The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, October 08, 1846, Image 1

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N. TV: corner of Wood and Sts.
Tr.ritts.- , -Five dollars a year, payalile in advance.
Six. "dellars will invariably be required IC not paid
within the year. .-
-Single copies, TWO CENTe---fOr sale at the counter
of the Oirice.,and by News Boys. .
Is published at the same office, 0u a double medium
shoot, ut-TWO DOLLAIIS a year, in advance; sin
gle copies,,, six cmas. ' • '
1 Torino of A
ren ,•
squArtz or sly]
Out insertion, $0.50
Two. 'do; 0.75
Thred 1 00 ,
'Ono week, . -1 -50
Two do;':. .' •3.00 .
Throe do, -4 00
. • • Yearly Adra
0 " Si"ire•
Six month, : $l5 00
One year,; 20 00
Larger culvertisetnents i
. 1 4r CARPS of four lines;
.. .. , .
,i'..'..* . c•'. ~'.-..7':'':;'.''.-;
TTORNEt AT L Nj Greensburg., Westutore
land county, Pa„ practice in the West
ntroreland, Indiana and Caiiibria courts. decS-y
4- ' .
William Wl:Mahon,
TTORNEY Wr-LAW and Solicitor in Chancery
sa... Office in - Bares 4sew l'itth street, be
4ween Wood and Sn ithuielQ., augll
11.1Ingro.w 6. liitKnight,
A TTORNEYS AT LAW, Office removed to the
1. residcnce of 11. S..l!tiagraw, on Tourth St., one
Boor from Cherry Alley. • -
_Li Pittsburgh, Pa. Office on Fourth st., between
Smithfield and Grant. ' marlll-y
A TTORNEY AT LAW, office in the building on
the -North - East cornOr of Fourth and Smithfield
streets. • ' novll-y
^`l i '_';
ft' i(.
,TTORNEYS Al _LAW, olTtee North side
Fifth street, between Wooclaiel Smithfield sts.,
?Ittsburgl, Pa. Collections made -on reasonable
- It. arorrotr,
.A MAILMAN, office north side or Pia street,
.t-1. between Wood and ,Smithfield, Pittsburgh.
. seplo-y - . ,
• . Andrew Burke,
ATtORNEY AT LAW, office, Smithfield street,
bet Ween Fourth street and Diamond Alley, op
posite Mr. Gco. Wanton's tobacco manufactory,
apl6-y - . . -
- t,,i••• - •,; - i::'..;:•ii . :; -- 7 : ;if'
~. 4:;i'•*'•
. . .. _.....
ATTORNEY AT LAW, office in the chambers
1:1 occupied-by Alderman Nl , Masters, on Fifth st.,
between Wood and Smithfield. aplS-y
offer! on Fourth . street r opposite IL Et IL IL
,Patterson's Livery Stable, Pittsburgh. seplo-y
A TTORNIXS AT LAW, Fourth street between
Wood and Smithfield, opposite Pattersen , s liv
ery stable.- ap7-y
...: '~
' '
4 , TTORNEY AT LAW; halitPi -
LIL 1113 European tour has taken nnlice on the
_north east corner of Fourth and Smithfield sts. Per
-pans having had businesa and . papers in the hands.of
Samuel Kingston, Esq., deceased, will call on the
-above, as all the unsettled business of Mr. tlingSton
,has been left in his hands. mar 3-1
}. i a ~ J. ~tl.
-a.. ..
' • . Cl aries M. flays,
A TTORNEY AT LAW, Pittsburgh, Pa. Com
niissi3ner to take the proof and acknowledge
meat of deeds, leases, contracts, deposites or other
writings, to be - recorded or used in the States or
Kentucky, Indiana and Tennessee. Office No. SO,
Stuart's buildings, Fourth street. mar 12-y
James S. etaft,
\Pittsburgh, Pa., havinr , resigned the office, of
ecretary P. Nay. and Fire Ins. Co., will attend spe
to collectiois and business connected with
navigation, insurance, accounts and real estate. 13n
siriasS hours, 9 81. to 9P. M. 011 ice, No. I,
Stuart's buildings, (No. 801 Fourth 5t..,) second door
east Wood street.
:.'f i'.+~:~~..
'F ~, i ..
Franklin - , Yensitgo county,Pcnna., will attend
promptly to all business entrusted to his care—col
° lections - made in Warren, Clarion and Jefferson co.'s.
• 'J. A; Stockton Sr Co. -
- • Murphy, Wilson & Co; Pittsburgh.
'John Bigler,
lion. James Kinnear,
Ilon. Ales. M'Calmont, Franklin.
' lion. James Wilson, Steubenville, Ohio. juy23- y
, •
4', 0 4 •••
• ••,!'
43.AliKERS and dealers in Foreign and Domestic
Jilllls.of Exchange, certificates of deposit, hank
notes, and specie. Drafts and notes collected, and
eremittances made to any part , a the United States,
54.Afarket street. • jan7-y
r (. 41.!
• , ••,.'- , :-..c.,i,- ,
:;:f- , :. , -,
; L' ••
; , t
44 ,4' 1 +11. - 0
ate '
Gem =
U. E. Constable, •
-111 ZAI,ER' in Fancy -and - Staple Dry Goods, 83
Market street:Pittabargh. nov 10-y
1: '. •4,i." ,. ,7N....i',...
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-NO. '6B.
One inenth, ' $5 00
Two do, 600
Three do, ' 7 00
pour do, 8 00
Six do„ . 10 00
One year, 15 00
..LT.FLEASTME. ~ ' -
Tern Squares.
Six months, $2O 00
thin year, 30 00
in proportion.
:,,, FIVE rrtax.sais a year. -
C; Shitulto.
vviiis dr, Donnoly.
Edmund Sno*vden,
Ilpmtltou,' w' Bruce*,
141 , Clure.
Forward SwaTtzwelder,
George P. Gillmoie,
TTORNEY AT LAW; Office in Breed's build-
• • C. Orlando I.oomit,
TTORNEY AT LAW, office Fourth st., above
'Smithfield. julyl-y
A BEELEN has removed his commission and for
• warding business from the Canal Basin to hie
new warehouse on Third et:cr.:, itear:y opposite the
Post Office. niay:l4-y
Rlettarcl Cowan,
- A TTORNEY LAW, office is Stan:l.'s baild-
Zi, nlieve \qed. juneili-au;
Jo in TY. Barrel]
Edwin C. Wilson,
John A. Parkinson,
LDERMAN, Fifth 'Ward, Penn street, between
Walnutand O'Hara streets, where he may he all times. Those having houses or other
'property to sell' Or rent, can hare the same punctu
ally attended to; debts Collected, and all the duties
of an:Alderman will receive prompt attention. -
oet27:Y • -
N..llolnies'St. Son,
Johniston Stockton,
-KERS,.Ne. 114 Market street. sep 10-y
• 8/cribm Scheibler, •
JO No. 115 Wood Week, three doors below Fifth,
Pittsburgh . Pa - jan7-y.
Jsiniee laattorson,
CORNE of First and Ferry streets, l'ill.burgh,
Fa.., :manufacturer of locks hinges
,al4. bolts,
tobacco,, fuller, mill. and timber screws, housen
screws foriolling mills, &e. seplo-y
Wra. A Waird,
DENTIST, has removed to the place of his for
mer residence in Penn street, two doors below
irwin. aplB-y
Edgai Thorn's
ir i jtUG and - Medicine' Store, corner of
jj Penn and Hand streets; Pittsburgh, Pa., Phy
itycians, prescritltions accurately compounded. Medi
cines can be had at all hours or the day or night. •
Browniville Juniata Iron Works.
DWARD HUGHES manufacturer of iron and
jp.„,u mils warehouse Smithfield above Fourth st.
C. A. M 9 Anuity. it. Co.,
- Canal Basin,.Pittaburgh, Pa. maady
FAMILY GROCER, Smithfield street, next
to the Fifth Presbyterian Church. june6
_ George Cochran,'
, .
No: 26 Wood st, Pittsburgh, ' •00v.27-y
lieJuov al.
F.O. S. SWARTZ would iespe VullY inform. his
Ur friends and customers that ht l has removed to
No. 106 Market street, between and .Li rty sts.,
- east side, Where lie is receiving a Marge and ; Well as
sailed stock of spring goods, to lichhe would re
spectfully invite their attention; ap3.:d6m
Now Book Stot.
T6...BOSWORTH Ft: Co.,'lsio. 3 Markototreet,
next door to Third 'street, are just opening a
new and extensive assortment ofllookii and Station
ery,'whichthey will sell, witolt;saleand rata!, at the
lowest prices. • ap.25-y
5A31.1.7Z1. C. Q. IMOWN.c3
lIILL ..Ez.llltOWlqE.,
IMPORTE.R and manufacturer ..of Wall Paper
and General Paper "Warehouse x No„S1 Wood
re et, Pittsburgh. . je2o
Wrn 0 7 1.1.ara. lioblAsou; .
DATE U. S. Attorney, has removed his office to
No. 8 St. Clair ht.. I • sopa - . •
L. tV ilintartli,
T.UMBER 'MERCHANT, office on - Penn street,
1 . .4 between Irwin and Hand-sts Pittsburgh, Pa.
All commissions hill l,c promptly at CMICII td. 111114^y
School Boorcrincl Paper 1 1 1rarehouse.
T 11'E LOOMS, Agent, pubhuhur., bookgeller and
Li bookbinder; No. 89, Wood str Pittsburgh.
Plakinton's Inaoking,
iTANLUACTURED and sold NV olesale, and re
n. tail, Smithfield' at., between Sixth and Virgin
aile . 0ct9.1-y
• •DI. C. Edey,
itt. Star Candles, Filth street, n
- .
Wit. cimEstAas. JO/IN E. JENNINGS. W.
Coleman, llailmcial& Co., '
rAN U FAC TUR ERS of Carriage Springs and
,o_t_ Axles, A. Br, andapring stekil, and dealers in
coach trimmings of every descri Min, manufactory
on St. Clair street, warehousb, 43 Wood street, op
posite St. Charles-Hotel. , lans23-y
runt Glasd Est abllehmeut:
ATUI.V.A.D.TY & LULU.: ,md:mfecture and keep
ecinstantly on hand cut, moulded and. plain
Flint Glassware in iti-varieties at their Warehouse
corner of Market and Water strFets, Pittsbergh.—
Our works continue in 'full operation, and we are
constantly adding to our stock, which oral:lca us to
fill orders with promptness. Purchasers are respect
fully solicited to, call and examine prices and terms.
Otto ICuutz,l
11TANUFACTIMER or livcortituvrtnix TEETH,
1 Smithfield street, two doori below Fifth street
Pittsburgh, Pa. Always on band a full'assottruent of
Plate and Pivot teeth, or a variety of shades, as
simple Plate, M olar, and Siscuspi !awes, Gum teeth,
Screw Pivot teeth, &c. Teeth at d blocks Made to
order; Dentists supplied with all iirticles in the pro
fepsion: All orders from abroairitut be accompan
ied by the cash. :
irr Platina alwayS on band. • I
noel -y
Dr. Daniel
OF. on Smithfield, throe duors from Sixth st.,
Pittsburgh. doclo-y
. Dr. George Watt,
OFFICE, Xo. 77' Smithfield sleet, near ;Sixth at.,
Pittsburgh. ' aug2l-y
F. Blame, 1 ,
lA.NO FORTE manufacturer land dealer in Mu
sical Instruments, No. 112 iWuod street, near
James 31 1 / 1 e r• "x/%•,
~ , ,
IDAINTER, Fifth, near Market et., Military flags,
_IL Banners,
.signs, designs for, steamboat IVhcel
houses, MO Lucy painting </r every description neat
ly at the shurte.4 nYetme, j . , .-1:1-ddrn
I , ,
George. Ilnile}r,
PLUMIIEP., and mannlacturcr!of Pumps and !Ty
dr.tnts, which are superior t and cheaper th an
any in the cur.. Picas: to call .1.41 - ,, k- t 0;11.-
F:ekes. Fourth strcet,betweeti trintithlield 4 /Id n,,r
ry !.lice. 11,I7ants and pump.: rtma;rsd. j,, ; ,1- , ,
.X. nryrtr,
- er in Foreign and Doterstio and.lannorF.
No. 114 Liberty street, end 33 Diiitiond Ailey.
burzh, l'a.
U. D. Sellers, I+l.'„. D.
Pf r 2: 3 li:T t ) i, t ,e o
d re .w o m n s s b t e . i. b , c.;l , l ,- 1 7 ., n a I s r t win ndaTilayd,
ERG EON DENTIST, ILS Li , berty meet, a few
1. - " j doors below. SL Clair st., Pit i shurgh. al:d2S-y
Ogden 6: Snow en,
° sale and retail druggists, and ntanufacturers of
white lead, red lead and litharge, corner of Wood
and Second sta., Pittsburgh, l'a. novl3-y
HLnrtln & S ink( It,
QUCCE - S.SORS to Irvine & filar in, wholesale gro
cers, produce and cominission merchants, and
dealers in Pittsburgh manufactured articles, No. 56,
Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ap&v
John M 'Cloek~y,
AND asYritilat, liberty st., between
I Sixth street and Virgin Allot., south side.
.7. D. Williams iSz• Co.
WHOLESALE and retail grocers, Forwarding
and commission merchants; and dealers in
country produce and Pittsburgh .Naninlictures. No.
110, Northeast corner of Wood tindllll ,streets.
sep. S.
B. A. Pultnestock Sc Co.,
WHOLESALE and retail Drnnists, corner Sixth
V and Wood streets. sept2-y
Thoxnas 111111i-es'
STORE, COILICI of Wood: autl.Fourth streets,
Pittsburgh apl4-y
Steven dc,
WlT o t i F e ..B .t tLF l . v a i i i ld es re a tt a il dealers iii
e fty c l u g .
No. 18 Market street. apS-p
P. C. 111o.rtin,
WHOLESALE and retail Grocer and dealer in
V V Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors,
Foreign and Domestic Fruit, Nuts, &c.,N0.60 Water
street: seps-y
Lambert fk, ShiPtott,
V Commission Merchants, ticalers in produce
and Pittsburgh manufacturesi NoS. 133 and 135 Wood
street,' Pittsburgh, Pa.• feb2.3,
John. Scott &
Merchants,No. 7 Commercial Row . , Liberty
street, Pittsburgh. I al9-y,
J. fi. J. lll'Revltt,
WHOLESALE GROCERS, idealers in produce
VY arid Pittsburgh manufactures generally, No.
224 titierty;opposite.7th.street,:Pittsburgh. ap2B-y
John H. 211.0110 r,
'NITIOLESALE and retail. dealer in. Music and
irlY Musical - Instruments, Plano Fortes, School
Books and Stationery, No. 122 'Wood street, Pitts
burgh. janl-y
James Park, Jr., dp.Co.,
WHOLESALE, GROCERS, importers of tin plate
11' and queonsware;and dealers in copper and
Pittsburgh manufactured -articles', Noe. 112 And 114
2nd st., between Wood and Smithfield sts,jal4-nl4-3,
Select Scliciol.
ATM. MOODY re9eetfully announces to his old
Y V friends that he Intends opening a Select School
in this city, on the first MOnday of April nest, in the
basement of the Third Presbyterian Church: mar2l-t
It. E. Sellers,
117110LESAIE DRUGGIST, and dealer in dye
Vl' stuffs, paints, oils, varnished, ttc.', No. V,
Wood street, Pittsburgh. 3-oety
Dr. Wm.M. Wright, ,
S t p . E 6 12;
I s S t T, a ol f r e te residence in
alkaa - 641h - I:tear the Exli t
an oo co rg lie el t o er. Lib"
. .
Between Smitltfichfctiid Grant ,Sireeta, .1 5 ittisburgh*
CIIRISTLAN: SCHMERTZ, Proprietor, respuct
fully informs his friends and the public. general
ly, diet he will open the abbv.e splendid House on
the Ist clay of Alai next; • •
The House being new 3 and finished in she most
commodious and convenient mannei- ' and bating it
famished- with the newest and most beutiSiliityle of
thrniture; flatters himself that he will be able to ali
conunodato his friends and theitraviiling public, in a
manner not inferior to. any similar establishment in
the city.
As tho House is situated near the Court Iloftss ar
rangements have been made to serve up meals at any
hour in the day, this will be great convcaicutic to
those who wain attendance at court.
Refreshments of all' kinds can be had. lloar
dors taken by the Week or day.'
grLuneb every day at 11 o'clock, A. 151.;
A ttms'rninctl, Proprietor; Corner of St.
Clair and Penn streets, Pittsburgh, the; proprie
tor begs leave to return bia most grateful lhanks to
his (Headland the public for past favors, and hopei,
by attention; to merit a continuation of their patron
age. The lionise is pleasantly situated neat Vic Ex
change; it has ateouninodations for travelers, and a
large room for public meetings, dinneror supper par
Rcfresliments always ready, or prepared on the
shortest notice, with the choicest the Market will af
ford. Gysters and Oyster Soup, also.FreSli Shell
Oysters, received every day during the neaten. The
-greatest care has been 41-en in the selection Of wines
and liquors. A variety of newspapers arc regularly
filed in tile establishment,
P. S. A hot Lunch served up every day at 11, A.
M. ap IS-y.
BDOBS)M, Penn street, Pittsburgh, Penna.
Boar ding rinil lodging, by the day or week, on
the most reasonable terms. Strangers will rind it to
their advantage to patronize him:• Persona travelling
cast or west will find this house a convenient loca
tion—it is within one hundred yards of the canal
basin, and convenient to the forwarding houses.
Ilvely information given to Iron inanufaeturers in
all branches of the business.
it and ' dealer in
ar MarkCl, S . . W.
Dottie brewed ale can at all times be IMd at the
bar. , novlo-y
, Lafayette Itefreetory.
ATOS. CI and 63, Wood street, imder Aue-
IN thin store. TIM subscribers hare fitted up the
above place in superior style,'and they feel assured
will give comfort and suisfaction torall who may
visit them.
- . .
Arrangements hare bean made to have * constant
supply of Fresh. Oysters, which will be served up to
visitors and families on the shortest notice. Other
luxuries, candies,frnit and pastries of gip choicest
kinds abvays on ianA. Their Bar is -filled with the
hest brands the market can afford; and Regalia, Cas
tello, Principe and Havanna Cigars of superior qual
ity. Every attention paid to visitors. Their motto
is, every luxury season.. Prices moderate.
ov 10v . OGDEN & ORISON.
ISAAC MURDOCK, formerl y of the Utiion Hotel
on Water street, having been burnt out, has built
a new and handsome home expressly for the accent
modatiGn of travelers, at the corner of Second and
Smith Geld streets, which will be known cal the Burnt
District. Hotel.
' -
. -
He is now prepared to offer every accothnindation
and every cotnfort to the traveler, at very moderate
charges. tic i 3 provided with aieple and convenient
stabling. decl2-y
TF.RETT & Co., wholesale and retail, dealer,. in
Foreign Wines said Liquors, corner of .Market
and Front streets, Pittsburgh. Pa.
Thicrenees—Win. Holmes & Co., Henry F. Schwep
...o...,WlD, Eichbannt, B. Wearer.
consists or Hid clioi lbt qn - t.arrce s nd
, 4 1:et, to which they would ri?rspectfuliy cal attention
I and solicit a share of public patronage. It:comprities,
the tbllowine, in casks and bottles:
11 7 inr—:11:tdcrias, Sherries, Lisbons, Toner:lies,
Ports, :q.dagasCaiabrias. L;guors—.l.lratidics, Gins,
Ruins. and NViiisLies. au.,425
,/ LEN BROWN, Plow:lir:refl.—Terms $l,OO per
da. Then ndersigned, formerly of the Merchants
corker rf IVood and Thin . ] strects,lhas feared
this Mape.i rr establiAinent, and fernished it anew
throughout. with nets heal, new bedding and tiers
iara.ture. tlreat care ha been Lth en to till his cob
-Mr with the cholera viand,. A handsome oatnibus
and a baggage wagon arc provided or Owl use of hie
golests,and a Porter will be in attendance pt afi hours
to meet the demands of the traveller. The long ex
perience of the undersigned in this business, assures
him that his earnest purpose to satisfy who call,
cannot be unsuceessinl. Ile feels altogether id,-
erty to promise his visitors a comfortabl ail cleanly
abode, liberal. clitermiument, and a hearty' welcome,
at a moderate expense. AL L nowN.
•Co-Ptira atcaslap.
V TILLI ALV COLEMAN having,.on the first day
January, inst., associated with hiM Jas. W.
Hallman and John F. Jennings, under the naive and,
style of Coleman, Itailman it.: cc., will now haverin
creased fimilities for manutheturing Steel Springs,
hammered axes American Blister and Spring Steel,
&c..§ to which the attention of dealers in respectfully
solicited, and hope by strict attention to business, to ]
merit a continuance to the new firm the f#ors so lib
erally bestowed upon him. Factory on St. Clair st.
—warehouse 43 Wood st., opposite the Kt, Charles
Hotel, whore can be found a good assbrtment
springs, Axles, A.. 711., and Spring Steel, pad Coach
Trimmings of every description, together. N%ith Iron,
Nails and Pittsburgh mantithctured articled. ir - The
highest price paid fur scrap iron. jan22
"DELL AND BRASS FOUNDER, has'reb uilt and
commended business at his, old' stand, No. 70
Second, between Market and Feriy streets, where
he will he pleased to see his old etistiomers and
friends. '
Church, steamboat, and bells of every size, from
10 to 10,000 pounds, cast from patterns of the most
approved models, and - warranted to be 'of the'best
Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, Railing, Sze.,
together with every variety of Brass Castings, if re
quired, turned and finished in the neatest manner.
A. F. is the sole agent for Babbitt's Anti‘Attrittlivn
Metal, so justly celebrated tar the reduction of fric
tion in machinery. The boxes and composition can
he Inul of him at all (lines. novl3-y
rr removedE subscriber having been by the
1. great fire to Allegheny, is prepared to make
Steam and Fire- Engines, Hydraulic and Screw
Presses, for oil, tobacco or any other purpose, and
machinery generally. J. S. OW YNNE,
Franklin Machine Works,
On Rebecca street and Bank lane, West of Federal
—street, Allegheny city.
. _
N. B. Orders lett in Pittsburgh with Mr. S.
Cuthbert, in Market street, 2 doors below Third
street, will meet with prompt attention.
JOHN D, MORGAN, H7wlcsalc and Retail
Druggist, 93-1 Wood street, one door South
of Diamond • Alley, .Pittsburgh.—The subscriber
has just received from the Eastern cities, and is now
opening at the above stand; a full assortment of
articles in his line, consisting of Drugs of all kinds,
Dye Stuffs, Paints and Varnishes, Chemicals,'
&c., together wih. all such articles as are usually
kept for sale at a wholesale and retail drug stare.
His stock i 6 entirely new, and has been Selected
with care.',He is confident that his articles, both
as to quality and price, will please such as may fa
vor him with a call. my9-y.
ket street, three doors above Third street, Pitts
by.rghj will have constantly on hand a well selected
assortment of the best and-freshest Medicines, which
he will sell on.the most reasonable - terms. Physi
cians sending orders will be promptly attended to,
and supplied with articles they may rely upon as
Physicians' prescriptions will be accurately and
neatly prepared from the best materials, at any hour
of the day or night. • .
Also, for sale, a large stock of fresh and good
erfumery - dec 31k1
- .
• .
lsZtr,. ,3~_~Teb--c, ;~,:..~ ~.~,.. r " '"- - ^ { 'rte ,~..; ..t=~?+T~.~
Franklin Home, Fourth strett,
♦Vasbingtou Liot
Canal Boat Boust
linrnt District Hotel.
Exe hauce
A. Viltiall,
Franklin Machine Works.
NOW Drug Store.
John DI. Toss.:riend,
Lard Oil ai alt.:educed Price
(PRE subscriber would respectfully inform his
friends and the public in general, that his new.
Factory is stow completed, and with a large addition
to his machinery, he is prepared to make coriaidert
ble quantlties of .a superior article of Lard Oil,
which he is determined WWI cheap, fully apprecia
ting . the old, proverb, that nimble sixpence is
worth mote than a -slow He feels confi
dent that consumers would find it to their advantage
t o give hire a call and examine forthemselves.
Woolen;inaiinfacturers, machinists and otherg, are ,
I respectfully invited to exainind his superior oil, Filth
skeet, near Market, opposite Ifunkces Confection-
ary. store and Messrs. Sainuelrill'Cluiken & Co„
Liberty skeet: • M. C. EDEY,
Pitthbvirge Lard Oil Manufacturer.
A superior quality Of Aar Candles, always on hand,
of.,asserted rivirit4-y
lOrnautent Hair Work
MRS, RENTER, Wig Maker,
Allegheny Oily, sir doors from the
Aqueduct, apposite the Collector's
'Office, Witheik to inform the pub
lic that she has-just commenced
he -Ornamental Bair business,
and has a very - superior stock, re
ceived from the Eastern cities and
Paris; and she is prepared to fill
all 'orderS at the shortesi notice,
and in it matiner that cannot be
excelled by any' similar manufac
and iniettilsleeping, a large as
sortment of Ornamental Hair Work, such as Ladies'
Wigs, Bands, Braids, Curls, I , Zecklaces, Guards,
Bracelets, Finger Rings, &c. ,Gclitlcintins , Wigs,
Tanpries, Scratches, &c.
Mrs. It. lias' been for many years engaged in the
liminess in France and the United States, and from
her long and experience, shelVels confident in being
able to give satistliction to all who will favor her
with their patronage. liar prices arc snore liberal
than have been offered in this city heretofore.
tnar 17-ly
James Ilowao Co.
KAVE the pleasure to announce to their friends
that they again occupy, their old stand at No.
83, Wood,strect, where they' hate opened an exten
sive PAPER 'WAREHOUSE, and will have
contantly ion hand an extensive assortment of Satin
glazed and pIain'PAPER HANGINGS, Velvet and
Imitation Borders of the latest Style; and most hand.
sotne patterns for papering halls, parlors and cham
They Manufacture, and have on hand at all times,
Writing, Letter, Wrappinr , and 'Tea Paper,
Bonnet and Fuller's Boards—all ofwhich they offer
for sale on the most accommodating terms, and to
which they invite the attention of merchants and
ALSO--Blank Books ofall kinds and the best qurt
itpr Books, &c., always on hand and for sale
as above.- aug 25
Landreth's Warranted Garden Seeds,
j beam the label and warranty or. DAVID LAN
UHETII. por sale by F. L. SNOw DEN, N 0.29 Water
et., at the stand formerly occupied by Gm A. Derry.
Extract frino the 'Report of the Visiting Committee
. of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society,' unani
mously adopted and ordered to be
"TheiC extensive grounds are on Federal stsect,
near the Arsenal. • • ' • The earliest collec
tion of Camellias was made here. Some of those
now in poLisession of those distinguished nurserymen
are ten feet high. * • • * - The selection of
cnreN-nOusrrt.x7rrs is valuable arid extensive.
"The Nurseries are,vcry correctly managed, stip
plying miery part of the Union, a detail of which !
would occupy too .tnuch of OUT space, We therefore I
content Miry:elves with stating that the stock is very
large, and in every .stage of growth, consisting ofl
a collection of herbacceous plants, fruit trees of the
• 4414°"Hlit-heiklLOY4litton, large beds or
ding ancl,l grafting; a - plan very SupertiirtOthaier
writhing, npon suckers, which carry with them into
the graft ali the diseases of the parent stock. • •
“GAROEN Sous of the finest quality have been
seatteredlover the country from these grounds, and
may always be depended upon. The seed establish
ment of these Horticulturists is one of the most ex
tensive iii the Union, and its reputation is well sustain
ed from y,;ear to ycar.
"To obviate the chance of mixture of the farina of
the plants of the same family, they have established
another nursery at a suitable :list:ince, so thategene
ration cannot take ph.ce, mid c: hick secures to the
purchaser a , genuine Knowing thus the
age, quality and process of culture of every plant,
the stippl!y tiorn their grounds is recommended is ith
great confidence."
•„, - *Siuce the date of the 'Report' from which the
above is extracted, the entire establishment had been
greatly eaturged. culler:nun of Camellias em
braces all the finer kinds, and consists of some thou
sands of 'various sizes; tio likew hie with Roses, and
other desirable plants, both teudet anti hardy; fruit
trees, &c.
'The Seed Carden, alone cover firty acres, and the
whole is, as it has been for more than half a century,
under thy sui;!ic.‘:4ive management of liither and eon,
the mo+t kinninent in America.
- .
Kr Orders received by F. L. SNOWDEN, from
:Whom caialmmea may be reeei% ed gratis. marfLy
subscriber begs leave respectfully to return
his grateful iicknowlegements for the liberal pa
tronage bestowed upon loin for years past, and par
ticularly to those who so generously patronized him
since his Mistbrtuno by the late fire. Having consid
erably enlarged his busines by associating with Wm.
li. Roberts as a partner, - he would earnestly solicit a
continuance of former fitvors to the new firm of
Roberts & Kane, and he trusts, that by prompt :Men
tion to bitsiness they will give general satisffiction.
M. KAN.E, Jr.
The slibscribers would respectfully inform their
friends and the public that they base removed to
their new warehouse on Third between Market and
Wood sttects, south side, where they truodby strict
attention:to business, to merit a share of public pa
tronage.; They solicit attention to their extensive
stock on hand, which has been got up with great care,
in the latest style and most substantial manner, con
sisting idliart of the following, articles, viz.:
Mahogany Wardrobes,
4 4 Dressing Bureaus,
Book Case and Secretaries,
Section Back Sofas,
4 ' Plano • do.,
'" Divans,
•rr Ottomans, -
4, Victoria Chairs,
!" ' French do,
Plain do,
4 ' Centre Tables,
'" Card do,
~ Bureaus of every description,
" End Tables,
Marble Tup Pier do,
" Centre do,
" Sofa do,
,- Dressing Bureaus,
, Wash Stands,
Mahogany Work Stands,
4 , Hat Racks,
['a flocking Chairs,
" Sewing do, • •
'" Music Stools,
Arm Chairs
• French Bedsteads,
! Butlers , Trays.
Mahogany, cherry and poplar bedsteads, warrant
ed proof against bugs, and superior to any now offer
ed to the public. Also, a variety of Windsor chairs,
of the best quality,and a now ! style of arm chair with
spring idat, well adapted for offices or societies;with
a variety of other Articles too numerous, to ms
u nion.
We have atonsiderablevexpense introduced into
our newfalctorY on front street, a'steam engine with
machinery, which will enable us to sell, wholesale
and retail, at reduced prices.
The attention of WesternM
erchants, and persons
moving West,ds invited to our new and extensive
establishment.' Western Cabinetpaakerii are also re
quested io give ns a calf, as they'will - find they -can
purchase from! us for-lees than they can manufac
ture. Orders from a distaneeltvill _receive prompt
attention, andlhe furniture will be carefully packed.
Steamboats l and'hotels furnished at the shortest no
tice and on fivorable terms. ROBERTS & KANE.
N. B.Dndeitaking in all its branches attended to.
3narlo4l . R. Sr K.
11 mitry of Christian Doctrine as used by the
German! Reformed Church, English and German.—
For sale at our store, No. 115 Wood at. Pittsburgh:
jell ' SCHWA SCHEIBLER, Booksellers.
''', .. ' - i . .;,..% . Z; .- e:', - ,, -:,!...k:•:''..,.,,',4,'*
Henri AV. AVilliamo;
T (successor to Lowrie & Williams.) 'ollie's at
the old stand, Fourth street, above Smithfield.
, • THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between
Henry W. Williams, -Esq., and tnyself, in. the prac
tice of the law, wan dissolved by mutual consent on
the 26th alt.,and the business will hereafter be con
tinued by lmey W. Williams, whom I most cheer
fully recommend to all lop-whom') have the honor
to do business, as.a gentleman every way virorthy of
Annoiy s r.roURNEIL,
AT NO; 46, OA ET
lt c c a o ll o)s th i e w , r a c t i t i. c a lti r o s a g L o o li f er tLif .l i , r
to their extcusive tut ortait.nt
NE W I? A Ell. 0.D.4
Which is now comp:ctc in every depaiment..
Purchasers are particularl4inrited to examine . our
very choice selection of
Much attentien has been given to their - selection,
and in point of richness aAr4riely, 11C1.1 1 .7 before
hare been able to e'er 6 , r..ltcr inducanicats. '
Fine col Cushrneres; I Cashmere' ROA;
Cashmere D , F:cessei ISicius De Lamest'
Fancy and Staple §ilhs„ &-.c.1
Su.s.wLs - .—French, 'l'er"perri, Cu . shriterci Bivelte,
.. _
Embroidered and plain Cloth; do. Thilie't Shawls
of entirely riCIV and rich patterns—in every - variety
of style--also, llenciiiiii's Ilik..Neriuo, with Fancy
styles, at reduced - prices.; i
Ladies Fancy Silk Velvets;
Paris Kid Gloves, in allishades and Nos.. i ;
1.:oo - NET RIIiDON9 ,—Several boxes rec'd camprisii,g
the different late styles, clipice patiebis. Few hones
very handsome patterns at 12.1 cents. !-
Linen Cambric 'Mkt's, from 12} ets. to I tite best
in use. ;
- . . .
. .
• . .
blo styles and qualities superior, at low prices, -
French Thibet Cloths. Ort all slladesß i
Alpacas, Silk and Cott. :Warps, plain and fancy;,
Bombazines, Lupine's, beet, at unusually .low
prices. . , I.
Orubri 4-1 Cashmeres; ! , -
Embossed Table Covere; • '
Ward,tx anti 14.4 fancy hi:mud, 12 , 4
twilled beautiful article. , Also low costs Of differcut
styles,nll of which are offered at prices it per cent
Splendid Calicoea,et 1(1 and 121 '
Our domestic departtneilt is full, possessing adva
tagcs to the purchaser rarely to be found.
Brown Sheatings, yard 6itio '-ood gaaility, Gd
Do. do. do, Extra he4y, 8c
Ctzrrt.r.stEs please taliejnotice, that at out number
nraY be foUnd at all times French Broad Clothi,
Pant stutTs and Vestingq Satin and Silk Start's, and
Cravats, flex; styles; Linen and Silk Ildkri., Glove's,
Hosiery, Guin Braces, Silk Elastics Silk 1/.lnlatellas,
The above stock, has been purchased...wit:bin the
last 30 days since the grext depreciation ijt prices in
tke I:lastern markets, and tvul be disposeil'of entire
ly to the advantage of the purchaser. Call and see
at the "Dsioa Town OM Bod=e.' ,
Sep. IS. laltll.ollrS TURNER.
Draw:o34;6gs., Drags,
At No. 2.• m
comercial .110 . 1),,,Liberf . y e:reet, , ;,Bis Goi.
.. den 11forear1 , once more. I ,
Ti .-VVS & ROCKWAY,) thankful for thOliberal pa
_EL tronage, which tae, have heretofore received
and wishing to merit an ilicreased share of public pa
tronage, would respectfully call the attention of the
public to our stock of g 0.11,1 which we a ',-e now re-
I cciving for the fall tradp. Among whieh may be
I found miptantitics to toil purclmsers, tho following
1 articles.i
rthllehat;-/itivil— , ,
, il . ..iquorice Roor
Guni Arabic, . Tte.s : n el -Borax ,l.
Car'd Magnesia, ' l Sal Soda, i
Curb itlagnesia, I Spanish Drown, ''
Gum Aloes, ' ' l Gum Copal,
Cream Tarter, I 101 l Brimstone,
Calomel, ' 'White Claik,
Sup Carl Soda, i Ext—Logwood;
Epsom Sults, 1 Chip'd do.
Glauber do. ;Madder,
Tartaric Acid, Yellow Ochre,
Gum Scommony, I Chrome Yellow,
Dal Cona7ia, do. Gi . ecm,
flat Potre, ; Rose Pinß:
Tug:ether with a gen ”rail t-,sortrnent
Varanthes. Paint Itrushesi, Dye Woods, &c. &c., all
of which will be sold as,low as at any ether house
in the city. j srpl9
"Wanted in c!xchange for Huts anti
3 M. THE subscriber,' i would inform the
4 `...4 public that be.lial received his fall
stock of Caps, all of which have been principally
made to his order, slily as his purchases has been
made on the cash system, he is enabled to sell his
stock of flats and unusually low prices for
cash. His stock does n'cit consist of the Cuttings: of
Eastern houses, but rae all a fresh manufactured
article. :Neither is lits establishment replenished
with the old stock frein eastern markets. The
Proprietor being a h liter and Cap manufacturer,
by trade, as ...II as profession, he is also datlyman
mltcturing lists and CaPs of all descriptions, and
for their neatness and, ti.urability, cannot dm sur
passed. All of which, he offers at wholesale and
retail, and at such prices as cannot fail to please
the purchaser.
No. 102, Wood street, tliird door below John 1). Da
vis' Commercial Auction ltooms.
septl 2.
-- STORE. '
Cases rich fall
cods; French
ad English CaSh
ieres and 14Ous.
3 Lainos ; Gala
Lobrain plaids;
fain French
rioted and plaid
loakinge; a full
ssertment of
'rench' ilroehe,,
:jilted Cashmere'
ik. and colored
Mimi.; plain mid
hawls, plain and
ierinos, Alpacas
and piain M.:de
'aides; plain, blk
of rich colored
.M.ll Bonnet Rib,.
bons. ' Velvet and Boinult Silks; French and Ameri
can Flowers, in great variety; Maid and Straw
Bonnets, cheaper than ever; a full assortment •of
geutlemen>s wear, sueli. as Cravats, Shirts, under
Shirts and Draweis; Cloths, Cassiineres and Veirlings,
all of which will be sold at a small advance*er
New York cost. . If. G IRRARD,
sept 16 '79 Market street:
TMPORTEIt and Wholesale dealer in French, ger
" rnan and English Fame) , - Variety Goods of ovary
description; such as Jewelry, table and pocket Cat
lery, silk Purses '
bead Bags, !silver and German ',sil
ver Spoons, gold and silimr Pencils, silk and gum sus
ponders, 100 doz. of Ge4mantown iloca and hairdo.
Trimmings of all kinds,mnd a general assortment of
toys, constantly on hand at NO: 01, Market Steed;
between Third and Foci:lb streets, Simpson's Itow,
Pittsburgh. j myl3
m 111cRee. .
old business of manufactu.r
3, Drays, Timber.. Wheels,
*vs, on Fifth street, between
there hd keeps constantly On
•' in the shortest notice, any
best of workmen and good
Qs to suit the times. Those
le trade, and Furnace- Men,
im a call before purchsaing
John C irtwricht.
AV illi ct.)
TILL continues in 14
1.0 ing Wagons, Carts',
Trucks, and Wheelbarroi
Wood and Smithfield, Iv)
hand, or made to order'
amount of work, by the!
materials, and at price,
engaged in the Santa F,4
are requested to give hi
CCUTLERand Set'toil' Instrument Manufacturer,
No. 110 Wood'stitiot, two doors from Virgin al
loy, Pittsburgb,,Ta. Alivays on band .anvextensive
assortment of. Surgical . and Dental instruments,
Bankers', Tailors',llatters', Hair Dressers' and Tan
ners> Patent &teary, Saddlers' Tools, Trusses, - &c.
.j 024
;`~; :_ ,;
ripliE undersigned having disposed of his Estab
_L •
lishmtmti No, 1121 Market st., to Mr. Thomas
A, Hinton, wciuld cordially - r&cormriend him, to his
friends and the public ' enerally one Afyway
• e.
Worthy of their.patronage.
aug22 • A. M'CAMMON.
The undersigned, having purchased the Ihrge and
extensive stock of .Boots, Shoes, &c, belonging to
A. M'Cammon, No.. 1,12 Market -ttreet, one door
from Liberty, will continue to conduct thebrisiness
in all ,its brandies, and, trusts that by a strict atten
tion to business, and an ardent:disposition to please,
he will Meet a continuation -of the patronage so
liberally bestowed upon his predecessor.
N. B.—Two or three good worhmcn can have
employment, by making immediate application.
JAMES indsitr.r., . -Jour, x.
- Alderman ! Attorney at Law.
BLAXE LY ! & c E L
_ .
riONTINTIE to atteild to the ceiling and renting
of Real Estate in the City of Pittsburgh and vi
cinity, Having deterruincil.te devote a large portion
of' their time to this hr ncli..or bushiest, they with
confidence - solicite share of the patror.age of the
public; from the .facility they possess and the experi
ence they have (the Senior partner having linen en
gaged 'in the Real Estate Agency fnr - near '2O ycars,)
they believe that they'lyill give general satisfaction.
Office on Penn st., neer tho IL S. lintel, and SMith
field st.,,betWeen Diamtind Alloy add - Fifth street.
- •
11:1Hf.: partnership hereto Fore existing between
1 Hunker 4- Dickson' is this day dissolved by mu,
tual consent. The ufiliirs of the 1'46 'firm will be
settled by P. H. Hunkm', who will sontinne the Bak
ery and Confectionary, at the old stand in Fifth, near
Market street. ; l': H. BUNKER,
Lawns! lb a-tv4s 11
(1 '
PLO. S. SWARTZ has on hand alot of tine Lawn's
lUr Which will be sold at the very,low price of 161
cents per yard, persons who want a good article - , at a
low price, would do v67e1l to call soon,
Also on hand a goo 4 stock of Nansook inuslins for
Lidies Drones very cheap at
jel3 . ; ', ' No. 106 Market street.
---l— .
Pittsburgh. Nnxikation. anti Izire Insu
kance Compauk;
Ojicc, No. 121, Min krt 'Street.
. 1 1
1)1'.11/. S:
Michael Allen, Williarri Ebbs,
C. Artshutz, 1 1 Lewis 14 - uteltion
. Thos. Bake Well, I Fred. Lorenz,
Robert Beer.,! ; James May,
i 111. W. Poindexte4 •
; - 1 I M. ALLEN, I'resl,
Rtinzwr F.r..iNzi, 'Secretary. 1 . .
-, 0-dilm. 1 " ; •
John D. Davifq
iCorner of, Wood and Fififi,-streets, Pittsburgh,
is ready to receive m4chandizo of every dedcription
on cansignment:for pgblic or,privite sale, and from
long eaperience in tha t ahoce busbies, flatters Mil:itself
that he will be-able to give entire satisfaction to all
who fnay,favor him -siith their patronage.:
Regular sales; on. Mondays,and Thursdays of Dry
Goods and Fancy artiTes, atlo o'clOelr, A.M.
Of t grocerien; Pitts rurgh manufactured articles,
new and second hand furniture"; &c.,nt two o'clock,
P. its
Sales every eveningi'at early gas-light. arigEl-y
lllan's Incutlons Outdone by Nature.
rll is Oil is obtained from a well near B vile,
de • • • below the
sit rftatill,.rei--2:kgi l itiouh . .
. . . _
Its curative properties are tilt y nstonisliiiigTiffid --- a - s -- 1
a Remedial Agent it knay well be pronounced won-
derful. Since the - di.Movery of. tiffs Panacea of Na
ture; numbers of rerffarkable cures have been effect-
ed by its use. It is Innocent—l-Powerful•;—Safc and
Certain in its effects. I It.has been Used with unpar
aliened success in tie treatment' of the following,
diseases: Inflamrnat ry Rheumatism, Burns and I
Scalds, Cholic, Piles Flatulence, Inflammation of',
the 'Kidneys, Deafness, ;Consnmption,. Liver Com
plaint, Plithisic, Scald Head, Cancers, Weak and
Sore Kyes, Bruises, Fresh Cuts and Wounds,
Sprains and Strains, Dropsy, Paini in the Breast and
Side, . Totter, InfluMiza, Ulcerated Sore Throat, I
donsumptip, Bronchitis, Spasnis 2 Ulcers, Spinal I
Affeetions, Scrofula tir King's F vil,Coughs, Syphilis,
Ringworm, all Bowel Complaints, all Chronic dis
ease,;, Impurities of the Blood and. General Debility.
It is:likewise - awry behieficial for Female Coinplaints
in g,Cneral; acts as a great Restorative front Languer,
weakness of Back and Chest, Low Spirits and Exhes
I- Read the following Certificates, all of which are
i authentic; all the persons therein named are now
I living, and well know - min Cincinnati:- •
; •• - IPlarsituricii, Aug 22, IS4G.
This is to certify that We have used the American
Oil for the who - aping cough, among our children, by
giving them from 201dreps to a small tea spoonthl at
night, hich always enabledthein to rest well through
the night. I also applied it to One of the children
thatgot her arm burnt by tuniing °cern tea cup of
hot coffee on it, tlxe child seased crying by the time
the arm was dressed and bound up, and has never
complained of it,sinne. I also was afflicted with a
pain in my side ano breast, and have' been so for 16
yO o i s . I commenced using the Oil by taking a tea
spoonful twice a (.14 and in 3 ,or four stays using, of
the (All have ben very 1111101 relieved, and do really
!Joliet e that itis the best familYrriedicine that I have
ever seen. I applied it, to, onc-of my neighbor's fur
a strained ancle, whidh relieved her in-a few minutes,
We have also used thc oil for'a strained joint in our
owii fluidly, which gave; ease 'in a very Short-time,
Wdlitc on the east 'side ofPRIul 61.., 3 doers suittli of
Walnut, I am now as well as I everwas in my life.
nn ,
Aug. la-Aut
This is to certify, thht my son - has had theTlethisie
forSeVell years, and i was very. bad with its and about
12: ;or 13 days since, I commenced givir , to him
about 20 or 23 drops, of the American Oil, twice a
day. which relieved him ; in a day or two or his diffi
cUltv of - breathing - , alnd 'leis now outirely relieved
of his cough; our boy is 10 years of, age. We live in
King's Alley, NANC'Y KING:
CMCII:ICATS, July Ist, 1846
Sir: 'facing been *cured of a very severe disease
of 'The eyes and head. by the use of the American
Oil; I feel it my duty the - public,iis well as to you,
to Send yOullic - followitig certifieate:
Ihereby certify that I' was severely afflicted one
year ago last winter; with inflamed sore byes and a
%cry severe pain"in my head from myeyes-up to the
top Or lily head, andbontinued so forseveral weeks.
My eyes were so much inflamed - and sore that 1 1
could not see to attend any husiness, nor could I tell
one object from' nunther a few yards limn me. I
called in a physician, but still got worse,. I also
triad azood many remedies that had cured others;
but in my case they failed. In April, 1845, I heard
of the American Oil. 'l' procured a bottle, and be
fore I used a half a 'bottle I'was entirely Well;
and still continuo so. I will not be without it in my
.house as Icing lean get the genuine article. false
-gar it to - our:of my men that was working for 'me,
that had the totter in his hands so bad that when he
would grip anything tight is them the blood would
bnist out, and the use of half a bottle cured us both:
Iviould advise. all that are afflicted in any way to
give the Oil fair "trial,Prid I - think they -will be
pleased with the effect it will- have, &c.
Sold at One-Dollar per Bottle at Jackson's Patent
Medicine Warehouse, 80 Liberty, head of Wood at.,
Pittsburgh. riser. Ptrrsnuncii where
the Genuine American Oil Cue he obtained.
Beware of a Counterfeit article. The Seneca Oil.
put in American Oil
,Bottles, ;and labelled "Amer
iean Oil." somewhat resembles the American
Oil, but possesses none of its virtues or healingpow
W. Jackson respectfully informs the Public that
D. Hail & Co., the proprietors of the American Oil,
have appointed him.their SOLE AGENT for West
ern Pennsylvania. : '
All persons wishing Sub-agencies will apply_at S 9
Liberty street, as above. • .
H:13: Sub-agents wanted'for every town=ie the
above District.
it great number of certificates are on hand and
can be seen at the office, 89 Liberty street head of
Wood; aug .2S-17
11. Willtame-Seltet
IVTORTH East corner, of Federal . 'and Robinson
IN streets, Allegheny, will coulffienee ita Pall
session on Monday the Min insi.
From Professor 1?. .11. Lrej 11,rushingtorkeoliege, and
. _ .
. .
Having attended an examination or the school
taught by Mr.• Williams, we' take r _easure in bear.
ing our testimony to the evidence afforded by, it of
he unusual skill and labor of, Mr. Williams.. The
understanding of thn'Prinetple of the subjects - Which
the scholars had teen - studying,: shown -by 'their
clear answers to questions asked',by 'others.than the
teachers, prove the excellened of the,New England
modes of teaching, in which Mr. Williams seems to
be proficient. WILE, •
From 4he Rev. Mr- Prost4iii_Doctor I.furg,
Having . attended an _evanianation of - the Select
School under the care of Mr.'Henry Willianmsheld
recently in his school 'room, cornbr Of. Federal and
Robinson streets, Allegheny city," we N9sll"- ,
ptiblicattention:to this institution.. We Were,hio.4Y
grzttiAed the.prog,ress and order oadsuchoOk , --.
This mannernf sinlpliiyibgand illustratini the
ferent bitutelibi is peculiarly welt cided;
lated to give.;
teaching them to:read struck us as novel, and one.
that cannot fail to Inakebood'rbilders.
From the knowlr.dge , ..that hafe of 'Alr.
llama' Charaeter as a. teaelter; zbaf; fidelity'and
success - ) wo cordially recommend - hie:Ltd the -patron-
age of 'the ptildic; His location is elegible for both
cities. ' . DAVID -liuxT;-.:
- - .
• • ' RICH Dl3 D,
• . - 13ErSP,11.t..
I attended the above esatnination, and, can 'truly
nay I Ns:U.3llllla gratified with the'attairitnient. or the
pupila.- - PRESTON.
Vnlverstty LnAv School.
rriffE FALL SESSIOI`.I.Of this department of the
Westin% taiversityl will commence in the new
Uniyersity Building, an the-Finsr 111bnnit. Six;
TEnticen. neat, and the SKIING SESSION-of 1E47,,
.will commence on the Finsx bloian tY of Elnuttagit
This institntion having so far recoverafrom the_
effects of the great lire of April last year, as to.have
thb new building nefirly, oompletedyith increased
accommodations ibr all its departments; it is hoped
that the Law School Will be found to present increas
ed facilities and attractions to those who desire to
pursue a regular and thorough course ofiegal
t - ion, and to,tirepare themselves creditably Tor adi
rnittance to the bar. . .
There_will lin daily recitations by. the classes on
assigned lessons, so to embrace, within
a two years course, all the principal and most .im
, portant branches .of the law. Occasional lectures
lon law and egniti, will also be'd'elitcred as .partiil
TIrE MOOT eolith., designed for assisting students
in acquiring knowledge and readiness in thejtrac
ties of the law will be resumed as soon as tlie..nuna.
ber or students will justify. The dekree BACUE;
Lon OF LAW will be conferred on students: ofihe
institution, accordino. the rules usual in Snell institu
Any further information that maybe required caa
readily be obtained on application to thOSProfesscit,
Wacatn H. Lournit, who ha's his office on 4th abo63
Smithfield street,-Pittsburglr. '
,TES4S—Seventy-svedollnrs year, or thirtyrse,
en and a ltalf dollars a session. nog6-113rri
TO . DR t" GG gs.
QD.M.F. Druggists are rnisred into the thin;of buy.
ing a Miserable itnitatien of -.Dr.- Smith's Sugar.
Coated inditan Vegetable Pills,., simply ; because: they .
can purchase the spurious Ott We shall in all
cases expose such dealerSfthroughortt 'the countrYi
who, after being . dttliiittfortned of the rascality of
these imitators-, buy and attempt to imposc.upon the
public with such worthless trash, it is. not the Su
gar coating alone that censtitntes-the value,of
Pills, but it is, Dip invention,, for which telaiM,thei
We, the tinfiersigned, wholesale - dtt'iggists iu Lem
isvilley lip., are satisfied, from all the information" -
that WC can obtain y that Dr. G. BENJAMIN SMITH
is-the, original inventor of tht Stigai-Coated Pills...
Me are prepared to .supply dealers at the New '
York price. 4
Robinson, Peter ¢ Cary, 492 Main-street.
J. S. Morris 4- Co., '461 Main st.
Rupert Lindenberger, 511 Main at.
George Loppin-6 , 4- Co. 79 Fourth et:
Bull 4- Alden, St Fourth. at.
The followina from druggists in New York showy.-
linventad the Sugar Coated Pills in 1843: - -
New - York, Julie 16th, 1844.
We, the Undersigned, never saw or heard of ”Sar ,
gar Coated Pills," until Dr. G. BMijamin Smith Man
ufactured and es.hihited them to us about sinea.
Rushton 4- C0.,110 Broad Way and 10 Astor lionse.
Israel Randolph, M. DB6 LiberV bt.-; • •
Horace Ererett, 96 Hudson „ •
John Castree; 97 Hudson st.
13arid Sands-, 79 Fulton st. •
I have been afilicted with dyspepsia in its most ag
gravatcd form for three years past-, and found no re
relief until fused Dr; G. Benj. Sinitire.'Sugsr-Coat
eil Indian Vegetable Pills." After using gix boxes of
said valuable pills-, I am entirely cured. 'They- are
a general retnedy.
Paducah, - Ky. Nov. 9,1945.
SYe certify to the above facts: .
Dr. Smith's "Sugar-Coated Pills' , lin universally
esteemed ib this vicihity.
HODGE GIVENS & Co, Merchants. ,
Paducah, Ky. Nor: - .19, 1845. •
At the request of Dr. GI Benjamin Smith's-agent
we cheerfully state that, we visited the office of Dr.
Smith in September last, while in New-York, and
found him to all appearance earrYing on a very ex
tensive business with his Sugar-Co:ad:lndian Vege
table Pills, The extent ef . his establishment . would 46tOnith any one sot initiated in the MYDteries, a the
pill tradc:--houisville Journal:
(From Dr: Singleton.)
- ' Stilithland, (Ky.) Feb. 24,1546..
- Dr..G. Benj. Smith.—Dear Sir: Nothing has 'ever
been introduced that has sold - so well and given such
general satisfaction as your • Sugar-Coated -Improved
Indian Vegetable Pills: Very.respectrully, yours,
(From" Bull 8: Alden.)
LonisTille,‘Ky.) Feb. 136;1846.
Dr. XL Benj. Smith=zllear sir; Ira will please send
us 12 gross of your valuable Pdts. From present
(Header's %ye -shall - Sell a large amount of them}.*
We tind that they go very quick. our friends,
( From Wileon, Starbird & Smith 4 •
• ' Louisville; Febi'l3th, 1346..
Dr. SMith-4)Car Sir: About; two weeks ago we
bought 2 gross of your Indian Vegetable Sugar Coat
ed Pills: Though business is - dull here at this time,
yet we have sold then all. You will please send us
10 gross through Messrs. Lawrence & Keescioryour:
Ay, Who will forward them to us via Pittsburgh, -
- Yours; respectfully,
This is. to certify that I have used. the Biqa/
coated pills manufactured by G. Benj. Smith, Of New
'York, ler some time, and believe them to bn a good
medicine; and alio from enquiry .:in that city, 1 ant
peis.uaded that he is the original inventor, - and
therefore, is entitled to the benefit of the incenton.
• -,.3, WILLIAMS, ;
aug2l. Pastor Ist Baptist Church Pittsburgh..
We have forty letters from direrent dealeri solicit.
ing the agency °fray Pill, although they had the smi
rious in their store—one in particular from
. Piew
leans, which we-shall-publish.
. .
Principal oMccs—New York, 175 Greenwich at;
Boaton 2 llrater
1*- G. HENTAMLN SMITH is written on the
tom of every box of genuine "Sugar-Coated Pills.”
Ausrixs--TVillitun Henderson Druggist,2os Liberty c
street Pittsburgh:. johl, Sarge4iit Allegheny City.
Tr HE undersigned would respectfully inform the
citizens of Pittsburgh mid its "Ticanity, that he
has purchased from. Mr. Moses. Cory, his large and
tplerldid stock of Dr) , Goods, kept at No. 66 - Market
street; where he intends to , keep a general assort.
merit of seasonable Goods, which he will sell at - very
reduced prices. Please call and.jradge foryoireclves,
No. 66 Market street.
To my ffiends and patrons I am ranch obliged
and would respectfully recommend Mr. William
Cowen my successor. .'MOSES CORY.
T)ECEIYED THIS DAY, by Express, another lot
jEt, otrich black MANTILLAS, at the New York
Store, 79 Market street, •
-atigl7 W. IL cal:m.4AP.,