--,;--:;-..'•-'-' - '-':,-V 4 P 7 '‘ '',- "N`r - -r -4 - 4, 44.-*7,-,.-.--.-- - i- e-.*;---•- ,,, , , ,, 2- , ,,t;,,....1----,-- -..tiii , v......• ' '. ' ' - --' - - • . • VOL - II .NO 61 - . . DDISTII TUED. AND ,EDITED DY' . , ., ' George Cochran; ,'• ' ' - i. 11 ARPM R, MIORWARDING . : 8i: COMMISSION MERCHANT — N:a% cornei• rf Wood CO/fi Fifth Sts. _ JE‘ No, 26 Wood Ili., Pittsbutgh. . n0v.27-y .__.____ -Trars,-Five dollars.a year, payable in advance. ' ' ' ltetnoval.. Six dollars will, invariably be required if not paid ' G EO. S. SWARTZ would respectfully inform his _.. ..... . within the Year* - . , ... -,, ' friends ind customers that be has ,r emoved to Single apples, TWO cram—ior said at hie counter No. 106 Market street, between Fifth end ,Liberty sIN., of 4i0..01:5ce, and by News Boks. ' • -eastnide r where he is receiving a largo and well as. . ... .. . - -- . sorted stock of spring goods, to which he would ,re _ . .... . . . THE WERT , MBIKTRY AND-MANUFACTURER spcotfully invite their attention. . ap3-416m Is published at the same 'office, on a double medium Neta Book . Store. iheetitit 'TWO. DOLLARS d year, in advance; sin. -Tv 5, ROSWORTH & Co., No. 43 Market street, gle eoples;Garrars.: - . ' n . next door to Third street, are just opening 'a .. new and extensive assortment of Books and Station- Terms'Of Advertising, • : cry., which they will sell, wholesale and *Mal, at the ,Pmt siva= OF TWELVE LINES OR'LESS. • • lowest pr i ce ,. 1 ap2s-y One insertion ; , $0 .50 One month, 'ss 00 • 6 ~00 , .c. HILL. GEO: G. IMOWNE, Two do; " 0 75 Two. .do, Three do, ' 100. Three do,, __ .T 00 „,. HILL'Er. BROWNE, One-week, 1 50 Four do, B_oo lsuccrssons TO HOLDSIIIT AND naowar.,) Two .do, 3'oo Six ` - do, , 10 00 - IMPORTERS and manufacturers of Wall Paper Three do, - 400 One year, . ;'l5 00 I and General Piper Warehouse, No. 87 Wood .. s. - Yearly Advertisements, . re et, Pittsburgh: •je2o _ -,------ -- • • CHANGEABLE AT m.r.ssurr... - • - - ' 'W. O'Hara Goblnsonit One Square. ' - Two Squares. LATE U. S, Attorney, has removed his office to Six month,' $l5 00 Six months, . $20.00 No. 8 St. Clair st. sept4-y One year, 20 0.0 One year, . 30 00 L. W Ilmarth, largeradvertisementi in proportion. :. - trir CARDS-of four lines, FIVE DOLLAILS a yeai. T umBER .MERCHANT, office on. Penn street, Li between Irwin and Hand sts.;Pittsburgh, Pa. • ------- - - --- ---- --.------- - All commissions will be promptly attended to. mart-y • - - . P. C. Shannon. . • t. o t TTORNEY: AT LAW; Greensburg; Westmare. ' sch°°, l Book and Paper Wwwwhowte• ;LA.. land county, Pai; Will practice in the West- UKE LOOMIS, Agent, publisher, bookseller and ;Moreland Indiana and Camtia•courts. decB-y L bookbinder, No. 89, Wood street, Pittsburgh mar2S-y' - .. ---- • ---- ---- -- ------- wiiiitun .nUltialton, Pilltinton , s Unrivalled Blacking, • TTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor in Chancery. kIKACTURED and sold wholesale and re al' Difiee.in. Barr's now Wilding, .Filth M h street, be- AN - tween Witiand:Smithfield. • augll tail, Smithfield st., between Sixth and Virgin alley. 0ct.21-y 1 , , „,,,, v .,-- -- ,e.,:- Istas of , . , __ , ; _ -- -- - _ , -.--,:ifi.,<5 , 3 ,. , . . 0 Ii . i -,- , ' f ' + • ' -_ - . , ...iA - . - 1 . - • fr • • „,,..,, , , _ • ...—. *4 ,t, ' ii C, IP •. J. .42 ' 4 i7 i'.'' . - 0 - '6 . "%tA 'V t", ,, 1.. - ,6 \i , - . • :I MI: ieia l l I Oi . 1 : ~ 1 , " " \O , 'P o r o I; . !I' , Vtil ,O w . 3 ~,, e ,/, ~( ,-0 p_ 0 , , , , 0 ,t / V 1 0 0 A, ,4 , r , ~, , , „s 5 , , P ' 0 $ . • 0 -:,. 6 , ;/ Idfd 1 , 10 ~,.: i ' 4 , „ 0 . ~. . ' R,, , , , , 7 ,. 4„ A. A , ip , 7750. , i l I___ . .1' ~,,, A. . / W ' / 4 , d: 4 o w E * s . T t t , -,,egt -+- ow ' 7 ' ..1- -4. j , ,i - - - .Az. --- - • v 4 w 4 , '. ', ~ ,--F 27- ---, /,'” - •°4 '0 ~, e , ., t . 0 •-- - . . at. 7. , .11.utght, ATTORNEYS Wrt LAW, Office removed to the residence on - Ftnirth.st., one 4Mor from Cherry IVMs.& A, TTORNEY.S AND COGNSELLORS AT LAW, Pittsbargh,Ta. Office tin'lourth st.; between 'Smithfield and Grant. marl4-y Edit:um:id Sikow9e . , A TTORNEY AT LAW, cane in the buil d ing on _L - I_, theliorth East coiner of Fourth tte4Silithtield ntreets.nor 1 LI , llnmiltoss etr.. Bracy, •- A TTORNEYS .AT LAW, Wilco .North tale a. street, between Wood and. StnithlightSts., Pas - hal - 04 Pa. Collections =ado- on reasoiate terms. • , Morrow, . A L'1)0.3% lAN; office north Side of Fifth street; tietiveen Wood and Snaithliehi Pittsburgh. _seplo-y Aniflreve Burke, TTORNEY AT LAW, office, Smithfield street . , ll_ between Fourth street and Diamond Alley, op posite.-Mr: GC°. Weyman's tobacco manufactory. apl6-y James C all MI. TTOILNEY AT LAW, office ,in the 'ell:ambers occupied by Alderman 'fir fasters, st,, between Wpod and, Smithfield.: . splS-y TVCandlems & Drelurr. A TTORNEYS'ANO COUNSELLORS AT LAW, office:On Fourth 'strept;opposite it. & R. U. Pattersiid's Livery Stable, Pittsburgh. seplo-y Foiward z Iv el de r, . . A, ,TTORNEYS AT' LAW; rourth street between ;Wood and Smithfield, opposite Patterson's liv ery stable. • • ,*: • •.. np7-y •• . • ." George - r. tallirkore, RNEY AT frAW, Office in Breed's build , ahove Wood, Pittsburgh, Pai sep2 , -* dly • 'C. Orlaud9.Loontis, A .TTORNEY AT LAW", office Yourth sL, above XL Smithfield. julyl-y mov al. A BEELES has removed his commission and for .warding business from the Canal Liasin to hi* n'ew warehoutie - trn 'Third street, nearly opposite the Post Office- .. may3o-y litcharg Cowan, A TTORNEY AT LAAV,'office in Stuart's build -1-1 ings, Fourth et., above Wood. juncl9-dwy John W. 'Burrell, ATTORNEY- AT LAW, having returned from his European tour has taken an office on the north east corner of Fourth and Smithfield sts. Per sons having had business and paperS in the hands of Samuel Kiwr ° ston, Esq., deceased, will call on the above,.as all the unsettled business of Mr. Kingston has been left in his handi. Cliailes M. Mays, , AT,TORNEY AT LAW,' Pittsburgh, Pa. COM anissimer to take the proof and acknowledge ment of deeds, leases, contracts, deposites or other writings to be recorded or used in the States of KentuclCy l. Indiana and Tennessee. Office No. 80, Stuart's buildings, Fourth street. marl2-y James S. Craft, TTOB:NEY, COUNSELLOR AND NOTARY, ilk... Pittsburgh, Pa., having resigned the °Blue of ccretary P. Nay. and Fire Ins. Co., will attend spe cially to .collections and business connected with navigation, insurance, accounts and real estate. Bu siness hours, 9 A..M. to 9 P. M. Office, No. 1, Stuart's buildings, (No. 80, Fourth .at.,) second don'r east of Wood street. ' fob3-y Edwlu C. Wilson, ATTPRNEY AND ,COUNSELLOR AT LAW, ; Franklin, Venal:lgo county, Penna., will attend prcimptly to all bIISIBCBFI entrusted to his care--col actions made in Warren, Clarion and Jefferson Wit. REFER TO J. A. Stockton Sc. Co. Murphy, Wilson & Co. Pittsburgh, John Bigler, Hon. James Kinnear, _Hon. Alex. M'Calmont, Franklin ' . Hon.Janies Wilson Steubenville, Ohio. juy23-y • John A.Parkinson, LiiRMAN, Fifth Ward, Penn street, between Walnut and- O'Hara streets, where he may be found at roll times. Those having houses or other property to, sell or rent, can have the same punctu ally attended to; debts collected, and all the duties of an Alderman will receive prompt attention. oct:l7-y . N. Holmes &. Son, 100ANKERS and dealers in Foreign and Domestic 1..) Bills of Exchange, certificates of deposit, bank notes and specie.- Drafts and notes collected, and remittances made to any part of the United States, No. 65 Market street. jan7-y 'Johnston et. Stockton, BOOKSELLERS, PRINTERS AND PAPER MA KERS, No. 114 Market street. sep 10-y Scriba. & Scheibler, . OOKSET.LERS, STATIONERS AND BINDERS, UP' No. 115 WoOd street, three doors below Fifth, Pittibtith, Pa. jun7-y James Pattersou, i rIORNER of First and Ferry streets, Pittsburgh, l. 1): Pa., manufacturer of locks, hinges and bolts, tobacco, fuller, mill and timber screws, Emus= screws for rolling mills, &c. Win. W ard, TVENTIST, has removed to the place of his foi ju merresidenee in Penn street, two doors below aplB-y ECM ; D. E. Constable, 1 EALEB- in Fancy. and Staple . Dry Goods, 83 Market street, Pittsburgh. norlo.y Edgar Thorn's DRUG and Family Medicine Store, corner of Ponn.aiid Hand streets, Pittsburgh, Pa., 'Phy ayciana, prescriptions aocurately compounded. Medi , eines can bei had at all hours bf tho day or night. jan2l-y Elmsviasville Juniata Iron :Works.. DWAR:P, RITGHES rafinulacturer of iron and TP nalbcwarehouse, Smithfield above Fourth at. C,- Mr.&-nulty & Coy . • WIORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS -Canal Basin, Pittablirgh, Pa. nrar3dy ; Dpartin Lytto n VAIViiLY GROCER, Sraithfield street, next door .12 to the Fifth Prtsbytorian Church. june6-y - •'" :;:);1 " M. C. Edey, :51A:iiIi c . : e 1 1.fl i ti e ' s l,Igl ith of Lard Oil and dealer in street, near Market, S. W. side. inar.24-y WM. COLEMAN. JOAN E. JENNINGS. JAS. W. MAILMAN. Colemma, nallman & BIANUFACTURERS of Carriage Springs and Axles, A. 8., and spring steel, and dealers in coach trimmings of every description, manufactory on St. Clair street, warehouse, 43 Wood street, op posite St: Charles Hotel. . ; . jan23-y Flint Glas-A.Lsinbllshinent ATULVANY ! Sr. LEDUE manufactdre and keep 111_ constantly on hand cut; moulded and plain Flint Glassware in all its varieties, at their warehouse corner of Market and Water streets, l'ittsluief;- 71 - Par works continue in full operation, and . we arc lerinstantly adding to our stock, which enables us 10 SI Orders with promptness. Purchasers are regrr.ql - solicited to call and examine Price's rind terms. seplG-Y Otto Ituutz, T ANUFACTURER . or Inconatirrime. TEETH, nt StollMeld. street; two doors below Fitlh street Pittsburgh, Pa. Always on hand a full assortment to Plate and Pivot teeth, of a variety of shades, as simple Plate, Molars and lliscuspidatoes, Gum teeth, Screw Pivot teeth, &c. Teeth mid blocks made to order; Dentists supplied with all articles in the pro fession.• All order's from abroad must be accompan ied by the cash, .r... 1" Platina always on hand. novls-v Dr. Daniel API% v al. UrFFICF. on Smithftehl, three doors from Sixth et., .. Pittsburgh. decttt-y Dr. Gtargo Watt, ONti. 77 Smithfield street, near , Silt!' st., Pittsburgh. ang2l-3 , F. Blnsnc, pTANO FORTE manufacturer and dealer in Mu ideal Instruments, NO. 112 Wood street, near - nos James T)AINTER, Fifth, near Market st., Military flags, _u Banners, signs, designs fur steamboat-Wheel houses, and fancy painting or el ery description neat ly eineutcd at the shortest notice. jy27-dam Creorgc Batley, TILUMBER, and:Manitracturer of Pumps and fly j: drants, which arc superior to and cheaper than any in the city. Please to call and examine for your selves. Fourth street, between Smithfield and Cher ry 4lley. Hydrants and primps repaired. janl-y J. Itryar, R E e C r T in f F F YLN i C an D a l i S d T p l o L m L e E s t Wines and Liquors, No. 114 Liberty street, and 53 Diamond Alley, Pitts burgh, Pa. 112/-1 11. D. Sellers, M. D. REMOVED to Penn st., between Irwii and Hand streets, five doors below Hand st. apls-y Hugh Arters, URGEON DENTIST, lIS Liberty street, a few 10 doors below St. Clair st., Pittsburgh. ap2l3-y Ogden & Snowden, UCCESSORS TO AVERY, OGDEN 'Sz. Co., whole sale and retail druggists, and manufacturers of white , lead, red lead And litharge, corner of Wood and Second sts., Pittsburgh. Pa. n0v1.2.1 illartitt & Smith, SUCCESSORS to Irvine Sr. Martin, 'wholesale gro cers, produce and commission merchants, and dealers in Pittsburgh manufactured articles, No. 56, Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. apS-y John M'Closkey, rpArLort AND CLOTHIER, Liberty et., between I. Sixth street and Virgin Alley, south side. seplo-y I= J. D. Williams & Co. Forwarding deersin AV 1 l a o n L d B. c S o tL m E i s andon rmeetarcilhagrits"craBO'd country produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures. No. 110, Northeast corner of Wood and Filth streets. sop. 8. U. /L. Valauestock A. Co, WHOLESALE and retail Druggists, corner Sixth and iVood streets. sept2-y 1=!1=Z1 WHOLESALE & RETAIL FAMILY GROCERY STORE, corner of Wood and Fourth streets, Pittsburgh apl4-y Stcrett & Co., THOLES ALE and retail dealers in foreign and 11 domestic %Vines and Liquors, exclusively, No. IS Market street. apS-p P. C. Martin, WHOLESALE and retail Grocer and dealer in Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors, Foreign and Domestic Fruit, Nuts, &c., No. GO Water street. scps-y Lambert dr, Shipton, WHOLESALE GROCERS,. FORWARDING & Commission Merchants, dealers in produce and Pittsburgh manufactures; Nos. 133 and 135 \Vood street, Pittsburgh, Pa.' feb2-y John Scott & Co., W ll A O re L r E ch S a .i n L ts E. Di Ci o lto 7 C c E o ßS mm A er NlL C R O o M w MlS.: b l e Or y street, Pittsburgh. 019-y J. & 1111.9Devitt, WHOLESALE GROCERS, dealers in produce and Pittsburgh manufactures generally, No. 224 Liberty, opposite 7th street, Pittsburgh. np2B-y John H. WHOLESALE and retail dealer in Music and TV Musical Instruments, Piano Pones, School Books and Stationery's No. 122 Wood street s Pitts burgh. i janl-y James Park, Jr., & Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, importers of tin plate and qusensware, and dealers in copper and Pittsburgh , manufactured articles', Nos. 112 and 114 2nd st., between Wood and Sthithfield sts. jal4-n1.44 Select School. WM. MOODY respectfully announces to his old friends that be intends opening a Select School in this city, on the first Monday of April next, in the basement of the Third Presbyterian Church. mar2i,t 1 R. E. Sellers, NITEIOLESALE DRUGGIST ; and dealer in dye Vl l - stuffs, paints, oils, varnishes, &c., No. 57, Wood street, Pittsburgh. 3-octy Dr. Wirt..lll. DENTIST, Office - and residence is Stt Clair at.,,a few doom below-Lib. Orgy, near the Ezchance Hotel. marl PITTSBURGH, -*.))4v'spAy,..:.-o):T.Fmlikk:-j-84-o,_-,.-,:' Franklin House, Fourth street, . . Between' Smitlifield.and Grant Streets; Pittesburgh CHRISTIAN SCHMERTZ, Proprietor, respect fully informs his friends and the public general ly, that he will open the above splendid House on the let day of May next. • The House being new, and finished in site most commodious and convenient manner. ' and having it furnished with the newest and moat beutiful style of furniture; flatters himself that he will be able to ac commodate his friends and the travelling public, in a manner not inferior to any similar establishment in the city. As the House is situated near the Court House, ar rangements have been made to serve up meals at any hour in the i day, this will be , great convenience - to those who are in attendance at court. In' Refreshments of all kinds can be bad. Boar ders taken by the week or tiny. irrLunch every day at 11 o'clock, A. M. ap3o. TAMES ARMSTRONG, Proprietor, Corner of St. Clair and Penn streets, Pittsburgh, the proprie tor begs leave to return hia Most grateful thanks to his friends and the public for pant favors, and hopes, by attention, to merit a continuation of their patron age. The houise is pleasantly situated near the Ex change; it has accommodations for travelers, and a kite room for public meetings, dinner or supper par. ties. . Refreshments always ready, or prepardd on the shortest notice, with the choicest the ilarket will af ford. Oysters .atid _Oyster Soup, also Fresh Shell Oytiters, rectiivtid'ey.ery day during the'season. The greatest care has been taken in the selectionlof wines and liquors, A variety of newspapers are regularly filed in the establishment; P. S. A hot Lunch served up'every day at 11, A. AI. ap IS-y. Canal Boat Banat. BY R. DOSSETT, Peuti street; Pittsburgh, Penna. Boarding and lodging, b7 - the•day in. Week, on the most reasonable terms. Strangers will find it to their advantage to patronize lint. Persons travelling east or west will find this house a convenithit loca tion—it is within one hundred yards of the banal basin, and convenient to the forwarding houses. Eveay information given toirOn Manufacturers in all branches of the business. Home brewed ale can at all times be hail at the bar. nOvlo-v NOS. GI and 63, Wood greet, under Lyn!d's'Anc. : , tion store. The subscribers have fitted up .tln# above place in superior style, and they feel assured. will give comfort and satisfaction to all tvlio may them. Airiniements havo besnins.dc to have a 'constant ti imply of Freak Oysters, which will be qer,qed up to lisitorsand families on the shortest notSe.ii. Other luxuries, candiea, fruit and pastries of the choicest kinds always on hand. Their Bar is filhad best brands the market can afford; and negdiia, Cas tello, Principe and Havanna Cigaill of superior qual ity. Every attention paid to •visitors. Their motto is, every luxury in its season. Prices modulate. nrivla-y OGDEN & GIOSON. ISAAC MURDOCK, formerly of the UM4I3 note) on Water street, having been burnt ouG , has built a new and handsome house expressly Air the accom modation of travelers, at the corner of Second and Smithfield streets, which will be known an the Burnt Dietrict Hotel. . . He U; now prepared to offer every accomniodatien and every comfort to the traveler, at very .iiiitlerate charges. Ile is provided with ample and cOnvenient stabling. 1 ileel2-y D. T. smarm. JACOB WEAVER SIIIRETT & Co., wholesale and retail dealers in Foreign Wilms and Liquors, corder o r Market and Front streets, Pittsburgh. Pa- Rev . ences—W an.liohnes & Co., Henry F.lSchwep. pc, %Vm. Lichbaum, B. Weaver. Their stock has been selected with great Fare,and consists of the chuisest qualities suitable for this mar ket, to which they would respectfully call attention and solicit a share ofpublic patronage. It Comprises the following Itt casks and bottles: IVines—Maderias, Sherries, Lisbons, Tbneriffcs, Ports, Mal agas Cal abrias. Liquors—Brandles, Gins, Rums, and Whiskies. augn Ex:chemise Hotel, ORNER OF PENN AND ST. CLAIR STS., AL- Cj LEN BROWN, Paorairroa.—Terms 411,00 per day. Then ndersigned, formerly of the Merchants Hotel, corner of 'Mood and Third streets, lias leased this superior establishment, and furnished it anew throughout, with new beds, new bedding' nd new furniture. Great care has been taken to till his cel lar with the choicest viands. A. handsome l omnibus and a baggage wagon are provided for the rise of his guests, and a Porter Will be in attendance at all hours to meet the demands of the traveller. The long ex perience of the undersigned in this businesSi assures Rim That his easnest purpose to satisfy all who call, cannot be unsuccessful. Ile feels . altogetl4r at lib erty to promise his visitors a comfbrtable and cleanly abode, liberal entertainment, and a hearty welcome, at a moderate expense. ALLEN, BROWN. ap:l-tlif Co-Partnerrabip. WILLIAM COLEMAN having, on thel first day 'V January, inst., associated with him Jas. W. Haman and John P. Jennings, under the !Mine and .style of Coleman, Hailman' & co., will noe have in creased facilities fur manufacturing Steell Springs, hammered axes, American Blister and Spring Steel, &c., to whirl, the attention of dealers is respectfully solicited, and hope by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance to the new firm the favors so lib erally bestowed upon hint. Vi . :tory on Stj Clair st. —warehouse 43 Wood st. ' :opposite the Si. Charles Hotel, where can he found a good assetznent of Springs, Axles, A. 8., and Spring Steel, arid Coach Trimmings of every description, together With lion, Nails and Pittsburgh manufactured articles. ; tr:r The highest price paid for scrap iron. jan22 SILOS. DULLER Fulton, 1 - BELL AND BRASS FOUNDER, has rdbuilt arid commenced . business at his Old Stand, No. 70 Second, between Market and Ferry streets, where he will lie pleased to sec his old eustoiners and friends. Church, steamboat, and bells of every dixe, from 10 to 10,000 pounds, cast from patterns otl the most approved models, and warranted to be of the best materials. Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, Railing, &c. &c., together with every variety of Brass Castings; if re quired, turned and finished in the neatest Manner. A. P. is the sole agent for Babbitt's Anti-Attraction Metal, so justly celebrated tbr the reduction of fric tion in machinery. The boxes and compoSition can be had of him at all times. novl3-y . . . . rp HE subscriber having been removed by the 1 great fire to Allegheny, is prepared Ito make Steam and Fire Engines, Hydraulic and Screw Presses, for oil, tobacco or any other purpose, and machinery generally. J. S. GWYNNE, Franklin Machine Works, On Rebecca street and Bank lane, West o'Federal street, Allegheny city. N. B. Orders left in Pittshurgh with Mr. S. Cuthbert, in 3firket street, 2 doors beloW Third street, will melt with prompt attention. 1 rn ay 11. JOHN D. MORGAN, Wholesale mid Retail kg Druggist, No. 93i Wood street, one dcior South of Diamond Alley, Pittsburgh.—The subscriber has just received from the Eastern cities, mid is now opening at the above stand, a full assortment of articles in his line, consisting of Drugs of all kinds, Dye Stuffs, Paints and Varnishes, Chemicals, &e., together wih all such articles as arel usually kept for sale at a wholesale and retail drtig store. His stock is'entirely new, and has been selected with care. He is confident that hie articles, both as to quality and price, will please such" 4 may fa vor him with a call. m'0 -y. John At. Townsend, 1 DRUGGIST, AND APOTHECARY, N 0. 1 45, Mar ket street, three doors above Third street, Pitts,' burgh, will have constantly on hand ,a Well selected assortment of the best and freshest Medicines, which he will sell on the most reasonable terms.] Physi cians sending orders will be promptly attended to; and supplied with articles they may rely; upon as genuine. . Physicians' prescriptions will be.aceurately and neatly prepared from the best Materials, at any hour of the .day or night. , Also, for sale, a large stock , of fresh and good erfumery dec 30d M y.. 4:_ ~` .. !ME=I=E==MM Washington Hotel, Lafayette nett-cattier. I Burnt District Hotel. Franklin Machine Worksj New Drug Store. EMMM Lard. 011 at a 11.11iieetkPilce. Tsubscriber would, .respectfully inform his friends and the public in general, that his new Factory fa now 'completed, and-with a large addition to her ill - prepared: considera ble :quantities of tt superior akiele , of Lard' Oil, which he is determined to sell cheap, fullT apprecia ting the old• proverb; that !; , p nimble :sixpence is worth more than a slow ihilliug:" Ile feels confi deni that consumers would find Rio - their advantage to give him a call and examine Aii-themselvea. Woolen manufacturers, machinists'aiiil oilier's; are respectfully invited' to examine his superior oil, Fifth street, near Market, opposite Hunkers ;confection: ary store, and Messrs. Samuel - M , Clurken gt Co., Liberty street. ' - Pittsburge Lard Oil manuf ac t ur er; A superior quality of Star Candiesialways on handy of assorted ; ; : mar24-y ornautentra Halr'Wprlc • MRS. 4Enk.:ll, Wig •Maker, 411eghcly.city . eix doors from the :Aqueduct, opposite the Collector's Office, wishes tb, inform the pub lic that she has 'just commenced the 'Ornanicattit 'Hair .business, ind•has a very superior stock, re zeived from the- Eaatern cities and Paris; and she ; is prepared to fill all orders at the shortest notice, tnd in a manner that cannot be acelled by any ainillar xnanufac- and intends keepiirg,a large as sortment of Ornamental Hair IVoric,such - as Ladies' Wigs, Bands, Braids, Curls, ;Necklaces, Guards, Bracelets, Finger Rings, Eic/ 'Geatlemens. Wigs, Tanprics, Scratches, &c. Mrs. It. has been for many years engaged in the hUSiIICtig in France and the United Stites, and from her long and, experience, she feelaconfident in being able to give satisfaction to all who will favor her with their patronage. Her prices are more liberal than have been offered iu this city , heretofore. mar 17-ly James nowurd 41:: Co. TT AVE the pleasure to announce to titte , ii• friends that they again occupy their old stand at tio. 83; Wood street, where they have opened an eaten-1 sue WALL PAPER. WAREIIOIII4I - and will have coulantly on hand an extensive, assortment 6f Satin glazed and plain l'Aglat lIANGINGS, Velvet and Imitation Borders of the !god Style; and moat hand some patterns for papering halls; plirlura and cham bers. They ma nti fiteture, and ha I o on. haud at all times, Printing, Writing, Letter Wrapping and Tea Paper, Bonnet and Fuller's lloa;ds.---all ref iv'hich they' offer Mr sale on the most accomrninfating terms, and to which they invite the attention td , merchants and others. A LSOL—Blank Banks of all kinds hud the best qual ity, School I3ooks t Eze„ always pa hand an 4 for sate 3.4 above. oar 25 Landreth's Warranted:Garden Seeds, TilltECT MOM P.IIILADItILPHIA. Each paper , If bears the label and warranty of DAVID LAN- intern. For sale by F. L: SNOWDEN, No. fl 9 Water st., at the stand formerly occupied by Geo. A. Berry. I Extract from the 'Report of the Visiting Committee f of the Peeesilraeia Horticultural Society,' unani mous:)• adopted and ordered to he printed. LANDRETH'S NURSERIES' AND GARDENS. ''These extensive, grounds ninon Federal street, I near the Arsenal. 4 ' * • 'Me earliest collec tion of Camellias was made here. Sumo of those now in possession of those distinguished nurserymen are ten feet, high. * • • • The selection of carmv-noust; PLANTS IS valuable and extensive. "The Nurseries are very correctly managed, sup plying every part of the Union, a detail of which would occupy too much of our space, we therefore content ourselves with Stating that the stock is very large, and in every stage'-of growth, consisting, of FOREST AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, EVER— GREENS, SHRUBS, VINES AND CREEPERS, with a collection of herbacceous plants, fruit trees of the' best king and musthealthy conai.ion,'.laege beds of seeding apples, pears, plums, &c., as stocks for bit& ding ass! grafting; a plan very superior to that of working upon suckers, which carry:with them into the graft all the diseases of the parent stock. • • "GARDEN Sams of the finest enality have been scattered over the country from these grounds, and may always be depended upon. The seed establish.. mcnt of these Horticulturists is one of the must ex tensive in the Union, and itikputation is well sustain ed from year to year. "To obviate the chance Of mixture of the farina of the plants of the same family', hey have established another nursery at a suitabre distance, so that degene ration cannot take place, end which secures to the purchaser a 'genuine article.' Knowing thus the age, quality and process of culture of every plant, the supply from their grounds is recommended with great confidence." * * *Since the date of the 'Report' frokl which the above is extracted, the entire establishment has been greatly enlarged. The collection of Camellias em braces all thn liner kinds, and consists of some thou sands of various sizes; so likewise with Roses, and other desirable plants, both tender and hardy; fruit trees, fze. The Seed Gardens alone cover fifty acres, and the whole is, as it has been fur inure than halfa century: under the successive management of father and sem, the most proMinent in America. irr Orders received by F. L. SNOWDEN, from whom eataloguea may be received gratis. mru-9-y A. Card. T HE subscriber begs leave respectfully to return his grateful ackuowlegoments for the liberal pa tronage bestowed upon him for years past, and par ticularly to those who so generously patronized him since his misfortune by the late fire. Having consid erably enlarged his busines by associating with Win. B. ltoberts as a partner, he would earnestly solicit a continuance of former &vont to the new firm of Roberts & Ifane, and he trusts that by prompt atten tion to business they will give general satisfaction. M. L.NE, Jr. REMOVAL The subscribers would respectfully inform their friends and the public that they have removed to their new warehouse on Third between Market and Wood streets, south side, where they trusPbv strict attention to business, to merit a share of public pa tronage. They solicit attention to their extensive stock on timid, which has been got up with great care, in the latest style and most substantial manner, con sisting in part of the following articles, viz: Mahogany Wardrobes, " Dressing Bureaus, Book Case end Secretaries, " Section Back Sofas, " Plane do., " Divans, " Ottomans, " Victoria. Chairs, " French do, " Plain do, " Centre Tables, Card do, " Bureaus of every description, End Tables, Marble Top Pier do, " Centre do, " Sofa do, " Dressing Bureaus, " Wash Stands ' Mahogany Work Stands, " flat Racks, " Rocking Chairs, " Sewing do; " Music Stools, " Arm Chairs, " French Bedsteads, " Butlers' Trays. Mahogany, cherry and poplar bedsteads, warrant ed proof against bugs, and superior to any now-offer ,ed to the public. Also,ia variety of Windsor chairs, of the best quality,aud a new style of arm chair with spring scat, well adapted for offices or societies, with a variety of other articles too numerous. to mention. • We have at considerable expense introduced into our new factory on Front street, a steam engine with machinery; which will enable us to sell, wholeaale and retail, at.reduced prices. The attention of Western Merchants, and persons moving West, is invited to our new and extensive establishment. Western Cabinetmakers are also re quested to give us a call; as they will find they can purchase froth us for less than they can manufac tyre, Orders from a. distaacC will receive prompt attention, and the furniture will be carefully packed. Steamboats and hotels furnished et the shortest no tice,' Qud on ;favorable terms:. ROBERTS & KANE; N. 13; Undertaking in all its branches attended to. mar . lo-y Ri. & lc. HE HEIDELBERG CATECHISM, or a semi T wary of Christian Doctrine as used by ,the German DeforineciChurcb, .English and German.— For sale at our store; No. 115 Wood st. Pittsburgh. jell SCRIBA & SCHEIBERA, Booksellers, IiEW FALL GOODS; IVIIOLESALE AND,.RETAI.t 'BARROWS & TBRNBit,` AT NO. Age IVIAKET' ST., ESPECTFULLY call the 'attention of their. J friends, and DRY Goons purchasers generally, to their extensive assortment of NE.W FALI.; GOODS. Which is now complito in every deparmerit. Purchasers are particularly invited to examine our very choice selection of ; ' DRESS. GOODS AND ,SHATP:P. . Much attention has been given . to their selection, and in point of richness and variety, we neverbefdre habe been able to offer greater inducements. Fine Wool Cashmeres; Cashmere Reps; .Cashmere D'Ecosse, Mohs .De Lairtes; Faney mit! Staple Silks, &c. SirAwLs:L:4tench; Terkerri, Cashmere Broehe. Ernbroklered:and plain Clothrdo.-:Thibet Shawls of entirely new , ,and rich patterns—in every variety of style---also,lienniquin's Blk: Merido',"With Fancy styles, at reduced prices. _ Ladies Fancy Silk Velvets• Paris Kid Gloves, in all shades and Nos.; Borisrvlttnotms.—Scveral boxes rf't'd comprising, the different late styles, choice p4ttetni. Few boxes very handsome patterns at 12; cents. Linen Cambric ildkfs, from 12} cts. to the best FRENCH AND 6CUTCII GINGIIA.NS-Of.vgry Oesira 7 ble styles and qualities superior,,at lowprices. French Thibet Cloths, on all shades); Alpacas, Silk and C9tt. Warps, plain arid fan'eyi Bombazines,. Lupine's best, :.at unusually low pi;ces. Ombri 4-4 Cashmeres; Embossed Table Covers; • ;. Wool ts Iti.aritcrts--12 and 14.4 fancy bound, 12-4 twilled beautiful article:. Also loic-citsts oftliffernnt styles, all of which Ude offered n4ricca 30 per cent reduced. . Splendid Calicoen;at . lo and tat cts. Our domestic depurtment-is full;possessingadvan tages to the part:limier rarely to ',Le found.. Brown Shootings. yard wide 'good quality, 6; DO. do. do. , V,itra heail, 8c GE:s - Ttormr.rr pl cage take notice, that at our nuiuller may be found at :ill times French Broad Cleats, Pant stuffs and Vestingri; Satin' and• Silk Scat'fi4"and Cravats, new styles; .Linen and Silk liars., Gloves,. Hosiery, Gum Braces, Silk Elastics, Silk Umbrellas,, c.,ft - 7. The above stock, ham been purchased Within the last 30 days since the gicat depteciation in prices in the Eastern markets, and will he disposed entire ly to the advantage or the purchaser. Call'and see at the “Dotthi 'Town Cash House."' - - 1 - sep. IN.. ; BARROWS & TURNER!. Drugs, Drugs;•Drogw, 4t No. o. C'aminercid Row; I,qmitystrcel,"llig G . 61: den :fifortar" once more. llr thankful for the liberal PT- A iro S k rt° uaffe,l2ir Je ; y bud heretofore.reeeived and wishing to merit an increased share of public pa- tronage, would respectfully call the attention of the public -to our stock of goods which we are now re-' ceit nig for die fall trade. Among which may .be found in quantities to suit purchasors : the following articles. dZ4uchard Root, LiquOrice foot, Flour Sulphur,[ do. Ball, Gum Afabie, Relined Borax, Cal , d Magnesia, 4 Sal Soda, Curb Magucsia, 5. Spanish Brown, Gum Aloes, i Gum Copal, Cream Tarter, . Roll Brimitone, Calomel, 5 . 7 „ . ..,—,_,. • White Chalk, I Sup Curb Soda, - , Ext. I,ogwootl, Epsom Salts, ~ Chip'd do. 'Glauber do.'. Madder, 'Tartaric Acid, . Yellow Ochre, Gam Scammony, — '-' Chronic Yellow, Bat C'opatia, do.: Green; Salt Pare, Rose Pink.' ^ . Vogether. with ti general assortment, orOiLs, pait&t, of which will be sold as low as at any other britise in the Honey Wanted lu exchange : for Hats and Caps. • ; THE subscriber would inform the public that he haS received his fall stock of Caps, all of which have" beep principally made to his orde,' and as his purchases has, been made on the cash' iiystetn, he:is enabled to sell --his ' stock of Hats and Caps at unnivally tor cash. His stock does not cousint of the cuttings .of, Eastern houses, bait are all a fresh manufactured article. Neither is his establishment replenished with the old stock from eastern-.markets.: The Proprietor being a hatter . and Cap manufacturer, by trade, as' Well as Profession, he is also daily Man ufacturing Hats and Caps of all descriptions, 4n4.1 fur their neatness and durability, cannot be Fur passed. All of which he offers at wholesale and retail, and at such ;prices as Cannot fail to please the purchaser., C. W. 6LASSDOW, No. 102, Wood street, third door below John D. Da.: cis , Commercial ;Auction Rooms. - Septl2. . PALL.GOODS H AT THE NEW YORK STORE. 10 Cases rich fall nods; French tnd English Cash leres and .11.1puu. Lames ; Gala Lobrain plaids; lain. I: r c n'c h loak Cloths:' rinted and plaid loakingsl a full, ssortmentol ranch- Brochc, tinted Caslunere Ik. and colpred :hibet, plainlapd imbroiderpd Thawls, plain and lwil'd Ginghains,. lerinos, Alpacas td plain de mines; plain,hlli of rich coldred .tch Bonnet Rib]: bons- ' Velvet and Bonnet Silks; French and Atnori can Flowers, in great variety; .Braid and StraW Bonnets, cheaper than ever; a full assortment ori gentlemen's wear; such •as Cravats, Shirts, under] Shirts and Drawees; Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestiegi, I all of which will be sold at a small advance over, New York cost. W. H. GARRAItD, Sept 16 79 Market street. ] Jamcs Cavanagh. I t 'IMIPORTER And Wholesale dealer in French, Gerp jlmaii and English. Fancy Variety Gaads of eVery description; Such as Jewelry, table and riocket Cut lery, silk Purses bead Bags, silver and German !sil ver Spoons, gold and silver Pencils, silk and gum Sus ponders, 100 doe. of Germantown Hoes and half do. Trim:nings of all kinds, and a general assottment of toys, constantly on hand at No. 61, Market Sheet; bet Ween Third and Fourth streets, Simpson's Ron, Pittsburgh. n1Y1.3 • . W. Biddle, Dentist. • FIVE dOore above the Canal Bridge, Penn street, perform* all operations on the Teeth satisfac torily. • N. B.—Having lately'lnade one of the greatest improvernenti in forceps that has ever appeared be f fore the public, he has-been able f to extract teeth with such ease • is to astonish all those Who have availed therneelVes ofhisServiees. July 24, 1846-1 - p 1 i, cc! ' , Pitt,burgh, William McKee. STILL continues in his old business of maimfactur ing Waions, Carts, Drays, Timber Wheels, Trucks, and Wheelbarrows, on Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield, where he keeps constantly on hand, or made to order in the shortest notice, any amount of work, by, the best or workmen and good materials, and at prices to fruit the times. ; Those engaged in the Santa Fe trade, and Furnace men, are requested to giye him a call -beta.) purchasing elsewhere. ap7Py John Cartwright. CUTLER and Surgical inetrumenf.lfanufactu' No. 140 Wood, street,- two doors from' Virgiri ley;Pittsburgh, Pa.. Always on hand an extent assortment of Surgical and Dental. instrum Sa*ters , , Hatters , „Hair Dressero and T.' nire - Patent Shears, Baiidlere Tools, Trirsses, , Sr. 4 je24 THE undersigned hay.ing dispo.sed of hia tsfatt; lishment, No, 112 Market st., to Mr. 'Ebonies A. Hinton, would cordiallyreeommend him, to his 'friends : and the public generally, as-one - every way worth} of their patronage. aug22: ArCAMI\ION. The undersined, having initehased the large and extensive stock of Boots, Shoes,' ; belonging to A. M'Cammon, No. 112 Market street, one door from Liberty, will continue to conduct the business in all its branches, and trusts that by a strict atten tion to blisiness, and an ardent disposition to please, he will meet `a' continuation of the patronage so liberally bestowed upon his piedecessor. THOMAS A. HINTON. N. B.—Two or three good workmen, can have employment, by`making'irumediate application. att,,26 REAL ESTATE AGENCY. ..TAnlts DLAKELY, I. ,nraciart, ('CONTINUE to _attend to-the selling and renting of Real Estate - in the City of Pittsburgh and vi- Malty. Having determined to devote a large portion of ;their time.to this branch. of business, they_ with confidence solicit a share of the patronage of the public;' from the facility . they possess and the experi: once they have (the 'Sequin- partner having Ina gaged in the Real E.stste Agency-for iica'r 20 yearic,) they believe that they gin ,general ; satisfaction. 'Office on Penn st„ near thelt: Si Hotel, and Smith.' field st., between Diannind Alloy and stroct. • ;- and=lßiiting Rooms, corner of 10h and Marlrot streets. The liberal patronage giv -1 en to this - establishment .by his friends:',uid the public induces the-proprietor, in order to encourage perseverance and industry a._ mong his students, to otter on the Ist of OC - tOber ne:tt, as premiums TWO GOLD PENS, 'eletiantlY mounted in-silver petted cases.- One to-be awarded to-any member of Lis class for the_grcatest Pioficient;y 11 - ook.lteeping., and the other - to any member of his class for , the best specimen'and greatest improvti. ment.inMereantile Penmanship. Day and ,Evening Classes.' Hours of business until Ist of. October, 2. to 4, and 71 to 10,P. M. - • ' 4101 . Pittsburgh Navigation and Fire insu - ranee Company. ' Ojlcc, No. 21, Market &rat. DIRECTORS : * Miphael Allen,l William Ebbs, - C. Angnitz„ . - ; , Le.WiS lintehLkon, Tbo.s. Bakevvell,; Fred Lorenz, Roberti',leer, . ' I James May; R.'W.. Poindexter: -.., - . .. .M. ALLEN,' Presl,' . .. , C , RoBEIIT FIsNEr. .sertqary . . aug2o.dilm. . . , . . A UCTIONDER COltiAllSSl(6.- 1111:11tCji ANT , A Corner "of Wood and Fifth streets, Pittsbtirgh, is ready to receive merchandize of °Very description on consignment for public or. private sale, and frpyit long 47:sperionec in the . above - busines, flatters himself that will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who learttior him with their _pntronage... - Itedular,sales on Mondays-and -Tllurstlays of Dry Goods and Fancy articles', at7o o'cfed, A: M. Of groceries, Pittsburgh manufactured articles, new and second hand furniture, Be., at two o'clock, P. M. Sales every evening at earlf gas-light. . atigl2-y Man , is Inventions Outdone. by. Nature. READ, DEFLECT, DE IN/BE, AND USE. NATURE... 6 : GREAT REMEDY, TRY: AMERICAN OIL, A MEDICINE OF .NATURE. • 1 riIIIIS Oil is obtained from a well near Burksville, • ,- Kentficky,..at the depth of 185 feet beloiv the-1 Surface . orthurearth, and 170 foot throesh.solid rock. Its curative properties are truly astonishing, and as I a. Remedial Agent it may well tie" "pronounced rizin I derful.; Since the discovery of: this Panacea of Na t tine, numbers of remarkable cures have been effect ed by its •iese. It is Innocent--Powerful-LSafe and Certain in its effects: It has been used with unpar aliened: AUICeeSS in She, treatment of the following diseases; Inflammatory Rheumatism, Burns end Scalds; Cholic, Piles, Flatulence, Inflammation of the Kidneys,' Deafness, Consumption, Liver Com plaint, • P4thisic, Scald Head,, Cancers, Weak ,and Sore Eyes Bruises, Fresh Outs and Wounds, Sprains and Strains, Dropsy, Pains in the Breast and _Side, Tetter, Influenza, - Ulcerated Sore Throat, Consumption, Bronchitis,;: Spasms, Ulcers,; Spinal' Affections, Scroftila or Rings P vi I; Coughs, Syphilis, , Ringworm, nll Bowel Complaints, all Chronic - (Es. eases, Impurities of the Blood and General ' It is likewise very beneficial for Female Complaints in general; acts as a-great Restorative from Languor, weakness of Back and Chest, Low Spirits and Execs sive•Debility. • . .' . . ' 1 i Read the following - Certificates;•all of which - arc I authentic; all the persons therein named are now living, and well known in Cincinnati: . . :' ' Prrrszfunint 4.tie" 1846 This is to certify that we. havo . used the-American Oil fur the whooping cough, among our children, by, giving them from 20 drops to a small tea spoonful at night, which always enabled Montt° rest well through the night. I also applied it to one of the children that got, her arm burnt by turning over a tea cup of hot coffee on it, the child seased crying by the time the arm was dressed and bound up, and has never complained of it since. I also was afflicted with a pain in Joy side ana breast, and have been so for 16 years. I coinmenced-using the Oil by taking a tea spoonful twice a . day. and in 3 or four days 'using of the oil Ihave beu very much relieved and do really believe that it is the best tinnily medicine that I have overseen.'l ;applied it to tine of my neighbor's for a strained ancle,which relieved her in a few minutes. We have'also used the oil for a strained joint . in our own family, which gave ease in a -very short time. We live on the east side ofPenn st., 3 doors south of Walnut) I um now- as well as I ever was in my life. MARGARET 11. SMITH. _ This is to certify, that my sou has had the Plethisic for seven year's, and was' very bad with it, and about 12 or 15 - days since; I commenced giving to him about 20 or 25 drops of the American 'Oil, twice a day. which relieved him in a day or two of his diffi culty of breathing, and lie is now entirely relieved of his cough; our boy is 10 years of age. We live in King's Alley..- I,IA.NCY.IONG., Crricir, , nvsat July let, 1846. Sir: 'Having been cured of a very severe disease of the eyes anti head by the use of the American Oil, I feel it my duty to the public, as well as tip:in; to send ,you the following certificate: I hereby certify that I was severely • afflicted one year ago last winter, with inflamed sore eyes and a very severe pain in my head from my, eyes up to the top of my,liemi, and continued, so for several : weeks. My eyes Were so much inflamed and sore that I could riot see . to attend' ny- business nor could I eel! one object from another a few yards from me. I called in a ph sician, but still got worse. I also tried a' good 'many remedies that had cured others; butin.my case they failed. In April, 1848, I heard of dull American Oil. I piocured,a bottle, and be fore lihailmsed a half a bottle I 4 ivas entirely well, and still continue so. I will not lie 'without it in my houstilas long as I can get the genuine article. I also gave i‘to one of my men that was working for me, that had the letter in his hands so bail that when lie would grip anything tight in them the blood wonhl burst out, and the use or half a bottle cured ivi_both, I would advise all that are alllicte.l in any way to give l the Oil .a fair trial, and I thit.:l: they will be pleased with the direct it will hare. &c. Sold at One Dollar per Bottle at Jackson's Patent Medicine. Warehouse, 89 I.ibcrty, bead of Wood st., Pittsburgh.i THE oats PLACE IN PIPPSIW/IGII where the Genuine American Oil cnn be obtained. Beware of a Counterfeit article. The Seneca Oil. put in American Oil Bottles, and labelled "Amer ican Oil.". It somewhat resembles the American . Oil, but possesses none of its virtues or licalingptini era. . W. Jackson respectfully informs the Public that D. Nail lb Co., the proprietors of the American-Oil, have appointed him their SOLE AGENTsfor West ern Pennsylvania. All persous wishing Sub-agencies will apply at 89 Liberty street;anabnve, N. B. Sdiagents v?inted for every twin' in the above. Distritt. - , A great number of certificates are' on hand and can be seen at the offieci 89 . Liberty street head of Wood: • aug 2&.1y lati2=M =Ai Aliternum, :Attorney at L2trt BLAKELY & John D, Daivlst PrrranunGEE, Aug. 14,_1846 muramy _~ _ . ~.- pRicE.- i -.Tw4)..:::t.u2k . u. - )sf. -H. - Williams , Select- School; : i. Tit.,TORTH EhaY corifet' of re . deiel and Robinson j stieetsi Allegheny ~will commence "ite fall session on Monday the iistinst.- From Prefessoy Lee,,lirailchigtem college, 'and Having attended an "examination of the school taught by Alf. Williams, we take 'pleasure in bear ing our testimony to the evidence dfforded'by it of the unusual skill endlabor .of -141 r., .:The understanding of the principle,,pf the subjects which the scholars had, been studYing, Shown - by., their clear answers to questions asked by Others than the teachers, prove the; excellenee•of the New England modes of teaching,in Iyhich Mr. Williams somas to be proficient. , •-R. H. LEE, • • -T. WISHART, &c. From the Rec.-Mr: ,Picston, Doctor Hunt,' . . Having attended an examination of tha Select School under the care of Mr:Henry Williams, held recently in his school. room, corner or Federal and, Robinson streets,. Allegheny city; .we wish to call public attention to this institiition. We were highly gratified with the progress and order MIR: school. -- This manner of simplifying and illustrating the - dif 4 . !Merit branches" ls peculiarly happy; arid eaten. lated to give interest to the'pupils; Ilia mode "of teaching them to. read struck us as dere!, and onla that cannot fail to make good rmulers: Bronx the k 11 - owl:Age that we hav6 of Mr- I jams , character 'as' teacher, his realr fidelitynntt: success, we. cordially rer.oratacud him to the patron- : age . oftheufilic. , the ineation is - elegible for both . cities. - ' • DAVID' HUNT,," I attendad the ahote dxainiqatiou,,and can truly say I was iniraligratiaeil with tiic ottaintrneut of the._., ME aug24 arn Vn►versity Law School. ri-nin FALL .SESSIOI3,of doped-talent of vho Wmitern EniVersify . , 'will ceminence - in the new University. Building, on the Finsr.Alone.Air OF SEP. TEREEE nest, and the - SPRINO. 'SESSION or 1847, wilt commence on the linsr Atortimtt Fteatiawy fol lowing. This institution having - se Far recovered trona the etreets:ertlie'great tire M'April last:year, as to havo the new building nearly Cotriplated with increased acconunedations for all its departments,dt is hoped that the Law Scheel will Mural re present increas ed. Emilities and attractions td those who desire .to pursue a 'regular and thorough course.ofdegal educa tion, and to prepare themselves — creditably for ad mittance to the bar. There will be daily recitations by.thO classes on assigned lessons, so arranged as to embrace, within. a two years C. - ouse l all the principal and most - im portant branches of the law., Occasional. ectures on law and eqiiitY; will also be delivered as part of the course. . Tut Moor Counr, desigaed for assisting student's in acquiring knowledge and. readiness in the prac tice of the law will be resumed as Soon as thenum • her of students will justify. The decree of PIiCEIE. Lon or 'Lic . tv will be conferred on sttillents of the institution, according tberules usual in Mich,institu= - Any farther inrormation that May lie required can readily he obtained on ayiplication, to the Profestiot, WALTEn H. L0W.7.1e, who has his office onAth above raithfield street, Pittsburgh: - Ittins---Serenty-five dollars a year, or thirty-sev till- ?tau . 'hair dollars b. session.' 01186'413m EXTRAORDINARY' DISCLOSHILES.' . .. , BEIVAAR OF FRAUDS. - _-' • T.O: •D li ti GOT.:S i't S'. ' •''.- : Q OME Druggists ars misled into-the error, of buy- :. 0 ins , a miserable imitation Ofs„Dr. Smith's Sugar- -: Coatecrlndian ' Vegetable - Pills, simply because gItY .., can purchase the spurious cheaper. - We in all cases expose Such. dealers throughout the.country, . who, alter being dulg ilifoYmed of the rascality of these:imitators, buy and attempt to impose ripen the public with such worthless trash... his not the Su-- ear coating alone that constitutes the value of my , Pills, but it is ray invention, for -which I clahn the right. - - ' 'G. BENJ.' SMITH, M. D., - l•-• .• ' . '179 Greenwich st. and 2 Water st. Boston. ' • READ AND JUDGE—IMPORTANT FACTS. - _ We, the undersigned; wholesale druggisti in Lou,: isville, Ey,, are satisfied; from all the - . information that we eau obtain; that Dr. q. 1.11.17. JAMIN SIMITLI is the original inventor Of tile, Sagan:Coated Pills,' WC are. prepared t 6 supply dealers -at' the New' York price .• -. -• • . .- . : Robinson, Peter 4- Carg o 492 Main street. •. - . J. S. Morri,s - 4-'Co.; 461 Main st. Rupert 4- Lindenberger, 511 Main st. ' George Lapping 4. Co, 79 Fourth st.- , • . ._ ' Bull 4- Atden, 81 Fourth st. . . York... The following froni druggists in Neo shows I invented the Sugar Coated Pins in 1893: . - . New York, June 1611, 1844.: ' We, the undersigned, never saw or heard of "Su-' ,gar, Coated Pills;" until Dr. G: Benjamin Smith man:.'• nfactured and exhibited them to us about a.year since., Rushton 4- Co., 110 Broadway and 10 Astor House., Israel Ranitolph, M. D. 86 Liberty 81 2 . .1- Horace Everett, 96 Hudson st.•• -'..--• John Custrce 97 Hudson st. . _ David SaUds, 79 rulton :if. • . A VOICE FROM ICENTUCkr. ' I have been afflicted with dyspepsia in its most ag— gravated form for three years past, and found no,re.. relief until I used Dr. G. Benj.: Smith's"Sugar-Ceat ed Indiait Vegetable Pills." After using six boxes of said valuable pills; I am entirely cured:. - They .are,: a general remedy. T. K. LEE MAN. Paducah; Ity. Nov. 9,1895. We certify• to , the above facts. Dr: Sniith'S "Sugar-Coated . Pills') are itniveraally . esteemed in this v icihity. .. HODGE GIVENS iv Co, 11.Ier•Oiants., Paducah', Ky. Nov. 19,1395: • fit the request of Dr. Ot Benjamin Smith's agent we cheerfully state that we visited the Office of Dr. Smith inSeptemberlast, while in NeWLYork, and , found him to all appearance carrying ail ' a very es:- tensire business with his Sugnr-Coatd Indian Vege-• table Pills. The extent of his establiSkincet would astonish any one not initiated in the myit'ilies of the pill trade.—LouisvillriJournal, , - .'. • .: .• , . (From Dr. Sin g leton:) Smitbland, (Ky.) Feb: 24; 1846. , • Dr. G. Benj: Smith.--Dear Sir: Nothitig hSs ever been introduded that has sold Eci walatind given each general satisfaction as your Segal-Coated ltnproved Indian Vegetable Pills. Very-reSpeCtfults; yours, - . • - • .- ' S. Ir. SINGLETON. .-. : . (From'Bull & Alden.) - Louisville •(by.) Feb. 13th, 1846. Dr. G. Benj. Smith=sDear Sirf 'nix will pletie send us 12 gross of your valuable Flits. From present M, dications we shall sell a largo .mount, of them.-1-- We 'find that they' go Very: quick: ' Your friends;''' -' • • - -- - BULL &ALDEN. ' :( From Wilson,Starbird & Smith.) .. -.' Louisville Feb 13th, 1546. Dr: Snlith—Dear Sir: About hill weeks ago we bought 2 ernes Of yiltir hulßiii Tegiat•able Sugar Coat-. ed Pills., Thoush business is dull here at this timp o yet we. have sold them all. You will pleaSe send us 10 grosS through M.essrs: Lawrence & Keese; ofyour city, who will forWarcithena to us via Pittsburgh.. _ . . - Yours, respectfully, - - - wILSON; STARBIRD & sn - nr,: - . ' This is"to Certify that i have used 'thci - Sugar coated pills manufactured by,G, lienj..Smith,tsfNew York, for setae time; and believe them to be a good medicine; and alai, from enquiry. in that eity,'l arsi persuaded that -he 'is the original inventor, and therefom, is entitled to the benefit of the inventors. ~ . . ' S. WILLIAMS, . . neg2l. Faiter Ist Baptist Church-Pittslittrgli, '• We have forty letter's from different deahrs Solicit. ing the agency vim), Pill, although they had..tlie spu rious in their store—one Di particular tiom New Or; leans, which we shall publish. - -' ! ' .-; -' Principal, W N. pal Otlices"-ew, York,. 179 Greenwich at; Boston Water st. i • ' 1)/s G. 13L'NJAMIN SMITH is written 01i the but tom of every box ofgennine "Sugar-Coated Pills:". AGENTS—Williant Henderson Druggist, 205 Liberq street Pittsburgh: John Surgeon! Allegheny city., MaylSd7m. .- - - - • , . , - rffittE undersigned would respectfully, inform the I citizens of Pittsburgh and its vicinity, that he has purchased from Mr. Moses Cory, his large and splendid stock of Dry Goods, kept at No. 66 Market street, wlMie le intends to keep a eneral assort ment of seasonable Goods, which he will sell at very' reduced prices. Please call and judge foryourselves, No. 66 Market street. auglB To my friends and patrons - I am much oblige(' and would respectfully recommend Mr ..• William Cowen, my successor, • liIOSES CO,ItY. _ . E.CEIVED.TIIIS DAY, by Expiess ' another 1 JR, of rich black MANTILLAS, at-thcibleY, Yotb, Store, 79 Market street. - augl7 TEsTrmobtrAl.s EIBM ItICIPDBARpy BEIESON: WM. PRESTON .WILLIAM COWEN W. H. G..A.R.ILAILD -_ _ ~w