Poriablo Boat . • . z ---- aimamq 'lB4 6 ffd-P P: ), A • - nOB. transporting good between Pittsburgh and the ~ Eastern- cities without transhipping., This old established line (being the °ldea portable boat line on the canal) ii,now prepared to receive produce and nierehandize for shipping . either East or West. The boats by this line are commanded by skilful, elite-, rienced and sober captains, and provided- with good crews. Boats and cargoes are transferred front and to canal-and railroad, saving all removal and separa , tion of goods. Trips made in as 'short time, and goods carried on as fair tenni as any other line. • - Thankftil for, and respectfully soliciting a continu ance of - the - very liberal and growing patronage here tofore bestowed upon this line, we with confidence iissure-these merchants disposed to favor us, that their busittesn .shall be done to .their entire satisfaction. Goods'.:enrried - 11 us, consigned to either of our titiolies, will be shippedto their destination free of charge for shipping, storage or advance of charges. we hold no interest in steamboat stock, merchants may depend upon their goods always being forwarded without ' delay, upon good boats and at the lowest rates of - freight. • • - •--- ProdUee consigned to our house at Philadelphia for sale, will be sold on liberal terms, and advances made •• either at Pittsburgh or . JOHN 11CPADEN & Co., Penn it., • Canal Basin, Pittsbiirgh ;- • JAMES M. DAVIS & Co., 249 and 251, aprlo-tim Market st., Philadelphia Pittsburgh Portable Boat Liue, eon -1846 FOR the transportation of freight between Pitts burgh and the Atlantic cities Via Pennsylvania Improvements and Baltimore and ' Susquehanna rail road. •' The Proprietors of this Old established line, having completed their arrangements, are prepared to for ward goods to and from the, East (on the opening of the canal navigation,) on as reasonable terms as any other responsible line, and are determined that no care or.attention on theirliart shall be wanting to se cure a continuance of that patronage so liberally be stowed upon them for several years past. The decided success of the portable boat system, so manifest in the regularity and despatch experienced in the delivery of goods, the absence of all risk of delay, breakage or other damage, incident to the old system, where goods have to be hurriedly transhipped three times on the way, and the merchantable order in which produce has been avowedly delivered by them, has induced the proprietors to increase their stock considerably this saloon. Their extensive warehouses at each point, (uneaqualled by any other line,) affords them facilities to conduct their business with despatch; and to shippers. the convenience of free storage, if required, until their arrangements are complete—while their long experience in the carry ing trade, it is presumed, will be sufficient guarantee to their patrons and the public that they will success fullyexort themselves to give general satisfaction. Produce received forwarded, steamboat charges - paid, and bills lading transmitted free of charge for commission, advancing or storage, and all communi cations to the following agents promptly attended to, TAA PPE & O'CONNOR, Cor. Penn and Wayne sts., Pittsburgh. THOMAS 11011.13 I IX; F., 27d Market street, Philadelphia. -. O'CONNORS & Co., North st., Baltimore. m ar3 0-y Bingham's Transport atiOn I. ins - imamt 16 18z ivep CONDUCTED on strietSabbath-keeping principles, though mit claiming to be the only line that is so conducted. The proprietors of this old established line have put their stock in the most complete order, and are thoroughly prepared to forward produce and merchandize to and from the Eastern cities on the opening of navigation. We trust that our long experience in the carrying business, and zealous attention to the interests of cus tomers, will secure to us a continuance and increase Of the patronage heretofore bestowed on , Ilinghaws Line.> Our arrangements will enable us to carry freight with the utmost despatch. and our prices shall always he as low . as the lowest Charged by other responsible lines. . Produce and merchandize will be received and fur `warded east and west without any charge for adverti sing, storage or commission. Bills of lading forwarded, and every direction prothptly attended to. Address, or apply to TVM. BINGHAM, Canal Basin,' cur. Liberty and Wayne st s., Pittsb'g, BINGHAMS, DOCK & STRATTON, No. 275 Market st., Philadelphia, JAMES WILSON, Agent, No. 122 Nivrtli Howard st., Baltimore, WILLIAM TYSON, Agent, aprlO-y No. 10 West st., New York Independent Portable Boat Line. g:Elti 1846 • :-„ v im the transportation of produce and morchan dire to and from Pittsburgh, Baltimore and Philadelphia; terwithout transhipping. Goods con signed to ourcare, will be forwarded without delay, at the lowest current rates; Bills of Lading trans mitted, and all instructions promptly attended to, free from any extra charge for storage or Commis sion. Address C. A. McANULTY & Co., Canal Basin, Pittsburgh ROSE, MERRILL & Co., Smith's Wharf, Hal thnore MEARS, RAYNOR & Co., Broad st., Philadelphia Plakwortit's Way Freight. Line. ijg,) 1846 Ti- - XCLL'SIVELY lbr the transportation of way freight between Pittsburgh, Blairsville, Johns town, Itollidaysburgh, Water Street, and all inter mediate places. One boat leaves the Warehouse of C. A. Mc Anul ty .Sr. Co., Pittsburgh, every day (except Sundays) and Shippers can always depend on having their goods forwarded without delay and on accommodating terms. We respectfully solicit your patronage. enoentETORS.l • - J. Pickworth of boats, Nile, Exchange, Paris and Pacific. J. H. Barnes of boats, Push and Eaine. John Miller of cars on Portage Rail Road. : AGF.NTS. J. PICKWORTII, Canal Basin, Johnstown, JOHN MILLER, 9 " Bollidaysburgh C. A. M'ANULTY Sr CO, " Pittsburgh. .iy23 MONONGAHELA ROUTE, VIA. DEGWNSVILLE. TO BALTIMORE, in 32 hours—fare $lO. TO PHILADELPHIA in •40 hours—fare $l2. di A s pi. omit 73 BLILES STAGING! U. S. MAIL. The Great Speed, Regularity and high Reputation already attained _by this pleasant passenger Route, has induced the Post Master General, to place the New York and Philadelphia mails to Pittsburgh, lit - on it. The superior and swift steamers CONSUL and LOUIS M'LANE, leaves the Monongahela Wharf precisely at 8 o'clock every morning, and at 6 o'- clock every evening, except Sundays. Splendid Coaches await theirarrival at Brownsville, to trans port Passengers and Mail, only 73 miles to the Rail Road at Cumberland. The preparations on this route are ample, and the connections complete, so that disappointment or de lays will be unknown upon it. By our tickets, passengers can delay at Cumberland Or a Ilialtintore, during their pleasure, and continue their journey either by steamboat or cars to Phila delphia. Office in the "St. Charles ifotel;' , Wood st. Pitts burgh. J. MESKIMEN, IY 3 I Agent. Fifth Ward Livery Stable. Zfg(THE subscriber, having bought out the well known Livery Stable kept by C. B. Doty, in the ffifth Ward, respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, that he will keep at all times a stock of the best description of riding horses, buggies, carriages of all kinds, and in short every thing required in his line of business. A considerable portion of his stock is new, and he is confident that no stock in the city will be superior to his. His terms will be moderate. His stable is on Lib erty street,.a few doors above the canal bridge, where he respectfully solicits a share of public pa tronage. • CHARLES COLEMAN. ikr lie is also provided with an elegant Hearse, ivhich will be furnished-when required. 0ct.2.5-tf Hata 2 Hats 2 I - SPRING .FASHION.—Just received by _R N express front New York, the Spring Style iw*llb of. Rats: All those in want of a neat superior Ha are respectfully invited to call. 8. MOORE, No. 93 Wood st., 3 doors below Diamond Alley. marll-dw ",~ ,4+s't"w.',y L g( '~ r A .~r t '.ei c ß.~y',a&-ay`'t_3§ Tapseottis General Emigration °Mee. r -E, REMITTANCES and passag to s, ...430:* and from GREAT BRITAIN AND Inmann, by W. & Y. T. Tapscott .- 75 South street, corner ofMaiden Lane, New York, and 96 Waterloo road Liverpool. The subscribers having accepted the agency of the above house, are now prepared to make arrange ments upon the most liberal terms with those desi rous of paying the passage of their friends from the old Country, and flatter therneselves their character and long standing in business will give ample as surance that all their arrangements will be carried out faithfully. Messrs. W. & J. T. Tapscott, are long, and favora bly known for the superior class, accommodation and sailing qualities of their Packet Ships. The QUEEN or grin WEST, SIIERIDAN, ROCHES TER, GARRICK, HOTTINGUER, ROSCIUS, LIV ERPOOL, and SIDDONS, two of which leave each Port monthly, from New York the 21st and 26th and from Liverpool the 6th and 11th, in addition to which they have arrangements with - the St. George and Union Lines of Liverpool Packets to insure a depar ture from Liverpool, every fir edays being thus deter mined, their facilities shall keep pace with their in creasing patronage, while Mr. W. Tapscott , s constant per-sonal sunerintendance of the business in Liver pool is an additional security that the cornfortand accommodation of the passengers will be particu • larly attended to. The subscribers being (as usual) extensivelftmga ged in the Transportation Business between Pittsburg and the Atlantic Cities, are thereby enabled to take charge of and forward passengers immediately on their landing, without a chance of disappointment or delay, and are therefore prepared to contractfor pas sage from any sea port in Great Britain or Ireland to this City; the nature of the business they are engaged in giving them facilities for carrying passengers so far inland not otherwise, attainable, and will, (if ne cessary,) forward passengers further West by the best mode of conveyance without any additional charges for their trouble. Where persons sent for decline coming out, the amount paid for passage will be refunded in full. REMITTANCES. The subscribers are also prepared to give drafts at sight, for any amount payable, at the principal Cities and Towns in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales; thus affording a safe and expeditious mode of Remitting funds to those Countries, which Persons requiring such facilities, will find it their interest to avail themsel yes of. Application (if by letter post paid) will be prompt I y attended to TAAFFR& O'CONNOR, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, mar. 2.7 d&wy. Pittsburgh, Pa Remittances to England, Ireland, Scot land cud 'tirades. DEMONS ,desirous of remitting money to any o JE the above countries, can do so through the sub scribers on the most-easy terms. We are prepared to issue drallti for any amount over £l,OO sterling.— Remittances made through our house any day before the :23d of May, will be received in Ireland, by the 20th.of June. BLAKELY & mrrcirEL, Pittsburgh, Agents for Roche, Btu's &. Now York Paper Warehouse .. • . TB E undersigned haying bought the paper ware house and wall paper manufactory, late of Holdship &11rowne, have entered into a co-partner ship, under the name and style of Hill & Browne, for the purpoie of carrying on the business in all its va rieties..- They will hare alWays on hand a complete assortment or PAPER HANGINGS AND BORDERS, of their own manufacture, and their stock will be improved and enlarged with periodical additions from the best French factories. Agents for the well-known Clinton Paper Mill, Steubenville, from which they will he constantly supplied with WRITING; WRAPPING, PRINT ING PAPER, BONNET BOARDS, &c.; all of which they offer wholesale and retail, at their store, No. 37 Wood street, midway between Fourth and Dia mond Alley, where country merchants and dealers are invited to call. je.19.416m New Boot and Shoe Store, No. 1813 Liberty street, A few doors above the head of Wood rt. FOLLANSBEE & HAYWARD, would respectfully gntionuce to the citizens of) Pittsburgh and vicinity that they have o• pened a store at the above named place for the sale of Boots & Shoes ofall kinds and qualities, Coro prising an extensive assortment Ladies', Gentle mens", !disarm', Boys', Youths' and Children,' wear, allot' which goods they arc determined to tell very low for rash. They would rampectfully solicit a call from all in want of Boots, Shoes, Trunks and Carpet Bags, '&c. &c., or anv goods that are usually kept in a Shoe Store, as they are confident that they will lie enabled to please both in the quality and price. je2o-ti GEORGE BAILEY, f'D PLUNDF.I2 AND MANUFACTURED OF Pumps and Ilydrant Which arc superior to and cheaper than any in the city. Prase to call and cretnzint for yolfraclrrs. FOURTH STIt ET, BETWEEN SNITIIFLELD AND ettcnnv Al-1-ET 011ydr.111LS and Pumps repaired. jan l-n•GSdy TO GARDENERS AND OTHERS. LAND TOR SALE AT REDUCED PRICES. THE subscriber offers for sale a tract of land about three miles front the city of Allegheny between the Franklin and Beaver roads, containing one hun dred and forty-one acres, about 14 of which is clear ed. This land is offered at reduced prices and will be sold either in a body or divided into Lots to suit purchasers. Front its convenience to market it would be a very desirable location either Ihr fanning pur poses, pasturing cattle or for Gardening. ALSO, Seventy-five building Lot; on a credit of ten year. These Lots are situated on Grant, Wylie, Filth, Ross and Diamond streets in the third ward of the city of Pittsburgh, adjoining the New Court House. Persons disposed to purchase will find these lots fa vorably located as to health, convenience to busi ness, and will soon be in the centre of the city. For particulars enquire of J. C. Cummins, or jy 2 ____ SARAH B. FErfERMAN. iil M. MeDONALD, Bell and Brass :! . 2.77' .- ; Founder. First street, near Market, is 44, •,! prepared to make Brass Castings and •-•_• t'.- Brass works generally on the most reasonable terms and shortest notice. He invites machinists and all those using brass works to give him a call, as he is de termined to do all work in his line very low. may 27-ly Removed T K. LOGAN, has removed to No 83, Wood street, one door below Diamond Alley, to the store lately occupied by Clark & Cameron, where he has opened a Wholesale and Retail Dry Goode Store, and having just returned from the Eastern Cities, is opening a new and well selected stock of Goods, consisting of French, English and American cloths, (all colors,) a great variety of new style Cassitneres and Satinetts; Cashmaretts, (a new style;) Oregon Cassimere, a good stock of summer cloths of all kinds; late style Vestings; also, a great variety of Lawns and Ginghams; Pyramidical Graduates and other fancy patterns; a variety of prints 6 to 26 cents per yard; a very superior lot of white goods, consist ing of India Linen, Damask Plaid, Striped Cambric; Victoria Lawn, striped and plain Mull; Swiss Lace and barred Muslin; figured and plain Bobinets; black and !blue black plain, figured and striped; a large assortment of Irish Linens; bleached brown Muslins; table Diaper; Marseilles Co unterpanes, (large size;) Moreen; a good supply of Umbrellas, Parasols, I'arasoletts and Sunshades; a very large as sortment of men, women, and children's Hosiery; a very fine article of Lisle Thread 'Jose and Gloves, and many other articles not enumerated. He would respectfully invite his former customers and the pub lie generally, to an examination of his stock, to which he expects to make additions regularly. ap4-y Pittsburgh and Gonnellaville Real Road Company. NOTICE is hereby given, that in pursuance of a resolution of the Stockholders of the Pittsburgh and Connellaville Railroad Company, authorizing an increase of the capital ofsaid Company, and directing an additional subscription, books will be opened for receiving additional subscription to the stock of the Company, at the °Mee of Wm. Lorimer, jr., in 4th street, between Market and Wood streets, Pittsburgh, on Friday the 4th day of September. The books will remain open from 9 A.M.until 3 o'clock P.M. of said day; and from day to day (Sundays excepted) until the requisite number of shares be subscribed, or until otherwise ordered. By order of the Directors. sep2 WM..ROBINSON, Jr. Pres't. _Allegheny Cemetery. IiERSONS desirons of purchasing lots in this rr Cemetery are referred for information to _the Superintendent on the grounds, or to E. Thorn Druggist, corner o[ Penn and Hand streets, Pitts burgh. By order of the Board. J. CHISLETT, dec 11 Superintendent. GEO. G. BROWNF., SAML. C. HILL. loaning a total of 909 Xt. , . 3 42 Affording certain assurance (Ica all losses Will be promptly noel, and giving entire necuritV to all Obtain policies from this Compant . Risks tztken at as low rates as arc consistent wait security. oct S VVAILIIICIi: MARTIN, Agent. New -Ilat and Cap Store. cus.H. POULSON, (late of the firm Poulson & baring opened hisa, new store at No. 73, Wood street, nest door to the corner of Fourth, in now mantillicturing and recei ving from the Eastern cities a very large assortment of hats and caps of every description, warranted to be made in the bent manner and of the best materials. Otter, Seal, fine and common Muskrat, Scalette, llair-Seal, Plush and Glazed Caps. Also, a fine assortment of ladies, furs, such an Lynx, Fitch, Genet and Coney Mutts and Tippets and fur trimmings, all of which he offers for sale at eastern prices for cash, both wholesale and retail. Country merahants will please call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. CHAS. /1. POULSO N. B. The Fall Faxl , ion for Itars and Cape rece Niv ed. 8°1)27 --- Allen Kramer, Tl, XCIIANGE BROKEIt ' conier of Wood and 3d streets. Gold, silver and current bank notes bought and sold. Sight checks on the eastern cities for sale. Drafts, notes and bills collected. Enropean anti American Agcacy. T "Eundersigned European Agent having again arrived in America at the regular time, will leave Pittsburgh, Pa. early in Septembei next, and sail from New York on the first day of October, ma king a THIRTEENTH tour through England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and returning to America in May, 1847. By this agency money remittances can be made by.drafts for large and small sums, payable at sight in every part of Great Britain, Ireland, &c.; iegacies,debts, rents, real estate and claims collect ed and recovered; searches of all kinds made; co pies of wills, deeds and documents procured, and the usual business appertaining to this Agency tran sacted as heretofore. Innumerable references giv en. Apply personally or aclrdesspost paid, If. KEENAN, European Agent and Attorney at Law, Pittsburgh, Mr. J. S. May will attend to all European busi nese in my absence. iota Gold add Silver Watches o f thebest manufacture, both of England and Geneva, in large variety and for sale at the lowest prices—patterns, new and . of the latest style. Also, Diamond pointdci Gold Pens, another large supply,just received of the best make. Also, Silver Ware, Jewelry, Pine Table Cutlery, Spectacles, Pen cils, Tea Ware, Lamps, Military Goods &c. ATEW ORLEANS SUGAR. —2olilids N. O. Sugar .01 for bale by (je26) JAMES MAY. i fir_;y llnsurctitre (companies This Fraulaln Fire Ineurazice . Coxiiptiny • • , _ PHILADELPHIA. CARTER PERPETUA L. $OOO 400, in of u fice 164, Chestnut at.; north side, near Fifth.— Ta*e Insurance, either permanent or limited, against loss or damage by . fire, on property and effects of every description, in town or country, On the most reasonable terms. Applications, made either per- sonally or by letters, will be promptlyottended to. . C. N. lIANCKER Prest. C. G. DANcKr.n, Seey. DIRECTORS: Charles N. Dancker, Jacob R. Smith, Thomas Hart, George W. Richards, Thomas'J. Wharton, Mordecai D. Lewis, Tobias Wagner, Adolphi E. Bork, Samuel Grant, David S. Brown. PITTSBURGH AGENCY _ . WARnrcic MArrits, Agent, at the rachan g e Office of Warrick Martin, & Co., corner of Third and Mar ket streets. Fire risks taken on buildings and their contents in Pittsburgh, Allegheny and the surrounding country. No marine or inland navigation risks taken. 'aug4-y. . . Fire and Marine Insurance. THE Insurance Company of North America, of Philadelphia, through its duly authorized Agent, the subscriber, offers to make permanent and limited Insurance on property, in this city and, its vicinity, and on shipments by the canal and rivers. _ . DIRECTORS. Arthur G. Coffin, Pres•t. Samuel Brooks, Alex. Henry, Charles Taylor, Samuel W. Junes, Samuel W. Smith, Edward Smith, Ambrose White, John A. Brown, Jacob M. Thomas, John White, John It. Neff, Thomas P. Cope, Richard D. Wood, Wm. Welsh, Henry D. Sherrard, Sec'y. This is the oldest Insurance Company in the Uni ted States, having been chartered in 1791. Its char ter is perpetual, and from its high standing, long experience, ample means, and avoiding all risks of an extra hazardous character, it may be considered as offering ample security to the public. 1 MOSES ATWOOD. At Counting Room of Atwood, Jones& Co., Wa er and Front streets, Pittsburgh. oct23- NATIONAL FIRE AND MARINE INSCDANCE COMPANY, New York. mins well known and respectable company is pre pared through their PITTSBURG AGENCY, to make insurance cf every kind connected with risks of transportation and inland navigation; to insure against loss or damage by fire, Dwelling iin t , 4o9 , Warehouses, Buildings in general, Goods, Wares, and Merchandise; and every description of personal Property on the most favorable terms. Applications fur Insurance attended to without do ay at the office, No. 31 Water and 62 Front sts., by SPIR.NGER 11AItllACGIt Ag't. At an Election held at the office in N. Y.; May V2th, the f ° 011owim. named gentlemen were chosen Directors of this Company, for the ensuing year, Joseph W. Savage, Stephen Holt, John Browner, John McChain, William G. Ward, Win. W. Campbell, John Newlloll3e, Jacob Miller, William S. Slocum; Marcus spring, John F. Mackie, Joseph S. Lake, John J. Herrick. And at a sideiequent meeting of the Board, JO sErfl W. SAVAGE, Eli., was unanimously re-elec ted Preeident for the emoting year. WM. JAM ES BOGS, an 4-1 v. Secretary. Insurnitcc FIRE issuRANcE CCMPANY of Philadelphia--Charter perpetual—CaPl7:llsoo, 000 paid in. Office in Philadelphia, No. 7 Walnut street—Wm. Davidson, Preit't; Frederick Fraley. Sec'y. This old and well established Company con- Curies to insure Buildings, Merchandize, Furniture, and Property, not of an extra hazardous character, against loss or damage by Fire. Applications for Insurances in Pittsburgh and its neighborhood will be received, and risky taken either perpetually or fur limited periods, on favora ble terms, by GEO. COCHRAN, Agent, dee No. W, Wood iitrret. 1091 A I/ /: i SG. J. I'INNEY J. ICING 4, FI.I I INEY, Agents at Pittslrrgh, for thr Delaware Mutual Safely Insurance Cora . pmy tf Philudelplaa. - 1 -I ,lltE BISKS upon Buildings and Merchandize of every deYcr.ptton, and Mamie kisloi upon hulls yr c4rgoos of %cowls , Llieu upon flit, Liku.A awl - aie terms. Office at the warehnitae of King dr liohnea, on Water st., near M.iflet street, Pittsburgh, N. H. King 6: flumey incite the confidence and patronage of' their and community at large to the Delaware M. S. Inoirance Company, an an ioeti tuuon aniong the meat down:long in Philadelphia— aa leaving a large paid in capital, which, by the oper ation of its charter, is constantly incrcaming.-1r yielding to each person intoned him doe share of the profits of the Company, without involving him in any responaibility whatever, beyond the preituum actually paid in by hitn; and therelbre as peraeaaing the Mutual twine/pie divested of et fry obnoanma feature, and in its most attracCve corm no. I-tj Agency of the Franklin Fire Insurance Company of Philadelphia. E. rorner of Third and Wood street, Pittsburgh. /1111 E. mmets of the company on the first of - Janna, ry, its published M conrormity with an act or the Penns-, Legadature, were Bonds and :liortgages, SGOO„GIT, 93 .Real Estate, at mod, 100,967 77 Temporary Loans, Stocks and 2074t19 7d Maki. REFERENCES Wm. Bell & Co., John D. Davis, F. Lorenzo, J. Painter & Co. Joseph Woodwell, James May, Ales. Bronson & Co., John H. Brown & Co., , James M'Candless, Cincinnati, 0. J. R. M'Donald, St. Louis, Mo. W. H. Pope, Pres't Bank of Ky., Louisville. W. W. WILSON, corner ofFaurth and Market et 1 1 , ts round at. Last, . , A CURE FOR CONSUMPTION. Seven Thouscind eases of obstinate Pulmonary We-ask the attention of the candid to a few con aiderationit. Nature, in every part of her works, has lea-indeli ble marks of adaptation and design. The constitution of the animals 'and vegetables of the forest, is such that they could not endure the cold of the frigid zone, and vice vesa. In regard to diseaies and its cure, the adaption is more or loss striking. The , Moss orlceland, the Wild Cherry and Pines of all Northeiti latitudes' (and "Dr. WisrAWs BAL SA/1" is a compound chemical extract from these,) have long beep celebrated for complaints prevalent only in cold climates. -Indeed the most distinguished medical men have averred that nature furnishes in v ery co n ntry medicines for its own peculiar diseases. Consumption in its , confiamed and incipient stages Coughs, Astlan ' a Croup and Liver Complaint form by far the most ,fatal Class ;of diseases known to our land. Yet even these may be cured by means of the simple yet powerful remedies (named above) .and which are scattered, by a beneficient Providence, wherever those maladies prevail. ANOTHER ASTONISHING CURE! \VISTA-11's BALiIA3I w, GIiERRY, always trium phanticure follows cure in its onward victorious career! DAorrozr, Feb, Ilth, 1845. .1. W. Whilinare.—Dear Sir: As youare the reg ular authorized agent in Dayton, for the sale of , , , Dr. Wistars Balsam of Wild Cherry," I take this meth od of making d statement of facts to you (which I hope May be ptiblished to the world) in reference to an almost miraculous cure, wrought in my case by means of the above Invaluable Balsam. *. Language Mils to describe the salutary effects it pro dueed,';and the great benefit I derived from its use. The citizens of Dayton and vicinity, well recol lect that on the: Bth of August last, I received seri ous injury from; the explosion of a cannon. A por tion of its contents entered my right side and breast; and in all probability, some fragments or splinters of the ram-rod pasied through the ' , plum," and pierced the Lungs. • After the laprie of about six weeks, I was attacked with a distressing cough and a violent pain in trey right side. Some ten days after this when in a par , orysm of coughing, suddenly and ULCER broke, and a large quantity of very off e nsive matter, mixed. with blood, was discharged; most of which found passage through the opening of the wound. From this epening there frequently passed a quantity'of' sir, supposed to issue from the lungs. During all this time my sufferings were almost intolerable. My pttysiciana, meanwhile paid the strictest atten tion to me, and' id all in their power for my recov ery. But with lall their skill they could not reach ill, seal of ilistress„after the Lungs had become affect ed. t was visited during this time by at least twenty Physicians. • It was now reduced to a certainty, that infiamatiOn of the lungs was rapidly taking place; and that this would termhtate my life in a very short time, was in the highest degree probable. At this critical stage, a messenger was despatched to Cincinnati, and a celebrated Physician of that place was consulted. When he was made acquaint ed with my situation, he remarked that nothing could be done by medical aid, if the constitution itself was not suriicient to throw off the disease. My friends now despaired of my recovery, and I had no earthly ground of hope to survive many days. ' Fortunately at this juncture, I saw one of Dri Wis. tar's Pamphlets, entitled "Family Medical Glide," or ••Treatise on Consumption of the Lungs." As 1 1 had often heard of dying men ' , catching at straws,"l I felt this doing so myself. 13v the consent Of my ' Physicians, 1 sent to you for a imttle of the medicine described viz: "Wielnr's Balsam Of Wild Cherry," which relieved tne almost immediately. After 1 had used some five or six bottles Isofor recovered as tote up and about. My cough ceased, and my lungs were restored to a healthy state—all from the heal ing and I,7ltay infiumce andpowerful medicinal vir -10c,3 cf lqslors Balsam. Were it not from the external injury I received in my shoulder and arm by the explosion, I feel confi dent that 1 might have been working at my trade (which is hlacksmithing,) but this has prevented. By, exposure, I have since taken several severe colds, and my only remedy has been "the balsam." And I now 111081 cordially recommend the genuine ll'istar's Balsam to all who are afflicted with Colds, Coughs, or Lung Complaints. I consider it an inval intik, medicine—a real blessing to the world. Any person flemiring, further information, may call on me any Wile. yours truly, CIIRI'STOPHER R. SMYTH. City of Dayton, Montgomery en., State of Ohio Subscribed and sworn tu, hethre me, Justice of the Peace, thin I Ith day. of Feb. 1&I5. EBENEZER FOWLER. T , stiziony of thsee high! Y creditable citizens rf Day/on, in ranfirmal fon of the abort. We, the undersigned, being intimately acquainted with Mr.ti myth, slid having reen and watched over j him during his late illness, du not hesitate to say that the foregoing in by no means an croggerated statement, but is entitled to full credit. A. L. STOUT, .1. R. Pl. DODSON, SMYTH. iC7 The tree and genuine ••Iriatar's Balsam of Wild Cherry,•• is sold at established agencies in all parts or the United States. . . Sob! in rime/matt on the corner of Fourth and :Valuta streets, by SANFORD & PARK. Geocral Agents for the 4Western Stater. For male by L 'WILCOX Jr., S. K. cor. Market st. and the Demond Pittsburgh. to:119-y. THE WILSON PILLS, as a remedy peculiarly adapted for headaches rind dyspeptic alf . ections, are pretty generally known and esteemed in this communiti; and the proprietor, so often as he has I occasion to write or speak of them, can scarcely n' train from no expression of his grateful acArio wfedg limits to Inn friends for their patronage and kindness to him. Ills feelingti are the Warmer Poo observing ' the "beginning and the ending"—thrown almost in juxmposititin—of so many nostrums and kindred pre parations equally loud in their pretensions, and much more industriously presented to the public; while his preparation noiselessly advances, even to remote places, soothing and comforting the afflicted, and permanently grafting itself upon the affections of new friends, thus continually widening the circle of its usefulness. Although well satisfied that his medicine has, as it were, a principle of perpetuity in it, yet he is obliged to his friends fur the must sub stantial evidence of the fact. In its natural history, if you please, the Wilson Pill differs from most other preparations in not being originally made for sale, or witn a view to pecuniary profit; while ns every body knows, the greatest tyro (as a general thing) no sooner begins to dabble in drugs than lie casts about fir sonic cheap prepara tion, or must 'get up,' as the phrase is, something— anything that will sell. Often he attempts it underi an assumed or fictitious name. as though conscious his own were insufficient to sell it. The difference then between the Wilson Pill and the preparations a have just indicated, would appear to be this: The consciousness of the value of my pill originated the idea of putting them on sale for money, and at I price. The consciousness of the value of money originates in most instances the many preparations I have alluded to; and the price most likely , to take' is always first carefully considered, and the pill or other preparation made and graduated to suit it. The one is a DISCOVERY, and comes front the great Arcane of Universal Nature; the other a trick, or invention, and comes from a not very popular quality of INDI VIDUAL Nature. Reader! the difference here is great. In one instance the value attached to the PILL is the starting point; in the other, the MONEY. But it is not probable that some of the many prepara tions having even such paternity wore accidentally good, but that possibly by this process of "getting up" as they call it;by pulling and blowing, as we clean wheat, they have been "got up" too high be fore their specific gravity had been carefully ascer tained, and have blown oil' never to be heard of, with other chaff—some lighter, some heavier. Whatever may be the rationale , I must repeat it, that I am most profoundly thankful to my friends for their discrimination in not consigning my discovery to ' that compenduous category of "inventions that did not answer"—of "tricks that won't win..” 'rho Wilson Pills are useful as a GENERAL remedy, and may be kept and taken, in proper doses, in faro ilies, as a preventative of general ill health, or dis ease of whatever name, by any member of the fam ily, without any, fear of the consequences of expo sure in the ordinary pursuits of business. Otr They may always be had in any quantity , of the proprietor, in Penn street, below Marbury, and of the principal DruggiSts of this city and Allegheny jy22-d&w7m Pittsburgh, Pa Philadelphia. dili. CIIILDS & CO., are now receiving their spring supplies consisting of one of . the largest, cheapest and best as- 44gil sortment of Boots and Shoes that they have ever been able to bring to this market. Also, Ladies and Misses Florence Braid, and Straw Bonnets, of the latest style; together with a splendid assortment of Palm Leaf Hats', mons' and boys' summer Caps. Also, a large lot of New York Tanned Sole Leather, all of which having been purchaied at the lowest rates, and selected with great care for the western trade, will be sold eta small advance above cost and charges. All mereltants wishing to purchase will find it to their interest to call and examine their stock before purchasing elsewhere. mar27-tf MffilEZE itirbital. loktinti cured in one year! Wilson's Pills Wholesale Shoe Store E== e hai. A Cure follows Cure I - , MORE PROOF. OF: THE EFFICACY OF DI t4WAYNE O S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD 'CHERRY, THE, pRIGINAL AND GENII - LICE PIZEPARATIOR CONS,UMP.TION. Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Liver Complaint, Spitting Blood, Difficulty of Breathing, Pain in the side and Breast, Palpitation of the Wart, Infinenza, 0'60 3 Broken Constitution, 'Sore Throat, :Nervous Debility, and all diseaSes of Throat, ' • Breast and 'Lungs, the most effected!, and speedy euro ever known for • r' • any of the above diseases DH. SWAYNE , .S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD; CHERRY 4. Truly WouderfulCure I. Dr. Siviymm Dear Sir—ln October last,- while en- gaged with Mr. Joseph Smith, in a saw mill, near Waynesburg, I was attacked with h cough, from be ing exposed at night, which gradually increased, tended with spitting of blood and a severe paimin the breast, loss of appetite, fever, &c. &c., which-was scarcely supportable. I had a: who were wholly dependent on my exertions for support, yet was obliged to leave my business and return home. I was then attended by several Physicians; both still grew worse, until my medical attendants gave me up as incurable. Subsequently, my wife observing in one of the public prints, an advertisement of Dr. Swaync , i Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry„ promni, ed me one bottle from Francis M'Clure, your agent in Lewistown, which relieved me. I continued until I had taken five bottles, lam now able to return to in) , work again. I write this to offer you my sincere thanks; and you are at liberty to make it known, so that if any human being is - suffering as 'I have been, lie may have recourse to your invaluable medicine, Yours, JOHN P. BOYNE. Lewistown, Del. CONSUMPTION, which Las baffled the, skill of eminent Medical practi.ioners, where invalids. have been given up hopeless, by having recourse'td, and persevering, in, this unequalled remedy, base beeti radically owed.' There are now in the hands of the' proprietor numerous certificates of cures; which would astonish credulity itself, were they made known to the world.. To- those who are afflicted . with any of the above diseases, we say,. give' this medicine a fair trial; you will then be convinced this is no miserable compound, but a safe and powerful remedy, and that its curative powers stand alone and. equalled by none. Dr. Swayne's Syrup is the only true and genuine article of Wild Cherry before the public, and we would say to the afflicted, always look-for the writ ten signature ofDr. SWAYNI on each bottle betpre your purchase. Beware, and be not depeived! Some persons may tell you that some other prepa ration is aszood. Heed them not. One trial of the genuine Dr. Sw•ayne's Syrup of wild Cherry will con vince you that it is the most valuable medicine dis covereti." From the increasing demand for the above Article, Druggists, Merchants, and dealers generalfy, will find it to Weir advantage to haven full supply of this valuable Medicine. Remember to enquire for DR, SWAYNE , S COMPOUND SYRUP OrlY ILD CD ER RY, as there have been some indii•iduals with the usurped names of physicians making great etfors to push a spurious article into the market under -a fictitious name. The (original and only) genuine article is only pre pared by Dlt. SWAYNE, N. W. corner of Eighth and Race streets, Philadelphia. Let the advice be repeated,do not neglect a alight rough; if you do, you may have occasion to regret it. Why run any risk? Delay has, a pq may again lead to serious consequences. IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD.---An eicellent Spring Medicine. Dr. SWAYNE'S COMPOUND; SARSAPARILA AND EXTRACT OF TAR PILLS.] These great purgative and purifying Pills are cele-1 orated for the cure of Dyspepsia, Sick Ifeadache,l Loss of Appetite, Low Spirits, Blotches or Pimpleil on the face, or any disease where a purgative or puri fying medicine is required. These pills neither gripe, produce nausea, or any other unpleasant sensation, and as a Sprin t ; 'Medicine for purifying the blood and cleansing the body of disease, they are unsurpassed by any meditine ever yet introduced to the public. irr Manufacture ro d and` sold,' wholesale and retail, by the sole pprietor, Dr. SW AYNE & SONS, N. W. corner !Lace and Eighth streets, The only 'agents in Pittsburgh for the sale of the genuine medicine are, Wm. Thorn, 53 Market st.; Ogden & Snowden, corner of Wood and 2d st., and S. Jones, ISO Liberty st., where it can be obtain ed genuine," wholesale and retail, at proprietor's prices. Sold by John Mitchell, Allegheny city; B. Hinman, Cincinnati; Dr. Alegofiin, Mercer; J. It. Burton & Co., Erie; J. S. Morris & Co., Louisiillei Dr. E. Easterly & Co., St. Louis; Andrew Oliver & Co., New Orleans; Denig & Son,: Columbus; Boyd, Cares & Co., Butler; Mackenzie & Haskell, Cleve land; Dr. Baker, Wheeling, Va.; Wm. It. Wood, Maysville, Ky.; Miller, Brownsville; Dr. H. Camp bell & Co., Uniontown; It. E. Johnson, Cumberland; J. M. Sharp, Dayton; and by agents in all parts of the United States. stip IS Bow,. :OR SUMMER COMPLAINT.—We confidently recommend and could refer to hun dreds of our citizens who have used JAYNE'S CARMINATIVE BALSAM, as a certain,. safe and effectual remedy for Dysentry, Diarinea, orLooseuess, Cholera Morbus, SUMMER COMPLAINT, Colic, Cripin ,, pains, Sour Stomach, Sick and Nervous Headache, ste. This is one of the most effiCient, pleasant, and safe compositions ever offered to the public The the cure of the various derangements of the STOMACH and tOWELS, And the only article worthy of the least confidence for curing CHOLERA. INF.4NTUM or SUMMER COMPLALVT; and in all the aboveklis cases it really acts like a charm. CERTIFICATE: From the Rev, Asa Shinn, of the Protegant Method ist Church The undersigned having been, afflicted during the past winter with a disease in the stomach, sometimes prodcing severe pain in the stomach for ten or twelve hours without intermission, and having tried various remedies with little effect, was furnished with a bot tle of Dr. JAIMSE'S CARMUSITIVE BALSAM. Mid he used according to the directicins,land found invaria bly that this medicine caused the pain to abate in lime or four minutes, and in fifteen or twenty min utes every uneasy sensation was entirely quieted. The medicine was afterwards used whenever indica tions of the approach of pain were perceived, and the pain was thereby prevented.: lie continued to use the medicine every evening, and sometimes in the morning, and in a few weeks health , was so far re stored, that the sufferer was relieved from a large amount of oppressive pain. Froth experience, there fore, ho can confidently recommend Dr. b. 'Jayne's Carminative Balsam, as a salutary medicine - for,dis. eases of the stomach amid bowels. A. SIMMS. Allegheny city, July Itith, 1543.' • For sale in Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TEA STORE, 72, Fourth street, near Wood. Price 25 and 50 cents per bottle "Ile who in pleasure's doWny arms Ne'er lot his health, or yoUthfal charms, A hero lives, and justly can Exclaini—"ln me behold a man!" DURING A TRIAL of a number of years, Dr. Thompson>s PILLS have been found an loyal uable remedy in cases of indigestion, bilious com plaints, for derangements of the digestive 'organs and obstructions, a sluggish action of the liver and bow els, which occasion snore or less the following symp toms; viz: heartburn, giddiness, acidity, head-ache, sickness, spasm, and flatulent distention of the stom ach and bowels drowsiness and dimness of sight, an uncomfortable sensation experienced at the pit of the stomach soon after eating, w ith a feeling, of weight or oppression, appetite impaired, breathing difficult, tenderness about the region of the liver, bowels ir regular, sometimes obstinately costive, with languor and depression' of spirits. Price,2s cents per box. Prepared by the sole proprietor, EDGAR THORN, Druggist, corner Hand and Penn sts., Pittsburgh, Pa. Also sold by the principal druggists in the city. ie 23 SELLER'S SELEBRATED LIVER PILLS, which stand unequalled by any Medicine knoTi for the titre of Liver Complaint, and other diseases arising 'from a. deranged state of the Liver. This medicine has been in public nse for about S years, and has acquired a reputation for curing the liver Con plaint which has never been equalled by any remedy: heretofore offered 'to the .public., As an Anti-bilious, or Purgative Pill, they are un-1 surpassed and should be used in place of the com mon pills of the day. Give them a trial and the truth will appear. Prepared and sold by. R. E.,SELLERS, 57 Wood sreet. ITTSBURGII MANUFACTURED TOBACCO P 20 kegs Pluk Tobacco; 5 66 Ladies' Twist, do; 10 66 Va.l 66 do; 10 66 Cav , d, Is Lump, do; In store and for sale by . J. &J. MET:VITT, ap 20 222 Liberty st. McAlister 's An‘rrealing o,lntanezt.,, INSENSIBLE PF.RSPIRATION. . , ....,zsiLs - -4-..- _ THE preceding figure is, _._-. ----_,-, 4 #,:-..._--- ~s- - --/..-. given to represent the 1t5.......—_ .......—_ .-_-,... s ' n 'lW. , - - -i---1 snnstreLE PEIrSPI:RATiors. " , i' ..,0 4 ',7 , ,A,--1 It isthe great evacuation, ---- ' r -- -- 4.1. ,Cril - -.:; , e-1:for the impurities of the -.----.....--.. •,g "A :"..T : A body. It will beneficed - -r -- , ''',,r , t ....-----:-.,-, that a thick cloudy mis- i \ i-eil: I. issues from all points otj ---- '- ,`, r ~...W,- 7 .-) the surthee, which indi. - 1 ---- . -- ..,:‘ , / ~......,_.'"-;"-:-.-' elites that this:petspira -1 '`--- __--- ._ -- - - .77 - . '' 1 .., , e-g - ,- •L' ticin flows uninterrupted ~,:. - "- - -;-1--- „ .' . ,. . - -- -f-'=- ly when we are inhealth, - w - -r - ---47". but ceases when we - are cannot be sus. ained without it. It is thrown off from the blood and other juices ofthe body, and disposes by this means,of nearlyall - the impurities within us. The language of Scripture is "in,the Blood is the Life."' If it ever be comes'impure, it may'be traced directly to the stopl page of the insensibleperspiration. Thus we see, all that is necessary when the blood is stagnant, or in fected, is to open the pores, and it relieves itself from all impurity instantly.. -Its own heatand vitality are sufficient, without one particle of medicine, except to open the pores upon the surface.. Thus we see the folly of taking so much internal reniedies. All practioners, however, direct their efforts to restore the Insensible„,Perspiration. ' The Thompsonian, for instance, steams, the Hydropathist shrouds us in wet blankets, the..Homorinthist deals out infinitissimalsi the illopathist bleeds and doses.ry us with mercury, and ' the blustering Quad ( gorges us with pills pills, ' pills. V To give some idea of the ainonnt of tha Insensi ble Perspiration, we will state that the learned Dr. Lewenhock; ascertained that five-eights of: all we re ceive into the stomach, passed off by. this means. In other weirdo, if we eat and drink eight pounds per day, we evacuate five pounds of it by the insensible PersiiiraliOn. This is none other than the used up particles of I the blood, and ther jukes giving place to the new and fresh ones. To check this, 'therefore, is to re. I tain in the system five-eights of all the-virulent matter that nature demands should leave the body. - By a sudden transition from heatto cold, the pores are stopped, the perspiration ceases, and disease be gins at once to develope itself. Hence, a stoppage of thiS flow of the juices, originates so many com- It is by-stopping the pores, that overwhelms Man- I kind; with coughs, colds, - and consumption. Nine tenths of the world die from diseases induced by a stoppage of the Insensible Perspiration. I , -.....„. Let Erie ask, now, every candid mind, Meat celorsei scents the most reasonable to pursue, to unstop the pores, alter they are closed. Would you give physic to unstop the pores? Or would'you apply sotnothing that would do this upon the surface, where the clog gin', actually is? And yet I know of no physician who makes any external applications to effect it. Under these circumstances, I present to physicians, and to all others,lllcAlistees All-Ilectling Ointaiint, or the World's Salve. It has power to restore er- 1 spiration on the feet, on the head old sores, upon the chest, in short, upon any-part of the body, whe el diseased slightly or severely. 1 4 haspower to cause all external sores, scrofulous humors, skin 'diseases, peisoniaus wounds, to ins. charge their putrid matter, and then heals them. I It is a remedy that sweeps off the whole catalogue of cutaneous disorders, and restore the entire cuitcle to its healthy functions. It is a remedy that forbids the necessity of so many and deleterious drugs taken into the stomach. It is . a remedy that neither sicknens, gives inconve nience, or is danaerous to the intestines. , It preserves and defends the surface from all de rangement of its functions. The surface is the out let of five:eights Of the bile and used up matter with in. It is pierced with millions of openings to relieve the intestines. Stop up these pores, and death knocks at your door. It is rightly termed All-Healing foi there is sdarcelyla disease, external or internal, that it will not benefit: I have used it for the last fourteen years for all diseases of the chest, consumption, liv er involving the utmost danger and responsibility, and I declare before Heaven and man, that not in one single case has it failed to benefit, when the patient n-as within the reach, of mortal means. I have had physicians, learned in the profession; I hive had ministers of the Gospel, Judges on the bench, Aldermen and Lawyers gentlemen of the' highest erudition and - liultitude; of thepoor, use it in every variety of way, an there has been but one voice—one united and universal voice—saying "Al-c- I Allister, your Ointment is good. CONSUMPTION.—It can hardly be credited that a I salve can have any effect upon the lungs, seated as they are within the system; But if placed upon the I chest, it penetrates directly to the lungs, seperates, the poisonous particles .that nre,, , s-onsunimg them, I and expels them from the system: I need not say that it is curing personsilf consump tion continually, although we are told it is foolish. ncss; I' care not what is said, so long as I can cure several thousand persons yearly. !IF A.DACHE.—The Salve has cured persons o r the Headache of ten years standing, and who had it regularly every week, so that vomiting often took' place._ Deafneis and Ear Ache are helped with like suc cess. ! COLT) FEET.—Consumption, Liver complaint, pains in the chest or side, - falling off the hair, one or the other always accompanies cold feet. The Salve will cure every case. In Scroufla, Erysmplas, salt Rheum, Liver com plaint Sore Eyes, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Bronehitis, Broken or Sore Breast, Piles, all Chest Diseases, such, as Asthma, OppressionX ain, also Sore Lips, Chap ped Hands, Tumours, Cutaneous Eruptions, Nervous Diseases, and of the Spine there is probably no med icine now knoWn so good. BURNS.—It is the best thing in the world for Burns. (Read the Directions around the box.) PIMPLES ON THE FACE - --.Masculine - Skin gross surface. Its first action is to expel all humor. It will not cease drawing till the thee is free from any matter that may be lodged under the skin, and fre (lucidly breaking out to the surface. It-then heals When there is nothing but grossness, or dull repul sive surface, it begins to soften and - soften'until the skin becomes as smooth and delicate as a child& WORMS.—If parents -knew how fatal most me& eines were to children taken inwardly, they would be slow to resort to them., Especially - "mercurial lozenges" called "medicated lozenges," "vermi. Rips" pills, &c. The truth is, no one - can - tell, in variably when worms are - present. Now let me say to parents that this Salve will always tell if a child has worms. It will drive every vestige of them a way: (Read the directions around the bor.) There is probably nomedicine on the fiMe of the earth at once so sure and so safe in the expulsion of worms. TOlLET.—Although I have said little about it as a hair restorative yet I will stake it against themorldt They may bring their Oils far and near, and mine will restore the hair two cases to their one. OLD SORES.—That some Sores are an outlet to the impuritios of tne system, is, because they cannot pass off through the natural channels of the Insensi ble Persifiration. If sucli sores are healed up the impurities must have some other outlet, or it will en danger life. This salve will always provide for such emergencies.' RHEUMATISM.—It removes almost immediately the inflammation and swelling, when the pain of course ee•ises. • FEVER:4.-1"n all cases of fever, the difficulty lies in the pores .being locked up, so that the heat and perspiration cannot pass off. If the least moisture could be started the crisis had 'passed and the danger over. , The All-Healing Ointment will in all cases of fevers almost instantly unlock:the skin and bring forth the perspiration. SCALD HEAD.—We have cured cases that actu ally defied every thing known; as, well as the ability of fifteen or twenty doctors. One man told us he had Spent $5OO on his children without any benefit, when a few boxei of the ointment cured them. - CORNS.—Occasional use of the Ointment will al ways keep corns from growing. People need never be troubled with them if they will use it: AS A FAMILY MEDICINE.--No man can meas ure its value. So long as the stars roll along over the Heavens--so long as man treads the earth, sub-. ject to all infimities of the flesh—so long as disease and sickness is known—just 'so long will this good Ointment be used and esteemed. When man ceas es from off the earth, then the demand will cease, and, not till then. JAMES McALISTER. & Co. Sole proprietors of the above Medicine. Price 25 cents per box. CAUTION.--As tho Alt-Healing Ointment - has been greatly Counterfeited, we have given this Cau tion to the public that "no Ointment will be genuine unless the names of James McAlister, or James Mc. Alister 4r Co., are warromr with a PEN upon EVERY label." Now we hereby offer a reward of $5ll to be paid on conviction in any of the constituted courts of the United States, for any individual coun terfeiting our name and Ointment. • PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOX. AGENTS IN PITTSBURGH --Braun & :Reiter, corner of Liberty and St. Clair sta. are the whole sale agents, and L. Wilcox, jr. ' corner Market at and the, Diamond; iliays & Brockway, (Druggists No 2, Commercial Row, Liberty st.; J. H. Cassel, corner of Walnut and Penn streets., sth ward; and sold at the Bookstore In Smithfield st. 3d door from Second - lit; and in Allegheny, city by Ii P, Schwartz, and J. Sar gent; and by J G. Sonitli(Druggist) Eirminghamkand. D. Negley, East Liberty; IL Rowland; McKeesport; Samuel Walker, Elizabeth; J. Aleiander & Son, Mo nongahela City; N. 8.; Bowman & Co.; J. T. Rogers, Brownsville, Pa; Dr. S. Smith, Bridgewater and John Barclay, heaverEaar'2o. jelS-d&w ,il itaL Fifth Street Furniture NiTareroome., rinrE subscriber would most respectfully call the 1, attention of the public to his stock of Cabinet are, possessing advantages over any other mann blishment in the citp He is enabled 'to sell his Wares at much Jester tif , ..:,..-eFefore, he( would remind those who want good kur ' 'tura at a fair price not to forget the right place, No. 27 ,-Fifth street. (mar 23-d&wy) H. H. RYAN, Fall Faahlon of Hata. 4 1 D,' At KEEVIL , S, to-morrow, Thursday August V 441, 27th, a neat and cheap article of Pittsburgh manufacture can be bad at the above store, ahead - of fashionable hats impcirted from the East. & CO., islo 132 head orWood at. An Acrostic. I - "JUST IN TIME FORSCIIEAP BARGAINS:. Just received, a splendid assortment 'of Spring and _ and Summer goods, l Unsurpassed for quantity, quality or , Style. The Ploprietor of this establishment I Takes great pleasure in informing his friends and the public I In general, that he is now prepared to fill all orders that his - Numerous customers may favor him with. Wagers and • Travelers would do well, in visiting the Iron City, to call and examine his extensive and well Made stock of ready made clothing. He has acom lete 'assortment of English cloth, to which he would invite attention, also, • • French cloths of every color and quality, wich he is Offering at a very small advance on eastern prices. Remember at this store you are not asked two prices, being Convinced that small profits and quick sales is the best way to secure custom. Having in, his employ the bestworkmen,he can war rant Every article made at his establishment to fit well, And to be of the best materials; he would again in vite - Purchasers generally to give him a call • Before purchasing in any other place, As he is confident that he can sell them as good goods Reasonable prices as any house in this city, Going- so Er as to say a little cheaper. • ' All his goods are new, and of handsome patterns • purchased • In the the east but a fcw weeksmince. The subscri ber Now returns his thanks to his friends and the_publin in general, and - ' Solicits a continuance of their favors. . Iron City Clothing Store, No. 132 Liberty street.. mar 7 C. M,CLOSKEY..._ Three Big Doors Clothing Store. N 0.151, Liberty street. MHE Proprietors of this old and highly popular es. stablishment informs his friends and the public at, large, that a portion of his 'Spring arrd Stumnor Stock of . . . READY MADE CLOTHING, -` Is now prepared for their inspection, andle respect.. fully invites all who contemplate purchasing articles in his line to pay hima visit. His stock this season is peculiarly rich; comprising all the latest Fashione and Patterns, and all his Goods, having been select. ed by himself in the eastern markets, he can with confidence recommend them to his customers,-as be ing of the very best quality. His Inge assortment of .DRESS COATS, Is made in the most modem and improved . style, and the workmanship cannot be excelled. Pants. qr.,- ery desaription, Satin ¢ Fancy.trests. He bas a rare and beautiful assortment of - YESTINGS, - To which he Would call .the attention of public as he believes them to be more Beautiful and Cheaper, Than anything of the kind that has been offered heretofore. I , - . ' . Tweed and other coats, for Summer wear, Tn great variety and made in every style, Fashianable Shirts, Latest Style of Storks, Suspenders of-every descriptions, Handkerchiefs, anil every other article necessary for a Fashionabie Dress. He has a very large and excellent assortment' at Substantial Clothing, which will be - sold lower than it can be purchased at any other place in the city. 7. -ta which be would invite the 'attention of - workingmen and others who wish servicable 'clothing for every daps W ear..; - 4 Having. in his. employ some the best Cutters and - Workmen, that the Country can produce," and being provided with a stock of Goods, which - for excel. lance and variety cannot be equalled, he is prepar ed TO MAKE CLOTHES TO ORDER, At the shortest notice, and in a style that Cannet he Surpassed. DO NOT PASS THE THEE DIG DOOMS:: It is not considered any Trouble to show Clothing, and the proprietor feels confident that after an ex amination of his stock, all who desire to purchase will find it their interest to deal at his establishment. The proprietor would take this opportunity to ten= der his sincere thanks to the public for.the unprece dented patronage bestowed upon his establishment, and as the success hehas met -with is an indication that his efforts to pleas his patrons, have not been unavailing; he pledges himself that nothing shall be omitted on his part to secure their kindness for the future. - JOHN IIIeCLOSKEY, ' Three Big Doors, 151 Liberty et _ tnarl7-4]&w J. S. Lawry, hlercliant, Tailor. 11 - TOULD inform his friends and the - public - in II general; that he has removed to Wood Street, in the ST. Ctrantrs building, two. doors below the entrance, where he is ready to execute all orders ht the neatest and most fashionable meaner, having enL • gaged the services of Mr. Tons M. CAIIPELI. as cut ter, whose attention will be devoted to that branch ofthe trade and whose well known ability in this par- - ticular basing long. been established in the fashion able comnlunity of this city, induces thee - belief that by close attention to business, The will be able to give general satisfaction to all who may favor bins with a call—having also made arrangements to - -keep constantly on hand a geberal assortment of every thing adapted to gentlemen's wear, such as Cloths, Cassiineres; Vestings, Shirts, Drawers, Bosoms, Sus penders, Gloves, Cravats, and every article pertain ing to a gentle mans wardrobe, he will be ready at all times to supply any demand in his line. The subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, that having entered into the above arrangement the establishment will be able to furnish any article in the Tailoringline, with a punc tuality and despatch scarcely equalled by any other in the city, and for style and workmanship nor. stir passed by any in the states. ang22-‘l3m JNO. M. CAMPBELL."_:' YUST RECEIVED--.. 4 splendid assortment of Summer Cassimeres, Gingliams, and Gam broons, suitable for coats and pants; a large stock of fancy Summer Stuffs; fancy Cotton Cloths, a new at.- ticle Oregon Cassimeres; . Gold Mixed -Tweeds and Berkshire; 10 dozen - white shirt Linen Bosoms and Collars. • - Also, a great variety of fancy -shirt striped Ging hams, &c.; a splendid assortment of Summer Cra vats, Marseilles, Silk, Satin and other Vestings : ot superior styles and qnality; Socks, Handkerchiefs, Stocks, Bosoms, Collars' Lisle Gloves, and.all kinds . of gentlemen's wear, ready made, or got np toOrder at the shortest notice, and at the lowest prices, by W. B. SHAFFER, Pittsburgh • ClOthing Store, jc3 corner of Wood and Water st.s. Caul be Beat. lir. WHITE has just received at his large establisimient, fronting on Liberty and Sixth streets, a splendid assortment of TWEEDS for Summer; also, a superior lot of French SatinVES TINGS, all of v,lich he is ready to .make: up in the latest fashion and on the.most reasonable terms as usual. Observe the corner, No 167 Liberty and Si.xth streets. tnyl , t J. AL WHITE, Tailor Pro rietor. To Arnis: To Ainta A7- I) .„THI2EATENED INVASION OF WEST ERNPENNSYLVA.NIA by Swift,_ with 10,000 men, notwithstuading which, J. M.. White will continue to sell clothing cheaper than any has heretofore been offered in the western court- . try, having the largest establishment in the city, fronting on Liberty and Sixth streets. now prepared to show to his numerous patrons thereat-. est variety of cloths, cassimeres, vestings, an thing of all descriptions, suitable for the approaching section, that has ever been offered in this ;market, to . which all can have the Right of .Way. Observe the corner, N 0.167, Liberty:and Sixth streets. J.M. WRITE, Tailor Proprietor.. Veilitinn A WESTERVELT, the old and well knows A Venitian Blind Maker, formerly of Second and Fourth sts., takes this method to inform his many friends of the fact that his Factory is now in full 'op. eration on St. Clair st.,