The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, September 23, 1846, Image 1

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VOL. 11.--NO. 55.
• • L. HARPER ,
.N.-W. corner of Wood and Fifih Sis.
, .
TEnns.—:-Five dollars a
_year, payable in advance.
Six dollars' ill' invariably be required i£. not paid
within the year.
•Single copies, TWO crvirm—=for sale at the counter
of the Office, and by. News Boys. . '
s published ;a the same office, n a double -medium
, sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in advance; sin
4le copies, six can a.
Terms of
~ .... . ,
PER so,it. , or TWELVE LINES , n. LESS.
One insertion, .. $0 50 One pond',
..1.. $5 OD
Two - do, ' . .Q 75 .Two . do, /., 6 00
Three do,. . - 1 00, Three do, . ' -
.7 00
One week, 1 50 Four d 0,.: 8 00
Two . do, .3 00 Six, do, . .10 00
Three do, ' 400 One year, 15 00
Nearly- Ad
, - MC -...
_. . . ,
Square.. ivo - Squares.
Six month, 11t,130 , , 1
SAmpnths; - $2O 00
One year; ~ .'. 20 OW One leer; , SO 00
I.auger advertisements in'proportiOk.
.1,4 r CARDS of four lines, yr= nor.r.V4;ti year.
P. C. Shannon. , :.„.
TTORNEY.AT LAW; Greensburg, 'ro;•
land county, Pa., will
practice in the'
moreland, ta iana andCambria courts. decS4
ATTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor in clianeet.) . r.
Office in Bari's new building, Filth street, be
tween Wood and Smithfield. . aug 11
bla,graw a $ M'Hntght,
A TTORNEYS AT LAW; Office removed to the
1-1 residence of IL S. Magma', on Fourth st., one
atooilioin Cherry Alley. •
WIIl• /N.; Donnelly,
Pittsburgh, Pa. Office on Fourth et., between
Smithfield and Grant. . rnarl4-y
Edmund Snowden,
ATTORIsIEI(.AT LAW, office in the building on
the North East corner ofFourth and Smithfield
streets. novll-y
Liamllton Brute,
TTORNEYS AT. LAW, office North aide o.
Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield sta.;
burgh, Pa. Collectiony, made on. reasonable
-terms. dec4-y
ALDERSIAN, -office north aide of Fifth street,
.bet.ween Wood and Smithfield, Pittsburgh.
sep . lo-y -
Andrew Burke,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, office, Smithfield street,
between Fourth street and Ditmond Alley, op
postre Mr. - Geo. Weyman's tobacco manufactory - .
James Callan,
ATTOII.IsIEY AT LAW, office in the chamber,
occupied by Alderman Ill , lllasters, on Fifth at.,
between Wood and Smithfield. aplS-y,
Dlielqidleis b 111,clure.
. .
office on Fourth street;-opposite R. & It.- H.
Patterson's Livery Stable, Pittsburgh. seplOi
Forward & Swartzwe4der,
ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Fourth streei between
Wood and Smithfield, opposite Patterson's liv
ery stable. apl-y
George F. GllGtore,
TTORNEY. AT LAW, Office in Breed's build
ings, 4th at., above Wood, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Orlando Loomis,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, office Fourth it., above
Smithfield. julyl-y
ABEELEN has removed his commission and for
* warding business from the Canal Basin to his
new warehouse on Third street, nearly opposite the
Post Office. may34l
Richard Conan,
TTORNEY AT LAW, office in Stuart's build
/I_, ings, Fourth at., above Wood. junel9-dwy.
Jdit* W. Burrell,
A TTORNEY AT LAW' having returned from
t i
his European tour has taken an omen on the
north east corner of Fourth and Smithfield sta. Per
eons having had business and papers in the hands o 1
Samuel , ..Kingston, Esq., deceased, will call on the i
above, as all the unsettled business of Mr. Kingston
has been left in his hands; . mart-y
Charles M. Mays,
A 3
TORNEY AT LAW, Pittsburgh', Pa. CuM
missi)ner to take the pad and acknowledge
ment of deeds, leases, contracts, deposites är other
writings, to be recorded or, used to the States o
Kentucky, Indiina and Tennessee. Oftice No. SO,
Stuart's buildinis, Fourth, litrcet.. , _Loliarl2-y
James S. Craft,
Pittsburgh, Pa., having resigned the offibe of
Secretary P. Nay. and Fire Ins. Co., will attend ape
dimity to collections and business connectO with
navigation, insurance, accounts and real estate. MIL
eines, hours, 9 A. ,M. to 9 P. M. . Offite, No. 1,
Stuart's buildings, (No. 80, Fourth st.,) second door
east of Wood street. feb9:y
Edwin C. Wilson,
Franklin, Venango county, Penna., will attend
promptly to Ell business entrusted to his care—col
lections made id Warren, Clarion and Jefreraori
*Ertl!, TO
J. A. Stockton & Co.
blurphy> WilsonA Co. Pittsburgh.
John. Bigler• .
lion. Josnes'KinneariFartklirt:
lion. Alex. M!Calmont j .
lion.james Steubonvi le,_Ohio. juy23-y
John .A. Parkinson,
ALDERMAN, Fifth Ward, Penn street, between
I,Volnut and O'Hara streets, where he niay be
found at all times. Those having houses- or other
property to sell or rent, can have the same punctu
ally attended to; debts collected, and all the duties
of an Alderman will receive prompt attention'.
N. Elolmes & Son,
B ANKERS andealers in Foreign and Domestic
Bills of •Bachange certificates of deposit, bank
notes and specie.- DrAt r a, and notes collected, and
remittances made to any - part of the United States,
NO. 55 Market street. jan7-y
Johnston & Stockton,
KERS, No. 114 Market street. sep .10-y
Serlba'& Scheibler,
No. 115 Wood street, three doors below Fifth,
Pittsbu.rgh, Pa. . ja.n7-y
CORNER of First and Ferry • streets, Pittsburgh,
Pa., manufacttu:er of locks hinges and bolts,
tobacco, fuller,. mill and• timber screws, houseu
.crews for rolling mills, &c. seplo-y
Wia. A. Ward,
DENTIST, has removed to the place of his for
mer,residence in Penn street, two doors below
- -
..13: E. Constable, '
irIEALETt Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, 83
I_,/ Market street, Pittsburgh. roctirlo-y
dgar ThorWs
RUG; and Family Medicine Store s corner of
Penn and Hand, streets, Pittsburgh, Pa., Phy
sycians, prescriptioni accurately compounded. Medi
cines can be had at all hours of the day or night.
jan2l-y . • •
Brownpvllle Juniata. Iron Works.
DWARD HU,GHF.S manutarturer or-iron ..and
jirkuaila, warehouse,Smithfield above. Fourth at.
WAnulty & Co.;
Canal Basin, Pit abnigh; Pa. mar3dy
alertlit Lytle,
AMILY GROCER, Smithfield street, next.:doo
to the Fifth Presbyterian Church. june6-y
- = --
!#4 r
'4O -7:`;'"7-'-`1,.1.*.;1,';,'::.-",;44
4 I
11.1 ,, 1..:52 -yrf,'ir.f,;Sd
•-• . - •
• . Removal.. - . ,
QEO. Sr, SWARTZ would respectfully inform his
friends and customers that he has removed to
N 0.106 Market street, between Fifth and Liberty sts.,
east side, where he is receiving a large and well as
sorted stock of spring goods, to which he would re
spectfully invite their attention. • ap3-416in •
Dr S. BOSWO4TH & Co., No. 43 Market street,
xi. next doer to Third street, are just opening a
new and extensive assortnienter Hooks and Station
ery, which they will sell, whole ale and retal,at the
lowest prices. ap2s-y
&taint'. c. mu.., . ,GEO• G. DROWIa,
TIVIPORTI.:RS and manafacturers of Wall Paper
and General - Paper Warehouse, No. 87 Wood
ro et, Pittsburgh. . je2o
lATE U. 8. Attotriey, h s renioired his otriCo (0
I No. 8 St.rlair st. sept4l
L. WHimorith.
LUMBER MERCHANT; office on Penn street,
between Irwin- and Maud Sts, k'ittsburgh, Pa.
All commissions will be - promptly attended to. mar:l,y
School Book and Papal. Warehouse.
T VIM LOOMIS, Agent, publikher, bookseller and
j bookbinder, No. S 9, WO - 0 street, Pittsburgh.
Pilkintonis Unrivalled Blacking,
NTANUFACTURED and sold wholesale and re
tail, Smithfield st., between Sisth and Virgin
one. l-y
AlAaNt.l2.l.'etgiVeslLLol. o
fth f Lard n O ea il and dealer in
side. znar24-y
Collegial.ll ' , rilkt/InaP & CO.l
ANUFACTURMS of. Carriage Springs and
Axles, A. 8., and spring Steel, and dealers in
coach trimmings of every description, manufactory
on St. Clair street, warehouse, 43 Wood street, op
posite St. Charles Hotel. jan23-y
ULVANY k LEDLIE manufacture and keep
AL constantly on hand cut, moulded and plain
Flint Glassware in all its varieties, at their Warehouse
corner of Market and Water streets, Pittsburgh.—
Our works continue in Ibil operation, and we arc
.constantly adding to our stock, which enables us to
fill orders with promptness. Purchasers are respect
fully solicited to call and examine prices and terms.
1 A sTft } h . I " !.l .l scr n e E e ' ,.. ` , o t ‘ 1 ; o i 2 g d e o ° ,: i 4 L e r iFITI 1 E street Tl
Pittsburgh, Pa. Always on hand a full assortment of
Plate and Pivot teeth, of a variety of shades, as
simple Plate, Molars and Biscuspidatocs, Gum teeth,
screw Pivot teeth; &c. Teeth and blocks made to
order; Dentists supplied with all articic-s in the pro-
fession. MI orders from abroad must be accompan
ied by the cash.
;Kr Platina always on hand. novl,i-y
Dr Daniel 31 , 111ea1.
OFFICE on Smithfield, three doors from Sisth
Pittsburgh. dee 10-y
OFFICE, No , 77 Smithfield street, nezr Sixth st.,
Piitsburgh. aug2 I -y
F. Dictum, .
111.4..N0 FORTE manufacturer and dealer in Mu
"- incal ir.truments, No. 112 Wood street, near
Fifth. 111:0V1fLy
TIAINTEP., Filth, near Market at., Military flogs,
Banners, signs, designs for steamboat Wheel
houses, and fancy painting of crery description neat
ly executed at the shortest notice. Jy.27-d6m
'DUMBER, and manufacturer of Pumps and Hy
drants, which are superior to and cheaper than
any in the city. Please to call and examine for your
selves. Fourth street, between limithfield and Cher
ry Alley. Hydrants and pumps repaired. jant-y
RECTIFYING DISTILLER, and wholesale deal
er in Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors,
No. 114 Liberty street, and 53 Diamond Alley, Pius
burgh, Pa. jy2l—y
H. D. Sellers, 111. D.
RMOVED to Penn st.., between Irwin and Hand
streets, five doors below Hand st. aplsl
SURGEON DENTIST, 118 Liberty street, a few
doors below St. Clair st., Pittsburgh. apllS.y
Ogden & Snowden,
SUCCESSORS TO A WEllr, OGDEN - & Co., whole
sale and retail druggists, and manufacturers of
white lead, red lead and litharge, corner of Wood
and Second sts., Pittsburgh, Pa. novl3.y,
SUCCESSORS to Irvine & Martin, wholesale gro
cars, produce and commission merchants, and
dealers in Pittsburgh manufactured articles, No. 66,
Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. apS-y
John 211,Closkey,
TAILOR AND CLOTHIER, Liberty st., between
Sixth street and Virgin Alley, south side.
J. D. & Co.
and retail grocers Forwarding
and commission merchants, and dealers in
country produce and Pittsburgh Dlanuractures. Nu.
110, Northeast corner of Wood and Fifth streets.
sep. 8.
' 13. A. Fohneatock & Co.,
1 - 111101;ESALE and retail Druggists, corner Sixth
V, and Wood streeta. sept2.l
STORE, corner of Wood and Fourth streets,
WIIOLESALE and retail dealers in foreign and
domestic Wines and Liquors, exclusively,
No. 18 Market street.
THOLESALE and retail Grocer and dealer in
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors;
Foreign and Dothestic Fruit, Nuts, &c., Noi GO Water
street. seps-y
Commission Merchadts, dialers in Eiroducet
and Pittsburgh manusictures, Nos. 133 and 135 Wood
street, Pittebttrgh, Pa.feb2y
V V Merchants, No. 7 Co'nutterdial Row; Libcrty
street, Pittsburgh,
WHOLESALE GROCERS, dealers in produce
and Pittsburgh nianufitctures generally, 1 , 10.
224 Liberty, opposite 4th street, Pittsburgh. iip2S-y
WHOLESALE, and re - tall'dealei in Music and
Musical Instruments, Piano Vortex, School
Books and Stationery, No. 122 Wood street, Pitta
burgh. • • ' j an 1-y
NVHOLESALE GROCERS, importers of tin plate
and queenswere, and. dealers in copper; and
Pittsburgh manufactured articles, Nos. 112 and 114
2nd st., between Wood and Smithfield ats, ja147n14-y
WM. MOODY respectfullyannounces to his old
friends that he intends opOing a'Select School
in this city, on the first Monday Of April nett, in the
basement of •the Third Presbyterian Church. mar2l4
TETHOLESALE EillUdGlSt, L and:deither in dye
- Vy stuffs, paints, oils, varnishes, dtc., No.. 57,
Wood street. Pittsburgh. 3-octy
'...Dr. Wur,llll Wrtglit,
DENTIST, Offree and residence in
• - St: Clair et., 'a feiv doombelow Lib.;
. 0
erty, near the Fachance Hotel.'
marl 11
George Caohr.ant
No. 26 Wood st.,r&skurgh, nov27-y
New Book Store.
Wm. O'Hara RObilltiblki
DI. C. Edeii,
Flint Glass Establ!shment:
OttO E. 111113.1.,
Dr. George NV att.,
James Miller.
George Bailey,
J. Ury•or,
Hugh Artera,
Martin & Smith,
Thomas Miller's
Sterett dt.. Co.,
'P. C.'Martln,
LambertA Slalptoni
John Scott dr. Co.,
J. & J. 1115Devitti
John H . Mellor
James park, Jr., dr.
Select Si'hool.
R. E. 6e110r9,
lerank.lpm Roust, Fo4rtti atr4 t}
.B,c4rces,i atid irtrbit Grant Strixts, dd rgh
SCIIIIIERTZ, Proprietor, respect-
C_ fully informs his friends and the public! general
ly, hat- he will open - the abeve splendid House on
the Ist day of 'May next.
The House being new;,And finished in she most
commodious and convenient. manner, and Satiligit
furnished with the newest and most beutiful style of
furniture; flatters himself that he will he able to ac
commodate his friends and the travelling public, in a
manner not inferior to any similar establishment in
the city.
As the House is situated near the Court House, ar
rangements have been made to serve up mealwat any
hour in the day, this, will be great convenience to
those who Are in attendance at court.
igrlterrestimcnui of all kinds can be had. Boar
ders taken by the week Or day.
Lunch e'Veiy day at 11 o'clock, A. M.
JJai ES ARMSTRONG, Proprietor, Corner of St.
Clair and Penn streets, •Pittahurgh, the proprie
tor begs 'leave to return his most grateful thanks to
his friends and the miblic for past favors, and hopes,
by attention,
to merit a continuation of their patron
age. The houise is pleasantly situated near the Ex
change; it has accommodations fur travelers, and a
large room for public, Meetings, dinner or supper par
Refreshments alwins ready, or prepared on the
shortest Mitice;withAe choicest the liarket will af
ford. gysters amid Oyeder '.:Soup, also Fresh Shell
Oysters, receismi escly day during the season. The
greatest eareimi been taken in the selection of wines
and liquor's. A variety of newspapers are regularly
filed in the establishment,
P. S. A Hut Lunch nerved up every day at 11, A
ap IS-y.
13 Y R. DOSSETT, Penn street, Pittsburgh, Penna.
iloarding and lodging, by the day or week, on
the most reasonable terms. Strangers will find it to
their adedetage to patronize him. Persons travelling
east or west will find this house a convenient loca
tion—it is within one hundred yards of the canal
basin, and convenient to tho forwarding houses.
Even information given to Irciu Manufacturers in
all branches of the buviness.
Home brewed ale can at all times be had at the
bar. uoslo.l
isfaretto ltcrrectory.
rOB. 61 and 63, Wuod street, under Lynd's Auc
tion store. 'file aubncribers have fated up the
above place in superior style, and they reel assured
will give contort and satiCietion to all who .may
liKit them.
Arrangements have bean mule to have a constant
supply of fresh Oysters, which will be served up to
visitors and families on the shortest notice. Other
luxuries, candies, fruit and pastries of the choicest
kinds always on hand. Their Bar is lillsd with the
best brands'•the market can afford; and Itegalia, Cas
tello, Principe and Havanna Cigars of superior quaff•
ity. Every attention paid to visitors. Their motto
is, every (usury in its season. Prices moderate.
novlo-y OGDEN &
I SAAC MUR DOCK, formerly of the Union Hotel
on Water street, having been burnt out, has built
a "new and handsome houen expressly for the accom-
Modation of travelers, at the corner of Second and
Smithfield streets, which will be known as Cie Dttrnt
District Hotel. •
He is now prepared to otTer ever". accommodation
and every comfort to the traveler, at very moderate
charges. Ile is provided with ample and convenient
stabling. dee 1.-r
TrAtErr 5: Co., wholesale and retail dealers iu
0 Foreign Wine; and Liquor*, corner of Market
and Front streets, Pittsburgh. l'a.
.Orferiners—Wm.llohnes & Cu., Berry F. Schwei.
IVm. Eichhaum, U. Weaver.
Their stock has been selected with great cart, and
consists of the choicest qualities suitable for this mar
ket, to which they would respectfully call attention
and solicit a share ofpublic patronage. It comprises
the following in casks and bottles: "
Winn—Maderias, Sherries, 1.611,41:111, Tenet-dies,
Ports, MalagasCalsibrias. Liquors—ltrandies, Gins,
Rums, and Whiskies.
LEN BROWN, Paernirroa:—Tenn $l,OO per
day. Thee ndersigned, formerly of the Merchants
Hotel, corner of Wood and Third - streets, has leased
this superior establishment, and funiished it anew
throughout, with new beas, new bedding and new
furniture. Great care has been taken to Ell his cel
lar with the choicest viands. A handsome omnibus
and a baggage wagon are provided for the use of his
guests, and a Porter will be in attendance at all hours
to meet the demands of the traveller. The long ex
perience of the undersigned in this business, assures
bib that his casnest purpose to satisfy all who call,
cannot be unsuccessful. lle feels altogether at lib
erty to promise his visitors a comfortable and cleanly
allude, liberal entertainment, and a hearty welcome,
at a moderate espense. ALLEN BROWN.
np3-d tf
WILLIAM COLEMAN having, on the first day
January, inst., associated with him Jas. W.
Mailman and John F. Jennings, under the name and
stile of Coleman, Hallman & co., will now have in.:
creased facilities for manufacturing Steel Springs,
hammered axes, American Blister and Spring Steel,
&C., to which the attention of dealers is respectfully
solicited, and hope by strict attention to business, to
merit a continuance to the new firm the favors so lib..
crony bestowed upon him. Factory on St. Clair et.
—Warehouse 43 Wood at., opposite the St. Charles
Hotel, where can be found a good assortment of
Springs, Axles, A. li., and Spring Steel, and Coach
Trimmings of every description, together with Iron.,
Nails and Pittsburgh manufactured articles. Ilt'The
highest price paid for scrap iron. jan22
BELL AND BRASS FOUNDER, has rebuilt and
commenced business at his old stand, No. 70
Second, between Market and Ferry streets, where
he will be pleased to BCC his old customers and
fri l ends.
'Church, steamboat, and belle of every size, from
10 to 10,000 pounds, cast from patterns of the most
approved models, and warranted to be of the best
ifinerial Water Pumps, Counters, hailing, &c.&c"
together w•itli every variety of Brass Castings, if re
quired, turned and finished in the neatest manner.
A. F. is the sole agent for . Babbitt , s Anti-Attraction
1141al, eb jiiirtly celebrated for the reduction of fric
tion in machinery. The biixes and composition can
be had of him at all times. novl3-1
Franklin Alarhini Works;
THE subscriber having been removed by the
great fire to Allegheny, is prepared to make
Steam and Fire Engines, Hydraulic and Screw
Pnesses, for oil, tobacco or any other purpose; and
machinery generally. .1. S. GWYNNE, -
.Iranklin Machine Works,
On Rebecca street and Bank lane, West of Federal
Street, Allegheny city.
IC B. Orders left in Pittsburgh with Mr. S.
Cuthbert, in' Market street, 2 (loins below Third
itt,eit, will meet with prompt attention.
lima • lt.
New Drug Store.
egg' JOHN D. MORGAN, Wholesale and Retail
Druggist; No. 93 Wood street, one' dear Solidi
oil Diamond Alley, Pittsburgh.—The subscriber
has just received from the Eastern cities, and is now
oPening at the above stand, a full assortment of
articles in his line, consisting of Drugs of all kinds ;
Dye Stuffs, Paints and ' Varnishes, Chemieals;
&c., tegether wih all 'such articles as are usually
kept for sale at a whOlesale and retail 'drug store.
Jigs - stock is entirely new; and has been selected
with care. He is confident that his articles, both
est° quality and price, will please such as may fa
voir him with a call. m• 9- .
John M. Townsendl,
x, ket street, three Soars above Third street, Pitts
burgh, will have constantly on hand a well selected
assortment of the best and freshest Medicines, which
be will sell on the most reasonable terms, Physi-
Mani sending orders will be promptly attended to,
and supplied with articles they may rely upon as
Physicians' prescriptions will be accurately and
niatly.prepared froth the ben matefials, at any hour
or, the day in night.
Also, (Or 'sale, a large stock of fresh and geed
erfumery deo Mt
• d ~* ~ ~r
Washington Hotel,
Canal float Blouse.
Burnt District Hots'.
Ezebanco Hotel,
A. Fulton,
x~ y .
I Lard .at a I:teducedrPrke.
IT"' suinscriber would' respectruly. inform his
friends'and the publi in general, that his new
Factory is now completed, and with a large addition
to his machibery; he is mewed to make aonsidera-
I tile quant i ties of a suppior article of Lard Oil,
which he s dete in
rmed to sell cheap, fully apprecia
ting the old proverb, that "a nimble sixpence is
worth more than a slew shilling." Ile feels confi
dent that consumers would'find it to their advantage
to giie him a call and examine for themselves.
Woolen mantifacturers, machinists and others, are
respeetfully invited to CXXIIIIIIO his superior oil, Fifth
street, near Market,.opposite Bunker's. Confection
ary store, and Messrs.. Samuel MfClurken & Co.,
Liberty street. . . M. C. EDEY,
Pittsburgq Lard Oil Manufacturer.
A superior quality of Stay Candles, always on hand,
of assorted sizes. ' ; mar24-y
,ent,a3 "lair Work
MBA. RENTER, Wig Maker,
Alkghsny City, six doors from the
Aqueduct, opposite the Colleetoi4
ice, rishes to inform the pub
lic that she-has just commenced
the Ornamental Bair business,
and has a very superior stuck, re
ceived from the Eastern cities and
Paris. ' ind.she is prepared, to fill
all or ders at the shortest notice,
and in' a manner that cannot be
:celled by any similar manufac-
and intends keeping, a large as
sortment of Ornamental Hair Work, such as Ladies ,
Bands; 4lraids, Curls, Necklaces, Guards,
Bracelets, Finger Rings; &c. Gentleruens , Wigs,
Tanpries, Scratches, &c, ,
Mrs. R. has been for many years engaged in the
business in France and the United States, and fron3
her long and C xPerience, she feels confident in being
able to give satisfaction to all who will favor her
with their patronage. Her prices are mare liberal
than have been offered in this city heretofore.
mar 17-ly
Jalner itowstrd& Co
. .
NAVE thMpicasure to' announce to their friend*
that they again occupy their old stand at No.
83, Wood street; where they haretipened an exten
sive WALL PAPER WAREHOUSE, and will have
coatantly on hand an extensive aasortmend of Satin
glazed and plain PAPER HANGINGS, Velvet and
Imitation Borders of the latest style; and most hand.
some patterns f 4 papering halls, parlors and cham
They manufacture, and hare on hand at all times,
Printing, IVrtting, Letter Wrapping and Tea Paper;
Bonnet and Fuller'e Boards—all or which they offer
fur sale on the most accommodating terms, and to
which they invite the attention of merchants and
ALSa—Blank Iloci.lisof all kinds and the bestipa3l
- School Bookis, &c., always on hand and ti r talc
as aboxe, our 23
Landreth's IMeranted Garden Seeds,
ji bears the label and warranty of DAvto I.4x
bursa. I'ur sale by F. L. SNOWDEN, Nu. V.. 1 Water
st., at the stand formerly occupied by (:co. A. Berry.
Extract from the •Itepurt of the Visiting Coninnttee
of the l'eunsyfrania horticultural Society,' uftni
moody adopted and ordered tote printea.
"These exttnaire gonadal aro ou Federal street,
near the Arsenal} • ' • • The earliest collec
tion or Clow!liaa was made, lotto. Sumo of those
now in pnuctsion of those diatinguithett ouraerpoen
are ttu feet htzli. •• • * • The selection of
oncen-uoese raatera is valuable and eateuaive.
"The Nurseries are very correctly niausged, sup
plying every part of the Union, a detail of which
would' o , ccup, Joe touch of our space, we therefore
content manKdte* with stating that the stock 1* very
large. and in 'Orry atage of growth, consisting of
filti:ElNS, StlftilltS, VINES AND CR V.EPERS, with
a collections of herbaccrous Omits, fruit trees of the
best kind and most healthy condition, large beds of
seeding apples, pears, plums, &c., as stocks for bud
ding and grafting; a plan scry superior to that •f
working upon, suckers, which carry with them into
the graft all thit ilistases of the parent stock. • •
.-t;saims seem of the finest quality have been
scattered over the country (ruin these grounds, and
rimy always be depended upon. The seed establish
ment of these Horticulturists is one of the most ex
tensive in the Union, and its reputation is well sustain
ed from year to veer.
"To obviate the chance of mixture of the farina of
the plants of the same family, they have established
another nursery at a suitable distance '
so that degene
ration cannot take place, and which secures to the
purchaser a 'genuine article.' Knowing thus the
age, quality and process of culture of every plant,
the supple from their grounds is recommended with
great confidence."
••• Since the date of the 'Report' from which the
above is-extracted, the entire establiahtnent his been
greatly enlarged. The collection of Camellias em
braces all the liner kinds, and consists of some thou
sands of rarioila sizes; so likewise with Roses, and
other desirable plants, both tender and hardy; fruit
trees, &c.
The Seed Gardens alone corer fifty acres, and the
whole is, as it has been fur more than half a century,
under the successive management of father and eon,
the most promilwint in America.
CP-Orders received by F. L. SNOWDEN, from
whom catalogues may be received gratis. tuar9-y
_ _
A Caryl.
►ME subscriber begs leave respectfully to return
ins grateful acknowlegements fur the liberal pa
tronage bestowed upon him fur yekvlk4ask . and par
ticularly to those who so generously-patronised him
since his misfortune by the late fire. 'laving consid
erably enlarged Lis busines by associating with Wm.
B. Roberts as a partner, he would earnestly solicit a
continuance of former favors to the now firm of
Roberts & Kane, and ho trusts that by prompt atten
tion to busineeil they will give general satisfaction.
M. KANE, Jr.
The subscribers would respectfully inform their
friends and the public that they have removed to
their new warehouse on Third between Market and
Wood streets, south side, where they trustsby strict
attention to business, to merit a share of public pa
tronage. They solicit attention to their extensive
stock on hand, which has been got up with great care,
in the latest style and most substantial manner, con
sisting in part of the following articles, viz:
Mahogany Wardrobea,,
4 4 Dressing Bureaus,
44 Book Case and Secretaries,
4 4 Section Back Sofas,
" Plane do.;
" Divans,
" Ottomans,
4 , 4 Victoria Chairs;
" French do;
Plain do,
44 Centre Tables,
44 Card do,
46 Bureaus of every description,
1,4 End Tables;
. Marble Top Pier do,
• " Centre do,
i Sofa do,
44 ' Dressing Bureaus,
: Wash Stands,
Mahogany' Work, Stands,
44 lint Rackd;
" Rocking Chairs ;
Sewing do,
44 Music Stools; • -
4 4 Arm Chairs' t,
44 ' French Betsteads; •
44 Butlen; -, Trays. •
Mahogany, cherry and poplar, bediteids, warrant
ed proolagainst bugs; and superior to any now offer
ed to the public. Also, a variety of Windsor chairsi
of the best quality,and a new style of arm chair with
siring Seta, well adapted fbr armee or societies, with
a variety of other articles tob mititerbus to mention.
We have at Considerable expense introduced into
our new factory on Front street, a steam engine with
inachin t e a rrovbithwill enable us to sell, wholesale
and re ~=at reduced prices.
The attention of Western Merchants, and persons
moving West, le invited to our new and extensive
establishment. i Western Cabiftetinakers are also re;
quested to give us a call, as they will find they can
purchase from ;US for less than they can manufac
ture. Orders from a distance will receive prompt
attention, and the furniture will be carefully packed.
Steamboats and hotels furnished at the shortest no
tice, and on favorable terms. ROBERTS St /CANE.
N. B. Undertaking in all its branahes attended to.
marl O-y R.. & IC:
Diary oe Ctiristiit Doctrine sea used by the
Geniiart Rofertriod Church; .1?1.14118.1i and Gersnrie.::-
Per sale al our. EitOrej No: I /Ft Wnetist: Pietifvutgii,
jel sc 14,1134_ Br. so-v.4I3LE; Booksellers.
- t '~ +,c* a'v-"`r . ,~,""°" w L.~'s~-<a' b-.. " N ~ ,+.~ r~ ~ ; ~,'.~~-.-r~,8'w~a ~?k.
c `"
..~.• i
G. W. Biddle. Reutlit.
- ••• MB. doorti above the . Canal
• Bridge; Penn sueet, performs all
operations on pie 'Teeth satisfac
torily. • • .• '
11.--11aving lately made one
of tho greatest ittiproveruenteiu
forceps that has ever appertied be
fore the publrc, he has been able
4 t to extract teeth with such case
as to astonish hll timsc.who have
• availed thentselves Ofhis services.
Pittsburgh, July 24, IB4G-ly
PL.1731.1111 . N// 31-15VFACTiUtEy. UY
Pumps and Ilydrusitsip
Which are superior to aful cheaper than
any in the city.
Please to cull and e.ratninifor yoarstlies.
urrwzr.N SMITHFIELD AID carnal , ALLEY .
Irr Hydrants and Pumps repaired. janl-wftdy
• No. 80 Simpson's Row, •
UST received a general assortment of seasonable
J fancy, and staple Dry Goodsbought from ;mm
ufacturei4 and importers, (and not at Auction,)
the loweit cash prices, all of Whidh will be warrant
ed sound and perfect. '
Pyramidical Graduated Robes. ,
Embroidered and Striped T R
arlatan obes.
Organdy Graduated
Sup. Sup. French Lawns.
[` Embroidered 4krages. :
Polka and Mi'zurka Berages•
French Gingham Lawns.
French, Scotch and American 'Gingham. •
Black Satin Striped Berages.
Black and Colored Balzorincs.!
Fancy Dress Silks, Plain, Figured and Striped_
Plain Mick Silks.
Watered and Striped Silks.
Silk Warp Alpaca.
New style De Laines.
Fihe Chintzes::
Swi.4s.Muslin, plain and figured.
Bishop Lawn, Jaconet.
Plain and Barred Cambric.
Nansook and Victoria Lawns.'
Color'd Border's( Linen Cambric Ildkfis.
Revere Bordered Cambric lidlsfs.
Ilernstick Cambric Handkerchiefs.
Tape Bordeed . .
Mull, Swiss, Jacouet and Thread Edgings, and
Linen (,'ambrics:
Inside Collars.
Outside do' •
Rich Styles of Bonnet Ribbons. •
Shackleford's Importation of Light Dark Kid
Long and Short Neu Gloves and Mire.
Lisle Thread and Embroidered Silk Gloves.
Phin Tbibet, embroidered, nevt; style Cashmere,
embroidered De Laine.printed, black fillet Foe'erns
and &Mgt" Shatv6., Scarfs and era% at, , , black and
colorcd Sub. &c.
:113.dP tt, ordet., ail the uew and. improved .s.tyle::,
of J. S. M. SAL'S .11anufileture.
All the celebrated Hakes or French and Eng
lish Cloths.; :3•i and 6-t doe shin Cassimere; diago
nal cord Ca‘simere;'new ‘tyle impressed French
Caminiere. ininiitalde; with . a , iariery of English
and American Cusiutere; a general assortment of
Of the meal improved maker, dressed and undress.
ed or son tiniAled, baud spun and gr.c,is • bleached,
warranted all flax.
Parowls. l'arasnfrts and Sun Shade.
Superior Cheeks, Cotton and Linen together with
a stock of domestic and Staple Goods, not lumps
scd by any other house in the west. Buyers are
earnestly requested to call and examine the stock
previous to purchasing elsewhere.
myt.."..-:im No. GG Market st., Pittsburgh, Pa.
T K. LOCAN, has reinoved to No S 3, Food
street, one door below Diamond Aller, to the
store lately occupied by Clark dr. Cameron, where he
has opened a IVliolesale and Retail Dry Goods Store,
and having just returned from the Eastern-. Cities, is
opening a new and well selected stock of Goods,
consisting of French, English and American cloths,
(all colors,) a great variety of new style Cas-simeres •
and Satinetts; Cashmaretts, (a new style;) Oregon
Cassimerc, a good stock of summer cloths of all
kinds; late Writ!, Vestings; also, a great variety, of
Lawns and Cingliams; Pyramidical Graduates Ind
other fancy patterns; a variety of prints 6 to 26 cents
per yard; a very superior lot of white goods, consist-I
ing of India Linen, Damask Plaid; . Striped Cambric;
Victoria Lawn, striped and. plain Mull; Swiss Lace
and barred Muslin; figured and plain Bobinets; black
and blue black Siks; plain; figurtfd and. Striped; A
large assortment of Irish Linens; bleached brown
Muslin.; table Diaper; Marseillo .Co anterpanes,
(large vise;) Morecn; a ghdd amply of Umbrellas,
Parasols, Parasoletts and Sunshades; a very large as
sortment of men, wotneri;atti children'sflosiery; a
very fine article of Lisle Thread ,Hose and Gloves,
and many other articles not enumerated. 'He would
respectfully invite his formerleustomers and the pub
lic generally, to an examination. of his stbck,
%%Inch lie expects to make additions regularly.
‘lllO wile. in ple:isurn , s downy arms
Nc'cr lost his health, or youthful charms,
A hero lives, and justly can
Exclaien—"ln me behold a 'man!"
TIERING A TRIAL of t number of years,, Dr.
Thompson's PILLS Laic been foUnd an years,,
remedy in cases of indigestion, bilious com
plaints, for derangements of the digestive organs and
obstructions, a sluggish action of the liver and•bow
els, which occasion more or less the following symp- '
toms: viz: heartburn, &di:fine:3Si acidity, head-ache;
sickness, spasm, and flatulent distention of the stom
ach and bowels, drowsiness and dimness of sight,
an uncomfortable sensation osperienced 'at the pit of
the stomach soon aftersating; with a le p f weight
• • .•
br oppression, appetite impaired; breathing.ditfie nit,
tenderness about the region Of the liver,:bowels'
regular, sometimes obstinately costive, with languor
and depression of spirits. Price 25 cents per box.
Prepared by thn sole.proprieter,
EDGAR THORN; Diriggist,.
corner Hand and Penn sta., Pittsburgh, Pa.
filso sold by all the principal druggiStsin the city.
je 23
'William McKee.
TILL continues in his old business of Manufactur.
ing Wagons, Carts, Drays, Timber Wheels,
Trucks, and Wheelbarrowb; on Fifth'street, between
Wood and Smithfield, wherelhe keeps constantly on
hand, or made to order in the shortest notice, any
ttmOunt of work, by the best df "voarkinea, and good
materials, and at prices to suit die times Theis
engaged, in the Santa Fe trade, and Furnaoe men,
are requested to give him a nail beferelpurehasing
elsewhere.. , • ap7-y
Jinur. Cartwright:
CUtLEII. and Surgical .instrument Manufacturer,
N0.'140 Wood street, tOM doors from Virgin al
ley, Pittsburgh, Pa, Alvvaysin hind an extensive
assortment of Surgical and Dental instruinents,
Bankers', Tailors', Hatters', Hair Dressers! and Ts-A
lters' Patout Shears s Sa.ddlente Tools, Trusses, &c: -
fJ which stalid unequalled by any Medicine
known for the cure of Liver Complaint, and other
diseases arising from a deranged state of the Liver.
This medicine has been in, public use for about 8
years, and has acquired a reputation for curing
the liver Compleint which has never hien equalled
by any remedy heretofore offered to the public.
As an Anti-bilious, or Purgative Pill, they are un
surpassed and should be used in piaci of thb corn
moll pills of the day. Give them a trial and the
truth will appear. Prepared anti sold*:
• 57 Wilood sreet.
. .
1 ~ i rtfott'ae.
nii l dersigned hiving di posed of lasEstab:
'liihrnent,•No. 112. I , 4arket st.; to Mr Thotnas
A. Hiuton; would condiallyrecointnend into, to his.
Merida . and the public - generally, prery way
worthy of their patronage. .
• aug22 A. .Iq.' CA111.310N;
The unaersigned, having purchased the large and
extensive stock of Boots, Shoes-, &c', belonging to -
A.M'Caniinon, No. 112 Market street, one door
froin Liberty, %vill continue to conduct the Inisiness
in all its branches, and trusts ttutt by a strict atten
tion to business, and an ardent disposition , to please,
he will: meet a continuation of the patronage so
tiberally bestciwed upcin .his predecessor.
,N. B. Tao or thre good-workmen-can haze
ckiaploymeM, by making immediate application.
. Alldrney Li;ta
ONTLNEE.ito attend to. tie selling and. renting
of Real Estate in the City of Pittsburgh and vir
cinityi -Having determined to deWete a large portion
of their time [elide branch of business, they with.
confidence :solicit a share of the patronage of the
pubPic• from theTaciliVthey possess and the experi
enc.4l6'fiase (the Sinil3P-Ortnei having been en- -
gage:d in the Real Estate Agency for nearto years,)
thvAelieve that they Will give general satisfaction.
Oflic - on Penn et., neirthe U: libtel,-,inrißmith
fichW.,.between.lliainond Alley and Filth street.
F n and Writingßooms,corntr
110111 c 1T 11)ponage 1 cf T F h ift l h ib adul l iga t rket streets.-
I tothis
establishment by
hia4? ends-And ;he public induces the the= proprietor,
iu tirder.,:to encoMage -persevermice-andindnetrY a
mong his students,to oiler to the IstefOciOlier nest,
as premiums TWO GOLD PENS; elegantly mounted
silver pericil _eases. ; One-to be awarded - to -any
member of his class for ' the greatest proficiency in.
Beek-keeping, and the other to any member of his
clais forcthe best specimen and greatest improve
ment iu Mercantile Peinnauship. Day and Evening,
Claims. Hours of bueiness uutil Ist of October, 2
to 4, and 7,1 to 10 P. M. sepl
Plitsbargh • Nusigia
g ranee C
o,7re, 1111.
Michael Allen, •
C. AlliShUrZ.
Robert Becr,
. .
W. 1 3 oindi:s ter.
_ALLEN, Pres't,
Ear Fr xs . Er : cre tary.
Corner of Woo(1:8;nd streets, Pittsburgh,
is ready to receive mercliantlize of every description
on donsignrnent for public or private sale, and ihin
long experience in the above•busines, flatters himself
that he will be. able to give entire satisfaction to all
who may favor - him with their patronage. -
Regular sales on AlondaysAnti , :rhursdayi" of Dry
Goods and Fancy articlCoott "CI creleck,
Of groceries, Pittsburgh manufactured articled,.
new and second hand furniture, &c., at two o'clock,
P. M.
Sales every eveninial early.gas-light. - hugl2..y
:Uwe.. Inventions Outdone bi Nature.
THIS Oil, is obtained from a well'near
Kentucky, at the depth of IS3...teet below-the
. surface of the earth, and 170 feet throligh colt rock-
j Its curative properties are truly astonishing, and as
• a Remedial Agent it may well be pronouneeirwon
derfol. Since the discovery of this' Panacea of Na
tore, numbers of remarkable cures have been 'effect
;ed by its use. it is Innocent—Powerful—Safe and
Certain in its effects. It has been used with unpar
. allelled anceess' in the treatment of the following
diseases: Inflammatory Rheumatism,Burns and
Scalds, Cholic Flatulencs, Difantination of
the Kidneys, beafriess; Consumption, Liver Com
plaint, Plithisic, Scald ilead; ,Cancers Weak and,
Sore Eyes, Bruises, Fresh Cuts and 'Wounds, j
Sprains and Strains,. Dropsy, Pains in the Breast and '
Side, Tatter, Influenza.; Ulcerated Sore Throat;
Consumption, Bronchitis, Spasms,
.I,7lcers,' Spinal
Affections, Scrofida or King's Fvil, Coughs, Syphilis,
Ringworm, all Bowel Complailite• all Chronie'dis: ,
cases, Impurities of the bloud and 'General Debility.
It is likewise very beneficial for Female Complaints
in generals acts as a great Restorative from Languor,
weakness of Back and Chest Low Spirits and Exces
sive Debility. ,
Read the A:drawing C l ertificalcis; all Of which. are
authentic; all tho persons therein named are not , :
living, and well known 'in Cincinnati:
Pirrsavnutr, - Au,g 22, 1846..
This is tb certify that we have used the Amerli:azi
Oil for the whooping cough, 'among out. ebibiren; by
giving them from 20 drops to a - small tea spoonful at
night, which always enabled them to rest welt through
the night. I also applied it to..etie bf the 'Children
thatgot her arm burnt by turning over a tea cup of
hot coffee on it, the 001(1%e - used crying by the time
the arm was -dressed and binua6 up, and hail never
complained of it since. I. also was fifiliSted 'filth. a
pain in my side and breast, and have been s 6 for 16
years. I commenced using the Oil by taking a tea
spoonful twice a day 3 or four days' using of
,iiil I have ben very muchrelieved; and. do really,
believe that jt attic, best' family rnedidinb that I have
ever seen. I appli6d•it to one of my neighbor's for
a strained ancle, which relieved her in afew minutes.
We have also used the oil 'for a strained joint in our
own family, which gavel ease in a very short time.
We live on the - east side Of Penn at., S doors south of
Walnut, I ant now as well as I ever was in anyiife:
I Pura/mann, Aug. 140846.
This is tti - ertify; that My son has had the Plethisic
for seven years, andi was very bad with it; and about
12 or 15 days since, I commenced giving to him
about 20 or. 25 dropS of ;the American Oil, twice a
day. which relieved him 'in a day or two of his diffi
culty of breathing he is pow entir6ly • relieved
of his.:eonglq out boy it: 10 v,eilni of age. We live in
King's 'Alley. " NANCYX.L'IG.
" CINCINNATI; July Ist, 1846.
Sire : having heen; cured et, very severe r disease
of the oyes and ledd trjr - the use of the Ancridaii -
Oil, I feel it my duty to the public, as well as to you, ,
to send you the following- ; certificate:
I hereby coitify thaki ; was severely afflicted one
year ago last wintee, with radon - s ans and a
very severe: fain in my head from myeyes up to the
top of my head; and continued so for several weeks.
My eyes were so much inflamed and sore that
_I. I
could not see to attend m y business ;
nor could I tell
one object from , another a , few yards front me: I
Called in a physician, - .but still got worse. I also
tried a good many remedies that had cured others.
but in my case they ; aded. April, : r hearci
of the. American Oil. t premed a bottle, and be
fore I had Used a half a !bottle I was entirely well,
and still continue so. i will not be without it in my
house as long as l cart get die genuine article.. I also
gush into one am? men. that was, working for me,
that had the tetter in his hinds so bairthat when he
would grip envthing tight in 'them_ the:blood would
burst out, and. the use:Mihail' a bottle cured us,hoth.
I Would•advise all. that are l afflicted in - any way to
.give the Oil a fair.!iiial; and. l. think they will be
pleased with the it N4l l . have, &c.:
- _
Sold at Ono Dollar per Bottle at Jackson's Patent
Medicine - WarthouSe, 89 Liberty, bead of Woad st-,
Pittsburgh. Tan enrol PLACE IN PITISIIIntpIf where
the Genuine American Oil CAN be obtained.
Beware of ,a Counterfeit article. The Seneca Oil.
Put in American Oil BOttles, and labelled "Amer-
Ican Oil." It somewhat resembl6s the
Oil, but posseissne of its virtueiror healingpow-
• W. Jaelcson resPeetfully , informs the Pablie that
D i Had & Ccgi the proprietor's of the American Oil,
have appointed 'him their SOLE AGENT for West
ern Pennsylvania:,
All persons wishing Scib-gencies will apply at S 9
Liberty streetOss above: '
N: II: • Slab-agents wanted for •every town in the'
above Districst:
A Oita' Mini - bet of eeraeates. are on hand and
can be - seen at the 'office, 89- ' Liberty street, head of
Wood. au§ 28-ly
'PRIQE;',..I : WO:cEns,
• ". 7 ,
Dtaii DUFF'S
ion and }'ire lusia
minuillY• •
Mai ket Street.
William Ebbs,
Lewis Hutchison,
Fred. Lorenz,
James May,-
John' D.Diawls,
i ~_
~ ~
i[~l9' f
. ~=':i'
.11...71N111101**0, SPieCt:
XTORTH cornqr: of Federal and Robinson
strectsi:-Allegliony, .tioininence di poll
session On Mondiy the alst inst. '
From Professor R. IL L'ee, Washington. College, and
. Hai ing- attended ar4.exatiiidiliod of :the.i'echeo
taught by Air. Williams;we; mkt.. pleaspre in-bear- .
Big our testimony theretidencen„lTordpa,BY it of
the unusual skill and labor "of.
uuderstanlling of the prineipile of the subjedta' , Aielt
the scholars Thad: been ‘'Smelying . r. httowns'.by their _
clear answeigtoinicstioxis,dskod:liy.:Othe:ry than., , the
teachers prove the excelLenee,cf the Now "England
modes of teaching, in Whicli."Mr.,Wlll,itilms poems to
I bc proficient.' - • ' 11`. 4 LEF.;-
Pram the Bet. Mr: Preston, , Doctishibot, .4'r.
Hating' att'ended an, examination of the Select
School under the care.of Mr, Henry. Williams, held
recently in his school room, cornet of Federal , 'and
Robinson streets;, Allegheny
.o:iiy; 'we' wish, to pall
public attention to'dhis iniefiittfifin. ';'We were highly
gratified with the progress and oidet aids school.-77
This manner of simplifying 'and illustiatiag - the 'die-
ferentbrancliee is peculiarly happy; and well 'eaten..
fated to give intereSt to the pupils. His _mode . , or,
teaching them .to read struck uxus..novel,, and ono
that cannot fail to make.good readers. •
' From the knowledge that wo- have of :Mr..'
liams" character at a 'tgacheryhia zeall,fidclitland
success; wecurdially a-cinitiend him to the patron
age of the public: His' lbeathin is elegible Cur
• • ' 'MUDD =SOX.
I attended the above exarninatici . n,. and can truty
ay I was much gratifica - with tho:attointdent of in°
pupils.- • • - • • WM. PRESTON.,
University Lew...Se/mei.
V liE FALL SESSION of this department cif ten
IVestern University, will commence
University Building, on - the Or - Sitc"
~ecavn;tnext; add the SPRING SESSION of 1811;
will comutence on the Finn" 3lonnav or Fr.mtuartv
following. -
This institution having no far recovered from the
effects of the great fire of April last year,as to have '
the new building nearly completed with increased-
accommodations for all-its departments, it is hopbd -.-
that the Lan - School will be fbund to prbsent iiicrea
ed facilities and attractions to those tt.ho.desirei:tti.
pursue a regular and thorough course.of:legal educa,
tion, and to prepare themaelvbi creditably forad•,-
mittance to the bar. • .
'J'here will be daily recitations by 66 Ulases on
assigned lessons, so arranged as to embrace, within,
a two years course, all the principal and most
portant branches ,the the law. 'Occasional -lectures
on law and equify, will also be delivered as :part 0.1';
TUE Moe+ .Couirr, designed for assisting students
in acquiring knowledge and readiness-in the'Pric.:
tice of the Jaw Wilt be resumed. as soon as.tile_num
bet of students will justify. .The decree of IlAcite- ,
108 OF LAW will be Conferred on studenti of the
institution, according the rules usual in.suCh
Any further information that may be. required can
readily be obtained on application to the Professoi, •
Watir...a H. LOWRIE, who has his office on . 4th
Smithfield street, Fittatirgh. . • . ,
TEnms—Seventy-fice dollars a year; or thirtv-ii6v, -
en and a hell' dollars a session. • aug&-jaini:-,"
~ S
-U - .
-,. . . .
.. - . . ~.
. DEIVAH.F. OF VII.AL;D°.:. - -,.
.• . :
' . '1"0 Dli - irtziGlST S. . '.• i - '
SOME ,Druggists aro misled into the„ener of buy- )
ing a miserable, imitation of Or. Smith's. Sugar, , ...,
Coated Indian Vegetable Pills, simply bedause they
I purchase.the -spurious cheaper: We shalt , in.a.ll.. 4 .
case expose such dealers throughout the country,- :,
who, atter being cloly. informed of the rascality of
! these imitators, bdy and attempt to impose upon the
public with such worthless trash. It is not the $4-. --
gar coating alone that constitutes the valtie of my
I Pills, but it is my invention, for which I Claim the '
right. ~., .G. BEND. SMITH, M. D.,' .
179 GreenWicli st. and 2 Water st-Bostcync.-..:.
. We, ther.undersigned; wholesale druggists in Lett-::
isville, Ky.; are: satisfied; from all the information. r
Ithat we can obtain, that Dr. G. BENJAMIN SLMI'rI.I-..-
ie (Se original inventor of the Sugar-Coated Pills, *.
We are prepared to- supply dealers at' the New 1
~ York price.
1 Robinson, Peter 4 -Cary, 492 31ain.strect. , .
I L S. A l l .s arl . i i s . l 7i f e ?., 461 61 11ra ili a
i s n t.
II st;
George Lapping 4. Co. 79 Fourth at.
But( 4- Alden, Si Fourth st.
1 . The following from druggists in New- York sliirwit *
i I invented the Sugar Coated Pilla in 1543: ' • :.....,..")
New Ydrk, June 16tb 1844.
1,..We - , the undersigned;tievr saw or heard of - "Su-
gar Coated Pills," until Dr: Gt. Benjamin Smith man. ''.
luffictured and exhibitedthem to us about a year
since. :
Rushton Co. 110.-Broadway and 10 Astor liens!. ".
Israel Rando lph, M. 11. SU Liberty at.
Horace Everett, 96 Hudson st. . ... .• .' - .....4.*
John Pastrce, 97 Hudson at. .
bat , id &Inds, 79 Fulton it..
i . I have - been.afilicteitlyspepaia in its toast ag n i
' gravated form for thre,k years past; and thread - tie ye,,:;
relief until 'I used Dr. ,9: Benj. Smith's "Sugai-Ceiat , / . '
ed Indian Vegetable Pills.'' After using sin boxes -, ...''
said valuable,pills, I. gin entirely, cured.. They/aro
a general remedy.' :C. -J, K. LEPNIA.N::',
Paducah, Ky. Nov. 3l; 1343:- . ' =
We certify to, the aiio - Wfactsf .
Dr. Smith's "Sugar-Coated Pills" are universally
esteemed in this vicihity. ' '
• HODGE ;GIVENS & Co, Merchants::: - /
Paducah, Ey. Nov. 19,- 1545.. , , ... -
At the request of Dri G. Benjamin Smith's agent -
we cheerfully state. that we visited - the office of Dr.' '
Smith in. September last, while in Newt-York, .and .
found him to all appearance carrying on a very ex—
tensive business with:his Sugar;Coatith Indian Vege- ' '
table Pills. The extent of his esta.blishinent,-would .-
astonish any one tint initiated in the my steries of the '
. , ,
pill trade,—Lottisrille Journal. -
"(From Dr. Singleton.) ' . '
• '
.Smithland,(lCy.).Feb. 24,1846. • -
Dr. G. llenj. Smith.—Dear Sir: Nothing has .ever
been introduced that has sold so well add given Such.
general satisfaction its your Stigar-Coated Improved: -,
Indian Vegetable Pills: Veryrespectfifily, yetint,"
(From Bull Sr Alden.)
:. • • Louisrille,(Ky.) Feb. 13th, - 1846.
Dr., G, Benj. Smith—Dear Sir: Yru willpleasosend.. "-
us 12 gross of your valuable Pilts. From..pre - sentio7,
dications we shall sell a large amount' of 'thetrioz-- '-
We find that they go very quick. , Ytiur friends, • ---.' ;
, - - ' - . DULL & ALlth...."?. -,
( Froia Wilson, Stirbird & • Smith,), - - • '
• . ' . ' • Louisville, Feb, 13th; 1540: `` 3
Dr. Smith—Dear Sir About two weeks ago ive:.l.7
bought 2 gross of your Indian Vegetable 5143.7 Co4t-: /
ed Pills. Theiiith business is dull here at tids'titneS' .-
yet we have sold them all: You will tdeaseriendtis* - ?'
10 gross through Messrs. Lawrence & ICeese, of your - -:
city., who will forward them to us via Pittsburgh..
.. Yours, respectfully, - ' ' 4
This is to certify that I have used the . Sugar _ . coated pills manufactured by G. Benj. Smith,ofNew.
York, for some time, and believe them to be - a good':'
medicine; and also from enquiry in that city,•l, ant --;..
persuaded that he is the .original inventor, and:..,
therefore, is entitled to the benefit of the inventon;
- ''' - II
' •- • 'S. WILLIAMS
.A '
aug2l. . Pastor Ist .Baptist.L'hurch Pittsburgh.
We. have forty letters from different dealera.solicit 7 , ...
ing the agency of my Pill, although they had the spit;
riots in their store--onein particular 11 - oiriNetiKOr-'
leans, 'which we shall publish...' - : . . • ,: : :
Principal Offices—New York, 179 Greenwichet; :
Boston 2 Water st. . . . ...
. i
o:7` G. BENJAMIN S - M o
ITH is written n the bot
tom of every, box, or genuine "Sugar-CoatedPills." ..
Aoprxs-- - Wittiam Ileirderson Druggist,s , ory Liberty...,
street Pittsburgh:. John Sargianl Alle , theny. city. - .
mayl&llm. ' ,
- , . . : .. .
rpHE undersrmed would respectfully inform - the
citizens of Pittsburgh and its vicinity, that _ho
has purchased from. Mr. Moses Cory, his large 'and
splendid stock of Dry Goods, kept at No. 66 Market
street, where he intends tO keep a general assort
ment of seasonable Goods, which he will sell :very
reduced prices. Please call and judge foryourselves,
No. 66 Market street.
To my friends and patrons Lain'much obliged
and would respectfully recommend Mr. William
Cowen,:my . imccessor. MOSES CORY
Tip ECEIVED Tim DAY, by Ffxpress,anotheri
oflich black MANTILLAS, 'at the New 'York
Store, 79 Market' street: r'• - •
augl7 W. 11. GAARA.R.D.
_ a—
E 9
f --- --•;'