The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, September 23, 1846, Image 4

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• v.
it-0v.•4 , 10,..N 1 -pi,/,-*-- • • • •
Reliance Portidde noniLitta.
atian 1846,
FOlEtaturnsPcoirtitgN%g•?thdobuati''„ . ea:ushPi;i i titblur•rghTainzidsothlde
established line (being the oldestportable boat Eno on
the - canal) is now prepared to receive produce and
merchandise forshipping either East or WeSt. The
boats by this line are commanded by skilful, expe
rienced and sober captains, and . provided with good
crews. Boats and cargoes are transferred from and
to canal and railroad, saving all removal and . ; separa
tion of goods. Trips made in as short time, and
goods carried on as fair terms as any other line.
Thankful for, and respectfully soliciting a continu
ance of the very liberal and growing patronage here
tofore bestowed upon This line, we with confidence
assure those merchants disposed to favor us, that their
business 'shall be done to theirentire-satisfaction.
Goods carried by us, consigned to either •of our
houses ' will be shipped to their destination free of
charge shipping, storage or advance of charges.
As we hold no interest in steamboat stock, merchants
may depend Upon theirgoods always being thrwanled
without delay, upon good boats and at the lowest
rate' of freiglit.
Produce consigned to our house at Philadelphia for
sale, will be sold on liberal terms, and advances made
either at Pittsburgh or Philadelphia.
JOIiN McFADE'N & Co., Penn st.,
Canal Basin, Pittsburgh.
JAMES M. DAVIS S Co., 249 and :151,
aprlo-6m ' Market st., Philadelphia.
Pittsburgh. Portable Boat Lille,
yx.; Q r.
OR the transportation of freight between Pitts.d
• _le burgh and the Atlantic cities, via Pennsylvania
- improvements and Baltimore and Susquehanna rail
The Proprietors of this old established line, haring
completed their arrangements, are prepared to for
ward goods to and from the East (on the opening of
the canal navigation,) on as reasonable terms as any
other responsible line, and are determined that-no
care or attention on their part shall be wanting to se-1
cure a continuance of that patronage so liberally be
stowed upon them for several years past.
The decided success of the portable boat system,
so manifest in the regularity and despatch expe4enced
in the delivery of goods 'the absence of all risk of
delay, breakage or other damage, incident to ho old I
system, where goods have to be hurriedly transhipped I
three times on the way, and the merchantable; order!
in which produce has been avowedly delivered by,
them, has induced the proprietors to increase their!
stock considerably this season. Their . ern:naivel
warehouses at each point, (uneaqualled by any other
- atTordathern facilities to conduct their business:
with despatch; and to shippers the convenience of
free storage, if required, until their arrangements are
complete—while their long experience in the carry-i
ing trade, it is presumed, will be sufficient guarantee!
to their patrons and the public that they will success-;
fully start themselyesto give general sans:keno:l.
Produce received forwarded, steamboat charges ! l
paid, and bills lading, transmitted free of charge for
commission, advancing or storage, and all communi
cations to the following agents promptly attended to:1
Cor. Penn and Warne sts. Pittsburgh.
278 Market street. Philadelphia.
'O , CONN6P,S & Co',
North st., Baltimore.
Blugham's Transportalieu Line
h. 14
CONDUCTED on strict Sabbath-keeping rinciples,
though not claiming to be the only hue that is so
conducted. The proprietors of this old established
line have put their stock in the most complete order,
and arc thoroughly prepared to forward produce and
meinha.udize to and from the Eastern cider on the
opening of navigation.
lye trust that our long experience in the carrying
business, and zealous attention to the interests of was
toniers, will secure to us a continuance and increase
of he patronage heretofore bestowed on 'Bingham's
Line.' I
Opt arrangements will enable us to carry ft:eight!
with the utmost despatch. and our prices shall alwa va
be as low as the lowest charged by other responsible
lines. ,
Pioducc and merehandize will be received and for
warded east and west without any charge fur ail 'verti
sting, storage or commission'.
Bills. of lading forwarded, and every direction
promptly attended to.
Ai:Wren, or apply to WM. BINGHAM; -
Canal Basin, cor. Liberty and ‘Vayne sts., Pituditg.,
No. 276 Market et., Philadelphia,
No. 122 North froward st.,ll..dtimore,
No. 10 Wes:. st., New YOrk
Independent Portable Boat Line
1846 ga ‘•
T - A ,on. the transportation of produce and merchan
dire to and from Pittsburgh, Baltimore , and
Philadelphia; nrwithout transhipping. Goods con
signed to our care, will be forwarded without delay,
at the lowest current rates; Bills of Lading trans
witted, and all instructions promptly attended to,
free from any extra charge for storage or Commis
rion. Address
C. A. McANULTY & Co.,
Canal Basin, Pittsburgh
Smith's Wharf, Baltitnor
Broad at. Philadchhia.
Pickworth's Way Freight Line.
XCLUSIVELY fur the transportation of way
I/ }} 4 freight between Pittsburgh, Blairsville. John .
town, Ifollidaysburgh, Water Street, and all inter
mediate places.
One boat leaves the Warehouse of C. A. McAriul
ty & Co., Pittsburgh, every day (except Sundays) and
Shippers can always depend on having their goods
forwarded without delay and on accommodating ,
We respeetfully solicit your patronage. '
n:mitre - rims!
J. Pickworth of boats, Nile, Exchange, Pans and
J. H. Barnes of boats, Push and Exoine.
John Miller of cars on Portage Rail Road.:
J. PICKWOItTH, Canal Basin, Johnstown,
JOHN _MILLER, '• Hollidaysburgh,
C. A. M'ANULTY & CO, " Pittsburgh.
jy23 a•
TO BALTIMORE, in 32 hours—fare $lO.
TO PHILADELPHIA in 40 bours—fare $l2.
W... 4 ^a
glbVf. s U. S. MAIL. U w
_ _
The Great Speed, Regularity and high Reputatipn
already attained by this pleasant passenger Route,
has induced the Poet Master General, to place the
New York and Philadelphia mails to Pittsburgh, ui -
on it. •
The' superior 'and swift steamers CONSUL and
LOUIS M'LANE, leaven the Monongahela Wharf
precisely at 8 o'clock every morning, and at 8 o'-
eleck every evening, except Sundays. Splendid
Coachesawait their arrival at Brownsville, to-trans
port Passengers and Mail, only 73 mites to the Rail
Romi cetumberland.
The preparations on this route are ample, and the
connections complete, so that disappointment or de
lays will be unknown upon it.
By our tickets', passengers can delay at Cumberland
or at Baltimore during their pleasure, and continue
their journey either by steamboat or cars to Phila
Officein the "St. Charles !Jots'," Wood st. Pitts
burh:-. . J . ItIESKIINIEN,
jy3l • Agent:; _ .
- -------
Firth Ward Lirery Stable.
211 TEID - subscriber having bought out the
:well known Livery, Stable, kept by. C. B.
Doty, in the fifth. Ward, respectfully informs his
friends and the public generally, that he will keep at
all times a stock of the best description of riding
horses, buggies, Carriages of all kinds, and in short
every thing require& in his line of business.
A considerable portion of his stock is new, and he
is confident that no stock in the city will be superior
- _
to his.
- His terms will lie moderato. His stable is on Lib
erty street, a few doors above 'the canal bridge ;
- where lie respectfully solicits a share of public pa
gr:r lie is also provided with an elegant Hearse,
which will be furnished when required. net2S-tt
Hata! Hats
SPRING FASHION.—JOst received by fa.
express from New York, the Spring "Style
of Hats. All those in want of a neat atitperior Hat
are respectfully invited to coil. .B.IIIOORE,
N 0.03 Wood at. 3 doors berow Diamond Alley.
ar 1 1-dw
They would r.ispectfully solicit a call front all in
want. or &iota, Shoes, Trunks and Carpet Bags, &c.
44c., or any goods that arc usually kept in a Shoe
Store, as they are confident that they will be enabled
to please both in the quality and price. je2041
LAM) fiALE AT atnuctn raid Ls,
rINIE subscriber offers fur sale a tract of land about
J_ three miles from the city of Allegheny'between
the Franklin and Deaver roads, containing one hun
dred and forty-one acres, about 4.1 of which is clear
ed. This land is offered at reduced prices : and will
be sold either in a &pay pr divided into Lots to suit
purchasers. From itti convenience to marketlit would
be a very desirable location either for fanumg pur
poses, pasturing cattle or for Gardening.
Seventy-five building Lots en a cretlitof ten years,
Theie,Lots are situated on Grant, Wylie, Fifth,
Ross and Diamond Streets in the third ward of the
city of Pittsburgh, adjoining the New -Court House,
Persons disposed to purchase will find - thes lots fa
vorably located as to health, convenience to busi
ness, and will soon be in the centre of the city.. For
particulirs enquire of J. C. Cummins, or
M. 111"aDON ALD,. Bell and Brass
Founder, First street, near Market, is
prepared to make Brass Castings and
Brass works generally on the most
reasonable terms and shortest notice.
He' invites machinists and all those
using brass works to give him a call, as he is de
termined to-do all work in his line very low.
may 27-ty •
IMPORTER and Wholesale dealer in FrenCh, Ger
man and English Fancy Variety Goods of every
description; siich as Jewelry, table and pocket Cut
lery, silk Purses,
bead Bags, silver and German sil
ver Spoons, gold and silver Pencils, silk and gum sita r
penders, 100 doz. of Germantown Hoes and hairdo.
Trimmings of all kinds, and a general assorttnent of
toys, constantly on hand at No. GI, Market Street,
between Third and Fourth streets, Simpson's Row,
Pittsburgh. my
e s 'inigration fines.
• 1 84 6
ELIA-EL y AtrrcHEL, .Bgcnl e.
100 MiIITTANCES to, and Passage to and from
Great Thitainand Ireland, by Me Black Ball, or
old Line of Liverpool Packets. Sailing from New
York and Liverpool on the Ist and'l6th of every
month. And by lint class American Ships [Sailing
Persons sending, to the "Old Country" (or their
friends; can make the necessary arrangementi-with
thesubscribers, and have them brought out in any of
the eightships comprising the Black Ball or Old Line
of Liverpool Packets; (sailing from Liverpool on the
Ist and 16th of every month,) also by first class ships,
sailing from that port weekly, which our Agents,
Messrs. James D. Roche & Co., there will send out
Without delay.
Should those sent for not come out the money still
be refunded without any deduction.'
The "Black :Call, or old Line of Liverpool Pac - kd I
ets, ,, comprise the following magnificent ships, and
will sail from Liverpool on their regular appointe
day, as fullo‘ss
Fi:lelia, On IA Jan. 1,..t May.. lot Sept.
Europe, 16th .6 16th " 16th "
New Yoritif" . lid Feb. Ist June. Ist Oct.
American, IGth " lath 16th "
Yorkshire, Ist Mar. Ist July. Ist Nov.
Cambridge, 16th " 16th 4 ' 16th Dec.
Oxford, .. Ist April. IA Ang. Ist ••
Montezuma,• 16th 6 , IGth " 16th "
Notice.--1 is well known, that the Black Ball is
the very best conveyance for persons to get out their
friends, and as other passenger agents advertise to I
bring out passengers by that Line, the public are re
spectfully notified by the owners that no passenger •
agents, but Roche, Brothers & Co., and Blakely Fr.
Mitchel, are. authorized to advertise and to lung out
passengers by that Line.
. . ate now able to return to
tic citizens of Da% too and vicinity, well recol- 1 ni .- 1.;‘,,,k again. I write this to offeryou Mysincere
Wcliave stall clumsier die Drafts at Sight for any lett that on the Sth of`.luguat hist, I received seri-jahanks, and you Meat liberty to make it known,. se
amount, direct un the Royal Bank of Ireland, Ituts- otta injury from the elPloalen of a cannot" A ° r - 1 that if any human being is suffering as I have been,
ha. AlSo on INICSSIS. Prescott(, Grote, Ames & Co., Uon of its contents entered nay right lido and breast;. he may have recourse to your invaluable tnedleine.
Mad as all probability, sumo fragments or splinters el . ,
Bankers, London, which are paid free of discount, or •
Yours, - - JOHN P..BOYNE."
the rata rod pasaol through the •oplura," and pierced Lewistown, Del. i -
any charge, whatever, in all the principal towel I
the Lung*.
CONSUaII'TION, which has baffled the skill of
throughout England, Ireland, Sevland.and Wales.
Apply to, or address, if by lAtter, (peat paid,) ; After the lapse of about air weekly, I wu attacked eminent Mmlical practi Moors, where invalids :have'll al, JIRO'S & CO. With a distressing cough nod a ria..rat train in my been given up hopeless, by having recourse te,and
No. :la, Fulton street New 'fork. i rr.ala . aid". Sonia ten J.", rifler this w lien in apa r-1 hers in this esievidied remedy, h ave
' "'''.?" 0. co.os4ing'.,.Sedaeelj,4"d asses broke, and , I radically cured-. There are now in the hands of the
(Next door to the Fulton Bank. , NATION Al. Illi 1: I ,
, a large rairantaty el very Platter, misty ! re nem , numerous cert ifi cates of „ tires „shi e h
l' ' ! "" R°E.lll. " Sr " I AND .11ADINE INS VII A NCE CO.IIPANT,', „I ' d ; i0,,,,„1 . ,
Nu. 7.5 Dublin street, Liverpool. ,
"as d''''c' 42 ';'-`di most of '‘lnell f °u"d would astonish credulity itself, isera they ' tri' tide
New Fork.
', pirea - age thruugh the opening Of the wound. From 1
knost n to the world. l'ci those who are afflicted
, T HIS reel) known and respe T ..table r . nrnpany . ispre• ! tint ratn/rat there frequently passed a tl.W.tity ti , rl , ,ith ally o r the above'diseases, we say., give this
l'enn street. and Stnithileld at.
• i parea through tlicir virl :••.11t. 11 , . At.I.M 1, tis i air, auppostat to ;attic !rani the lasts. During al j med.cine a fair trial; you Will then be convinced this
ToPaeott'a General Elul Llatat ion Ofnea• I Make in:iv/alive o at h CS cry /Anti Cont,rotl with raa a I j 14is hr., car riarerjoas u.,cre aft. -,oat into:creak. •
I mail miserable compound, but a safe and poWerful
..1 . 1 -,
a- a•A , ..- ItE.MITTANCLS mat 124,153; to .e- e^.".. - 0 , - lof trailaportition and W 11421,1 riarigatnin; to /It.I.WP j ~y I....lystc.lus , fOC.3llnbde flan! the eqiettit atten• I remedy, and that its curative powers stand alone and
.. ,, YA i l,ll. and from Gar AT lIIITASN AND t'•l'' If o.:› j acainat lox, or damaae by foe, tiara - ling Doan,. ; win to rat, and did all in their poarr fur iny rccuri e „ ea ll vd h y . none. •
IRELAND, by W , Sr. J. T. Tapacint • Wareliout ca. Building* in ;;rats], Goodi. Wiltt ; flr. BSI 'With ail their Skill they could ant reach: '. ,
f dr. at‘a von 's.. Syrup is the only true and geniaine
73 South Street, COrnr,r of:ll.l.idea Lace, CON y o rt,, i . sa 4 A:,„:,, ,i,„, ..,a4 inns ,1,•,:::-. ption urporßanal; l aa lett of diertir, aftrr rh,e Lturv . A 2.1 Lerly;ne ajr , Cf- 1 article of Wild Cherry berbre the public, and we
and 96 Waterloo road Liverpool, I
C>p , erty on the IUOSI f.,,ioz4Lit ternia. : e , I. I asgs %i3.'•tei durieg this tnne 1, , 1 / 4 • , . 1 least li r'C'itS'i would Cu to the afflicted, alwaya look-for the writ-
The sulweribera hating accepted tie agency or Applii-abo t for to,arsore attended to o ithont do. '
~,, 1 ten signature of Dr. SWAYNE on each'bottle before
Lie abOYC house, are now prepared to make arrange : is, at I h, 0 . 1 1,1„. „ N, al tv - s t er a n d 6 - 2 Front 'tal i by i it w 34 IW , W rehired to a r.'''rt-ustY • that i li tl.6 " t "e'l tonr purchase. Beware, and be not deceived !l,
meats upon the moat liberal terms with those ilea, '' ' FriftN4ll:ll II A ItliAL GU .aa's., of the too6-r ;was rapidly taking place; and that this l a„,,,,, p ersons may te ll you th at ammo other re a;
roes of paying the passage of their friends from the •
' 'P t " tcr m'e a t e ea! li f e so a '"r2 short tivaes '''"..* 'D 1 ratme is as good. fiord them not. One trial of the
old Country, and flatlet (atrarSche s their character p a L1,,,,, t ;,, a 1,,N; at t h e ~11, , ,..,. i t , N. y a at a y ; the h.alaeat.le arat . r i ,,,t,,,, , ,,,,,,,,
, , ~' genome Dr. at'
it Syrup of wild Cherry will.con
and long eta said
in boaineaa wdi g.', , it amPle a ,- I lit i . 1..1i , named gaatjeno ii acre chosen , , A a Cc. V ribq at stage • a
oleaaenZer w- , * d'"1" 4 "t"" j saner y ou that it is the most valuable mel:eine dia-:
surmise.: that all their arrangemeutt +till be ea:r.a.. l D.:tutors of this Cotopstiy,, for the envoa.a ycae,! to thee:neat:. nail a calebrated Mt, 4:Cilu of that ; er ,,,,. re ' d. ,
out faithfully.
'' l3- '' " as c* ,''''" llc " L , Whcn I ,' ," a ,' mud % sc l u4 '", t ; I Prom the Mereasingiletnand for the above article,
Measrs. W. &J. T. Tapacott.are long and favors. a,,,,,,, i a, pa
.:sonar, b10p1 , ..... 11,,!:, , e i l r.ithroy situatioti, no rerriarseti that nothing canal! n ve,r ,, , , , , sts, at evc h ann an d da a ! eao generally, •vvill
Lis, known far the '.parlor claaa, ataiiiiimodat.vr: t.,4„ p,,,,,,,,,, John Mat lea,o, ,i , ' done t'Y 1- ll'd'c' l / 4 /:: 111 . tr the e on't , thtthlt itself ''• "I find IL to their advante to have a full supply uf this
2 , ;+-1 6 g a n
th e of their Packet SloPa• "I
h.' , Vii::,:ezii t,. V l / 4 ars!, IV.m. W. Caaia'rell„! oet !may scat to triraa. off the el...ease.
„ , i :aluaide medicine. Itemember to require for DR.
QC EE.N or Tilt: IVEST, SAEILID.AN, IttiCtiES• ' y„;,., N,,,„1,„,.„., ii‘...f. M.t:o. r.
1 ' 1 :% 1 n iimoill/4411r** dea r :tad of sir r "' nue tY , ."" ' i SIVAYNE'SCOaII't/L'NDSYRUPOF IVILDCIiEII
, TEE, GAILIIICE, 110TTINGUElt, Itt..*CIUS, LIV• i IVilliala S. 5.:,,i. UM, "4,, ...% }fish,, ' L. 1.1 o u rartidy gieeierii/ of hope to Ile7”tfl. Min, Olyi..i RI., as, theie
of been, some i o d ivi d nak ac ids t h e
ERPOOL, aid SIDI)ONti„ two of which leave ea,b, i a,a.. F . at,ki c . ,
.1,,,,-;th ^...l.aLe, ...
V-44,404 =' ,1 1 , 41 . 0,,, Inecta''r • I "" ' , ie °C pr. ‘y , -,, as,. urned names of physiciatis rualaing great effor.s
Port monthly, from New York the 2114 and :Gilt and Jort,o J. /barr,cl.. : 'al ., I.4 '''Plil:'''`'l. 4 " , "" ' .l- ' 4, -ntl.? ....delreal 6 " r i' • l to push a spurious article into the market under a:
P ort Liserpool the 6th and I lth, in add/tarn to vOucis A,alst a sr.'ersotheut erii ,, ,:io,; of the 1:1,,aol, 30- , stri ...Treatise on Con,iimpt asn of the Lungs." At I; c ret , ons nee. , „
they hate arraiiaeraentA W . 1 , J1 2 he St. G'areo t , n 4l, S Ll'il 55". SAVAGE L l / 4 , 4 s , se unatt , L3O ,, s' , y ce-ecc • i I,l ' l 0,1 " , hr/rd 4r d ! .tt .tt, t .r" -,-4 . t °''''Vg a t ' tn "'''' j Tat`. tor,amal and onlyjgeriniiac article is only Pre-
Union Lines of Liverpool Packet to ini ,- arc a dcpar :cu p r ., , ,i i • o t ( or th., ‘ „,„,.,,,, j, ..,..,, ; I felt Cul do;na ea raystri. ill tree COamcnt of m Cl , pared he DR, sw A y NE„ ... N. w . corner oa Ett a ! ) ,
titre front Liverisol. every Fla ell s • being thus COW/ 1 ty 31,..
~t,vs,t r„,s pr,c4. - ,s, pli,.....rin*, I *en: to too I , .*f a hottla or 010 :Jumiciur y ant i t , ro stroott, n o l u t o l li b,,...
mined, their shall keep, act with tlica ui-, 4.1 4-1 !. i deatrawd sir: •..IFratar'a flab to of 1.' , .. .
i7d CAr•rr o • ' j I
Y. I Let the advice lie repeated, do net neglect a slight;
urolsitg patronage, while Mr. I.V. Tapscott'a editint ,
pea-'goal suberictendance of the tura:er a in Lye,. Ilt•strsors.
.. ' " . .... -1. a"' ''' tj c ''' 4-‘ ''''''' l ' n3o `.' l ' v " . "' 7. at''''''',' l: co-air ii'y oa do, you pray have OCC3ti.O4 to regret
, 1-114. 4 tito Or !..4.3 1.111t4 / sofa: rffarer...4 cl/ t i t ho i . or , ses . ris k ? D e l a ,. has, and may a ,„..,„ t.....,
pool is an add:now:l aar.arity that the comfuri and ; a al LitICA N F 111.1: INqulZA!'o'i. t f *IPA:NV of . ta ..'.4 n i n e p l.( 4,tr,...r. , , 3,1 , , cough teaacc., sad thy Ring s i ~,, .„ 60 ,,,, carat,,iurtmes; 6. '"" '"..'
aocommexiatwa of the passengers will be arts 4 11 l' . .ail valeasaaar —Chat!, r perleelasl—Csits(a l / 4 :AS) ; , -w i re ie,tare.l to a beZ../.tily 414*,1 , —nj1 froth tot. heat. I
IMPI.tRITY OF Till: BLOOD,—An erc '- ellent
lady attended to. :4114.0pa0l to. tir.lee is Piiilailei } this, No. 7: Wan:to: is 41,1,4,11,,5g ittltielf,t 404 pn-frf,../ cinairieaal err. spron. .., m e d„ eine. Dr., sw A y sia.. „ S c om p ourip
The subscribers I,torir ;,' , 13 ciaal; , I(Ot11113cly (.1.2;4- 1 ~ :(t.Ol, — Wat . Drtit!Va a . Pt, Ct. rte...lond, Vnaley, tote ri trisrays lial.Larat.
. , ,n,,,5 .' rem AND EXTRACT OF TAR PILLS ,
get ire the Transportation !Guiness beta ern Pittsburg' , Sre`y. Thas 041 soil we!: eet.i.t,lealte.,l toil:pa t : l co o .. i W s , a not reinu the cv i,,,,,,,n. 5 „j,,..„., i ~,,... vavv a n ., , n,,,,
puriivir, g pins
are e,eie,..,
and the Atlantic Cities, are thereby enabled to take : . taint,: to insure lluddir.;;s i ;Mere Land -Lc, Yiterteivec, I L'o3' •Nouldrs am.l. area t.ll' tt'4 , rt , ',.40.4,0n-, 1 lyet Of/n6- rated II), the core of D,.. sveps r a, l ajek d r eada o m,
charge of anal forward pl.:sangria iniratl.:.tely on; aal Property, taut Of an catia hazardous charactar,i, drat that I Cts.sol hate Lesn astitkin; at toy trade Los , or Appetite, Lew si eritgi Biotdic
or Pimple,
their landing, w itliout a chariot. or disappointment or: aa,-sale.; lina orf ihtmaae bv Fire.
I "h•rli o blad" . ii' , ', 1.1.1 w, has lo , tratert.
lon the Ilict, or any disease where a urgative or puri
delay, and are therefore prepared CO contract to, t,..,••• ; Ary:icauuu: nyt• 1,,.,,,,,,,,,,-. ,o p,...1,t 0 ,;!, ~.I . d. ire, try eapess eire I L a , e o ,, tes t a k an ~e al severe, i
io , , , ardiese
st _ iiiredi These
_ . ,_ e,
sage from ah, sea port in Great Briton, or Ireland to lOOiOltboll4o‘,l situ 1 , 0 t' , 00.‘,..1, sod snit taken ; colas, arid my miry remedy has been 'gar lazt: , :ist . .' i oro l ise narsses, el : 1 10y
other onpeuant .
aena g ar n io P o
this Cite; the natare of the hotlines,' they are engsgez,,i mth e , pc,p eto. ,ay or f ur 1,,,,i 0 a, ta. a . 0 .1,, en fora-! Attl I now most cordially recommend the rant/my: and as a Spring Medicine fur purifying the blood and
in giving them facilities for csrrema, riasveagria. s o : hie torso,, by (.1-;11. ( a'..("filtAN, it,szent, IFiarstr's Rals4l4 l / 4 - to all who yen Rilln-t-O r d With Cartg.j e i rsos , n; t h e b er l y,e f r lt seme, t h ey are un mod
far inland 11,4 otherwise attainalife, and ' , tall, .if nc , do, 21
N" '-''''.. Iv'' , " l E"'''''• ! I ' : '' 3* "''''' ",r L '''''' , l Co ' r- f_, 14 , 14 , fa ' I ""'''''''cr i t .', 3 14 : .41 " Iha any medicine ever vet introduced to the. public..
cersarY ' Forward pasr.engeri further West I,y the • .._
- - ..usb,r , estois;tor—st real torakinr. to the WO:i4l. Any
3. maa el, /A. :, p e ,, ot , dect.a g further :nn:: - .7nataoa, In;`,l C. 311 oi/ MO by the role p ,,, pi ie , 0 , , p r. 5 w . ,..y . Nr, ,, , 8,,,,. soNs r rs , ,
. - ) --:' :.tlaounlcturvd matt sold, wholesale sod reevil„
best mode of conveyance without an "
. a .ta a , on .a ; tact •u kl7',.i.
, -...
Cliarges for torn' trouble. tVlieie persons ran , ICING & rrx-x-r:V, an, TAW". . "ow, trth . I
W. corner Race and Eighth streets, Phila'a.
decline coining out, Cie amount paid for passaac will i arears sit ,Pdtrarare,a, f...r tA r 1k14,,,1r . 3t,2 , ,,,,;
C11111'41111111:1' R . 6. "' lr ni r ' 1 The only agents in Pittsburgh for the sale ofthe
he refunded in full. , 5it,,,,y1,v,,ra,,, 0,:p.-I,i at Pal 2.l..frtpfsia. 't
tars. of Daatria, ? 1 genaine medicine are, WM. Thorn, 53 Market ":!.,L;
i I lilt L RISKS 0;1,-.5 1i...i.1ir.;.. .”-.1 ,Mcrc!,atoliac or! . Itlouta•unrcy cc,., .s`l,lcq of Ohm c
~! Ogden & Snowden corner of Wood and 2d at, and
subscribers wit* alto pthit"e'l th ;;te 'lran! It , 4 aver ilereriothin„ ax.l Marias, tair'ss ii-orn hall. i sub*cyl ''''t and. a '
or e ` !• I '' . : -6 "' m", Justice ''' i S. 'erica, la° LibjertY st., where it can be obtain
a‘ght, f nr any arnountpayalrle at the pr,nripal Cites . , ~,,,,,.; of ', mocha, . ta ,„` sea ur y., a r„.a.- j ao ,t 1'av0,,,H... th' . I''''''''" ,ll " 1114 d 3 Y e !'.' „',' l . -1 ' , . . rd genuine, wholesale and retail, at propfietor , s
arid Towns in Eriglatid, Ireland, Scotland and , r ,,,,.." 10P, LER. ! pricra. Fold by John . itlittliell, Allegheny cityi E.
sValea; thus atriatßug-a-safe and orpeditni , sle sheds or , ()ai r , at the . areh o ., ~r hr, na e a il i d n ,,, or , , 'reera.orra r a y Cute Ligrds. , rref.t.:2.2, citizens SI; ti. Hinman. Cincinnati; Dr. alegoiliii. alercer; „tall.
Reavit6mg foods to tlioac Countries, which Person" i %Vat,. 0-, ti oar Market stre-et, Pitte.iiir,th.
1 liiatn & Co., F.rfe; J. S. Morris &CO., LoMsrilleil
rug:tiring each facihtica, will tin it their intere at to 1 N. It, h,en a. v iatic a, it e th e o co j.n.i..,n 0 osed ::
I)'''Str",4ilni in
ti c asl s i , r r 2; t l : -e i i , t i t , : 1 / 4 1 n A 1; a tt: '' :l;l:4 - I.Oly acquainted ; Or. F. Latterly &. Co:, St. Louis; Andrew Oliver &
at ail themselves on •
I,,tcaaii:e or the,r fr.einia and rot:um:mit, at lante WI earth !tltS math. and ha , ing veva and oatcliad oaer i Co., New Orleans; Denig & gun, Voluttibus Boyd
Application fir I,< - letter post paid) add be pnoupt- the rn.1.,,, are a!, s, Innurae c e Cum) an. as aa a. 411 .; lIIM tfor. , ng, h.* late ilitiesa. do av't beaibate to 1 4y ;, C1173N la Co., Butler: lackenzie & Ilaskell, Clee
, ~
ly attended to
season among die most dour..hine, it s Pritlasle:phia—; that the rttheg , Uuit or by no moans an ereaaerated, land; Dr. Baker, Wheeling; 1 - '3.; Wm. R. Wotid,
TA AFFT & tycir,' , :NOtt,
: !aterla--I buths entstle I to cull rred t t
as hat ita; .1 tarce 104..k.i 111 capita!, which, by the eaer., a---• •a , ~ - • - . . . I Maysville, Ky.; Miller, Itrowaaville; Dr. IL Camp-.
F , :trwarditti; and Commission :Merchants,
„ anon of its caritas, is coastantly inerioreing --as A. 1.. STOrT, 1 hell & Co., l'iriontrawn; It. K. Johnson, Cunlherlatall
mar 27 il.h.a y. l'ittaberiah. ra• yietchog to each person insured fini dno tbarr of the 1)01) SON• IJ. : 1 / 4 1. Sharp. Dayton; and by agents in all 'partit of
Demlttauc t , to Englattd, Ireland, Scot- Prof , " . 1 the 1 ; 041 1'a-el', odhuot loud %lair bi'le it. I 111 It- Fall' 111. I t h e u rnte d s tates ,
; cep 18
land and Wales. any reaponsibility o hate -ter. beyond the prrinitnit i Crp , - rite true and germine ra IFiatar'a Berns: er:
ERsoss of remitt i ng me net t o an , ~ act ua lly p ai d in b, b an; and thereilire 4.31 posters:op i Wird Cilerry." a toad at established aamicies in an i till 05'1:1. OR- sCMMER compLAINT,—W e
Pthe abase countr i es, can do so thrt.l.Til (.1..` Sul.- I, OW Miamil principle art estad of riery cibtoi.yins parts of thin Cutted S eats c coufidently recommend and could refer to Min-,
scribera on the In01(O.2,1' arms. s',e are prep - .11C,3 : rratCWO, and in its most attrami e t a re, n o , a a f , Sold n ., c„,, vanat , o „ t a„ „,..„„ 1
of fburth
. and; deeds or our citizens who hate used ; I
to issue drafts for any aniouut arcs .t.: I .00itterlthc.— i ---- -
it &free-110%v SANFOII.I) & PAM.- , JAYNE'S CARMINATIVE 11ALSAMt .;
. I
t - u - st - t-c e ttithe Franklin Vase Insurattet ; . made through our house any' day briars; - -c - c - umpr , ny or phii.,t r i p ,, u ,.. General Agenta for the Weatepi states. las s certain safe and effectual remedy for Dysentry,
the 23d of slay', will be received in Irelahil, by the i
..,.:. E. (~,,,i, 1 Third
siis , in
~, , . ,
1 ,,. /. „ , For sale In L AVILCON Jr., S. L. cur. Market st.' Diarlara, or Lotireit cam, Cholera Mortn, su.stmE.E
2ott, of June. . ' . ev ''' " tr. '' , ' ''' ... '" r g'''' and the Diamond Pittsburali.
__ maY 9 l , COMPI.AINT, Colic, Griping Pains, Sour Stench, !
BLAKELY & MITCHEL, Pittsburp h. JT If i.: ~,,,,,,-. °I . the company on th" 6, .1. ~ , r 3 - n.""" w its .... p ill .. {Sick and Nervous Headache, Heartburn, &c..
Ag. , !nis for Roche, Lie's Si. Ctt., : J. iy ,1 s th i as published in conforroßy wit!( an act'
i This is ono of the waist ellicieist, plelsant, add I
New 1 . or: of the Pen nsy I v area Legisla tore 1 were
I rare compositions ever offered to the public for the
Boca, and alortaages, f400,t;15 fa;
1 cure of the various derangements of the sroatatit Estate, at cost, 1.,42,1.n.,7_ 77
land DOWEL?, and the only article worthr of the least
l'eniiiiarary Loans, Stocks :loci fish, ... i: 1 / 4 , 7,41,11 ",'2
confidence for curing CHOLERA .121(11.I.A - I'LTAf jot
. .
SCVD111:11 COAIPLAIA'T ; and in all the above dis
'eases it really acts like a charm.
Paper W are bunrr
pill.; tinders: pied having bought the paper vi arc
110t190 and wall paper manufactory, late to
Browne, hare entered into a no-partner
ship., under the name and style of It4l & lirtmnr, fur
the purport of carrying on the business in all its va
rieties. They will hare al wart on hand a complete
of their own manuficturc, and their stock will be
unproved and enlarged with periodical additions
from the best French tlictories.
Agent s fo r the. well-known Clinton Paper Mill,
Steubenville, from which they will be constantli ,
supplied WHAPPiNG; PRIN*I
- PAPER, BONNET DOARDS, dm.; all of ia hich
they offer wholesale and retail, at their More, No.
37 Wood street, midway between Fourth and Dia
mond Alley, where country merchants and dealers
are invited to cull.
Ncts , Boot and Shoo Store,.
No. 186 Liberty strcet,
A few doors above the head of Wood at
. .. . .
respectfully tinnounce to thn citizens of
Pittsburgh and vicinity that they have o
pened tl etore at the above named place for the
sale of Boots & Shoes ofall kinds and qualities, com
prising an extensive assortment of ladics•, Gentle
meas., Misses', ;lops', Youths , and Childrens' wear,
all of which goods they arc determined' to sell very
km for ca6h.
James Cavanagh
rt IHE Insurance Company of North America, ofl
1 . Philadelphia, through its duly authorised Agent, i
the subscriber, offers to make permanent and limited
litsuranee On property, in thin city and its vicinity,
and on shipments by the canal and rivers.
blur:cants: *
Arthur G. Coffin, Presl. Samuel Brooks,
' Alex. Henry, Charles Taylor,
Samuel W.Jon rfl!, S3lllllO W. Statth,
Edward Smith, A Inbrnse White,
John A. [lrwin, Iwol,.M. Thomas,
John White, John It. Neff,
Thomas P. Cope, Richard D. Wood,
Win. Welsh, Henry D.Sherrard,Seey.
This is the oldest Insurance Company in the Uni
ted States, hav Mg been chartered in 1791. Its char-I
ter in perpetual, and from its high standing, long
experience, ample means, and avoiding all rake off
au extra hazardous character, it may he considered!
as offering, ample necurity to the public.
At Counting Room of Atwood, J.,;,-.k Co., Wit. 1
wand front streets, Psttabargh. In-t23-y.
flak itiit a total of f,520,13',3
A troitini t t certain assurance that all losses wit( Lo
prompti,i met, and iv.. mg enure security to all w t o ,
obtain policies trout this His's/ taken at
, as lOW rates, as are consistent with victim).
. .
Nets , Hat and Cap btore.
_vVIM 11. POULSON, (late of the firma ,
Putilnon & 6.11,1 - hating opooott his
I new store at So. 73, IViind street, next doer to the
lcorner of Fourth, is now manufacturing :and recur-':
.4; fro,. the Eastern cities a very large assortment
of lilts and caps of every descriplifm, warranted to
he made in the best manner and of the best materials.
(Ater, Seal, kw and common Muskrat, Scalene
Hair-Seal, Piush and Glazed Caps.
Also, a fine assortment of ladies, furs, such aid
Lynx, Fitch, Genet and Con . ey Mutts and Tippets I
and fur trimming+, all of which he offers for sale at
eastern prices air cash, both wholesale and retail.
Country Merahants will please call and examine
my stock before purchasing elsewhere.
N. B. The Fall Fasw..4,e liar Hata fled Cap 3 receir.
ed. sep27y
- •
xci tANGE pito ham, corner of Wood and 9d
fl 4- 3,4 streets. Gold, silver nod current bank notes
'ought and sold. Sight ohockii on the eastern cities
fir sale. Drafts, netts and bills collected.
Exteunion of Pittsburgh.
subscriber has laid out, and now oilers for
sale at reasonable prices and on accommodating
terms, one hundred and ten building lots, on that
handsome level ground between Braddock street And
the Monongahela river. They arc about-one-third
of a mile from the city line, and are situated in that
part of the city district which will probably soon be
annexed to the city as the Seventh Ward. No pro
perty-in the suburbs possesses superior advantages,
nor has any horotofore . been laid out with:so liberal
an allowance of wide streets; Braddock is from, one
hundred and twenty to iihOutrins hiindred and ninety
feet wide, and . Beelen Commerce, Brady, Columbus
and Waterstreets, all wide avenues. Most of the
lots have two fronts, and os they-are Of various sizeti,
and will be sold one lot, with the priuilege of four or
live, early . applicants can be Sceommodated to suit
their own views of improvement. Persons who-de
sire to build or to make. secure investments in pro
perty that insure to adiaiMe in value, and particular
ly those who intend tri Orect - minufacteries, would
do well to view these lota and examine the draft be
fore purchasing elsewhere. The survey for the Bal
timore end Ohio railroad and the railroad survey by
the-State of Pennsylvania were both made alongside
'of, this property, and it is generally considered that
Braddock street, or the ground immediately alengdido
of it, affords the only eligible route for a railroad
from Pittsburgh to the East. Coal can be delivered
on-this property at a much less coat than on thezAl
legheny river, and there is always deep water at this ,
part of the river. ' E. D. GAZZAM,
aug2s-41 Office, Market, between 3d and 4th sts.
. , . .
Irnsurattre &any anio.
The Franklin Fire Insurance Company
CHARTER PERPETUA L. $400,000 paid in of
lice 1631, Chestnut st., north side, near Fifth.—
Take Insurance, either permanent orlimited, against
lots or damage by fire, on property and effects of
every description, in town or country, on the most
reasonable terms. Applications, made either per
sonally or by letters, will be promptly attended to.
C. N. BA.NCICER, Prest.
C. G. BANCKEII, Sec'y.
Charles N. Bancker, Jacob R. Smith,
Thome Hart, George W. Richards,
Thomas J. Wharton, Mordecai D. Lewis,
Tobias Wagner; Adolphi E. Borie,
Samuel Grant, David S. Brown.
- -
WA rt Rxcli MARTINAgent, at the Eldiange °Mee
of Warrick Martin, & ' Co., corner of Third and. Mar
ket streets.
Fire risks taken on buildings and their contents in
Pittsburgh, Allegheny and the surrounding country.
No marine or inland navigation risks taken.
aug , t-v.
Fire nud Marine Insurance.
Allen Itrainci,
Wtn: Bell & Co.,
John D. Davis,
F. Lorenzo,
Pittsburgh, Po,
J. Pointer & Co. '
Joseph Woodwell,
Janie, Moy,
Alex. Bronson & Co. }
John IL Brown & Co. , ,
Jutting Al , Candiess, Cincinnati, 0.
.1. It. M , Donahl, St. Louis, Mo.
W. 11. Pope, Pres't Bank of Ii Y., Louisville
4Th Ifni.
'' rrts Fotsitd at Lai t, -
iSecen Thousand CCISAS• of obst i nate .Pulmorfari Com
plaints cured in ong'year:
.. .
, I,Ve ask the attention of the candid to a few con
Nature) 'every part of her works, has left indeli
ble marks of adaptation and design. ,
The constitution of•the animals and vegetables of
the. forest) js.cuch that 'they
.nould not endure the
cold of the frigid none , and vice vesa.
I In regard to diseases and inn' enl'e; the adaptionis
more or less striking,
The Moss of Iceland ) tbe Wild Cherry and Pines
pf All Northern latitudes (and
....f.Br..WisrArt's BAL
SAM" is a compound chemical extract from these,)
have long been celebratMi for .complaints prevalent
only in cold climates.- Indeed themostdistinguished
Medical men have averred that nature furnishes in
every country medichicifor its own peculiardiseases.
Consumption in its couilamed and incipient stages
boughs, Asthma ' Croup and Liver Complaint form by
far tha moat fatal class of diseases known to our
land. Yet even these may be cured by means of the
simple yet - powerful remedies (named above) and
Which are scattered ) by a benefit:lent Providence,
wherever those maladies prevail.
lYisrAn's BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, always trium
phant! cure follows care in ita onward victorious
DarroN, Fels, 11th, 1815:
J. IV. 1 171iltnore.—Dear Sir: As y.goiare the reg-
Ular authorized agent in Dayton, for the sale of .*Dr.
%MLitt's Dalsani of Wild Cherry," I take this meth
cid of making a statement of Idets to you (which 1
hope may be published to. the world) in reference to
an almost miraculous cure, wrought in my case by
rticaus of the above biretuabie
Language rails to describe the salutary effects it pro
duced, sail the great benelt 1 derireirtrorn its use,
• Thr care- of
WILSON l'lLLti, as a remedy peculiarl,
adapted lb/ headaches and dyspeptic iitfeetions,
aiepretty generally kunivu and esteemed iu this
'ce.eninunity; and the proprietor, so often as he has
eccasinn to woo or speak of them, can Reruccir re
! frain from an espresaion of los grateful ricknowicdg
; meats to his friends for their pat:vita:lc and kisolness
'to him. Ilin feeling* ate the iv armor from observing
the ”bcgintiing . and the ending"—thrown almost in
! juxtaposition—Or* many tiostiums and kindred pre.
paratiou• equally loud in their pretensions, and
'epoch Inure indoetriously presented to the politic;
while hie preparation noiselessly advances, vice to
remote places, soothing and comforting the afflicted,
and permanently grafting itself upon the affections
of new friends, thus continually widening the circle ,
of ii usefulness. Although well satisfied that his
medicine has, aS it were, a principle of perpetuity on
it, yet he is obliged to his frimids fur the niost
atnatiitt evidence of the fact.
, . .
! In its natural history, if you please, the Wilson
i Pill differs from most other preparations in not being
originally made for sale, or with n view to pecuniary
profit; while nif every body knov.s, the greatest ttru
l(as a general thing) no sooner brgina to dabble in
drugs than be casts about fir some cheap prepara
i tien t or must 'get up,' as the phrase is, something--
I anything thittovill still: Often lie attempts it under
an mourned or fictitious name. as though conseioUs
his oivni were insufficient to sell it. The difference
then between the Wilson Pill and the preparations a
have Jusi indicated, Would appear to be third The.
1 conscionimene of the value of my pill originated
the idea of putting thein on sale for money, and a t I i
I price; The consciousness of the value of money '
originates in mokt instances the many preparations
I I have alluded tq; and the price most likely 'to taw
hialWays first earefidly considered, and the pill or
otherpreparation made and graduated to suit it. The
lone is a DISCOVZRY, and COMP, from the great Amelia
!of Universal Nature; the other it trick or invention,
arid colors from a not very popular quality of blot
! uvula. Nature. !leader! die difference here is
!great; In one instance the value attached tritherni.t.
lis the, starting point; in the other, the MON r. 1% Bot I
it in out probable that sonic Or the many prepara
tion,' having even such paternity were ormderitally
gqod,litit that possibly by thin process of "getting
or 48 they call it, by pulling and blowing, as we
clean wheat, thq have becu "got up" too high be
fore their specific gravity had been cart:lloly ascer
taMed, and have blown off never-to be heard of,
with ether chalf4sonic lighter, Some heavier.
Whatever mayibe the rationale, 1 must repeatit,
that I ,am most ptlfoundly thankfld to my fliends for
their discrimination in notconeigning my discovery to
that Compenduoue category of "inventions that• did
not iriswer"--ofi"tricka that won't win...
.. . ..
The Wilson Pills are useful as a IitNER AL remedy,
and may be kept fltid taken, in proper doses, in fam
ilies, as a preventative of general ill health, or dis
ease of whatever' name, by any member of the lam
lb., .9hout any fear of the consequences of expo
sure in the ordinary pursuits of business.,
t&'They may always be had in any quantity of the
proprietor, inPenn street, below Marbury, and of tIIC
principal Druggist:a of this city and Allegheny.
IVlLPlegate Shoe. Store.
j 1 H. CHILDS & CO., are now receiving their ;
;spring supplies, consisting of one of
'he largest, cheapest and best as- .Ellgtil
sortment of Booti and Shoes that they hare ever
been able to bring io this market. Also, Ladies and
' Missesi, Florence Braid, nud Straw Bonnets, of the
latest style; together with a splendid assortment of
Palin Leaf Hats; mens' and boys' summer Caps.
Also, a large lot of New York Tanned Sole Leather,',
all of which having been purchased at the lowest'
rates, and selected with great care for the western
trade, will be sold at a small advance above cost and
chargeS. Alt merchants wishing to purchase will
find it to their interest to call and examine their stock
before purchasing elsewhere. nlar27rtf
Cure follows Care t
Coughs, Colds, Asthma;.Bronchitis, Liver CoMplaint
Spitting Blood, Difficulty of Breathing, Pain in f.
the Side and Breast, Palpitation of the Heart,
Influenza,. Cioup, - Broken 'Constitution,'
Sore Throat, Nervous Debility,
and all diseases of Throat, 1,
Breast and. Lunge ; the
most effectual and • ,
speedy cure ever
known for
any or • •
• above diseaseS
A Truly Wonderful Cure!
Dr. Swsvxr.: Dear Sir—ln October lastovhile en
gaged with Mr. Joseph Smith, in a saw mill near
Waynesburg, was attacked with aco ndi} freen be
ing exposed at night, which gradually in eased, at
tended with spitting of blood and a severepain'in the,
breast, loss of appetite, fever, &c. &C., which was
scarcely supportable. I bad a ikmily who were'
wholly dependent on my exertions fur support, yet
was obliged to leave my business and returnLome.l
I was then attended by several Physicians, both still
grew worse, - until my medical attendants gave we up
as incurable. Subsequently,. my wife observing in
one of the public prints, an advertisement of Dr,
Swayue's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, piocur
ed the one bottle from Francis APCltiro, your agent
in Lewistoivn, which relieved me. I continued until
I had taken lire bottles. I s' -'j -Lble
Prom the Bee. .4sa Minn, qf the Protestant litellOct.
- .
1 The undersigned having been afflicted during the
past winter with a thematic in the stomach, sometimes
prodcing severe pain in the stomach for ten or _twelim
hours without intermission,.and having tried.various
i remedies with little effect, was furnished with a bit
used according to the directions, and found invaria
bly that this medicine caused the pain to abate in
lace or four minutes, and in fifteen or twenty min-
Mem every uneasy sensation was - entirely quieted.
The medicine was afterwards used whenever indica
tions of the approach of pain were 'perceived, mid
the pain Was thereby prevented. Ile continued to
use the medicine every evening, and sometimes in the
morning, and in a (kw weeks health' was so far re
stared, that' the sufferer was relieved froth a large
amount of oppressive pain. From experience, there
fore, be can confidently recommend. Dr. D. Jaynets
Carminative Balsarti,' as a salutary medicine fur. dis
eases of the stomach and bowels. A. Sitirmr.;
Allegheny city, July Nth, 1843.
r0.,,,,1. in Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TEA STORL,
72, F'ourtlr street, near Wood. •
Price 2! and 50 cents per bottle. jelo4.lSw
Scotts Vcgetable PtlIZ
JUST received a: fresh supply_ of those
valuable Pills, to those who know them, no
thing need be said in their favor. for by then' In;
trinsic merit they can speak for themselves, but to
the afHicted who have never used them we reconi
mend a trial, for they have been the means ‘(u110r.
the blessing of God,) of imparting health and
strength to thousands who were apparently dtati:r;
lug near to the gates of Death, the Inveterate Cancir
and scruftila have been effectually cured by thorn,
dso, Dyspepsia, rt:VCr and A gue, Intim / atiou; Drop
sy in the head, Jaundice, Asthma, Sores of twenty
years standitig,:Croup, Measles, Worms and even
cases considered Consumption have all yielded' tb
their highly renovating powers. They are also 1.14
surpassed in their purifying propertles,when takeh
as an occasional physic by,old or young, being , as'
well suited for the infant of one day as for . the
man matured in life.
By the opress command of the Propriebar,-they
are sold et 12A cents per 'box of 25 pillS,'with full
directions. Sold wholesale end' retail by'
jyty-thlrn . r
European and American Agency.
THE undersigned European Agent having again
arrived in America , at the regular time, will
leave Pittsburgh, Pa. early, in'Saptember next, - and
sail - froth New York on the first day of October, rnik,
• king 'a ritinTrxtvris tour through England; Ireland;
Sentland,•Wales, and returning to -America irirMayj
1847. By this agency money remittances can be
made by drafts for large and small sums, payable at
sight in every part of Great Britain . ; Ireland, Etc.;
legacies, debts, rents; real estate and claims collect;
ed• and recoveredpabearches of all kinds mace;no+
pies of wills, deeds and documents procured,
GM usual business appertaining to this Agency inn.;
sacted as heretofore. Innumerable references giv-1
en. Apply personally or adrdesspostpath, •
European Agent and Attorney at Law, Pittsburgh;
BIN J. S. May will attend to all European busi+i
ness in my absence. jel9
~ * a .:r.~ h ~ ~~tr s ~ ~ h'r r~~ '~;yys~} a~~~ , ;;vk5,~ ~;s~l'~?,~.:' `~`'' , _".'~5~.,~ =sa.~ ~ x~r-'
.. `'"".,. -
ut Chur ch
1 1
. nedical and Surgical Om ce.
Health is the charm of lire, withourit gold,
Love, letters, friends, all, all, are ttnenjoyed
towards the market
Dr. Brown gis - es his .particuiar attention to the
reatnaent and investigation of the font:min , ' cii<ea
All diseases an from Impurities of . the Blood
scrofula, syphilis, Seminal weekness, impotency ,
salt rheum ; diseases of the eye and ear, rheunaatisrn
piles, palsey.
Dr. Brown has much pleasure in announcing to
the public, that he is in possession of in
formation and improvement in the treatment of
secondary syplUls, practiced at the Paris Lock Hos
pital. The modern 'researches on, syphilis, its
complications: and consequences, and the improved
modes of practice which have been made known
to the public but recentley, and to, those chiefly
who make this branch 'of Medicine, their partieu
ar study and practise.
Many new and valuable remedies havebeen late
ly introduced, whichsecures thepatientbeinginer
curialized out ofesistenee Strangers are apprised
that Doctor Brown has been educated every
branch of medicine, and regularly admitted to
practise; and that he now confines himself to 'the
study andpractice of this particular branch;togeth
er, with all diseases of a private or, delicate nature,
incident to the humanfrnrne. No cure, no pay.
Recent cases are relieved in a short time, with
out interruption from business.
- .
0:7-Office on Diamond Alley, a' few doors from
Wood street, towards the market. Consultations
trietly confidential. , mv.t2-d&wy
Preserve the Teeth. -
- 1-1, AR better is it to cure the toothache in one min
ute, by using Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth Wash,
than to:suffer the aching; also to cure.soreness of the
'guntS, cure softness of the gums, stop bleeding of
the gums, and always keep the teeth, gums and
mouth pleasant, and in the best state of health.
Whilst introducing WHEELERS TEABERRY
TOOTH. WASH to the public it is the painful duty of
the proprietor, to state that tins articleovhich is the
Onginal, and only genuine Teaberry Tooth Wash, has
been imitated by numerous Teaberry Tooth Washes,
Teaberry Tooth Pastes, and a variety of - articles with
the name Teaberry annexed to them, when, in fact,
this article is the first that ever bore the name of
'reaberry, and is the only one which pOssesses the
real virtue of the plant,and established all the celeb
rity for it, which induced others to make use of its
tame,, they never did present its intrinsic vir
tues to the;public. As evidence that it is the first
preparation of Teaberry for the Teeth, the copy of
the certified recOrds of the United. States. District
Court is published.
Eastern District of Pennsylvania, to
H,„,";* wit: De it remenitprciy That on the
z second day of Felikuary,Anno.Doinini,
4: one thousand eight hundred and forty fro, I
st 41' W. WHEELER,
Of the said District, huh depo!ited in this Office the
Title of a Book, the title of which is in the words
following, to wit:
- - - -
The right whereof be claims as Proprietor, in con
formity-with the Act of Congress; entitled "An Act
to amend the several Acts respectiim Copy Rights."
- Clerk of the Dist. Court.
1542, Feb. 2d. Copy deposited.
The above Copy Right for the Wmpper of the
Bottle, showing the Title of the Article in legal lan
guage, and granted in the legal form, will prove this
tube the Orginal TEABERRY TOOTH WASH, and
all others are but huitations, which has gone oat of !
use wherever the Genuine Teaberry Tooth Wash is
sold. ' Then remeinber, ricoie is genuhte but
Cr:etificates of the hfagistrates of ttte City of Phila
'Raving made use of your much celebrated Tea
berry Tooth Wash, I feel convinced that it is the
best article I have ever known, and hereby warmly
recommend its use to the public in general, as.a
pleasant and efficacious article for preserving the
Teeth and Glans. ROBERT E. JOILNSTON.
For a number of years my Teeth and Gums were
so much out of order as to prevent me from eating
with any pleasure, and caused ranch pain. Having
heard of Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth Wash, I do cer
tify. that I tried one bottle of it, and in less than two
weeksti!t_teeth and Gums. were sound and good; I
believe that the use or-it would be an. advantage to
many 9thers. J. BRAZER.-
Certificates r;filfembers of the Philadelphia ..Bar;
Baying used ‘Vheeler's Teaberry Tooth Wash and
powder, I hare found them to possess cleansing and
purifying propertiel, and while 'they whiten and
beautify the Teeth, they have a beneficial effect upon
the Gums, by imparting to'them free and healthful
action. F. A. IIAYIVOLD.
I hare used Wheeler's Teabe try Tooth Wash, and
its effects upon my Teeth and GUMS has given to me
a high opinion. of its merits. I cheerfully TCCOM
mend it to the general list: IL IL ICII.EASS.
?qv daughter lias used Wheeler , a Teaberry Tooth
Wash (and powder) and has found its effects to be
cleansing and purification of the Gums, and a Sweet
enititof the mouth: I have no hesitation in recom
mending it as the most beneficial preparation •for the
Teeth :I have ever seen. C. J. JACK. •
Certificates of Ladies and Gentlemen of Philadelphia.
* 4 lC:is with gratitude that I send thefollowing..cer
tifiCate, hoping that many who suffer will be, led, by
a perusal of it, to ebtain Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth
Wash, which article I used, and it has effectually
cured tooth-ache soreness of the gums ; removed
scurrfrom my teeth, and I fully believe has entirely
arrested all . decay of them. I trust that all who gull
ter; having either of the same species of complaint ;
will as soon as possible use_ Wheeler's Teaberry
Tooth Wash, that they may be relieved.
. . ,‘ .
Owing to haring taken cold, but mostly in conse
quence of the acid of a paint used in coloring prints,
my l'eeth became very much injured, giving •cacru
elating pain at intervals Tor between two and three
years. Wheelers Teaberry Tooth Wash was used,
an& has entirely cured them, which in -
forth I send, that those who wish a perfect remedy
for painful teeth,:and also desire a pleasant Tooth
wash, may with confidence .try Whoelees Teaberry
Tocith Wash. MARY A TAYLOR.
"Wheeler's Toabciri tooth %%rash , haying re.
moved scurf and clued soreness of the gums, Which
had troubled me for two years ' It my belief that it
is, a. highly useful article' and that it is advisible to
those 'who iuffer with the Teeth and Gurris 'to make
use of it. MARY SULLIVAN.
"Your Teaberry Tooth Wash cured the tooth-ache
and also soreness of , thfigums in triy - 6Maily, and I
send you this certificate that those who stifles with
tooth -ache or- soreness Of the gums, may know that
it is a remedy for. them, and a very pleasant Tooth
Wash. ' - - FRGS. PREVOST,
W. Wheeler. No. 14S, -Catharine street.
-"Wheeler's Teaberry, Tooth Wash' , having cured
soreness of the gums, and effectually stopped.bleed
ing of the guns, I deem it a debt of gratitude for the
relief which it afforded, me, and a duty owed to my
fellow beings, to say, that it is my firm conviction,
that those who , Will use .Teaberry Tooth
Wash,' for the Teeth snir Gum*, will find that it is an
important article.- TIIOMAS J. M'CUILDY,
- - - -
From muelisevereafflictien o r
myself,. and othegs
of my family, with.deeayed Teeth and sore Gum's;
and'the many . respettable testimonials highly in favor
was 'Walked so give it trial, after family
used it, and 1 fejolce to day: that .it did perform a
thorough and effectual. cute .for all, and is. the best
article that I ever knew of.. I would recommend ibr
use to - those :wbo may be suffering.,
W. Wheeler
. .
Many more ,testimonials are oxisting approving of
<s,Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth Wash.' , .
Sold at. WM. JACKSON'S. Store; No. 89 Liberty ,
street, Pittsburgh, head of Wood street.
Priacipal Office,.No. 86Chesnut st., Philadelphia.
- -
HOE TIIRE.A.D. 77 A largo assortment, together
kjts:iih. Shoe Findings and Kat of allicinds, justre
ceired by JOHN W. BLAIR.
nar2o L2O Wood Street
.tgularly educated physi
ian from the eastern cit
would respectfully an:
tounce, to . the citizens of
nttsburgh, Allegheny and
icinity, that .be can be
insulted privately and
mfidenlially, every day
'ening at his - office on
Jiamond Alley,' a few
doors from Wood street
M. WHITE has just received. at his large .
EY establishment, fronting on. Liberty and Sixth
streets, a splendid assortment of TWEE.II.S. fez
summer; also, a superior lot of French Satin YES
TINGS, all of which he is ready to, make up
the latest fashicm and on the most reasonable terms
as usual. • 'Observe' the . porner, No ' 167 Liberty
and Sixth streets. . •
myl4 J. M. WHITE, Tailor, Proprietor.
- ERA' PENNSYLVANIA by Col. Swift,
with 10,000 men, notwithstanding which, J. 81;
White will continue to sell clothing cheaper than
any has heretofore been oithred in the western coun
try, having - the largest "establishment in the' city,
fronting on Liberty and Sixth streets. He is 'now
prepared to shew to his numerous patrons the great.-
est variety , of cloths, cassimeres, vesting's, and
thing of all descriptions; suitable for the'approaching
season, that has ever.been offered in this market, ta
which all can have the Right of Way.. Obserie the
corner; No. 167; Liberty and Sixth streets
. . -
WESTERVELT, the old and well known
Vcnitian Blind Maker, formerly of Second
and Fourthsts., takes this method to inform hismanY
friends Of the fact tlint'hisFactory is ,new in full op-
oration' on St. Clair se., near the . old Allegheny •
Bridge;where a,cianitent suPPIY . a Blinds of various
colors add'qualities, is constantly kept on hanct and
at all prices, from twenty,centa up to suit customers-
N.- 1;1. If reqUired, will put up so, that
in cake : of alarm
,by Bfe, er otheswise they may be
removed withbutlhe aid of a screw=driver, and with
the same facility that any Other piece of furniture
can be removed, and without , any. extra , expense.
je24-d&wi. - • '
. •
238,-Ca st
'4' At KEEVIL , S, to-morrow, Thursday August
---4 q 276, a neat and cheap article' of Pittsburgh
manufacture can be hturibliiabove store, ahead of
fashionable hats imported from the East
No 152 baud olliVood st.
127; Market street
Fifth. St re et Furniture Wererooms.
- .
subscriber w ould most respectfully call the
T attention of the publiCto his stock "of Cabinet
Ware, possessing advantages over any' other manu
facturing establishment in the city. Ho is enabled
to sell his Wares:at much lower prices; therefore, he
would remind those who Want good Furniture. nt. a.
fair price not to forget the right_place, No.. l7 ,.Fi•fUt
istreet. (tuar.23-11&wy) H. H. RYAN.
An AcrostAC.
Tust'receiVed, a splendid assortment of Spring and
and SurrintergoOds„. , .
Unsurpassed. for quantity, quality or -
Style. The. Proprietor of this establishment
Takes great pleasure in informing his friends and thd
public •
In general, that he is - now,prepared to fill all orders
that hie - - • -
Numerous customers may favor him with. Strangers
Travelers would do well, in visiting the '
Iron City, to call and examine his extensive and well
Made stock of ready made,clothing. , lie has a cogl
plete assortment of
English cloth, to which he would invite 'attention;
also, - - •
French cloths of every color and quality, wich he is'
Offering at a very small advance on eastern prices.
Remember at this store you are not asked two pricesi
Convinced that small profits and quick sales is the'
best way to secure-custom. .
Haling in his employ the best workmen, he can -war- ,
rant '- • -
Every article made at his establishment to fit well,
And to be of the best materials- he would again in:.
,vite -
Purchasers generally to give him a call
Before purchasing in any other piece,
As he is confident that he can sell them as good goods'
Iteasonable prices as any house in this city,
Going so far, as to say a little cheaper. '
All his goods are new, and of handsome patternsi
purchased • ~
In the the east but a few weeks since.' The subscri
• her
Now returns his thanks to his friends and the public'
in general, and . -
Solicits a continuance of their favors. •
Iran City Clothing. Store, No. 1.3'2 Liberty streie.
mar 7 • ' • C;M,CLOSKEY.
Three Big : Doors Clothlng.Store.
N 0.151, Laerty street. -
THE Proprietors of this old and highly popular es.-
stablishment informs, his friends and the public
at large, that a portion of his Spring.. and Summer
Stock of •
Is now prepared for their and he-respect
fully invites all who contemplate purchasing articles
in his li ne taokf bitvv visit.: ins stock this season
is peculiarly rich; comprising all the latest Fashions
and Patterns, and all his, Goods, having been select
ed by himself in the eastern markets, he can with
confidence recommend them to.his customers as be
ing of the very best quality: His lage assortment of
Is made in the most modern and improved - stile, and
the workmanship cannot be excelled. Pants , of eq.
ery desaription, &tin 4- Fancy Vesta: - He- as a rpre
and beautiful assortment of • ' .. --: ".
To which be would call the attention of public ds he
believes them to be more Beautiful and Cheaper,
Than anything of the kind that has-been offered
heretofore. • . - - ,
Tweed and other coats, for. Summer wear, In
great variety and made in every stYle, Fashionable
Shirts, Latest Style of : Stacks, Suspenders of every
descriptions, Handkerchiefs, and every other article
necessary for a liiihionabie Dress.
Ile has a very large and excellent assortment of
Stibstantial . Clothing, which will be sold lower than
it can be purchased at any other place in the .city-r-to
which he would invite the attention of workingmen'
and others who wish servicable- clothing for every
day's near.:
. ,
Haring in his employ'some the best Cutters and
Workmen, that' the Country can produde, and being
provided with . a stock of Goods, which for excel
lence and variety cannot be equalled, he isprepar-
At the. shortest notice, andin a style that Cannot be
It is not considered any Trouble to show Clothing,
and the „proprietor feels confident that after an ex
amination of his stock, all who desire to purchase
will find it their interest to deal at his establishment.
The proprietor would take this opportunity to ten
der his sincere thanks to the public for the-unprece
dented patronage bestowed upon i bis establishment,
and as the success he has met within:an indication
that his efforts to pleas his patrons, have 'not. been _-
unavailing, he pledges himself that nothing shall be
ted on•his part to secure dusk-kindness for the
future. JOIIN 141CCLOSKEY,
~Waree Big Doors, -
marl7=dgiw • l5l. Liberty at. •
J. 'S. Lowry, Merchant Tailor.
WOULD ;inform his friends and the public, in
general; that he his remofed to Woodstreet,
in the
,ST., Ctientr.s- two doors below the
entrance, where he is ready to execute all orders in
the neatest and most fashionable manner, having en
gaged the services of Mr..7oniv M. Cs.netzti as cut
ter, whose attention will be devoted to that branch
ofthe trade and whose well known ability"in this par.
titular having long been established in the fashion
able community of this city, induces the belief that.
by close attention to business, he will be able to
give general snisfaction to all who may favor him
with a call—having also made arrangements to keep,
constantly on hand a general assortment of , every
thing adapted to gentlemen's wear, such as Cloths,
Cnssimeres, Vestings, Shirts, Drawers, Bosoms, Sus-,
ponders, Gloves, Cravats, and every article pertain-•
ing to a gentlnman's wardrobe, he will be ready at.
all times to supply any demand in his line.
The subsctiber reepectfully informahis friends and
the public generilly, that , having entered into the
above arrangement the establishment will be able to
furnish 'any article in the Taildring line, with a pync
tuality and despatch scarcely equalled by any other
in the city, and for style and-workmmiship nor Jul passed by any in the states. _
aug.l2-413m JNO. M. C-AISIPBELL. •
TUST RECEIVED--.d splendid assortment of
er Summer Cassimeres, Gingham, and Gam;•.
brown, suitable for coats and Pants; a large stock of
fancy Summer Stufik; fancy Cotton Cloths; a new ar
ticle; Oregon Catsimeres; Gold Mixed Tweeds and
Berkshire; 10 dozen white shirt Linen Bosoms and •
Also, a great variety of fancy shirt striped Mpg
hams, &c.; a splendid- assortment of Simmer Cra
vats, Marseilles, Silk, Satin and other Vestings•ot
superior styles andrqnality; Socksi..liandlterchiefs;
Stocks Bosoms,Collars; Lisle Glves and all kinds
o 2
of gentlemen's IN' ear, ready made, or got up to order
at the shortest notice, and at the.lowest prices,- by
Pittsburgh Clothing Store,.
• je3• • - corner of Wood and Water sta.
Can't be Beat
To Arras* To Armo
Vpnitian.B/Inds •
Fall. Fashion of Hats.