The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, October 02, 1846, Image 3

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F.,Lorenz, - N. Be . ll, W. W. Wallace
, eropared• sind corrected every Afternoon.
Consul,"Bowman, Brownsville.
Louis M'Lane, Bennett, Brownsville.
• Arrow, Atkinson, Beaver.
Oneota, Goiden, Baiter.
Michigan, Boles, Beaver.
• . . Dispatch, Nelson, Monongahela city.
'California : Hunter, Cincinnati;
'Coinet, Boyd, Cincinnati; '
,Pacific, Campbell, Cincinnati.
'Oneota, Gordon, Beiver.
Arrow, Atkinson, Beaver.
,Lnuis McLane, Bennett; Broxawllle.
Consul, Bowinan, Brownsville.
Michigan, Boles, Beater.
Dispatch, Nelson, Monongahela city.
• Rambler, Houton, .M'Keespeirt.
• FairmOunt, Pde, Cincinnati; '
0:3 -The splendid light dxaught passenger steam
er California, Capt. HUXTER, leaves forCincionati
Ottlee of the Morning Pont.
Busixxss still continues to improve, and is, in
fact, considering the low stage of water, in our riv
ers, very good. The rivers are extremely low, yes
terdny evening there being but two feet four inches
.Water in the channel; the weather for several days
pasting been mild and pleasant with but very lit
tle rain.
ASHES—There is more inquiry for these; good
sorts of Pot, Pearls and Scorchings are at former
prices in request; we cannot quote an advance.—
We'continue to quote Pots at 31; Pearls 4cts cash;
Schorchings are sold at 2/03; Saleratus brings 4
Bn.urs—Sinall white scarce, am is demand at
610$1*. Colored,pleirty and dull at 73 ets. No
new in market. ,
BEEssvAx—no transaction to report; free at 25 , :a
27; as to quality.
Bnoois--The market is very well supplied and
brit little doing, we quote 75' to $2 per doz., owing
altogether to quality.
B1"1".Elt--GOOd fresh roll has been selling in the
market for - 25 ets:per lb.; from store at IS.ii,R2oc.
Keg M good request at 7an3974 cts.
...:Euos—Good freshleggs are scarce and have
been selling at from 10 t 0.12 cts. per doz.
Ciizzsi—We still continue to give former qno
tations, 505 i and . 51- for good Western Reierve;
the demand continues very light and is principally
for City use. Supply on hand is very fair.
:COTTON - YARNS—Are firm at 10, with a look
upwards, owing to the advance in cotton.
Corrox—Tennessee and Mississippi are held at
709 i ets.
Ilzan—A large quantity of bran sold' readily
this week at Sets. per bushel.
Fins Bares.—The demand for &diver's is fully
equal to the supply. Common remain dull.
FEATWEAS—saIes in lots, of live geese, at 255
26 for good.
Faurr—No Lemons in Market. Apples have
not been coming in very fast from below and
sell freely at from 57i 'els. to $1,25 per bbt, owing
to size and quality. Cranberries have been sel
ling 'fcir $3 per panel. During the latter part
of the week there has been very little
Darzn 'Faurr—sales of new peaches have been
made . at 'sti - fp bush.; apples at 75 cts., from the
great übundance it is exilected that prices will
range low.
'FLOUR .'co MEAL—Since our last report flour
has advanced still further, and we now• quote sales
at $3,371053,50. We still notice that the stock on
kind held by our merchants as extremely small.
F.or'meal the inquiry is so light that we do not
qnote a price.'
Gain.—Wheat we notice has advanced aslaade
since our last,- and we are able to quote sales of
several dots at 30a33cts tr bush. Barley is in de
mand at 40 for prime. Corn confirms quiet, we
continue to quote 32(333 e bus. wt.
Gnocsaiss.—Coffee is firmer, a slight advance
East has produced this effect, no change in quota
tions. Sugar is so extremely scarce that twenty
hhds could not be bought of any one holder in the
city; it is worth Si s lb. by the hhds., fc advance.
14plasies are looking up—several sales have been
made during the week, confined principally to city
trade, at full prices, 250 bbls. have changed hands
at full - 1 cent gaL advance:oolo32 cis:vv. gallon iv
the, price.
Gra-sxxo—Crude has been selling in small lots
at 20 cts. The amount arriving is scarcely wor
thy otnote.
Hir--Loose Timothy brings $8669 per ton de
. lloitEr —Good Comb has been selling in the
market for 1 3R28 per bbl.
Linn—We note sales of 100 kegs at 54, gene
rally dull
Sams—A large quantity of mustard seed has
been sold readily at $2(&2,20 t, bush. and the de
mand still continues good. Flaxseed is in liberal
demand at 70., cts. sy bush. and; Timothy will bring
sl.2s(ajt, 50.
- SALT—Delivered. 90 cts. boat price 80cts. very
little doing and the market generally dull.
Pie Mr.v..o...—The feeling in the market con
tinues to, improve, and buyers arc coming forward
very freely. Sales have been made during the last
few days in pretty large quantities of the different
qualities, o pig metal at from $2.330 to PI per
ton on time: . _ _
WIIIMIET--For common, holders have been ask
17i.,—ecarce; Rectified, we continue to quote
at 18019 c.
Wooi!—The market continues without change
from last week,
For Colleiiiwr C, Checks or Certificates of Deposit.
On Ohio , Banks 13 to 2
." Indiana a 2
,‘ St. Louis " 2
"..Kentucky " 2
" Erie, Pa., " ' 3
" Other Pa. " " 13
Philadelphia " , .... par
F.uoua—There have been'no sales today except
in a mall way, and prices continue as before re•
ported. •—The business to-day has not been very
extensive. Sales of yellow flat corn at 76077 c p,
bushel. 'There is no wheat remaining afloat, and
the is worth 73a75c. The market is bare
of all descriptions of oats except North River at
421643 c bushel. . .
Fine. Building bate in the Fifth Ward
at Auction.
ALT 3 o'clock, P. M., on, Saturday the 3d day of
Pctober next, on the premises, will be sold
without 'reserve ,
Eight Lots, fronting on Penn street, opposite Dr.
Slnieribergerls; the corner Lot on Adams street being
22) feet byloo, the others 20 feet front by 100 back
to Spring alley. . •
Also, dye Lots, fronting on Liberty street, oppo
site the 'new Catholic chnich, each 2j) feet by 160
back to Quarry street, with several frkme bsild-sga
thereon.< Title indisputable.
Terms 7-4 Cult or an approved endorsed note at,
4 months witty interest, and thelreaidee in.three an
nual payments with interest. For further informa
tion apply to Alickael Allen or James S. Craft:
Acp23 , j0.112‘7 D. DAVIS . , Aact'r.
'1,40;41, Kl i ..,,,,Vi•irelz" - ,ct. - 7
; Q r .' . - • -
tP—itiii„,# 4ll4 46.
*.c :‘ '•i 4
Thursday; Oct. Ist. 1846
„„.-- • J.- n:),V
Ae o sr,--- • ,
.Pain.Ann.PuiA, Sept. 29th; 9 P. M
Destructive Fire.—A' fire broke out- this after
noon, on the'corner of Scbuylkill,Sixth and George
streets, sweeping in its. rogress nearly:the entire
square to-Seventh-street The number of kouses
destroyed and damaged was - twenty-W.0,1'11 of
which *ere of brick. They were occupied by
poor people, and each house contained from !bar
to eight families. It - is stated by those who live
in the neighborhood that the row of houses destroy
ed contained not less than eighty families, all of
whom are rendered destitute and houseless by this
sad calamity. The value of the property destroyed
is estimated at about $16,000.
frl . The St. Louis Union. of Sept. 26, says: ' , The
river at this point commenced rising on Thursday
night. It has already risen about a foot. The rist
is said to be frem the Mississippi river. The
weather since Thursday afternoon bas been rainy.
READING, No. 64. Memoirs and Essays,il
lustrative of Art, Literature and Social Morals, by
Mrs. Jameson.
No. 65 and 66. Travels in Italy, Spain and Portu
gal, with an excurtion to Aleobeca and 'Batalla, by
William Becklord.
No. 67 and 68. llochelaga or England in the New!
World, edited by Eliot Warburton, Esq., author of
the Crescent and the Cross.
Wiley mid Putnam's Library of American Books,
No. 17 and IS. Mosses from an Old Manse,by Na
thaniel Hawthorn.
Altowan, or incidents of Life and Adventure in the
the Rocky Mountains by an Amateur Traveller, edi
ted,by J. Watson Webb.
Lectures to Women on Anatomy and Physiology,
with an appendix on Water Cure, by Mary S. Grove.
• Greek-English Lexicon, by limey George Liddell,
M. A., late Student of Christ's Church, and now Ilead
of 'Westminster School, and Robert Scott, A. M.,
with corrections and additions, and the insertion in
alphabetical order of the proper names occurring in
the principal Greek Authors, by Henry Drisher, M.
A., Adjunct Professor of the Greek and .Latin Lan
guages in Columbia College, New York.
The Trees of America, Native and Foreign, Picto
rially and Botanically Delineated, Scientifically and
popularly described, and illustrated by numerous en
gravings, by D. J. Browne, author of the Silva Amer
Leontine, or the Co-art of Louis the Fifteenth, by
Mrs. Maherly, author of " .Melanthe," "Emily,"
" The Love Match," &c.
The Statesmen of the Commonwealth of England,
No. 4.
Living Age, N 0.121 •
.Shakspeare, No. 109, 110,111 and 111.
Chamber's Information for the People, No. 3.
Ellen Iquuroe, v. sequel to the Life in London.
The above along with a numerous selection of
choice works just received and for sale at COOK'S
Literary Depot, 55 Fourth street. sep2B.
Henry W. \Villthm■,
{successor to Lowrie & Williams.) Office at
the old stand, Fourthstreet,abovc:Smillifield.
THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between
Henry W. Williams ' EsO., and myself, in the prac
tice of the law, was dissolved by mutual consent on
the 26th ult. , and the business will hereafter be con
tinued by dewy W. Williams, whom I roost cheer
fully recommend to all for whom I hare the honor
to do business, as a gentleman every way worthy of.
their confidence.
sepiS-ly WALTER 11. LOWRIE.
without exception, the most valuable prepartion to
use for the above diseases. It converts 1100 PING
COUGH into a mild and tractable disease, and shot
tens its daration more than one-half, and produces
a certain and speedy recovery. From half to one
tea spoon full will certainly cure the CROUP in in
fants and young children in half an hour's dine.—
The lives of hundreds of children will be saved an
nually, by keeping it always en hand ready for eve
ry emergency. Prepared at No. 8, South Third
Street, Philadelphia.
For sale in Pittsburgh at the PF.KIN TEA STORK,
72 Fourth street, near Wood, and also at the Drug
Store of H. P. Schwartz, Federal street, Allegheny
City. sep 23.
Book, exhibiting thw public and private life of
the most celebrated Medical Men of former days,
with Memoirs of eminent living London Physicians.
For sale by H. S. BOSWORTH & CO.,
sep26 No. 43 Market street.
Splendid Bargnin....lionse and Lot.
rniWE have for sale, a neat two story ,AsA .
brick house, with finished basement,
vault, 4.c., situate on Filth street, near the new Court
House. The house is new, containing seven com
fortable Rooms, and will rent for $l5O per annum.
Price low and payments easy. Persons wishing to
sec the house and learn particulars, will please apply
sep9 Smithfield st. near sth.
Blakely and Mitchell,
Offices on Penn and Stnilltfield sit
A GENTS for the Old Black Ball Line of Liver-
L pool and New York Packets.
Reniittances made as usual to England, Ireland,
Scotland and Wales, in sums of one pound sterling
and upwards—payable in any town of importance
in Great Britain and Ireland.
Persons wishing to send for their friends can have
them brought out by the above splendid hue, on the
15th and 16th of any month.
New York Plano Fortes.
" - MIN H. MELLOR No. S 1 Wood street (between
ry Diamond alley and 4th street) has received and
for sale three new Piano Fortes from the manufac
tory of A. 11. Gale & Co., successors to the "New
York Manufacturing Company," which will be sold
at the same price as in New York city, adding only
the price of transportation.
The quality of these Pianos is now so well known,
and established, that it is not considered necessary
to state wherein their superiority over others con
sists, those who are desirous of purchasing can be
fully satisfied, as to the quality of tone and workman-',
ship, by calling on the subscriber. The patterns of
these Pianos arc entirely new and such as arc now
fashionable in New York city.
They will be Bold for cash or on a moderate credit
for approved endorsed paper.
sen 18 81 Wood street.
_HE subscriber is now. receiving a large and fine
_L-Tassortment of FALL AND WINTER DRY Goons,
recently purchased from the manufacturers and im
porters, in the New York and Philadelphia Markets,
since the grad fall in prices, and will be sold twenty
Per cent cheaper than the same description or Goods
were ever before offerred in this market. All those
wanting great bargains arc requested to call at No.
5 Market street.
Hours of Meditation;
Thinks I to Myself; -
Irving's Sketch Book;
The Neighbors;
The Koran. For sale, by
H. S. BOSWORTH 8t , C0.,
sep26 No. 43 Market street
OLD WINES & LlQUORS—consisting of
Port Wine;
Madeira Wine;
Malaga do;
Rhenish do;—in half and quarter pipes,
and on draught warranted pure;
' Pale Brandy, of different brands;
Dark do,
Holland Gin, 'fine flavor; -
Peach Brandy, 8 years old;
Apple do, 4 do do;
Old Rye Whiskey, 8 and 11 years old,
Part of the above Liquors from under Custom
House Lock, for sale in quantities to suit by
jy2o , 60 Water st.
Martin and Smith,
SUCCESSORS to Irvine & Martin, wholesale gra
cers, produce-and corarnission merchants, and
dealers in Pittsburgh manureptuted articles, No. 56,
Wood street, Pittsbupgh, Pa. telB .
• Flttutttances-to uthe Old Country.'
MONEY sent to all parts of England, Ireland,
, Scotland, and Wales, in sums of £1 and up
wards, to suit purchasers.
ALLEN KRAMER, Erchangeßroker.
m9-Wly&dlin •• corner of 3d and Wood sts.
.aocnE, sROTES & co.
; v .\ • aMaaribravars roa ,
18 4 6 -
EMITTANCES. to, and Passage to and from
Ilk, Great. Britain and Ireland, by the Black Bcill, or
old Line of Liverpool; Packets. Sailing from New
York and Liverpool 'on the lat and IGth of every
mouth. And by first Class American Ships [Sailing
Weekly.] -
,Persons sending • to , the "Old Country" for their
friends; can make the',neceserary arrangements with
the subscribers, and have them brought oat in any of
the eight ships comprising the Black Ballot' Old Line
of Liverpool Packets:Oailing from Liverpool' on the
let and 16th of every month,) also byTust class ships,
sailing from that port weekly, which our Agents,
Messrs. James D. - Roclie & Co., there will send out
without delay.
Should those sent for not come out the money will
be refunded without any. .deduction.
The "Black Ball, or old Line of Liverpool Packd
eta,' comprise the following magnificent ships, and
will sail from Liverptiol on their regular appointe.
day, as follows:
Fidelia,.... .. . ... Ist Jan. Ist May. Ist Sept.
Europe, 16th " 16th " 16th "
New York, . ; Ist Feb. Ist Juno. Ist Oct.
American, 1 16th " 'l6th " 16th "
Yorkshire, ~. ' Ist Mar. Ist July. lstNov.
Cambridge, 'l6th " 16th " ICth Dec.
Oxford, Ist April. let Aug. Ist "
Montezuma, ,16th " 16th " 16th "
Notice.—lt is well known, that the Black Ball is
the Very best conveyance for persons, to get out their
friends, and as other passenger agents advertise to
bring out passengers by that Line, the public are re
spectfully notified by: the owners that no passenger
agents, but Roche: Brothers & Co., and Blakely &
Mitchel, are authorized to advertise and to bring out
passengers by that Line.
We have atall times for thb Drafts at Sight for any
amount, direct on the, Royal Bank of Ireland, Dub
lin. Also on Messrs. Prescottti tarot° Ames & C 0.,,
I Bankers, London, which are paid free of discount, or
any charge, whatever, in all the principal towhs
throughout England, Ireland, Scotland and Wale 4.
Apply to, or address, if . by Letter, (pea paid)
No. 35, Fulton street New York.
(Next door to the Fulton Bank.
N0.,75 Dublin street, Liverpool.
myl4 Penn street, and Smithfield St.
Fall and *later Dl* Goods.
No. 62, Market, Street, Atmpson's Row,
HAS received 42 cases add packages of Cheap
Foreign and Staple Dry Goods, which have been
recently purchased at ruinous low prices in the east
ern markets, and will be sold at extremely low rates.
We dame in part: °
Splendid shaded Pekin and other styles dress silks;
black and blue black Gro do Rhincs, Poult de Sole,
and Gro de Swiss; new style French cashmeres;
Mous de Lains; new style cashmere robes; Oregon
and California Plaidst, new style Ginghams, superior
quality; Alpaccas and Apines.
French Cashmere, Terkerri Printed, very rich;
Zephyr Worsted, Broelia, Damask, Thibet, Merino,
Woolen and other shawls.
Linen Cambric handkerchiefs, all prices; Item
Stitched and Revere Bordered Ildlifs; Irish Linens in
great variety; Linen Sheetings; Damask Table Cloths
and Table Damask; Bird's Eye, Scotch and !fucker
buck Diapers; Brown Table Cuvors, Damask Nap
kins, Crash,
New styles of Prude, of all qualities, one case as
low as 4 cts.; one case Orange and Blue, slightly im
perfect, GI cents; good dark Prints, fast colors, as
low as 7 cents; fine dark blue do. 9 cents; very rich
do. for 10 and 12 cents, usual price 1S and 20 cents;
sixteen bales brown Muslins, every quality, at thctory
prices. Kentucky Jeans fur 20 cents. Cassinetts as
low as 28 cents. Canton flannels 9 cents. Also,
ticking., flannels, stripes, checks, blankets, counter
panes, plaid I inseys, bleached goods of every variety;
one case Nankeen as low as 9 cents per yard.
_ .
Black, blue, olive, brown, drab, French, English,
and American Cloths, from $2 to $8 per yard. Sup.
black and fancy Cassimeres, nll prices. Satin, Velvet,
Cashmere and'Silk Vestings. A full stock of gloves,
handkerchiefs, Cravats, hosiery, undershirts, draw
ers, &c.
Cash purchasers are respectfully invited to call and
examine our assortment before making their selec
tions. Selling exclusively for cash, we feel confident
that we can offerirreater intincements to buyers than
those who practice the credit system.
- sep2.9 A. A. MASON.
l'obacco, Snuff and Cigar Store,
JUST RECEIVED, a very choice lot of manulitc
tured Tobacco, of various brands, among which
Branch's Aromatic Cavendish;
Peyton's Honey Dew Fives;
James Thomas', Jr., Nectar Leaf;
John Ender's Honey Dew Ladies' Twist;
Lawre Lather Baltimore Plug;
Also, a very fine lotorCuba tiller Leaf, which will
be sold in small or large quantities.
Together with every variety of Cigars, which will
be sold wholesale or retail.
SPICES -3 bags Pepper;
2 " Pimento;
GO " Cassia;
2 Ws. Ground Pepper;
" ss Alimice;
2 " Ginger(
10 canisters Cassia;
" Cloves;
1 keg Nutmegs; for sale by
sep. 22. J. D. WILLIAMS & Co., 110 Wood st.
('CANDLES, 6 boxes Sperm +Candles.
10 " Star do.
5 " Summer mould do.
5 6, Dripped do.
For sale by J. D. WILLIAMS & Co.
sep. 22. No. 110 Wood street,
SUNDRIES, 10 11b1s. Chipped Logwood.
5 " Ground Camwood.
3 " No. 1 Herring.
2 " 66 Trine(' Shad.
20 " No. 1 and 3 Mackerel.
3 " No. 1 Salmon.
Received and for sale by
.1. D. WILLIAMS & Co.
sep. 22. No. 110 Wood street.
Cotton Yarn, &c.
45 000 LBS. assorted numbers, long and
abort reel Cotton Yarn.
15,000 lbs. Carpet Chain.
10,000 " Cotton Twine.
150 Bales Common Batting.
100 " Extra family do.
For sale low to city or country trade, by '
augls 57 Wood street.
Ladles Dress Goods.
W E h
a t s e . j in n s e t ,a r e ty e l i e v s e d or a L fi a nL s as d s r o e rtn s i s
g e o n o t d o s f t t ii h a e t
have ever been offered in this market, among which
arc new style Cashmeres of splendid quality, Ombre
Shaded and Satin striped Cashmeres, a most beautiful
article; splendid Cashmere Robes; Rich Fancy Silks;
Clermont and California Plaids; also, a fresh stock
of Muslin do LaMes; French and Scotch Dingliams;
Alpaccas, Chintzes, &c. &c., to all which we would
respectfully invite the attention of the Ladies as we
.are confident of their being pleased.
No 75 Market street, •
sepl9 N. W. cor of the Diamond.
Brick House and Lot for Sale.
Oi in Exchange for Nails or Window Wass
We are authorized to offer for sale, or in exchange
for Window Glass or Nails, a well finished and sub
stantial two story brick house and lot, 18 feet front
by 100 feet deep, situated on the Allegheny river
above the Glass House. It will be sold at a reason
ble price, title unexceptionable. -
sep. 17. Real Estate Agents.
ALARGE and splendid assortment of rich and
magnificent SHAWLS, just received this day
embracing all the new and desirable styles, vim Paris
Printed Terkeri,C - ashmere and Brocha, Embroidered
Black and Mode colored Silk, Fringe, Thibbet and
D'Laine, Chamelion Plaid, and Striped Silk, Merino,
and Persian, Plaid, Silk and Worsted, together with
a great variety of Woollen Shawls, and will be dm
posed of at a small advance on the original cost,
B°os No. 65 Market et.
RHODES & ALCORN, (Late of New York city,)
No. 27 Fifth st., between Wood and Market,
Manufacturers of Mustard, Ground Spices, Camps,
&c., &c., will open during the present week a large
Assortment of articles in their line, which they will
wholesale in quantities to suit dealers, at Eastern
wholesale prices. All articles sold by them warran
ted, Merchants intending to go east would do well
to call before leaving the city. They maybe found
at their warehouse No. 27 Fifth street, to Ryan's
Building, e'er
. . , •
• .
.of Letitia
EmmNING in Lilo' Pest Mee, at Pittsburgh,
7.October_ 1844. Persons calling forletters,
whose names are on his . List, will-Please say they
aro advertised. .
Agnew Nancy Jana' Apps Richard
Alexander Sarah B Appleby John II
Allison John Armes - James '
Allison 'James .Archibold Israel Rev
Alford James II Austin John -
Allan S P Atkinson Ann "
Allan It. S Ashton John
Baker W R. Boyd Alexander
Ballantine John Bovard, M'Kee Co
Bails. Sarah Mrs Boyle Allen
Barr Elizabeth Bossier Ii H
Harnett Joseph Bowman Gy
Batchler Frederick Bolden Mstdda A
Barnes Catharine Bovard 3/.
Beatty Rachel BowenVneorge .
Bell James Hoes I) W
Be an.llugh Boreland Mark
Bennet Mary J Brown hernias A
Be A A Brown muesli Roy
Best rry
Alexantler Prows VII 2
Beck Anthony /13rOWn ichaE4
Beitribtt Sarah / % Brown F
Bendley John Brown lizabeth
Beck Chutes-A BroWn my
Belding L e / Brook Robert G
Bellsill Chariest!' ' Brown John
Beams Henry / Brining Adam
Blakeman Charles W Brasnall Richard
Bivcridoff George liragden Eben
Bla.kely Wiiliam Brinker Louisa
Blackson Matilda Miss Bradley Hugh
Biggs John - Brooks James
Braille/RC Boelen Daniel
Bishop Eliza Brins John
Blakely Cornelius S Brophy Timothy
Black John Bridal John Jr
Bd'vard William A Brophy John
Hellman Thomas Bryan John
/ Bond Huldah Brewster Richarson
Bostick Nelson Wending' Samuel C
Boyd J Doct Bursnide Susannah Mrs
Buster Jacob Busliyager Henry
Burns Robert Byrugton John A
Barns Harriet Li
Carpenter Laurence Coeliran J 1:1
Cavat Wm Cory Miss
°Tenter George Sr. Co Coburn isaae
Cal mint Elizabeth - Collins Urns
Carlisle Danibl Collins W & B
Carey Jame§ Conly Writ 9
Carter Thot Cook Mary A •
Cannon Susannah Cook Deborah
Calhoun Jos Cook John
Cannon Thigh CoUk Daniel
Carlton Jonathan Coon Jai •
Carnage Eliza Cattbn A G
Cameron John Col Duo
• . .. .
Ciin Geo R. Covert JO
Calhoun Andrew Cook A C
Case EliberGen Creeley3ottit
Carey & Mitchel Craig Saml
Cahill 1' Crawford Irvin
Campbell Robt Crist John
Campbell Wm Crawford Frealer
Campbell Capt , Crittenden Lewis S
Caldwell Johu Creese Henry
Chester W S Crittenden L S
Christy Eleanor M Cyrus Rebecca
Cherry C Culbert 'Z
Clarke Jas Cunningham Durnard
Clarke Sand Curren John
Clarke Jos Cupplus Robert
Clouse Isaac H Cochran Jan
Clayton Nancy II Cooper Frank
Clemmcr Susannah
Dailey Mary Ellen Dillon . Jobn
Daisy 0 William Dickson James
Dawson Martha Dillow Samuel
Darrow ‘Valton Dickenson Walter P
Daubcrry Mary Dunglass Alexander
Dales James 11 or Lesis Doak William
Davis William Danivan Robert
Davis Job S
Davis J J
Davis Levi Dougherty Charles
Devol C F Drew D F AI
Dever A J Dravoc Peter
Detain Charles Dravoe Jan
Dermentl Charles Duval William
perch!' Patrick 'Dimming G W
Deany Catharine Durand E
Deal John Dugan Margaret M
Deavitt Alary buidap John W
Demling George Dunlap John
Dcan V C
Edgar :Muriali G . Estip Dr Rev
Edmonds Alexander' . Emory Silas
Eken Mary A II Eshleman John
F.astoli David Ellanthry Isaac
English Thomas Evarly John A S
Evans Lcah Mrs
Faulkner Dr Flynn Thomas
Farley William Flanigan B
Farrell Henry Foliard Borah Miss
Fainey Peter Foster John
Fahnestock Emma Miss Foster Jane E
Ferguson Rachel Freeman A N
Furguson Nancy . Fritchman John
Furguson Mr Freeman Alfred
Fleiners Mrs Freeni Robert
Finley Abel Fry Charles 6
Fields William Fry William
Fitzmorris William Freeman Thomas
Fleming Samuel Fryer Elizabeth
Fithian Charles 1.1 Friend,T
Flinn Luke Furden Edward
Fithian Thomas M Capt
Gehring Francis Glenn James
Gessingheim James GoilWill James W
Gallamer James Gold G
Gardner Andrew Gormley Francis
Geiger Ann M Grave Jacob or Jonas
Gant Daniel Gregory Fanford
Geerhart Ann Guilin William
Gasaway William Grant James F
Gallaher M. Revd Grant James A 2
Gillett Oliver P Grimes James
Gibbs Mr. Rev Graham Samuel
Gillespie John Graham Thomas
Glenn William Gunning thigh 2
(lambert John Guy Thomas Rev
Hall Anna L Helvering Saml 2
Hamilton Caroline Mrs 2 Henry Wm
IPA] Beni Iletfron Stephen
Hall Sarah A 2 Hegan.Jos
Hamilton Wnt Hill Summer
Haney Jane Highy Jos
Hague Stephen Hitchcock Margaret
Handy Benj Hill Win
Hallett A J Highgate Thom
liannaly W 2 Hoffman Christian
Hare Sand Holmes John 2
Harrmon J S Holladay J M
Hart Salmon N Holmes J Ii
liartzell II H
_ ..,
Hartley Haul Holmes Mahlon
Harris Ann House Isaac 2
Haruer Geo %V Horner Jos
Haas John M lfoover ElizabCth
Hassell Abdallali 2 Humes Julia Ann
flay Sarni Heyde John
Hutchison Jae Hindekoper Edgar
Hyoung Mary Hughes J R
Iteydon Eliza Humberstone A W - ,
Hayden lienj Huffman Jos
Hayden A W Hunter W B 2
Hay Sam' Hunter H J
Heitz Ferdinand Hughes Watson Rev
Ilenry Jos Hutchison James M
Herron Robt Hughes James
Hubbard Wm Hull George
Huthird Mrs W
Irwin George 2 Irwin James
Irwin Robert Irwin John
Inman Isaac Irwin Alex T
John James C Johnson Henry
Johns Alfred Johnston Margaret
Jeffry William Johnson Mr 'l`
Jeffry John Rev Johnson Jetties
Jenkins Jacob - Johnson Agnes
Jenkin D M Johnson Samuel
Jeffrys John Johnson John
Jenkins Morgan Johnson Allieii
Jones E & Co. 4 Jones David
Kent Charles Kerr James Rev
Kennedy Eliza Kelly Edward
Kerney James, Rev King W b
Keith. Duncan Kincaid Thomas H
. ..
Keller Jacob King Jacob
Kennedy David Kiddoo D D Mrs
Keller S Kimber John V
Kent James 8 King John
Kennedy Thomas King Stephen
Kelly Rebecca 'Minceher John Capt
Kuntz Hester
Lambie Aimee Mrs Lewis Saml C
Lawrence Asher E Leonard Wm'
Lane Rachel Lilly Geo 2
Latrobe B H' Lichtenheim Simen'A
Latshaw B F Little Wm
Laughlin .13 Lickbiter G T : 2
Lawrimcr Eliza Miss Livingston Wm
Layton J M Logan Anna .
Lidey Leonard 2 Lonergan Jas
Lemon W S Lowry John
Leech Maria B Misc Lupton Mary
Lee Barney Locke elaur 2
• -,1%.
. ,
Lefever Elizatiot. ' Lloyd_Janellra i
Levy Coleinan— ---- .. ..... - ...Lyrin:Win .1 ••=l-•
Leonard Mary Ann , Loofink Sinirm 1
Meccely William Morris T T
Muffle Whitton ' z ' Montgomery Ja , .
Maguire Michael : Moreland lytr 1 •
Mabee Charles C Rev 2 ..Morgan Daniel'
Maloy Mary - , . Mooney Barney'
Major Francis . . Morgan D Morgln
Maston Rebecca - • .- Morris Geri. 1
Madera Albert Montgomery Heiary
Marks Corrydon , . Morris B F . 1
Mlnifield Daniel Mawfeet Catharine
Maken JD& Co . Moorhead J 8
• I
Markel John ' Morrisonßtephe 1?.
' Mann Thomas Moore G W , . •
Martin Jas Smith Morrison Abu ':••
Martin James Moore TI I -I •
Mefrich Peter C Morrison Ann Eliza
Mehaffy Cornelius Moore T W i .
Mearty Michael .Moore• John. 1
Miredeth S Moore Allen
Merchant David . Mulholland Goa l Jr',
Mix L D Rev 2 Mullen TIPS
Mitchel Maria Munn John
Miller Charles W Murdoch Mat
Mitchel 8 L Myley Saint 1
Mitchel G W Mudge Gardener
Miller Joseph Meyers Louisa
lyritchel G W Munson Henry
Mitchel I T • • Muncey Tluni
Mitchell A Murphey Mary ,
11ffler Jame§ Mousicy Wash
ntfort John W ft
Jr Mintooth
Murphey Maxtha Morgan Mary Ann
i .INP
M'Avoy Michael ' M'Donald
M'Clelland Daniel 114'Gowh Jahn
M'Clelland Elizabe t h M'Graw Jelin
APClelland Archibald M"Governlohn •
M'Carthy David M'Farland Wm 2
M'Carthcy Johd Johis
M'Closkey Leonatti Elfsabeth Mrs
M'Clintock John M'lntyre William '
M'Call James M'l Ilhany John J Rev
M'Cosh Samuel Jr M'Ellroy William
Isllloinh Thomas M'lntosh William
M'Creight Isanella M'Kee Lydia
M'Cord James 2 M"Kelvey Daniel
M'Curdy A . iltigh'
M'Connell Margaret M'Kune Robert
M'Ceey Jane ..M'Kay C}' Rev
Al'Crum James M'Cuwatt Eliza Miss
M'Coy D
M'Langlihn Sarah
M'Cormick Thomas MTh's° W W
M'Coy Thomas M'Nair JoSeph
M'Derniutt Margy Miss M'Mastcr Jane
111'F:wen Mary Miss M'Natnee Patrick
M'Connull James M'Nair Join
111 , Donalil Catharine M'Quissins Alexander .
M'Donald John If 3.l"Funk Jelin
M'Connell Alexander
Necley Akar
Necley Sas S
Nceles Matilda
Ney Henry C
Nelson Joseph
O'Bryan Edward
O'Cunner Mary.
Oldohoe L Dr
Orr Wm
Parsons N L
Payne Win
Patrick Kobert
Page Silas
Pane David
Partner John
Parke Chas W
Patterson L B
Patterson Johl
Patterson Eliza
Patterson Rebcca L
Patterson .1N
Pierce Patrick
Quigley W
Dobbs James
Donahoe Patrick
Rea James
Rea Win; II
Rea John A
Radcliffe: Elias
Rafferty Bernard
Rairdin Jae A
Randolph Peter L
Reaves Win Rev
Really David
Rarer F
Reiter Jacob
Reinoche Augustus
IteisingerAlary Jane
Read Jane Miss
Read Semi .
Read John li
Read Hannah
Reynolds Dad
Richey Mary Ann
Ricked Jas
Savage Francis Smith Ge4rge
Savage Robert Smith SaMuel J '
Sanderson John Smith William
Scott John Rev Smith Lockwood W
Scott Margaret Miss Smith Solj
Scott William Smith Ellen Miss
Scott Eliza Miss Snivelv Henry
Scott Walter Snowden John Jr
Searight4ohn F - Sorby William
Seymour Elvira A Miss Spaythe James '
Selby George Miss Sperry Alexander
Shaver Thomas W Spencer J6llll Rev
Shannon Patrick Steel Joseph B
Shaver Alexander. Stephens BarloW
Shaw William ;';''. Stearns Josiah
Shephard Asa S 'Stewart Charles
Sheridan William Stewart Robert i
Sherwodd Vincent F Stewart Martha Miss
Shields Rebecca Stewart Wiiliam '
Shonse John , Stephenson Joseph
Show-titer JacobJA 3 Stricklin William
Simpson Downing Strong E D
Simms John Storms Seginom D
Smith Robert 2 Sturgeon Julia Ann H
Smith Hezekiali C SwinehartMary A • 2
Smith George %V Sweary'M
T i 4.
Taggart Win Thompson R
Taylor Chas- Thompson Peter
Taylor Jas Tilibitts, Rachel i
ThoniasJohn Tibus Oli*r M 2
Thompson Mary Mrs Todd Joseph
Thompson Geo Tracy Luc:cite Mrs
Thompson John II Tucker Jaa
Thompson Zelia Turner Chns 2
Turpin Nelson H Rev 1 •
Urmy Joaslin Capt • v
Relines S R
Nicholls Jps
Norcross Isaac
Nuttall Louis
North Wol
Notts Frederick
Orr Marshall
Ord Jane
Ot erturl ,
Pierce James
Perry James Y
Pednen Alin Miss
Pease Enos
11Cnry 11
Platten Jas
Porter Ann Miss
Parnell irid ;
Pratt Cathhrine
Pressly Jail lte*
R _
Richardson .Albert
Richardson Rebecca Mrs
Richardson James 2
Rooney Jdhn
Robe David F
Ross M W
Ross Nancy Miss
Rosa Robert M 3
-Robinson Jas Harvey
Robinson j%ll
Robinson Whos
Robinson Harriet
Robinson Margaret Miss
RodgerS Ilrancis
Rusteare IVva
Rudy WM
Ryan Geo;
Knapp Sudan F
Rynd Jas
Van Dusen Matthew
W 1
Walker Robert• White May Mrs
Walker Andrew T Wilson E!Virginia Mrs
Walker Thus Wilson,lltirbert
4pes G
Walker Alex
Walker John Wilson.Sajamel 4- Co
Wallace Agncss Mis Wilson J ;
Wallace Saml Wilson Thomas M
Wallace John WilsonJ Mrs
Wallace Ann E Miss Wiggans William
Waddingham Sarah Wilkinson & M'Masters
Washficld S Rev Williamsoja Mary A Miss
Walter Geo. G A . Wilton ,Wni
Walter Win 9 •• WitkinDairjd
Ware Mary Id Wilkiu Reuben
Warner Elizabeth Miss Wilkinson', Win
Ward John 9 Wills Otho , 2
Ward PStrick ' Wingate Segaanotir
Weaver Jeremiah Witherow Win P i
Weigley Jnstiuo Wolf Henry
Welsh John Woodford!A M
Welsh Livington Woodfield Solomon
Weller Jane Wood JGI •,
Wells Joseph , Wood Catharine 2
Werwebaugh Win /Voodinirri John
Westby Jas B Wortlay HD . a
Weston John Workman' Carolina
____ '
White James Wyman Wm
White Malvin Mtn
Yarndall & Co E C YoUng Isabella Mrs
Yergar John P 2 Young Joseph
Young Jae - • Young Win • -
Young Violetta M Miss Young HO
Emden Lewis
George H S. B. American
C. MICIBBEN; Postmaster
BOOK KEEPING and writing rooms, corner of
Fifth and Market streets. ThiS is the only 'es
tablismnent in western Pennsylvania ;whore the theo
ry and practice of Book keeping can be acquired in
such a manner as to enable th.e learner to apply it
at onee to business. Inaddition'to his usual course
of instruction in Double Entry Book-lteeping, he
has prepared for the use of mechanics and ,others
who are not willing to incur the time and eipense
necessary for acquiring the science upon the Double
Entry principle, a complete course of instruction
upon SINGLE ENTRY BOOli-UTEPERG. , A comfortable
private parlor is fitted up for instructing Ladies,
either in Penmanship or Book-keeping. Ladies
Class, 2 to 4 . r., at. Gentlemen's do. 10 to 12, 2to
4, and 7to r.`lll. octl
fIOFFEE--270 bags Super Rio Cofree., now landin
U.. and for sale - - •
st . v2B -
,‘ MILL '4ll. 4. RIC AtiSON.
w urr d ira i. itOg now. landin g '
80p2 s. - " MILLER Et` RlcsrasoN.
TIRIPPEDLOGWOOD--20bbls. Chipped Log wood
ncrwlanding and for - stile by • ,
RINCIPEE CIGARS-40 M “T.Barrio's" brand
Principee Cigars, in store and for-sale by -
TANNER'S 01.1,--1511arrela Tinders Oil; just re
ceived and foi sale by
CIRAR CIDER-1.0 Barrels Economy Crab cider,
N.) it/it rtecived and for'sale by .
5ep,..%) . MILLER Br.
LAVA • COFFEE-20 Bagi Old Government JaVa.
Coffee, in store;and for sale by
Canton Rifle Barrels.
AA FURTHER stipply of the above just received
and for sale at manufacturers prices, by •
• sep26 GEORGE 'COCHRAN, 26 Wood street.
'LAR"' 100 kegs, No.‘l, Lard on consignment;
And for sale by • F. SELLERS.' .
5cp.24.. No. 17, Liberty street
8 . 4 H. Molasses, in store and for sale by
sep23. • F. SELLERS.
EFINED BORAX-1 caseAustreceived and for
IC sale by
sep23 - HAYS kIIttOCKWAY.
REFiIsiED CAMPHOR - IDarrel; just received
and forsale low for cash.
8003 • - HA.YS & BRIPCKWAY.
riASTOR'OI.I.--1 MI., fur sale by. .
SPANISH WHITING-4Bblo.,just received and
for sale by
scp23 • HAYS & BROCKWAY.
oppEau 13
s--20 1118., for sale low by
(ALIVE OIL--1 13bh for sale by •
sep23 s ; ' •s • V •
O.LUE--41.1b15. 7 forsale by .
Bbl's, fir sale by
LEMONS- . -15 Boxes Leponn for sale very low,
by ; (jyl4) • JAMES BIAY.
IDES--411 Missouri Hides, formal° low to close
consignment. ' '(jc26) - JAMES MAY.
CORN -117 scks Corn, for sale by
TIIGMETAL.-1 - ton Scioto Furnace pig iron for
sale by, de26) . JAMES MAY.
VEGAR-50 (dais eider vinegar in store and for
sale by (sep2) M. - B. RHEY & CO.
BA.LtS HAIR, Suitable . fbr Plasterers purposes,
•J for sale by (aug22.) M. B. RHEY &
BUTLER'S Nerve and Bone Linement . 5 Grote
just received and for sale by
E SSENSES-10 Gross, for sale by
lep23 ° N 0.2, Commercial Row, -Libarty st
XTINEGAII.-10'111;:tider Vinegar;
V 2 " • Wine " for sale by
sep. 22. D. WILLIAMS & Co., 110 Wood st.
TIAMS--75 Prime Family Hams, for sale by
J. WILLIAMS & Co., •
Bel). 22. llO Wood St
LASS--400 boxes 6-8, 7-9, 8-10, 9.12,10-22, and
ki 10-14; fOr sale by
aep. 22.. J. 1). WILLIAMS & Co., 110 Wooisi.
A A. MASON, 6,2 Market street, has just reed
another case of those blueand orange prints,
selling at low price of Of 'cts per yard sepl6
UININV,--100 ounces just received and for sale
sept I. corner of 6th and Wood sts.
ASTILE' SOAP-10 cases just received and for
sale by I B. A. FAHNESTOCInt CO.,
sop!? •, cor. 6th and Wood et
RIIFIN - 41? LIQUORICE;--/OQ lbs just received
and for sale by
se - p9 cor.Btitand Wood sts
bbls superfine.fatnily flour in store
Ft . Tnußdfo — rralt by MARTIN & SMITH,
sea?. - 66 Wood street.
VA. Twist Tobacco-49 kgs Va. tobacco, No. 1
article; in store and for sale by
sep2 MARTIN Ss SMITH, 56 Wood street.
?';,..11. - 2g),..7lke.byTh3tash' 11°.
I article '
MARTIN Br,SMITII, 56 Wood at.
V" ERRS AND VARNISHES, of the verybed
quality, for sale at, H. 11. RYAN'S Cabinet
Ware Roue* No. 31 Fifth street. . jyl6
Nyugoal?.°ti BLIND
, PAPER—one y s nl o te, for
auo27. !
Smithfield street.
ITIOBBACCO-25 kegs No. I six twist tobacco re
ceived and for sale by M. B. RHEY &CO,
acid: • • - No:51 Water street.
130 13.: ( 1 :4 1. 1, 1: , S ~,M . ) tl37,RtiorrEryallbyco
COTTON— A few bales of Mississippi Cotton, for
sale lot by GEORGE COCHRAN,
jy2 ' No. 26 Wood st.
LMID OlX .:— Premium oil or Cincinnati inanu
for sale by GEORGE COCHRAN.
je26' No. 26 Woods(.
CCAN - 15tilitIlii:E.S 7 - 7 101irieiii just received and
0 for sale ny B. A. FAHNESTOCK & CO.,
'49 corner 6th and Wood sta..
CRAB CIBER.-12'. Barrels, superior Crab - Ci
der for Sale by P. C. MARTIN,
LEMO*-100 boxes lemons in good order,
:for sale' by P. C.MARTIN,
20. 1 00 Water street.
9 vAs—no packages Y. H., luipl, G. P. and
Powcheng, of late importations, arriving and
for sale by [aug2s] LAMBERT & SHIPTON.
73SA.LMS & HYMNS, for the nea of the German
_L Reformed Churth in the U. S. of America, En
glish and German. .For sale by
jell SCRIBA. & SCHEIBLER, 115 Wood et.
Lard 011. -
AFF.W barrels of a superiorquality for sale low
to close consignment, by
sep 17 GEORGE COCHRAN, 26 Wood street.
IIEST JAVA COFFEE, ground and put up int
jj pound packages,' moulted- and for sale at - the
Prxtrr TEA STORE, 72 Fourth . street, near Wood.
FINE SALINA TM:4LP. SALT-50 bags (mud
size) very fine Salina. Salt, fit for table use and
Dairiei; for sale low by P. C. INIAILTIN,
1Y 27 . • 60 Water at.
OLD PORT WINES-20 cases superior Old Pon
Wine, for Invalids; for sale try the case or bot
tle at the wine store of 'STERETT 4- Co.
seplB 61 Market street, cor., Front.
C .
LARET WIN ES-2O cases “St. Julien 31edoc,”
15 do. thirdly, use and other.brands.. For sale,
low at the wine store of STERF.TT 4 CO.,
seplB ' N 0.16 Market at. cor Front.
f I LD SHERRY BRANDY—An ex,cellent ' article
ljr on draught for mediCinn or other purposes, for
site by ' STERETT en Co.
seplB' ' cot'. Market ancl Front.
1 .k§T INDIA. and Wine Bitters of delightful
aroma, in bottles, and on draught,' for salo at
the Wine store of . STERETT & Co..
SePIS cor. 'Market and. Front.
DEDSTEADS--Mahogany, Birch, Maple, Cherry
and Poplar high and low post bedsteads al
wais on hand and for sale low at the Furniture
warehouse of; • - T. B. YOUNG ez Co,
jeG • i3l Hand st,
plump:Leto 'Netts.
GE°. S. SWARTZ has on hand a lot of verf su
perior white and colored Mosqueto Netts
which will be'sold cheap at No. 106 Market street.
_ .
.RECEIVED -Per Canal Boat Great Western
-100 pus Cherry Scantling--13x5 and B:6-8000
Lights Windoiv Sash suitable for the western trade 2
12:16; 10x12ax4 fix.lo. For sale by - '
je6 , . L. WILMARTU.
'received, a large'assortment of the above, and
for sale at F. BLUMES
sopa', No. 112 Wood street, 2nd door above sth
I L ATARDROBES--11'youNant to purchase a
good wardrobe cheap call at the furniture
warehouse of T. 13. YOUNG & CO,
ir, l 7 ' 31 Hand tr.t
d 61 -
ill DOZ . -Duff, Gor on Co.'s brou n awry meg
11.) 10 do. do. do.. pale ~ do dog
COrtes do -if a
together with a general assortment of other rich old
For sale at:the wine store of -
sepls STERETT & CO., cor Market and Front ate,
g TierdeS fresh Weei
- bbls,a
Cklins improved Laid . .
10,000 jbar Ragan,. Shoulders. On hand and
for sale by - F, SELLERS.
seO 24 . No. 17, - Liberty street.
10 baskets quarts, „ D. A. Mormon &
_/0 " , pints, •
Champagne Wine now landing and for pie by
sep2.B - MILLER & nicKETspisr,
- UrazierN
UST assortment, large sizes, Brazier's p Hand Bellows; also Parlour and Kitchen, do,
Whelesale.and Retail, JOHN W. BLAIR,'
sep29. ' 120 Wand st,
1D11.00.318—:•'-50 dor, romeroys extra!
jj •60 ,‘ Medium;
• In store and for sale sby
flr ANDS WAATED--2 Bedstead 'makers;
I S Table makera; •
8 hands tcr make other Cabinet'*are;
None need apply but first rata workmen.
•11. H. RYAN,
auB -}(Journal and Chronicle copy.) -
• W a . ll Papar.. , - -
A ..SPLENDID assortment: just received from "the
/1.. blast, of entire new 'Patterns. They earl ha
had. very lowa*. the Wall Paper Store of
,aug27-dlro. J. SIiTDLE, Smithfield ntreet.
10 000 PIECES
.of Glazed and Unglazed
Wall Paper - vainly own mateallactnre,
on hand and for sale at the lowest market . price.
ang27.dlin J:- SHIULE, Smithfield ;street:
NCN`e Veshtoned Hi ts,
F a very
superior quality, for sale by
111 , CORD & KING,
- corner of Wood and Fifth sts.
d. Crawford, 111. D.
ESPTCTFULLY tenders hi sei7iices to the cid
,of Pittsburgh and vicinity. Office; St.
Clair street, opposite the E Ifoxchangc tiq."
septl94l3rn* • • ,
tateat Iroproviernent.
B,DsTEADs of different kinds with Gazzain's
iron patent fastenings, superior to anything now
in use, for sale low at the furniture warehouse of
angl. T. B. YOUNG & Co, Hand stieet.
ABLES—Pier, Centre and Card Tables - of difier
ent patterns. If you 'want a good article cheap
call at the Furniture -Warehouse of .
T. B. - YOUNG & CO,
je6 - • . 31 Hand ,at..
TOBACCO. -7o large and 90,small boxes Nissen.
ri tobacco, of prime quality, just received on
consignment, and will be sold cheap for cash, or
Pittsburgh manufactures. •
august IS • TAAFFE. Br..O,CONNER.-
MOE MEANS OF TEACE.A Sermon delivered
in the "Third Presbyterian church" July- 12,-
by the Rev.D.- K. Riddle, and published by the
questof the Congregation. For sale by. •
aug24 JOHNSONt STOCKTpIyi..•
Six Cases New Pall Prints.
TUST RECEIVED this day, embracing all tho
fej new and desirable styles in the Market; and will
be sold at greatly reduced prices, by -
sepls ADSALOM MORRIS, No. 65 Market at
Wood Street Property for Sale.
frHAT desirable lot of ground at the foot of Wood'
street, occupied at the time of the great fire by
Messrs. King &;Holmes, is offered for sale.
Enquire.of [augfi] - J. IC. MOOHHEAD.
Cashmeres and De Lollies.-'
TUST RECEIVD, a beautiful assortment of new
style Paris printed, Ombri shaded, Rep Coided
and plain Cashmeres and D'Laina, and for sale by
sepls ABSALOM MORRIS, 65 Market street.
Voffee. -
300 BAGS Green-Rio, part prime;
5 " Old Government Java; .
Arriving this day and for sale by,
A A. MASON, 62 Market street, Sirnison>s row,
±l . 4 ; invites the attention of country merehants and
others, to his well selected stock of fall goods, which_
is now opening. Selling only for cash, we can Offer:
such advantages to purchasers as are seldom poises
sed by those who sell on the credit system. sepl6 •
For Sale at the Wharf.
JUST received per Canal Boat
-10,000 feet inch poplar;
10,000 " I " seasoned;
45,000 " 4'4 Scantling..
ECEIVED this day, several packages of very.
JR, rich new style Persian--embossed Ombri, Bro
cadc, Chamelion, Striped, Plaid and Poult do.Boiey
and Black Satin, Striped Armour Dress Bilks, and
will be sold cheap for Cash,. by
sepl3 ABSALOM MORRIS, No. 65-Market et:
A A: MASON, 62 Market street, has just receiv
ed and now opening, a large stock of Prints.
Brown and bleached musliusi flannels, ticking, check,
stripes, chintzes, ginghains, cashmere and mous - de
lains, shawls, catsinutts, Cassimeres, broad cloth &c.,
all of which will Le soldnt exteremely low prices.
WE have now on hand a.full assortment of beau-
Vl' tiftil French aad Scotch dress Gihgliams, twil
led and plain; at ream-kohl() low. prices. :Also, an
article 'of embroidered Gin,glium—very beautiful for
Dresses, for sale by ABSA_LOM MORRIS,
scpls ' No. 65 Alarket street."
TTAVEG% a very large, and commodious ware
la house, we are prepared to receive (in addi
tion to freight for shipment) a large amount:. of Pro
duce, Le. oh storage at lowrates.
jy23 t. A. McANULTY 3r, CO, Canal Da4i.u.
60 Water stiee
50 1 +5 3 , otsPi tch;i; . •
ISO Bores Tobacco, various sizes; -
10,000 Seed leaf Cigars; • -'
On consignment and will be sold low' for Cash, or
exchanged for Pittsburgh manufactures, by -
FISH -150 bbls No. 3 Lary's Mackerel;
1 20 ." a 3 North
10 ". it 1 4.1 • ii
20 a Herring (Al wives)
5 " No. 1 Salmon; in store and _for
sale by [aug2.s] , LA.MBERT Sr SHHYTON.
Minor, by _Mrs. E. C. A. Schneider, with . an
essay on the prospects of the Heathen and our 'duty
to them by Rev. B. Schneider, and an Intl:eclectic/-
by Rev. E. ileiner, A. M. Published by Reir.Samln
Gutelius, Charobersburgh, 1846. For sale by
jell SCRUM. & SCIIEIBLER, 115 Wood st.
JUST RECEIVED--,Another laige addition to my
stock of Diamond pointed. Gold Pens- of the.
best makers and for sale at the lowest prices.
Also—A large assortment of Gold and Silrerrens
cils, Tooth and Ear Picks,Tweezers, &c. &e.
jel7. . W. W ! WILSON, P 7 .1 1 .1ttrket et
Segars Segarsi t
'LUST received frorn New York, a large qtuantity ,
ft.Y of Havanna and Principe Begins of the roost,
popular and superior brands now in use. Also, ate
excellent article of chewing Tobacco and several
bales of superior Cuba Leaf Tobacco forsale.
No. 50, Third street, two ,loon front the Post
Office. - roar,).
FlNNry , s THEOLOGY.--Lectnres on Fystem,
atic Theology, embracing Lectures on Moral.
Government, together with Atonement,Moral artri
Physical Depravity, Regeneratipo, philosopbical
Theories and F,videncos of Regeneration; by Rev,.
Charles 0: Finney, Professor of Theology in the
Oberlin Collegiate Institute. Jest received and foi:
sale by [seplii LUKE LOOMIS, Agent;
the Progress of Nations in Productive lodust.ry, -
Civilization Population and Wealth; illustralo( l 1 ;7
statistics Of Mining, Agriculture, Manufactures,
Commerce,Revenues, Banking, Intrnal Improve•
ments, Mortality, Emigration and Population; by
Ezra. C. Seaman. • • •
A. few copien of rbe above work for sale by
corner of Market and 3d st..l,
T OBACCO -40 laze Hutchinson's ss;
30 laxs Price & Harwood's ss;,
10 a J. R. prante ss;
15 ' Laitpn.s ss;
55 iL Is., .125., 165. ; a 23., Bait. plug',. = 3:44
Ladies Twist; arriving this day, and for setto by
aug2s LAMBERT & slit? TON;
Sherry Wlnaaf
Lady's Dress SiLks.
Fall Goods.
New DreEss Ginghttats.
New Books.
Gold - gens;