The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, September 30, 1846, Image 4

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.41tall.O . iaitcLtiolu:E..fic - 6,,,
llanee Portable. Boat Line.
u olt, traniporting.good between PittsbUrgh and the
Eastern cities without transhipping.- This old
established line (being the oldest portable boat line on
the .canal) is now prepared to receive produce and
merchandize for shipping either East or West. The
boats by this line are commanded by skilful, expe
rienced and sober 'captains, and provided with good
crews. Boats and. cargoes are. transferred Ooni and
to canal and railroad, saving all 'removal and Separa
tion of goods. • Trips made, in as short time, and
goods carried on as fair terms as any other line.
Thankful lbt, end respectfully sbliciting continu
ance of the very liberal and growing patronage here
tofore bestowed upon this line, we with confidence
assure those merchants disposed to favor us, that their
business shall be done to their entire satisfaction.
Goods carried by us, consigned to either of our
will: be shipped ,to their destination freii
chargefor shipping, storage or advance of charges.
As we hold no interest in steamboat stock, merchanti
may depend upon their goods always being forwarded
without delay, upon good boats and at the lowest
rates of freight. •
Produce consigned to our house at Philadelphia for
sale, will be sold on liberal terms, and advances made
either at Pittsburgh or Philadelphia. - •
JOHN McFADEN & Co., Penn st.,
. Canal Basin, Pittsburgh.
• JAMES M. DAVIS & Co., 246 and 261,
aprlo-thn Market st., Philadelphia.
Pittsburgh Portable neat Line,
aiatM . 18446 - ..- M. •
" D OR the transportation of freight between Pitts
burgh and the Atlantic cities, via Pennsylvania
Improvements and Baltimore and, Susquehanna rail
The Proprietors of this old establishedline, having
completed their arrangements, are prepared to for
ward goods to and from the East (on the opening of
the canal invigetion,) on as reasonable terms as any
other respensible line, and are determined that no
care or attention on' their pert shall be wanting to se
cure a continuance of that patronage so liberally he
stowed upon them for several years past.
The .decided success of the portable boat system,
so manifest in the regularity and despatch experienced
in the delivery of goods ' the absence of all risk of
delay, hreakage or other damage, incident to the.old
system, where geods have to be hurriedlytranshipped
three times on the way, and the merchantable order
in which produce has been avowedly delivered by
their, has induced the proprietors to increase their
stock. considerably this season.. Their extensive
warehouses at each point, (=equalled by any other
line,) affords them facilities to conduct their business
with despatch; and to. shippers the convenience of
free storage, if required, until their arrangements are
complete—while their long experience in the carry
ing, tmde, it is, presumed, will be sufficient guarantee
to their patrons and the public that they will success
fully.exart themselves to give general satisfaction.
Produce Aceived forwarded, steamboat charges
paid, and bills lading transmitted free of charge for
commission, advancing or storage, and all communi
cations to the following agents.proinptly attended to:
Cur... Penn and Wayne sts., Pittsburgh.
t • 278 Market street, Philadelphia.
mar3o-y , North st., Baltimore.
Tiansportntion Line.
• 6
ii"7IO.7...iDIJETED on strictSabbath-keepin,g principles,
though not claiming in be the only line that is so
conducted. The proprietors of this old established
line have put their stock in the most complete order,
and arc thoroughly prepared to forward produce and
metchandize to and tioM the Eastern cities on the
upenin,g of navigation.
We trust that our long, experience in the carrying
hudiness,and.zealous attention to the interests of cus
tomen, will secure to us . , a Icontinuance and increase
of the patronage heretofore bestowed on 4 .l3ingbam , s
Our arrangements will enable us to carry freight
with the utmost despatch; and our prices shall always
lie as low as the lowest chir,ged by other responsible
Produce and recel
be merchandial will red and for-
waa‘lod-oist and we.t - withant any charge for atherti
ein,g, storage nr cummissi.!,l.
Bills of lading farwardp, and every direction
prOcuptly attended to.
Address, or apply"to W.M. BINGHAM,
Canal Basin, oor. Liberty and Wayne stA., Pittsh'g,
No. 276 Market st.:, Philadelphia,
No. 122 Nortlti Howard'st., Baltimore,
No.I 10 West at., New York
Independent Pur able Boat Line.
- - • "N
1846 -ea,
rOlt the transportation of prothice and merclipn
dize to and from Pittsburgh; Baltimore and
Philadelphiaf j withodt transhipping. Goods con
signed to our care, will be iforwarded without delay,
at'the lowest current rates; Bills Of Lading trans
mitted, and all instructiohs promptly attended to,
free from any extra. charg • for storage or Commis
sion. Address
C. A. AIt...ANULTY & Co.,
Canal BaSin, Pittsburgh,
pith's Wharf, Baltimore,
Pickworth , s Wuy Freight Line.
r.711.z.i1i1 . 1 8 A 6
- Ai G.
3XC LI; SI VIM Y fur the transportation of way
freight between Pittsburgh, Blairsville, Johns
town, Hollidaysburgh, Wuter Street, and all inter
mediate places. i •
One boat leaves the Warehouse of C. A. McAnul
ty 44: Co.,Pirtsburgli, ever)lday (except Sundays) and
Shippers can always depend on having their goods
forwarded without delay - and on accommodating
We reipeetfulfyselicit }lour patrthiage
J. Pic.kwarth of boats, Nile, Exchange, Paris and
J. H. Barnes of boats, Push and Exoine.
John Miller of cars on Portage Rail Road.;
J. PICKWORTIt, Cana' Basin, Johnstown,
JOHN MILLER, l b • " Hollidaysburg!),
C.= A - . M'ANULTY & C " Pittsburgh.
•- - , VIA. I.3poiVi:sviu.E.
TO BALTIMORE, in 32 liours—fire $lO.
TO PIII.LADELP.IIIA in 40 Lours—Rue $l2.
. _ . .
...- - ...1f.d - :.?
U. 3. ZIAIL.
The Great Speed, Regularity and high Reputation
already attained by this pleasant passenger Route,
has induced the Post Master General, to place the
New York and Philadelphia mails to Pittsburgh, ul
- it.
The stiperior and swiß .steamers CONSUL and
LOUIS WLANE, leaves the Monongahela Wharf
precisely at 8 o'clock eve morning, and at 6 GO
clock every evening, except Sundays. Splendid
Coaches await their arrival at Brownsville, to trans
port Passengers and Muil,l only 73 miles to the Rail
Read at Cumberland. 1
•The preparations on this route are ample, and the
connections complete, so Oat disappoinunent or de
lays will be' unknown upon it.
Biour tickets; passengers can delay at Cumberland
or at BaJtiniore during their pleasure, and continue
their journey either by steamboat or cars to Phila
Mee in the '!St. Charles Hotel," IVood st. Pitts
burodi. MESKIMEN,
• • Fifth 'Ward Livery Stable. , "
THE subscriber, having bought out the
well known Livery Stable kept by C. B.
Doty, in the ffifth Wand, respectfully informs his
friends and-the public generally, that he will keep at
all times -a stock of the best description of riding
horsci, boggies,carriagesiof all kinds, and in short
every thing requiredin hM line of business: .
A considerable portion Of his stock is now, and he
is confident-that nrr stuck in the eity.will be superior
to his.
HislermS will be rn'oderate. His stable is on Lib
erty street, a' few deers!, aboye the canal bridge,
where he respectfully Solicits a share of public pa
- gtr He is also provided with an elegant Hearse,
which will be furnished when required. oct2s-tf
Hats t !Hats i,i. .
/4 SPRING P iCHION --Just received by jiff
from New. York,- the, Spring Style
of hate. All those in wait of a neat, superior lie
arc respectfully inyited toicall. S. MOORE,
.N 0.93 Wood td.„ ,3 doois.belowDitusiond Alley.
• maril-tlnt •
4 _ • , _
t' - ; " "• - •
1 g - 1` t -r.; A- 4P' A ‘, •
,- 1 • .
Taineott's General Emlgration (Mee.
REMITTANCES and: passag to ,
4 - 4,111 , and from GREAT BRITAIN AND s s Ait
IRELAND, by W. & T. Tapscott
75 South street, corner of Maiden Lane, New York,
and 96 Waterloo road Liverpool.
The subscribers having accepted the agency of
the above house, are now prepared to make arrange
ments upon the most libertil terms with those deal- -
roue of paying the passage Of their friends front the
old Country, and flatter,theineselves their character
and long standing in. bushiess will give ample ae•
sdrance that all their arrangements will be carried
out - ' faithfully;
W. & J. T. T;
Messrs... ..'apseatt, are long and favora
bly known for the superior; class, accommodation
and sailing qualities of their 'Packet Ships. The
, ;.wo of which leave each
Port monthly, from New Y rk tke 21st and 26th and
from Liverpool the 6th and 116, in addition to which
theyi have arrangements with :the St. George and
Union Lines of Liverpool Packets to insure a depar
turo from Liverpool, every fi4 edays being thus actor
mined, their facilitiesx,hall keep pace with their in
creasing patronage, while 11ir. W. TapscoWs constant
per-sonal superintendence of the business in Liver.
pool; is an additional secuyity , that the comfort and
accommodation of the passengers will be particu:
'arty attended to. i
The subscribers being,(asmsnal) extensively enga
ged in the Transportationl3l(sincss between Pittsburg
and the Atlantic Cities, are ithereby*enabled to take
chat*: of and forward passengers immediately on
their landing, without a charlcOof disappointment or
delay, and are therefore prepared to contract for pas
sage.from any sea port in Great Britain or Ireland to
this City; the nature of the business they are engaged
in. giving them fiicilities for carrying passengers so
flu inland not otherwise attainable, and will, (if ne
cessary,) forward passengers further West by the
best, mode of conveyance 'mahout any additional
charges for their trouble. Where pit-eons sent for
decline coming out, the amount paid for passage will
be refunded in full.
The subscribers are also Prepared to give drafts at
sight, for any amount payable at the principal `Cities
and Towns in England; Ireland, Scotland and
Wales; thus allot-Sing a safe and expeditious mode of
Remitting funds to those Countries, which persons
requiring such thellities, will find it their interest to
avail themselves of.
Application (if by letter Oast paid) will be prompt
ly attended to
Forwarding and Commission Merehavi,
max 27 dikwy. Pittsburgh, Pa
Ltentittanees to England, Ireland, Scot
land n.nd Wales.
PRSONS desirous of remitting money to any o
the above countries, ran do so through the sub
scribers on the most easy terms. We are prepared
to issue, drafts for any amount over 41,00 sterling.—
Remittances made through our house any day before
the 23d of May, will be received in Ireland, by the
20th of June.
Agents for Roche, Bros & Co.,
myl4 New York
Paper 'Warehouse
ITIDE undersigned )r
1 house and wall
11oldship & Browne,
ship, under the name
the purpose of earrviry
rieties. They will ha
assortment of PAPER
of their own toanutlq
improved and eular
from the best French
Agents for the WI
Steubenville, from
supphel with WIWI
they oTer wholesale
37 Wood street, mit
mend Alley, wher
are invited to call,
New foot
A fe - w doors ab.J
reTectfully upi.
Pittsburgh a.m. v
penell astorc at the a
sale of Boots Er. Shoe c
prising an extensive
mens , , :I Ii Boyer,
allot which goods the,
low for cash.
They would respCn
want of Ilents. Shoe:,
Se., or any goods %hal
Store, as they are cont
to please both in theta
- Pleas( tq N
Cer Hydrants and 11'1.4
THE subscriber otte'
three miles ft* I
the Franklin and 1.10
Bred and Amy-one ac
ed. This land is oth r
be cold either in a i,/(!
purchasers. From el
be a very deAmbie
poses, pasturing cat ei
The, Lilts aro sit a
Ross and Diamond st
city of Pittsburgh, adj
Persons dispoe.ed to pu
vorably located as to
nese, and will soon be
particulars enquire of
_ S!
ra), M. „It
T77-I - A
I ;; A C;a gl i C e r i
--.' - Brass w
--'' W.I . lie imii
using brass works to
termined to db all w
may 27-1 y
JK. LOGAN, ha:
~ street, one door
store lately occupied b
has opened a Wholesa
and having just returno
opening a new and v.
consisting of French, I.
(all colors.) a great vani
and Satinetts; Cashmas
Cassimere, a good sq
kinds; late style Vesn
Lawns and Ginghams
otherfancy patterns; 4 ,
per yard; a very superi
ing of India Linen, Da
Victoria Lawn, stripe
and barred Muslin; tip
and blue black Silks;
large aSsortment of I
Mullins; table Diape
(largo size;) Moreen;
Parasols, Pardu.letts a
sortmcnt of men, WO
very fine article of
and many other article
respectfully invite his 1
lie generally, to an
Which he expects to m
Pittsburgh and
OTICE is hereby given, that is pursuance of a
resolution of the .tockholdera of-the Pittsburgh
and Coanellsville Rail oad Company, authorizing an
Increase of the capital f said Company, and directing
an additional Subscrip 'on, books will be opened for
receiving additional s bscription to the stock of the
Company, at the de a of Wm: Lorimer, jr., in 4th
street, between Marke and Wood streets, Pittsburgh,
on Friday the 4th day .ISeptember.. The books will
remain open from 9 A M. until 3 o'clock P.M. of said
day; arid from day to lday (Sundays excepted) until
the reqUisite number qf shares:be subscribed, or until
otherwiim ordered. Blv order of the Directors. •
- sep2 WM. ROBINSON, Jr. Pres't.
dec 1
045migratioit thtes.
ving bought the paper ware
r paper manufactory, late of
ye entered into a co-partner
i d ntyfle of Hill &Browne, for
on the busiiies in all its ra
always on hand a complete
,iire, and their stock. will be
i'ci with periodical additions
known Clinton P a per 5101,
ich they he constantly
'Cr, WRAPPING, ' , tun%
BoAnns,, tac.; all of which
d retail, at their store, No.
twoveen Fourth and Dm
luutry nu:re:mart arid dealers
rid Shoe Store,
Liberty street,
the head of Wooti st.
ts: HAYW d
ARD, woul
•tinco to the citizens of; i
cinity that they have o
mve named place for the
fall kinds and qualities, COm...
ortment of i.....uiff,e, Geutte
'outlie and Chi !divine 'Azar,
are determined to sell rer:i
call from all au
'trunks acid Carpet Bags, &c.
larc usually kept in a Shoe.
ent that they will be enabled
iality and price. jr..20-tf
PLI Inri
l u
Ptli n
Vi limb arc
• :41) OF
p* and Hydrants,
!superior to anti cheaper than
any in the city.
11 and examine fur rfirsf fres
i ltrzt sTnEET,
triirrELD AND CllEThalr
irips repaired. jaril-w6Szdy
us As') OTHERS
r for sale a tract of land about
he city of Alleghen) between
r road,, containing tole hun
kabout di of uluch la dear.
..K1 at reduced pricey and nill
y or divided into Lola to slut
web enience to market it svou;d•
c ition either for fariniug parr
lor for Gardening.
!Lots on a credit or ten yelrq.
on Grant, Wylie, ?Alb,
kets in the third ward of . the
ioing, the New Court House.
chase will find these lots ta
health, convenience d, busi
in the centre of the city. For
. C. Cummins, or
'DONALD, Bill and Bran
First street, near Market, is
to make liras Castings and
rks generally on the most
e terms and shortest notice.
es machinists and all thosi.
ire him a call, as he is de
irk in his line very low.
removed to No 83, Wood
'below Diamond Alley, to the
Clark & Cameron, where he
.e and Retail Dry Goods Store,
. from the Eastern Cities, is I
4.e1l selected stock of Goods,
uglish and American cloths,
limy of new style Cassimetes:
Yetis, (a new style;) Oregon
•t•ck of summer cloths of all
ongs; also, a great variety of'
• Pyramidical Graduates and
variety of
,prints 6 to 26 cents 1
ior lot of white goods, consist
:mask Plaid, Striped Cambric; 1
:1 and plain Mull; Swiss Lace
t red and plain llobinets; black
I k3lealtinl.,'infiegiumrd and
striped; ; e bleachealiroN a
• ; Marseilles Co unterpanes,
a good supply of Umbrellas,
• d Sunshades; a very large as
len, and children's Hosiery; a
. ..isle Thread nose and Gloves,
• not enumerated. He would
ormer customers and the pub
nxamination of his stock, to
`tke additions regularly,
' olllllCllevnle Rail Road
my Cemetery.
SQNS desirous
inetery are ret
hindent on di,
corner of Pi'
!By order of thi
of -pureliasing lots in this
7erred for information to the
ie grounds, or to E. Thorn
man and Hand streets Pitts
•, , i... , .:H.•::..•..',. , ..,: - ,:- , ..
~,:‘,, • 7ip4;.:r'.- . ::::.:,, -, .;- > .
. . ........ .
_ ,
Alitsurctilte tompaitics.
The Franklin Fire Insurance mpany (
CHARTER PHRPETUA L. 8400,000 paid in of- 1
fiat 164, Chestnut st., north side, near Fifth.—
Take Insurance, either permanent orlimited, against
loss or damage by fire, on property and effects of
Over) , description, in town or country, on the most
reasonable terms. Applications, made either per
sonally or by letters, will be promptly attended to.
C. N. BANCRER Prest.
C. G. DANCES:a, Seey.
Charles N. Bancker, Jacob R. Smith,
Thomas Hart, George W. Richards,
Thomas J. Wharton, Mordecai D. Lewis,
Tobias Wagner, . Adolphi E. Borie,
Samuel Grant, David S. Brown.
WA.Enrcx MARTIN, Agent, at the Exchange Office
of Warrick Martin, & Co., corner of Third and Mar
ket streets.
Fire risks taken on buildings and their contents in
Pittsburgh, Allegheny and the surrounding country.
No marine or inland navigation risks taken.
Piro and Matine Insurance.
rplIE Insurance Company of .North America, of
Philadelphia, through its duly atithorized Agent,
the subscriber, offers to make permanent and limited
Insurance on property, in this city and its vicinity,
and on shipments by the canal and rivers.
Arthur G.Collin,Pres 7 t. Samuel Brooks,
Ales. Henry, Charles Taylor,
Samuel W. Junes, Samuel W. Smith, .
Edward Smith, Ambrose Whitei,
John A. Brown - , Jacob M. Thomas,
John White. John IL 'Neff,
Thomas P. I.lope, nit:hard D. Wood,
Wm. Welsh, Henry D. Sherrard, Ser.,y.
This is the oldestlnsurance Company in the Uni
ted States, hissing been 'chartered in 1794. Its char
ter is perpetual, and from its high standing, long :
experience, ample means, and avoiding all risks of:
an extra hazardous character, it may be considered
as offering ample security to the public.
At Counting Room of Atwood, Jones & Co.; Wa
ter and Front streets, Pittsburgh. nct2.3-y.
New York..
rillllts ,vell known and respectable company in pre-
I_ pared through their Prrrs'lulu; AGENCY, to
make insurance of every kind connected with rinks
of transportation and inland navigation; to !USW°
agitinq lons or damage by lire, Dwelling Houses,
Warehouses, Buildings in general, Goods, Wares,
and Merchandise; and every description of personal
property on the most favorable terms.
Applicationsfor insurance attended to without de •
lay at the Lidice, No. 31 Water and 62. Front tits, by
At an Election held nt the office M N. V.; Stay
Nth, the following named gentlemen s , i , ere 1:11"seu
Directors of this Company, for the ensuing year,
Joseph W. Sa% age, Stephen 110 It.
John Browner, John ,McChaiii,
William G. Ward, Wm. W. tamptitil,
John Newhouse, Jacob Miller,
William S. Sk/CIIIII; Marctoi Spring,
John F.Machic, Joseph S. Lake,
Amt at a sithsequent incelionvad the Board, JO
!!ii.:P II W. SAVAGE, Er 1., naio unitottluowly re-elec
ted Prcontinnt fur the ciouting year.
%V 31..):011"..S BOGGS,
au I 1 y.
it Pit.lad el plua--Chartc r
paid in. Office in Philadelphia, N. 72 ‘Valuilt
street—Win. I)art.lson, T'ren't{ Fre,lerick Fraley.
See'''. This old and elitAbli.he./ Company con
tinues to insure Hnilditera, ATerellantlize, Furnitnre,
and Property, not of an extra Itatardoui character,
Againat lot-. or ilaina;;;e Vac.
Apphcationu for Inaurances to l'ilLshitz,th an,!
neighlairlooel Inn receive.), amd ranks taken
miller perpetually W . for lifllitta 11 , ,, , 11P, on 1.11, Lira-
We tcrins, by COCHRAN. Agent,
tlcc:.ll No. 26, Wood btro.-ct.
. 1 / 4 enti at Pitts.hargh, for the Delqw+vehull
S.:frru Insur.a.tce Out/Yang of Phita<fdphia.
111.1tE RISKS up0u14512,-,p, and .N14, - Ichandizt
every deNcrlption, and Manna ILIAD upon halts
or cirgoe4 of vcas.tda, taken upno the most favorablv
Otßi.:e at the oarehoute of King & Hohner, on
Water at., near Mareet street, Pittsburgh.
N. IL Klll4 S Fin nan invite the confidence and
patronage of their friends and community at large to
the Delaware M. S. Inerrant' Company, as an nivti
tutinu anniug the word flourishing in
as haying 4 large pool in capital, which, by the oper
ation of its charter, is constantly increasing—as
yielding to each person insured his dne share of the
profits of the Company, without involving him in
any responsibility whatever, beyond the reunion
actually paid in by him; ands theiefore as i•OSU'S . Fitql
the .11utual principle divested of every obitriaiou.,
feature, and in its most attractive form. non 1-lf
Agency of the Franklin Fire Ineurancr
Company of Vbiladelphia. cornrr of "'lira and Wood sirrels, Pitt:Uwe,
arkoh of the tnitnpiny on the timt of Imun
, lattAa.hea to colahrmay %nth an :lei
Petthyliamak Leg:shame, e. (.7e
Itontls att.l Mort:.tage,t,
Real Eatite, at
Temporary I.oaas, .Swct.s and . 207,09 72
Making a total ire 'sJtlto ti!-3
Atrordwg certattr assurance that all tosses wall be
promptly met, and nitwit , entire security to all oho
obtain futhcics ti ow this • IWLe taken at
ag low rates no are consistent ottlt security. '
(ItCIIS. 11. POGLSON, (late of the finn
Poulson S.:. HiHO 'lilting opened his
new store at No. 73, Wood street, next door to the
corner of Fourth, is now manufacturing and recei
ving from the Eastern cities a very large assortment
of bats and caps of every description, warranted to
be made in the best manner and of the best materials.
Otter, Seal, fine and common Muskrat, Scalette,
Hair-Seal, [lush and Glazed Capri,
Also, a tine assortment of ladies, furs, such as
Lynx, Fitch, Genet and Coney Mutts and Tippets
and lice trimmings, all of which he offers far sale at
eastern pricy, Ihr cash, both wholesale and retail.
Country merahants will please call and examine
my stock before purchasing elsewhere.
N. IL The Fall Fash , on for Hats and Caps receiv
ed. sep'27y
Allen ICrnmer,
FT,`IXCIIANCE 131101M11, corner of Wood and 3tl l
, streets. Gold, silver..and current bank notes
bought and sold. Sight checks on the eastern cities
for sale. Drafts, notes and India collected.
I FtlE tCLS.
Wm. Bell & Co., •
John D. Davis,
Lorenzo, Pittsburgh, Pa
J. Painter & Co.,
Joseph Woodwell, •
James May,
Alex. Bronson & Co., Phil a d e l p hi a ,
John If. Brown & Co.,
James M'Catlless, Cincinnati, 0.
J. It. M'Donald, St. Louis, Mo.
W. H. Pope, Pres't Bank of Ky., Louisville
European and American Agency.
plir. undersigned European Agent having again
I arrived in America at the regular time, will
:leave Pittsburgh, Pa. early in September next, and
sail from Now York on the first day of October, ma
king a THIRTEENTH tour through England, Ireland,
Scotland, NValco, and returning to America in May,
1847. By this agency money remittances can be
made by drafts fur large and small sums, payable at
sight in every part of Great Britain, Ireland, &c.;
legacies, debts, rents, real estate and claims collect
ed and recovered; searches, of all kinds made; co
pies of wills, deeds and documents procured, and
the usual businclis appertaining to this Agency tran
sacted as heretofore. Innumerable references giv
en. Apply personally or adrdesspostpard,
"- • H. KEENAN,
European Agent and Attorney at Law, Pittsburgh
Mr. J. S. May - will attend to all European busi
nessin my absence. jal9.
OF the best manufacture, both cif.England and
Geneva, in largo variety and for sale at the.
lowest prices—patterns, slew and of the latest style.
Also, Diamond pointed Gold Pens, another large
supply,just received of the best make. Also, Silver
Ware,Jewelry, Fine Table Cutlery, Spectacles, Pen
cils, Tea Ware, Lamps, Military Goods &c.
je24 corner of Fourth and Market st
NEW ORLEAIIB SUg —2ohllds N. O.- Sugar
11 fur sale . by tje26) JAMES MAY.
• 13.70T.Y, 7A
New Hat and Cap Store.
Gold tand Silver lAratelieg
u •~~
• 3 , Ticit , Fottiad at:Last,.
Seven Thou4md ase s
_of obstinate Pulinonary Com
' • 4gaints cured in one year!
We ask the attrition of thdcandid to a few con
siderations: 1
Nature, in every part of her works, has left indeli
ble marks ofPadaptation and design.
The constitution of the animals and vegetables of
the forest, is such-that they coald not endure the
cold of the digid !zone, mid vice yeas.
In regard to diseases and its cure, the.adaption is
more or less strig.
The Mosilar tideland, the Wild. Cherry and Pines
of all Northern latitudes (and “Dr..Wiswes PAL
SAM" is a compound Chemical extract from these,)
hard long bden celebrated for complaints prevalent
only I old Oimo.l3e. Indeed the most distinguished
medical men hae averred that nature furnishes in I
every country medicines for its own peculiar diseases.
• Consumption iai its confiamed and incipient stages
Coughs, Asthma, croup and Liver Complaint form by
far tha most fatal class of diseases known to our
land. Yet Oven these may be cured by means of the
simple yet powerful remedies (named above) and
which are scatt±eil,•hy a beneficient Providence,
wherever those aladies prevail.
phant! mule fol ows cure in its onward victorious
DR. SW AF1V13173 1..
. .
A Truly Wonderful Carel • 1 .
Dr. SWATNE: Dear Sir—ln October laat, while en
gaged with Mr. Joseph ...Smith, in esaisr, millitnear
Waynesburg, I was attacked with a cotig,h, from be - ;
ing exposed at night, which gradually increased, - at-:
tended with spitting ofblood,and a seveiepain in the
breast, loss of appetite, fever, &e. &c 4 which was
scarcely supportable.• I ,had a, family who ;were
t I Warren, Feb, Ilth, 1845. wholly dependent on. my exertions for Isupport a yet
T. W. 11'74itmote.—Dear Sir: As youare the rag- was obliged to leave my business and return home.
ular authoriied agent in Dayton, for the sale of wDr.
I was then attended' by ;several Physienits, both still
Wistar's Balsam Of Wild Cherry," I take this meth- grew worse, until My medical attendants gaveme up
cal of making a Statement of facts to you (which I
as incurable. SubsequentlY,-my wife observing in
hope may be published to the world) in reterenre to
one of the public prints, an advertisement of Dr.
an almost miraculous cure wrought in my case by Swayne , ri Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, procur
means of the almive lereludle Balsam. G ed mo one bottle from Francis liPeltire,your agent
Language fails toldescribe the salutary effects it pro- in Lewistown, which relieved me. I continued until
ducal, and the ereat band it I derived from its use.
, I had taken five bottles. I arn now able to return to
The citizens of Dayton end vicinity, well rem" my work again. I write this to offer you my sincere
hest that on the sth of August last, I received seri- thanks, and you are at liberty to make it known, so
ors injury Non the explosion of a cannon. A por- that if any human being is suffering as I have been,
lion of its contents entered my right side and breast;
lie may have recourse to your invaluable medicine.
and in all prebability, some fragments or splinters of
' Yours, JOHN Pi BOYNE.
the ram-rod pasadd through the wplura," and pierced Lewistown, Dcl. I :l
the Lungs. , ; CONSUMPTION, which has baffled' the skill of
After the lapse ;of about six weeks, I was attacked
eminent Medical practi.ioners, where in validsi have
with a distrfssittiF ,cough and a violent pain in my been given up hopeless, by having recourse td, and
rigid aide. otitel ten days after this when in a par
persevering in, this unequalled remedy have : been
orystn of coughing, suddenly and ULCER broke, and
radically cured. There are now iu the lhands '
a largo quintityl of very offensive matter, mixed t
proprietor numerous certificates of Mires, of the
with blood,. vvii discharged; most of which foetid I
would astonish credulity itself, Were; they ionic
passage thrOugh he opening of the wound. Prom
known to the world. To those wholare atUictcd
this epening thtire frequently passed a quantity of with any of the above diseases, we s y, give this
air, supposedtol issue from the lungs. During- allll medicine a fair trial; you will then be cOomineerl this
this time mys - ujfea,•ings were almost intolerable. is no miserable compound, but a safe and poWerful
My physiCians,kneanwhile paid the strictest sites-
remedy; and that its curative powers stand alone and
Don to me, rind did all in their power for my recov
cry. But with 411 their skill they could not reach
equalled by
Dr. Swaynes Syrup is the only true and genuine
the '''''t of di4 "l ,a f t " She Lungs land heroine ° P a- "article of Wild Cherry before the public, and we
ed. I was s tsitcd d aring this time by at least /treaty
would say to the aElicted, always look for the, writ-
Physicians. l ; n signature of Dr. SW:UE Non each bottle before
Ii was not,- minced to a certainty, that iellarantion
I f
our purchase. Beware, and fie not doCeivedl,
of the tungai was ;;;Ipitllst taking place; and that this
Some persons may tell you that somelother prepa
ssould terminate ity life in a very short time, was in
ration is as good.: Heed them not. One trial of the
the highest degree probable.
latagni a mcosesgot . was despatch „, :t i i g ,. e in n_u_in l e .o l u ir.Swayne's Syrup of vrild Cherry will con-
At this critical
..... , that it is the most valuable medicine dis
in Cincinnati, and a celebrated Physician of that I
.. coserce.
place was consul sal. When he was made acquaint 1 ;
From the iecreasing demand for the above article,
led with toy Situation, be remarked that nothing could I I)ra ... iota, me ,. citanta, and deal ,. nenemil ,.l will
be dal "' by meth dal aid, if thy canatitaziaa "'lf was find 7 to their ' advantage to have a ' fidt s ' epply " rif this
ant sufficient to throw off the disease.
medicine. . .
t h e Remember to enquire fur B.R.
My friend* mist despaired of My recovery, and 1
had no earthly grOund of to Ntitl'iTt! nasty clays.; . y , .
amne indivebtais t‘tii the
~,,.. I t Y, .i there
Fortunately at this yam:titre, I saw ono of Dr. WI i'
Medical cubit , " i assumed names of physicians making great eau - a
'tar's Pamphlets, ; im bu e d mo„,„!iy , , ; to purh a apuribus article into the market under a
; Or "Treatise on Convumption of the Lungs."
at ~,r . 5 . ,:,,,5 i , .; ,' fictitious name.
had often heard ri dying men "catching
r „ 1 The (original and only) genuine article!, onlY pre
: I felt ` his "a l' z ‘ e° az " eill BY the " al ' ," a" my I Pa r ed Ly DR. WAYNE. N. W. corner of Riohtli
Physicians, I sentl to you fora bottle ape medicate i ;*
P and Race ntreets, Philadelphia.
described viz; .oll'istar;s Balsant of II ild t herr y„" I
I Let the advice be repeated; do not neglect a alight
which relieved me. almost inimediatel v. Alter I ,
enn. , ),; it . yna do,
may have
occasion to regret it.
had used some five of air bottles / : a f a r i - ceorcred as', '
run tiny riski - Delay has, and May again lead
tubs up nod ra!tout. My cough CC:ISUtI, and Illi lungs; scrims conaeittenets ,
were restored to a healthy state—all from Hie:haat-I to
IMPU lIITY oF TILE BLOOD .—An excellent
1 ing and balmy Influence andpotrerfiti medicinal vir-I
Sprite; Medicine. ,Or. SWAYNE , S COMPOUND
tuci of Wistar's Bal.t.arn.
it out float the external injury I received in t Theo,
purgatiVe and purifying Pills are cele-,
my shoulder and arm by the elplotnin, 1 feel coati- hrated o f., the
cure of H.,a,v,...aia Sick Headache,
I seat that ll2 l4t‘t hare bees w"ku'g at a'Y trade Loss of Appetite, Low Spirit s dotehes or Pimples
I L :, 4iCh is blatkemithing,) but Oda has pi evented.
on the face, or any disease where a purgative or puri-
I Bo exposure, II have opine taken several severe ;
~ , lying inediciue is required. These pills neither gripe,
1 e'ld'' and my t'zltY ten ha:' been "the l ' al4a--.. troduce nausea, or any other unpleasant sensation,
t :lad l now most cordially recommend the genuine; liiiid
.. s. ,. rin
_ medicine ror „ .....iritin,..
the blood
a vz i
1 " 1 "' s Ba"'" to all wia ' a " elli":" with, C ‘' l ' L 'i leansit ' ig the riotly of diacase F. ,
i c e are tinsurpass '' ed
rau g aa ' or Lung Complaint., I consider " az ' i " al ".' ,v „us Medicine ever yet introduced mita. public.; :
i " Me medicate-ik'se---4 real ldra ' a " . '' to ills " rid ' A " ) i . OfT : Mamillictered and wild, „holesale and retail,
per,at, sit-airing farther ;e n,,,,, a1 ,,,,, 4,4,.). c,ll o n say tby the sole proprietor, Dr. SWAVNE & SONS, N.
I anytime. 5 yours truly,
I ‘e. corner Race and Eighth streets, Philea.
oh , .
~ ~,
Duly agents in Pittsburgh
City or 1,..,yti,:), 1 1 . .
CURICII4 medicine are, Wm. nom, 53 Market at.;
Mer.Oromery ro., State or Min c
1 i) ,, ,,iGn & Snowden, corner of Wood and :.'d st. and
Subscribed and 'iirworr to, before me, Justice of, .:- .
Si . Jeerr, 150 "Liberty at., where it can be ol:tain
t the Peace, thas Ilth day of Vet:. -;5.
led genuine,
. wholesale and retail, at proprietor's
~, pnces. hold by John- Mitchell, Allegheny city; E.
Testimony ,ef tkaee - highly errail , z 6 te eili:e" 6 . 1 ! IS. Afinznan, Cincinnati; Dr. Megothin, Mercer; .1. 11.
Ddeti.a' in r ordis matrua if the aver. ' Burton & Co. Erie; J. S. Morris & Co. Louisville;
We. the undersigned, being intimately acquainted; Dr. E. E. mainly
Si: Co, St. Loris; Andrew Oliver &
iwith Mn.S lnYlill and basing s 'en and watched sorer ' C o ., New Orleans; Dcnig & Son. Columbus; Boyd,
I him litftlUg his late 11110,14, do not heattate to 51. r. Cares & Co., Butler; Mackenzie & Haskell, Cleve
-1 that the forelleitlit is by net means an cloggera/m land; Dr. Raker, Wheeling, Va.; \Vut. R. Wood,
shitenicat, but a entitled to full credit. I Ylav: , sille, Kr.; Miller, Brownsville; Dr. 11. Came
-1 A. L. SIIII.IT, I bell hr Co., Uniontown; It. E. Johnson, Cumberland;
IJ• D. ll• 1)(lpslz " .., IJ. M. Sharp, Dayton; and by agents in all, parts of
! HENRY R. smYTli ' t i the United States. imp IS
ICa - fhe true and genuine ~ Wiaidr's BalseN of
i Wild Cherry," Is sold at established agencies in all
pnrt, of the United States.
) Sold to Cinicnunci uafhr earner of Fourth ecru/
11'G/cad rertx,by SANFORD U.
' Central Agents fit the Weykris Statet).
For sale by i. WILCOX Jr., F. E. cur. Market at.
and the Ormond thttnburgit. may 9.. y.
THE wiLsON PILLS, na a remmly pecithatly
L,Lyted fug laraalac6ra awl iippeptic atfectionm,
60 , 0 s filL IK;
litfi,967 1-7
at pretty generally known tend esteemed in this
community; and the proprietor, so often as lie has
ovcaooti to write or speak of them, can scarcely re.
Cram from an expression of his grateful acknow ledg
'Moils to bin friends for their patronage and kindness
to Emu. His feelings arc the warmer from ob,erving
the ••beginning and the ending”—throhn almost in
juxtaposition—of to many UMlPitlItlIS rind kindred pre
parations equally loitil hi their pretensions, and
much more industriously presented to the public;
while his preparation neitelebsly advance's, even to
minute places, soothing and con.rtiiii - the afflicted,
and permanently grafting itself upon tbc..,affections
of sew thends, thus continually widening the circle
of its usefulness. Although cell satiidied that hi s
medicine his, as it were, a principle of perpetuity in
IN yet 1141 is ohltgcd to his friends for the most sub
stential evidence cif the fact.
In its natural history, it' Soo please, the Wilson
Pill differs Irvin must other preparations in not being
originally made for sale, or with a view to pecumary
profit; while as every body knows, the greatest tyro
(ay a general thing) no sooner begins to dabble in
drugs than he casts, about for some cheap prepara
tion, or must 'get up,' as the phrase is, something—
nyt king that will nett. Otlen he attempts it under
nu assumed or fictitious name. an though conscious
14 own were insufficient to sell it. The difference
tli;en between the Wilson Pill and the preparations a
linve just indicated, would appear to ho this: The
eilosciousness of the value of my pill originated
[lie idea of putting diem on sale for money, and at 1
ptiec. The consciousness of the value of money
originated in most instances the many preparations
I have alluded to; and the price most likely 'to take'
is always first carefully considered, and the pill or
o her preparation made and graduated to suit it. The
o e is a DISCOVERY, and comes from the great Arcana
o Universal Nature; the other a trick or invention,
-and comes from a not verypopular quality or ifil3l
vioust. Nature. Reader! the chili:mice here is
great. In one instance the value attached to the putt
is the:starting point; in the other, the HONEY. But
itilfi not probable that some of the many prepara
tions having even such paternity were accidentally
gbod,butthat possibly by this process of "getting
up" as they call it, by puffing and blowing, as we
clean wheat, they have been "got up" too high be
tore their specific gravity had been carelblly ascer
tained, and have blown off never to be heard of,
with other chaff--some lighter, some heavier.
Whatever may be the rationale, I must repeat it,
that I am most profoundly thankful to my friends for
their iliscrimivati on in not consigning my discovery to
that compenduous category of "inventions Mut did
not answer"--of "tricks that won't win.."
The Wilson Pithier() useful its a GENEAAL remedy,
and may be kept and taken, in proper doses, in fain-
Ries, as a preventative of general ill health, or dis
ease of whatever name, by any member of the flint
ily, without any fear of the consequences of exp.
sure in the ordinary pursuits of business.
inr They may always be had in any quantity of the
proprietor, in Penn street, below Marbury, and of the
principal Druggists of this city and Allegheny.
Wholibale Shoe Store
jH. CHILDS &' CO., aro now receiving their
spring supplies, consisting of one of
the largest, Omapost and. best as
sortment of Boots and Shoes that they have ever
been able Co bring to this market. Also, Ladies and
Misses Florence Braid, and Straw Bonnets, of the
latest style; together with 'a splendid assortment of
Palm Leaf Hata, men& and boys' summer Caps.
Also, a large lot of New York Tanned Sule Leather,
all of- which having ' been purchased at the lowest
ratesiand selected with great care for the western
trade, will be sold eta small advance above cost and
charges. All merchants wishing to purchase Will
find it to their interest to . call and examine their stock
before purchasing elsewhere. mar27-tf. .
W noon's Pills
.-- . :-.,..-;:it,t,.,--.!'.::,'. , ..,:,.,:,
Cure follows Cure
. .
I '
Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bron hitis,Livei• Complaint,
Spitting Blood, Difficulty Of Breathidg, Pain in
the Side and Breast,Palpßation ofthe Heart,
• Inflnenza, Croup, Broken Constitillion,
Sore Throat, Net-Opus Debility,
and all diseases lof Throat,
Breast and Lange, the 1
most effectual and
speedy cure ever
known for
any of
above dis ages
confidently recommend and could refer to hun
dreds of our Citizens who have used
as a certain, Ktre and effectual remedy for Pyseutry,
lharluel. or Looseness, Cholera itiorbus, SUM?IER
CUNIPL.IINT, Colic, CTitting Pains, Sour Stomach,
Sick and Nerloom Ileadacoe, Ileartburn, &c.
'floe is tine of the most eifilient, pleasant, and
safe compositions ever offered the public for the
ewe of the various derangeuieuts of the STOMA&
and LOAVEL!, and the only artiele — i'vorthyof the least
confidence for curing cIiOLERA INFANTLZI or
SUM ER COMPL.4/..VT; and tu all the above dis
eases it really acts like ai charm.
Front the Rev. Asa Shinn, of the Protestant illethod
ist Church
The undersigned having been afflicted during the
past winter with a disease in the stomach, sometimes I
prodcing sevcropain in the stomach for ten or twelve
hours without intennissien, and having tried Various
remedies with little effect, wan furnished With a hot- .
tie of Dr.-JAY:4E 9 s CA RAINITIVE BALSAM This he
used according to the directions; and found invaria
bly that this medicine caused the pain to abate in
hrec or four miuutcs, and in fifteen or twenty min
utes every uneasy sensation was entirely quieted.
The medicine was allerwards used whenever indica
tions of the approach of pain were perceived, and
the pain was thereby prevented. 0 lie continued to
use the medicine every e4euing, and sometimes in the
morning, and in a few Weeks healthl was so far re
stored, that the sufferer wan relieved from a lathe
amount of oppressive pain. From experience, there-,
tore, he can cortlidentN recommend Dr. 1). Jaynes
Carminative Balsam, as a salutary medicine fur dis
eases of the stomach and bowels. A. St SINN.
Allegheny city, July Stith, Isl 3.
For Sale in Pittsburgh ia the PEKIN TEA STORE,
72, Fourth street, near Wood.
Price 2.5 and 50 cents per bottle. jelS-d&sv
,4 He who inpleaure'n downy arms
Neer lost his health, or youthful ckaruis,
A hero lives, anal justly cau
mo behold a man!"
DURING A TRIAL of a number of years, Dr.
Thompson's PILLS have been found an inval
uable remedy in cases Of indigestion, bilious com
plaints, for derangements of the digestive organs and
obstructions, a sluggish action of the liver and bow
els, which occasion nioq• or less the following symp
toms, viz: heartburn, giddiness, acidity, head-ache,
sickness, spasm, anti flatulent distention of the stom
ach and bowels drowsiness and dimness of sight,
au uncomfortable sensation experienced at the pit of
the stomach soon after eating, with n feeling of weight
or oppression, appetite impaired, breathing difficult,
tenderness about the region of the liver, bowels ir
regular, sometimes obstinately costive, with languor
and depression of spirits. Price 25 cents per box.
Prepared by the solo proprietor,
EDGAR. TitoßN, Druggist,
corner Hand and Penn sts., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Also sold by all the principal druggistsin the city.
je 23
which stand unequalled by any, Medicine
known for the cure of Liver Complaint, and other
diseases arieing from a 'deranged state of the Liver.
This medicine has been in public use for about 8.
years, and has acquired a reputation . for curing
the liver Complaint.which has never been equalled
by any remedy heretofore offered to the public.
As an Anti-bilious, or Purgative they are un
surpassed 'aild'should he used in place of the com
mon pills of the clay. Give them atrial and the
truth will appear. Prepared and sold hp.
.420 kegs Plug Tobacco;
5 44 Ladies" Twist, do;
10 44 Ara. • '" do.
10 44 env s d,'lB Lump, do;
In store and for sale by J. &J. WDEVITT,
ap 20 • ' 222 Liberty at.
Medical land' Sltrg.toal °Mee.
'Health is the 'charm withoutit gold,
Lr ye, le' friends, all, all, are unenjoyed.
:gularly educated physi
an from the eastern . eitt
3, would re.spectfullyaq
tunCe, to the citizens of
ittsburgh, All egheny 'rind
icinity, that he
msulted privately and'
mndentially, every day
ening at his office on
iantozid Alley; a few
ions from Wood street
'Dr..lßroivn gives his particular attention to the
rentment and ifileStigation of *
the following,. disia
ses: I i Ii ! . ' i
All klise'asesarisur , froin Imnurifesof the Blood:
scrofula, syphili' seminal tk' Tekness. impotencf;
salt rhieurn diseases of. the eye and ear, rheuniatiiin,
piles; palsey. - i
Dr.' Brown has !much plea Mire in announcing:to.
the ptthliei that :be is in possession of the late4s:in
.formation and 4provement in the treatinerit-of
! secondary syphßs;practis i ed at the Paris Lock 11'os
pital. I The- modern - researches on syphilis, its
complications and censequences, and the improved
modes of practice which have Veen Made known
.., .
to the' public but.recentley„ , and to those chiefly
who ,make this branch of Medicine, their particu
larstudy-and practise. i
Many new and valuable remedies haveheen late
ly introduced, which secures' the patientbeing mer
curialized out o existence Strangers are apprised,
that Doctoi• Br I:tn has; been educated in every 1
branch oil med cane,'' e, and regularly admitted to ,
practise, apd tir the now confines himself to the
study; and Practi 4 of this: particular "branch, togeth
er with al diseases of a Private or delicate nature,
incident t' theLiman frrime. No cure, no pay'
Recent arcs re relieved in a short time, with
out interription from buSiness.
0:1-Office on lamondrAlley, a few, Actors, from
Wood street, totvards the market, Consultations
, trietl:v codfulential. i in ylfl-d&wy.
Piegerve the . , Tieth.
FAlt be ter M i lt to cure! the toathache in one min
ute,[ 1.5' usingyheetees Teaberry Tooth Wash,
than to sucier the Oching;lalso to cure soreness of the
guins, cure softness of the gums, stop bleeding of
the gums,j and' 'always keep the teeth, .gumsand
mouth pleisaut, and iu the best state of health.
Whilst introducing WHEELER'S TEABERRY
TOOTH WA SH tti the public, it is the painful duty of
the proprietor, to state that this article, which isthe
original, and onli genuine Teaberry Tooth Wash, has
been imitated by,numermis Teaber,ry Tooth Washes,
Teaberiy Tooth Pastes, mad a variety of articles with
the name - Teaberix annexed to theta, when, in fact,
this 'article is the first that ever! here the name of
Teaberr),', lld is !the only one which possesses the
real virtun'ef the plant, and established all the celeb
rity for it; Which induced; others to. make use of its
name, tholig,li they never !did present its intrinsic vir
tues to thd public, As evidence that it is the first
preparatil, ot. Tuaberry for 'the. Teeth, the copy of
the certifi lil reccirds of the-United States District
Court is pablislied. ,
0.5t,t4,.11 ,
.Eastern . District of Penrutylvania,to
4.:tr a ir
wit: lie it remembered, That on the
.. sectincl day of:February, Anno Domini,
rt.,... ,. ......., 4 1,... , g one thousand' eight hundred and forty
4111 1 1 ! 1 W., WHEELER,
Of the said District, haih deposited in this Office the
Title df a Book,!the title of !whichis hi the ! words
fullowir?it, to wit: ! : -
The right wheileof he claims as Proprietor, in con
formity with the 41ct of Congress, entitled "An Ac
to =end the several Acts lespecting Copy Rights.'
'•Clerk of the Dist. Conn.-
1842, Fob. 2u. , Copy deposited.
The above CoPy Bight for 'the Wrapper of the
Bottle, showing the Title of the Article in legal lan
guage, and granted in the legal form • will prove thii
to be the Orginal TE.ABERRY TOOII.I WASH, and
all others are but, inaitationa,•which has gone out of
ucc whereter the Genuine Teaberry- 'Thoth Wash is
sold. Then, rernetuber,,noneis genuine but
L'ertifirateS of lhe Magistrates of the Gay of _Philo-.
Having made ,use of your ..mucli celebratedTea
berry To6th NiTitsh, I feel eonvitiee:if that it is the
. best article I have ever known, and hereby warmly
recommend its use to the public in general, as a
pleasant and efficacious, article .for preserving the
Teeth and Gutua. ROBERT E. JOIINSTON.
For a number of years my
,Teeth and .Gnma were
so much -out of order as to , prevent me from eating
with any pleasuie, and caused much pain. Having
heard of Wheeler's Teaberri Tooth Wash, cer
tify that I tried one . bettie or it, and in least.han two
' weeks my Iteetld and Gums;ere Sound and good;j,
believe that the , tine of it would bd an advantage to
many otheis:'. J. BRAZEIR.
„ -
Certificate., of Illempers of the Philadelphia Bdr.
Having used Wheelers Teaherry Tooth:Wash and
powder, I have found theM to possess cleansing'add
purifying l yirOpdrtiei, !and while, they whiten and
beautify the Teeth, they bare ilenr.ftelal effect upon
the Gums, by , ; imparting to them free and healthful
action. A. ItAXIsiOLD.
I have used Wheeler's Teaberry Tootli Wash, and
its effects , upon my Teeth and Gums has given to me
a high opinion Or its merits. I cheer - 11111y recom
mend it to the genernl use. H. R. KN RA SS.
; lly daughter has used Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth
Wash,(and powder) and has found its effects to be
cleau S ing and purification of the Gums, and t
a swee
euingof the mouth. I have no hesitationin recom
mendiff, it as the most beneficial preparation for - the
Teith i'have ev'er seeni C; J. JACK.
Certificates of Lake 'and Gentlemen Air Philadelphia
"It is with gratitude that I seliciths following cer
tificate, hoping ;that many who sufer will be led by
a perusal °tit, to obtain Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth
Wash, which article I used, and it has effectually
cured tooth-ache, soreness of the gums, removed
scurf from my teeth, and I fully believe has entirely
arrested all decay of them.. I trust that all who suf
fer, having either (tithe same species of complaint;
will its sooh- as possible. use Wheeler's,Teaben-y
Tooth Wash, that they may be relieved. t
"Owing to having taken cold, but mostly in conse
quence of the acid of a paint used in coloring prints,
my Teeth became very much injured, giving excru
ciating paiO at intervals for between two and three
years. WheeleCOTeabetry Tooth Wash was used,
and 'has entirely cured them, which in certificate
form I send, that those Who wish a perfect remedy
for painful teeth, and also desire a pleasant Tooth
wash, inlay with confidence try Wheeler's Teaberry
Toothi Wash: NARY A TAYLOR.
"Wheeler's Teaberry.tooth Was having re
moved scurf and cured soreness of the gums, which
had trimbled me for two years, it is my, belief that it
is a highly useful article, and it is advisible to
Those Who suffer with the Teeth and Gums to mike
use of it. -MARY b'ULLiVAN.
and al
it is a
lag of
Wash I
of myi
rind t
of W
wait i
use t
Bra . y wore testimonials are existing approving at
t‘ Wh alerts Teaberry Tooth Wash. 1 , - .
e W
Sol at WM. JACKSON'S Store, No. 89 Liberty
street Pittaberghilioad of AVoitd itreet.
Prleipal Mee, NO': 86 Che.snut st., Philadelpl4a.
ap 7-dly 1 _ ;
lOLE ,171
ith Shoe;
57 Wood steet
. ur Teaberry.Tooth Waah curer the tooth-ache
I, oaoreaess of the gums in my family;.-and I
you this certificate, that those who sutler with
.ache or soreness f:the gums; may know that
remedy for them, and a very pleasant Tooth
Wheeler No. 118 Catharine street.
celer's Tcaberry Tooth Wash , ' having cured
ass of the gums, and:effectually stopped bleed
the gums, I deem it a debt of gratitude for the
vhich it afforded Me; and a duty owed to lay
beings, to say; that it is my' firm. Conviction,
ose who will use Wheeleeu Teaberry Tooth
for the Teeth and Gums, will find that it is an
ant article:' THOMAS J.M•CORDY,
No. 2.38 Calthwhill st. ,
. much severe affliction of Myself, and others
iithinily, with decayed Teeth and pore quirts,
e thaurrespectable testimonials
.highly in favor
Educed ;so give it a trial; after which my 'family
t, and I rejoice' to pay' that it 'did perform' a
gh and effectual cure for`all arid' is, the, best
that I ever knew of. 1 wou'd recommend its
those who may be suffering'.
• - - , - - ' JESSE MOORE,
No. 127, Market street. ."
` '
E.A.DerA large. assortment., together
'l•Findi l 4 B ttOil - Kitt or all kinds, justre-
I I 12'0 Wood street.
An Acrostic.
Just receivetli_a ;npleiidid'assortment . of Spring and
• ' and Summer gOods; ' , •
unsorpassedfor gnantity, quality or
Style. The Proprietor. of this establishMent
Takes great pleasure in informing his friends and tlie
public . . -
In general, that he is now prepared to Moll order's
that hie
I , lumereas customers may, Myer hint With. Strangers
Travelers would do well; in.vititing the • • -
Iron City, to call and examine, his extensive and well
Made stock of ready Made Clothing. Ile has a com
plete assort:merit of -
English cloth, to. which- he would invite attention,
also, - .
French cloths of every color and quality,Wich he is
Offering at a very small advance on eastern prices.
Remember at this store you are not asked two prices,
being . • •
Convinced that small profitsamt quick sales is the
best way, to secure custom., ;.
Having in his employ the best workmen, be can war
'Every article made at his establishment t 6 at well,
And to be of the best materialiq he would 'again in
vite -
Purchasers generally'to give.hici a call
Before purchasing in any other, place,
As he is confident that he can sell them as good goods
ReaSoriable prices as any house in this city,
Going so far as to say a little cheaper. :
All his goods are new, and of handsme patterns
In the the cast bat a fcw weeks since. The subscri-
ber •
' Now,returns.his his friends and tho public
in gencral,' - and .; •
Solicits a continuance of their favors.
Iron City Clothing , Store, No. I-32 Liberty street.-
'l'hree• Big Doors Clothing Stor ,
No. 151 I.iberty street
91.11 - E Proprietors of tide oTd and highly popul4res,
stablishment informs his friends and the publici
at large, ,that a portion of hia. Spring and Summer
Stock of •
he `respect
.- . .
Is now,prepared for their inspection, and he tespect
fully invites all who contemplate.purchasing articlen
in his line to pay liana visit. His stock this opus-orr
is peculiarly rich; comprising all the lateet Fashions.
.and Patterns, and all his Goods, having been select ,
ed by himself in, the, eastern markets, he, can. with
confidence recommend them to his customers as be-,
mg of the very best quality: His loge assortment of
Is made in the mostnuadetp and improved style, and'
the workmanship cannot lie excelled._ Pants of ev.-
ery desaription, Satin 4-. Elanc,o Vests, He has a rare
and beautiful artsortmeis of . .
..,. . .
- -' FES INGS,
To which he would call t e atten t ion of ritiblie as he
believes them lir be In re Ileautiful and Cheaper ' ',
Than anything of-the 'lliad that has been offered
Tweed and other coats, for Summer weat, In
great variety and made in every style, Fashionable'
Shirts', Latest • Style of Storks, Suspenders of every'
descriptions, Handkerchiefs, and every other actinic :
necessary for a Fashionabie Dress. ..
lie has a very laige'and excellent assortment, ot.
Substantial Clothing, which will - be sold lower than:
it:can be purchased at anyother place in the 'city-...te'
which le would invite the attention of- A X - i
and others who wish servicable -clothing for every ,
day's wear.,..
Having in his ,employ some, the best. Cutters and
Workmen, that the Country can produce,, and
,being '
provided with, a stock of G r oeds, which for,
!mice and variety cnnot be equalled, he isprepar-.„
. ,
ed . ,
At the shortest notice, and in a style that Cannoi he
Itis.not considered any-Tremble. to show,Clothin g,
and the proprietor feels confident that after an, ex
aininatinn of his stock, all who desire
. to purchase
will find it their interest to deal at hia estahlisiunent.
- - . -
The . proprietor wouid take thiS opiortunity to len
der his sincere-thanks .to the public for the Unprece
dented patrOnage bestowed upon- his eitablishment,
and as the, success he has met - with is.ati indication
that his efforts to , pleas his'patronsihave•'nol been
unavailing, lie pledges himselfthat.nothing
omitted on hispart to secure theirlindness'for the
futara. •: - JOHN McCLOSKEY;
Three-Dig Doore,— •
151 Liberty- bt.' •
Neroltaut. Tailor.
vi-rouLo inform his friends and the public in
general, that he has - removed to4Vood street,
in the Sr. CHARLES building., two doors below the' - - -
entrance, where, he. is 'ready to execute all-orders in
the neatest and most fashionable manner; having CIF ,
gaged-the services of klr.‘Jonsr M. Cxxl - prx.r. as cut-.
-ter whose attention wilt be devoted; to that branek
ofthe trade.and whose - well-14.A,, 1! ability in this'par--"
ticillar, having !Ong been established in the fashion
able community of this city, rnduces.the belief that
by clOse attention to business ;he will be able to-.
give general 'satisfaCtitin to all who niay faior him
with a call—having also made arringeinents to keep
constantly'fi hand a- general assortment of every
thing adapted ta gentlemen's wear, such as- Cloths,
Cassimetes, Vestings, Shirts, Drawers, BosamS, Sus-'
penders, Gloves, Cravats, and every article pertain
ing to a gentliiman's wardrobe, he will be ready at,
all times to supply any demand in hisline. -
The subscriber respectfifily infonlis friends and
the public generally;' that having entered into the -
above arrangement the establishment will be able to
furnish any article in the Tailoring line, With a punc
tuality and despatch scarcely equalled by nay other
in the city, and for style and,_workmanship nor sur
passed by any in the states.
JUST RECEIVED—A splendid assortment of
Summer CassimereS, Oingharas; ,azut.Garit-,
Moons, suitable for coats and pants; a large stock of
fancy Summer Stuffs; fancy - Cotton Cloths, a new ai
tick; Oregon Cassimeres; Guld Mixed - .Tweeds: and"
j)erkshire; 10 dozen white shirt Linen Bosouis and
Also a great variety of fancy, shirt striped Ging
hams, Lc.; a splendid assortment of Summer Cra
vats, Marseilles, Silk,' Satin and, other, Vestings - 01
superior styles and finality; Socks, Handkerchiefs,
Stocks, Bosoms, Collars; Lisle Gloves, and all kinds
of gentlemen's wear, ready - Made ' or got-up toerder
at the shortest notice,- and at-thelowest prices, by
: W: 13. SHAFFER,
-Pittsburgh Clothing Store,
jc3 corner of Wood and Water sts.
Can't.' be Beat
1 M. WHITE has just received_ at his large
. establishment, fronting on Liberty and Sixth
streets, a splendid assortment of TWEEDS for
summer; also, a superior lot of French Satin ITS- - ;
TINGS, all of •is - hich he is ready to make up in
the latest fashion and en the most reasonable. terms
as usual. Qbserve the *
corner, No 107 Libe yrt
and Sixth streets'. •
. . .
myl4 J. M. WHITE, Tailor, Proprietor.
To Arms: Arms SS
•.'"-",ir ERN PENNSYLVANIA,by Col. Swift,
with 10,000 men,
_notwithstanding which, 4. M.,
White will continue to sell clothing, cheaper .than
any has heretofore been.offered in the western cons
try, having the largest establishment in the. city,„
fronting on Liberty and Sixth streets. He_is now.-
prepared io -show to his ninneriins putronS the great-
est variety of cloths, ',1119iX1167e - 9, vestings, and clo
thing of ail descriptions', suitable fertile approaching
season, that has ever been offered in this market, to
Which all can have the Right of Way. Obsetve the
corner, N 0.167, Liberty and Sixth streets.
J. M. WHITE, Tailor
A WESTERVELT, the old 'and well known'
Venitian. Blind Maker formerly of Second.'
and Fourth sts., takes this method to inform histnany ,
friends of the fact that his Factory is now in full
eration on , St. Clair st, near the' old Allegheny
BridgeogThere a constant supply of Blinds oftrarious
colors and qualities, is constantly kept On hand and'
at ally prices, from twenty-cents up to suit customers
N, B. If required, Blinds willbe-put up, ,so that;
inCaw Of alarm 'by fire, or othesnise, they, may be
removed without the aid of a screw-driver, and with
the same facility that any other .piece of furniture,
can be removed, and without any extra'expense. •
`jefifd, Stwy. .
rifth Stroat Furniture Warercionta.
THE subscriber would most 'respectfully call the
attention or' the public to his stock of tah4tC.
Ware, possessing: advantages over any kither
factoring establishment in the city. 3iP is
to sell hislirares at muck Iciwer prices.; therefo r ie,;fip
mould remind those mho Ncant good - Tarnitcq...q. at a. .
fair price not to forget the right prar:e, $ , ll/:ifth -
street .(mar23-d&wy) , 11,11
Fell FialShiCal of 'Hata, * Thn,O 3 daY-Augunt
fa At 112..EV1L , 5, to-mor •
' or Pittsburgh
S-V% .27th, a neat.. and cheap art ic.t
e. , ..
manufacture can be had at f tlirtnbo - 40,store, ahead of
n 1
fashionable hats imported ra th:e,,East: lz
KFAYIL .sClj4 . l's
No IC,,' utof Vi.Ztod Ems _