THE PITTSBURGH DAILY MOIMG POST. L. HAILPEII, • EDITOII AND rnoprqrroa PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY, tEPT. 29,J.846 Allegheny County Democratic ifichet; FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER'3. WILLIAM 13 Jrz OF BRADFORD couNTr. Congresi, WILSON MVANDLESS, of. Peebles. ' _ 'senate, • THOMAS -HAMILTON, of Pittsburgh. Sheriff, ROM' PA T TERSON, of Lawrenavil/e. - Prothonotary, GEORGE. R. RIDDLE, of Allegheny. .• Assembly, SAMUEL .W. BLACK, of Pittsburgh. ROBERT H. KERR, of Allegheny. JOHN H. "M'ELHENNY, of Jefferson. JOSEPH COOPER, of Noon. Commissioner for 3, years, ROBERT DONALDSON,. Of Wißant. Commiislomer for I year, WM. - BRYANT, of Pittsburgh. - Auditor for 3 years, , WILLIAM EWING, of Robinson. .-Auditor'for 1 year,- N.. PATTERSON, of Birmingham. Coroner, LEWIS WEYMAN, Allegheny. New Carrier. hmiSemployed a new carrier to deliver the Post to its customers each morning. If any, of gtir friends do not receive their papers for a few days, they will please leave word to that ef 'tact at the counting-room, and we shall have them served• regularly. Are yori Assessed; . . If not, attend to it immediately—lose not a moment. Examine the assesmont in each ward hiithe city, and each township in the couuty, and don't go away until you see your name there. The law. requires cath voter to be assessed at least tea days befOre the next general election, and pay a State or COMity Tax, otherwise he will be deprived of his vote. Democrats, be sure and see to this matter before the :311 day of October. Supply Yourselves with Tickets. We request our Democratic friends in the vari ous townships to call at 'the:office of the Daily Post immediately, and supply themselves with tickets. This matter should not be.neglected, by any means. Henry Clay in a Quandary on the. Tariff. Henry Clay, the "complete Letter Writer," has been writing a letter to Some cute yankee to who take this mode of advertising their productions, in which he says: "I - confess that I seriously apprehend great injury to the general business of 'the country, and ultimate ly to the revenue of the Government. If there shall not be a large addition to the amount of our foreign importations, the Treasury must experience a large deficit. If there should be an addition suf . ficient to compensate the, reduction of duties, the increase tpust be paid for by an equivalent increase in the value of our exports, or the balance must be adjusted in specie. I have not the remotest expec tation that we shall be able to effect payment by additional exportation of the products of the court : try. We, in the -west, do not believe that the re laxation in the British system of restriction is go ing io create any considerable demand for the sur , plus ofour agricultural Produce. We shall, I fear, be constrained to resort to the other alternative, in the event of an excess of'importations, and pay for them in the precious Metals. I need not dwell on the commercial disorder, the embarrassment in every department of business, the wide-spread ruin which would be occasioned by a constant exporta tion of specie in large amounts. We have had ex perience enough of thes.elfatal consequences, when ever protection of our own industry has been inad equate." The N. Y. EVening Post quotes from this letter • of "the'einboiliment," and gives some truthful com_ meats, which places Mr. Clay in a quandary— ( proves him at least to he no prophet, however much of a whig he may be. from having written and spo ken on all sides of all public questions. The Post thus.uses up Mr. Clay's prophecies: We do not know whether our humble sheet ever falls under Mi. Clay's eye, and it is of little conse- I quence whether it does or not,since if he will only look to the record of the market, in any of the news- papers, he will find his predictions of the effect of ! opening . the British ports to the productions of the United States contradicted in the most direct man- ner. With every successive week be will perceive • that the prices of Ameiican produce rise; with every successive week the amount which goes fur ward to the markets of Britain and other countries increases. He, and his friends in the West for whom he professes to speak, will perceive that no politician ever made a more deplorable blunder, never .uttered a doctrine more absurd in itself, or more flatly disproved by facts, than when they maintained that the removal of restrictions imposed in Europe on the admission of agricultural pro ducts from America would not essentially increase the demand for them. There is not a laborer on our wharves who does not know that Henry Clay is in the wrong bete. Nor is there a farmer in the country-but knows and is glad. to know that the opening of the British ports has quiekened the de mand for his produce and enhanced its price. The very transactions of the last week refute Mr.. Clay's position. In the week ending the 18 h of September, the following among other articles were expited to Great Britain from New York: • Wheat, bushels 97,668 Indian Corn, bushels 11,169 Corn Meal, barrels 1,900 . Beef, . tcs. 610 Pork, barrels 130 - Lard, lbs. 178,375 Cheese, lbs. 132,012 - Wool ; bales 66 Besides these commodities, We perceive that in the last three days of last week, fifteen thousand barrels of flour were. purchased for exportation to foreign countries, and about an equal quantity of l rye flour. There is scarcely any product of our fields and pastures which have not found a readier and more profitable market on account of the new and friendly relations of commerce which have been established between our country and the coun tries of Europe.: Instead of that "injury to the gen 'eral business of the country," which Mr. Clay pre. diets, the new system is already producing im p:lase benefit. i When our own more liberal.: tariff goes into effect, the advantage of this exchange of, benefits between nations, we may expect, will be 'still more apparent." Maine. The Gazette says that "the election returns are now all in from Maine. The majority against Dana; Loco Candidate for Governor, is more than 5000 l The Whigs have a majority in the House, and. hope to increase it." Our neighbor should have told the whole truth, when he was at it. According to the Portland Argus, Mr. Dana, the Democratic candidate for Governor, leads his fede ral competitor over 400 votes, and Bronson is be hind, an election some 13,000 votes. Instead of the Whigs havirig, the majority in the lionse, the "Boston. Post of Thursday states that the Demo crats have a majority. Although the candidate for Governor is not elected, yet he has a large majority over either his competitors, but not over all. In Maine Massachusetts and ,per haps some other 'States, a candidate must have a 'ma . jority over all opposition, before he is elected. 'this is manifestly unjust, causes a great deal of trouble, and puts the tax-payers to no little expense. The method adopted in this State is correct. , , 14 V 1 - 4 . ? t .id,:.:r s-.'gF~'9l" k' ~~"r ~~ra>w'aT.r : ~.~ ~t ~"~ "'7z~. -,~ LIVER . PILLS...--These celebrated 1...) pills claim public confidence not only On account of what the proprietor may say about them, but on account of the good resulting from their use. Read the following statement from a citizen of Birming ham: Blrunirrelinu, June 24th; 1846 Me. R. E. SELLERS:-/ take this opportunity of testifying . in favor of your invaluable medicine. A bout two years ago I was taken down With a severe indentation of the liver, and was so recluced,by night sweats and other effects of this dreadful ditieas'e,thet my life was despaired of. After other means had failed, I was advised by my physician to try , your Liver Pills ' and I must say that after taking one box and a half,l have been restored to reasonable health, which I enjoy at this time. I therefore take pleas - tire in recommending them fb others afflicted with die ease of the liver. Yours respectfully, These Pills stand unequaled by any 'medicine known for the cure of liver complaint, and, may be had of the proprietor, R. E. SELLERS, 57 Wood st., Pittsburgh. sep:l9 CiOFFEE-270 bags Super Riu Coffee, now landing j and for sale low by sep2S MILLER & RICKETSbN. l i fr d Er r ,-- 531 2 : by barrels Whiting now landing sep2SIMILLER & R CKETSON. PIPPED LOGWOOD-20 bbls..Chipped Logwood I L , now landing and for sale by spe2B .MILLER & RICKETSON. fiIIAMPAGNE WINE -10 baskets quarts, / "P. A. Mormon & Co." 10 as pints, Champagne Wine now landing and for sale by sep2S MILLER & RICKE.TSON A _ TIRINCIPEE CIGARS-40 M "T. Barrio's" brand Principec Cigars, in store and for sale by . sep2B MILLER ¢ RICKKTSON. rpANNER , S OIL-15 Barrels Tanners Oil, just re ceivetl and for sale by 8008 MILLER & RICKETSON. CIRAB CIDER-10 Barrels Economy Crab Cider, k_,/ just received and for sale by sep2B MILLER & RICKETSON. Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad. BOOKS will be opened for receiving subscriptions to the capital stock of the "Cleveland and Pitts burgh Railroad Company," at the office ofJ.' W. ROB ERTSON & Co., corner of Wood and Third streets, on Wednesday the 30th September, the books will remain open from 9 o'clock, A. M., until 5 o'clock,. P. M., of said day, and also during the same hours on Thursday and Friday following. Several of the Directors will be in attendance during the three days above stated, and they hope to receive liberal sub scriptions from the citizens oePitts. By order of the Board of Directors, JAMES FARMER, D-S.NIEL T. LAWSON. Pittsburgh, Sept. 28, 1846i.,1wd. Choice Building Lots, for Sale or tO'Lease. 1:10UR Building Lots on. Grant street nearly oppo -12 site the new Court House, each 20 feet front, and extending 85 feet back to a 10 feet alley. Also, four Building Lots on Fourth st., between Cherry alley and Grant srcet, each 21 feet 6 inches front, (including the privilege of a 3 feet alley,) and running back 110 feet to an alley of 20 feet hfwidth. An indisputable title can be given for the above desirable property, which will be sold on, the most accommodating terms, or let on perpetual ,lease at a moderate ground rent. For particulars, apply to BA K EWILLI,64 PE,AII.B Corner of Wood and Second streets; Ur to WILLIAM BAKF.WELL, sop 21-Iw. Bakewell's Law Buildlugs, Grant st. t_ tr : l tsi N r C s COUGHJ E E ' S xCipl t E O C I T J I..Nr O P A is w about exception, the most valuable prepartion to use for the ahove diseases. It converts 1100 PING COUGH into a mild and tractable disease, nnd ulna tens its duration more than one-half, and !produces a certain and speedy recovery. From hilt - to one tea spoon full will certainly cure the CROUP in in fants and young children in half an hones time.— The lives of hundreds of children will he saved an nually, by keeping it always on hand ready for eve ry emergency. Prepared at No. 8, South Third Street, Philadelphia. For sale in Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TEASTORE, 72 Fourth street, near Wood, and also at. the Drug Store.of 11. P. Schwartz, Federal street, Allegheny City. scp 23. pow TO GET RID OF A GOITRE.—Many I_ persons labor under the mistaken, idea that Goitre (an enlargement on the throat,(:produeing great deformity, and often death from pressure on the wind-pipe and large blood-vessels,) is incurable. This is a very great mistake. This disease, as well . as SCROFULA, are eradicated from the system by that pleasant, yet powerful medicine, JAY E'S ALTERA- Tire. It is as certain to cure when properly used, as that the sun gives light and heat. All iS wanted is a fair trial of its virtues, and the tuirtor will begin to diminish in size, and gradually become smaller and smaller until it entirely disappears. Prepared at No. 8 South Timm street, Philadelphia. Forsale in Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TEA STORE, 72 Fourth street, near \Vood, and also at the Drug Store of H. P. Schwartz, Federal street, Allegheny City. sdp 23. LAKE ,SUPEKIOR. rb, THE STAUNCH low pressure, ~.„..4 . 4 4. 4 54 ship built StCam Packet, JULIA —PALMER, Capt BENJ A. STANEARD, having been put in complete condition fur sea, will run upon Lake Superior during the season, commence ing 3d August, between the Sault de St. Marie and the various ports, as business may warrant. The J. P. is well furnished in every particular, and is as, line a heavy weather vessel as any ship that floats the seas. Has good upper cabin, state rooms and family saloons, as also single berths, ladies cabin and steerage cabin. All well ventilated, and will accommodate 100 cabin passengers. Freight in large quantities can be stowed under decks. Parties with or. without freight will be accommodated at the vari ous landings upon the British and American sides of the lake. [o' One or two voyages will be made to La Pontei during the Indian payments, and two pleasure voy ages will be made entirely around the lake coast wise, during August and September, giving to plea sure travel an opportunity of enjoying the most de lightful, unique and interesting scenery in the known world. State rooms or single berths can be secured in advance by addressing W. F. PORTER TAYLOR,Managing owner, Sault de Ste Marie, Michigan. July, 1843. L jys2o-;3ta&3m N. B. Property consigned to W. F: Porter Taylor will meet with immediate despatch as ordered. J. Crawford, M. D. RESPTCTFULLY tenders his services tO the citi , tens of Pittsburgh and .vicinity. Office, St y Clair street, opposite the Exchange Hoteli septl9-43tn ; James Blakely, AldermaMl OFFICE on Penn st., opposite D. Leech& packet line office. Office hours from o'clock A.,11.1., to S o'clock P., M. Books for Ladles. 4 - RS. SIGOURNEY'S Letters to young ladies; AIL Miss Jewsburg's Letters to the young; Miss Chapone's Letters; I Knapp's Female Biography; Miss Leslie's Pencil Sketches; Mrs. Shelley's eminent French Writers; • The Life of Woman; Mrs. Ellis's Prose Writings; " Irish Girl; The Sinless Child, by Mrs. Seba Smith; Poems of Lucretia M. Davidson; Library of Female Poets; L. E. L. Complete; Bridnka Drapers Writings, &c., &c. For sale by IL S. BOSWORTH& Co seplfi No. 43 Maiket st ,_ . 'RHODES &ALCORN, (Late olNew York city,)- No. 27 Fifth st., between WOod 'and Market, Manufacturers of Mustard; Ground Spines, Catnips, Class Books. N 1 &c., &c., will Open dining the present week a large UTHORS—Virgil, Horace, Cicero, Cxsar, Sal- assortment of articlesin their line, which, they will J lust, Homer, Latin Lessons Prose Composition, wholesale in (01).1E1On:es to suit dealerS, at Eastern and Latin Versification, Graca Majora, Minota, Ho: olesale prices. All articles thern,warran race and Virgil Delphina, Greek and Latin Leri. ted.' Merchants intending to'go east would - do well cons and Grammars, 4 , c. • j For sale by H. S. BOSWORTH &. co., - , at their warehtntse . No. 27 Fifth street, in-Ryan's : seple , 44 Market street. - Building. - ; sep. ME .. i.V. tX... - _ ~. ~ _ ~r.. _ shi 1' • 1 - TILEY & PUTNAM'S LIBRARY OF CHOICE IV 4,AEADING, N. 64. Memoiiii and Essays, il lustrative' of-Art;-Litcraturo and Social Morale, by 10 Jameson, No. 65 and:66. Travels in Italy, Spain and f orta 61+ ' with 'ati - excurtion to Alcobeca,larid-Batallif, by William'Beckford- C S ROBTER No. 67 and 68. dlochelaga or England in the New W!drld, edited_ by Eliot Warburton,: Esq., author Of theiCresce4t and the Cross. • ' I Wiley_. and Putnam's Library of iiMericati Bdoks, Not 17 and IS. Mosses from an Old Maiise,"by Na- thaniel Hawthorn. Altowan, or incidents of Life andlAdventure bathe' thellocky Mountains by an Amateur Traveller, edi ted:by J. Watson Webb... • - Lectures to Women on Anatomy and Physiology, with an appendix on Water Cure, by Mary S. Grove. Greek-English Lexicon, by Henry George Liddell, M. A., late Student of Christ's Church, and now Head of Westminster, School, , -and Robert Scott, A. M., with corrections and additions, and the insertion in alphabetical order of the proper names occurring in the!principal Greek Authors, by Henry Drisher, M. A., Adjunct Professor of, the Greek and ;atilt Lan guages in Columbia College, New York. The Trees of America, Native and Foreign; Picto rially and Botanically Delineated, SCientifically and popnlarly described, and•illuatiated by numerous en gravings, by D. J. Browne, author of the Silva Amer icaria. • JUHF GIVEFER . . . . • .. IMBMN MIIIIMVI Leontine, or the Court of Louis the Fifteenth, by Mrs. Moberly, author of "Meloathe," " Emily," " The. Love Match," &c:' , The Statesmen of the Commonwealth of England, N0.!4. 1 Living Age, N 0.122: . . • Shakspeare, No. 109, 110,1 . 11 and 112. Chamber's Information for the People, No- 3. . Ellen: Munroe, •a sequel to the Life in London. The above - along with a numerous selection of choice works just received :and for sale at COOK'S Literary Depot, 8.5 Fourth street. sep2B. FOIIH. NIGHTS AT - THE ODEON. ADMITTANCE 25 CENTS. rimEAßmo NEON S have the hopor to announce to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Pittsburgh, that, in compliance with numerous solicitations, they will give a Series of' four: - Grand Illngdeal ,Soirees, MandaY, Tuesday ~Wednesday and Thursday nights, Sept.'2B, 29, 30, and October Ist, 1846. 'With charrre or FrOgramme nightly. DoorS open at 7 . * 'To commence at 71- o'clock, Private seats may be secured: on application:at the between two and tliree o'clock each day. sep26ilst ' PHYSIC AND PHYSICIANS, a Medical Sketch Book, exhibiting the public and private life of the most celebrated.Mcdical Men of former days, with Memoirs of eminent living London Physicians. For sale by H. S. 130SWORTH & CO., _ sep26 ',No. 43 Market street. Bociks. MRSii.Ou.rtsKcire Meditation; Thinks Thinks I to Myself; Irving's Sketeh Book; The Neighbors; • ,The Koran. ' :For sale by H. S. BOSWORTH 8s CO., sep26 : No. 43 Market street ;•• Bead Bag OHThursdarafternobn, on Penn street, between Maubury and Hay, or on Hay between Penn and Liberty, Steel Bea/1110g. 1 I The finder will be suitably rewarded by leafing it at the office of the, Post. .; sep2s. . Tobacco, gbuff and.Clgar Store, NO. 2d FIFTH STREET. JUST RECEIVED, very choice ;lot of manufac a. hired Tobacco, orVarioushrands- among which . L; are, I ; Branch's Aromatic ilavendish; Peyton"s Honey DeV Fives; James Thomas', Jr.i'NectarLeaf; John Ender's Honey i Dew Ladies' Twist; A Lawre Loftier Balt lore Plug; . Also, a very fine lot f Cuba filler Leaf, which will be sold in small or la „, ' quantities. Toget ter with evertariety of Cigar's, which will he-sold wholesale or. re il. . sep2.s-411m 1 i JACOB M'COLLISTER. Book anil Job Printing Office, N. W. COMMA' OF WOOD AND T/FTII SMELTS.' Jrproprietor of the Morning ' Post and Mer curg Manufacturer respectfully informs his friends and the patrons of these T r oopers, - that he has a large and well chosen assortment of • - • JOB TYPE, AND ALL' OTHER MATERIALS Necessary to a Joh Printing Office, and that he is prepared to execute LETTER PRESS PRINTING, GE EVERY DESCRIPTION. Books, Bills of ILadind, Circulars, Pamphlets, Bill Bea4e, ' Cards, Handbills, Blank Checks, Hat Tips. - All kinds of Blanks, Stage, teanthaat and Canal Boat Bills with.appropriate cuts, printed on the short est notice and most reasonable terms. - iespectfully asks the patronage of his friends, and the public in rencrO k , in this branch of his bus ness. (sept 22) .1 L. HARPER. State Bookof Pennsylvania. . , TATE, 1300 K OF 'PENNS2'LVANIA, containing an account of the Geography, History, Govern ment; Resources, and Noted Citizens of the State, with a Map of the State and of each County. For the use of Schools. By Thomas H. Burrows. For sale by LUKE. LOOMIS, Agent. scieTO L . (Journal copy.) Assignees , Sale of Dry Goods. .8:3. ' Market Street. 83. 9111 E Assignees , of B. E. Constable are now• sell ing Mr his entire stock of Dry Goods, consisting of Shawls, Silks, Hosiery, Linens, Cloths: Laces, Cassimeres, Mous. de Laines, White Goods, Eke. CZE T ARD, 100 kegs, No. 1, Lard on consignment; Li And for sale by F. SELLERS. sepat No. 17, Liberty street I.I,GAR HOUSE MOLLASSES.-6 Ws. , Goodals, , I,D S. H. Molasses, in store and for sale by CM! . Sundries. sTiereeefresh Rice; 1.1 bhls, Conklin improved Lard Oil; ' 1 0,000 bs. Bacon, Shoulders. On hand and for sale by P. SELLERS. No. 17, Liberty street. Fine Building Lots In. the Fifth• Ward at .Auction. A T 3 o'clortk, P. M., on Saturday the 3d day of 1-1 October next, on the premises, will be sold without reserve, Eight Lots, fronting on Penn street, opposite Dr. Shoenberger's; the corner Lot on Adams street being 22,1 feet by 100, the others 20 feet front by 100 back to Spring alley. Also, five Lots, fronting on Liberty street, oppo site the new Catholic church, each 20 feet by 160 back to Quarry street, with several frame buildings thereon. Title indisputable. Terms—l- Cash or an approvlod endorsed note at 4 months with interest, and thelresidue inefhree nual payments with interest. tor' further informa tion apply to Michael Allen or James S. Craft. JOHN D. DAVIS, Aunt 7 r. T) EFINED BORAX-1 Case, just received and for It, sale by . • ._ _ sep23 HAYS & BROCKWAY. Tip EFINED CAMPHOR-1 Barrel, just received and for silo low for cash. sep23 ' HAYS & BROCKWAY. CASTOR 014,-1 Bbl., for sale by sep23 HAYS & BROCKWAY. SPANISH Bbls.,just - reoeived and for sale by, • .- sep23 HAYS & BROCKWAY.- COPPERAS -20 Bbls., for sale low_by sep23 RAYS & BROCKWAY (ALIKE 01L4-1 Bbl, for sale by sep23 • HAYS & BROCKWAY QLUR-4 fot sale by aeii23 HAYS &BROCKWAY BUTLER'S Nerve and Bone Linemont 5 Grote, just received and for sale by i adj)2 . 3 HAYS Ez 0 . PR. TURPENTINE-5 Able, for .ea.le by rep 23 ' t HAYS & BROCKAVA.Y E SSENSES-10 Gross, for sale by BAYS.& BIWCKWAY, sep23 N 0.2, Commercial Rovr,7l..ibarty st. 1 000 Wanted, for'Cash. - LB . 'S coarse bagging in large pieces, for which I will pay 11 cents per poun'd, de livered at my store S 1 Wood street, or Mikity rag room in Virgin Alley, betweeki Wood and SMithfield. JNO. H. MELLOR, sep2l 81 Wood street. , . RATES OF DISCOUNT* - - EC CORRTED DAILY DT . ,E, ALLEN RILAMERXCHANGE 13R0iTa . . CORNER OF . THIRD ADD WOOD STREETS. PT.DINSYLVAICIA. Philadelpltiaks ...par Pittslaurgii.:••• • • •• • •pai Lancaster,. par Chester county.......par Delaware .c - ounty.....pai Montgomery county... par Northumberland .....par Columbia Blidge Co ..par Doylestown par Reading . . ......par Bucks county par Pottsville par U: States Bank ......28d BroWnsville .ld Washington.— .. . .. id All other. scdvent bks.2d Lewistown 8ank,....20d Scrip; Mer & Man. bk. Pitt , b. par State Scrip 1 City and County .... . 01110 Lancaster 10d Hamilton 15d Granville . .. .45d Farmers , 13k Centon.. 25(31 Urbana . .. 40d' All Solvent Bank:v.—Lid INDIANA. State Ilk Fa branches..ll6 " serip,6 8; 6 p c.. ppm IMEirEO32 All solvent 8ink5....1-1d MESE! Eastern 8ank5.....: . Wheeling ld del branches ...... I id Br'ch at Morgantown...ld ROCHE, BROTHERS £ CO. ASH AN GEXEN S T FOR • 1 8 4 , 6 # BLIKELY ,S• MITCHEL, .11gents. JEUITTANCES to, and: Passage to and from Gieat Britain and Ireland, by the Black Ball, or old Line of Liverpool Packets. Sailing from •New York and Liverpool on the Ist and 16t1i-of every month,. And by first class Ameriean Ships [Sailing' Weekly.] ' - Persons sending to the "Old Country" for their friends; can make the necessary arrangements with the subscribers, and have them brought out in any' of the eight:ships comprising the Black Ball or Old Line' of Liverpool Packets; (sailing front Liverpool on the Ist and 16th of every month,) also by firitelass ships, sailing - from that port weekly, which our Agents,, Messrs.lames D. Roche & Co., there will send out' without delay. Should those sent for not come out the money will be refunded without any deduction. - The "Black Ball, or old Line of Liverpool Packd eta," comprise the following magnificent ships, and will sail from Liverpool on their regular appoints day, as follows: Fidelia, . On Ist Jan Ist May. Ist Sept.. Eurepe, 16th " 16th " 16th " Nevv York, , . Ist Feb. Ist June. Ist Oct. American, -16th - " 16th <" 16th " Yorkshire,........ Ist Mar: ;-Ist July.; Ist Nov. Cambridge,— ..... 16th " 16th " 16th Dec. Oxford Ist April. Ist Aug. Ist " Montezuma, 16th " 16th " 16th, " Notice.--It is well known, that -the Black Ball is the very best conveyance for persoristo get out their friends, and as other passenger agents advertise to bring out passengers by that Line, the public are re- spectfully notified by'the owners that no passenger agents, hut Roche, Brothers 8: Co., • and Blakely & Mitchel, are authorized to advertise and tobring out passengers by that Line. We have at all times for the Drafts ,at Sight for any amount, direct on the Royal Bank of Ireland, Dub. lin. Also on Messrs. Piescottt, Grote; Ames & Co., Bankers, London, which are paid free of discount, or any charge ' whatever, in all the . principal towns throughout England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Apply to, or address, if by Letter, (post paid.) - ROCHE, BRO , S& CO. No. 35,Pulton street New York. (Next door to the Fulton , Bank.: MR. ROCHE, Sr No. 75 Dublin street, Liverpool. BLAKELY &MITCHEL, Penn street, and Smithfield et, Or to myl4 AFURTHER supply of the above just received and for sale at manufacturers prices, by GEORGE COCHRAN, .sep26 No. 26 Wood street.: VINEGAIt-10 bbls._CitleOlinegtu7 . ' 2 " Wine " for sale by 22. J. D. WILI.L.A.MS & I.loWood st. scp. z, .11.AMS-75 Prime Family Hama, for sale by J. -D. WILLIAMS & Co., 110 Wood at. sep.22 LASS—IOO boxes 6-8, 7-9,3-19,9-12, 10-22, and Ur 10-14; for sale by aep. 22. J. D. WILLIAMS 8:.C0., 110 Wood at, B ROOMS -50 do a Poorer r. Poeeroys Medium; 50 4 ; ‘, . 50 Common; In store and for sale-by sep. 22. .1.11. 'WILLIAMS & Co SPICES-3 b,a,g !=to r; ; 50 ," Cassia; 2 bbls. Ground Pepper; 1 ca 6, Alspice; - 2 ~ " Ginger; 10 canisters Cassia; 5 4, ClovesL 1 keg Nutmegs; for sale by sep. 22. J. D. WILLIAMS & Co., 110 Wood st IANDLES, . 6 boxes. Sperm Candles. k_,/ 10 Star do. . . 5 U. Summer mould do. 5 44 Dripped do. J. D. 'WILLIAMS & Co. No. 110 Wood street. For sale by 801).22. F. SELLERS SV.NDRIES, 10 Bble. Chipped Logwood. - 5 " Ground Carnwood. • • 3 " No. 1 Herring. 2 " ..Trira>d Shad. 4 , • 20 " No. I and 3 Mackerel. 3 " No. 1 Salmon. Received and for sale by J. D. WILLIAMS- Sr Co. No. 110 Wood street, sep. 22 henry NV. Williams, • • ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, (successor to Lowrie & Office. at the old stand, Fourth street; above Smithfield. THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between Henry W. Williams, Esq., and myself, in the prac tice of the law, wasdissolved by mutual consent on the 26th ult. and the business will hereafter be con tinued by denry \V. Williams, whom I most cheer ! fully recommend to all for whom 1 heye the 'honor to do business, as a gentleman every Ivey ,worthy of their confidence. J UST received at Coos, 85, Fourth st. Lady's' w Book for September. - 2 or the Chevalier of Maison Ant, te, an Episide of 1793, by Dumas. The Mysterious Monk, or the Castle of Altenheims. , Tha Horticulturist and Journal of Rural Art and taste. Edited by A. J. Downing; Nos. 1,2, and 3. The Redskins, or Indian and login, hkj. F. Coop er, new supply. Three Guardsmen, and Twenty YearS After, being the sequel to. the Three Guardsmen, by Dumas. Life in London; a story of thrilling. merest, found ed upon the scenes of happiness, misery, virtue and vice, which constitute - Life in the British Metropolis. Spanish, German aneFrerich whhout a master, new supply. . The Widow's Walk, or the Mysteries of Crime, by Eugene Sue - . Received and for sale by.J. W. COOK, 85, Fourth street. ' sep22 UE have just received fine assortment of the handsomest styles of Ladies dress goods that have ever been offered in this market, among which are new style Cashmeres of splendid quality, Ombre Shaded and Satin striped Cashmeres, a most tie - dutiful article; splendid Cashmere Robes; Rich Fancy-Silka; Clermont and California Plaids; also, a fresh stock of Muslin de Laines• French and Scotch Gingham; Alpaccas, Chintzes, Bc. &a, to all which - we-would respectfully invite the attention of the Ladies as we are confident of their being pleased. ALEXANDER ft DAY, No 75 Market streei, K. W. cor of the Diamond. se); 1,9 Brick HOnte and Lot; for Sale, Or in Exchange for Nails or Window Glciss We are authOrized to offer for sale, or in exchange for Window Glass or Nails, alvell finished and sub stantial_ two, story brick bonze and lot, 19 feet front by 100 feet deep, _situated on the Allegheny river above the Glass House. It willho sold at a reason, blo price,title unexceptionable. Appy to -DLAKEI.Y & hfITCHEL; "sep. 17. -- Real Estate Agento.' ILLINOIS. State Bank & branches. 40 Shawneetown . 70w nussoonr. State Bank & branches. ) TENNESSEE. All solvent banks - 3d N. AND . S. CAROLINA. • All solvent banks 2d NEW ENOLAiIE. All solvent banks: NEW - YORK. New York city:— Country ......... MARYLAND, Baltimore !Country . WISCONSIN TEAR, Mar & Fire In Co. Milvee 5 , • Farm and Mesh bank.lod Other Sol vent....lod Exchange--Selling Rates: New prna prin Baltimore... . .. prin. GOLD AND :SPEC= VALUE. Frederickdors 80 Ten Thalers.. a.... 7 SO Ten Guilders... . ... 3 90 LouiscPors 450 Napoleon 3 80 l 5( d-220; Eagle, old., 10 60 cc new...... ..10 00 Doubloon, Spanish. .16 00' Do. Patriot 15 50 ..... 5 00 Cala.tort - Mlle Barrels. WALTER. H. LOWRIE New Books Ladle* press Goods. .par • .• tld. Par , la