The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, September 25, 1846, Image 3

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comativkr. FOIL BEpTE.It LIEU.
G. Weynian, T. S: Clark•
MT!!!ff . r Tl ' , nl%./4•M ,, •if.44lWrtor;
Consul, Bowman, BroWnsville.
Louis M'Lane, Bennett, Brovrnsville.
- Arrow, Atkinson, Beaver.
Oneota, Gorden, Beaver.
Michigan, Boles, Beaver.
Lady Byron, Caldwell, Cincinnali;
Prairie Bird, OandergritT doi„.
De Kalb, Johnson do;
Island Packet, Worley, Wheeling.
Oneota, Gordon, Beaver.
Arrow, Atkinson, Beaver.
Louis McLane, Bennett, Brownsville.
Msul, Bowman, Brownsville.
Michigan, Boles, Beaver.
Arena, Peebles, Cincinnati.
cir,..The light draught steamers Lady Byron
Prairie Bird. and Island Packer, leave for Cincinna
ti this miming.
Cincinnoti—Per Lady Byron, 4 bxs. mds ; 53 sks.
rags; 199 dry hides; - crate do.; 1 crate queens
ware; 1 trunk clothin ; 132 kgs. lard.
Per Prairie Bird, 2.4sks. feathers; 45 oars; 3 lots
moving; 1 bx. mils.
Whiskey—Por str. Island Packet; 02 hhds. to
bacco; 175 bbls. flouri 7 cks. bacon; 1 lot butter,
1 bx. 3 shills leather. -
Monongahela Iminvocinents.—Per str. Consul;
bills. leather 20 bbli. flour. 147 boxes glass.
Per str. Louis McLane; 50 kegs nails; G ps. boi
ler iron; 40 bills. paste boards; 100 boxes glass.
, 1 box mds; 10 bbls flour.
Alflee of the 3lorning Post.
Thursday, September 24, 1546.
BUSINESS transacted *since ourlast review has
been very moderate, owing principally to the con
tinued low stage of waterin our rivers. Our mer
chants have anticipated a heavy business this fall,
and we are glad to be able to say that they are ful-,
ly prepared to meet it, the stock and variety of
goods on hand is unusually large. But few buyers
are yet in limn the country. The produce market
still continues active. Flour continues to advance
slowly and. is yet without any settled price.
The rivers are extremely low, yesterday evening
'there being but two feet three inches water in the
!channel; the weather for several days past has been
mild and pleasant without the slightest indications
of rain. •
Amiss—are in.better demand, with no addition
to stock; an improvement in price is anticipated.
lye continue to quote Pots at .31; Pearls 4cts cash:
Schorchings are sold at 21 1 20; Saleratus brings 4
Bc4.xs—small white scarce at $1; colored will
bring 75 cts. per bush.
Br.zsirA.iNothing doing worthy of note, we
quote 25tfin7c for good yellow as the nominal'.
BaOCIMS—The market is very well supplied and ;
butlittle doing, we quote 75 to $2 per doz., owing
altogether to quality.
Bumn—Good fresh roll has been selling in the
market for 25 eta. per lb., from store at 15.1r420c.
Keg in good request at 7 cts.
Eons—Good fresh eggs are scarce and have
been selling at from 10 to 16 cts. per doz.' we
cannot name any certain'price as it changes from
day to day,
- Cuirass —We still" continue to give former quo
tations, s(ii/ah and 51 for good Western Reserve;
the demand continues very light and is principally
for City use. Supply on hand is Very fair.
Fnurr—No Lemons in Market. Apples have
not been coming in very fast from below and
sell freely at from 50 its. to $1 per bbl., owing
to size and quality. Cranberries have been sel
ling 'for $3,30,e4 per banel. During the lat•
ter part of the week there has been very little th—
ing. A few sales of dried Peaches halve been
made at $2 per bu. We hear of no sales of dried
Apples—we believe those in Market, are held
at $1,50.
COTTON Ysucs—Are still held at 15.1i16 etc.
i 1-'~.:
Cor - rox--Tennessee and Mississippi are held at
710d3 cts.
faxii—A large quantity of bran sold readily
this week at Sets. per bushel.
F.l.Oun ANL—As we stated in our last
week's review, owing to the large amount bodght
eastward for export, flour still continues to ad
vance. Prices in Boston range from $1,30 to $3,
iitt from late accounts holders were firm at the
latter, price. We are informed that a merchant
of New York lately purchased iri Steubenville
3000 barrels of flour, which he intends ship
ping direct to Liverpool. fie paid s . a. 75 per
barrel for 1600 barrels, and 53 00 a 121 b for
the balance. This goes in part to supply the de
mand in England; occasioned by the failure of the'
potatoe crop in that country: The repeal of the
Corn Laws in England will open a rich market for
our surplus produce, which we never enjoyed before.
The adva4e here has reached 75 cts. The prices
ranged yesterday as follows: Old sweet flour 53,25
03,3603,44. Sales in a retail way have been made
at $3,50. The amount on hand held by our mer
chants is extremely small. Sales of unsifted corn
meal from store have been effected at 35cts., sifted
brings 40cts.
Faxriteis—We notice transactions during the
week to the amount of 300 u pounds, of a very fair
article at 25 cts. per lb.
Fine Iliiies.. 7 —The demand for Bothers is fully
equal to the supply. Common remain dull.
Galis.-:-The receipt of wheat has been very
small; we have still to quote liOcts bush. as the
nominal price. Sales of shelled corn have been
made this Week, by weight, at 30032ets 49' bushel.
% We hear of s i a pretty large sale of Oats being effected
at the Monongahela river wharf boat at from 18 to
2Octs ty built., the receipt of oats during the last
two days has been pretty heavy. In Rye the re
ceipt has been trifling, we still continue to quote
3-1033 ty bnsh : as the price.
Grasemi,—trude has been selling in small lots
at 29 eta. The amount arriving is scarcely wor
thy of ocit t i
• Hax - --L-LOose Timothy brings s7c per ton tic
livered 1 -
HoNzr--4Gooslicomb has been selling in th'e
market for 16028 per bbi.
Griocturfs—qoffee has declined a shade since
our last, owing altogether to the decline eastward,
Rio 7,f08.3- embraces the range. Sugar still con
tinues firm at former quotations, the stock of New
Orleans on hand is very light and boiders do not
seem disposed to sell except at advanced rates,we
quote a cts by the hhd. and 84081 per bbl. as the
wholesale price. There is no change ire the price
of molasses-i-the supply is good, and we continue
to quote 30032 cts.
Sains—LA large quantity of mustard seed has
been Sold readily at $202,25 t, bush. and the de
mand still continues good. flaxseed is in liberal
demand at 6Ricts. fs hush. and. imothy will bring
• •-•
. ms s
,! " $.• ",
r /
- .
7. ,
-72 - •-,
SALT-Deliverer! 90 ets.beat price 90ets. very
little doing and the rriaricep generally dull.
Pru .111eTAL.—The feeling iti the market con
tinues to improve, and buyers are coming forward
very freely. Sales have been Made duringthe last
few days in pretty large quantities of the different
qualities of pig metal at from $2500 to $3l per
ton on time:
Reported weekly for Me 'Post,' by Imo: Oberik; of the
Mo.-Penn drove yard, allegheny City,
On Monday 350 head of beef cattle ivere
posed of at from $lO, to $l3 per head, or $2,123
per 100 lbs. live weight. Sales of 80 shep at
from $1 to $1.5,0, On. Thursday the sales amoun
ted to 50 head beef cattle at the former rates; 27
head live hogs at $2,50 per head; 35 sheep at $1,20
per head.
For collecting Bile of Exchange Westward.
Nash Ville
New Orleans
All interior towns in Ohio ....
All intetiot towns in Kentucky
Brownsville ..
The reason of bills on some of the above.places
being higher than others, Is on account of the bills
being paid in Western currency.
01- 0
• ik
- SATURDAY NOON, September 19.5
I The ✓Alvarado arrived this morning at eleven o'•
clock from Keokuk, bringing intelligence from
Nauvoo, up to I riday morning. Some skirmish
ing took place on Tuesday, but so far as can be
ascertained, nothing serious resulted. During Wed
nesday, negotiations were in progress between the
parties, and on Thursday morning, it was finally
concluded that the beseiged, or those of them who
had taken part in the hostilities of the few days
previous, should at once capitulate, lay down their
arms, and leave the City and State within five day .
Thd number en/braced in this requirement is vari
ously estimated at from three to seven hundred, a
bout one hundred and fitly only of whom are Mor
On Thursday evening the mobocrats marched in,
and took formal possession of the city. The steam.
boat Osprey had already left for Staugtown, a Mor
mon settlement in Wiskonsin, crowded with pas
sengers. The Alvarado brought a number of the
proscribed citizens to this place. Some of them
go eastward.
The total of killed and wounded in the different
skirmishes is not yet ascertained, but it is believed
to be not very great. Capt. Smith. of Carthage.
died of his wounds before reaching home. Several
of the Anties, and a few of the new citizens, are
also said to have been mortally wounded.
Thiis are we called upon to record another tri
umph of the spirit of misrule and ciattlawry.
Sale of sth Ward Property at Auction.
will offer fur sale at public auction, on Monday.
I the 28th day of September, at 10 o'clock, A. M.,
on the premises, a tot of Ground, on Penn street,
(sth Ward,) opposite thexesidence of P. M'Cormick,
Esq., 24 feet trout by 100 feet deep, on which is
erected a double frame hause and ulackstuith shop,
now renting at $lO2 per annum. Title unexception
Also, at the same time, in annual Ground Rent of
887 54, payable quarterly for ever, an a Lot of
Ground 50 feet front bylto deep, on the corner of I
Penn and Walnut streets, one of the most valuable
lots in the sth Ward, on which is erected several
trazhe dwelling houses and stores.
P. JI•KE?CNA, Aucrr
- 1) MINED BORAX-3 casts just received and
1 . 1 ) for sale by B. A. FARNINTOCK, & Co.,
sep 11 corner of Gdiland Wood streets.
NEW BOOKS—Just receiVed at COOKS', 8.5,
Fourth st. Archibald Werner, or the Brother's
Revenge, a romantic tale, by Chas. Spindler.
The Widow's Walk, or the Mystery of Crone, by
The Sicilian Vespers, or the White Cross of St.
Luke, by Dennis Hannigan.
The A Igerine and other tales, by la.rry Danforth.
Juvenile Library No. 1. Mother Goose, by Law
rence Lovechild, with eight Splendid illustrations
from original designs by barley , .
Living Age-, No. 122, American Review, Demo
cratic Review and Farmer's Library for September,
along with a numerous assortment anew works, just
published and for sale at Cook'si Fourth st.
Brick Mimic and Lai for Sale,
Or in E.rchanee for Nails or Windoro Glass
We are authorized to ofi - er far sale, or in exchange
for Window Glass or Nails, a well finished and sub
stantial two story brick house and lot, 19 feet front
by 100 feet deep, situated on the Allegheny river
above the Glass Muse. It will. be sold at a reason
bin price, title uhesteptionahle:
sep. 17. Real Estate Agunts.
PitArburVi 1111 d . Conue11uville Rail 8116
NOTICE is hereby given, that in pursuance of a
resolution of the Stockholders of the Pittsburgh
and Connellsville Railroad COmpany, iluthorizing un
increase of the Capital of said Cerepany. amd direetme
an additional subscription, bo o k s will be ope ne d lhr
receiving additional subsi2ription to the stock of the
Company, at the office of Wm. Larimer, jr., in 4th
street, between Market and Wood streets, Pittsburgh,
on Friday the 4th day ofSeptember. The hooks will
rerrtain open from 9 A.M. until 3 o'clock P.M. of said
day; and from dayj to day (Sundays excepted) until
the reridisite number of shares be subscribed, or until
otherwise ordered. By order or the Directors.
gep2 WM. ROBINSON, Jr. Pres't.
pOW'D JALAP-50 lbs for sale by
57 Wood street.
INDELIBLE INK-Igross Kidder & Pay - eon's for
sale by It.' E. SELLERS,
sep IS 57 Wood street,
G r XM GUTAC-242 lbs for sale by
seplS ' 57 Wood street.
lILIBARB ROOT—I case superior for dale by
seplB R. E: SELLERS.
OIL ANIS-1 original cannistar for sak. by
SULPH MORPHINE-40 oz. for tale by
57 Wood street.
VENEERS AND VARNISIIES, of the very best
quality; for sale at 11. H. RYAN'S Cabinet
Ware Rooms, No. 31 Fifth street. Sy 16
Xenophon, chiefly according to the text of L:
ni orf, with notes, for the use of schools and colla
ges. For sale by LURE T " - .rs.
• Homer's Odyssey.
MHE Odyssey of Homer, according to the text of
Wolf; with notes; fer the use of Schools and
Colleges: by John J. Owen; Principal of the Cornell- '
us Institute. 'For sale by LUKE LOOMIS,
sep7 (Journal copy.)- Art.
European and American Agency.
fpliE undersigned European Agent having again
1. arrived in America at the regular time, will
leave Pittsburgh, Pa. early in September next, and
sail from, New York on the first day of Octoheri ma
king a rtmerzzierri.tour through England, Ireland,
Scotland, Waleseand returning to America in May,
1847. By this-agency money remittances can be
made by drafts for large and small sums, payable at
sight in every part of Great Britain, Ireland, &c.;
legacies, debts, rents, real estate and claims collect
ed and recovered; searches of ill kinds made; co
pies of wills, deeds and documents procured, and
the mina business appertaining to this Agency tran
sacted as heretofore. innumerable references giv
en. Apply personally or adrdesspostpaul,
European Agcnt and Attorney at Law, Pittsburgh.
Mr. J. S. May will attend to all European busi
nen in my absence, jel9
. ~~,...~
3. 14
For Cincinnati and Louisville.
_MLR, The nh w and splendid pasienger steam
er COL U. BI A, O'NEAL, Master, will
I leave for the above and intermediate ports, regular
' ly.
For freight or passage apply on board, or to
jel V. WILKINS, Agent.
Tuesday EvenitiO Packet.
The new and splendid passenger steam
., • boat DECLARATION, Capt. Vorikees,
wil rt — iasa regular packet between Pittsburgh and
Cincinnati, leaving this port evers Tuesday evening
at 3 o'clock. Returning she will leave Cincinnati
every Friday evening at 3 o'clock.
The Declaration offers superior accommodations
to passengers. For freight or passage apply on
board. jel
- .
The regular mail an 1 passenger steamer
MOtilltit; All ELA Capt. Stone, will rim
as a regular Packet between Pittsburgh. and Cincin
nati, leaving this port every Monday at 10. A. M.,
and Wheeling at 10, P. M., the same day. Return
ing. she will leave Cincinnati every Thursday., at 10,
A. M.
For freight or passage apply on board.
The Monongahela was built expressly for this
trade, rind offers to the passengers comfort, and su
perior aceommOdations. mar 31
THE, regular mail and pasenger steam
er lON, Captain Nfaclean,will run as
a regular packet, between Pittsburgh and Cincin
nati, leaving this port every Monday at 6 o'clock,
P. M. Returning, she will Irate Cincinnati every
Thursday at 6 P. M.
Atry. in fist for
sept 16
The Union was built expreiudy for this trade
and affords every accommodation,
THI.: regular mail and passenger steam
er lIIDERNIA, Capt. John KlineCelter,
7 . lllrTin as a regular packet betneen Pittsburgh and
Cincinnati, leaving this port every Tuesday at 10 A.
M., and Wheeling at 10 P. M. of tho 32111 n day.—
Returning, sho will leave Cincinnati every Friday at
10 A. M.
For freight or passage apply on board.
The Hibernia was built expressly air the trade,
and of f ers to the passengers every comfort and su
perior accommodations. a tl
_ TAE regular mail and passengerideam
,l-!--,2,'_aer NEW ENGLAND, Capt. S. D. Page,
will run as a regular packet between Pittsburgh and
Cincinnati, leaving this port every Wednesday at 10
A. M., and Wheeling at 10 P. M. the same Clay.—
Returning, she will leave Cincinnati every Saturday
at 10 A. M.
For lreight or passage apply on board.
The New England was built expressly l'or this trade
and offers to the passengers every conabrt and some
rim accommodations. mar 26
TIIE new U. S. Mail steamer ACADIA,
E, Lucas, Master, will run as a regu
lar passenger micket between Pittsburgh and the
above port during the reason of 1816, leaving every
Thursday at 10 o'clock A. M.
The Acadia is new and has superior accommoda
tions. For freight or passage apply on hoard, or to
ap9 J. NEWTON JONES, Agent.
ir4tft TILE regular nail and passenger steam
CLIPpEIt No. 2, Captain Crooks, will
run as a regular packet between Cincinnati and Pitts
burgh, leaving this port every Friday at 10 A. M.,
and Wheeling at 10 P. M. the name day. Returning
she will leave Cincinnati every Monday at 10 o'clok,
A. M.
For freight of passage apply on board.
The Clipper No. 2 was built expressly for this trade
cnd offers to her passengers every comfort and ac
aommoddtion• mar 23
The regularmail and passenger steamer
.I.J.....SACIRCASSIAN, Capt. Isaac Uennett, will
run as a regular Packet between Pittsburgh and
Cincinnati, leaving this port every Saturday, At 10,
A. M., and Wheeling at 10, P. M., the sainerility.
Returning, she will leave Cincinnati every Tuesday,
at ID, A. M.
For freight or passage apply on board.
The Cireassian was built expressly for this trade
and offers to her passengers every comfort and ac
commodation. mar 23
The regular mail and passenger steamer
MESSENGER, Cnpt. Linford, will run as
a regular Packet between Pittsburgh and Cincinnati,
leaving this pert every - Saturday at 10, A. M., and
Wheeling at 10; P.M., the same day. Returning;
she will leave Cincinnati every Tuesday; at 10
o'clock, A. M.
For freight or passage apply on board.
The - Messenger was built expressly for this trade,
and offers to her passengers every comfort and ac
commodation. mar 23
JUST RECEIVED --Another large addition to my
stock of Diamond pointed Gold Pens of the
best makers and for sale at the 'moist pl icgs. Also—A large assortment of Cold and Silver Pen
cils,e Tooth and Ear Picks,Tweezers, &c. &c.
FINNEV,S THEOLOGY.—Lectures on System
atic Theology, embracing Lectures on Moral
Government, - together with Atonement, Moral and
Physichi Depravity, Regenerationi Philosophical
Theories and Evidences of. Regeneration; by Rev.
Charles G; Finney, Professor of Theology in the
Oberlin Collegiate Institute. 'Just received and for
Sale by [sepl I] LURE LOOMIS, Agent.
. .
OBACCO.-7S large and DO small boxes Meson.
ri tobacco, of prime quality; just received on
consignment, and will be sold cheap for cash, or
Pittsburgh manufactdres.
auvist 18 TAAFFE & OtONNEII.
Poi Calle innatt.
THE spbendid 'new and light drought
• passenger steamer SENATOR, Capt.
IvrCi.tran, will leave for the above
.0- and . all intermedi
ate portsegularly. For fieight or passamapply
on •board.
For Cinelaoattl.
I The new light draught packetitearn
-4.;-1 er CALIFORNIA, Captain Hunfer, will
eave tor ,e above and all intermediate ports this
day, regularly.
For freight or passage apply on board, onto
' J. W. BUTLER & BRO., Second st.
The California was built expressly for the above
trade, and will make her trips regularly duting.the
season. augls
For Cincinnati.
TfIE new and light draught passenger
steamer WESTERN , Capt. BAKER;
will leave fur the abo'.e and all intermediate ports
regularly. The 'Western draws but 12 inches, and
was built expressly to run in the trade during the
low water season.
For freight or passage, having superior accommo
daticins, apply on board.
2 er Tkez, A v r E daller:did a passenger steam
A C pt. 3. K. Moody,
will run in the trade from Pittsburgh to Louisville,
during the season of 18W.
The 'Tonnaleultawas built expressly for the trade
and is elegantly furnished in every respect.
Forfreight or passage apply on board
The well known fast running steamer
CAMBRIA, W. Forsyth, Master, will run
as a regular Packet, leaving every Wednesday morn
ing at 10 o'clock, and Wheeling, at 10, I'. M., the
same day. Returning, she will' leave Cincinnati
every Saturday, at 10,A. M.
For freight or passage apply on board, or to
FORSYTH & Co, Agents,
No. 30, Water street. 1
ap 16
The new and splendid passenger steam
er TOM CORWIN, Capt. Bugher, wil
run in the trade from Pittsburgh to St. Louis, du
ring the season .of 18-16.
The Tom Corwin, was built expressly for the
rade, and is elegantly furnished in every respect.
For freight or passage apply on board,
❑tay ni
the new and splendid passenger steam
kk.l47--er BRUNETTE, Capt. Perry, wili run in
the trade from Pittsburgh to St. Louis, during the
season. of ISM.
The Brunette was built expressly for the trade,
and is elegantly•founcl in every respect.
For freight orpassage apply on hoard. a. 14
For Cincinnati and St. Louis
The passenger steamer PALESTINE,
6 5 77 :*. ,744,1 CapL Williainsi will leave for the abovi ,
and a intermediate ports regularly.
For freighter passage apply on beard.
For freight or passage apply on horri. mayfl
Gold Polio/
,one of rich Bonnet Rib
bone; Velvet and Bonnet 1 Silks; French and Ameri
can Flowers, in' great variety; Maid and Straw
Bonnets, cheaper than ever; a full assortment of
gentlemen's wear, such, as Cravats, Shirts, under
Shirts and Drawels; Cloths, Casaimeres and Vestings,
all of which ,wilrbe sold a a small advance over
New York cost. ;IL GARRARD,
Sept 16 79 Market street.
Money W,anted in exchange for lints and
TILE subscriber ;would inform then
public that he g 'has: . received his fall
stock of Caps, all of winch have been principally
made to his order, and las• his purchases has been
made on the cash system, he is enabled to sell his
stock of Hats and Caps at unusually low prices. for
cash. His stock does nocconsist of the cuttings of
Eastern houses, but are; all a fresh manufactured
article. Neither is his establishment replenished
with the old stock from' easlern markets. The
Prciprietor being a hattell and Cap manufacturer,
by trade, as well as profes3ion, he is also daily man
ufacturing Hats and Caps of all descriptions, and
for their neatness and durability, cannot be sur
passed. All of which he offers at wholesale and
retail, and at such priced as cannot fail to please
the purchaser.
No. IV, Wood street, third door below John D. Da
vis' Commercial Auction Rooms.
virtue of a precept under the hands of the
Hon. Eenjamin Patten, jr., President of the
Court of Common Pleas in andfor the sth Judicial
District of Pennsylvania, and Justice of the Court
of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery.
in and for said District, and William Porter and
William Kerr, Esquires, Associate Judges of the
same courts, in and tin the said County of Alle
! ghcny, dated the 10th day of May, in the year of
Our Lord one. thousand eight handled and forty-six,
and to me directed. for holding a Court of Oyer
and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, at the
Court nonse, in the city of Pittsburgh, on the 4th
!Monday of October next, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
Public notice is hereby Riven, to all Justices of
the Peace, Coroner and Constables, of the County
of Allegheny, that they be:then and there, in their
proper persons, with their rolls, records, inquisi
tions, examinations, and other remembrances, to
du those things ; which to! their respective offices
in their Lehall appear to be done—and also those
that wilt prosecute the prisoners that now are or
may be in jail of said county of Allegheny, to be
then and there to prosecute against them as shall
be just.
nutter my hand at Pitt-burgh, this 15th
day of FepzemLer, in the )-oar of our 'Lotd IS DI.
and of the CommouvVeulih: the
t.ept 15. ELIJAII !FROVILLO, Sheri!}:
—Es! PILES!! PILES l!l—Dlt. JACK
TION is the only medicine that will cure this so
sery common and troublesome disease. It not
only immediately allays tritlammation, stops all
bleeding, subdues that intilderable itching, but ef
fectoalry cures, in a sery short time.persons whose
lines ha:e been rendeteil miserable for years. Its
application produces pain, but rather an agree
able thud pleasant . sensation. If persons afflicted
will only call and hear of the great number of ca
ses that }lase been cured, they will be astonished.
A gentleman of this city, who had been under the
knife of the survon two or three times, without
being. cured, has, by uSing two bortles.of4bis For.;
hruc•ntion, been radically cured! It sells beyond all
all Dies yes of the skin, particularly- these that are
attended with dis.igrecable and troublesome itching,
are readily cured by anointing the perts effected.
night and morning, with a s.mall quantity of Dr.
Jackson's Embrocation. Astonishing cures have
been of by this medicine. For sale by Dr.
D. Jayne. No h Forth Third st.. Philadelphia.
For Nate in l'ittNlangli at thrTER IN TEA STORE,
72 Fourth Ktrer!, near !Food, and also at the Drug
Store of llt I'. Schwartz, Federal street, Allegheny
City. atigt!S-i1
THE STAUNCH low pressure,
ship built Steam Packet, JULIA
PALMER, Cala Ilmu A. 5T11.1 , 411 A RD,
having been put in Completeicundition for sea, will
run upon Lake Superior during the season , COMMettee
tug 3d August, Letweenthe Sault de St. Marie and
the various ports, as business may warrant. The
J. p. is w ell furnished in every particular, and is as
fine a heavy weather vessel as ally ship that floats
the seas. Has good upper cabin, state rooms and
family saloons, as also single berths, ladies cabin
and steerage cabin. All N, nil ventilated, and will
accommodate 100 cabin passengers. Freight in large
quantities can be stowed under decks. Parties with
or without freight will la:accommodated at the vari
ous landings upon the British and American sales
of the lake.
Kr One or two voyages will be made to La Poutei
during the Indian payments, and non pleasure voy
ages will be made entirely around the lake coast
wise, during August and September, giving to plea
sure travel an opportunity of. enjoying the most de
lightful, unique and interesting scenery in the known
world. State rooms or single, berths can be secured
in advance by addressing
W. F. PORTER TAYLOR, Managing owner,
Sault de Ste Marie, Michigan.
July, 18453. jyt-io.3taBt3m
N. B. Property consigned to W. F. Porter Taylor
will meet with immediate despatch as ordered.
Gold and Salver AVatche•
CIF the best manufacture,' both of England and
Geneva, in large variety', and for solo at the
lotnest prices—patterns, new and of the latest style.
Also, Diamond pointed Gold Pens, another large
supply, just 'received of the be make. Also, Silver
W are, Jewelry, Fine Table Cutlery, Spectacles, Pen.
ells, Tea Ware, Lamps, Military Goods &c.
corner of Fourth and Market st
Splendid Bargain—House and Lot.
WE have for sale, a neat two story
brick house, with finished basement, Oa
vault, .Sc., - situate on Filth street, near the new Court
House. The house is new, containing seven com
fortable Itoems, and will ren(for $l5O per annum.
Price low and payments easy. Persons wishing to
seethe house andleamparticulars, will please apply
Smithfield st. near srh.
Blakely and
b Pas on Penn nab Smithfiehilsts.
CiENTs for the Old Black Ball Liao of Liver
pool-1 and New York PaCkets.
Remittances made as usual to England, Ireland,
Scotland and Wales, in sums of one pound sterling
and upwards—payable in any ' , town Of importance
in Great Britain and Ireland. ' • .
Persons wishing to send for their friends can have
them brought out by the above splendid linei on the
15th and IGth of any month.
.0131 , 2F—1f you want to purchase a
g ood wardrobe cheap call at - the furniture
warehouse of T. U. YOUNG & CO,
iY4 7 31 Hand e t
BEDSTEADS—Mahogany, Birch, Maple, Cherry
and Poplar high and low poet bedsteads al
ways on hand and far bale low at the Furniture
warehouse of T. B. YOUNG & Co,
je63lHand et.
C• ---:- CTS -7---
OTTON—A few bales ofMississippi Bon, for
sale low by GEORGE COCHRAN,
.IY 2
57 Market at
ARD OlL—Premium oil 'of Cincinnati manu
facture for aalo by GEORGE COCHRAN.
je26 No- 26 Wood at..
-EW OR EANS SUGAR. -2dlihde
I for sale i by (j 626) JAMES' MAY.
AND CRUCIBLES-100 nests just received and
io for sale by B. A. FAHNESTOCK & CO.,
repD coriier Oth and Wood Eta:
'- • '
vxtnsu - PA.Li. 600DS
. 30 Cases rich fall!
-- " v STOR Goods; French!
and English Cash- ,
meres and Mous:
ne Laines ; Gala
Lobrain plaids;
lain French
leak Cloths•,
rinted and plaid
Makings.; a full
sortment of
rench Broche,
rintcd Cashmere
ik. and colored,
'ithet;plaiis and
iawls, plain and
iPd Ginghams,
;rinos, Alpacas
id piain M. de
ines; plain, blk
if rich colored
• Drugi, Druipii'.Fag!, , •
:4! No:2. Coritmeri.iatßoli., Lr3erty street; cc.pig Goi
TT AYS & ROCKWAY, thankful for the liberal pa
ll I tronage, which they have heretofore i•eceived
and wishing to merit an increased share of public pa-.
tronage, would respectfully call the attention of the
public to our stock of goods which we are now re
ceiving for the fall trade. Among which may be
found in quantities to suit purchasers, the following
Rhuebard Root, Liquorice Root,
Flour Sulphur, : do. Ball,
Gum Arabic, •,: Refined Borax
CaPd Magnesia, ' Sal Soda,
Carb Magnesia, Spanish Brown, V-
Gum Aloes, Gum Copal,
Cream Tarter, Roll Brimstone,
Calomel, White Chalk,
Sup Carb Soda, Ext. Logwood,
Epsom Salts, Chip'd do.
.Glauber do. Madder '
Tartaric Acid, Yellow Ochre,
Gum Scammony, Chrome Yellow,
Bal Copavia, do. Green,
;Salt Petre, Rose Pink. ' - ,
: Together with a general assortment of Oils, Paints, i
;Varnishes,. Paint Brushes, Dye Woods, &c. &c., all ,
of which will be sold as low as at any other house i
an the city. : sepl9 i
ru HE subscriber is now receiving a largo and fine
assommetit of FALL AND WINTEtt DRY Goons,
Fecently purchased from the manufacturers and
porters, in the New York and Philadelphia Markets,
Since the great fall in prices, and will be sold ttOmity
:per cent cheaper than the same desciiption of Goods
were ever before ofrerred in this market. All those
Wanting great bargains are requested to call at No.
5 Market street.
New Dress G.luzlaams
lav ;r n e o n s e v h o a n u li ot a s n e da c f h ul d l assortmentdress
Gi of beau
ghams, twil
led and plain, at remarkable low prices. Also, an
article of embroidered Gingham—very beautiful for
Presses, for sale by ABSALOM MORRIS,
sepl3 No. 65 Market street.
Six Cases New Pall Piintu.
ILTST RECEIVED this day, embracing all the
P new and desirable styles in the market; and will
be sold at greatly reduced prices, by
No. 65 Market et.
Lody , s Dress Silks. .!
J~ECEIVED this day, several packages of very
rich new style Persian—embossed Ombri, Bro
cade, Chamelion, Striped, Plaid and Poult de Soie,
and Black Satin, Striped Armour Dress Silks, and
will be sold cheap for Cash, by
Casitmerea and Dej.alues.
TUST RECEIVD, a beautiful assortment of new
0 style Paris printed, Ombri shaded, Rep Corded
and plain Cashmeres and D'Lains, and for sale by
sepls No. 65-Market street.
LARGE and splendid assortment of rich and
± magnificent SIIAWLS, just received this day
embracing, all the new and desirable styles, viz: Paris
Printed Terkeri,Cashmere and Brecht', Embroidered
flack and Mode colored Silk. Fringe;
Thibbet and
D'Laine, Chamelion Plaid, and Striped Silk, Merino,
and Persian, Plaid, Silk and Worsted, together with
a great variety of Woollen Shawls, and will be dis
bposed of at a small advance •on - th e original cost,
sepls No. 65 Market et.
Fall Goods
A. MASON, G 2 Market street, has just receiv
ed and now opening, a larie stock of Prints.
Brown and bleached m uslins, flannels, ticking, check,
stripes, chintzes, ginghams, cashmere and mous de
lains, shawls, C 3 wßin ens, cassimeres, broad cloth &c.,
all of which will he sold at esteremely low prices.
A. MASON, 62 Market street, Siinpsonfs tow,
Oi. invites the attention ofcountry merchants and
lers, to his well selected stock of fall goods, which
is now ripening. Selling. only fur cash, we can offer
such advantages to purchasers as are seldom posses
sed by those who sell on the credit system. sepl6
A. MASON, 62 Market street, las just reed
_4l. another case of those blue and orange prints,
selling at the low price or 61 eta per yard sepl6
Sherry Wines'.
1 0
DOZ. Doff, Gordon & Co.'s brown Sherry Wines
10 do. do. do. pale do do.
0 " Cortes do " 64
together with a general assortment of other rich old
wines. Foraale et the wine stern of
eeplg cor Market and Front Bib.
ILO MAU' WINES--`2O cases superior Old rlort
J Wine, tbr Invalids, for sale by the case or bot
tle at the wine store of STERETT 4. Co. -,
SeplB 61 Market streei, cor., Front;
( - 1 LA It ET WINES-20 cases: , St. Julien Medoc,"
15 do. funify use and other brands. For sale,
low at the wine store of STERET - r & CO.,
septa N 0.16 ntrket st. cor Front.
- -
OLD SHERRI' BRANDY—An excellent article
on draught for medicine or other purposes, fur
s Ile by sTERETT 6: Co.
nopls cur—Market and Front.
AST INDIA and Wine Bitters of delightful ti aroma, in bottles, and on draught, for sale at
the wine stole of ,STEILITIT
cot:,-,..Market and Front.
rLOU.II,--25 1,1,15 superline7 family flour in store
and for :laic by
56 Wood street
A. Twist Tobacco—lD kgs Va. tobacco,o7l
article, in store and for sale by
56 Wood street.
OT ASH--1.5 casks Potash, No. 1 article, on
hand and lbr sale by
jy27 56 Wood st.
%V ail Paper
SPLENDID assortment just received from the
East, of entire new Patterns. They can be
had very low at the Wall Paper Store or
Smithfield street.
aug27 dim
10 000 N\'liii'lli. t h , l a S p
c u r f
0 7 . 1 a z v e o d wi a i n ni d a.
u Unglazed iactur
on hand and for sale at the lowest market price.
Smithfield street.
ang27.d I m
Air I . N DieobW y
BLIND „ PAPER—do. j a . y s a u lrc iD ‘ L vii t: e, for
aug27. Smithfield street.
Musqueto Netts.
EO. S. SWARTZ has on hand a lot of very. so
k perior white and -colored Musgnoto Netts
which will be sold cheat) at No. 106 Market street.
PECEIVEII—Per Canal Boat. Great Western
-100 pes Cherry Scantling-5x5 and 6i6' - --4000
Lights Window Sash suitable tor the western trade,
12x16, 10x12 and StIO. For sale by
For Sale at the Wharri
JUST received per Canal Boat
-10,000 feet inch poplar;
10,000 4( I seasoned;
45,000 4, 4x4 Scantling, • ,
Lawns I Lawns I I
GEO. S. SWARTZ has on hand a tot offine Lawns
which will be sold at tho very low price of 181
cents per yard,persons who %%ant a-good article, at a
low price, - would - do well to call Seen.
Also on hand a good stock of Nansook muslins for
Ladies Dresses Very cheap at
jel3 No. 106 Market street.
C __
ASTILE SOAP—IO cases just received and for
sale by B. A. FAHNES,TOCK & CO.,
scp9 cor. 6th and Wood st.
_ . _
REFINED LIQUORICE - 100 lbs' Jost received
and for sale by _
car. 6th and Wood std
UINLN ounces just received and for sald
Icf„, by IL A. FAIRIESTOCIf & CO.,
sep I
_cornet' of dth and Wood sta.
BEST JAVACOFFEE.; ground 'and put up int
pound packages, received and for sale at the
Pr.xix TEA STOLE; 72 Fourth street, near Wood:
Lird OIL
A FEW barrels of a superior quality for sale low
to close consignment, by
. _ _
No. 26 Wood street
New Fashioned Blasi
OF t very superier qtinlity, for gale by
corner. or Wood anti... Fifth sts
M° BOARDS—Testan rileeTved YaiVargellassorStmentDoieabove,
for sale at • F.. BLUMES
sepS No. 112 Wood street ; 2/1d door above sth -
No. 65 Market at
ACC rlO bxs llu cliinson's ss;
30 bxs Price & Hdrvvood's ss;
10 " J. R. Grante Ss;
15 . 1 . Layton's ljs;
55 " ls., 125., 14., 325., Balt, plug, and
Ladies Twist; arriving thislday, and for sale by
F ISH- 1 50 bbls No. 3 Lary's Mackerel;
20 a " 3 North "
..‘ I I• ci
20 i" Herring (Allw•ives)
" No. 1 Salmon; in store and for
sale by - 'LAMBERT & SHIPTON.
130 BALES Mississisi:q Celan, for sale 1. ,
... •
M. B. RILEY & Co
, •
51,529. ' ,
Cotton Y
45 000 LBs• assored numbers . , long and
short reel Cotton. Yarn.
15,000 lbs. 'Carpet Chin.
'lO,OOO 4, Cotton Twine.
150 Baled Common patting.-
1100 Extra. fainfly do.
For ,sale low to city or country trade, by
Id. B. ItilF.Y & CO.,
57 Wood street.
rpOBBACCO-2Ti kegs Nol I six twist tobacco ro
j_ ceived and for sale by 1
Dlt B. RIIEY & CO;
No. 57 Water street.
INEGA R-30 bbls cblei vinegar in store and for
V sale by M. B. RIIEY & CO.
sep2 •
for sale by
fIiLD WINES & LlQUORS—rOnsisting at 'Li Port - Wine: • I
Madeira Wine;
Malaga do; I • • • .
Rhenish 4—in hpf and quarter pipes,
and on draught warranted pure;
Pale Brandy, of different brands;
lark do,
Holland Gin, fine flaN;ori:
Peach Brandy, 8 yeats old;
Apple do, 4 do; ,
Old Rye Whiskey,S k and II years old,,
Pact of the above Liquo • frotn under Custom
house Lock, for sale in quantities to suit by
GO Water st.
, .
UST received from New !York., a large quantity
of Ij.avatina.and Principe Segars of the most
popular and suPerior brands how in use. Also, au
excellent article of chewing Totacco.and several
bales of superior Cuba Leaf:Tobaecci for sale.
Na 50, Third street, two doors from the. Pos
may 9.
; ., n RBLS. Pitch; i
t# 50 . Rosin• , . .. .
150 foxes Tobacco, various sizes;
10,000 Seed leaf Cigars;
On consignment and will be, sold low ,for Cash, or
exchanged for Pittsburgh manufactures, by
size) very.fine Salina Salt, fit for table use and
Dairies, for sale low , by , P. C. MARTIN;
jy 27 60 Water Sf.
GRAB CIDIE,D.,--1:: Barr e ls . supenor Crab Ci
der for sale by P. C. MARTIN,
jy 20 . . 60 :Water Street
LEMON s.-100 boxes lethons , in- good order,
for sale by P. C. MARTIN,
;y 20. • ca Water street.
"{ANDS WANTED-2 BedAcatl makers . ,
2-;Table makers;
S bands to inake other Cabinet ware; , -
None neetbnpply but first rate workthen.- .
au3 (Journal and ChroniOlo copy.) •
LEMOSTS-75 Bcises Lemons; or sale very low•
T_T 1D1 , 16:--111 11lis,oiiri flidei, for sale. low to close
i 7 scks Corn, tor sale by
je 26
M METAL:—r Lou Scioto Furnace pig iron for
sale by (je26) JAMES MAY.
JUST RECEIVED —Ltrriis Btroo'sA, Asia
Minor, by Mrs. E. C.A. Schneider, with an
essay on the prospects of the Heathen And our duty
to their, by Rey. B. Schneider, and an.introductio.
by Rev. Ilciner;A.. M. Published by Res. Sasnin
Gutelins, Cliaintreriburgh; 1846. Foy
jell (15 Wood st
SALMS & HYMNS, foi the Ma, of the German
Reformed Church is the U. S. of America;
ish and Certain. For sale by
Zlb Wood et
. _
The attention of pUrchasers is invited td oui
geral stool; of theieHoods.
44 superior Sea Island Shirting ilduslinsi
7-8 4
12-4 Hamilton Sheeting;
5-4 oa ti
mar 17
HAYING a very huge and commodious
hduse, we are prepared to receive (in addi
tion to freight for shipment) a large amount of Pro
duce, gr.c. on storage at low rates. - -
Canal Buis.
Gfetirgo it. ''hits -a$ CO -
- V y
ditfkleci or their 'choice stock of Barages,
p4lnt.ed arid,*sunanter Shawls
and Sapsrai atraduced pricea;„
alley Will dispose or thhir entire stock of I
Cliatluii fthiet Cassimeree, and Kentucky aeons, at
original ciKity , as they. intend 'relinquiSh:44 this par
tiealar hriorr.h . of Ittoir business. • ,•;.)..•
• - Interesting tq flu era. •
atientionof a/I who Isiah - bar
VY gaina'tia fresh- arrival of seasonable . Dry
Goods, bmight siim9 the reduction or the. Tariff, at
exceeding/3.i lOW pricey and Will be oold acOordingly.
No. 81, Market et., between sth and the Diamond:
T i,' ANSOF PEACE:---A Sermon delivered
-in the "Third Preabyterian. Church"- July 12,
by. the Rev. Er. K. Aldine, and published' by the-re
quest of the Ctingregalion. For sale-bv
T "PROGRESS OF ,N.iiTIONS.-An Essay- on I
the Pr : ogress of Nations,
in Productive Izidhstry,
Civilization, Population and Wealth; illustrated by
statistics ti Mining, Agriculture, Manufactures,
Commerce, Revenues, Ranking, Internal Improve
ments, 'Mortality, Emigration and Population; by
Ezra C. Seaman. .
A few copies of the _above work for sale by
'corner of Market and 3d sts.
L'atest Improvement. •
BCDSTCADS of different kinds with Gazzam's
!iron "patent fasteningn, impeder to anything now
in use, for sate low at theTurniture warehouse of
ankh B. YOUNG & Co, hand street.
11BLES--Fier, Centre and Card Tables of differ
ent patterns. If you want a goocfarticle cheap
call at the Furniture Warehouse of
T. B. YOUNG & Co,
31 Hand at.
!Wood Street Property for Sale._
THAT desirablelot of ground at the foot of {flood
street, occupied at the time of the great fi - re by
Messrs. King* Holmes, is offered for sale. .'
Enquire of J. K. MOORHEAD.
Sugar and Molasses. 1
4 HHDS. N. 0. Sugar, strictly prime F,
r 25 bbls. Nos. 4 asi&C, Loaf; . 1
10 cases . Lovering's".: D. R. Loaf Sugar:
118 bbls N. 0. Molages;
In stare and for sale by •
ang2s.________ 133 and 135 Wood street.
_ •
Coffee. !
300 BAGS Green RiO, part prime; 1
Old Government Java; !
Arriving-this day and for sale by
?-::___ _....:-
I .E.,AS—i2O packages Y. H., G. P. and
Powehong, of late intonations, arriving and
for sale . by' LAIVIBEAT & SHIPTON.
R, suitable
for Plasterers purposes,
M. B. MIRY & Co.
Segarst Segisra t
New Books.
.r - ',..
Eta boa of ' Cik - N - VIStiITUGA rt. 4 .13.1.TT1Fi11i.S .bao trpoo ti
ffiroa al ;11 , obellill.-lp 40 4 P'' . ..;o: ....
.: - •
,Oriirilllll I r......s 0.. " . • 4 . < :- .'
, 'l'
inventor. .--
PILLS are the first- and-only Madleinh nyei
known that will positively titre -
Headache, Giddiness, - Measles, Salt Metal,
.. Rheumatism, Piles; Heartburn ; Worzes;
Dispepsia, Scurvy', Cholera Morhus,
Small Pox, Jaundice, - Coughs, Quinsy,
Pains in the Back, Whooping Cough,.
Inward Weakness, Consimaption, Fits,
Palpitation of the Hean, Liver Complaint,
Rising in the .T.hroat; ErysiPelie, Deafness;
Dropsy,, Asthma, , Itchings of the Skin,
Fevers Of all kinds, -Colds, GOnt,Gravel,
Female. Complaints, - Nervous Cam Plaints,
And all Other
.dirmases originating froin impurities of
the blood. - -
0::r They have cared, since their intiedection;
over 2,000 persons, who have been given up as hope
less cases, by the moat eminent Physlcians,
They . .are ,pationized and recommended by
men Of the liigheat distiliclion; ainang. whom are— -
Hon, David R.. Porter, Don.llenry Clay
HOn.John Q. Adams, I Hon, Dania WebSten
Hon. Martin.Vah Buren; - Hon. J. C. Calhoun, .
Gen. Winfield Scott ; Col. R. M. Johnson,
Hon: James K. Polk, .• . Gen. Lewis Cass: „,
irr 1' heir virtues are so infallible .that the*nane
will he returned in all cases they do itotgiie nniver -
sal satiafactioh. Although but two and a half yeari -
have elapsed - since these celebrated Pills were first -
introduced to the public, the sale 011ie= in the
Eastern and middle States • hae fair exceeded Div
elickenees most sanguine expectations. •.Dau-hiff the
past year, alone, no less than 10,000 gstek of boleti.
hale been sold in the State of New York, 6,000 in
Pennsylvania, 4,000. in. Maryland, 3,000 in New. Jer 2
sey, 2,000 in Delaware, and 9,000 in the New England .
States, requiring the constant -eniploy'naent of 27
hands, exclusive of printers and en ravers: din
same period,' upwards of .200,000 copies of the
"Family Doctor" have.. been ordered hy :agents
every section of the ccuntry., . These :facts must
show, conclusiiely, that Dr. Chances Sugar Coat: -
ed Pills, besides being the medicine in the
world, are held in the bighestestimation by the public:
We might extend this publication to an indefin=
ite length, if we deenied it expedient to plibliSh
tersimeniahl we have received, not onlY &Orli ngenta
but individuals -and families, who have ,ekperienced
the benficial effects of Clickener's Sugar Coated:
Pills, but we deem it unnecessary. The most in
conteatible evidence of their unprecedented auccessi
are the numberless Imitations and Counterfeits which
have already appeared, notwithstanding the brief pe;
rind they have been before the. public. • Even some
of our staunchest pill-makers have had the audacity.
to imitate the Capsule of Stigar;iri order to disguise
the ingredients of their vile compounds,and .palmthem off for the "real simon pure." adi paltry
shifts cannot I ast long - without exposing theirbideonl.
deformity. Truth and .honesty must inevitably pre- -
vail over rascality and deception.
For sale in Pittsburgh by WM. JACKSON,. at .„
Patent Metticine Wgrelicalse, No. 89.,•Liberty street;
head of Wood st. ; Pittsburgh. Price; 2fie: per box:
Dr. Clickener's prificipal office is SI Barclay streets •
New York.
I& Beware of an: imitation.nitinle called Insz
proved Sugar Coated Pills, purporfing tb be patented;
as poi the-pills and the pretended patent are for ,
geriqs,got up by a miserable quack in New Yorks
who, fo u r the last four or five years, has made his
living by counterfeiting popular medicines: •
I.oTRehiember, Dr. Cliekener is the oilgina),
inventor of Sugar Coated Pills, and that nothing of
the sort was ever heard of until he iutroduted. theifi -
in June, 1843. Purchasers should,, therefcireolwayi -
ask for Clickener's Sugar Coated Vegeniblis Pills, and
take no other, or they Will be made the iictima of a
fraud. mav 9
BODY.—It is an astonishiv, fact, that a i - hrit
large class of diseases cart only he cured by such'
remedies as will enter into the BLoon, and circu
late with it, through every portion of the body, for
only -by this means can the remedy be brought
into immediate contact with the disease-, and to at. , -
tain this desirable-end: no preparation has
uniformly successful as DR. JAYNE'S ;ALTER
TIVE. Sor . cfula, Kluge' Ecit,Cent.CET,add Cancer::
ous Tumours, While Swelfinge, Tritariteinent of - thd
BancetCheonic 12heumat .ancL Gout,..Eruptive
eases of the &tin, Old and indolent Ulcers; Golf rout
Strelfinksitf the Throat &c:, are cured with a certain ,
ty, that. has astonished • e‘'ery beholder. It,is; be
sidesione of the most-pleasant, ertielea,thupetoi-bii::-
taken into the stomach, operating-as .atonie, and
rern o v inrDyspeptic -- :and - Nervonv. - atrectione; rind
impelling a glow of ardination and health, une
qualled by any thing-in the whole itlateri a. Medica.
For sae at No. 8 South Third st.- , Tric6 $1 per.
bottle, or
.f 1.0 per dozen. .
Fdr - sale in Pittsburgh at thePEKIN TEA BTORE,.
n Fotir . th
,ktreet -- near Wood, and at the. Drug Store
f H. .P Behivartz, Federal street, Allegheny City.
. aug:2B-d
-—.— .
TIIHE SKIN AND COMPLEXION; - alt:lns' taint,
I, indeed, every other) seasan,•isoften repetitive
in appearance,caused, in eight caselitiift ef 'ten, by
the atmosphere; • and what • persons suppcise - disease
of the blood; is simply a disease of the skin. ,
some of the thousands who take-purgative medieine;
pills, and useless Snrsaparilla, were to use on their
skin a softening and clearing, haltn; that opens the
pores, whitetiathe•Skin ; and causes a healthy perspi
ration, that, be the skin never so disfigured, tether&
thy, or diseased ivitli.pi n p les iir freckles, sunburn;
tan and rnorphew, the true and geguine JONES'S
ITALIAN CHEMICAL SOAP:never fails to curd
and dispel them; and to make the skin clear and
lovely. It acts so mildly and soothingly oil tfid
Ain, that phySicians use it on ladies and infant;; iii --
old Cases of scurvy,crysipelas, salt rheum, sore headi. , -•
ring's-OM, and it {mind, the,genuine Jones , soap)
has often. effected a cure when every other remedy •
failed. .tis indeed a blessed remedy.
Sold, at JACKSON'S Patent - Medicine Warehouse;
89 Liberty street, head of Wood—at the same place
is sold the,Moorish Hair Dye ; Coral Hair Reatoral
tine, gnd Spanish Lily White. • - -
PRINCIPAL OtFlCE—Sign of the Americae Eagle.,
S 2 Chatham street, New York. .
• •
celebrated medicines of Dr. T.
G. Evans of Brownsville, Pa., are. now fdr sale
wholesale rind retail, at Jacksonts Medical 'Depot,
No. 89 .Liberty.strect, head of Wood, Pittsburgh.
Wholesale Dealer's and Agents, supplied. - -
Dr. Evans' Sovereign _Tonic and Grand Restore.
live, a certain cure for the Fever and Ague.
T;r. . Evans' Vegetable anit Anti-Dyspeptic pills,
price 25 cents per box ,
Dr. Evans' American Vegetable Virniffugc,piica
29 cents per bottle.. ",
Dr: . Evans' Tonii Eye' Water, an infallible curd
for sore eyes, price twenty-five cents per bottle.
Reb. Dr, ite:s Black Syru p, for the cure
of Cough 4, Cold, Asthma, Croup, Bronchitis and.
Conspraption—frice one dollar. .
Reinember Dr.Evans' only iipot.; is JACE . SCIN'Sj
No. 8.9 Liberty street, head of Wood: , jy2.
T .
SOFT, FINE AND.CLEAN; to make the 'scalp
healthy, smooth, white and fruitful, so that a good
crop may spring therefrom, persons have but to ex. ,
pend thirty seven and a half ceittm 'And; .reader';
our only object fbr sailing the article at that price, is
knowing it to be all we state, that when you oncetry
this you never will use aught else, whether-it be
merely to edibelish, to dress, beautify; and preServe j
to force growth, stop falling off, and dire sCrtifs or
dandruff's, the 'JONES , CORAL. HAIR RESTORAi
TIV E will never thil to do all. this, as hundreds will
tell you with gratitude. It dresses the hairbeautiful
ly, and mattes ted or grey hair . gram , dailc /km: Mt
Sold at JACKSON'S Patent. 31 edicifin Wdreitouse.
SO Liberty street, head of Wood--price thirty sever:
and a half cents, fifty cents and One dollar per bottle.
At the same ploCeis sold the ItalMti Chemical Soapi
Spanish Lilly White and Unrivalled shavingsoap.
THE poisonous effect certhe skin of eorrimen
Pared chalk-is not generally known by ladies;
how yellow rough and unhealthy it makes the in
tithe; besides. what a.eorpselike, palid look it gives
when applied. They awaid use 'a beautifril prepay ,
ation, purely vegetable, whicli gives the - Peen arms O.
neck, a natural lift-likis whiteness, and isle&Bs it
smooth. It is called Tones' Spanish Lilly White,
and is hold at JACKSON'S Patent Medicine Ware.
house, 89 Liberty street' licadof Wood; at the basin,
place is sold Jones' Coral Hair Restorative,. Italiats
Chemical Soap arid unrivalled shaving soap.: • "
°FRE Pertnership heretofore 'existing lietweert
I Hunker 4- Dickson is this day dissolved by mi.:.
tual consent. The affairs or the' late
,firwi wilt he
settled by P. H. Hunker, who will -continue the Dak
ery and Confectionary, at the old stand in Pißh s neEir
Market street- P. IL HUNKER, •
Allegheny Cemetery..
11 - lERSONS deatrons of purchasing lots in this
,r Cemetery are referred for information to the
Sailerintendent . on the grounds, or to E. Thorn
Druggist,, corner, of - Penn and Hand .
"'Areas,' Pit
burgh. Ify order of thej3oard. J. CIEISLETT,
dee!' ' ' - Superinnindeati
~'a:. ~. '
.. .......
Is Purchia.sers.
•• ---
•"•= 4 " , :•4.
. . ,• • •