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I / - f•, - . //1 1 E; „, 0 4.',7,- 4', •a- * ,0 t ' • l i , 1 ,.,- ~,, i ~ i , ,0, ~,. ,/,,,. _ ..,,,, 0 a -.4 ‘. . * t 4 No g ,--, .e . - - 4. - 7.:g . .; 1 P O. , '', : 0 i 4 ... *) ' 2 4 6 r,c , - , " 0* 11 4 1 0 01, ef p 0 0 v %,.. -. . 6 - - / .0 ; 4 —,. "T -• - 6 ..-. - , ~ ~ il g-i ; , 0 e s; - ) . "- I f - ,m g • j. r A'' ,01 0 1 :i I 1 ' , - 0,?: ~,- _ A ,g,_ g-,- -- , .0 ,-•-, - - ___ -....- . • 4 . A 4 ~ ~ .. ~, s , - ril. , g • 10 'k - - 0 ', _ f.-,-, ... /, - _ -4 • w ‘, •i . ,• • •/- -• , , . v , / ;•, A • -: , I -•-• 1..--.. ;0 •,-- R .... -- w e", /, • -..- ' 44 4 c,,,,,,.. .....„- ~ 4 . ...... 4 „ .„ i .., ~ .., _,..., .„., .. . . 4 ~.„--;,,,,,,,,,,, A., 4,, x .,..„ - 4 ,,. - . w- Rox ,di , v , --% . ~. ," . '- ' • ~... W . OZ', ik . . . - • - . . , . . I I ••,. ' t ~....... - ''''ft. --- 7.,,,,,„ - I . . i , . I I •t t ., , , . $5 00 G 00 1 7 001 8.00, 10 641 15 00 Removal. George Cochran; FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANT . N. 26-. Wood at., Pittsburgh. 1i0v27-y ix.,....... G.").S.;;SWAII.TZ would, respectfully inform his friends and customers that lie has removed to No. 106 Alaiket street, bet‘Veen Fifth and Liberty stn., east side; isthere he is receiving a large and Well as sorted stock of spring goods, to which' he would re vectftoly, invite their attention. , ap3-d6m New Book Store:- lIS. BOSWORTH &Co., No. 43 Market street, ~ net door to Third sweet, are jest-opening a new and eitensire assort&O of Boors and Station ery, whieh They will sell, esale and retal, at the lowest prices''''''ap or .....i-y SAMUEL. C. BILL. :',..GEO. G. 13110WPIE, 1117. L & (SUCCESSORS TO HOLDSIIIP AND BROWNE,) . . IMPORTERS and manufacture /6 of Wall Paper and General Paper NVarelkouse, (o. S 7 Wood re et, Plitt,burglz._ - je.2o ~___ Win. O'Hara Robinson, LAYE. U. S. Attorney, has removed his office to No. S St. Clair st. zept4-y L. Wilmarth, JAEMBER MERCHANT, office on Penn street, between Irwin and Hand tits., Pittsburgh, Pa. All commisaions will be promptly attended to. inar4-y Selma:Book and Paper Warehoure• LUKE LbOMIS, Agent; publisher, bookseller and bookbinder, Na..S9, Wood street, Pittsburgh. mar2S-y r ' Plikpiton's lOneking, TANOACTURED and sold wholesale and re taii, Smithfield st., between Sixth and Virgin M. C. Edey, 1‘1" AITi."`k.f.,TURER of Lard Oil and dealer in _Lij_ - Star Canti;es, Fifth street, near Market, S. W. niar2.l-y cotn)l.or. ,owt r. JEYN. 11A11.31 krr. Coleman, Mailman & Co., TANTitikHEVIIERS of Carriage Springs and _A*Lit. • 18 ., aOosprin ,, steel, and dealers in citach tr;:,mings of ivery. 41;ficvlptio,riAnanufactory on St. Clair ;sreett warehouse, 43 Wood str i ct, op posite St. Cliarled Manila-v Mint Muse; k..7 , itabitthmessi. lr ULVA;:XY & LEDLIr Oanufacture and iorp e: constrintly on hand cut, l guided and plain Flint Glass' are in all its varieties, ai warehouse corner of garket and Water streets, Pit•dnirgli.— Our works Continue in full operation, and tic are constantly adding to our stock, which enables us to fill orders with promptness. Purchasers are respect fully solicited to call and examine prices and terms. sepl6l Otto linutzt TAN n UPACTURER or Inconaventr. TEETH', 1I Smithfield street, two doors below Fifth street Pittsburgh, Pa. Always on hand a full assortmentor Plate and Pivot teeth, of a variety of shades, as simple Plate.. Molars and Iliscuspidators, Cum teeth, Screw Pivot teeth, Teeth and blocks made to order; Dentists supplied with all articles in the pro fession. All orders-from abroad must be accompan ied by the 6sh. CGr Platioa always on band. ow, Dr. Daniel Jll 9 .llea-1. 0 FFICE.on Smithfield, three doors from Sisth st ~ PittsbUrgh. decl(l-y Dr. George NV at(' 4 r - t ri7El No. 77 Smithfield street, near Sixth Rt.. 1„_ PitUthdrOt atig2l-y •F. Blume, lIIAND t* 011TF. manuactorer and dealer in Mu r sical instruments, No. 112 \Vood street, near Filth.novlll-y Jame• 3111Ier, p' - AiN TI R, I ifth, near Market ti., Military flags, Banners, ti ig,n s , designs for steamboat iTheel houses, amf fancy painting of every description neat ly executel , at the shortest notice. jy:27-4.16m George Bailey, ' pL1131411, and manufacturer of Tiimps and Hy dranti which are superior to and cheaper than any in the City. Please to call and examine for your selves. FOurth strect,between Smithfield and bier ryHydrants and pumps repaired. Jun 11 _ - .1. Uryar, ECTIEYTNG DISTILLER, and wholesale deal er in I:"oreign and Domestic Wince and Liquors, is:o. 114 Liberty street, and 53 Diamond Alley, Pitts burgh, Pa. 11. D. SellerK, PI. D T 3 EMOVIED to Penn at., between Irwin and Hand 111, streets , fire doors below Iland st. upls-y Iltigh Airier*, cluftrio!s; DE N - Tts•r, 118 Liberty street, a f . . .w doors lielow St. Clair st., Pittsburgh. , ap2S-y _ _ ~ Ogden 6z. Snowden, SUCCESORS TO AVERY, OGDEN Sr Co., whole sale and retail druggists, and manufacturers of white lead red lead and litharge, corner of Wood and Second, ids— Pittsburgh, Pa. nov 13-y Martizi a: Smith, uccEssons to Irvine & Martin, IN:holesale gro cers, produce and commission merchants, and dealers in Pittsburgh manufitctured article's, No. 56, Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. apS-y John M'Clofikty, ri - lAILoK AND cLcalitEß, Liberty st ., between _l_ Sixth 4treet and Virgin Alley, south side. seplo-y 1:11=1= . 1t Illinois 4; Co. - VITHOLiESALE and retail groCers, Forwarding and; commission merchants, and dealers in country prnduce and Pittsburgh Manuthetures. No. 110, corner of Wood and Fifth streets. g. 33. A. FahuestockVitt.. CAr., NITHOL . ESALL . and retail Druggists, corner Sittli V null! Wood streets. • Sept -y Thomas Miller's WIIOa'SALE 8 RETAIL FAMILY GROCERY STORE, curter of %Vood and Fourth streppi. Pittsbargli,: vf)l.l-y StPratt C 0.,& .. ArrIIOLESALE and retail dealers in foreign and . y domestio Wines and Liquors, exclusively, I No. IS Mafrket street. apS- p :,, _ P. C. Martin, and, retail Grocer and dealer in V FeNV . and Domestic Wines and Liquors, Foreign add Isemestic Fruit, Nuts, &c., N 0.60 Water street. Lambert S. Sltipton, G WII c OL.E...S . A , L s. F.: onMerchants, , 12 1 e A r V s A in R and Pimsbargh manufactures, Nos. 133 and 135 Wood street, Pi4sluargh, Pa. feb24 Johit Scott & Co., W " A ° I . j. E ch SAL ts E. N G .. II6: 7 .,C L If.RS ANDiaICIOIMMIi7.SbIrt)N; street, Pittsburgh. J. t. J. Itt'Dow W.TIMESALI: GROCERS, dealers in produce and Pittsburgh manufactures generally, No. 224 Liberty, opposite 7th street, Pittsburgh. np2S-y John H. Mellor, WHO.LESALE and retail dealer in Music and Musical InstrumUnts, Piano Fortes, School Books add Stationery, No. 122 . Wood street, Pitts burgh. janl-y James Park, Jr., dr. Co., 'VVTIIQLESALE GROCERS, importers of tin plate and queenaware, and dealers in copper and Pittsburgh manufactured articles, Nos. 112 and 114 2nd at., between Wood and Smithfield sts. jal4-nl4-y • ~ Select School. • WAl i MOODY respectfully announces to his old friends that he intends opening a Select School in this city, on the first Monday of April next, in the basement of the Third Presbyterian Church. mar2l-t. R. E. Sellers, WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, and dealer in dve stuffs, paints, oils, varnishes, &c., No. Wood, street, Pittsburgh. 3-oety ID'r: W in.'3.l. Wright; i 11.!... _ DENTIST, Office and residence in - - St. Clair st: o a few doors below Lib erty, near the Enhance Hotel. ~ t4 4 44 ' , IMBI PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1846. Dettiven Smithfield and Grant Streets; Pittsairtirgh CCHRISTIANSCHMERTZ, Proprietor, respect fully informs his friends and the public general ly, that he will open the übove splendid House on the Ist day of May neat. , The House, being nee i and finished in she most commodiout and convenient manner. ' and having it furnished with the newest and most beutifol style of furalaire; flatters himself that - he will be able to ac commodate his friends and the travelling public, in a manner not inferior to any Similar establishment in the city. As the House is situated near the Court Henan, ar, rangements have been made to serve up meals at any hour in the day, this will be great convenience to those who arein attendance at court. . . tO•llefreslnents of all • kinds can be had. Boa derscaken by the week or day. tcr Lunch every day at 11 o'clock, A. M. a 30. Washington Hotel, , JAMES AILNISTRONG, Proprietor, Corner of ;;t, Clair and Penn streets, Pittsburgh, the r ook' e tor begs leave to return hi 3 most grateful than to his friends u.nd the public for past favors, and hopes, by attention, to merit a continuation of their patron age. The lionise is pleasantly situated near the Ex change; it has accommodations for travelers, and a large room for public meetings, dinner or supper par ties. Refresluments always ready, or prepared on the shortest notice, with the choicest the Ilarket will af ford; GysterS and Oyster Soup, also Fresh Shell Oysters, received every day during the season. The greatest care has been taken in the selection of wines and liquors. A variety of newspapers are regidarly filed in the establishment, P. S. A Hot Lunch served. up everyday at I I, A np BY li. DOSS ENT, Penn street, Pittsburgh, Penna. Boarding and lodging, by the day or week, on the most reasonable terms. Strangers will hind it to their adv.intage to patronize him. Persons travelling cast or west will lind this house a convenient loca tion—it is within one hundred yards of the canal basin, and con% enient to the forwarding itntxses. Ei•e.ty information given to Iron Nlanutlicturers iu all brunches of the business. Mine brewed ale can at till tintrit be had at the bar.nor Itt-y _ _ _ NT, OS. GI and 63, Wood street, under Lvud'n Am ,ol lion store. The Slibsnribern have fitted up the atiovii place in superior style. and they feel assured e ill give comfort and satisfaction to all who may Arraugeinentsci7' e made to have a constant r supply of, Fresh Oysters, %%h ell will be awned up to visitors and ,families on the shortcut notice. Other luxuries, candies, fruit and pastries of ;he choicest kinds always ort hand. Their liar is filled midi the best brands the nuirket can afford; and Regalia, Cas tello,Priticipe and Ilavanna Cigars of superior yml- ity. Every attention paid to visitors. Their motto is, erery luxury in its season.' Priers moderate. nog 10-v OGDEN & CARSON. _ . Burnt Dlirtrict lintel. ISA AC MURDOCK, formerly of the Union Hotel on Winer street, having been burnt out, has built a new and handsome house expressly tar the accom modation of travelers, at the corner . of See'ond and Smithfield streets, which will be known as the Iturnt District Hate!. Ile is now prepared to offer el cry accommodltion and every comfort to the traieler, at St r) moderate charges. lle is provided with ample and coovenient stabling. ffME= c . ! TERErT & Co., ,ctioltsaTe and retail dealers in FOreign Wiil,ls and Liquors, corner of Market and Front streets, Pittsburgh- Pa. References—Wm. Mottoes $t Co., Hoary F. Schwep pc, I.Sivn. Eiehltainn, 12. Weaver. Their stock ban been selected with great care, and consists of the chotsest qualities suitable tar this mar ket, to which they %%mild respectful!) call attention and solicit a share of public patronage. It comprises the fttllowing in cast, and bottle;: {Piers—Nladerias, Sherries, I.lsltons, Teneriffe;. Ports, MalagasCalattrias. Liquors—Brantlieq, Gins, Minis, and XVlnsktes. ng2s (101INER OF PENN AND sT. CLAIR STS.. AL LEN BROWN, l'aiwritETOß.—.nine $l,llO per day.• Their alder:M-tied, firm, , rly of the Merehants Hotel, corner of Wood and Third streets. has leased this superior establishment, and thrnished it anew throughout, with new beds, new bedding and new furniture. Great care has been taken to fill his cel lar with the choicest smut's. .1 handsome omnibus and a baggage wagon are provided Mr the use or his guests, and a Porter will hr in attendance at all hours to meet the demands of the trai eller. The long es perience of the undersigned in tins business, assures hUn that his easnest pnrpose in Caltd . y all who call, cannot be unsucressfill. Ile feels altogether at lib erty to promise his visitors a comfortable and cleanly abode, liberal entertainment, and n party welcome, at a moderate expense. ALLEN BROWN. ap3-d co-Pnrlnerxhlp. day w i L , 1,1 , A.N , in b t a e v d iti , g s; trim him jfirst, n. \V. Hallman and Julio F. Jennings, under the Elaine and style of Coleman, I 'adman & co., will now have in creased facilities for manufacturing Steel Springs, hammered axes, American Blister and Spring Steel, Ecc., to which the attention of dealers is respectfidly solicited, and hope by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance to the 11(1AV firm the favors so lib erally bestowed upon him. Factory on St. Clair st. —warehouse 43 Wood st., opposite the St. Charley lintel, where can be found a good ass,rtment of Springs, Axles, A. It., and Spring Steel, and Coach Trimmings of every description, together with Iron, Nails and Pittsburgh manufactured articles. 0:3 - The highest price paid for scrap iron. jan24 =1 DELL ANI) BRASS FOUNDER, has rebuilt and II commenced business at Ins old stand, No. 70 Second, between Market and Ferry streets, where he will be pleased to see his old customers and file Church, steamboat, and bells of every size, from 10 to 10,000 pound,,, cast from patterns of the most approved models, and warranted to ha of the best materials. Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, Railing, &c. &c., together with every variety of Brass Castings, if re quired, turned and finished in the neatest manner. A. F. is the sole agent for Babbitt's Asti-Attraction Mital r so justly celebrated fair the reduction of fric tion in machinery. The boacs and composition can be bad of him at all times. novl3-y subscriber having been removed by the o great lire to Allegheny, is prepared to make Steam and Fire Engines, Hydraulic and Screw Presses, for oil, tobacco or any other purpose, and machinery generally. J. S. GIV YNNE, Franklin Machine Works, On Rebecca street and Bank lane, West of Federal street, Allegheny city. N. B. Orders left in Pittsburgh with Mr. S. Cuthbert, in Market street, 2 doors below Thitil street, will meet with prompt.attention. mayll. ERNI JOHN D. MORGAN, IV7mlesnle and Retail Druggist, No. 9:33 Wood street, one door South of Diamond Alley, Pittsburgh.—The subscriber has just received from the Eastern cities, and is now opening at the above stand, a full assortment of articles in his line, consisting of Drugs of all kinds, Dye Stuffs, Paints and Varnishes, Chemicals, &c., together wih all such : articles as arc usually kept for sale at a wholesale and retail drug store. His stock is entirely new, and has been selected with care. He is confident that his articles, both as; : to quality and price, will please such as may fa vor him with a call. DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, No. 45, Mar ket street, three doors above Third street, Pitti burgh, will have constantly on hand a well selected assortment of the best and freshest Medicines, which he will sell on the most reasonable terms. Physi cians sending orders will be promptly atteniiintto, and supplied with articles they may rely upon as genuine. - Physicians' prescriptions will be accurately and neatly prepared from the best matetials, at any hour of the day or night. Also, for sale, a large stock of fresh and good crfumery dec 30d IRIS Franklin House, Fourth street, Canal Boat Boast. Lafayette Itefreetors Exchnucc Hotel, A. Lou Um., Franklin Machine 'Works. 'New Drug Store John M. Townxend, -_ Lard op at, a neapeed,Priee J . irlIE subscriber would respectfully inform his I friends and the public in general, that his new Factory is now completed, and with a large addition to his machinery, he is prepared to make considera hle quantities of a superior article of Lard Oil, which he is determined 4 to sell chat'', apprecia ting the old proverb; that "a nimble sixpence is Worth more than a slow`shilling." He feels confi dent that consumers would find it to their advantage to give him a call and examine fort.hemselves. Woolen manufacturers, machinists and others, are respectfully invitcd'to.examine his superior utl, Fifth street, near Market, oppbsite ilunker's Confection ary store, and Messrs. t•lainuel M'Clurkcn tk. Co., Liberty street. hi. Pittshorge Lard Oil Manufacturer. C a . E inif i)E scttl - rer. A superior quality of star Candles, always on hand, of assorted sizes. - Ornamental Hair Work MRS. RENTER, !frig Maker, Allegheny City, six doors from the Aqueduct, opposite the Collector's Offireovishes to inform the pub lic that she has just commenced the Ornamental Hair business, and ban a very superior stock, re ceived. from the Eastern cities and Pal* and she is prepared to till all orders at the shortest notice, and in a manner that cannot be excelled by any similar tnanufac- and intends keeping, a large an m,rtinent of Ornamental flair Work, such as Ladies , Wigs Bands, Braids, Curls, Necklaces, Guards, BracClets, Finger Rings, &c. Gentlemens' Wigs, Tanpries, Scratches,&c.. Mrs. It. has been Mr many years engaged in the husineas in France and the United Suites, and from her long and experience, she feels confident in being able to give satisthetion to all who will facnolier With their patronage.'. !ler prices are more lifitral than have been offered in this city heretofore. mar 17-ly Jetraos' Howard 4. Co. II - that t t i li w e v p . l7 a s it i , re o, t i ax th ot e il i i r ce ol t d o m tl t i a ci f i n r i C a rr r : ; 1 n. bit, Wood street, whiirii thew have opened an eaten -111V1! WALL PAPER ; ' WARIMOUSE, and will have eontantly on band ur' extensive assortment of Satin glazed and plain PAPER HANGINGS, Velvet and Imitation ;Imams of the., latest style; and most hand. some patterns Cur papering halls, parlors and chain bent. They manufacture{ and hate on hand at all tinwa, Printing. Voting, I.mter, Wrappinn and Tea l'aper, Bonnet and Fullere Iloaida—all of which they offer for yak' on the nowt ac'eommodating term., and to which they invite the attention of merchants and ALSO—Want; BooLs of all Linde and the best qua] itv • School ilook!', illwap on hand and Ott ball as above. age 'VP Landreth'. Warrauled Garden Seeds, DIRECT FROM }Licit paper bears the label and ttarranty of Dieu, LAN uurrit. For sate by F. L. SNOWDEN, Nu. 29 Water At.. at the 'dant! Mrineirly occupied by (:eo. A. Berri). Ettract from the .11.4:port of the Visiting Cu:maim, of the Pennsylwania Horticnltural Society unani- LAIOItITIDS *I.SERIES AND GARDENS. ••Thene eNtensivv grief/rids are on Federal btrect, near the Arsenal. •• " • The earliest collec tion of Camellias was quide lour. Some of fl o w, now in ppaseation of thoo distinguished istirsi•rsuien are tea feet high. • *. • • The se!mition of Gat CEN-lioll.F. rt..% xTS is VAltialac and ellen.% e. "The Nurseries are ySTS correct!) tuithaged, sup- P/Yinis" every part of titi Cabin, a detail of which ivoulst occupy too muck of our SIIACC, we therlfUrC Content ourselves with awing that the stock is 'Very I.arge, and in every stage of growth, consisting of PUREST AND OICVAIdENTAL TREES, EVER GREENS, Mini; RS, VINES AND CREEPERS, with a•colleciion or berbaccethas plants, fruit trees of the hest LinA and most healthy condition, large beds of seeding apples, pears, plums, ts.c., as stocks fur bud ding and grafting; a plan %cry sulietior to that .r working upon suckers, which carry with them into the graft all the diseases of the parent stock. s• s•ti Aane Sec to Of the finest quality have been scattered user the country from these grounds, and !nay alo:11,, be depended upon. The seed establish. 1111.1.1 t of tin•se Itortieu'tunsts is one of the most es tensi ye w the Union, and its reputation is well unstain ed from year to %ear. I= "To obviate arc chance of tnitture of the farina of the plants of the same family, thes hat r established another nurser, at a suitable distance, so that degene ration cannot take place. and which secures to the purchaser a •genione article.' Running thus the age. quality arid process of culture of eNely [data, the supply Gorr their grounds is recommended with great confidence." • Since the date of the 'Report' no. teach the ;16,,5, is extracted. the eatatt etdahliShelellt has been .. , :rcath enlarged. The collection of Camellias ell, iruce.; all the finer hinds, and consists of sonic thou sands of sanctum sizes; so likewise with Roses, and other desirable plants, both tender and hardy; fruit trees, The Seed Gardens mcver lish acres, and the ovlode is, as it his been for more than half a century, under the successive management of father Will Solt, the ItIOSt promme tit in America. Orders received Icy F. 1.. SNOWDEN, front whom catalogues may lie receitrul gratis. madly subscriber begs lease respectfully to return his gratefid acknowlegements for the liberal pa trenage bestowed upon boo fin y cars past, and par ticularly to those AV fio so generously patronized him since Ins misfortune by the late fire. Ilasing consid erably enlarged his busincs by associating with Wm. H. Roberta as a partner, he would earnestly solicit a continuance o f former lasers to the lir %V firm of Roberts & hone, and lie trusts that by prompt atten tion tit business they will give general satisfaction. M. KANE, Jr. The subscribers would respectfully infirm their friends and the public that they have removed to their new warehouse on Third between Market and Wood streets, south side, where they trus:gbv strict attention to business, to merit a share or public pa tronage. • They solicit attention to their extensive stock on hand, which has been got up vs nth great care, in the latest style mid most substantial manner, cut= sisting iu part of the following articles, viz: Mahogany Wardrobes, Dressing Bureaus, Book Case and Secretaries, Section Back Sofas, Plane an., Divans, Ottomans, " Victoria Chairs, French do, Plain do, Centre Tables, Card do s Bureaus of every description, End Tables, Marble Top Pier do, Centre do, v. Sofa do, • . • Dressing Bureada, Wish Stands, Mahogany Work Stands, Hat Backe: Rocking Chairs, • Sewin g do, Music Stools, Arm Chairs, French Bedsteads, Butlers"frays. Mahogany, cherry and poplar bedsteads, warrant ed proof against bugs, and superior to any now offer ed to the public. Also, a variety of Windsor chairs, of the best quality,and a new style of arm chair with spring seat, well adapted for offices or societies, with a variety of other articles too numerous to mention. We have at considerable expense introduced into our new factory on Front street, a steam engine with machintry, which will enable us to sell, wholesale and retail, at reduced prices. The attention of Western Merchants, and persons moving West, is_invitcd to our new. and extensive establishment. Western Cabinetmakers are also re quested to give us a call, as they will find they can purchase from us for less than they can manufac ture. Orders froth a distance will receive prompt attention, and the furniture will be carefully packed. Steamboats and hotels furnished at the shortest no tice, and on favorable terms .\ ROBERTS & KANE. Undertaking in all it branches attended to. inarlo7y R. & K. /11HE HEIDELBERG CATECHISM, or a sums Mary of Christian Doctrine as (tied by the German Reformed Church, Fmgltsh and German.— For sale at our store, No. 115 Wood st. Pittsburgh. jell SCRI OA 6; SCHEIBLER, Booksellers. BEM! P.C.MOV 1.1 ME NE 61. W. Itlildlepl Dentist. FIVE deers above -the Canal • Britlge, Penn street, performs all operations lon the Teeth satisfac .- tonly. i• a' N. B.—}laving lately 9 • , of the greatest improvements in •forbcps that has ever appeared be -1 forh the publm, he has been able to 'extract teeth with such ease as io sstonish all those who have •. swilled themselves of his services. Pittsburgh, July 24, 184E-ly GEOAGE BAILEY, -- IDmx-rtltElt MANUFACTURER OF 7 aurerll' and superior 4 to lldr an Y del a ie n a l p i e 9 r than • any in the city. Please to :,all and Franzine for yourselves. 11 vtiorgTu. STREW'', • BETWEEN SiNTIIFIELD AND CHEERY ALLEY 0 - HydralitB and Pimps repaired. jant-w6.sccly No• n 6 SOopsou's Row, M • ARKET STREET, I DOOR FROM FOURTH. • • I.:USTreceived a general assortment of seasonable fancy and staple Dry i Goods, bought from man ufacturers and importers; (ainl not at Auction,) at the lowest cash prices; all which will be warrant ed sound and perfecu Pyramidical Graduated RObes. Embroidered and Striped Tarlatan Robes. Figured • Organdy Graduated . Sup. Sup. French Lawns. Enibroidennl Berages. Polka and Alaztirlo Mirages. French Gingham Lawns. French, Scotch and; A meriCan Ginghams. Black Satin Striped Berages. Black and Colored Balioriires. Finley Dress Figured and Striped. Plain Black Silks. I Watered and Striped Silks; • Silk Warp Alpaca.! Bombazines. New sty! Dr Laines. Fine Chintzes. Swiss Muslin. plain anil figured. Bishop Lawn. armlet. Plain and Barred Cambric. Nansook and Vietdria [Lawns. Color . t 1 Border'd Linen CaMbric Revlre Bordered Cilzuhric jildkrs. Hernstick Cambrici Ilantlkt•rchie:S. Tape Border'd .• ! - Corded Mull. Swiss, Jai:mint. and Threat] Edgings and Insertings. • Linen Cambrics. -• • Inside Collars. Outside du Rieli Style. of Mainet Ribbons. Sli tc!;lviord . . Importation: of Light Dark Kid • Low:. and Short NOrt Glov and - Alit•E. Li,le and lfanlquitlecl Silk Gloves. Plain 'll,ibeL cn t hrui,lered: new Cashmere, eruhroidrred Laill'e.pritaq, black !Melt Eoelena and Dora 2e sh n Tools, Trusses, &e: je24 iILEBRATED LIVER. PILLS; unequtilled by any Medicine re of Liier Complaint, and other OM a deranged state'of the Liver. as been ha public use for about S .equired a reputation for curing iht which has never been equalled heretofore offered to the public. is, or Purgative Pill, they are un tild be used in place of the corn idaV. Give them a trial and the Prepared 'and sold by. R. E. SELLERS, 57 Wood sreet. SELLER'S S. which stand known for the cut diseases arising fri This medicine ha years, and has ai the liver Complai by any remedy As an Anti-bilioi4 surpassed and shoji mon pills of the I ( truth will appear; IDE • , • Nollee. ' HE undersigned having disposed of his Esiab; T lishnient, No,- 112 Market 'st., to Mr. Thomas A. ilintoniwould cordiallyrecopimend . hin?, to his friends and the public generally, as one evary way . worthy of their'patronage. - aug22 ' A. M'CAMMO'g. The undersigned, havingpurchased the large and extensive stock of Boots, Shoes, &c , belonging to A. M'CarnmOrt, 112 Market street, one door from TAberty, will continue to Conduct *business in all its branches, and trusts that by a strict atten tion to businesS; and an ardent disposition to please, he will meet a continuatiori of the patronage so liberally bestowed upon his predecessor. THOMAS A. HINTON.. N. B.—Two or three good workmen can have employment, b'y making immediate application. ; aug26 REAL ESTATE AGENCY. JAMES BLAKELY, JOHN J. MITCHEL, . 4 r Attorney nt Law LALYI T C L , CONTINUE to attend to the selling and renting of Real Estate in die City of Pittsburgh and vi cinity. Having determined to devote a large portion of their time to: this branch of business, they with confidence solicit a share of the patronage of - the public; from the facility they possess and the experi ence they have (the Senior . partner having been en gaged in the Real Estate Agency for near 20 years,) they believe that they will give general satisfaction. Office on Penn st., near the U.S. Hotel,.andSmith field st., between Diamond Alley and Fifth street. I=l=l N i l ro fun , -(0 . i a;di i ti ih ri a t n M a g Rooms, corner ll.h. Market streets;. Rl. ' i f r \II en to this esta liberal p b a l t a n tre e nr ;- Ins friends and ; the public induces the proprietor, in order to encourage perseverance and industry a mong his students, flPoffer on the lot ofOctober next, us premiums'TVYo GOLD . PENS elegantlymounted in silver penc il ' cases. One to be awarded to any member of his Class fOr the greatest proficiency in Book-keeping ' and the other to any . member of his class for the b est specimen and greatest improve ment in Mercantile Penmanship: Day and Evening Classes. Doors of business until Ist of October; 2 to 4, and 71. to 10 P. M. , &bpi Pittsburgh 'Navigation find lt'lre luau, ranee' Contpany. ' Office,' No. ‘...11, Minkel 'Street. Dl,ll Et T9ns: . . Michael Allen, ; William Elibs, C. Anshutz, . '7,,, . Lewis Hutchison , Thos.'llaliewelli i ! Fred. Loren Robert Beer, '. 4 James May . li. W. Poiiidexter. ; - M. ALLEN, Prez't RonruT PINNEr. Secretary. aug.:2o-dOm. John D . Davis, A IiCTIONEER 8: COMMISSION MERCHANT, Corner uf Wood and Fifth streets, Pittsburgh, is ready to recciie rnerchandize of every description on consignment for public Or private sale, and from tong experience in the i above busbies, flatters himself that he will- be able to give , entire satisfaction to all who may fal l er him with their patronage.• Regular sales on Moudaye and Thursdays of Dry Goods and Fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. MI Of groceries, Pittsburgh manufactured articles, new and second hand furnitnre, 3c., at two o'clock ; P.M. Sales every evening at early gas-light. atigl.2-y Mati`a InveUttoits Outdone by Nature:— READ, REFLECT, RE WISE, AND USE NATURE'S GREAT ,REDIEDY, TAM ARIERICAN 01L, MEDICINE . OF - NATURE. • rpms Oil is obtained from a Well near Kentucky, at the depth of ISS feet below the surface of the earth, and 179 feet through solid rock. Its curative 'propertied are truly astonishing, and as a Remedial Agent it may well be pronounced won, derful. Since the discovery of this Panacea of Na ture, numbers of remarkable cures have been effect ed by its use. .It is innocent—Powerful—Safe and Certain in its effects. !It has been used with unpar= allelled success in 'the treatment of the following diseases: Inflammatory Rheumatism, Burns and Scalds, Cholic, Piles, Flatulence, Inflammation of the Kidneys, Deafness, Consumption, Liver Com plaint, Plithisie, Scald head, Cancers, Weak and Sumo Eyes, Bruises, Fresh Cuts and Wounds, I Sprains and Strains, Dropsy, Pains in the Breast and Side, 'fetter, Influenza; Ulcerated Sore Throat, Comoiniption, Bronchitis, Spasms, Ulcers, Spinal Affections, Scrofula or King's Fvil, Coughs, Syphilis, Ringworm, all Bowel Complaints, all Chronic dis ! eases, Impurities (Wale Blood and General Debility. It is likewise very berteficial for Female Complaints in general; acts as a great Restorative from Languor, weakness of Back audChest, Low Spirits and Estes site Debility. Read the ifullowing Certificates, all of which are authentic; all the persons thereiti named are now living, and well known in Cincinnati: ! Prusnenun, Aug i This is to certify that ice have used the American Oil for the. whooping cough, among our children, by giving them from 20 drops to a small tea spoonful at night, which always eriablodthem to rest well through the night. 1 also applied it to one ,of the children that got her arm burnt by turning Overi tea cup. of hot coffee on it, the child ceased crying by the time the arm was dressed and bonne, up, and has never complained of it since., ,1 also was atilictedwith a pain in my side ana breast, and have been so for 16 years. 1 commenced Using the Oil. by taking a tea spoonful twice a day! and in 3 or four.days using of the oil I lia'Ve ben very much relieved, and do really believe that it is the best family medicine that I have ever seen. 1 applied it to one neighbor's for a strained ancle, which relieved her in a few minutes. We have also used the oil bra strained joint in otir own fin - lily', which gav;e ease in a very short time. 'lVe live on the east side nfkenn 5t.,.3 doors south of Walnut, I ant tibw as well 'as I eier War; iii my life. MARGARET IL SIITII. foris to certify; that my son has had the Plethisic for seven years, and :Was very bad with it, and about 12 or 15 days since, -I commenced giving to him about 20 or 25 drops. of the American Oil, twice a day. which relieved him in a day or two of his diffi culty of breathing, and he is now entirely relieved of his cough; our boy ty 10 years of age. We livoi King's Alley. . • NANCY KING. Sit: Hating been cured of a very- severe disease of the eyes and head! bit the use of the American Oil, I feel it my duty to the public, as well as to you; to send you the felloWing certificate: I hereby certify thatll was severely afflicted one year ago last winter; With inflamed sore eyes and a very-,severe pain in my head from my eyes up to the, top of MY head And continued st) for several weeks, My eyes were no much inflamed and sore that I could not see to attend any business, nor could 1 tell one ohject from another a few yards from me.. I called in a pliyidcian; but still got worse. I also tried a giatid many remedies that had - cured others; but in my case they failed. In April, IMO, I heard. of the American Oil. I procured a bottle, and be fore I had used a half l a bottle I was entirely well, I and still continue so. ! I will not be Without it in my house as long as I canget the genuine article._l also gave it to one Only men that was working for m, that had the tatter in his bands so bid that when he would grip anything tight in them the blood would burst out, and the'nse ef half a bottle cured ,us both. I wouitkaa , ,ise afi .thdt are afflicted in anyway to give the Oil a fair trial; and . ,;I think they will be pleased with the effect it will have,,&e. ' •`' JOHN MURPHY: , - .Sold at One Dollar per Bottle at Jackson's Patent I Medicine 'WarEbousei S 9 Liberty, head of Wood st., Pittsburgh: THE CiELY PLACE tH - Prrrsueuon where the Genuint American Oil CAN bdobtairted. Beware of a Counterfeit article. The Seneca Oil, ptit in American Oillßottleu, and labelled "Amer lean Oil. " It somewhat regembles the American Oil, but possesses none of its virtues or healingpovv era: Jackson respeotfully informs the Public that D. Hail Si Co., the proprietors of the American Oil, have appointed him their SOLE AGENT for West ern Pennsylvania. All persons wishing Sutrogencies will apply at S 9 Liberty street, as above. N. B. Subagents ;wanted for every town in the above District. A great number of certificates are on hand and can be seen at the office, 89 Liberty street, head of IVoon, ; • aug 28-Iy MEMME==Iff=EMIMM = EMU . - 1 : 4: : :, : •- .: 1' . 1E(IQT4_ 1 2-,:.- ., T . WQ . - .,..ciENTS,::• I t Plrrsuuncii, Aug. 14,_1846 ' - CINCINNATI, July Ist, 1346 11. Williams , Se/cot School, NTORTH -East corner. of Federal and Itobinsosk,,, . streets, Allegheny, will commence its Falr— session on Monday the - Mstinst: TEsrmosim.s. From Professor R. H Lee, Washing,ton College, and others.. . . • Having attended' an examination of'the ,sehool N j taught by Mr. Williams, we take pleasure in. , hear- - ' . f bear ing mix testimony to the evidence afforded by ii of '..1 the unusual skill and labor of, Mr. Williams: The --"" ' understanding of the principle, of the subjects which . ,: -• the scholars had been - studying, shown- by 'their 4...-- 1 clear answers to questions asked by others than the e, os teachers, prove the excellence of the New England 41111 r, modes of teaching, in which Mr. Williams seems to er --- 5 be proficient. R. H. LEE;" . • ii ir'" 1. , - .• ' ' ' J. WISHART, .&c: MP From the Rev. Mr. Preston, Doctor Hunt, 4-c. . I Having attended ,an examination of fhd Select at 'l' School under the care of Mr. Henry,Williams, held recently in his school room, corner of Federal and r Robinson A streets, Allegheny city, we wish to. - call•- - .'' public attention to this institution. We were highly gratified-with the progress and order of his school-- . This manner•of simplifying and illustrating the , dlf- t ferent branches is peculiarly happy, and well calcu lated to give interest to the pupils. His mode of teaching them to read struck us as novel; and one ‘,........!. that cannot fail to make good readers: ...• . . ' From the knowlEdge that we have of Mr. Wil :.!.., - l i p flame , character as a teacher, his zeal,. fidelity - and --- 4 . success, we cordially recommend him to the patron- ,il. age of the public. His locales is elegible for both . '5..„,,,f i cities. ' DAVID HUNT, ; - .. -- - . ItICIPD BARD, • • • RICIPD BEE4ON.. I attended the above 'examination, and - Can truly, say I was much gratified with the the pupils. . WM. PRESTON. & aug244m. . ) Ustiverslttrititrev • '• ripHE FALL SESSION of this depa.rtment of the • Western University, will commence in the, new University Building, on the Fury Mommv or SRI"- -' TEEHER nest,. and the SPRING' SESSION-pf.lB-17 • Rill, Commence on. the FIRST'MONDAY or FEBRUARA t loliO wing ?his institution having se - Tar recOvertillietri th effects of the great lire of April last year, as to haV the new building nearly completed? Witli:iiier6aBed - • accommedations for all its departments, it is lopea that the. Law School will be found to present increas-' facilitibiand attractions fo those who jesire to - pursue a, regular and thorough course of legal educa. • tion,t and .to prepare themselies creditably fOr mittance to the bar. • . 1 There will be daily recitationsby the classes on assigned lessons, so arranged as to embrace, within • • • .1 a two years course, alt the principal and most im portant branches of the law. Occasional lectures on .lew and equity, will also be delivered as part 91 the course. , . TIIE Moor Cot designed for ilia:slating studeuti in acquiring knowledge and readiness iu the prac-... tice of the law will be resumed as soon as the num ber of students Will justify. The decree of BACHE, Lon OF LAW. will be conferred on students of the institution; according the rules usual in such institu . . Any further informatien that maybe required can readily be obtained an application to the Professor, WALTER H. LOWRIE, who has his office on 4th above Smithfield street, Pittsburgh. Tcalts--Seventy-five dollari a year; or thirty-sev en and a half dollars a session, aug6.d3rn .EXTRAORDINA WY NISCLOSORES.V, - .BEWARE or FRAVDS..: . , TO DRUGGISTS.. • SOME Druggists are misled into the error of,b,uy-0 log a'iniserable imitation of Dr. Smith's Sugar- Coated Indian Vegetable Pills, simply.because they can purchase the spurious cheapen, We shall in all, 'cases expose such dealers throughout the country, who, after being duly informed . of the rascality or these imitators, buy and attemptto inipose, upon the, public with such worthless trasli. It is not the Su-. gar coating' alone that conetitutea :the value of my Pills, but it is any invention, for which I claim the _ right. „. , G: BENJ. SMITH, M: D.,.: • 179 Greenwich st. and 2 Water st. Boston. READ AND JUDGE—IMPORTANT FACTS. We, the undersigned, wholesale druggists in Lou-; isville, Ky., are satisfied, from all the information that we can - obtain, that Dr. GI BENJAMIN SMITH is the original inventor of the Sugar-Coated We are, prepared to supply dealers at the New i York price. • • Robinson, Peter 4. Cary, 492 Main street. • J. S. Morris 4. Co., 461 Main et. Rupert 4- Lindenberger, 511 Main st. • • George Lapping 4• Co., 79 Fourthst. Bull 4. Alden; SI Fourth at. . . The following from druggists in New York shows 1 invented the Sugar Grated Pills in 1543: • New York, June 16th, 1844. We, the undersigned, never saw or heard of "Su gar Coated Pills," until Dr. G'. Benjamin Smith man ufflctured and exhibited them to us about a year since. Rushton 4. 110.13rOadwa.y tind'lo Astor House. Israel Randolph, M. D. 135 Liberty tit, . • - : Horace Everett, 96 Hudson st. John Castree, 97 Hudson st. ' -David Sands/79 Fulton st. . • . • VOICE FROM KENTUCKY. haye been ahlicted with dyspepsia in its most ag gravatedform for three years past; and found no re- , relief until I used Dr. G. Benj. Smith's "Sitgar-Chat- - . ed Indian Vegetable Pills:" After using six boxes of Said valuable pills, I sin entirely cured. -- They are a general remedy. .. • J. K. LEEMAN. Paducah, Ky. Nov. 9,1845: • - - • - N; :-We certify- to the .abovelacts: • •• Dr. Smith's "Sugar:Ceated Pills" are..univery ;fiy esteemed in this viciletv.- HODGE GIVENS & Co,-Merchants. ! Paduc ah, Ky. Nov. 19,1845. - iii At-t* - 4equest of Dr. G. Ileitjambt Smith's, agent: Weal - leer - fully state that we.Yisited the office of Dr. B.fflith in September -last, tv}iile in New-York, and. - . fond him to all appearance carrying on a very ex tensive business with his Sugar-Coatd Indian Vege-, table Pills. The extent of his establishment - would - - I astonish any one not initiated : in the myyteries of the pill trade.—Louisville Journal.' , (From Dr.-Singleton.) Smillilend,,(Ky.) Feb. 24,1946: Dr. G. Benj. Smith.—Dear Sir: Nothing-has ever I been introduced that has sold so well and given such general satisfaction as your Sugar-Coated Improved 'lndian Vegetable Pills. Very-respectfully, yours, . . • S. F. SINGLETON. (Froth Bull Br. - Alden.) Louisville, (Ky.) Feb. 13th, .1846.- Dr. G• Benj Smith—Dear Yru will please send us 12 gross of your valuable Pilts. Froth presentin- . "dications we shall sell a large amount of them,-- We find that they go very quick. Your friends; - BULL.&ALDEN. ( From Wilson, Starbird. & Smith.) - Loifinville, Feb. 13thi1846.: Dr.. Smith Dcdr Sin About - two weeks - ago- We bought 2 gross of your -Indian Vegetable Sugar Coat-, ed Pills. Though busineas is dull here at this time, yet we have soldthem all. You' will please send us 10 gross through Messrs. Lenience &Keese, of your ,city, who will forward them tops via Pittsburgh.' • Yours, respectfully, • WILSON, STARBIRD & SMITH, This is to certify that I have used the Sugar coated i)ills manufactured by G. Benj. Smith, of New York, for some time, and believe them to be a good medicine; and also from enquiry in that city, 1 am persuaded 'that he 'is the original inventor, and therefore, is entitled to the - benefit of the inventon.-. S. WILLIAMS, .-. aug2l - . Pastor Ist Baptist Church Pittsburgh. We have forty letters from different dealers solicits' ing the agency of my Pill,although they had thespu.. -lolls in their store--one in particular from New Or-. leans, which we shall publish. Principal Offices—New York, 179 Greenwich GU . Boston 2 Water st. . • itzr G. BENJAMIN SMITH is written on the bot tom of every box of genuine "Sugar;Corrted Advarrs•-.-William Henderson Druggist, 205 Liberty street Pittsburgh: John Sargeanl Allegheny city. maylBd7m. _ THE undersigned would. respectfully inform the • citizens oflittsburgliand its vicinity, - that ha,. has purchased from Mr. Moses Cory, his. large and splendid stock of Dry Goods, kept at No, 66 Market streat, where he intends to keep a general assort ment of seasonable Goods, which he will sail at very reduced prices. Please call and judge foryourselves, No. 66 Market street. auglB WILLIAM C0WE1 , .1., To my friends and patrons I am much obliged and would respectfully recommend Mr. William Cowen, my successor. • . MOSES COBS. - : ECEIVED THIS DAY, by Espress,.anotber.L, JR, of rich black MANTILLAS, at.the New York store, 79 Market street, augl7 IV. H. GARRARD. =l2l