PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRADE. COMMITTEE ion OCTOMMR. 1 F.Lorezz, . N. Ben t W. W. Wallace ?Tenured sad Corrected every Afternoon. PORT OF PITTSMIRGH. 2 MEET 3 INCHES WATER IN THE. CRANNEL. i ARRIVED :' Consul, Bowman, Brownsville. Louis ISPLane, Bennett, Brownsville. Arrow, Atkinson, Beaver. Cneota, Gorden, Beaver. Micbi;lin Boles, Beaver. Dispatch, Nelson, Monongahela city. Rio Grande, Connelly, Cincinnati. ,May Queen, Fracker, Zanesville. • DEPARTED. - . Oneota, ; Gordon; Beaver. • Arrow, Atkinson, Beaver. Louis McLane, Bennett, Brownsville. Consul, Bowman, Brownsville. Michigan, Boies, Beaver. Dispatch, Nelion, Monongahela city Rambler, Houton, M'Snesport. Alert, Gregg, Cincinnati. The sple7- oz7-The splendid light draught passenger steam. er Califonia, Capt. Hurrait, leaves for Cincinnati to-day. • IMPORTS BT‘TALIFEIL. Monongahela Improvem . efit—P atr Consul; 6 bbls salt, 30 bbls flour, 78 bas glass, 75 bush. oats, .2 chests; 1 bbl; 14 bas. '3 bales, 8 truiiks rads; 8 bl flour; 211.ixs glass. i Per stmr. Louis At'Lane, 12 bxs.l bale Inds; 2 tons pig iron; 70 bbls flour 78 bus oats; 26 kgs —•- ' units; 50 Eta gltuts. er e. Y. Virtue of = a Writ ofTenclitioni Exponas Al sued oat of the Court of Common Pleas, of Al .lllegheny• County, and to me directed, will be ex- I posed to public sale, at the Court House, in the city of Pittsburgh, on Monday the 25th day of Oc tober, A. : 11 184 G, at 10 o'clock, A. M., the follow ; ing property to wit: All the right, title, interest and claim of Daniel I Williams, of, in and to a certain, lot of ground, !marked No. 24, in 13arnett's plan of lots, in the 2d - IWard of Allegheny City, containing 25 feet front -1 l ing on Middle Alley, and extending back 25 feet, • , on whictc-is erected one two story frame house, iwith the appurtenances.--Seized and taken in ex lecution as the property of Daniel Williams, at the suit of John Burry. • ELIJAH TROVILLO, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Oct. 3d, 1846. Nlll2lllll l , streets. This is the only es tablishment in western Pen !prams where the theory and practice of Book keep ing can be acqulied in such a manner as to enable the learner to apply it at once to business. In ad dition to his usual coarse of instruction in Double Entry "Book-keeping, he has preparOd for the use of mechanics and others who are apt willing to in cur the time and expense necessary ,for acquiring the science upon the Double Entry principle, a com plete course of instruction upon SINGLE ENTRY Book- SEEPING. A comfortable private parlor is fitted up for instructing Ladies, either in Penmanship or Book keeping. Ladiei , Class, 2t04, P. a:. Gentlemen's Class, 10 to 12, 2 to 4, and 7 to 9 P. as. octl i Henry \V. Williarns, TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, La. (successor to Lowrie tc. OtTrce et the old 'stand, Fourth street, above Smithfield. 1 THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between 1 - le_tiry W. Williams, and myself, in the prac ice of the law, wasdil3solVCa by mutual consent on lte 26th ult. and the business will hereafter be con-1 !armed by Henry W. Williams, whom! most cheer fully recommend to all for whom I have the honor' go do business, as a gentleman every way worthy of their confidence. 1 seplS-ly IOOPING COUGH AND CROUP.- - -:40 PA RENTS.-JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT is 61thotit exception, the most valuable prcpartion to ffuse for the above diseases. It converts IIOOPING COUGH into a mild and tractable disease, and shor ;ens its duration more than one-half, and produces b certain and speedy recovery. From half to one Oa spoon full will certainly cure the CROUP in in pants and young children in half an. hour's - time.— The lives of hundreds of children will be saved an bually, by keeping it always on hand ready for eve )7 emergency. Prepared at No. 8, South Third !street,- Philadelphia 1• For sale in Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TEA STORE, 2 Fourth street, near Wood, and also at the Drug Store of 11. P. Schwartz, Federal street, Allegheny pity. • sep 23. Martin and Smith, Lt UCCESSOILS to Irvine & Martin, wholesale gro k) ears, produce and commission n•erchants, and dealers in Pittsburgh manufactured articles, No. 56, Wood street. Pittsburgh, Pa. jelB lANDLES, 6 boxes Sperm Candles. gLi 10 " Star do. 5- a Summer mould do. 5 or Dripped do. J. D. WILLIAMS & Co. No. 110 Wood street. For sale by I esp. 22. Blakely and Mitchell, Offices an Penn and Smithfield its GENTS for the Old Black Ball Line of Dyer• . 1 ,11 pool and New York Packeta. Remittances made as usual to England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, in sums of one, pound sterling and upwards—payable in any town of importance in Great Britain-and Ireland. Perm:lns - wishing to send for their friends can have them brought out by the above splendid line, on the loth and 16th of any — month. jy7 • New York Rhino Fortes. I'OHN H. MELLOR No. 81 Wood street (between 0 Diamond alley and 4th street) has received and forsale three new Piano Fortes from the manufac iory of A. 11. Gale & Co., successors to the "New York Manufacturing Company," which will be sold at the same price as io New York city, adding only the price of transportation. The quality of these Pianos is now so well known, and established, that it is not considered necessary to state wherein their superiority over others con sists, those who are desirous of purchasing can be fully satisfied, as to the quality of tone and workman- Ship, by calling on the subscriber. The patterns of • ihese Pianos are entirely new and such as are now fashionable in New York eity. They will be r sold for cash or on a moderate credit for approved endorsed paper. JOHN H. MELLOR, sep 81 Wood street. ArTi F LO WINES & LlQUORS—consisting of Port Wine: Madeira Wine; Malaga.. do; Rhenish do; in half and quarter pipes, id op draught warranted pure; Pale Brandy, of different brands; -- Dark do, Holland Gin, fine flavor; Peach Brandy, 8 years old; Apple d 0,4 do do; Old Rye Wiskey, 8 and 31 years old, Part of the above Liquors from under Custom Fame Lock, for sale in quantities to suit by P. C. MARTIN, 60 Water st. PROCLAMATION. --efY virtue of a precept under the hands of the _JD H-011. Benjamin Patton, jr., President of the Court of Common Pleas in and for the sth Judicial .District of Pennsylvania, and Justice of.the Court of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, in end for said District, and William Porter and William Kerr, Esquires, Associate Judges of the same coons, in and for the said County of Alle gheny, dated the 16th day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand tight hundred and forty-six, and to me directed, for holding a Court of Oycr and Terrininer l and Genetat' Jail Delivery, at the Court House, in the city of-Pittsburgh, on the 4th Monday of October next, at Id o'clock, A. M. Public notice is hereby given, to all Justices of the Peace, Coroner and Constables ' of the County of Allegheny, that they be then and there, in their prow persons, with their rolls, recads,- inquisi tions' examinations, arid other remembrances, to du tbope. tbiopi, *Melt to their reariective offices in their behalf appear to he done—and also those that prosecute the prisoners that now are or may be in jail of said county of Allegheny, to =be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be of Wm] wafer my hand at Pittsburgh, this 15th &wy ; •." - "s , , P,2":l'V7 c.; 3rk'k'N,l,4 5.7'4 1.6;:t.70,k4)-0,i44--4,!,;',-.' " .. . 4 • yer,4,1020, ' AND WRITING ROOMS, corner of Fifth and Market WALTER, H. LOWRIE • : :'l6;r " 1 , 1i..er... 7 -i.,... • .. . --.... ..1.1,416 k. ,; .. - -- s,-- -- -. •_• - - -. 7% I - : - ! ' 0536... --- •- ‘. ...pl 4l / t..?,•-•-•- • ; . . . •:1: ' n. ,10..1.,0,0-••_ 1 1 : l • luwar. • : --'' . .. -,- ••: ,- : From the Bolan'or° 3t01.! ARRIVAL OF. THE , k,;(tNir- STEAM lili/ 1 1 1 1r; 7 SHIP GREAT WESTERN. EIGHT DAYS. LATER FROM EUROPE Advance in the Price of all deeeriptions of _American Produce... Failure of the Potato Crop... Scarcity of !Groin. The steamer Great Western arrived at NeW York at 1 o'clock P. Bf., on Wednesday. She brings dates from Liverpool to the 12th of September, eight days later than those brought by the Cant brie. ' • ' • The markets for all descriptions of -Atnerman produce were advancing. ' The followlng is the commercial article froin Wilmer & Sthith's European Times: • Commercial.--The improvement in business whichwe notice at the sailing of the last steamer continnes,And matters are nearly in the same rela tive position as when we last addressed our readers. The failure of the potato crop influences the 'price I of provisions of every kind. Bacon and ham are I raising 'rapidly, as a glance at our market : returns ' will show. - • . Indian corn is also increasing in value . , as in fact is almost every kind of grain. That the failure of the Potato crop in every part of the world must greatly multiply the wants of the laboring', classes in Great Britain is undeniable., The advance to which we have alluded- may be traced to the iq creased demand for other descriptions of food, and there is every reason to believe that the present prices may be maintained, if indeed theydo not advance. As an article of human food; the use of the potato seems likely to become extinct. The injury may be temporarily pressing,' and produc tive, no donbt, - of suffering, but ultimate consequen ces can hardly fail to raise the condition of the Irish peasant, and to itnprove.his social habits.— He will be raised in the scale of civilization by hav ing a higher and more nutritious kind of food.— There are those who contend that the potato has been. a curse, not a blessing to Ireland. The Cotton market continues to . improve.— Considerable anxiety prevails respecting the new crop. The grain markets with us, as with our conti nental neighbors, areon the rise. 'Whatever affects Eugland, influences the whole commercial world. It will be perceived that every where animation prevails, and that the new theory of free trade will have plenty of scope for the development of its alleged benefits, or as some contend, its injuries. The failure of the potato crania universal, The reports from every part of the United Kingdom are appalling, whilst letter after letter from the Conti nent details the ravages which this strange and un accountable disease has made, in France,Belgium, Hollandiand Prussia. The grain crops in the United Kingdom are not more than an average, either in quantity or (mall , ty. We must, therefore, look to other countries! for a supply sufficient for the large and increasing consumption that is now going forward. Again the accounts from France, as to the har vest in that country, are most distressing.. A very large quantity of wheat will therefore be required for immediate want, all over north of Europe, for the staple article of consumption has yielded miserably short. LOYOWC.—These is very little Indian corn in the London trade. and the immense extent of the; orders'for Ireland renders improbable any impor4 tation to England sufficient to affect the ntarket for oats for the present On the 10th, foreign %%heat was held about Is per quarter higher ; and flour was in fair request— I tine American now bringing 30 to 31s. per bbl. Litentruot..--Our market here has teen like that of London, rather animate for all kinds of grain. The demand riasa % inter Dry. t oct •*. A. A. MASON, No. 62, Market Street, Simpson's Row, lIAS received 42 cases and packages of Cheap Foreign and Staple Dry Goods, which have been recently purchased at ruinous low prices in the east ern markets, and will be sold at extremely low rates. We name in park_ DRESS GOODS Splendid shaded Pekin and other styles dress silks; black and blue black Gro de !Miles, Poult de Soie, and Gro de Swiss; new style French cashmeres; Mous de Lains; new style cashmere robes; Oregon and California Plaids; now style Ginghams, superior quality; Alpaccas and Apines. SHAWLS ! sthi TVLS French Cashmere, Terkerri Printed, very rich; Zephyr Worsted, Brocha, Damask, Thibet, Merino, Woolen and other shawls. LINEN GOODS. Linen Cambric handkerchiefs, all prices; Hem Stitched and Revere Bordered Hdltrs; Irish Linens in great variety; Linen Sheetings; Damask Table Cloths and Table Damask; Bird's Eye, Scotch and Thicker buck Diapers; Brown Table Covers . , Damask Nap kins, Crash, &c. DOMESTIC GOODS New styles of Prints ' of all qualities, one case as low as 4 cts.; one case Orange and Blue, slightly im perfect, 6; cents; good dark Prints, fast colors, as low as 7 cents; fine dark blue do. 9 cents! very rich do. for 10 and 12 cents, usual price 18 and 20 cents; sixteen bales brown Muslim., every quality, at factory prices. Kentucky Jeans for 20 cents. Cassinetts as low as 28 cents. Canton Flannels 9 cents. Also, tickings, flannels, stripes, cheeks, blankets, counter panes, plaid linseys, bleached goods of every variety; one case Nankeerkss low as 9 cents per yard. FOR GENTLEMEN. Black, blue, olive, brown, drab, French, English, and American Clothe, from $2 to $8 per yard. Sup. black and &nay animates, all prices. Satin, Velvet, Cashmere and Silk Vesting.. A full stock of gloves, handkerchiefs, cravats, hosiery, undershirts, draw ers, &c. Cash purchasers are respectfully invited to call and examine our assortment before making their selec tions. Selling exclusively for cash, we feel confident that we can offer greater inducements to buyers than those who practice the credit system. sep29 A. A. MASON. G. W. Diddle, Dentist. HAS removed to No. 109 Smith field at., where ho will perform all operations on the Teeth satisfac torily. N. B.—Having lately made one of the greatest improvements in • forceps that has ever appeared be -fare the public, he has been able " ' to extract teeth with such ease • . •, as to astonish all those who have availed themselves of his services. Pittsburgh, July 24, 1849-ly Tobacco, Sault and Cigar Store, NO. 25 FIFTH STREET. JUST RECEIVED, a very choice lot of manufac tared Tobacco, of various brands, among which Branch's Aromatic Cavendish; Peyton's Honey Dew Fives; James Thomas', Jr., Nectar Leaf; John Ender's Honey Dew Ladies' Twist; Lawre Leafier Baltimore Plug; Also, a very fine lotorCuba filler Leaf, which-will be sold in small or large quantities. Together with every variety of Cigars, which will be sold wholesale or retail. sep2s-dim JACOB M'COLLISTER. Ladles Dress Goods WE have just received a fine assortment of the handsomest styles of Ladies dress goods that have ever been offered in this market, among which ere new style Cashmeres of splendid quality, Ombre Shaded and Satin striped Cashmeres, a most beautiful article; splendid Cashmere Robes; Rich Fancy Silks; Clermont and California Plaids; also, a fresh stock of de Leiner French and Scotch Ginghams; Alpaccas, ChintzeS, &c., to all which we would respectfully invite ithe attention of the Ladies as we are confident of their being pleased. ALEXANDER & DAY S NO 75 Market street, N. W. cor of the Diamond. SUNDRIES, 10 43ble. Chipped Logwood. 61 is Ground Camwood. 3 "• No. I Herring. 2 " Trim'd Shad; ' 20 4a. ._ No. I and 3 Mackerel. -3, g( No. I Salmon. Roceived and for sole by J. D. WILLIAMS' & Co. No.llo Wood street. nep. 22. MIME 'or Cincinnati TILE splendid new. rind light drought. passenger steamer OE NA TP Capt. M'CLVRE, will leaiet for the abotv and all intermedi ate'ports, regularly. For freight or passage apply onboard, seplelm 11'pr: Clnolnnntl. The new light draught packet steam= leave tort rx e r CALIFORNIA; ,and all intermediate ports this Captain Hunter, will above day, , regularly. .. - • For freight or pasgage apply on board, onto J. W. BUTLER k BRO., Secgitil st The California was built expressly for the above trade, and will make her trips regularly during the season. augls For 'Cincinnati. THE new. and light dmbght passenger steamer' WES T E RN, Capt. BARER wleave for tho abe e and all intermediate porte regularly. The Western draws but 12 inches, and was built expressly to run in the trade during the low water season.. . For freight or passake, havint superior accopamo datione, apply On board. jyl s For LooterMo.-Regular _Packet. 171 .1 111ta k The new and splendid passenger steam. er TONNALFAIKA, Capt. J. K. Moody, runwA illll. in the trade from Pittsburgh to Louisville, during the season of 1846: The Tonnalenka was built expressly for the trade, and is elegantly furnished in every respect. Forfreight or passage apply on board. my 22 - For Cluoinstat.l. The well known fast running steamer CAMBRIA, W. Forsyth, Master, will run as a regular Packet, leaving every Wednesday morn. ing at 10 o'clock, and„Wheeling, at 10, P. M., the same day. Returning, she will leave Cincinnati every Saturday, at 10, A. M. For freight or passage apply on board, or to FORSYTH & Co., Agents, ap 18 No. flO, Water street. For St. Lonie.eltegnlar Packet. fin _ The new and splendid passenger steam. . er TOM CORWIN, Capt. llngher, will run m tie trade from Pittsburgh to St. Louis, du• ring the season of 1848. The Tom Corwin, was ,built expressly for the trade, awl is elegantly furnished in eveiy respect. For freight or passage apply on board. may 10. For Saint Louis... Regular Packet. iCf The new and splendid passenger steam =a n or BRUNETTE, Capt. Perry, wilirun in t trim e from Pittsburgh to St. Louis, during tha season of 180. The Brunette was built expreiraly for the trade, and is elegantly found in every respect. For freight or passage apply on board. apl4 For Cincinnati and St. Louie The passenger steamer PALESTINE, Capt. Williams, wili leave for the above an. intermediate ports regularly. For freight or passage, apply on board. je9. For Cincinnati and Louisville. The nowaod splendid passenger steam er COLUM 13 I A, O'NEAL, Master, will leave for the above mid intermediate ports, regular ly. For freight or passage apply on board, or to jet D. WILKINS, Agent. Tuesday Evening Packet. The new and splendid passenger steam- Jefe l Mi boat DECLARATION, Capt. Vorhees. will run asa regular packet between Pittsburgh and Cincinnati, leaving this pert every Tuesday evening at 3 o'clock. Returning she will leave Cincinnati every Friday evening at 3 o'clock. The Declaration offers superior accommodations to passengers. For freight or passage apply or board. je I CINCINNATI PACKETS MONDAY PACKET o T :s h . c o r s e . i 7 A I l a i r Li: an c. .l; t as; t e o n n g t er ,, ste .il a i m ru e n t M as a ieguiar Packet between Pittsburgh and Cincin nati, leaving this port every Monflay at 10, A.M., and Wheeling at 10, P. M., the same day. Return ing, she will !cave Cincinnati every Thursilsv, at 10, A. M. Fur freight nr 113.1W1 . 4e Apply on board. The Monongahela was liudt expressly for this trade, and offer:, to the passeng,ers comfort, and su perior accommodations. mar 31 MONDAY PACK El TII F. regular mail and pavenger steam l•- ,,7 7 . • — • - 5.4.er UNION, Cr. , gain :klaclean, will run as a regular packet between Pittsbiirgh and Cinein nati, leaving thk part every Monday at G o'clock, P. M. Returning ,:he will lease Cincinnati every Thuml:tv at 6 P. M. The enion was built expresily for this trade, and affords every accommodation. For freight or passage apply on bored. may!? TUESDAY PACKET jigwzTH H regular mad and passenger steam er 111 HERNIA, Capt. John Klinefelter, vri I run as a regular packet between Pittsburgh and Cincinnati, leaving this port every , Tuesday at 10 A. M., and Wheeling, at 10 P. M. of the same day.— Returning, she will; leave Cincinnati every Friday at 10 A. M. For freight or plasage apply on hoard. The Hibernia was built expressly for the trade, and offers to the pasiengers every comfort and su perior accontmtalations. a I WEDNP.SDAT PACKET Tim regular mail and passengerstenna -1 _ er NEW ENGLAND, Capt. 6. B. Page, oe r grl, ',VII run — as a regular packet between Pittsburgh and Cincinnati, leaving this port every Wednesday at 10 A. M., and Wheeling at 10 P. M. the name day. 'Returning, she will lease Cincinnati every Saturd” at 10 A. M. For freight or passage apply on hoard. The New England wax built expressly for this trade and offers to the passengers every comfort and Ripe. aloe accommodations. mar 26 THURSDAY PACKET THE new U. S. Mail steamer ACADIA, Ige j elki. E. Lucas, Master; will run as a regu raTFassenger packet between Pittsburgh and the above port during the season of 1846, teasing every Thursday at 10 o'clock A. M. The Acadia is new and has superior accommoda tions. For freight or passage apply on board, or to ap9 • J. NEWTON JONES, Agent. FRIDAY PACKET FATHE regular coal! and passenger steam er CLIPPER No. 2, Captain Crooks, will run as a regular packet between Cincinnati and Pitts. burgh, leaving this port every Friday at 10 A. M., and Wheeling 410 P. M. the same day. Returning she will leave Cincinnati every Monday at 10 o'clok, A. M. For freight or passage apply on board, The Clipper No. 2 was built expressly for this trade., end offers to her passengers every comfort and ac. aommodation. mar 23 SATURDAY PACKET cr T ft h c e A r4iV N arinail and passenger steam!, S A , Capt. Isaac 'Sennett, will run as a regular Packet between Pittsburgh and Cincinnati, leaving this port every Saturday, at 10, A. M., and Wheeling at 10, P. M, the same' day. Returning, she will leave Cincinnati every Tuesday, at 10, A. M. For freight or passage apply on board. The Circassian was built expressly for this trade, and offers io her passengers every comfort and ac commodation. mar 23 SATURDAY PACKET The regular mail and passenger steamer MESSENGER, Capt. L,nford, will run as a regu ar Packet between Pittsburgh and Cincinnati, leaving this port every Saturday at 10, A. M., and Wheeling at 10, P. M., the same day. Returning, she will leave Cincinnati every Tuesday, at 10 Welk A. M. For freight or passage apply on board. The Messenger was built expressly for this trade, and offers to her passengers every comfort and ac commodation. mat 23 tArtn svPir.rtion. THE STAUNCH low pressure, , . sl;ship built Steam Packet, JULIA t" • PALMER, Capt EitICY A. Swart/am, having been put in complete condition for sea, will run upon Lake Superior during the season, commence ing 3d August, between the Sault de St. Marie and the various ports, as business may warrant. The J. P. is well furnished in every particular, and is as fine a heavy weather vessel as any ship that floats the seas. Has goOd upper cabin, state rooms and family saloons, as, also single berths, ladies cabin and steerage cabin. All well ventilated, and will accommodate 100 cabin passengers. Freight in large quantities can be stowed under decks. Parties with or without freight will be accommodated at the vari ous landings upon' the British and American sides of the lake. Irr One or two voyages will be made to La Pontei during the Indian payments, and two pleasure voy ages will be made entirely around the lake coast wise, during August and September, giving to plea sure-travel an opportunity of enjoying the most de lightful, unique and interesting scenery in the known world. State rooms or single herthi can be secured in advance by addressing W. F. PORTER TAYLOR, Managing owner, Sault de Ste Marie, Mithigan: July, 1848. jy2o-3tnEarn N, S. ProPerty consigned to W.F. Porter Taylor, will meet with immediate despatch as ordered. James Blakely, Alderman. FFICE on Penn et., opposite D, Leech & Co's., Q packetline office. Office hours from 7 o'clock A., M., to 8 o'clock P. ?M. • ROCK E, BROTHERS da CO. . • AJLIZAWGZI4ENTS F L OE ~•• 44.\ 1 8 46 . 44. * - B.TAKELY . t MITCHEZ, Agatte. EMITTANCES to, and Passagh to slid from Great .Ilritain and Ireland, hy the Black Ball, or old Line' of "Liverpool - - Packets. Sailing from New York and Liverpool on the Ist and 16th - of every month. And by first class American Shißs' [Sailing Weekly.] Persons sending to the "Old Country , ' fof their friends; can make the necessary arrangements With the subscribers, and have theni brought out in any of the eight ships comprising the Black Ball or Old Line of Liverpool Packets;"(sailing •frOm Liverpool on the let and 16th of every month,) also by first class ships, sailing from- that port weekly,.which 'our Agents, Messrs. Tames D. Roche & Co., there will send Out without delay. • ' Should those sent for not come out the money will be refunded without any deduetion.; . The "Black Ball, or old. Lyle ,of Liverpool Packd eta ) ) , comptise the follo w i n g magnificent ships, and will sail from Liverpool on their regular 'appointe. day, as follows Fidelia, . On let Jan. Ist May.: Ist Sept. Europe, 16th - «`l6th: " 16th " Ist Ist , Jtine. Ist Oct. American, ... . • • 16 4 1 i ," }6th .4 16th 4. Yorkshire,...'.".... - Ist Mar. let July. Ist Nov. Cambridge,: ••-r • * 16th' ' 18th " 16th Dec. Oxford, Ist April. Ist Aug. let Montezuma,..',...,,_ 16th " 1611 c " t 16th ti , Notice.—lt is well known, that the Black Ball is the very bed conveyance for persons to get out their friends, and as other paisenger agents advertise to bring out passengers by that ,Line, the public ere re* spectililly notified by the owiieri that no passenger agents, but Roche, Brothers & Co., and Blakely & Mitchel, are authorized to advertise and to bring out passengers by that Line. ' . We have atoll times for the Drafts at Sight for any amount, direct the Royal Bank of Ireland, Dub. lin. Also on Messrs. Prescottt, Grote, Ames & Co., Bankers, London, which are paid free of discount, or any charge ) whatever, in all the principal towns throughout England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Apply to, or address, if by Letter, (post paid.) ROCIIE, 8110 , 8 & CO. No. afi, Fulton street New York. (Next door to the Fulton Bank. ASR. ROCIIE, Sr., No. 75 Dublin street, Liverpool. BLAKELY & MITCHEL, Penn street, and Smithfield St. Security to plarettaiiers: Eat!. box of OESrIiRE SUDAIL COATED P 11.4.8 boa opoo airAwre g otters mow- reenter. TtAYZJT riLICKENER'S SUGAR COATED VEGETABLE PILLS arc the first' and only Medicine ever known that will 'positively cure Headache, Giddiness, Measles, Salt Rheum, Rheumatism, Piles, Heartburn, Worms, Diapepaia, Scurvy, Cholera Morbus, Small Pos, Jaundice, Coughs, Quinsy, Pains in the Back, Whooping Cough, Inward Weakness,, Consumption, Fits, Palpitation or the Heart, Liver Complaint, Rising in the Throat, Erysipelas, Deafness, Dropsy, Asthma, , Itchings of the Skin, Fery . er; of all kinds, Colds, - Gout, Gravel, Female Complaints, Nervous Complaints, And all other diseases originating from impurities o the bloat. Vi r They have cured, since their introduction, over 2,000 persons, who have been given up as hope leis cases, by the most eminent Physicians. Cry- They are patronized and recommended by men of the highest distinction, among whom are— Hon. David It. Porter, Hon. Henry Clay, Hon. John Q. Adams, Hon. Daniel Webster, Hon. Martin Van Buren, lion. J. C. Calhoun, Gad. Winfield Scott, Cot. R. M. Jbhnson , Hon. James K. Putt, Gen. Lewis Cass. Their virtues are so infallible that the money will be returned in all cases they do not give univer -1 sal satisfaction. Although but moan() a half years have elapsed since these celebrated Pills were first introduced to the public, the sale of theta in the ; Eastern nod middle States has far exceeded Dr. Clic:crier's most sanguine expectations. During the mat year, alone, no fess than 10,000 gross of boxes trite been sold in the State of New York, 6,000 iu Permsylvania, 3.000 in Maryland, 3.000 in New Jer ley, 2,000 in Delaware, and 9.000 in the New England requiting the conistant employment of 27 hands, exeintute of printer: ring! -engravers. In the saute period, upward. of 200,000 copies of the "Family Doctor" have been ordered by agents in every section of the cv.tintry. These facts must show, conclusively, that Dr. dickener's Sugar Coat ed Pills, besides luring the very best medicine in the world, arc licld in the highest estimation by the public. We might extend this publication to an indefin ite length, if we deemed it expedient to publish all tersitnonials we have received, not only front agents but individuals anti families, who have experienced the benficial effects of Clickener's Sugar Coated Pills, but we deem it unnecessary. The most in contestible evidence of their unprecedented success, are the numberless Imitations and Counterfeits which have already appeared, notwithstanding the brief pe riod they have been before the public. Even sonic of our stanncliest pill makers have had the audacity to imitate the Capsule of Sugar, in order to disguise the ingredient', of their rile compounds, and palm them oft for the "real Simon pure." Such paltry shills cannot last long without exposing their hideous deformity. Truth and honesty must inevitably pre vail over rascality and deception. For sale in Pittsburgh by Wid. JACKSON, at his Patent Medicine Warehousf, No. 89, Liberty street, head of Wood at., Pittsburgh. Price, 2,5 c. per box. Dr. Clickenerus principal office is 81 Barclay street, New York. Cry. Beware of an imitation article called Im proved Sugar Coated Pills, purporting to be patented, as both the pills and the pretended patent arc for geries, got up by a miserable quack in New York, who, for the last four or five years, has made his living by counterfeiting popular medicines. Igr Remember, Dr. C. V. Clickener is the original inventor of Sugar Coated Pills, and that nothing of the sort was ever heard of until he introduced them in June, 1843. Purchasersahould i therefore, always ask for Clickeners Sugar Coated Vegetable Pillsond take no other s or they wilbbe made the victims of a fraud. ninv 9 DUMPY THE BLOOD AND CLEANSE THE ij BODY.—It is an astonishing fact, that a iery large class of diseases can only be cured by such remedies as will enter into the Ikooo, and circu late with it, through every portion of the body, for only by this means can .the remedy be brought into immediate contact with the disease; and to at tain this desirable end, no preparation has been so uniformly successful as DR. JAYNE'S ALTER TIVE. Sorofida, Kings' Evil, Cancer - and Cancer ous Tumours, White Swellings, Enlargement of the Bones, Chronic Rheumatism and Gent, Eruptive dis eases of the Skin, old and indolent 'Ulcers, Gatrians Swelling:of the Throat &c., are cured with a certain ty, that has astonished every beholder. It is, be sides, one of the most pleasant articles that can be taken into the stotnach, operating as a tonic, and removing Dyspeptic and Nervous affections, and imparting a glow of animation and health, line. (Mailed by any thing in the whole Materia For sale at No. 8 South 'Third st.—Price $1 per bottle,or $lO per dozen. For sale in Pittsburgh at thoPEKIN TEA STORE, on Fourth street, near Wood, and at the Drug Store of It..P Schwartz, Federal street, Allegheny City. aug2h-d THE SKIN AND COMPLEXION, at this (and, indeed, every other) season, is often repulsive, in appearance, caused, in eight eases out of ten, by, the atmosphere; and what persons suppose diseasel of the blood, is simply a disease of the skin. If some of the thousands who take purgative medicine, pills, and useless,Sarsaparilln, were to use on their skin a softening and clearing balm, that opens the pores, whitens the skin, and causes aheaßhy perspi ration, that, be the skin never so disfigured, unheal thy, or diseased with pimples or freckles, sunburn, tan and morphew, the true and genuine JONES'S ITALIAN CHEMICAL SOAP never-fails to cure and dispel them, and to make-the Skin clear and , lovely. It acts so mildly and soothingly on the skin, that physicians use it on ladies and infants, in old cases of scurvy,erysipelas, salt rheurn,sore head, ringworm, and it (mind, the genuine Jones' soap) has often effected a cure when every other remedy failed. It is indeed a blessed remedy. ' Sold at JACKSON'S Patent Medicine Warehouse, 89 Liberty street, head of Wood—at the same place is sold the Moorish Hair Dye, Coral Hair Restora tive, and Spanish Lily White. PRINCIPAL Omer—Sign of the American Eagle, 82 Chatham street, New York. Tli :E. poisonous effect on the skin of common pre _ pared chalk is not generally known by ladies; how yellow rough st . nd uhhealthy it makes the skin in time; besides. what a corpse like, palid look it gives when applied, They should use a beautiful prepar ation, purely vegetable, which gives the facoarms or neck, a natural life-like whiteness, and makes it smooth. It is called Jones" Spanish' Lilly White, and is sold at JACKSON'S Patent Medicine Ware house, 89 Liberty street, headof Wood; at the same place is sold Jones' Coral- Hair Restorative, Italian Chemical Soapand unrivalled shaving soap. ,y24-If, u r a-%~`: i I ."-- ny Abe Preildent et the Vatted: • •statesi. TN - pursuarme of law; I, JAMES' K. , POLK, .1 President of the .United States of. Anibrica, do, hereby declare and ftiakn kildwn, that public sales will be held at the undermentioned Land Offices the Territory of lOWA, at the periods hereina4er designated, to wit ' At the 1.-and Office at DU BITQUE, - commencing on Monday, the twenty-third day of November nest, for the disposal of the public:l=de withiir the undermentioned toWnships, to wit: 1 North of the base line and west of ihe fifth principal meridian Townships, eighty-seven and ' eighty-eight, o range eleven. I -Townships eighty-four, eighty-five, eighty-six, eightpseven, and eighty-eight, of range twelve. Townships eighty-four, eighty-five, eighty-six, eighty-seven, and eighty-eight, of range thirteep. Townships eighty-four and eighty-five, of range fouiteen. ' , At the Land thrice at lOWA CITY, the trite de signated by the President, under the act of eighth August, 1840, - for the taco of the. lowa district, commencing on Monday, the thirtieth day lof vember next, for the disposal of the public lands within the undermentioned townships, to wit North of the base line arid west of the fifth principal meridian. Townships eighty-two and eighty-three, of range twelve. Townships eighty, eighty-one, eighty-tyro, and eighty-three, of range thirteen. Townships eighty-one, eighty-two, and eighty three, of range fourteen, I Townships seventy-seven and seventy-eight, of range sixteen. Sections one to six inclusive, the northeast guar ter-of section seven, sections eight to fifteen inclu sive, the northeast quarter of section seventeen, the north half of section twenty-two, sections twenty-three, twenty-four, and twenty-five, the northeast, quarter of section twenty-six, and tbe northeast quarter of section thirty-six, in township seventy-six; and townships seventy-seven, and se venty-eight, of range seventeen. I The'north half of section one, in township seven ty-six; township seventy-seven, (except sections nineteen, twenty, twenty,-eight; twenty-nine thirty, thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three, thirty-foUr, and the southwest quarter of section thirty-five,s and township severity-eight,; of range eighteen.:, At the land office at tAIIiFIELD, commencing on Monday, the seventh day of December next, for the disposal of the public lands within the 'under mentioned townships and parts of townships, viz: North of the base line awl torsi of the fifth principal • meridian. Townships seventy and seventy-one; township seventy-two, (except section one, the north half and southeast quarter of 'section two the northeast quarter of section three, rind the north half of sec tion twelve;) the west half of section eighteen, sec tion nineteen, the south West quarter Of section twenty, sections twenty-nine, thirty; thirty-one, and thirtytwo, and the Kest half and southeast quarter of section thirty-three, in township seventy three, of range sixteen. ToWnships seventy, seventy-one, and seventy two; township seventy-three, (except the north half and southeast quartOr of section one. and the northeast quarter of section twelve) the !south half of section twenty-nine, the south half of sec tion - thirty, sections thitty-one, thirty-two, thirty thiee,' the west half and Southeast quarter of sec tion thirty-four, and the SouthweSt quarter of sec tion thirtyfive, in township seventy-four, of ! range seventeen. Townships seventy, seventy one, seventy-two, and seventy-three; the south half of section five, sections six, seven and eight, the souttwest' quar ter of section nine, the southeast quarter of ieetion fifteen, sections seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty. twenty-one, and twenty-two, the South west quarter of section twenty-three, and sections twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty eight, twenty-nine, thirty, thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three, thirty-four, thirty-five-and thirty-six, in township seventy-four, of range eighteen. Lands appropriated by law for the use of schools, military, or other purposes, will be excluded from the sale. The sales will each be kept open for two weeks; (unless the lands are sooner disposed of) and-rno longer, and no private e itriesot land in the town ships an offered, will be ailmittted until after the expiration of two weeks from the commencement of said saki. Given under my hand, at the City of Washington, this fourteenth day of August, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and forty-six. By the President: JAMES K. FOLK. Jsstxs. H. PIPER, 4rting Commissioner of the General Land Office. NOTICE TO PRE-EMPTION CLAIMANTS Every person entitled to the right of pre-emption to an lands within the townships above enumera ted, in required to establish the same to the satis faction of the Register and Receiver of the proper Land Office, and make payment therefor, eia Wan as practicable after erring this nolirr, and before the day appointed for the commencement of the public sale of the lands embracing the tract claimedi oth erwise such claim will be. forfeited. JAMES H. PIPER, Coamdittioner of the General Land (Oct aug 1 w 10w PILES! PILES!! PILES !!!..--DR. JACK scnsrs PILE AND TETTER-EMBROCA TION is the only medicine that will cure this so very common and troublesome disease. It not only immediately allays inflammation, stops all bleeding, subdues that intolerable itching, but ef fectually cures, in a very short time,persons whose lives have been rendered mi'scrable for years. Its application produces no pain, but rather an agree able and pleasant sensation. If persons afflicted will only tall and hear of the great number of ca ses that hale been cured, they will be astonished. A gentleman of this city, who had been under the knife of the surgeon two or three times, without being cured. has, by using two bottles of this Em brorotion, been radically cured! It sells beyond all precedent! TETTER, RINGWORM, SALT RHEUM; and all Diseases of the skin, particularly those that are attended with disagreeable,and troublesome itching, are readily cured by anointing the parts effected, night and . morning, with a small quantity of. Dr. Jackson's Embrocation. Astonishing cures have been effected by this medicine. For sale by Dr. D. Jayne, No 8 South Third st., Philadelphia. For sale in Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TEA STORE, 72 Fourth street, near NVood § and also at the Drug Store of 11. P.. Schwartz, Federal street, Allegheny City. aug2B-d T O RENDER THE HUMAN HAIR SILKY, SOFT, PINE AND CLEAN; to mike the scalp healthy, smooth, white and fruitful, so that a good crop may spring therefrom, persons have but to ex pend thirty seven and a half cents. And, reader, our only object for selling the article at that price, is knowing to be all we state, that when you once try this you never will use aught else, Whether it be merely to embelish, to dress, beautify, and preserve, to force growth, stop falling , off, and cure scrufs or dandruff's the JONES' CORAL HAIR RESTORA TIVE will never fail to do all this, as hundreds will tell you with gratitude. It dresses the hair beautiful ly, and makes red or grey hair grow dark front the rootd, SOU at JACKSON'S Patent Medicine Warehouse, 89 Liberty street, head of Wood—price thirty seven and a half cents, fifty cents and one dollar per bottle. At the same place is sold the Italian Chemical soap., Spanish Lilly White and unrivalled ehaving soap. jy2541 ►FAKE NOTICE ALL THE PEOPLE—AcEicer RtmoirED—The celebrated medicines of Dr. T. G. Evans of Brownsville, : Pa., are now for sale wholesale and retail, at Jackson's Medical pepot, No. 89 Liberty street, head of Wood, Pittsburgh, Wholesale Dealers and Agents supplied, Dr. Evans' Sotleteign Panic and Grata Restbra• live, a certain cure for the Fever . tind Ague. Dr. Evans' Vegetable and Anti-Dyspeptic pills, price 25 cents per box. Dr. Evans' American Vegetable Vermifuge, price 25 cents per bottle. Dr. Evans; Tonic Eye Wafer, an infallible cure for sore eyes, price twenty-five cents per bottle. Bee. Dr. James Esters'lllack Syrup, for the cure of Coughs, Cold, Asthma, Croup, Bronchitis and Consumption—price one dollar. Remember Dr. Evans' cinly,Depot, is J.kCESOIO.O, No. 89 Liberty street, head..of Wood, . Sugar and lilaMese& HHDS. N. 0. Sugar, strictly prime ` - me , 25 bbls..Nos. 4 and 6 Loaf; 10 cases ~L overing's" D. R. Loaf Sugar 118 bbls N. 0. Molasses; In store and for.saleby LAMBERT & SHIPTON; 133 and 135 Wood street. i ~ ~._ COFFEE ---n Gba g s Soper Rio Coffee, now landing add for side Id* by pep2B MILLER RICKETSON. wHITING- 7 ..25 barrels Whiting now landini and for sale by sep2B- . , ,MILLEIt rIFIrPPEDLOGWOOLL;4O bble. Chipped Logwood now, landing.4nd for sale by - spe2B MILL ER Sr. RICKETSON. inIIIIRINCIPEE CIGARS--40 M "T. Barrio's" brand Prineipee:Cigirs, in store and for sale by sep2B MILLER 4- RIEKETSON. fiI.A.NNER2S 01L--I6 Barrels Tanners OIL-kW-re ceired and for sale by - sep2B ' MILLER & RICEETSON.. OMB CIDER-10 Barrelti Economy Crab Cider, 1..) just received and for sale by - sep.2B MILLER & RICKETSON: AVA 'COFFEff--20 Baga Old Government Java Ur Coffee, in store and forifale by sep2B ' MILLER & RICKETSON. Canton' Rifle Barrels. A FURTHER supply of the - above just received joi., and for sale at manufacturers prices, by - sep26 GEORGE", COCHRAN, 26 Wood street. T ARD, 100 kegs, No. 1, Lord on consignment•, 14 And for sale by F. SELLERS. sep24. No. 17, Liberty:street S. TJGAR HOUSEMOLLASSES.-6 bbls..Goodals; S. IL Molasses, in store and for sale by rep. 23. F. SELLERS. EFINED BORAX ---1 Case,just received and for Irk, sale by sep23 HAYS & BROCKWAY. 'lll EFINED CAMPHOR-1 Barrel, just receivid _Ely and ter sale lovi for cash. sep23 H AYS & BROCRWAY. - CASTOR OIL—I Bbl. for sale by LN_ . sep23, HAYS & BROCKWAY. PAI,4ISH Bbls.,just received' nd kj for saki, by sep23 j HAYS & BROCKWAY. COPPERS -20 Bbls., for Sale low by Sept HAYS & BROCKWAY rkLIVE OIL--I .13b1, for sale by sep23 HAYS t 4. BROCKWAY GurE-4 Bbls., for sale 16 , - aep23 RAYS & BROCKWAY Q PR. ,TURPENTINE--5 Bble, for sale by sep23 HAYS & BROCKWAY LEMONS -7o Boies Lemons; for sale very low, by i dyl4) JAMES MAY. HIDES="4 AlMsouii Hirles, for sale lost to cl °Se consignment. (je26) JAMES MAY. CORN -117 scks * corn, for sale by je26 I JAMES MAY PIG mETAL.-r ton Scioto Furnace pig iron for sale by (je26). • JAMES MAY. vINEGXR-50 bbis cider vinegar in store and for sale by (sep2) 3L B. RIMY & CO. gBALES HAIR, suitable for Plasterers purposes, for sale by (aug22.) M. B. RI3EY & Co. UTLER'S Nerve and Bone Linement 5 Gross, jj just received and ref sale by I sep23, ' HAYS & BROCKWAY. , ESSENSES-10 Gross, for sale by HAYS BROCKWAY, sep23 N 0.2, Commercial Row, Libarty at. ATINEG4R-10 bbla.Cider Vinegar; L 2"- Wine " for sale -by ; scp. 22. ,T. D. WILLIAMS &c. Co., 110 Wood et. HAMS —l5 Prime Family Hams, for sale by J. D. WILLIAMS & Co., rep. 22. 110 Wood st LASS-1100 boxes 6-8, 7-9,8-10,9-12, 10-22, and Ur 10=14; !for sale by aep. 22.• J. D. WILLIAMS Sr. Co., 110 Wood st. A. MASON, 62 Market street, has just reed another case of those blue and Orange prints, selling at the low price of 6} cts per yard sepl6 nt:INLIOPI-100 ounces just received and for sale I c e, by I IL A. FAHNESTOCK Ft CO., sepll. corner of 6th and Wood eta. CASTI LE SOAP-10 cases just received and for L sale by B. A. FA.HN ESTOCK CO.s ! seP 9 i cot. 6th and Wood et, • EPINED LIQUORICE—IT:)O lbslttst it and foi sale by B. A. FATINESTOCK & sep9 cor. 6th and Wood sts 1{ LOUR-7 2 5bbls superfine family flour in store and forsale by MARTIN & SMITH, ' ricp2 • ' 56 Wood meet. IrA. Twist Tobacco-19 kgs Va. tobacco, No. 1 article, in store and for sale by i scp2 MARTIN & SMITH, 56 Wood street.' DOT ASH-15 casks Potash, No. 1 article, on hand and for sale by ljy27 -251ARTIN & SMITH, 56 WOod'st. TENEERS AND VARNISHES, of the very best V quality, for sale at H. H. RYAN'S -Cabinet Ware Rooms, No. al Plitt' street. jyl6 ll: a l l T b W y BLIND PAPER—on . ; y s a i alait, for !5ug.2.7. Smithfield street. T -- OBBACCO-25 kegs No. 1 six twist tobacco re ceived and for sale by M. R. RHEY & CO, !sep2 No. 57 Water street. Cotton. 1 30 BALES Mississispi Cotton; for sale by • (aug29.) M. B. RHEY Co COTTON -A few bales of Mississippi Cotton, for sale low by GEORGE COCHRAN, No. 26 Wood at. ARD o.ll;.—Premium oil of Cincinnati rnanu faetire for sale by GEORGE COCHRAN: je 26 No. se Wood st. AND CRUCIDLES-100 nests just received and 0 rot sale by 11. A. FANNESTOCK & CO.,lsep9 corner 6th and Wood to, Barrels superior Crab der for sale by P. C. MARTIN, jy 20 60 Water street. LEMON'S. -100 boxes lemons iii good order, for sale by P, C. MARTIN; 20 . GO Water street. packagesH., Impl., G. P. and Powehong, of late importations, arriving and for sale by Diug2s) LAMBERT & SHIPTON. TISALNIS & HYMNS, ibr the usa of the German Reformed Church in the U. S. of America, En= glish and German. For sale by Jell SCRIBA & SCHEIBLER, 115 Wood Et: Lard OLL, FEW barrels of a superior quality for sale lovi to close consignment, by rep 17 GEORGE COCHRAN, 26 Wood street, BEST JAVA COFFEE, ground and put np int pound packages, received and for sale at the I'4ns TZA STORE, 72 Fourth'street, near-Wood je29 LINE SALINA TABLE SALT-50 bags (smal size) very fine Salina Salt,'fit for table use and Dairies, for sale low by P. C. MARTIN, iy27 60 Water et. OLD PpRT WINES-20 cases superior Old Port Wine, for Invalids, for sale by the case or botA Uri at the ),vine store of STERETT Coo 6eplB 61 Market street, cor., Front. CLARET WINES-20 cases "St. Julien Medoc," - 1.5 do. family use and other brands. For sale, lots at the wine store of STERETT & CO., keplB ; . N 0.16 Market st. cor Front. 9LD SHERRY BRAIkIDY--.An excellent article On draught for medicine or other purposes, for e by STERETT & Co. keplB cor.-Market and Front. VAST:INDIA and Wine Bitters of delightful aroma, •bottles, and on draught, for sale at the wine store of STERETT & Co. heplS. cor. Market and Front. BEDSTEAPS—Mahogany, Birch, Maple, Cherry i and Poplar, high and low post bedsteads al ways on hand and for hale low at the Furniture warehouse of T. IL YOUNG & Co, je6 3111 and at, , • , Muntieto Netts. • w 9- Et,. S. SWARTZ has on hand 'a lot of very su perior white and colored Musqueto Netts 'eh will be sold cheap at No. 106 Market strdet. el 3 ' I ECEIVEID- r -Per Canal ifoat Great 'Western -111. 100 pen Cherry Scantling-5x5 and 6x6-6000 Lights Window Sash suitable for the western trade, 12i16, 101.0. and • Szlo. For sale by Jeq L. WILMARTH. ItirOHOGANY! VENEERS. AND BOARDS—Just -J_IL, received, a large assortment of - the above, and for sale at F. PLUMES sepS No. 112 Wood street., 2nd door above'bh VJARDROBES—If you want to purchase a good wardrobe cheapi call attire furniture warehouse of T. B. XOUNG & CO { jyl7 - 31 Hand e.t . - 9Aterry.Wistos.---;-4 • I ODOZ. Ditff,'G•ordoa & Co.'s brown Sberiy :Wines 10 do. ' d 0. 7. do; pale do do. 5 4 Cortes do . 4 -' " together with a ierieral . assortidettt a ether rich old wines. For - salo at. the wino store or - sepis STERETT & CO., eor Morita edit ptot .Tiereen fresh.lli S ee n ; il : 14 bblit,.Conklins improved lard 011; - 10,000 lbs; Bacon, phoulders. On hand and for saie by •E SELLERS; sep24.. strest7 n . . . . HAMPAGNE-VVINE 7 - tobaskets qita,uartfs 4 ~,il- ' p - ' • iienn . on 4h , Co" by Wine now landiniaiiaffii eale bY sep2B - - MILLER & RICRETSOtS4, . .._ Brazier's Belisle:in .. . . BUST received an assortment,,largeratesi-Bratier,a tffi Hand Bellows.,also; Parlour and Ititehtn,- do Wholesale and Be t ; .::;JOHN. W.:BLAIR; sep29. - . . ....- 120 Wood-st. - B ROOMS -50 doz. PorneiOpt extra,t 60 cc - cc -..llTeditui' ' , ' 50 cC " Conzizonj In store and for gale by • sep. 22. Jcii. 'MUMMAtai ANDS WANTED-2 Bedstead 'makers, 2 Table maker*, 8 hands to make othbr Cabinet ware; „None need apply but first,rato workmen. - - , H.. Rs BRAN. auB -` (Journal and. Chrouielexcipy:) *r- - A SPLENDID assortment just received from the _East, or entire new Patterns. _They 'Can be had very.low at the Wall - Paper Store - Of - aug27-dlm. J. SHIDLE, Smithfield street. 10 000 PIECES of 'Claled - and Unglazed 9 - Wall Paper, ofray own manUfacture, on hand and for sale at the lowest market price. • ang27.dlm . J. SELIDLE, Smithfield -street. New Fashioned Hate, ACVverya superior quality, for tale by - k_y wcontr KiNuv corner of Wood and Fifthste. - Crawforit, Dl* De it ESPTCTFULLY tendetti big strvicda to tbiicitk tens of Pittsburgh and vicinity: Office, St. Clair street,. opposite the Exchange Hotel: septlEtsdgm - - zattat improveniilta BEDSTEADS of different kinds with .Gaizairt's iron patent fastenings, seperior to anything now in use, for sale low at the furtature warehbust,of • angl. . 9 T. IL YOUNG & Co, Hand titiebt.. rpABLUS--Pier, Centre and Card Tables of differ ent patterns. if you want a good article Cheap call at the Furniture Warehouse of • • T. B. YOUNG & Co. je6 31 Heald; TOBACCO.,--75 large and no small boxes Nilsson. vi tobacco ; of priine quality; just received on consignment, and will be - cold chcail, for cash; or Pittsbtirg4 manufactures.. Migust 18 tAAPFP: tr. 03tOltit1t. . . THEMEANSOF PEACE.—A Sermon :delicered .in the "Third Presbyterian Church , ' Tidy 12, by the Rev. D. K. Riddle, and published by the rp.' guest of the Congregation. For sale by - • - . .aug24 JOHNSON & STOCKTON. Six times New 1 All Priiitsk JUST. RECEIVED this dap. embracing. all the new and desirable atylesin the inarket4 and.;Will be sold at greatly reduced prices, by sepls .ABSALOM MORRIS, No. 65•Market,st. Wood Street Propeity fox- Sale; THAT desirablelot of dfoohd at inn fabt of Wood street, occupied at the time of the great fire by Messrs. King & Holities, is offered for sate. - '" Empire of jaugn] J. K. MOOHHEAD. Cashmeres and De ldnee, JUST RECEIVD, a beautiful assortment or new style Paris printed ) Ombri shaded; Rep Corded and plain. Cashmeres and D 9 Laiiis ' and for sale by sepls ...113SALOIIIMORRIS, 65 Market street. - 300 BAGS O G I r d ee Gov e Green Rio, part prime; Government Java , Arriving this day and fur salt by : ang:2s LAIfi3ERT & SkllivrOti AA. A. MASON, 62 Market Street; y' invites the attention of country merchantsaxid others, to his well selected stock of fall grinds, - Which is now opening. Selling only for earth; we can offer such advantages to purchasers as are Seldbthr poises sed by those who sell On the credit system: scpl6. For Sale nt the Wharit . • JIIST received per Canal Boat=66. 10,000 feet inch poplar; 10;000." 66 seasoned; 45,000 " 454 Scantling. L. WILMARTHE. Dress - DhCEIVED this day, several packages Very _EIL, rich new style Persian—embOssed Chnhiis Bro cade) Chamelioni Striped, Plaid ikild Poult de.Soie, and Black Satins Striped Armour breta aud will be sold cheaja for Cash, by sept 3 ABSALOAT MORRIS E No. 65 Market at. Fall Goods. AA. MASON, 62 Market strecti hasjtast receit , ed and now opening; a largo 4tobk .6r Prints: Brown and bleached muslins; flannels, ticking; chick, stripes, chintzes, ginghams, cashmere and:thons lains, shaWlS; ed Ssinetts, cassimeres; bioa.d all of which will be sold at exteremel3; low prices:. New Dries Glisdhains: „ havb now on hand a Hill astortatnat of beau.. tiful Freneh aad Stotch dress Giligbarris, twit= led and plain , at remarkable low prices. Also, an article of en;brofdired Gingharn--very beautiful for Dresses, for sale by ABSALOM MORRIS, • , Sep 15 No. 65 Marketatreet... • Storage: •- - TE ASING a very large and CortiinOdious ware , houtu; we are prepared to receive (in addi tion to freight Ibrahipment) a largh ainount of Pro duce kn. on storage at I otir fates. ...iy23 C. A. McANTLTY S CO; Canal Basin. 5n FIBLS., Pitch: 1,1 50 " Rosin; 150 Thuds Tobaeco, 'ration§ sixes; 10,000 Seed lcaf Cigars; On nobsignutnnt and *ill be sold low' for Cash, or exchanged for Pittsburgh manufactures, by seps tAAFFt O,CONNOR. bbls No. 3 Lary'S.Matkerel; 12 • 20 =• " 3 North "- .• 10u 4, 1 20- " Herring (Aiiiiiy@S) • 5 " No. 1 Salmon; ill store and for sale by Sang2sl LAMBERT Br . SI:TIPTON. Now Books. psT ItECEIVED--LErrens PROMBitoosk, Asia UMinor, by Mrs. E. C. A. Schneider, with 'an essay on the prospects of the Heathen and our duty to them by Rev. E. Schneidet, and an intrOductio. by Rev. .E. Heiner; A, M. .Published by Rev. Saniln Gutelius, Clulabersburgh, 184.6, For sale by' jell SC'RTBA & SCHEIBLER, 115 Wood st Goid - E UST REICETVED;--Another large addition to ray f.l Stock of Diamond pointed Gold Pens of-the best makers said at the lowest prices., AlSo;---A large issartment of Gold and Silver Pen cils, Tooth and r,ar Pieki,Tweezers, &c. fzc. _fel'? W. W. WILSON, 57 Market st. Segura! Segars ' I UST received from New York, a large quantity IP 'of Havanna and Principe Segars of - the most - popular and superior brands now in use. Alsb, excellent article of chewing Tobacco and several bales of superior Cuba Leaf TobaccO for sale. B. E. WINCHESTER, No. 50, Third street, two doors from the' Post Office. may 9.: TINI6Ev , 9 THEOLOGY.—Lectures on System atic Theoltty; embracing Lectures on Moral Governinent; together with Atonement. Moral and Physical Depravity, Regeneration,...Philosophidai Theories and Evidences of Regeneration; by . Rev. Charles G. Pinney, Professdr of Theology 10 the Oberlin Collegiate Institute. Just - received dnd sale by [sepll] LUKE Lgomls, Agent.:. BE PROGRESS OF NATIONS.—An Essay on . the.pro g res3 of Nations,in Productive Industty, Civilization, Population an Wealth; illustrated by Statistics of Mining, Agriculture, Manufactures, Commerce,- Revenues, Banking, Internal Improve ments, Mortality, Emigration and Population; by Ezra C. Seaman. A few copies of the above work for sale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON,' corner of Market and 3d ate, TOBACTOBACCO ---40 bits Hutchinson's ss; CO--40 30 bxs Price& Harwoed's Os; 10 4, •J. Grante Ss; 15 4, Layton's ss; • • • _ 55 " 15.,125, 165., 325., Balt plug, arid Ladies Twist; arriving this day, and for sale by aug2s LAMBERT & EMPTON.