The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, October 02, 1846, Image 4

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    .' : .:..(,,1 r4oo.:ox:t..4toit.4iileg,
Relinnee;rortnble Boat, Line.
* •••• • • ...9?'241,7 •
transporting good between Pittsburgh and the
Eastewcities without transhipping. This old
esta,blished.line (being the oldcstportable boat lineon
the canal)liOnew -prepared* to receive produce -and
merchandise for shipping either - East or West.' The
boats :by.this line are commanded by skilful; expe
rienced-and sober captains, and provided. with good
crews. - 'Boats and cargoes:are transferred from and
io canal and railroad, saving all removal and separa
ilorrof goeds. Trips reado, in as' short ; time; mid
goods carried on as fair terms' any oilier line.- .
Thankful tor, and respectfially soliciting a continu
once of the' very liberal and growing patronage here
tetbre bestowed upon this line, we' with confidence
sesurellose merchants disposed to favor us,. that their
Latainess.ehall be done to their entire satisfaction::
Ooods. carried' by 'lts; consigned to either of our
houses, will be. shipped to their destination Tree of
charge for shipping,atorage or advancief charges.
we hold no interest in steamboat stock, merchants
inay depend upon their geeds al ways being forwarded
Without dela7, - epain gocid boats and'at the lowest
rates of freigot, • :
:1 PrOdithe consi , med to . our"house at Philadelphia for
Oath, will be:sold on libeial tetins, and advances made
either at Pittsburgh or. Philadelphia.
• . JOHN 'MeFADEN & Co., Penn at.,
•. Canal Basin, Pittsburgh:
JAMIS M DAVIS & Co., 249 and 251,
ain : lo4im Market et., Philadelphia:
Pittsburgh Portablc,'Uoat Line,
. . .
oa., the tranopertation of freight betiVeen Pitts
`;burgh and the Atlantic cities ' via Pennsylvania
Itnpruvvments and 13altimore and Susquehanna
. ..
;' The Proprietors of this old established line, having
Onip t ited their arrangements, are .prepared to for
ward goods to and from the "East (on the'opening,,of
the canal naeigation,) on as reasonable terms as any
other responsible-line, and are determined that no
care or attention on their part shall be wanting to se
dum a continuance of that patronage. so liberally be
stowed upon them tor several years past. i
'MO' decided success of the portable boat system,
sir Manifest in the regularity and despatch experienced
in the delirery of goods, the absence of all risk of
delay„ breakage or other damage, incident to the old
system, where goods have to be hurriedly transhipped
three times on the way, and the merchantable order
in which, produce has been avowedly- delivered by
them, has induced the:proprietors to increase their
stock- considerably this season. Their extensive
warehouses at each point, (uncaqualled by any other
line,) affords them facilities to conduct their business
ri J
with despatch; and to shippers the convenience or
free storage, if required, until their arrangements a
p - omplete—while their long experience in the carry; it is presumed, will be sufficient guarantee
to their patrons and the public that they will success
fully exert therasel vet to give general satisfaction.
,Produce received , forwarded, steamboat charges
paid, and bills lading transmitted free - of charge for
eeminission, advancing or storage, and all communi
natiOns to . the - following agents promptly attended to:
27S Market street, Philadelphia.
North st., Baltimore.
.I.llrighanen Transportation. Line.
V.. 10
18 4 6
) 101\12CCTED on strict Sahbath-keeping principles,
'" though not claiming to be the only line that is so
conducted. The proprietors of this old established
line have put their stock in the must complete order,
and 'are thoroughly prepared to forward produce and
therchnifilize to and from the Eastern cities on the
opening of navigation..
We trust that our long experience in the carrying
business, and zealous attention to the interests of ens
. •
tamers, will secure to us a continuance and increase
ct: the patronage heretofore bestowed ou 4.oingliaws
Our arrangements will enable us to carry freight
with the utmost despatch; and our prices shall always
be as low as the lowest charged by other responsible
-:',Produce and inerehandize will he received and for
vavirded east and west without any charge ibr,adZerti
sing' storage or commission.
Rjlle of lading rorwarded, and every direction
promptly attended to.
Address, or apply to WM. BINGHAM,
C4nal Basin, cor. Liberty and Wayne sts., Pittsb'g,
No. 276 Market at., Philadelphia,
I No. 122 North Howard st., Baltimore,
t , r l o-y No. 10 West st., New York
1; Independent Portable Boat Line.
tr 4 7.
4 1=- 1846.
tbe transportation of produce and increhan-
X due to and trout Pittsburgh, Baltimore and
Y.idadelphin; (rrn about transhipping. Goods con
signed to our care, will be forwarded without dela),
at i the 'Guest current rates; Bills of Lading trans
mitted, and all instructions promptly attended to,
frpe from any extra charge for storage or Commis-
T n. Address
C. A: MeANULTY & Co.,
Canal Basin, Pittsburgh
Smith's Wharf, Baltimore
Broad st., Philadelphia
Plekworth , ,s Way Freight Line.
% ,.... 11111161. 1846
tt, XCLUSIVELY for the transportation of way
freight between Pittsburgh, 13lairsville, Johns
towi, Hollidaysburgh, Water Street; and all inter
tdiate places.
pad boat leaves the Warehouse of C. A. McAnul
ti* Co., Pittsburgh, every day (except Sundays) and
Shippers' can always depend on having their goods
forwarded without delay and on accommodating
We respectfully solicit your patronnge.
Pjckworth of beats, Nile, Exchange, Paris and
'l. H. Barnes of boats, Push and Extrine.
Rohn Miller of cars on Portage Rail _Road.:
_ AGENT% -
J. PICICWORTII, Canal Basin, Johnstown,
JOHN MILLER, <i " Hollidaysburgh,
C 2 A. AANULTY fi ,
" Pittsburgh.
n 3.
i TO BALTIMORE, in 32. hours—fare $lO.
TO. PHILADELPHIA in 40 hours—fare $l2.
41.. ...., U. S. MAIL.
Z 4
The Great Speed,.Recuto.rity and high Reputation
altieady attained' by this pleasant passenger Route,
has induced the Post Master General, to place the
New York and Philadelphia mails to Pittsburgh, ut
°Mit: ' - • " -
the superior and swift steamers CONSUL and
L UIS APLANE, leaves the Monongahela Wharf
P bisely at S o'clock every morning, and at 6 o'-
cli : k every evening,. except Sundays. Splendid
Coaches await their arrival at Brownsville, to trans
port Passengers and .Mitil, only 73 miles to the Rail
Road at Cumberland.,
The prepalutioni on this route are ample, and the
connections complete; so that disappointment or de
lays .will be unknown upon it.
.11y our tickets, passengers can delay at Cumberland
or t t Thaltituore,•cluring their pleasure, and continue
their journey either by steamboat or cars to Phila
Office in the. "St. Charles Hotel, ,, Wood et. Pitts
jY 3I Agent.
Fifth Ward Livery Stable. '
THE subscriber, having bought out the
well known Livery Stable kept by C. - B.
Dow, in the irifth Ward, respectfully informs his
friends and the public generally, that he will keep at
all itimcit a stock of the best description of riding
hoi•Ses, buggies, carriages of all kinds, and in short
evlty thing required in his line of business.
considerable portion of his stock is new, and he
is tfident that no stock in the city will be superior
to 'is.
. _
If is terms will be moderate. gig stable:is on Lib
erty atreet, a few doors .above the canal bridge,
where ho respectfully solicits a share .or public pa
OtrEle is also provided with: an• • "elegani 'Hearne,
which will be furnished when requited. oct2s-tf
'Rats! Hats U
SPRING.FASHION.—Just received by , t ;
express from New,- York, the Spring Style
or Hats. All those in want of a neat superior Hn
are respectfully-invited to call. S. MOORE,
NO. 93 Wood st. 3 doore below Diamond Alley.
rnarli-dw .
2` ,}7: -'7 7- =l"4"=--141'4,-4.4regt_tif,M:+l4'irg'Are:eZe'veejiiiie-
atnigration tims.
l i apecottia General Emigration Oilier.
REMITTANCES and passag to Am .
~:ta and from Gagsx . BRITAIN AND
IRELAND, by W. & J. T. Tapscott
.75 South street, corner ofhlaiden Lane, New York,
and 96 Waterloo road Liverpool. .
The subscribers having accepted the 'agency . o
I110"abOVC house, are now prepared to make arrange-
Inenti . .upon the most liberal terms with those desi
roes of paying the .passage of their friends from the
old Country, and flatter themeselves their character
anal long standing 'in business will give ampleas
suranco that all their arrangements will ho carried
out faithfully. - .
Messrs. W. EL J. T.: Tapstott, are long and favora
bly known for the superior elnis accommodation
and sailing Glandes' of their. .PaCket Ships. The
ERPOOL, and _SIDDONS, two orwhich leave each
P,ort monthly, from New York the 31st and 26th and
ftnm Liverpobl tho 6th and llth, in addition to which
they lia - ve arrangements with
,the St., George and
:Union Lines' of Liverpool Packets to insure a depar
lure;(rote Liverpool, every fiv.edays being thus actor
mined, their facilities shill keep pace with their - in-
,creasing patronage, while Mr. VI. Tapscottm constant
: per-sonal sunerintendance of the business, in Liver
pool is an 'additional security that the comfort and
accommodation of the passengers will be particu
larly attended to.
The subscribers being (as usual) extensively enga
ged in the Transportation Business between Pittsburg
- and the Atlantic Cities, are thereby enabled to take
charge of and forivard - passengers immediately on
their landing, without a chance of diSappointment or
delay, and are therefore prepared to contract fur pas-
sago from any sea port in Great Britain or Ireland to
this City; the nature of the business they are engaged
in giving diem facilities for carrying passengers en
far inland not otherwise attainable, and will; (if ne
cessary,) forward passengers further West by the
-best male of.conveyance without any additional
charges ler their trouble. Where persons sent for
decline coming out, the' amount paid for passage will
be refunded in full.
The subscribers are also prepared to give drafts at
sight for any amount payable at the principal Cities
and Towns in England, Ireland, Scotland and
Wales; thus affording a safe. and expedi4ions mode of
Remitting funds to those Countries, which persons
requiring such facilities, will find it their interest to
avail themselves of.
Application (if by letter post paid) will be prompt
ly attended to
Forwarding and Commission Merchants,
mar" 2.7 dikwy. Pittsburgh, Pa
llemittaames to England, Ireland, Scot.
land and Wftlea.
DEMONS desirous of remitting money to any o
the above countries, can do so through the fiUh.
scribera on the most easy terms. We are prepared
to issue drafts for anv amount over £l,OO sterling.—
Remittances made through our house any day before
the 23d of flay, will be received in Ireland, by the
20th of June.
Agents Ibr Roche, Bre's & Cn.,
New Yeti;
Paper IV-a-i:e-liou-be
mil t..: undersigned having bought the paper ware
i- houae and wall paper manufactory, late 0;
Holdship & Brol.vne, have entered into a co-partner-
I .ship, under the name and style of Hill & Browne, for
; the purpose of carrying on the business in all its va
rieties. They will have always 011 hand a complete
;of their own manufacture, and their stock will be
:improved and enlarged with periodical additions
:from the beat French factories.
Agents for the well-known Clinton Paper Mi11,. 1
',Steubenville, from which they will be constantly I
supplied with WRITING, WRAPPING, PRINT- '
L3,NG PAPER, BONNET BOARDS, &c.; all of which '
th ~ ,y offer wholes:de and retail, at their store, No.l
37 Wood street, midwaybetween Fourth and Dia-,
mod Alley, where country merchants and - dealers I
'are invited to tail. i
GEO. G. 13ROWicE,
NOW' nibi3i. and Shoe Store,
No. IS6 Liberty sired,
A few doors above the head of Wood et.
respectfially announce to the citizens of
H Pittsburgh and vicinity that they have o
pened a store at the above named place for the
Sale of Boot. dr. Shoes of all kinds and qualities, com
prising an extensive assortment of Ladies', Gentle
mem`, Misses', Boys', Youths' and Childrens' wear,
all of - vvhich goods they are determined to sell eery
low for cash.
They would raspeetfully solicit a call from MI in
want of Deets, Shoes, Trunks and Carpet Bags, sze.
Se., or any goods that are usually kept in a Shoe
Store, as they are confident that they will be enabled
to please both in the quality and price. je2o-tf
Pumps and Hydrants,
Which are superior to and cheaper than
any in the city.
Please to rail and Frainine fir 9 , ,urstircx.
irrilvd-ants and Pumps repaired. janl-wWtdy
, .
MBE subscriber offers fur sale a tract of land about
three miles from the city of Allegheny between
the Franklin and Beaver roads, containing one hun
dred and forty-one acres, about 44 of which is clear
ed. This land is offered at reduced prices and will
be sold either in a body or divided into Lots to suit
purchasers. From its convenience to market it would
be a very desirable location either fur 11 - toning pur
poses, pasturing cattle or for Gardening.
Seventy-five building Lots on a credit of ten yenrs.
These Lots are situated on Grant, Wylie, Filth,
Ross and Diamond streets in the third ward of the
city of Pittsburgh, adjoining the New Court Rouse.
Persons disposed to purchase will find these lots fa
vorably located as to health, convenience to busi
ness, and will soon be in the centre of the city. Fur
particulars - enquire of J. C. Cummins, or
atu 31. McDONALD, lid! and Brass
Founder. First street, near Market, is
prepared to make Brass Castings and works generally on the most
reasonable terms and shortest notice.
lie invites machinists and all thov.c
using brass works to give him a call, as he k de
termined to do all work in his line very low.
may 2i-1y
Ito moved
T K. LOGAN, has removed to No S.l, Wood
pJ street, one door below Diamond Alley, to the
store lately occupied by Clark & Cameron, where lie
! has opened a Wholesaleand Retail Dry Goods Store,
and having just returned from the Eastern Cities,, is
opening a new and well selected stock of Goods,
consisting of. French, English and American cloths,
(all colors,) a great variety of new style Cassimeres
and Satinetts; Cashmaretts, (a. new style;) Oregon
Cassitnere; a good stock of summer cloths of all
kinds; late style Vestings; also, a great variety of
Lawns and Ginghams; Pyramidical Graduates and
other fancy patterns; a variety of prints 6 to 26 cents'
per yard; a very superior lot of white goods, consist..
ing of India Linen, Damask Plaid, Striped Cambric;
Victoria Lawn striped and plain Mull; Swiss Lace
and barred Mus lin; figured arid, plain bobinets; black
and blue black Si '
lks• plain, figured and striped; a
large assortment of Irish Linens; bleached brown
Muslins; table Diaper; Marseilles Co unterpanes,
(large size;) Morose; a good supply of Umbrellas,
Parasols, Parasoletts and Sunshades; a very large as
sortment of men, women, and ebildren , s Hosiery; a
very fuse article of Lisle Thread Hose and Gloves,
and many other articles not enumerated. He would
respectfully invite his former customers and the pub
lic generally, to an examination of his stock, to
which he expects to make additions regularly.
Pittsburgh and Connellsville Rail Road
NOTICE is - hereby given, that infpursuance of a
resolution of the Stockholders of the Pittsburgh
and Connelleville Railroad Company, - authorizing an
increase of the 'capital of said Company, and directing
an additional subscription, books will be opened for
receiving additional subscription to the stock of the
Company, at the (ace of %Arm. Larimer, jr., in 4th
street, between;Market and Wood streets, Pittsburgh,
on Friday the 4th day of Septetnber. The books will
remain open frcim - 3 A.M. until 3 o'clock P.M. of said
day; and from any to day (Sundays excepted) until
the requisite nuinber of shares be subscribed, or until
otherwise ordered. By order of the Directors.
WM. RODINSON,..Ir. Presq.
.11.1tegherky Cemetery.
'T)EItSONS desirons of, purchasing lots in this
Cernt3tery are referred for information to the
Superintendent on the- grounds, or to 'E. Thorn
Druggist; cOrner of Penn and Harid streets, Pitts
burgh. By order of the Board. J. CHISLETT,
dee II . Superintendent.-
3nounturt iontpaitits.
Tim Franklin- Fire IneurancO Company
CIIARTER PERPETIJA L. '5400,000 paid innat
flee 1631, Christnut - st., north side, near Filth.—
Take Insurancel , either permanent or limited, against
loss or damage by fire, on property and effects of
every description, in town or country, on the' most
reasonable terms, Applications, made' either
sonally or by letters, will be promptly attended to
C. N. BANCKER, Prest:
. .
Charles .IV-. Dandier, Jacob It. Smith,
Thomas Harty - George W: Richards,
Thomas I. 'Wharton, Mordcmii'D. Lewis,
Tobias Wagner, Adolphi E. Boric:,
SannielGrant David-S. Brown.
_ - -
WAnntcl: Marixirr Agent, at the,Exchange Office
of Warrick Martin, .SZCo„ corner of Third and Mar
ket streets.
Piro risks taken on buildings and,their contentsin
Pittsburgh, Allegheny and the surrounding country.
No marine or inland navigation risks takeh.
Fire - tied Bf arine Insurance.
IIE Insurance Company of North America, of
Philadelphia, through its duly authorized Agent,
the subscriber, offers to make permanent and limited
Insurance on property, in this city and its iicinity,
and on shipments by the Canal and rivers.
Arthur C. Coffin, Presl: Samuel Brooks; ••G
Alex. Henry, ' • Charles Taylor,
Samuel W. Jones, - Samuel Mt.; Smith,
Edward Smith, -• •• Ambrose White,
John A. "frown, Jacob M. Thomas,
John White,, John R. Neff,
Thomas P. Cope, • Richard D. Wood,
Wm. Welsh, • Ilenry D.Sherrard,Seey.
This is tho oldest Insurance Company in the Uni
ted States, having been chartered in 1794. Its char
ter is perpetual, and from its high standing, low , '
experience, ample means, and avoiding all risks 4 ' )f
an extra hazardous character, it may he considered
as offering ample security to the public.
At Counting Room of Atwood, Jones & Co., Mt
or and Front streets, Pittsburgh. 0nt23.1.
.rpIIIS ireilknown and roapectablecompanv is pre
pared through their PITTSBURC: AGENCY, to
(make insurance of every kind connected with rinks
of* transportation end inland navigation; to insure
against loss or damage by tire, Dwelling Horses,
Warehouses, Iluildinga in general, Goods, Wares,
:and Merchandise; and every description of personal
.property on the *most favorable terms.
Applications for Insurance attended to without de
lily at the office, No. 31 Water and Gt! Front as-, by
' At an hectic!' held at the office in N. Y.; May
P2th, the fol)owing named gentlemen were chosen
Nrectors this Compan . ‘, fur the ensuing year,
Joseph W.Savnge, Stephen Holt,
John If rowner, John Meehan!,
William t;i Ward, Wm. W. Camphell,
John Non house, 3scoh Miller,
William S.Slocunii Marcus Spring,
John F. Mackie, Joseph S. Lake,
John J. Penick.
Arid at a subsequent Meeting or the Board, JO
SETH W. SAVAGE:, Esq., was unanimously re-elve
fell President for the clauinu year.
au y. Secretary.
1-1 Philadelphia --Charter perpetual—Capital 500,-
tiOn paid in. (Mice in Philadelphia, No. 72 Walnut
street—Wm. Davidson, Pres't; Frederick Fraley,
See•y. This old and tccll established Company con
tinues to insure Buildings, Merchandize, Furniture,
and Property, tint of an antra hazardous character,
azainct loos or damage by lire.
Applicationd for Insurances in Pittsburgh arid its
neighborhood su it be received, and rids taken
either perpetually or for limited periods, on rd. VOZU,
Lie terms, by GE.O. COCHRAN, Agent,
dcc No. 26, Wood street.
Agents at Piltdartgh, fur the Pdainare Mutual
Safely Insurance Company of Philadelphia,
T - IIRE, RISKS' upon Buildings and Merehandize
every description, Hard iManue Rinks upon hulls
or cargoes of vessels, taken upon the most favorable
lice at the warehouse of King & Ilolmea, on
Water st., near Market street, Pitinteirgh.
N. B. King Sr. Finney invite the confidence and
patronage of their friends and community at large to
the Delaware M. S. Insurance Company, as an insti
-1 tution among the most flourishing in Philadelphia—
as having a large paid in capital, which, by the oper
ation or its charter, in constantly inereaging—as
yielding to each person insured his due share of the
prolim of the Company, without involving him in
any responsibility-whatever, beyond the premium
actually paid in by hint; and therefore as possessing
the Mutual principle divested of every obno:nous
femme, and in its limit attractive form. non j-tf
!Agency of the Frautain Fife InAurance
Company of Philadelphia.
N. E. rorn . cr of Third and /food a reds, Pittsburgh.
frHE assets of the company on the first of Initia
-1 ry , 1145, as published in conformity with an act
or the l'enn,,lrania Legislature, were.
Romig and .IClartga.ccii, 4600,615 93
Real Estate, at cent. 100,967 77
Temporary Loans, Stocks and Cash, ... 207,499 72
Making a total of $.909,683 42
Affording certain an.mranee that :ill losses will be
promptly frirt, and giving entire nreurity to all %OM
obtain policies from this Company. Ricks takeu at
ias low rates as are consistent with fumrity.
New Hat and Cap Store.
cns. H. pour.soN, (late of the firm ga
Poulson & 044) having opened his
'new store at No. 73, Wood street, next door to the
corner of Fourth, is now manufacturing and recci.
.wing from the Eastern cities a very largo assortment
of hats and caps Of every description, warranted' to
be made in the best manlier and of the best materi:de.
Otter, Seal, fine and common Muskrat, Scalette,
Plush and Glazed Caps.
Also, a tine assortment of ladies, fare, such as
Lynx, Fitch, Genet and Coney Mtdfs and Tippets
and fur trimmings, all of whieli he cafern for sale at
eastern prices Mr cash, both wholesale and retail.
Country merahants will please call and examine
my stock before purchasing elsewhere.
N. B. The Fall Fash4ll3 fur Hats and Cape reeeir
ed. sep27y
11/en Kramer,
XCIIANGE BROKER, corner of Wood and 3d
IL/ streets. Gold, silver and current bank notes
bought and sold. Sight checks on the eastern cities
far sale. Drafts, notes and bills collected.
Win. Dell & Co.,
John D. Davis,
F. Lorenzo,
J. Painter & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa
Joseph Woodwell,
James May,
Alex. Bronson & Co., /
John H. Brown & Co., Philadelphia.
James M'Candless, Cincinnati, 0. '
J. R. M'Donald, Bt. Louis, Mo.
W. H. Pope, Preset Bank 4,1 - Ky.; Louisville
European Unit American Agency.
111 HE undersigned European Agent having again
arrived in America at the regular time, will
leave Pittsburgh, Pa. early in September next, and
sail from
. New York on the first - day of October, ma
king a Turn - rEcivrii tour through England, Ireland,
Scotland, Wales, and returning to America in Nay,
1847. By this agency money remittances can be.
made by drafts for large and small sums, payable at
sight in every part of Great Britain, Ireland, &c.;
legacies, debts, rents, real estate' and claims collect
ed 'and recovered; searches of all kinds made; co
pies of wills, deeds and documents procured, and
the usual business appertaining to this Agency tran
sacted an heretofore. Innumerable references giv
en. Apply personally or adrdess post paid,
European Agent and Attorney at Law, Pittsburgh,
Mr. J. S. May will attend to all European .busi
nessiu my absence. jel9.
Gold and Sliver Watches
CIF the best manufacture, both of England and
Geneva, in large variety and for sale at the
lowest prices—pat*ne, new and or the latest style.
Also, Diamond pointed Gold Pens, another large
supply,just received of the best make. Also, Silver
Ware, J ewel ry , Pine Trade Cutlery, Spectacles, Pen
cue, Tea Ware, Lamps, Military Goods &c.
jet corner of Fourth and Market st
, •
NEW ORLEANS SUGAR: —2lollAds N. O. Sugar
for sale by (je26) sAmEs mAy.
X .~s t.c~=, .. ~ .7 4 r C . 3._'. if 12R. ...i aC cw..:s B :k?
Inip_.r~tyl yy,_ ..
_ , , : ;tic ~tttl
A cunt. Fojt 'coNsuAliPTloN
Seven Thottsa7d cases- of vbstinatc .Pulntorzary. Cony
i , o'intseur(nlin one year.'
We ask the'attentioxi of the candid to a few con
Natufe, in every par. toiler works, has left indeli
ble marks of, an'aptation'ami design. •
The constitnticat Of tho animals and vegetables of
the forest, is Such that ;they could not cadure the
cold of the frigid zone, land .vice Ye et.
In regard, to discasesland its cure, the adoption is
more or less striking.. 't
The Alois of Iceland' the IVild.Clierry . and Pines
of all Northern' latiti Uis (and "Dr. WIST,'S BAE
enni" is , a compound n emical extract from these,)
have long been, celebrated fur complaints prevalent
only in cold climates. Indeed the most distinguished
medical men have averred that nature furnishes in
every co u ntry medicineti for its own peculiar diseases.
Consumption, in its *firmed and incipient stages
Cougha,Asthyna, Crirup ;Lnd Liver Coritplaint form by
far tha most fatal Otis of diseases knownite our
latid. Yet even these may be cured by means of the
simple yet powerful remedies (named .aliove)•and
which are scattered, by a beneficient. -Providence,
wherever those maladies prevail. -
Wisvave DAiiini Or :WILD CHERRY> always trium
phant! cure follows cure in its onward victorious
• . .
• Darren, Feb, Ilth, 1845.
J. W. Kiimore.--Dear Sir: As youare the reg
ular authorized agent in Dayton, for the wale of "Dr.
Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry," I take this meth
od of making a staterlent of facts to you (which I
hope may be published to the world) in reference to
an almost, miraculous cure, wrought in my case by
means cf the Above lapaluable Balsam.
Language fails to describe the salutary effects it pro
duced, and the great benefit I derived from its use.
The citizens
,of Dayton and vicinity, well ob.
lect that on the Bth of August last, I received. seri
ous injury from the explosion of a cannon. A por
tion of its contents entered my right side and breast;
and in all proliability,vhme fragments or splinters of
the ram-rod passeilthroisgb the "plum," and pieiced
the Lungs.
Alter the lapse of about:siz weeks, f was attacked
with n distressing cough and a violent pain in my
right side. Some ten days after this when in a par
oxysm of coughing, suddenly and uterat broke, and
a large quantity of wiry offensive matter, tn4eil
with blood, was discharged; most of which found
passage through the opening of the wound. From
this epening there frequently passed a quantity of
air, supposed to issue from the lungs. During all
this time my suferings were almost intolerable.
My physicians, tneanWhile paid the strictest atten
tion to m e, and did all . in their power for my recov
ery. But with all their skill they could not reach
the scat of distress, (liter the Lungs had become Vert
ed. - I was visited during this time by at least twenty
It was now reduced to a certainty, that in/Tama:ion
of the lungs was.rapidly taling place; and that this
would terminate toy life in a very short time, was in
the highest degree probable.
At this critical stage, a messenger was despatched
to Cincinnati, and a celebrated Physician of-that
place was consulted. When he was made acquaint
ed with my situation, beretharked that nothing could
be done by medical aid, if the constitution itself was
not sufficient to throw Off the disease.
My friends now despaired of my recovery, and I
had no earthly ground of hope to survive many days.
Fortunately at this juncture, I saw one of Dr. %Vis-
Cies l'am,hlets ' entitled "Family Medical Guide,"
„ '' .
or , •°1 reause consumption of the Lungs." As I
had often heard of dying men "catching, at straws,"
I felt this doing, so myself. Ily the consent of my
Physicians, I sent to you for a bottle of the medicine
dezcilhed "Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry,"
which relieved me almost immediately. After I
had used sonic five or six bottles /safer reearered as
lo be up and about:, My 'cough ceased, and my lungs
were restored to a healthy state=all from the heal
ing, and balmy influence aad powerful medicinal vir
tue,' of Wislar's Balsam.
Were it not from the external injury I received in
my shoulder and arm by the explosion, I fed confi
dent that I might hare been working at my trade
(which is blacAsmithing,) but this has prevented.
13v exposure, I have since taken several severe
colds. and my only remedy has been , ‘The balsam."
A n d I now most cordially recommend the genuine
Winter's Balsam to all who are afflicted with Colds,
Coughs. or Lun Complaints. I consider it an inval
uable medicine—a real blessing to the world. Any
person desiring further information, may call on me
any time. yours truly,
City of Dayton,
Montgomery'en., State Of 'Ohio I
Subscribed and sworn to, before ate, Justice of
the Peace, this llth day of Feb. 1845.
Mtimen!, of (lute highly crediiclle citizens of
Dayton, in corifirmotion of the above. ,
. ,
We. the undersigned, bedig, intimately acquainted
with Zdr.S myth, and baying, seem anti watched over
him during Inn late illneu, do not hesitate to say
that the foregoing is by no menns an exaggerated
atatement, but in entitled to full credit.
Irt"The true and genuine ‘• [lr/star's Balsam of
Cherry," is sold at established agencies in all
parts of the United Staters.
Sold in Cinionnati on the corner of Fourth and
Wu/nu/streets, by S.klsrFORD flt. PARK.
General Agents for the Western States.
For sale by L WILCOX Jr., S. L. con. Market M.
and the D;atuond Pittsburgh. may9-y.
rpm.: WILSON PILLS, as a remedy peculiarly
g adapted fin headaches :Ind dyspeptic afflictions,
ate pretty generally known and catcemed in this
community; and the proprietor, so often as he has
occasion to write or speak of them, can scarcely re
frain from an expression of his grateful acknowledg
ments to his friends for their patronage' and kindness
to him. His feelings are the warmer front observing
the "beginning and the ending"—thrown almost in
juxtaposition—orso many nostrums and kindred pre
parations equally loud in their pretensions, and
touch more industriously presented to the public;
while his preparation noiselessly advances, even to
remote places, soothing and comforting; the afflicted,
and permanently grafting itself upon the affections
of new friends, thus continually widening the circle
of its usendriess. Although well satisfied that his
medicine has, as it were, a principle or perpetuity in
it, yet he is obliged to his friends for' he most sub
stuutial evidence of the Not.
In its natural history, if you please;' the Wilson
Pill (Idlers from most other preparations in not being
originally made for sale, or with a viewle pecuniary
profit; while at every body knows, the greatest tyro
(as a general thing) no sooner begins - to dabble in
drugs than he , casts about fur some cheap prepara
tion, or must 'get up,' an the phrase is,'something—
anything that will sell. Often he attempts it under
an assumed or fictitious name. as though conscious
his own were insufficient to sell it. The difference
then between the Wilson Pill and the preparations a
have just indicated, would appear to he this: The
consciousness of the value of my_ pill originated
the idea of putting them onside for motley, and at I
price. The consciousness of the value of money
originates in most instances the many ;preparations
I have alluded to: and the price most likely 'to take'
is always first carefully considered, and the pill or
other preparation made and graduated to suit it. The
one is a DISCOVERY, and comes front the great Arcana
of Universal Nature; the other a trick or invention,
and comes from a not very popular quality of INDI
VIDUAL Nature. Reader! the difference here is
great. In one instance the value attachecho the rtct
is the starting point; in the other, the structv. But
it is not probable that some of the many prepara
tions having even such paternity were accidentally
good, but that possibly by this process of "getting
up" as they call it, by puffing and blowing, as we
clean wheat, they have been "got up" too high be
'fore their specific gravity had been carefully ascer
tained, and have blown off never to be heard of,
with other chaff—some lighter; some heavier.
Whatever may be die rationale, I must repeat it,
that I am most, profoundly thankfid to my friends fur
their discrimination in not consigning my discovery to
that compenduous category of "inventions that did
hot answer"--of "tricks that won't win.."
The Wilson Pills are useful as a nrxr.rtAL remedy,
and may be kept and taken, in proper doses, in fam
ilies, as a preventative of general ill health, or dis
ease of whatever name, by any member of the fam
ily, without any fear of the consequences of expo
sure in the : ordinary pursuits of business.
;la-They may always be had in any quantity of the
proprietor, inPenn street, below Marbury, and of the
principal Druggists of this city and Allegheny.
Whoieswie Shoe store.
I B H. CHILDS & CO., aro now reeeiving,their
spring supplies, consisting of one of
the largest, che tpest and best as- iddig4il
sortnient of Boats and Shoes that they have ever
been able to bring to this market. Also, Ladies and
Misses Flounce Braid. and Straw Bonnets 2 of the
latest style; torretimr with . a splendid assortment of,
Palm Leaf Ifats. ntsme and hays' summer Caps.
Also, a large lof of Now Yoili Tanned Sole Leather,
all of which but ing bees poorison 1 at the lowest
rates, and selected . with grit ear, for the. western
:Tl , le. will be until :IT ii small attrooo. ahnve cost and ,
cha ,- aC4. All I , l , r:haws wishing to pittehnse '‘sill!
find it to thelf interest to e:ittlanti Cl:Mille thfiir stock :
before purchasing elst.where: I
, Pr. Swsyrtr.:' Dear Octobetinst; while en
gaged Mr. Joseph' Smith, in a saw Mil, near
Waynesburg, I was attacked with'n - dough; from be-
Ing exposed at night; which' gym:litany increased; at
tended. with spitting of blood and betere pain in the
breast, loss of appetite, &tier, atc:t.e. - ,' Which was
scarcely supportable. I had a' fandly who were
Wholly dependent on my exertions fox support, yet
was obliged to letrie my business and return home.
I was then attended by severut , Physitians, both still
grew worse, until my medical attendant's gaveme up
as ;incurable. Subsequently; my wife observing in
one of the public prints, an advertisenient. of Dr.',
Swayne , tt Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, procur
me one bottle from Francis ItPClure, your agent
in Lewistown, which relieved me. I' continued until
I had taken the bottleS. I. am now able to return to
my work again. I write this to offer you my singer°
thanks, and you are at liberty to make it known; so
that if any human being is suffering as I have been,
be may' have recourse to your invaluable medicine.
- Yours, JOHN P: BOYNE.
CONSUMPTION, which has baffled the skill of
i eminent Medical practi Moen', where invalids have
been.given up hopeless, by having recourse to, and
persevering in, this un quailed rcmedy, have been I
radically cured. , Thor . arc now in the hands of the
proprietor numero certificate's of cures, which I
would astonish credulity itself, were they made
known to the World. TO Ojos° Who arc afflicted
with any of the above diseases,' we say, give this
medicine a fair trial; you will then he convinced this
is no miserable compound, but a safe and powerfuli
remedy, and that its curative powers. stand alone and
equalled by none. . .
Dr, Swaync's,Syrup is the. only true and genuine
article of Wild Cherry before the public, and we
would say to the afflicted, always look for the writ
ten signature of Dr. SWAYNI on each bottle before
your purchase. Beware, and be not deceived !
Some persons may tell you that some other-prepa
ration is as good. Heed them not. .Dhe trial of the
genuine Dr.Swayne's Syrup of wild Cherry will con
vince you that it is the most valuable medicine din.-
From the increasing demand for the above article,
Druggists, Merchants, and dealers' generally, will
find it to their advantage to have a full supply of this
valuable medicine. Remember to enquirefor DR.
RI', as there have been some indiyidn'als with the
assumed naines'of physicians making great effor..s
to push a spurious article into the market under a
fictitious name.
The original and only) genuine article is only pre
pared by DR. SWAYNE. N. W. corner of Eighth
and Race streets, Philadelphia.
Let the advice be repeated, do not neglect a alight
cough; if you do, you may have occasion to regret it.
Why run any riskl Delay ,1119, and 'mai again lead
to serious consequences.
IMPURITY pl . ' TIIE BLOOD.---An excellent
Spring Medicine. Dr. SW A.YNE%S COMPOUND
These great purgative and puri&ing Pills are cele
brated for the Cure of Dyspepsia ' Sick Headache,
Los's of Appetite, Low Spirits, Blotches or Pimples'
on the face, or any disease where a purgative or puri
fyingtriedicine is required. These pills neither gripe,
produce nausea,'
or any other unpleasant. sensation,
and as a Spring Medicine for purifying the blood and
cleansing the body of disease, they are unsurpassed
I by any medicineever yet introduced to the public.
In , Manufactured and sold, wholesale and retail,
by the sole proprietor, Dr. SW.AYNE & SONS, N.
, W. corner Race 'and Eighth streets,, Phila'a.
The only agents in Pittsburgh for the sale of the
genuine inediaine are, Wm. Thorn, '53 Market st.;
Ogden &.corner of Wood hnd: st., and
S. Jones, ISO Liberty . st., where it can be obtain.
ed genuine, wholesale and retail, at proprietors
prices. Siild by John Mitchell, Allegheny city; E.
It. Hinman, Cincinnati; Dr. lilegollin; Mercer; J. IL
Burton & Co., Eric; J. S. Morris & co, Louisville;
Dr. E. Easterly & Co., St. Louis; Andrew'Oliier &
Co.,' New Orleans; Denig & Son, Columbus; Boyd;
Corns & Co., Butler; Mackenzie & Haskell, Cleve
land; Dr. Baker, Wheeling, Va.; Wm. R. Wood,
Maysville, Ky.; Miller, Brownsville; Dr. EL camp
bell & Co, Uniontown; R. E. Johnson, Curnberland;
J. M. Sharp, Dayton; and by' agents, in parts of
the United States. . I sep.lS
confidently recommend and cottld iefer to hun
dreds of our citizens Nyho,hate used
as a certain, safe and effectual remedy for Dysentry,
Diarlopa, or Looseness, Cholera Morbus, SUMMER.
COMPLAINT, Colic, Griping, Pains,' Sour Stomach,
Sick:and Nervous Headache, Heartburn, &c.
This is one of the most efficient pleasant, and
safe compositions ever offered to the public for the ,
cure of the various derangements of the FrOMACII
and BOWEL=_, and the only article worthy of the least
confidence for curing CHOLERA INFANTUM
SUMMER COMPLAINT; and in all the above dis ,
cases it really acts like a charm.
From the Rev. Asa Shinn, of the Protestant Method
The undersigned having been alilicted .during the
past winter with a disease in the stomach, sometimes
prodcing severe pain in the stomach for ten or twelve
hours without intermission; and having tried various
remedies with little efFect, Was furnished with a bat=
tle of Dr. JAI'SVS CAIufiNITIvE 13A1SAM. This he
used according to the directions, and 'found
bly that this medicine caused the pain to abate is
Ince. or four miuutes, and in fifteen or twenty min
utes every uneasy sensation was entirely quieted.
'f he medicine was afterwards used whenever indica
tions of the approach of painwere perceived, and
the pain was thereby prevented. Ile continued to .
use the medicine every evening, and sOnactimesin the
morning, and in a lbw weeks health ) was so far re
stored, that the sufferer was relieved from a large
amount of oppressive pain. From experience, there
fore, he can confidently recommend Dr. D. Jayne's
Carminative Balsam, as a salutary medicine for dis
eases of tho stomach and bowels. Stmus. •
Allegheny city; July 16th, 1843.
For sale in Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TEA STORE,
72, Fourth street, near Wood.
Price 25 and 50 cents per bottle. joIS-d&w
DURING A TRIAL of a number of years, Dr.
Thonzpson's PILLS have been found an inval
uable remedy in cases of indigestion, bilioue com
plaints, for derangetnents of the digestive organsOud
obstructions, a sluggish action of the liver and bow
els, which occasion more or less the following syinp
toms, viz: heartburn, giddiness, acidity, head-ache,
sickness, spasm, and flatulent distention of the stom
ach and bowels drowsiness and dimness of sight,
an uncomfortable sensation experienced at the pit of
the stomach soon after eating, with a feeling of weight
or oppression, appetite impaired, breathing difficult,
tenderness about the region of the liver, bowelsl ir
regular, sometimes obstinately costive, with languor
and depiession of spirits. Price 25 cents per box.
Prepared by the sole proprietor,
EDGAR THORN, Druggist,
corner Hand and Penn its., Ptftsburgh, Pa.
Also sold by all the principal druggistsin the city.
je 23
which stand unequalled by any MediCine
known for the cure of Liver Complaint, and other
diseases arising Srom a deranged. state of the Liver.
This medicine has been in public use for about 8
years, and has acquired a reputation for curing
the liver Complaint which has never been equalled
by any remedy heretofore offered to the public.
As an Anti-bilious, or Purgative Pill, they are an
surpassed and should be used in' lace pf the com
mon pills of the day. Give them a trial and the
'ruth will ilfrpear. Prepared end sold by.
67 Wood sreet.
20 kegs Plug'Tobacco;
5 Ladies , Twist do;
10 Va: " do; E ,
10 , c Cay'd, Is Lump, doi!
In store and fur Sale by' J. & 'l''
Cure tallow": Cure
. .
Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Liver Complaint,,
Spitting Blood, Difficulty of Breathing,Pain in
the Side and Breast, Palpitation ofthe Heart, •
Influenza, Croup, Broken Constitution,
- - Sore -Throat, Nervous, Debility?
and all diseases of Throat, • ;
'Breast and Lungs, ; the. .
speedy effectual ,
e and ever.
known for -.•
any of .
- the --
above dis=mg ;
*i.uly WOuoierial - Cure I
tat Church
- "lie who in pleasure's downy arms
IS - Mer lost his health, or youthful charms,
A hero lives, and justly can
Exelnim— ,, in me behold a man!,,
lircilicaleind Surgical Office..
Health is the 'charm of life, withoutit gold„ ,
Love, letters, friends, all,- all, are unenjoyed.
',..„.,...... - DOCTOR BROWN, a
4 -_-, regularly educated physi
- T . , ,, '..;" 5. ,-::::. ..
clan from the eastern cit
' 4 -i . r.`?..F. ,,- ies,l would respectfully an
' - • tr4'' 1;'..*,, ,4! MI
!ksP'' . ;:ttc: , v' flounce to the citizens of
,t' :.: ..r.7. 1 . • , - -4. -. ..5t , Pittsburgh, Allegheny and
..„ f,, , 70; '' - vicinity; that he" can be
,4; x .4 4, -,, :' , consulted privately and
i lef
''' 'T'''' , 0' •..-:. confidentially, every day
_- -, , evening at his office on
_____s•,- , ." - V Diamond Alley, a - ftrw
, ' clocirs from Wood street,
towards the market
'Dr. 13rown gives his particiiiar attention to the
reatment and investigationof the following disea
ses: •
All diseasestuistng from Impuritiesof the Blood
scrofula; syphilis; seminal weekness. impotency,
salt rheum, diseases of the'eye and ear, rheumatism,
piles,p'alsey. - -
Dr. Brown has much plea.sure in announcing to
the public, that 14 is in possesSion of the latest in
formation and, improvement in the treatment of
secondary syphils, practised at the Paris Lock lins
pitaL Themodern . .researches on syphilis, its
complihations and consequences, and the improved
modeS of practicewhich have been made known
to - the:public but recentley, and to those chiefly
who rnake this liran'ch' of 3ledicine, their particu
lar study and practise.: ,
Many new and valuable remedies haveheen late
ly introduced, whichsecures the patientheing mer
curialized out of existezice Strangers .are apprised
'that Doctor Brown hah - been educated in every
branch: oil medicine, aiid. regularly admitted to
'practiSe, and that he nay confines himself to the
study and iimctice of this particular branch,togeth
er with all: dis.eases of i private or delicate nature,
incident to; the huinangame. No cure, no pay.
Recent cases are relieved, in ashort time, with
.out interruption from business. ,
. .
0:1•01lice on Diamond Alley, a few doors from
;Wood etreet, - towards the market. Consultations
trictly, confidential. ' rn y1.24-1&-wy
_AR better is it to cure the toothacne in one min- I
_U ute, by using Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth Wash,
than to suffer the aching; also to cure soreness ciLthe
gums, cure softness of the gums, stop bleeding of
the gums, and always keep the teeth, gums and
mouthpleasarit, and in the best state of health.
Whilst introducing WHEELER'S TEABERRY
TOOTH WASII ta the public, it is the painful duty of
the proprietor, to state that this article, which is the
original, and only genuine Teaberry Tooth Wash, has
been imitated by numerous Teaberry Tooth Washes,
Teaberry Teeth Pastes, and a variety of articles with
the name Teaberry annexed to them, when, in fact,
this article is the first that ever bore the name of
Teaberry, and is the only one which possesses the
real virtue of the plant,and established all the celeb
rity for it, which induced others to make use of its
name, though they never did present its intrinsic vir
tues to the public. As evidence that it is the first
preparation of Teaberry for the Teeth, the copy of
the certified records of the United States District
Court is published.
; ,o.itt,t, Eastern District of Pennsylvania, to
•.5 IMt
wit:,-Be it remembered,' That on the
K „....` second day of:'Pebruury,Anno Domini,
.. /*Aft . one thousand eight hundred and forty
;.'t-,d-'4.. two '
•te. i. a . . _
I r e" 11 11 ' 1 • ' W. WIIP:ELER,
Of thelsaltl District, hath deposited in this Office the
Title of a Book, the title of which is in the words
'following, to ,wit: • ' ' ' c.
: : The ;right whereof he claims as Proprietor, is con
formity with the Act of Ccm,s , r;gss, entitled "An .Act
to amend the several Acts respecting Copy Kights.••
'• - :Clerk of the Dist.tourt-
18424 Feb..2d. 'Copy deposited. •
' • I ' • CIIAS. P. lIHAZLETT. -
The above ,Copy Right for the Wrapper - of the
13ottleohowing the . Title, of the Article in legal lan
guage, and granted in the legal form, will prove this
to be the Orginal TEADERRY TOOTH WASH, and
all others are but imitations, which has 'gone out of
use wherever the Genuine Teaberry Tooth Wash is
sold. Then,.remember, none is genuine hut •
Crrtfficiges.of the Iktae,istrates• of the City of . Phila
Having made use of your pinch celebrated Teas
berry Tooth Wash, I feel convinced that it is the
best article I have ever 1:nolyn; and hereby warmly
recommend its use to the Tublic in general, as a
pleasant and efficacious article for preserving the
Teeth and Gums. ROBERT. E. JOHNSTON.
Fora nuralier of years my Teeth and Gums were
so much out of order as to prevent me from eating
with wry pleasure, and caused much jiain. 'laving
heard of Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth Wash, I do cer
tify that I tried one bottle of it, and in less than two
weeks my teeth and. Gums were sound and gOod; I
believe that thd use of it would be_ an advantage - to
many others. . T. BRAZED..;
Certitioates.qUirmbir.s of the Philadelphia Bar.
Having used Wheelers Teaberry Tooth Wash and
powder, I have fiernil.them to possess cleansing and
purifyieg properties,' and ' , while they whiten and
beautify the Teeth,,they have a beneficial effect upon
theSiurns, by imparting to them free and healthful
action. F. A. ItAXICOLD.
, . A.
I have used Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth Wash, and
its etfeCts upon my Teeth and Gums has given tome
a high opinion of its merits. I cheerfully recom
mend it to the general use. 11. IL lINEASS.
My-ilaughter has used Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth
Wash (and powder) and has found its- effects to be
cleansing and .purification of the Gores, and a sweet
ening cif the mouth. have no hesitation in recom
mending it as the most beneficial preparation for the
Teeth I; have ever seen. . . C. J. JACK.
Certificates of Ladies and Gent/einem of Philadelphia;
"It is with gratitude that _I send the following cer
tificate; hoping that many. who suffer will ,be led by
a perusal of it; to .obtain Wheeler's Teaberry-Tuoth
Wash, Ivhich article I, used, awl it has effectually
cured tooth-ache soreness of m
the gums, reoved
scurf from ray teeth, and I fully believe has entirely
arrested all decay of them. I trust that all who suf
fer, having either of the same species of complaint,
will as soon as possible, use Wheeler's Teaberry
Tooth Wash, that they may be relieved. .
"Owing to having taken cold, but mostly in conse
quence of the acid of a,paint used in coloring.prints,
my Teeth became very much injured, giving excru
ciating pain at intervals forbetween two and three
years. Wheeler's Tcaberry Tooth Wash was used,
and has, entirely cured them, which in certificate
form I send, that those uho wish'a perfect remedy
for painful teeth, and also desire .a pleasant Tooth
wash, May with confidence try Wheeler's Teaberry
Tooth Wash.' . MARY A TAYLOR.
"Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth Wash." hiving re
moved scurf and cured soreness of 14gunas, which
had troubled me for two years, it 'is bipbelief that it
is a highly useful article, and that it is advisible to
those who suffer with the Teeth and - Gums to make
use of it. • MARY SULLIVAN,
"Your Teabcrry Tooth Wash cured the tooth-ache
and also soreness of 'the gums in my family, and: I
send you this certificate, that those who 13ufferivith
tooth-ache or soreness Of the gums, may know that
it is a remedy' for them, and a very pleasant Tooth
W. Wheeler. No. WS, Catharine street.
"Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth Wash" having cured
soreness of the gums, and effectually stopped bleed
ing of the gums, I deem it a debt of gratitude for the
relief which it afforded me, and a duty
.owed to ray
fellow beings, to say, that it is my Sim conviction,
that those who will use Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth
Wash, for thetTeeth and Gums, will find that it is an
important arlielc. T11011.L.98 J.ISI•CURDY,
No. 238, Callowhill et.
From much nevere affliction of myself; and others
of my family, with decayed Teeth and Bore Gums,
and the many respectable testimonials highly in favor
was induced so give it a trial, atter,which my family
used t, - and - 4 rejoice to say that it did perform a
thorough_and effectual cure. for all, and is the beat
article that I over knew of. I would recommend ita
use to those who maybe suffering.
Dl4. 127, street. .
'W. Wheeler,
Many more ' , testimonials are existing .
approving of
Wheeler's Teaberri Tooth
Sold at W 32. JACKSON'S Store,.No. 89 Liberty
eet, Pittsburgh, bead of. ood street.
Principal 016ce, No. 86 Chesnut ,at. Philadelphia.
ap 27-dIY
THREAD.—A large assortment, togeaer
Swith Findings and Kitt of all kinds, - jaatre
ceived by , -JOHN W:
inv2o 5 120 Wood street.
222 Liberty -it
=- ,
, Preserve the Teeth.
An . Aorosil—e.
- - ~---
Just received, a splendid apartment of. pring_ arid
mid ssummer goods, . _.
i Unsurpassed for quantity-, quality'or ..; '.:. •
Style. The Proprietor of this establishment
Takes great pleasure in informing hii frieiids and tho
public ; ~ • —,.
In general, that he is now prepared to fill all orders
that &is'
Ntunerons customers may favor 'Mtn' with. • Strangers
Travelers would do well, in visiting -the -' '
Iron City, to call and ezataine his extensive and well
Made stock of ready maderclothing. !Ho has a corn
" plete assortment of.
.: • +
English cloth, to which-he would invite - attention,
French cloths of every color and quality, wick he is
Offering at a very smalladvande 'on, eastern prices.
Remember at this store Yea arena asked two prices,
Convinced that small .profits and =quick sales is the
best way to 'secure custom. . .
Having in his employ the best vvorkmen,he can war
Everyarticle made at his establishment to fit well,
And i
to v b it e e of the licit inater, aIS; he wouldagain in-
Purchasers generally to give him a call
Before purchasing in any other place,' ' - -
As he is confident that he earrsell them as good gboda
at as . ~
. .
Reasonable prices as anyltouse in this city, .
Going so. to say alittleicheaper.
All his goods aro new and of handspme patterns,
In.the the east but a few weeks since. The subscri
ber Now returns histhanks to his friends and. the public
general, .nnd
Solicits a continuance of their favors. ' . '- -
Iron City ClothinB- Store, N 0.132 Liberty street.
. •
Three I3lg Doors Clothh:!g,.Store.
No. 151, Liberty street.
rrFIE Proprietors of this old and highly popular es
stablishmenu into ms his friends and the- public
at large,
that a portion of his Spring and Summer
Stock of
Ii now fuvp,ired for their inSpection; and he Vetipeet
fullY echo contemplate purchasing articles
in his line to pay hirna Visit. -.His stock this season
peculiarly rich; comprising all the latest Fashion's
and Patterns; and all his Goods, , havingbeen select.
ed by himself in the. eastern markets,. be ettit'tvith
cOnfidenee recommend them to his customers as be
ing of the very best quality. His lage assortment of
_ _
DRESS COAT-S - , - "•
Is made in the most modern and improved style, and
the workmanship dannot be excelled., Pants of eo
ery.d.saription, Satin 4- Fancy Vests. • Ire - has a rare
and beautiful assortment of - ' -
To which he would call the attention of public aithe
believes them to 'be more Beautiftil and Cheaper,
Than anything of the, • kind that has been offered
hetetofore. . •
Tweed and other-coats; -for Slimmer wear, Id
great variety and made in every, :style, Fashionable
Shirts, Latest Style of Stocks,.Suspenders .of every
descriptions, Handkerchiefs, arid every Other article
necessary foraFashionabie Dreis. • - • ”
He has a very large and excellent aSsortment .of
Substantial Clothing, which will be said lower than
it.eali be purchased at any other place in the eity. 7 -to
which he would invite" the attention of Workingmen
and others who, wish servicable clothinn• for every
dare wear: .
Having , irr - his - employ some .. the best Cutters and
Workmen, that the Country can produde, and being
provided with a stock of Goods, which for excel
lence and variety cannot be equalled,he is prepar-
At the shortest notice, and in a style that Cannot pa
Surpassed. ' -
It is not considered any Trouble to show Clothing,
and the proprietoffeels confident that after an ex
amination of his stock, all who desire to purChnse
will find it their interest to deal at his catablishment.
The proprietor wouid take this opportunity to ten
der his sincere thank§ to the public for the unpreCe
dented patronage bestowed upon his establishment,
and as the success he has met. with is an indication
thathis efforts
,to pleas his patrons, have not ;been.
unavailing, he pledges himselethat nothing shall be'
omitted on his part to secure their kindness for the
Three Mg Doetra,
151 Liberty_ at
-J. S. Lowry', Mercitiisit
AITOULD inform his friends and the public in
VV, general, that he has removed to Tood;treet s
in the Sr. CalkiLES building,, two. doors below-the,
entrance, where ho is ready - to execute all orders in
the neatest . and most fashionable:manner, having. en
gaged 'the services of Mr. JOAN M. Csmeatr. cut
ter;whose attention will be devoted to that braiach .-
oftietrade and whose well ktiown ability in this par
ticular having long been established in the fashion
able community of this city, induces the belief that'
by 'close attention to business, he will be ?able to
give general satisfaction to ; all ayhe may favor, him
with a call having made arrangements to keep
constantly on hand- h general assortment ' of every'
thing adapted to gentlemen , s.wear,. such as Clothiti.:
Cassimeres, Vestings, Shirts, Drawers, Bosoms, Sus-
penders, Gloves, Cravats, and every article pertain
ing to a gentlnmarcs wardrobe; he - will be ready at
all Limpet° supply .any demand in Ilis line.
The 'subscriber respectfully informs his friends and_,
the public' generally, that having entered into' the
above arrangement the establishment will be able' to `-
furnish any article lathe Tailoring line, with a punc
tualitY and despatch Scarcely equalled by any other
in the city, and for style and ivorkmanship 'nor sur;
passed by anyin the states.
aug22,d3rn J - NO. M. CAMpBEDL..
RECEIVED--.A splendid assortment of
Sumnier Cassiineres, Ginghams, and Gam .
broons, suitable for coats and pants; a large stack of
fancy S'ummer Stuffs; fancy Cotton Cloths, a new ar
tele; Oregon Caisimercs; Gold - Mixed. Tweeds and
Berkshire;'lo'doien white shirt . Linen Bosoms and
Collars. " '
Also, a great variety of fancy shirt- striped Ohl
hams' &c.; a splendid assortment of Summer Cra-,
vats, Marseilles, Silk, Satin and other Vestiggs of
superior styles and gnality; -Socks, Handkerchiefs,
Stocks, Bosoms, Collars, Lisle Gloves, and all kinds
of gentlemen's wear, ready made or got up to order
at the shortest notfee, and at the lowest prices; by
Pittsburgh -Clothing Store,
je3 coiner of Wood and Water sts.
Can't - be , Beettl
1 Ni WHITE has just received 'at his large
LI establishment, fronting on Liberty' and Sixth
streets,, a splendid assortment of TWEEDS for
summer; also, a superior lot of French Satin 'VES
TINGS, all of which he is•ready to make up in
the latest fashion and on the most reasonable terms
as usual. Observe the-corner, No 167 Liberty
and Sixth streets. . •
tnyl4; J. Ni WHITE, Tailor, Proprietor.
To A.rnist To Arnim /.2
. .
- --1•1 - " m" ERN PENNSYLVANIA by Col-Swift,
with 10,000 nten, notwithstanding which, 1.`115:
White wilt continue to sell Clothing cheaper than
any has heretofore been offered in the western 'coup,
try, having the largest establishment in the city,
fronting on Liberty and ,Sixth streets. He is now
prepared to shoW to his numerous patrons the great
est variety of cloths, cassimeres, - vestingS, and clo
thing of all descriptions, suitable for the approaching
seaeon, that has Over been offered in this market, to
which all oati,have. the Right of. Way.- %serve the
copier., No..l67,.Liberty and.Sixth_streets. ,
Id WHITE, Tallori .
A WESTERVELT, the old and well known
.Venitian Blind Maker, - formerly of Second
and Fourth sta., takes this method to inform histittny
friends of the fact that his Factory is now in fall of,
oration on. St. Clait st., near the' old Allegheny
Bridge, Where a constant supply.of Blinds of various
colors and qUalities, is constantly kept on hand and
at all`prices, from twenty:a - eats up to suit customers •
N.: B. If required,'Blinds - will be put up thai
in case of alarm -by fire or otheswise; they may_ be
removed without the aid of a screw-driver, and with
the same , facility that any other piece of farnitt uti s
can,be removed, and without any extra.expemus.....
j - e24-tifitwy. - •
'Fifth gltreet Furniture WareroolllB, •
THE aubscriber would- most respectfully cujll the
attention of the public to his-stock of Cabinet
Ware, possessing advantages over any other ruanu,
factoring establishment in the city. He ie enabled'
to sell Mgr : Wares atinech lower prieel;thererore,
would remind those who want good Furniture at a.
fair price:not to forget the-right place, No. 27, Fifth
street. (mar 234:1&v.7) ' ' H. H. RYAN
Fall Fashion of Hata.'• • •
At KEEVII.,7, to-morrow, Thursday Auguat
_ 27th, a neat and cheap article of Pittsburgh
manufacture can be had at - the above store, ahead of
fashionable hats imported from-the'East. '' -
REEVIL & C 0.,"
No ISZ head of Wood st.