The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, September 21, 1846, Image 4

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i!oriablo Bt; . t LiAc.
846 asl
. .
--IDOR transporting good betwee Pittshargh arid the
Eastern cities without transhipping. - This Old
established linelbeing the oldest p ortable boat line oh
'.the canal) is now - prepared to receive produce and
inerchaudize for shipping either East nr.West.. The
boats by this line are, commanded by skilful, e. x pc..
rienciad and sober. captains, and provided-With good
rewe. Boats and 'cargoes are transferred from and
to canal and iailrOad, saving all removal and separa
tion of goddi.
...Trips made in as short time, .anti
goods carried on as fair terms as,any '•F - I
Thankful fiar,,and, respeotfully.soliciting a contrail.
'Once of the liberal and growing patronage herd
torero besteinmd upon:this line; we, with. confidenCe
• assurethescrnerchanti tlisPosed to Myer us,rhat their
buiiness Shall be done to their entire, satislimtion,
goOds carried- - by us, consigned`to, either of otir
houses ' will be shipped' to their destination free cif
thargefer ihipping, storage or advance of .chargei.
Ai we hold:no interest iii steamboat stock, merchants
inav'depend upon their gdods always being fonvarded
without 'delay, - upon good boats and at the loweit
mica - of freight.
,'Produce consigned to our. house at Philadelphia fdr
sale, Will be sold on liberal minis; and advances made
either at Pittsburgh or Philadelphia.
& Co., Penn it., ?
Canarßasin, Pittsburgh.l
• ..TA3IES .M. DAVIS Se Co., 249 and 251,
uprlO-Gm . Market st., Philadelphia.
Pttteburgh Portable Boat Line,'
tiv _oxy_ ri
• •
- u m 'the transportation of freight between MM
."! burgh ,and the Atlantiweities, vik'Pennsyfrania
:Improvements and Baltimore and Susquehanna rail-
The Proprieters'of this old established line, having
completed their arrangements,are - prepared to for
ward goods to and from the East (on the opening 4f
the cant_ navigation,) on as reasOnable terms as any
rather responsible line, and Are determined that no
care or attention, on their part shall be.ivanting to so
curea continuance of that patronage so liberally be
stowed upon them for several years past.
The decided• success of the portable boat system, '
so manifest in the regularity and despatch experienced '
in the delivery of goods, the absence of all' risk Of
delay, breakage or other damage; incident to the old
system, whkre goods have to be hurriedly transhipped
three timeson the way, and the merchantable order
in' which produce has been avowedly delivered b',7
theta, has induced the proprietors to increase their
stock. considerably this- season. Their exten'siv,e '
warehouses at each point, (uneaqualled by any other
line,) affords them facilities to conduct their basin+ !
with despatch; and to shippers the convenience §f
free storage, if required, until their arrangements
e.orriplete- 7 while their long experience in the sarri
ing trade, it is presumed, will be stifficient guarantqe
to their patrons and the public that they wil,l4Uceesa
fully elect themselves to give general satisfaction.
Produce !received forwarded, stematoat charges
paid; and hills lading transmitted free of charge for
commission, advancing or storage; and all communi
cations, to the following agents. promptly attended
epr. Penn and,Wavne sts., Pittsburgh.
278,lkfarket street, Philadelphia. 'E
mzulo-y North st., Baltimore.
Dixtgitrimls Transportation_ Lines r
-1 1'""'31‘ 181{6.-
TET on strictSabbath-keepingprineipleir,
••' though not claiming to be the Only line that is 4o
,conducted . 1 The proprietors of this old establishdd
line have put their stock in the most complete order,
--: and are thoroughly prepared to forward proace add
merchaudixe to and from the Eastern 'citibs on tile
• opening ofinavigation.
We trust that our long experience in the carryidg
business,and zealous.attention to the interests of ciit
tomers, will secure to us a continuance and increase
of :the patronage heretofore bestowed on'llingham 4 s
Line? I
Our arrangements will enable us to carry freigiit
with the utinost despatch; and our prices shall always
be as low is the lowest charged by other responsible
lines. -
Produce laud merchandize will be received and fcA--
warded east and west without any charge for
sing, storage or commission.
Bills, of I lading forwarded, and every directidn
promptly. attended to.
Address, or apply to WH i
31. BING
Canal Basin,cur. Liberty and Wayne sts., Pittab , g,
N 0.276 Market a., Philadelphiai
. I — TAMES NILsOs, Agent„P
No. 122 North Howard at., Baltimore, l
sprlo-y I . No. 10 West st., New York:
Indopendent Portable Boat Line.
' ll4l 1846
FOR thd transportation of produce and merchaS
dile to and from 'Pittsburgh, Baltimore -add
Philadelphia; LX:}.without transhipping. Goods coS
signed to our care, will be forwarded without delay,
llt the lowest current rates; Bills of Lading trans
mitted, and all instructions promptly attended tS,
free from any extra charge fur storage or COM/114i-
Ilion. Address
C. A. McANULTY & Co.,
Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. o
. ..
Smith's Wharf, Baltimore.
jy23 • Broad st.,Pliilaclelphia. l
Pleisworth's Way' Preignt Line.
18 •
•-•""'""‘•-• _ 1.
viXCLI W VELY for •-the transportation of Al*
freight between Pittsburgh, Blairsville, Joluiji
town, frollidaysburgh, Water. Street, and all intek
mediate places.
Oneboat.leaves the Warehouse of C. A. 3.feAnti
ty & Co., Pittsburgh, every day (except Sundays) argil
Shippers can always depend on having their goods'
forwarded without delay and on- accenamodatitig
terms. .
We respectfully solicit your patronage.
J. PiCkWolth of boats, .Nile, Exchange, Paris aid
Pacific. ;
J. H. Barnes of boats, Push and Exoine.
-John.ALiller of cars on Portage Rail Road.;
J. PICKWORTH, Canal Basin, Johnstown,
JOHN MILLER, 6 l " Hollidaysburghi
C. A. M'ANULTY eCO, " Pittsburgh. I
1i 23 • •
TO BALTIMORE; in 32 hours—fare $10:'
. TO PHILADELPHIA in 40 bours—faro $l2. it
U. S. RAIL. •
• ' '
'The Great Speed, Regularity and high Reputatio:st .
already attained by this pleasant passenger Route,
has induced the Post Mister General, to place the
New Yorklaud Philadelphia mails to Pittsburgh, ut -
on it. - , •
The suPerior and swill stcatners'CONSUL
LOUIS-ltd ILANE, leaves the Montingaliela - Whaif
precisely at 8 o'clock every morning, and - af
clock every evening, except Sundays.
'Coaches awaittheir arrival at Brownsville, to trail.
port Passengers and Mail,
,only 73 miles to: the Ra i n
.Road at CUmberland. . -
- The preparatiOns on this route are ample, and qe
connections complete, so that disappointment or de
lays will be unknown upon it.
By our tickets, passengers can delay at Cumberland
or at Baltimore, during their pleasure, and contitt
their journey either - by steamboat or cars to Phi -
• Office in the ""St. Charles Hotel," Wood st. Pitts
burgh. .L MESIUMEN,
jy3l -•- 'Agent.!
Eurupean and American 'Agency'.
T"'Undersigned European Agent having" again
arrived in America at the regular 'time,. Will
leave Pittsburgh, Pa._ early in Septcinher next, and
sail from' NOW York on the first day of October, ma
king ct:Turarrrayrit tour through England, Ireland,
13cotland, Wale's; and returning to America In May;
By this agency money remittances can 'be
made by drafts for large and small sums, payable al
sight in- e'rery part of Great Britain, Ireland, &c.;
legaties,debts, rents, real k estate and claiins.collcct
ed'-tuid re'covered;' searchki of all kiuda made; co
pies of wills, deeds and documents, procured, and
the usuailiuslness appertaining to this.rAgeti4'nan
oacted as heretofore. „Innumerable references giv
en. Apply personally or actrdesspostpard,
European Agent and Attorney at,Lass., Pittsburgh,.
Mi. J. S. hlcry'will atteud to all-European-bard.
ness. in ray:abeace. . i 0.19
•. • -
, .
7.7 7 .2 <
liO E, ; BROTIxEus &CO
ENE /' i" olt -
I 8 4 6 , -
BLAKELY:4. 11111.7VILJ,' , AgeWsi
EMITTANCES -to :and Passage to anti : frpm
lA, Great Britain_and Ireland, bylhe Blaela,l3rtil,or
old Line ., . of Efverpool Paavts.. from;New
York ,and Liverpool on the Ist and 16t1i,oF,erry
month. And by first,elass AmericanShips4Sailing
Weekly.]_ • •
Persons sending- to, the4 - 401d. Country'? for their
friends; can .Makethe necessary - arrangements.. With
the - subscribers, and hare them brought out. ifl any of
the eight ships comprising the Black Ball or Old Line
of Liverpool-Packets; trom.Liverpoel on the
Ist and,l6th of every month,) also, by. first class-ships,
sailing from that portweekly, which our. AgenM;
Messrs. James D. Roche & to., there , scud out
without de .. • •• • •
• ShOuld•those sent far not come out the meney,w-gl
be refunded withow6ny deduction,. . . .
The "Black Ball, or old Line. of Liverpool Packd
eta, ,, comprise the following magnificent ships, and
will-sail from Liverpoel. on their regular . appointe
day, ns follows _ ,
Fidclia, On ISt Jan. let May. .',ls) Sept.
Europe,. .... 16th, 4, 16th ~, , 16th "
New . Ist Feb. Ist June. Ist Oct.
American, 16th 16th ." 4 .16th
let Mar. Ist July. Ist Nov.
Cambridge,. • 16th 44 16th 4t 16th Dec.
0xf0rd,............ Ist April. Ist Aug. Ist
Montezuma,...... 16th 16th ~ 16th
Notice.—leis.well known, that the Bina...Ball is
the very best conveyance for- persons to get out their
friends, andns'other passenger agents advertise to
bring out passengers by that Line, the public are re
motified by the owners that passenger
agents but Roche, Brothers,& Co., and Blakely &
Mitchel, are authorized to advertise and to ,bring out
passengers by that Line. . ,
We have at all times for the Drafts at Sight for any,
amount, direct on the Royal Bank of Ireland, Duls
lin. Also on Messrs. Prescottt; Grote; Ames 900.,
Bankers, London, which are paid free of disCo6nt, or
any charge whatever, in all the principal towns
throughoutlingland, Ireland, Scotland add Wales:
Apply to, or address, if by Letter <Mist. paid.)
& C.O.
No. 35, Fulton etre& New York.,
(Next (Moyle the . Fulton :Bank.
JAMES D. ROCHE & Co's Office,
Dio:1 '
o:"Water street, Liverpool.
Or to L & AKELY
• ,
Pen n ' ' , ear the Canal Bridg ,
myl-1 •
street,. near the Canal Bridge,
and Smithfield at near sth.
Tapscott'rs General Emigration °nice. lii
1 5 .E.NIITTANCES and passag to
rlp. and from GREAT BUMAIN ANRO4I . ›. ,
InntAnn, by W. St J. T. Tapseott ,
75 South street, corner ofiMaiden Lane, Neer Yorlt,
and 96 Waterloo - road Liverpool.
The subscribers having accepted the agency of,
the above house; are - now prepared to like arrange
mentS upon the - most liberal terms with tliose desi
rous of paying the passage of their friends front the'
old Country, and flatter theniesetves their character
-and long standing in business will give &milli: as
surance that allaiicir arrangements will ,be. carried
out faithfully.
- Messrs. W. Sz J. T. Tapscott, are long and favora
bly known fur the superior class, accommodation
and sailing qualities of their Packet Sbips. The
ERPOOL, and. SIDDONS, two of which leave each
Port monthly,Crcuo New York tlinL`lst 'and .26th :Lod
from Liverpool the Eth and . 119,ita addition to which
they have 'arntogements ilit?:tteGmage and
Union Lines of Liverpool - Packetitcyinsure a depar
tore from Liverpool. every fir edays being thus ucter!
mined, their facilities shall keep pace wiffrtheir in
creasing patrouoxe, widle Z4.firsiTairseott7s on scan t
per-sonal saueriatehdance of the business' in Live
pool is an additional security that the comfort and
accommodation of the passengers will tie partico_
laxly attended tu.
The subscribers being (as usual) ructensively enga
ged in the Transportation business between Pittsburg
and the Atlantic Cities. are thereby enabled to take
charge of and forward passengers immediately on
their landing, without a chance of disappointment or
dt.lay, and arc therelore prepared to contract for pas
sage from any sea port in Great Britain or Ireland to
City; the nature of the business they are engaged
in giving them ficilities for carrying passengers so
far. inland not otherwise attainable, and will, (if 1112:i
cessary,) forward passeng,ers further West by the
best mode of conveyance without any /Additional
charges for their trouble. Where persons sent for
decline coming out, the amount paid for passage will
be full.
The subscribers are iljko prepared, to gire drafts at
sight, for any amount payable at the principal Cities
and Towns in England, Ireland, Scotland and
Wales; thus ah"ording a safe and expeditious mode of
Remitting funds to those Countries, which persons
requiring such facilities, will find it their interest to
avail du:nine:yes of.
Application ./if by Letter post paid) will be prompt
ly attended to _ _ _
Forwarding and Commission Merchants,
martl7 d&w . y. Pittsburgh, Pa
Itendt.taucea to England, Ireland. Scot
land and Wales.
PERSONS desirous of remitting motley to any o
the abort countries, can do so through the suh
scriberN on the most easy terms. We are prepared
to issue drafts for any amount over £l.,oo . sterling.--
Remittances made through our house any day before
the 23d of May, will be received in Ireland., by the
20t of Juue.
BLAKELY & 11ITCHEL, Pittsburgh,
Ageuti for Roche, Wu's & Co.,
myl4 Ne w York
Extension of Pittsburgh.
11 / The subscriber has laid out, and now -offers for
sale at reasonable prices. and on :accommodating
terms, one hundred and ten building lots, on that
handsome level ground between Braddock street and
the Monongahela river. They are about one-third
of a mile from the city line, and are situated in that
part, of the city district which will probably soon be the city as. the Seventh Ward.- NU: pro
perty in the suburbs possesses superior adiantages,
nor has any herctotbre been laid out, with so liberal
•an allowance or wida streetspßraddock is front ov
hundred and twenty to about onehundred and ninety
feet wide, and Beelen, Commerce, Brady, Colanibus
and Water streets, all wide avenues. Most of the
lots have twolionts, and as they are of various. sizes,
and will be sold one lot; with the priuilege of font or
five, early applicants can be accommodated to suit
their own views of improvement. Persons IA he de
sire to-build or to make secure investments in pro
perty that is sure to advance in value ' and particular
ly those who erect triannfactorics, would
do well to view these lots and examine the draft be
fore purchasing elsetvhere. The survey fbr the Dal
thnore and Ohio railroad and the railroad survey by
the State of Pennsylvania were both made alongside
of this property, and it is generally considered that
Braddock street, or the ground immediately alongside
of it, affords the- only eligible route for a railroad
front Pittsburgh to the East. Coal can be delivered
on this property at a much less cost than on the Al
legheny river, and there is always deep water at this
part of the river. E. D. GAZZAM,
aug2ti-tf Office, Market, between 3d and sts.
'• Fifth Strect Furniture I'Varerooxitn.
THE subscriber would most respectfully call the
I attention of the public stock Cabinet
Ware, possessing' advantag6s over any 'ether manu
facturing establishment in the city. He is' 'enabled
to sell his Wares at much lower prince; therefore, lie
would remind tlinso who want - good. Furniture at a
dir price not to forget the right place, N0..27, Fifth
street. (mar 23-d&wy) H..H. RYAN.
Scotts Vegetable Pills.
T UST recoil. ed a fresh supply of those In
t/ valuable Pills, to those. who know therm no.
thing need be said in their favor, for by their in.
trinsic merit they can speak for themselves ; but to
the afflicted rho have never used them we recom•
mend a trial, for they have been the means .(under
the blessing of God,) of imparting health and
strength to thousands who were apparently draw
ing near to the gates of Death, the Inveterate Caricer
and scrofula have been effectually cured by them,'
also, llyspepsia,FeverandAgue,lnflamation,Drop
sy in the head, Jaundice, Asthma, Sores of twenty
years standing, Croiip, Measle, Worms and even
eases considered 'Consumption have all yielded to
theitillighly renovating powers. They are also on
surpr:sed in their purifying properties,when taken
as an occasional phySic by old or ycumg, being as
Wai Suited for the infant of one day as 'for the
mart matured in
ihie.rpress command . or. the.. Proprietor, they
are sold at 424 confs.per box full
(Bretons.. - Sold•wholesale - and retail by •
AMUEL LINDSAY, :N0i".104. Liberty st;
13 osTiuns—Mullogany s Birch, Malik, Cherry
- bjlit 'Poplar high and low post bedsteads al
ways .9D hand and for ,-sale low at the Ferniture
ivareltOuse of • T. B, .YOUNG
jcG " '3i Iliad st.
. ,
The - Fr n.sikll..-4 Insuriice P°u- i raui
a . .
CtiIARTER P.EII.P.E.TiII L. C3400,41Ci0
fice 1631;elieUthntst.-,, Werth side,
TAke Insurance; either perinabeit orlinlited;itainst
ltisd or—damage ~by fire, on, property atid•etrects of
every description, in .town or cannery ; on the • niost
reasonable tering:- 'APplientiOns; rriadt I either peri.
'soiially or by Icttera,:will be prnmptly atteriffed,to.
' •
C. N. BANCK.,R, Pres.t.
C. , G. Iliveuxu.,Sec , y. •
Cha litedbll.SmitL
- George W. ItiCharda,::
Thomas J . —Wharton Mordecai D. -
.I . 9bIAS W. 411 r - :
•.• Satenel Grant, ;-
. •
WAttnter Mitspri,-Aglapt, at the Eschatlge Office
of 'Warrick Martin & Co. corner of Third and Mar
ket streets
'. Fire riskstai:en on buildings and thei r ee h t e pte in
FittibUrgh, Allegheny - and the SiirrOundnig' eOuntry.
NC marine or inland navigation riskitaken. • '
ting - 41: • . ' -
Vire unit, 2.laritic-Institrapme.
rpA : Insurance , Company North...Ainerien, of
Phila.dolphia, through its duly iiuthetized Agent,
the subscriber, offers to make petnianent and limited
Insurance, in. this' city' Ind its vicinity,
and on shipments by the and rivers.
• bikEcToßB: • - I •
Arthur G. Coffin . , presit.-'Ssinuel Brooks,'
Alex..Honry, •ChatlcalaylOr, • •
Samuel W. Tunes, Sioittel W.
• Edward Smith,, .Arnbrosii : •
dobriA. peown, • Jae rhM. ThMnas,
John White,. ' Julin..R.. Neff. •
Thonias' P. Cope,' Richard D. Wood,
WM. Welsh, 1 Henry D. Sherrard ,Seey.
-"This. is the oldest Insurance UompanY in the Uni
ted States, having been chartered in 479 d. .Its char
ter is perpetual, acid from its higli — standing; long
eiperience, means,` and avoiding all risks of
an extra hazardouS charactorl, - it may kd consideied
as offering ample security to the public. -
3.1.105 ES ATWOOD.
At Counting Room of Atwood, Jones & Co.. Wa
ter and Front streets, Pittsburgh. - oet23-y:
New York.
/FIBS well known and respectable corn pre
pared through,their prr•I'6I3URG .i.tiENPY, to
make insurance ef, evM-y kind conncctad withrisks
of transportation Mid- inland navigaticM; to insure
against loss or4ntage. by tire, Dwelling Houses,
Warehouses,- Duildings in 'general Goads; Ware.,
and :Merchandise; and every of personal
property on the toast favorable: terms.
Appli . cations for ,CIINIIMICO attended to without:de
lay a t the °Ace, No; :II Water and .62 Front sts.;by-
At an Election held nt the office in N. Y.;
l2th, the 111110Willg named gentlemen were. ,c42sen
Directors of this :Company,.for the' errafin'g year,
v . .
Joseph \V. Sorage, Stfplien Holt,
John Browner, John
William G. Wa4, Vim. W. Campbell,
Ji Newhouse,' Jami
:3. Slocon; 11larmis Spring,
John F. Mick '
Joseph S. Lake.,
Julia J. I Itirria.
And at a subsegeent meeting of the, Board, JO
SEPH W. SAVAGE, E;9., was unautmousty re-dee
ted President ihr the en,oite , year.
th.lo paid In. Otlict in.Pliilaflr'.plii›„NAllet: \Valuta •
Ktrect—Wm. Davitlxon, Preul'i; I rederick Fraley - ,I
Sec'y. This old cool 1st:11 COrnpany coo- 1
tinucs to insure Itaddiags, Merchatul , :re, Furniture,l
and Propo. - ty, out of an extra hazardvter character,
agairoot loss or (Linage by fire. -
Api.licanons fur 6niuranced in Pittsbnrgh and itx
nenfaborbood v.lll - be' recoire.l, and rinks taken
either pcnpetuatiy or for I,btitui perioar, on Ett-orn
hlo terniw, by CEO. COCIFRAN, Agora,
deci2 1 No. 2(, %Wood sircci.
JO.ildal KING. J. eix:cr. - r,
Ag..:srs rt Pittsi.urgh. fur Ihr . I) .thmlare Artduat
Safety las:a..raace. Cempony If l'hilaildpleia.
!ASKS ellen llaihlin;;8 and Alerehandize of
etery dewcript;on, and florin' harks ttjunk hulls
or cargoes of reaselr, taken UpOa the 1110.5 t favorable
Office at the warehouac I:iezk ilo:znes, on
%Voter at., near Market street, ntuiburgh.
N. B. King Finney invite the confidence and
patronage of their friend, and community at large to
the •teln ware . M. S. linairanre Company, as an insti
tution among the mold flouriMing in Philadelphia—
as harill'; a large ;aid in capital, which, by the oper
ation of its ehartbr, is constantly increasing--as
yielding to each person insured his due share of the
profits of the:Company, without involving hint in
any responsibility , whatever, beyond ..the .premium
actually paid in l;y!hinr.and therecure - ati posse:ming
the Mutual princiPle Sivesti , d of escry obnoxious
femme, and an its most attracti‘c form. nor l-tf
Agency of (lir ;Franklin ,Fire Incurancc
Compooy of Phlindelphka.
carnrr cl Thfrd and 11-"titid Pitt Zt:rgh.
assets of tlio company on tiro first of Janua
ry, 1115, as ptiblished in conformity with an act
or the Pennsylvania. Legidaturc, weir
londs and Alortgai;es, i''600,615 91
Anal Estate, at cost, 199,967 77
Temporary Loans,lsitocks and Cash,... 20,199 7.
Making a total cii 4 et 109,03 .12
Atlorilini certain assnraifce that all losses Will be
promptly met, antiyinw entire security to all who
obtain . olicies fro this Cinhany. Rinkilaken at
as low rotes as areleonsistent with , security.
"Wilson's 011. s.
ritnE WILSON PILLS, as tt remedy 'peculiarly
adapted for headaches and dyspeptic aifeetions,
are pretty generally known and esteemed in this
community; and tha proprietor, so often 'its he has
occasion to write Or speak of them, can scarcely re
frain from an expression of his grateful acknowledg
ments to his friendS for their patronage and kindness
to him. Iliii'reelinge are the warmer front observing
the "beginning and the ending"—thrown almost in
juxtaposition—of eq many nostrums and kindred pre
,equally ',loud in their pretensions, -and
much more industriously presented to the pobtie;
while his preparation noiselessly .tvancee, even to
remote places, soothing and comforting the alllieted,
and permanently grafting itself upon the affections
of new.frierids, thus contmually widening the circle
of its usefulness. .iklthough well satisfied . that his
medicine has, as it Were, a principle of perpetuity in
it, yet he as Obliged to his friends for the most sub
stantial evidence Of the fact;
In its natural hiatory, if you please, the Wilson
Pill difiors from mist othor preparations'in not being
originally made for sale, orNvitti a view to pecuniary
profit; while as'every body knoWs, the greatest tyro
(as a general thing) no sooner begins to dabble in
drugs than ho castembout for some cheap prepara
tion, or must , gettip,' as the phrase is, something-,
anything that will yell:' OtNen lie attempts it, tinder
an seamed or ficitious name. as thoughcenscions
his own were insu icient to sell it. 'The difference
theillictivecn the Wilson Pill abd-the;preparationsm
haVe Net indicated would appear tube this: The
conaciouiness of the value of my pill originated
the idea Of putting ithem on sale - for money, and,at I
price. The
,consciousness of the valtle.of Money
originates in *meat instances the many prepaiatione
I have alluded to; And: the price Most likely .to Mika'
is always first , carefully considered, and the pill Or
ottierpreparation mode and graduated to suit it. The
one is amtscovr.ny,'.eird'enines from the great Arcana
of Universal Nature; the other a trick or inventioti,
and conies from a Mot very popular quality of livm-
VIDVAL Nature:. , Reader! the difference here is
great. In one instancellie'ea/ire attached to the PILL
is the-stalling point; hi the iithir, the MONEY. But
it is not probable that some or the many prepara
tions having even such paternity were accidentally
good, but that possibly by this process of "getting
up" as they call it,hy,pulling and , blowing, as we
clean wheat* they have. been ‘fgotm p" , too high be
fore their specific gravity had been carefully ascer
tained; and have, blown off 'ever to be heard of,
with other chair—some lighter, sonic. heavier.
Whatever, may La the rationak, I most rest it,
that am' most piofounilly thank* to my friertda, for
. ,•
their discrimination in - notgonstning my discoyery to
that compenduous category of. ,, inventiOns thht did
not answer"—of "tricks thaftvon't win.."
The Wilson Pills are mad as a at.Nritat. remedy,
and may he. kept and taken, in proper doses, imfam
ilies,as a preventative of general ill'hcalth, Or: dis
ease of whatever name, by any member of theT.ain
ily, withent any fear of the consequences of cmao
surm in the ordinary' pnisuits of business. -
n - They may alwaynhehad in any quantity of the
proprietor, in Penn street, below arbury,and' ot the
principal Drugglsts-of,this city and Allegheny..
jy22.-chlzw7ln ;
EW 0111,
—2ohtids N. U. !Sugar
for sale by (je26) JAMES DIA
• -
"rtsPautiti at L ast s
Seven , Thousand casea .of .obstinata , Pulmonary Corn
- . - plaints cured inane ?mar!.
. ,
--- We- Bak the- attentioa , cir the coild,id. to a few con-'
siderationo. , ,-':
Nature, in every part other worki,lies-le4 indeli
blelmarks of . arlaptaticin and desicp.
The constitution of the anitualii- lid' vegetables of
the forest' is such that 'they c Amot.pndierrr the
6 °/i l9 /;thq nigh' 9bei: llll d vi 44, 44,' ,
; In rOgard"tuf e tliseases and its,: . c, the adoption is,
more (*testi striking'
The Miss of Iceland' the Wild• Cherr y ;„
.and, Pince
of..hllNortherinlatitudee (end "Pli. Wlsi4ix's PAL-'
ii.kinqleri. _couipeuh&chinnical- extract front these,)
have longbeen: . .cdlehratie.fcir corniiletzita prevalent
onlylin cold climetes.-. Iti.Veed!th'dniosidistiriguiehed
;medical .111An;have toerred .thaL.nature•.&irnishes in
every country medicines : for itkown peculiar dieeeses.
Consumptior4 in its...enchained and incipient stages
Coughti,..etethft, Group and Liver Complaint Torre by
far the most--fatal-class of diseases known to our
land. Yet even - these maybe ; citr6il 1?y amens ; Of the siniileYe(, ficnietful -i4titediei (stained abeve); and
' , which are seettered, - 14 i benellient i liriniticnee,
Whereier these Maladies prevail. '' ~
. • •lANOTHEIt'ASI'OI4IISHING. ( - . .
phant! cure follou'of cure in its onward victorious
IP7iitmore.--;•Dear Sir: - !Ks7yoitateithe reg
ular authorized agent hxDayton;tbr thelale - of "Dr.
AVistaOs Baleam.of:Wild Cherry," I take:this meth=
od of making a. statement of facts to you twhich I
hope May be published to the world) in tefeience to
an ahnost miraculous cure, wroughtin my case by
meatisief the . abOve Iritaleabre Balsami
Language fails to:describe the saltitary ereCts it Prc'
&iced) and the great benefit I derived from its use:
Thel citizens of DaYtint'and vicinity; wall recol
lect that on Bth of August last;
,received ncci
ti ns injury-from the expitouttit of a'eatiluerf; A por
tibti oil its contents entered* right Side 'and iireast;
rid inlail,probability; etitue'fragments ersplinters oil
t passed thrpugh tliet , pllira, , ; and pierctd
the Luhgs.
.Ate: the lapse of about sic teens, I was attack&l
with distressing cough and a ototad pain in my
right side. Some len days after this when in a par- ,
arysmißf coughing,. suddenly and ut.crtt broke, And
a largo quantity of very oilensivn, matter, .inixed I
With hlood.,.was discharged; mast of which fciuild
passage through the opening, of the wound. , Frothl
this cocain , . there frequently passed a quantity ofi
air, supposed. to issue ,train the lungs.. .During all,
this /elle suji:erings mere almost
My thysicians; meanwhile paid the'strictest atten T
-ties to mite, and'did all in theirpower for my Tecov
' -
ery. tut all their skill' they could not reach I
the sent' disirers, after the Lungs had bicome affect
ed. I win visited during this tithe by at Ic'' twenty
Pbysicians. - -
1t was sows reduced to a certainty, that irGlantclion
Ike l , argo vi rapictly taking place; and thatlhi..
would ;terminate ttly life in a very short tone, was *lli
the, highest degree proba„Li e .
this critictil'stage, a rne:mnger was despatched
to Cincinnati, and a celebrated Physidan or that
place Was consulted. When lioVas, made aCquaint
ed with my situation, he remarked that nothing could
he done. by lii2dical aid, if thin coarAution itself was
not suilicieut to throw off the disc u'e.
M yfriends now despaired of my recovery, and I)
had nd earthly grnund or hope to sues ive many days,'
Fortunately at this juncture, I saw one of Dr. Win-
Mr's' I?xutphlets, entitled "Family Medical Guide,"
sir "Treatise on Consumption of the * Lungs." As.l
had often heard of dying men "catching at straws,"
I tbit this doing so myself. fly the consent of my
Physicians,. I sent to you fur a I,vttie of the medicine
deNcribed viz: "Il'isinr'a Batsun; of Wild Cherry,"l
which: relioved me almost immediately. Aller
had need some Live or six bottle:, 1 sofar recovered (1,11
to be TIP and &And. My cough ceased, and my lunge!
wer e t , ,,tored to a healthy state—all tium the /Itzr/-1
lug sad inilamel and powriful medicinal cir
tars c:7l' :Balsa rn7
it not front the eaternal injory I r(seqiVed in
my shoulder and arm by the ex - Ida:don, 1 Mel confi
dent tintt I might have loom working; at my trade
ovhicli ie blaclibinitiiingo but thin ran prevented.
llvlexposure, I hare since taken several severe
colife,!itnd my only rciAN.?zi 113:: been —lhe balsam."
Auci 1, now must cordially recommend the genuine
Borscht to all who are afflicted with Coar.
Cougts, or Lung Ccnaidainta. I counider it nit
Wedieilie—a real Nessiii2 to the world. An y
perami desiring farthrir in:sir:nation, may call on mu
nun tirtre. veto, truly,
City oritnytun,
• niontgoinerr CO.. Shim or Ohio
Subtle:llmi anti ,svorn to, tienre to C, JUtitiee of.
the Peace., this II th thy at vd, 1845.
1. 4 9W1.111.
Testimony of flare lilghly crolituide citizens if;
Difyion , in torifi rmat inn of the 0.1,re.
We.! the untl , rruigned, being intimately acqttfinted
with Al r.S myth, and having seen and watched over
hint tilling lets late do not hesitate to say
that thy: firregoing is by no niudus cranrcrated
statetaMd, but is entitled to full credit.
A. 1.. STOUT,
J. B. 11. DODSON,
fri- c the true and genuine "ft - istarts Balsam of
berry," is sold at estlblialted agencies iu
partsthe United States.
Solt in Cisiietinati on the rornrr of fourth end
WalnUtstrcets,by SANFORD .54 PARS.
Geis ral Agents, fur the Western States.
For xale by.L WILCOX Jr.,S.E. con Market st..
and thb Diamond Pittsburgh. tnav9-y.
Franklin 'Medical. College of ridlnder
first annual course of lectures in this instittr
j_ Linn, be opened. on Monday, the twelfth
day oroctober neat, (thci R'CO /1.11 Monday in October,)
and will be continued until the end of the ensuing
PAUL BECK COMMILD, M. D.—Anatomy and
C. O t Vi. N WITK,2Fii.D.--Principlesand practice
of Surgery.
MEREOITII C.LYMER, M. D.—Principles and
practie r e cd'Medicine. •
Jul-IN BARCLAY BMW:F. 2 M. D,—Materia Med
ics. and Therapentics.
DA4, ID I lUNTER TUCKER, Al. D.—Obstnricks
and iliiieascs of women and children.
• • •
LEYIN S. JOYNES, M. o.—Physiology and lega
Medicine. •
JAMES B. ROGERS, M.D.—General and Organic
fad& tY t .
JOSEPH LEIDY, M. D.—Demonstrator of An
rchlrrartklin Medical College i4as incorporated
in l the i Legislature of Pennsylvania , by an act up,
proved 29th Janne:ly, MI6, and id authorised by sec
tion third of its' charter, "to grant the degree of Dtic
tor ofMedicine to any such perseng as shall possesS
the qualifications now usually required of c.andidatcs
in other Medical Colleges in this State."
. .
For eaeh course of lectures, $15,00
Martieblation fee, to be paid once only ; 5,00
Diplonia fee, 10,00
Additional inforntation respecting the course of in
structib,n ~or. Other matters connected with the Facul
ty, call be obtained upon application, personally, or
by lett ?r, to J. IL BIDDLE, 111. D., ~
Dean f the Faculty, N. E. ebreei of Quince and
Spree street's, philadolphia. • •rnar 11-dthn
130,yEL 04. 51..7151.4E1t: COMPLAINT.--we
Confidently recommend and could refer to hun.
deeds af our citizens mho have used •
ass certain safe and effectual remedy tbr Di sentry,
Dia:ll4le, or. tOoseneas,..Cliolera Alorbus, SLIABIEIt
COAIPLAINT, Colic; Griping• Paine, 'Sour Stomach,
Sick:mid Nervous Ileadache:ifetrtbutti - Sze.
This is one of the most efficient, pleasant, and
safe compositions over - offered to the public for the
cure of the curious derangements -of the -szostAcir
and lICAVEL'ij and the oniy article worthy erthe least
confidence fbr curing curoLp.2.4-I.NFANTum or
SUMMER COMPLAINT; and in all the above die
casesit really acts like a charm.' •
From the ller. Asa Shinn, of !IL:Protestant Method-
The undersigned .having been ‘lllictedtdtiring the
past winter with` a disease in the somach, sometimes
prodoing severe pain intim slum:Wirer ten or twelve
hours without intermission, and ltring tried various
remedies with little effect,- was. funished t.rith a bot
tle of Dr. JAYNF.'I3 CAnsmtrrivv. lAtsAmi This he
used according to the directions, ald found invaria,"
lily that this medicine caused, the pain to Ulnae:: in
hree or four minutes, and in Eton or twenty min=
utes every uneasy sensation wasentirel' quieted,
The medicine was afterwards uSedwhenever
tions of the approach of pain wer , perceived, and
the pain .vasthereby prevented. -Id 'continued to I
use the medicine every evening, andKimetimes in the
morning, and in a few. weeks, bosh' was so far re;
stored, that the sufferer N'Yit:ii . Yelieed Rom a .large
amount of opnressi'Ve pain. ' - FroMeperience, theie
lbre, he can c9ajitk:ptly reconunen,Dr. - D. Jayne's,
Carminative a
Bal . said, asAsalutary icdicine for dis-i
eases of tliestonmeli nfnowels. A. Sum:. .
Allegheny city, July loth 184
For sale in Pittsburgh at the PEEL* TEA. STORE,
72, Fourth st!Cet, , near Wood.
Price 25 and 50 cents per 4.0,tt1e. jelS-dbzw
-. Ali - bit cit.
.Darrorr j .Feb,, , Llth, 1845
ist Church
, Sitebical.
incAllstetls AH-Henaing • Oittattnext.,
- 1....,.. z ..-- , _ THE preceding figure is
••" ±-- - -s itT_ ' , ' , '.' , :- - - . --fg.,.____-...
' ---------- " x l:,‘:". -- ,., ve - I•=r- --- *• - f.,, , 5E201131:£' PERSPIIIATIONS.
- -". -."
.:: , - 5- '7 .'' ''''''' it is the great evacuation ,
Vq for th6lniptiritieg or the,
1 -:" body It will henotieed 1
, `,;• = s• ••••••=—= •_____, — 7. - . that a thlck cloudy inis
I• i - fi k , _lissttesftem all points of
i p•s -.... the surface, which iiidi.
[4: ;.•:4.,..-A --- ;;; cates ;that this • peripira
~e ,'' ' ,-.„::•< -, a'..-- - -.. -----1 tion flowsuninternipted
i";;;., „,' , - __ -- - - ;- - li - 1.: ly when we are
we alth,
-. - 0-.....1 .4 i1ui, ------" , but ceases when are
".ti - c---dw - '''' • sick.' Life cannot be sus
ained Without it. It Is thrown ott from the blood and
other itebes oftlie body, and disposes by this ineand,of
•nearlyall the impurities Within us.' The language of
Scripture id "hill° 'Btood is Life;•'!" 'Jilt, ever be
comesiMpure;it may Abe traced direetly to the stepl
page of the iniensible'peripiratibn:' Thus we see, all
that is necessary when the blood id r stagnant; Of in
reefed, is to open the pores, arid it relieves itself from
all impu l rity inscaizt/y. Its own heatand vitalitiare
sulficlent,witlaout one particle cif rifedicine, except
-to cpenitlie pot - es-upon the surface. 'rhos we see
foll of taking sotnuch internal remedies. 411
practiogerd, lioi%lever, direct 'their efforts to restore
the Insensible Perspiration. - iTherThompsouian, for
instane4,steams the Hydropatldst shrouds us in - wet
blanket, the Homepathist deals out infinitissinials;
the Allopathist bleeds and doses us with mercury,.
and the blustering Quack „gorges tr with pills, pills,
To gi i e some) idea of the timontit of 'dm, Insensi
ble' Perspir-ation; we'will state that tht'ilearnedDr.
Lewenlibek; ascertained thii(fitm-eights of all ”'e re
ceivbinio the stlimadeh; fraised off bv this' meads. -In
Wilier words; if we eat and drinlocight periods per
day; wer,evacuatie five pounds of it by, the Insensible
Pe This fis note. Caller than the used up particles of
HIS' hived,: andther juices giving ,place to th 6 new
and frCiili ones. To check this. therefore, is to re
tain in the , aystetp five-rmhts of all the virulent ruatter
tbatnattirotlemandS should leave the body..
fly a 4ulden transition from heatito Cold . , theiiores
tire stepped, the perspiration ceases, and diSease be
gins aninee to develope itself., Hence ? a stoppage Of
this ilow of thc
~juices, originatts ' so many corn
, It is liy stopping•the porerytliat roverwhelms man- i
kind witit.conghs, colds, and consumption. = Nine'
tenths if the world die from diseases induced- by a
stoppage of the Insensible Perspiration. s
Let Me ask, nbw, every' candid mind,. wilateddrse 1
seems' the' ITIOSto reasonable to pursue, ttf unstop,the
pores, a ter 'OOl are closed.' - Would yott -give physic
to unstop the perest Or Would yoh - apply.i i mndthiug
that wet Id do tlds upon the surface; ivhere, the clog
ging. actually is'l ` And yet I know of no phksiciau
who makes ant external applications to ell - e - et it.
Linter these circumstances, I present to physicians,
and to rdiotherd, McAlister's ./111-Iloaling Ointment,
or the- irbrld's ISalve. It has pottier to restore per
kmpiration on the feet, on the head old sores, upon the
clie,t, A short, print' any part of the body, whether
diseased slightly . or severely. •
It Lae pincer to cause all externs: ,sorcs, serofulonz
hum Ors, skin ilsenses, poisonous wounds, to Ms.
charge theMputl id matter, and then heals tliem.
It is a remedy that sweeps off the whole catalogue
of Cutaneous disorders., and restore the entire eultelo
to its liehlthy functions.
It is aies
remedy 'that forbids the necessity of so many
and del terioes times taken into the stomach. i
It is a remedy that neither 4ichmens, gis es inconve
nience,r is da cerous to the intestineii. '
It pi- serves nil defends the surface fromallde
rangsm;nt of il l s functions. •I'lle surface is the Cut
let of ti e•-eights of the bile and tised up matter with
in. 'it is pierced with millions of openings to relieve
the inteiti nes. litop up these pores, and death }mocks
at your libier. It 14 rightly termed All-healing,. ler
there it scarerly a disease extern's} or internal, that
4 ' -e ‘t
it will n t benefit' I have used it for the last fbur(een
) ears lia• all diseases of the chest. consumption,liv '
cr involring the outmost danger add responsibility, and
I declare before Heaven_ and ntan. that not in one
singlese has it failed to benefit,wheu the patient
wait wit du the reach of martal mearis.- , ' . - . ~ -
I has had physicians, learned in the piefessien; I
have told :ministers of the Gospel,. Judges on !the,
bench, lAblerm in and Lawyers, gentlemen of , the'•
highest eraditit n and rau/tithdel ef-thepoor, use it
in every variety of way, and there has been but one
voice—tine united and universal voice--saying".llc
-4:Distort voar Ointment is good. • ,
CONSOMPTION.—It can hardly be credited that a
salve cast has e air; effect upon the lungs, • seated as
they ant within the system.- But if plaCed upon the
cliea, it penetrates directly to the lungs, s.ciperakes
the ;naturals particles that are consuming_then,
and exp o Is them Gam the system. tr•-
Ineeil not sa‘l that it hymning persons Of consuni-P
es co itinuallj, althoszli we are told it is foolish.
ness, I care tot what is said, so long as I can cure'
several thotntam perf,OUß yearly. '
HE:)_ACHEI----The Salve has cured persons in
the Headache of ten yer.ra standing,, and who had it
regularly everyl week, so that vomiting often took
place. I '
Deafsless andj liar Ache are helped with like suc
ce,.s. 1
COL 4) FEET.-..eonsumptian, - Liver complaint, -
pains in. the chest or side, falling off the hair, one or
the othilr allay' acCompanies cold feet
The Salve wi I cure every ease: - 1
In Sarnufla, irysipplas, salt Rheum, Liver cenn
plaint Sore Eyes, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Bronchitis,
Broken lor Sore Breast, Piles, all Chest Diseases, such
as Asthma, Oppression,P ain, also Sore Lips,,Chap
ped Hands, Tumours, Cutaneous Eruptions, Nervous ,
DibeaSq, and' of the Spine there is probably no niecl.l
icine new known so good. - . - .
BURN - S.—lt is the best thing in the world for,
Burns. I (Read the Directions aroutid the box.)
T • ,
PIMBLES 01 l' HE FACE—Masculine Skin gross ,
surface Its 11 st action is to expel all human. It;
will no cease iurawing till the Pace is free from any I
matter hat may, be lodged under the skin, and ;fre
euently breakitg out to,the surface.. It then heals 1
When t ;ere is Clothing but grossness, or dull mind- 1
13;VC su face, it begins to-sullen and soften -Until the
skin be eines a 4 smooth and delicate as.a chili:lst!
'WORMS.—I parents knew how fatal most medi
cines were to c tildren taken inwardly, they would
be 81.04.- to-resort to them. Especially "meretirial
lozenges' , called "medicated loienges," "venni.
ingest> Ails, &d. The truth is; - no <one can:tell; in
variably when vHrms are present.: Now-let - me say
to parer is •that this Salve will always tell if a child
has wons. .l will drive every vestige of them a
way. 1 - lead they directions around the box.) -
.;Titer is. probably no medicine on the Mee or the
earth at once sd sure and so safe in - the expulsion of
Mr Unll9.
TOlLET.—Aithough I have iaid.little about it as
a hair restorative yet I svill stake it against the:wealth
Theyiriay bringaheir Oils Sir and near, and mine will
restore the hair !tit - to cases to their one.
OLD SOR - ES. I , That some Sores-are an outlet to
the imptitles of the system., is, because they cannot
pasa alf ?trough! the natural channels of' the "noel - Ist':
ble Pe spii•atioat If such sores' - are healed *the
impurities must have some other outlet, or it will etie.
danger (life. This salve will always provide tbr
such eniergencies. •
RIIE6IATISM.—It remeves'alatiAnim ost iininediatelv
_ .
the inatuns and swelling,, when the pain et
Course geases. i , . •t . ; •
FEV . II.IIS.-..--Ire ill cases of. fever, the difilculty lies
in the pbres . being locked' up, 80414110 heat and
perspira t tion catinot, pass elf,. If the leagtittoisture
could b started the crisis has passed and the danger
over. he All-Healing Ointment will in all cases at
fevers amostin.4antly unlock the skinandhring forth
the persPirationj • .
SCALD IIEAP.We have cured cases that actu
ally ilefi'V every thing known, as Well as the ability
of_fiiffee .or twlenty, !doctOrs. One man told us lie
lit4l,:s*.el ,:iot) Onltiti' children without any -benefit,
when attw beans of the ointment cured-them: -.;
CORNS.--Oec'usional usenf theitthitment will al- ,
ways keep corns fromgrowing: People need 4itiver
be troulled with them if they will use it. • i-
. 'AS A FAMILY MEDICINE.--No man can meat
ore its value.' So long starsastheyoll along oder
the Heater's-14 tonna man treads the earth, Sub
ject to all intimilies of the'fle'shso litineas disease
and sickness is linown—just so long WilFthiS 'good
Ointment be used und esteemed. When man; ceas
es from bir the earth; then the demand - Will:cease
and not till theni " TAMES MeALISTER'S4 Cp.
Sole proprietors of the above Medicine. Price 25
cents pet box. 1
CAUTION.—As the ,All-Healing Ointment has
been greatly coanterfetted, we have given . this,Caii
tion to the public that "no Ointinent will be genuine
unless tile names of Tames'Mci.44stei', or James Mo-1
Alister 4- - Co., are witta-reti with 4 haw upon nycnit
Jebel." 'Now we hereby -Offer •a reward of $5O-to'
be paid on conviction in any •of the constituted
courts of the United States, for any individuaLecitin
lcifeitingnur name and ; Ointment. . ,:.
- - . ,
AGENTS IN PITTSEVURGH—Braun' - •& getter,
corner of Liberty and St.,Clair sts. fare tlic whole
sale agents, and L. Wilcox, ji. ' corner:Market st. and
the Diamond;* Hays & Broekway, (Druggists N 0.2,
Commercial Row, Liberty et.; J.. 71. Cassel, coiner,of
Walnutand Tenn streets., sth ward, and sold at - the
Bookstore in Smithfield st., 3d door from Second st;
and in Allegheny city by H: P. Schwartz, and:J. tar
! gent, and by J: G. Smith (Druggist) Birmingham; and,
D. Negley, East Liberty; 11. Rowland, McKeesport;
Samuel Walkei., Elizabeth; J. Alexander &Sga, Mo,
' nongaltela.City; N.B. Bowman & Co.; I. 'T. 'lagers.
Browns Ville, Pa - ; .Dr. S. Smith, Bridgewater; Mad
John• Barclay, Beaver Pa. , au 20:
Ittedical iittd Surgical Ofrace.
Health is thechar= of life; withouttt go) , .
Love, leteersi friends,' all, all, are onenjoyeoi.
. ~ . .... w '
..,_4 :.... ,;:::.. ,,z , : t.,,,. ~, •,..,,,\l. . -
regui D7 .4 7 e ß au ß ca ß te c ci lt p rN hys ,
i a .
~,,7;.•;iZ1t.,_.., • -:,, -- -, e , wit from -the eastern ci . t
:= 1 ,„.....,,,;?t':,:•-<=..r--,,... ~ i es, would respectfully an:
-- ,-,..- - 4?•;',.._..k'4-nouriee, to the citizens of
4,... y" --- '
—2 ' 4441 1W 'Pittsburgh, Allegheny and
f, 4- W-i ,, ,, -;: ;ii• - .." 4, ,, , ? 4 , ,, A... 4.......„.z ' • I . vicinity, that . he can be
t4,AM,' - :Consulted , privately and
ragafi4*4- . : ,' . 'corifulentlally t eery day
I.l<k.ViVe_• \o, evening at ' - his - '9ffice on
• .. .:"- ;- , -..5. - -.),1 Dien-to
_Alley; a few
.. ' '-.3--..-_____.. doori‘from Wood - street, 1
totvaiusthe marktt: - ‘. -
Dr. Brown 'gives his partfeuhr attention to the
reatment and investigation 01. .the' following disea
All diseases - arising from Impuritiesof the Mood.
Scrofula, syphilis, - - teininal weekness-impotency,
salt rheum; diSeaies of the eye' and 'ear, rile um atism i
piles, palsey..:-. ' . - -
Hr. Brownhas ninch pleasure in' annOtincing- to
the public, thatheii in possessipMof the latest in
formation and - improvement in the treatment of
secondary:v .- PI:ills, practised at the d'Alis Lock Hos
pital. -The modern researches oir'syphilis, its
cornplicationg and , cOnsequenees, amithe improved
modeg of - practice'which haVe been . made '•
'to the public. ,but recentleY, and to those chiefly
who-make this branch of Medicine, their particu
ar study and . Practise: - -
Many new'and valuable remedies havebeen-late
ly introduce4wliichsecureS the patient being mer
eurialized out of existence Strangers are apprised
that Doctor- •-Brown has been educated in •every
•branch - of medicine, and regularly admitted to
practise, and that he now confines himself , the
study, andpractice ofthis particular brauch,togeth
er with'all disease's of , a private or 'delicate.nature,
incident to the human frnme. -No Cure, no pay.
Recent cases'are - relieved in a short time,. with
out interruption from , business.- - - •
Office thy Diamond -AlleY, a few do . ors from
Wood street - - towards the market. Consultations
trictly confidential. mph 2-d&r.wy
IDIII, better id it tia cure the toothache in one, Min
etc,' by nsiM , Wlieeleris Teabcrr Tooth IS
than to sulfeithe , aching; also to.eure soreness of the .
ginini,"erire SOftneis of thezums, stop bleeding of
„the , gums, and always keep the teeth, - gum s 7 and
mouth pleasant, and-in. the. best stale. or health.
. . .
. intreducing- WHEELEi T
t , S EARER...DX
TOOTLE WASII to the public it is the painful duty of
the'prObriked,'fii state that article, which is the
original; and - only genuine Teaherry Tooth Wash, has
been - imitated hynnmeroui Teaberry TdOth Washes,
Teabdrry Tooth Pastes, rind a variety of articles with
the name Teciberzy annexed to them, when, in fact,
this article is the first that bore the name" of
Teaberry, and is the only one which possesses the
„real virtue of the plant,and established all the celeb
rity for it, wideli induced others to make use of its
name, though; they never did present its intrinsic vir
tuesto the public.
„As evidence that it is the first
preparation of Tcaberry for the leeth, the'copy of
the certified records 'of the United States District
Court is published. .
Distriot of fiennsylV - anla, to
' I
Be It remembered, on t
second day of February,
AnnoDonfini e '
ap..t.„ - lt One thousand eight hundred and. forty-
Of the said District, hath deposited in this ()dee tife
Title ofa Book, the title of which is in the words
following,' to Wit: ' • •
. ,
The right wliereiif he Online as Proprietor, in con
formity with the Act of Cong,ress, entiticd "An 'Act
to amend the cei•eral Acts respectlinCcrpy Rights."
;FRA , S. 'HOPIiEsiSON, •
Clerk of the. Dist: Court
'Copy deposited:
The above , iCepy R ht for the- Wrapper. of the
Bottle, showingtlke Title of the.A.rticle in legal lam
gut,e, and glanced in the legal form, will prove this
to tae the . Orgnial TEA.p.Ervity TOOTH 'W.A,SII, and
all others arelat imitations, which has gone out of
tice Wherever tit° GenuineTeaherry Tooth' `rash is
sold. Then, remember, none is genuine but
. .
Cerlifientesql,the:illegistrates of the City of
delphia„ - - . • - •
. .
Having made! lINe of your much celebrated Tea
berry. Tooth ; lir l ash, I feel convinced thatit is the
beet article I Lire ever known, and heresy .warmly
.receutuaend its use to the public jn,general, as a
pleasant and effiCaciaus article for, preserving, the
Teeth and Gums. , ROBERT E. JOHNSTON..
For aUumalmi al-ears my Tectlfand Gums - were
so much out ofi order as to prevent - Me - fret - treating
with any pleasuie and caused-much pain, •Ilaving
hear l of :Wheeler's Teaberry-Tooth Wash, I do-cer
tify,thut.l tried one battle of. it, and in. less:than two
weeks my teeth and Gurns were sound and good; r
believe that the use of it would lean advantage to
many ethers. • • J, BRAZX.R.
Certificates of lfclnbrrt of the Philadelphta Bar.
HavinguSed‘Vheeler'sTeaberry Tooth Wash and
powder, 1-Im4eltiiiind'them to possess' cleansing and
purifying properties, and While they whiten Mad
beau ay the 'Teeth, they have a beneficial effect Upon
the Gums, by limpariing to them free and healthful
action- F. A. RAYNOLD.
I:have usedpelees TeaberrY Tonth Wash, and
its effects upon my Teeth and Gums has given to me
a high opinion or its - nrerits. I cheerfully, recom
mend it to the general use. I. It. KIVEASS.-
• -
.11ty•claughterlitii-tied Wheeler's Teabdrry Tooth
Rash-(and pi:At-der) and hastirund its effects "to 'be
cleansing and purification of the Gums, and a sweet
enipg 91: thO.Lpol4. hay& no hesitation in:ream-i
-nt-ending it as •thnteast beneficial preparation for tho
Teeth.' have over ,
Certificates qf;rhdies and Gent lemen Phittaelp4id.
4 rlt is-with gratitude that I send the followingeeF 7
tificate, hoping-that many who suffer will he led by
a perusal ofit, obtain- Wheeler=s Teaberry Tooth
SN'asfi, which ;article 4 . 'used,- and it has effectually
cured tooth-ache, soleness of the gums, removed
scurf fioin my teeth, and I fully believe has entirely
arrested all decay of them. I trust that allwho suf
fer, having etilier- of thename species of complaint,
Wilt - as soon 'd possible
.Wheeler's TeaberrY
Tooth Wash that they may be relieimd.
"Owing to havinmtaken cold, but mostly in tome:-
quence;of the'utid of n paint used in coloring prints,
my Teeth- becaute-vertmuch injured, giving excru
ciating pain,at iiitery*for heiween. two and three
years: Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth 'Wash was used,
and has entirely curedlthois;*hich7in - iertiffeein
forth 1" send, :that those:who wiih.i'PCrfect i retited
for pninful teeth, and 'l6: desire.a. pleasant' -Toot
wash; may tvitiveonfulciiCe . try. .Wheelers Teaberry
Tooth'-Wash.: InitY A TAYLOR. .
' , Wheeler's l'eafferry.-Toinh Wash having're
miiima scarf and eared soreness - of the gunm,'..which
had troubled-me tWiii; years it is my,belief iliat
is a hiihly Useful 'article, anet4aCdf advisible to
thoselwho suffer with -the Teeth and Gums to make
use orit.4l4A/tY'SarLII,r-AN.
• •
• "'l r our :- Tealierry , TUOWWeeheered the teet h -4 ° l- e
and also soreness of the sums irca,o , y family and-. 1
send you certificate, that those4ho auffer'with
tooth-aehe'or soreness of: the guns, itiay know that
it is'ai remedy' fur them, and pleasant. Tooth
FRAS—PREVOSTiI4 ?Stiheeier
No::l4B,,Catliarine street •
aWheeler't Teaberey Tooth WaStiff having, cured
soreness ofthe gums, and effectually stopped blccd
ing' of the gums, I deem it, a debt of gratitude,for the
relief which it afforded me, and a duty owed to my
fellow lxiings ). to say, :that it-ismy firm ,conviction,
that thoso.who will use Wheelers Teaberry-Tooth
Wash; for, , the Teeth mid Gums; yill find that it is an
important article, 'EficymAs. .T.,aPCOII.ITIj
,-: No. 238,.Callowhill st.
Prom much severe affliction of myself, and ot.hers
of iny,family, With decayed Teeth and sure
and the Many respectable tostitnoniale highly in favor
was induced so give it a trial; after which my family
usedit, and -1' rejoice -to say thit' it 'did perform' a
thorough and cfrectual cure for all; and is 'the best
article that I ever knew of. I would recomrsiMidits
usit:te'thohe who may be suffering. _
NyliCeler. . . 121:;Alark - et street.
Many more testimoldals:ara existing approving of
4 Wlieeler 7 sTeaberiy-Tooth'Wasli. , ?
Sold at W31.4.61C5011'S Store, No. 81t I.,ABarty
street, Pittsburgli,,head -a Wood street.
Principal Office, - Dio: -86 Chesnut'st.;ThiladelPhia.
;.t.TIIIIEAD.-,—A-lirke assortment, together
[Shoe lindiiags and Kitt of all kinds, jiative
• 30.11 N VT. 13141R: - '
120 Wood street .
Wltlt i
cured 1,
- -
Preset-re the-Teetli.
I . An. Acrostic.
JuSt received, a splendid,assortment of Spring an
and-Summer. goods,. -
Unsurpassed for quantity, quality or - - -
Style. ,The.Proprictof of this establishinerit -
Takes great_pleasure in informingiiis fr;ends and the
In general,lhafhe is. new: repared to fill all Orders
- that "tie
Numerouscustomerd:mayfavorhimwith Strdligtra
Travelers would do welli in veetTg the
Iron City, to call and examine his estonsiveand hell
Alade stock of ready made clothing: - lie has a cons.
pieta assortmcnt.of -
English eloth to which he would invite. attention
French cloths of every color anilAtialityovich he Is
Offering at a very, small advanc.p CEstcrn prices.
Iternember this stare you are not asked two prices,
COnvinced that Small ;prate miff:quick sales is the ,
best way to secure custom. -
Having in his: employ the best workxnen, he can war—
Every article made at.his estahlislimenticifit well,
And to, be of tke best Materials; he would: again in
. _
Purchasers generally to give him a call • -
Before pitthiising in any other plate, -
As tie is eonfidentthat he ea# sell them aigood goods
prices as anylibuse is tliIS OW; .
Going - eo faras to say_ a•little-eheaper.':'- • -
All hie e,06,1.4 are-new, and of handsome patterns,
-I-u - 0 12 -§ed •In the the bast btit a: (qty weeks since, - •The subscri• - •
Nciw returns liiellianks to his friends and the public
in general, and
Solicits a continuance of their fa ors. - •
• /ron City Clothing Store, N 0.112 Libertilitreet..
• mar 7_ : - C. APCLOSICRY.-
. .
Three Big Doors Clothing Store,
N6 , ..1.51; - Libeitysiieet;
ID Proprietors of this old and highly popular
stablishment informs his friends and lho.publie;
at large; that a - Portion of his Spring anti Summer
Is now prepared
their inspection, and he.r.espeek:
fully invites all who contemplate..purchasintartielea
in his line' to"paY }lima visit. Its stock thiS season
ispeculiarly riche comprising. all thelitest Fatations
and Patterns, and all his Goods, having.beenaelect
ad by himself in the eastern markets, he can with
confidence recommend them to' his customers as b
ing of the very hest quality: ' His !age assortin•
Is made in the most modern and iniproye':,
theioOrkmarisiiip cannot be excelled.4.r.
cry dCaaription, Satin ¢ Fartry Itests„,s'
and beau iftik,usyrtmett of - : 7
TO which he Would'eall'the atten'
believes them to be more Be,. • .
Than anything of the kind'.
Tweed and; other coats Y ,
great variety_and made in
Shirts, Latest Style of Stocl -
descriptions, Ilandkerchiers*,,:,. ,
necessary tbr a rashionabielk4...',,_ : •
.11d has a Very large and ..escelreale...
Substantial Clothing, Irhich will be solth k , •
it can be purchased at any otherplaceth tr
which he would invite the 'attention of wit,
and otheis who wish seryicable clothing
dy , s wear. _
flaying in his employ dome - the best Cutters and
Workmen, that, the. Country can produce, and, being
provided with a stock of Goods, which for ,excel , ;
knee and variety - cannot - be equalled, he is prepa.i.
At the shortest notice, end in a st} - le that Cahoot be
Surpasso3. - • . -
. .
It is. not - considered any Trouble tcrshow' Clothing,
andthe proprietor feels- confident that - after an eit
amination of his stock, all who degire to purchase
.will find it their interest to deal at his establisinneot.
The proprietor would take this opportunity to ten-
der his sincere thanks to the public for the'
dentecl patronage bestowed upon his establishment,
and as the success he has met with is an _indication
that his efforts to pleas his patrons, have not: beep
unavailing, lie pledges himself that nothing shall - be
omitted on his park to secure their kindness for the
ThiTe" BP , Loots,.
hl Liberty st
3. S. Lowry, Merchant Tailor.
ITTOULD inform his friends and the public_ iii
t` general, that ho has removed to Wood street, -
in the Sr,: CmintEs building, two, Clo Ors below the'
ehtrance,-Where,he. is ready to execute.all orders in'
the neateSt.and most fashionable manner, having-en
gaged the services of Mr. Join: M eADI.P.E,r as, mit
ter,-whose attention will be deyota, to thatbr"4l4
ofthetrade and WhOie well known ability in this par,:
tieular having long been ekabliShed in l :
able - community of tiffs city, induces the belief thatby close attention, to husiness, h© will -ba • able" tla •
giVe,..general satisfaction, to all who may call—having also made arrangeneenthtci,kanic
Constantly on hand a general - assortment-of
thing' adapted to gentlemen's wear, such as Cloths,'
Cassimeres, Vestings, Shirts, Diawers„ Bosoms, Sus,."
penders, Gloves,, Cravats, and every.article.pertain- -
ing to a gentlriman's wardrobe' he will tic ready at:
all times to -supply any demand in his liner
The subscriber respectfully informs leis friends and'
the public, generally, that having entered into the;
above arrangetrient the establishment will, be able to
furnish any article in the Tailoringhne, with a puny,.
tuality and despatch scarcely equalled by any other .
in the city, and' for style and,workmanship - ner sur r '
passed by .any in the states.
.. ,
aug22 . .-d3m, • • .1110. M. CAMPBELL...;
JUST RECEIVED—.A splendid assortment. of
St/nmer .Cdssimeres, Ginghams,•aud Gam,
broons, suitable for coats and-pants; a. large Stock of
fancy Summer Stuffs; fancy Cotton Cloths, a neiy
ticle;Dregon Cassicuerei; - Gold Mixed Piim'ecis
Berkshire; 10 dozen white'shirt Linen BOSOMS 'and
Also a great - variety of fancy - shirt :striped Ging
hams, &c.;, a_ splendid assortment-of Sunirdei Cra
yats; Marseill -
es, Silk; Satin and other Vestings, of
superior' styles and qnality; 'Socks, Hasidkerehiefs',
Stocks; Bosoms, Collars, Lisle GlOves, and 'ill kinds
of gentlemen's wear, ready-teade ' argot up to order
at the shortest notice) and at the lowest price!;,,-by
• ,
W. 13.
• -
Pittsbur g h Cfothing
je3 coiner of Mood and:Water • .
Can't, be Beat! : : .
M. WHITE has just received at hiS large
4_ll, estabtiAment, fronting on .:Liberiy and fiiith
streets,. a ,splendid assortment of .TWEEDS: for
summer; aiso, a .superior lot of French Satin YES
TINOS, all of;which he is*ready to ...minim. Mri in
the fashion aria on the most reasonahle,terins
as usual. Observe the corner, No. 167 Liberty
and Sixth streets. . • • •
myl4 J. M. WHITE, Tailor, Proprietor.-.--
To' Arinisl . .To Arms 1
with 10,000 men, notwithstanding ,L
White will .continue -to sell clothing - cheaper than
any, has heretofore been offered in the_ western court:
try, haying , the.largest establishment : in. _the .city,
fronting on _Liberty and Sixth streets... Anis new
prepared . MehOW to his numerous paironS thogrent
eet variety of cloths, cassimeres, - castings, and clo=
thing of all descriptions; suitable for the apPreachfug
season; that has ever been offered in this, market, to
which all can-have the Right of Way. Observe the
coiner, No. 167, Liberty. and Sixth streets: • .
J. M. IVILITE, 2'ailor,
• .: Proprietor
Yenitlan .
A 'WESTERVELT, the old and well known
„ Venitiau Blind Maker, formerly of Setond
and Fourth sta., takes this method to inform his many
friends of the fact that his. Factory is now in, full op
,on St, .Clair st., near the. old Allegheny
Bridge, where a constant supply of - Blinds of various
colors and qualities, is constantly „kept on hand and -
at all Trines, from twenty,cents np. to cpitolgleis
; N. B. If required,.Blinds will be put up so,-that
in, case of alarm by fire, or otheswise they may be -
removed without the aid of a screw-driver, and with
the, same facility- I that anymtlicr. piece of:furniture ,
can be removed,.ankevithout any extra expense;
Hats 2 Hats 2 "
driISPRING PASHION.—Just received .by 4
exprese from New York, the Spring Stile ,
of Hata. - All those in want of a neat superioi Hat;
are fe4ectfully Ins-Recite call., . , S. IRK/RE,
No. 93 Weed st.i 3 dooribelow Diamond, Alley.
marl I-dw
ITARDRODES—If you Arant.. to purchae
gooil NV `.r(lrcbe . cheSp,c4ll-at.the ,furniture
iY I7 : ; • al } Ta.nd •
• Stertxaboat for Salle.
T.HE staunch , well ,built, light draught steamer-
Revenue Cutter, wilt- be sold low and on'good
erme. Apply to - je2.4. , AS. MAY.