The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, October 06, 1846, Image 2

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-LAteirEn . "EthTon AmrlwilliEton
-TIT ... DM:MGR, TUESDAY, 0CT'..43;,1546.--
Allegheny County Demoeralin Tiek,et:\
WILLIAM B. P051t5*.114:,.114 , -. ,
• . Congreas,
W 1 SON 3 , I"CANDLESS, of Peebles.
Senate, •
THOMAS HAMILTON,.- of 'Pittsburgh.
- .
• sheriff,
- - •
RORY - PATTERSON, of . Lauaencsville.,
GEORGE R. RIDDLE . of ..a//cglitny.
. • •
Assembly, -
SAMUEL IT:BLACK, ' f Pittsburgh.
ROBERT H. KERR, of ..411eghsny, •
JOHN H. .1)I - ELHE.NNY, of Jefferson.
• . Commissioner forr3 velars.
'oirnfitisilcisier for l„yettr,,
- BRYANT, of Pittsburgh.
- • • Auditor for 3 . yearst
ILLIAM EWING, of 12obinson.
Auditor for 1 . year, •
N.:PATTERSON, of Birnntlgham..
.Coroner i -- '
LEWIS WEYMAN, .811egiteirly.
Supply Tourselv6 .
3 vith Tickets. •
We request our Democratic friends in the vari-
ous townships to call at the office of thepaily Post
immediately, and supply themselves syith ticketi
'Thimsnatter.should not be neglected, by any means
We are- indebted to an esteeemed friend for
;'the excellent 'description of the Dedication of St.
PhiliSmena's Church which we publish this morn.
The Bridge over ,Tatk's Run.
It affords us, great pleasure to publish the com
munication of Mr. AisxoN, (which will be found
iri our columns this morning) in reply to our car
respondent ‘‘Allegheny." We think Mr-`A, clearly
exculpates himself and the other reviewers from all
.censure, in the part they acted. It will be seen by
•the statement of Mr. ALsrox that all wepublish-
ed in regard to Mr. Forterrs, the federal candidate
fdt Sheriff, is strictly true. The report of the Re.
viewers presents two great facts to the 'public, to
Ist That there vt'as "neither plan nor specifina
lion ; nor written agreement" entered into between
the Cornmissioners nod the Contracto.
2d That there was "a deficiency in thesouth
east wing u'all for want of a proper plan on' the part
of AS Commissioners, and partly from carelessness by
thr contractors."
Mr. Forts rrn cannot ,escape from the ;dilemma
in which heis plaed. As one of the. County Corn-
missioners, hi-sects were, illegal beyond all question;
and the Federal party knowing this, place him inttom
, ,
ination for, an office still more lucrative and re
spousihle, in consideration of his invaluable servi
ces. •
while. Commissioner. ' -
The ridiculous attempt of one or two of the fed_
eral papers in this city, to create a Synapathy. for
Mr. Forsyth, is enough` to make a wooden horse
laugh! We s have only spoken of his official acts
as an officer,. and all we have , stated is true. If
Mr.,Forsyt has defended hiscountry in the field of
battle, he deserves all praise for his valor and pa
triotism. We are the last person living that would
wish to pluck a laurel from his brow.
In opposition to Mr. Forsyth, the Democracy of
Allegheny County have -pres.ented the name of
Roar Ps:l-riasths. _Esq., a gentleman eminently
qualified to discharge the duties of the office to
the entire satisfaction of the people. Mr. P. is so I
well known to our citizens. that any recommenda
tion from u 3 will be of no avail. We should like
to see him elected Sheriff by a sweeping majority,
because he 'deserves the office, and:sill certainly
make =a better officer than Mr. Forsyth.
r"Bellft.l nor/Ida Bella!"
The fight between the editors of the Journal and
4meritan has now become deeply exciting. How
delighted must the readers of - these interesting
'papers• be, in witnessing this grand strio:cornico
tragieofarsito battle! It is an old adage that
*when persons of a certain description. fallout,
honest mea will get their rights. We are opposed
, •to letting,but still we go tither a 'hasty plate
of soup," (a la Scott)' or an oyster supper, that the
Journal man comes off victorious! Fallstaff has
'too much "lard oil" •about him to confront the
• keen sabre of Cassius!
- Mr. Biddle a : ceased Mr. Riddle of the unpardon
able crime of voting for R. 11.Kerr'and Samuel
W. Black at the last election, and also opposing
- the Whig party. To this Mr. Riddle replies that
if he did-vote for Mr. Black it.was because they
were old friends and elass.mates; and then as a set
off to the char,, , ,e, produces proof'going to show
that M. Biddle voted. for elevca years. in this .
, Country while he was a niostioyal subject of the
British crown, and deserted from the Fittiburgh
Blues in 1312!
The secret cif this vindictive quarrel between
these two leaders of the "decency" party, will be
found in the following candid avowal in the Jour
nal: -
- "lie is ,as vindictive now, as ever, end -purrnes
us with ahostility, which could on 1 - be explained,
-on the supposition that hescented the result of the
coming election, and foreseeing the success of the
entire 'Whig and iintimasorlic ticket, desired to
have oi out of his way, as an applicant for adver
tising patronage, at the hand of county officers."
' There you have it in plain English! It is all
a light fol. the "loaves and, fishes." Don't put
yourselves to the least trouble on that score, gen:
tlemen. We calculate electing the entire Demo-
cratic ticket. next Tuesday, and spoil all your
bright dreams of reveling at the public crib!
ctj'The folfoning advertisement was handed to
ins yestenlay . for insertion." It is genuine, and we
guarantee that the money will
_be paid over in
stonily to the person who leaves 'a copy of Air.
HA.nyTON'a renunciation of Mnsonry at this office.
8.5 Upward.
HE above reward of ..Frvt. DoLiArot is offered
.)L and will be paid for a copy; of MOSES BASTE
Any person who has a copy of Mr. liamptores
renunciation of Masonry,will confer a favor on the
public, by .leaving it with the editor of the ~Morni
ng Post," With whom the $5 is deposited -to pay
,Reward. . •
o:l•Gazette copy 1 time and charge this once
THE GLpnr or Am, Lesns.-Rei. S. M. Pome
roy, of Bangor, Me, wntps fromthe other side of
the:Atlantic In this strain One result of my ob.
servations in various countries, is the deep,- over-
Achelming, canviction , that the United Statei o
North Ameriea is immeasurably - the most blessed
land the' sun shines upon, in all his circuit through
the heavens. Iron never meet an' merican abroad
who dbei not say the same. Sins we have, indeed,
many, great and fearful. Bit oar privileges, how
immense) The thought which has spontaneouily
risen to my heart a thousand times, as I have look
upon the inhabitants of ihese ancient lands in
their squalid poverty:;- is—God bless the United
States of America:" • - * •
The Dedication of thinly... Church of St Philomen
On Sunday,.triagnificent temple
was dedicated to the tivors4ip or the Supreme Being,
Wifik the beautiful and imposing ceremonies of the
Roman. Catholic L'iiiirch, in the.presence of a large
eondourse bre' atholic and ether citizens assembled
on the occasion. `The members of the Congrega
ef,St. Ratricies;St.Philomeria!s and St Paul's,'
assembled at the Cathedrrdit 8 h'cl'ock, and having
been formed in order by Capt. James May and Capt
Sahl, Chief Marshals of the English and German
congregations, and their assistants, moved from
thence in procession, down Grant to Fourth street,
down FoUrth to Smithfield, up Smithfield to Liber
ty; and ail Liberty to the new Church; and never
have we seen so large and so magnificent a'proces
sion on any other occasion. ; We are informed that
this was the largest religious procession ever before
witnessed in the UhifedStates. < The day was clear
and - beautiful; and the large concourse of citizens
thatthronged thiside-walks and filled the windows
throughout the. entire route of the procession, every
where preserved the best order and most respectful
The boys of the German Catholic Sunday and day
Schools—to the number of four or five hundred--:-
preceded by a beautiful bannerwere in the van
attended by'some of the German and English Mar
shals—the former whitit red scarfs and white wands
—and the latter distinguished throughout the pro
cessioribr badges of St Joseph and blue rosettes.
These were followed by the girls of the German
Schools, numbering between' four-and five hundred
—all dressed in white, - with chaplets of flowers
around their heads—the picture of youthful inn°.
cence and beauty. .
'_Next came the boys belonging to the. Sundrty
School of St—Patrick's, and the Sunday and Day
Schools of St. Paul's, attended by Mr. Egan, Supe
rio r, and the lay Brotirers ef the Presentation Order—
preceded by :a beautiful banner, on which were in
scribed the words ""Suffer Wile children to come en-
to me."
Following these were the Children of :Story--
tonsisffni of female children attached to the Sun
day Schools of St. Paul's and St. Patrick's, attend.
ed by several young ladies, and preeeded by a
beautiful banner, on one side of which was an ex.
cellent painting of the." Virgin and infant"' execu
, ted, we believe, in Rome; on the reverse was the
inscription "Wares* Marie."
Next came the young lidies of the -Sodality,"
arrayed in Nvhite. It is unnecessary to say much
respecting them, as -every one who saw them, ad_
mired their modest and interesting appearance.
These were. succeeded by the young men of the
German Church, numbering several hundred, with
an appropriate banner.
The Brotherhood of St Joseph, prdceded by their
President James Blakely, Esq., came nett. The
President wore a beautiful blue scarf, and the grin
; cipal officers were distinguished by white. - and the
Marshals by blue rosettes. The beautiful banner
of St. Joseph 'w(l.4 borne in front. Number--one
hundred and sisty.!
Next in order were the Trustees of the different
Churehe, distinguished by blue starfs—and alter
them theacolytes and Theological students of . - the
Diocesan Seminary of Pittsburgh,with cassoc ks and
white surplices.
Immediately in the rear of these came the Rt.
Rev. Bishops of Pittsburgh end Richmond, in their
Episcopal garbs, attended by;upwards of thirty
clergymen, arrayed in cassocks and surplices,
among whorn we noticed Rev. Ittemrs.lleyden and
Stillinger, of the Diocese of Pittsburgh and Rev.
Eugene ComMerfonl, Pastor of - Wheeling,.anil ma
ny others distinguished for learning and eloquence.
The procession Was dosed by members of the
different churches in the city •of Pittaburgh, and
County of Allegheny, Marching promiscuously to.
gether in great numbers. When the Rt. Rev. gen
tlemen arrived at Si. Patrick's, in the course of the
procession. the Bishop of Pittsburgh assumed his
mitre and other emblems of his high and sacred
office, and the whole body of the clergy commen
ced channting inunison, as the procession moved
onward, the beatitiful canticle of the Brnedictur,
(Luke, chap. verse ps.) . .
The processioU moved along for the most part
eight deep, and extended from Fourth street to 0'
Hera street, beyond the canal bridge, We have
no means of ascertaining the number, but it must;
have consisted of many thousands.
The Church we.. dedicated to Almighty God I
under the'patronage of St. Philorneoa, with all the,
magnificent and imposing rites of the Roman
Catholic Church, which were enhanced, if porsi.l
by, the sablime Church music performed by a
full choir—socal 'and instrumental. Eloquent
sermons were preached in English by the Rt. Rev.
Bishop of Richmond (Dr. Whelan,) and in Ger
man by the Rev. Mr. Hammer, of Cincinndli.
The ceremonies of the day were concluded at 2
o'clock, when the choir chanted that sublimest of
hymns, the " ic Drum."
We may add that the new Church is conside'red
the chastest and most beautiful structure' of the
kind hi the United States.
NOTE.-:-The Brotherhood of St. Joseph is allene•
ficiabSociety attached to St. Paul's congregation.
and conaists of nearly two hundred persons.' The
Members make small monthly contributions, which
entitle them to liberal relief in case of sickness.
In cue of the death of any of the tnernhers, the
funeral expenses of the deceased are defrayed by
the -society. We are happy to state that in the pe
riod of two years, during which the society has
been organized, not a single , death has occurred
among the members. Many, however, have been
relieved, when suffering under severe and protract
ed illness.
The , Odd Fellows.
The members o f ! the different Lodges and En
. o
campments in the city, and a large,number from
the towns adjacent, assembled at the Odeon yes
terday morning,' for the purpose of forming a pro.
cession -and having a grand celebration. The
procession formed at the Odeon and aftermarching
along some of the principal streets, accompanied
by .seseral bands of excellent music, crossed over
to iillegheny_eity and proCeeded to the Ark, where
they ivere addressed in an eloquent and very able
manner by, --Dr. TuEovntves Pisa, (of Philadel.
phia) editor of the - Tnlisman. ,
The services through at the Ark, they returned
to the city - and in the evening partook of a sump•'
tuous supper, Prepared for them by Andrews of.the
Eagle Saloom The whole affair went of quietly, -
and eclipses any thing of the kind gotten up in'this
for a number of year. I
TUEATILE.—This evening the manager offers de
cidedly the best bill of the season; Mrs. SLONAN.
Miss ELLIS, Air.; Mr. FOSTEII and .Mr.
FIIEDEIIMICS, all appearing in the thrilling and
very affecting tragedy of Jane Shore. Saoarszr .
sustains the part of Jim Bags in the farce of the
Wandering Minstrel. Between the pieces the Misses
Sloman give a grand' vocal and , instrumental con
cert. So much attraction on one evening cannot
fail to fill the Theatre..
Nsw Nomrs.criorrs.z—rrhe - New York .
Demoeratic Stald Convention, which assembled at,
Syracuse on theist inst., norninated Srias 1 1 1"utpurr
for Governor and AILDII3O.I('' GARDINER, for -Lieut.
Governor. Excellent nominations. 'heir, elec
tion is certain. •
The sad and gloomy predictron - arof thd Whig papers.
(says the Pennsylvanian) that the. Farmers, hay.
jng lost the Home maiketi of: the Tait!' of 1842,
ancl'undek which they proilosefito be
hadt mid - Way - 1;Y the glorious news froni Europe
Which;arrivect by the Great Western. ' The profea
slonS and predictionspfwhiggery Will be once agaiti
.oxploded by Practice iind reality, and thosd whom
if was hoPedWould be deceived, will see the object
of the design. Since Wednesday flour has ad
vanced, as will be seen by our Commercial reports,
seventy-five cents a barrel, wheat fifteen cents, and
cornfice cents. These are unWelcome facti to the
Whig leaders: 'for they will act as timely correci-
Ives of Whig deception. . •
A Goon. Busisr.sti.—We learn from Mr. ,Tohn
S. Cash, the Collector at this end of the Columbia
Railroad, says ,the Spirit of the'Times, that the re.
ceipts on Os road ; for: this , year, up to -Ist Oct°.
ber, were, in hie office 018,249:44. In 1845, up
to the same time, they were $102,765 56. - In
1844-4186,545 28. This is a handsome improve ,
ment, notwithstanding the fresheti, &c., in the
Tus. Detroie:(Michigan) Advertiser complains
that the trustees of the Boston and Pittsburgh Mi.
ning Company,' its this city; seem: disposed' to
withhold all information from the stockholders,
while theY enrich themselves on the fluctuations in
its value." We do not believe this; how is it,
Messieurs Tiusteest
MomYs or -rai sr.—William Thomas, an itin
erant clock mender, was employed to repair the
clock of the Court House, at Nashville, Tenn.., and
on Tuesday night week, fell over the ballustrado to
the paved floor beneath, some 50 feet killing him.
self. He lived to be fifty years old ; to qie us a fool
dieth"—into-Yicateil. ,
A onxim 'Lansingburgh Demo
crat statesthat aJohn Morrison of that place, went
off with a French woman named Sophia, carrying
away some six or seven thousand dollars Of part
nershipfunits, thereby ruining a very Worthy man ,
who was engaged with him ; in business..
Astonci the meet beautiful novelties at the Na-
Pair,says 114isier, were glass bonnets,
made byJosephißsed, of Philadelphia; Each bon
net contains 140,000 yards of spun glass rendered
perfectly pliablel The price was 30 doUars.
WCiOD3 Fini.—A range of Over 8 miles of
woodland in the southwest pan of Plymouth,
Mass., was reduCed to ashes on Tuesday, and at
the last accounti the fire, which took from a coal
pit was still raging. Near 2000 cords of wood
bad been consumed.
WEIAT the little boys and girls
of Beiton between the ages of seventeen and urea
tpone, are talking about sending up a petition to•
the theatre committee, to permit them•to go to the
theatres, or "elseythere;" without being accompa
nied by their pa's and ma's.
Oa • STarkii,--l'be Journoytnen Coopers of
the thy hare struck for an aiivance of their wages.
They marched in procession through the city yes.
TRT: LZWISTOWN Corr err Bs . rit—at Martins
burgh, N. Yy the president of which “institution'
was arrested in New lurk a few weeks ago, has
resumed its businfts; capital
Flr. the Morning. Po4t
Ma. Enrrorr-Tour 'paper of the Ist inst. con
nects my name -with the political claims of cer
tain candidates for public . . office. I am' no politici•
an; nor have I any anxiety to breathe the demor
alizing atmospheie of party warfare.. However, as
a citizen, 1 desire to give "an account or my stew
artahip," in relation to my appointment as .one of
the Reviewers of the Jack's Run Bridge." My du
ties, as a Reviewer, were assumed under the fol
lowing authority:
To William 4sion, Wm. S. Stern and George Ha
I You are chosen and appointed inspectors of a
Bridge at Jack's Run, in Noss town«hip.• on Thurs.
day the Itith insr, at 10 o'clock, by order of the
Court of Commis ier:ern of Allegheny county.
You are also requested to value the Paraperwallsi
as Mete is no agteettient for them, the balance of
i the work seconding to agreement in for stone work
$2,50 per perch of 25 feet.
Embankment, )2 cents per yard of 2.7 feet.
Jack's Rua, July 10th, 11343
In conformity ! with the requirements of the
above order, the 'annexed Report was made and
handed over to the Commissioners of .the County
for the legal each of Court. Why the serum was
not laid before the Judges of the Court of Quarter
Sessions, those who have had it suppressed may
To the Judges 4r.:i of the Court 4'c:
In accordance 4ith the above orde . r,kce, the sub.
scribers, after being duly -sworn, haft inspected
rand measured the ;Bridge over. Jack's; Run, on tbe
lßeaver road, built. by Dickson & Miller, contrac.
itoes; but as there is neither Plan nor I specification,
nor written agreement, the commissioners and '
tractors communicated the verbal agicernent, and
also the depth of fnundation and thickness of walls
and according to their statement, we find it to con.
fain as follows, viz,
2450 Perches of Masonry, $2,50, $6,125 00
2055 feet extra cutting on parapet
walls, at 10c. per foot, 205 50
2039 yards embankment, 12c. a yard, 244 GS
As there is a deficieney in the south east wing
wait for want of a proper plan on the part of the
Commissioners and partly from carelessness by the
contractors. we hive agreed to deduct from the a
bove sum SQ.OO. According to the above state
ment we and for the,contractors six thousand four
hundred and sixty.five dollars and eighteen_ cents,
($0465-18,) Signed: WM. ALSTON,
WM. S. KEEN, •
Pittshurgh,July .20th, 1840.
I have but a wont to add: In view of the extra
ordinary character of this bridge job, the Review
ers availed themselves of the provisions of the 41
and 43 sections of tho act °Mine 13,1830, entitled
"an act relating to roads, highways and Bridges."
The act will be found in Stroud's Punkin, sixth
edition, page 041. And tinder the authority of
that act; the Reviewers made the deduction of two
hundred doilans against the contractors, leaving the
commissioners to adjust their part of the account
with the proper auditors. Mr. Forsyth, Mr. Ma
gill and Mr. Cunningham, were the Commission
ers when the Bridge Job was given to Dickson &
Miller. , (oct 5;1840,) WM. ALSTON.
SOME7III7O Pair PAS:HERS T 0 IhAn.—The fol
lowing paragraph is from the Philadelphia Spirit
of the Times:
Good News for the Agricuituralists.—Amorican
produce is advancing rapidly in price:abroad, Cot
ton is up—flour is up—grain is up—all kinds of
bread-stuffs are up; , l--in fact, we could not ask-a
better state of things, looking only to the interests
of the American' people. Where is the Whig
panic_now? Where is the distress, - andwhere the
short prices predicted for our farmers by the Whig
politicians? Exactly where they always Are—in
the vocative! Our country is on the:high road to
prosperity. _Providence smiles upon us. A good
government is legislating wisely for' us. ' The
panid-Makers and croakers are desperately vexed,
and thank Hemen! we hope they-may have reason next century, • - .
Nu -Yong Lux' Bosroa flittatoam.—We learn
iron' the Middleto6 Sentinel:that the subscrip
tions to the stock of this rotid in that place, al
excee4 three htindred thousaha dollars—and
it eitpiictea thvylvillp up to $350,006. In Wit
iinstptic it is believedi sails • the Sentinel, that
0 10 9, 00 P willte subscribed, . In Dlerv'Haven the
'stock is not s 6 briskly taken. -
' '
ltrassachusetts.--Artem as Hale declines to be the
whig candidate for representative in the 9th con
gress district, and the governor and council have
appOinted Nov. 9, the day of the annual election
for another trial. Let the democrats select a good
candidate r and run him in. • •
. • •
Maine.—We Consider it very doubtful which
party is to rule the next political year in Maine.
Thomaston and Bristol, strong democratic tpwria,
have elected three whigs upon a second trial for
representatives. In. Portland, two whigs were cho
-sea on the second trial, as mud. ,
The Atlas publishes a table of 'returns of the gov
ernor vote from 290 towns, showing a democratic
gain over last year of 2258, a whig gain of 4302,
and la scattering gain of 3830; net democratic loss
5874.. Total vote 73,434. Majority against Bron
son, the whig candilate, FourrrEEN Tuousavla
airVFx TIUNDIZZA AND TIPZNTr. • The tables of
the Age and:Argus.are-a little better for our side.
Cpunedirut.—The democratic state convention
is called to meet at Middletown on the /Ith-No - -
!ew Jerse.Y.—thin: Joseph;E. FAlsall,,has been
re•ntaninated for congress by the democrats of the
3d district of New Jersey.. composed of Sussex,
Wai'ren and linnterdon counties., ile is for the tar
iff of '42, and voted against that of '4O. Dr. Wm.
A. Newell of Monmouth' co., is the whiu. candidate
for Congress in the 2d district; composed of Mon.
mouth, Burlington and Mercer counties. The Tri
bune fears nativeism will poll a feW hundred votes
there and let in a democrat
Givrgia.—The . electionlor members of congress
is to' be on the first Monday of October: the follow..
leg are the candidates:--
Democrats. Whigs,
Ist Dist. • S. Cohen.. .Thomas B. King.
2d " A. Iverisoti ...... H. Crawford.
34 : 0 G. W. Towns. JOhn W. Jones. •
4th IL A. Haralson, ...Wm. Moseley;
fith -!" J.ll.
6th It Cobb • Gen. Cleveland.
7th 1" iren.Tumer . .. A. 11: Stevens.
Stli R.• W. Flail rney. . Toombs. • •
Wiscomin. l .--The whigs will probably have but
7 delegates iti the convention; the democrats have
chosen, about. SO. The legislature will ulso be
strongly democratic.
The whig papers are jtist now afllieteil with the
potaio rot. That is—for we admit the term re
quires some explanation—they are alarmed at the
progressive rise in the prieet of bread stritll , , and
most lustily, to shun• that the pot to rot has
been the great cause: The truth is, they are the
only !persons who are at all alarmed at the bright
pms*cts of the farmer. Our worthy cotetnpora•
ry of; the North ,loniricati is, however,
_The most
unfortunate of all• In commenting upon an arti
cle in a late number of the Poiwy/cariicto, on this
subjeet, that newspaper says:
. .
"The rise of 'Bread Stotts has been in no man- In this department we can Mk t greatbargains,
from Auction sales of importers In New York and
Incr Milne/iced as yet by the repeal of the Tariffof,phdadelphin, among - which are splendid Terkerri
1642; and the establishment of the Tariff of Ibilli. i Shawls; Super Cashmere, du.; Embroidered Terkel ,
Wc are nut prepared to. say whether it will be so isi, do.; Plain and Embroidered Thibet, do; Super
ler not, though see hare lon ago raptured our firm ' f heavy Ottoman Silk, do.; Splendid India. Silk, do.;
lopionifn shot our own agrieulfurubsfs can &rive nolExtra Hernani, dm; Hears , French Crape, do.; Plain
I brittlir paw its oprrattem" 'land Embroidered Cloth, do.; ; Plain, Figtel. an ;Em-
We regret that we hare not now within reach L b o m . W at e i red sso pe o . ; Leinee ; do.; Splendid French R "c lia
i Brocha and Cashmere Long Shawls,
° glowing compliment paid a few I ' l ' 6 " ag' b y rand an immense variety of different desc.riptions rif
the .rt'orth .iforrican to Mr. IrrataTtlL It was i Fall and Winter Shawls, many of them - will be sold'
not nictely c.V,pressi&e of admiration of his talents, !at half the coat of importation. ,
but a untxm Inded confidence in the man. Thus 1 CLOTHS AND CASSLILERES.
introduced, we oiler the following opinion c ` i 1114 I I
Embraced in our stock of these are Super, French,
grearstatemtan upon this very subject. In Mr.; w,,,, t o f England, and American Cloths,- of almost.
Web-liter's celebrated speech at Baltimore,i in 1843, I eserycolor--Hcavy Tweed Cloths; Beaver and Pilot
he laid down the doctrine of commercial reciproci- „Cloths for over -coats; Super Black: Cassitneres; Pan
ty, with- * gredt and convincing ability. lie then fey Striped, do. in great variety, &c. &r..
propered to effect by treaty what has since been I
effected. by the recent acts of Great Britain and BLANKETS! BLANKETS!!
Extra American Premium'Blankets; Supr Whit
'the United States,- vit., ash arrangement for . the ad big, do; Heavy Twilled, do; Rose, do; and a num
miftion into England for coniumption. at lower berofoher makes of extra quality. -
, rates of duty, of several of our large agricultural I LIMES' CLOAKLYGS.
products: • • •
-In considering this," he said, "every body asks Plaid, do; Heavy Gala do. for do.
what _is the paid pro (pre--what is the equivalent New style Ombro Shaded Cloakings; Handsome
'for this concession!. Vadosthtedly, the only inthae. A very large assortment of Alpacas' and Merinos,
total icy mulct hold o u t to
.Enttlatul would Le a nso4:6-, of every quality and price. French Merinos and
fu - otion of the tTetriff of ISCI..^ Bombazines, both" Black, and colored. $ ;
Strengthened by this high authority—though we ALSO, Cassinettat Red, White and Yellow Flan
; are willing to admit that the partial failure in the i nels; Tickings; Checks, Diapers; Brown and Bleach- I
cromi , of Europe has had its natural sired—we fed Table Linens. *Sbectings; Table Cloths; Canton
l Flannels; heavy Gloves; Silk and Linen Ifilkfs.;
think'our opinions as -to the consequences of
t h e i
Stocks; Collars, &c. &c., all of whc
new Tariff upon our agricultural products,
selling much lower than we have ever hwe
before are been'
not quite as inpirioirs as they are pronounced by enabled to
C o. the Nardi .inirricrio. which not only diCets from Tailors, lothiers, and Country Merchants are
us on this subject, but elm, from one whose preach- especially in.vited to examineeur stock of French]
togs in the Whig church gave been pronounced al- , Cloths, Cauirnercs and restings, 113 `WC are prepare d
most Oracular. Earn admitting the full extent of ito eel) Goods to those who buy to sell again, as tow
present i l d.las they can be bought in Me regu/ar way in the Last
our cOtemporarys argument, that the
vance,in prices is not caused by the repeal of the irrn Cities. and by b 2 vinq a buyer resident in the
Tantrof It'll cast
, is not reasonable to suppose that l . . t attendantwe have rare Ca
once our Indian Cons and products make their way the Auctions,
i climes for procuring new and desirable Goods, at the
. we are regularly receiving
into the British and other markets, no matter how, ; new Goods every few too est possible prices'
days through the
that under the healthful influence of the liberal ALEXANDER 4 , DAY',
laws of the of governments, that they will keep °cal 72 Market at.; N. W. cor of the Diamond.
and control these markets?—Pearniy/rannin.
FOR SALE--A large assortment of almost all sizes
'of window sash and glass to suit wheia wanted;
yebow and purple carpet chain; sconol books; slates
and pencils; writing,-letter and wrapping paper, ink
and quills; a variety of handsome house pictures and
paper hangings in any quantity to suit purchasers.
I. IfARRIS, Agt. and Corn. Merchant,
octsAlw No. 12, St. Clair at.
On Saturday last the deputy sheriff applied to
the police for a posse to serve the writ on Col. Ste
venson, chief of the Californian expedition. The
passeovas despatched under the charge of officer
Smith, but it 'vvas again ordered off from the ship
Thomas H. Perkins, and the squadron immediately
weighed ancher, leaving behind a number of the
memend a woinan whose husband and children are
on board the Perkins: An order was at once is
sued by. the Mayor, at the request of the chief of
police, directed to Major Storms, commissary of
the state arsenal, for three hundred stand of arms,
for the use of the police, to capture the ship Perkins
and Col. Stevenson. The. police having been ar
ranged in .the state arsenal in Center street to re
ceive their arms, General Storms discovered that
the mayor's orders were informal, and such as
would not warrant the delivery of the arms froth
his custody. dlleantime the squadron passed down
the Narrows in tow tit' steam tugs, and soon disap•
peared from, view. The squadron got to sea about
three .;:r'clock P. M.-N. Y. Sim.
ca,t365 .1
The Herald 'says...-.
"The vessels did not sail hurriedly, nor on ac
count of any dread of ne exeats, Stillwell acts, or a
habeas carpus; the order was given on the evening
before to all concerned to be ready at 9 o'clock the
following morningovhen the transports would cer
tainly sail. They were detained an hour - after that
time, by delaying stragglers, when quietly and with
a universal good feeling prevailing, the little fleet
proceeded, on its way. •
We' are informed; that, in a 'short time, a vessel
will sail with • stores for i the expedition, and that
any who were accidentally left behind 'on Saturday,
can be conveyed to meet their comrades, free of
The statements that nearly one hundred were
left behind are untrue; thirty is probably rather
over than under the number. ) -
Chances Sugaprogted Vegetable dis
eases have their origin is impurity of blood. How
ever excellent the general health;there is no secu
rity against fever, where thebilood is impure, as in
dicateir by eruptions of the' skin, vertigo, head
ache,Jassitude, Fcc. The best. purifier of the blood, -
is Clieller's Sugar-coated Pill, which is so skilful
ly compounded, that it does not cause griping, the
great oblection to all pills The envelope of sugar
prevents all:nausea, so that, save from the power
ful, yet easy operation, the patient would hardly
be aware that he 'had taken= any medicine at all.
So well convinced is Dr. Clickner of the efficacy
of his pills Al all specified cases;that he is pledg
ed to return the money, when the promised effect
is not produced.
Sold by Wily Jackson, corner of Wood and Lib
erty streets, who is'general Agent for Dr. Clicke
flees( Pills in Pittsburgh and vicinity.
ANDREW Warr% has not removed his Veni
tiera Blind Factory to the corner ,of Market and .
Third streets, as many have supposed, nor is he in
any mapner connected - with that stablishment.
• octl-dlw , •
Prom the Boston Pbst
Prices of.Adniiksipn: >- ,
First Tier, 50 cents. Second Tier, 27i cents
Third : 4 :f 20 : 44 I Pit, 25 "
PEW7ATE crs.
'TUESD4r EVENING, OCT, 5; 1846,
Will be „acted a trapdy in five acts called
.. . . • . • . •Mr• OXLEY.
Jane Shoat) . :Mrs. SLOILAIT
A GRAND CONCERT of Vocal and Instrtanental Mu
sie by Ma. and the Mims &mans.
To conclude with the
Doors to open at 7, perrormance to commence at
7t precisely.
"ErracipEAw AGENCY:
TT KEENAN, European Agent, now,on his twen
tieth trip, in Europe, will in his'absence from
Pittsburgh continue to transact all business connect-
ed with his profetialon, through his Agent, J Axes
MAY, Merchant. Remittances of money made_ to all
parts of England,lreland, Scotland and the continent
of Enrope. Collections oflegacies, debts, inheritable
property and claims; searchesmade, copies of wills,
deeds and documents procured, 4ce. •
Wr Apply to or address (post paid) JAMES MAY,
Merchant, Water street, Pittsburgh. uctilt
53 Splendid Building Lots tiilinetion.
AT 2 o'clock, P.M., on Saturday the 17th inst.,
on the premises,will be sold 53 very handsothe
ly situated lots of ground on the Fourth street road
and AdjaCent streets, laid out by Mr. James B. Irwin.
o plan of which maybe seen at the Auction Rooms.
Terms-1.5 cash, or an approved endorsed note
at four months with interest, and the residue in four
equal annual payments with interest.
oct6 IMIN D. DAVIS, Auct:
ALEXANDER & DAY, take great pleasure in in
forming the inhabitants of Pittsburgh and the
NUM 1:1 tiling country, that they have just received a
splendid stock of Novi Fall Goods, of almost every
description,•a large portion of which having been
bought at "ction, at a great sacrifices, and from the
importers .and manufacturers at unpreeedenteilly
low prices,,enables them to, offer great inducemets
to Cash buyers; they would; therefore, respectfully
invite them to call and examine their stock, being
Confident that they will be pleased with the goods
and prices. •
Our stock of . ..Ladies' dim goods is very superior
and cannot be surpassed, consisting in part of ,
Super Satin striped Cashmere, Ombre shaded, do.;
Splendid. Figured, do. in great variety; California
and Clermont Plaids; Gala Maids; Chusans; Plain and
figured and Satin striped Siouslin de Lainesi Super
French and Scotch Gingham's; new style Embroider
ed do; splendid Cashmere and de Leine robes; Arrieri•
French and English Chintzes of the latest styles,
&cfsc. •
We have a very handsome assortment of Silks,
sxich as super Black and Blne Black, Fin! and strip
ed Silks; super Plain and Figured changeable, do.;
Outbre Shaded and Changeable Striped, do.; Plain,
Black and Blue Black Satins, Wide India. do; Plain
Black and Blue Black Silks, of ,estra quality and
width, suitable for mantillas, &c. lkc.
Fine Gold and Silree Watches.
A 'l
' THOSE who wish to.purchase Gold or Sil
ver Watches, or Jewelry, will find it to their
'seadvantage to call on the subscriber, who is
selling all descriptions of fine gold and silver watehes
and jewelry, on as good terms as may be had in the
eastern cities. •
Fine Gold and Silver English Patent Lever Wat Ches
" Geneva and French "
14 " 10 L'Epine Watches.
Ladies' and Gentlemen's Fine Gold Guard Chains
" " " " " Breast Pins.
Bracelets, Gold Pencils, and Finger Rings.
Silverware, Military Goods,Lanaps, and a large va
rietyof Fancy Goods.
Btr-117.atches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired in the
best naanner;and warranted at the lowest prices.-
oct9 corner Fourth and Market sts.
CORCHGS IN 29 casks received on consigiunent,
and for sale ' by J. D. WILLIAMS .& Co. .
octs No. 110, Wood at.
SOAP, 90 boxes Cincinnati soap received end for
ease by - (omit)) J. D. WILLIAMS Rz. 'Co:
ICE-10.Tiercee Rice just reed and for sale by
nLARET-2 casks Claret just received and for sale
ki by Loctlij .MILLEIft* RICKETSON.
RYE WANT ETI.-3000 bushels of Rye wanted, for
which cash will he paid by
octs - ' MILLER & RICKETSOIsi.
ANTERUF. WINE-10 casks Sauterne Wine,
just received on consignment and for sale by
BIJCKETS-20 doz. painted buckets just rec'd and
for sale by . MILLER & RICKETSON,
IDUTTER, 13 kegs fresh Butter received on con
signmenti and fur sale by
octb J. D. WILLIAMS & Co. •
BROOMS,, 50 dor. No. .1 Corn Brooms:
75 " 2 do. do.
50 - -" 3 do. db.
In store and for sale_ by J.. D. WILLIAMS & Co.
octs • No. 110 Wood street. '
Prime No.t I Tr
1 ' Ma im ck ' e d re B l l; in b 1 5 .15. &
cc it do
t , 1 Dalt. 'ferriage;
• '
Reed and for sale by J. D. WILLIAMS Bc.
octs •
TIGAD ) N. 0. Sugar;
kJ Lear - do - single refined;
do do double do
Crushed do. -
- Pulverized do
Clarified' do
In store and for sale by .7 D. WILLIAMS 6.. Co.
No. 110 Wood iiireet..
• • - DS -•
, • . .
No 76 ~Vooii Street . PitUburgh.
-UTE ied'ipectfallY inform our friends and the, pub;
lie that we.have just received frorn New York
Philadelphia,` a, large • and good -'aisor.ttnerit
'Foreign and Anierican Manufactured Variety Goods
-. B . ll4able_fcir western -Merchants and other dealers:-,-
We continue niake .tO • order and- keep._ eon
stanti handall"descriptitii.of Gilt; Nialiegariy•
.cOmmoni looking • glasses, - 1,2, 3, 4, -
drawer Toilets; • together with a full rissorttnene`of
French and German Looking Glasalnates of all sizes;
alr.Of which We will 'sell' at<a small advance on 'cost:
0ct241-3t • - ' - • I
.C,S. Pim=
T) IBBONS I R113E0116 I—Received at Barrows &
i t , Turner% 75 Sc. very handscime-(new. style)
bonnet ribbons at 12k cents per yard. Market street,
No. 46. -
OOKS--Combe- on the Constitution; Combo on
Digestion and Diet; Den:tourney in merloa;
De; France;.ljourney Under Ground; Cele
brated Trialsf Noorels Works; Wandering Sew; Mys=
rerien or Paris'ia French; Longinus on the ,Sublime;
NewnbaixOs Humanl.Magnetisn; Vegitable Phyai
*logy.. For, able by H. S. BOSWORTH &Co.
oct3 Nn. 43 Market at
rrins SUBSCRIBER having been appointed, Sealer
of Weights asict.lifeasures.for Allegheny County,
under an act of AssOmblY of 15th 184 n, would
yespectfully infdroi the . , public that no porpon;ialthin
the limits of' said_coibity Las authority to examine or
adjust any of the aforesaid weighti or measures, Un
less authorized by MO. OTIS' YOUTVG,
oct3-1w - Sealer of Weights for Allegheny Co.
Tobacco, gang' and' Cigar Otori,
1 - 172 T RECEIVED a very choice lot of manufae
.tured Tobacco, of various brands, among which
Branch's" Aromatic Ca.vendihh; .
Peyton's Honey Caw Fives; -
James Thonias', Jr„ Nectar Leaf;
John Ender's Honey Dew Ladies' Twist;
Lawre Lotter Baltitnore Plug;
Also, a. very fine lot - of Cuba filler Leaf, which Wit
he sold in small 'or large quantities.
'Together will every variety of Cigars, which wil
be sold Wholeiale or,retail.
sep2.s-Alm ; , . JACOB NP,COLLIB TER.
ladles, Dross Goods.
Tvirt • have justreceived n fine - assortment of the
VV handsomest styles of Ladies dress goods that
have ever been offered in this market, among which
are new style Cashmeres of splendid quality, Ombre
Shaded and Satin striped Cashmeres, a most beautiful
prime; splendid Caahmere Robes; Rich Fancy Silk's;
Clement and California Plaids; - also, 'a fresh stock
pi - Muslin de Laines• French and Scotch Ginghams;-
Alpaccas, Chintzes, Sze.;to all which we would
respectfully invite thq attention of the Ladies as we
are confident of theiri being pleased.
'No 75 Market stioet,
N. W. cot of the Diamond.
Iteo;ditig 'Xor the 4111.110tt.
- ,
dOST received at C001, , 5, 85 Fourth at, the fol
lowing chomp and late publications:
New York Illustrated Magazine for October, beau- ,
tifully embellished with foursplendid engravings.
Columbian Magazine for October.
'Marian and His Men, an Historical Romance by
the author' of Paul lopes, Szc.' , .
The Creole, from the (lonian of Zcholcket, trans
bated by' G. . 1).
The Temptation, a Romantic Tale by Eugene Sue.
Latreaumont, or the Court Conspiritor, by Eugeob
Sue. • . .
Living Age,'No. 124.
Nursery ithinies--Tales ani.L.Fables----a beautiful
yolume, and a gin for all seasons.
, Vestiges of Creation, new edition,. and one half
the price of the first.
Corrine of Italy by Sladame D'Stsel.
Sicilian Vespers, or the White Cross of St. Luke's,
an Historical Romance. -
Also, agreutytuiety; of Sound Books, cheap pub
lications, &c., at i COOK'S,
sep3o • S 5 Fourth street.
an account of the Geography, History, Govern
ment, and Resources, and noted citizens of the State;
with a map of the State and of each County; for the
use of Schools; by TliOnAt3 H. ;Joaznowars. •
The above desedbed book may with the uttnost
propriety be recommended to the attention of Direc
tors of Public Schoolti, and to Teachers in general.
The autborin his preface states, « A book calculated
to impart to our 'youth a full and accurate knowledge
of their own State, liaS long been 'deemed necessary.
Whether this Will supply the want, experience alone
can determine.' . The counties are not treated in al-
Aube-Heat order', but in classesy according to theiz
form of surfaceiproduCtions, and historical relations.
To carry out the design, a small state map, in addi
tion to the several county maps, has been construct.
with the classes of counties marked upon it."
For sate by the doi. and retail at the Book and
Paper 'Warehouse of LUKE LOOMIS, Agent.
sop 30 • No. S 9 Wriodst. Pittsburgh.
SOMETILING :WM.—Ladies> end Gentlemen's
Oyster Roams,' Engle Saloon, Wood street
OYSTERS! OYSERSI!---The proprietor respect-
Silly informs hia friends and the public that the Ea
gle Saloon will be open this evening. Monday, Sept.
25th, for the reception of Ladies and Gentlemen.
The Saloon will be canductedOn strict tevperance
prindpies. Dinners and other meals will bo provi
ded on the New York Plan at any been of the day,
at a price Within the, reach of the most economical.
We feel thankful for the great patronage we have
received since our ,opening, and assure the Lactic -
and Gentlemen pf Rittiburgh and vicinity, that ea
traordinary exertions will be made to promote the
pleasure of vistors and to make the Saloon a re
spectable and permanent place of resort during the
full and winter. See bills of - fare at the counter.
Balls andparties furnished - with suppers, -&c. at
short notice and stylC unequalled.
sept3o-tf.- : -
1,11:antell, for Cash.
1 000 "S
.coerse bagging in , large pieces, for
. whiCh - Iwill pay 11 cents per pound, de
livered at my store 81 Wood street, or at my rag room
in Virgin Alicybetiveen Wood and Smithfield.
sep2l . JllO. IL MELLOR, 81 Wood street.
Fall and Winter Dry Goods. .
No. 62, Afarket Street, Simpson , s Row,,
'ETAS received 92 cases' and packages of Cheap
I - I Foreign and Staple Dry Goods, ‘vhich have been
recently purchased at ruinous low prices in the east
ern markets, and will lie sold at exlremely lo* rates
We name in part:
Splendid shaded Pekln and other styles dress silks,
black and blue black aro de Rhines, Poult de Sole.'
and Gro de Swiss; ; new style French cashtnereil;
Mous de Lains; new, style cashmere robes; Oregon;
and California Plaids; new. style Ginghams, superior'
quality; Alpaccas and Opines..;
srlAwLs! sim S
French Cashmere, Terkerri Printed, very rich;
Zephyr 'Worsted, Brecha, Damask, Thibet, Merino,
Woolen and other shawls.
Linen Cambric• handkerchiefs, all prices; nem
Stitched and Revere :Bordered ildkfs;lrish-Lineni in
great variety; Linen Shbetings; Damask TableClottri
and Table Damask; I3ira's Eye, Scotch and lincker
buck Diapers; Brown Table Covers, Damask IsLiR.
kins, Crash, &c. ' ,
' New styles of Prints ' of all, qualities, one case as
low as 4 eta.; one- case Crane and Blue, slightly im
perfect, 61 cents; good dark Prints; fast colors, as
low as 7 cents. ' fine dark blue-do. 9 cents; very rich
do. for 10 and 12: cents usual price IS and 20 cents.
sixteen bales brown Mastitis, every quality, at factory
prices. Kentucky Jeans for 20 cents. Cassinetta as
low as 2S cents.' Canten Flannels 9 cents. Also,
tickings, flannels; stripes, - checkb, blankets, counter
panes, plaid I inseys, bleached goods of every variety;
one case Nankeen as low as 9 cents per yard.
Black, blue, olive; brown, drab; French, English,
and American Cloths, from $2 to $8 per yard. Sup.
black and fancy Cassimeres, all prices. Satin, Ye! vet - ,
Cashmere and Silk Vestings. A full stock of gloves,
handkerchiefs, cravats), hosie4, i:intlershirts, draw
ers, &c.. - - -
Cash purchasers are respectfully inAtedlo . call and
examine our assortment before making..their 'selec
tions: Selling exclusively for cash, we feel confident
that we can offer greater inducementalelnlyers than
those who practice the credit system.
sep29 ! _ .
GroundC h i pped c L a o m g , w vo o o o d d . .. •
• 3 ‘‘' :No. 1 Herring.
At Trirrod Shad.
20 " ,No, 1 and 3 Mackerel.
No. 'I Salraon.
Received and for sale; by . .
D.WItLIAMS dr. Co.
22. ; No.llo Wood street
C .
ANDLES, 6 boxes. Sperm Candles.
- 10 cc Star ; do.
5 c ;Stamer mould da.
6 ' 4 JD d do.
For sale
.13 Dripped
!FP. .4 ? . - No. 110 Wood street.
, IVotico.
; Just !Published.
.Coteinc ED DAILY DY
, .
contn.ty or minus Arm wool) ernmrs.
.••••••L - .) ,
Philadelphia. Banks State Bank & brandies. 4t.•
Pittsburgh.; Shawneetown .... • ..70w
Lancastor.par :. anssoDnr.
Chestertounty.. l ....par State Bank & branches.
,county. • .par . TENNESSEE.
Montgomery county. •pat All solvent banks 36
Northumberland Pat n. Ann s. cAnourra.
Columbia Blidge All solvent banks.....2d
Doylestown-. . . .... par
Reading ; D
• ar •in solvent banks D. :;Id
Bucks county, .. ....par NEW •• .
Pottsiille par . r
New Yorweity.....: . par
U. States Bank ......28d
:Brownsville.• •• . •id Countr y
- .
Washington...," • • • • • -id MARYLAND.
• - -
AU other solvent bks:2d Baltimore
' • • • • •Par
Lewistown Bank,: - ;2od C9 aa tr Y • ..... •.•• • • • 'id
Mer &Man.bk.Pittill.par Mar & FaC Co.
- 1111/13.1435
State. Scrip . ruarrantr.
City and C0unty.....1 id Farm and Mech bank. IR
onto: - - All Other.Solvent.....lod
Exellango-4•Ati' Rates;
New Y0rk........ prat
Pltiladelphin„ .. .......t Fut
Gain AND SPECIE vAirrn.
Frederickdors .07 SO
Ten - Thaler.v.. .7 SO.
Ten;Guilders." . ...3 90
Louisdsors,. .. . . 50
Napoleon `:`:.......5 80
Ducats.". ......2 15ra
Eagle; . . . 60
new . . .. . ;10 00
Doubloon, Spanish, .16.00
De. Patriot
Guinea.... -
Lancaster 10d
Farmers , Ilk Canton . :.2sd
Urbana e :.:40.
State Bk & branches...lld ,
" ecrip,s &Op, e...5pm
All solvent 8ank5....114
Eastern Banks /13
Wheeling • id
do. branches .....
Bech at Morgontown..ld
Book and Job Printing Od
"proprietor of the Morning Post and rider=
aury and Manufacturer respectfully informs his
friends and the patrons of these papers, that ha
has a large and well chosen assortment of -- '
Nece-ssary to a Job •Printing- Office, and that be
is prepared to execute - •
Books, • Bills of Lading, • - Circulars,
Pamphlets, Bill heads, • Cards,
Handbills, !
Handbills, Blank Checks, Hat Tips...''
All kinds of Blanks, Stage,Statraboat and Canal
Boat Bills w ith appropriate cuts, printed on the ithoit.:
csinceice and most reasonable terms.
He respectfully asks the patronage of his frieads,
and thd,public in general, in. this branch or, hie hti*;
ness.. tsept'22 ) L. HARPER..
TsT. received a very beautiful. assortment . :or
Mourning dress goods. Among them • may be:
found Lupine's superior Bombazines, at nearly half
their usual prices. Alpaca Lustrei3, - blacli, all wool,
Mous de Lames, Gloves • Crapes,.&c.; &c."
0c.2 BARROWS dTUILS'EIt,.4B ITarketst:
prrr, Brrwrztv.pp.riTh:AND iazzarip,
A T the junction of Ferry and Liberty, adjoiuing
Kinkaid's Plough Factory, where he continues
to manufacture ,rhe.Kest article made, in Pittsburgh
or Alle^'-^r.' )ourrear of contradiction, .which
will bi slowest possible rates for cash.
aN SHUTTERS, Stationary and
it)- My Venitian Blinds are always kept for sal9
by-H. H. RYAN, on Fifth street. • octl-ly.
Valuiable.Bulldlng Lot at * Anotitra:.
AT - 7 coclOck, P. Di., on.. Wednesday the 7th day'
of October,
at the Commercial Auction Rooms.
corner of WOod and Fifth streets, will be • sold tot
cash par funds, that valnablelot aground situate orr
the south side of SecOnd street, between Wood ands
Smithfield streets, commencing at'about 107 feet
from Smithfield street,having a frottrof 39' feet: and
extending back SO feet. • • • -
sept3o. .IOIIN D. DAVIS; Auct
No Care NOPay.
CiELLERSP LIVER 'PILLS . ---Thso celebrated
pills claim public confidence not only on account
of what the proprietor may say about them, - hut on
account of the good resulting from their use. Read
the. following statement from a citizen of Birming
BLIIIIDIGILAIS, June 24th, 1846. •
Mn. 11. E. Sextramr—l take this opportunity of ,
testifying in favor of your invaluable medicine. A
bout two years ago I was taken down with. a 'severe
kfflamation of the liver, and was so reduced by night
sweats and other effects of this dreadful diseane,that
my life was despaired of: • After
. other means had •
failed, I was advised by my physician to try ycitir
Liver Pills, and I must say that aßer taking one box
and abaft,/ have been restored to reasonable health,
which I enjoy at this time. I therefore take pleasuro
in recommendir2g them to others afflicted with dis
ease of the liver. Yours respectfully, • •
Jottx Gnu csn.
These- Pills stand unequaled bl any medicine
known for the care ofliver complaint, and may bo.
had of the proprietor, R.-E. SELLERS,-57 Wood st.,
Pittsburgh. . • - • • sep29
341guakets I Blankets VI
Irr2CETVED. THIS DAY, at; N0.:46-100 Pali.
Superior Twilled, Blankets, Country made, a
beautiful, article.
. .
Alsc, Fancy bound, in great variety; all tfiti of cti
are selling at 2.5 to - 30 per cts redne.ed prices?at
.N0.'.40 Idarket st» ',.,
persons labor under the' mistakei.idekthat
Goitre (an enlargement on ' the - throat; prodnaing,
great deformity,. and _often death *OM 'pressilie on
the wind-pipe and large blood-vessels,) is incurable:
This is a very great mistake:,' This disease, as well
ns Seven/Ls, are eradicated from the s,ystem by that
pleasant, yet powerful
.medicine,.l4.vaz's Atmeita.:
ITVE. It is ZS certain 20 mite when "Properly.used,
an that the sun givei light and heat. All is wanted
is a fair trial Hof its virtues, and the tensor, will begin
Ito diminish in size, and graihmlly become smaller and
'Smaller until it entirely disappears PreparedatNo.
8 South Timm street, Philadelphia.
For sale in Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TEA STORE,
1 Fourth street; near wood, , and also at the 'Dttlg
-tore of H. P. Schwartz; Federal streetkAllegheny
City. - • " ' sep
Assignees , Sole of:Pry Goods.
/WE Assignbes> of B. E: - Constable are,now sell
-11 ing off his entire stock ofFancy and Staple Dry
Goods, consisting o f Shawl s, Silks and Linens, French
and English Merinos, Black and colored Alpacas,
,Clothi;Cassitn erns, SatinettsaridVestings, White and
Red Flannels, White Goods, Prints and Gingham,
Bleached and
,Brown.,Shentings, Hosiery, Laces, &c.
Also, a large assortment of Gentlemen's. svess,
Silk and Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs; Shirts; Cra
vats, Stocks and Collars all of which will be disposed
of at GREAT BARGAI of.
!AFT ' - 111 cAorna - De r -W o f t l i a NG a c l l l. / O .E . E
I llllll ti trbeiLT:inertig:lgt°rznill'eens - -
!Qtivaniauhere the theory and practice of Wok Iteeti
leg can be acquired in such a manner as th'Cnable
the learner to apply it at once td ; business: ' In ad_
ditioh to his usual 'course of instruction in 'Double
Entry Book-keeping, he has prepared' for the use
of mechanics and "others who are-not willing to in
cur 'the time and expense necessary,,for acquiring
the science upon the Double „Entry principle, a - corri--
Ogle course of instruction.upon S,=cir,F.wrnir, licoit
R ;•
KEtrio. A coinfortable"private.parloris fitted,rp,
for instructing Ladies, either in Penmanship or Beek
keeping. Ladies' Class, 2t04, r. Gentlemenln
Class, 10 to 12,2 to 4, and 7to 9 'octt -
without eseeption,the most valuable prepartion to
use for the above diseases. It conierts.ODOPlNG ,
COUGH into a mild`and tractable disease „and shop.'
tens its duration ,more than one-half, and produces
a certain and speedy, recovery. From half to one,•
tea spoon full-will certainly cure. the CROUP in. in-.
fants and young Children in half an" hour'S
The lives: of hundreds of children will be saved an:
nually, by keeping it always orkhand ready for eve
ry emergency. ..Prepared at. No. 8 i south Third
Street, Philadelpiira. - . .
For dale lirPittsbuigh atthe PEKIN TEA STORE;
72 Fourth street, near. Wood, and_also it the. Drug
Store of .11 P. Sehnragt4-.Vederal§treet, Allegheny
City. . sep 23.
valuable. neva E . tlftte at At:ettmt.
IPthe Borough of Lawreneeville, by F. - 14 , Kertna,
Auct., on Saturday, October 10, at 3 o'clock:in
the afternoon„will be 501d ., -On the premises in the
flourishing. BM.lgh of. Lawrenceville, 15
Building Lots, seams , ' ot Which have improvementa
thereon, all of which'are situated in the most thri..,
wing part of the Borottgli, aid are well adopted either
for private, dw.elliegs or. etotes. . -
For further .. .particulars see handbills; and.riiquire.
at the'Auction Room ...of the, subscriber, where 4-
plin of the:lota can he seen.. Terms at sale. "
- -