The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, October 03, 1846, Image 1

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VOL. 11.--NO. 641.
rtrze.tsacto AND crorreo•
.• IV • W, corner of Wood and'FXfth Sts.
Twas.-... Five dollars a year, payable in advance.
Six dollars- will invariably be required if not paid
within the year... .
Single copies, rwo cams--for. s ale at th e counter
otltheptrice, and by News Boys.
1 11113 WEEELY 1110101111 1 ( AND-MANEFACTIMER
Is published : at the sante office; mediuma'doublmediu m sheet, at'TWO toLLAR.s. a year, iu 'advance, sin
gle copies, six . '
. .
swum or
One insertion, • $0 50
Two, dO; 0 75
Three do, 100
One week,. 00
Two, d 0,3 00
Three do g. . 4 00
• Yearly Adv
Six month, — sls 00
One•yenr, 20'00
A TTORNEY AT LAW, Gfeeindiurg, Westrifoim county, Pa., trill-liractice in the West-
Moreland, Indiana and Cambria courts, - deeS-y
TTORNEY'vr LAW and. Solicitor in Chancery.
Office is Barr's new building, Fifth street, be
tween Wood and Smithfield. . augll
-A TTORNEYS AT LAW, Office removed to the
.1 - 1. residence of 11.'S.Magraw, on - Fourth st., one
door from Cherry Alley. • ap2ll
Pittsburgh, Pa. Otraee on Fourth st., between
Smithfield and Grant. rnarl4-y
ATTORNEY AT LAW, office in the building on
the North East corner of Fouith and Smithtleld
streets. • •- ' novll-y
AittDIT)II.ISTEYS 'AT ..LAW, office North side o.
Filth-street, between Wood and Smithfield sts.,
sburgh, Pa. Collections -made on reasonable
,terms. • • dect-y
~ ;; t' ~ '.~ ~; ~,
.. Ss~--.. -'.Lr .> k
U. Morrow,
ALDERMAN, office north aide of Fifth street
between Wood and Smithfield, Piusburgh.
sept 0-y
''5,: ,- --i,d,--w----,::--,i,7*-;
X t-!,,'
Andrew Burke,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, office, Smithfield street
between Fourth street and Diamond Alley, op
posit° M. Geo. Weyman's tobacco manufactory. .
4 . 'i..,•.. , n f:.6:'! . ' ; .
•,; : v
. .;,,1.1 . ,-,.. ,, ..,4i,,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, office in the chambers
occupied by Alderman lil'Masters, on Filth st.,
between Wood and Smithfield. aplS-y
office on Fourth street. opposite 'R. & R. 11.
Patterson's Livery. Stable, Pittsburgh. seplo-y
TTORNEYS AT LAW, Fourth street between
AL_ Wood and Smithfield, opposite Patterson's liv
ery stable. - . ap7-y
George F. GGlinore,
TTORNEY 'AT LAW, Office in Bfeed's build
/Ulm, 4th st:i above Wood, Pittsburgh, Pa.
scp2-dly '
C. Orlando Loomis,
A TTORNEY :AT LAW, office Fourth at., above
.1 - 1 Smithfield. julyl-y
~:. i •~~, ~1.
AA BEELEN Vas removed his commission and for
e warding business from the Canal Basin to hi
new warehouse on Third street, nearly opposite the
Post Office. rnay3o-y
- -
Richard Cowan,
TTORNEY AT LAW, office in StuarVa
joilt_ build
ings, Fourth et., above Wood. junel9-day
ATTORNEY .AT LAW, having returned front
his Euiopean tour has - taken an office on the
north east coiner of Fourth and SinithSeld sts. Per
eons having had business and papers in the hands of
Samuel Kingston, Esq., deceased, will call on the
above, as all the unsettled business of Mr. Kingston
has been left in his hands. ma r5-y
. . .
TTORNEY AT LAW, Pittsburgh, Pa. _Com
missioner to take the proof and acknowledge
ment of deeds, leases, contracts, deposites or other
writings,' to be recorded or used in the States of
Kentucky, Indiana and Tennessee.. Office No. 80,
Stuart's buildings; Fourth street. m.ul2-y
.LL Pittsburgh, Pa., having resigned the office of
ecretary. P. Nay.,and Fire Ins. Co., will attend spe
cially to collections and business connected with
navigation, insurance, accounts and real estate. Du-
Iciness hours, 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Office, No. I,
Seuart's buildings; (No. 80, Fourth at.,) second door
east of Wood street. fob3-y
Franklin, Venango county, Penna., will attend
promptly toMII hnsiness entrusted to his care.—col
iections.rawie in. Warren, Clarion and Jefferson co.'s.
174 " 4 ,3 .',
+l , }'
evj; r,C t
IDERMAN,IFifth Ward, Penn street, between
Walnut and O'Hara streets, where he may be
found at all times. Those having houses or other
property to sell or rent, can have the same punctu
ally.attended to; debts collected, and all the duties
of•an Alderman Will receive prompt attention.
• oct27-y
. ...... . .
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ANKERS and dealers in Foreign and Domestic
JD Bills of Exchange,
certificates of deposit, bank
notes and specie; Drafts and notes collected, and
remittances multi to any part of the United States,
No. 55 Market street. jan7-y
- ,'2, , -:. , i.:..71,, •
Johnston &. Stockton,
KERS, No. 114 Market street. . sep 10-y
:.';.,•_. , ,:; , -- - >,;4: ,-.. .,. ,
No. 11.5 Wood street, three doors below Filth,
Pittsburgh, Pa. ; jan7-y
James Patterson, Jr.,
CORNER of First and Ferry streets, Pittsburgh,
Pa., .manufacturer of locks, hinges and bolts,
tobacco,! fuller; Mill and timber screws, housen
screws;for rolling mills, &c. seplo-y
4= (:
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DENtIST,haI 'removed •to the place of his for-
Aner residence in Penn street, two doors below
B. E. Constable,
. ;Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, 83
Market street, Pittsburgh. novlo-y
DMM and Family Medicine Store, corner o
Penn and , Hand streets, Pittsburgh, Pa., Phy
aycians , prescriptionsaccurately compounded. Mcdi
cines can be had at all:hours or the day or, night.
Broirnarille Juniata Iron Works.
EDWARD;IiUGRES mannfacturer of iron ,and
'halls, warehouse, Smithfield above Fourth et.
C. A. M , Annity & Co.,
Canal Basin, Pittaburgh, Pa. mar3dy
•Dlnttin Lytle,
GROCER, Smithfield street, next do
Fto the Fifth Presbyterian Church. june
‘e •
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// 1):: 11
LVE eirtr.s on. LESS
One month, $5 00
Two do, ' 600
Three do, 7 00
Four do,. 8 00
Six do, -10 , 00
One year, 15 OQ
Two Wiluares.
Billionth*, - $2O 00
One year,' • - 30 00
n proportion.'
'Larger advertisements i
dry - CARDS of four lints
, FIVE - DOLLARS Ty year.
P. C. Sharman
Diagr Lw 4k.;:l4)lC.night,
Wills & Doxkuollp,
Edmund. Snowden,
Hamilton. & Bruce,
James Callan,
31'0 andaess 319Clure
Forsvaed & Swartzlvelder,
John W. Burrell,
Charles DI. Ilays,
Jazues S. Craft,
Edwin C. Wilson,
J. A. Stockton & Co.
Murphy, Wili3on & Co. Pittsburgh.
John Bigler, F
Hon. James Kinnear,-
Hon. Alex. APCalmont,
Hon. James Wilson, Steubenville, Ohio. juy23-y
Jobn A. Parkinson,
Holmes & Son,
Scriba & Scheibler,
*Wm. A. Ward,
Edgar Thorn's
George Cochran,
No. 2a - Wood at.) Pitisbuigh. nov27-Y
• " Rbmoval,
GEO. S. SWARTZI would respectfully inform his
- friends and customers that he , has removed to
No. 106 Market strect,!between.Finh and Liberty sts.,
cast side, where he. is-reeeiving a large and well as
sorted stociOf sprinegoods, to which he would re
spectfully invite their 'attention; ap6rd6m
Nese took Store.
HS. BOSWORTII & Co., No. 43
_Market street,
. next door to Third street; are just opening a
new - and extensive assortment of Books and Station
eq, which they will 1011, wholesale and rein], at the
lowest prices. - . I . 0P25-Y
TERS andmanufacturerst of Wall" Paper
re et, an Pi dGen b e u r r a g l h. Paptu . Warehouse, No. B'7 Wood
OW Kra- Robinson,
LATE U. S. Attorney, has removed his °Erma to
No. 8 St. Clair st: . sept4-y
LUMBER .MERCHANT,- office on Penn street,
between IrWin and Hand sts., Pittsburgh, Pa.
All commissions will tic prouiptly attended to. mar4-y
School Book '
-aiicl.Vaper Warehouse.
UKE LOO MIS, Agent, publisher; bankseller and
bookbinder) No. 0, Woodstreet, Piltaburglr.
mar`2B-1 .
Pliklutoies t3rivaUcd Blacking,
TANUFACTUR and sold wholesale and re-
In tail, Smithfield ;Bt., between Sixth-and Virgin
alley. oct2t-y
111.. C Edey,
ATANUFACtURFit of Lard Oil and dealer in
I Stir candles, FilW street, near Market; S. W.
side. . mar24-y
Coleman, Hallman & Co.,
ir.A.NUFACTUREAS of Carriage Springs and
j Azlo, A. 8., and spring steel, and dealers in
coach trimmings of every description, manullictory
on St. Clair street, warehouse, 43 Wood street, op
posite St. Charles Hotel.' janSl3-y
Flint Gins* Elitaiilleitinent.
ATIJLVAIS'Y & LEDLIE.' manufacture and lice,
111, constantly
on hand cut, .moulded and pain
Flint Glassware in all its varieties, at their warehouse
corner of Market and Water streets, Pittsburgh.=
Our works continue in full operation, and we' are
constantly adding to our stock, which enables us to
fill orders with promptness. Purchasers are respect
fully solicited to call and examine prices and terms.
Otto li.uutz,
1.1, Smithfield street, two doors below Fifth street
Pittsburgh, Pa. Always on hand a.full assortment or
Plate and Pivot teeth, of a variety of shades, as
simple Plate, Molars and Biscuspidatocs, Gum teeth,
Screw Pivot teeth, &e. Teeth and blocks made to
order; Dentists supplied with all articles in the pro
fession. AU orders from abroad must be accompan
ied by the cash.
Er,r PI atina always on hand. n0v1.5-y
Dr. D,ntel 31 9 !Iteril.
OFFICE on Smithfield, three doors from Sixth rt.,
1... f Pittsburgh. de 10-r
Dr. George Watt,
OFFICE, No. 77 Smithfield street, near Sixth
• Pittsburgh. . aug2l-y
F. Blnme,
TITAN() FOIITII manufacturer and dealer in Mu
r Inca! lnstrumenta, No. 112 Wood at:net, near
1V11). n0r1.9..r
James Dlllirri
IIAINTEft, Fifth, near Market st., Military flags,
jr Banners, signs, designs for steamboat Wheel
houses, and fancy painting or every description neat
ly executed at the shortest notice. jy27.4lCim
George Bailey.'
PLUMBER, and manufacturer of Pumps and Ily
drants, which are superior to and cheaper than
any in the city. Please to call and examine for your
selves. Fourth street,between Smithfield and Cher
ry Alley. Hydrants and pumpsrepaired. janl-y
J. Brystr,
cr in Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors,
No. 111 Liberty street, and 53 Diamond Alley, Pitts
burgh, Pa. jy2l—y
U.D. Sellers, M. D. •
EMOVED to Penn st., between Irwin and Hand
it streets, five doors below Hand at. aplrry
Hugh Arters,
SURGEON DENTIST, 11S Liberty street, a few
doors below St. Glair st., Pittsburgh. ap.281
Ogden Snowden,
sale and retail druggists, and manufacturers of
white lead, red lead and litharge, corner of Wood
arid Second sta., Pittsburgh, Pa. n0v1.1.1
* Martin et. Smith,
SIICCESSORS to Irvine & Martin, wholesale gro
core, produce and commission . merchants, and
dealers in Pittsburgh manufactured articles, No. 56,
Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. apS-y
John IlVeloshey,
rpm - Lott AND CLOTHIER, Liberty st., between
Sixth street and Virgin Alley,south side.
- .1. D. Williams dr, Co.
WHOLESALE and retail grocers, Forwarding
and commission merchants, and dealers in
country produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures. No.
110, Northeast corner of Wood and Fifth streets.
scp. 8.
B. A. Faltuestock & Co.,
lITHOI;ESALF. and retail Druggists, corner Sixth
`v and Wood streets. sept2-y
Thomas Drlllees
STORE, corner of Wood and Fourth strecth,
Pittsburgh apll-y
NITHOLESALE and retail dealers in foreign and
'Y domestic Wines and Liquors, exclusively,
No. 18 Market street. ap&-p
P. C. Martin,
WHOLESALE and retail Grocer and dealer in
Foreign and Domestic Wines arid Liquors,
Foreign and Domestic Fruit, Nuts, &c., No. G 0 Water
street. seps.l
Lambert & Shlptolap
Commission Merchants, dealers in produce
and Pittsburgh manufactures, Nos. 133 and 135 Wood
street, Pittsburgh, Pa. fcb2-y
John. Scott & Co.,
Merchante, No. 7 Commercial Row, Liberty
street, Pittsburgh. al9-y
J. & J. IFl , Devitt,
ITHOLESALE GROCERS, dealers in produce
11 and Pittsburgh manufactures generally, No.
224 Liberty, opposite 7th street, Pittsburgh. ap2S-y
John 11. Diellor,
. .
HOLESALE and retail dealer en Music and
Musical Instruments, Piano Fortes, School-
Books and Stationery, No. 122 Wood street, Pitts
burgh. . janl-y
James Park s Jr., & Co.,
WHOLESALE GROCERS, importers of tin plate
and queensware, and dealers in copper and
Pittsburgh 'manufactured articles, Nos. 112 and 114
2nd at., between Wood and Smithfield sts. jal4-nl4-y
Select School.
TNE: MOODY' resPeetfully announces to his old
friends that he intendti opening a Select School
in this city, on the first Monday of April next, in the
basement of the Third Presbyterian Chuich. mai2l.7t
It. E. Sellers,
TIVIIODESALE DRUGGIST, and: dealer in dye
VV stuffs, paints, oils, varnishes, &c., No. 57,
Wood street, Pittsburgh. 3-octy
Dr. Wm.M. Wright. -
DENTIST, Office and residence in
• St. Clair et., a.few doors below Lib..
lb erty, near the Enhance Hotel.
Frapklin Manse', strec,t,
Between. Smilfifield'and Grant ScreOs, Piltsslntrgh.
HRISTIAN SCHMERTZ, Proprietor, respect
.. fully informs his friends and the public general
ly, that he will open, the above splendid House on
the Ist day. of May next. .
The House - ben* new, and finished in she most
cominodious and convenient manner;' and having it
furnished with the newest and most bentiful style -of
furniture; flatters himself that he-will' be able to ac
conimodate his friends and the travelling pnblic, in a
mainer not inferior .to any similar establishment in
the city.
As the House is situated near the Court Honse,.ax
raligements have been made to serve up meals at any
hour in the day, this will be great convenience to
those who are in attendance at court..
(Kr Refreshments of all kinds can be.had. Boar
ders taken by the week or day.
11:7-Lunch every day at 11 o'clock, A. M. -
, .
TAMES ARMSTRONG, Proprietor,' Corner of St.
ft) Clair and Penn streets, Pittsburgh, the prc.prie.:
for begs leave to return his most grateful thinks to
his friends and the public lbr past favors, and hopes,
by attention, tcyment a continuation of their patron
age. The houise is pleasantly situated near the Ex
change; it has accommodations for travelers, and a
largo room for public rnoetings, dinner or supper par
Refreshments always ready, or prepared on the
shortest notice, with the choicest the Market will af
ford. Oysters and Oyster Soup, also Fresh Shell
Oysters, received every day during the season. The
greatest care has been taken in the selection of wines
and liquors. A variety of newspapers are regularly
filed in the establishment,
P. S. A Hot Lunch served up every day at 11, A.
M. ap 18-y.
- Eit Y.ll. DOSSETf, ,Penn street, Pittsburgh, Petina.
llitirding and lodging, bythe day or week, on
the most reasonable terms. Strangers will find it to
their advisntage to patronize him. Persons travelling
east or west will find this house a convenient loca
tion—it is within one hundred yards of the canal
basin, and convenient to the forwarding houses.
Evely information given to Iron Manufacturers in
all branches of the business.
Home brewed ale can at all times be had at the
bar. novlo-y
NOS. 61 and 63, Wood street, under Lynch: Auc
tion store. The subscribers have fitted up the
above place in superior style, and they feel assured
will give comfort and satisfaction to all who may
visit them.
Arrangements have beadmado to have a constant
supply of Fresh Oysters; which wilt he served up to
visitors and families on the shortest notice. Other
luxuries, candies ' fruit and pastrici of the choicest
kinds ahvaye on hand. Their Bar Is filled with the
hest brands the market can afford; itml Regalia, Cas
tello, Principe and Havanna Cigars of superior qual
ity. Eiery attention paid to visinars. Their motto
14, every luxury in its season. Pricirs moderate.
noel&.y OGDEN & WILSON.
Burnt Digarict,
ISA AC MURDOCK, formerly of the Union Hotel
on Water street, having been burnt out, has built
a new and'handsoino house espretksly for the accom
modation of travelers, at the corner of Second and
Smithfield streets, which will Le known as the Burnt
DiAriet Hotel.
lie go TIOW prepared to offer every accommodation
and every comfort to the traveler, at very moderate
charges. Ile is provided with :tropic and convenient
Etabling,. dcell2-y
71 TERETT S Co., nlkolenale and retail clealera in
Poreign'Wines and Liquor'', corner of Market
and Front Etrceti, Pittsburgh. Pa.
References -1V 111. /1011EICS A.; Co., Henry F. Schwep
pe, Wm. Eichhaum, Weaver.
Their stock has been selected with great care, and
consists of the choicest qualities suitable for this mar
ket, to which they would respectfull) coil attention
and solicit a share of public patronage. it comprises
the following, in casks and bottles:
Wines—isdaslerias Sherries, Lishons, Tenerllfri,
Ports, slalagssCalaLrias. Liquors—Brindles, Gins,
Mims, and Whiskies. airgl.s
LEN !MOWN, Paoritma.—Ternis $l,OO per
day. Then nilersigned, formerly of the Merchants
Hotel, corner or , ,vnoa and Third streets, 11.1.11 leased
this superior establishment, and furnished it anew
throughout, with new lieds, new bedding and new
furniture. Great care has been taken to till his cel
lar with the choicest viands. A handsome omnibus
and a baggage wagon are provided fur the use of his
guests, and a Porter will be in attendance a all hours
to meet the demands of the traveller. The long ex
perience of the undersigned in this business, assures
hint that his easnest purpose to satisfy all who call,
cannot be unsuccessful. Ile feels altogether at lib
erty to promise his visitors a comfortable and cleanly
abode, liberal enteikainment, and a hearty welcome,
at a moderate expense. ALLEN BROWN.
WILLIAM COLEMAN having, nn the first day
January, inst., associated with him Jac W.
Hai'man and John F. Jennings, under the name and
style of Coleman, Haahnan & co., will now have in
creased facilities for manufacturing Steel Springs, l
liaturiAed axes, American Blister and Spring Steel,
&c., to which the attention of dealers is respectfully
solicited, and hope by strict attention to busineas, to
merit a contiumuice to the new tirm the favors Krll/1)..
crally bestowed upon him. Factory on St. Clair st.
—warehouse 43 Wood et., opposite the St. Charles
Hotel, where can be found a good assortment of
Springs, Axles, A. 11., and Spring Steel, and Coach
Trimmings of every description, together with Iron,
Nails and Pittsburgh manufactured articles. 17-The
highest price paid for scrap iron. jan22
J3MA. AND BRASS FOUNDER, has rebuilt and
commenced business at his old stand, No. 70
Second, between Alarket and Ferry streets, where
he will be pleased to see his old customers and
Church, steamboat, and bells of every size, from
10 to 10,000 pounds, cast from patterns or the most
approved models, and warranted to be of the best
Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, RailMg: &c. &c.,
together with every variety of Brass Castings, if re
quired, turned and finished in the neatest manner.
A. F. is the sole agent for Babbitt's Anti-Attraction
Metal, so justly celebrated for the reduction of fric
tion in machinery. The boxes and composition can
he had of him at all times. 110 V 111-y
rip HE subscriber having been removed by the
great tire to Allegheny, is prepared to make
Steam and Fire Engines, Hydraulic and Screw
Presses, for oil, tobacco or any other purpose, and
machinery generally. J. S. GWYNNE,
Franklin Machine Works,
On Rebecca street and Bank lane, West of Federal
street, Allegheny city.
N. B. Orders left in Pittsburgh with Mr. S.
Cuthbert, in Market street, 2 doors below Third
street, will meet with prompt attention.
rod JOHN D. MORGAN, Wholesale and Retail
lig Druggist, No. 033 Wood street, one door South
of Diamond Alley, Pittsburgh.—The subscriber
has just received from the Eastern cities, and is now
opening at the above stand, a full assortment of
articles in his line, consisting of Drugs of all kinds,
Dyo Stud's, Paints and Varnishes, Chemicals,
&c., together wih all such articles as are usually
kept for sale at a wholesale and retail drug store.
His stock is entirely new, and has been selected
with care. He is confident that his articles, both
as to quality and price, will please such as may fa
vor him with a call. my9-y.
jJ street, three doors above Third street, Pitts
burgh, will have constantly on hand a well selected
assortment of the best and freshest Medicines, which
be will sell on the most reasonable terms.. Physi
cians sending , orders will be proMptly attended to,
and supplied with articles they may rely upon as
Physiciani , prescriptions will be accurately. and
neatly prepared from the best materials, at any hour
of the day or night.
Also, for sale, a large stock of fresh and good
creamery dee 30d
Washington Hotel,
Canal Boat House
Lnfnyette Iterrectory
Eichnuce Hutch
A. Fulton,
Franklin Machine Works
New Drug Store
John. M. Toornmend,
Lard 00 at a Reduced Price.
THE subsciiber would respectfully inform his
friends arid the' public in general, that his new
Factory is mow completed,. and - with a large addition
tallier machinery, he is preitwal to make considera
ble quantities- of a superior article of Lard Oil,
w hi c h he is sell cheap, fully apprecia
ting the , old .proverb, that "a nimble Sixpence is
worth more than a slow" 'shilling." He feels confi
dent that coneurneri would find it to their advantage
to give him call.prid examine for themselves.
Woolen manufacturers, machinists and others, are
respectfully invited to examilie his superior oft, Fifth
street,mcar Market, opposite Hunker's -.Confection
ary store, and Messrs. Samuel Dl'Clurken & Co.,
Liberty street. ► ld. C. EDEY,
'Pittsburge oil 'Manufacturer.
A superior quality-of Staxßandles, always on hand,
of assorted sizes. _ mar24-y
Ornamental pair Work
Mftk?,:ItENTER, Wig Maker,
-Allegheny City, six doors from the
Agizeduel, opposite the Collector's
Offiee, wishes to inform the pub
lic thatalie has just commenced
the Orhamagai Hair business,
and has a very superior stock, re
ceived from the Eastern cities and
Paris;_and she is prepared to fill
all orders at the shortest notice,.
and is a manner that cannot be
xcelled by any similar manulhc-
and intends keeping, a large as
sortment of Ornamental /lair Work, such us Ladies'
Wigs,Bands,' Braids; 'Curls, Necklaces, Guards,
Bracelets, Finger -Itingsi &c. :Gentlemens , Wigs,
Mrs. It. has been for teeny years engaged in the
business in France and the United States, and from
her long and , experience, shofcelei confident in beirfif
able to give satisfaction to all, who will favor her
with Omit-nation:lgo. Her prices are more liberal
titan have been offered hi this city heretofore.
mar FT-ly
AVE the pleasure to anneal= to their friends
that they again - occupy their old stand at No.
83, Wood titreet4 where they have opened an exten
sive WALL PAPER WAREHOUSE, and will have
contantly on hand an extensive assortment of Satin
glazed and plain PAPER HANGINGS, Velvet and
Imitation Borders of the latest style; and most hand.•
some patterns for papering halls, parlors and cham
They manufacturceand have on hand at all times,
Printing, Writing, Letter, Wrapping and Tea Paper,
Bonnet and Fuller's Boards—all of which they offer
air sale on the most accommodating . terms, and to
which they invite the attention of merchants and
ALSO—Blank Books ot all kin'ds and the hem. qual
ity, School Books, &e., always on hand and for sale
u above. aug 25
Landreth's Warranted , Garden Seeds,
DIRECT Flt0:11 I'I.IILA DELI'II lA. Kaclt paper
bears the label and WZI"CO.III.c or DAVID LAN
yarn,. For sale by F. L. SNOWI)kr , Z; : : N 0.29 Water
st., at the stand formerly occupied lay,R;eo. A. Berry.
Extract front dui • Report of UM Visiting Committee
o f the Pellltiylvania Horticultural jomety,' unani
mously :olopied and ortlerrd to be printed.
"These extensile grounds aro on VelleraMtreet,
near the Arminai. • • • The earlieAt collec
tion of Catdellias w made here. Nome of those
now in pessescon of those ilistinguithetl noriscrynien
arc ten feet high. • • ' The selection of Pt. All - 27i valgAhlti and extiinsibe.
"The Nurseries aro yore correctly managed, sop.
plying rivcry part of the - Union, a detail of which
would m:copy too much of our space, we thcreS,, e
content oUrxei yin; with stating that the stock is very
large, and in every stage of growth, consisting of
a collection of herhavc&ins plaiits, fruit trees of the
hest kinsl •and nium healthy condition, large beds of
seeding apples, pears, plume, &v., as stocks for bud
ding and grafting; a plan very superior to that •t*
working upon suckers, carry with them into
the graft alt the thvearan of the Parent stock. •
"Gannets Stems of the finest quality have been
scattered over the country from these grounds, and
may always be depended upon.: The seed establish
meet of tinne Horticulturists is, one of the most ex
tensive in the Union, and its reputation it well sustain
ed from year to year.
"To obviate tire chance of mixture of the farina of
the plants of the same family. they have established
another nursery aFa suitable distance,so that degene
ration cannot take place, 41111 which secures to the
purchaser 11 . g0111.611R /11111C1C., ' Knowing thus the
age, quality and process of culture of every plant,
the supply limn their grounds is recommended with
great confidence."
•• Since the date of the Report , from which the
above is extracted, the entire establishment has been
greatly enlarged. The collection of Camellias em
braces all the liner kinds, and ClillS,sls o f some , thou
sands of various Kllelq su likoWihe 'sill, Roses, and
other desirable Pants, both tender and hardy; fruit
trees, &c.
The Seed Gardens alone cover tidy acres, and the
whole is, as it has been for more than half a century,
under the successive management of father and son,
the most prominent in America.
0.7 Orders received by F. 1.. SNOWDEN, front
whom catalogues maybe received gratis. martLy
A Card.!
fIIIJE attbscrilier begs 1041'4! J0111)CCMIlly to return
his grAtefill acknowlegements for the liberal pa
tronage ltestoweil upon lion thr years past, and par
ticularly to those who an generously patronized him
since his inn:fortune by the late lire.. Haring consid
erably enlarged his busines by usiociatiug with Wm.
B. Roberts as a partner, be would earnestly solicit a
continuance of runner favors' to the new linn of
notions SI Kane, and he trusts that by prompt atten
tion to business they n iil give gertetul satisfaction.
N. KANE, Jr.
The subscribers would respectfully inform their
friends earl the public that they have removed to
their now warehouse on Third between Market and
Wood streets, south Kids, where they truiostiv strict
attention to business, to merit a share of public pa
tronage. They solicit attention to their extensive
stock on band, which has been got up with great care,
in the latest rltylo and most substantial manner, con
sisting in part of the following articles, viz:
Mahogany Wardrobes,
" Dressing Bureaus,
" Book Case and Secretaries,
" Section Back Soilis,
Plane do.,
" Divans,
'' Ottomans,
" Victoria Chairs,
" French do, :
'' Plain do,
" Centre Tablca,
" Curd do,
' Bureaus of every description,
" End Tables,
Marble Top Pier do,
" Centre do,
I' Sofa do, :
"I Dressing Bureaus,
- " Wash Stands, ,
Mahogany Work Stands,
" Hat Racks,
" Rocking Chairs,
" Sewing do,
" Music Stools,
" Arm Chairs
" French Bedsteads,
" Butlers' Trays:
Mahogany, cherry and poplar bedsteads, warrant
ed proof against bugs, and superior to any now offer
ed to the public. Also, a variety of Windsor chairs,
of the beet quality,and a now style of arm chair with
spring seat, well adapted for offices or societies, with
a variety of other articles too numerous to mention.
We have at considerable expense introduced into
our new factory on Front street, a steam engine with
machinery, which will enable us to sell, wholesale
and retail, at reduced prices.
The attention of Western Merchants, and persons
moving West, is invited to our now and extensive
establishment. Western Cabinetmakers are also re
quested tcilive us a call, as they will 'find they can
purchase from us for lees than they,can =tufa°.
ter°. Orders from a distance will receive prompt
attention, and the furniture will be carefully packed.
Steamboats and'hotels furnished at the shortest no
tice, and on favorable terms. ROBERTS & KANE.
N. B. Undertaking hi all its branches attended to.
marl.o-y 1• R. & K.
wary of Christian Doctrine as used by the
German Reformed Church, English and Gennan.—
Por sale at our store, No. 115 Wood at. Pittsburgh.
jell SCRIM &
RESPECTFULLY call the attention of their
friends, and DRY GOODS purchasers generally,
to their extensive assortment of .
Which is now complete in every deparrnent.'
Purchasers are particularly invited to examine our
very choice selection of
Much attention has' been given to their seleation,
and in point of richness and variety, we never before
have been able to Offer greater inducements.
Fine Wool Cashineres; Cashatere Reps;
Cashmere o , Rcosse, mi. pi Laines;
Fancy and Staple Silks, Btc. tkc. ' •
SnAveLs.—Fr&ch, Terkerri, Cashmere Brorhe
Embroidered find plain Cloth; do. Thibet Shawls
of entirely new 'and rich patterns—in every variety.
of style--also, Hon nig oleo Blk. Merino, wi' Fancy
styles at reduced prices.
Ladies Fancy Silk Velvets;
Paris Rid Gloves, in all shades and Nos.; i
BONNET Minn:vs.—Several boxes reed comprising
the different late-styles, choice pattetns. Few boxes
very handsome patterns at 121- cents.
Linen Cambric lldkfs, from 12} cts. to the, best
in use.
ble styles and yialities superior, Wow prices.
French Thibet Cloths. kin all shades);
Alpacas, Silk and Cott. Warps, plaiu and fancy;
Boinbazincs, Lupine's best, at unusually low
Oinbri 4.4 Cashmeres;
Embossed Table Covers; Br..uslil2 and 11-4 farm , ' bound 12-9
twilled beautiful article. Also low costs of differeat
styles, all of which are offered at prices 30 per cent
Splendid Calicoes, at 10 and 121 eta.
Our domestic department is full, possessing advan
tages to the purchaser rarely to be found.
Brown Shectings, yard wide; good quality, 6i
Do. do; do. Extra heavy, be
Hitsrmtmv please take notice, that at our 'loather
may be found at all times French Broad Cloths,
Pant stuffs and Vestines; Satin and Silk Scarfs, and
Cravats, new styles; Linen and Silk Ildkfs., Gloves,
Hosiery, Gum Braces, Silk Elastics, Silk Umbrellas,
The above stock hay been purchased within the
last 30 days since the great depreciation in prices in
the Eastern markets, and Wll.l be disposed orentire
ly to the advantage or the pfirchaier. Call and see
at the "Dozen Town Cogi
sop. 18. BARit(IWS & TURNER.
Ltrugo, Drugsta)reigg,
At No. 2, Curnrat;iciat Itavt4 Liberty street, "Big Got
dun Mortar's once more.
TT AYS ItOcii . %V AY, thankful for the liberal pa
il tronage, which they have heretofore receive
and wishing to merit all increased share of public pa.
tronage, would resocetfully call the attention of the
public to our stock of goods which we are now re 7 ,_
Iceiving Ibr the fall trade.. Among which may be
found in quantities to suit purchasers, the following
Ithurliard Root, Liquorice Root,
Flour Sulphur, do. Ball,
Gam Ar.doc, Refined Boras,
Magnesia, Sal Soda,
Curb Magnesia, Spanish Brown,
Gum Alovu, Corn Copal,
Cream Tarter, ' 14,11 tirinwtone,
Calomel, White Chalk, .
Sup Carit !Zola, Est. Logwood,
Epsom Salts, Ciiip'd do.
Glauber do. Madder,
Tartaric Acid, Yellow Ileitre,
C,nn, Searninony, Chrome Y.:110w,
Bal Cooarta, . ' do. Green,
S..ilt Petry, . ' nose Pink.
Together with ti neaoral aiisortinent of Oils, Paints,
Varnishes, Paint Brinhite., Dye Woods, tte. &c., all
of which will be sold as low as at any other house,
in the city. sepl9
Money Wanted iss exchange for Hair and'
THE sultsrriber would inform the
public that ho has received his fall
stock of Caps, all of which have been principally
made to his order, and an his purchases ltas been
made on the cash system, he is enabled to sell his
stock of Slats and Caps at unusually low prices . I•or
cash. Hot stock does not consist of the cuttings of
Eastern houses, but are all a fresh manut4ctured .
article. Neither in his establishment replenished .
with the old stock front eastern markets. The
Proprietor being a hatter and Cap Manufacturer,
by trade, as well as profession, he is also daily man
ufacturing Hats and Caps of all descriptions, and
qlicir neatness and durability, cannot he sur
passed. All of which he offers at wholesale and
retail, and at such prices as cannot fail to please .
the purchaser,
No. IC', Wood.strect, third door below John D. Da
vis' Commerclal Auction Rooms.
sent 1.2.
19 Cases rich fall
ood s; French'.
id English CashH
ieres and Mous.:l
Laines ; Gala
Lobrain plaidavl
lain French,'
loak Cloths;'l
rinted and plaids
loakings; a hill,]
'much Broclie,
ranted Cashmere'
Ik. and colored
hibet, plain and
bawls, plain and
it d Gingham,
.erinos, Alpacas
id plain NE de
.aloes; plain, Lai
of rich colored', Bonnet Rib-I
bons; Velvet and Bonnet Silks; French and Ameti-1,
can Flowers, in great variety; Braid and Strael
Bonnets, cheaper than ever; a full assortment of
gentlemen's wear, such as Cravats, Sting, under;':
Shirts and Draweis; Cloths, Cassitneres and Vestings,
all of which will be sold at a small advance-over
New York cost. W. ii. GARRARD,
sept 16 79 Market street.
Jaunes Cavanagh.
IMPORTER and Wholesale dealer in French, Geri
man and English Fancy Variety Goods of every .
description; such as Jewelry, table and pocket Cut,,
Icry, silk Purses '
bead Bags, silver and German ink
vor Spoons, gold and silver Pencils, silk and guln suss
ponders, 100 doz. of Germantown floes and half do.
Trimmings of all kinds'aud a general assortment of
toys, constantly on hand at No. 61 Market Street;
between Third and Fourth streets, Simpson's ROW,
Pittsburgh. myl3
O.'W. Diddle, Dentist.
FIVE doors above the Canal
li a, o Bridge odra tio ns Penn on street, e,o p o e u r i fo sa rit t l i s sfa n c l!
' torily. . I
li. B.—Having lately made one,
,/' "iti r ' of the greatest improvements in
, 7 i forceps that has ever appeared bel
I fine the Public, he has been able
-;' i to extract teeth with such ease
' as to astonish all those who have
avalled.thomselves °fins servicee.!
Pittsburgh, July 24, 1846-ly . 1
NV in MU McKee.
TILL continues in Ids old business of manufacturli
Sing Wagons, Carta, Drays, Timber Wheels
Trucks, and Wheelbarrows, on Fifth street, between'
Wood and Smithfield, where ho keeps constantly on
hand, or made to order in the shortest notice, any
amount of work, by the best of workmen and good
materials, and at -prices .to suit the times. Those
engaged in the Santa Fe trade, and 'Furnace mon,
aro requested to give him a call before purchasing
elsewhere. • ap7-y
John Cartwrlght.
, lITLER and Surgical Instrument Manufacturer,
No. 140 Wood street, two doors from Virgin al
', Pittaburgha Pa. 4%.l‘yaya on hand an extensive
sortment of Surgical and Dental instruments,
inkers , „ Tailorie, Hatters', Bair Dressers , and Tan.:
irs' Patent Shears Saddlers' Tools, Trusses, &c.
THE undersigned hatin ,, disposed of his Estab
lishment,.No, 112 Market st., to Mr. Thomas-
A. Hinfon, would cordiallyreeommend hint, to his
friends and the , publie genefally, as one every . way
worthy of their-patronage. : • ;
aug22 ..; A. MVAMMON.
The undersigned, having purchased the large and .
extensive stock of Boots, Shoes, &o, belonging to
A. M'Carnmon, No. 112 Market street, one door
him Liberty,Will continue to conduct thebusiness
Mall its branches, and trusts that by a strict atten
tion to business, and an ardent disposition to please,
he will meet a continuation of the patronage so
liberally bestowed upon his predecessor.
N. B.—Two or three good workmen can have
employment,; by making immediate application.
A/derman, . Attorney at' - Late
CONTINUE to attend to 'the selling and renting.
of Rear Estate hi the City of Pittsburgh and vi- -
cinity. Hating determined to devote a large portion'
of their time to,this branch of - business, they with
confidence ,selicit a share of-the:patronage of the
public; from thefacility they possess and the experi
ence they. have (the Senior partner having been en
gaged in the Real 'Estate Agency for,near 20 yeara,)
they believe that they will give, general satisfaction.
Office on Penn it., near the. U. S:Hotel, and Smith=
field st., between Diamond Alley and Fifth street.
jy 7 -
ra iltioaorimcesisctre7erets.
)t.F [MT en to this'esta p blishmeneby:
his friends and .the public induces the 'proprietor,
in, encourage perseverance and industry a
mong liiS students, to offer on.the Ist olOntober next,
as premiuniS , TWO GOLD PENS ' 'elegantly mounted
in silver pencil cases. ; One to be awarded to any
inember..ofins-elass for the greatest proficiency in.
Book-keeping, and the other to any ineMber of his
class for the beat specimen, and ',neatest,improve
ment in Mercantile Penmanship. Day and Evening
Classes. Hours of business until Ist Of October, 2
to 4, and 7/ to 10 P. M sepl
Pittsburgh Navigation, and Vire
ranee Company.
04ice,, No. 21., Mcillxt &rest.
William Ebbs,
Lewis Ilutebi,on,
Fred. Lorenz,
Jatines May,
M. ALLEN, Prest . ,
Michael .A
C. A rothuti,
Thos. Rakewelb
Robert BoOr,
R. W. P
RunzllT FINNEY, Sec
John 11. Dnv is,
/1 Corner. of Wood and Fah street's, Pittsburgh,
is ready to receive merchandize of every description
on consignment for public or private
.salc, and -from
long.experimice in the above busines, flatters himself
that lie will be able to hive entire satisfactift to all
who may faeor him with their patromm.
Regular Sales on Mondays and Thn;hlays :of Dry
Goods and. Fancy articloz, at 10 o 'clock, A.M. -
of groceries, Pittsburgh manufactured articles,
new and second hand iiirttiturC, tze., at two o'clock;
P. M. • • ,
Sales every evening at early gas-light. atigl2.y
Invcrittono Outdone by tinture.
r Oil is obtained from a Well near Burksville,
Kehncky, at the depth of 186 feet below the
surflice attic earth, and 170 feet through solid rock.
Its curative properties are truly astonishing, and as
a Remedial Agent it may well be pronouncedAvon
derful. Since the discevery of this Panacea of Na-
turn, nurnbers of remarkable cures have been effect
ed by its use. It is Innocent—Powerful—Safe and
Certain in its effects. it has been used with unpar
allelled success in the, treatment of the Ibllowing
diseases: 'lnflammatory Rheumatism, Burns and
Scalds Chalk, Piles, Flatulence, Inflammation of
the Kidneys, Dealbeiii, Coniumption, Liver Coin
plaint, Plithisic, Scald Head, Cancers, Weak and
Sore Eyes; Bruises, (Fresh! Cuts 'and Wounds,
Sprains and Strains; DrOpsy, Pains in the Breast and
Side, Tette:, Influenza, Ulcerated Sore Throat,
Consumption, Bronchitis, Spasms,Ulcers, Spinal
Affections, Scrofula or King's F vil ,ouglui, Syphilis,
Ringworm, all Boitcl Complaints, all Chronic dis
eases, Impurities orthe!Illood and General Debility.
It is likewise very berielicial for Female Complaints
in general; acts as a great Restorative front Languor,
weakness of Back and Chest, Low Spirits and Exces
sive Debility.
Read the following certificates, all of which arc
authentic; 'all the persUns therein named are now
living, and well known in Cincinnati:
Pirrsutincid, Aug 22 1846.
This is to, certify that we have used the imerican
Oil for the*hooping cough, among our children, by
giving theM from 21) drops to a small teaspoonful at
night, whiCh al way s e nabl ed them to rest well through
the night. also applied it to one of the children
thatgot her arm burnt ley turning over a tea cup of
hot coffee on it, the-child sensed crying by the time
the arm Was dressed and bonne up, and has never
complained olit since.i I also was afflicted with a
pain in my side arm breast, and have been so for 16
years. I commenced using the Oil by taking a tea
spoonful twice a day and in 3 or four days using of
the oil I base ben very much relieved, and do really
believe that it is the' best family medicine that I have
ever seen. I applied it to one of my neighbor'S for
a strained ancle, which ielieved her in a few minutes.
We have also used tlu.!loil for, a strained joint in our
own thmilf, which gave ease' in a very short time..',
We live on the east shit; ofPenn st., 3 doors south of'..
Walnut, I am now -as Well as I ever was in my life.
P;trrsn acts, Aug.l4,-1846.
This is to certify, that my On has had the Plethisic
for seven pears, and was very bad wills it, and about
12 or 15 days , since, I commenced- giving to him
about 20 or i 5 drops of the American Oil, twice a
day, which relieved hint in a day or Cwo of his diffi
culty of c mid he is now entirely 'relieved
of his conli• ourboyisl.lo years of age. We live-inn
King's Alley. NANCY KING.
ComiNEATI,JuIy Ist, 1846. :
Sir: Having been cu cd of a very severe disease
of the eyes and head Ibv the use of the American
Oil, 1 feet if my duty to the public, as well as to you,
to send yowthe foilowiag certificate; t
I hereby certify that I was severely afflicted one:
year ago last winter; with inflamed sore eyes and a
very severe
,pain in my !head -Horn my eyes up to the
top of my head, and continued so for several weeks.
My eyes were so Much inflamed and sore that I
could not see to attentlany business ' nor could I tell
ono object froth another a few yards Horn me, I
called in a physician, but still, got worse. I also
tried a good many remedies that had cured - others;
but in my case they thiled. In April, 1845,-1 heard
of the American Oil: I procured a bottle, andolm
fore I hadrused:a half n bottle I was entirely well,
and still continua so; I. will not bo without it iiluy
house as long as leap Oet the genuine article. I also
gave it to ono of my men that was:working for me;
that bad the totter in his hands so bad that Witeulte
would grip anything tight in them the•blood would
burst out, and the tisO of half a - bottle cured uti both.
I would advise all that are afflicted in any way to
give the Oil a fair Hied, and I think they will be
pleased with the effect it will - have, &c. - •
Sold at One Dollar; per Bottle at. Jackson's Patent.
Medicine Warehouie, S 9 Liberty, head of Wood st.,
Pittsburgh. THE orlt.'o EtAcr, IN Prrrsaintost when 3
the Genuine American 'Oil CAN be obtained.
Beware' or a Counterfeit article. The Seneca Oil.
put in AinericUn Oil Obttles, and labelled? "Amer.
lean Oil.” It some that resembles the American
Oil, but iossesses none of its virtues orhealingpow.
W. Jackson respeettiilly informs the Public that
D. Hail tit Co., the prgprietors of the American. Oil;
have appointed him itheir SOLE" - AGENT_Ior West
em Pennsylvania. 1
AU persons wishing . sutrageneies will apply at-r_
Liberty street, as above.
N. B. Subagents ;wanted for eitry •town in the
above Disiriet. ' -
A great number of ettilicatee are iin' t band and
can be seen at the office, 89 Liberty street, head of
Wood, wig 26-1 y
. i
U. Williams' §eleoe.
ORTH East corner of Fedeiral and Robinson
streets, Altngheny, kill coniuteuee it's 'Fall
session on Monday the 31stingt. -
. .
From Professor R. H. Lee; Washington, College, and
Having attended an examination of tho echoot
taught by Mr.. Williams, we take pleasure in bear
ing our testimony to the evidenee, afforded by, it of
the unusual skill and labor 'of Mr:2 Williams. 'Thit
understanding of the principle of the subjeits which
the scholars had_ beeu studying; shown. by. - Aheir
clear answersteoucstions asked by, others than the
teachers, prove the excellence of the. New England
modes of teaching, in which Mr. Williams seems to
be proficient. , - R. HI-LEE,
• - 111ISHART, &e.
. Front , the Der,-.7lfr..Preston, Doctor Hunt, 4-e.
Having attended an examination of the ,Select
School under the care of Mr. Henry Williams; held
recently in his-school room., corner, of Federal and
Robinson streets,. Allegheny city, we wish to call:
public attention to this institution. We were highly
gratied with the progress and' orderofhis school
This manner of simplifying and illustrating•tho
ferent branches is peculiarly happy, and welrealett.:
taxed to give interest. to the pupils. His motif. of
teaching them to read struck us as novel, and onti
that cannot fail to make good readeis.. . -
From the knowladge that =we have of Mr. •Wil
, limns , character as a teacher,. his zeal; fidelity and,
Beene* we cordially recommend hint to the patron;-
' age of the public.: His location is elcgiblelbr both,
. ,
I attended the abere exarairiatiou;arl'ean truly
say I was mt& gratiiird with the attaiurocient of the
pupils. NISI: PRESTON.
au="ll-2tii. - ..-
~ l Elniverulty Law' SehooL ' •
rr tHE ELL SESSION of this department -of the
j_ Wasfortr 1,1 - diversity, willeomnience in the new
University_ Building, on the FLuEr 3fottonv or.
TgEDEB. next, - and the SPRIN;O:S.B - 8810N;Of
will commenceon the FlltsT MONDA.4 FeentrAllY
This institution having so far , reetwered - fron The
effects of tne great fire of April last year, as to have
the new - building nearly completed with increased
accommodations for all- its departments, it..M - hoped'
that the La,WSchool will be found ba, present Moreau- ,
ed facilities and attractions to those. who Aetnie to
pursue - a regular and thoreugh - eourse nflegaredilea,: =
to prepare themsolves:ereditablyr. for
mittanco to the bar.. " , -
. . .
-• There will be daily recitationsby the'elasles on
assigned lessons, so arranged as to embrace; within
a two year:: course, all the principal and most •iin
portent branches of the law. Occasionallectures
on lain aid-equity, will also be delivered . as part of
THE MOOT ..Count., designed for_assisting students
in acquiring 15nowledge and readiness in the prac
tice of the law will be resumed as soon as the flute,.
her or students will justify. The deg.ree of Bicar.-
ten OF Law-will he conferred on students :of the
institution, according tlietuleg - usital in such institil-,
' Any further information, thatmay lie required can
readily be obtained en application to the Profesker,
VbALTfall.Lounre, who has hiS'effice on'Attialieve'
Smithfield street, Pittsburgh.
•-TElnts—Sevouty-fire. dollars . a year, or thirty-sev
en .andtt half dollars a session. " 'n111,6.411'1
OME•Druggists arc misled into the error of buy
ing a miserable imitation of Dr. Smith's Sugar-.
Coated ludian Vegetable Pills, simply-because they,..
can purchase the spuriotis cheaper: WO; VIM.II in all:
eases - expose such • dealers' throughout "the country.; 7
who,.after being .duly :informed, of
. thmrascalit•y i ef, ,
these imitators, buy and attempt to impese• upon the
public' With such trash. It is not the Su.;
gar coating alone that constitutes: the valumlof niy
Pills, but it is nip inreniioo, tbr which .1 claim the-t
right. . DENT: . S311T11;:ril. D.; •
179 Greenwich st. and 2 Water st: Roston: ••
We 7 the undersigned, wholesale druggists in Lou.,"
iSvillc, Ky.., are satisfied, from ail the inforniatiou:
that we can obetin, that Dr. G. BENJAMIN SIMITH- 4
is the original inventor of the Sugar-Coated
We are prepared to supply dealers the' New •
York price. • - . . • • •
Robinson, Peter
.4- Cary, 492 Main street. • '.'
Morris 4- Co., 451 Main st, , •
Rupert 4. Lindenberger, 511 Main st. . •
George Lapping 4. Co., 79 Fourth M.'
Bull 4- Alden, SI Fourth st. . • • '
The following from- druggistsiin New York showii
invented the Sugar Coated Pills - In 1843 i. . •
• • . New York, Jime-16th 1844.-
We, the undersigned, never saw or ltCanl ' of rSu
gar Coated Pills,' , until Dr. G. BOLljalilill Smith, man..
nibetured and exhibited them to us about a year since::
Rushton. 4 Co. 110 Broadway and _lO.-Astor House._
Ran Israel Radolph, M. D. S 6 Liberty st.
Horace Everett; 96:Hudson st. • • • '
John Casfrey, 97 Hudson st. • :
David Sands, 79 ..Fulton ft. , -
1 have'been -afflicted with dyspepsia-in its mostag 7
gravated form tbr three years.part,,autl found no re,
relief until I used Dri G:.l3enj: Striates "Sugar-Coat..,
ed Indian Vegetable After using six boxes of
said valuable pills, lam entirely . cured. They-'are'
a general remedy. J. K. LFYNIAN.-. - :,-
Paducah, Kv. Nov. 9,1845; • .. - .
• • •
We certify to the . above facts: Dr. Smith's "Sugar-Coated Pills" are universally
esteemed in this vicihity, - -
HODGE GIVENS & Co; Merchants.
Paducah, Ky. Nov. 19, 1543. ,
At the request of Dr. G.:Benjamin Smith's- anmat
we cheerfully - state that we visited the office of Dr.-
Smith in September last, while in New-York; and
found hiza to all appearance curving- on a- very ex- -
tensive Misiness with his Sugar-Coatd Indian,Vege
table Pills. The extent or his establishment would
astonish any one not initiated in themysteries of the
pill trade.—Louisville Journal.-
(From Dr. Singleton.)
Smithland, (Ky.) Feb: 24,1846..
Dr. G. Benj..Smilli.--Dear Sir: Notliihg bas ever
been introduced that has sold so well and given such
general satisfaction as your Sugar-Coated Improved
Indian Vegetable Pills. Very respectfillly 3 'yours, '
(From Bull & Alden.)
Leuisville,(Ky.) Feb. 13th, 1846.
Dr. G. Benj. Smith—Dear Sir: Yru will please send
us 12 gross or your valuable Pilts.- From presentin.
dications we shall sell a large amount of them....
We find that they go very quick. Your friends
• - BULL &ALD.E.k..
( From Wilson, Starbird & Smith:)-;
Louisville, Feb. 13th, 1546...`.
SmitlH-Dear Sir: About two weeks ago `,leVEi
bought 2 gross:of your Indian Vegetable Sugar Coat.
led Pills. Though businessis dull here at this time,.
yet we have sold them all. • You will please send us
19 gross through klesSis. Lawrence & Keese, °rider
city, who will forward them to us via Pittsburgh.
Yours, respeetfullv,
:This is to certify that I baste used the Sugar
coated pills manulhetured by G. Benj. Sinith, or New
York, for some time, and believe them to be a' good
medicine; and also' from enquiry in that city, I ant
persuaded' that he is the - original inventor, and
therefore, is entitled to the benefit of the inventon„
S. - wiLLteas,
aug2l. Pastor Ist Baptist Church Pittiburgh.
We have forty letters front. ifferent dealers solicit
ing_the agency or Pill,althoughm they had the spy.
rious in their ste - f -- e--:qu y
ib in particular from New Or-.
leans, which we shall- pbblish. •
Principal Offices—New York,
.179 Greenwich st;
Boston 2 Water st.
BENJAMIN SMITII is writtbn On the bot-'
torn of every box of genuine "Sugar-Coated:lams." -
AsErrrs—lVilliam Rend,crsonDriiggist,2os Libp47
streesPittsburgh: John Sotcant Allegheny city.
maYlSd7m. ' -
THE undersignell would respectfully inform the
citizens of Pittsburgh and that he
has purchased from Mr; Moses Cory,lis and
splendid stock of Dry Goods., kept at No. 66 Market
street; vheris - he Beep a gencraiasort. 7
went of seasonable Goods; which he . will sell at very
reduCed prices. Please call and judge foryoursclves,
No. 66 Market street. • .
To niy friends and patrons I -aut_much' obliged.
and would respectfully recommend Mr. William
Cowen, my successor. MOSES CORI.
ECEIVED ThIS DAY, by E . spress ' another
rt, of rich black MANTILLAS, at theNewYetk
Store, 79 Market street,