The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, October 02, 1846, Image 2

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of Pittsburgh, Allghefylr county, Pennsylvania, to and the : same WhieWleines Campbell and' wife,
wit Beginning at theaoethWesrside of Clay:alley William Bisyd and ivife,,and Others; by their Deed.
at a point one hundred and tnehie , ,,feet from Wash- dated, the 7th day. of. March, 1840, and recorded in'
higtonetreetseerner:of'George Bedger'ssground Alleghencowity; in Deed - Boole L-.31.4 1 VeL 60;
thence seutlinreStwardly by saidßodger's ground page .45; granted aridiCoriveyed tcr•the Said James
.fiftyssiX.feet eight inches tO grourid'taons or late of Boyd. Seized -and taken in execution ali the props
'Harriell , SriCellirigwool; theOce eistwardly by line erty of jarheaßciyd, atthe suitof Boyd
,and s Mus;, - ,
parallet.Witlitlay alley twenty' feet; to ground of dock, foilise of Perms Scott ilz Co.
Rodger's then ee I, by' the - ground .of said Rodgers, , ' , 'ALSO,
parallel With Wastington street'. twenty-tiMe feet All the righttitle, interest and clalm, of Martin
eight inches, to corner of defendant's and- Rodgers LOwiy, of,- nd to a certain Lot of groand, situ
gronnd, thence eastwurdly by line of said Rodger's', ate in fehm - Bayard's extension - of the ;northern
parallel, with Clay alley, sixty- feet, to the pint at- ,Liberties` of . Pittsburgh, in Pitt township, in ' the
tached to the brick house,lionting on Washington county of Allegheny; PeensYlVania, - bounded and
streetsthence by line of said yard parallel With &Scribed assfollows, to Wit: Beginning at the corner
Washington street, northrvardly - eleven'feet nix rofFactoirstreet and :Mulberry thence along
inches to the wall of a brick louse, thence by the Mulberry:alley eastwardly seventsSfive,leet, thence
same wall eastWardlyparallel with Clay-alley, four- northwardlya parallel line with :Factorystreet 100
teen feet,thence northwardlyparallel with Washing- feet to Pike street, thence along Pike street west
min street fifteen feet six inches to Clay alley, thence wardly 75 feet to Factory street, thence aleing-Fac.-
by'said alley Westwardly to place of beginning, on tory street - southyvardly-180 'feet. to the place of
which is erected a two story brick dwelling house, beginning; (being partof a tract of land situate in
Innd a two story frame dwelling' house, subject to the manorof.Pittsburghwhich John Penn; Jr.,and
an annual ground rent of twenty-seven dollars. John Penn, Esquires, by deed bearing 16th
Seizedand taken in execution 'es the
_property of aye& February, 1785, granted and conveyed to
i' William 111'Clurisat the suit of James C.lllCelly. Thomas Hutchens, in fee; who by deed bemingdate
ALSO, , ' l4th Sept. 1785, and recorded in Westmoreland
All the right, title, interest and claim of William county, granted and conveyed a certain ,part of
Duncan, 'Of, in and to, all that certain , lot or piece said tract of land (including the lot or, piece of
of land situate in Bakerstown, -West Deer Town- ground hereby granted) unto-George Adams, who
ship,-county of Allegheny, bounded and described died seized thereof, having first made his last will
as follow. :Fronting on the Butler Turnpike the and testament in writing, bearing date the Ist day
l ' distance of four rode, - extending back westwardly of April, 'lBOl, and since duly proven arid 're:
a distance s of ten rods, thence ronningalcing proper- maining in the Register's office, Allegheny county,
ty t aid Win. Duncan a distance of four rods, whereby. he bequeathed a certain ',part ofthe Said
to a twenty feet alley between said lot and pro- tract of land (including the portion above describ
perty of a certain James Jones, thence along the i ed, unto John Byanl, who by deed baring date the
said alley east- to the' said Butler Turnpike, the i 31st day of Mareh, 1828, and recorded in Alleghe
plate of begineior, a distance of ten rods, known in' ny couuty; in.-Bisok M. 2, vol. '37, pages 273 and
ALSO, ' the plan of BakerstoWn aforesaid
,hy the number i conveyed M the present grantor. ' Seized and
All the right, title, interest, claim and demand of 30, containing one fourth of an acre, be the same I taken in execution as the'propertyef the said Mar-
Henry Beams, of, in and to a certain part of lot more or less, on -which is erected a Small brick tin Lowry, at the suit ofJohn Caldwell..
No. 292, in the plan of the city of Pittsburgh, situ. house, a frame kitchen and office and a frame sta.
ate upon the corner of Third and Smithfield street s , ble. ..1/so, all that certain Lot or piece of ground, , All the right, title, interest snd 'claim, of John
in said city, bounded and described as follows, to i situate near said Bakerstown, fronting on the state Beadel and' Mary, his wife, of, in and tosa certain
wit begirin'ng at the south-west corner of Third and I Road leading to Beaver, bounded-east by land of Lot and dwelling house, situate, lying and heingin
Smithfield streets; thence Wong Third street about IJtries Bakers' Heirs, on the south by land of John- thecity and county of Allegheny, on which they
60 feet to the line of lot formerly owned by C. Lat. Wattle, and on the West by land of James Reed, now resides Containine about two acres and a half,
slum; thence .by the same soutliwarilly, parallel I containing two acres, be the same more or leks. bounded on' the north „
the lands of Wm. BoWen,
with Smithfield street half way to Second street, sithio, Lot No. Ott, in Bakerstown, bounded by lands Esq., oft the south by Rebecca street, on the east
about SO feet;, thence eastwardly parallel with S. of the Rev. Thomas Guthrie, and by lands of Heirs f by the west:Commons., and on the west by !nude of
cons! at rcet,about 00 feet to Smithfield street; thence 1 nalier----- and Eakinbottom, and by pub ic lots I Capt. Denny, &c. Seized and taken in execution
by the sante northwarilly about Slifeet to the place l i for a grave yard, gee , containing eight acres, more i as the property of the said John Beadel and Mary:
of begining, and on which is erected a four story "+'r less. Seized arid taken in execution as the pro. his wife, at the suit of John D. Mahon. . . .
brick building. Seized and taken in execution asipertY of William Duncan . , at the suit of John M. ' ALSO, i
the property property of Henry ptares, at the snit I Snowden ; for use cif Allegheny County. I All the right, title, interest and claim of James
01 David Lynch, Mr the use old. 1), W. Whites I ALSO .
i Richey, of. in and to all that cermin.lot or Mice- ,
A LSO, , I Allthe'title,• '
right, interest and claim, of James lof ground, being lot No. 9, in Woolslayer's plan eof
Rally: Rally! Rally:
I All the right, title, interest, preperty, etaim Mid ” M'Cabe, of. in and to all those two certain Lois of i lots, in Peehles. township, Al
One, Week from next Tuesday the election w ill Tusx-rnicit 'Liesxsts.-The Boston Common, emn d reversions, remainders, rents, grenind tents, !ground, situate in St. Clair Township, Allegheny leglitsu y- , ( - 1 -aur,tita'.tle' .----
of Pennsylvania, containing in front, on the Greens
take place in Pennsylvania. There i s n o time now Council charge $6OO annually, for the National; issues and profits whatsoever of George Anstalt& I county, and State of Penneylvania, being Lots num. i burgh and Ilt-tuburgh Turnpike road s 40 feet, end
in and to, out of or in any way arising from all ) brief "Eight: and "Moe,' in talc plan of Lotalaidi running back 140 feet fora .20 feet alley,-Being
for writing long disquisilions. 'What is to be done, apt the Howard; Museum $.400, and Olympic S3OO ofi
th a t certai n lot or ieee or round sit ua t e to th e 'out byßell Linear& Breed, ail minus the boron hi
. .
I' , g
of s •4 , , 4' - I s g , the same lot 'or piece of greund which John WoOl
. roust be done'quickly. Are our Democratic friends, per annum, on condition that spirituous liquors !
city .
i of Pittsbareh, Witte part the lot marked in lot Birmingham, and recorded in the Reconter'sislayer by hit d • cumindate the' day of
throughout Allegheny Count}, thoroughly org an , are not sold, and no female admitt e d unless inc orn . i th j gcoecal 1,15; of sa i d c i ty. N o. ;so . w h ic h aa m fOilice of Allegheny county, ill Book 11, 3d, Neel stayer by
cuefed to said James Richey,
'toed in every tonmelfite? flare committees been ap- patty with a male. [part is Wended unit described as &li on g , ,1 1 ,, b e _ g i it „ l l'lil I, ‘t hicli bait! lots contain in front twenty tour as by said reference to said deed will more 'fully
' ' •
pointed, to see that every' democrat's mama is reg- w - . - -- is - l Mug on Wood street at the distance o[4o fret south• i feet each. and in length Or depth each IlOdeet and, amnion Selind and taken in execution as the prop.
oot.-It•e team. says the New York Journal; -ti • t i
Ifn ;root street ninnies , them late hounded on he west 'by Deittnaii street, on the; erty ofJames Itiehey, lathe of IVilliam Woolstay-
istered and provide conveyances to carry the old of Commerce, that considerable purchusessof anal;st,tadyintiy
along W.l.:sit street ' to the c'iirne; of t. ;s t si n ie th r: l north by Lot oath east by an alley - -!.2 feet 23 ail i cr, survivine: of John • Woolslayer 0 ,
awl south by Let No. lii, in said plan, being I ' * Ex'r.
ALSO - .
,yeterantr to the pulls?, Let these things be attend. l have been Made here of Isle, for shipment to; ty m ie ' e ~,,h1 to Thomas (tomtit, them...eastwa r d. Jsside,
England, We know of one merchant who, for. ly hy that p act o f I,l ot , '4., I ki-,ssotit to said (s to a t _
! part of a large tract` of poem!, cow:eyed by John! All th e right, tole, interes't and claim of James
tal to-at once. It is an old remark, • - what is every Eng
'body's business is no body's business," and We know several days past, has been shipping ut the rate oil
i u ell, a parellel line with Frsint street, 1;0 feet to lAI Roe, by Deed dated the 9th day of -Augnio, A.l). r,_ rieroi n or, i n and to out of that certain tract
151600,a day.
i lot NO, ISS.. thence northwanily I.y said l o t No, i In-35 arid sceottled in the Ilecoriler'e Office of Alio- o f land situate ' o n t h e w a t ers of chartie rs cre e k,
there,is too often .a disposition among some men dal
i., ijaceer . s sogor.rooka rrg. „ 4,61, pill., _ .An
(ii, i 18s., J . 1,49 pat with wi.8.81 street to a point 40 ;gtienY' county; in 16 °k A , - 14 . in " 1 :5 " , Page 2(13, 1 Allegheny- county, boursden4 s y lauds of the heir's
to escape the responsibility and labor of an eke
i fret south or Front street, aforesenl, art thenee unto the saidßell, Edwards & Breed Seized and' of James Fowle, John Belt, Joint Terrence and
- •
eases have their origin in impurity of blood. Ilow.i , , ,
thin Canitnaigri. ' This should not be the case.- ,
; news aidy by another pail of said U lot No. Ili;, a l taken in elOclatiOtt as the property of James : 1 1:- I i lac o b 3fillick. containing 100 acres with allow , -
eyer excellent the general health, there is no seen • parallel line with Front street to Wood street at Cabe, at the suit:of Patrick Dtlance- I ance.-Also, 'one certain lot in Ross' township,
'Evems good deriacterat should act as though the en
I nty against fever, et, an here the blond is impure, as it ti ; r i ;
Al SO,
,! bounded by lots of Anthony Alairein and Henry
tire-burthens of the party were thrown upon },is (heated by eruptions of the skin, vertigo, heairt ' Jr r ' ace t i,.."'`''' tain g' 2" "vin ' z ' 2 front on Wind ''
'Shoulders: Democratic reader, we mean you-rot !:ache, lassitude. he. The best purifer of the blood. i strret of 2 ' ... '" t ' 43 le" ' 17;°Tr. or It "' °t"ti and i All the right, title, interest, Pines:tr, claim" arid l Itichenhaek, the Pennsylvania Canal and Alleghts.
i:is. , lotto' in execution as th e property of (Fro. AtiAtUtr. i demand, of Isaac Wrilkm,tif. in end to all that cer.'? oy'river being rine half of the lot conveyed by'
I • T•k ' Sugar-coated 11l I;1 , l
Bate. y ou d one your duty? complain not of youri ta . C it- net' 3 -'l••• " 4 •e° is 6. ° 6 ‘"" - ; at th e snit of the ••lisek of pittsborgh, f or toss oft fain tract of /and, situate in Fayette township, Ai- ~' se' ousel. ricer,
to Jam ` es Normand, by deed re
'ly compounded that it does not cause griping,the ,
ilegbetly counts-, Perinsylkainin s an Robinson's Run, ireyorded.i n book .M. 51 page.-Also, a certainotif.
beighbor, but set to Work this very moment, and . ' . , Ines. Francis Derwin."
great oblection to all pills. net-metope of augur(
I ..: i ak.tpiLiezr ha er ,Inhn Patter. Heim of Wm. l'it- ler lot, beginning oti the northwest corner of the one
See how Many votes you can secure for the Demo- prevents all nausea, so that, sane from the power-I . A - 0,
All the ri-ht. title, interest arid claim, of Elijah iGirgr,or, Peter Farmer, Win, Hail, and othere. con
,_ t .
~, „ _ , acre lot of the plan of lots laid out by James. Nor.
erotic ticket. j fid, ['easye operation, the patient would !lenity i ea se s ; r-' t 4 t 'I .. "1
' ' -
0 in aI , 0, tiltle certain
. ..ests or woes 01.131..iiir, about tare i_leise . !,. alio
. sin %stitch is ! nrso d, t h ence by :sa id one acre l ot an d lot 100. 1, in
with Ibe aware that he had taken any medicitie at all;? - '
••• Our .ei'er vigilant, opponents ate waiting
Isa. o
1 so well
eenviwed 6 Or. Clieko,,r
of the
ediroo , I ground, situate so the Borough ot Lawrenceville, f elected a Steam Hour MIL i.."3W Mill, divellittilq said plan to the northwest corner of lot ...a. ...,
anxiety for the conflict; but they Midently are not of •• • • • - - ) i the snip- Lots to pieces of :mond, being part of Lot l house and othrr feeetneelt- Seim! and taken id :l thence by the fence on the Canal. thence by laid , ;
, his pills Ai all spesafital eases, that he is plede.i •
No. ONS OZPI Inds NO, XO`ss and reset, 110M:de l l :: , c,ass - istion lei the property of rsaac Walker. al the, fence van t he S. E. side of the tow path to a corn ,
as sanguine as -, ive hale known theta to be hereto , i e d to return t h e money, w h en the promised effe - '
cz' and dercribed as follows, to wit- Begiiming at the 'i . suit of William il , gt`lii rite use of Trhimias Rogers , tCr
.on the embankment of Henry Richeahacks
fore. Every attempt to rally their men seems to tis not produced,
I line of Lot No 4. as marked in the general pion MI ALSO,
,i. thence by the sante to the place of be inning cions
De across-grained husioess. The wassof the Whi g f sold by wm„ Ja c k son , corner of w oo ,' and Lib! said borough. of Lawrenceville, adjoining lands I All the right, title; interest arid elaim of James i
erty streets, an.ho is genei al Agent for Dr Clic ke- I (fate) of Samuel Lavalt, and naming thence by taining twelve perches, more or less. Also,. ali th at . 1 1
the ; :derisory, rat; in arid to all that certain lot or piece 'certain other let Of ground situate in the township
party are honest and welbmeaning men, and if they
ner s Pills in Pittsburgh and vicinity.
I lin e es of said kite numbered two and three oral pert jof grrontd situate in Fayette lawnthiPe Alleglienr ; of Rosa. iu the Reserve tract,. marked in a plan ofi
are seperated from the influences Which surround
i a. but No. one, northwardly tote hundred sisal tiny iLetailirY. Feoneclrania, astieining.
, •-•,.._
t they will unite with the great Democratic , I Died,
Nnh lesl'-"ru coat lots laid out (of:lamer Noretinn hg Jean Barbeau,'
1 feet, thence parallel with' the tit:e Of eon,' tot No, '2taining ishoi.4
, six t, iferes, and u o dik ii ii;lin u g property
.oft[ N
I. eontainiag .54 feet issa inches - in front on the
t hem, sold oil
in rescuin g their beloved county Chi Thlitsday the Ist inst.. I.4!XXS Mertens, is westwardly to Burrows etreet, thence. poiithwarstly tJatnee ritieen.. elm et nsel a. es tiny and 0 1,..1 1 ' t,istope of the bank of the Allegheny river, and ex
!he 79. m il Year of his age.
from the blighting and withering effects of federal- The funeral will take! along said Burrows bisect one !minim, and fitly era,l t s
-i-es.og a esiat losulei thereism-Also. a /01 di i tending in depth towards the Permaylvaiiiri Canal
ism. ' The leaders of the opposition have no feel- place st,l, - „,.. - %
,'..-- N., hate resilience an i ( "el , to the comer of Lot No 1 aforel'ltid, and thence:it:mum/ it , Notthi 4 it'skos ati-ste , isid.atloSatog Puller- j la perches, adjoining lands of Joseph
ing in cOmMon with the mil tions-hey arc selfish I of the family ore
respectfullyee a !sata'rant•
requestedTlie rric:) , _ 6 l along the line of said L'it Na- t, to (tarp) !'welts ',, ls- of Witham G. Ifoffmamiarne* Vineeot, -----t i the euuth east and lot No, 2 in the said plan on the,
to attend. I line, bat , : one hundred OM! Mgr six btf, to OA tl7. r,l and when , . has ittg erectof thereon, a 1 ":. northwest. Bring the same wbieh James Callan
and illiberate in their views, and more concern- I • '
STRAYI 7 O%V.--ranie to the - . - Yubseriber, la Rods 4, t , t b,„,,,„„ ,•,
..,„t of .., 7Li ... s' I Ling l ' . ' I " hlf ' ' '
i Place of hrgitutines escrether the lin tat et of grimnd idwening home, frame CaTenter theft. and stn-; by deed, dated - the rift October, 1831, recorded in
al abontstheir individual welfare than the happi- I township, about the tith of September et small •-- - '‘.- m. ~ s, heri.i..i.ite c.utvey- :to,. eantaitung 4 Jou. one aan acre. is 1 --,„„,,,k X `..Prid. page 41, conveyed to James R. Flttn
) mg. . re, and taken in execution as the pro r.
nesii and prosperity of those who surround flier/LI cow, with a leather rap around her neck,' and a i (41 t " S ' tnmel g " t '''' tit . V ",• , l a " r '"'" ' n el '" tti- ' n as the property of lamej set' ll' - Pe
and dials, shout ten inches lung; white tail and is At .. ~, . . , ~:• r,t , .„ 1 „.,,,
They think the privileged few, should ride,. 'The of dews-Iwo premises basing erected .ssfsi ats, at die tiso.lllll.a fv,e aes
for isw to ; iy- of Jame s 11. Fleming, a t th e silt of j ona thi la .
j white hind legs. The owner is desired to come and! tiseleots a 14 Tee slur/ brink rki wi l l house arid 'Andrew Johnston.
I Thome & Co. :
make laws to promote their private interests, rathert
. prove property; pay charges and take her away of i frame stable. 'rtii recital of title will laity appear i ALSO.
'than the
than the public good. I she will be disposed of according to law 3tw. '1 ' f' I ' L. 1 ' 'ltheright,title,' ' 'claimSamuel
.in a mortgage from tan Aiken. to L. laVtr.ort., dot. !A,
aIIVI the right title. interest and claim of ThoM
-13.013F1LT II t IIT7 ' I ," tNI I . 1
D emocrat ' s! st an d by your t i cket. Now is t h e I oetl-_______
..,.. .__- ! o. June _., ........ and rcesititeit in 31.,.rtga;e bru‘k 'Snatth and A nifreAs N. Mersin:ail, of, ire and to as oat!, of, t o and t o
all that e , • • ,
c rrain piece or par.
time to test your faith-non- is the time to I:how l:T . l.'BT „ 3°l3lm x" catitapt7.----- lar.e r, Kei I , and• '
of.ont ,, V -tt ' i
E. vol. lip, 1., .1.. x 1 taken in CIPCiI.; that certain p iece trr -sti a`e " the city of eel or tared eitnate, tying, and being on the waters
eeired a lery Leant :
it I assortme nt ofi lion as the, property of the said I:10h liken atr Pittsbiogh brink frill of to;. No '.l'ii io loVot).l . t,
~,. , , -
.. of Bull Creek, in the County of Allegheny, botin
your devotion to the good cause. You have an ex- tr Mourning dress goods. AMOD , , T them mai: be! the su it o f Ed o and pa r id son , tor - u ' * ' ' '
o f 3,4 n pl an of lots. to said city, bootheil an itessrmed s
. a ded on the South by lands now or lately of• i
cellent ticket presented for your suffrases, and why I found Lupine's superior Bombazines, at nearly ball" O'Brien.
follows, to ad , 1 -elicnnig on the notthwarstlY side tient Johnson, on the East by the line ot Elder's
their usual prices. Alpaca Lustres, black, all stool
of Front street at the cornet of lot, No. - all:is [honer ! District, on t h e North by la,"t d , r 1 f- •
tomer y o ste
not Jelly to its support with all the zeal , and ewer_ i slfoue de Laines, Gloves Crapes, &c., &e.. ' sII .I .i i
ocl BARROWS fi'r. TV IINE:11, 4ti Market Itt. ~ 'n " i 4. ! 4 ''''''' titf '''' " tr ' n " t and c '''"'"' o f 'l'd"' '''''''''''n» in Croat "'" sail rcnnt stieet nest
plicri Lowry, and on the West by lauds now Or
you possess? The time for action is short-I
- stark. of,. sn and to all that cise,suage, ti t , Th e i,s's feet; thence ssorthstardly parallel with Wood i lately of Daniel Howe. supposed to contain one
you must werk-noes-WORK ! Allegheny Drugs, Medicines,
full hall ei tr,-;, : t No lii 5, Cuattingbant *nett Mi feet; theme rastwarilly Is:millet with Front i l uxu ,r, u ,l an d en . acres, be, the same mare to
s or Sit,
ovary must be redeemed, and if the democracy DYE -117000 e, Paints, Hatters' and Fulleo* at- lii,:tfier, A 11e, 7 „4, 1 1y County. 1N.:,,, , .;:,4,d aril , street, `..qi feet to the int of hit No. :no, mod enforce i • v• - - i
,it swing tue souse piece or parcel of land which
icica &e. unsuirpassed in i uali'Y Awl Ot Itri-'
; taken in execution as the Property of John Stark, : along the tine of fal l No 210, sosth war dl y issi feet l Stephen Lowry, of Queen Anit's County, Mary.:
say so:Rican be done] The enemy's battery must
ens that t shrill {tire general sansfact l io ; 'l' - ; le by n
be taken and then the victory is certain! 18. ;SELLERS; frAaksak Dregsist n r
7 VS 7B4 'R .
~5 I J 001. t ere,: iat the suit of JoMi Pollock lot use of tiVillisars Ito the place of I:slims:mt. Bring the s-anie piece I Liii4, by his attorney in fact. Thomas ecillins.
~.ii .
"; Punnets.
• '
of ground uhiels Barbara A. IsZegley, by 1..
"I .` - ` 4 T-1 Pittsburgh, conveyed by deed, hearing date the 14th
in date, the . ..s!th July, IS39i cotiveSed to the sa i d, day or April 1812, to the said Thomas Crail in'
Samuel Smith and A. N. !sle,Donstli. Seized mid i fei., which is to be found reconictl in the Recor,
taken in earrittion as the ProPeri.Y of Samuel Smith I der's office s '''of Allegheny County, in Book W. p.
and Andrew N. 3telhivell, at the suit of Barbara i as s• sei s ed and taken i n E xecut i on as t h e i s rop ,,.
A. Negley.
i env of Thomas Crail at the suit of Alexander
Allegheny Comity Democratic Ticket.
' " ' Senate,
THOMAS. HAMILTON, of Pittstnirgh.
, • sheriff,
RODY'PAITERSON of Ltnetiticerille.
GEORGE R. RIDDLE,•ojf. allighcoy.
SAMUEL W. - BLACK, of Pittsburgh.
ROBERT KERR, of Allegheny.
JOHN H. ACELHENNy, of Jefferson.
' JOSEPH _COOPER, of 1tf00t,.."
Commissioner for 3 rears,
Commissioner for 1 reor,
BRYANT, of Pittsburgh.
• - Auditor for 3 years,
WILLIAM• EWING, of 'Robinson.
. ~..A uditor for 1 tear,
N. 'PATTERSON, of Birvpishom.
- • Coroner, •
'. 3 LEWIS WEYMAN,. Allegheny.
_ If not, attend to it immediately—lose not a
Moment. Examine the assesthent in each ward
in the city, and each township in the county, and
.dun't go .away until you me your name there. The
law requires each voter to be assessed at least ten
days-before the nest general election, and pay a
State or County Tax, otherwise he will be deprived
'of his vole. Democrats, be sure and see to this
matter before the 3d day of October.
Supply Tourse
• We request our Democratic friends in the vari
one townships - to call at the office of the Daily Post
iinmediatelY, and 'supply themselves with tickets.
This:matter should not be neglected ; by any means.
fl The Gazette of yesterday is as silent as the
grave in' regard to Mr. Hampton's Masqury !
Conte, come neighbor we will not permit this--the
Seal must betaken from your lips! .You vaunting
ly boasted that Mr. Hampton "has been known for
the last. sixteen years as a consistent and persever
ing 'Antithason," and you , are prepared to substan
tiate" it. ! Now, sir, you must produce the pr`oof, or
else lay ybuself liable to the charge of practising a
dastardly :fraud upon the public. Mr. Hampton
has either withdrawn from the lodge or be has not.
If he has withdrawn, let the whip papers publish
his renunciation, and if be•has not, the Gazette Ed.
Itor has stated that which is untrue.
ROOT, of I . SG, Washington street, Boston, has just
,published the glorious Declaration of Independence
on a beautiful card, about 10 by 12 inches in size. ,
The engraving of the Declaration is very fine and
easily read, and has appended a fec simile of all the
signers of, that
.Magna Charla of our liberties
•Kroun4 the Declaration is the coat of arms of the
old Thirteen States,: together with a likeness of
each of theyresidents, and a view of the Capitol
at Washington. Mr. Root is now in this city, and
will rernain c a few days to wait on our citizens, to
make sales Of the card. Price 25 cents.
Tut N4Eli .13Eneoah 141huctrnr, a Whig, paper,
asks: !ITOW do the Whigs of the Union stand?"
and answers the question by a column of comments,
the spirit of Which may be judged by the conclu
sions, to wit The:Whig party is weak every where
out - Neiv,England. At the west gallant Ohio
stands joined only witliKentucky--at the South
they have nest to nothing. At the North they are
in a minority,"
THE Ilusoxn-Cunx.—"The• Hunger-Cure" is
another hobby which has been started in Germany,
by one of Priesnitx's disciple& 'The patient ab
ktains !ram eating or drinking, for six or eight
days, and even for three weeks, or until perfect
heal:h is secured.
DiEn'serzln, an insulated villagebetween Poits
mouth and Concord, has experienced during the
last, week, some - twenty reports or explosions in
the ground, apparently of a volcanic or gazeons
nature, so severe as to throwdown stone walls, jar
the building and alarm the people..
A FnE3reutian,' who piaposed to establish a
school in Isiew , Orleani, baying beard that a high
cahoot would be most respectably patronized, took
a room in the garret of a four-Story house.
PILOFESSOA MOILS; of the Magnetic Telegraph,
although no pOliticiam is said to be the greatest
sire worker of the
.age, and whose fame alreuly
reaches frotn pole to pole.
t - " - t• , ffL 4 ` A. ,
t t'A ' '.«; 4. ~,. , q • •
1~7 0;,,y.
••• • •J - -. •-
:Pt "" ‘••
Are yon Assessed?
_ _ _
B sheriles ssaeg•
Y virtue of sundry Writs ot Venditioni Expo-
Das, Levitri Facies and Fieri Facies, issued
out of the District Court, and Court of Common
Pleas of Allegheny County, and to me directed
will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House
in the city of Pittsburgh, on Monday, the 26th
day of October, A. D. 1816, at 10 o'clock A. M.,
the following property, to wit:
All the right, title, interest and claim of John.
ston Lecky, of, in and to, all that certain lot of
' ground situate on Rebecca street : in the city of Al.
legheny, in i.illane's Platt; being 25 feet in front
by 1401eet in depth, adjoining lots of Carothers
on the east, and McLane on the west; on which is
erected a two story frame dwelling house, 20 feet'
in front by 33,feet in depth. Seized and taken in
execution as the property of Johnston Lecky, at
the suit of Jeremiah M. Gilchrist.
ALSO, ----
All the right, title and interest of Robert Thom p• ot; in and to the following described tract orl
:f'))ece of land containing two hundred acres, more
dr lees situate in West Deer Township, Allegheny
County, and bounded by lands of the heirs of Edward
Bartholomew on the south and we‘t, by lands of,
theheirs of Joseph More on the east, and by lands:
of George Riley and George Stewart on the north,'
on which is erected a dwelling house; barn; &c., 1
&c. Seized and taken in execution as the proper
ty of Robert Thompson, at the suit of Benjamin l
F. Brewster, for use of T. Mellon, Esq.
All the right, title and interest of Peter Ratigan,l
of, in and to ell that certain lot or piece of groundl
situate in Pitt Township, now 6th Ward of the
city of Pittsburgh; beginning on Chatham street,
at the distance of 104 feet 7 inches from the corn
er of lot No. 0, in the plan annexed to the parti
tion of the estate of Andrew Watson, dec'd, (-No,
208, June Term 18330 and running along Chat
ham street southWardly 40 feet, thence at right an
gles with Chatham street 96 feet, to au Alley 12'
feet 6"inches wide, thence along -said alley north.'
I),vardly 40 feet, and thence northwarclly 96 feet to
the pl,ace of beginning, out of which is - reserwedj
the yearly rent of $lOO 00. Being the same lot
"Washington •gowity Woo! fn England,
The following'article'Wali Written by*. CLUND.
Liss, 9f the Philadelphialj. S. _Gazette, and pub
lished ih hieweekly Paper on, the' 30th of Nevem
' her; 1844, before he engaged in the. disreputable,
baldness of panic making:` It should be placed ja i
juxtavositiph withthe'llolorous rigmarole he is
now dealing out each
Pennsylvania Wool jit.:England.--" Who reada
an - American book?"'was once.tauntingly inquired
on the other side of thewater,and themaswer was
found in . the laudatory criticism of an Arnerictui
_ book, in the same work-which instituted the
tinily; and since that time, almost every produc
tion. of the .field. the loom, the workshop, of the
mind, in this country, has found its way to, and ap•
pearance in, 'Great - Britain- 7 a proof not more of
the ability 'of this' county to produce, than of the
willingness of, that country to approve. -
Among the articles produced in this State, in a
'profitable degree is woof; and we, have now to state
- that
.a Mercantile_ house of this city shipped recent
ly,for Liver Pool, between eight thousand and ten
thousand pounds of the finest wool, the produce of
Washington county, in this State. And it gives
us pleasure to add, that the shipment was made by
the new ship Saranac, of this port, so that the pro
duce of our State goes to make up the freight of a
city ship.
This wOol was of the most delicate texture, and
will prObably come back to us in the form of
mousselin de laines. We record this step in busi
ness with particular pleasure. There ate parts of
Pennsylvania especially appropriate to "wool grow
ing," and Washington county has evinced a deter
mination to profit by its capitalists. We wish her
enterprising citizens all success in their labors, and
trust that their own benefits will be found connected
with the public advantage of their pursuits.
Aft:mien er STRIC.VSE.—The Syracuse Journal
extra, of Wednesday, says'. "Our town was thrown
into a great excitement by the arrest of James
Gough, for shooting his wife and child, which took
place about It) o'clock to day. The child, if not
dead now, cannot live, as it was shot in the bead
so that the brains are oozing out. The wife is not
dangerously wounded, being shot through the ann."
QCY'Tns GAzzrzc states that 34. Hampton is
a Native of Allegheny comity, and is not a "squat
ter" here. The "oldest inhabitant" thinks this
must he incorrect, and wishes us to Inquire of the
Gazette the precise spot of his nativity.
; The present stock, to which the attention of Druc.;.
gists, Physicians, and country merchants la respect
/idly invited, is composed in part of the following ar
175 Ilia Tartaric Acid; 1 cask Sweet Oil;
650 4, rlour Sulphur; 575 Itis Est. Lognood;
630 '' Poled Rhubarb; 1340 4. Madder;
200 " Ground Ginger; 100 bbls Ono! Loped,
190 " Rhubard Rout; and rustic;
5 his Card Magnesia; 300Ihs Ground Pepper;
2.'50 As Senna; 1000 Roll Brimstone;
2000 4 . Epiana
,Salts; 725 . 4 Refined Boras;
1000 Glauber " 1136 44 Sal Soda;
380 44 Gum Aloes; 2800 4, White Chalk;
600 " Cream Tartar; 360 44 Garretrs Snuff;
200 " Carb. Magnesia; 900 galls Copal Varnish;
400 " Sup. Carl). Soda; 490 lbs hose Pink;
242 44 Gum Guiaeum; 430 Paris Green;
330 44 " Arabic; 1300 4 4 A • cnetisii Red;
100 " Balsam Copaiba; 1200 " Yellow Ocher;
75 Calomel; 800 gm's* Vial Corks;
350 Liquorice Root; 500 Ilia Gum Copal Itio.1;
350 a , Ball; 25 bbls S. Turpentine;
500 44 Salt' Petre; 1600 lbs Spanish BMW 11.
W . Together with a full assortment of French an
English Chemicals, arid a very tine selection of D,
mestic and imported Perfumery. oct2-w
or piece of ground . which W•as conveyed to' Peter
Ratigan - by Alexander Black and wife, by Deed, re
corded 'in Deed Book s Vol. 07; Page 52. Seized
and taken'in execution as tlie„ property of :Peter
Ratigen - at itte suit of Bitisell, Semple:and Stevens.
Alt' the right; title, interest; andxlaim of Samuel
Kissiek,''oc tind to Lots-N05.,4 and 5, ih Wm.
B. Pester's phut of lots in the 'Borough of Law
renceville; Allegheny county, being fifty feet lin
'frettft - each on Borough street, - and extending back
one hundred and fifty feet to Ewalts line, bounded
by lands of Elijah Aiken, and by land new or late
of David Blair, .on which is erected a two story
frame dwelling house, blacksmith shop, and wheel
wright shop. Seized and taken in execution as
the. property .of Samuel .Kissick, at the suit of
Elijah Aikin for use of Archibald Mason.
All The right, title, interest, Claim and demand
of John Obey, of, in and to a certain let or parcel
of ground situate in St. Clair township, Allegheny
county, and State of Pennsylvania, adjoining Afar
latt's lands, and bounded and described as follows,
to wit Beginning at a hickory upon Lorenz's line,
thence north 42 degrees, east 25 perches, thence
north 76 degrees, west 71 3-10 perches, thence
south 40 degrees, west 26 perches to a white oak,
thence south 70 degrees, east 71 :3-70 perches to
the place of beginning," containing one acre and
nine, perches,
,strict measure; beta.' one of the
same parcels of ground which Jatne:C. Beatty and
wife conveyed to the said John Obey, by Deed da
ted the first day of April, A. D. 1836, and record.
ed in Allegheny county, in the office for recording
of Deeds, Sze., in Deed Book. A., Vol. 50, page 346.
Seized and taken in execution as the property of
John Obey, at the suit of McElroy. and Slaughter.
A 1.t:O. •
;1 ,
1 I tat. right. title, interewt and claim of Jfllll,l.
iWray of, tie and to a ccrtaia tract of kwd., =insets
lin gm. Town.hip. Atleghcily County, I,..sttu
f h , nnuted on the 14 outhem lade hy the Ohio RI, ..^-r ,
!on the mesterei side by lands of James Jack nod
others, 011 the northern side by laude of Sanniel
Sullivan and Thotnan Cheap. and o n the eastern
side by lands of Hugh 1.14vi.r and other, contain
ing one hundred aud twelve acre, and tin goods,,
more' or km - It being the ' , ante tract of laud
which was appointed and allotted to the said James i
Wray iii a certain proceeding in Partition in the f
Dibtriet Court of Allegheny County. in No. :r.l of;
July 'form 18-15. By reference to the record in
ulmich proceeding the, title and dem-ription will
more fully appear: Seized and taken in Execution
as time property of the said .111111C3 {Pray at the
suit of Hampton and Millers.
All the right, title, interest and claim of James
Clawson of, in and to the coal privilege annexed
to and connected with the Salt . Works, in East
Deer Township. Allegheny County. being on the
Allegheny Riser, about two miles below Freeport
—now owned by S. Baird and the heirs of S. L.
gan, deed,, the said coal privilege being thirty-two
perches and severocuths in flout on the river and
canal and extending bark through the lands of
James Bole the same breadth, in the direction of
South, eighty-seven and a half degrees West.
Seized and taken in Execution ns the property
James Clawson, at the suit of Balza( and Elm-
All the right, title and interest of William V.
Deihl, of, in and to a certain tract of land situate
and lying in floss township, Allegheny county,
bounded and described as follows, to wit: Begin
ning at a post on a line of Julie Simpson's land,
and running thence south twenty-five degrees, east
sixty perches to a black and hickory grub, thence
by land of Dennis Denny south sixty-two degrees,
west one hundred and twenty-three perches to a
post, thence by land of William Davis north three
and a half degrees, west fifteen acd five-tenths
perches to'a beech tree, thence by laud of James
Grey north three-fourths-of a degree, west seventy
four perches to a post, thence by land of Andrew
McConnell seventy-five and one half degrees, east
eighty-eight perches to the place of beginning,
(the above description being taken from a Deed,
by Jacob Keller and wife, to Christopher Brannon,
bearing date the 3rd Oct. 1810, recorded. in Book
11 1 page 105.) The said tract of land being
bounded north by lands now owned by Peter Sa
vory, south by lands of Arthur Afeegan's heirs,
east by lands of Williain - R. Graham, and west by
ands - of John Anderson; containing forty-seven
acres and forty-eight perches, be the same more or
[less; being a portion of a larger tract of land which!
!by patent datedslBth Sept., 1801, enrolled in Patent
Bonk, No. 50, page 12,, the:Commonwealth of .
Pennsylvania granted to George Wallace, and by
!divers deeds and conveyances remaining on record
fin the office for recording deeds in and for AIM--
l l gheny county, the tract of land herein described,
&c. Seized and taken in execution as the property
of William V. Deihl, at the suit of Forsyth & &o,
All the right, title, interest and property of IVM
'McClure; of, in and to the follovving described le
ovpicce Of ground in the Third - Ward in the'cit
lAil the right, title, interest hod claim of Robert
nezlet', of, in and to the following described lot
or pte-e of ground, situate in the Reserve Tract.
opposite Pittsburgh, to wit Beg
innin i; at a point
I l t feet from the line of the North Cormium,
thence, North I 3 degrees West 455 feet to Nun- ,
ncry line, thence North :II degrees fiat 571 feet
; iodic, to Mining Street, thence South 13) de
grecs We 333 feet, thence North 833 degrees
West 31'0 feet, thence South in} degrees West,
ill feet to the place of begining. Subject to a
cot Street at the foot of said ground, mooing
from Federal Street parallel with the Common.,
line and the Nunnery bile, being more or less in
the several lines, Seired and taken in Execution I
its the property of Robert nezlep at the suit MI
Sarah Andersen for use of N. It Sanford.
All the right, title, interest, property, claim and
demand whatsoever oft. If. GoOdwin, in the hands
of Ruth Negley, terre tenant of, in and to, or out
of all that messuage and tract of land situate in
East Deer Township, Allegheny County, bounded
on the East by latids of Robert Hare and James
Humes, on the North by lands of Hugh Leslie, on
the West by lands of Elizabeth Neglcy, and o»
the South by Peterson tract, containing Igo acres
more or less. Being thesame tract or piece of
land which the said Goodwin and wife, by their
deed, dated April lgth, 1512, recorded in the idlice
of the Recorder of Allegheny County, in Deed
Book, P. 3rd, Vol. »4, page 128, &c. Sold and con
veyed unto the said Ruth Negley. Seized and tn.
ken in Execution as the property of Horace Good
win, With notice to terre tenants, at the suit of
Henry 31cGeary.
• A LSO,
All the right, title, interest and claim of Wil.
Liam France, owner or reputed owner, and John
Barr contractor, of, in and to all that certain two
story brick dwelling, situate on the corner of
Pump alley . and a ten feet alley in Barnett and
Geyer's plan of lots, and on Lot No. IS therein,
in the City of Allegheny; Allegheny county, con
taining in front on said Pump alley 20 feet, and in
depth 30 feet. Seized and taken in execution as
the property of William France aforesaid, at the
suit of GeorgeMoiel.
All the right, tale, interest and claim of Pat
rick Cunningham; of, in and to all that certain lot
or piece of ground situate in the City of Pittsburgh,
lon the south side of Grant street, and fronting on
said street twenty feet, and extending hack ninety
feet, on• which is erected one three story brick
house. Said lot bounded on the east by property
of Barney McClelland, and on the west by lot of
Thomas Flood. Seized and taken in execution as
the property of Patrick Cunningham, at the suit of
Griswold E. Warner:
All the 'right, title, interest and claim of James
Boyd, ot; in and to,•or out of, all that certain plan
tation and tract of Jand situate in 'Ross township,
Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, it . heing the tract
of land on Which James Boyd, Sn,' (the father of
the defendant) resided at the time of hisdeath,
i All the right, title, interest, mid claim of Mary
Dodds, of, in and to n certain lot of ground situ l
ate M the City of Pittsburgh, and described as fol ,
lows. to wit: Beginning on Cherry Alley, at the
corner of a certain Lot sold by the tmsteea of a
religious society in Pittsburgh. tinder the jostled
' lion of the Associate Reformed Synod of North
America, to John Cochran, thence along Cherry
Alley Northwardly, twenty-two feet six inches-
thence Westwardly parallel with Sixth Street fifty,
tire feet, thence `.: , kruthwardly parallel with Cherry
Alley aforesaid, twenty two feet six inches, and
thence Eastwardly parallel with Sixth Street a
foresaid, fifty-live feet to the place of beginning.
Being part of two certain Lots marked in
Woods plan of Pittsburgh, numbers 457 and 458,
and on which there is erected a small two story
brick house with a small frame tenement adjein
ing it in the rear. Seized and taken in Execution as
the property of Mary Dodds at the suit of John
All the right, title, interest and claim of Eli
Covington, of, in and to all that certain lot or
piece of ground situate in Arthursville, Pitt town-
ship, Allegheny county, upon the corner of'Coal
Lane and Enoch street, and marked and number.
ed in a plan of lots laid out in Arthursville, as No.
5. Said lot being 30 feet front on Coal Lane, and
extending hack to Enoch street 110 feet, and on
which is erected a story and a half frame house or
cottage, said house bein ,, 30 feet front and 12 feet
deep, with a hack kitchen 28 feet by 12. Seized
and taken in execution as the property of the said
Eli Covington, at the suit of Robert Cooly.
All the right, title, interest ad claim of Charles
B. Taylor, of, in and to a certain lot of ground in
Pitt township, Allegheni county, containing eight
acres, more or less, with the appurtenances, batting
' a dwelling house, stable and-Other buildings there
on, being part of Lot N0r12, , in a Certain plan of
'lots laid out by Charles B. Taylor, recorded in; the
Recorder's Office of Allegheny county, in Book B
3d, Vol. 51, pages 406-7, bounded by lands. of
William Anhwe i R. W..Poinclexter and Terrace
street, in said - plan mentioned, conveyed by Charles
B. Taylor et tix (inter alia) by deed dated 29th
September, 1837, to Wm. Stewart, .who, by deed
dated Oct. 31st, 1837, conveyed the said eight
acres, more or less, aboie described, 'to. Daniel
Bushnell, in fee; deed recorded la'th'e Eeconler's
Office, in Deed Book E Bd, Vol. 54, page 400, 4c.,
Seized and taken in execution as the'property of
Charles B. Taylor, at the suit of Solomon Schoyer,
for use of Aiattha Allies, Nancy Jones, and Catha
rine Jones:
All the right, title, interest and claiin of P. P.
Kernarrof, in and to and out of * all that: certain
Lot or piece of ground with the appurtenances,
situate in or near the City of Pittsburgh, and
bounded arid deicribed as follows, to wit:- Fitly
feet infront on Prospect Street and running ba-k
bythe same width one hundred and ninety fr
or less, on which is erected a small twos 'a-
tyframeAT}se; art in the occupancy of the said
F.,F . .:Aeftiatt.:".: The said Lot being Lot No. in
the, phi,ti)of
_Lots laid' Outly Ilobert Wray and
Charle&ltowan. Seized and'taken:in Execution*
as the -propeq 'of F. F. Kernan, at the Bait of
Let - LS - W. Lewis. •
All:the right; titlointerest and claiin of Them
es Matthews of, in and to all that certain tract or
plece'Of land situate in the Township'of
late Fayette Township, Allegheny County
and State of. Penn'a., with -the Steam Grist Mill
and Saw Mill thereon' erected. Said piece of,
land being bounded as follows, viz: Beginning
in the middle of Robinson's run on the line of
James McCreary, Esq., below McMurry's tavern;
thencoup the' centre of said Run by the meander
ings of the same to a Bluff between the mill and
the mill dam, on the south side IA the run, thence
along a fence to a white oak at the end of a fence ;
thence in a straight line to a forkawillow on the
line of Mrs. M. Glenn; thence along Mrs. Glenn's
line to a stone corner, at John Herron's land ;
thence to continue the old Boundary line as eon
tained in the plot of the purchase-by. Thos. Mat
thews from Scudder Hart to a stone corner be
low McMurray's Tavern and adjoining - James Mc-
Creary„ Esq., thence in a straight line to the Mid
dle of ,the Run the place of, beginning together
with the hereditaments and appurtenances there
unto belonging., Also, all the stone coal which is
in or may bodug from under the following describ
ed piece of land, being Tmrt "of thetract of land
conveyed by said Scudder Hart, to, said Thomas
Matthews bounded as follows, viz : Beginning at
the line of Mrs. M. Glenn, near the' Noblestown .
and Hill meeting house road, thence down said
road towards Noblestown one hundred and twen
ty-five yards , thence by a straight ,line to, a Hick
ory Stump the corner between said Thomas Mat
, thewS and Mrs. M. Glenn, near D.' ; Robbs burnt
cabin : thence by the onginal line of the plot as
sold bysaiTS. Hart to'said Thomas Matthews to
the place of beginning, with the privilege of o
pening a coal bank or coal banks, on any part of
said last desiribed piece of land, and for the pur
pose of erecting a platform and all things neces
sary at the mouth of said banks, for taking out
said stone coal_
And, also, free ingress and egress over the land
of said Thomas M athews, , to and from said coal
bank or banks for the purpose of hauling and ta
king out said coal; at all times the said William
Mathews, his heirs and assigns to erect and keep
up a gate or gates, such as may be necessary to
protect any field or fields.through which said coal
may be hauled. ' , Seized and taken in execution as
the property of Thomas Mathews, at the suit of
Scudder Hart.
All the right,.title, interest and claim, of James
Dampster, of, in and to the following, described real
Estate, viz: The one undiVided sixth part of all
that certain tract or parcel of land, containing one
hundred acres, niore or less, situate in Wilkins
township, Allegheny county, bounded by lands of
John Johnston, Alexander Nr.Munn's heirs, Wm.
M'Crea, Matthw Long's heirs, and lands of John
Dull; licitly, the same' land on which Alexander
Dampster, late of said County, died; seized. The
said James Dampster, deft, being one of the heirs
at law; and on which said tract of land there is
erected a dwelling house and barn, and other im
provements. Seized and taken in execution as the
property of James Dampster, at the suit of Dr.
Robert Wilson.
Srtzttirr's Omer, October 3d; 184( . 3. oct2
Odd .r
'ellonr"s Procession..
r \IIE several Lodges in Pittsburgh and vicinity of
.1. the!. 0. of 0. F, are notified, that a procession
Will take place on Monday the fith inst. The mem
bers of the Order in good standing, are invited to
i meet at the "Odeon" on 4th street, at 9 o'clock, A.
in full Regalia. The Encampment will meet in
the nail at the same hour-and-afterwards proceed
to the Odeon, . The procession will start at 10 . 0 7 -
dock, and proceed 'to the "Ark" in Allegheny city,
where an- Oration will be delivered by Dr. Fisk,
of Philadelphia, at 1 o'clock. The •following is the
From the Odeon up Fourth street to Smithfield,
along Smithfield to Water, up Water to Grant, up
Grant to Fourth, down Fourth to Smithfield, then to
Liberty, up Libetly, to Wayne,down Wayne to Penn,
along Penn to the tipper Bridge, across to Allegheny,
thence along Ohio street to the Ark— . •
Form again along Ohio st., thence through the dia.
ennui down Federal to Robinson at., up Robinson to
Cedar,. thence to water up Water to Market—.along
Market to Liberty, up Liberty to Wood, down Wood
to the Odeon,. By order of
DANIEL 7.13131E1L10AN, D. D. G. Master,
A. ii. Datis, Sec'y. 'octi-did
T the jtmction of Ferry and Liberty, adjoining
Kinkaid's Plough Factory . ; whete he continues
to manufacture the best article made in Pittsburgh
or Allegheny, without fear of Contradiction', which
Will he sold at the loweit possible rates fbr cash.
Also, VENITIAN SHUTTERS, Stationary arid
0;7 - 1Iy Venitian
_Blinds are always kept ,for sale
by. H. RYAN,
_on Filth street.. novl-ly,
Reading for'the
JUST received at Cook's, 85 Fourth at., the roi
lowing cheap and late publications:
New York Illustrated Magazine for October, beau
tifully embellished with foursplendid engravings.'
;Columbian Magazine for October.
Marian and Ilis Men, an Historical Romanee by
the author of Paul Jones, &c.
The Creole, from the German of Zehokket, trans
lated by G. C. Hebbe, L. L.' D.
The Temptation, a Romantic Tale by Eugeite Sue.
Latreaumont, or the Court Conspiritor, by Eugene
'Living Age, No. 124.
Nursery Ithimes--Tales and Fables—a beautiful
volume, and a gift for all seasons.-
Vestiges of Creation, new edition, and one half
the price of the first. •
Corrine of Italy, by Madame D'Stael:
Sicilian Vespers, or the White Cross of-St. Luke's,
an Histokreal Romance.
Also, a great variety of Bound Booki, cheap pub 7
icntions, Bc., at , - COOK'S,
6ep3o 2 85 Fourth street.
Assignees , Sale of Dry Goods.
lIE Assignees' of B. E.,Constable are now set.
ing off his entire stock of Fancy and Staple Dry
Goods,conSisting of Shawls, Silks and Linens, French
and English Merinos, Black and 'colored Alpacas,
Cloths, Cassimeres, Satin etts and Vesting's, White and''
Red Flannels ' White Goods; Prints and Ginghains;]
Bleached and Brown Sheetings, Hosiery, Laces, &c.
Also, a large assortment] of Gentlemen's wear,
Silk and Linen Pocket' Ilandkercliefs, Shirts, Cra
vats, Stocks and Collars, all of which will be disposed I
of at GREAT BARGAINS. ] sep-30.
Ye/liable Real ilatatc at Auction.
T.N the Borough o fLawrencegle, by P. APEenna,
Auet., on Saterday,]October 19, at 3 o'clock in
the afternoon, will be sold on the premises in the
Ilourishing,Borough of Lawrenceville, 15 valuable
Building Lots, some of which have improvements
thereon, all of which are sikualed in- the most thri-i
ling part of the Borough,' sedate well adopted either
for private dwellings or stores. - ]
For further particulars-see handbills and inquire
at the Auction Room - of the. subscriber; where a
plan of the lots can be seen. Terms at sale..
sep3o P. 11 - PK - ENN'A; Auctioneer.
persons labor under 'the mistaken idea that
Gettre (an , enlargement on the throat, producing
grea6• deformity, and often death 'from pressure on
the wind-pipe and large blood-vessels,) is incurable.
This is a very great mistake.. This diseaie, as well
'as SCROFULA, are eradicated from the system by that
pleasant, yet powerful. medicine, JA,YNE . B
T.IVE, It is as certain to cure when, properly used,
as that the sun gives -light and heat: All is wanted
l ig a fair trial of its virtues and the tumor will begin
,to diminish in size, and gnidually become smaller and
smaller until it entirely disappears. Prepared at No.
8 South Tann street, Philadelphia. - - •
Forsale in Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TEA STORE, I
72 Fourth street, near Wood, and also at the Drug
Store of 11. P. Schwartz, Federal street, Allegheny
City. • • • sep 23.
I\TEW BOOKS=.Tust received at COOKS', 85,
11 Fourth et. Archibald Weiner; or the Brother's
Revenge, a romantic tale, by Chas. Spindler.
The Widow's Walk, or-the Mystery of Crime, by
The Sicilian Vespers, or the White c F oss of St.
Liike, by Dennis Hannigan: • . •
The Algerinc and 'other talesiby Harry Danforth.
Juvenile Library-No. ;''Mother Goose, by Law
rence Lovechild - , -with eight splendid illustrations
from original desigini by Darley.. ,
-Living Age, No.-. 122, AMencan Review, Demo
cratic Review and Farmer's Library,for September,
along with a numerous assortment of new works, just
publishedand for - sale at Cook ' s Fottoh §I;
eapl7.' - •
; ..... kart, UZI
The_ whole 'to - conclude with the laughable fame,of
In preparation--the new play written :by the. Ret ,. .
James White, called the 4, Knso VIE Coatstornot
Alan, Victor Hugo's celebrated 9f 44 1..xmarne.
, •
Doors to open at 7, performance to commence at
Philadelphia Banks .•..par
Pittsburgh. ...... ~..par
Lancaster ............par
Chester county p
Delaware county par
Montgomery county..par
Northumberland p
Columbia Midge Co , . par
Doylestown pa
Reading par
Bucks county....,...par
Pottsville • ..... • ••
U. States Bank 2Sd
Washington -id
All other solvent bks.2d
Lewistown Bank,.. ; .20d
_• Scrip.
Mer &Mau. bk. Piteh. pa
State Scrip ....,
City and County.... • lie
Lancaster lOd
Hamilton . ...... 15t1 1
Granville 45d
Farmers' Bk Canton; .25d
Urbana .. . .....
All Solvent Banks....
State Bk & branches... I.ld
4, acrip,s 46 p. c 6pm
. merrrtmay: 1
All solvent Baillcs.,. Old
Eastern 8ank5.:..:..4d
Wheeling adi
dn.branches ...... 14d
BeelLat Morgdntptvn. ;Id
proprietor - of the Morning Post and Efe
miry and Manufactuier respectfulljiixibitus his
Friends and the: patrons of these papers, - that -ha
has a large and well chosen assortment of .
Necessary to a Job Printing Oiric, and that ha
is prepared to execute
Books, -•- Bills of Lading, -Circulars,
Pamphlets, Bill Heads; Cards
Handbills, Blank Checks; - Hat Tips:
- All kinds of Blanks, Stage ' Steamboat and Canal
Boat-Bills with appropriate cuts, pijnted on the short
est notice and most reasonable terms. ' '
He respectfully asks the patronage of his friends,
and the public in general, in this branch of his busi
ness. (sept 2.2) L. HARPER,
OMETHING NEW.—Ladtes , and Genttansies
Oyster _Rooms, Eagle ;Saloon, Wood street--
OYSTERS! OYSERS.I !-The- proprietor respect
fully informs his friends and the public that the Ea
gle Saloon will be open this evening, Monday, Sept.
28th, for the reception of Ladies and Gentlemen.
The Saloon will be conducted on• strict temperance
principles. Dinners and other meals will be provi.
ded•on the New York ,plan atany hour of the day,
at a price within the reach of the most economical:
We feel thankful Bic The great, patronage we have
received since our opening, and assure tlie.Ladies
and Gentlemen of Pittsburgh and vicinity, that ex
traonlinary exertions will be made to• promote- the
pleasure .of vistors, and to make the Saloon: a:re
spectable and permanent place of resort during the
Gill and winter. See bills of fare at the counter:.
Balls and parties furnished with suppers,, &c. at
short notice and in style unequalled. -
sept3o-tL • • .
Just Published.
an account of the Geography, History, Govern ,
ment, and Resources, and noted citizens of the State;
with a map of the State and of each County; for the
use of Schools, by Memo :H.Btrienowzs.
'.The above described book may with_the utmost
prcipriety be recommended to the attention of Direc
tors of Public Schools, and to Teachers in general.
The Authorin his preface states, "4 book calculated
to impart to our youth a full and accurate kiwi - ledge
of their own State, has long been deemed necessary.
‘Vhetherthis will supply the yvant, experience alone
can determine. The counties are not treated in-al
phabetical order, but in classes, according to their
form of surface, productions, and historical relations.
To carry out the design,- a small state map, in addi
tion to the several county maps, has been construct..
ed, with the classes of counties marked upon it."
For sale by the doz. and retail at the Book and
Paper Wareliouse of LUKE LOOMIS, Agent. - •
sep 30 ' - No. 89 Wood st..Pitt.thu
Assignee Sale of Foundry , ' Tools, F/aelts, -
Patterns, Ace.-
T 4 o'clock, P. M. on. Saturday, the 3d day of
October, at the Foundry of Ritz & Fownes, in..
the Filth Wardjabove the Iron Works of-Mr. Shoett
berger; will be sold without reserve, by order or
Assignee, a quantity of foundry Tools, Flasks, Pat
&c., among which are the following, viz: Butt'
Hinge Patterns, Knuckles,Flasks, Boards and Screws
for moulding hinges, holloware patterns ' flasks for
tea kettles , and pots, 4 stove patterns and flasks, - 4
improved rivet machines, grate patterns i -I blacking
machine; I scouring barrel, handa,. grindstones, and
sills. Also 6 Vices and: a quantity of Blicksinith•
tools;&c. Terms at sale:
sep3o JOHN D. DAVIS, Auct'r.
land nut! Pittaburgh.Rantroad.
"DOORS will beopcned Tor receiving subscriptions
to the capital stock of the "CleVela lid and Pitts
burgh Ilailrbad CoMpany," at the office ofJ. W.ROB
ERTSON & Co., corner of Wood one Third Streets,
on - Wednesday the 30th September, the books will
remain open from 9 &clock, M., until 5 o'clock,
P. M., of said day, and also during the Isameliours
on Thursday and Friday following. Several of the
Directors will be in attendance during the three days
above stated, and, they hope to receive liberal sub
scriptions from the citizens of_Pittshurgh.
By orderof the Board of Directors.:
Pittsburgh, Sept. 28, IS4G livd.: .
Valuable Building Lot-at Auction.
T 7 - o'clock, P. M., on Wednesday the 7th day
of October, 'at the Commercial Auction Rooms,
corner of Wood and Fifth streets, will be sold - far'
cash par funds, that valuable lot of ground situate on,
the south side of Second street, between %Vocal and_
Smithfield streets, commencing at about 107- tett
from _Smithfield street, having a front of 39 feet and
extending back SO Met.
Blankets 2 Blankets 2 -
ECEIVED THIS DAY, at No. 46--100 Pair
11, Superior Twilled Blankets;Contitry made a
beautiful article. ' ' - •
• '
Also, Fancy bound, in great variety, all (World&
are selling at —5 to-, 30 per et. reduced prices, at ••• .
No. 46 Market se. •
igia Core NoPay.
QELLERS' .LIVER PILLS.. --These celebrated.
pills claim public cohfidence not only on account
of what the proprietor may say about them, but on:
account of the good resulting from their use. Read
the f o l l ow ing.atatement_from a citizen of Binning.
MR. R. E. S Buttnavmmst, June 24th, 1846.
. .
mn--4-tak tins -opportuni o
testifying in favor nu of your invaluable medicine. ty A
bout two years -ago I was taken down with n - severe
intimation of the liver, and was so reduced by night
sweats and other effects of this .dreadful disease,that
my life was despaired of. After other means .had
failed, I was atlvised by my physician to try.your
Liver Pills 'and I must say that Mier taking' one box
and a half, - I
haie been restored to reastmable heaths ;
which I enjoy at this time. 'therefore take pleasure'
in recommending them to others afflicted With - dis—
ease o f the liver,. Yours _respectfully,
- •
These Nis - Stand unequaled :by any medicine'.;
known for the cure of liver complaint, and jday ba
had of the proprietor,L E. SELLERS, 0.7 Wood st.,
Pittsburgh. 5eP29
Frith , of 4dmissio!,
First Tier, zo cents. Second Tier, 37i dente.
,Third ;' 4 f ' , Pit, 25 Sc.,
raiv.yrr. nox, 75 CTS
Will be performed 'Shakespeare's tragedy of
colittEcTzD DAILY BY
conxEn OF Tartu) AND WOOD 87MEET3.
State Bank & brandies. 44r
Shawneetotrn . .... .70'w
7 Brissotraz.
State Bank& branches. 11:
I -
solvent banks . . ~,3 d
'All solvent banks - 2cl
All eolvent
Now York city.......par
.Country G *.ld
* "
• 21.1AIITLAIth.
Country .. . .. ...Id
wlscorrurr - TE. -
Mar & Fire in Co. Mil wle 5
.. ,
Farm and. Mesh bank .10d
All Other Solyent,....lod
Ezeulnire , -;-Selling Raf es.
New York...'.'. . . .g pim
Philadelphia. .. .. prna
Frederickdors ....$7 80
Ten Tha1er5.,......1 80
Ten 90
Napoleon ~..-..3'80
15,e '220
' tagie, 60
€lO OD
Doubloon, Spanish..l6 00
Do. Patriot ........15
Guinea. .....
Book 'anti Job Printing °Mee,