The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, September 21, 1846, Image 3

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Jalarina; G. Weynian ' 'l*. S. Clark
Prepared and corrected c , rery Afternoon.
"S 81ST k WATEII "IN ;11r. C -""
„ „ •
Consul, Bowman, Brownsville. -
Lake Erie llemphil, Beaver.
Louis 1111..ane; Bennett, Brownsville.
Arrow, Atkinson, Beaver. ,
Oneota, Gorden, Beaver.
Rio . Grande, Connelly, Cincinnati.
Hfinter, -
Rambler, -. Keesport.
'Arrow, Atkinson, Beaver. -
, Pacific, Campbell, -Louisville.
America, Calhoun,Cincinnati.
;Comet; Boyd, 4 1
W ilmington, Dawson; Wheeling.”
Rhede-Island,Dawson '
Island Packet NVorly,
Nortli Queen, Calbett, Wellsville.
Newark, Herd, Zaneiville.
Fairmount, Poe,' Cincinnati,
Oneota,,Gordon, -Beaver.,
Rambler. -,lWK.eesport. -
- -
" louisni//c—Per stt Pacific; 46 bales cOtton; 2
- b.xx and 3, hhds tobacco, 3 Eks "WOOL 2 bx.s mds, 1
trunk, 20 bbls apples.
GrundvicuPer str Rhodel.dand; 9. MOS to r
bacco; i5O bbls flora', 6 sks rags, 5 kgs butter, 6
bbls do, 6 bxs specie;
str Conaet '4.50 lire hogs, 15,
tons raids . : . '• . • • ' •
`lEice/ing—,—Per - str Island Packet; 64 bhda to
ii - c - ci); 3 bills leather, 7 alts wool, 3G bblsflour:
kranonganda improvement—Per str - Louis Al':
%Lane; 24 bss glass, SO bush oats. '
Per str Cons&; 1 bx and 3
.ehests aids, S
leather 42-bbls flour, 16 Ibis apples, 37 bx.s
146 bgs oats.
Sra 4 It Exri.osrox.—By passengers ,
as. the Hatcher Eagle, on Monday evening,
crgo, we are inforthed that the sUamer
her upward trip, haling on board
company of Texas Volunteers,
✓ we believe, from Tennessee,burst
•' , distance above Reynosa. The
esed from its supports, and fell
'r .
t " , enany who were on that part, or
firer, several of- whom were
• ^ fo were killed by pieces of
fawn of and some were cast
- f c- , where they were burnt severely.
, . .
• - e' , number on board it seemed miraculous
, were injured, not more than eight or'
, t ,„.„ - fsing been seriously hurt, and only four killed.
wounded, amongst whom was the Captain ,
were brought clown to Reynosa and placed in the
hospital. Carelessnea on the part of the engineer
in *elirge at the tithe, vtho we understandhas been
arrested i s a.s . " - signed as a reason for the catastrophe.
Sole,or stit.:Ward Property at A.uallOni
111 otTer for public auction, on Monday,
1: the 28th day of September, at 10 o'clock, Ai AL,
tin the. premises, a ',Lot of Ground, on Penn street,
(sth Ward) opposite-the residence 01P.
Dui, 24 Tent front. by 100 feet deep,- on which is
erected a:double' frame house and olacksmith
now rentitry ulO-per annum. Title tlexcepliau-
Also atthe mine. time, an annual Ground Retitle
SS7 50 paYable ttuarterly for 'ever, on a Lot lof
t.l.rOund 50 feet:. front by 100 deep, on the contertof
'Perth and Walnut attects, one of the most - raluable
lots in - the sth Wird, on which is erected aereMal
franie dwelling houses and stores.
P. AI'ICENZ.i.)., Auct'r
Public Sole of Lots In the. Sixth 2S and
: . of the City , of Pittsburgh; c. I
INTILL be aposed to public sale, at flirt Com
mercial Auction Rooms, corner ofWood and
Fab streets,' on Wednesday, the 23d iturt• - rit
clock, F. 51., by order of Henry Irwin, ofll.illinthre;
;the following lots, situate in the 6th Ward, of.the
- City of Pittsburgh, in plan, to wit: I
Nos. 21and 23; being each 24 feet in front'oo COal
Lane, by abont'9o‘feet in depth to an A11ey,.26 feet
51 inches Wide:
' N05..49, 54 and 56, each being in frontonthe
northerly side of Wylie street, 24 feet bq 109 feet
in depth, to an Alley 26 feet 51 - inches wide. 1
Nos. 69, 71 and 72, each being in front on the
southerly - side of Wylie street, 24 feet by 12.4 feet in
depth; town Alley 26 feet 51 inchei hide, j
- Nog: 102, 103 and 104, each being in front on the
noitherly side of Franklin street, 24-feet by 124 feet
iu depthito an Alley 26 feet 51 inches wide.
Nos. 119, 120 - atid . l2l, each being in front on the
southerly side of Franklin st:, 23 feet by - 126 feet in
depth,-to Deeatim street. -
No. 136, at the earner of Franklin and Lpgatt
being }in front. on Franklin St., 33 feet by 126 - feet in
depth. to Decatur at.
No. 117, at the corner of Franklin and Elm ids:,
being 43 feet 6 inches front, or width, 011 Franklinist.
by 124 feet* inches in depth on film st., to an alley
of 26 feet 51 inches, and being only •37 fcct and 21in.
'Flies wide on the said alley. I
Terms: one blilf cash and the balance 'llene year,
..--witli,interest,to be secured by bond and mortgag on
the'i`pi-opery sold, the cost of the deed, bond and
mort,gage; is to be paid by the purchaser: A plan can
be seen at the Auction Room. JOHN D. DAVIS.
sop. 14th. (American copy.) Auctioneer.
- Pit /CLAN tTION.
BY virtue of a precept under the hands or i the
rHon„.l3enjanain Patton, jr., President of The
Court of CoMmon Pleasinand for the sth JudiCial
District Of Pennsylvania,-and Justice of the Cdurt
of Oyer and Terininer, and Generff.jeil Deliv#ry,
in and for said District, and '-William - Porter arid
William Kerr, Esquires; Associate Jfidges of 'tbe
same courts, in and for the--said County of Asle
gheny, dated the 'l6th day 'of Mayfin the year of
our Lord-one thotisand ei,ght hondred and forty-Six,
and to me directed, for-• holding- ireourt of Oyer
and Terminerouid General —Jail, Delivery, at the
Court House, in the city of Pittsbuxh; on the dth
Monday ofOctober next, at 19 Tilock, A. .1‘.1.1
Public notice is hereby gis* - to JiniiiceS of
the Peace, Coroner and Constables, of; the County
or Allegheny, that they be then atuPthere, in their
proper pe.. - sons; with their 9114 ...records, - inquisi:
tions, examinations, and other, remembrances; to
do those things ; which to their respective offices
in their behalf appear to be done--and also those
that will prosecute the prizoners that' now are or
313 ax- be hi jail of said county - of. Allegheny, to` be
then and there to prosecute against them as shall
be just. .
(lived under my band at Pittsburgh, this vith
day of :ieptember, in theyear of our Lord 1646,
and of the Commonwealth.the GSth.
septts. ELIJAif TROVILLO, Sheriff..
.Money Wonted in exchange for Hats and
THE subscriber -would inform the
public that he has received his fall
stock oftaps, all of which have been -principally
made to his order, and as his purchases has - been
mado. on the-cult system, - he is enabled to sell bit
stock of flats and Caps at unusually low prices for :His 'stock does not consist of -the manua l s of
-Eastern hbuse.s, but-kre all a fresh manufbatured
article, 'Neither is his--establishment repieniihed
with -the 'old - stock • freun eastern markets. The
Proprietor',-/ming , a batter and Cap manufactUrer,
iby trade, as well as proression'plie is also daily Min.
ufacturing :Hats and Caps of all descriptions, :and
for their nosiness and durability, cannot be :cur
pataed . All of - which .he offers at wholesale land
retsll., and at such prices as cannot fail to plhase
the pwchsser. -
No, 102, Wood street, third doer below John DJ Da- ,
vis' Conunernial Auction Rooms. •
stiptl2. ,
Poll Fashion of Flats.
4At KEEVIDS, to-morrow, Thursday August
. 27th, 'a neat and cheap article of Pittsburgh
-manufacture can ho had at the above store, ahead of
fashionalici, hats importod from Ile - East. .
EMU'. & CO
'au,g2fi . No 15„;',Jowd of Wood st..„
nra * , "141q16•0" "-• q"" 5 4 - • t -
titkit.ipir A Afv,r.,..m,.4z,
m. '4 - t a .
944 , A t 4 -0104:PtIr `k. o. o'Pz - • . • - • • • • .••- •, -
Fluctuations is the Flour lifarliet—Great Demand
11, for "Indian Meal—Advanee in. C'otton—lmprove
., me.nt in, the lion Trade .6.c • '
The steamer Cambria arrived at her wharf, in
Boston, this (Friday) morning, after a passage of
thirteen days and a half. She brings 113 passel'.
gers, and amongst them I observe the names of the
Hon. Washington Irving,, our -.Minister toa Spain;
B. Manor, bearer of despatches; and.the renowned
Creikshank,- whose skill and hutrior as a carica•
twist are familiar all over theworld. - • '
1 flare-received your file of papers, r and make
stub...extracts for teleg,Mphic:iise as I think will be
most acceptable to'your readers, as of leadingim
portanee, in a mercantile and general point of vievi,
The grain harvest int England is over, the crop
has been gathered, and it seems to be generally ail.
Mitted that it will bean avorageoite:. Flbv,l o ,te
heavy - storms have sotnewhat impaited tlie bright
hopes of the . early summer.
The: Potatoe crop it is alleged, and appears to be
believed, is a failure in all parts' of the country;
and in the prospective loss of this staple, of course
_attention turns with more interest to the
com meal of the ainited "States.
The British Iron trade has sensibly improved in
consequence of the passage of the new American
tariff, a fact that will be gratifying to the Ameri
can Iron trade, as it must tend greatly to reliev'e
any excess of apprehension that may have, been
thoughtlessly and foolishly engendered„ • -
The American provision market is in a buoyant
Parli.ame4 had been.prorog,ued on the 2Sth'ult.
_From Cape
,of Good Hope, ort the 18th of May,
We learn
,that.ll;ooo.Caffres, V o had swanned
around Fort Nadia . , were dispersed, by artillery and
rockets, leaving a large number on the field dead.
The firing.having frightened the cattle which were
gathered beneath. the walls of the fort forprotection
theyAtrokilonse end 'lir 5000 were Captured by
the Caffres. On the 13th of June, 1000 Colima
u•ere surprised by several parties of British, and
defended tlietnselves gallantly but, several hundred
-wcre.galloped over and cut down in retreat.
, The Queen .of Spain is to marry her cousin, the Cadiz, the eldest son of the Duke of Mont.
peusier. '
A treary,of commerce betweenTrussia and Den.
mark has-been published.
_ There is no change to note in Tobacco.
Flour was in demand at Havre. Sales had been
made at 32. f. and 33f. to arrive. -
On the first instant there was a fair demand for
good Western Canal flour at 265. Gd. ;to 28s. per
barrel, The Wheat market has been fluctuating.
Id advanced 4s per quarter on the 24th ult., and a
further rise took place. Subsequently, the weather
having changed for the_ better. and permitting the
agricUlturists . to secure their crops, purchasers be
ing reltictant, business was dull on the 31st ult.,
wheat having declined 2s. per quarter below the
rate prevailing on that day week.
On the Ist inst., there was a fair demand for
Wheat at former prices.
Indian corn was held at 275. to 30s per quarter
Ther6 Was much inquiry for this article, and a firm
at Limerick intended to send to the Unite,: States
for n, dozen cargoes.
Cotton since the 25th has been very animated.
Large lots have been Fold at a quarter of a cent. ad
vance on sorneqiialitics. The advance:is fully one
eighth of a cent on all descriptions: iThis was oc
casioned by the accounts brought by the Hibernia
that the crop would be late.
Prom the N. o;Commertial Times, Extra, Sep. V,
Att•y. irr.p.d. for;
The steamship Galveston. Capt. Wright, just ar
rived Irrirn Galveston, brings the melancholy infot.-.
million of the loss of the steamship Nev' York, on
the 7th inst., in a severe gale from the
Seventeen persons stele drowned, including t 2 pas
sengcrs and five of the crew. The survivors were
picked up by the Galt eston.
Crew saved--John D. Phillips, captain; Daniel
Phillips,clerk; Jame's D. Phillips, mate;' Wm. F..
Hairland, mate; George Minor, engineer; and
15 other's,
Passengers saved—l S.
sepl 16 1
Passenwirs lost and missing—Mrs. Wilson and
two children; Miss Follett.• 3 children of Mrs. Fol
lett's; A. H. 31'Cormick; W. Armstrong; 1 cabin
passenger and two deck, manes unknown.
Crew lost and missing---Phineas Marsh, 2d engi
neer; Chas. Wilson, seaman; John Grogard, fire
man;- Jas. Watson, 2d steward; Win. 31cRea
man, one seaman, mime unknown.
1. D. IV/LtttaM , 71109. 9IILL=.I
13. Ilalliama Co:
WIIOI..F.SALE . and re - tail grocers, Forwarding
and cninthission merchants, and dealers in
country produce and-l'atsburgh Manufactures.
. No.
110, Northeast corner
. 0f:Wood and Fifth streets. -
80'Packages fine and extra fine - green and
I _black teas. Fur sale by
St I:GAR,. COCO Ibr., prime N. 0. Sugar.
1000 " Loaf, crumbed, Pulverized and
clarified, do. For rale by
HAMS, Prime sugar cu red.
F als by
CIOFFEE, 150 13ags or Prime Rio Coffee. .
20 « Old Gov.JavaanilLoguairailo
For sole by
3. D. WILLIAMS Z.: Co.
deIOCOA, chocolate, cocoa paste and broma of the
. best quality. For wile by
sap. 8.... J. Di WILLIAMS 1:. Co.
• vnEszt FAL+ 000 rm
^ Cases rich fall
ends; French
ad English Cas
h and- Mona.
Laises ; Gala
Lobrain plaids;
lain r h
[oat -G1 o tits;
rinted artd , plaid
loakingai a full
tench .J3rochet
rinted Cashmere
ik. tied coltrrtd
'hihet, plain and
;awls, plain and
erinos, Alpaca'
to plain /6...d0
,aines; plain, blk
and 11.110 . gfeat varmty of rich color'ed
dress Silks. Also, 12 cartoons of rich Bonnet Rib.
bons; Velvet and Bonnet Silks; French and Ameri.
can Flowers,' in great variety; • 131 aid and Straw
Bonnets, cheaper than ever; a MI assortment of
gentlemen's wear, such as Cravats; Shirts, under
Shirts and Draweis; Cloths, Caesimeres and Vestings ;
all of which- will be sold at a small advance over
Now York iost •• W. 11. GARRARD,
sept 16 - 79 Market street.
T"Epartnership heretofore existing between
Hunker 4- Dickson is this day dissolved by mu
tual consent. The-affairs of the late firm will be
settled by P. IL Flanker,. who will continue the Bak
ery and Confectionary, at the old stand in Fin, near
Market street. P. IL HUNKER,
lon and Niro Insta.•
Ma iket Street.
Pittsburih - at
ranee C.
o,ffice, No. 21,
. From tike Balt 'more Sun
STE -1.14 - 111f4AfFN4, SHIP
C A lit B RI A
tclu e OXL Mips Later from Vurope.
sep. 8
nissolut Lon.
William Ebbs,
Lewis Hutchison,
Fred. Lorenz,
James May,
Michael Allen ;
C. Anshutz,
Thos. Balreviall,
Robert Beer,
R. W. Poindexter
• .iII. ALLEINT, Pres't,
RODEiiT . Fxsxsr, Secretary.
- Per IClTicinnatl7,
TILE -splendid new and light drought
passenger steatm- S RNA T 0 R , Capt.
WOLurtn, - Will leaves for the-:abhvoand all intern:mil , :
ate ports, regularly; For Reight'nr patisago apply
an board. sopl6lin
For Cincinnati.
id a illi
1 The new I ight-draiight)packet steam'-
~ e CALIFORNIA, Cap'Mill:l:Linter,. wilt
leave fort e above and all interniedipty ports,this
day, re,„..ialarly.' - : ..- - -.--
For freight or passa,g6- apply.on 'board, or to.
..- , .J., W.. BUTLER & BRO4Beebinl et.
, The California was built cotimltYsly for the above
trade, and will make her trik* , tegula.rly during the
season. - : - - 1 -: ,: ~ ' augls
hew and light ilrnught passenger
SW. steamer: WESTERN, Capt..l3ssr.s,
;t1 are for . ; thd above and all intermediate ports
regrakrip . The Western draws but 12 inches, and
avaa - bu . t expressly 'in the trade during the
low, water season. .
. .
: Fer . freight ai pussage t haying eeperipTaccoratrio
detione, apply en hoard.. • 'jyls
The new andsplendldpassenger eteam
.er TONNALEUXA, Ladoody
wilt-run in the trade'from Pittsburgh• to.Loulaville,
during the season of-1846.
The Tonnaleuka was built-expressly for the tinde,
and a elegantly .fainished in.every, ieqptct.
forfreight- or plumate:4oy on {Mind: - t.:nly22
. „
• 'iAttimetPuteiAst:Mo l 4o* 4l 4 4 .
Vill1111141%;•-• V
as a regular Paoltet,leavirigovery Wedneeday morn
ing at 10 o'clock, and Wheeling, 8110, P. this
same 'day.. 'Returning, she will !nate, .Cincitinati
every Saturday, at 10, A. M. . •
For freight or passage apply on board, of to
aplo 'No 'l3O •Wder atreet,,
The 'new and splendid passenger steam
er TOM CORWIN, Capt. Bu g her, wil
run in the trade froin,'Pittsburgh to St. Louis, du
ring the senson'of 1840..
The To - ar Corivin,'was built expressly for the
trade, and is elegantly furnished in every respect.
For freight or-passage apply on board.
or e A . The new and splendid iniksengerateant
cr BRUNF.TTR,.Capt. Perry, yrWrust in
the trade from Pittebirgli to St..Laule, .during; the
season of 1846. •
; The Brunette' was built eapre5ii14.cgr,..142.14441,4 4 ,
and is elegantly foutidln'overy:reqip. , P
For freight •of passage apply on board. api4
For Cincinnati and Et. Louie:.
_,Xtit The passenger steamer PALESTINE,
Capt. Williams, will leave for the above
aaa a nnermeiliate ports regularly.
For freight or passage apply on board. je9. -
. ___
For Cincinnati and Lordartile.
The new and splendid passenger steam
-GarSZAr er COLUMBI A, O'NEAL, Master, wil
- 'cave for the above and intermediate ports, regular
For freight or passage apply on board, or to
jet ; D. WILKINS Agent.
4 ptesday Evening Packet,
The new and splendid
t.. •boat. passenger steam.
DrcLIR'ITION, Capt. Vorhees,
run as a regular packet ban een rittsburgb' and
Cineinnao, leaving this port every Tuesday Oening
at 3 Weida. Returning, she will leave Cincinnati
every Friday evening at 3 o'clock.
The Declaration offers superior accommodations
to passengers. Fur freight or rassage apply on
board. jel
The regular mail an I.pasrPnger steamer
~.310NONGAIIELA, Capt. Stone, will run
an a regulitr Packet between Pittsburgh and Cincin
nati, leaving Ono port every Monday at 10, A; M.,
and Wheeling at 10, P. M., the name day. Return
ing, she will leave Cincinnati every Thurialay, at 10,
A. M.
For freight or pas;agil apply on board. '
The Monongahela wan built expressly for, this
trade, and offers to the passengers comfort, anal su
perior accommodations, mar 31
THE rezular mail and pasenger steam
- er L Captain Maclean, will ran as
a — regular packet between Pittsburgh and eincin
nati. leasing.this port every Moaday at tt o'clock,
P. Returning she will leave Cincinnati every
Thursday, at G P. M.
The Union was built expressly for this trade
and affords every acconmunlation.
For freight or passage apply on borrd. rnayft
rki . THE regularmad and passenger strann
- .cr li1131:10.1A, Cnpt. John Klinefllter,
7ariTin an a regular packet between Pittaburgh and
Cincinnati, leaving this port every Tuesday at 10 A.
M., and Wheeling at 10 P. Di. of the same d9v
Rcturningy olio will leave Cincinnati every Friday at
10 A. M.
For freight or passage apply on board.
The Hibernia was built expressly for the trade,
and offers to the paiistingers every comfort and su
perior neeonunodations.
Tin:regular anktivissengt•rser_am
,LVZlTAl2,er NEW ENGLAND, Capt. S. 11. Page,
's;ill — rtzrz - at a regular packet between Pittsburgh and
Ciactnuati'., leaving this port every Wednesday at 10
A. M., and Wheoling at II) P. M. tlnr sanze
Returning, she-will lease Cincinr.atl every Satuitlay
at 10 ..C.ltt;
For freitti4or paeurage apply on board.
The Now England w te)ndit tivieeely fik . thit trade
vnd offers Wilke paw:engem every costeeit
Dior arc oromodatlonc" Tani-25
THE,new r7.-5.24ml steamer ACADIA,
4M. E. Luau, bloater, 'mil run as a regu
rtrssi;nger packet between Pittsburgh and the
above port du ring the treason of 1134t3,1earing every
Thursday at HI o'clock A. 1.1.
The Acadia is now and has gtiperior aceornmOda
tions. For freight or pas..eo apply on hoard, or to
np9 J. DiEwros 30:tiES, Agent.
THE regular mail and passenger steam
CLIPPER No. 4, Captain Crooks, will
run as a regular packet between Cincinnati and. Pitt
sburgh, leaving this port every Friday at 10 A. M.,
and Wheeling at 10 P. M. the same day. Returning
she will e4VI3 Cincinnati every Monday at 10 o'cluk,
A. M.
For freight . or passage apply on board,
The Clipper No. 2 was built expressly for this trade,
end offers to her passengers every comfort and ac.
aornmodation. mar 23
• _ The regidartnail and passenger steamer
• • CIRCASSIAN, Capt. Isaac hennett, will
run as a., , 'regular - Packet, ticpveen Pittsburgh and
Clnciartati; -leaving' this port every Saturday, at .10,
A. M., end Wheel:at - autria . day.
Returnin%sherifilll lora averfTtsesday,
at 10, A.
,For Night tit pastageipply - 4311:board; • -
•ThiCircassian wee bull; .expreedyliir this trade,
and offeiti'to her .patetengora every - comfort and 'ac
commodation. • - and r 23
The regular Mil and passenger steamer
MESSENGER, Capt. laniard, as
a regular Packet between Pittsburgh antleineinnati,
leaving' this port every Saturday at 10, A. M. and
Wheeliiuglat 10, P. M., the same day. Returning;
she will leave Cincinnati' every Tuesday ; at 10
o , clock f A, M.-
' For freight or passage apply on board.
'The Mu:anger was built expressly for this !ride, /
and otters to her passengers every comfort and ac•
commottaGon. trar 23
THE undersigned 'hiving digpOsed of his &tat
lishment, No, 112 Matket at., to Mr. Thomas
k Hinton, would cordiallyreeommend hint, to: his
frie'nds and the public generally, as one everyway
worthy .of their patronage.
The undersigned, having purchased nbelarge and
extensive stock of Boots, Shoes, &c, belonging to
A. M'Carnmon, No. 1:12 Market street, one door
from Liberty, will continue to conduct the business
in all its branches, and trusts that by 'a strict atten
tion to business, and an ardent disposition to pfease,
he will meet a continuation of the patronage so
liberally bestowed upon his predecessor.
N. B.—. Two or .three good workmen can have
employment, by making immediate application.
aug26 I
SAL: -- cooks just received and for Salo
by . S. A. FAffNESTOCK & CO,
said car. Sixth and Wood ate.
/TIHE subscriber 3s tow receiiingallarge and fine
assortment' Of FELL :ATM . WINIXEC. Day. GOODS,
recently puithased from the Manufacturers and im-
Portais, in _the.:Nevv„Xork and'Philadelphialf.arkets,
. thir great:fail in prides, and will be aid' twenty
Per ems cheaper than' the same desoription of Goodo
were ever before offerred in.this market:- All those'
Wanting great bargains are requested to call, at No
;5 --- ldarket street.
VETE hnco. uow on hand a full miortltHent:of beau . -
tiful Frencitaad scotch drissGihgliarnS, twil
led and plain, at remarkable low. prices. : Also, an
article of embroiderectGingham—very beautiful for
Dresses, for sale by 'ABSALOM MORRIS,
eepls. - No 65 Market sticet.
mi.'. gees Now Prime,
**UST REG VRD day; •embracing4lll the
fefi new and cresirabbe styles in the market; and will
be sold at greatly .ra.*ed price/3, by
- , _
' .eepls.- • ' No. 6.3 Market-et.
Lady!ii Drees Siplcs.•
RECETVE'D this .day, several . pitelsages.e very
- rich Frei° style Pernin--enabossed Ombri, Bro
cade", Cgainelien - Striped, Phiid arid Roalt. de Sole,
and Blacir , Sared-Arra44 . -Dress Silks, and
i,inittrEhODP for Cash,' by
h sepia No. 65 Market at.
-rusr,REctrip.4 , btmutiful nsiortment or new
style.. Paris printed, naibiithadei,,Rep Corded
l-Oecin , F4,7ll=czys aati D'reuils,,and Toriceo by
-7:4I3sAXADr- xto.nals-i
85 Market street.
stiANVLS, SllAAittg •'
A LARGE. and splendid aSsortMent of rich and
,magnificent SII.A.WLS, just receiied. this :day entbiliCini:ol4l . ottins , and desirable styles, viz: Parid
Printed Terkeri,Eashmere and Ilrocha, Embroidered
Mick and Mode colored Silk, Pringe,.Thibbot and
Maine, Chamelion Plaid: and Striped Silk, Merino,
and. Persian, Plaid, Silk and Worsted, together with
a great variety ; of Woollen Shawls ' and will be dus=
posed of at a Small advance on the original cost,
by ABSALOM mongis,
sepld No. 65 Market at.
AAL A. MASON, 62 Market street, hasjust reach ,
ed and now opening, a large stock orPrints.
Brown and bleached =Jahns, flannels, ticking, check,
etripes, chintzes, ginghams, ealhinero and mous de
!nine, shawls, cacsinetts;cassitneres, broad cloth &c., altorwhich will he sold at eiteremely low prices.:
,MASON, 62 Matketstrent,Sirupson , s row . ,
invites the attention ofeontigry marchintsnrni
othets, to hie , n cli selectedstocko4l,l4*ak*liknix
;.Itt.nour, - opening. Selling only for cash, itlfer
Intelkadyiatingetria"pit ictissinitisttnip.seldotppessolc. -
acd fiy those who oelltm the 'credit system. sepia
A. ItI'ASON, 62 Market :Street, bas just r4!.a
„ another' case of those bloc and orange tiriuter
selling at the low price of 6i ets per yard iteplV . _:
I V Fish.
60 Iharre:s Mackinaw Trout;.
Just received on consignment sad for sale by
TOBACCO --50 packages . 53, fla p V2te 3 16a, Lticip
and Plug Tobacco; Just reccived and for sale by
tail.= MO a Sins, on consignment and' ro r sale by
ino 10E-10, Tierces pri:uo Rice, just received and
cur sale low, by
vet: 15 MILLER ; 4.. RICKETSUS.
CATTY BOXES TEA. Thirty 13 lbs. Catty Boxes
Young liyson Tea;
Thirty 6 lbs. do. do.;
Just received and Cur sale by
scpls MILLEII. ItleltiETC4l.
TACKER ;EL-30 Barrels large No. 3 ackerc.'•;
In just ITCeival and for aale by
STURGEON'S OIL-3 hal 111ir' rels Sturgeon's Oil;
for sale by
Tl, LOUR-2.5 bblii superfine .Family
.flour .in store
r and for sale by
MARTIN St SA irn i
sep2 b 0 Wood street..
. Twist Tobaceo-19 k:ps Va. tobacco, 3so. 1
V article,' in store and lor ssle by q
.k. 1 . 1 41.11T11, '
sep2 50 VC"cioil street.
P -
oT A.5117-15,canka,PotasI4 No. I anode., on,
hand and totemic by •
1Y 27
Y , 66 Wood
A SPlXtirni), nsAortment . just received front the
of entire new Patterns: They can b
had 'very low, at the Wall Pape: of
aug'27-111m 1 . Smithfield street.
lo 000 '!1:C"14 "I"ed
411 Unglazed
% Paper, army own manufacture r
en hand and for - ale at .t.lte loWest market
StnithEleltl street.
'7' IN DO% 'BLIND PA 4 ll;lt-'-one yard wide, for
• •
Aug' 7. ' Smithfield .street.
(1 11ADUATED Stripe -nod Mid white Muslin
Robe; 1 .
Graduated ptripc white Muslins;
Mull :111/aliiii.; iNahnionl/ du. Jacunet do.
A large asi.orttnentjuat now io-day
'll. E. CONE:TULE, •
j 027
. 1_ No. 83 Edurhet at.
II_TEAVT Wilde Linen 'Drill, for gent's paats;
'rwcedi SurnurrElotTia;
Gent , '-Linen Cambric Handkerchief - 8i
Do. : dos
Do. IfeOitat te#ll . lSili-fairiots.; -
An involece:f ithe aberro receive:4'.
JC 27 -1 - D. E. CUN,STAHLE„B3IIrdiket.
ECEIrEO this day Parasellettes and Sun-
Ladies Eoi-eleil Skirts;
do Sod Grass do;
Si Black Eiernani Shawls;
Ilerego Scarfs, and Shawr le;
For sale al 11. E. CONSTMILE,
je27 83 Market at.
Allegheny Cemetery. ___
TIETISONS ,dosiron.s of purchasing tutu in
Cemetery are referred for information to the
Superintendent on the grounds, or to E. Thorn
Druggist, corner of Penn and Hand streets, Pitts
burgh. By order of the board. J. - CIIISLE:TT,
cite II
GO. S. SWAItTiL has on hand a lot of very en
perior white and colordd Musqueto Nett)
which will be sold cheap at No. 10(5 Market street.
ECF.IVEI-Per Canal Boat Groat Western--
Lk, 100 pcs Cherry Scantling-5z5 and 6a6-61700
Ligiita Win dow Sashiauitable fat the aVeattattl trade *
12x16;10xi2and 8;19. F0r sale b
• •
-, XecIT: II ,": 4I Y I g - ,
.IrUSl` received pet maid
-00;004feeiin0f - yhtplar; ' "• -
10,000-'" tt, seteleeedf '
' 45,000 ‘‘. S o Cling. •
jyB- ' L. *ILNIAII,III,, -
orims t Lams:Ass 1. 1
Gto.s, has on hind a lot offine Lowed
Which will Witold at tbe rolylow pride of 18f
cents per yard; persona who want .a good article, et a
low price,: would di , well to call soon. •
Also on haYrd :a good stock of Nansook muslinsfor
Ladies bresies verAbeap at
.••... No, lOC, Market street.-
SAND C • UCI,BLUI-100 nestg just received and
for salc'by FAHNTSTOCK & CO.;
een9 .' corner 6th and Wood. etvi
CASTILE soAr—ip caseajuat receivid and fur
. sale by. FAHNESTOCK & CO.,- -
80119 cor. earned Wood at.
ItMINED LIWORICE--100 lba jest received
; and for saloby
zep9 ; cor, 6th and Wood sts
rttlNlNV—fa otinees just received and-tar sale
sepild " corner of eth . and Wood ate.
'PEST JAVA COFFEE,: ground and put up int
JD -
pound.packges,, received and for sale at the
REnne TEA STOIE, 72 Fourth Street, near Wood.
Lard 011..
FEW ba:rils of a superior quality for sale low
It, to close assignment, by
1107 Ai No. 26 Wood street.
(I F a very simrior quality, for sale by
sen 3 I comer of Wood and Fit'thltts.
• • -
,NE r!-Azi,.,:booDs.
Drtis Gincharqs.
ettahitherieri_r44 bi Latvian.
Fall Goods.
Wall Pope r
NeNsFitsltionod Hats,
. _
- George 13.71,W)-tite Fo.r :
WELL ditipose . ortheir choice - stock of liiireges,l
V V painted and Qinghain Lawns, summer Sliawlsl
and Scarfs, at reduced prices. -
They will also dispose of their entire. stock of
ClotiM, fancy Cassimercz, and• Kentucky - Jetts, -at
'Original cost, as they intend relinquishing this par
ticular. liraneh ortheir business.: ' ''• '
jy22=lita '.(Chronicle please copy.)
, . Interesting to attyers.. -
"lITE,-.lwvite.the tttention of .all who Wish bar-
V A tralnsL Ate. a, fresh arrival of. seasonable Dry
Goods, -bought sine& the reduction of tho Tariff, at
exceedingly low pricea!andivill be sold, accordingly,
No. Si, Alarket st., bprior, dedsth and the Diamond
a0g24.41m, I
, . -
rputismarisop PEACE: •-= , A....Seritniin delivered
1, in she , ‘Third Prbsbyterian Chttrek) , July 12,
by the Rev.)). K. Riddleiand publiab4d• the re,.
Attest of the;CongregariOn.. Por 6y, •
the Progress Nitions, in.P.roductive Industry,
Popitlation and Wealth; illustrated by
statlitici of Mining, lAglieulture, lidanufaeturbe,
Cornmerie, Revenues,lßanking, Internal Improve
ments, Moctality, Emigration and POlilatioa; by
Ezra C-Seaman, . • '
A. few copies or the above work for sale - by
- • & S'rOCETON,
corner of Market and 3d nts
• • Latest lilipsroveutertt:
, .
of cliTereitt kinds - *idle . , Gazaant , s
iron patent fastenings superior to anything now
L iu use, fot. Fee low.tit the furniturii warehouse
••.- • aitgl. Ctia litalidlstreet. .
riBLP.S.-;.Tior,,Centre aid Card Tatilo of differ;
eat patterns, if 'you want egooicartiele cheap
call at tile Fufniture Warehouse of. • •
• ' ; T. B, 'YOUNG & Co,
• je6. - I —St :Band at.
'Woad Street Property - for' Sale.
*TWAT 4e - 41 - aa. groand at the foot of Wood
street, - oecupied at the tinie of the great
111ouati. "kilt is ofrored for eale.
knqtliTh or • J. K. A1001:11EAD.
augB '
Sugar and ?Loiasavv.
Aliti 1111 D strictly prime
" 33 Ws. Nos. 4 fold G.Loaf;
10 - cases “Lovcrin..'s" D. R. Loaf Sugar
118 bbls N. 0. Mcdasses•
In store and for sale by
auk2s. 133 and 13$ WoOd street
•giin BAGS-Green 8,10-, part punt
-- - ! - guuminscientAve;
- A t
riIEAS-103 packages Y; 114, Imp G. P. mid
Painhoot,', Of fate iroPMationsrassising end
fiissale by . ~LASIBERT &.
bxs Ifutcbinson%s 53;
• 30 bxs Price & llarwood's ss;
10 w J. R. Grants Ls; •
15 ." Layton's ss;
•55 " Balt. plug, and
Laclies Twist; . arriving this day, and for sale by
tutg2,s .SHIPTON.
FISH -130 bbls .No. 3 Lary's Mackerel;
20 3 North
10 4i 1 ,L
20 " Herring (Allivives) . •
u No. I Salmon; in store and- for
sale by
kgS Mise= arCotton, for *sale by
*3%. ,9L 8., RUIN & Co
au 29.
• • Cotton Yiniu, .1'..e..
45 -000 LBS. assorted numbers, tong' end
short reel Cotton 'Yarn.
1'5,000 .lbs. Carpet ~Chain.
10,000 " • Colton Twine. .. ,
. .
Iso Bales Common Bitting.
, 100 " • Extra (brolly do.
For sale low to city or country trade, by
31. 11.11.1-IEY Ts, co.,
V Wood -street.
IVOIMACCd---25 kegs No. I six twlst tobacco ro
ccired and for sale by
M. B. RILE Y & CO,
scp2 - N 0.57 Water street.
MEGAII-50 bbls cider vinegar in store and for
I" sate by - • - 11. RIMY &.-CO.
said -
g BALES HAlrt, suitable for Plasterers purposes,
ibr. sale by M. B. MIRY &
OLD WINES & LlQUORS—consisting of:
Port Wine;
.Nladeira Wine;
Malaga do;
Rhenish do.,—in hair and quarter pipes,
and on draught warranted pure;
Paleßrandy, of different brands;
Dark do,
HollainlGin, fine flavor;
• Veach 13randy, S years old; • •
Apple, do, 4 LW_ -do; -
ki Whiskey, 8 and 11 years old,
Part of The above 14spiors front under Custom
Home- Lock, fur sale in quantities to suit by
• ' • 80 'Water et.
• • Hogan' Segarit 11
T'crn received from New York, a lari . ze quantity
tit of ITT annaantiPtinci&Seoars of the most
popular and Sup4rior brands now in use._ Also, an
excellent. article ,of chewing Tobacco and several
bales of.soperiorrubo Leaf Tobacco.,fotsule.
..No, SO str . tet, two doors, Irani the hist
oftea , - .
, A - 11 11111 S. Pauli;
Pik/ 50 " 'Rosin;
11150 Bove,. Tubacco, various sixes;.
,000 Seed leaf Cigars;
OiS cunsifroment and will he sold low for Cash
, or
exclitinged for Pittsburgh mannfactitres t by
aela TAAFFE is 0{;0.141,70R.
cu. SALINA TABLE SALT-50 bags (small
size) very line Salina Salt, fit for table use and
Dairges, for sale low by P. C. MARTIN,
]Y 4 / 7 GO Water at.
Cl l dtr ß fo C r i s i Tc p b . ) ,---1 arrtis
jyi 2U . .00 Waterstreet.
14 flk fo r r O s - a ti , .:, 75 ;100 bores letno p tni c iri m g A ni T Oti t o l 4der,
7). CO Water street.
IYANTED-2 Bedstead inakers;
2 Table makers;
E. hands to make other Cabinet ware;
None need apply blit first rate workmen.
aua oourniti and Chrobicle copy.)
irli‘6ll!,ll4;;YeeMigarisi for ode
)44 r'7l`r,g,
for pie low
3" coxaignhmnt
716.1tiq-1111c4e Corn . / kir sale by ,
je26 - JAngs• brAy
131G - Mtri-At..-1^ too Scioto Forme CfiTiri
Pink JAI! rU• MAY.
1 0* TIOoks;
sras o): 11**21, Asia
_ _
Ilfinor, by :ars. E. C , A. Schneider; with an
essay. on the prospecta ortke' r licatken and our duty
to Blew ' by Rev. B. Scluzleider; and ao - introdectio.
by Bov.R. Heiner, A M. Published by Rev. Sareln
Gutelius, Chatnhereburgh, 1846.F0r sale by
jetf 115 Wood at
TISALMS & HYMNS, for tho aim of the Gorman
X I I Reformed Church in the IL 8, of America / En
glis and German. For eale - 5y • `I
115 Wood et.t
Brthe attention of porchacre is invited' te:. our
geral stock of these Goods.
4-4 superior Sea Yelaild Shirting hluslinsi
15-16 .u• cc 4G 44
12-4 liamilton Sheeting;
5.4 ir • lc
9.,§ tr re
mitr 17
AVING a very large and cifirimodion's
houso, we are prepared to receive (in addi-
Ito freight for shipment) a large ;unbent of Pro
6cc. on storageat low _ _ 1
Canal Bazin
ATORTiI East cornet of Federal arid - Robinson
strietit,'/illeglieny'; - null cemitaeric.e its Fall
session "oh Morillay the 31titi5t:
• - Trinuoir: A L 5.
FreAn, _Professor IL Lee; lii=l4;;qtanC4,llege,:alit.l
othrrs. , ' ,
bracing' attended
_an examination of tiic
taught by Mr•.i-WilliaMs, -i'ti• take plcisure, in tiear
ing-Mmtestlininy -to the - Oidenee , alforded by, it-Pf i
the tratisilalskilrand label; -Of Mr .•Williruhs.- - The
untleistatiding of the prlficiple-cif tho•mihients Which
theic.holitra -had been.. -studying; '' shown - 4y , 'their I
clear answers to Cluestiniie asked by others:than the
teachers, prove - tlie • excellence...of tlie - _New Eiagland I
'modes of teaching,, in which Mf. Williams Seems to I
be proficient.- 1: , - ,R. H.-LER,- •• : •-•, I
' .T
- • '- ;-. WISHART,- .F.IP'..
• Fro,* Me Pit, Mr. Preston,l)oelor -.11u74,4c1 , " -
Basing atten d ed an • eimitination - 'dr.-the Select
School under the care of 'Mr - , Henry Will
recently•in -his selicioUrooni . ,-Corner Of Federal aid
Robinson streets, Allegheny, city, we wish to 'call
public attention to VIM institution. We Were-highly
gratified with the - progress aneider , ofhis school.—
Thiii manner of isimpi ifying and illustrating. the -dif
ferent branches is peculiarly happy, and well calms
latod to give •interest -to thril pupils.•'''His• mode of
teaching them to read struck us as- novel, and one
that cannot fail SO inAke goad readers. - •
• Frond 'the knoWlinge that' we have -of Mr.- Wil•- •
Hams , character ns a teacher, his- real,--fidclity and
success,: we cordially recoMinend-him -to thp-patron
age of the, ptiblie. His iodation is elegiblifoilicth
cities. - • - t•• '1 • • • DAVID. HUNT, • ---. -,-
- morn BARD, ,• - -`•-• -
'- '"- ....• - '-.- • - RIEWD BEESON. ' .- .•
- I attended thel l aboro -•examination, and- can truly
say I was nmeh /ratified W 4 the attaintment of the
pupils. --- ', :, • - i •W.M...:PBESTUN:. i ,
aug2-4-2M, - 1 . .. - • • -
. . . ..•,
Tv HE FALL SESSION of this department of the'
-Western University, Will 'cinitinerme in the new
University:Building, on ili,Frils-r - RIONDAY or Sin
rEnnen: neat; and the SPICING SESSION of 1847;
will commence on the Flask. Mornay cTi• PittRITARS'
ibliAint.- - -
This institatien havingno far 'recovered: fiorn the
effects'of the great fire of April last year, as ; ei have
the'new bnilding nearly completed with increased
ricootonlodiitionti Thy MI its:departments : oi. is hoped
that the LaWScliool will beTuund,to present increas-•
ed facilities andl attractions to those who desire to
pursue a regitlar and, thormigliceurse of legal educa
tion, mid tolprepare themselves creditably for ad
urittance-te the bar. , ; .! • • - -
There will be' l daily recitations by the clasSes on
assigned lessons., so arranged as to embrace, within
a two yearareourse,'all the principal and must'
portant bran Che's of the law. Occasional lectures
en law and be delivered as 'part of
the cguree : . - ; ;
deligimil for assisting. students'
trey:6;4'4 AririTp4o ai);ll;:yeadine4a in the wan.
ti64 - 01:41.01Fit;j11tinin.iithk.d "agrionn'is-the rein
tote or ..14*.wia.tie :coAirbst on nifirdiinti;of,the
institution, a.e.ording tbeitrUrr usual sirntv
Any further information_that:inay r .1?e required can
readily ribtrain,Od atylicatidn,tO the Professor,
WAr.T4ii wa Lot who has his office on -Ith :a6ove
Smithfield Street, Pittsburg)}. - . '
Tratms—Seventy-five dollars n year, or .thirty-sec
en and a half, dollars a session. au: -dam .
'Each boxot GENUINE fIiTGWE'QA.TED has upon
Siaunt .
lroiator. - ---- TIM/41T:
1.43. 1,120 , -• of clks Dtstrkt ',ova 4¢ thy tiouttarra_ll4%., , ol NKr 'AA:
V P 14,1,4 are i're""tilit
noun positi rely .4re
Headache, Giddiness, ifileasled, Salt B.heuta,, -
Itheamatisin, Piles, ) Heartburn, Wornitiv
Dispepsih, Scurvy, !Cholera Morbns,
Small Pox, Jatindice, Coughs, Quinsy,
Pains in ;the Back; ) Whooping Cough,
Inward Weakness, !Consumption, Fits,
Palpitation of the Hoist, !Liver Complaint, -
Rising in.the Throat,' !Erysipelas, Deafness,
Dropsy, 'A.Ahrna, iltchings of the Skin,
Fevers of all kinds, ;Colds, Gent; Gravel,'
Female Complaints, Nervous Complaints,
And all other diseXes origi'uatiag from impurities of
the blood.l.
They: have cured, since their introduction,
over 2,000 persons, Who have been given up as hope
less cases,by the most eminent Physicians:
lrr They are patronized and recommended by
men of the highest distinctii)M, among whom are
Hon. David B. Porter, .lion.,Henry Clayi
Hon. John !Q. Adams, Daniel Webster,
Hon. Martin Van thiren, - Hon. J: C. Calhoun;
Gun:Winfield Scott; - Col. It. M. Johnson, -
Hon. James K. Polk i Hen. Lewis Cass.
-. ;Kr Their virtues are so rtftillible thet the-money
will be returned in all'easei they do'not give univer
sal satisfaction. Althoughibut two and a half years
have elapsdd sheen these celotiraied Pills were first
introduced 'to the public, he sale of- them in the
Eastern and middle Statdi has fii.r exceeded Dr.
Clickeneei Most sanguine e'spectations. During the year, alone, no iless than 10,000 gross-of boxes
have been Sold in 'the State, of New York,''6,ooo
POLIEVYI raniii 9 000jin Maryland, 3,060 in New 'Jer
sey, 2;000 in Delaware; and 9 , 000 iii the New England
States, requiring 'theconstant employinent 'of 27
hands, exchasive ed Printers' and eng,ravers. In the
same . period, einvards of ! . 200,000 copies of the
"Family Hooter>i liavc httu ordered by agents in
every secede' oil the twantry. These facts„ must.
show, oonclusively, ',that Drf Clickener's Sugar Coat
ed Pigs, besides Lein , : the very best medicine la the
world; are held hide; Ingliesi estimation bythe public.
Wemight• extend this publication to an indcsn
ite length., if we deemed if expedient to publish all
tersimonials we have receiv'ed, not only front agents
but individuali and families; - who have experienced
the benficial ctfeCts of Cliekener's Sugar Coated
but - wit deem it un4cessary. The most in
contestible evidence of.thei un p ceded exited success,
are the numberless Imitations and-Counterfeits which
liars alecadyalipearodinotsVidistanding the brief pe
riod they Imre beet , bufhre !the public.: Even sonic
of our staunchest pill makeirs have had the andatity
to imitate.the Capsule of Sitgar, in order to disgtiise
therintredienti of their compounds;' and'..palta
1121MiColrfnf , the irteal eimen paltry
I . OOISC:in:MU last lotiOitito4i..expcMing their hideous
risformity: - 'truth-nall'hone'sty must ineritablY pre
vail over rascality and deception: - •
For imle in Pittsburgh by) WM. - JACRSON,.at his.
Patent Mecticiim Wlirehous4 No: S 9, Liberty street,
head of Wood st, Pittsburgh; . Price, Tic. per hilt._
Dr. Clickenern principal office is Si Barclay street,
1.07 Beware' of an imitation article Called .Im
proved Sugar Coated Pills, purporting to be patented,
as both the.pills and the pretended patent tire' for
geries, got up by al miserable .ttack in NeNV York,
who, for the last Myr or fish years; bas made his
living by counterfeiting piipnlar medicines.
Cerßemernber; pu C..V: Clickcuer is the original
inventor _of Biggar Ceuituti rine, and that - nothing of
tho - sort was ever heard of until he introduced them
in June; J 443. PurVlasers should, therefore, alivais
ask for Clickenees Sugar Coated Vegetable Pillsinild
take no - Other, or - they will be made the victitns of a
frauds . inaf9
13-ILES PILES!! Pi LES !! !--DR. .JACE-
TION is the
Only Medicine that will cure this so
verycommon and troublesomte disease, It not
only immediately !allays inflammation; stops, all
bleeding =subdues that ii tolerable but ef
fectuallyl'cures, in a very short tipacipersons whose
lives have bept rendered 9iiEetable for years. itS
application.productS no pain; but rather an agreol
able Emil pleasant sensatidn. If persons Edilicted
will only call and hear Of the great rniMber of ed . !.
sea that have been cured, they will be 'asterrislied.
A gentlemarrjof this city, who had been under the
knife of the surgeon two or three times, withutil
being cured - , has; by. using Two lioftles of this Etiri l .
frocutiOn,,beert radically cured! Itsells beyond all
precedent! ; '
all. Diseases of the skin, particulailY.those that are
attended with disagreeable and troublesome itching,
are, readily cured by anointing the parts effected;
nigt and morning,•with'a small quantity of Dr.
Jackson's Embrocation. , Astonishing cures have
been effected!by this medicine. For sale by Dr.
D.!Jayne, No 8 Sonth Third st., Philadelphia.
_ . _ . _
For s'ale in Pittstairgh at , the PEKIN TEA:STORE,
'72 Fourth streetinear Wood, and also at the Drdg
Store of Sclaartz, Fedeial street, — Allegheny
City. - - , ,
THEpoisoneus effect on the skin of common pre- -
pared chalk is Mot generally known by ladies;
how yellow rough Mid unhealthy it makes the; - Skin ill
time; besideS. what i a corpse like, palid lobk it, gives
when applied. They should use a beautiful prepar
ationi purely v,egefablei which givesthe face arms or
neck, a natural life-like Avhlteness, and makes it
smooth: ' called - Jones' Spanish' Lilly White,
and is sold at JACKSON'S Patent _Medicine Ware
house, 89 Liberty streetibeadof Wood; at the same
place is sold Jones' Coral Hair Restorative, Italian.
Chemical Soap and Unrivalled shaving soap.
y244f. . I •
SHEA &, PraszNocic
'VSNEERS' AND VARNISHES, of the very best
V. 2 tinality, for gale at H. H. ItYAN2S Cabinet
Ware Roorng, No. 31 Fifth street. jtlf , '
: -
11.- Wllyame-- Select . Sci.:4Oi;
,tieonrity to Piurolttisers
N.lliols4:l:lVie At l 0 214 . 9.1111401110 Ityltaturi;
DE WISE; Alin Clfi: irATGltri GRFAT
REMEDY, ' TUE JorniticAlv
Oil is obtained from a well near .
Rentvcky,at the depth .of 15 feet . Wow
surface Of the - earth, and 170 feet through solid
Its cuiltive properties arc 'truly r:stonishing, and
a Remedial Ageat it-may 'well tio:Propewickd
Sinee the diaeoverrof this Panacea - PC:Ca . -. •
ture,-tianbers of remarizable.curen Ipebeenrotrest:c
ed by-its °so. It •is InnoCout , --Power:ol , : , -SPfe angi
Certairiu'ita .effects. • It his been useil'nfith
ailclled success in the tteatniCnt of the, C0:10746c
diseases:' Inflammatory Rhannatism, 'koala and
Scald:: C . kolic, Piles; Platitlence, Inttaritinitiod'a
the •Iddneys, Ceinahuiptipti; Liver Cod? . ..
plaint,'Plithisic; Scald Ile'ad, Cancrs•;•Weak - ana'
.Sore • Eyes,Bruises, - Presh ' Cuti'anef-::llthendu
Sprains.anStrains, Dropsy; Pains in'thel4east and
Side,- Totter,- Influenza, Irlennited. tpre..:Rhrsiat z
Consumption, Bronchitis, •• Spa Sins; - Ulnas; gp1 1 14.1
Affections, Scrofula or Kitig , s Fril; Coughs,§Milini z
Ring worm,- all Bowel CoMplants, all Chromed:a- •
eases, Impurities of the Blond Lind General Debßit , Yie
It is likewise very beneficial for Female Complaints •
its general; acts as a groat Beau...orally° from Langrior a
weaksieas ofßaok alai Chest, Low Sp.rits and Exces.
sive.DAbility. • . • - • :
head the following Certificates, all of whicts.ire
authentiC; all the perrotis therein nainintl f iria sy
living, and well known in Cincinnati: . '
r • PrrrSenstok,Ang 22, 'l3 l lO.
This is to certify that we have used trio American
Oil forth° Whooping cough,ainong; our .children; by,
giving them from -20 , ;lrops teraemall tea'spoonful
iiight z whieb always enabled them to rest well through
the night. I also applied it to 'one of the children
that got. her arm biiint by turning ovora tea cup of
hot coffee on it, the child seated crying . by the time
Use arm was dreaaed and bound
. up, and has never
complained of it Slime. I td6:o- irda afilic.ted With. a
pain in my side non breast, end. hare hctu aofor 1G
years. I 'commenced using the Oil by tahings ica—
spoonful ttvice a day. and in 3 or-four days ositcor
the oil these ben_very much relieved, and dO really
believe that it in the best family medicinothat I have
overseen. I a pplied it to one of my n'eighbors fur
a strained allele, which relieved bar in a fcw Minutes:
We bate also 'used the Oil Ib, a strained joint in our
Own family, which gave case in a. very -short
We live on the east aisle of Penn st., 3 doors south or
Walnut, talll now as well sal ever Was in. My life,.
" ZIAItC-iltrsT 13. SJIITII,
. .
• • ", • rirrpuncri, Au,„ , i. 14,
This hi to ceray, that . My ion has had the Plo.lhicic
For seven years, and was cry bad with it, end about
12 or 15 days since, I.commenccd giving,tO him
about 20 or •7:5 drops of. the American
: Oil, Pi r ko a
day, which•relieyed bin: in a day or two of his 61E 7
dulty of breathing and he is now. entirely -relieved
of his couifb; our Lexie 10 j•ears.ur age. We lira in
King's Alter: ' • NANCY KING,
.c/NCINIC.I7I, Jay . lit,.
Moving Leen cured of Si very sevare cliaeaeo
of the " eyes, and..head by t he use of the. America!: .
Oit j I feel It my dutyto the public:, as well as to yog i "
to send you I-hell/lit:wing certificate:" .
I herebyiertry.that I was aeyerely.afilleted ono
year ago last winter, with inflamed sore e) es end a
very severe pain in my head froldn:y eyes cip to tiw
top of try heed, and continued adios Severadveekal.
Alp eyes were so much inflatned and rhrezthal-I .
'could not see to:attend any businesa,nor could I tell
one'objeet from auother a few xardbfrinn me. I
called in s. physician,-but, still got woriec I also
tried a good many remedies that had cured others;
but in my case thou failed. In April, 1345, I heard
of the American Cll. I piocured a bottle, and
fore I•had used half a bottle I was entirely well,
and stildeontinue so. I will not be without itin my
house na long as I can get the genuine article." I also
gavo it to one of my men that was working torque;
that had the tester in his bands so - bad•that wheedle'
would grip anything tight in them the blood would .
burst out, and use of half a bottlecuted us botin.
I would advist.all that are afflicted in
give the Oil a fair trial, and. I think they. *4l be.
pleasedwith the effect it will have, &d, ' " • "••
Sold at One Dollar rir Bottle at Jack Son's Patent
Medicine Waschousc, h 9 LiLerty, head of Wood eta;
the Genuine American Oil can be obtained: • '
Beware of a Counterthit article. The Senecaolll '
put in A.rderican Oil Bottics, and kbelled
man oio It somewhat resembles the Amoriean
Oil, but possesses none ails virtues or healingpovs.
W. iiilson iesp6Ctfully informs the PubliC [fiat ..
1). Ilail Co., the proprietors of the American' Oil,.
have appointed him their.SO4E . .:IGENTYtorliNfa
ern Pennsylvania. .•• - •
All persanel wishing Sub;:tgencies •will apply: al S 9
Liberty street, as *bore. .
N. is. Sub=agents :wanted for crew town the,
aboye•Distriet - . '•
great number of certificates..are .ott
can be seen at the office, ED .Literty street, bead or
Wood:, • • . ang 23-ly
. •
-. BODY.=—lt'is an astonishing tact that a s ely ,
largb clws Of . diEeases can.tmly he cured by auch•
reinedie4 as ivill enter into the BLoon, and
late.vith it, through every nortion.of tbe. body, tor.'
only Vy this means can the remedy Le brought" -,
into immediate contnetAtith the diseaie:atld,to
lain 143 do:dna& end, no'preparition liiis Even
uniformly successful as flit:' JAYNE'S' 'ALTO:::
TIVEI.- Eiittanar
difs Toruourr, 117iitc Strellingr, •Enlainentent 11:.1
lloncsWkroni.,7-RiirnOutis:n unit
enses: Of the &;i3; old•lind indolent tricers,:qciirc4
Strellit4,i of the Thtvat.S:c., are oil red With a certain?:-
ty; that haz, astonished every beholder... It is,:l4 ;
sides, one of the most pleasant articles that . cart f r e
tal:cii into the stomach; operatic; .as •a tonic, aLlt.
removing Dyspeptic and'Nerious erections, and..
imparting a glow of animation and health, cria , ..s.
quailed by any thing in !hi , wholeiN lateria Medie . a.
'For sale at ?io.-ti st.—Price
bottle, or $1 rJ T rluLCtf. •
For dale in Pittatatirph at the P.E.fals:
T t r STOLZ',
n Fourth street; near Wood, and et the Drug Stem
of 11. .1' Schwartz, Federal strent,Allegheay. City:
rflllll SKlit AND .COMPLEXION, at this (mitt
i rid ee d; every other) season, is often repulsive
iti.aPpedimiee, - caused, in eight Cases - out:of ten, by.
tle:attnosphere; and -what persons suppese,,discasiz
tit "th - e...blocil, is_ simply' a disease--of the' skini:
some of tirt thousands who take purgative-medicine;
pills ; and useless.Samaparill a, were, to. use on .their
skizi a tiiiftening, and clearing balm, that opena the
pores, whitens the skin;autleauses a healthy:pert:pi:.
ration, that, he the skin never so disfigured.; =heal;
thy,Cir diseased With pimplcs,er frecklei;
tan and niorpliew, the true and genuine JONEStS
ITALIAN. CHEMICAL S.O4P haver . fails td cure`
and dispel - thcroi. and to make the skip: Clear, and
lovely.- It nets so - Mildly and soothingly at the
skin; that physicians - use it on ladies arid' infants; in
old cases of scurvy; erysipelas, sal t Theurn,Stire head,
ringworin, mid it (mind, the genuine - Jones , . roap) .
lids often eflected a cure when every other tizinedy
failed. It is ipdeeda blessed remedp
sold at IiCR - SCI&'S Patent Medicine lyprehouse,
ei!J Liberty strect, head of the same place
is sold the Itlooriisli Hair Dye; Ceind Hair Reatora.
tiveotrat Spanish Lily =
P,-.3UVZ•zVAL Orrzen-4 -.E
ign of-the American agle,".
82'chathani street, New York. • •
BestovED--Tlic celebrattd medicines of Dr. T..;'
D. Eyans of Brownsville, Pa., -are now -,tor.- ants;
:wholesale randretail, atJachson , s Medical •Depot s ,
Vta. 89 Liberty street, head . Of Wood, ,Pitt4burgki
Wholesale Dealers and Agents supplied.
Sictereigit Tonic and Grand Resf
tiro. a certain core for.the Fever and Agee..
- Eparisl Ve g etable and Andi-Dpspepiic pflk,
priie cents per ms.
Dr. Evans , Ainericdn I egeal.e Verm-ifuge, preen `
.15 - Cents per bottle. - • .
Etazis , Tonic Eye WitiCr, an infailibie cure
fdr-nore eyes, price twenty-fWii cents per bottle..
Nei.. Dr. Taffies Estep's Black. Syrup, for. the - Curo
of Codglis,,Cold, Asthma,- 'Croup, Bronchitis tine
Consumption—price ono .
Remember Dr. Evads' Only Depot, is lACICSON'S - ,
No. 86 LibertS , Street; head of Wood.
SOFT, FINE AND CLEAII; to make the acalli
healthy, smooth; white and fruitful, co that a
cro_ppay spring therefrom, persona have but
peed thirty seven and a half cents. And, reOder,
our only object for selling the article at that price, is
knowing it to be rill we state,thativhen you :price try
this you never will use aught else, whether it ;bit
merely to enibelish, to dreos, beautify, andpreserfe,
to force grOwth, stop. Palling off, and cure scruflior.
dandru Ts, the JONES'. CORAI. HAIR, lI.E.STORAr.
TIME will never fail to do all this, as hundreds will
toll you with gratitude,. - It dresses the hair beautiful - ,
ly, and autkes reed or grey hair grOto &orb:inv . ?, tho-.
Sold at JACKSON'S Patent Medicine Warehouse,
89 Liberty. Etreet, head of Wood--price thirty,sev_en
and a half Cents, fifty cents and one dollar per bottle.
At the same place is sold the Italian Chemical soap,
Spanish Lilly White aii3 unrivalled .11,aving seap..-
rtIOBACCO.-75 large'uud 90" small box9slCrissou,
•ri•tobarco, of prime illSt rl•Jeciveil : on
corraikantont, and im sold clear, far - cash,', of
Pittsburgh ina‘iiufaciurrie.- -, - . • -
auggsi IS