The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, October 06, 1846, Image 1

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    VOL - :': - aLN'O: . :?:.(q . .
corner-of Woo,Vcirict ilfth
Ttitsts.--Fivo dollars a year, payable in advance.
Six d o na te witrinvatiably
• net paid
witbin the year: -
Single copies,Two crAirs--for sale at the counter
pf the Office, ad by News Boys.
• •a• • ' • fr • d
pubitahe at e.sapae .o ice, on a oub e inediunm
afloat, it Twa•DOLLATIS" yeaf; 'adi-adOei
... -
One in sertion,
.$0 50
_ . 0.75
Three do, _ 100
One wOolc, , I 50
Two • do,. 3 00,
; 400
Yearly' Adv
Ofit'Sgicare:' • •
Six rtiobth - j - ' ' " 910' 00
Ostet L
- Larger ativertisemontu ii
irr CARDS of four liues:
P.C. Shannon.
:A TFORNEY AT, LAW, Greensburg, Westmore
_Li land county; Pa., will practice in the West
moreland, Indiana and Cambria courts. decB-y
• -:!WilltarraDVillialnori f
A TTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor in Chancery
1 - 3,..l2driceiiißarrs new building, Filth street, be
tween Wood and aug 1 I
Din t avr & DlPKnight,
TTORNEYS . AT LAW, Office removed the
residence of S. -Magian', on Fourth st., one
;loon kora Cherry Alley. - ap2l-y
Wills cH. Donnelly,
112 Pittsburgh; Pa. Office on -fourth et. , between
Stuttifficld -and Grant.
Ednnind Snowden;
. . ,
`/V. TTORNEY AT LAW, office on
/I, the North oorner'of Fourth and Smithfield
streets. .
ilarrtilto4 Bruce,
AttaTTORNEYS AT LAW, office North side ! 0.
Fillfi:itreet„ between Wood and Smithfield sm.,
ibrigh, ~Collections made on reasonable
terms. -
M. Morrow,
•A• LDERMAN, ofliee north - si" 'Fifth street,
21. between Wood and Smiihfi - h.
seplft-iy • ' -" • .
' Arlin-Ow Burke
TTORNEY AT. LAW; office, Smithfield street,
bet teen Fourth street and Diamond. Alley, op
posite Mr. Geo..WcyfriariN tobacco manufactory.
AA TTpIt;NEY AT :LAW, office : in the chalnbprs
byAlder.tnan ItPlitasterecin Tifth•st.,
between Wand aid ScnithGcld. ' upiSty
AL , Candless &allelnre.
/ - 1_ office, on Fourth street, opposite It. & IL H.
Patterson's Livory.Stable, Pittsburgh. soplo-7
9 • Foirward-47. , ,Sys:aytzlrelder,
..TTORNEYS AT .LAW, Fourth street between
Wood . ail Smithfield, opposite Potterson?s
cry ntable. , ap7l
• Georte 'P. GUlTutire,
TTORNEY AT LAW; Officeiti Breed's build
ings, :4th st.,..above Wood,. Pittsburgh, Pa.
sep!pctly . ••-• '
- • • .C.Orlando . Loomie,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, office Fourth at., above
Smithfield. - • jillyl.l
. .
A BEELEN. has removed-his c ommissionm and for
;1-1...warding business 6om the Canal, Basin to his
new warehotme on ThirOtreet, nearly opposite the
Post Oilice. - '. ._ maY3O-y
- fliclaard. Cowan, .
A TTO4NEY AT LAW, office in Stuart's build
ings, Fonitb st., above Wood. , junel9-d •
; Sohn Bizz:rell,
A TTQRNEY AT LAW,. having returned front
r t,k. his European tour has talon on office on the
north cast corner of Fourth and Smithfield its. Per
sons haring hid btisiness and papers in the hands of
Samuel liangstori, Esq:, deceased, will call oh the
above; as all the unsettled business of Mr. Kingiton
has been left in his hands. . marti-N
Charles H. Hays,
ATTORNEY AT .LAW, Pittsburgh,. Pa. Cona
tnissianer to take the proof and acknowledge
ment-of - deeds, leased, contracts, deposites or other
writings, to; he redorded,or:Psed in the States - o
Xentucky," indium and Tennessee. Office No. 80,,
Sturaii!sbuildfrigs.,, Fourth street. inarl2-y
Jarnes S. Craft,
Pittsburgh, Pa, ) having resigned the office a
ecretary P. Nay. and Fire Ins. Co., will attend spe
cially to coßeetions'artd 'business connected , with
navigation, insurance;accounts and real estate. Bu
siness hours, 9A. M.-to 9P. M. Office, No. ),
Stuart's buildings, (No. 80; Fourth st.,) second 'door
east of Wood street. feb3-y
.Eilmrl.l 'C. Wilson,
Franklin, Venatigo, County, Penna., will atten
promptly to all business his care—col
leetiona made in Warren, Clarion and Jefferson eo.,s
.J. A. Stockton & Co.
Murphy, Wilson & Co. - Pittsburgh.
John Sigler '
. - .
Hon. JameslCinnear •
' ' - - Franklin.
Hones Alex. M'Calmont,
on. James Wilson, Steubenvl
le, Ohio: juy23-y
-- .
..... JohnA.Parld neon,
A LDERMAN, Fifth Ward, Penn street, between
A L . Walnut and (Pam streets, where he may be
round at all times: Tliose having houses or other
property to sell onrent, ban have the same punctu.
ally attended to; debts - collected, and all the duties
of an Alderman - will receive prompt attention.
oet27-y •
N. Holum!' dr. Sco;ij
:111ANKEES and dealer's in Foreign and -Domestic
Bills' of Exchange ' certificates of deposit, bank
notes: and "specie. Dra fts and notes' collected, and
iemittances made to any part of the United States,
No. 54 Market street. jan7-y
Johnstottek, Stockton,
II4 Maiket :street.. Sep 10-y
fieriya &
.No. IP Wood street, three doors below . Fifth,
Pit.bih4rgh, Pa. . -
Jame,s Patterson, Jr.,
tOR:Nglt of-First and Ferry streets, Pittsburgh,
.Pai,....inatitifaettirer of locks; binges and'.bolts,
t obieno, :fuller, mill and timber screws, homier'
t orews forroping AOOO.l
- -
1 . 47 m. A. ward,
lrin T., hasNTIS retrieved to' the plane of his for
'theireeklesc6-is Peon street, two 6°re - below
Trwin.. ' ' ' ' aplB-y
ikk Fancy' and' Star* Dry Goods, 83
-1,./ Market street, Pittsburgh: ' noslo
Edgar Thoin>s
RUG' and 'Filthily Medicine Storni corner of
Penn and Hand streets, Pittsburgh, Pa., -Phy
syciuns! prnse.riptionsneiluratefy compoun3cd. Medi
eines can be had at all hours of the day or
Brownsville Juniiota Iron.Worles. •
jDWARD • LIUGLIES manufacturer of iron and
. nails,wurehouse;Smithfield above FOurth st.'
'd. ILPArialty . it Co.;
Sanp.l . l33Ain s Pittabtimla, mar3dy
`' •
AETILY dßitial;Sinithteld street., neit deer
to the Fifth Presbyterian Church. juneB
,- t , vv , ;) , j, .-, 7, -, ' ,7 .-7.. -, :1.ti , '::;.;; ,. .v7- - : , 5K - 17..: , z.4::.:1 - ,,:i,'R'57 , .';-,'= ; :z . .... : -.,
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. .
TT Sr. BOSWOR.TII & Co., No. 43 Nlarltet street,
next door to Tl3ird street, are just opening-2
new and extensive assortment of Books and Station
ery,which-thejlvill tell, wholesale, and rota!, at the
lowest prices. ' • ' , ar2sl
$5 00
6 00
7 00
8. OD
15 00
Ono month,
Two -do,
Three. do, - .
Four, .4q, •,
Six dp, ;
.. ,
jtCCCESSODS yozristrie 4ND 11149WrIE0
MPORTERS :110 -manufacturrs Wall Paper
I and General papor.WarehoUse; No. 87 Wood
re :et, Pittsburgh. - ' - • jai)
wm. omara noiThison,
LATE I. S. Attorney, pai removed tame to
No. 8 St. Clair st.- - • I . septt-y
Two Slicaris.
Sin months, '••• • - •020 00
One year, • 30.00
T UMBER MERCHANT, office on Perm street,
14 between Irwin and Ifaild sts., Pittaburgh, Pa.
All coinmisaiona will-be promptly attended to. ruarik-y
11 proportion
- School Book and Paper Warehouse,
LUKE LOOMIS, Agent, publisher, bookseller and
boolibindtr, No. 89, Wood street, Pittsburgh.
mar2B- • • • •
Plikinton'a*Nurivalled Mack4ttg,
Icdesale and re-
TAinNtiFAcTUeßrat . an .
between wl enSixth and Virgin
C. Eden
1‘ a U r c ri ,T il r M o s r tr L e a e r t d n d e " i
t i l ' a ri rke e t a l l . P 4 l
side. . tear24-y
• . • 'Oz: Y Ye
Coleman, Egailmark dz. Co.,
- IVTANUFACTLTRERS. of 'Carriage Springs and
111 Axles, A. 8., and spring steel, and dealers in
coach trimmings of every - description, neunifactrn
on Si. Clair street, warehouse, 43 Wood street, op
positcSt..Charles Hotel. - ' -jan23-y
LEDLIF, manufacture and keep
constantly .Ots hand - cut, nsoulded and plain
Hint .Glassware in allits yarieties, at their warehouse
corner orAlarket and Water' streets, Pittsburgh.—
'Our .works Continue in full, operation, and ice are
constantly adding to our stock, which enables us to.
fill order/ with prousptnesS. Purchasers are respect
fully solicited to all and examine pricei and teitns.
111, ANUPACTURER: or ItsconaurrrnteTEETll,
Smithfield street, two doors below Fifth street
Pittsburgh, Pa.,lAlways on hand a full assortment or
Plate and Pivot teeth, of a variety of shades, us
simple Plate; Molars anti'lliscuspidatnes, fl um teeth,
Screw Pivot teeth, Sc. Teeth and blocks made to
order; Dentists supplied with all articles In thepro
fession.. All orderslrem abroad must be accompan
ied by-the'cash.
}'Ptatina alwars on hand.
Dr.-Daniel 31rilleal.
Ot'FICR on Sinitlifietil, three door* from Sixt
Pittsburgh. Zee 10-y
. .
OPl: it rCE, N0.:77 aliti3field strct, near Sixthst.,
• • • - • ' P. Blume, •
in Mu-
VANO FORTE tn . anufacturer find deale r sical Instruments,trocots, N0.'112 Wood street, iwar
Fifth. • novl9-y
Jamey natter.
pAINTEIt, Fifth, near Market at., Military flags,
Banners, signs, designs for steamboat Wheel
houses, and fancy painting, of every description neat
ly executed at the shortcut notice. jy27-cl6nr
George Bailer,
PLUMBER, and manufacturer of Pumps and Hy
drams, which are superior to and chewier than
any in the city. 'Please to call and examine kor your
selves. Fourth Street, between Smithfield and tiler
ry Alley. Hydrants, and pumps repaired. janl-y
ECTIFYING DISTILLER, and wholesale deal
er iti Foreign and Domestic Wines'and Liquors,
No. 114 Liberty street, and 53 DianiOnd Ailey, Pitts
burgh, Pa. • ll2l—y
Sellers, U. D.
D ESIOVED to, Penn st., between Irwin and Hand
rik, streets, five doors below Hand at.. aplfi-y
iliugh Azters,
IirtGEON DENTIST, 118 Liberty street, a few
kj doors below St. Clair st., Pittsburgh. ap2S-y
sale and retail draggiats, and utanufactuthra of
white lead, red lead 'and .litharge, corner of Wood
and Second sts,; Pittsburgh, "Pa. norl3-y
UCCI?.SSORS to Irvine & Martin, wholesale gro
cers, producti antLcommission merchants, and
dealers in Pittsburgh raanufletared articles, No. 56,
Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. apS-y
- Jolan D.PClOskeyi
'TAILOR AND CLOTHIER, Liberty st., between
Sixth street and Virgin Alley, south side.
J. D. Wllllztrias & Co
WIIOLESALE and retail grocers, Forwarding
and commission merchants, and dealers in
country produce and. Pittsburgh Manufactures. No.
110, Northeast corner of Wood and Filth streets.
sep. 8.
B. A. Fahnestook d. Co.,
WHOLESALE and retail Druggist's, corner Sixth
V V ~ and Wood l streets. sept2-y
STORE, corner of Wood and Fourth streets,
Pittsburgh 9apl4-y
'UTHOLESALF., and retail dealers in foreign and
.domestic Wines and Liquors, exclusively,
N0.,18 Market street. apSp
• - C. Martin) -
117110LESAL.F. and retail Grocer and dealer in
YV Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors,
Foreign and Domestic Fruit, Nuts, exc., No. 60 Water
street. tieps-y
- Lambert do Shiptony
1r Commission Merchants, dealers in produce
and-Pittsbnrgh manufactures; Nos. 133 and 135 Wood
street, PittabOrgh, Pa. = • feb2-y
VV Merchants, No. 7 Commercial Row, Liberty
`street, Pittsburgh. • al9-
WHOLF.SAIE GROCIIRS, dealers in produce
and 'Pittsburgh manufactures generally, No.
224 Liberty, 'opposite 7th street, piitsbui g h. ap2S4
, .• . •
iITHOLESALE and retail dealer in Music and
Musical—lnstruments, Piano Fortes, School
Books and Stationery, No. 122 Wood street, Pitts
IVIIOLESA:LE GROCERS,' iinportera cello plate
l'Y and queensware, and dealers in copper and
Pittsburgh manufactured articles, Nos. 112 and 114
2nd et., between Wood and Smithfield sta. jal4-nl4.:y
WM. MOODY respectfully announces to his old.
friends that he intends opening a Select School
in this city, on the first Mohday,_in the!
basement of the Third Presbyterian Church. mar2l-t
- . . R. L. Sellers,
WHOLESALE . DRUGGISTond dealer in dye
stuff's, paints, oils, varnishes, &c., No.. 57,
Wood street, Pittsburgh
Dr. Wan. M. Wrighty
D.NTIST . Office and'reaidence in
- tft . ..N St. Clair st.:a few doors below
ear erty, near the &chance Hotel.
. ,
• - George Cicohrait,
12 No. 26 Wood st.,Pittsburgh. . novo7-y
R emos=al.
GEO. S. SWARTZ would, rea ectfullyrnfoiin his
friends and customers that he has ,remoced'to
N 0.106 Marlit street, between Fifth and Liberty sts:,
east side, where lie is redeivingnJarge and well as
sorted 'stock of Spring goods, Whichlie would rd
spectfully iiiiitelheir attention. ap3-d6m
New BOok Store
L. Willa arth!,
Flint:Glass Establishment.
Otto Kuntz,
Dr, George Watt,
J. Bryar,
Ogden & Snowden,
31,artin & Smith,
Thomas 3111 lees
Sterett & Coq
John Scott
J. &..44.1117Devitty.
POrk, Jr, & Co.,
Select Soh
IFranklin -I-louse, Fourth street,
Between Smilkfield And Grant Streets, Pittsthurgh
, SCHMERTZ; Preprietor, respect
vv fully inforrna his friends andthe public general
ly, that 'lie -will . open' the abolc splendid -House on
the Ist day
p f May next.
The Rouse being, now, andEilisbeil in she most
commodious and 'convenient maimer; and having it
furnished With the rieWeit and - mostbeutiful style of
foraiturc; Batters Ithaself that he will be able to at
aommedate his'friends and:the tuLiciling public, in
n3annet not inferior to any rilmllar establishment in
the city. • . • •
As the Howie is situated near the Court House, ar
ringemerits hate been made to serve up meals et-any ,
hour in the day, this.will be great-convenience to
; those awho are, in attendance at court.
' 01-Refreshments of all kinds can-be had. Boar
ders taken by the Week or day.
• .D::rLunch every day at 11 ceclock., A. M.
CEO. -
TAMES ARMSTRONG, Proprietor, Cornar_of St.
- Clair and Penn streets, Pittsburgh, the pruprie
tor begs leave to retina his mostgraterld thanks to
his friends and the public for.past favors, and hopes,
by attention, to merit Elton tinuation of their patron
age. The houise is pleasantly situated near, the Ex
change; it has accommodations fur travelers; and a
large room for public meetings . , dinner or supper par
Refreshmentsomlways - ready - , or prepared on the
shortest notice, with the choicest the ilarket will of.
ford. Gysters and Oyster Soup, also Fresh. Shell
Oysters, received every day during the.seasomi The
greatest care has beou the selection of wines
.and liquors. .A variety of newspapers are regularly
filed in the establishment,
P. S. A Hut Lunch scn•cd up every:day at 11,
up IS-y.
BY DOSSErr, Penn street, Pittsburgh, Penna.
Boartlingniur lodging, by the day or week, on
the most reasonable terms. Strangers will find-it to
their ttilv.intageto patronize him. Persons travelling
cast or west will find this' hones a Convenient loca
tion—it is within one hinidred yards of the canal
basin, and convenient to the forwarding houses.
'Every inforuiatien given to iron Manttfacttirera in
all branches of the business.
Horne brewed ale' can at all' times be had at the
bar. novlo-y
Gl and 63, Wood street, under Lynd's Auc
tint[ store. • •The subscribershaVe fitted up *the
above place . io superior style, and they feel assured
will give comfort and satisfaction to all who may
visit them.
Arrangements have bean made to have a constant
supply of Pi.eo Oitalas, which will be served up to
visitors and families on the shortest notice. - Other
luxuries, candies ' 'fruit and . pastries of the Choicest
kinds always on band. Their Bar is filled - with the
best brands the market can afford; and Regalia, Cas
tello, Principe and Havanna Cigars of superior qual
ity- Every attention paid to visitors, Their motto
is, every luitiry in its season. Prices moderate- •
novlO-y . - OGDEN & GIRSON.
ISSAC 'MURDOCK, formerly of the Union Hotel
n Water street, having been burnt out, hasbuilt
a new and handsome horse expressly for the accent-
Modulen of travelers, at the corner of.S6cood and
Smithfield streets, which will be known as the Burnt
District Hotel.
He is now prepared to olrer every accommodation
and every comfort. to the zra%eler, at very rticideri,ie
charges: He isprovided with ample - convenient'
stabling. deeht-v
STERtiTT &alleles:Ile arid retail dealers in
Foreign Wines and Liquors, cornet. of Market
and Front streets, Pittsburgh. Pa.
References—Wm. Holmes I.; Co., Henry F. Schwep
pe., Wm. Eickhautn,p. Weaver.
Their stock has been selected with great care;and
Consists of the choicest qualities suitable for this mar
ket, to which they would respectfully call attention
and solicit a share ofpublic patronage. It comprises
the following in casks and bottles:
IVines-31addrius, Sherries, Lishons, Teneriftes,
Ports, Ma!agasCalubrias. Livzors-13randie3, Gins,
Rums, and Whiskies. aug2s
.k.,t LEN lIROIVN, Prtorairrun.—Terms 81,1)0 per
day. Then riders - hoed, formerly of the Merchants
Hotel, corner of Wood and Third streets, has leased
thin superior establishment, and furnished it anew
throughout, with new beds, LIM bedding and new
furniture. Great care has been taken to Millis
with the choicest t Minis. A handsome omnibus
and a baggage wagon are provided for llte use of his
guests, and a Porter will be in attendance at all hours
to meet the demands of the traveller. The long ex
perience of the undersigned in this business, assures
him that his easnest purpose to satisfy all who call,
cannot be unsuccessful. He feels altogether at lib
erty to promise his visitors a, comfortable and cleanly
abate, liberal entertainment, and a hearty welcome,
at a moderate expense. ALLEN BROWN.
ILLIAM COLEMAN having, on the first day
January ' inst.; associated with him Jas. W.
Hallman and John F. Jennings, under the name and
style of Culeman,ifailmau & co., will now have in
creased facilities for manufacturing Steel Springs,
hammered axes, American Blister and Spring Steel,
Ar.c., to which the attention of dealers is respectfully
solicited, and hope by strict attention to business, to
merit a continuance to the new firm the favors so lib
erally bestowed upon him. Factory on St. Clair st.
—warehouse 43 Wood et., opposite the St. Charles
Hotel, where can be found a good assortment )of
Springs, Axles, A. 8., and Spring Steel, and Coach
Trimmings of every description, together with Iron,
Nails and Pittsburgh manufactured articles. Kr Thai
highest price paid fur scrap iron. jan22
- DELL AND BRASS FOUNDER, has _rebuilt and
JO commenced businase at his old stand, No. 70
Second, between Market and Ferry streets, where
he will be pleased to ace .liis old customers and
Church) steamboat, and bells of every site, from
10 to. 10,000 pounds, cast from patterns of the most
approved models;and warranted to be of the lest
Mineral NVater Ptimps, Counters, Railing, Simlke.,
together with every variety of Brass Castings, if re.
quirm4 turned-and finished in the neatest manner.
. .
A. F. is the sole agent for Babbitt's Anti-Attraction
Metal, so justly celebrated for the reductiorr- offric
tion in Machinery. The boxes and composition can
be had .of him at all times. novl3l
Franklin Machine Works.
THE subscriber having been removed by.:the
great fire to Allegheny, is prepared to make
Steam and
.Engines, Hydraulic'.. and Screw
Presses, lbr oil, tobacco or . any other purpose, and
machinery generally. J. S. GWYNN.E,
Franklin Machine, Works,
On Rebecca street and Bank lane, West of Federal
',street, Allegheny city.
N. B. Orders left in .Pittsburgh with .Mr. S.
Cuthbert in Market street, .2 doors below Third
street, will meet with prompt attention.
may' • -
• New Dint Store. •
If JOHN D. I%IOII.GAN, Wholesale awl' Retail
Druggist, No. 93i Wood strcct,one door South'
Of Diamond Alley, Pittsburgh.--Irhe . subscriber
hasjust received' from the Eastern cities, and is now
opening at the , above .atand, full assortment of
articles iri his lirie,.coneisting Of.D.rugs of all kinds,
Dye Stuffs,' Paints and Varnishes, Chemicals,.
&c.., together.wih all such articles as are - usually
kept for sale at -a wholesale and retail drug store.
• His stock is entirely new, and has been selected
with 'care. :He is confident that his articles, both
as to quality and price, will please such as may fa
vor him with a call. my9-y.
John DIG Townsend,
ket street, three doors above Third street, Pitts
burgh, will hare constantly on hand.a well selected.
Assortment of the best and freshest Medicines, which
ho will sell on the most - reasonable terms.. 111iysi-
Mans sending :orders willlM promptly attended to,
and supplied with articles they.may rely upon as
genuine. . .
. .
Physicians , prescriptions will' be accurately and
neatly; prepared from the best- matcriale, at any, hour
of the dip or night.
Also, for sale, a largo -stock of fresh and good
erfumery deo 30d
Canal float .lionse.
itor*e: District hotel.
F.:chance Hotel,
A. Fiiitono
Lard Oil at nett - need Price.
TTHIS - subscriber ,weeld:- respectfully-inform., his
friends and the puhliy)» general, that his new
Factory is now completed, and with a large addition
to .hisimachinery, he is prepared to a
male consider
ble quantities of d - auperior artiele of,Lard - Oil,
which he is determined to sell - Cheap, apprecia.-
ting the old proverb,that "a niluble sixpence
worth -more than a slow shilling." - Ile feela'ciinfi
, dent that - consumers wouldruid it to their advantage
to give hini a call. and exiinine for themselves.
Woolen manutheturers, machinists and others; are
respectfully invited to examine, his superior oil,' Fifth
street, near: Market, opposite Hunkers Confection
ary store, and Messrs, Samuel Welurken &
Liberty street. . Eogy,
Fittsburge Lard Oil Manefacturer.'
A superiorqnality of Star Candles, - hand, I
of asserted •sizes. • • • mar24-y
Orriamontid. 'flair Work
EENTEE,. Wig Milker,
AikgkiriY City; six floors front the
Aqueduct; opposite ' the Collectors
-Office,' wishes to inform the, pub
lie that she has just conimenced
:he Ornamental" Hair. business,
.and lias a very superior stock, re
ceived (rein the Eastern cities and
Paris; and she . is prepared to flli
all orders at the shortest notice,
and in a tnannee that cannot be
lxcelledby'any similar
andintends keeping, a large an
?torment of Ornamental Hair Work, such as Ladies ,
Wigs, Bands, Braids, - Curls, Necklaces, .Guards,
Braceets, Fitter- &e. Gentlemens , Wigs ;
Tanpries, Scratches, &c, •
Mrs. R. has been for many yeamengaged in the
business in France and, the linited States, and from
her long and experience, shU feels confident in being
able to give satisfaction to all who will favor her
with their patronage. ,-fler. forices are more liberal
than have been offered,in-tbis city heretofore.
James llowartl az Co
Ayr. the pleasufis to announce to their friend ' s
that they again Occupy their old:stand at No.
/33, Wood street, where they have opened an exten
sive WALL PAPER WAREHOUSE, and will have
contantly en hand an 'extensive assortment of Satin
glazed and plain PAPRR HANGINGS, Velvet and
Irnitation.liorders of thplatent style; and most hand
some patterns for papering halls, parlors and cham
They manufacture, and have on hand at all times,
Printing, Writing, Letter, Wrappingand Tea Paper,
Bonnet. and Fuller's' Boards--all of whinli they offer
for sale on the most accomamdating terms, and to
which they invite the attention of merchants and
ALSO—Wank Bonks ofall kinds and the best qual
ity, School Books, &c., alwaYs on hand and for sale
as above. • : °rig 25
Landiretles Warranted Garden Seeds,
Jyumer FROM PHILADELPHIA. Each paper
beam the label and warranty of DAvto LAN
earn,. Finnic by F. L. SNOWDEN, No. 29 Water
st., at the stand formerly ocetipied by Gee. A. Berry.
Extract from the 'Report of the Visiting. Committee
of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society,' unani
mously adopted and•ordeved to be printed. •
"These extensive ground's are on Federal street,
near the Arsenal. * • The earliest collec
tion of Camellias was made ,here. Some of those
now in possoction of time distinguished nurserymen
ars ten feet high. • • • The selection of
onetn-mvust is Vainabjc and extensive.
- .
I ' , The Nurseries are very cOrrectly managed, sup
plying every part of the Cdion, a detail of which
Would occupy too Mach of ottr space, we therefore
content ourselves with staring! that the stock is very
ilarge, and in every stage of; growth, consisting"of
GREENS, 811111711$, %INES AND CREEPERS, with
Atcoltacciou of imthaccormis plants; fruit trees of the
Uostkinif and most healthy ccincliuort, large beds of
seeding apples, pears, Nom, Zze., as stocks for bud
ding and grafting; a plan very superior to that or
i}working upon sackers,. which .carry with them into
the graft all the diseases. of the parent stock.
T 1.4 G finest .` ARDEg SEEDS of the nest! quality have been
' scattered over the country from these grounds, and
may always be depended upon. The seed establish-
meat of these Horticulturists is one of the most ex-
teasive in the Union, and its reputation is well sustain
ea front year to year. '
!.*To obviate tie chance of aaNture of the farina of
the plants or the rime family; they have established
another nurzery at a suitable chi-tantie, so that degene
ration cannot take place, mut which sec Oreo to the
imre4aser a 'genuine article." ; Knowing thus the
asge, quality and process of culture of every plant„
the supply from their g routbC is rocranzaended with I
pleat confidence."
a'r.• Sind. the date of the "Ifrport` from which the'
above is extracted, the entire establishment has been
trroatly enlarged. The collection of Camellias em
braces all the finer kinds, and Consists of some thou
sands of various sizes; so likewise with /tares, and
outer desirable plants, both tender and hardy; fruit
tremi, &c.
The Seed Gardens alone cover fifty acres, mid the
whole is, as it has been for mote than half a century,
under the successive management of father and son,
the most prominent in America.
Orders received by F. F.. SNOWDEN, from
whom catalogues may be receive d gratis. mar9-y
mum eithscrilier begs leave respectfully to return
his grateful acknowlegemeata for the liberal pa
tronage bestowed upon him far years past, and par
tic+darly to those who so generously patronized him
since his misfortune by the late lire. Having consid
erably enlarged his banjoes by associating with Wm.
Robertsli. as a pOrther, he wonld earnestly solicit a
continuance of former. favors! to the new firm of
Roberts Sz Kane, and he trusts that by prompt atten
tion to business they will give general satisfaction.
M. KANE, Jr.
The subscribers would respectfully inform their
friends and the public that they have removed to
their new warehouse on Third between Market and
Wood streets, south side, wherit they truslobv strict
attention to business, to merit h share of public pa
tronage. They solicit attention to their extensive
stock on hand, which has been got up with great care,
in the latest style and mostsubstantial manner, con
sisting in part of the following articles, viz:
Mahogany Wardrobes,
" Dressing Bureaus,
r 4 Book Case and Secretaries,
" Section Back Sofus,
, g Plane 'do.,
" Divans,
" Ottomans,
" Victoria Chairs,
4 , French do,
" Plain do,
Centre Tables, L.
44 Card do,
" Bureaus of everylescription,
" End Tables,
Marble Top Pier do,
" Centro do,
- " • Sofa do,
44 Dressing Bureaus,
4, Wash Stands,-
Mahogany Work Stands,
44• Rat Racks,
44 Rocking Chairs)'
" Sewing do,
" - Music Stools,
- i . 4 , Chairs
cr French Bedsteads)
r , Butlers' Traya.;
Mahogany ) cherry_aolsoplar !bedsteads, warrant
ed proof against huge, an 4 superior to any now offer
ed tothe public. Also, n ! VarietY of Windsor'cliairs,
of the best quality,and a new style of aria chair With
spring seat, welladapted for offices or societies, with
a variety 'of other articles too numerous to mention.
• We have at considerable 'expense introduced.into
our hew factory on Front street, a steam engine with
machinery, which will enable us to sell, wholesale
andiretail, at reduced prices.7_
The attention of Western Meichants, and perdorts
moving West, is invited to ourl new and extensive
establishment. Western Cabinetmakers are deb M
queSted to give us a call, as they will find' they can
purehase limn us for less - than; they Can manufac
ture': Orders from a distance will receive prompt
attention, and,the furniture will be carefillly packed.
, Steamboats and hotels furninhed at the shorteit no
lice, and on favorable terms. ROBERTS &KANE,:
M. 13. Undertaking in all its bianchei attended to,
marlo-y ' . :R I: K.
trtary of Christian Doctrine- as used by the
rorman ltoformed Church) English and derrnan.—.
For sale at oaf stint, No. 115 Wood st. Pittsburgh.
Jell SCRIBA & SCEIEUMER, Bookeellers.
ficury W. Wllltums, -
(successor to Lowrie & Office at
the old stand, Fourth street, above `Smithfield
THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between
Unity W. Williams', Esq., and 'myselfin the prae
tice.of the Jaw, was dissolved by'mutual consent on
the 26t1tulti and the business will hereafter be con
tinued by Fleury W. Willinms, Whoiri r most cheep
fully recommend to all for-whoin , lhaie-the haner
ih doliesineas, as a gentleman every way worthy:of
their, confidence.
n ARt.AOW.S 'rlC/11NE11.,
ESP.ECTFULLY 'attention of' their
friends, and DILY GOODS purchasers generally,
to their, extensive I:assortment of . „
NEW FALL G00D.5... •
. . .
Which is now complete in every dcpannept.
'Purchasers are partictilarlyinvited to examine pur
very choice selection of . .
Much attention has been given to their'seleethm,
and in!point of-richness iztavariety,;,we never before
/tare &lap .aUfto offer. greater . : inducements , 1
Fine Wool Cashmeres; Cashmere Reps;
Cashmere D'Ecosse, - De'Laines;
Fancy and Staple Silks, - •
StrAWLS.—l'rench,, Terkerri, Cashmere BraciLe.
. -
Embroidered and plain Cloth; do. 'Phibet
of entirelY new and rich patterns=in every variety
of stYle—also,nctutisinin , s Elk. Merino,. with Fancy
styles, at reduced prices. .
Ladies Fancy Silk Velvets; - '
Paris - Kid Gloves, in all shades and N0:24 _
Pommy Ittrmoiss.—,Several boxes reed comprising
the differentiate styles,.choice pattettis. Few boXes
very handsome patternpat 121 cents.
Lin'en Cambric Ildkik, from 12} eta. to thp best
iltyles and lualities superior:a t low prices.
French l'hibet Cloths*tin all sharlec); ..
Alpacas, Silk and Cott: Warps, plain and, flincy.;
Bombazines, Lupine's_ best, at . unusually _low
Ombri4-4,Cashmeres; •
EtnhOssecl Table Coversi.-
Woinsitellidocmtrii--12 and 144 fancy-bourul, 12-4
twilled heintiful , arta°. Also low costs of different
styles, all of tvhiell' are offered at prices 30 per cent
Spieraidlealicoes, at 10 and 121 ets. -'•
Our domestic department is full, possessing adraii
tages to the purchaser rarely to he found.- •
Browu Sheetings, yard wide, good quality', 6.1
Do. do. do. - Extra heavy, , Sc„
Genizymur.s- please take notice, that at our number
may ho found at all 'times French Broad Cloths, I
Pant stuffs and Vesting's; • Satin and Silk Scarfs, and
Cravats, now styles; Linen and Silk Hairs., Gloves,
Uosiery, Gum Braces, Silk Elastics, Silk Umbrellas,
The above 'stock has been pUrcbased within the
last 30 daya since the great depreciation in prices in
the Eastern markets, and will be disposed.of entire
ly' to the advantage of the purchaser. Call and see
at the "Down Town Cash. House?)
sep. IS. & TURNER.
Al M. 2. Commercial Row, Liberty street,"Big-dol
, den Mortar" once more.
JIA Y S Sr BOCKWAY, thankful for the liberaj pa
tro n a e , which they hate heretofore received
and -wishing to merit" an increased :Mare of public pa
tronage, would respectfully call the attention of the
public to our stock of g oods WhiClf we are now re,
ceiving for ,the fall trade. Among which May be
found in quantities to suit purchasers, the following
1 articles.
lthuebard Knot, Liquorice Itootr"
Flour Sulphur, do. Ball, =
Gum Arable, Relined Borax,
Cal'd Magnesia, Sal Soda,
Carb Magnesia, Spanish Brown,
Gum Aloes, Gum Copal,
Cream Tarter, Roll Brimstone,
Calomel, - White Chalk,
Sup Carb Soda, Eat, Logwood,
Epsom Salts, Chi I'd do.
Glauber. do. - ' Madder, .
Tartaric Acid, Yellow Ochre,
GUin Scammony, Chrome Yellow,
nal Cooavia, , do, Green,
Salt Petre, ' Rose Pink.
Together with a general assortment of(lils, Paints;
Varnishes, Paint Brushes, Dye Woods, &c. &c., all
of which will be sold as low as at any
in the city. sepl9
Money 'Wanted. in exelkange for Mati'and
Cape. .
rN, THE subscriber would inform the
public. thatl d
.he 111.1 receive his
stock qt . Caps, all of which have been principally
made to his order, and as his purchases has been.
made on the cash system, he is enabled to sell his
stock at' Hats and Caps at unusually low prices for
cash. His stock does not consist el the cutting's of
Eastern houses, but are all n fresh manuflicturcil
article. Neither is his establishment replenished
with the old stock from eastern msrkets. • The
Proprietor being a hatter and Cap. manufacturer,
by trade, as well as profession, he is also daily man
utticturing Hats and Caps of all descriptions, and
for their neatness and durability, cannot be stir
passed. All of which he offers at wholesale and!
retail, and at such prices as cannot fail -to please
the purchaser.
No. 102, Wood street, third door below Jobe D, Da ,
tie' Commercial Auction Rooms.
rcpt 12.
10 Cases rich fall
'gods; French
ind English Ca sh
sores and Mous.
Laines ; Gala
Lobrain plaids;
toak Cloths;
rioted and plaid
loakings; a full
ranch Broche,
tinted Cashmere
lk. and colored
'hibet, plain and
iawls, plain and
terinos, Alpacas
id piain M. de
lines; plain, blk
of rich colored
, ni rich Bonnet Rib
bons; Velvet, and Bonnet Silks; French and Ameri
can Flowers; in, great variety; Maid and Straw
Bonnets, cheaper than eveW a' full 'assortment of
gentlemen's wear, such as Cravats, .Shirts, under
Shirts and Drawn's; Cloths, Cassimere's and Vestings,
all of which will be Sold at a small , advance aver
New York cost. • W. IL tiARIIAJW,
Sept 16 • 79 Market street.
Ja.MOS Gavrizket,ghi
TIVIPOILTER and Wholesale dealer. in 'FrenclwGer
man and English Fancy variety Goods. of. very .
description; such. as Jewelry, table and- pocket Cut
lery; silk Purses, bead Bags, silver and German sil
ver Spoons, gold and silver Pencils, silk and gum sus-
Penders, 100 doz. of Germantown lines and half do.
TrimMings of all kinds, and a general assortment of
toys, constantly on hand at No, Market Street,
between Third and Fourth streets, Simpson's Row,
en . 13 ,
Pittsburgh. •
TILL continues in his old business of manufactur
ing Wagons, Carts, Drays, Timber Wheels,
Trucks, and-Wheelbarrows, on Fifth street, between
Wood. and. Smithfield, - where he keeps constantly on
hand, or made to order in the shortest notice, any
amount of work, by the best of workmen' and good.
Materials, and at prices to, nit.' the - times. ThOse
engaged, in the Santa 0.. tiede 3 and Furnace men,
are requested 'to give him a call before purchasing
elsewhere. ap74
•- ' -. John Cartwright.
CUTLER - Surgical Instrument:lidannfacturer )
' No. 140 Wood street z ln'o doors from Virgin al
ley; Pittsburgh, Pa. Always on hand .in `extensive
assOrtrnent. or surgical and Dontar instruments,
Bankers, Tailors!,,llatters , j Hair Dressers , and_Tan
ners7,Patent Sheari, Saddlers; Tools ) Trulses, &c.
j 024 -
WALTER li. LO*111"E
Drugs, Drugs, Dings,
wuiinm McKee.
undersined having disposed of his Estabi
liehrnent, Pro, tt2',st., to Mr. Thomas
A. ifintcM, - woUld ebrdiallymeommend him, to his
friends and the 'publie gencrally,ns one every way
worthy of`their] patronage.
The undersigned, having purchased the largeand
estensivo'stocki of Boots, Shoes, &c , beionging to
A. M'Catnrrinrl; :No.. 112 Market street, one door
from Liberty, will continue to cOnduCt the business
in all its branches, and truststhat by a strict atten
tion•to business andan ardent disposition to please,
he' will meet a; continuation of.-the`patronate so
liberally bestoWed upon his predecessor. •
; N. - .13:-.-Two!oi three good workmen can hatie
employment;-b3l making immediate applicalion.
JANES nr..Azuvr, ; ; , JOHN' lIITCITEL;
Alderman, - _Attorney at. Law.
attend to the selling and renting
C ° o l l•TR l e NV al 'E Es t 4 ) te in the City of Pittsburgh and vi
cinity. Having determined to devote alarge portion
of; their time. to this branch of ;business, they with
confidence solicit a share of the patronage of the
public; from the facility they posSess and the experi
ence they liave (the Senior partner having been en
gaged in the Real Estate Agency for near.2o years,)
they believe'thA they will give general s4tiSfaction:
> Office on Penn St., near the U. S.. Hotel, and sirof
field st., between: Diamond: Alley and,Fliti
_street. : .,
Jy 7 ; - - - 1
D.Lssoln,tlon. l
T . ..
IIE partnershipah ,heretofore existing, between
Bunker 4. Dickson is this day dissolved by mu,, l
tual 'consent. The :affairs of-the late firm will be
nettled by P.H. Thinker, who will 'continue the Bak
ery and conrecticMary, at the old stand in Fifth, near
Market street: '`, .' ' '' 'l'. 11 _,HUNICEPi
sepl : . `' , . - ROBERT :DICKSON..
EO. S. SWAItTZ has on hand a lot offing Larrna
jr which will he sold at the very, low price of 181
cents per yard, pOrsons who want a good article, - at a
low price, would .do well to call soon.
Also on hand a ;good stock of Nansook maslins fot
Ladies Dresses very cheap at'
Pittsburgh; Br avigntion and. - lotre Irkin.
ranc a . Company. -
' . office, No.: 21, Ma i ket Street,
. ..
-M . ichael : Alleni ' :Williarrilnin; .-
C. Anshiltz,.. : Lewis Tfutehisorr,
Thos Bakewell, . - . Fred. Lorenz,.
Robert ECer, i , James May, .. '.
• " R. IV. Poindexter,
i . -M. ALLEN, Pres't-. '
110111F.RT, FIN - lir,,T, Secretary. -
_. , .
Corner ;Of \Viscd and Fifth street,, Pittsburgh,
is ready to ieeeivelmerchandize of every description
on consignih4t fur public or private .sale, an&from
long experierille in the 'above huskies, flatters himself
that.he Will 11 able to give entire Satisfaction to all
who'may farm! hith' with their patronage. • • •
Regular sal ' ott Mondays and . Thursdays .of Dry
Goods and Fa icy articles, at 10 o'cloclt,'A. M.
Of groccri S., `Pittsburgh manufactured artielei,
new and'seco d lidnil furniture, &c..., at two o'clock,,
Sales very. everting at early gas-light. = aiigl2-y
, , •
Mun's Inventions Outdone by Noture...•
B.,r.An, arseEcr, BE crisz, .A5l) USE .i:Artuury orr„, l / 2 s.
ItE3IED.Y,.iruE AMERICAN 0/1.4 , ' •
MHIS Oil, is obtained from-a . well near B
Kentncky, at ;the depth of 185 feet bblew the
surface'of the earth,- and 176 , feet through i; oli cl rock.
Its-curative 'properties-are truly_ astonishing, and as
a Remedial Agentlit may well be pronounced,won
derful. Since the 'discovery' of. this Panacea of Na
ture, numbers of remarkable-cures have been effect
red , by its.nee. It is Innocent—Powerful-Safe and
Certain iii its It has been used with unpar
aliened 'seeccss; in the treatment or the following
diseases: -.lnfiamMatory Itheematism, Burns - and
Scalds, Cholic, Piles, Flatulence, Inflammation of
(ho KidneyS, Deafness, ConUumption, Liver Com-1
plaint, Plituisic, Scald Head,- Cancers, NVeak• and
Sore' Eyes 2 Bruises, ;;Fresh _Cuts and Wounds,
Sprains.andStraine, prepay, Pains in the Breast and
Side, Tettcr, Infuenza, Ulcerated Sote Throat,
Constimption,'Brobehitis, Spasms,' Ulcers.; Spinal
Affections, Scrofula or King's Evil, Coughs, Syphilis,
Ringworm, 'all Bowel Complaints, all Chronic dis
eases, Impurities of the Blood and General Debility.
It is likewise vety beneficial for Female Complaints
in general; acts as ai great Restorative from Languor, I
weakliest, of Back and Chest, Low Spirits and Faces- I
site Debility - - - ,
Read the following Certificates, all of which
authentic; all the persons therein named are now
and well'knoWn in 'Cincinnati:
: .1 Prrrsnuunri, - Aug°sl, 1846. -
This is to certify that we have used the:American
Oil for the whooping cough, among our children, by
giving them from 20 drops to a Small teaspoonful at
night;which always - enabled them to rest welt through
the night. I also applied, it to one of the children
that got her arm burnt by turning over a tea cup of
hot coffee on it, the' child sensed crying by the time
the arm was dressdd and bound up, and has never
complained of it sidcc. I also was afflicted with a
pain in my side aMalbreaSt, - and have been slo for, 16
years, -1 commenced using the Oil by' nking a tea
spoonful twice a day and in 3 or four days, using of
the oil I have ben very much relieved, and do really
believe that it is the best family "medicine that I have
ever seen. I apPlied it to one of my neighbor's for
a - stralned ancle, which 'relieved her iu a few minutes.
We have also used the oil for a strained joint in our
own family, which gave ease in a very short time.
We live on-the castside o,fPenn st., 3 doors south of
Walnu. I
t, I am now as well as I ever My life.
'1 MARGARET IL ampru,
- Prrasinrort, Aug. 14,1546.
Ibis is lb certify, that my son - bas 6d the Plethisie
for seven years, and; was very bad with it, and about
12 or Fa' days since, Icommenced giving to him
about 20 or 25 drops of the American Oil; twice a
day. whiclirelieved him in a day or two of his Mi.-
dully of breathing, and he ionow, entirely relieved
or his cough; our 44 is 10 years of age. We live in
King's Alley.' '' NANCY KING/
• ' - CMCINNATI, July Ist, 1846.
Sir: Having been' ured of a very severe disease
of the eyes and head by the use of the American
Oil, I feel it my duty4o the,public, as well as to you,
to send you the following certificate:
Illereby certify that I was severely - afflicted one
year ago last winter inflamed sore eyes and a
very severe pain in my. head from my eyes up to the
40p of my head, and eontinued so for several weeks:
lly eyes j were so much inflamed and sore that I
could not see to attend any businessynor could Itell.
one object from another a few yards from me, I
called in , a physician, but still got worse: I also
tried a good many remedies that had cured others;
but in my case they Mite!. In April, 1845, I heard
ofthe American tlile I procured a bottle, and be
fore I had used a half a bottle: I was entirely well,-
and still continuo so.; I will not tie withont it in my'
bobse as long as lean get the genuine article. I also
gave it to one of my , men that was working for me,
that had the tetter in his hands So bad that when be
would grip anything tight in them the blood would'
burst out, and the use of half a bottle cured us both.
I would advise all that are afflicted in anyway to
give the Oil a fair trial,and I think they will be
pleased with the effect - it will have, &c. '
Sold at One Dollar: per Bottle at Jackson's Patent
Medicine Warehouse, 89 Liberty, head of Wood st.,
Pittsburgh. LIE ,ONI.YPLACE ri Prrrsitnricn where
the Genuine American Oil oats be obtained.
Beware of a. Counterfeit article. The Seneca Oil.
put in American Oil Bottles,. and labelled "Amer
ican Oil: , It somewhat resembles 'the American
Oil, but possesses none of its vittues or healingpow-
W. Jacloon respectfully inforins the Public that
H a il &.ce., thexoprietors of the .Ameriean ,Oil,
have appointed him their SOLE 40.Fagy for West,
ern Peonsylvan •' ' - • -
:All Persona wisbind Sub-ag,oacies will apply at 89
Liberty street, aa.abo7e. . ; .
N. Sub-agents yantedfor every o
"I the
abotre' District.
A great number of certificates are on rhand
can be seen at the officerB9 Liberty street, header
Woods ' . aug
H. TVlllipme ., - Select . School,
ITORTII. East, corner. of Federal And Robinson
streets, Allegheny, .commence its Fall
session on Monday the 31itinst. - .
TEsroloictAis. -
Frpni Pr ofessor 1?; H. Lee; IVashi4gtim College• , and
Raving attended an examination of the iehool
taught bylifr: Williams, wo•take pleusure in bear
ing our testimony to, the evidence: afforded by it•or
the unusual skill and labor of Mr. Williams. 'rho
understaading of the princfple - of the subjects which
the scholars had been'` studying,- shown /if their
clear answers to questions-asked by others than the
teachers, prove the excellence-of the :New England
modes of teaching, in vrhioh.blr,W,Bliarns sears to
be proficient: _rt.;
WISIIAR ; roIke.
From the /let. Ain' Frestmi;Doctor Runt, 4-c.
Raving attended all examjnation - of' thc - Select
School under the care of lilr-Henry Williams, held
recently in his school room, corner of Federal and
Robinson streets; Allegheny city; no wish to call
public attention to this institution- .We were highly
gratified with the progress and ordel;Aafliiii school.--;
This manner of inmplifying.alid illustrating the dif 7
tbietit branches is peculiarly happy, and well eaten liiitercit to the pupils. Ills Tootle, Q
teaching their; to read struck us as novel, and one
thatcannot fail to make good readers.
Prom the kno)iledge. that, we have of ble.-•Wip ,
Haiti? character as a teacher, his zeal, fidelity itod
success„nueordiaily recommend hinite'the patrOn- •
age of the public. His location is elegible for both
cities. DAVID HUIIT, '- ' •
aitexideiliii6 a6i-d ciaminatinti, and can truly
say I was much gratified 'with the attaintment cif tho
aug2l-2m.. •
, • Valvercity Lti‘v Sehol.
. o . .
frIHE FALL SESSION of this depaitment of the
'Western - University; will commence in the nev
Unisersitfßuilding, on the. FinSr MONDAY or Srr
xr.eauli next, and the SPRING SESSION - of 1847,
Will commence on the Finn 110:inas or Tunneens
following. •• - • ' •
This institution having. rectvered front the
erects of the great fire of April last year, as to have
the - new builde b , nearly completed Wittriticreased
accommodations for all its departments, it is hoped
that tho. Law School will be found to present-increas
ed faCilities and attractions to those who _ desird to
pursue a regular and thorough course of legal eduea-
Lion, and to prepare themselves creditably for ml
mitiance to the bal.: . •
106 31arket street
There will' . be daily recitations by MU classai on
a:4signed lesson,- so arranged as to embrice, within
two years course,
the principal andiriottim
portant branches of thp law,. Occasional ltctures
on law and equity
_will alto be delitered part of
the course; : • . • .• 7. ,
• .. •
Tun MOOT COVIET, lie Signed for assisting students
in acquiring knowledge, Ond readineen in the pracL
tiOe'Of thO lak .will be rcsumel'aincan an the panic
her of atudenKs:willjustify. Thet-4eftrod. or Iliicar. l
Loa. or LA?". trill be donferred on students of the,
institutions adtOrding thb roles usual' in such In lltti..
Any further infennationtbat.reay be - reqqire4 clay
readily be obtained on.apitlication PrOfeseer,
WAtTra Il..".Leurark, who hai-hie office on dtleabovo
Smithfield' . strectiTituburgh; . :
TEntal—Seveoty-fir . ddollare aleer; or thirty-scr
ee and • Lair kiNera session. etigg , ciPin • '
• .•
• . , .. , iniwd.nE
.OF •EkStILS. •
TO Ditill G's 2 IBT 5 . • •""
!03IE'Diuggiats ari mislCd'into the error of b ily:
0. ing:a miserable iinitation of Dr Smith's Sugar?
1 'Coated Indian Vegetable pill, - simply hecause they
can . purchase 'the spurious 'eheapfr. .We 'shall:in all
. 4ses expose such • dealfire.throughout this:cons:try,
''l .. ! , ;••••after lthicg, defy informed eof the.ra r scalitx of
We imitators; buy - and attempt to itritiose•iiiicin : fiki
public with•suel worthiesi traali...llf all2not tlificSii
garcoating -Mont that. constitntes . the valuciortnY.
Pills, but it is my intention, for which,.l.eJaim tKo
right. ' ' G; BENJ. SMlTlfili.f. - D., - -
179 Greenwich st. and 2 Water st. Boston: :I
We, - the undersigned, wholesale drudaisli if:ilea-.
isvillo; Ky., arc' Satisfied, from all the -inforthatirin
that we eau obt.iin; that Dr. G. BENI:V.I/.14'931111TH
is the original inventor of the Sugar-Coated Pills..
We are jirepared to supply dcalerri
. fit Ilio NOW
•York price. , , . .. . .
.. , - .
Roiiinson, Peter 4. coy; 462 A-lain:sill:set: '. •. . ......
J.. S. Morris .5- Co., 961 Main st. • -: ."'::-- •
Rupert 4 , Lindenberger, 511 Main at;, '• ' •':'''. '
George Lapping 4. C0:, 9 FolirthOL ' '''.' '''''''' . .'N':'
.Bzill 4- Alden, SI Fourt h st: : :
.' ,' ':•':!,
The following from druggists in New York ahem/
!invented the Sugar Coated Pills in 1843: -' : - •
New York, Juno 16th, ISM: - :
We, the undersigned, never saw or heard of "Su.
gar Coated Pills," until Dr, G; Benjamin 3mith than,
ufactured and exhibited them to uSabout a year since:
Rushton .5. Co. 110 Broadway and 10 Astor House;
Israel Randol ph, M. D. 86 Liberty st. :* •
Horace Everett. 9G Hudson at. , • • -
John Castree,•97 Hudson it. • •
David Sands, 79 Fulton st. • • •
I have been afflicted with dyspepsia in its most ng
gmvatedform for three years past, and found no re
relief until I. used Dr. G. Beni, Smith's "Sugar-Coat
ed Indian Vegetable Pills." After using Six boxes of
said valuable pills, lam entirely cured. -They are
a general remedy,.
'- - . .J. IL LE..Kill/IN. • ,
Paducah, Ky. Nov, 0,1845:- • . .
• IV° certify to the' above faCts. • -
Dr. Smith's "Sugar-Coated.'Pills 6 are universally
esteemed in this vicibity:
C 0;..... .
" BODGE GIVEN'S f: o 3lerehOts.
Paducah, Fy. Nov. 19,1593. . •••• . • ' •
At the request of Dr: G. Benjamin Smith's agent
we cheerfully state that we visited the office of Dr.
Smith in September. last, while in New-York, and
found him to all appearance carrying. on a very ex•-
tensive business with his. Sugar -Coatd Indian Vege
table Pills. The extent of his establislithent would
astonish any one not initiated in the mysteriea of the
pill tradth----Louisville Journal.;.
(Froth Dr, Singleton,)
Smithland, (Ky.) Feb. 24,1846. '
Dr G. 'Benj. Smith.--Dear Sir: Nothing has ever
been introduced that has sold-so well and given such
general satisfaction as your Sugii-Coated Improved
Indian Vegetable. Pills. Very respectfully, youth,
(From Bull & Alden.) ' . .
Louisville, (Ky.) Feb. 13th,•1896.
Dr. G. Benj. Sitlith•••Dear Sir: Yru will please send
ns 12 gross of your valuable Pills. From present in
.we shall sell, a large amount of them,---
We find that they go very quick. - Your friends;
• ( From Wilson, Ftarbird & Smith.)
Louisville, Feb. 13th,.1896. .
Dr. Smith---Dear Sir: About two. weeks ago we
.2 . gross of your Indian Vegetable Sugar Coat
ed Pills. Though business is dull here at this time,
yet we have sold thrill' all; You will please send us
10 gross through Messrs. Lawrence & Keese, of your
city; who will forward them to us via Pittsburgh.
, -, • Yours respectfully, -
. • ,
WILSON, Yours;
& SMIT H, This irila certify 'that I have used the Sugar
'coated pills manufactured by G. Benj. Smith, of New,
York, for some time, and believe them to be a good.
medicine; and also from enquiry in that city, I am •
persuaded that he is the original inventor, and
therefore, is entitled to the benefit of the ioventon. •
•- •• • - - Si WILLIAMS,'. -
. ,
' atig2t; : ' Pastor lot Baptist Chrirth Pittsburgh.
Wo have forty letters from differentdcalers solicit-.
ing the agency of my Pill,although they hafithe spit! •
riot's in their storer-one in particular front New Or
leans, which we shall publish.
Principal. Offlces-.New York, 179 Greenwich it;
Boston 2 Water st.
03- G.-BENJAMIN SMITH is wri tt en.on the bor.
tom of every box of genuine "Stigar-COated Pilla.''
AsfinTs--1V,7/iain Henderson Druggist,2.os Liberty
street Pittsburgh: John Sergeant Allegheny city.
rrillE underingbed would respectfully inform tha
1. citizens of Pittsburgh and its vicinity, that ho
has pirchaSed fiom Mr. kloses Cory;his large' and
splendid stock of Dry Goods, kept at No. 66 Market
street, where he intends to keep a general 1113011.
meat of seasonable Good_s, which ho will tell at very
reduced prices.'Pfeasccall and judge forYourseives,--...
auglB . • wiLLtior COWV.Y.
To my friends 'add „patrons I am much obliged
and would. resOetfully recommend Mr. William
Cowen,my successor: ' MOSES . CORY.
T)ECEIYEDTHIS DAY, bp Espress, another lei'
of rich black MANTILLAS, at. thaNew York
Store, 79 Market street.
AV. 11. GARRAkU.