The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, October 09, 1846, Image 1

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    VOL. 69.
N. W. corner qj tVaad and Fifth Sts.
Tratus.—Five dollars - a jear, payable in advance.
Six dollars will invariably be required if -not paid
within the year.
Single copies, TWO 'crrrrs-for sale at the counter
of the Office, and by News Boys.
ja,plAdished at the same effice, on a deuble medium
sheet, at - TWO DOLLARS ',4Alyear, in advance; sin-
Etc' civiei, six grts.
eauXuE' or TWI
One insertion,' $0 50
Tyro , do,_. - 075
Three do, 1 00
One creek, 1 50
Two do, 3 00
Three do, . 400
Yearly Aal
One. Square.
Sil month,. $l5 00
One'Vear, 20 00
Larger advertisereerits
c4.lun of four lines
I •
One plonth,_ $5 00
Two \ do, 6 00 1
Three do, " 700
Four \ do, • 8 00
Six Ado, ' •-10 00
Ono ptar,, 15 00
Two Squares. •
Siz months, . 020 00
One year, 30 00
in proportion.
; srvr. DOLLAR'S a year:
P. C. Shannon.
A TTORNEY AT LAW, Greensbnig. Westmore-
Jai_ land county, Pa.; \vat practice in the West
morelatid, Indiana and Cambria courts. decS-1
• William 31 , /tlnhort,
TTOII.NEY .eir LAW and Solicitor in Chancery.
„LA. Office in Baree new building, fifth street, be,
tween Wood and Smithfield. . augll '
TTORNEYS AT LAW, Office removed to the
residence of H. S. llfattniv• i 'azt roirth st., one
oor from Cherry Alley. - np2.l-y
tt. Donnelly, .
Pittsburgh, Pa. Office on Fourth st., between
bmithfield and Grant. marl -
ISAlnnund Snowden,
TTORNEY AT LAW, office in the building on
;the ;North East corner.or Fourth and Smithfield
Hamilton Brucc,
TTO RN EYS AT LAW, office , North side o.
.Ir - I...Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield sta.,
Pittsburgh, Pa. Collections made on reasonable
It. Morrow,
ALDERAIA.N, office north side of Fifth street,
between Wood and Smithfield, Pittsburgh.
' Andifew
IVTTOANEY AT LAW, office, - Smithfield street,
; b43tween Fourth street and Diamond Alley, op.
posit° Mr. Dieu. Weyznan , s tobacco manufactory.
apl6-y -
James Callan.,
17TOICST.FX AT LAW, office in the chambers
occupied by Alderman lid. , Masters, on Fifth et.,
'eett Wood and Smithfield. •• . aplBl
31;43cindlems‘&111 7 Cluse.
office on Fourth 'street, opposite R. 4 . R. H.
atte.rsouse.Livery Stable, Pittsburgh. sepltl-y
Forward dr. Swartzwelder,
TTQICI4EYS AT LAW, - yourth street betweeu
Wood and Smithfield, opposite Patterson , s liv
ery stable. . ap7-y
Geikrgo F..GLUmgrg 2
Sp'ORNEY AT LAW, - 01Bee la Breed's baildc
mg*, 4th at., above Wood, rittabergii„ Pa. -
C. Orlando Loomis,.
` TTOitICEk AT lA.W, office Fourth s„ above
Smithfield: - • uIYI-Y
4emoyal t
LIBEL& 'has removed Ilia conimivaion and fop.
jok. Yarding httainess from the Canal ktatin to hie
new waxehoune on Thiitl 4treei, naulg oilposite the
Pok Office. inev.3ol
Rlellunrk C glyagie
ATTORNEY AT LAW, clirscg ig
jugs, FoUrth ;trtyr. we o 4 , jimelq-awi
John W. Bgr.rcp,.
- TTORIIF.Y AT LAW, having-returned.. from
• his European tour has r 7 144 e an office on •the
no di east corner of Forth and Smithfield sts. Per
sona having had business and papers in the hands of
Samuel : Kingston, ..Esq., deceased, will call on the
above, as all the unsettled business of Mr. Kingston
has been left in his hands. mart-y
Charles 711..14%yd5,
j\ L TTORNEIf AT 1.4 W, Pittsburgh, Pa. ,Com
- missiatter to fake : tie proof and acknowledge
. ent of deeda, feasce, contracts, deposites or other
"writings, to be recorded' or used iu the - States o
'lCentucicy, Indiana sad Tennessee. Office No. SO,
'.-Stuart , s buildings, Fourth street. - marl2-y
'Jainea S.. Craft,
• . ,
Pa.„ haying resigned the office of
ecretary P. Nay. and Fire Ins• Co., will attend ape
to collections and business - connected with.
Ainvigation, ineuirance, accounts and real estate. Bu
lichtre, 9A. to -9 P. M. Office, No, 1 2
Stuart's buildings, (No. 80, 'Fourth st.,) second, door
',..e.est of Wbed street. fob3-y
Edwin. C. Wilson, _
, .
• Venango county, Penna,i will attend
prorn F itlybusiness entrusted to his care,L.col
-1 cti ons male tn Warren, Clarion a.nd /eirorsonso.js,
.I-A. Sto . clifen & Co.
'Murphy, Witsoil & CO.
John Bigler,
Hon. James Kinfiear,' •
lion. Alex. M'Calmont, rAnkhn.
Hon.'Janies WilnOn,Steubenv . e, Ohiq. jn
JOhia a. ParArkhisctlar.
A LDERMAN,Tifth- Ward, Penn- street, between
;±l., Walnut and. o,Hara streets, where he spay be
found et all times.' Those haiing houses er other
prepnrty to sell or rent can have the pagle punetu
.)ally attended In; debts "collected, and All - the duties
Alderman Will receive prompt attention.
0ct.27-3 , ' • .
11,./l4lmga.P sq 4,
_ .
ADANICERS andAealere in foreign and Domestic
Jill Bills of-Exchange
certificates of deposit, bank
;notes and specie,. Dratts and . notes collected, and
'remittances made to any part of tbc United States,
No. 55 Market street. jan7-y
Johnston 6v Stoelftl/41
. KERS,No..II4 Market 10-y
SeriUric& Scheib/el',
No. 115 . Wood street, three doors heti:lw Fi ft h,
tshurgb„ . . jan7-y
JAZ%II4iS Patterson, Jr.,
nORNER ofFitit and Ferry streets, Pittsburgh,
LI Pa., rnanufactUrer of locks, hinges and bolts,
t obacco; fuller, mill, and -timber screws, bousen
screws ibrrolling mills, &c. seplol
W in. Ward, ,
TIENTIST, has , removed to the place.of-hiafor;
tnetzesitiestee in Penn street, two, 4opra be,low
• aplt3l
11..E.Coustnble, .
TIF.A.LER in Fancy and Staple Dry Goode,
j k` ar)cetatreet j Pittabargit. novl9-y
Edgar Thorn , *
JHHO , and. FamilyVedicine Store, corner o
Pon and Hand streets; Pittsburgh, En:,' 'Phy °
syciins , prescriptionsaceuratelycenaponOed. Nodi
elites eanle had:at tll hours of the day or night.
Brosvnorldlo Jtirtiqtrk irqw.Nitorks,
17. DWARP HUGHES .orsrutac,turor -of
Xinails, warehouse,Strolhfield above fourth at.
sepl.o-y- .
C. A.ll.l*Anuity & CO.;
Canal Sarin, Piitaburgb, Pa. maddi
IDAMILY GROCER,-BratMeld - greet, next doer
.Js. .to the Fikt#FteoYtetrii t l i Cktrch' j!u/e6
George Coobrau,
No. 26 Wobd st.,.Pittsburgh. tioi27-y
norrio-i n rca. - •
. .
G£o. S. SWARTZ would respectfully inform hit
friends and - customers that he has removed to
No. 106 Market street, between Fifth and Liberty sta.,
east side, where he is receiving, a large and well as
sorted stock of spring goods, to which he would re
spectfully invite their attention. • itit346rn
New Book Store.
S. BOSWORTH & CO., No. 43 Market street,
next door to Third street, aro - just opening a
new and extensive assortment of Books and Station
ery, which they will•sell, wholesale and retal, at the
lowest prices. - .ap26.7
tensest. f C. MULL. • . . GEO. 0, =worst,
(soca:mons TO uormszne afro inowsrc,)
lISIPORTERS and manufacturers of Wall Paper
and Cieneral Paper Warehouse, No. 87 Wood
re et, Pittsburgh. - je2o
Wm. °llex& Roblnsoup '
lATE U. S. Attorney, has zetnovod hi office to
No. 8 St. 'Clair et. - sop a.),
. . .
DIL'RCLIANT,. - otrice at Penn- street,
1,. 4 1 between Irwin and Iland ate., Pittsburgh, Pa.
All commissions will be promptly attended to. maril-y
School. Book and Paper Warehouse.
LUKE LOOMIS, Agent, publisher, bookeeller and
bookbinder, Woad street Pittsburgh.
mar2.Bl , _
• Pilkintonl* Unrivalled Blacking,
ItiIpINUFACTURED and Bold Iyholesalo and m
illi tail, Smithfield st., between Sixth and'Virgin
C.Edey, -
ATANIJFACTURER of , Lard Oil and dealer in
ill. Star Candles, Fifth strept, near Market, S. NV. v
aide. mar 24.
Coleman, llailmaa tk,
TANUFACTUItERS .of Carriage Springs and
111_ Axles, A. 8., and spring steel, and. dealers in
coach trimmings ;of . every description, manufactory
on St. Clair street, warelionse, 43 Wood street, op
posite St. Charles llotel. jan23-y
Flint Glass Establishment.
AreLoVnlAbitanlyfitoxiLMLEcumt manufacture
an an t i l l
p k l e a e i f i .
Flint Glassware in all its varieties, at their warehouse
corner of Market and Water streets, Pittsburgh.—
Our works continue. in full operation, and we are
constantly adding to our stock, which enables us to
fill orders with promptness/. Perchasers!sre respect
fully solicited to call and examine prices and terms.
quo Ktuitz,
iNUFACTURER °twrOrdc:ouraii=tirfttlTtmileil
Pittsburgh, Pa. Always on hand a full assortment or
Plate and Pivot teeth, of a variety of shades, as
simple Plate t 'Molars and llistcusPidatoes, Gum teeth,
Screw Pivot teeth, &c. Teeth and blodki made to
order; Dentists supplied with all articles in the pro-
fession. All orders from abrold nitwit be accompan
ied by the cash.
Platina always on hand,
Dr. Daniel 11, , Meal.
- .
nE f icE 03 S*thrks,l . 4, thrc9 4 .. 00p5f4 - rm Sixs.ll st.,
Pittsbwih; declo-y
Dr. George Watt,
CififlCE: L lio. 7
. 7 streot, near Sixth st.,
Pktt4l . ,. - arib; a 2l -y
- F. illume,
WAN°. FORTE - manufacturer and dealer in Mu
-81t:al [u-Itra.nite,uta,lio. 112 Vend street, near
PAINTER,, FM, near Market St., Military flags,
glazers, isigns .t designs for steamboat Wheel
houses, and , faticy painting of every description neat
ly cisecuted'a;:the shortest notice. jy2T-416na
G.carge pst4ley,
p . . . .
LPIDEII, and manufacturer of Pumps and Hy
drants, which arc superior wand cheaper than
any in the city, Please to call and examine foryeur ,
settee. Touith street, between Smithfield and Cher
ry Alley. hydrants and pumps repaired. . janl-y
J. Bryar,
. ,
I:IIOECTIFYLNG DISTILLER, and 'W hol °sale deal
er in Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors,
No. 114 Liberty street, and 53 Diamond Alley, Pitts
burtb, Pa. • Iy2l—y
H. D. sener*, R.
Rt..I;IOVP.A7I to Penn st;;between Irwin and
streets, five doors below - Hand st. apl.s-y
Hugh Artera,
SURGEON DENTIST, -I IS Liberty street, a few
doors below St. Clair at;, Eittsburth. sp2Bl
Ogden. & Siagivasu l .
. . ,
SUCCP,SSORS TO Astvor,..o6DE,N .5: Co.,whole
sale and retail druggists, ;Ina inneufacturers of
white lead, red lead. and lithnrgi, 'C'orner of Wood
and. Second stn., Pittsburgh, Pa. . ' novl3-y.
MartUV& Smith
UCCFSSORS`to ;rvine Yc 'Martin, wholesale 4ro,
cers;'priiiriiciii and commission merchants, and
desleks in Pittsburgh manufactured articles, No. 56,
Wood'street, Pittsburgh, Pa, apPry
111 , C4048kVY,
x mon, AND CLOTIIIF:R, Liberty et. bereen
Sixth street and . Virgin Alley, south
seplo-y .
f. p. Warstms
J. D. & Co.
WIIOLESALE and retail grocers, Fonvardigg
and co9roission reerchantt, and deatersi . in
country produce and FittiburglilStaraacturlk. No.
00, Northeast corner orWood and Filth streets'.
sep. 8.
B. 4, Fahnestqc4r.„ Cm q -
I:IOLESALE and retail Druggists, corner sixth
Wood streets. sept2-y
Thomal '3l,Pleet-
STORE, corner of Wood and Fourth streets,
Pittsburgh apl.l-1
Storett, tt. Co:,
Il d O o L n F o ,S sil LE w a i n n d es re a ta n g d i. e ,i a l l u e o ra rg in
e fo l r e rii u gl e akd
No. 18 Market avast, apS-p
P. t. Atartln,
VITIIOLESAIE and retail Grocer and _dealer in
yy Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors,
Foreign and Domestic Fruit ; Nuts, &c., No. to Water
street. , eater
H?LESA E GRO%EI olal ll n p k
eai p mce
and Pittsburgh manufactures, Nos. 133 and 135 Wood
street, Pa, Pittsburgh,feb2l
• John Scott it C 416,
Merchants, No: 7 Crowitriercial Row, Liberty
atie t, Pittsburgh. al9-y
"L.& +3. WDovitt,
wHOLESALE GROCERS, dealqz9 iit ppclnce
and Pittsburgh mannfaplares generally, Wo.
22- Vitart7t;4ciBn4i , '7th street, Pittsburgh. ap2B-y
Jahn," IL'
A rruoLEsALF. and retail dealer in Music and
V V Musical Itistruments, Piano Porte.s, School
BOoks and Stationerjr, No. 122 Wood street, Pitts
. . _ •
burgh. . .;nl-y•
415neets; 2404 Jr., a; Co.,
NX7HOLESALF..OII.OCESS, importers of tin plate
V and qucensware, and dealers in copper and
Pittsburgh- manufactured -articles, Nos. 112 and 114
2nd between Wood and Smithfield sts:jal.4=nl4-y
Select School.
VIIOO.SY -respectfully announces to his old
friends Olathe inte ads opening a §-olect School
in thiscity, on the first Monday or April-next, in the
basement of the. Third Presbyterian Church. mar9l-t
It.' E. Sellers, . •
1717710tESALt DILUGGIST, apd dcaler in dye
tuffs, paints, oils, varnishes, &c., No. 47;
Wood 'street, Pittsburgh. - 3-octy
Dr. Vsn.M.
DENTIST, Mee and residence ip
4 St, Oar st.;, a few doors below Lib
el' erty, near the ExchancesUot I
LPITriSBITROa , FitipAy r 9QTQBER .. :' 9 O .B4 c
Fronde.ltiu House, rattith Street,
Between Smithfieldvnet Grant Streets, Ritta 2 s6urgh
nIiRISTIAN SCIIMEP.T, Proprietor, respect
tk.) fully•informs his friends and the public general.
ly, that he will open the above splendid House on
the hat day, of I ay neat.
The House being new; and finished, in she most
comniodious,land convenient manner; - tuid having it
furnished with the newest and most beutiful style of
fignitUre; flatters himself that he will be able to' ac
commodate hie friends and the travelling puhlic, in a_
manner not inferior to'any.aimilar - establisbinent
the city. ; • . t - -
As the House is situated near the - Court Mouse ar
rangements have been made to serve up meals at any
hour le" the day, this will be' great convenience- to
those who are in attendance at court.
-14rItefreshments ofall kinds can be had: Boar
' ders taken by the wee.k, ,
or day..
igrLuneli every day at 11 o'clock, A. DI.
:•%,v(tshingion motel, •
JiAIES ARMSTRONG, Proprietor, Corner of St.
Clair and Penn streets, Pittsburgh, the proprie
tor begs lea4e to return his most gratefid thanks to
his friends and the public fur past favors, and hopes,
by attention,' to merit a continuation of their patron
age. The lieuie is pleasantly situated near the Es
change; it has accommodations for travelers, and a
large room for public meetings, dinner or, supper
Refreshments ahvaye ready, or prepared on the
shortest notice, with the choicest iho Ilarket will af
ford. Oysters and Oyster Soup, also Fresh Shell
Oysters, received every day during the season. The
greatest caret, has been taken in the selection of wines
and liquors. , A va riety of newspapers are regularly
filed in the establishment,
P. S. A Hot Lunch served up every day nt ll,' A.
ap IS-y.
Canal /3c!R.t
B y - R. DOSSETT, Penn street,•Pittsburgh, Penna.
.Boarding and lodging, by or week, on
the most reasonable terms. Strangers will to
their advantage to patronize him. Persons - bit 6tlling
cast or west will find this house a convenient loca
tion— within one .hundred yards of the canal
basin, and convenient to the forwarding houses.
Evety information given to Iron Manufacturers in
all branches of the business.
Home brewed ale can at all times be had at the
hex. • boy 10-y
Lafayette Refractory.
NTOS. 61 and 63, Wood street, under Lynd's Auc
tion stare. The subscribers have fitted up the
shore placein superior style,.and they tbol assured
will give cdrufort and satisfaction to all who may
visitthem. !
• • .
Arrange:Omits have been made to have a constant
supply of Freo Oysters, which will be served up to
yisitors pod l'ssitilies on the shortest notice. Other
luxuries, candies, fruit and pastries of the choicest
kinds always on hand. Their Basis filled with the
best brands the market can afford; and Regalia, Cas
tello, Principe and Havanna Cigars of superior qual
ity. tveryl attention paid to visitors. Their matte
is, 'every lutury in its season. Prices moderate.
tar 1071 OGDEN & GIBSON%
nurrtt !Midriff. lintel.
TSAAC MURDOCK, formerly of the 1:74/1311 Hotel.
on Water street, having been burnt out, liashuilt
a new and handsome house expressly for the accom
modation of travelers, at the corner of Second and
Stuitlitield streets, which will be known as the Ducat
District hotel.
He is now prepared to offer every accommodation
and every comfort to the traveler, at very moderate
charges. lie is provided with ample and convenient
titabling. decIZI
D. F. srEnrir
TERETT & Co., wholesale and retail dealers in
Foreign Wines and Liquors, corner of Market
an Front streets, Pittsburgh. Pa.
Refereneci---Wm.llormed &Co:, Henry F. Schwep
pe, Wm : Eip.hbatigi, IL - Weaver. " • -' ' - ' •
Their stock has been selected with great care, and
consists attic choisest qualities suitable for this mar
ket, to which they would respectfully call attention
and solicit a share ofpublic patronage. It comprises
the following in casks and bottle,:
• Wines—Maderiaa, Sherries, Lisbons, Teneriffes,
Ports, 31alagas Calabrias. .Lfgaiii7:--13randles, Cline,
Rums, and Whiskies. ' ' ' ' aug,2s
E.:chance Hotel,
- -
V/ LEN HDOWN,'Pnornicron.—Te'rhis $l,OO j'Ar
day. Then ndersiguna, "formerlv of the Merchants
Hotel, corner of Dr ood and Third streets, has leased
this superini establishment, and . flitnista." it anew
throughout, with new beds, new bedding and new
furniture. Great care has been taken to till his cel
lar vie, the choicest 'viands. 'A handsome omnibus
and a baggage wagon arc provided for the use of his
guests, and a Porter will be in attendance at all hours
tonk4X the Clorivir.ils of the traveller. The long ex
perience of the untlersigrld in this basin s, aNnr,es
him that his easnest purpose to satisfy all '‘ , ;:ho call,
cannot be unsuccessful. He feels altogether at lib
erty to promise his visitors a comfortable and cleanly
ntiode, liberal entertsinncut .t and bQa.t,ty welcome,eta Iniittetdt9 'BROWN:
Vlbl if •
Co- . Partnership.
W M ILLLPI COLEMAN having, on ;he first day I
January, inst., isioelifefi7dratrlilla J 44. It•s.
AM an and John F. Jennings, under the name and
style of Coleman, Mailman ez. co., will now have in
creased facilities for manufacturing Steel Springs,
hammered axes, American Blister and Spring Steel,
4c., to which thp alts atitin 9f dealers is respectfully
solicited, and hOpe by strict atte!ntion to business, to 1
merit a continuance to the new firm the favors so lib
erally bestowed upon, him. Factory on St. Clair at.
—warplioav ..0 . Woinl s:1 - ;, olippgto the St. Charles
lintel, where caii'be finial .a good assortment of
Sprinis, Axles, A. 13: and Spring Steel, and edneh
Trimmings of everydescription, together with Iron,
Nails and fittsburgb 9411.9fap i tge4 firtlill. Ir4'The
highest price paid for scrap don. jan22
A. Fulton,
BELL AND BRASS FOUNDER, has rebuilt and
commenced business qtand,
Second, bet4en Itiaxter and . .Ferry streets, *lsere
he will be pleased to see his old customers and
- -
Church, steamboat, and bells of every size, from
10 to 10,000. patter Rf the /nest
approved models, awl warranted to be of "tliefic;st
materials,Minera Water Pumps, Counters, Railing, &c.&c.,
tog - ether with every variety of I.3rass Castings, if re
quircd, turned and finished in the neatest manner.
A. F. is the sole agent forlkibbittas Anti-Altractipn
Ilrfetal, So justly eeleliiited roi ilia reduction of fric
ilea in machinery. The boxes and compositiori can
be had tir him at all Olga!, " novl3l
Franklin Machine Works.
rp111: subscriber having been removed by the
great dre ! to 4llegheny, is prepared to make
Steam and Fire Engines, Ifydraulig aml Screw
Freises, for oil, tobacco or any other purpose, and
machinery generally. J. S. GWYNNE,
Franklin Machine Works,
On l'ellegga street and Bank lane, West of Federal
N. B. Orders lett in Pittsburgh with 4r. S.
Cuthbert, in Market street, 2 doors below Third
street, will meet with prompt' attention..
X!tv prtig Store.
UJOHN -D. 310 ROAN, Wholesale and Retail
Druggist, No. 933 Wqo4 street; one door South
of Diamond
_Alley, PittsbUrgh.—The subscriber
has just received fromthq Eastern cities, and is now
opening 'at the above stand, a full assortment of
articles in his line, cynsieting Dtyga of 4.1 kinds,
Dye Stuffs, Paints 414 .4 Varnisherf,
Scp., together wili all such articles as are usually
kept for sale at a wholesale and retail drug store.
His stock is entirely new, and has been selected
with care. He is confident that his atticles,`both
as to quality and price, will please such as may fa
vor him with a call
ket street, three 'tours above Third street, Pitts
burgh, will have constantly on hand*. well 'selected
assortment, of the bist and freshest Medicines, which
he will sell on :the rileat reasonable terms. Physi
cia,nisendinE orders liar lie promptly attended to,
and - etipPlfOr with articles they may rely upon as
Physicians' prescriptipas will be accurately and
neatly preparedfrona the best materials, at any hour
of 'the day or night. ,
Also, for sale, a large stock of fresh and good
.erfumery dec3od
Lard Qll,a 7.u . Re44 . ced , Price.
_ . . .
T ''''' ' ubscribor Would' iespectfialy inform his
,: r ie l ids'and the 'Public in general, thus his new
Factory i s Now conapleted, and with a large addition
t o hi s uwhiecry, he in, prepared to mike considera
ble pritib:es of a superior artiele - ,of,Lard Oil,
i , vhic ose is 4 , : t e nnineilloscll cheap,Sully apprer.ia
hug the o ld - proverlio, that. 4 ca nimble sixpeace is
worth more thad.a Lyyi - shniind.ff If, reds eeofi
dent that consumer' ,ould find it to their 'advantage:
to give him a call ant:
~i).Wrie for themselves,
I,Voolen mannfactur , t ".7uachinists and others, - iire
respectfully invited to
~ ini . de his siiperior ml, Fifth
street, near Market, 0 Ptii,:,.! .'Tiunker , to Confection.
ary store, and Mcssrk Sarno' 31'Clurkon a c o ,i-
Liberty street. .Z.• 1
Pittsbdrge Lnrd o . li nrufacturer.
A superior quality ofttar Cat,ilest elV•ays on band,
o f
assorted sises, - ' -.- - • inar2.l.l
Ornamenta. , ..4air
MRS.; tg.NTER; Wig fiber,
Alteghtity Cityisix doors frota: *4 e
Avaluct,:opposite the ea.lettor.ti
pct, wishes, to inform_ tlict pub -1
tic that she has just commenced
the Aracraental Ilait busincei,
and hes a 'slay superior stock, re-
JCiV ea from the gastern cities and
Paris. anil she is prepared to fill
all o rders at the' shortest notice,
and in a manner that cannot be
and intends keeping, a large as
sortment of Ornamental Hair ‘Vork, such is Ladies'
Wigs,.l:ands, Braids, Curls Necklaces, Guards,
Braceets, Finger Rings, Gent!emeriti , Wigs,
Tanpries Scratches, &c.
• 3lrs. R. has been for many years engaged in the
business in France and ;he; United States, and from
her lung and experience, she feels confident in•being
able to giro satisfaction to all who will favor her
with their patronage. tier prices arc Mora liberal
than have been offered lu this city heretofore.
mar 17-ly
nAVE the pleasure to Announce to theirfriends
that they again occupy then- old stand . at No.
ti 3, Wood .street, where they have opened an exten
sive-WALL PAPE.B..WA.B.I.3IOUNL, and will bare
ooniantly on band tin extensive assortment of Satin
glazed and , plain. PAPER in./INNINGS, Velvet and
Imitation Borders of the latest style; and mom band
some patterns for papering halls, parlors And cham
bers. ' -
They manufacture, and have on hand • at all times,
Printing, Writing, Letter, Wrapping and Tea Paper,
Bonnet and Fuller's Boards-all of which they offer
for sale on the most accommodating terms, and to
which they invite the attention of merchauts and
ALSO--Blank Books of all kinds and the best qual
ity. School Hooks, lc., always on hand and for sale
as above, ailg 25
Landretter Warranted Garden Seeds,
bears tho label and warranty of %km:. LAN
DUETIT. For sale by F. L. SNOWDEN, No. 29 Water
st., at the stand formerly occupied by Geo. A. Berry.
Evtract from the 'Report of the Visiting Committee
of the Pennsylvania llorticultural S'Ocietv unani
mously adopted and ordered to be printer.
"These extensive grounds are on Federal street,
near the Arsenal.. • • * * The earliest collec
tion of Camellias was made, here. Some of those
irt posses:inn of those distinguished nurserymen
are ten feet high. • • • *. '}'he selection of
GILEZN-1101.75E PLANTS id xaluable atuFe.stensive.
"The Nurseries are very correctly managed, sup
plying every part of the Union, a detail of which
would occupy too ranch of our space, we therefore
content ourselves with stating tlial the 'in very
large, and in etery stage of growth, consisting of
a c - ollectitin oT herbacceous plants, fruit trees of the
best kind and mast kealthyscuudition . , lirce beds of
seeding apples, pears, pliuns, &c., as stogy for bud
ding and grafting; a plan very superior to thaikaf
working upon suckers, which carry with them into
the graft all the diseases of the parent stock. • •
“Wiarlagr! 'SEttig 'the 'finest quality hive been
scattered over the country from these grounds, And.
may always be depended upon. The seed establish
ment of, these Horticulturists is one of the most ex
tensive in the Union, and its reputation is well sustain
ed from year to year.
"TriVtiviate the chance of mixture of the farina of
the plants of the same family, they have established
another nursery at a suitable distance, so that degene
ration cannot take place, and which secures to the
purchaser a 'genuine article.' Knowing thus the
r age, quality arid 'process of culare of every plant,
the supply from their grounds is recommended with
great confidence."
•,„' Since the date of the 'Report' from which the
aboye oxtracted, the entire , cstablishmeht has been
greatly enlarged. The collodion of Camellias em
braces all the finer kinds, and consists of some thou
sands of various sizes; so likewise vvitb Ro s t and
other desirable plants, both tender arid Ild.i•ZY; fruit
trees, tx.
The ' Seed Gardens alone cover fifty acres, and the
whole is, as it has been for more than half s century,
under the successive management of father and'son;
the most prominent in Ainerica.
Orders r ! :. , ,9,61y0d lip F SNOWDEN, from
whom eat,ilogues may be received gratin. thar9.l
TliE subscriber begs leave respeolfidly , to return
his grateful acknowlegements for the liberal pa
tronage bestowed upon.' hint for years past, and par
ticularly toThosit who so generously patronized him
since his misfortune by the i late fire. baying consid
erably enlarged his busmen by associating with WM.
B. Roberts as a partner,'he would earnestly solicit a
continuance Of former tli4ors to the new firm of
Roberts& Kane, and he trtists that by prompt atten
tion to bllF,ieessr they' will giyg general satiSfaction.
M. Xllit, Jr.
The subscribers would respectfully inform their
Itiendit and the public that they have removed to
thei? '110;i - warehouse on Third between Miirket and
Wood streets, siiiith eido, where they trusgby strict
attention to business, to merit a share of public pa
tronage. They solicit attention to their extensive
stock on hand, which has been got up Nirth great care,
in the latest style and most substantial manner, con
sistih iu Ort - of the following articles, viz:
Mahogany Virirdrobes, - -
" Dressing Bureali - s,
" Book Case and Secretaries,
Section Back Sofas,
ii Plane d 0,.,
." Divans;
" Ottomans,
Victoila Chairs,
" Fide& do t
" Plain do,
" ° Centre Tables,
a' Card do,
" Bureaus of every description,
" End 'Fables, • •
Marble Top Pier ' do,
a Centre. do,
" Sofa do,
" 144 sing -Bureaus,
" Wasl Stands;"'
Mahogany Work Stands,
" Hat Racks, -
" Rocking Chairs, .
Sewing. do,
6 Music Stoole;
" ArniCliaiii, —
" French Bedsteads
" Butlers , Tisys. •
Mahogany, cherry arir4gplar bedsteads, warrant
ed pr6ot against bugsid. - semrior to any' now offer
ed to the public. Also, a vatiety of Windsor chairs,
Of Dieliest quality;4o's: new style of arm chaii with
timing seat, well relented for offices ornocieties, with
a variety of other articles too numerous to mention.
We have at considerable expense introduced into
our new factory on Front street, a steam engip- with
rtiachinerf, Which will; enable us to sell, wholesale.
and retail, at reduced prices.
The attention of Western Merchants, and persons
moving West, is invited to our new and' extenaive
establishment. _Western Cabinetmakers are also re
quested to givelis a call,.as they:: , they can
purchase from us for less than' they can manufac
ture. Orders from a distance wilrreceive ptompt
attention, and the furniture -01 be carefully packed.
Steamboats and hotelefurnialied at the shortest ne
tice, and on favarable'terinat'4 o ßEßTS Sr. KANE.
N. B. Undertaking*hfialtsb'ranches attended to.
marDl-y . R. &K.
1111311 HEIDELBERG CA.TECHISM, or a: sums
-rhaif ofrbristia'n. Doctrine as used by the
German Reformed Chalcll,. English and German.—
For sale at our store, No; 115 Wood st. Pittsburgh.
, lell SCII. ta.t. &c6CHEI.I3LER., BOOksellers.
- •
icolled by any similar nniintran-
Jauico Ilosiard & Co.
A Card.
(succeesor to Lowrie & Officem
the old stand, Fourth street, Mien Smithfield,
Till; PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing bet Ween
Henry tsf., and myself, in the rue
tiee of the lay:, was dissolved by annual consent on
the Nth ult., and the business will hereafter be eon
tin tied' llenry W.' Williams, whous I 'Mint cheer
fully recommend to all for whom I have the honor
to no business, as a gentleman every way worthy tf
their confidence
11 7 1104,ESALE AND I.I.ETA7L
Is et it nosy s & T UItNiEB;
TyKSPECTFULLY call the attention'. of their
111,,Iriands, and Dalt GOODS purchasers generally,
to their extensive assortment of
IThich is now: completein every deparment.
Putckasers are , particularly invited to examine our
very choice selection of
Much attentinn has been given to their selection,
and impel; tof ricluiess and variety, we rieverbefofe
hope beep ab:e at
to eircr greer inducements,
, .
Fine Wool Ca: - .*.tteieres; ' Cashmere 'lops;
,Cashmere D'ileo.taer M -0 4 5 Da /ajoesi. •
Fancy end Maple Silks, &c..
Szte.wts.---French fc- 51 oncre _Doachs,
tinbroidered and plain Clo:.h; do. Thibet ,Sbaw)e
of entirely new and rich patterim every variety
of style—alto, Henniquies 131k.Ma.. 91,10 , FtTo,y
styles, at reduced prices. . • . .
.Ladies Fancy Silk Velvets;• .
Paris Kid Gloves, in'all shades and
Bonricr Basnons.--Seveml hoses reed compriihij
the different late styles,ohoice pattems. Few boxes
very handsome patterns at 121 cents.
Linen Cambric Hdkfs, from 121 es. to the beet
in use.
F.ILEN(I.I AND Scorn Cancititns—Of very desira
ble styles and qualities superior, at tow prices.
French Thibet Cloths, On all shades);
Alpacas, Silk and , Cott. Warps, plain and fancy;
Bombazines, Lupine's best, at -unusually low
prices. - •
Ousbri 4-4 Cashmeres;
Embossed Table Covers;
WOOLEN - EILANUETS-12 and 14-4 fancy beeind, 124
twilled beautiful article. Also low costs of different!
styles, all of which are offered at prices n per cent I
I Splendid Calicoes, at 10 and 121 ets.
Our domestic department is 16 11; possessing ad van-;
taps to the purchaser rarely to be found. , I
Brown Sheeting's, yard wide, good quality, 6}
lln. do. do. 'Extra be.avy,, Sc • '
CEITTLEMUN please take notico,.that at our nuMber
may be found at. all times 4're:itch Broad Cloths,
Pant stuffs and Veutings; Satin and Silk Scarfs, and
i Cravats, new styles; Linen and Silk Ilelkfs., Gldves,
Hosiery, Gum Braces, Silk Elastics, Silk Umbrellas,
Sec., dm.
'The above stock has been purchased within the
last 30 days since the great depreciation in pricesin
the Eastern markets, and will be disposed of entire
ly. to the advantage of the purchaser. .Call and sea
,at the "Down Town Cash House." •
sep. IS. BARROWS St.
Ilruopi t Drugs, Druggi
At No.:. Commercial Bow, Liberty street,',. 4 .llig Got.
• den Mortar" once more. . ,
AYSI Rrj'tial'Cilforle liberal
? a. litrormgenceviar! , cretOftrreceied !
and-wishing to merit an increased sharaAf public pa-
tronage, would respectfully call the attention or tho j
public to our stock of goods which we are now re- ,
cching far the fall trade. Among whic.h may bel
found in quantities to suit purchasers, the following
articles. .
Blniebard Root, Liquorice Root;
Flour Sulphur, do: Ball,
' Gum Arabic, Retitled Boma
Cal'd Magnesia, Sal Soda, ' '
Garb .:',44glieitai' ''..-.' ' 1 1,11.6 • '
,pams i Brown, . i
iGirra Aloes, Gum Colal,
. .
'Cream Tarter, Roll Brimstone, ; I
Calomel, White Chalk , !
Sup Garb Soda, Est. Logwood,'
Epsom Salts, 4:l4ip:d do, , • ,
Giant - ter ' iv,. Madder,
(Tartaric Acid, Yellow Ochre,'
illatu Scammony, Chrome Yellow
' Bal Coparia, do. Green,
Salt Petra, ' Eqi.e Pita:.
. .
Together with a general zissorkent of Oils, Paints,
Varnishes, Paint Brushes, Dye Woods, &c. &e., all
of which will he sold as low. as at any other house
in the city. i scpl9
Monoy Wonted iu ezeilitnge for Hats and
subscriber would inform
publfe 'that be has received his fall
stuck of Caps, all M' which have been' principally
Made-to his order, and as bier purehas'es has been :
made ou the cash system, he, is enabled to sell his
stock of flats and Caps at unusually lost/ pricei for
cash: 'l3i9's.to4t dons not consist of the cuttings 'of
LaStern houses, tilt arc all a fresh manufactured
article. Neither is his establishment replenished
with the old stock from 6st:ern iiiitikets:' .The,
Proprietor being a hatter -and Cap 'manufacturer,
by trade,- as well as profession, he is alsn daily man
ufacturing Flats and Caps of all - deScriptions, and
for their 'neatness and durability, cannot be:siir
passed. All of which he oilers at eamlesalW and
retail, and at such prices as' cannot fail to please
the purciliser.
No. WS, Wood street, third door below 4olin O.Da,
vie• Commercial Auction Rooms.
--30 Cases rich fall
Good s; French
nil English Cash
7res and Mous.
. Laines ; Gala
Lobrain plaids;
lain French
tonic Cloths;
inted and plaid
looking's; a full
reach, Broche,
rioted Cashmere
lk. 'and colored
'hibct, plain and
'lawle, plain and
il'd Gingham - ,
(erinos . , Alpacas
id .piam M. de
.aines; plaid, talk
of-rich colored
bons; Velvet and Bonnet Silks; French and 'Ameri
can Flowers, in great variety; braid and Straw
Bonnets, cheaper than ever; a full assortment 'bf
gentlemen's wear, such as cravats, Shirti, under',
Shirts and Drawei a; Cloths, Caisitneres and Vestitiii,
all of which will be 4Qld 'et a small advance over
New York cost. W. H. G'ARRARB, •
sept 16 79 Market strest.
James Cavanagh. •
AIPQRTER and l'lhniesale dealer in French, Ger-
I man and Eriglialt - Fancy Variety Goodelat'every
description; such as Jewelry, table and poeket
!pry, silk Purses, bead Bags, silver and German sil
ver Spoons, gold and silver Pencils, silk and gam sils
penders,loo doz. of Germantown Hoes °militia - 41cl:
Trimmings Of all kinds, and tegeikral assernnfint of
toys,"eonstantly on hand at No. 01,14farkir - Street ,
lietWeen Third and Fourth streets, Shilpion , s Row,
Pittiburgh. - myl3
vvtllla 'Meitner
TILL continues in his aid business of ma-enactor
-1- ing Wagons, Carts, Drays, "Timber 'Wheels,
Trucks, and Wheelbarrows, on Fifth street, between
Wood and Smithfield, wherehe )(ceps constantly on
hand, or made to order in tin. shortest notice - , any
amount of work, by the best of workmen ,aUd good
materials, and at • priEes - to suit the times. Those
engaged in the Santa - Fe trade, and Furnace 'Wen,
are requested to give him a call 'befdre4hirehasing
elsewhere. -' • '
Jahn clarrright.
'- • •
purl :kit aria:gitie nstrumenf gauuracturer,
I L ) No, 140 flem"Virgin al
ley, Pittsburgh, Pa. Always on hand 'ill extensive'
assortment - or Surgical — ana 'Dental instruments,
paiikers , ,, Tailors', Hatters', Hair Dressers , and Tan
ners, Plitentllitar_s;l3addlera , Toole, Trusses,
- - -
IIIE undersignT4 having disposed of tds.E.sta
lishrnidt,-No, Market st., to Mr..Thorniis
A. Ilinton t ivdnid cordiallyrerommend hip), - to his
friendsstinl !the pul3lle=gendrally, as one 'every way
worthyof their patronage,
The unddpigned, having purchased the large and
extensive stock of Boots, :shoes.; , belonging in
A. M'Catritnon, No. 112 .Market street', one door
from Liberty, nil' continue "to conduct the business
in Mats brnellis, and trusts that by astrict atten
tion to busipess, and an.ardentclisposition to please,
he vvill niedt a continuation' of the patronage so
liberally betowed upon his predeceesor.
N. '11.....Twr0 or three good workmen can Wave
employment, by making immediate application.
aug26 1
3.S.III.IOELPLAIr. - inmi 7. - sztrctrEL,,
Alderman, r: _Attorney at Lau r.
DLAKIILY &,111.TP1 - IEI2,
ONTINVE to -attend to the selling and renting
of Beal Estate in the City of Pittsburgh and Vl
cinity, 'linying determined to devote a large portion
of their time t 9 this branch of business, they with
confidence 'solicit a. share of the patronage of the
public; frona,the facility they posseas and the experi
ence they haie,(the Senior partner- haying been
gaged in tlni: Rent Estate Agency for . near f„.'o years,)
they helievelhat they will give general satisiliction,
Office on Penn st., near the U. 2.Hotel, and Smittkz:
field st., between Diamond Alley - and Fifth.street.".
r HE patlnership,..liertitofore existing
Hunker i• Dickson is this day dissolved by mu
teal conseni. The affairs of the late firm will be
settled by consent., ,
who will continue the' Bak
er;- and Confectionary,at the old stand in Fifth, near
m a rtat street. .. P. H, HITNICER,
-I_,ANVAIS 1 Lai - yaw:4
GE . O. S. SWARTZ has on hand a lot of fine Lawns
which will be sold, at the very law price oflB - }
cents per yaid, persons who want a good article, at
low price, v ould well to cal soon. '
Also on hind a good stock of Nansook ratislins for
Ladies Dresses very cheap at
$0.106 Market street .
'Jou and I.elre Insu.:
ompany. ,
.21fatket Street.— '.
•Tcats:• ."
William Ebbs,
Lewis Ifutehison,
' Fred. Lorenz,
:tames May,
It. W. Poindexter.
111. ALLEN, I'res't,
•,returf, -
ranee Ca
Ojire, 1,.. 21;
Michael r .Nlien,
C. insbtitz,
Thos. lialkew
Robert 31-
I 1
, .eaell,
' FI
( .
' I
John I:l.l3avis•
j„ Corn r rof 'Wood and Fifth streets, Pittsburgh,
is ready toreeeive ruerchandi,ite of every daSeription
oat consignment for public or private sale, alid froth I
long experience in the above busiues, flatters himself I
that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to all
who may f4vor hint with their patronage. ,
Itegular 4alos Itlondays and - Thursda34s•• of Dry
Goods and Vainly article:3,3llo o'clock, .A..111.'
Of groceries, Pittsburgh utanufactured• articles,
new and second hand furniture, &c., at two o'clock,
Sales every evening at early gas-light.
Mun's InventionA 01itdonc by ..Nt4ur.
pAr.,lirnav, THE AMERICAN OIL,
rilLtIS Oil is obtained from a well near B• ville,
•j_ Kentlieky, at the depth of lull feet_ below the !
sunken of the earth, and 170 feet throueh solid rock...!
Its curative properties are truly astonishing, and as
a RemetlUil Agent it-may well be pronounced won,. i
derful. Since the discovery-of this Panacea of Na- ;
ture, nunthers of remarkable cures have been effect- !,
ed by its use. It is Inneeent—Powerful—Safe, and':
Certain efiects. It has been used with unprir
allelled ccess in the treatment of the following
• diseases: •Intlammatory Rheumatism,, Bunts and
Scalds,' Chnlic, Piles, Flatulence, Inflammation of;
Fthe .Kidneys, lleafilers; Consumption, Liver Com
!plaint, Phthisic, Scald Head, Cancers Weak and
Sore Evds, Bruises, Fresh Cuts nii ' d Wounds,
Sprains and Strains, Dropsy, Pains in the Breast and
Side, 'letter, .Influenza, Ulcerated Sore Throat,
Consumption, Bronchitis, Spasms, Ulcers, Spinal
I Affections, Scrofula or King's Fvil, Coughs,
!Ringworm, all dowel Complaints, all Chronic dia
-1 cases, Impurities'of the Blood and pcucral Debility.
It is likewise very beneficial for Female Complaints
in general; acts as a great Restorative from Languor,
weakness oflhick and Chest, Low Spirits rand
1 sive',Debility.
Read the following Ceitificates, all of which are
authentic;' all the persona therein named are now
!! living, and won known in Cincinnati:'
Prrrsntßon, Aug 2;2, 18.16.
-This is to certify that - we havdifsed the American
Siff': the whooping cough, amour our children, by
diem from fal drops to a small tea spoonful at
night, which alway . s enabled them.tO rest well through
the night: I also applied it to one of the children
that got her arm burnt by turning over a tea cep of
hot coffee on it, the child seased crying-by the time
the anti was dressed , and bound up, and has never
complained of it since, I hlso wet etilicted"witira
pain in my side IMO breast, and have been so for 16
years. 1 commenced using the Oil by taking a tea
spoonful twice a day =din 3 or tour days using of
tlie 'oil I have ben very inuch relieved ; and do really
believe 'that it is the best nic,dicifre that shave
ever seen: I. applied it to one of my neighbor's for
a strained allele, which relieved her in a few minutes.
We' have also used the'oil for a strained joint in bur
own family, which gnvn ease in a - very short time.
Wd live on tho cast side of Penn St., 3 doors south - Of
atri now as well as l ever was in my life:
FrITSISTIILGII, Aug. 140846,
This is to certify, that my son bas had the Plethisic
for SCN'eli. :Y i e . 7irs, and ,was very bad with it, and about
111 'or )5 days since,. I commenced giving to hint
ationt Met' a drops of the Anaerican Oil, twice a
aay. which relieved him in a day or two of his ditEi
cuity of' breathing, anti he is now entirely relieved
of his cough; our boy is 10 years of age. We live in
King's Alley, FANCY KING.
- Ci:ecinfv..arr, July 154.1846.
,111: P l aying been cured of n' itry severe disease
of the eyes and head by the' use of the American
Oil, I feel it my duty to the public; as well as to you,
to send you the following certificate: •
I hereby certify that I was severely afdicted one
year ago last Winter, with inflamed sore eyes and•a
very seyere'pain in my head from my eyes up' to the
top of fay head, and continued to for several weeks. I
My 'eyes were so much inflamed mursole.that I
could not see to attend any business' lior•cciuld I tell
owe object from another a, fely part=s from me. 1
Called In a physician,' but'afilf 'got worse. I also
tried a good many remedies that had cured others;
bet in my case they failed. In April, 1845, I heard
of the Ameridantlil." I procured a bottle, and be
fore-I had us6cla half a•• bottle I was entirely well,
and Still conanne to: ' I will be without it in my
bonne as long as lean get the genuine article. .I also
gave It to one of my, men that was working for me,
that had the toter in his hands so bad that when he
wouldgrip 'anything tight in them the blood would
lnitst out, and the use of halt a bottle cured us both.
I would advise all that"are afflicted in any way to
giiie the Oil a fair - trial, and I think they will be
pleased 'with the effectit will have, Etc:
. ' . JOH.D . I.3IIJRPIIY.
Sold at One Dollai pei Bettie at Jackion's Patent
Medicine Warehouse, 89 Liberty, head of WoOd at.,
Pittsburgh.. ME .ONIN PLACE ru - Prrriiier..c2t where
the Genuine American Oil C. na , , , r be Obtained.
Beware of a Counterfeit article. The Seneca Oil.
put in American Oil BottleS, labelled “Amer
man 011:” .— It-sorneivhat resembles the American
Oil, but possesses none of its virtues or healingpovv-
W. Jackson respectfully informs the Public that
.D. Bail Co., the proprietors - of the American Oil,
•haverippointedium their 501,.E AGENT for West
ern Pennsylvania. '- . • • -
Alit perilous wishing Sub-agencies apply at 89
Liberty street, as above. •
- IN: B. Sub-agents wanted for every town. in the
above Distriet: 'l'l • "I. • -•-.
A great number of certificates are on hand and
can be seen atthe office, 89Liberty - stiget;headof
Wood. aug 28-ly
OR.TH East , oT F - ederal and Robinaort
I streets . , Allegheny will i.. 0•• nu - netts& its - Falk: -;
session on Monday the 31st inst. • • - -
• ; •,.!. • .
From Pro,fasor g-11 _ ,
•• ot/irrs, - - , ; •.• •
Having attention an ezairiiitationo(the school -..
I taught by Mr.)Villiarns,vve take„plea.sure in' bear, :,
ing our toitimpay - to - the evidence efihr - ilei by it of.
the iiiinaual - skill and labor - of Mr:, Williafns The
understanding-of the prizzcipkottftwsubje°.ei ttltio
the scholars had...been-, studying, shown by thou,
clear, answers to questions asked by otheri than the
teachers, prtive the _ °Z - Icellecice of the New England.
modes of teaching; iiiwhich•Mr..Villiatits L eceras , tci:'
be proficient. - - LEE.r
-_ •3 I, I 7IS,HAWri
,from the, - .TY - eslon, - Doctor Hunt, trc
Having attended an 'examination. of
,School under - Die - care of Mr:l-Teri - ry
recently in fits sehool retina, corder - of-Ffedelllt,
Robinson ° - streets; "Allegheny - city, :we •
phblicattention to -this institution. • .Ww.tvere. highly
gratified with the progress and;order ofiii.s seheol.—t•
This mannerof 'simplifying and illustratili4
ferent branches is peculiarly happy, and well
fated to-give interest tithe pupils. His tried° . -or.'
teaching them to. read st l izek. us US DAC} -
that c.annot.thil to - , make good readers. - • .
From the knowlsdge teat we have Of
I chai-ae.ter as a teacher, his ,zeal, fidelity' anti
I suceess, we cordially recemeicad. him to the patron . ,
lag° of the public. • His 'coition is °legible fisr_lioth
cities, . DAVII)-11Uli`f,
I attended the:;examination; and can-s truly,
say Iwasmuch grauticd with the. attAintment Or 'thtt
'pupils ; -
-F ireitversity•Loser Sc*_ _ _
rItE ALL SEtiSION of this: departinent Of the
J 'Western University, will commence-in the: new
University _Building, on the nem' el' SEP!
TEEBEE nest; .'and the SPAING SESSION, of
will continence On the Fint?.`;`,louseity or -- Fititrislor
This institution having ,so far 'recovered from the
effects of the great fire of April last year, os
the-new building , nearly completed With-hilereused
accommodations. for. all its, hoped
that the Law School will be found to' present ie:c3eas.
ed faoilities ainPattractions to those also desire tO
pursue a regular and thorough eourm ollegaleduea.
tiara, and to prep Ore themselves creditublffer,q‘
; mitt:lnce - to the bar. - - :
. . . _ ..
There will be daily, recitations by- the - classee -- o'n
assigned lessons, so arranged as to Marone, withiq :
a two years course, all the principal and most im
portant branchesrof the' law.: 'Occasional. leefures .:
on law and - eqtfity,„will also be delivereclms parte*
.tire coursu
' r Miior COT:ar,.designed fer assisting. students
lin acquiring knowledge and readiness iuthe,prac• --
' Lice of the law will be resumed as soon as the nutai
_of students will justify. The degree of IlActtn- ,
ton or LAw will be conferrful an students 'of the
I institution, accOrditils th e'r sits usual insuCir - illStitil. -
Any further infordationikat maybe required eau
i readily he obtained on application to the -Preffesier,
I WALTre 11..LoWatE,- who has his-office ou --Ith
'Smithfield street, Pittsburgh. .. ~ , _
' Tr.a.uS—Seventc-five Tellers a rear •or thirty;s4s.
len anda heti' dollars a session. --aug,6,4401 -..
E X'T R A o RD I IVA .11, - Y• DI St LO
. ,
OME Druggists ard misled - into the error orbuy•
ing a miserable imitation of Dr. Smi•th'iSngar.
Coated Indian 'Vegetable Pills, simply because the,/
can purchase the spurious cheaper; We. shall all
eases. expose such dealers, throughout, the ttountry t o •
who, alter beiug duly informed ;of the rascality
these imitators, buy'and attemptto inapose upontli:w.
public pith such worthless trash. It is not the
[gar "coating alone that constitutes the:value of - my ,
;Pills, but it is my inset:ilea, for which I claim the'
:right. G. BENJ. SMIT.IIS M. D., •
".179 Greenwich st, unit 2 Water st. Boston;.:.,
d "
We, the undersigned, wholesa le ru = gi. std in Loit4
issille, Ky., are satisfied, front all the information
that we can obtain, that Dr..G. BENJAMIN SLMITH •
is the original ins enter - of the . Sugar-Coated fills.
We arc prepared to supply' dealers at "the -New.
York price. ' • , .
Rubinson, Peter .s. Cary, 492. Main street.
T. S. Morris g. Co., 461 Main et.
Repert landenberger, 311 Main st... , , •
George Lapping tk Co:, 79 Fourth st.
Bull Alden, 81 Fourth st. • • •
The tbllowing from druggists in NewTork shows
I invented ths Sugar Coated Pills in 1843:
New York, June 14th, 1841. - -
We, the undersigned, maser sass or heard of "Sa.:
gar Coated Pills," until Dr. G. Benjamin Smith"man-".
ufactured and exhibited titans to us about a.year tinge: .. -
Rushton .5- Co.. 110 Broadway and 10 Aster. .11.ouse, -
Israel Randolph, lit. D. SG Liberty st: ' • • "
Horace ..L'rerett, 96 Ilinison st. , •
. .
John Castree, 97 Hudson st.
D: id Sands, 79 Fulton at. '..
• A VOICE FROill 1,121.7L , CL.T.
I have been afilictc-d,with dyspepsia in its most ak•
gravated form fur three years past, and found no re, .
relief until I`used Dr. G. Benj. Smith's "Sugar-Coat
ed Indian Vegetable Pills." After ugly , ' six boxes of
eniir.valitable I am entirely cured, .They arg
gencral remedy. .1. K. '
Paducah. - Ky. Nov 9,1545. ' ••••• •
We certify to the above facts. _
Dr. Smith's “Sug,ar-Coated. Pills" are Universally,
esteemed in kids - _
• - 110DGE GIVENS Ili Co, Merchants. , "
Paducah, Kys Nov. 19,1845.
At the reqUest of Dr. G. Benjamin Smith's agent
we cheerfully state that we visited the office of Dr.,
Smith - in Septelnkdr -last, while in New-York, alid,
found hint to all aifpearance.carrying on a very ex,.
tensiVe business with hiS Sugar-Coat:l Indian Vego:
table Pills. , The extent of his establiSbnieht would
astonish any one not initiated in the mysteries of the;
pill'traild.—Louisville Journal.' ,
' •-' (Prom Dr. Singleton.) ' • •
Smithland, - (K.y.) Feb- 24,•1846.
Dr. C-. Benj. Smith.—Dear Sir: Nothing ha.s-eyer
been'introduced that hai sold so well and given sea
general satisfactiorf - as Yeer Sugar-Coated Improved'
Indian 'Vegetable - Yeri , respectfully, yours, .
(From Bill Fa Alden .)' • "
. •• Feb. 13th, 1846:-
p. Beni. Smith—Dear Sir: Yrtt will please sand.
us 12 gosi . ofyetur Valuable Pitts. From pres - entin,
dications we shall sell a large amount of themi‘•
,We find that they go very quick.' Your friends,:
_ .
Prete Wilson, Starbird Si:Smith.)
' • ` , -Louisville, Feb. 13th; 1846,,
I, Dr; Smith-Dear Sir: Aborit . two weeks . agoi
boitht 2 groset Of yedrindianVegetable Sugar Co - ats
ed Pills, Though business is dull herd at this time,
,yet we have Sold thein all.' You will pleasensend us=
10 gross through Messrs. Lawrence & lieese,.of your
city, who willforward them to - uivia Pittshurgh... -
- • • Yours, respectfully,' • •_'
• This is to certify that I have 'rased- the 'Sugar
coated pills mattulactared by G. Banjs Smith;cif New
York,"for some tune, and, believe thud to be' a - good
medicine; and,also . from enquiry, - in.that city, I mu
persuaded. that he is the original inventor . , and
therefore, is entitled to the benefit of the invert - ton.
S. 't1i11,1.1.1 1 .145;.- -
aug2l. Pastor let Baptist Church
We have forty letters fiorn different dealers solicit- "
ing the agency' of myPill,althoi!gh they laitliherspur"..
riona in their storeone in particular from . 14W
leans, which we
Principal Offices - New York, - 179*Greenwielt all
Boston 2 Water it.
G. BENJAMIN SMITH is written, on the bat.
tom - of every - b6s, Of genuine Sugar-Coated
Aortrrs—William Ilerulerion Druggist,2osl.Thßti
street Piftsburgh: John Sar,Oent 4119,0eny
HE undersigned would respectfully inforizt.thA
citizens-of Vittsbergh aid its' vicinity* t 1 14.t1 15- .
uas purcbased from Mr. Moses Cory, his large =4:
splendid stock of.l , Yry' . cloods, kept atNo. £'6 Market.
street, where he intends 'fir keep 2' general assortf
ment of seasonable Goods, which he . will sell at'veiff
reduced piices. - Please tel and judge foryourseWON
' No. 66 hlarketstreet:' ' - -
auglB ' WILLMI
To my friends and 'patrontS . I am:mush obliged
and vioulerinifectfully 'recommend , Mr.' l'irdhUtd
Cowen, us n"
sacceitior. MOM, CORY.'
rECEIVED THIS DA Y , Exprus,liriotber 145
Vof rich black MAYII.[J-ASitlt s tlio24ew .Y.ork"
Store, 79 Market street.
augl7 LV 11. P.
Wll.4kam4 , .4166 , t 'Schacilr
. . • . .