The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, September 30, 1846, Image 3

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J. Hanna, G. Weyman, T. S. Clark
Prepared and Corrected every Afternoon.
PORT , OF PlTTsistr4Col.
• , ARRIVED, ,
Consul, Bowman, Brownsville..
Louis M'l,ane, Bennett, Brownsville.
Arrow, Atkinson, Beaver. •
Oneota, Gorden, Beaver.
Aliehigan, Boies, Beaver. •
Dispatch,Nelson. Monongaheli city.
Diligence, Berry, Cincinnati.
America,'Calhoun, Cincinnatti.
Ranesville Packet, Herd, Zanesville.
.Oneota, Gordon, Beaver.' •
Oneota, Gordon, Beaver.
:.Arrow, Atkinson, Beaver.
Louis McLane, Bennett, Brownsville.
Consul, Eicrxman; Brownsville.
,Dalesi..l3eaver. • . .
Dispatch:Nelson, Monongahela city.
•Pioneer Poe; Cincinnati.
- Mary:4, Dennison,- : Cincinnati.
. ' The Lci -'— iiisville Democrat of the 25th, says: Last
evening at 6 o'clock, there were 3 feet 4 inehess
water at the month of the canal.
The St. I.ouil Union of the 21st inst. says: The
wiather l o s quite leasant, and propitious to out.
door business, bUt the rivers are +erylow, and the
amount of produce coming fe - riN' , ard exceedingly
lirpited. -- thellllinois river, from 19 to 20 inch=
es arc reported•ob the principal bars; on the• Lower
RitiOsttbout : tire, fee, in the Missouri river, from
Weston down,tfuec feet six inches,-and from this
point to Cairo, y'ry scant Eve feet
following. coropa i ti
preduetkof the in,
New Orleans; fr.
Septeinber, - 1843,
lots of the New t
lief' of tables.whi
their "innunl Sta
youcr. •Tfa IsTsnroa.—The
son of the value of the principal
'tenor, received at .the port of
m the 31st August to the Ist
I •
nd IS4G,- is compiled by the edi-
I rleans Price Current, from a se_
h they have yearly prepared for
• .ent' •
. . . $33,716,256 $23,501,712
10,265,750 9,000,000
- . I 4,144;562 3,697,390
3,770,932 2,131,248
: . 3,666,054 2,651,172
. . 2,729,381 1,767,211
. .. 1,9.82,087 1,627,911
1,710,000 1,260,000
. 1,671,855 906,970
. 1,556,181 404,933
.. . 936,832 • 781,208
. • 807,572 . 129,518
• 917,710 1,113,240
. . 680,784 233,576
.... 309,800 462,740
. . 255,051 338,000
• . 203,590 127,216
213,810 66,163
... 135,493 147,329.
. . 131,400 105,315
`460,387 - 80,652
• . 147,651 70,000
. -148,590 133,926
. ... 115,175. 133,070
. . 202,039 100,983
Sagas ...
Tobacco -
F10ur.... ...... .
Molasses. 1
Wheat.. > : . : ..-.1
Beef... .... . . . . 1
Hemp. 2.... I
Bile. Rope_ ....
H a y .1
Hides.. .. . .
Coal; . ... ... . '
Stires. -
Other" articles ..
• enumerated...
$77,103,464 $57,299,122
...... 60,094,716
Total in 1843-4
" 1.8424
" 1841-4
without exception, the most valuable ,prepartion to
use for the above diseases. At converts HOOPING
COUGH jutcra mild and...tractable disease, and shor
tens its,dt&ion snore than one-half, and produces
a certain and speedy recovery. From half to one
tea spoon full will certainly cure the CROUP in in
fants and young children in half an hour's time.—
The lives of hundreds of children will be saved an
nually, by keeping it always on hand ready for eve
ry. emergency. Prepared at No. 8, South Third
Street, Philadelphia.
For sale in Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TEA STORE,
72 Fourth street, near Wood, and also at the Drug
Store of IL P. Schwartz, Federal street, Allegheny
City. ' sop 23.
Dr OW TO GET Rip - Ok%'A GOITRE.—Many
1 - 11 persons filbor tinder the, mistaken idea that
Goitre (an enlarge-Meet on the throat, producing
great deformity, and; often, death, from „ pressure on
t i .
the wind-pipe and large blood vessels,l is incurable.
Thin is a . very great mistake. This disease, as well
as Scaorvs.A , are eradicated f m the systerri by that
pleasint, yet powerful medicmeottymes ALTERA
vivor it is as certain to care when properly used,
as that thosim gives light an heat. . All is wanted
is a fair trial °tilt vittltes and the tumor will begin
to diminish in size, and grlduafty become smaller and
sMaller until it entirely disappears. Prepared at No.
8 South Tittko street, Philadelphia.
For sale in Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TEA STORE,
72 Fourth street, near Wood and also at the Drug
Store of H. P. Schwartz, Federal street, Allegheny
City. . i sep 23.
.1. Crawford,
. zees of Pittsburgh and I
street, opposite the &c/
se tl9-annt*
James Blakely,
OFFICE err-Penn et. Oppo '
packotline office. - Odic I
A:, M., to 8 o'Clpck P., M.
hooks for Ladles.
AIRS. SIGOURNEY'S Letters to young ladies;
In Miss Jewsburg , s Letters to the young;
Miss Chapone's Lettere; 1
Knapp2s Female Biography;
Miss Leslie's Pencil Sketches;
Mrs. Shelley's erninen French . Writers;
• The Life of Woman
' Mrs. Ellis's Prose Wri ings;
" •s .Irish Dirl;
. The. Sinless_ Child, by Irs. Seba Sniith;
Poems of ` Lucretia M. Davidson;
Library of Female Po ts;
L. E.-L. Complete;
Bridnka Bremers - Writings, &c., &cr
Far sale by 11. 6 BOSWORTH fk . co,
sepl6 . No. 43 Matket st.
Close Bo'
AUTHORS --Virgil, Hora c, Cicero, Cmsar, Sal
lust, Homer, Latin Less . ns, Prose Composition,
and Latin Versi6cation, Gra Majaray Minora, c.!Ho
race'and Virgil Delphina s , reek and Latin Lexi
cons and Grammars, 4-c.
For sale by H. S. B SWORTH & CO.,
sepl6 . . - 1 43 Market street.,
Flue Building Lots la the Fifth Ward
at Auctton. ,
A .
T 3 o'clock, P. M., on Saturday the 3d day of
October next, on the remises, will be sold
without reserve; -
Eight Lots; fronting on Pc n street, opposite Dr.
Shoeuberger'S; the corner Loon Adams street being
221 feet by 100, the others 2) feet front by 100 back
to Spring alley. . .
Also, five Lots, fronting on Liberty street, oppo
site the new Catholic churn , each 20 feet by 160
back to Quarry street, with everal frame buildings
thereon. Title indhiputabl ,
Terms--; Cash or an approved endorsed note . at
4 months with interest, and theimaidue in three an
nual payments with interest For • further innarma
than apply to Michael Allen or Jame. S. Craft.
se i 23 . JOHN D. DAVIS, Altair.
REFTNED BORAX-1 Cre,just received•and for
gale by - •
se .23 ' H YS & BROCKWAY.
REFONCED CAMPHOR—tI Barrel, just received
and for sale low for cash. -
sep23 HAYS & BROCKWAY. _
ASTOR OIL-1 Bbl., fo sale by
43•3 .23 - HAYS & BROCKWAY
SPANISH WHITING-1A Bble.,just received an
for sale by
se, 23 - HAYS & BROCKWAY.
COPPERAS--28 . 8b15., fe l t sale low by
LIVE 0r.,-;-.1 Bbl, for isle by
4ep23 • - 2 'TT Y 8 & BROCKWAY.
G LITE-4 lIble:, for sale by
nep23• AYS & lIROCKWAY.
• ~ - -
. TURPENTINZ-5 fibli, for side by
sep23 , 'NAYS Er:BROCKWAY.
' ' • .
Fecal Medic al College or Pitnodal.
THE Axel annual course of lectures in this instinri
:beLopened , ..Monday;the twelfth
day of next, (the second Monday in October,)
and will bel continued until the end of the ensuing
C. C. VAN WICK, M. D.—Principles and practice
of Snigeryk • • • "
NEEREDIV CLYMER, M. - D.—Princiiles and
practice of edicine. - -
ics and Therapeutics. . <' -
DAVID HUNTER , TUCKER, 341' , D.-Ohstcricks
and diseaneti of women and children., '
• LEVIN S• JOYNES, M. D.H-Physiology and legal
Medicine. . •
JAMES B..ROGERS, M. D.--General and Organic
Chemistry. •
JOSEPH iLEIDY, M. D.—Demonstrator of An
The Franklin Medical College was incorporated
in the Legislature of Pennsylvania, •by
. an act ap
proved 2StliJenuary,lB46;and is authorised by sec
tion third 'O4 its charter, "to grant the degree of Doc
tor of Medibine to any such persons as shall possess
the qualific4tions now usually required of candidates
in otheiMedical Colleges ih this State."
For each course of lectures, $15,00
Marticulatiqn fee, to be paid once only, 5,00
Diploma fbe , 10,00
Additioni information respectidg the course of in.
struction, o other matters connected with the Facul
ty, can be dbtained upon application;personally, or
by letter, to 3.31. BIDDEE, M. D.,
Dean of Boil Faculty, corner of Quince and
Spruce stredts, Philadelphia. mar 11
Vl' RE MG, No. 64 . Memoirs and tstiays, il
lustrative o Art ) Literature and Social • Mbrals, by
Mrs. James n.
No. 65 all 66. Travels in Italy, Spain and Portu
gal, with a °reunion to Alcobeca and Batalla, by
William Behtford. • •
N0..67 and 68. Hochelaga, or England in the New
World, edit by Eliot Warburton', Esq., author of
the Cream? and the Cross.
Wiley all Putnam's Library of American Books,
No. 17 and 8. Mosses &ern an'Old Manse, by Na
thaniel Hawthorn.
Altowanw incidents of Life and Adventure in the
the. Rocky Mountains; by an Amateur Traveller, edi
ted' by J. 'Watson Webb.
Lectures 1 0Women on Anatomy and Physiology,
with an appendix on Water Cure, by Mary S. Grove.
Greek-English Lexicon, by Henry George Liddell,
M. A., late Student ofChrist's Church, and now Head
of Westminster School, and Robert Scott, A. M.,
with corrections and Isdditions, and the insertion in
alphabetical order ofilhe proper names occurring in
the principal Greek Authors, by Henry Drisher, M.
A., Adjunct Professor of the Greek and Latin Lan- I
guages in Columbia College, New York.
The Trees of Ammiica, Native and Foreign, Picto-1
rially and BotanicallY Delineated, Scientifically and
popularly described, , iind illustrated by numerous len
gravings, by D. J. Br wne, author of the Silva Amer-I
icana. .
- Leontine, or the Nutt of Louis the Fifteenth, by
Mrs. Maberly, autho of "Melanthe," " Emily,"
" The Love Match," &c.
. The Statesmen of e Commonwealth of England,
No. 4. .1
Liv' 7.2 p.
iving Age,
Shakspeare, No. 10p, 110,111 and 112.
Chamber's Information for the People, No. 3.
Ellen Munroe, a sequel to the Life in London.
The above along with a numeious selection of
choice works just received and for 'sale at COOK'S
Literary Depot, S 5 Fourth street. sep2S.
Splendid Ilar*aln-.ll.Tinsa and Lot.
gatWE have fdr sale, a neat two story ; ,
brick - house, with finished basement, ri
Sault, if situate nnyilth street, near the new Court
Rouse. The house r new, containing seven'com
fortable Rooms, and will rent for $l5O per annum.
Price low and paymduts easy. Persons wishing to
see the boon and learn particulars, will please apply
sep9 Smithfield st. near sth.
- -
0,714,327 43,182,535
Blakely and Mitchell,
Offices on Pinn and Smithfield sta.
AGENTS for the ,bld Black Ball Line Of Liver
pool and Diewl York Packets.
Remittances made as usual to England, Ireland,
Scotland and Wales) in sums of one pound sterling
and upwards--payable in any town of importance
in Great Britain anditreland.
Persons wishing to send for their friends can have
them brought out by the above splendid line, on the
15th and 16th of an month. jy7
VSNEERS AND ; VARNISHES, of the very best
quality, fur sale at 11. 11. ItYAN'S Cabinet
Ware Rooms, N 0.31 Fifth street. jyl6
Homer's Odyssey.
triHE Odyssey of llorner, - according to the text of
j_ Wolf; with note's; for the use of Schools and
Colleges: by John J.,Owen, Principal of the Corneli
us Institute. For sale by LUKE LOOMIS,
sep7 (Jdurnal copy.) Ag't.
A of Xenophon, according to the text of L. Din
droff; with notes; forthe use of schools and colleges,
by J. Owen, Principal of the Cornelius Institute; for
sale by .- :1 LUKE LOOMIS, Agent.
sop y 7 Journal copy.
i ,1 ,
proprietor is obliged to manufacture them on a more
extensive scale than heretofore, and by a great im
provement in his machinery, can, make them much
faster and with lest labor, consequently less ex
pense, which enables him to- sell 40 pills to the
box. instead of thirty as heretofore. As a Spring
Purifier, these pills liave no equal, and for purify
ing the' blbod, and phrging and cleansing the stom
ach and bowels, they are the; safest, best, and
most efficacious in existence. If pills are necessa
ry at all, Dr.Leido Blood Pills.will effect all that
can lie effected by' any known' ills in the world,
for all the virtues that can be combined in pills
are contained in them, and their established repu
tation is the best proof of it. No other Pills are
I known to contain 1 Sarsaparilla in them. and all
other Pills called by names nearly similar, are
manufactured only , , with a view to sell them on
the reputation of the true kind genuine DR.
BLOOD PILLS, the first and Original introduced
by such name. : i
Be cautious, therefore; ask fdr and take no oth.
ers, and you will not be deceived in their effects,
whilst if you take' of the spurious, or imitations, i
you will not only ,be deceived by their effects;
which are ofttimes serious and dangerous, but de
ceived out of yowl money alsoi
Male and female young afid old,t can fake them
at all times, in all diseases, without change of liv
ing, restraint from occupation, or fear of expo
sure to all weather-...containing - neither mercury,
t i
1 3.
minerrds, nor any 'ingredient w atever that is un
friendly or dangerous to the constitution. Try
them, try them; if their effects o not confirm the
foregoings their cast will be ref ncled by Df. Leidy
upon sktisfaetorylevidence of i
For sale by B. A. FA NESTOCK & CO..
corner Sixth and Wood stratr trito are the only
Agents for Pittsburgh. _ . my2O-d&w ,
is services to the citi
vicinity. Office, St.
ange Hotel.
.ite IL Leech & Co's.,
hours from 7' o'clock
ew its.o • 0.. t
At. No. 02 Market street, Simpson's Rend,
A.. A. MASCiN;
IS now in receipt of and is
i tonstantly receiSitig
new DRY GOODS of every escription, Dom the
eastern. Manufacturers and Importers, to which he
calls the attention of the publie, 62 Market at,
libii toric Plano' Plortis,
JOM; MEL LOR No. 81 Wood street (between
Diamond alley and 4th street) has received and
for sale three new, Piano Forte from the manufac
tory of A. H. gale' 'St Co,, succ seers to the “New
York. Manufacturing Company, which will be sold
at the same price as iu New .Y , Ir. city, adding only
the pried of transportation ,
The quality of these Pianos is now so well known,
and established, that it is not tmnsidered necessary
to state wherein their superiority ever others con
sists, those who are desitous or purchasing can be
fully satisfied,astoAbe quality of tone and workman
ship, by calling on 'the subscriber, The patterns of,
these Pianos arc , and snob as are now'
fashionable in New York city. •
_... They will be sold for cash or on a moderate credit
fin' approved endorsed paper.
sep 18 I 81 Wood street.
USSENSES-10 Grose, for stile by
eop23 N 0.2, Commorciitil Row, Liberty et.
W anted, for:
00(1 LBS coarse bagg - ;
which I will pay 1
livered at my store Si Wood etr
in Virgin Alley, between Woo
• Jfi •
sep2l •
g in large pieces, for
cents per.pound, de
et, or at'my iag room
k and Smithfield.
. 11. ".1 1 .1R11.011,
81 Wood street.
For -C4tchmati.
THE splendid _ new and light drought
passenger Steamer SENATOR, Capt.
Wiltletivefor the above and all interrnedi,
ate ports,, regularly. For freight or passage apply
on board. , rie
For Cincinwiti. .
Li fimi The new light dratight.packet steam
er CALIFORNIA; Captain Hunter, will
er. , , , (r lllll ± ll ll ll.l ttie above and all intermediate ports this
day, regularly. . ,
For freight or passage - apply On hoard, or Id
J. W..BUTLER & - BRO., Second s't.
The California Was built eipressly for the above
trade, and will make her trips regularly. duringlthe
season. augls
POr. Cllnol
uscrux,Als PACTI ET
e. 5; THE new and light draught passenger
.- ---aQ•4 * steamer WESTERN , Capt. BAKER,
w* cave for the abo.e and all intermediate ports
regularly. The Western draws but 12 inches, nd
was built expressly to run in the trade during Ithe
low water season. •
For freight or passage, having superior accommo
dations, apply on board. jyl's
The new and splendid passenger steam
. --2".14: , `" er TONNALEUKA, Capt. J. E. Moody,
w 1 run in the trade from Pittsburgh to Louisville,
during the season of 1846.
The Tonnaleuka was built expressly for the de,
and is elegantly furnished in every respect.
Forfreight or passage apply onboard. m 22
The well known fast running stea ii mer
CA3113/11A, W. Forsyth, Master, will n
as a regular Packet, leaving every Wednesday morn
ing at 10 o'clock) and Wheeling, at 10, P. M.,lthe
same day. Retarding, she will leave Cincinnati
every Saturday) at 10, A. M.
For freight or passage apply on board) or, to
FORSYTH& Co., Agents, 1
No. 30, Water streel.
ap 16
The new and splendid passenger steam
er TOM CORWIN, Capt. Rueter, Will
run in the trade front Pittsburgh to St. Louis, Will
the season of 181 G.
h,Ailt expressly fort}
The Torn Corwin, was built expressly for he
trade, and is elegantly furnished in every respet.
For freight or passage apply on board.
may 10.
itMit, The new and splendid passengeietegm
er BRUNETTE, Capt. Perry, will ruri in
e trade ii 0132 Pittsburgh to St. Louis, during i the
season of 1846.
The Brunette was built expressly for the trade,
and is elegantly found in every respect.
For freight or passage apply on board. aplfl
For Cincinnati and St. Louis T.
The . passenger steamer PALESTINE,
Capt. Williams, wili leave for the abiive
an intermediate ports regularly.
For freight or passage apply on board. jef/. '
For Cincinnati and Louisville.
The new and splendid passenger stein).
er COLUMBIA, O'NEAL, Master, ivill
cave for the above and intermediate ports, regular.
For freight or passage apply on board, or to
jot . D. WILKINS, Agen
Tuesday Evening Packet.
The new and splendid passenger steiirn
. boat DECLARATION, Capt. Vorhees,
will run asa regular packet between Pittsburgh nnd
Cincinnati, leaving this port every Tuesday everting
at 3 o'clock. Returning she will leave Cincinnati
every Friday evening at 3 ,c7clock.
The Declaration offers superi" icommodatlor
eperior act .nmo.. .
to passengers. For freight or passage apply! on
board. jet
Itg The regular mail aril passenger steamer
MONON'GAIIELA, Capt. Stone, will un
as a regutar Packet between Pittsburgh and Cincin
nati, leaving this port every Monday at 10, A. M.,
and Wheeling at 10, P. M., the same day. RetUrn
ing, she will leave Cincinnati every Thurtsday, at 10,
A. M.
For freight or passage apply on board.
The Monongahela was built expressly for this
trade, and offers to they passengers comfort, and su
perior accommodations,. . mar 31
THE regular mail and pasenger steam
e r UNION, captain Maclean, will run as
a regu ,r packet between Pittsburgh and Cincin
nati, leaving this port Monday at r, o'clock,
P. M. Returning she ;will leave Cincinnati every
Thursday at t P. M.
The Union was built expressly for this trade_
and affords every accOmmodation.
For freight or passaie apply on born!. mayfi
THE regular mail and passenger steam
*er HIBERNIA, Capt. John Klincfclter,
wi riUn as a regular packet between Pittsburgh and
Cincinnati, leaving this port every Tuesday at 10 A.
M., and Wheeling at I 0 P. M. of the same day.—
Returning, sho will leave Cincinnati every Fritts) , ni
10 A. M.
For freight or panne apply on board.
The Hibernia was ;built expressly for the trade,
and offers to the passengers every comfort and su
perior accommodations. apt
-ieESTIM re.
Iter NEW
wilrinu iter a regular p
Cincinnati, leaving thi
A. M., and Wheeling - 1
Returning, ahe will It
at,lo A. M.
ar mail and passengernteani
,SGLAND, Capt. S. B. Page,
cket between Pittsburgh and
port every Wednesday at 10
at 10 P. M. the same day.—
, ye Cincinnati every Saturday
!c apply on board.
° As built czpressly for this trade
tigers every comfort and sure.
mar 26
For freight or llama!'
The New England - ,
end olrert to the panne
Jior accommodations.'
THE ne
IVI. E. Luc:
ar passenger packet
above port (luring the
Thursday at 10 o'cloc
g. Mail steamier ACADIA,
s, Master, will run in a regu.
r between Pittsburgh and the
season of 1846, leaving every
A. M.
and has superior accommoda
passage apply on board, or to
Tho Acadia is new
tions. For freight or
ap9 3.
THE reu
Zidger CUM'
run as a regular paekt
burgh, leaving dill p
and Wheeling at 10
she will leave Cincirti
A. M.
For freight or passge apply on board.
The Clipper No. 2 was built expressly fur this trade.,
cnd offers to her passengers every comfort and me.
aommodation. mor23
ular mail and passenger steam
DR No. 2, Captain Crooks, will
• t betweenCineinnati and Pitts.
,rt every Priday at 10 A. M.,
M. the same day. Returning
ati every Monday at 10 o'clok,
The reg .lar mad and passenger ateamet
CIRCASS AN, Capt. Isaac Bennett, will
run as a regular P. ket between Pittsburgh and
Cincinnati, leaving this port every Saturday, at 10,
A. M., and Wheeling at 10, P. M., the Battle day.
Returning, she will leave Cincinnati every Tuesday,
at 10, A. M.
For freight or pctsige dpply bbaid.
The Circassian wad built expreasly for this triide,
and offers to her p angers every comfort and ac
commodation. ,; mar 23
The reg ilar mail arid rassenger steamer
MESSEN ER, Capt. Lanford, will run as
a regul ar acket bet ten Pittsburgh and Cincinnati,
leaving this port eve y Saturday at 10, A. M,, and
Wheeling at 10i P. M., the same day. Returning,
she will lento Cincinnati every Ttiemlay, at 10
o'clock, A. M.
For freight or passage apply on board:
The Messenger was built expressly for this trade,
and offers to her palsengers every comfort and ac
e:ommodation: mar 2g
tioia rem,
JUST RECtIVE.O.--Anothor laige addition to mz
stock of Diamond pointed Gold lima 6f the
but Makers and fin. idle at the , loiliert ptites:
Alio—A large assOrtmentof Gold and Sii,et Pen
tile, Tooth and Ear Pieka,Tweetersi &e. Iced
jog . 87 Market at/
INNgviS 111E6LOGY.—Ledtures on System-
F i
atie Theology, embracing te Mt etered Moral
Government, togeth r with Atonement, Moral and
Physical Depravity Regeneration, - Philosophical
Theories and F.videces of Regeneration; by Rev.
Charles G. Finney, Professor of Theology in the
Oberlin Collegiate i stitute. Just received and for
sale by Devi i] , LURE LOOMIS, Agent.
OBACCO.-75 large and 9d small boxes tilissou.
ri tobacco, of prime quality, just received on
consignment, and will be sold cheap for cash, or
Pittsburgh manufactures.
august 18 TAUPE Br, O'CO4NE&,
By, the ,. Presittent,ot.-the Bulled States;
IN pursuance of law; I, JAMES K. POLS,
President, of the United States of 'America, do
hereby declare and make known, that public sales
Will be held at the Undermentioned Land Offices in
the Territory of lOWA,: at the periods hereinafter
designated, to: wit:.
At the Office at DUBUQUE, commencing
on Monday, the twenty-third_. ; day of November
next, for the disposal of thepublic :lands within
the undermentioned townships, to wit:
North Of the base line and rest :of the fifth principal
Townships eighty-seven and eighty-eight, of
TownshiPs eighty
-four l eighty-five, eighty-six,
eighty-seven; and eightylight, of range twelve.
Townships eighty-four, eighty-five, eighty-six,
eighty-seven, and eighty-eight, : of range thirteen.
Townships eighty-four and eighty-five of range
fourteen... -
At the Land Office at lOWA CITY, the site de
signated by the President, under the act of eighth
August, 1846, for the office of the lowa district,
commencing on Monday, the thirtieth day of No
vetnber nest, for the disposal of the public lands
within the undermentioned'towaships, to wit
North of . .the base line and west of the fifth principal
Townships eighty-two and eiglity-three,otrange
twelve. '
Townships eighty, eighty-one, o, and
eighty-three, of range thirteen.
Townships eighty-one, eighty-two, and eighty.
three, of range fourteen.
Townships seventy-Seven and seventy-eight, of
range sixteen.
Sections one to six inclusiie, the northeast quar
ter of section seven, sections eight to-fifteen inclu
sive, the northeast quarter of section seventeen,
the north half of section twenty-two, sections'
twenty-three, twenty-four, and twenty.five, the
northeast quarter of section twenty-six, and the
northeast quarter of section 'thirty-six, in township
seventy-six; and townships seventy-seven, and se
venty-tight, of range seventeen.
The north half of section one, in township seven
ty-six; township seventy-seven . , except sections
nineteen, twenty, twenty-eight, twenty-nine thirty,
thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty,three, thirty-four, and
the southweepluarter of section thirty-five,) and
township seventy-eight, -of range eighteen.
At the lamb office at FAIRFIELD, commencing
on Monday, the seventh day of December next, for
the disposal-Yr the public lands within the under
mentilitreU. townships and parts of townships, viz:
North . of the 4se line and west of the fifth principal
Townships stsknty and serenty-one; township
seventy-two, (except section one, the , north half
nd southeast quarter of section two, the northeast
quarter of section three, and the north half of sec- ,
non twelve;) the west half of section eighteen, sec
tion nineteen, the southwest quarter of section
twenty, sections twenty-ninei thirty, thirty-one,
and thirty-two, and the west half and southeast
quarter of section thirty-three, in township seventy.
three, of range sixteen.
Townships seventy, seventy-one, and seventy
twoi township seventy-three, (except the north
half and southeast quarter of section one. and the
northeast quarter, of section twelve) the south
half of section twenty-nine, the south half of sec
tion thirty, sections thirty-one thirty-two, thirty
three, the west half and southeast quarter of sec
tion thirty-four, and the southwest quarter of sec
tion thirty five, in, township seventy-four, of range
Townships seventy, seventy-one, seventy-two.
and seventy-three; the south half of section five,
sections six, seven and eight, the southwest quar
ter of section nine, the southeast quarter of section
fifteen, sections seventeen, eighteen, nineteen,
twenty. twenty-ohe, and twenty-two, the south
west quarler of section twenty,-three, and sections
twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty
eight, :twenty-nine, thirty, thirty-one, thirty-two,
thirty-three, thirty-four, thirty-five and thirty-six,
in township severity-four, of range eighteen.
Lands appropriated by law for the use of 'schools,
military, or other purposes, Will be excluded from
the sale.
The sales will each tie keptopetfor two weeks,
(unless the lands; are sootier disposed of) and no
longer, and no private e 'grim of lend in the town
ships co offered, mill be admittted moil alter the
expiration of two weeks from the commencement
of said sales.
Given under my hand, at the City of Washington,
this fourteenthdav of August, Arum Domini one
thousand eight hundred and forty-six.
By the PreWent: JAMES K. POLK.
ism Es. H. Paimn,
&t ins. Coltunissioner of the Geacral Land Office.
Every person entitled to the right of pre-emption
to an lands within the townships Rho% e'enumera
tc-d, is required to establish the same to the satis
faction of the Register and Receiver or the proper
Land Office, and poke payment therefor, us soon as
practutride ripet seeing this notice, and before the
day appointed for the commencement of the public
sale of the landS embracing the tract claimed; oth
erwise such claiiti will be forfeited.
driigg Cotoolixsi'viter of the Genera! Land Office.
aug•?.s.llV I
}AV BOOKi4-3ust received at COOKS', S 5,
Fourth st. i Archibald' erner, or the Brother's
Revenge, a romantic talc, by Chas. Spindler.
The Widoni's Walk, or the Mystery of Crime, by
The Sicilian Vespers, or the White Cross of St.
Luke, by Dennis, Ilannig,an.
The .Algerine nil other tales, by Harry Danforth.
JUNTIIiIC Libr ry No. 1. Mother Goose by Law
rence Lovechitt , with eight splendid illustrations
from original deigns try Dailey.
Living Age, No. 122, American Review, Demo
cratic Review add Fanners Library for September,
along with II numerous assortment of new works, just
publishetl and fur sale at Cook's Fourth st.
TION is the only medicine that will qure'this so
eery common and troublesome. disease. It not
only immediately allays inflammation, stops all
bleeding, subdues that - tntolerable itching, but ef
fectually cures, in a very short time,personti whose
lives have been rendered miserable for years. Its
application produces no pain, but rather an agree
able and pleasant sensation. If persons afflicted
will only call and hear of the great number of ca
ses that have been cured, they will be astonished.
A gentleman of this city, who had been under the
knife of the surgeon two or three times, without
being cured, hari, by using two bottles of this Ern
, Grum:ion, beta radiCally card! It stile bt , yond all
all Diseases of the skin, particularly those that are
attended with disagreeabloandtroublesomeitching,
are readily tilted by anointing the parts effected,
night and morning; with it Often quantity of Dr.
Jackson's Embrocation. Astonishing cures have
been effected by this medicine. For sale by Dr.
D. Jayne, Nog Sonth Third 'st., Philadelphia.
For sale in Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TEA STORE,
72 Fourth street, near Wood, and also at the Drug
Store of If. P. Schwartz, Federal street, Allegheny
City. aug2S-cl
BEDSTEADS—Mahogany, Birch, Maple, Cherry
and Poplar high and low post bedsteads al
ways on hand and fur sale low at the Furniture
warehouse of T. B: YOUNG do Co,
jog 31 Hand et.
COTTON—A few bales of Mississippi Cotton, for.
sale low by GEORGE COCHRAN, „
jy2 No. 26 Wood st.
LMID OlL.—Premium oil of Cincinnati maim
facture for sale by GEORGE COCHRAN.
AND CRUCIBLES - 100 No: 20 Wood at.
_ .
SALES -100 nests pat received and
for sato by B. A. FAHNESTOCK. 8: CO.,
sep9 corner oth and Wobd sta.
FOR SALE- 6 A smell assortment of Window Sash
and glans to suit; Purple, and Yelldw Carpet
Chain; Tubs; Churns; Buckets; Keelers; Itelf Buol
and Peck Measures; Bed Cords; I bbl. orgrod Plas
ter Paris; tO great gross cheap Matches, and a retail
stock of School BoOks; Letter and 'Writing Paper,
Slates end . Pencils. Papeetind texpet'Rags bought.
• I. HARRIS; Agt; and Crum Merchant,
sep,9,B4t. No. i 2, St. Mit at.
• Lath it it 1114110 ed Pr!oe4
subscribers are agents of the Monerrgalielal
T Lath Company.. They will be supplied constant
ly with Lath which they will be enabled to sell at at
reduced price and of as good qualityae has hereto•
fore been offered in this market. Tbey invite a call
from Lumber Merchants and Plasterers.
Water apd Front qt:
• -
lr virtue of a precept wader the hands Of the
I) Hon. Benjariun Pattmi, jr., President-of - the
Court of Common Pleas inrand for the sth Judicial"
District of Pennsylvania, - dud Justice of the Court
of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery,
in and for said District, and William Porter and
William Kerr, 'Esquires, Associate Judges of "the
same courts, in and fot the said County of Alle
gheny, dated the 16th day •of 'May, hi the year of
our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-six,
and to me directed, for holding a Court`of Oyer
and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, at* the
Court House, in the city"of PittsbUrgh, on the.4th
Monday, of October next, at 10 o'clock, - A. M..
Public notice is hereby given to all Justices of
the Peace, Coroner and Conitables, of the County
of Allegheny; thatthby be then and there, in their
proper persons, with theirrolls, records,Pinquisi
tions, examinations, and tither remembrances, .to
do those things, which to their respective offices
in their behalf appear to be done—and also those
that wilt prosecute the prisoners that now are, or
may be in jail of said county of Allegheny, to! be
then and .there to'prosecute against them as shall
be just.
Gived under my band at Pittsburgh, this 15th
day of September, in the year of our Lord 1846,
and of the Commonwealth the 68th.
septls. ELIJAH TROVILLO, Sheriff:
THE subscriber is now receiving a large and fine
recently purchased from the manufacturers and im
porters, in the New York and Philadelphia Markets,
since the greatfcal in prices, and will be sold twenty
per cent cheaper than the same description of Goods
were ever before offerred in this markett. All those
wanting great bargains are requested to call at No.
• 5 Market street.
New Dress Gingham'.
WE have now on hand a full assortment of beau
tiful French aad Scotch dress Gihgbams, twil
led and plain at remarkable low prices. Also, an
article of e mbroidered Ging/mut—very beautiful' for
Dresses, for sale by AIISALOM MORRIS,
sepls No. 65 Market street:
Six Cases New Fall Prints.
JUST RECEIVED this day, embracing all the
new and desirable styles in the market; and will
be sold at greatly reduced prices by
No. 65 Market st.
Lady's Dress Silks
lAECEIVED this day, several packages of very
, rich new style Persian—embossed Ofribri, Bro
cade, Chamelion, Striped, Plaid and Poult de Soic,
and Black Satin, Striped Armour Dress Silks, and
will be sold cheap for Cash, by
sepl3 N 0.65 Market st.
Cashmeres and De Lames
JUST RECF,IVD, a beautiful assortment of new
style Paris printed, Ombri shaded, Rep Corded
and plain CasbutFres and Mains, and for sale by
sepls No. 65 Market street,
ALARGE and splendid assortment of rich and
magnificent SHAWLS, just received this day
enibracingall the new and desirable styles viz: Pans
Printed Terkeri,Cashmere and Brocha, Embroidered
Black and Mode colored Silk, Fringe, Thibliet and
D'Laine, Chamelion Plaid, and Striped Silk, Merino,
and Persian, Plaid, Silk and Worsted, together with
a great variety of Woollen Shawls, and will be dis
posed of at a small advance on the Original cost,
septa No. 65 Market st.
Fall Goods. 'f; :-
AA. MASON, 62 Market street, hi t a just receiv
. ed and now opening, a large stock of Prints.
Brown and bleached niuslins, flannels, ticking, check,
stripes, chintzes, ginghams, cashmere and mous de
shawls, cassinetts, cassimeres, broad cloth &c..
all of which will be sold at exteremely low prices.
A -
A. MASON, 62 Market street, Simpson's row,
'invites the attention ofcountry merchants and
others; to his well selected stock of fall goods, which
is now 'opening. Selling only for cash, we can offer
such advantages to purchasers as are seldom posses
sed by those who'sell on the credit system. sepl6
A. MASON, 62 Market street, has just rec>d
another case of those blue and orange prints,
selling; at the price of 61 cts per yard sepl 6
Sherry W Ines.
ODOZ. Duff, Gordon 67.C0. , a brown Sherry Wines
10 do. do. do. pale do ,• do.
5 " Cortes do « "
together with a general assortment of other rich old
wines. For sale at the wino store of
seplS cor Market and Front sts.'
OLD PORT. NVINES—IM cases superior, Old NO
I_,/ Wine, for Invalids, for sale by the case or bot
tle at the wine store of STERETT 4- Co.
seplB 61 Market street, cor., Front.i
CLARET W Lti ES-20 cases •6St. Julien Medoci"
15 do. family Use and other brands. For sale,
low at the wine store of STERETT E. CO.,
seplB N0.„16 Market at. cor Front,
(A LD SHERRY BRANDY—Au excellent article
VI on draught for medicine or other purpoaca,for
site by STF.RETT & Co. ,
acplB cor.Market and Front.
----- _—__
'AST INDIA and Wine Bitters of delightful
:4 aroma, in bottles, and on draught, for sale at
sTk:RE•rr & Co.
cor, Market and Front.
the wine store of
FL01; R-25 bblir superfine family flour in store
r and for sale by
sep2 . 56 Wood street;
A. Twist Tobacco-19 kgs Va. tobacco, No. 1
V article, in storb and for sale by
. 56 Wood street.
130 T .A.SII-15 casks Potash, No. I article, on
11 hand and lor salt by
56 Wood at.
Wall Paper.
A SPLENDID assortment just received from the
1-1 East, of entire new Patterns. They can be
had very low at thii Wall Paper Store of
seg.:l4llm: Smithfield street.
10100 0 riEcrs of Glazed and Unglazed
Wail Paper; army own manufacture,
on hand and for Sale at the lowest market price'.
aug27.d ni Smithfield street'.
WIN DOW BLIND PAPER—one yard wide, for
sale by 1. SMELL`,
augl7. Serlithfield street:.
Musqueto Notts.
Ici EO. S. SWARTZ has on hand a lot of cbry au
peribr white and colored Muaqueto Netts
w rich will be sold cheap at No. 106 Market itreci.
jel 3
RECEIVED-Piir Canal Boat Great. Western
-100 pea Cherry SeantlingT-5:5 and 6:6-6600
Lights Window Saab suitable for the weetern trade,
12x16, 10x12 and S.llO. For sale by,
For Salo at Ott Wharf.
JUST received per Canal Boat
-10,000 feet inch poplar;
10,000 " aeasoned;
45,000 " 4.x4 scantliha.
L. WitietAittil
C _
ARTILE 80AP-10 caeca just received ,and for
sale by 13. A: FAHNESTOCK & - CO,
sep9 Ear; 6th and Wood at.
RE.FINE.I) lba just. received
and for sale by '
ae.9 eor: Bth and Wood eta
QUININE -100 ounCes just roceiv6d and for sale
se .11. corner of Bth and Wood sts.
BJAVA COFFEE, ground aid put up int
JO pound packages, received and for sale tit .the
Pzitin Tit S 0d±,12 Fourth atietit, nedr
1 Liird 01.1:
. .
AFEW barrels or. a superior alitx tbr sale' lciw
to close cousigrunebt; by : 1
se. 17 No. 28 Wood street
Nei* PasittoSied Rats,
. O F a very' superior quality, for sale by
corner of*ciod.aad Fitch sis.
received, a large addortident tiftkd abeiffa
tor sale at, .Ir,; lILITMES
sepB No. 112 Wood street,' 2nd door above ttb
WARDROBES--If yon:want to purchos•
V T • „good wardrobe cheap call at the furnit
warehonse Of: 'F. B, YOUNG: & CO,
jyl7 • 31.11entt
, George it. Wititb et, Cow
TVlLLldispose of their choice stock of Barages,.
VVI painted and Gingham Lawns., alitUnier Shawls
d,Scarfa, at reduced 'prices.' -
They will: OM dispose - of their entire steel of
Clotho) faitcy Cassinierez, and. Kentucky Jeans, at
original mast; as `they intend relinquishing this par . -
ticularbrahch of their business.
iY22-2m I (Chronicle please copy.)
I [lnteresting to Buyers.
inyite the attention of all who wish bar,
-11 gains to a fresh arrival of seasonable DiS ,
Goods, bought since the reduction of the Tariff, at
exceedingly low prices and will be sold accordingly.
No. 81, Market st.,le.'tween sth and the Diamond,
aug24-dlin. -
FiIHEMEANSOF PEACE.—A Sermon delivered
J_ in the 4 , , Third Presbyterian Church"..July 12,
by the Rey.D. lc:Riddle, and published by the re
quest ofthe Congregation. For sale by
aug24 . 301.114SON&STOCKTON.
mar. PROGRESS NATIONS.—An Essay on
1 the Progress of Nations, in Productive Industry,
Civilization,,Population and Wealth; illustrated by
statistics of, Mining, Agriculture, Manufactures,
Commgce, Revenues Banking, Internal Improve
ments, Mortality; Emigration and Population; by
Ezra C: Seaman. I
A few copica of the above work for sale by
corner of Market and 3d ats
Latiist Improvement. •
BEDSTEADS Of, different kinds with Gazzanes
iron patent fastenings, superior to anything now
in use, for sale IoW at the furniture warehouse of
'angl.f T. 18. YOUNG & Co, Hand street.
TABLES—Pier, Centre and Card Tables of differ
eat patterns. If you want a good article cheap
call at the Furniture Warehouse of
T. B. YOUNG & Co.
jc6 31 Habd et.
Wood Street Property. for Sale.
THAT desirable lot of ground at the foot of Wood
street; oCcupied at the time of the greet fire by
Messrs. King & Holmes, is offered for
Enquire of
Sugar and 'lllolasseti.
4MIDS. N. 0. Sugar, strictly prime
t , f25 bbls. Nos. 4 and 0-Loaf;
10 cases .Lovering's" D. IL Loaf Sugar
118 bbls N. 0. Molasses;
In store and for sale by
au:2s. 133 and 135 Wood street
Qnil BAGS Green Rio; part prime;
VI-Pa - 5 " -Old Government Java;
Arriving this day and for sale by
rpEAS--120 packages Y. H., Impl., G. P. and
-L Powehong, of late importations, arriving and
for sale by LAMBERT i& SHIPTON.
TOBACCO -10 bxs Hutehinsinis ss;
30 bxs Price & Harwood's ss.
10 " J. R. Grants 5s• 1 '
" Layton s ss; ,
55 " Is., 125., 10s., 3hs., Balt. plug, and
Ladies 'rwist; arriving this daY, and for'sale by
150 bbls No. 3 Lary's Mackerel
20 " = 3 North
1 0 44 44 1 44 64
20 " Herring (Allvriv)
5 " No. .1 Snlmon; in store and for
sate by
I ' Cotton. (
130 AL' '-missiB3'sPi Cotton,for sale by
. M. B. tHEY ,s; Co;
aug29. , •
Cotton 'Yarn, &c.
• .
45 000 LBS. assorted ; numbers long and
dhort reel Cotton Yarn. ' - • .
15,000 lbs. Carpet Chain.,
10,000 < 4 Cotton Twine.
190 Bales Com Mon Batting.
1100 4 , Extra family ,do.
For sale low to city or country trade, by
, - DI, H. RIIEY & CO.,
augls -I • .' - - ' '-: 57 Woodlitteel;:
ll° liegs dio. 1 six twist tobacco re
r ic. B ei DAl°— v e d C aila Por sale by
' , I DI. B. RHEY & CO,
sep2 I , No. 97 Water street.
ATINE AR-50 bbls cider vinegir iri store and for
V :alb by ; 31. 13. lIIIEY & CO..
sep2 .
40forBAL lIAIR, suitable for: Plasterers purposes,
4 s e by A. . I M. B. RIMY & Co.
~.; 4 &
01-- ---
LI) % LiZ LlQUORS—consisting of
Pot Wino: I ,
II adeira Wine; 1 . 1 .
l't alag,a do
R enish do;—ih half and quarter pipes,
and on <I u . ,, ht warranted pure;
P leßrandy, ofj different brands; '
rk . do, 1
1 • Rolland Gin, fine flavor;
P ach Brandy, years old;
Apple do, 4 do 'do
d Rye Whisk l tiy, S and U years old,
Part o the above Liquors from undCr eastern,
House ck, for sale in quantities to suit by
' 1 .
1 )y"01
1 Beigitts I SOgitr; t 1 •
i UST received from blew York; a large quantity
Vof II avanna and .flincipe Segars of the most
popular . d superior brands now in use. Also, an
excelle4 , article of cliwing. Tobacco and several
bales of .uperior Cuba T.eaf Tobacco for sale.
No. b j , Third street s l two doors froth th'!, Post
Office. 1
Li.S. Pitch:
" Rosin;
, Boxes TubaccO; rdlions sizes;
Seed leaf cigairs;
signment and Will be sold low fur Cash, or
for Pittsburg4 . manufactures, by
On co,'
SALINA. TABLE ALT-50 bags (small
.) very , fine &tibia Silt, fit for.table use and
roi /ale' lOw by P. C. MARTIN,
60 Water st.
I Barrels supii;or Crab Ci
for sale by . 1
GO Water street.
::eesleriiiins in good order,
GO, Water street.
>IN -1 6
r sl ale by
I DS Wicji. jF.D.--2 - 13edsteadnaakers,
2 Table makbrs,
8 handl till make other Cabinet ware,
need apply but first rate workmen.
(Journal and Chronicle copy.)
NS-75 BdxevLernons; for sale kery low,
*S-411 Missoeri Hides, for sale lot/ to close
-*--117 ocki Coin, for sale_ by ,
Lm _i
G AILETAL.—r ton §ciotoFurnneenig iron for
by (je26) JAMESMAY,
I 1 Nemr ilcioki: _
'JUST RECEIVED 7 4Ltritia rierof lineobii, Asia
ti nor; by Mric Bi Er 1.t . , Schneider, with an
, , •
essay the prospects nr the Heathen and' our duty
to the by Rev. B. SChtitider, and an - introdectio.
by 164. t. Heiner; A. , . M. Ildblished by Rev. Sanaa
Gateliti , Chambersburkh; 1846. For sale by .
10111 ' •I . . • 115 Wood at
s, for the naa of the German
h in the U . : S. Uf Ahierica, En
or sale by
115 Wood at.
• •fornWd Chit=
dd German. F
CUED BElrr..
Fnattention, oil
ck of.theee Gt
peor Set. Isla'
purchasers is invited to. our
Ind Shirting Almsling
44 ii
16-16 I
ft, t 41
S orage.
ING 'a very large and cominodioniware
oule, we, ate l prepared to receive (in addi
freight for ehipment) a large amount of Pro
c:on storage at low rates., . . .
Canal Basin.
Lon til
, IY2
Each box of GENUINE SUGAR. COATED PILLS has cram at F
atm 11110041PqrAalacl IAL
iiviattras ' 4 Hettr l taA , Na'Alla , AP'4 . . aa—.. I
AIL ...TAN, ow
. 4 , IAcU ' COVE;
PILLS are • the first and 'only Medicine over
knowdthat will porilibely cure
Headache, GiddirieW, BieaslOs; Salt Rheum,
Rheumatism, Piles, Heartburn; Worms,
Dispepsia, Scurvy, Cholera Sforbuir,
Small Pox, Jaundice, Coughs, Quihty, , •
Pains in the Back, Whooping Cosghl
Inward Weakness, Consumption, Eitsi -
Palpitation of the Heart, Liver Complaint,
Rising in the Throat, Erysipelas, Deafness,
Dropsy, Asthma,- Itchings of the Skin,
Fevers of all kinds, Colds, Gout, Gravel,
Female Complaints, Nervous Complaints,
And all other diseases originating from impurities ot
the blood., . .
Off- 'fluty have cured; slate their introductioni
over 2,000 persons, who have been given Op ah hopes -
less cases, by the most eminent Physicians.
i:0" . They are patronized and recoinhaendnd by
men of the highestdistinction, anon , ' whoin are=
lion. David It. Porter, Hon. Henry Clay;
Hon.lohn Q. Adams, Hon. Daniel Webistery -
Hon. - Martin Van Buren, • Hon. J. C: Calhoun, -
Gen. Winfield Scott, Col. R.M. Johnson,
Hon. James K. Polk, , Gen. Letvis Cate. '
0:7; Their virtues are so infallible that the Money , • -
will be returned in all cases they do not give eleven
sal satisfaction. Although but two and a ball-years
have elapsed since these celebrated Pills were first
introduced to the patine, the sale of theta , ifs' thrk
Eastern and middle States has fir exceeded Dri
Clickener's most sanguine expectations. During
past year, alone, no less than 10,000 gross of Mixed -
hame been sold in the State of New York, G;000 id
Pennsylvania ; 4,000 in Maryland, 3,000 in New Jeo
say, 2,000 in Delaware, and 9,000 ih the_New England
States, requiring the constant enaployinent of 21
hands, elusive of printers and eng6vern. th the
same - period, upwards of 200,000 copies bf the
“Familit. Doctor" have-been ordered by agents it .
every section df the country. Thebb facia must
show, conclusively, that Dr. Clickehbes Sugar Coat.:
ed Pills, besides being the very best medicine m thtl
world, are held in the highest estimation by the public.
We might extend this publication to an iturefin;
its length, if we deemed it expedient to publish all
tersimonials we have received', not only froth Dents .
but individuals and families, who have eiperrenced
the benficial effects of Cliekenees Sugar 'Coated
Pills, but we deem it unnecesaary. The most
contestible evidence of their unpreced thte'd
tire the nutaberleSs Imitations and Cribilferfcitis which
have already appeared,notwithstazdibg the briefpe=
rind they have been before the publie.• Even somd
of our sttitutcheat pill Makers have had the audacity
to imitate the. Capsule of Sugar, in order to disgtiise
the ingredients of their vile compounds;and paltri -
them off for the "real tenon pure."ich paltry
shifts cannot last long Without exposing their hidenus
deformity. Truth and honesty mitit inqitably pre ,-
vail over rascality and debeption. • '
For sale in Pittsburgh by WM.. JACESON;,Ot his
Patent Medicine Warehouse, No. 89, Liberty street,
head of Wood at., Pittsburgh. Price, 25c. per box. '
Dr. Clitkener , s principal office is 81 Barclay street,
New York. • -
11:7- Beware of an. imitation article balled :Im
proved Sugar Coated Pills, purportittg to bepatented,
as both the pills and the pretended patent are for
geries; got up by a miserable quack in New rorky
who, for the last four or five years, .has made hifi•
living by counterfeiting popular medicines: •
a- Remember, Dr. C. V. Clickener is the original' -
inventor of Sugar Cbated Pills, and that nothing of
the sort was ever heard of until he infrodaced them -
in Tune, 1843. Purchaseks Should; therefore, always
ayk for Cl ickener's Sugar Coated Vegetable Pills, and
take no other, or they will be made the victims of it
fraud. may 9
BODY.-It is an attianishing fact, that a very
large class of diseases can only be cured by such
remedies ad will enter into the BLOOD, and drew
lite with it, through every portion of the body; for'
only by this means can the reniedy, be brought -
into immediate contact with the disease and to - at
this desirable end, no preparation has been so
uniformly successful as DR.' JAYNE'S .ALTE& -
TUVE. Sorofula, Kings' Evil, Cancer and Catilef
ous Tumours, White Swellings, Enlargement Of the
Bones. Chronic Rherifizatiim and. Gout,
easti of the Skin, Old - and indolent Ulcers, Goitrinis
Strelliwn of the Throat &c., are cured with a certain
ty, that has astonished every beholder. It is,'heJ
sides, one of the most pleasant articles that can be
taken into the stomach, operating as a tonic,' and .
removing Dyspeptic and Nervous afibhtions, and
imparting a glow of animation aiid health, . une
qualled by any thing in the whole Materia Mediae.
For sale at Ng. S ,South Third st.:--Price $1 per
bottle;or $lO per dozen.
For sale in Pittsburgh at tlib PEKIN TEA STORE,
n Fonda street; trbar Wood, and at the Drug Store
f Schwartz, Federal street, Allegheny City. •-
/TOM SKIN AND COMPLEXION, .at this (and,.
.iiideed, every other) season; Meilen repulsive
in appearance, caused, in eight cases ailt Of, ten, by
the atmosphere; and what persons suppoan disease .
of blood, is simply a disease of the skin. If
some of the thousands who take purgatite Medicine,
pills, and useless Sarsaparilla, ivere to Use on their
skin a softening and clearing balm, that. opens the .
pores, whitens the skin, and causes a healthy perspi , -
ration, that; he the skin never so disfigured;
thy, or diseased with piinples or frecklea, sunburn,
tan and morphew; the , true and genuine JONES'S
ITALIAN cHEmicAt SOAP.never fails to cure
and dispel them; am to make 'the skin clear and
lovely:, It nets so mildly and soothingly on the
skin, that phyaicians use it on ladies and infants; iii
old cases of scurvy, cry Sipelas, salt rheum, sore head,
ringworm, and it (mind, the genuine .Jones' soap)
has often effected a cure when every biher remedy
failed. It is indeed a bi6gwad reineClY: • • •
Sold at JACKSON'S Patent Medicine Warehouse,
S 9 Liberty street, head of Woodat the tame place
is Gold the Moorish Hair Dye, Coral kiir Restore.
the, and Spanish : Lily White.'
PRINCtiAL atilt--Sign of the American Eagle;
82 Chatham streets New -- • ,- -
IttmovErp—The celebrated medicines of Dr.'T._
G. Evans of Brdwiitville, Pa., are, hiriv fbr sale
wholesale and retail, at Jaahion>s Medical Depot,
No. 89 Liberty dutet, head of WOod, Pittsburgh.
Wholesale Dealers and Agents supplied.
Dr. Evade Sovereign Tonle and Grand Restarts ,
Fite, a Certain Cure for the Feyerand Ague:
Dr. Evans , Vegstatife 'dna Afiti-bysp4tie pills,
price 25 cent's per box.
Dr. Evans , .4merican Irenifable VePintruge price
25 cents per bottle.
Dr. Evans> Tonic Eye Water,; . aii ififallible curd
for sore eyes, price twenty-s+e Cents pet bottle:
Rev. Dr. James Esleps Black Syrup, for the curd
of Coughs,
_Cold, Asthma, Croup, Bronchitis and
Cdnsumption—price one dollar.
Reniember Dr. Evans' only Depot, is JACKSON'S,
No. 89 Liberty 'street, head of Wood; jy2.
SOFTs_FINE AND CLEAN; to make the scalp
healthy, smooth, white and fruitful, so that a gbod . -
crop may spring therefrom, persons haVb Mit to ex
pend thirty seven and a ball tehm: And, reader s
our only object for selling the article at that price, is
knowing it to be all we state, that when you once tiy
this you never Will 01k aught else, whether it kid-, -
merely to embelish, to dress, b6antify; and preserves
to fared growth, stop falling off, and cure scrufs
TIVE will never fail to do all this, as,hnndreddwill
tell you With gratitude: It dresses the hairbeautiful ,
ly, and Makes red or grey hair, grace • aarkfreen iltd. `"
roatai • • -
Sold at JACKSON-% Patent IlledicintiWarefibusei
89 Liberty street, head of Wood=griee thirty seven
and a half Centh, fifty emits Mid tine dollar per bottlel
At the same place is sold the Italian themiaal Soapi
Spanish Lilly. White and unrivalled Shaving soap.
. .•
rftHE pOisonoui effect on theskin Of con:anon preJ
pated chalk is not generally known by ladiesj
how yellow rough and unhealthy it Makes the skin in -
time; besides. what a corpselike; rim look it glies
when applidd. They shotild use a beautiful prepay:
ation; purely vegetable, wfiich gives the thee arms or.
neck, a natural life-like whiteness; and tnakes it
smooth. It is called Jones' SpaniSh Lilly Widtei
and is sold at JACKSOIc'S Patent. Medicine Ware , "_
house, SO Liberty street, header Wood; at the same -
place is sold Jones! Coral ilaiilte.itetatlie',.ltaliad
Chemical Soap antimnftralled shaving snap.
HE: partnershit heretofore existint betriireed
Thinker 4. Die ion is thii day diaselred
too Consent. The affairs at the late firm will be
settled by P. H. Hunker, who will continue the Bar.
cry and Confeetionary, at the nld stand inTifth, neu
Market street: 1 1 ". H. HUNKER,
- .
Eb. S. SWARTZ has on hand a. lot offine Lawner
Ur' which will be sold at the very low price of 18}.
cents per yard, persons Who want a good irticlei at i
low price, would do well to call coon.,
Also on hand a good stook of Nansook niuslins for
Ladies Dresses very cheap at _ -• •
No. 106 Market street
SIE! - tairity to -Purthaserto
J.m a..4=L=U
Diasolut on
Lawrisr awns 1