ransportation i!oriablo Bt; . t LiAc. 846 asl . . . --IDOR transporting good betwee Pittshargh arid the Eastern cities without transhipping. - This Old established linelbeing the oldest p ortable boat line oh '.the canal) is now - prepared to receive produce and inerchaudize for shipping either East nr.West.. The boats by this line are, commanded by skilful, e. x pc.. rienciad and sober. captains, and provided-With good rewe. Boats and 'cargoes are transferred from and to canal and iailrOad, saving all removal and separa tion of goddi. ...Trips made in as short time, .anti goods carried on as fair terms as,any '•F - I Thankful fiar,,and, respeotfully.soliciting a contrail. 'Once of the liberal and growing patronage herd torero besteinmd upon:this line; we, with. confidenCe • assurethescrnerchanti tlisPosed to Myer us,rhat their buiiness Shall be done to their entire, satislimtion, goOds carried- - by us, consigned`to, either of otir houses ' will be shipped' to their destination free cif thargefer ihipping, storage or advance of .chargei. Ai we hold:no interest iii steamboat stock, merchants inav'depend upon their gdods always being fonvarded without 'delay, - upon good boats and at the loweit mica - of freight. ,'Produce consigned to our. house at Philadelphia fdr sale, Will be sold on liberal minis; and advances made either at Pittsburgh or Philadelphia. & Co., Penn it., ? Canarßasin, Pittsburgh.l • ..TA3IES .M. DAVIS Se Co., 249 and 251, uprlO-Gm . Market st., Philadelphia. Pttteburgh Portable Boat Line,' tiv _oxy_ ri 1846 • • - u m 'the transportation of freight between MM ."! burgh ,and the Atlantiweities, vik'Pennsyfrania :Improvements and Baltimore and Susquehanna rail- • The Proprieters'of this old established line, having completed their arrangements,are - prepared to for ward goods to and from the East (on the opening 4f the cant_ navigation,) on as reasOnable terms as any rather responsible line, and Are determined that no care or attention, on their part shall be.ivanting to so curea continuance of that patronage so liberally be stowed upon them for several years past. I The decided• success of the portable boat system, ' so manifest in the regularity and despatch experienced ' in the delivery of goods, the absence of all' risk Of delay, breakage or other damage; incident to the old system, whkre goods have to be hurriedly transhipped three timeson the way, and the merchantable order in' which produce has been avowedly delivered b',7 theta, has induced the proprietors to increase their stock. considerably this- season. Their exten'siv,e ' warehouses at each point, (uneaqualled by any other line,) affords them facilities to conduct their basin+ ! with despatch; and to shippers the convenience §f free storage, if required, until their arrangements e.orriplete- 7 while their long experience in the sarri ing trade, it is presumed, will be stifficient guarantqe to their patrons and the public that they wil,l4Uceesa fully elect themselves to give general satisfaction. Produce !received forwarded, stematoat charges paid; and hills lading transmitted free of charge for commission, advancing or storage; and all communi cations, to the following agents. promptly attended TAAFRE & O'CONNOR, epr. Penn and,Wavne sts., Pittsburgh. • TTIOIttiS BORBIDGE, 278,lkfarket street, Philadelphia. 'E O'CONNORS. & Co., mzulo-y North st., Baltimore. Dixtgitrimls Transportation_ Lines r -1 1'""'31‘ 181{6.- TET on strictSabbath-keepingprineipleir, ••' though not claiming to be the Only line that is 4o ,conducted . 1 The proprietors of this old establishdd line have put their stock in the most complete order, --: and are thoroughly prepared to forward proace add merchaudixe to and from the Eastern 'citibs on tile • opening ofinavigation. We trust that our long experience in the carryidg business,and zealous.attention to the interests of ciit tomers, will secure to us a continuance and increase of :the patronage heretofore bestowed on'llingham 4 s Line? I Our arrangements will enable us to carry freigiit with the utinost despatch; and our prices shall always be as low is the lowest charged by other responsible lines. - • Produce laud merchandize will be received and fcA-- warded east and west without any charge for adverti sing, storage or commission. Bills, of I lading forwarded, and every directidn promptly. attended to. Address, or apply to WH i 31. BING AM, Canal Basin,cur. Liberty and Wayne sts., Pittab , g, NGa4ms, DOCK & STRATTON, N 0.276 Market a., Philadelphiai . I — TAMES NILsOs, Agent„P No. 122 North Howard at., Baltimore, l I WILLIAM TYSON, Agent, sprlo-y I . No. 10 West st., New York: f Indopendent Portable Boat Line. ' ll4l 1846 FOR thd transportation of produce and merchaS dile to and from 'Pittsburgh, Baltimore -add Philadelphia; LX:}.without transhipping. Goods coS signed to our care, will be forwarded without delay, llt the lowest current rates; Bills of Lading trans mitted, and all instructions promptly attended tS, free from any extra charge fur storage or COM/114i- Ilion. Address C. A. McANULTY & Co., Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. o ROSE, MERRILL & Co., i . .. Smith's Wharf, Baltimore. MEARS, RAYNOR & Co. l jy23 • Broad st.,Pliilaclelphia. l Pleisworth's Way' Preignt Line. 18 • •-•""'""‘•-• _ 1. viXCLI W VELY for •-the transportation of Al* freight between Pittsburgh, Blairsville, Joluiji town, frollidaysburgh, Water. Street, and all intek mediate places. Oneboat.leaves the Warehouse of C. A. 3.feAnti - ty & Co., Pittsburgh, every day (except Sundays) argil Shippers can always depend on having their goods' forwarded without delay and on- accenamodatitig terms. . We respectfully solicit your patronage. PROPRIETORS' J. PiCkWolth of boats, .Nile, Exchange, Paris aid Pacific. ; J. H. Barnes of boats, Push and Exoine. -John.ALiller of cars on Portage Rail Road.; CM= J. PICKWORTH, Canal Basin, Johnstown, JOHN MILLER, 6 l " Hollidaysburghi C. A. M'ANULTY eCO, " Pittsburgh. I 1i 23 • • MONONGATIELA TIOUTE, H . VIA.. BROWNSVILLE. TO BALTIMORE; in 32 hours—fare $10:' . TO PHILADELPHIA in 40 bours—faro $l2. it ONLY 73 NILES STAGING! 011r TA :A , U. S. RAIL. • • ' ' 'The Great Speed, Regularity and high Reputatio:st . already attained by this pleasant passenger Route, has induced the Post Mister General, to place the New Yorklaud Philadelphia mails to Pittsburgh, ut - on it. - , • The suPerior and swill stcatners'CONSUL LOUIS-ltd ILANE, leaves the Montingaliela - Whaif precisely at 8 o'clock every morning, and - af clock every evening, except Sundays. ,Splendid 'Coaches awaittheir arrival at Brownsville, to trail. port Passengers and Mail, ,only 73 miles to: the Ra i n .Road at CUmberland. . - - The preparatiOns on this route are ample, and qe connections complete, so that disappointment or de = lays will be unknown upon it. By our tickets, passengers can delay at Cumberland or at Baltimore, during their pleasure, and contitt their journey either - by steamboat or cars to Phi - delphia. • Office in the ""St. Charles Hotel," Wood st. Pitts burgh. .L MESIUMEN, jy3l -•- 'Agent.! Eurupean and American 'Agency'. , T"'Undersigned European Agent having" again arrived in America at the regular 'time,. Will leave Pittsburgh, Pa._ early in Septcinher next, and sail from' NOW York on the first day of October, ma king ct:Turarrrayrit tour through England, Ireland, 13cotland, Wale's; and returning to America In May; By this agency money remittances can 'be made by drafts for large and small sums, payable al sight in- e'rery part of Great Britain, Ireland, &c.; legaties,debts, rents, real k estate and claiins.collcct ed'-tuid re'covered;' searchki of all kiuda made; co pies of wills, deeds and documents, procured, and the usuailiuslness appertaining to this.rAgeti4'nan oacted as heretofore. „Innumerable references giv en. Apply personally or actrdesspostpard, European Agent and Attorney at,Lass., Pittsburgh,. Mi. J. S. hlcry'will atteud to all-European-bard. ness. in ray:abeace. . i 0.19 • •. • - , . 7.7 7 .2 < entiqration liO E, ; BROTIxEus &CO ENE /' i" olt - I 8 4 6 , - BLAKELY:4. 11111.7VILJ,' , AgeWsi EMITTANCES -to :and Passage to anti : frpm lA, Great Britain_and Ireland, bylhe Blaela,l3rtil,or old Line ., . of Efverpool Paavts.. from;New York ,and Liverpool on the Ist and 16t1i,oF,erry month. And by first,elass AmericanShips4Sailing Weekly.]_ • • Persons sending- to, the4 - 401d. Country'? for their friends; can .Makethe necessary - arrangements.. With the - subscribers, and hare them brought out. ifl any of the eight ships comprising the Black Ball or Old Line of Liverpool-Packets; trom.Liverpoel on the Ist and,l6th of every month,) also, by. first class-ships, sailing from that portweekly, which our. AgenM; Messrs. James D. Roche & to., there , scud out without de .. • •• • • • ShOuld•those sent far not come out the meney,w-gl be refunded withow6ny deduction,. . . . The "Black Ball, or old Line. of Liverpool Packd eta, ,, comprise the following magnificent ships, and will-sail from Liverpoel. on their regular . appointe day, ns follows _ , Fidclia, On ISt Jan. let May. .',ls) Sept. Europe,. .... 16th, 4, 16th ~, , 16th " New . Ist Feb. Ist June. Ist Oct. American, 16th 16th ." 4 .16th let Mar. Ist July. Ist Nov. Cambridge,. • 16th 44 16th 4t 16th Dec. 0xf0rd,............ Ist April. Ist Aug. Ist Montezuma,...... 16th 16th ~ 16th Notice.—leis.well known, that the Bina...Ball is the very best conveyance for- persons to get out their friends, andns'other passenger agents advertise to bring out passengers by that Line, the public are re motified by the owners that passenger agents but Roche, Brothers,& Co., and Blakely & Mitchel, are authorized to advertise and to ,bring out passengers by that Line. . , We have at all times for the Drafts at Sight for any, amount, direct on the Royal Bank of Ireland, Duls lin. Also on Messrs. Prescottt; Grote; Ames 900., Bankers, London, which are paid free of disCo6nt, or any charge whatever, in all the principal towns throughoutlingland, Ireland, Scotland add Wales: Apply to, or address, if by Letter Ails, &d. The truth is; - no