N II .41tall.O . iaitcLtiolu:E..fic - 6,,, llanee Portable. Boat Line. 1846, u olt, traniporting.good between PittsbUrgh and the Eastern cities without transhipping.- This old established line (being the oldest portable boat line on the .canal) is now prepared to receive produce and merchandize for shipping either East or West. The boats by this line are commanded by skilful, expe rienced and sober 'captains, and provided with good crews. Boats and. cargoes are. transferred Ooni and to canal and railroad, saving all 'removal and Separa tion of goods. • Trips made, in as short time, and goods carried on as fair terms as any other line. Thankful lbt, end respectfully sbliciting continu ance of the very liberal and growing patronage here tofore bestowed upon this line, we with confidence assure those merchants disposed to favor us, that their business shall be done to their entire satisfaction. Goods carried by us, consigned to either of our houses, will: be shipped ,to their destination freii chargefor shipping, storage or advance of charges. As we hold no interest in steamboat stock, merchanti may depend upon their goods always being forwarded without delay, upon good boats and at the lowest rates of freight. • Produce consigned to our house at Philadelphia for sale, will be sold on liberal terms, and advances made either at Pittsburgh or Philadelphia. - • JOHN McFADEN & Co., Penn st., . Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. • JAMES M. DAVIS & Co., 246 and 261, aprlo-thn Market st., Philadelphia. Pittsburgh Portable neat Line, aiatM . 18446 - ..- M. • " D OR the transportation of freight between Pitts burgh and the Atlantic cities, via Pennsylvania Improvements and Baltimore and, Susquehanna rail road. The Proprietors of this old establishedline, having completed their arrangements, are prepared to for ward goods to and from the East (on the opening of the canal invigetion,) on as reasonable terms as any other respensible line, and are determined that no care or attention on' their pert shall be wanting to se cure a continuance of that patronage so liberally he stowed upon them for several years past. The .decided success of the portable boat system, so manifest in the regularity and despatch experienced in the delivery of goods ' the absence of all risk of delay, hreakage or other damage, incident to the.old system, where geods have to be hurriedlytranshipped three times on the way, and the merchantable order in which produce has been avowedly delivered by their, has induced the proprietors to increase their stock. considerably this season.. Their extensive warehouses at each point, (=equalled by any other line,) affords them facilities to conduct their business with despatch; and to. shippers the convenience of free storage, if required, until their arrangements are complete—while their long experience in the carry ing, tmde, it is, presumed, will be sufficient guarantee to their patrons and the public that they will success fully.exart themselves to give general satisfaction. Produce Aceived forwarded, steamboat charges paid, and bills lading transmitted free of charge for commission, advancing or storage, and all communi cations to the following agents.proinptly attended to: TAAFFE & O'CONNOR, Cur... Penn and Wayne sts., Pittsburgh. THOMAS BORBIDGE, t • 278 Market street, Philadelphia. O'CONNORS S.- Co., mar3o-y , North st., Baltimore. Tiansportntion Line. • 6 e ii"7IO.7...iDIJETED on strictSabbath-keepin,g principles, though not claiming in be the only line that is so conducted. The proprietors of this old established line have put their stock in the most complete order, and arc thoroughly prepared to forward produce and metchandize to and tioM the Eastern cities on the upenin,g of navigation. We trust that our long, experience in the carrying hudiness,and.zealous attention to the interests of cus tomen, will secure to us . , a Icontinuance and increase of the patronage heretofore bestowed on 4 .l3ingbam , s I I Our arrangements will enable us to carry freight with the utmost despatch; and our prices shall always lie as low as the lowest chir,ged by other responsible Produce and recel be merchandial will red and for- L• waa‘lod-oist and we.t - withant any charge for atherti ein,g, storage nr cummissi.!,l. Bills of lading farwardp, and every direction prOcuptly attended to. Address, or apply"to W.M. BINGHAM, Canal Basin, oor. Liberty and Wayne stA., Pittsh'g, BLNGILANIS, DOCK 6; STRA'VTON, No. 276 Market st.:, Philadelphia, J AMES WILSON, Agent, No. 122 Nortlti Howard'st., Baltimore, WILLIAM TYSON,-Agent, No.I 10 West at., New York aprlo-y Independent Pur able Boat Line. - - • "N 1846 -ea, • rOlt the transportation of prothice and merclipn dize to and from Pittsburgh; Baltimore and Philadelphiaf j withodt transhipping. Goods con signed to our care, will be iforwarded without delay, at'the lowest current rates; Bills Of Lading trans mitted, and all instructiohs promptly attended to, free from any extra. charg • for storage or Commis sion. Address C. A. AIt...ANULTY & Co., Canal BaSin, Pittsburgh, MERRILL & Co., pith's Wharf, Baltimore, RAOIOI.I. & Co.,!Broad ROSE , 11).23 MEE Pickworth , s Wuy Freight Line. r.711.z.i1i1 . 1 8 A 6 - Ai G. 3XC LI; SI VIM Y fur the transportation of way freight between Pittsburgh, Blairsville, Johns town, Hollidaysburgh, Wuter Street, and all inter mediate places. i • One boat leaves the Warehouse of C. A. McAnul ty 44: Co.,Pirtsburgli, ever)lday (except Sundays) and Shippers can always depend on having their goods forwarded without delay - and on accommodating terins. We reipeetfulfyselicit }lour patrthiage PROPRIETORS: J. Pic.kwarth of boats, Nile, Exchange, Paris and Pacige.' J. H. Barnes of boats, Push and Exoine. John Miller of cars on Portage Rail Road.; AGEff'TS. J. PICKWORTIt, Cana' Basin, Johnstown, JOHN MILLER, l b • " Hollidaysburg!), C.= A - . M'ANULTY & C " Pittsburgh. UZI MONONGAIIIFL.A. ROVVE, •- - , VIA. I.3poiVi:sviu.E. TO BALTIMORE, in 32 liours—fire $lO. TO PIII.LADELP.IIIA in 40 Lours—Rue $l2. . _ . . onLY 73 DALES OTAGIIIG! ...- - ...1f.d - :.? U. 3. ZIAIL. The Great Speed, Regularity and high Reputation already attained by this pleasant passenger Route, has induced the Post Master General, to place the New York and Philadelphia mails to Pittsburgh, ul - it. The stiperior and swiß .steamers CONSUL and LOUIS WLANE, leaves the Monongahela Wharf precisely at 8 o'clock eve morning, and at 6 GO clock every evening, except Sundays. Splendid Coaches await their arrival at Brownsville, to trans port Passengers and Muil,l only 73 miles to the Rail Read at Cumberland. 1 •The preparations on this route are ample, and the connections complete, so Oat disappoinunent or de lays will be' unknown upon it. Biour tickets; passengers can delay at Cumberland or at BaJtiniore during their pleasure, and continue their journey either by steamboat or cars to Phila delphia.l Mee in the '!St. Charles Hotel," IVood st. Pitts burodi. MESKIMEN, Agent. • • Fifth 'Ward Livery Stable. , " THE subscriber, having bought out the well known Livery Stable kept by C. B. Doty, in the ffifth Wand, respectfully informs his friends and-the public generally, that he will keep at all times -a stock of the best description of riding horsci, boggies,carriagesiof all kinds, and in short every thing requiredin hM line of business: . A considerable portion Of his stock is now, and he is confident-that nrr stuck in the eity.will be superior to his. HislermS will be rn'oderate. His stable is on Lib erty street, a' few deers!, aboye the canal bridge, where he respectfully Solicits a share of public pa tronage. I • CHARLES COLEMAN. - gtr He is also provided with an elegant Hearse, which will be furnished when required. oct2s-tf Hats t !Hats i,i. . /4 SPRING P iCHION --Just received by jiff from New. York,- the, Spring Style of hate. All those in wait of a neat, superior lie arc respectfully inyited toicall. S. MOORE, .N 0.93 Wood td.„ ,3 doois.belowDitusiond Alley. • maril-tlnt • 4 _ • , _ t' - ; " "• - • 1 g - 1` t -r.; A- 4P' A ‘, • ,- 1 • . M=lM= MXPE=M Taineott's General Emlgration (Mee. REMITTANCES and: passag to , 4 - 4,111 , and from GREAT BRITAIN AND s s Ait IRELAND, by W. & T. Tapscott 75 South street, corner of Maiden Lane, New York, and 96 Waterloo road Liverpool. The subscribers having accepted the agency of the above house, are now prepared to make arrange ments upon the most libertil terms with those deal- - roue of paying the passage Of their friends front the old Country, and flatter,theineselves their character and long standing in. bushiess will give ample ae• sdrance that all their arrangements will be carried out - ' faithfully; W. & J. T. T; Messrs... ..'apseatt, are long and favora bly known for the superior; class, accommodation and sailing qualities of their 'Packet Ships. The QUEEN by THE. WEST, SHERIDAN ; ROCHES TER, GARRICK, HOTTINGUER, ROSCIUS; LIV ERPOOL, and SWOONS, , ;.wo of which leave each Port monthly, from New Y rk tke 21st and 26th and from Liverpool the 6th and 116, in addition to which theyi have arrangements with :the St. George and Union Lines of Liverpool Packets to insure a depar turo from Liverpool, every fi4 edays being thus actor mined, their facilitiesx,hall keep pace with their in creasing patronage, while 11ir. W. TapscoWs constant per-sonal superintendence of the business in Liver. pool; is an additional secuyity , that the comfort and accommodation of the passengers will be particu: 'arty attended to. i The subscribers being,(asmsnal) extensively enga ged in the Transportationl3l(sincss between Pittsburg and the Atlantic Cities, are ithereby*enabled to take chat*: of and forward passengers immediately on their landing, without a charlcOof disappointment or delay, and are therefore prepared to contract for pas sage.from any sea port in Great Britain or Ireland to this City; the nature of the business they are engaged in. giving them fiicilities for carrying passengers so flu inland not otherwise attainable, and will, (if ne cessary,) forward passengers further West by the best, mode of conveyance 'mahout any additional charges for their trouble. Where pit-eons sent for decline coming out, the amount paid for passage will be refunded in full. The subscribers are also Prepared to give drafts at sight, for any amount payable at the principal `Cities and Towns in England; Ireland, Scotland and Wales; thus allot-Sing a safe and expeditious mode of Remitting funds to those Countries, which persons requiring such thellities, will find it their interest to avail themselves of. Application (if by letter Oast paid) will be prompt ly attended to TA AFFE &O'CONNOR, • Forwarding and Commission Merehavi, max 27 dikwy. Pittsburgh, Pa Ltentittanees to England, Ireland, Scot land n.nd Wales. PRSONS desirous of remitting money to any o the above countries, ran do so through the sub scribers on the most easy terms. We are prepared to issue, drafts for any amount over 41,00 sterling.— Remittances made through our house any day before the 23d of May, will be received in Ireland, by the 20th of June. ILLAKELY & MITCHEL, Pittsburgh, Agents for Roche, Bros & Co., myl4 New York Paper 'Warehouse ITIDE undersigned )r 1 house and wall 11oldship & Browne, ship, under the name the purpose of earrviry rieties. They will ha assortment of PAPER of their own toanutlq improved and eular from the best French Agents for the WI Steubenville, from supphel with WIWI ING PAPEII,I3ONN they oTer wholesale 37 Wood street, mit mend Alley, wher are invited to call, je29-d6trt New foot Nu..lh3 A fe - w doors ab.J 41 FOLLANSITit, reTectfully upi. Pittsburgh a.m. v penell astorc at the a sale of Boots Er. Shoe c prising an extensive mens , , :I Ii Boyer, allot which goods the, low for cash. They would respCn want of Ilents. Shoe:, Se., or any goods %hal Store, as they are cont to please both in theta GEQ 7 - Pleas( tq N DtTWEEN, • Cer Hydrants and 11'1.4 LAND EMI SALE THE subscriber otte' three miles ft* I the Franklin and 1.10 Bred and Amy-one ac ed. This land is oth r be cold either in a i,/(! purchasers. From el be a very deAmbie poses, pasturing cat ei Seventy-five The, Lilts aro sit a Ross and Diamond st city of Pittsburgh, adj Persons dispoe.ed to pu vorably located as to nese, and will soon be particulars enquire of _ S! ra), M. „It T77-I - A I ;; A C;a gl i C e r i --.' - Brass w reasonab --'' W.I . lie imii using brass works to termined to db all w may 27-1 y JK. LOGAN, ha: ~ street, one door store lately occupied b has opened a Wholesa and having just returno opening a new and v. consisting of French, I. (all colors.) a great vani and Satinetts; Cashmas Cassimere, a good sq kinds; late style Vesn Lawns and Ginghams otherfancy patterns; 4 , per yard; a very superi ing of India Linen, Da Victoria Lawn, stripe and barred Muslin; tip and blue black Silks; large aSsortment of I Mullins; table Diape (largo size;) Moreen; Parasols, Pardu.letts a 1 sortmcnt of men, WO very fine article of and many other article respectfully invite his 1 lie generally, to an Which he expects to m ap4-y Pittsburgh and OTICE is hereby given, that is pursuance of a N resolution of the .tockholdera of-the Pittsburgh and Coanellsville Rail oad Company, authorizing an Increase of the capital f said Company, and directing an additional Subscrip 'on, books will be opened for receiving additional s bscription to the stock of the Company, at the de a of Wm: Lorimer, jr., in 4th street, between Marke and Wood streets, Pittsburgh, on Friday the 4th day .ISeptember.. The books will remain open from 9 A M. until 3 o'clock P.M. of said day; arid from day to lday (Sundays excepted) until the reqUisite number qf shares:be subscribed, or until otherwiim ordered. Blv order of the Directors. • - sep2 WM. ROBINSON, Jr. Pres't. PER' Ce buperin Druggie, burgh..] dec 1 ,m.rkoi.tat•a%vz=zn 045migratioit thtes. REMITTANCES ving bought the paper ware r paper manufactory, late of ye entered into a co-partner i d ntyfle of Hill &Browne, for on the busiiies in all its ra always on hand a complete ANGINGS AND BOILDEttS, ,iire, and their stock. will be i'ci with periodical additions • [clones. known Clinton P a per 5101, ich they he constantly 'Cr, WRAPPING, ' , tun% BoAnns,, tac.; all of which d retail, at their store, No. twoveen Fourth and Dm luutry nu:re:mart arid dealers GEO. G. BROWNE, SAML. rid Shoe Store, Liberty street, the head of Wooti st. ts: HAYW d , ARD, woul •tinco to the citizens of; i cinity that they have o mve named place for the fall kinds and qualities, COm... ortment of i.....uiff,e, Geutte 'outlie and Chi !divine 'Azar, are determined to sell rer:i call from all au 'trunks acid Carpet Bags, &c. larc usually kept in a Shoe. ent that they will be enabled iality and price. jr..20-tf GE BAILEY, PLI Inri l u Ptli n Vi limb arc • :41) OF p* and Hydrants, !superior to anti cheaper than any in the city. 11 and examine fur rfirsf fres i ltrzt sTnEET, triirrELD AND CllEThalr irips repaired. jaril-w6Szdy us As') OTHERS TO GARDE?i r for sale a tract of land about he city of Alleghen) between r road,, containing tole hun kabout di of uluch la dear. ..K1 at reduced pricey and nill y or divided into Lola to slut web enience to market it svou;d• c ition either for fariniug parr lor for Gardening. !Lots on a credit or ten yelrq. on Grant, Wylie, ?Alb, kets in the third ward of . the ioing, the New Court House. chase will find these lots ta health, convenience d, busi in the centre of the city. For . C. Cummins, or !I.IIA If B. FETT FIRM A N 'DONALD, Bill and Bran First street, near Market, is to make liras Castings and rks generally on the most e terms and shortest notice. es machinists and all thosi. ire him a call, as he is de irk in his line very low. !=IM3I removed to No 83, Wood 'below Diamond Alley, to the Clark & Cameron, where he .e and Retail Dry Goods Store, . from the Eastern Cities, is I 4.e1l selected stock of Goods, uglish and American cloths, limy of new style Cassimetes: Yetis, (a new style;) Oregon •t•ck of summer cloths of all ongs; also, a great variety of' • Pyramidical Graduates and variety of ,prints 6 to 26 cents 1 ior lot of white goods, consist :mask Plaid, Striped Cambric; 1 :1 and plain Mull; Swiss Lace t red and plain llobinets; black I k3lealtinl.,'infiegiumrd and striped; ; e bleachealiroN a vii • ; Marseilles Co unterpanes, a good supply of Umbrellas, • d Sunshades; a very large as len, and children's Hosiery; a . ..isle Thread nose and Gloves, • not enumerated. He would ormer customers and the pub nxamination of his stock, to `tke additions regularly, ' olllllCllevnle Rail Road ,rnpany. my Cemetery. ghoi SQNS desirous inetery are ret hindent on di, corner of Pi' !By order of thi of -pureliasing lots in this 7erred for information to the ie grounds, or to E. Thorn man and Hand streets Pitts Board. J. CHISLETT, •, , i... , .:H.•::..•..',. , ..,: - ,:- , .. ~,:‘,, • 7ip4;.:r'.- . ::::.:,, -, .;- > . . . ........ . _ , MEMZ63=EM Alitsurctilte tompaitics. The Franklin Fire Insurance mpany ( eP PHILADELPHIA: " CHARTER PHRPETUA L. 8400,000 paid in of- 1 fiat 164, Chestnut st., north side, near Fifth.— Take Insurance, either permanent orlimited, against loss or damage by fire, on property and effects of Over) , description, in town or country, on the most reasonable terms. Applications, made either per sonally or by letters, will be promptly attended to. C. N. BANCRER Prest. C. G. DANCES:a, Seey. . DIRECTORS: Charles N. Bancker, Jacob R. Smith, Thomas Hart, George W. Richards, Thomas J. Wharton, Mordecai D. Lewis, Tobias Wagner, . Adolphi E. Borie, Samuel Grant, David S. Brown. PITTSBURGH AGENCY. WA.Enrcx MARTIN, Agent, at the Exchange Office of Warrick Martin, & Co., corner of Third and Mar ket streets. Fire risks taken on buildings and their contents in Pittsburgh, Allegheny and the surrounding country. No marine or inland navigation risks taken. aug4-y. Piro and Matine Insurance. rplIE Insurance Company of .North America, of Philadelphia, through its duly atithorized Agent, the subscriber, offers to make permanent and limited Insurance on property, in this city and its vicinity, and on shipments by the canal and rivers. DIRECTORS. Arthur G.Collin,Pres 7 t. Samuel Brooks, Ales. Henry, Charles Taylor, Samuel W. Junes, Samuel W. Smith, . Edward Smith, Ambrose Whitei, John A. Brown - , Jacob M. Thomas, John White. John IL 'Neff, Thomas P. I.lope, nit:hard D. Wood, Wm. Welsh, Henry D. Sherrard, Ser.,y. This is the oldestlnsurance Company in the Uni ted States, hissing been 'chartered in 1794. Its char ter is perpetual, and from its high standing, long : experience, ample means, and avoiding all risks of: an extra hazardous character, it may be considered as offering ample security to the public. MOSES ATWOODk. At Counting Room of Atwood, Jones & Co.; Wa ter and Front streets, Pittsburgh. nct2.3-y. AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, New York.. rillllts ,vell known and respectable company in pre- I_ pared through their Prrrs'lulu; AGENCY, to make insurance of every kind connected with rinks of transportation and inland navigation; to !USW° agitinq lons or damage by lire, Dwelling Houses, Warehouses, Buildings in general, Goods, Wares, and Merchandise; and every description of personal property on the most favorable terms. Applicationsfor insurance attended to without de • lay at the Lidice, No. 31 Water and 62. Front tits, by SPIILNGEN. lIARBAUGH At an Election held nt the office M N. V.; Stay Nth, the following named gentlemen s , i , ere 1:11"seu Directors of this Company, for the ensuing year, viz: Joseph W. Sa% age, Stephen 110 It. John Browner, John ,McChaiii, William G. Ward, Wm. W. tamptitil, John Newhouse, Jacob Miller, William S. Sk/CIIIII; Marctoi Spring, John F.Machic, Joseph S. Lake, Amt at a sithsequent incelionvad the Board, JO !!ii.:P II W. SAVAGE, Er 1., naio unitottluowly re-elec ted Prcontinnt fur the ciouting year. %V 31..):011"..S BOGGS, Sec...Lary. au I 1 y. FIRV. INSC RANCE CO:OANy or it Pit.lad el plua--Chartc r paid in. Office in Philadelphia, N. 72 ‘Valuilt street—Win. I)art.lson, T'ren't{ Fre,lerick Fraley. See'''. This old and elitAbli.he./ Company con tinues to insure Hnilditera, ATerellantlize, Furnitnre, and Property, not of an extra Itatardoui character, Againat lot-. or ilaina;;;e Vac. Apphcationu for Inaurances to l'ilLshitz,th an,! neighlairlooel Inn receive.), amd ranks taken miller perpetually W . for lifllitta 11 , ,, , 11P, on 1.11, Lira- We tcrins, by COCHRAN. Agent, tlcc:.ll No. 26, Wood btro.-ct. El=l . 1 / 4 enti at Pitts.hargh, for the Delqw+vehull S.:frru Insur.a.tce Out/Yang of Phita