The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, October 07, 1846, Image 1

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    VoL.TL:N . Q;....'T
•• • .£O.I3LISFIED Alll7 ,XDITED ...11Y •
N. • 11 7 .'ivine!‘ of
,Wood and`Fifth Ste
• • 'dollars a yes:r; payable in advance.
Six *dollars invariably lie ref:faired' if Ala paid
Single coples;Ttve frir'Sare at the counter
of-the Otlice,,und by News lloyd.
r Is published at the same oflicei on a double !hellion . '
sheet, at TWO 'DOLLARS
. a yetir 2 in ailvancei sin
. "copies, six cerrrs. .-;
Terms of
One insertion, $0',50
ITero• do;• - • 075
Three do, • 1 00
7 0ne; weeki • r 1 50
•doi - • - 3 00
,'Three do, 4 00
" Ybarly Adv
One Squares
Sts month, $l5 00
Otto year, 2QOO.
Larger advertisements i
Gimps of four lines
P.C. Shannon.
A TTORNEY AT LAW, Greeesburg,'!Westrnore
land county, Pa.; will practice in the West
! morelandi - Indittiaa.and Cambria courts. dceB-y
• lArillittriL 21 , 31:than,
TTORNEY - Nr LAW and Solicitor in Chancery,
Office in - Bares new building, Fifth street, be
twcebilhaed arid Smithfield. -; 4ugll
• . Diagra.iv iG nun-night
,74 TTIMINFXS AT 'LAW; Office removed tothe
.1 - 1 residence oFII. S. Magriw, on Fourth st. one
moor from Cherry Alley: ' 51:21-y
-Pittsburgh, Pa. _Office on Fourth et., between
Smithfield and Grant. marl.4-y
A TTOII.ISZY.AT, LAW, office in the fialilahrlg
the liexth East corne . .r ,
FourtifAnd Smithtield
. .
streets. .
Ilamilton d' Bknee,
AitmTTOtiNEYS AT LAW, office' North side o.
Filat-striiet,hativeen-Wood and Smithfield gm,
burgh, Ta. Collections made on reasonable
erms. , - • deed-y
It..llorrow, -
ALDERMAN, office north side of Fifth street,
between Wood and Smithfield, Pittsburgh.
FL.q.)lO-y - . •
, • - Andress , Burke,
A TTORNEY AT LAW, oilica.S.mithficld street,
between Fouritt street and Diamond Alley, Op,
poste Mr. Geo. Weyman'S tol4eco manufactory.
• apl6:y
TTQRNEY AT LAW, office in the chambers
; jelL
occupied by Alderman lii'llasters, on Fifth st.,
between Wood and .Smithfield. - apl&y
. L. . Dream] less bilclttre.
irt office. on Fotrth street, opposite It. & H.
Patterson , riLivery Stable, Pittsburgh. ; sepl.o-y
Roscvaril Swtirtzwelder,
A TTORNEYS AT LAW, Fourth street between
! 11. Wood and Smithfield, opposite Patterson's
ery stable. ' - ap7-y
" Geoite F. Gillmoret
A TTORNEY AT LAW, Office in Breed's build
ings, 4th st., above Wood, Bittsbargh, Pa.
C. Orlando Loomis
A TTORNEY AT. LAW, office Fourth St., above
1-1. Smithfield. - julyl-y
,13EELEN has removed his commission andfor.;-
warding business fromi the Canal Basin to his
new warehouse on Third street nearly opposite the
Post oin
ce. ' . may3o-y
liichard . Cowan' -
A TTORNEY AT LAW, office in - Staart , s build-
Jet, ingeF,Totuth st., above Wood: .junel9-dwy
'John W.Burr'ell,
A TTORN - EYAT LAW, rettirned- front
his European tour has taken an -office on the
north east corner. of Fotirth Jana Smithfield sts: Per
sons having had business mid papers in the hands o
Sainuel Kingston, Esq., deceased, will call Oh the
aboibias all the unsettled, business of Mr. Kingston
,i" has been left iu his bands, • .mars-y
Cliiiries U. nays,.
A TTORNF.Y . AT LAW, Pittsburgh; Pa. Com
rhissianer to take did proof and acknowledge
ment of deeds, leases,_ . contracts - , dOposites ur other
writings, to be recorded or used in the Statris of
Kentucky, Indiana and Terusssde. °Klee No. SO,
Stuart's buildings, Fourth street marl2-y
• James-Si-Craft,
Pittsburgh, Pa. hating resigned the office of
ecretary P. Nil , . and Fire Ins. Co., will attend spe
cially to collections and- business connected -with
navigation, insurance, accounts,and real estate. Bu
siness hours; 9 A. rL to '9 P.-M. Office,•No. 1,
Stuart's buildings, (No. SO, Fourth st.,) second door
cast of Wood street. fola-y
Rdirln C. 'Wilson,
Franklin, Venango county, Penna., will attend
promptly to all ,husiness entrusted to his care—col
lections Inade in Warren; Clarion and Jefferson co.'s.
BEVER. sti
J. A. Stockton & Co. 1 ,
Murphy, Wilson &.Co. .. .. Pittsburgh.
John Bigler, ' _ • •
. Hon..laines Kinnear, -
Hon. Alex. M'Calmont, -
lion. James Wilson, Steubenville, Ohio. juy2s-y
JoAn A.:Parkinson,
A LUERMAN, Fifth Ward,'Penn street, between
Walnut and O'Hara streets, where he , may be
found at. all times. Those , hiving houses or other
propertLto sell-or rent, can have the, same
the attended to; debts collected, and all the - duties
of an Alderman will 'receive prompt attention.
, -
N. - Llolmos eon,
AD..A.NICERS and dealers in 'Foreign and
Bills of Exchange certificates of deposit,sbank
,notes end specie. 'Drafts and n'otes collected., and
remittances made to any part of the'United States,
Jib; 55,Market street.' - jan7-y
.Johnston Stocktoyt, - . •
; KERS, No. 114 Market street sep 10-y
Scrl ba:& BchetlCr,
5 Wood street, three doors beloxi, Firth,
„pi,tsbur g h,p, . jan7i
James - Pattersori, Jr.,
4IORNER of First and Ferry streets, Pittsburgh,
) Pa., manufacturer of docks, hinies and bolts,
.tobacco,; fuller; mill and timber screws, housen
fi cr9svil for rolling' mills, &c. seple-y
Wm. A.'Ward,
TIENTIST, has removed to the face of his for
mertesidonce in Penn street, two doors below
- - • nplB-y
~. D.;33. Constable,
lEAVEIt in Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, 'B3
lilarket street r Pittsburgli. , - novlo-y
Edgar Thorn!a
TNIIIIG- and Family Medicine Store, corner 1)
_LI Penn and Hand streets, Pittburgh ) Pa., Phy
nyciatis? prenCriptionsaccuratelycomponnded. Medi
sines can be had at ail hours of the day or night.
Jan- -
' Br,ownsvglO Juniata Iron Wor4a.
U-WARD .manufactiiror of iron and
Mailsovarebouse : Smithfield above Fourth et;
, : • • • " •
_lc Canal rtaain, Pittabtrrgh., Pa lckar3tly
- • ittaitin Lytle, • .
GlitiCEl2.,..Stnitlifield. • street, - next door
to ;ho Fifth'-riesbytcrian Church. juneG
;.. , :';';'. 7- 3' .. j..' - '''''''''
erd , ,;.. , .. , - . : .,,,
t~.. ~ ' x ~`~....
'No. 26 Wood sty Pittsburgh. - • no' 27
G " . . .
, g. swARTz would respectfully inform his
friends arid customers that he has removed to
N 0.106 41a.rketatreet, between Fifth and Liberty sts.,
east side, where he is receiving a large and well as
sorted stock of spring goods, to which he would re
spectfully invite their attention. - ap3-d6m
New Book Storo.
lEr S. BOSIVORTHEt C0.,N0. 43 Market street,
la •nert - door to Third street, are lust opening a:
new and.extensire assortment of Books and Station
ery, which they will sell, wholesale and retal, at the
lowest prices. • ap.25-y
•Er.v_E Luc=Du
One-month, ' $5 00
Two- 60, 6 00
Three do, 7 DO
Four do,. • 800
Six do . , 10 00 .
Oda ye°.i-, • 15 00
HILL 8r..1111.9.WNE.,
(streemsons TO ILOLDSIIIP AND rnournt,)
TAIPORTF.R.S and manufacturers of Wall Paper
and General Paper Warehouse, No. 87 Wood
re et, Pittsbfirgh. je9o
Two Squares.
I Six months, . $2O 00
.One year, . 30 00
n proportion.
- .
- •t L; Willmarth,
ITIOSER MERCHANT, office. on Penn street,
JU between Irwin and Hand its.; Pittsburgh, Pa.
All commissions will be promptly attended to..xnar4,y
FEE year.
• 'School Book and Vapor Warehonso..
T UKE LOO.MIS, Agent, publisher,book.seller and
AA bookbinder, No. 59,,W00d street, Pittil3urgh.
Unrivalled Blacking,
yANUFACTURE'D and sold Wholesale and re -
tail Smithfield st: between Sixth and Virgin
wat.;cot,EnAiv. JOHN P. JAS. W. 11.11LIVIIi.
Coleman, nails:non Co.,
"ri,TANUFACTUREIRS of Carriage Springs • and
121,1_ Axles, A. 11., and spring steel,,and dealers in
coach trimmings of every description, manufactory
on St. Clair street, warehouse, 43 Wood street, op
posite St. Charles Hotel. , . inn23-y
G e;Oige.Cochran,
— W;3I. OMEctra - Robinson,
, .
ATE U. 8. Attorney-, has removed his office to
No. 8 St. Clair St. zept4-y
M. C. Edey,
ATANUFACTIJRER of Lard Oil and dealer in
Star Candles, Fifth street, near Market, S. W.
aide. -111°1'241
r Flint Glass Establishment.
11.1 U constantly
~usa &. LEDLIE manufacture and keep
tautly on hand cut, moulded and plain
Flint Glassware in all its varieties'; attheir warehouse
corner of Market and Water streets, Pittsburgh.—
Our works continue in full operation, and we are
constantly adding to our stock, which enables us to
fill orders with promptness: Purchasers are respect
fullysolieited to call and examine prices and terms.
Otto Kautz,
I,TAICUFACTUREft os Inconairrnet.g METH,
_lx Smithfield street, two doorsbelow Fifth sweet
Pdttsinargh; Pa. r AlwaysOn hand'sfull assortment or
Plate and Pivot teetli, of a variety of shades,, as
simple Plate, Molars and lliscnspidatoes, Qum teeth,
Screw PivOt teeth, &c. Teeth and blocks made -to'
order; Dentists :supplied with all articles in the pro
cession. All orders (rant abroad mint be accompan-,
ied bythetash.
irrTlatina always_n hand
Dr. Daniel - 21 9 11e al.
OFFICE on Smithfield, three doors from Sixth st.,
'4,_7 Pittsburgh. declo-y,
Dr. George 'Watt,
FFICE, No. 17 Smithfield street, near Sixth M.,
PittabMgh.. augl2l-y.
F. flume,
:1111A.NO FORTE manufacturer and deaJer in Mu
sical Instrutxtents, No. 112 Wood street, near
Fifth. novl9-y
Jame. 11.114ers
PAINTER, Fifth, near Market at., Military flags,
Banners, signs, designs for steamboat Wheel
houses, and fancy painting of every description neat
ly executed at the-shortest notice. jy2.7-d6na
George Galley, ,
TlLligligft, and manufacturer of Pumps and ify:.
tir ant s,'which are superior to and cheaper than
any in the. city. Please to call and examine for your,
selves. Fourth street, between Smithfield and Cher:.
ry Alley. Hydrants and pumps repaired. jaul-Y
J. Briar,
113 ECTIFTING DISTILLER, and wholesale deal
.lA.#er in Foreign and' Domestic Wines and Liquors,
No. 111 Liberty street, and 63 Diamond Alley, Pitts
burgh, : jy:2l—y
11. D. Sellers, 211. D.
EMOVED to Penn 15L, between Irwin and Hand
,11, streets, five doors below Hand st. ^ apls-y
. • livigh Artery, • ;
URGEON DENTIST, 115 Liberty street, a few
kj doors below" St. Clair fit.,_ Pittsburgh. apilB-y
Ogden & Snowden,
sale•and retail druggists, and manufacturers of
white lead, red lead and litharge, corner of Wood
and Second sts., Pittsburgh, Pa. n0v134
Iflnrtin at. Smith,
S •
UCCESSORS to Irvine 6:. Martin, wholesale gni
ccrs, produce and commission merchants, and
dealers in - Pittsburgh manufactured articles, No. 06 i
Wood strndt, Pittsburgh, Pa. apBl
John 111 , Closkey, .
TAIT,OR A.ll - D CLOTIIIER, Liberty st., between
Sixth street and Virgin Alloy, south side.
se 10-y . •
J. D. ez..• Co.
WHOLESALE and retail grocers, Forwarding
and commission merchants, and dealers in,
country produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures. Np.
110,.Northeast corner - of Wood and Fifth streets. i
. kahnestock By Coi,
WHOLESALE and retail Druggists; corner Sixth
VI , and Wood streets. septi..l
' STORE, corner of Wood nod Fourth' street:B,
Pittsburgh apl4l
' Sterett dt Co.,
ANTll d O o L tn E e S ß lL . F l . lr e t n n d e, re a ta n g d i e ,i n g l u e o ra rs i i e
e ee z r c e i tt ire a; , '
No. 18. Market street. - apB-9
P. C. Martin,
, TXTHOLESALE and retail Grocer and dealer in
Vl' Foreign ;and Domestic Wines and Liquors,
Foreign and Donaestic Fruit, Nuts, &c., NO". GO Wilier
street. ' seps-y
• . Lam:here& t3hiptovi,
V • Conimission Merchants, .dealers in produce
and Pittsburgh mattuflicture.s, Nos. 133 and 135 Wood
street, Pittsburgh, Pa. .
John Scott & Co.,
yy Merchants, NO. 7 Commercial. Ron', Liberty
street, Pittsbiirgii: • al9-y
'it; J. 3119Devitt,
, . ,
TITIIOLESALE -GROCERS . , dealers in produio
VT and Pittsburgh manufactures generally, No.
224 Liberty, opposite 7th street, Pittsburgh: ap2S-y
'John II;
AXTHOLESALE and retail dealer in Music and
V Musical Instruments, Piano Fortes, School
Rooks' and Stationery, No. 122 Wood i!treet, Pitts
burgh. • _ janl-3,
James Parma, Jr., 4
AXTHOLESALE GROCERS, importers of tin plate
YV and quoonsware, and dealers in copper and
Pittsburgh, manufiletured articles, Nos. 112 and 114
2udst:, between Wood and Smithfield stud jal4-nl4-y
Select School:
NITM: MOODY respectfully announces to hisold
friends that he intends opening a Select School
in'this city, on the first Monday of April next, in the
basement of the'Third Presbyterian Church. mar9.l-t
R. E. Seller/1,
TIE7TIOLESALE DRUGGIST;and dealer in dye
VV stuff's, paints . , oils, varnishes, &e:, No. 57,
Wood street, Pittsburgh. : 3.oety
. ' Dr'. Wm.3l. Wright,
DENTIST, Office and residence in
' St. Clair st.; a few doors-below Lib
ertyi near the Esebance Hotel.
=~? :_
prusKi-,011,_ - wFapNgp - AT:i.::pcT-Ok_iji:::
Franklbw I:louse, Fourth stFeet,
Between Smith&ld and Giant Streets, ..Pillsstrurgh
i nIIRISTIAN. SCHMERTZ, Proprietor, Jcspect. ;
fully informs hisTriends and the public general
ly; that he will open the above splendid nom on
the Ist day of May next. -
"'The-:"House being new,-atid finished in she most
commodious' and Convenient 'manner; 'and having it
furnished with the newest and most beutiful style of
furniture; flatters himself that ho will bii' ac
commodate his friends and the travelling public, in a
manner not inferior to any similar. establishment in
the city. , . .
• As the House is situated ttearAltO Coutt
rangements have been.made to serve up meals at any
hour in the day,. this will be' great convenience to
these. Who arem attendance at court.
It:tr Refreshments of all kinds can be had Boar
ders taken by the week or day. - •
KrLunch every day at 11 o'clock, A. M.
GEO. G.:-DEOW,t!Ey.
JAMES ARMSTRONG, Proprietor, Corner of St.
Clair and Penn streets, Pittsburgh, the proprie
tor begs leave to return his most grateful thanks to
his friends and the public for past favors, and hopes,
by attention, to merit a continuation of their patron
age. The houise is pleasantly situated near the, 111:.
change; it has- acCommodations for travelers, sad-a
large room for public meetings, dinner or supper par-
Refreshments 'always ready, -,or prepared On the
shortest notice, with the choicest the Harket will af.
ford. Gysters and Oyster Soup, also Fresh Shell
Oysters, received 'every day during the season. The
greatest care has been taken in the selection of wines
and liquors. A variety of newspapers:aro regularly
filed in the establishment; -
S. Anot Lunch nerved up every:lay nt It, A.
BY It. DOSSETT, Penn street, Pittsburgh, Penni.
Boarding and lodging, by the day •or week, on
the most reasonable terms. Strangers will find it to
their advantage to patronize him. Persons travelling
east or avest.will find this house a convenient loca
tion—it is within one hundred yards of the canal
basin, and 'cenvenient to the forwarding houses.
Every information given' to Iron Manufacturers in
all branches of the business.
. .
home brewed ale eau at alt times be bad at' the
bar. - .. novlo-y
NOS. fit and 133; Wood street, under Lynd>s Axe
-. 0 11 Con store. ,The subscribers have fitted up the
above place in superior style. and they feel assured
give comfort and . satistaction to all who'll:lay
Arrangements have been mite to have a constant
supply of 'Fred Oysters, which will be served up to
visitors and families -on the shortest notice. Other
luxuries, candies,Truit add pastries of the choicest
kinds always on hand. Their Bar is filled with the
best brands the market can afford; and !titans, Cas-
. tejk, Principe and Davanna Cigars of seperier gent
itf7 Every attention paid to -visitors. TARdr.motto
is, every luxury in its Reason. Prices mothiesdO,
tiovlo.v , - OGDEN fit-G1.DN0N...--
TSAAC MiIItDOCHK, forn:Mtly of the ii,nion lintel
1_ on Water street, having been butnVont, hasbuilt
a new and handsome Manse espresstitir the accom
modation of travelers, at the corner of Second and
Smithfield streets, which will bo known as the llurnt
District Hotel.
lie . is stow, prepared to offer every accommodation
and every comfort to the ttavelcr, at very moderate
charges. lie is provided with ample and convenient
stabling. ' dec 2-v
• Jacoa-VENvp.
TERETT & Co,. as belesale and - retail 'ileafertriit
0 Foreign Winek and Lig - tiers, corner of Market
and Front streets, Pittsburgh. Pa.
References—Wm. Ilolmes & Co., Henry F. Schwep
pe, Wm. Eichbaum, B. Weaver.
Their stock has teen selected with great cue, and
consists of the choicest qualities suitable for this mar
ket, to which they would respectfully call attention
and solicit a share of public patronage. It comprises
the following in casks and bottles:
Wines—Maderias, Sherries, Lishons, Teneriffes;
Ports, hlalagasCalabrias. Liquors—Brandies, Gins,
Rums, and Whiskies. aug2.s
LEN BROWN, Pnoratrrea.—Terms $l,OO per
day. Thou ndersigued, formerly of the Merchants
Hotel, corner of Wood and Third streets, has leased
this superior establishment, and furnished it anew
throughout, with new beds new bedding and new
fornitere, Great care has been taken to till his cel
lar with the choicest viands. A handsome omnibus
and a baggage Wagon are provided fur the use of his
guests, and a Porter will be in attendance at all hours
to meet the demands of the traveller. • The long ex
perience of the undersigned in this ,business, assures
him that his earnest purpose to satisfy all who call,
cannot he unsuccessful. Ile feels altogether at lib
erty to promise his visitors a comfortable and cleanly
abode, liberal entertainment, and a hearty welcome,
at a moderate expense. ALLEN BROWN.
-viriLLlAm COLEMAN having, on the first day
iry January, inst., associated with .him Jas. W.
Hailman and John F. Jennings, under the name and
style of Coleman, Hailman & co., will now have in
creased facilities for manufacturing Steel Springs,
hammered axes, American Blister and Spring Steel,
&c., to which the attention of dealers is - respectfully
solicited, and hope by strict attention to business, to
merit a continuance to- the new firm the favors so lib
erally, bestowed upon him. Factory on St. Clair st.
—warehouse 43 Wood st.,opposite the St. Charles
Hotel, whero can be foud a good, assortment of
Springs, Axles, A. 8., and Spring Steel, and Coach
Trimmings of every escription, together with Iron,
' Nails and Pittsburgh manufactured articles. 1)::r The
highest price paid for scrap iron. jan22
DELL AND BRASS FOUNDER, has rebuilt and
commenced business at his old stand, No.lo
Second, between Market and Ferry streets, where
ho will be pleased to see his old customers and
Church, steamboat, and bells of every size, from
10 to 10,000 pounds, cast from patterns of the most
approved models,' and warranted to be of the best
materials." , - ,
Mineral -WatexPumpsi Counters, Railing, &c:
together with every variety of Brass Castings, ie re
quired, turned and . finished in the neatest manner.
A. F. is the sole agent for Babbitt's Anti-Attraction
Metal, so justly 'celebrated for the reduction of fric
tion in machinery. The boxes and composition can
be had of him Fit dll times. novl3-y
'V IE subscriber having been removed by the
.great fire to Allegheny, is prepared lo.nitike
Steam:and Fire- Engines, Hydraulic and Screw
_ .
Presses, for oil;tobacco or any other, purpose and
machinery generally'. J. S. GWYNNE,
Franklin-Machine Works,
On Rebecca street and Bank lane, West of Federal
N. B.c Orders left in. Pittsburgh with Mr. S.
Cuthbert, in Market street, 2 doors below Third
street, will meet uyith prompt - attention. , .
, New Drug Stoic. '
v gag'. JOHN, D. 141 ORGAN- Tirliolesate and Retail
- 7111 Druggist, No: Whod street, one door South
of Diamond Alley, -- Pittshingh.—The suhscriber
has justreceived froth the Eastern cities, and is now
'opening at 'the .s.hove stand, a full .assortment of
articles in his line, consisting of Drugs of all kinds,
Dye Stuffs, Paints anti Varnishes, Chemicals,
-Acc., together wih all such articles as are usually
kept for sale'at a wholesale "and' retail drug Store.
His stock_ is entirely new, and has been selected
with care. Heis "confideqt that his articles; both
as to quality'and price, will please such as may fa
vor him with-a. call.
Irk .
j ket street, three doors above Third street, Pitts
burgh, will have constantly - on hand a well selected
assortment of the best and freshest Medicines which
he will sell on the most reasonable terms, Physi
cians sending orders will be promptly attended to,
and supplied with articles they may rely upon ai
Physicians' prescriptions will, be accurately and
neatly prepared from thefieet materials, at any hour
of the day elr night. ' , , - •
Also, foe side, S. into "stock of fresh and good
orfumery dee 31341
Wnpatington, Hotel,
Canal Boat ilowso.
Latnyet te Itefrec tory.
linritt District Hots
Exchtmee Hotel,
A. Fulton,
Franklin Machine Works.
John 111. - T a.wnsond,
Lard Ull at a Itedneed Price.
lit; subscriber would, respectfully inform his,
friends and the public in general, that _MS new
Factory is now;completed r and With a large addition
to-his machincrOc is prepared to make considera
ble_ quantities a superior article of. Lard• Oil,
which he is &Am - rained to sell cheap, fully . apprecia
ting the old proverb, that "a nimble -.sixpence is
worth more tharia slow shifting." Ile feels confi
dent that confident's wcreld find into , their 'advantage
to give him a call mid - examine for thermielves.
Woolen nuulefacturers, machinists and others, are
reepectftillyinviftiil to - examine his superior oil; Fifth
street, near Market, oppoirito Henker's Confection
ary store, tuftrMessrs. Samuel M'Clurken & Co.,
-Liberty Whet.: • • M . C . EDEy ,
, I"ittstirge Lard Oil Manufacturer.
A superior quality of Star Candles, always on lined;
of :monad sires, • mar24-y
fornaniclitid Hair Work
Allegheny Ctly, slx floors frdin the
...Aqueduct, opposite the ; 411ector , s
Wire, wishes to inform*e pub
lic that she hari jiist ciikitnenced
the Ornumental //crirs-business,
And has a very supeiiiii steak rc—
ceived from the Eastern cities and
Paris ; and she: is prepared to fill
all or ders at the shortest notice;;
and in n manner that cannot be
lscelled by "any similar mann:ha=
aattintends keeping, a large as
sortment of praamentaillair. Work, such as Ladies*
Wigs, Bands, Braids, Curls, Necklaces , Guardi,
Bracelets, Finger' Rings, Ez.c., -Gentlemens , Wigs,
Tanpries, Scratches, &a.
Ilrit.ll. has heel for man,' yearit engaged in the
business in France and the tnited States, and, from
her long and eiperiance, else feels confidentin being
able to give satisfaction to fill ~ who will favor her
with their , patronage. :Her Flees are more liberal
than have been ollerexl in thts,city heretofore.
mar 17-ly'
JimaOsa 3Aolvardp, Co.
ITAVE the ideasure to announce to their friends
17 that they again occupy thefir old stand at No.
83, Wood street, where they bate opened an exten
sive WALL PAPEIh WARE:ROI/SE, and Will have
contantly on hand an extensive assortment of Satin
glazed and plain PAPER HANRINGS;IreIvet and
Imitation Borders of the latest style; and most hand
some patterns for papering"halls, parlors and'clitim
They manufacture, mid have an hand at all time i t
Printing, IVrit . ipg, Lotter, Wrapping and Tea PaVer i .
Bonnet and Boit.rds—all,of which they oiler
for vale on thii most accommodating terms, and to
which they invite the attention of merchants and
_ALSO—Blank Booke of all kinds and the best qual
ity, School Bopke, Sre., always on
hand and for sale
us above. _ ;tug 25
N. F stradretls 4 o Worravited Garden Seeds,
Rl e earsT 01111 l
el a ll n L A A l D va ELP ri f t l y L o V r . p
Devw aper
DIIETIL For Sale by F. k r , SNOWDEN, No. Water
st., at the stand formerly occupied by Geo. A. Berry.
Extract from the 'Repos; of the Visiting Committee
of the Pennsylvania HerticultittalSociety, , ottani
inanely adopted and o eirriO..tlesjfrintecif '
"Them/ extensive. gro ds are on Federal street,
near the Arsethil. • * • 'The slarliestoollec
tion...of Camellias wasXdo - here. Some; pf
now in possession of the diatiliguisbed
are ten feet high. The
on;i..s-uotsr. 4.001r3 is V,quable and exter - iffly&
"The Nurseries are very correctly eitanagiFileiis?k,'
plying -every ;part of ,tl4 . l.,Trdoyyi - a
• deMil'oltssArm.,
Tould - .o too niteifirlttr.spatt,"iVr „ herfore
content ouraelyea with - stating that the mock is very
large, and ior wiry stage of growth, consisting of
a collection of herbacceous plants, fruit trees of the
best kind and ,
most healthy condition, large beds of
seeding apples, pears, plums, &c., as stocks for bud
ding and grafting; a plan „very- superior to that of
r working upon suckers, which carry with them into
the graft all thediseasea of the parent stock. • • !
"Genoest . SEEM of the finest quality have' been'
scattered over the country from these grounds, and
may always be depended upon.. The seed establish
mint of
Horticulturists is; one of the most ex-,
tensive in the Union, and its teputationis well sustain
ed froth. year to vear.
"To obviate the chance of mixture of the farina of
the plants of the same family, they have established
'another nursery at a suitable distance, so that degene
ration cannot take place, and which secures to the
purchaser a 'lgenuitie article' ! Knowing thus the
age, quality and process of culture of every plant,
the supply from their grounds is recommended with
-great conliderice."
*.• Since the date of the 'Report' from which the
above is extracted, the entire establishment has been
greatly enlarged. 'the collection of Camellias em
braces all the finer kinds, and consists of somethou
sands of various sizes; :so likewise with Roses, and
other desirable plants, both tender and hardy; fruit
trees, &cc. I
The Seed Gardens alone cover fitly acres, and the
whole is, as it has been for more than half a century,
under the successive management of father and sun,
the mast prominent in America!, `
irr Orders- recoivca by F. L. SNOWDEN, from
whom catalogues may be received gratis. mar9-y
A Card.
MHE subscriber begs leave Zespectfully to return
.1_ his grateful acknowlegements for the liberal pa
tronage bestewed upon him cot. years past, and par
ticularly to those who'so generously patronized him
since his misfortune by the late fire. Having consid
erably enlarged his busines by associating with Wm.
B. Roberts al a partner, he would earnestly solicit a
continuance ::of former falters: to the new firm of
Roberta & Kane, and he trusts that by prompt atten
tion to business they will give general satisfaction.
M. KANE, Jr.
The subscribers would resPettfidly inform their
friends and the pliblic that they have removed to
their new warehouse on Third between Market and
Wood streets, south side, where they trustaby strict
attention to business, to merit a share of public pa
tronage. They solicit _attention to their extensive
stock on hand, which has been got up with great care,
in the latest style and most substantial manner, con
sisting in nit of the following articles, viz:
Mahogany Wardrobes, -
• 44 Dressing Burthus,
-u Book Case and Secretaries,
" Section Back Sofas,
" , Plane do., .
" Divans,
4 4 Ottomans,
44 Victoria Chairs,.
" French „ do,, •
" Plain d 0 , ,,
tt Centre Tables,
" Card do, : •
44 • Bureaus of every description,
44 ! End Tables, " ,
Marble Top Pier do,- ,
tc Centre do c •
" Sofa Ae, ,
to' Dressing Bereans,.
" Wash. Stands,:,
Maliogdny Work Stands,
" ^ Hat Racks;
" 'I Rocking Chairs,
ca i Sowing doi ••._ • •
" Music Stools, - .
Arm Chairs, -
. 1 French Bedsteads, . •
Butlers' Trays.
Mahogany, cherry and , poplar bedsteads, Warrant ,
cd proof agAnst hugs; and superior to any now offer
ed to the public. Also, a variety of 'Windsor chairs,
of the best quality,axid a new 'styllief arm chair with
spring se it,. well adapted for offices -or-Societies, with
a variety of pther articles too numerous to mention.
. Wo have at considerable expense introduced into
our new factory on Front street, a steam engine with
machinery, which will enable' us to Sell, wholesale
and retail, it reduced prices. • . ,
' The attention of Western Merchants, and persons
moving West, is invited to our new; and extensive
establishment. Western Cabinetmakers are also re=
quested to Rive luta call, as 'they will find they can
purchase Rom.' us for less than, they can manufac
ture. Orders from a distance 'will receive prompt
attention, aid the furniture will be carefully packed.
Steamboats and hotels furnished at the shortest no
tice, and on favorable terms: ROBERTS & KANE.
N. B. Undertaking in all its branches attended to.
marlol • • &
'r E HE,IDELBERG. CA'ECII.ISI4I, or a mons
;nary , of Cliristiao DoctriAO as 'used by- the
Gorman: Reformed Charch,;--t dalielt sad Gentian.—
For sale at our store, No. 115 Wood st; 'Pittsburgh.
jell SCRIBA Sr_ SCIIRIBLEB. Booksellers
r •
(successor to Loivrie & Williams.) Mee at
the old stand, Fourth street, above Smithfield..
THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between
Henry-W. Williams, Esq., and myself, in the prac
tice of.the law, wan dissolved by mutual consent -on
the 2Sth ult:i and the business will hereafter be con
tinued by 'Henry W. Williams, whont I most cheer
fully recommend to all, for-whom I have the honor
to do . business,.as a genileman evorY way worthy of
their cchlfidetice.
• A ,
t 0 S & Ttin.Br E,
...ATM). 46, DLAKET ST.,
In S i P e G a o l o l ns th p e ti r r c . t h te a:s n e ti r o s n g e o n f e r t ly i
to their. extensive assortment of
Which is now tomiAete in every deparment.
Purchasers are particularly invited to examine our
very choir. rikt, . . •
4fde attention has been given to their selection,
and in Oita of rirhness and varieti 3 Ove never before
hare been able to ea. . g reater inducements. •
Fine Wool Cashmeres; Cashmere Reps;
Cashmere Incosse, Mons Do Laines;
Fancy and Staple Silks, &c. &c. -
.SnAwts.---French, Terkeiri, Cashmere Breche.
Embroidered And plain Clotb;. do. Thibet Shawls
of entirely new and rich patterns---in every variety
of style—also, Heuniquin's Blk. Merino, with Fancy
styles, at reduced - prices.
Ladies_Faticy Silk Velvets; -
` Paris Kid Gloves, in all shade's and Nos.;
Bon - simr Rttramm:—Several botes reed comprising
the different lato styles, choice pattetus. Few boxes
very handsome patterns at Ili cents.
Linen Cambric Ildkfs, from. 12.1 eta. to the best
in use. ,
TRENCH - AND SCCITCII GLNDDAits—at very desira
ble styles - and qualities superior, atlow prices.
French Thibet Cloths, on all shades);
Alpacas, Silk and Cott. Warps, plain and fancy;
Bombahmes, Lupine's- best, at unusually low
prices. . -. . -
OmbrG4.4 Cashmeres;
Embossed Table Covers;
Woor.rm Bl.amars.-rs-12 and 14-4 fancy bound, 124
twilled beautiful article. Also low - costs of different
styles, all
,of which_ arc offered atpricc.s 30 per cent
reduced. -
Splendid Calicoey, at 10 and 12; cts. '
Our domestic 4cPartment is full, pcssessingativan
tagemtti tholinrchaper rarely to be 'found.
Brown SbectingOard yirlde, good quality, 61
Do.= do ado— —Extra heavy,
6ENTLEXEN iDlLDßotice,4takat our imber
may be found at all times 'French Brand "Chiths,
Pant stuffs and Vestings; Satin and Silk Scarfsarul
Cravats, niw'atyles; Linen and Silk Gloves,
- Hosiery, Gum. Braces, Silk Elastics, Silk Umbrellas,
The above - stock has been purchased within the
last 30 days since the great - depreciation in prices in
the Eastern markets, and will be disposed of entire
' ly to the advantage of the purchaser.- Call and see
at the "Down TOIC7I Cash Rouse." -
Rep. 18. BARROWS .1k TURNER.
Drug's, Drugg t Drug,e,
it . No.2: Commercial Row, Liberty street, "Big Got
' , den 11lortarz once inorc,
ANS,A#PLIZWAY I •thankfuI for theliberal pa
ttegriage, Whitkk, they hurt heretofore received
and tVibiling tti merit an increased share of public pa
, tromp, would resinctffilly call the attention of the
! public to our stock of gooda which we are now re
, ceiving for the fall trade. Among which may be
found in quantities to suit . purchasers; the following
Ithuehard Root, . Liquorice Root,
Flour Sulphur, do. Ball,
Gum Arabic, Refined ilorax
Cal'd Magnesia,' Sal Soda, -
Carb Magnesia, Spanish Drown,,,
Gum Aloes, Gum. Copal,
Cream Tarter, Roll Brimstone,'
Calomel, White Chalk,
Sup Carb Soda, Rat. Logwood,
Epsom Salts, Chip'd do.
Glauber do. Madder,
Tartaric Acid, Yellow Ochre,
Gum-Scammony, Chrome Yellow,'
Bat Copavia, do. ,Green,
Salt Petre, . Rose Pink.
Together with a general assortment ofOilsiPaints,
Varnishes, Paint Brushes, Dye Woods, tee. tee., all
of which will be sold as low as at any. other house
in the city. sepl9
Money Wanted to exchange for flats and
rti THE subscriber would) inform tlma
a' 4 4.1 public that he has receßced his fall
stock of Caps, all -Of which hate 'been principally
made to his , order, and as his purchases has been
made on the cash -system,-he-is enabled to sell his
stock of Hats and Caps at unusually low prices for I
cash. His stock does not consist of the cuttings of
Eastern houses, but are all a fresh manufactured''.
article. Neither is his establish:neat , replenished',
with the-old stock from eastern markets, The
Proprietor being a. hatter and Cap manufhcturer,l
by trade, as well as profession, ho is also daily man-1
ulacturing lists and Caps of all descriptions, and
for their neatness and durability, canhot be sur
passed. All of which he offers at wholesale and
retail, and at such prices as cannot fail - to please
the purchaser,
G. W. GLASSaOVir f
No. 10.1., Wood street, third door below - John D. Da•
vie' Commercial Auction Rooms.
SO Cases rich fat
=c) ods; French
id. English Cash,
mres and blous.
Laines ; 'Gala
Lobrain plaids;
lain.Fr each
teak Cloths;
rinted and plaid
loakings; a full
ssortment of
'ranch Brodie,
tinted Cashmere
Ik. 'and colored
'tuba, plain and
drawls; plain and
ierinok ; Alpacas
led pipe -M. de
;ainews klk
of rich colored
rich 13ortnet
bons; Velvet and Bonnet Silksp French and Ameri
can Flowers, in' great variety; Maid and Straw
Bonnets, cheaper than ever; a full assortment
gentlemen's 'wear, such as Cravats, Shirts, '.under
Shirts 'and Drawet s; Cloths, Citssirneres and Vestings,
all of which will be sold at a small advanUe over
New York cost. W. H. GARRARD,
Sept 16 '• 79 Market street;•
lIAPPRTER and Wholesale dealer in French, Ger
man and English Pancy Variety Gonda of every .
description; such its*Sesvelry, table and pocket' Cut
lery, silk Purses, bead Bags, silver and German 'sil
ver SpOoris, gold and 'saver Pencils; silk and gudt SUS.
panders, 100 dos, of Germantown Hods arid half do.
Trimmings of allkinds, and a general assortment of
toys, constantly -on hand at No. 61, Market Street,
bet' cen Third:apd Fourth otreets, Simpsen , a • Row,-
Pittsburgh.. • • baylB •
QTILL -continues Wilds old business otmanufactur
ij big Wagons, Carts, Drays, Timber= Wheels,
Trucks, and Wheelbarrows,' on Fifth streeti between
Wood and SMithfield, where he keeps. constantly On
-hiutd,,or made to order in the .shortest notice, may
;amount of work, by the hest of workmen and good
materials, and at prices to suit the times. Those
engaged-in-the Santa Fe -trade, and Furnace men,
are requested' to give him &tall ' before purchasing
elsewhere.' - ap7-y
CUTTER and Surgical Instrument Manufacturer„
N 0.140 Wood streeti two doors from Virgin
ley, Pittsburgli,Va. Alivays on hand an extensive
assortment of ,Surgical and Dental, -instruments,
Banlsers , , Tanore,Hatiers , ,Hair Dinners , and Tan
ners' Patent Shears, Saddlers , Tools, Trusses, Sm. •
_.~ k. ~~ r
Henry WUThitraft;
Jinnes Cavanagh.
William Met Coo.
C art wright.
HE undersigned having disposed of hts Estat.;
lishimit, No, lit? Market st.,l to Mr. Thomas
A. Ilinton, would cordiallgreeornmend him, to his
friends and the pUblie generally, as one every way
worthy of their patronage.
The undersinned,having purchased the large and
extensive stock., of Boots ; Ehoes, &e, belonging to
A. Mammon, No, 112 Market 'street, one door
from Liberty, tyill continue to conduct thebusiness
in all its branclis, and truSts - that by a strict atten
tion to business, and an ardent disposition to please,
be will meet a continuation of the patronage so
liberally bestowed upon his predecessor.
N. 8.--Two or thrde. good can hare
'employinent, by` making in - amediate application.
711.AXELT,; JOlll4 J. iirrcztEx., •
Aldirntan, : Attorney at Law
I3_L-ABELY Sti MITC g. L ,
CONTINUA. to attend to the selling and - renting
of Real Estate in the City of Pittsburgh and vi
cinity..ll-avittg:deterniined to devote a large portion
of their time to this'branch of - business; they' with
conficlence-solicit a :share of the patronage of the
public; from the fdcility. they posiess*and the experi
ence they h,ire(ttie Senior partner having been, en
gageA in the Eeal Estate Agency-for near 20 years,)
they believe that they will give general satisfebtion.
Office on Penn st., near the U.S. Hotel, and Smith
field st., between Diamond Alley and Fifth street.
•a -
T"' rt
panership, 'heretofore existing-, between
Hunker tki - DickSon is this day dissolvnd by mu
tual consent. •'The hffairs of - the late firm will be
settled by P. H. Hunker, wlio,wilt continue the Bak
ery and Confectionary, at the old standin Fifth,near
Market street.i P. H. HUNKER,
S -Latvne ST
r EO.‘S. SWARTZ has on hand a lot offineLawm
Ap which will be sold at the very low price of 183
cents'per yard; per Sons who want a good article,
low price, woold do well soon.
Also on hand a gdod stock of Nansook muslin for'
- Ladies Dreises very 'cheaper.
jel3 ' No. 106 Market street;
rittsinirgbv Navigation and.l'iro instil.
; raube Company.,
Office, .NO.. 21, Mai ket Street.-
William Ebbs,
Lewis Hutchison;
rietl. Lbrenz,
.Inmes May,
--:M. 'ALLEN, Pres%
cie tarp.
Michael Allen,'
C. Anshotz. '
.Tbos. Bakewell,
Robert Beer,
R. W. P
Iloure-r rimrEt, Se
John D. Dasist •
2 - I._ Corner of Wood and Fifth streets, Pittsburgh,
is ready . to receive thercbandixe of every description
on consignment for public or private sale,. and froth
long experience in the above busines, flatters himself
that ho will be ablO,to give entire satiSlaCtion to all
who may favor him , with their pationage.
Regular sales on Mondays and Thursdays of Dry
Goods and FancY.articles, at 10 o'clock; A. M.
Of groceries, Pittsburgh manufactured articles,
now and second band furniture, Sc., at two o'clock,
Salei every evertiiag at early gas-light. anglg..y
Mart's Inventions Outdone by Natnrc•
r Oil is obtained from a well near B rile,•
Kentucky, at the depth of 185 feet below, the
surface of the eirth, and 170 feet through solid rock.
Its curatiVe properties are truly astonishing, and as
a Remedial 'Agent it may well be pronounced won
derful.: Sinen the discovery`of this Panacea of Na
ture, numbers bf 'remarkable cures have been effect
ed by . its use: It is Innocent—Powerful--.•Sife and
Umtata in its effects. It has been used with-unpar
allelleci success in the treatment df the following
diseases: Inflammatory Rheumatism, Burns - and
Scalds; Cholic, Piles, Flatulence, Intlammatioia of
the Kidneys,. Deafness, Consumption; Liver Com
plaint, Scald Head, Cancers, "Weak and
Sore Eyes, ;Bruises, - Fresh Cuts and. Wounds,
Spraink and.Btraine, Dropsy, Pains in the Breast and
Side, frette4 Influenza,
.Ulcerated Sore Throat,
Consumption, Bronchitis, §pasms, Ulcers; Spinal
Affections, Scrofida _or King , SEvil, Coughs, Syphilis,
Iting‘vbrtn, all Bowel Complaints, all Chronic dis
eases;lmpurities efthe Blood and General Debility.
It is likewise very beneficial for Female Complaints
in general; ac.t4As great Restorative from Languor,
weakness of Back and Chest, Low Spirits and Races
sive Debility.
Read the following Certificates; all bf are
authentic; all the 'persons therein named are new
living; and well known in Cincinnati:
Prrresuaoss, dog A6g 22 - 1846:
This is to certify that we have used the Imerican
Oil fur the whooping cough, among our children; by
giving them from 20 drops to a small . tea spoonful at
night, which alwaysenabled them to rest well through
the night. I also : applied it to one of the children
that gilt her.arm burnt by turning over a tea cup of
hot Cabe on it, the child seased crying by the time
the arm was dressed and'bound up, and has nevi
complained of, it since. I also was afflicted with a
pain in my side and breast, and have been so for 16
years.l I commenced using the Oil by taking a tea
spupnful twice a day and in 3 or four days using of
the oil I have ben very much relieved, and do really
believe that it is the best faniily medicine that I have
ever seen; I applied it to one of my neighbor's for
a strained maple - , which relieved her in a few minutes.
We have also [used the oil for a strained jointin-our
own family, which gave ease in a very short time.
We Inie on the east side of Penn St., 3 doors south of
Walnutil am now as well as 'I ever was in my'lifai
r - . . MARGARET li. SMITH.
Pm-sailing, Aug. 14,1846.
WS is to certifYilhat my son has had the Plethisic
for seven years, and was very bad-with it, and about
12 or'ls days since:, I commenced giving to-him
about 20 or 25 drops of the AMerican Oil, twice a
day. which relieved him. in a day. Or. two of his diffi.
culty of breathing, and he is now entirely 'relieved
of his cough; our boy is 10 years of age. We live in
King , i Alley,: i NANCY KING,
. Ccoarrsn*, July Ist; 1346.
Si Having boon cured of a very severe disease
of the eyes and head by the use of the American
Oil, I feel it my diity to the public,a.s well as to you,
to send you the following certificate: -
I hereby certify;that :I was severely afflicted one
year ago last, inter, with inflamed' sore eyes and 'a
very severe pain in my head from my eyes up to the
top of my head, and continued so for several weeks.
My. eyes were .so much inflamed and sore that I
could not Bee t to attend any business, nor-could I tell
one object from another a fewi yards from me. I
called in a physiCian, but still !got worse. `I also
tried a good many, remedies that had ,cured others;
but in my case they failed. In' April, 1845, I heard
of the American Oil. I procured bottle, - and be
fore I, had used a half a bottle I was entirely Avail )
and still Continue .99. I will no; be without it in my
house as long as jean get the germinearticle. lalso
gave it to one of ey . pen' that was :working for me,
that had the totter-in his bands so bad that when he
would grip anything tight in them ;the blood would
burst out, and the use of half a bottle cured us both.
I would advise all that are 'afflicted in any Way to
give OW Oil , n fair trial, and I ithink they will be
pleased withlthe effect it will have, &c.
' :
. .
. Sold at One Oollar per Bottle at Jackson's Patent
Medicine Wureheuse, 891.ibert} , , head - of Wood st.,
Pittsburgh. iTrnt. orryv naxr.l27 Prrrssulion where
the Genuine' American Oil cArr be Obtained.
Beware of a Counterfeit article. "i The Seneca Oil.
put in Ittnericau Oil Battles. and:labelled "Amer
ican .It somewhat resembles. the Americnn
Oil, but possesses none of its virties or liealikcpciw-
. W. .Tackson respectfully -__ the
D. Hail & Co., the proprietors of the" American Oil;
have appointed him their SOLE AGENT for West
' All persons wishing Sub-agencies will e.pply.atB9
Liberty street, as above.
Ni Sub -agents wanted for every town in the ,
above Distrtet4 . - , „ , -
A .great rinmlier of certificates are on hand and
can be seen!at the office, 89 Liberty etreef, head of
Weed. • ' aug 28-1 y
i........J•p.itii.c.F . 4 , ; ...w1y0::" - ::Q.NT. , s -- ;
. _
ATORTH East ,corner of Federal and Robinson
:stretts, Allegheny, will ern:entente:lth Fall
session on Monday the 31st inst.
Oni 'l 5 rojetsor A: f Lte, IVashin&ton Cgllegc 'and
Having attande'd an';eiaminatien of .
the , school
taught byMr. Williams, we take' -pleasure in beat
ing our testimony _to. tho evidence affordM by it of
the unusual skill and labor of Mr. Williams. The
understanding of theyritzeipte:of thu Subjeitir which
the scholars had been studying, Shown - by their
clear anawcratb questions asked by tithorithan, tho
teachers, ptove the rexcellencelof. the New. England
Modes of teaching, in-which Mr. Williams seems to
bb proficient: It. If. LEE,
• J. WISHART, dm. -
- Front the Mt. Mr. PrestonF'Doetor-Thinti
Having attended an examination. of the Select
School under care of Mr. Henry. Williams - , held
recently in his'ciibool room, corner of Federal, and
Robinson streets Allegheny - city, we wish te call.
public attention to this institution. We were highly
gra.tifiettivith the progress and order ofhisschoot-7-
This manner of simplifying and illustrating the:dif
ferent branches is peculiarly happy, and "well, calcn.
fated to give interest to. the-pupils.- Ills mode of
teaching theM to' read striiek as novel; and ono
that cannot fail to, make good readers.
From the knowledge ehat - we - hare
IMms 2 characiar as 'a , teacheri his -zeal, fidelity and
success; we cordially recommend him td - the - patron
age of the. HIS location is elegible for both
cities:• DAVID'HUNT,-
. . ..
- I dtuncreii thO ibovo - examinatiOu,',and - eau' truly_
. 1. was niuch gratifidd - with the ittaintmeut a "the
pupils. -_ . ... ....- .. -- AV.SI,,PRESTOIC. ..-
. . . .
/TINE PALL SESSION of this depart lent of the
Westeria University, will.commence in the nos
University Building; on the Dl= Moarns.s. or, Sze
rtEllia next, and the - 5.p.41.15iG.. SESSION.of .1847,
will commence on 'the Fran' Mozin'Ai or FM - fistula.-
following. • . . -. • -
This institetien having so,far recovered from tilt+
effects of the gieat fire of April lasi. year; as _to have
the new. building nearly completed- with increased
accommodations for_ all its departments;; is hoped
thatthe Law School will be founato presentincreas
ed facilities and 'attractions la tiros° xihis 'desire to
pursue a-regular and thorough course: ofleghr educa
tion, and to prepare themselves creditably forad?
mittance to the bar: ,
There will be daily recitations by the Classes oil
assigned lessons, no arranged as fo.amlxracei...ivithiri
l a two years course, all-the principal arid most jai
riortant branches of the law: Occasional lectures
en law and equity; Will alit; be delivered as;f4rt ot:
the coarse: . 7, •
Ttir.,Movi Comtv; designed for tessistingstudent.P
in acquiring knowledge, and readineSii4 the pracr
tice of the, law will be resumed as soon asthe nunq
ber of students willjustify. The deurce of BACHE. ,
Lou or LA* Will be conferred - on itudentS of th e
institation, according the rules usual In euch inStitu
. _
Aniiiirther information that may be _required can
readily be obtained td fife 'Professor,
IVArrzu H. Lotirac,. who baa Iris ciffiee en 4th above
. -
Smithfield street, Pittsburgh: - '"'
Trans—Seventy-fly dollars a.year; Cr thirty-seir- ,
en and a half dollars a session. _atig,l3-d3na
- - . lIEW.A.D.E' or rno.uns. •
PO 13 nit GGIS .•
QoBlRDitiggists are mitled into the error - of buy. •
► ing a miserable. imitation of Dr. Smith's Sitgar.:
Coated Indian Vegetable Pills, simply because they,
Can purchase the spurious cheaper: "
.We shall in all •
cases expose such dealers throughout the
who, after being duly informed of the rascality.of .
these imitators; buy and attempt to impose upon_the • .
public with such worthless trash. -It is not the Su
gar coating , alone that constitutes the cable of my -•
Pills, but it is my
_invention, for which I claim tho.
right. - • -G. BENJ. SMITH, l‘F. D.;
179 Greenwieh st, and `2 Water st.: Boston.,
We, the undersigned, wholesale druggists in Loti
isville; Ky., are- satisfied, from - all -the information:
that we can obtain, that Dr. G. BENJAMIN SMITH ,
is the original inventor of the Sngar-Coated Pills. • -
We are prepared to, supply dealers at the New
York price'. : - . • •
Robinson, Peter 4- Cary, 422 Mainlitrott.
J. S. - Morris 4- C0., - 461.Main st. - -
Rupert 4- Lindentierger, 511 Main st,
George lapping* Co. -79 Fourth st.
Ball Alden, 81 Fourth- st.. • -
The following from druggists in New,Yoek- shews•
I invented the Sugar Coated Pills in. 1843 t •
-.New York, dune 16th, 1344.
We, the undersigned, never saw or heard of "Sip,:
gar Coated Pills," until Dr. G. Benjamin
ufactured and exhibited them to us about a year Sines.,
Rushton 4- C0.,-110 Broadway and 10 Astor Route. -
Israel Randblph, dl. so Liberty et. _
Ilorace Everett, 96 Hudson 'SL.
JOhn Ccrstree, 97 Hudson st. „
David Sands - , 79 Fulton st.
I hark been afilitted With dyspepsia in its most ag
gravated form,forrthreb ybars past; and.found no re- .
relief until I used Dr. G. _Benj. Smith's."Sugar-Coat-.
ed Indian Vegetable Tills:” After using six boxes of
Said - valuable pint, lam entirely cured. 'They are
a general remedy: J. K. LErMAN;
Paducah, Ky. Nov. 9,1845. . • .
We certify to the above facts:
Dr. Smith's "Sugar-Coated Pillo are universally-
esteemed in this vicihity, , • •••
' - HODGE GIVENS & CO, Meirtrants.
Paducah, Ky. Nov. 19,1845.
At the request of Dr. G. Benjamin Smith's .agent
we cheerfully state that we visited the office of Dr.
Smith in September last, while. in New-York, and . _
found him to_all appearance carrying on a:very- ex.
tensive business with his. Sugar-Coatd Indian Vege- -
table Pills. The extent of his establishment would
astonish' any one not initiated in the myateries of the
pill trade.--. Louisville Journal,
(Fiefs, Dr. Singleton.) • _ •
• - Smithland - ,.(Ky.) Feb:24,1846...
lie. G. Ken): Smith.—Dear Sir
been introduced that has sold se well andgiven Such'
general satisfaction as your- Sugar-Coated Improved
Indian Vegetable Pills. Very - respectfully, yours,
- • - • -S. P. SINGLETON.
(Pim Bull & Aldena•
. • - LouisvilleAKy.) Feb. 13th, 1846.
tkr:G. Benj. Sinith—Dear Sir: Yru will please tend
ns - 12 grosser your valuable Pills, , From - present in
dications we shall sell a large amount 'of theme."...
We find that theyto very quick. Your friends,' •
( From Wilson, Starbird & Smith.) -
Louisville, Feb. 13th„ J 846.. '
Dr. Smith—Dear Siri About ..two weeks_ago we =
bought 2 gross of your Indian Vegetable - Sugar, Coat=.
ed Pills. Thoughhusinessis dull hereat , this time,
yet we have sold them all. You will - pleasn send as .-
10 gross through Metsts. Lawrence & Keese, of your
city, who will forwafd them to Us via Pittsburgh: -
. , - • Yours, respectfully,.
This is tocertify that I "have 'Used; the' 'Sugar
jeoated pills manufactured by G.l3enj. Smith, of"Ne*
rYork, the f 01316 time , and believe them to be a good, -
tnedicine; and also from enquiry hi that city', Lamle.
persuaded that: he is 'the original inventor, and
therefore, is entitled to the benefit of the itiventort.•.
-• . •
aug2.l. Pastor Ist Baptist Church Pittsbirigh.
We have forty letters from different dealers soliait ,
ing the agency of ray pillialtbough they had the Spu
rious in their store—one in particular from New Or
leans, which we shall publish.
• Principal Offices--New York, 176 Greenwich et;
Boston 2 Water St.
- fr.r G. 13ENJADIIN:SWIITI-1 is writtenron the bot
tom of of genuine ~ , S ugar-Coatca
Aar.Mrs—Williant Nem:Zenon Draggist,2os Liberty
street Pittsliurght John Bargcant Allegheny city.
"mayl Stl7m.
undersigned would respectfully inform tho
citizens of Pittsburgh:and its- !icinity, that 140
has purChased' from Mr. Droses'COry;his largo and
splendid stock °fn.:) , Goods; kept at No. - 6'6:' Market
street whnrele intends keep .0.-&:toral
meat of seasonable Goods, which he will, sell at:very,
reduced'prices. Please call and judge foryourtelNos.
No. 66 Marketstreet.: . • - z
To taffrienile and patrons I am mach obliged
and would :re.spectfully recommend - Mr. ;William
cowehooy successor:..:.,: MOSES CORY.
informu the Public that
TDCEIVED THIS DAY, by Express;anothei lot
ofrlch black MANTILLAS, at the New ,York
!Store, 79 Market treet
II :Willi anis , b'elect ohooy„:
Tlnlversity - lavw fichool4