The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, September 30, 1846, Image 2

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ueervi, =min Arm ritopiirroit
Allegheny Conntyl Democratic_ Ticket.
THOMAS HAMILTON, ej fitOburgh.
BODY P4tTERtOPL, of Lawrencev.ille.
GEORGE R. RIDDLE, of Allegheny.
SAMUEL W. TRACK, of Pittsburgh.
ROBERT H. KERR, of 4llegheny. •
JOHN H. WELHENY, of Jefferson
JOSEPH COOPER, — of !loon:
Commtnelcieler for 3 years,
Coranqooloner for -1 yerir,
Wm.. tRy.A.NT, of Pittsburgh. -
. Auditor for 3-years, ,
WiLLIAMIEWING, of Roliitzsosi
iiiadlitpr for 1 year, •
N. PATTERSON, •5f Birmutgham
. Coroner,
LEWIS WEYMAN, dlllegheny.
Am yon , Assessed!
. _
if not, attend to it immediately—lose not a
moment. Exatriine the assesment in each ward
in the city, and each township in the county, and
don't go away until you see your name there. The,
law reqUires each voter to be assessed at least ten
days before the next general election, and pay' a
State or County Tax, otherwise he will be deprived
•cf his * vote. Dernocrats, be sure and see to this
• matter before the 3d day of October.
Supply ;Yourselves with liekets.
We request our Democratic friends in the vari
sous townships token at the office of the Daily post
immediately, and supply themselves with tickets.
This matter should not be neglected„ by any means.
o'.:?Tnitsi..l.-- 7 W.e generally read the proof
sheets of this paper ourself, but sometimes other
engagements 'pevents us from doing so. In yes
terday's.paper there were several typographical
errors, which annoy us no little. In an article in
relation to the election in Maine, the omission of
a 'cypher made the result 3,600 different from
what it should have been. The majority for Dana
over his competitor should have been printed
4;000 instead 400. iVe make this correction for
the benefit of our friend of the Gazette.
The Vindictive Assaulti
Of the - federal press of this county upon Col. Wm
sosr M', the Democratic candidate for
Congress, are only arousing the indignation of eve.
ry honest-hearted republican. In a fair contest
they know that Mr. McCandless has nothing to
fear; and hence our opponents , have resorted to
their usual weapons, misrepresentation and aloe,
to defeat the people's favorite, and elett 'Mournful
Moses," the hero of the $5OO fee! We mistake
the intelligence and sound judgment of the people
of Alleghenycounty;if they do not place the seal
of condemnation upon the vindictive assaults of
the federal press. Lideed we _learn that a'power
fal re-action is already taking place in public opin :
ion throughbUt the cOunty. , We look upon Mr.
MeCA.snnass'election as certain, unless our con
ning opponents devise some crafty scheme to de
ceive the people bet Ween this and the election.
• We leave 4 to the sober judgement of every:
freeman, let This 'politics, be whig or democra
tic, whethet he would not Much rather zee the
high-minded, ; intelligent and wholesouled 3IcCA N
DLLS!! in Congress, than the selfish, cunning
and mercenary Hampton? Col. AMA :rums!' is
an old Pittsbligher—he has been identified from his
boyhood with the prOsperity and happiness of its
citizens, In every Work of improvement—in eve
ry benevolent enterprise, he has ever stood fore
most. He is always‘wifti the people and never
against them.—their interests are his interests, and
their good his greatest concern. This, is no in
sincere and flattering panegyric, but the words or
truth and soberness. , And what good can be said
of "Oily Gatnrnon?"i What services has he ever'
.rendered the Citizens :of Pittsburgh, or the farmers
of Allegheny county?, What public enterprise hasi
his name ever been.connected with? When did
he ever open his lips to say one word, unless it
brought dollars to ' his purse? He has squatted
down here in our midst, a mere adventtirerovith
a heart that never melted t 0.. ." gentle charity," and
with no other quality to recommend him but a
voracious love of money, and an inordinate thirst I
for office
The Bridge across Jack's Baa.
We have just learned some facts in relation to
the above work, which we'think the public, par
titularly the tax-paying part of it, should become
acquainted with. It appears that the old bridge
was very much in need of repairs, and our county
Commissioners issued proposals for having the re,;
pairs made by the lowest and'- best ; bidders. The
Commissioners, however, subsequently thought it
more advisabletto have a new bridge erected, and
we understand they applied to Court for an order
to that effect, which ; was granted. No: proposals
were issued for building the new bridge, but the
work was gisen to MessM. Dickson & Miller, and
we believe nO price was fixed upon whatever. Af.
ter the work was completed, these gentleman made
out a bill amounting to the snug little sum of $6,-
700, for the ;tax-payers of Allegheny county to
foot! We understand that Reviewers were appoin
ted to inspect the work, who reported that the job
was imperfect and would not stand. The conse
quence was that another individual was employed
to patch up and cobble what had been half done
before, who makes out another bill of $l,OOO for
our tax•ridden farmers to meet! Who. employed
this man? The people would like to know.—
There were several persons who put in proposals
for making the repairs in the first instance, who are
at a loss to know why their aids were not enter.
tamed, or new proposals issued when it was deter.
mined to build the bridge anew. We are told that
the cost of both the bridges over Killbuck and Se.
wieldycreek's did not exceed the sum of $2,800,
and either of them are more'substantiarand dune
ble than the one over. Jack's run.
o:Vonx FORSYTH, thb federal candidate for
Sheriff, was one of our Connty Commissioners,
when this profligate and iniquitous outlay of ,the
people's money took place. He now. comes be
fore the people of Allegheny county, heggingtheir
votes for an office still more responsible He ex
pects that his; acts..asCommissioner will be ratified
and approved by our tax.burthened citizens!, He
thinks his invaltiabie services, as . a whig:partisan,
will secure his election, at all hazards! He cares
not for the ffeople's Money, sole -can revel and
• • .. • •
batten at the public crib! '
Twr. WEATHEn at north was awfully hot at the
last azepunts, says the New Orleant Delta of Sep
tember In this eity , on Sunday.night it was
. • •
awfully hotter. •
`-;*4 5. ' -
Wattlunan, whtit of the Mat?"
"Ali is well—ati is well -ksrtim every part of
the county, we have the Inost gratifying intelli
gence. Our friends are excellent spirits, and
ate looking forward with bright anticipations for a
glorious •victory on the. Second-Tuesday of October.
Never were men more assiiled, - abused, and mis
representeCthari tbe cancliiiates of the Democratic
party in Allegheny county have been during the
present campaign; but like "pure metal that has
been tried in the crucible, they come forth brighter
and purer than ever—theik political integritir and
moral worth are now doubly'appreniated by every
honest-hearted Demonrat. Tbe'eanditiates of the
Democratic part.y are meniwe can, in all honesty
and good faitffrecommenl to the people for their
suffrages. • -They will favorably compare with
their 'conipetitors, so far 48 intelligence, honesty
and uprightness are concerned; anti indeed all lib
erallainded men in the ranks. of the opposition,
beefy acknowledge that.thel.Dernociatic candidates
are better qualified to fill tie respective offices for
which they have been nommated,--than- the persons
cOmpOsing the Whig:tickei. We not only expect
the full l)emocratie.4ote.iii . .this county', but we
look for beltifrom hundreds of honest and high
minded Whigs, who will buret asunder the bands of
party, and rally to the supitort of the Democratic
Our federal opponents have-exhausted their am
munition, and we fear th 4 y will be compelled to
borrow some new thunder,) to raise the .drooping
spirits of their deluded followers. They have rode
the. Tariff hobby to deatti—their doleful cry of
distress and ruin, has beep drowned by the heart
cheering music of the me+anic's hammer—their
ridiculous foolery about El fi sh Free Trade proves
nothing more than an imaginary goblin to frighten
old women! Instead of our markets being crowd.
ed with British goods, the product of "pauper la
bor," coming in competition with our own manu
facturers, and draining the precious metals from
our country, we find the balance of trade in our
own favor—the prices of the farmer's produce
greatly increased—a new market opened for our
surplus produce—confidence restored to our men
of business—and every department of trade pros
pering beyond all calculation.
If the country was crippled in its energies, or
prostrated from the effects of some vast commer
cial revolution, then the federal party might possi
bly expect to succeed to power—but not other
wise. Jefferson truly said "as the country sinks
fedealism rises, and as the country rises federalism
sinks." This being true, we expect to witness the
overwhelming overthrow of the panic-making
coons on the day of election. Cheer up, friends!
"all is well!"
Mr. Hampton's Masonry.
We are told that some of Mr. Hampton's friends
yesterday denied our statement in regard to him
being a Royal Arch Mason; and they declare that
he withdrew from the Lodge several years ago, and
is now a good Anti-Mason! Very well,—this may
possibly be true, but we would like to hear better
evidence of the fact than a mere ex pule verbal de
nial, made by interested partizans. They do not
deny that Mr. Hampton was once a Mason—if he
has renounced the Lodge, why is not his renuncia
tion published in the Gazette, the Anti-masonic
journal of this city? Or do our opponents intend
to practice a villainous fraud upon the people, by
saying to one man that Mr. Hampton is a good
Mason, and to another that he is an Anti-moon ?
Come out, like honest men.
"Jurrics - in a communication in this morn
ing's-Post says tha tin our notice of the Firemen's
paMile, we did not set down the exact number of
men in the Allegheny Company. Perhaps we did
not; each company was counted by several indi
viduals as the procession passed our office. We
do not wish to say that there were not 67 Alle
gheny members on perade during the day, but we
do say that there were but 56 when the procession
passed our office. As regards the appearance of
the companies, the Members of the Niagara will
inform JUSTICE, if he will take the trouble to en
quire, that we were not mistakeM.—"Local."
The Hannoneons.
The concert of these talented Artistes at the Ode
on last evening was attended 4 by a numerous and
highly delighted audience. They give another con
cert this evening and we are sure that our citizens
will not lose the present opportunity to hear some
of the best music in the world. We copy the fol
lowing notice from the Wilmington, Delaware, Ga
Temperance Hall was crowded on Friday even
ing, with ladies and gentlemen of the city and
country, to witness the "Gussn, UNIQUE, VOCAL,
mzxTs, - of the far famed "HansrossoNs," from
Boston. We entered the Hall a few minutes be.
fore the performance commenced, and looking
around, could not but observe, that every face look
ed unusually smiling and happy. As there is a
cause for every event, we set silently to work, to
ascertain the source of the present evident satisfac
tion, pervading the assembly,' and concluded at
once, that in all probability it was in a great mea
sure produced, and heightened, by the pacific char
acter of the foreign news of that day; the harbin
ger of continual peace and prosperity for our coun
try, in . place of apparently, well grounded fears,
that the preservation of the nation's right and hon
or; was preparing for us a war of devastation, a
harvest for the grave. c.
The Harmoneons performed in a masterly man
ner, more than they promised in their programme,
greatly exceeding our expectations, although we
were prepared to expect much excellence from
them in their vocation. The songs and glees, were
mostly new and original, and we were sensibly im
pressed, not only with the perfection of the singing
but also with the beauty of the sentiment in most
of them. "The mountain wave," the sleighing
sohg, "0, swift we go o'er the fleecy snow," and
the "Quartette." begining, "0 give me a home if in
foreign lands," are all beautifulsongs, and set to de
lightful tunes, and soon, no doubt, will take their
places in the music books of fair ladies, and be
warbled by their sweet voices, to the accompani
ment of the harp and piano. In their singing they
sustained all the parts in music, without a single
discord. The conclusion of the entertainment, the
" Etheopian Opera in character" was inimitable in
its kind; and must be heard and seen to be appre
ciated, for its mirth compelling power. We could
not begin to do justice to it. by any description of
our's and so "we give it up."
The Harmoneons are worthy the liberal patron
age they everywhere receive; and the small sum
each visitor pays them, is returned with interest
immediately, in enjoyment and cheerfulness, scat
tering the Blue Devils, like chaff before the wind,
and dissipating the acid humors of discontent and
seriousness, too apt to take possession of the man,
whoever "sits like his grandaire cut in alabaster,"
and never allows himself, fora moment to be mem I
Sureinz.—:A German named Jonas 11fran corn.
thitted suicide at Lawrenceville yesterday morn
ing, by shooting himself through the heart with a
pistOr The verdict of the jury 'summoned by
Coroner Hartz, was in accordance with she above
facts: No cause has been assigned why he com
mitted the rash act. Coroner Hartz has the pistol
in, his possession. .
THE Worcester Transcript mentions a case of
mystery ih the Case of a box bah* thrown into
J..ong2oud in Shewsbury, in the night of Satur
day last: The pond has been partially dragged
since that time..
All Sorts of Porigraphs.
Erras SESSION op Co:mazes —The Whig pa
_ ,
pers have started a runior that'. 4 the President will
he,upder the neceasit)i of chnvenirig eongress, prior
to the regular rheeting•in'order to provide ways and
and means to meet the demand agairiat the Govern 7
It bi, s onli necessary 'to mention the-sourriof tie
rum? toe‘bow that there is no truth in, or author
ity for it. ' • - •
• • GOING TO HATE "a. t'Arar.''—k- party
. of
‘‘Native Americans," a delegation from the Win
nebago tribe, left Milwaukie on the : lsth inst, fo
Washington, to have a talk with their great pale
factil father. : These "gentlemen without bats,"
Were painting themselves - for breakfast, one , paper
says, when we saw them they presented a very
fair appearance for . lndians vile have been cons
taminated by mixing more or less with civilize
_ .
from the St, Catharines Journal, that a cotton fac
tory is about being established in. Thorold, the ma
chinery for which has already been purchased.—
This is the first attempt of, the kind in Upper Can
ada. A similar factory has recently been put in
operation at Sherbrook, in Canada East, which
turns out from 170 to 185 pieces of 00 yards or
over, weekly, and which is readily retailed in the
surrounding country at 10 cents per yard.
A TREASURE FOCND.—At Frankfort, (Ky.,) a
few days since, a carpenter, whilst engaged in
repairing a house, found concealed in the roof
about $5OOO in Commonwealth Bank paper, of
Which, with other money, that Bank was robbed
as long as sixteen years ago. At the time of the
robbery a man named Neale, with four others,
was suspected of being engaged in it, but he was
acquitted. The house in which the money was
found was occupied by hits at the time of the
L I SIGE Ron rar.—The jewelry store of Mr.
S. Hudson, in Maysville, Ky., was entered on the
13th inst., and robbed of jewelry to the amount
of four thousand dollars. Among the articles
stolen are eight gold watches, sixty-seven silver
watches, six gold chains, six pair gold spectacles,
together with a number of gold pencils, and a
great number and variety of gold breastpins, fin
ger-rings, ear-rings, &c., &c.
EICUANGE or Pnisosxas.—The Washington
Union says that the proposition to exchange Capt.
Carpender for Gen. Vega, was ,wt refused by Corn•
modore Conner, but was properly submitted to
his own government for its decision. we under
stand, too, says the Union, that our government
has not refused the proposition, but has sent on
instruction which we trust will lead to the ex
change of the officers of the Truxton.
Tux Tax we Smits —The best idea on the bur
thens imposed by the tariff of 1842 may be given
by singling out an item, here and there, illustrative
of the general features and policy of the whole in
iquitous bill. Thus, silks were taxed $2,50 a pound ,
whether that were worth $5 or $3O. That is, the
low priced was taxed 50 per cent ud valorem, and
the high priced - only Si percent!
MannrAcc or Rossisr.—On the 16th August
this celebrated composer led to the hymeneal altar
at Bologna, Mademoiselle Olympe Pelassier, very
well known at Paris. The lady, after a rather gay
life, was introduced to the Grand Maestro about 15
years ago. She was pretty, clever and accomplish.
ed, became much attached to Rossini, and has nev
er left him since.
A Ilimo PIiIXTING PUSS has been invented
and made in London, which with the ortlinary
power, viz—one man at the rounce, will work ofr
four times as fast as any other Press, the Steam
Press or power excepted, has yet been able to
work. A strong hand can work from 1200 to
1500 impressions an hour. The size of the Press
is about that of the common double pull Press.
A Moairrita BOAT.—There is now lying at
Lachine, Canada, a propeller steamboat, the Ire
land, Capt. Patterson, having on board 2300 bar
rels of flour. The vessel, the largest and with the
largest cargo ever yet known, has descended the
Rapids and passed through the Beauharnois Canal
in perfect safety, drawing 11 feet water.
Astornan Comte Rom—Accounts from the
Ontonagon state that another copper bowider of
large dimensions and charged with silver has been
discovered on one of the leases of the Baltimore!
Company, known as the “Titus location." Sever
al extravagant accounts are given of its dimensions
and nchness.
ON ins orivrn-acn, a distinguished humorist
requested that no one might be invited to his fu
neral, "because," sobbed out the dying man, "it is
a civility I can never repay."
A StIOCKING OVTII.IOZ was perpetrated on the
night ilLthe 6th by a negro man, upon Mrs. Evans
and her daughter, in St. Mary's, Md. He was ar
rested next day.
WILLIAM MCNICOLIT was committed to jail iu
Boston on Monday evening, and on Thursday morn
ing was found lying on the floor of his cell with
his throat cut.
A MATIIIILOE Cznaxortir was performed on the,
evening of the 2d inst., on the Natural Bridge of
Virginia by torch light, each of a select company
bearing a torch.
A MAN said that ale was an excellent drink; that
taken in large quantities, it always made him fat.
have seen it make you lean,' said a bystander.
For the Morning Post
In proof of this fact Messrs. Bighorn and Hi.
lands, the Whig candidates for Assembly, in their
tour through Pine township, speeching in support
of their humbug principles on the Tariff, and de
nouncing the Democratic party as unworthy of
support, after the fatigue of traveling and speak
ing could not find a Whig generous enough to in.
vite them to dine; yet these very modest condi . -
dates blushed not to stop with a man whose party
they so much vilified. Farmers! can you support
such men?
0! Whiggery, where is thy blush? 0! Anti-
Masony, where is thy shame? The ballot box of
Pine townsip will answer, on the 24 Tuesday of
October, by giving these men an overwhelming
defeat. A FAIIMEII.
For the Morning Post
Mn. HAaer.n:—l see in your statement of the
Firemen's Parade in the Post of the 2lstinst., you
set the number of the Allegheny Fire Company
down at 56. Now, sir, it can be proven that there
was 67. men of that company out on that Occasion
- -they were counted in different places in the city,
and that number was made out every time. Ido
not consider you venial" to any Fire company,
but your reason for publishing the number at 56 I
do not know, one thing you are wrong , about the
Allegheny company's
.number. In another place
you say the Neptune had 93 men and the Niagara
90. I think you are wrong as regards the number
in either company. for the former had 06,men and
the latter 92—a small mistake however. ..Your "lo
cal" says he thinks withoutpartiality that the Vi
gilant made - theprettiest-zippearamce. if he could
see any difference in the Vigilant and Niagara it is
more than lor any body else could. I do not
want you to 'think that I am . censnring you for the
statement alluded to; lam taking the liberty to tell
you are, mistaken as La the number oa pnrade.—
You will please excuse me •for taklnglhat liberty.
Respectfully Otirsi bcc, JUSTICE
< 4 '7";:r_.:::7-'4. ,
:i~~r r
..,.: ~ - r
The following letters were received by the New
Orleans, Delta ) from their Artrry, Correspondent on
thei 113thinet., and will he found to confilin
genre p,much importance.
.STrittrin. Com Cuois, Sept., pth 1846.
Gen. Taylor left far e sth. The
wholeof the . Staff; dther. Invited guests, took
dinner on the Col. Clint ' tweoty-two in all, being
invited by the, whole soiled Capt. A. Pratt.—
When dinner was over, they commenced their
march to join the Army. Next day, Lieut. French
.returned for more amunition, a report having reach
ed the General that Santa Anna W was on his march
l'or - Morttereywlth 15,000 men, and that all their
forces were on the March to concentrate at Mont
erey, to'give the General a warm reception.' Maj..
Gen. Patterson is in command of the whole troops.
Our friend Britton is stationed at Camargo as Corn
missary. The whole of Gen. T.'s force has gone,
about 6000 in all. Col. Baker will get well.--
.Nothing new.
• Yaurs in haste, • JULIAN.
• Persx Sept. 11th, 1840.
Editors of She Delta:
Gentlemen--I have just time to send you the
latest news. Taylor left Camargo for Monterey
with 6000 men on the sth. Ampudia has arrived
at Monterey with a large force, reports say from
9000 to 10,000 men '
and ten pieces of artillery.—
He has completely fortified the phice: His procla
mation his been received, in which he threatens to
shoot any Mexican who shall hold communication
with the Americans. I remain yours, D.
P. S. At the last accounts, Taylor's Head-Quar•
ters were at Seralvo, half-waY between Camargo
and Monterey. Letters received from above antici
pate a desperate resistance at the latter place. The
campaign has commenced in earnest. This intel
ligence arrived by the carnargo mail last'night.
have barely time to write.this much, as the Tel
egraph leaves in ten . minutes. D.
A ROTAL brcoxs.—Queen Victoria's income,
says a late English paper, amounts to the snug
little sum of 500,000 pounds per annum, or nearly
equal toTwo millions five hundred thousand dol
lars yearly. This would make in round numbers,
$48,076 per week, $6,868 per day, $232 per hour,
$4,70 per minute.—Ex Paper.
If Queen Victoria would appropriate the one
half of her income towards alleviating the wants
and misery of her "most royal subjects," many a
drooping heart would be made glad, and cheerful
ness and plenty take the place of wretchedness
and distress.
A BOSTON rArts says, the mason why the
earthquake that broke the old woman's china in
Massachusetts, did not Visit Rhode Island, was
that it is not large, enough for an earthquake to
shake in.
This little book I'd rather own
Than all the gold and gems.
That e'er in monarch's coffers shone,
Than all their diadems.
Nay. were the seas one chrysolite,
The earth a golden ball,
And diamonds all the stars of night,
This book were worth them all.
How baleful to ambition's eye
His blood•wrung spoils must gleam,
When Death's uplifted hand is nigh,
His life a banished dream.
Then hear him with his gasping breath
For one poor moment crave,
Fool! would'st-thou stay the arm of death,
Ask of thy gold to save.
No, no! the eoul neer found relief
In glittering hoards of wealth,
Gems dazzle not the eye of grief,
Gold cannot purchase health;
But here a blessed baltfl appears,
To heal the deepest-woc;
And he who seeks this book in tears,
His tears shall cease to flow.
Here ire who died on Calvary's tree,
Hath made that promise blest;
"Ye heavy laden come to me
And I will give you rest.
A bruised reed I will not break,
A contrite heart despise:
bunlen's light, and all who take
My yoke shall reach the skies."
Yes, yes, this little book is worth
All else to mortal's given:
For what are all the joys of earth
Compared to joys of Heaven.
This is the guide our Father gave
To lead to realms of day:—
A star whose lustre gilds the grave—
The light—the truth—the way.
OMETHING NEW.—Ladies' and Gentlemen's
►_ Oyster Rooms, Eagle Saloon, Wood street.—
oYSTERS! 01'SERS ! !—The proprietor respect
fully informs his friends and the public that the Ea
gle Saloon will be open this evening. Monday, Sept.
25th, fur the reception of Ladies and Gentlemen.
The Saloon will be conducted art strict temperance
principles. Dinners and other meals will be provi
ded. on the New York plan at any hour of the day,
at a price within the reach of the most economical.
We feel thankflil for the great patronage we have
received since our opening, and assure the Ladies
and Gentlemen of Pittsburgh and vicinity, that ex
traordinary exertions will be made to promote the
pleasure of victors, and to make the Saloon a re
spectable and permanent place of resort during the
fall and winter. See bills of fare at the counter.
Balls and parties furnished with suppers, tke. at
short notice and in style unequalled.
needlug for the 1111111 on
JUST received et Cook's, 85 Fourth at., the fol
lowing cheap and late publications:
New York Illustrated Magazine for October, beau
tifully embellished with fuursplendid engravings.
Columbian Magazine for October.
Marian sitd His Men, an Historical Romance by
the author of Paul Jones, &c.
• The Creole, from the German of Zehokket, tr s
lated by G. C. Hebbe,l,. L. D.
The Temptation, a Romantic Tale bys*,.....e_su4.
Latreaumont, or the Court Conspiritor, 4y Eugene
Living Age, No. 124.
Nursery Ithimes—Tales and Fables—a beautiful
volume, and a gift for all seasons.
Vestiges of Creation, new edition, and one halfl
the price of the first.
Corrine of Italy, by Madame D'Stael.
Sicilian Vespers, or the White Cross of St. Luke's,',
an Historical Romance.
Also, a great variety of .Bound Books, cheap pub
lications, &c., at COOK'S,
sep3o 85 Fourth street.
Auction Sale..
BY JOHN D. DAVIS, Auctioneer, South-east cor
ner of Wood and Fifth streets.—At 10 o'clock
on Thursday morning, the Ist October, will be sold
without reserve for acct. whom it may concern, an
ostensive assortment of seasonable Dry Goods, Boots,
Shoes, Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Umbrellas, fine table
and pocket Cutlery, &c.
AT 2 o'ctocK. P. M.,
10 kegs 8 dy Nails; 1 large Iron Safe;
20 doz. Coal, Devonshire and Socket Shovels;
lb " Bed Cords; 1 tierce Rice;
2 half chests and 4 caddy boxes Y. H. Tea;
1 crate assorted China and Queensware;
A generl assorunent of new and second hand
household and kitchen fluniture, carpeting, mattress
es, mantel clocks, looking glasses, large waiters, su
perior large size blankets, Veniman window blinds,
wire safe, coal stoves.
AT 61 coctocx, P. M.
A large collection of new and valuable Books in all
the various departments of literature. sep3o.
Assignee Sale of Foundry Toole, Flasks,
Pattern!, dce.
AT 4 o'clock, P. M. on Saturday, the 3d day of
October, at the Foundry, of llitz & Fownes, in
the Fifth Ward; above the Iron - Works'of Mr. Shoen
berger, will be sold with Out reserve, by order of
Assignee, a qUantity of foithdry Tools, Flasks, Pat
terns, &c., among which are the following, viz: Butt',
Hinge Patterns; Knuckle,s,Flasks, Boards and Screws
for.moulding hinged, 'holloware patterns, flasks for
tea kettles' and Sot', , 4 stove patterns and flasks 4
improved rivet machines, grate patterns, 1 blacking
machine, 1 scouring barrel, bands, - grindstones, and
sills. Also. Vices and .a quantity. of. Blacksmith
tools, &c. Terins at sale.
sep3o - JOHN D. DAVIS., Auct'r.
(American copy.)
We, the undersignedP...l,74l)s f,the lioroligh of
Manchester: desirops - Of
_hearing the two Candi
dates for Congress discuss the 'princip*i. arid
measures oil:loth- parties, respeatfallsrvidsh-Moses
Hampton ard'Wifson M'Candlasti, Esq. to be
present 'at a 'Mei 'tuf 'of licitti-parties in-Manckies l
ter; on Monday evening, the 12th October at 7
o'clock P M. - ..„;
John Sampson, SV 'David D:'Stephanson, ; . D.
Levi`Burchfield, W. Robert Runkle,. - Nat:
M. Webster,' W. Alex. Stevenson, W.
R. S: Sampion, W. D. T. Johnson,
V. Hollers, D. John Bell, 1 Dern.
G. W. Reynolds,W.- John Hize, 1
W: H. Phelps , W. Jahn 'Radee, • Dem.
Y. Short, Jr. Jahn E.-Parke, W.
Worms cannot exist in the 'System, if a liberat use
be made of the Clickner Sugarcoated VegetablQ
Purgative Pills. They not' only destroy
. the worms
but thoroughly cheeke the stomach:And, bpweli
of the mucus or slymy suhstance ivhich 'supports
thiem. 'Their operation is so gentle, tha they
may be administered to children of. the most ten
der age without producing those injurious effects
upon the general health, which haye always con
stituted the most serious objection to Vermifuges.
Their metallic base is generally So violent in its
operation, that the syste seldom recovers from
the shock until.the-patient has arrived at the veers
of maturity or-actually outgrown it. We know
several at this moment whose constitutional vigor
has been socompletely paralysed by-the injudicious
administration of metallic Vermifuges while
young, that they are almost totally unfitted' for
the transaction of ordinary business. The ,Click ner Sugar-coated Vegetable Pills, on the contrary,
have never been known to leave any injuridus ef
rects behind them. They, rather serve to invigo
rate the system, and render it' proof againat the
most inveterate ailments.
Sold by Wm. Jackson, corner of Wood
erty streets, who is general Agent for Dr
ner s Pills in Pittsburgh and vicinity.
Prices of admission:
First Tier, 60 cents. Second Tier, 37} c nts
Third " 20 " Pit, 20
Will be acted the tragedy of
To conclude with the new drama of the
In preparation—the new play written by the Rev.
James White, called the "Krim or THE Commons."
Also, Victor Hugo's celebrated drama of "Luearruk
Doors to open at 7, performance to commence at
71 precisely. sept3o
Assignees' Sale of Dry Goode.
TILE Assignees' of B. E. Constable are no well.
log; off his entire stock of Fancy and Staple Dry
Goode, consisting of Shawls, Silks and Linens, French
and English Merinos, Black and colored Alpacas,
Cloths, Carsimeres, Satinetts and Vestings, White and
Red Flannels,
White Goods, Prints and Gin hams,
Bleached and Brown Sheetings, Hosiery, Lac s, &c.
Also, a large assortment of Gentlemen's 'wear,
Silk and Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs Shirtb; Cra
vats, Stocks and Collars all of which will be di4posed
of at GREAT BARGAINS. self -30.
Auction Sales of Fancy and Staples Dry .
T McKenna's ta.morrow„ Thursday, C:it.obei,
J r ,.
A Ist, at 10 o'clock, AM., will be . Sold an
sortmentof fancy and staple Dry Goods, among which
are Itibtiands, Laces , Edgings and Insertings, Cassi
mores and Cloths , facy Shawls and Handker hiefs,
Bonnets, &c. P. M'KENNA,. AuctiorMer.
scp3o i 1
'Valuable Real Estate at /knotfoie. ,
IN the', Borough of Lawrenceville, by P.l 4 4'Rerpia,
Auct., on Saturday, October 10, at 3 o'clock - in
the afternoon, will be sold on the premisesin the
flourishing Borough of Lawrenceville, 15 valuable
Building Lots, some of which have unprovnmente
thereon all of which are situated in the most thri
ving part of the Borough, and are well adopted either
fur privite dwellings'or stores.
For further particulars see handbtlls; and / quire.
at the Auction Room of the subscriber, where a
plan of the lots can be seen. Terms at rale. I
sep3o t P. M'ICRYNA Auctioneer:-
Vatuabloltullding Lot at Await:in.
ATo'clock, P. M., on Wednesday the Ith day
of October at the Commercial Auction Axioms,
corner of Wood ' and Fifth streets, will be snld for
cash pat funds, that valuable. lot of ground situate on
the 6°41151de of Second street, between Wood and
Smithfield streets, commencing at Amid 107 feet
from Smithfield street, having a front of 39,fect and
extending back SO feet.
sept3o. JOHN 1). DAVIS, Auct.
(American copy.) 1
Just. Published.
an account of the Geography, History, Govern
ment, and Resources, and noted citizens of tha State;
with a map of the State and of each County; Ifor the
use of Schools, by Tuoions 11.11eanotors. i.
The 'above described book may with the ;utmost
propriety be recommended to the attention of Direc
tors of Public Schools, and to Teachers in general.
The author in his preface states, A book caleulated
to impart to our youth a full and accurate, knoieledge
of their own State, has long been deemed necessary.
Whether this will supply the want, experfence alone
can determine. The counties are not treated in cd
ph/Me/teal order, but in classes, according to their
form of surface, productions, and historical relations.
To carry out the design, a small state map, in addi
tion to the several county maps, has been construct
ed, with the classes of counties marked uponit."
For Sale by the doz. and retail at the BOok and
Paper Warehouse of LUKE LOOMIS, Agent.;
Sep 30 No. S 9 Wood at. PittSburgh.
Braslees Bellows.,
JUST received an assortment,largesixes,Bi - asiei , s
Iliad Bellows; also, Parlour and Kitchen, do.
Whole Sale and Retail, JOHN W. BLAIR,
sep29. 120 Wood at.
Fresh Baltimore Oysters.
Tug'SLBSCRIBER has and will rcceirei daily,
Fresh Oysters and Sardiens, which he NVill sell
by the can, half can or doz. B. I.ANDWLIER,
sep*Std. White Swan house, Market st.
- ---
Vail and Winter Dry Goods .
NO. 62, Market Street, Simpsan's Raw,
llVrzeeivedcase7an d p
orgnand plcrryGoods,which h 4 ee%
recently purchased at ruinous low prices in the east
ern markets, and will be sold at extremely IoW rates.
We name in part:
Splendid shaded Pekin and other styles dress silks;
black and blue black Gro de Rhinos, Poult de Soie,
and Gro de Swiss; new style French cashmeres;
Mous de Laina; new style cashmere robes; Oregon
and California Plaids; new style Ginghams, superior
quality; Alpaccas and Apines.
French Cashmere, Terkerri Printed, very rich;
Zephyr', Worsted, Brocha, Damask, Thibet, rerino,
Woolen and other shawls.
Linen Cambric handkerchiefs, all, prices; Hein
Stitched and Revere Bordered Hdkfs; Irish Linens in
great variety; Linen Sheetings; Damask TablbCloths
and Table Damask; Bird's Eye, Scotch and Bucker
buck-Diapers; Brown Table Covers ; Damaik Nap
kins,.Crash &c .
New styles of Prints, of all qualities, one, case as
low as k cts.; one case Orange and Blue, slightly im
perfect, 64. cents; good dark Prints, fast colors, as
low as,? cents; fine daik blue do. 9 cents; Very rich
do. forlo and 12 cents, usual price 18 and 20 cents;
sixteen bales brown Muslins, every quality, at factory
prices.l Kentucky Jeans for 20 cents. Cassinetts as
low aM2B cents. Canton Flannels 9 cents.. Also,
tickingas flannels, stripes, checks, blankets, Counter
panes,iplaid limeys, bleached goods of every varietyl
one case Nankeen as low as '9 cents per yard. `
Black, blie, olive, brown, drab, French, English,
and American Cloths, from $2 to $8 per yard.' Sup.
black and fancy Cassimeres, all prices. Satin Velvet
Cashmere and Silk Vestings. A full stock of gloves,
handkerchiefk, cravats;-hosiery, - tindershirui, draw
4 .
Cash purchasers are iesuettfnlly iniitetttoeUllind
examine our imminent before making their sole&
tons. ISelling exclitsively for cash, we feel cbnfident
that we can' offer greater inducements to buyers than
those Who practice the credit system '
sepa . • -A I 'A. MAIS6fi
31/OPHODPS A.NABASIS--Thd Annfnuda of
'Xenophon, chiefly according td, the- tett of L.
nt orr, with notes, for. the use of schools add colla
ges. For eAle by LUKE ! LOOhiIS
I NO Cure No Pay.
,LLEWP -LIVER PlLLS.—These celebrated
;pals claim public confidence not only on account
of Nithat,the; proprietor may say about them, but on
account of the goodresulting from their use. Read
thd ',taloa* statement from a citizen of firming.
- : Stnatnwrum, Tune 24th, 1846.
a R.' E..Sztxnas:—l take this. opportunity of
testifying in favor of your invaluable medicine.- A
bout two years ago I_was taken down with- severe
infatuation of the liver, and was en reduced by night
sweats and other effects of this dreadful disease, that
my life was despaired of. After other means had 'i,
faded,- I was advised physician to try your
Liver Pills, and I must say_ thatailer taking one box
and:a half, I have been restored to reasonable health,
which I enjoy at this time. :I therefore take pleasure
in.kecommending them to others afflicted with dis
eafi4 of the liver. Yours respectfully, '
Joins GivErvEn.
These Pills stand unequaled by' any medicine
knOWe for the cure of liver complaint, and may be
hadlof the proprietor, R.E. SELLERS, 57 Wood st.,l
Piusburgh. sep29
ItECRIVED THIS DAY, at No. 46-400 Plain
• " Bu i serier•Twilled Blankets, Country made, a
beautif article. . .
Also, Fancy bound, in great variety, all of which
arl Selling at 25 to 30 per et. reduCed prices, at
No. 46 Mark - et at.
ririlHE HARMONEONS have the honor to'announce
11 to the Ladies and Gentlemen ofPittsburgb, that,
in icornpliance with numerous solicitationa,they will
giN'e a Series of four,'
,5 1 ; ' Grand linsical Soirees,
M nday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday night*,
Sept. 28, 29, 80 and Octobei Ist, 1846.
With change.', of Programme nightly.
Doors open at 7. j TO commence at 7; o'clock,
.rivate seats may be secured on application at the
11.1, between two and three o'clock each day.
e 26.15 t • . _ - 4
d Lib
11HYSIC AND'P • YSICIANS, a Medical Sketch
11 Book, exhibiting the public and private life of
the meit celebratediMedical Men of fonnor days,
with Memoirs of eminent living London Physicians.
For sate by IL S. BOSWORTH & CO.,
scp26 I No. 43 Market street.
- 14 - 11 S. OAKE SMITH'S Poems;
Itt, Hours of McFlitation; -
'Thinks I to Myself;
Irving's Sket4h Book; •
The Neighbors;
The Koran. IPor sale by
' ' H. S. BOSWORTH &
No. 43 Market street.
C. S. P
N Thursday afternoon, on Penn street, between
Maubury and Hay, or on Hay betsyeen Penn and
Liberty, a Steel Bead Bag.
The finder will be suitably 'rewarded by leaving
it at the office of the Post. . sep2s.
Tobacco, Sr ant!. Cigar Store,
TUST RECEIVED, a very choice lot of manufac
t) tared Tobacco, bf various brands, among which
are, t
Branclen Arornati Cat - in.:Bub;
Peyton's Honey D w Fives;
James Thomas', J ~ Nectar Leaf;
John Ender's Donny Dew Ladies' Twist;
Lavrre Lottier:Baltimore Plug;
Also, a very fine lot ofCriba filler Leal; which will
be sold in small or large quantities.
Together with !evelry variety of Cigar, which will
be sold wholesale of retail. ,
sep2.s.4lin I JACOB M'COLLISTER.
Book and Job Printing Office,
7r. W. coaarsi 05 WOOD. ADD FIFTH MIMS.
IHE propriet o r o the Morning Post and Mer
'curt' and Afanufacturer respectfully informs his
friends and the pattns of these papers, that he
has a large and well hoses assortment of
Necessary to, a 3'ob Printing Office, and_ that he
is prePared to execu e
. Lrrrr. a s PRESS rat l a, OF EVERY pntratrriorc.
800k.4., Bills Of Lading, - -- Circulars,
Pamphlets, Bill Heads, Cards,
Handbills, Blank Checks, _Hat Tips.
All kinds of 'Han ' s, Stage,Steamboat and Canal
Boat Bills with asst into cuts , printed on the short
est:,,. notice and most asonable tonna. ,
He!respectfullY as s the patronage , of his- friends,
and the public le geeeral, in this branch of liis busi
ness. (sep 22) ' -1.., HARPER.
State 800 of Pennsylvania.
an account ; df UM Geography, History, Govern
ment, Resourcmi, aid Noted Citizens of the State,
with a Map of the State and of each County. For
the use of Schools. , By Thomas 11.13orrows.
For sale by I LURE LOOMIS Agent.
sep2s Optimal copy.)
LARD, 100 kegs,
'. And for ease '
UGARHOUSEMOLLASSES.. 4 --6 bble. , Goodals,?
i 0 S. Id. ?dotastes,' in store and for sale by
sep23.! - F. SELLERS.
• i Sundries..
V _
Tierces fresh Riee; , : -.-
Vl4 bbls, COnlus Improved Lanl'Oil; -
10,000 lbs. Ba on, Shoulders. On hand and
for sale by i F. SELLERS.
fl 4. ' N. 17, Liberty street.
C 9 a FF d E fo E r - 3 12 1 7g
l b o aga b Super Rio coffee, now landing
n - barrels Whiting now landing
W "lI
and r r 4l:4y
ED LOOWOOD-20 bbls. Chipped Logwood
nowlanding a .d for sale by •
Cj 10 baskets cinarls,}
"P. A. Mormon & Co."
10 "
Chantpagne Wioe nr landing and for sale by
RINCIPEE IGARS-40 M "T. Barrio's" brand
Principee Cigatis., in store and for aale by
fiCi) 28 j MILLER 4• EICRETSO .
TNNER , S OIL: 1 -15 Barrels Twiner' Oil, just re-
Calved and for ;ale by
413 ClDEli—io Barrels Economy Crab Cider,
lj just 'receiveil and for sale by
AVA COFFEE - 20 Bngs Old Government Java
Ur Coffee, in tor and for sale by
i i
laud and Pittsburgh Railroad.
BOOKS will e opened for receiving subscriptions
' to the capital Stock of the "Cleveland and Pitts
burgh Railroad =Patty," at the office oil. W. ROB
ERTSON & Co., coiner of Wood and Third streets,
on Wednesday the 130th September, the books will
remain open from 9 o'clock, A. M., until 5 o'clock,
P. M., of said day,land also during the same hours
on Thursday and Friday following. .Several of the
Directors will b in attendance during the three days
aboie stated, 7d they hope to receive liberal sub
scriptions from he 'citisens of Pittsburgh„ _
By order of the Board of Directors, ,
Pittsburgh, S pt.i2B, 1846.-Iwd.
W - lODES & ALCORN, (Late of New York city,)
' Nii. 27 Fifth kt., between Wood and Market,
Manuf,acturers Of Mustard, Ground Spices, Catsups,
&c 4 &c., will open" during the present week a large
assortment of articles in their line, which they will
wholesale in qUantities to suit 'dealers, at Eastern
wholesale priceq. 1411 articles sold by them warran
ted.l Merchant's in ending to go east would do .11
to call before liavihg the city. They may . be found
at their warebeusO . No. 27 Fifth street, in Ryan's
Building. 1 ' , . ; - -. _ aep7
sale by
UM GUTAC-i242 lbs for sale by
G -•
BOAS , . 57 Webd street
ANIS-11 oitinal capuister for sale by
kfi...aepiB . IL E. SELLERS
1.7 '
P,. R.
lbs for i Lsallt bi turas,
'57 Wood street.
, FF
Blankets I Blankets I I
Bead Bag Lost.
No. 1, Lard on cousignmen4
i No. 17, Liberty street.
lINK-71. gross Kidder &Paysoo , s for
57 Wood street,
'4I:NE.--20 oz. for sale by
.1 . 57 Wood street.
past: , +superior for sate by
ror sale b
• AX;--3 cases just - ieceived and
& Co.,
orner_offith and Wood streets..
Philadelphia Banks . par State Bank & Granches. 46
Pittsburgh. ... par Shawneetown . 70w
Lancaster..?.::.::pat mitti o uni .
Chester county pat State Bank &branches. lt
Delaware county. : . • par - rnsinEssze.
Montgomery - county.. p All solvent banks 3d
Northumberland Pal N. AND S. CAROLINA.
Columbia Blidge Co pa All solvent banks.....2d
Doylestown par
Reading - par r'Ew . zrr° l -&iip•
aolvent banks
Bucks county. . ......
Pottsville N 2357
11. States Bank 28d New York: city par
Brownsville .... .. . a. .1d Clpuntr Y''''''' ••••Id -
Washington.. Id liA n Y l4 / 7 .
All other solventliks.2d PaZ
Lewistown Bank ''2od ' °nntr / • • ............. Id
• - rrisconszn Trim.
Mer &IVlan. Mar &Fire In Co. Milwie 5
Man. bk. Pittih. par
State Scrip lid - ancninsw.
City and County lid Farm and Mech bank.lod
OHIO. . All Other Solvent.... 10d
Exchange , --Selling Rata.
NeW York ...... I prm
Baltimore I pnn
Frederickdors $7 80
Ten Thalers.. ... ...7 80 .
Ten Guilders.. ...... 3 90
L0ui5di0ra...........4 50
Napoleon .. ::...3 80
Ducats 2 150 - 2.20
Eagle . , old. • ' 10 60
44 new • 'lO 00
Doubloon, SpanisA..l6 00
Do. Patriot .......:15 50
,Guinea ' 500'
Lancaster ' 10d
Hamilton .... .. hid
Granville a 4.543
Farmers , Bk Canton..2sd
Urbana 40d1
All Solvent Banks; ... 11d
State Bk & branches:. nd
ecrip,s - & 6 p. c..spm
All solvent Banks..
Eastern Banks...
do. broches
Br'ch at Morgontown..ldl
1 84 6 - —4dro
EMITTANCES to, and Passage to
.and from
JR, Great Britain and Ireland, by the Black Ball, or
old Line of Liverpool Packets.' Sailing from New
York and Liverpool on the- Ist and 16th of every
month. And by. first. class American Ships iSailing .
Weekly.] - -
Persons sending to the "Old Country" for their
friends; can make the necessary 'arrangements "with
the subscribers, and have them brought out in any
the eight ships comprising the Black Ball or Old Line
of Liverpool Packets; (sailing from Liverpool on the
Ist an&l6th of every mouth,) also by first class ships,.
sailing froth that port weekly, which our Agents,
Messrs. Taines D. Roche & Co., ihere will send out
without delay.
Should those sent for not come out the money will
be refunded without any deduction. - -
The "Black Ball, or old Line of Liverpool Packd
ets," comprise the following magnificent ships, and
will sail from Liyerpbol oh their regular appoints
day, as follows
Fiaelia,or Ist Jail. Ist May. Ist Sept.
Europe, - • 16th " 16th 44 16th 44 •
Ist Feb. Ist June. Ist . Oct.
16th " 16th " 16th "
Ist Mar.. Ist July. Ist Nov
16th " 16th 44 16th Dec
Ist April. Ist Aug. let -"
16th " 16th " 16th
New York,
. ,
is well known, that the Black Ball is
the very best conveyance for persOns to get out tlitir
friends, and as other passenger agents advertise to
bring out passengeni by that line, the public are re'
spectrally notified by the ownerathat no paasenger
agents, but Roche, Brothers & Co., - and Blakely &
Mitchel, are authorizes to 'advertise and to bring out
passengers by that Line.
We have at all times for the Drafts at Sight for any
amount,:direct on the Royal Bank of Ireland, Dub..
lin. Alsri - on Messrs. Prescottt, Grote, Ames & Co.,
Banker's, London, which are paid free of discount, or
any charge, whatever, in all the principal towns
throughout England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
Apply to, or address, it by Letter, (poet paid.)
No. 35, Fulton street New York.
(Next door to the Fulton Bank. 7 . ,
No. 75 Dublin street, Liverpool. -
Penn street, and Smithfield st.
Or to
Canton Rifle Barrels.
A FURTHER supply of the above just received
1 - 1, and for sale atmantifacturers prices, by
•sep26 - No. 26 Weird street:
V INEGAR-L. 12 13 , 13 , 18. Ve r Vinne,o,gor;
Sep. 22. 3. D. WILLIAIIS & Co., 110 oodst..
RAMS—.7S Prime Family Hams, for sale by
110 Wood st. -
sep. 22
G L I A 0 Z1 f 0 o? b , a a i leg y 6-8,:7,9,8 7 10,9-12, 10-22, and.
aep. 22. J. D. WILLIAMS & Co., 110 Wood at.
B ROOMS--5 6g Pom , e , roys extra;
50 ~ " Common;
In store and for sale by
5ep..22. J. D. WILLIAMS Br. Co
SPICES -3 bags Pepper;
2 Pimento;
50 " Cassia;
2 bbls. Ground Pepper;
1 "
-" Alepice;
• • 2 " Ginger;
10 canisters Cassia;
. 6 " . Cloves;
1 keg Nutmegs; for sale by
sep. 22. J. D. WILLIAMS & Co., 110 Wood et
lANDLES,- 6 boxes Sperm Candles.
k_i 10 Star do. •
5 44 Summer mould do.
5' . Dripped do.
3: D. WILLIAMS & Co:
No. 110 Wood street.
For sale by
sep. 22.
QUNDRIES, 10 Bbls. Chipped Dogwood.
0. 5 " Ground Camwood: •
3• " No.- 1 Herring.
2 -" " Trim'd Shad.
20 " No. 1 and 3 blackerel. •
3 " No. 1 Salmon.
Received and for sale by
N0..110 Wood street.
sep. 22
- Henry W. Williams,
(successor to Lowrie & Williams.) Office at
the old stand, Fourth street, above Smithfield.
THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existiegbetween
Henry W. Williams ' Esq., and myself, in the prac
tice of the law, was dissolved by mutual consent on
the 26th ult., and the business will hereafter be con
tinued by Henry W. Williams, whom
. I most cheer
fully recommend to all for whom have the honor
to do business, AS a gentlemant every way worthy of - -
their confidence.
New Seelig.
TIiST received at Coos, 85, Fourth st; Ladyss
f.J Book for September.
Gcneviva ' or the Chevalier of Maison Rogue, an
Episide of 1793, by Dumas.
The Mysterious Monk, or the Castle of Altenheim2
Tha Horticulturist and Journal of Rural Art and
taste. Edited by A. J. Downing; Nos. 1,2, and 3.
The Redskins, or Indian and login, by .L F. Coop
er, new supply.
Three Guardsmen, and Twenty Years After; being
the sequel to the Three Guardsmen, by Dumas.
Life in London; a story of thrilling interest, found
ed upon the scenes of happiness, misery, virtue and
vice, which constitute Life in the British Metropolis.
Spanish, German and French without a master,.
new supply.
The, Widow's Walk, or the Mysteries of Crime, by,
Eugene Sue.
Received and for Bale by J. W. COOK, 85, Foutth
atreet. sep22
Ladles Dress 'Goods..
"ME have just received ''n fine assortment of the
VV . liendsoinestsqles of Ladies dress goods that
have ever been-offered in this market, among which
are new style Cavlimeres of splendid quality, Ombra -
Shaded and Satin striped Cashmeres, a most beautiful
article; splendid Cashmere Robes; Rich Fancy Silks;
Clermont and" California Plaids; also, a fresh stock
of Muslin de Leiner -French and Scotch Ginghams; -
Alpaccas, Chintzes, '&c. &c., to all which we Would
respectfully invite the attention of the Ladies as we
are confident of their beingpleased., - •
No 75 Market street, -
N. W. cor of the Diamond.
Brick Howse and Lot for Sole,
Or in Exchange for . Nails or Trisidow Glass.
We are authorized to offer for sale, or in fx,
for Window Glass or,Kails, a well futished and s ,
stantial two story brick house and 10t,.19 feet Count
by 100 feet deep, situated -on the , AllegherJig'i ve.r...
abtive the Glass Rouse. It will be sold at a ms,owo
ble price, title-unexceptionable.
-Apply to BLAKELY & MITCHEI),„
sap. 17. • ' Real &tate. VORA.