield opposite Patterson's liv ery stable.- - , : - • ap7l . . . . George F. Gilloi.ore, ATTOANEY- LAW ~,Officu iu,Brecd's tngs,.-411. st., übuvo WAod; Pittsburgh, Pit. • ' - C. Orlitudo Loomis, TTORNEY AT LAW, office Fourth it., abrive 11., Smithfield. ' ' julyt-y • • Ikemaval. A BEELEN has removed his commission and for 11_4 warding business from the Canal Basin to his new warehouse on Third.street, nearly opposite the 'post-Office: • - may 36-1 - lehard Cowau, A-TTORNEY AT TAW, office in Stuarts build ings, Fourth st., abol'e Wood., junel9-dwy John W. ',l3uxrcli, ATTORNEY. AT LAW, having returned front his.European . tour ida taken an case on the 'north east corner of and Smithfield sta., Per sons haring had bUsiness and papers in 'the bands 'o Samuel Kingston, I:sq. - deceased, will call on the above; as an the unsettled buainess of Mr. Kingston has been left in his hands. -mars-7 Charles 3,1. Clays, . . A . - TTORNEY AT-LAN, 'Pittsburgh, Pa. Com- ±l. 'nes to, take tha proof and acknowledge nteut.of deeds, leases, contracts, deposites or other writings ' to be recorded or, used -in the 'States .of Kentucky, Indiana and Ttrnessee. 'Mice No. SO, Stuart's buildings, Fourth- street. raart2-11 Jarnes S. Creftt . . A TTORNEY, COUNSELLOR AND NOTARY, Dittsburglr,- haainz 'resigned the office - of ecretary: P. Nay. and Fire 'lns. Co., Will attend spe -cially to collections and business connected with navigation, insurance, tCCOUIII.B and teal estate. Du einess hours,' 9-N. %1;-to 9P. M. Office, No. I, Stuart's buildings, (No. SO, Fourth. st.,) second door :east of Wood street. ' feb3-y Edwin C. Wilson, TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, 111. Franklin, Vonango county, Penna., will attend proinptly to all, business entrusted to his eare—col leen ons made in Warren,,Clarion and Jefferson co.,s. REFER. TO . . J. A. Stockton & Co.,' Murphy, Wilson & Co. } Pittsburgh. John Bigler, . ' i Hon. James Kinnear, , ' I. rankEn. Thin. Ales. APCalmont, Hon. lames Wilson,Steubenvi le, Ohio. juyil3-y John A. Paihinson, A. LDERMAN, Fifth Ward; Penn street, between 11' Walnut and 'o 7 llara.streets, where he- may be found at all-times. Thoie -having houses or other . property to sell or rent, can have the same punctu ally attended to; debts collected, and. all the duties .of an Alderman will receive prompt attention. oct27-y N. lioltoes Soo, . . . BA' 'KERS and.dealers in Foreign and. Domestic . Bills of Eicliange, Certificates of .deposit,,bank notes.and specie. Drafts and notes collected, and remittances maw to anyipart of the United States, No. 55 Meant...street. , jan7-y Johnston At Stockton, OOKSELLERS, PRINTERS AND PAPER MA KERS, No. 114 Market street. sep.lo-y B,Crilm'S.cltelbl,te_fo. BOOKSB . ELLERS, STATIONERSAND BINDERS, No. 115 Wood street , three Clears below Fifth, Pittsburgh;Ra. jaall JELICICII Patterson, Jr., •irIORNER or First and , Ferry streets, Pittsburgh, vv Pa., manufacturer df leeks hinges ami , bolts, tobacco; . fuller, mill end timber screws, housen .crews for rolling mills, &c. sep,lo-y Wm. 11. Iyard, .TIENTIST, has removed to the place of his for t) mer residence in Penn street., two doors below _ . 1 ' ' .apl3-y Constable, ' I DEALF.II in Fancy and : Staple Dry Goods, 83 Market street, Pitt.sboigh. norlo-y , • Edgar Thorn's TNRUG'. and Family Medicine Store, corner of J Pews and Hand streets, Pittsburgh, Pa., Phy iycianst prescriptions accurately compounded. Medi cines cap be had :at all hours of the day or night. jan2l. y. • • _ Brownsville Jrininta Iron I.Vorks. . "V. I DWAED HUGHES manufacturer . of' iron and 'II . nails, warehouse, Smithfield above Fourth st. _ seplo-y G.. A. 11 , Anul i ty C 0. ,& FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS Canal Basin, Pitt.abuigh; Pa. mar3dy Martin Lytle, EINMILY' GROCER, Smithfield street, neat doer to file Fifth PA;Sbyteriart Church. -= * GCOrge COOhritINC . 1770.11.. WARDING & Co\ll4lSSloll _LI No. 26 Wood-at., YittsburglLLtenor Z7-g Q - VARTZ would reapeetfully inform, his friends and'cisternerethat lie' has removed to No. 1-0611arket streofi between Falb and• Liberty sts., east side, wbere_he is receiviug a. large and w, as sorted stock of spring goods, to-which he woultre siieetfully invite their attention. ' ap346,111'.- IRetidßook Store. AS. BOSWORTH ,No..:43.Markei. street, •:liext - difioi to Third street, are juit opening a .new:and extensiswasSilitthent Of BOoks anil Station -err wine f they wlll sell, wholesale and retal at the lowept:Prices. sAnniEL c. fIU L. WILL. &1111.0WNE',: (itICCESSOILi,TO 11OLDSIIIP Atil) DIXOWSE,) TISIPPRTERS and marmfacturers of Wall Piper I. anti General Paper :Warehouse, No. 67 Wood re et, Pittsburgh. , je2o (Mara Robinson, , T ATE U. S. Attorney; has removed his office to j No: 8 St. Clair at.' scpl.4 Y L. 1V . , LIMBER MERCHANT, office on Penn, street, between Irwin mid Hand sts., Pittsburgh, Pa. All cotninlisione will be proinittly attended to. mar4l School Book. and Paper Warehouse.. T VICE LOOMIS, Agent, publisher, boOkseller and 1.4 'boohbinder, No. 89, Wood street, Pittsburgh. mta2B-y - - - - .Pilkluton 7 o riu'lcalled Blacking, AffAt'ZiljWi'lVlYE'St.anbde.tss%°•Cienwisl'xeteatrlr,Z;; alley. oet2l-y C. Pae,Y7 mAN 'Ffl2,2°fLardO" and dealer Star illh.treetnca;4arket, Bide. inar9.4=y WJI. COLESIAJT. JOHXF. JENNINGS. JAS. W. HAIL/lAN • ' - Coleman, Co., Amiz., A cT.lii.RL.v.porfinasrtricaefei:dvidnegliasnin' coachr - trimmings of every description, manufactory on St. Clair streetovaichouse, 43 Wood street, op posite St. Charles Hotel.. jan23l Flint Glass Establishment. ATULVANY & LEDLIE manutlictures and keep I constantly on hand cut, moulded and plain Flint Glassware in all itti varieties, at their warehouse corner of .llarket and Water streets, Pittshufgh.-= Our works continuein full operation, and we are constantly adding to our stock, which enables us to fill orders with promptness. Purcha r tmre are respect fully solicited to call and examine prices and terms. sepla-y- . Otto Blintz, TAiNUFACTURER OF Inconninvrams. lII_ Smithfield street, two doors below Fifth street Pittsburgh, Pa, Aiways on hand a full assortment ox Plate and Pivot teeth, of a variety of shades, as simple Plate; Molars and Iliscuspnlatocs, Gum teeth, Screw Vivot teetli;.&e. Teeth and blocks made' to order; Dentists supplied with all articles in the pro. cession. .All orders from abroad must he liceottipaa lett by the cash. otr Platina always on hand . n0v1.5- v Dr. iThrricE.,3 l l Striitbfield, three doors from Sixth st., doclo-y . . Dr. George W at* • griFF . ICE, N0..77 Smithacld street, ties: Sistkst., IL/ Pittsburgh. _ : au-41-v r o PIANO FORTE manufacturer a. anuracturer nd tlealci in Mu sidalltio: 112' Wood - stieCt. clear F.trth. . , novl9-y James AltAter, U .NTER, Fifth, near Blarkct st.,3lilitary flags, P • Banners, signs, desir,netor stnanaboat Wheel houses; and fancy painting of . every description neat ly executed at the „shortest notice. jy27-clatis . George Batley, IDLUMBEIi, and manufacturer of Pumps and Ily dranta, which are aaperior to and cheaper than any in the city-. Please to call and examine foryour selves. Fourth stratt,lntureea Smithfield and Cher ry Alley. hydrants and pumps repaired. . janl-y RECTIFYING DISTILLER, and wholerrifedesl- er in Foreign and Domestic Wines and Lltinors, No. 114 Libm.ty.strect, and 33 Diamond Mley, Pitts burgh, Pa.iY 2l— .Y - ____. _ D. Sellers, M. D. D. T . ) ENSOVED.to Penh st., Imtween Irwin and liand 1111,, streets, five doors below hand st. apirry liugh Arters, F, • CILTIIGEON DENTIST, 11S Liberty stro.2, a .few doors below St. Clair st., Pittsb - urgb. - . • ap:.B-y Ogden a. Snowden, UCCESSORS TO AVE RY, OGDEN & Co.oth ole sale and retail drziggls'oy and Ina.nufacturerii of white lead, red lead and lithargey corner or Wood and Second - sta., Pittsburgh, Pa. novl3.y Martin & Snitch', 11..7CCFiSSORS.to Irvine St. 'Martin, wholesale gro -01 cera, produce and commission merchants, and dealers in Pittsburgh ntanttfaetured articles, .tio..fel, Wood street, Pittsburgh; Pa. . art S-y • • John it'Olosliey, IpAILOR AND CLOTHIER, Liberty st., between Sixth street and Virgin Alley, south aide. seplo-7 I=l J. D. WiMania & Co. WHOLESALE and retail grocers, Forwarding I'V and commission merchants, and dealers in country produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures. No. 110, Northeast corner of Wood and Fifth streets: sop. 8. U. A. Fahne.stock Co., AITIIOLESALE and retail Druggists, corner Sixth N - and Wood streets. se t2-y Thomas WIIOLESALE & RETAIL FAMILY GROCERY STORE; corner of Wood and Fourth streets, Pittsburgh ' 5p14-y Sterott dz, Wll d tti e S st A ic L , E w a i n n d es re a ti ri a d l fo ex r c e i i i g . r i t r, %n y il No. 18 Market street. apS-p _ r. C. Martin, WHOLES/ lE' and retail Grocer and dealer in 11' Foreign. and Domestic Wines and Liquors, Foreign and Domestic Fruit, Nuts, &c., No. 60 Water street. sopfi-y Lambert Jr. Walston, AITHOLESILE GROCERS, FORWARDING & Commission Merchants, dealers in produce and Pittsburgh manufactures, Nos. 133 and 135 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. feb2-y John Scott di: Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION Merchants, No. 7 Commercial Row, Liberty street, Pittsburgh. a39-y ... J. 6J. AVDeviti, - WHOLESALE GROCERS, dealers in produce and 'Pittsburgh manufactures generally, No. 224 Liberty, opposite 7th street, Pittsburgh. ap2SI Johu 2i. Mellor, WHOLESALE t6ati - retail dealer in Music and Musical - Instruments `Piano Fortes, School Books and Stationery, N0.:122 Wood street, Pitts burgh. - , jnnly James Park, & Co.l lITIIOLESALK GROCERS, importers of tin plate I'V and queensware, and dealers in copper and Pittsburgh _manufactured articles, Nos. 112 and 114 2nd st., between Wood and Smithfield sts. jil4-nl4-y Select School. NM. MOODY respectfully announces to his old • friends that he intends opening a Select School in this city; on the first Monday of April next, in the basement of 'the Third Presbyterian Church. mar2l-t It. E. Sellers, WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, and dealer in dye swill, paints, oils, varnishes, &c., No. 57, Wood street, Pittsburgh. 3-octy Dr. Wm.D. Wr DENTIST, Office and residence in St. Clair st., a few doors below Lib- NIA Artysla_ear tke,l4cltlnce Hotel. marll-y I• Fr unklib, House, Fouraistx ot t - Beitceen Suit /field and Grant Stricts, Pittsata'gh ;SCHMERTZ, Propricto4 respect- V) fully informs his friends and the public general ly,4hat.-he will. open the . abotoeplendisi Ammo- l on theist day . of May next. The Rouse being nenTrititi Bniabed in she Most commodious and convenient manner; and hating it furnished with the newest and most beutilbl style of furniture; Batters himself that Ito wiltdie.able to. ac conunodato his friends and, the travcilingpublic, in,a manner not inferior to any similar establisininerit iii the city. As the House is situated near the Court Ilonse, ar rangements hoyeileen made to serve.up.meais any hour in the day, this will ; be great convenience to those 'Who are in attendance at court. -‘= 1):! r Refreshments of all kinds can be had.. Boar ders taken by the week or day. . overy day at 11 0:clock, A.lll. GEO. W . ashington - Vote], JAAIES A &MST RON G,. P ropri tor, . Corner efSt. Clair Mid Penn streets, Pittsburgh, the-proprie tor begs leave to return hid most grateful' thanks to his friends and the public tbr past favers,and hopes, by attention, to merit: a continuation of their patron age. ,The is.pleasantlyMtuated near the change; it',has' acCommodatiOns for noicicle, 'and a large rooniCor public meetings, dinner or supper par- Refreshmenti always ready, or prepared on the shortest notice, Frith thechoicest -the Harket will af ford. Oysters .and :Oyster Soup,: also Presh Shell Oysters, received, everyday during the season. The greatest care has been taken in the-selection of wines and liquors. A variety oC newspapers are regularly filed in the establishment, P. S. A Hot Lunch served up every day at 11,. A. ap IS-v. Y It. DOSSETT, Penn streelNttsburgh, Penna. 1.3 Boarding and lodging, liy the day or week, on the most reasonable terms. Strangers will'find'it to their advdzitagc to patronize him. Persons travelling cast or west will buil this house a convenient loca tion—it is within one hundred yards of the canal basin, and convenient to the forwarding }Muses. Every information given to Iron Manufacturers in all branches of the business. Boma brewed ale can at all times be had, at the noCIO-y Lafayette ltefrec tory. Ivros . . and•Ek3; Wood street, under Lynd'a auc tion tloll store. • The subscribers have fitted up the above place in superior style, and they feel assured will give conifOrt and satisfaction to all who tnny Visit them. Arrangements'have bean made to have a constant supply of Fresh Oysters, which will be served up to visitors and families on the shortest notice. Other luxuries, candies, fruit and pastries of the choicest kinds always on hand. Their liar is filled with the best brands the market can afford; and Regalia, Cas tello, Principe and Ilavanna Cigars of superior qual ity. Every attention paid to visitors. Their motto is, every luxury in its season. Prices moderate. nor 161 OGDEN & GIBSON. Burnt Ditrtrivt, Hotel. ISAAC MURDOCK, ti,rmeriy of the Union illotel on. Water street, having been burnt oat, has built a new and handsome house expressly fur the accom modation of trarelefs, at the corner of Second.and Smithfield streets, which will be known as the: Burnt District !rote!. Ire is now prepared to offer every accommodation and every comfort to the traveler, at very moderate charges. Ile is provided with ample and . convenient stabling. decl2-y E 11 N MI:M1 TEP,ETT tr. Co., ivhoicsale and retail dealers an 0 Foreign Wines and Liquors, corner of Market and Frontstreets Pt!abtat,4l. /tVrre.a.ccil'a.Y.AttOittiltrtea Lleatry F. Ser. , : LT ‘Vin. EiChliuuM, IL Wed% er. Their stock lias been selected with great ca're, and consists of the choicest qualities suitable for this mar ket, to which they would respectfully call attention and solicit a share of public patronage. It comprises the following in casks and bottles: IVines—Alatterw, Sherries, Liabons, Teneriffes, Ports, Alalagas Calabrias. Liquors—Brandies, Gina, Rums, sad tVhiohien. atsg2s CORNER OF PENN AND Sr. ELAM gTI3., AL LEN llROW: 4 ;;Paoratertx.=:-Terrns $1!,00 per day. Thou ndersigned, formerly of the Merthants lime], corner of Wood and Third streets, has leased this superior establishment, and furnished it anew throughout, with new beds, now bedding and new furniture. Great care has been taken to till his cel lar with the choicest viands. A handsome omnibus ;and a iiaggage wagon are provided fur the use of his guests., and a Porter will be in attendance at ail hours to inert the demands of the traveller. Thu long ex erience or the undersigned in thier.business, , assures him that his nastiest purpose to satisfy all ,who CIIIIIOOC unsuccessful. lie feels altogether, at lib erty to promise his visitors a comfortable and Cleanly abode, liberal entertainment, and a hearty welcome, at a moderate expense. ALLEN lIIWWN. ap3-dtf a.mt.is having, on the Oral day January, inst., associated with lam Jas. W.l Hannifin and John-F. Jennings, under the name and H style or Coleman, ail Man co., will now have in creased facilities llir manufacturing 'Steel Springy, hammered ayes, American !flirter and Spring Steel, &c., to which the attention of dealers is respectfully solicited, and hope by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance to the new firm the favors so lib erally bestowed upon him. Factory on St. Clair st. —warehouse 43 Wood st., opposite the St. Charles Hotel ; where con be found a good assortment of Springs, Axles, A. 11., and Spring Steel, and Coach Trimmings of tarry description; together with Iron, Nails and Pittsburgh manufactured articles. :0:7 - T1;e higlidst price paid for scrap iron, :jan22 FE= - DELL AND BRASS FbIiNDER, ha* rehuilt and 131 commenced businees at his old stand, No. 70 Second, between Market and Ferry streets, where he will lie pleased to see his old customere and friends. . Church, steamboat, and bells of every size, from 10 to 10,000 poundsi oast from patterns of the most approved models, mad warranted to be of:the beat materials. Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, nailing, i &c.B.:e., together with .every variety of Maas Castings, if re quired, turned and finished in the neatest manner. A. F. is the sole tigMit i'or Babbitt's Anti-Attraction Meth!, so justly celebrated for the reduction of fric tion in machinery. The boxes and composition can be had of him at all times. novl3•y fpliE subscriber having been removed by the 11 great lire to Allegheny, is prepared to make Stearn and Fire Engine's, Hydraulic and Screw Presses, for oil, tobacco or any other pstrpose, and machinery generally. J. S. GWYNNE, Franklin Machine Works,' On Rebecca street and Bank lane, West of Federal street, Allegheny city. N. B. Orders left. in Pittsburgh with Mr. S. Cuthbert, in Market street, 2 doors belov Third street, will meet with prompt attention. may 11. IJOHN D. MORGAN, 'Wholesale and -Retail Druggist, No. 93 . 6• Wood street, one dour South of :.Diamond Alley, Pittsburgh.—The subscriber has just received from the Eastern cities, and is now opening at' the above stand, a full assortment of articles in his line, consisting - of Drugs of all kinds, Dye Stuffli, Paints and • Varnishes, Chemical s ) 1 &c.; together wih all-such articles as are usually kept for sale at a wholesale and retail drtig store. 'His stock is entirely new, and has been selected with care. He is confident that his articles, both as to quality and price, will please such as may fa vorhim with a - call. - inyt)-y. John. M. Townsend, lUJGGIST AND APOTHECARY, No. 45, Mar , ket streetithree doors aborop Third street, Pitts- Th, will have constantly on hand a well selected atment of the best and freshest Medicines, which on the most reasonable terms, Physi ts sending orders will be promptly attended to, supplied with articles they may rely, upon as mine. 'hysiciansl prescriptions will be accurately and I.tly prepared from the best materials, M any hour t he day or night. , lao, for Sale, a large stock of freskiarisl good wry slec 30d clan and gem neat _ - .1 1 - 4T . TsßußotLr:.*l.o4;s 7 ;_OcTorprAT),... - :: - Is:46. Canal Boat House.' ExcAaucc CO-Partzteralp A. Fulton., Frrtnklizt Dltichlito Works. Now Drug Store. Lard Ott at.. a. li.cdsuced Pr*cc. milt subscriber would `respectfully inform this •tiiends.avid.-the -public tit general:that:his new Factor); is now completed, and with a large addition to-Ms!Machinery; lie is prepared:to make considera , - ble -quantities of .a. superior 'article of Lard- CU; whiclikeis determined te. sell cheap, fully apprecia ting the old proverb, that "a, nimble sixpence is woitli More than 'a slew. shilling." He feels confi dent ,:,liat-consurncrs would find it to their advantage to give him a call and exatKnefor themselves. , Wriolen manufictarers; Machinists and otherS, are respectfully invited - to examine his superior oily Fifth street, near Marliet, opposite. Hunker's ,Confection ary store, and Messrs. Samuel 'lll>Clurken 'St Co.; Libert.yntreet. s M. C. EDk;Y, . •z. l'ittSburge Lard Oil M anu f acturer; A ,Supetior quality of Star Candles, always on hand, of alsortect sizes. mar24-y OrnasueittaiilOr Work -nos: 'RENTER, Wig - Maker, Allegheny City; sizelcrotefrcmi the Aqueduct, opposite the Collector's 'Office; wishes to 'inform ' the pub . ~ lie that she has just 'commenced 1.14 - . the Crnatnental Hair bUsiness, and ho r 'very superior stock, re * •i• , -;-INV- 4 . ecived Trim the ..Lastern cities and Parts ' hi . and she prepared to fill j all ordets the shortest'-notice, and in - rs manner. that cannot be excellediby any similar manufac ture/lin the country. She has. on hand and intends keeping, a large as sortnienvof Ornamental Hair Work, such as Ladies' Wig q, Dands, Braids,, Curls, Necklaces, Guards, Bracelets, Finger Rings, &c. Gentlemens , Wigs, 'families, Scratches, &c. ' • , Mrs. B. has been for many years engaged in the business in France and the 'United States, and from her lung and, experience, she feels confident in being able to give satisfaction to a!l who Will favor her with their patronage. ; Herr prices ire-more liberal than have been offered in this city, heretofore. mar 17-ly ! Jarlies lloWardati Co. TrAVE the pleasure to announce to their friends 11l that they again occupy their old stand at No. 83, We e d street, where!they have opened an exten sive WALL PAPER.WAREHOLtE, and will have contantly on hand an extensive assortment of Satin glazil and plain PAPER ILINGINGS, Velvet and Imitation Borders of the latest style; and most hand some patterns for paperingl halls, parlors and cbams bers.l • They manufacture, and have on hand at all times, Printing, Writing, Letter, Wrapping and Tea Paper, Bonnet and Fuller's Uoard.4---all of which they offer for sale on the mostaccotim_ lodating, terms, and to Which they invite the "at c 1 of merchants and othoa. - •• ! ALSO—Blank Booksof all kinds and the beatqual ity, School Books, &c., on hand and for sale .. as allove. aug 95 • . Landreth's Warranted Garden-Seeds, vREcT FROM PHILADELPHIA. Each paper bears the label and warranty or Davin Les bian4n. For sale-by F. SNOW DEN. Nor 29 Water at., at the stand formerly occupied by Geo. A. Derry. Eatrct from the bßepori of the Visiting Committee of the Pennsylvania ITortieultuml Society,' unani meusiy adopted and ordered to be printed. LANDRETH'S NURSERIES AND GARDENS. 'These extensile grounds arc on Federal street, nearithe Arsenal. • * •. • The earliest collec tion of Camellias was made here. Some of those now ' t in possenalon of those ;distinguished nurserymen , are ten feet high. • • • The selection of oacMs-notisc rtazres, is valeahle and extensive. . I "The Nurscrie'S arc very correctly managed, sup p Lying every part of the pnion, a detail of which would occupy too much or oar space, we therefore content ourselves with stating that the stock is very i and in -escry stage 'or growth, consisting of; F0134;81' 4„N ORNA2,IIINTAL TitEgs, EVER- IairEENSOMILEES, VINES AND CREEPERS; with a collection of herb:sem:cll plants, fruit trees of the bestikind and most healthy condition, large bats of I seedini , a•sples pears, plains, &e., as stocks for bud , ding and grafting; a pion: very superior to that •f; ! workieg upon suckers, which carry with them into ! the grail all the diseases of the parent stock. • • "PAE.DESI SEEDS of the; - finest ijurility have been ' s.:attered user the country from these grounds, and ' mar always be depended upon. The seed establish- mcdt of these llorticultnrists is ono of the most ex teusive in UK: Vi2ioD, audits reputation is well sustain ed flora year to year.' ' "To obviate the chance of mixture of the farina of the !plants of tho same family, they have established • another nursery at a suitable distance, so that tlegene ratinn cannot take place, 'and whirls secures to' thy' purthaser a ‘geutiiiie Knowing thus the! as , yi quality and process of culture of every Maui, trieisupply from their grounds is recommended with • :great coulidence." •I • .4.lice the date of the 'Report' from which the above is extracted, the entire establishment has been 'gra4tly enlarged. The collection of Camellias ens- Mares all the finer kinsis,, end consists of some thou sanils of various sizes; so likewise with ItUsed, and othOr - -ticsirable plants, both tender and hardy; fruit trees, tee. 4 The Seed Gardens alone cover fifty acres, and the 4 . he See: Gam_ Es t irhOle is, as it has been for more than half a century, under the successive management of father and suu, the most prominent in America. o^, - Orders received by F. 4. SNOWDEN, from whims catalogues may be received grata.. mar9-v 1 A. Card. man: subscriber begs leave riespettfully to return his grateful acknowlegcments fur the liberal pa tronage bestowed upon hint for years past, and par ticularly to those who BO generously patronized hen simple his misfortune by the, late fire. Daring consid er:ply enlarged hrs butrines by associating with - Win. 11. dtuherts as a partner, he would earnestly solicit a continuance of former favors to the new firm of Itoberts Kane, and Le trusts that by prompt atten tioL to fitrfitr-VIA . they will give general satisfaction. Al. KANE, Jr. REMOVAL TLe stibscriliere would respectfully inform their friends and the public that they have removed to their new warehouse on Third between Market and Wiunl streets, smith side, where they trusilby.sl r rict attention to business, to merit a share of publid trdnage. They solicit attention to their extensive wick on hand, which has been got up with great care, in ;the latest style and most substantial manner, con sisting in part of the following articles, viz: liishogany Wardrobes, " Dressing Bureaus, Book Case and Secretaries, I / " Section Back Sofhs, " Plane do., " Divans, " Ottomans, " Victoria Chairs, " French , do, " Plain do, " Centre Tables, " Card do, Bureaus of every description, Eud Tables,. Marble Top Pier do, " Centre do, 1, Sea dli; • • " Dressing Bureaus, " Wash Stands, - Mahogany Work Stands, " Hat Racks, • " Rocking Chairs, Sewing do, " Music Stools, • " . Arm Chairs, " French Bedsteads, " Butlers"frays. _Mahogany, cherry and poplar bedsteads, warrant ed proof against bugs, and superior to any now offer edto the public . Also, a variety of Windsor chairs, o r the best quality,and a now style of arm chair with l'spring scat, well adapted for offices or societies, with a!variety of other articles too numerous to mention. Wo have at considerabld expense-introduced into -our new factory on Front street, a steam engine with machinery, which will enable us to sell, wholesale and retail, at redueed prices. The attention of Western Merchants, and persons Moving West, is invited. to our new and extensive establishment.. Western Cabinetmakers are also re qluested to givens a call, as they Will find they can purchase from us,ffir 'less than . they roanufac- I titre. Orders from -a distance Will receive- prompt attention, and the'furnitureivill be carefully packed. i Steambolts and hotels furnished atthe shortest no tice, and on favorable terms. ROBERTS & DANE. I N. B. Undertaking iu all its branches attended to. rearlo.y . It. Br, K. TF- HE HEIDELBERG CATECHISM, or a , nums mary of Christian Doctrine as used by the ,erman, Reformed Church,,, English and. German.— or sale at our store, No. 115, woad at. Pittsburgh. jell SCRIUA. & SCHEHILE.B., Booksellers. . . '.; • --••- henry --A :TTOIINEY- AND COUNSIML9R. AT LAW,I (successor ,to Lowrici Sc.. Williams) Office at the' old. stand; 1 .- di:it-ill street' idiot° Smithfield. THE PARTNERSHIP, Heretofore existing between Henry W. Williamix,'Esq.,llmd - myiClf, in the prac tice of the law, Was dissolved by mutnal.consent , on the ;Nth tilt. and the besiness will . hereafter be e'en tinned, by lilt., W. Willima,'whom most cheer fully recommend to all foi : F,vhom. 1-have the honor to do busiceas, as a gengentan.eyery way worthy pf their Confidence. t ~• seplS-Iy. . • WALTER H. 'LOWRIE.. NEW FALL GOODS.' TV HOLESALTAND RETAIL u A rt now s A , URN tit; I,i ; AT•NO; 46,-15IAKET ST.,:,' IIESPECTFULLY call, the, attention ,of their friend's; and - DRY Goons purchasers generally, to their extensive assortment of NEW GOObS: •-• • Which is now complete in every dtpartiatnit. very are'particularly' invited to examine our very choice selectma of :.-• DRESS GOODS AND SII.4FVLS. - Mitch, attention has been given to their selection, and in point of richness and variety, we neveibeibre hare been abte to offer greater inducements. - Fine Wool Cashmeiest: Cashmere Reps; Cashmere D'Ecosse, . ➢lons De Lainest, Faney, and Staple Silks, &c. &c. Sunwth:—French, Terkerri, Cashmere Brodie: ' Embroidered Mid' plain-Cloth; 'do. Thibet'Shawls of entirely' net and rich patterns—in every variety_ of style—also, fienniquin,'s 111 k. Merino, with Fancy styles at reduced prices. . - Ladies FancY Silk Velvets; ° • Paris Kid Gloves, in all shades, and Nos.; - Boxscr Rinnoxs.—Several boxes rec'd comprising the different late stylei,choice•pattetns. Few boxes very handsome patterns at 121 cents. Linen Cambric lidkfs, from 12} ets. to . the best in use. FRENCH AND SCOTC/I GirrarrArts—Of very desira ble styles and qualities superior, at low prices. French Thibet Cloths, tin all shades); Alpacas, Silk - qnd . Cott. Warps, pisin and Bincy; Bombazines, Lupine's, best, at unusually low prices. Ombri 4-4 Cashmeres; ' Embossed Table Covers; Woor.r.tr Libass.Ers-12. and 14-4 fancy bound, 12-4 twilled beautiful article. Also lon , costs of different styles, all of ikbich are offered at prices 30 per cent reduced. Splendid Calicoes, nt 10 and 12,1_ eta. Our domestic department is rull, possessing advan tages to the purchaser rarely to be found.. Brown sheetiags, yard wide, good. quality, 61- Do. do. de. Estra heavy, Sc. GEN - rtEstr.r.i please take notice, that et our number may' ho found St all times French Broad Cloths, Pant stuffs and Vestings; Satin and Silk Scarfs, and Cravats, new styles; Linen and Silk Mkt's., Gloves, Hosiery, Gum Braces, Silk Elastics, Silk Umbrellas, &c., The chore stock has been' purchased within the last 30 days since the great depreciation in prices in the Eastern markets, and will be disposed or entire ly to the advantfge of the 'purchaser. Call and see at the "Daunt To= Cash 'House." sup. 18. HARROWS k TURNF:I2. D ro g g , Diugs, Drugs, At Xo. 2. Commercial Row, Liberty . slreel Got- den Mortar' , once more. IrAYS ROCKWA.Y, thankful for the liberal pa tronage, which they have heretofore received ' l aud wishing to merit an We reaS-C4 share of public pa- I tronage, would respectfully call the attention of the C I public to our Stock of goods which we are now re iceiving for the Tall trade, Among which may be !found in quantities to suit purchasers, the following articles. Wantland Root, Flour Sulphur, Gum Arabic, !CaPd Magnesia, Carle Magnesia, Gum Aloes, 'Cream Tarter, Calomel, Sup Curb Soda, Epsom Salts, infatiber do, Tartaric Acid, Gum Scammony, 1.111 Cooavin, 'Salt Petre, - Lignolice Root, do. 13all, Refined Borax, • Sal Soda, Spanish Browu j Gum Copal, Ron Brimotehe, White Chalk, .Ext,Logwood, Chip'd do. Madder ' Yellow Ochre, Chrome Yellow, do. Green,. Rose Pink. Together with a general assortment of Oils, Paint. 3, Paint Brushes . ; Dye Woods., fr.c. fro., all of which will be sold as low as at aoy'other house in the city. • ' • orplp. Di o n, y Wanted 121 0"/Inug° I"" 41"1 Cap,.. Pl, f THE subscriber would inform theca 1 .-"" public th at he has - receired his fall stock of Caps, all of which :hare beep principally made to his order, and as his purchases haa been; made on the cash system, he is enabled to sell his stock of Hats and Caps at unusually low pricesl for leash. Ills stock does iiotconsist of the cuttings : ,of Eastern houses, but are; all a fresh manufactured lartiele. Neither is his! estaldishinent 'replenialied I with the old stock &Om eastern markets. The 'Proprietor being a hatter and Cap manufacturer, by trade, as well as prone lion, he is also daily man iziacturing Ilata and Car of all descriptions, 'and for their neatness and thirability, cannot be sur passed.' All of which lie oilers at wholesale and retail, and at such prices as cannot fail to please the purchaser. G. W. GLASSGOW, No. In, Woo,' street,abird door below John LL,Da. vis' Commercial Auction Rooms. ' 6.,,m12. - , , FRESH_ GOODS AT THE NEWj YORK. STORE.' Cases rich' fall oo ds; .1 7 r6nch ad English Cash tuns and Mous. I Laines ; Gala Lohrain plaids; lain Freue loak Cl o rinted and plaid loakings; a. full ssortmeut ofl 'tench Broche, j 'rioted Cashmere', Ik. and colored, 'hihet, plain and 111 hr oitic red bawls, plain and vil'd Gnighams, /minor., Alpacas tnd plain M. 'de mines; plait, blk or rich colored ich Bonnett Rili bons. ' Velvet and Bonnet Silks; Ficach aud Ameri can Flowers, in great variety; lltaid and Straw Bonnets, cheaper th:in ' ever; a full assortment of gentlemen's wear, such as Cravats, Shirts, under Shirts and Drawels; Cloths, Cassimeres and Yestings, all of which will be sold at a small advance over New York cost. W. H. GARRARD; sept 16 79 Market street. J mc .CI ay tin agb.. IM PORTER and Wbolosaledcalcr in French, Por man and English Riney Variety Goods of every description; such as Jenielry,,table and pocket Cut lery, silk Purses, bead Bags, silver and German ail verSpoons, gold and silver Pencils, Silk and gain sus penders, 100 doz. of Germantown lloos and holf do. Trimmings or all kinds, and a general assortment of toys, Constantly on hand at No. 61, Market Street, limn-Oen Third and Fourth streets, Simpson>s 'Row, Pittsburgh. my 13 .111oKeo. TILL continues is his old business of manufactur kjing Wagons, Cans, ; Drays, Timber Wheels, Trucks, andyheelbarrows, on Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield; where he keeps coristaMly on hand, or made to order in the shortest notice, any amount of work, by the best of workmen mitt good inaterials;. and at prices _ to suit the times. Those engaged in the Santa. Fe tiade, and Ftirmice Men, are requested to give . him o call before purchasing elsewhere. ' . , aP7-y Jolkiut;C,axtrtTight. CUTLER and Surgi c al Instrument Mari af . No. 140 - Wood street, two dOors froni Virgin al ley,Yittsburgh, Pa. 'Always on hand an: extensive nssortinentr of Sargieal. and '•Disntal instrainents; Bankens!, Tailors 2 ,,Tlatters , i Hair Dressers; and. Tan- nets' Patent Shears; addiers , Toolei Trusses; &c., je24 • • • Notice.. .. . . . • 111.11 ,. ; nnilersigtwil having - 4 c. of his Estab; Nn, tit Market lit, - to Mi. Thomas A. Ilintonwould ordi.illyMcotrimend friends end generally ; ono every way. worthy of their patronage. A Arc kIIATON ' The undersigned, having purchased the large and e.Ytcnsii•e stock of Boots; Slioes, 84c, belonging to MCarrimon, NO, 112 Market street, one door from Liberty, will continue to'conduct thebusiness in all its branches, and trusti that by a strict atten tion to brismets, and an ardent disposition to please, he will- Meet a continintion of the patronage so liberally bestm%eiF upon hi4redecessor. • •TITO.MAS A, IiINTON. . N. T13.—,w0 or ..three good workmen can have employment, by making iminediate application. au,g2ll, EsTAl*. :AGENcI.. ImirEs BLAKELY', -17011 N S. mi - rctiti:' Afileincln, ,Atlorney at Law ' BL i K L Y • 41_1; T C L, CION'TEsilll.l to attend to pie' selling and. renting of Real F.state in the tlty of Pittsburgh and 'Vi cinity: Having determined to devote a large 'portion of their time to this branch of business, they with confidence ,solicit a share. of the patronage of the public; frotn'the facility they!pessess and the eiperi ence they have (the Senior''pertner having been en gaged in the Real Estate „Agency for near 29 years,) they belinve diat they will give geberal satisfaction. Office'oil Penn it., near the l :11. S. Hotel, and Smith field at., between Dian:mod:Alley and Filth street. iY 7 • . . lltssplul t iou. - /11HE partnership.hereto ure existing between Hunker 4- Diekson'is ties day dis4olve'd by mu tual conacinf. The ad"rairs Alin late firth will be settled by .P. H. Hunker, wIM will continue the Il4k ery and Confectionary, at the- old stand in Fill.ll, , near Market sheet.lr. lILtNICER sepl • TtOBER'P DICKSON. SAVAILTZ hai on;hand a lot offine Lawns "which will be Sold at the very ldw PriCe bl• 18; cents per yard, persons'who scant a gooh , articley at a low price, - would. do wall to lean soon. . . Also on; hand a good stock: of Nansook mtielins for Ladies Dite4ses very cheap at • • jel3 . N0..106 Market street., Pittsburgh. Navigal . ' rance Ci Ojice, I V o. 21, ,lichael Allen, Robeilt l ßeer, R. W. P RonEiri' ee atig2Cl,lsrn:- UCTIONF.EIt Et:COMMISSION- MERCHANT, II: Coiner. of Wood and Fifth streets, Pittsburgh, is ready to receive merchaamflze of.every desetiption on consignment for public of private sale, and from long experience iu the above . businek;flatterS'hiniself thatlie -will be abbe. td givelentire satisfadtion to who may favor him,with.their.patronag,e. Regular sales on MOudayk and Thursdays of Dry Goods and Fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. V. Of groceries, -Pittsburgh', rnanufacture4,,articles; new and second hand furniture, &c; ,;at two o'clock P. Sales every evening at early gas-light. augl2-y tzkventions 014dorke by :Nature. READ, REFLECTi it ;WISE, - StNi, VtE IrATURE . S GREAT All.V.lA,NExt.zoisav A. bigDICIN.E•OF NATURE. films isobtained from a well near B vine, Keraticky, at the depth of 'lsa feet below the 1 - surface or the earth, and 170 feet through solid rock.' Its curatlye properties re,' truly . astonishing . , and as a Remedial Agent it may well Ge pronounced won- i derful. 1 Since the discovery of this Panaeea of Na ture, numbers of.remarkable cures have been of by its use. It is- Innocent--Powerfizi—Safe and Cert.:lint in its ciliecia. It has br en used with unpar alleled success in , the - treatment sof the following diseases:. Inflammatory Rhentnatism, Burns -and Scaldr,!Cholic, Piles,_Flatalence, Inflammation of the Kidneys, Deafnels, Censnmption, Live-Cam -IPlithisic, Scald !lead; Cancers,-Weak and Kyes' Bruises, Fresh Cuts. and .Wouuds, Spraina and Strains, Dropey, Pains iikthe Breast and Side, 'fetter, Influenza,. Illeerated Sore Throat, Consumption, Bronchitis, - `;Spasms, Ulcers, Spinal. Arica Otis, Scrofula or King's Fyil;Coughs, Syphilis; I t ll2 -Praftn, all Bowel Complaints, all Chronic dis eases, impurities of the .Bbiod and General Debility. It is lik'ewise very beneficial for Female Complaints in geneal; acts as a great Restorative froth Languor, weatuiss of Back and Chest, Low Spirits and Execs sive Debility. , Read the following Certificates; all of which are authelitic; all r the perapusltherein named .are now living, and ti ell known inl Cincinnati: - 1 Prrtsironcit, Aug 22, 18-16. Thirr is tiacertify-that.wC have used the American Oil fertile whooping,cough, amonz our children, by givinitheni from 20 arepl ton small tea Spoontui at night, which always enablUd them to rest well through the night. 1 also appiindiit to one of the children that got her arm bUrnt ;turning over a tea cup - of hot coffee on it, the child *eased crying by the time the arm was dressed-and bound up, and has never compldined ofit since. I also was 'afflicted with a pain mi my side ann breast; and have been so for 16 years. I commenced using the Oil by taking a tea- spoonful twice a day and in 3 - or:o>er days using of the o 4 I have bet, ye!) , mdch relieved, and do.really belier 4 that it is the best family : medicine that have ever seen. I applied it to: one of My neighbors tor a strained suet°, which relived her ie a few ininntes. We have also used the oil for a - strained joint in our own liirnily; which gave case in a very short time. We liv 4 e on the Oast side ofPenn st., 3 doors'south of Walnut, I am now as well as 1 ever wasic my lab ; BIARGARET H. : . Prrismincit, Aug. 14,1946. Thii is to certify', that Ii . son has had the Plethisic for serowyears, and was very bad with it, and about 12 or 35 day since, T cOmmencek giving to him about L)0 or 25 drops of the. American Oil, twice a day. Which relieved him in a day or.two df his diffi culty of breathing, and he, is now entirely relieved of his cough; our boy is I.oi years of age. We live in Xino's Alley. ' NANCY:KING. Sint llaving been cured of a very severe disease of the eyes ;mil bead by the use of the American Oil, 1 ifeel it my duty to the public, as well as to you; to se+l you the following certificate: I hereby certify that I was severely afflicted one year ago last winter, witl: inflamed sore eyes and a very severe pain in my had from my eyes up to the top of my head l and combined so for several-weeks. My dyes were so much iinflamcd and. sore- that: I coultl not see to attend an,y business, nor could I tell one Ace: 'from another; a - -few yards - from mc. I called in a physician, but still got worse: I also tried b good many remedies that had, cured, others; but in my case they fliiled. In April, 1545,J heard of the AmeriCan Oil. I procured. a bottle, and be fore Iliad used a half a bottle' I was entirely well, and still continue - so. I will not be without ;it in my houstl a.s long: as I camp the' genuine article. I also - gaie it to one of my men Ithat was working . for . me, that had the totter in his bands so bad that when he would grip anything tight, in .them -the blood would burstlout, and. the use of half a bottle cured us both. I woaldlidvise all that a 4.6 afflicted in any wiy to give. Nita -Oil, 'a fair trial;lrind I think they will be pleasled with the effect it pill have I:1.c JOHN MURPHY. ld at One Dollar poll Bottle - at Jackson's Patent nine Warehouse, SDI Liberty, head of Wood st., TilE.ONLYrxAca!ts'-Pmsstmonvihere Dentsine ;Imerican OfI,CAN be obtained. Pare of a Counterfeit article. 'me - Seneca Oil. in - American Oil Bottles; land labelled "Amer- Oil,” It somewhat' resembles - the American but possesses none of its virtues or healingpow- put icon Oil, US. MEME Lawng La:wns ion -and Fire 'usu. ou}pany. S:ral; 'ORS • - \Finial - a . 1 1 111,5 2 I ex is Ifutchi,ion, • F i red. Lorenz; - James .3134 , ,' iridexter. - SL ALLEN, I?rbs't, retary. . ."Davis, 6s:dlsArt, July Ist; 18.14. , Jacksdn.ieaPeetililly inforina the Publie that Co. J the proprietori Of- the American Oil, appointed him their SOLE It.G.E.N7r for West- pennsylvania. 11 persons wishing Sob-agencie's will:apply at 89 rty street, as above:: - 11: Sub ;-agents wanted far every town in the M District. .. grcat_nemlier certificates are on . hand- and be seal! at the officO,.B9 Liherty_ street, head of tid: • - • • - ing,2B-1y: IMMM= PRICE, TWO\C-ENT, HE.'YYilltantss:Solent - SabLopl7 - ‘7", OATH East Corner,..df Federal and` ItObinsort 111 streets, Allegheny, -411 commence its Fall session on Monday the 3lStinSt. From Professor It. 11, Lee, ifrailii4grun Cojlege, and Having• - .Zttendel 'an eVanfiriation of' the school. taught by Mri Williams, we take pleasure id bear , ing our testirneny to the evidence afforded by it at. the unusual skill'alid labor :of. Mi. ' Thd understanding of the iiihiciple -of the snbjecta Which the scholars had lbeedi atddyihg,' ithown by 'their clear answers to qiiestions asked by Others than Hid teachers, prove the excellenM: of the iiTaW' England modes of teadliiilg„ in which 111 r: seems tti be proficient: '• 3 WISHART, &e. From 174 lieu. Mr. Preston, Doctoi Hunt, Having 'attended an examination of the Select- School under the care of' Mr.llenry Williams, held recently in his seheol room, corder of Federal' and. Robinson streets,- Allegheny city;. we-wish to call public- attention to this were hichly gratified with:the pregres's iancorder oftitO This manner of simplifying and illustrating the dd . . , tbrent branches is peculiarly-happy, and well cake-. hated to 'giro interest to•the pupils. mode et teachhig them to read struck us. as noreli 'and _Watt that cannot fail to make good readers.. Ffoni the knowlzdge that We hare ofDilr."WiLz Hams' eharacter as a teacher, his zeal, fidelity and succesis, ted Mirdially'reddininimil hita to the patron. , ago rif.the public.- His location is eleglble for both . DAVID 111.7 N T;-' RIVIDD BARD, 111Ci1 7 D BEESON. '1 attentithl the above examination; and call truly say I was much gratified with the attaintmetit. ot thEi pupils.; . VRESTON. aug,2 , 1.-....m: • . tilatv'erslty - Lwit . School rlin FALL SESSION of 'this 'department of the r Western trni.tersity; will.ctuntiOncein the new- University Building; on, the Fosr MONDAY or SEP= rnennli nest, and the' SPRING SESSION is 4 7; will comntenee iln the nest MONDAY OF FED/WA-8i fol lowing. This : institution having so far recovered fimin the effects of the great tire of April last. Year., as -to ha -u 'the new building . nearly completed with increased accommodation'slor all its departments, it Is hoped that the Law-Sehool will he found tb present' int:real,. ed facilities and attractions to thosc ssho desire to pursue regular-arid-thorough coerce of-legal lion, and to prepar,e themselves creditably. fo - rad , mittanee to the barP - - • There' be. daily, reuitatints classes - on asSigned lesnollEi so arranged as to embrace, *alit a too years course; all the principal and most ins.. portant branches of-the law. Occasional lecturei on law and. Oquityi witl. also, be 4elivered as part- i cit the, course. . , . . . THE MOOT COORT", designed for assuding Atitdent in acquiring linoivledge .aud.,. readiness in the piac.- tie° of.the law will ba r isesturred : as soon OR the anat . '," ber of stlitients will jiistify; The deiiee of Tael-EF,, midi Liti - will be coriferreit'dd'Stililenticif-the . institution, actordiirs the rules usual in such incite* Any further information that may be required : can ; readily be obtained-on application 'to the Professer4- WALTER H I LOWRIE who has his office ouAth above Smithfield street, Pittsburgh, Trems-s- , Sdventv five dollars a year, or' 'en and a half; dollars scs-dion. - - autl6-d3m . EX TR A;O - RD D ISC LOS 11-REt, • •DEW .I.ME or rrixeiral _ , .D.H. G s .•., : • . SOME Druggistsase misled. into the error, of ing a Miserable imitation 'of Dr; Sriaith's Sugar , Coated Indian Vegetable Pills; simply homer& they'-' can purchase the spurious cheaper.. . Me shall in all cases expose such dealers throughout the country> who, alter being ;dryly informed of theiasCality of these imimtor.ss buy and attempt to railroad upon the public with such worthless trash. it is not the_§u..- gar Coating' alone - that - constitutes the value of my Pills, but it is my' invention, for which Lelaiin. did right,„, ~ G. BENJ. 5511T11,...M. 179 Greenwich at. and 2 Water pt: i? 00081.011. READ AND lUD,GE—DIIPOICI"A.NI* FACTS. I • IVes- the .nuojersigned ) wholesaledruggiserin Loci” Ky., are satisfied; from all -the infinmation that can obtain; that Dr. G. BENJAMIN stmrw is the original inventor of the Sugar-Coated-Pillit.L;- We- are prepared to supply dealera,,at.the..--NpW York price: Robinson, Per& 4- Cal y, 4b2 Main street. J. S.. Morris 4. Co., 461;Main st. Aupsrl. Lindenberger, 511 Main st:- ; George Lapping 4. CO., 79 FoUrth st But/ 4- Alden, 81 Fourth at: ' - • - • The following from druggists - in New York:horrei I invented the Sugar Coated Pills in 1843:.. New fork;June 16th{ '1844. Wes the undersigned, never Saw of heard of ‘ 4 Bii , , ;gar Coated Pills' s '? until Dr: GI Benjamin Smith mark.' utile:tired and exhibited them to us about a year iince. .IZusbtort. 4- Co. 110 Broadway and I 0 Astor Juni& Israel Randolph, AL D. 86 Liberty st, ;‘ : Horaceßverett,,96 Hudson st. Jahn Castree, 97 Hudaon David Sands, 79 Fulton et:* A. VOICE FR041.1 KENICCAT: Ihave been afflicted with dyspepsia in its most ag gravated form fur three years past, and found iao relief until died Dr; G: Benj.: Smith , s 4 '.Sng,ar-Coat , ,ed Indian Vegetable Pills." After using six boxes of said valuable pills, lam entirely cured. They 'are a general remedy. ' • ; J: 11:LEEMAN. - Paducah, liy. Nov. 9; 1845:, We certify to the above facts., , - . . ; Dr. Sinith".: irSirgar‘Coated - Pills?'"are universally esteemed iu this vicilitty- • '••• HODGE GIVENS & Co, Merchants, Paducah, Ky. Nov. 19, 1845. At the request Of Dr: G: Benjamin Smith's, 'agent we cheerfully state that we visited the office of Or. Smith in SePtember last, while in New-York, and found him to alt 'appearance carrying on _a very 'ex tensive busineee with his Sugar-Coatd Indian Vege table Pills: _The extent of-his establishment would - astonish-any on not initiated in the mysteries - of the pill trade;—LiattisYille Journal: - (Froin Dr: Singleton.) Smithland; (Ity.) Feb; 24,1846., Dr. G. Benj. Sigith.—Dear Sir: Nothing has over been introduced that has sold so well and given sack' general satisfaction as your. Sugar-Coated Improved Indian Vegetable Pills: Very rtspettftilly ) yours, ' • - S. F. SINGLETON. (Friam Bull &. Loulsville,(Ky.) Feb. 13th, ,1846, Dr: B. Beni: Smith—Dear Sir: Yru will pleaie send us 12 gross of your valuable Pills; From presentin dicatians we shall sell a large arrionnt of theni - ,'- ; We find that they go very quick. ; Your - friend • - • . ' BULL & ALDEN.. ( From Wilson, Starbird &Smith.) Louisville, Peb.lath, 1846. . Dr: Stnith-=-Dear Sirs About two weeki ago" we bought gress'ettyeur Indian Vegetable Sug3l' . coat ed Pills,. Though business is dull here at tins time) yet we have sold them all. You will please send us 10 gross through Messrs:Lawrence & Keese, of your dity, who will forward them to us via Pittsburgh-- , Yours, respectfully,. WILSON, STARBIRD & SMITH," This is to certify that I - have used the Sugar coated pills manufactured by.G. Benj. Smith, of New York, for some thee; and believe them to be a good medicine; and - also fromenqUiry .in that,city, F ant persuaded. that he is the, original inventor, an 4 therefore; is entitled 16 the beneritof the itwentoe,' ' • - S. WILLIAMS,;.', aug24. ':' Pastor Ist Baptist thdreh Pittsburgh n We have forty letters from different dealers solicft , ing the agency of my Pill; although they - had the spiv. nous in their store—one in particular from Now Orr :cans; which we 'shall publish. . ; - Principal Oftioes--"New. York, '179 Greenwich 614 Boston 2 Water st, • •-- ; 1 • - G. BENJAMIN SMITH is written theboj tom of every box of genuine t.'Sagar•Coated AGESTStrilltallt Henderson Dreg:gist, 205 Liberty' street Pittsburgh: • John Safgeant All etlie maY lB 4 ll Fii. : - • 711-IE undersigned would resp . ectfully inforzu. the eitimof. Pittsburgh and its., vicinity} that he has purchased from Mr. Moses gory, his large - .and splendid steel - tit*Dry Goods, kept at No. street, where he , intends to keep a general assort. , meet of seasonableGoodai which he will ieltat very reduced' prieeS: Please Ball - and fudge foryourselresi 1v0.136, Market street - . - - - - - - auglB AVILITAN.COMEN... To My triorids and pationa T am. kaki bliigea and ivonld-respectfully recommend cowen,my..successor.: .hIOSES. GORY. 9 ECINVED TINS DAY; by .. .Exilic - es; artotherlo4 of rich black ATANT14..1.M.,.. - at_thi . New York Store, 79 Market strict, augl7 TE:smroNIALs il..oAllllAßrh s