The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, September 23, 1846, Image 3

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comzurttt Vb'it lispTEmnEs.
G. WeymUr, T. S. Clark.
repared ano Correiledlirery Afternoon.
PORT OP , PiTwsnllßoll.
fiET 9 IStiss V6`Atiii CUANIVTL
• ---
Consul Boitittan.
- Louis 3,l"line,.:Benliett, Brownsville
Arrow. Atkidsori, Beaveti
Oneoids ilititeth Beaver. -
Mithigan, Boie!, Beaver. -
T.T. S. Mail, WilHard, Nashville.
North Queen.. Catlett. Wellsville.
Oueota, Gordon, Beaver,
Arrow, Atkinson, Beaver.
Louis McLane, Bennett, Brownsille
Consul, Bowman, Brownsville.
'Swatara, Jacobs, Cincinnati, '-
Michtgan; Boies, Beaver.
North Queen, Catlett, Wellsville,
Rto Grande, Connelly Cincinnati.
Ringgold, Rubly, Cincinnati.
Gladiator, Smitheri; St. Lords.
Sant Sean Greenlee, St. Louis. ~
Cinchmati—Per SIT Hudson; lett kegs lard, 14
sks rags, ssh ginseng, 6 bbls apples, i 1 bz rads.
I do. books, OS bbls flour.
Per U. S. Mail; 3 bbla oil, 2 bxs. 1 bdl. leather,
79 sks. wool, 2 bxs. books, 03,13b15. Hour.
str. North Queen; 16 sks. wool,
4 bxs, flannel, 2 do. mds., 1 bbl. cranberries, 6 pcs.
castiogs, 85 buckets. 93 bbls. flour.
Monongahela Improvenient—Per str. Consul; 103
ibis: flour, 2 bxs. Inds., 2 ehests, 1 siove,29 boiler
heads, 13 sheets boiler iron, 1 lxll. leather, 16 kgs.
-nails, 15Wbxs. glass, 13 bxs. 3 bbls flaskS.
Per str. Louis - XLane; 27 &Us. paper, 16 do.
pasteboards, 23 small. bxs. hollow ware, 6 large
do., 9 bbls. do., 43 bxs. glass.
September. 18.
At this point the river is falling, with nearly di
feet water in the canal; for the small class boats,
navigation is still unimpeded.:
Coal.—The supply of Pittsburgh continues good
andsales are made at 11 a 113 c. delivered, actor.
ding to quantity.
Rour=j.jak-a - tendency upward; Sales are ma
king by:the dray load at $3 25 and 'retail at $3 1.30
Grain.—Wheat 50 a 60c. Corn from wageins
23c; stores 33c. Oats from wagons 2.oq . stores 23c.
Ginseng.—We quote at 25 a 27c.
Hemp..--Ilecelpts limited. We quote dew-rot
ted at $250; water rotted at $lOO a $l2O per ton.,
Sale of sth Ward Property at Anation.
Iwill offer for sale at public auction, on Monday,
the 28th day of September, at 10 o'clock, A. 51.,
on the premises, a Lot of Ground, on Penn street,
(sth Wardo opposite the residence of P. M'Cormick,
list., 24 feet tient by 100 feet deep, on which is
erected a double frame house and blacksmith shop,
now renting at $lO2 per annum. Title unexception
Also, at the same time, an annual Ground Rent of
en 50, payable quarterly for ever, on a I Lot of
Ground 50 feet front by 100 deep, on the corner of
Penn and Walnut streets, one of the most valuable
lbts in the sth Ward, on which is erected several
frame dwelling houses and stores.
1 Att'y. in fact for
P. M'KENNA, Auct'r. sept 16.
Splendid llargain-.Honse and Lot.
WE have for sale, a neat two story 01...4.
PLL brick house, with finished basement,:
vault, vault, 4.c., situate nn Filth street, near the new Court
House. - The liUuse is new, containing seven- com
fortable Rooms, and will rent for $l5O per annum.
Price low and payments easy. Persons wishing to
see the house and learn particulars, will please apply
sep9 Smithfield et. near sth./
Public Sale of Lots in the Sixth Witrd
of the City of Pittsburgh.
WILL be exposed to public sale, at the Com
mercial Auction Rooms, corner oftlVood and
Fifth streets, on Wednesday, the 23d at`7 o'-
clock, P. M., by order of Henry Irwin;of Baltimore,
the followinglots, situate in the 6th Ward, of the
City of Pittsburgh, in Irwin's plan; to wit:
• Nos. 21 and 23, being each 24,feet in front on Coal
Lane, by about 90 feet in depth to an Alley, 26 feet
5} inches wide.
Noe. 46, 54 and. 56, each being in front on the
northerly side of Wylie/street, 24 feet by 109 feet
in depth, to an Alley 26 feet 51 inches wide.
• • Nos. 69, 71 and 72; each being in front on the
southerly side of Wylie street; 24 feet by •124 feet in
depth, to an Alley 26 feet Si inches wide.
Not. 102, 103 and 104; each being in front on the
northerly side of Franklin krect, 24 feet by 124 feet
in depth, to:an Alley 26 feet 51 inches wide.
Nos. 119; 120 and 121, - each being in front on _the
erootherlyside of Franklin at. 24 feet by 126 feet in
depth,' to Decatur street.
No! 136, at the corner of Franklin and Logan sta.,
being in front on Franklin at,, 38 feet by 126 feet in
depth to Decatur at.
. . .
No. 117, at the corner of Franklin and Ebb ate.,
being 43 feet 6 inches front, or width; on Franklin et.
by 124 feet.% inches in depth on Bitola.; to an alley
of 26 feet 51 inches, and being only 37-feet dnd 2 in
ches wide on the said alley.
Terms: one halfcash end the balance in one yedi;
with interest,to be secured by bond and mortgage on
the property sold, the coat of the tided, - bond and ,
mortgage, is to be paid by the purchaser: A plan can
be seen at tbe Auction Room. JOHN Di DA.VI.I
sep. 14th. (American copy: ) , Auctioneer;
EFINED BORAX-3 cases knit received and
It ) for sale by B. A. FAHNESTOCK, It Co.;
a sp 11 corner of 6th and Wdod streets.
Fran,lain Medical College of PhMittel.
THE first annual coign of lectures iii this institc
j, lion, will be opeded Mondays the twelfth
day of October next, (the second Monday in October,)
and will be continued until the end of the , ensiling
- rnornisms:
PAUL BECK ' GODDARD; M. D,-- 7 -Anatomy and
C. C. V 4 N WYCK, M. D.—Principles and practice
of Surgery.
MEREDITH CLYMER, M. D:—Principlthi and
practice of Medicine.
iu. and Therapeutics.
and diseases of women and children..
LEVIN S. JOYNES, M. D.—Physiology and legal
JAME.S . B. ROGERS, M.D.—General and Organic
JOSEPH LEIDY, M. D.--Demonstrator of Ar.-
The Franklin Medical College was incorporated
in the Legislature of Pennsylvania, by an act
proved 28th ianuary,lB-16, and is authorised by sec
tion third of its charter, "to grant the degree of Doc
tor of Medicine to any such persons as shall possess
the qualifications now usually required of candidates
in other Medical Colleges in this State."
For each course of lectures, 515,00
Marticulation fee, to be paid once only, 5,00
Diploma fee,
- Additional informationirespecting the course of in
struction, or other matters connected with the Facul
ty, can be obtained upon application, personally, or
by letter, to . J. B. BIDDLE, M. D.,
Dean of the Faculty ! N. E. corner of Quince and
Spruce streets, Philadelphia. mar 11-d6rn
• Admtalstrector , * Notice.
rriiiE Subscriber, Admistrator of the estate of Jas.
Long, lets of_ Upper St. Clair township, Alle
gheny -county, deceased, requests those who are in
debted to said James Long, to make immediate pay
ment, and all those having clainrs tu•preseent the same
properly authenticated for settlement.
.. Upper St,Clair tp., Allegheny co.
Joseph 1/nos, formerly cif
A TTQRNEY AT LAW, Carlisle, Pa.,willpric
tice to his profession in the counties of Cum
berland, Dauphin, Adorns, Perry and Juniata:
Business in those counties intrusted to him will
a bettented to with promptness.
- my2343m&wy. - -
•4 , )-01,4 4 t # 44..44 . 4v, , - 4- • -0.4, ~, re ,
, - , 1`7 411, 4, ;-' .;• - ; 1.
- • ••• , • - 4
XENOPHON'S ANABASIS---The Anabasis of l
Xenophoe, cliiefly according to the. teat of L.
inclorf; with notes, for the lise of schools and colla
ges. For Sale by. LUKE LOOMIS:
TOBACCO. -75 large - titicf9o amall MiasoP.
jj ri tobacco, of prime
.quarity;jO'st received on
consignment, and will sold cheap 'fol. 61311 . , or
Pittsburgh manufacturei.
august 18 TAAPPE & OTONNER.
Laud for Bale:
VALUABLE tract of Land is offerdd for sale,
containing 1300 acres, situate at the junction
clime Chippewa and Mississippi Rivers, in the Ter
ritory of Wisconsin. ,It has a large frontage on both
he rivers; and is-rich in iron, ore, well timbered and
watered, and is supposed to have considerable Cop;
per ore on it, as it only 90 mien' above Prairie :Bur_
Chien. It is theMitly location for a Town, within if
considerable distance;and might be laid out very ad
vantageously for that purpose. Geiralui and °the?
Emigrants would do well to exemine this property,
before purchasing elsewhere. For further particu
latrapply to JOSHUA- ROBINSON,
European and General Agent,
Third street near Wood, Pittsburgh.
aug 13-w3indlt* •
. , .r...
- • ._...4421,r ,
• - " 1 14,i 4 e
. .
The Steamer Arab arrived off the Belize on the
9th inst.; and bring the intelligence of Santa Ana's
reception at Vera Cruz. We make the follawing
extracts from Picayune:
Santa Ana himself was evidently disappointed
by the reception given to him. His health con tin-'
ued infirm up to the• time of the departure of the
Arab. He was able, however, after his arrival, to a public dinner at the palace in Vera
Cruz a large number of civil dignitaries and mili
taiy offieera. At the dinner a more favorable dis
position was manifested towards the General, and
there was some appearance of enthusiasm... Sub
on'his way to the capital, he Stopped at
his hacienda, El Eneerro, in the vicinity of Jala
pa, where he remained up to the latest accounts
received from him. He could leave there for the
city of Mexico at the very earliest period his, health
would permit.
"That 'his presence in the field may be urgently
rennirecl, is manifest from another important fact
which we learn by this arrival. The rimy eta.
tioned at San Luis Potosi has declared again in fu
ror of Paredes! Paredes, by the way, is a prisoner
in the Castle of Perote, as was rumored when the
Daring left Vera Cruz. The declaration of the ar
my at San Luis in favor of Paredes was generally
believed in the city of Mexico when Mr. O'Neal
left ithere, and we learn by a letter from Vera
Cruz that it was also fully credited there."
The steamer Sea, Capt. Jenkins, arrived at New
Orleans on the 11th inst., from Brazos Santiago.
via port Lavacca and Galveston. She left the Bra
zos on the 6th inst. and Galveston on the 9th.
A letter from Mr. Kendall, to the Picayune, da
ted Punta Aguda, Aug. 31, says:—
gentleman just in from Seralvo informs me
that thy impression there was, that the Mexicans
would make a bold stand at Monterey. One thing
is certain, all the ranchero leaders have drawn off
their forces in that direction There are several
organized hands of robbers on the roads in this
neighborhood, but as yet they have not had the te
meritivto attack any one.
Another account says:—
We le4rn that the prospects and the expectation
of the General for a fight are greatly lessened.\ So
much so,lindeed, that it is believed that the other
Texas IWgirnents will have leave to return huine
if they will accept it.
Wick House aied Lot for
Or- in !Exchange for Nails or Window Glas.,
We are authorized to offer for sale, or in exchange
for Window Glass or Nails, a well finished and sub
stantial tWo story brick house and lot, 19 feet front
by 100 fee; deep, situated on the Allegheny river
above the Glass House. It will be sold at a reason
ble price, titlei unexceptionable.
sop. 174 Real Estate Agents,
I,OW , RJALAP-50 lbs for sale by
57 Wood street.
sep IS
Ii . ............
NDELIpLEINK-1 gross Kidder & Yaysou's kw
sale by IL E. SELLERS,
seplS 57 Wood street,
G UM 9UTAC- 7 :2.12 lbs for sale by
~,, 57 Wood street.
R, - -
LIUB4RI3 ROOT-1 case opcnor for sate by
seplS - R. E. SELLERS.
OIL AIMS-1 original . ca.unister for sale by
SULPILIMORTIIINE-20 oz..lbr sale by
seplS I ,' fa Wood street.
tiff+, D. LEIDY'S QA
proprietor Es obliged to manufacture them on a more
extensive Scale than heretofore, and by a great
Proi - ementlin his machinery, can make them much
faster and 'with less labor, consequently less ex
pense, which enables him to sell 40 pills to the
box instead of thirty as heretofore. As a Spring
' Purifier, these pills,have no equal, and for purify
the blood, and purging and cleansing the stom• 1
ach and bOwels, they are the safest, best, and
most efficacious in existence. If pills are necessa
ry at all, Dr.Lehly's Blood Pills will effect all that
can be effected by any known.pills in the world,
for all the yirtues that can be combined in pills
are contained in them, and their established repu
tation is the best proof of it. No other Pills are
known to contain Sarsaparilla in them, and all
other Pills called by names nearly similar, are
manufactured only with a view to sell them on
the reputation of the true and genuine DR.
BLOOD PILLS, the first and original introduced I
by Each name.
Be cautions, therefore - 7 ask for and take no oth
ers, and you! will not be deceived in their effects,
whilst if yoU take of the spurious, or imitations,
you will not. .only -be deceived by their effects;
which are ofttimes serious and dangerous, but de
ceived out of your money also.
Male and 'female, young and old, can take them
at all times, in all diseases, without change of liv
ing, restraint from occupation, or tear of expo
sure to all Weather—containing neither mercury,
minerals, nor any ingredient whatever that is un
friendly or dangerous to the constitution. Try
Win; try them; if their effects do not confirm the
foregoing, their cost will be refunded by Dr. Leidy
upon SatisfaCtory evidence of it.
0:1- For Sale by B. A. FAIINESTOCK & CO.,
corner Sixthjand Wood streets, who are the only
Agents (or Pittiburgh. my99-d&w
NrSNEERS AND VARNISHES, of the very best
quality' for sale at H. H. RYAN'S Cabinet
Ware Robths, No:31 Fifth street. jyl6
of Xeraphon, according to the text of L. Din
droff, with notes; for the Use of Schools and colleges,
by J. Owen; Principal of the Cotnelins Institute; for'
sale by. I LUKE LOOMIS, Agent.
scp 7 • _ Journal copy.
• Homer's Odyssey.
MBE Odyssay of Berner; according to the teat of
j• Wolf) with notes; for the use
. of Schools and
Colleges: by John J. Owen; Principal of the Cornell_
us Institute: ,For sale by LUKE LOOMIS,
scp7, • Vournal copy.) AB' t.
Now Goodst New Goodall
At No. 62 Market street, Simpson's Row.
S ndn keeipt of and is constantly receiving
new DRY GOODS of every description, from The
eastern' Manufacturers and Impoiterii; to which he
calls the stteritiod of the public, 62 Market- et.
Blakely and Mitc • ell,
Offices on Penn and Smithfield eta
A GENTS for the Old . BlaCk Ball Lille of Liver
liool and New York Packets:
Remittances made ae usual to England, Ireland,
Sco%land and Wales; in audio of one froultd sterling
and upwards—payable in any town of importance
in Greif Britain and Ireland:
Persons wishing to send for their have
them brought out by the above splendid line, on the
loth and Teth
of month. • 7
For einolOnatl. •
1... THE new and light draught passenger
~..a_Aszok-"' steamer WESTERN , Capt. I.l.aicks,
wt eave for the abo.e and All intermediate ports
regularly. The Western draiws but 12 inches, and
Was built expressly to run inl the trade during the
lOw water season.
For freight or passage, having superior accommo
dations, apply on board. 1 ]Y/5
The new and splendid passenger steam
er TONNALEUKA, Capt..l. K. Moody :
will run in the trade from Pittsburgh to Louisville,
during the season of 1846. i
The Tonnaleuka was built expressly for the trade,
and is elegantly furnished in every respect.
for freight or passage apply iin board
The well known fast running steamer
4 -%; CAMBRIA, W. FoMyth, Master,Will run
as!a regular Packet, leaving every Wednesday' morn
ing at 10 o'clock, and Wheeling, at 10, P. 14., the
same day. Returning, she will leave Cincinnati
every Saturday, at 10, A. M. I
For freight or passage apply on board, , or to
FORSYTH i& Co., Agents,
Nm 30, Water street.
The new and splendid passenger steam
er TOM CORWIN. Capt. Bugher, will
run in the trade from Pittsburgh to St. Louis, du
ring the season of 1846.
The Toin Corwin, was built, expressly for, the
trade, and is elegantly furnished \ in every respect.
For freight or passage apply on hoard.
may 19.
The new and splendid passenger steam
or BRUNETTE, Capt. Perry, will run in
tie from Pittsburgh to St. Littis, during the
seaion of 184 g.
The Brunette. was built expressl for the trade,
andi is elegantly found in every res
For freight or pa9sage apply on If ard. apl4
1 . Ftir Cincinnati and St: LOUIS -----
i t .:.w
I r
rr Fro ca T pt. h e
in passenger
u s i t i r i me
P l. A n L th ES e T a l b t'E ve ,
lan ;all intermediate ports regularly i ''''" --,
1 .For freight or passage apply on board.:
For Cincinnati and Louisville;
ikatThe new and splendid passenger steam-.
- .-' er COLUMBIA, O'Nel 1., Master, will
cave for the above and intertnediat Oorts, regular
For freight or passage apply on hoard, or to
jel D. WILtINS, Agent.
Tuesday Evening Pa Itch
The new and splendid pr stem
--31..Z.Q11 boat DECLARATION, Capt. Vorhees.
will INJETT - 15a regular packet between. Pittsburgh and
Cincinnati, leaving this port every Tuesday evening
at 3 o'clock. Returning she will leave Cincinnati
every. Friday evening at 3 o'clock. 1
Tlie Declaration offers superior accommodations
to passengers. For freight or package apply on
The regular mail and paiienger steamer
MONONGAHELA, Capt.l3tone, will run
as a regular Packet between Pittsburgh and Cincin
nati, leaving this - port every Mondailat 10, A. M.,
and Wheeling at 10, P. M., the same day. Return
ing, she will leave Cincinnati every Thursday, at 10,
A. M.
For freight or passage apply on board '
The Monongahela was built expressly fur this
trade; and offers to the passengers coMfort, and su
perior accommodations. I mar 31
_ 0 THE regular mail and pasenger steam
UNION, Captain Maclean, will run as
a rei@aipacket between Pittshurghi and Cincin
nati, leaving this port every Monday at 6 o'clock,
P. DI Returning she will leave Cim4nnati every
ThimSday at 6 P. M.
The Union was built expressly fOr this trade.
and affords every accommodation.
For freight or passage apply on tiOrr •
THE regular mail and pa4sengersteam.
HIBERNIA, Capt. John Klinefeter,
will ker run as a regular packet between Pittsburgh l and
Cincinnati, leaving this port every Tuesday at 10 A.
M., and Wheeling at 10 I'. M. of the same day.—
Returning, she will leave Cincinnati every Friday at
10 A. M.
For freight or passage apply on board.
The Hibernia was built expressly ki,r the trade,
and offers to the passengers every comfort and su
perior ;accommodations. apt
THE regular mail and pasSenger steam
41;14ELer NEW ENGLAND, Capt.lS. B. Page,
as a regular packet between Pittsburgh. and
Cincinuati, leaving this port every Wednesday at 10
A. M.oind Wheeling at 10 P. M. the Same day.—
Returning, she will leave Cincinnati every Saturday
at 10 A. M.
For freight or passage apply on board.
The New England was built expressly for this trade
and offers to the passengers every comfort and supe
rior accommodations. 1 mar 26
` l _M :
THE new U. S. Mail steamer ACADIA,
+-MA. 1 1 4.. E. Lucas, Master; will run as a regu
inr passenger packet between, Pittsburgh and the
above port during tbc season of 1840; leaving every
Thursday at 10 o'clock A. M.
The Acadia is new and, has superior accommoda
tions. For freight or passage apply on board, or .to
ap9 J. NEWTON JONES, Agent.
THE regulat mail and passenger steam
ei CLIPPI.II No: 2, Captain Crooks, will
run as a regular packet between Cincinnati and Pitts
burgh, leaving this port every Friday at 10
and Wheeling at 10 P: M., Returning
she will leave Cincinnati every Monday at 10 &doh,
A. M.
For freight„or passage apply on board.
The Clipper No. 2 was built expressly for this trade,
cnd offers to her passengers every comfort and ac.
aommodation. rnar23
, The regularmail and passenger steamer
CIRCASSIAN, Capt. Isaac' Bennett, will
run as a regular Packet between Pittsburgh and
Cincinnati, leaving this port every Saturday, at 10,
A. M., and Wheeling at 10, P. M., the !same day.
Returning, she will leave Cincinnati.every Tuesday,
at 10; A. M. •
For freight or passage apply on hoard.
The Circassian was built expressly for this trade
and offers to her passengers every coraftirt and ac
commodation. mar 23
The regular mail and passenger steamer
,MESSENGER, Capt.' I.,infOrd, run as
a regiilar . Packet between Pittsburgh said CinCitinati,
leavjng thin port Wry Saturday,, at 10; A;.111 . ..; and
Wheeling at 10; P. M. the same day, Returning,
she will leave CirMinna'ti Cfed Vetiday, at 10
o'clock, A: M:
FM. freight or p'assage apply on board : .
The Messenger was built expressly for this trade
and One . tn,her passongera every comfort and ac.
commodation: liner 23
TUST RECEIVED—Another large addition to my
CP stock of Diamond pointed Gold Pens' of the
best makers and for sale at the lowest prices.
Also—A large assortment of Gold and Ulf& Pen
cils, Tooth and Ear Picks, Tweezers, &c. &c.,
d 7 Market at.
F, ,v , s TFIEOLOGY.—Lectures onSystem
atic Theology, embracing Lectures on Moral
Governmeiit, together with Atonement, Moral and
Physical Depravity, Regeneration, Philoso . phical
Theories and Evidences of Regenemtion; l by Rev.
Charles Gi Finney,Profeasor of Theology in the
Oberlin Collegiate Institute. J'ust received and for
sale by [sepl if] LUKE LOOMIS, :44Euit.•
i For Cinchniat/-”This Da . .. •
4 .
4. The very light - draught regular packet
above, at 10 o'clock A. hi.:, Wednesday, Sept,23.--,
For freight or passage; Laving fine accommodations,
Apply onboard . ;-- .. : . se .23.
Por. Cincinzaa,t,
Tgh: splendid d light drought
passenger. steamer. S.Wert-.A. T 0 R , Capt.
APCLuar., wily leave for the above and all intermedi
ate purta*,- regularly. For freight or passage apply
On board. sepltilm
For Cincinnati.
_ . . .
The new light draught packet.steam•
er CALIFORNIA, Captain Hunter, will
leave fort e above and all intermediate ports this
day, regularly.
For freight or passage apply on board, or to
.1. W. BUTLER & BRO., Second st.
The California was built expressly for the above
trade, and will make her trips regularly during the
op 16
Gold pear:
~-AT Tl - IE - 11; EIW" YORK STORE.
30 Cases rich fall
Goods; French
meres and Mous.
de Laines ; Gala
la , Lobrain plaids;
lain F r enc Ii
leak Cloths;
rioted and plaid
loakinga; a full
. asottment of
'rench Brioche,
'tinted Cashmere
lk. - 'ttnd colored
libee,,plain and
`tawls, plain slid
il'd -Ginghams;
erinoi, Alpacas
id iiialn 111.' de
ineb• plain, blk
of rich colored
ma f etch Bonnet Rib
bons; Velvet and 'Bonnet Silks; Freticli and Ameri
can Flowers, in great i ariety ; •Biaid . and Straw
Bonnets, cheaper than ever; a full . assortment of
gentlemen's wear, such "as Cravats, Shirts, under
Shirts and Draweis; Cloths, Cassimerts and Vestings,
all of which will be sold at a small advance over
New York cost. ' W. 11. GARRARD,
sept 16
.. 79 Market street.
MonerWanted 1111 exchange for Hata End
_ •
no .
44rTHE subscriber Would inform the glir4
i public that he has received his full "
stock of Cups, all of which. , have been principally
made to hie order, and as his purchases has been
made on the cash system, he is enabled to-sell his
stock of Hats and Caps at tiettsually low ptic'es 4. for
cash. His stock does not eons* of the cuttings - al
Eastern houses, but are all a fresh manufactured
article. Neither is his establishment replenished
with the old stock from eastern markets. The
Proprietor •being a hatter and Cap manufacturer,
by trade, as well as profession, he is also daily man
tificturing Hats and Caps 'of all descriptions, and
for their neatness and durability, cannot be sur
passed. All of which hu offers at wholesale and
retail, and at such prices as. cannot fail to please
the purchaser.
r m)22
No. 102, Wood street, third door below John D. Da
Nis' Commercial Auction Rooms.
eeptl 2.
BY virtue of a precept under the hands of the
lion. Penjatnin Patton. jr., President of the
Court of Common Pleas ineltd for the sth Judicial
District of Pennsylvania ' Tniul Justice of the Court
of Oyer and Terminer, arid General Jail Delivery,
in and for said District, and William Porter and
William Kerr, Esquires ; associate Judges of the
same courts, in and for the said County of Alle
gheny, dated the 16th day of May, in the year of
our Lord. one thousand eight hundred and forty-six,
and to me directed, for - holding a Court of "Oyer
and Terminer, and General Jail• Delivery, at the
Court lloure, in the city of Pittsburgh, on the 4th
Monday of October next, at 19 o'clock, A. M.
Public notice is hereby given, to all Justices of
the Peace, Coroner and Constables, of the County
of Allegheny, that they be then and there, in their
proper persons, with their rolls, records, inquisi
tions, examinations. and other, remembrances, to
do those things ; which to their respective offices
in their behalf appear to be done—and also those
that will prosecute the prisoners that now are or
may be in jail of said county of Allegheny, to be
then and there to prosecute against them as shall
be •ust.
Diced under my hand at Pittsburgh, this 13th
day of September, in the year of our Lord 16.16,
and of the Commonwealth the 6Sth.
sept 1 5. - F.LIJ A H TROVILLO, Sheriff:
IDILES ! I'II,Es! ! LEB !!!—DR. J A CK
TION is the only medicine that will cure this so
eery common and troublesotte disease. It not
only immediately allays inflammation, stops all
bleeding, subdues that intolerable itching, but el
tactually cures, it a very short time,persons whose
tires hare been ierufered miserable for years. Its
application produces no pain, hat rather an agree=
able and pleasant sensation. If persons afflicted
will only call and hear of the great number of ea
ses that have been cured, they will be astonished.
A gentleman of this' city, who had been under the
knife of the surgeon two or three times, without
being cured, has, by using two bottles of this Ern.
brocittion, been radically cured! It sells beyond all
all Diseases of the skin, particularly those that arc
attended with disagreeable and troublesome itching,
are readily cured by anointing the parts effected,
night and morning, with a small quantity of Dr.
Jackson's Embrocation. Astonishing cures have
been' effected by this medicine. For sale by Dr.
D, Jayne, No S Sonth Third st.. Philadelphia.
For sale in Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TEA STORE,
72 Fourth street, near Wood, and also at the Drug
Store of 11. P. Schwartz, Federal street, Allegheny
City. ang2B-il
rrd• may,
THE STAUNCH low pressure,
ship built Steam Packet, JULIA
PALMER, Capt 8r..y.7 A. STANNARD,
having been put in complete condition for sea, will
run upon Lake Superior durix ' , the season , commence
ing 3d August, between the Sault de St. Marie and
the various ports, as business May warrant. The
J. P. is well furnished in every particular, and is as
fine a heavy weather vessel as any ship hat floats
the seas. ilas good upper cabin, state rooms and
family saloons, as also single berths, ladies cabin
and steerage cabin. All well ventilated, and will
accommodate 100 cabin passengers. Freight in large
quantities can be stowed under decks. Parties with
or without freight Will be accommodated at the vari
ous landings upon ,the British and American sides
of the lake.
Vir One or two voyages will be made to La Pontei
during the Indian payments, and two pleasure voy
ages will be made entirely around the lake coast
wise, during August and September, giving to plea
sure travel an opportunity of enjoying the most de
lightful, unique and interesting scenery in the known
world. State rooms or single berths can be secured
in advance by addressing
%V. F. PORTER TAYLOR, Managing owner,
Sault de Ste Marie, Michigan.
July, 1543. jy2o-3ta&3in
N. 11. Property consigned. to IV. F. Porter Taylor
will meet with immediate despatch as ordered.
Gold and Silver "%Vatshea
P the heat manufacture, both of England and
V/ Geneva, in large variety and for sale at the
lowest prices—patterns, new and of the latest style.
Also, Diamond pointed Gold Pena, another large
supply,just received rif the best make,,.. Also, Silver
Ware,JewelrY; Fine Table tatlery,Speetacks, Pen.
as, Tea Ware, Lamps, Military Goods, &c.
corner of Fourth and Market st •
Fifth Street Properti• for Sale
WE offer for sale a ,Lot of ground on the north
side of Fifth street, pa feet front by 120 feet
deep, with improvements renting at $502, per ann.;
price, cash . $5,000
Also, a Lot of ground on Penn rind Locust eta.,
40 ft. front on each street, by 122 tt. deep, with im
provements, renting at 8380 per ann., price $3,600
Terms—tine Sixth in hand, and the balance in five
Also, two Lot ofground adjoining the above, 20 ft.
front by 01 ft. deep, price, each $350
Alio; two 2 story Brick Houses and one Frame
house and lot; on Canal Basin, renting for $4OO per
year, mine • 8,4000
Also two 3 story Brick Houses and Lots, on the
corner of Penn at; and Stevenson's, alley; on the
nal Basin, price $4,500
Also, a Lot of ground on Butler skeet; in tile
borough of Lawrenceville, containing near I of an
acre; with seven Brick and Frame Houses; will be
sold low and 06 fit'Orable terms. Apply to
aepfft BLAXtLY ac riIfTCHEL;
WARDROBES—I( you' want to purchase a
god(' tfatictiobe cheap .calt at, the futnitute
ware6use . of T. B; YOUNG & CO,
jy 7 . 31Haluf s t
nEDSTEADS.Malici g apy,.. P jrch; Maple, Cherry
and FoPinr high and low post bedsteads al
ways on hand and foi sale low at the Furniture
warehoute of T. B. YOUNG & Co,
je6 3f Raid et.
COTTON—A few Wee of 'lblisissippi Cotton, for
sale low by GEORGE COCHRAN,.
f 2 . , No, 26 Wood st.
T ARD 011;.--Premium oil of Cincinnati mann
iii facture for sale by . GEORGE COCHRAN.
je26____ N0..26 Wood st.
NE for ORLEANS SUGAR. —2ohhds N. O.', Sugar
' for sale by Ue26) JAMES MAY.
AND CRUCIBLF.S.--100 nears just receiv.ed and
0 for sale by B. FAHNESTOCK
eep9 • portier 6tti and Wopil . o,b;
N.P•7iT 4 ; F_SLL• GOODS
frIIE stibstribei. is now receiving a large and fine
assortment of FALL Artn.lVrerrnit-Dits' Goons,
recently purchased from the nianulhcturers arid im
porters, in.the NeW York arid Philadelphia Markets,
since the greatfall in prices, and will be sold twenty
per cent cheaper than-the Same description of Goods
were ever before offeired in this market. All.tliesei
wanting great bargains are requested to call at No
65 Market street'.
New: Dress Gil -
WEEhave now on hand a full assortment of beau
tifui French sad Scotch dress Gibgbams, twil
led, arid plain, at remarkable lose prices. Also, an
article of embroidered Oingliam—very beautiful for
Dresses, for sale by - ABSALOM MORRIS, '
sepls No. 65Market str. et.
Six Casies New Fall Print - ii:
JUST RECEIVED this day, embracing all the
new and desirable styles in the market; and will
be sold at greatly reduced prices, by
No. 65. Market st.
Lady's Dress Silks
ECEIVED this day, several packages of very
rich new style Persian—embossed Ombri, Bro.
eade, Cliamelioh, Striped, Plaid and Pouit de Soie,
and Black "Satin, Striped Armour Dress Silks, and
will be sold cheap for Cash, by
No. 65 Market sti
Cashmeres and De Latnes.
JUST 111.10EIVD, a beautiful assortment of new
style Paris printed, Ombri shaded, Rep Corded
and plain. Cashmeres and D'Lains, and for sale by
No: 65 Market street.
ALARGE and splendid assortment of rich and
magnificent SHAWLS, just received thisl day
embracing all the new and desirable styles; viz: Pariti
Printed Terkeri, Cashmere and Brocha, Embroidered
Black and Mcide colored Silk, Fringe, Thibbet'and
D'Laine, Chamelion Plaid, and Striped Silk, Merino,
and Persian, Plaid, Silk and Woratcdj.together with
a great variety of Woollen Shawls,and will be dm
posed of at a, small advance on ie original cost,
sepls No. 65 Market at.
•Fall Goods
A. MASON, 62 Market street, has just receiv
ed and now opening, a large stock of Prints.
Brown and bleached manilas, flannels, ticking, cheek;
stripes, chintzes, ginghams, cashmere and moos Be
I sins, shawls, cassinetts, cassitneresphroad cloth &c.,
all orwhich will be sold at exteremely low prices.
A A. MASON, 62 Market street, Simpson's rose,
invites the attention ofcountry merchants and
others, to his well selected stock ()flail goods, which
is now opening. Selling only for cash, we can offer
such advantages - to purchasers as are seldom pcpses
sed by those who sell oa the credit system. sepl.G
A. MASON, G 2 Market street, has just reed
. 1 - 1. another casewithose blue and orange prints,
selling at the low Nice 'of cts per yard sepl6,
Sherry Wines
1 r, DOZ. Duff, Gordon F.: Co.'s brown Sherry Wines
11 10 do. do. do. pale do do.
5 " Cortes do "
together with a general assortment of other rich old
wines. For sale at the wine store or
sepls cor Market and Front sts.
D PORT NVINES--‘2O cases, superior Old Port
.' Wine; for Invalids, for sale by the case or bot
tle at the wine store of STRRETT 4 Co.
seplB 61 Market street, cor., Front.
eILARET WINES-20 cases "St. Julien Medoc "
j 1.5 do. fltniily use and other brands. For sa le,
low at the wine store of - STERETT . & CO.,
scplB N 0.16 Market at. cqr Front.
OLD SHERRY BRANDY—An excellent snide
on draw htfor medicine or other purposes, for
ode by STERETT & Co.
seplB _ cor. Market and Front.
V AST INDIA and Wine Ditterri of delightful
,rd aroma, in bottles, and on draught, for sale - at
the wine store of STEILETT & Co.
seplB cor. Market and Front.
'IGOUR-23 bids superfine family flour, in store
and for sale by
sept? 56 Wood street.
VA. Twist Tobacco-49 kgs. Va. tobacco, No. I
article, in store and for sale by
sep2 56 Wood street.
POT ASH-15 casks Potash, No. 1 article, on
hand and for dale by
Well Paper.
A SPLENDID assortment just received from the
East, of entire new Patterns. 'They can be
had very low at the Wall Paper Store of
au g 27-4.11 m
a l z . e o d w
n an m d a
n D u El t a u z r e e d
10 000 Nvaraper of
on hand and for sale at the lowest market price.
aug27.dlm Smithfield ntreet.
_ . _
TILTINDOW BLIND PAPER—one yard wide, for
y 1 sale by J. SHIDLE,
aug27. Smithfield street:'
G RADUATED Stripe and rlaid white ~Muslin Robes;
Graduated stripe white Mullins;
Mull Mullins; Nainsook do. Jaeonet do.
4 large assortment just new to-day " j•
No. 83 Market at.
ITEAVY white Linen Drill, for ge panty;nt ,
Tweeds and Summer Cloths;
Gent's Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs;'
Do. S.ik do.
Do. Hernani and Silk Cravats.
An invoice of the above received this day by
je 27 B. E. CONSTABLE, 83 Market. et.
RECEIVED this day Parasollettes and Sun
Ladies Corded Skirts;
do Sea Grass do;
Black,Hereani Shawls;
Berege Scarfs, and Shawls; • . • -
For sale at B. E: CONSTABLE,
je27 83 Market at.
Allegheny Cemetery..
ERSONS desirone,oil.purebasiniT lots lit this
Ccutetery ars referred, for leformatlon to the
Superintendent on the grounds, pr to E. Thorn
Druggist, corner of Penn and Hand streets, Pitts
burgh. By order of the Board. J. CHISLETT,
dee I I
Musquoto Netts.
GEO. S. SWARTZ has on hand a, lot of. very su
perioi white and colored Musqueto Netts
which will be sold cheap at No. iO6 Market street.
RECEIVED—Per Canal Boat Great Western--
100 pos Cherry Seantling--oxs and 6x6-6000 .
Lights Window Sash : suitable for the western trade,
12x10, lOxl2 and Sxlo. For sale by
POJr Sale at the Whart..
TUST received per Canal Boat--
tfi 10,000 feet inch poplar; ,
10,000 " 10seasoned;
45,000 " 4:1 Scantling. •
L awns I Lawns 1'!
. .
1 Eo. S. SWARTZ has on hand a looffinc.Lawns
\....)1" which will bejold at the _very low price of 181
cents per yard, persons who want a good article, at a
low. price., Would, tib.well to, call soon.
Also on hand a good stock of Nansook muslins for
Ladies Dresses very cheap at
jelS No. io6 l Market street.
CASTILb: SOAP-10 cases justl.eceived and for
sale by 13 . A. FAHNESTOCIt & CO.,
8(1)9_ cor.6di and Wood at
PINED LIQUORICE-100 !hi1147 received and fur sale by - • ,
.. •
cor: 6th' 'aid Wood tits.
QUINECE-100 ounces just received.tuid for .
n sale
Bon:. corner of 6th Wood eta.
BSST. JAVA COFFEE, gronnd and_put up int
pound packages, received, .and Ear. sale at the
PEKIS nA STORE, 72 Fourth Street, near. Wood.
Lard 011
PEW barrels of-a superior qtaality for sale low
to close consignment, by r •
No. 26 Vooi-
New . /ward /title,
O F a s'a47. superior quality , .for sale.l3y
corner of Wood !and Fifth its
' . 01.106 ANY VENEMI.§. AND ROAIIMS--iust
Mredeited, a large assortmcnt of the above; and
for nig at. • • F.l.l3Ltillf ES •
11T8 112 Wood street, 2nd door abOve 3th
Tol e tß: i nco n — a
1. 2. 0 5 r
s k a e ige s b .7d l. 4i twi
r st totiaCdo re-
56 \Vood id
V - -•
INEGAR-50 bbis eider vinegar in store and for
V sale by • - ;31. IL RHEY & CO.
g BALES HAIR, suitable for fosterers - purposes,
V, for:sale by ALI B. RIIEY & Co.
Smithfield street
riLD WINES & LIQUORS-Lconsisting of
'l.-1 Port -Wine: , 1 •
Malan < do;
Rhenish do;—in half. and quarter pipes,
draught warranted inired .
Pale Brandy, of differed brands;
Dark do, 'N:
Holland Gin, fine flavor,
Peach Brandy, S years o d;
Apple do, 4 do do;
Old Rye, Whiskey, Sdo 11 . years old,
of the boy Liquors f m under Custom
Lock, for sate in quintitl l es to suit by
vs P.q. MARTIN; .
GO Water st.
Segars Sego s
UST received from New Yorlf i , a large guan — tity
tl of Havanna and Principe Segars of - the most
popular and superior', brands in owl in use. Also, an
excellent article of chewing; Tobacco and eeveral
bales of superior Cuba Ltiaf Tobiiceo for sale.
_ B. E. WINCHEST ER; .No.,SO, Thinl str'ect, two Aoorls - from the .Posi
Office. I mayo.
BEILS. Pitch: :
e/ 1 .1,50 ‘4 Rosin;
150 Boxes Tobacco, various sizes;
10,000 Seed learCigars• '
On consignment and will bQ sold
exchanged for Piitsbuigh. manufact
seps TAVTE
IINE SALINA TABLE SALT---50 bass (small
size) veryy, fine Salina Salt, 6t for table use and
Dairies, fdr sale low by P. C. itARTIN;
jy27 , 60Water st.
CRA3Barrels superior Crab. Ci
der for sale by P C. MARTIN;
J 9 . 20 Water street
IlMONS:=100 boxes lemon's. in good. order,
Jfor sale by P.! C. MARTIN;,.
. yeter Street.
ANDS WAi'stflti—.2l3edstead makers
2 Table makers;
.8, bands to Make oth'er Cabinet waie; -
None need apply, but first rate workmen.
I. H. - ItYAN.
(Journal and Chronield copy.)
T 113101 , 15—T5 . Bois'Lemons; fir sale very low, ll
TIDES -411 Aliseoutiliide's; foil sale low to close
Co.!l.X—nlll sas Corn, tor sale by
, je.26 . T,DIES MAY.
131 Q MEItAL.—r ton StoCoiuinacoPig iron for
sale by de o 6) 1 • JAMES MAY.
. Minor, by Mrs., E. C. Schneider, - with an
essay..on„the prospects the 'Beatlien and our duty
to them, - by Rev. B. Schneider, and an ititroductio.
by 11.ev. 'Heiner, A. M. - Saznln
Gotelius, Chambersburgh,lB46 ror sale by
1115 Wood et
PSALMS & HYMNS,. for .the usa of the German
I Reformed Chureliut the U. S: of guiel•Ma;En
glish and German: 'For sale by. •
jell - :115 Wood st. •
_,D The attention of purchasers is invited to. our
geral stook of these Goods.
4-4 superior Sea•lsland Shirting 3luslinsi
1545 . cc .. 'u cc ' cc.
14 is
12-4 Hamilton Sheeting;
5..4 IC
9-8 • ,4
roar 17
d street
T_TAVING . Teiy. lame . and . VOinmodioua ware
-11-11 •
.houaey we_ are prepared to receive (in addi
tion to freight .for ahipment) a large amount of-Pro
ducei itomge at low rates.
Canal Basin.
• .—:•-...4.•:;:-2.%..t.1...nt..T...+•••t•-.
..doorgp irr Ca„ NYTlLL.dispose of sheir chome stock of Barages,
VV fainted.and Gindharn Lawns, sunuaer Shawls
and Scatf. , f at r-educiul prices. .
They will also dispose -of their entire stock -of
Cloths,. fancy Cassimerei, and. ICOntlicky Je:ma f at'
ongpal cost, as they',intend seiinquishing us par
ticular branch of their business. -
jj , 22-2m (Chronicle- please topy b ) '
1 Intereetlog to Dnyera..
fresh tittlnti.or,;kaor.aonf,.„haoso,,at,
e Dry
Goode; bought, since the redaction of the Tariff, at
exceedingly low" prices;and will be sold accordingly.
No. 81, Market et., between sth and the Diamond.
grip EMEANSOF PEACE.—A Sernion delivered
J_ the "Tbird Presbyterian Church" July 1:2,
by the Rev.D .IC. Riddle, and published by the re
, qumit of the Congregation.. For sale by
.4he Progress, of NatiOns '
in Productive Industry,
Civilization Population and Wealth;" illustrated : by
statiiitics" Of Mining, Agriculture, Manufactures,
ComMerce, Revenues,' Ranking; Internal_ Improve
menth, Mortality, Emigration and Population;. by
Chia C. Seaman.
A few copies Of the above work for sale by
aud2o corner of Market and 3d sts.
• Latest Intptaveutent.
JFIpSTEADS.Iot d'fr erent kinds with Gazzam's
iron patent Ilistennigs, superior to anything now
in use : , for sale low at the furniture warehouse of
anl. - T. 13. YOUNG & Co, Hand - street.
kl3LES—Pier, Centre and Card. ables of differ
ent patterns. If you want a good article cheap
call: at the Furniture 'Warehouse of
T. B. YOHNG,& Co,
31 Hand at
Wood Street Property for Sale.
THAT desirable lot of ground at the foot of Wood
street, occupied at the time ofthe - great fire by
Mertra. King & Holunesie offered for sale.
Enquire of, J. K. MOOIUIEAD.
augB ' -
, • Sugar and Malaaael:
lIHDS. N. Sugar, strictly prime
.15:bbls. Nos. 4-and 6 Loaf;
10 1 1 cases “Loiteringy'D. I t .. Loaf Sugar
118%bbls N. O. Molasses; -
In store oud for sale by •
aug25.5, , . 133 and 135.W00d street.
' .1 Coffee.
\ .
rin RAGS Green Rio, part prime;
3 VLF Old Oovernment Java.
Arriving this day and fur sale by .
aug2s - LAMBERT & SHIPTON7 -
7 1 1- ift' ckagesry
j't.EAS4- 1:20 packages!Y.. Impl., G. P. and
•L PowChong, of late importations, arriving , and
for sale I)y lIAABERT SHIPTON.
- .
ITOBACCO-10 bxs Hatcliinson';
30 bxs Price
,& Hanrood's ss;
10 J. rt. Grante Os . ;
. Layton's
55 u Is., 125., 10s., 325., Bait. plug, and
Ladies Twkst; arriving this day. and for sale by -
bbls No. 3 Larys Mackerel;
J-' 20 3 Xorth
10 1 ;
20 u Herring (Allyrives) • .
3 " No. I Salmon; in store and for
sale by
30 BALES blissiasl!pi ,. Cf!! .. .' on, for r sa y le a by co,
Ru ,
aue2S). .
Cotton Yarn, &c:
45 000 LBS. assorted. - numbers; long and
_ short reel ; Cotton Yarn.
15,000 lbs. Carpet Chain.
10,000 • u Cotton Tveine. -
150 Bales Commonißatting.
1100 " Extra family. do.
For - sale:Jaw to city or country-trade, by
Id. B - RIMY & CO.;
57 Wood street.
M. B. R+lEy . e.: co;
No 57 WitOrstreci
Neu. nOO6l.
E...cla 14x ofaENUIIitSUGArtLTDATEiI PILLS :*s trpan ,t
. ~.,• t ito , to . AU
~ ~...._, .-
0A V11 V0 1 444 4.... nt„,, g..... - 9....111.• 0' .1.i.;•••,•',7 othezo },
Sc g""'... i it,_,4"o, 40 .11... — rea. ,fillb•INI- 40 , ,
~..toi .. I
- C6 - 17k,'!
Orizinta • , .• iv.; . , -
~.„..--•••••. .11eRiLIT,
innentor. , - ---
PILLS are the trst and only 111edicinicevci
known that will
.pasitibely Cure • . • .
Headache, Giddiness' Measles, Stilt Rheum,
Rheumatism, Piles, Heartburn, Worms; .
Dispepsia• Scurvy ••• Cholera Id orb us - • •
Bmal,l Pox, Jaundice; Coughs; Quipty, .
Pains in the Ilabk, Whooping Cough,
in.ward Weakness; - Consumption, Fits, -
Palpation of the Heart, Liver Coinplaint, '; -
Rimini, in the Throat; Erysipelas; Deafness,
DrOpsy, Asthma, Itchings of the Ski,,,
Fevers of all kinds, Colds, Gout ,
Female Complaints, Nervous Complaints..
And all other diseases originating, from impurith . s. of
• . . •
the blood. • •
.9t - TheY hare cured, • since theit intretluetion,
aver 2;000 persont„*.ho have been given up an hopii
less cases, by the moat entinent Physicians;
it,' They are patronized and recommended bj
men of the highest distinction, among whom are
Hon. Datid R. Porter, , Hon. Henry , '
Hon. John Q. Adams, Hon. - Daniel ;Webster,
Hon. Martin Vaniltiren, 110n.,J. C. Calhoun; , -•
Gen..S . Virifield Skott, Col. R. M. - Johnsoniu
lion. James K. Polk, Gen. Lewis Cass: _
i& Their virtues - are so infallible that the menry
will be returned in all eases they do not give uni
sal satisfaetinit.' - Although but two and a half years
have elapsed since these Celebrated ,Pills were : fast
introduced to the public,, thh dale them in 'the
Eastern and middle -States has, far exceeded_ Dr.:
Clickener's most sanguine expectations., Dtwitig the
punt year, clone, no less-than 10,000 gross of bores
havo'been sold in the State or. New , - - york, 6,00 c.
Peni.iiilvarda, 4,000 in Maryland, 3,000 in New „Ter..'
sey, 2,000 in Delaware, and 9,000 iu the New Englam;
States, requiring the couttant employment
hands, exclusive ol printers and engravers: .In the
sameperiod,. upwards ,or 200,009 copies, of :.the
"Family Doctor," has e been ,ordered ,by agents in
every seetiOn the country. These . feels
show, conclusively, that Dr. Clickener'a Sager Coat
ed Pills, betides being the very liattmedicine in tho
'world, are held in the hignestestitntion bythe
We might extend this publication '4l r ,;U:l indefin
ite length, if we deemed it expedient tovithlish
tersiinonials we Vvereceived, not-only from. agentif
butindiyiduals aml,lidnilies, -who have experienced
the benficial effacts of Clickener7s Sugar. Coated
Pills, but we deem it unnecessary., IThe most in--
Contestible.evidence of their unprecedented success,,
are the numberless Imitationii and Counterfeits which
have already appeared, notwithstanding the brief pe
riod they have been before thn public. Even some.
of our staunchest pill makers have had the audacity
to imitate the Capsule of Sugar, in order to disguise - -
the„ingredients of their vile compounds,.and.pairii.
them ,off.fei the "real simon pure.'': ,Such paltry
shifissannoi lattlong without exposing their hideous,
deformity. , .Truth and honesty "must inevitably pro,
rail over rascality and decoption.
For sale inPittsbnqh,V,Wlll. JACKSON, at his.
Pdent Medicine Wcwehouse, No. 89,.Liberty street,:
head of Wood . st., Pittsburgh. Price, 2.5 c., per hot,
Dr.Clickener's principal office is 81 Barclay street,
New York. .
0:7 - Beware of an imitation article called Im
proved Sugar Coated Pills, purporting to be patented,
as troth the pine and. tho pretended patent are ,for
gerloil, go.t.•,up by a ,misetable quack itt New York,
who, ror-oo last four -or five l; earn; has made his
living by counterfeiting popular...medicines ; - -
T' Remember, Dr. C. V. Clickener is the original
inventor of Sugar Coated Pills; and that nothing - oT
the sort was ever-heard °Coma lie introduced them
in June, 1843._. Purnbiserashonld,thereforeialways,
ask for Clickenees Sugar Coated Vegiititible Pills, and=
take no other, or they will be made the Andrus of a.
fraud. • - _ _
- -
_ BODY.—It is an astonishing tact, that a I cry
large class of diseases can only be cured by si ch'
remedies as will enter into the BLoon, and circ.m:,
late with it, throMgb every portion of the body, for,'
only - by this means cati the remedy be brought.
into immediate contact I , i - ith the disease; and to at : ,
tain this desirable end', no preparation has been so
uniforinly successful as DR, JAYNE'S ALTER.-
.4.Zoroftilci; Kings' Evil, Cancer-and CanC‘r`
ous Tuniours, 117titc Sicillii;Es; Enlargement or,h4:
Bones,Chionie Rheuinatisin . and dour, Eifinh•etlis-,.
eases of the Skin, old and indolent Ulcert
Swellings of the Throat &c., are cured with 'acertain
ty, that hai, astonished every beholder,:, It to, .Le - _sides, one, of The mosT-pleasanf artiales - that cat: be
taken ioto the stomach, operating as A tonic; mai -
removing Dyspeptic andNert.ous affections, .and
inwarting, ti ,glow of animation _and health; fine
quailed by any thing in the whole Materia
For sale at No. 8 South Third Bt.—Price $1 re-r
bottle, or:$10 ter !lozen. •
. _
Fbr sale in Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TEA STODE,
Fourth;. street, near. .Wood, and at the .Drug Store
o f :I' Schwartz, Federal 'atreet, Allegheny City.
aug2B-d , -
- -
indeed, every other) season, is often repulsive'
iu appearance, caused, in eight cases out of ten, by
the atmosphere; and what persons suppose disease.
of the blood, is simply a disease -nf the. akin. If'
some of the thousands who taLe.purgatdve ;
pills, and useless. Sarsaparilla, were to use on their
skin a ftePiit and Clearing balm, , that.opens tiro:
pores, whitens the skin, and causes a healthy.perspi-:
ration, that, be the skin never so disfigured, unheal
thy, or diseased with pimples or freckles, sunburn,
tan and morphew, the true and: genuine JONES'S
ITALIAN CHEMICAL SOAP never fails .to cure
and dispel them, and to make, the skin clear and
lovely,. It acts so mildly and,soothingly . the
skin, that physicians use it on ladies Mi
and - infants, in
old cases of scurvy,crysipelaS; salt rheum; sore head,
ringworm' ..and,it (mind, the genuine Jones! snap)
haaoften ;Acted a cure when, every other remedy
failed- - it is indeed.n blessed retnedy. . . -
Sold at JACKSON'S Patent Medicine Warehouse,
89 Liberty ktieet, head of Wood—at the same place
is sold the Moorish Hair Dye, Carol Hair Restora
tive, and Spanish Lily White , •
Parrictret.t. OFEKE— ! Sign of the American Eagls,
82 Chatham street, New York.
feukE NO,TICE ALL PHE ,PEOPLE--Aoi••irc-i
-_L Emmy - Er—The celebrated Medicines of
G. Evans of Brownsville, Pa., are now for 3dle
wholesale and retoil: • at Jackson's Medical. Depot,
No. 89 Liberty street, head of Wood, - Pittsburgh.,
Wholesale Dealers and Agents supplied. •
Dr. Eocins , Sovereign Tonic and di-audit/itch-a
-! live a certain cure : fur the I.'ever and
Evans ,
.Vegetable and Anti-Dyspeptic pills,
price 25 cents per box.
,- • '
..Evarir:Anleriectn . Vegetable Yermifuge, priO
25 cents.per bottle. - '• - .• ,
Dr. Evans' Tonic Eye Water, an infallible cure
for sore eyes,-price twenty.-4ve cents pen bbttle.
Rev. Dr. James .E.slep'e Black S yrup, Tor the cure
of Coughs, Cold; Adthma, Croup, Bronchitis ,and
Convumption-zprice onedollar.
Remember Dr. Evans , only Depot, is JACK.,B'ON'S;
No. 89 Liberty street, bead of Wodd. • , jy2.
low for Coil', Or
lSi o,caNNon.
SOFT., FINE AND CLEAnto make the scalp"
healthy, slaootb, white and fruitful, so that a good .
crop may spring therefrom, persona have bet to -es
pend thirty seven and a half cents. And,.readei,
our only object for selling the article at that price, id-
knowing it to be all we state, that when you once try
this - you never will .use Might else, whether it be,
merely to embelish, to dress, beautify; and pres - erVe,.
to force growth, stop falling 'off, . and cure scrufs or
dandruff's, the JONES' CORAL, HAIR RESTORA.
TIVE will never fail to do all tis,oiliundredi
tell you with gratitude. It dresses the hair hed - utifil=
ly,, and makes red or grey hair grow dark frovi the'
-Sold at JACKSON'S Patent Medicine *arehouse.
89 Liberty street, head of Wood—price thirty BliMet
and a half cents, fifty cents and one dellarTer Fettle..
At the same place is sold the Italian Chemical Soap,.
Spaniih Lilly White and unrivalled shaving soap.
IHE poisonous effedt on the skin of common pre-:
pared chalk is not generally known, by ladies;
how yellow rough and unhealthy it makes tbe'skiti in
time; besides. what a corpselike; palidlonk it gives
when apilied. They should use-a beautiful prepttr ,
ation, purely vegetable, which giregthe
.fa to arms or'
neck, a natural life-like whitendsi, and'iniakesit
smooth. It is called Jones , Spanish Lilly 'White,
and is sold sit JACKSON'S Patent Nicilichie Ware
house, 89 Liberty street, beadof Wood; ,at the - same'
place is sold Jones' Coral Bair Restorative,
Chemical Soap and unrivalled shaving soap.
• . nt.sobration. .
partnership heretofore existing lietween
Hunker 6- Dickson is this day dissolved by inn ,
tual eotiient, The affairs of the late.. firm will be
s led by P. H. Hunker, who will continue Bak—
ery nod. Confectionary, at the old stand in 'fifth, near
Market street. P. H: HUNKER, •
-20 kegs Plug Tehacco; • • '
• 5 Ladies' Twist, do; • .
10 Va.. do;
YO, Cav'd, Is Lump, do; '
In store and for sale by J. & j...WDEVITT
- 4 20. .2.33 Libert .
y et,
S . v! , urtiY4:c:Oieralla - se,rx..
C.v.. I Ki Oft yaw LNG ly rr.
.111:t:'.ploie- z 1 -.