THE PITTSBURGII DAILY . MORNING POST. HARPER, EDITOR /LIFII,TIDOX3REET,9it PITTSBURGH, _MONDAY; SErl':'42k.lB46„: Allegheny County Democratic Ticket.:., FOR CANAL COMM.FSSIO,I!TER, IL . L I B. F,,CFB T , EIP. a Jr., OF BRADFORD COUNTY:. COXlErrefli, WILSON BrCAND,LESS, of Peebles Senate ' ''. TIIMAS 4A-AIFiTOF, Sherla s -RPDY- PATTER§ON, of Latticruntille PiothonotarY' j GEORGE - R. RIDDLE, of ✓lllcsh'n+y_ SAMUEL W. BtACK, of Pittsburgh. ROBERT H. KERR, of Allegheny. JOHN H. /IELHENNY, of Jefferson JOSEPH TPQP.E.R, of Moon.:- Commissloner for 3 years, ROBERT DO.NAUDSON,,of inikuts' - Cornmisrioner for 1 year, WM. BRYAIIrr, of Pittsburgh. •-• • Audtior for 3 years, WILLIAM EWING, of Robinson Audttor !fbr 1 ye6ii, N. PATEERSON,; of Blinunghant Cproner, LEWIS WEYMAN,..4//egheny. Me you Assessed? 7 lf not, attend to it ,immediately—locise not a motneqt. Eattnine the asscsrnent in each ward in the city, and' each town.ship in the county;, and doni go,may until you see your name there. The law requires each voter to be assessed at least fen dirge before lite next general election; and pay a State or County Tax, otherwise he svill be deprived ,o£ his vote. Democrats, be sure and see to this matter before the 3d day of October. Pennsylvania-11er Duty and her. Prospects. Our good and glorious old Commonwealth,. 'is now the "bright particular star" in the political (firmament, toward which all eyes - are bent'with a gaze intensely deep. The enemies of Democracy ; - with that of elastic confidence which has sustained them through numberless trials and defeats the most disheartening, are sure that stow their time is "come—now they will reap the reward of patience 'and long suffering and galling overthrow—now their "gOlden dream is out"--and they will be re paidfor their Stonehraker forgeries, their Bank Panics and their Buckshot war—all undertaken With the desperate hope of wresting from the hands of - the-great Democratic Party the political power of Pennsylvania. While on the other hand, our political brethern, in other-states, are awaiting the otzet With heart-felf anxiety, but gloriousli up borneby the remembrance of..the brilliant victo. ries achieved in our unswerving old state, when they saw successively the Folios - sus and I'EIIIC DIES of '3B,—the' A:LIEU'S and VIOLENCE of ?39,—the Bans nines of '33, which have been reviVed upon any pretence that offered since, had failed to bring Federalim any thing like a Perma neat or,substantial triumph. , • Under these momerntous circumstanees,, what •• I course win Pennsylvania pursue? Let her long and consistent ; career in the path of Democracy furniskthe answer: She will be found where she :ever has been, firmly fixed in the foremost phalanx of the Demoeratic haste, overthrowing the cor.upt arraylof.Fedend Panic Papers, and Buckshot War Devils! It were useless to disguise the fact, that much • - feeling exists in the Democratic ranks of Pennsyl • vaniain regard to the late Tariff act. The vital in terests and leading occupations of our citiicns have not received that care and consideration in that lliliwifteh their importance entitled thcm.— But shall we, therefore, throw ourse!' ee into the hands of our enemies ? surreade-in not only Us • surrendering but every,other measure. and Finciple for Which we are contending, into hostile hands? V.very feeling of the true democrat revolts at such, a sac lificeevery honest republican must protest a gainst it With uplifted hands. • ' Pennsi4vania will come before Congre s asking O.niodification of the present Tariff, in the hnpor tent .Uticles of Coal and Iron—she asks thai these hardly-earned products of her mountains shall be .-placed farther above competition with similar ffor eign product!, than they now are. 'Where shall she look for this act of simple -justice? Is she to look for it from the whig party and its etribodi latent)." whose true larfir principles tookm psdpable shape; in the great Compromise act of. 1831 I. she td ask it of this same whip party, wliO have ever ased the Tariff question as a bobby on Which to ride into power? In- 1832 the Embodiment . ' and hie friends interposed when JAC E 502? andthe Dern4eracy were resolved to maintain a Judieibus Tariff Policy, and humble the factispirits .factious of the South, who threatened to subvert it by the strong- band, In 1832, their principal leaders, stray& to connect the odious Distiibution measure With 1 tlie Tariff, and had it not been for a few Democrats, that Tariff, , of Which they talk' so' EOUCI,"Avould 'have heen ‘, throttled" effectuallY. They set.the Bank above the Tariff—they set - the Distribution scheme :above the Tariff: and. Yet they howcorne out as the exclusive friends and champions of Pennsylvania policy. • ' • Carl it be possible that Pennsylvania will 'depend . on this itcoriapromising, timeserving, treacherous factidn, to comply with, her reasonable demands for the modification 4afthe new' Tarifil Reason and Com Mon sense forbid ! ' . . She will rely with confidence on the Democratic party, which, in 1532, with Licizsrisr at its bead, resolved to maintain her policy at every hazard, and could have establiihed it on iminoyable basis, IT Cisi and the 'whigs had not united with CAZ 'Tors and the Nullifiers; then in arms against the Federal.governthent. - She will remember that in. 1842 the diteimocrats saved the Tariff from.the-fti rititisl assaults ef AriltSS and 130TTS ' ,".11d..SRCf1111 ,sarizr.,..r; and PRESTOIf, and all the other whi e leaders. Democrats of Pennsylvania:have with un itlinciiiing consistency sustained the Tariff policy— ' thek i - hava been eminently true' and. faithful to it, and it is in vain that their sincerity on this point is t s'ailed,by the assuming aniVtivacheroue whigs. Thek stood by the Tariff in 183?—they stood by it in1842 7 --and they will stand by „the tract policy now ,until they obtain the modifications they re quire. It is from them only that the friends of the Tariff pulley have any thing to hope, Let Demo .crati be - returned to Congress , this year—let there beliDeniocrat sent from , this District especially. In this consists the best hope of those who are friend:- tclo the . true Tariff policy. The Whigs' can do nothing--they well do nothing, unless it happens to -Cult their ever-changing policy: The Democrats have done every thing,that has been done so fa r — And'Elpou them alone should rest the hopes of the rearfriends of the Tariff. Gls PItODUCED PADN WATElL—Mr. , Jibbard, a Freich Chemist, has ;discovered a method_ of pro. , 'aucMg Gas; for illumination, from, water., lie ekarges the hydrogen fromuqueous vapor strongly vitt carbunacios vapor from oil or gas tar, or any - .oftet oil, and produces a brilliant white • s I.' ~. _.u'a'~~'_CZ. t==M nemees - Parade: The Firemen)s pared* on Saturday, was a truly magnificent .spettacle, -q#ll l , trying to_out viu the' , ottit'ila . dOris, trappingri, tuni 'A . eritlemanly bearing: . The - procession : Was "headed - 1;y the Hort, froth; Eirmingini; reel drawn by Your horses, engine b , sixi ... 9o mietiberS; .i.lreiss=white. The Hope was : 'followed,by the WaStusrn:io:;‘, from Allegheny cif; . fy; 66 members; dres..-4white. The W. FErNi from Allegheny city,was teext in the procession; 84 members; iiress—rheek shirt and-black pants; the members of the Pass are all athletic fellows and their dress gave there a very imposing appear ance. - Next carne - the Pitx9intivr, Allegheny ei- - ty, 53 'members; dress—white shirt -and 'blabk pants. 'Followed 'by the Lra-cr..E Sax, also from Allegbenk, city, with 03 members; aresi—white. ' The,Laorm, the .oldest of our city companies, was thesnext in order, with 55 members; dress—hose members, white shirt' and pants, "engine members green fire coat. and white, pants. Next the ALLE CLIITZVE, with 56-members; dress--white; theapp•a latuictlecorated in &beautiful manner. DcactsxE next, with 7'2 members; dresswhite. The Nur -rux-r followed, reel drawn by four cream colored horses, engine , by six; 53 members; dress•—•white shirt and -pants. Followed by the NIAGARA, of Bayardstown, reel drawn by, four horses, engine by six—engine and reel both shrouded with,crape; .90 members; , dress—red shirt and white panta loons; each member with' crape on his left arm.— The members of the Nraoana, as also the mem bers of the Nsertrxr, carried the star, both deism hag to be the crack first class engine of the city.- 1 Which one is the Star we are unable to say, but piesunie that a trial of skill between the ,twowill soon decide the question and put 'all contro troversy at an end. Last, though not least, followed the VIGILANT with SO members; dress—red shirt, bosom throwit open, displaying the white shirt un derneath; white pants; the apparatus was ticeora- 1 ted in a handsome manner, and the " red bird" did indeed look heatitiful• 'Without wishincr to offend' any, or be thought the least partial, we do think thd VIGILANT made the prettiest appearance of &nl. company on the ground. , IVhole number of firemen on parade-7 72 Anxzrrnu.—On motion of George W. Layne, R. ILT. Ilawnrss was adrnitted , to practice as an A9orney of the Court of Common Pleas of Alle gheny county, on Satunisy the 19th inst. MExico END TILL Wan.—The L'nion of Mon day evening says:- - -.-The4 only way to obtain a perrnament pence how, is; to push an active war. We have . otihred the olive branch, and now we must energetically wield the sword. The events and prospects on: the coast of California are bright and cheering. There is reason to believe that be forthis time the whole i ' 6f that coast has been occupied, by our squadron Monterey is ceitairily taien, and .Guimas, and it is certain that the Yer bai3, uena, on the bay of San Francisco, was sum moned by .Captain Montgomery, and it ic believ to have been taken without resistance." , - - Taz Mannok -1- Two Mormons SIwL— The St. Louis Reveille of the 9th instant, says that a passenger reports that iwo Mormon *spies w ere shOt on Sunday last, in the neighborhood of the Anti-Mormon - :camp. If this report is true, lie ball has been opened, ant. we shall, by the next intelligence, either hear (If a fight, or a foot race! It ii said that, on the firing of the first gun, by the Anti's , against the city, Inindreds of the surround ing inhabitants will join (their forces. The Anti- Mermons have 1,..:00 men in the field. Fon CALITOWIId.—Three comp:lies of the California Regiment, whiCh has been encamped on GOyernor's Lland, N. Y., I for several weeks past, salted on the 16th inst. They number about E'_'!o; officers' and men, with the; same number of }wrens-- s: on and flint muskets, with 200 titles and 6 pleep of artillery. 1 They carry out machi neiT for saw and grist mills, mechanics' took., &c., &e., including all that is reessary for a military colony. A large number of mechanics are among them, and several graduates from West Point, the object being to improve ainl.deread as well as to colonize the country. Gay. Get:qrs.—A letter from this veteran eel- has been published in the Baltimore papers, stating that having been assigned to "the command of 'the Eastern division of the army of the United States, " be has fliced his head quarters at tl.e city - ofi.Netv 0r,.. He adds that he intends to avail hitnself of the opportunity thus afforded to carry into effect the plan of coast and harbor fortifica tion and defence, which he has long since projected. We are not alvisel of any action of the. War De partment in relation to the subject. Frxr. Woo L.—l:overdp of sixty thousand pounds , of fine Saxony Wool have recently been purchased in this State .by an Eastern manufacturer, at C2i cents per pound. This is, we bel:eve, says the Journal of .Cornnt . erce, referring to the fact, the high est price that has :ken- aid' this reason, ind the Wool is said to be equal to any raised in the coun try. An article of similar character could not be imported for less thansl l per pound. Carta.tri Litxxrresi.—Some foreign Writer furnishes the following 1 graPhic likeness of the .Ainericart women, viz: , I , She is generally graceful in her figure; slow in her gait, mild in her looks, proud in her mein, engaging in her conversation, delicate in her expressions, quick at blushing, chaste in her thoughts, innocent in her manners, improving on acquaintance, generous to a fault, ready to weep with one in their distress, solfeitous to the poor, sincerely religious, eminently humane, constant in her attachment, it fond" wife, a tender mother, tenacious of her word, jealous of her honor, prudent iniher conduct, circumspect in her hobse, artAwltat is very natural, canot keep a secret." Tun Paxic,,lscitzsarke.—We learn from the Chester Democrat, that .111 r. Peter Cooper, of New. Yorlr, a liberal, intelligent iron manufacturer, who owns.the largest rollingimill in the country, •und whose letter to Secretary Walker attracted so much attention, has raised the 7 age. ? of his working-men and mechanics since the tariff of -1640. Mr, Ceop er it a good detnocrat, and he hits left an example which our Whig friends I would do well to follow. "Rom 1106altirnore Patriot (*htg), says:— • !The Trade of _Bizitimorc.—llle fall business of the'titylaS.commeueedlunder very favorable aus pices. and.ii already; quito active. 'indeed; within a.• few days, there has many arrivals .of western and southern merchants,. that they surpri sed some of our principal houses,: whose clerks, not expeetingtheir, customers so early, had notyet returned from their excuisions to•the country. "Theri wilt be , • i'larg! t.4:everypr:eic . iiiiiisfikory to byyers '.STILL irons ntrlN! been commenced, and a tion at Giboa, Sehohari , . other in Pottsville, Gree convenient di;pateh, 0 in Pittsfield,•Maxs., and since its erection, id no So we go. • • While the capit4Bts are =EMEEMITMME M=M ! AU Sorts of Paragraphs.' ' A 6.ISE is now pendingln4lississippi in which a-. 1 at is to be made to pafarce_the I:iyut that ttate,l.which - " - 'requiten•that : a snap skull pay-_;'thy debts of theindividii;l Whiam t he killain a:duel: The cati - be carried out is a 'tery ...pod one Al 4tielists area set whorarely or never PnY,their il.i.til'ilefits,:the3cpaghf - ceriaiiily \corn , Ucdto pay each other's. A brii.—A due!, it is said was fought near Madenburg on. Friday morning.. One shot only was exchanged, when e reconciliation teas effected. The names of the parties hav Inot transpired.-- The dispute did not originate at , church, bat in a tavern. It is bettir to be notoriousrfor good than for'efil: - . A \IAD Mso .irr -TUE I , virt.r.—At New I.ork on S4nday, an insane persim by the name of Sam uel Vincent, found his way into the chnreir at the corner ef.Bedford - atid.Christopher streets, during divine service; Made direttly ,for the pulpit, where he commenced to abate the minister very mild terms: ' , A 7.50T11 EII. EDITOR Ilawi.nnan.—The Arlzansa saysi't to ranifor AlclaiririariLof thercitirit.:ll ink town of 'Flolena, on: Eainrday last and . . got beat." 'We announce this; without ithe , :.most distant idea of hurting any body 'a feeling!, b say, ing “another editor." WAooss Aso MuLas.—The Herald says; a-train - of One huudred - wagons with four buridred mules are on their way tofiiat city; from Montgomery, to be cent to the arrly Under Geher al Taylor. They are to be shipped at: Mobile. IxeonceN r— French engineer lias invented a plan of driving carbonic add gas from pits, mines, &c., by discharging among the gas a volume , of steam, by which the gas is alsoided, and the steam at the same time condensed. ARREST 45}' A FUGITIVE Fit OM' - FRANC E.—AMan named Nicholas Lucien Mettzer, was arrested in Neirk by the French Consul, Charged with forging certain bank and commercial papers and deeds, at Surteguemine, to the amount of 500,00'J francs. AN Engli_•h paper says that - it is an infallible criterion, 114 far as it goes, of a'good inn, to see a clean mustard pot. If that is in proper,order, you may he sure that the bed Nvill,be well aired, the sheets clean, and all the etcetras property looked after. aIGOTIJOCTIZINT..—The Wasbingtontnion says..---The only way to obtain a permanent jaw c now, is to push an active war. We have of fered the olive branch, and now, we must enereti cally wield the sword." now TO GET _RICH.-.-201110St every body wants this information. It is comprised in this advice: *Cc economical, Le industrious, attend to your 01'1:1 business, never take great hazards, don't to in a hurry for wealth, never do business for the sake of doing it, and do not love money c.xtrava gently." A Lour Bitsiwass.—‘rue register at Beirnum's Ilcitel, in the city of Baltimore, shows ten thous and and fifty-two arrivals front the 11th of May to the 11th of September. Desvnecvire Frap.—The cotton mill of Leo nard Nicoll 4: Co., North of the village of New burgh, N. Y., v.-as destroyed ,by fire on Tb‘urEday evening. Loss about ,c.:30,000, which is principal ly co% ered by, insurance. The mill carried about 3;200 spindles. PIM tESTANT ErESCOPII. eII,VENTION.—The annual convention of the diocese of New York wilt Innteinble in St. John's Chapel in the city of New York on Wednesday the 30th Eeptetriter. Del NO the last .If,:izes et Lewes, a gentleman ked Ir e. ,`Zrrgeant Omlow %1 hat vat, meant by an clibi.l •Jt> a hr by which many a rogue r , ieurea hanging: . icplied the witty sergeant. NOT Lr,ss than ninety eight paclet ships are now plying from New York to Europe! Fifty two go to Liverpool, sixteen to London, sixteen to Havre, tight to Glanow, live to Marseilles, and one to Belfast. A a:f. ESE A SiNut.tan Associvrios.,—The Houghton famityin America hale formed lan association to enforce thcii- claim to un immense estate, now ly i: g, without hein, in the English Es:chequer.. tinc.--.The custom hose at IViscasset, Me., with some other smaller buildings ; was destroyed by the on the Ilith inst. The hooks, papers, &c., mere sated. The work of an Mc - onion-. . Act:ono/No to, census just completed, the pop miation orWisionsinis within a fraction of )00,. MO. In IS.IO itivas '40,000, being an increase of 30,0 U() in six years. . • A pratsb:i haviog occasion to notify a doctor to visit, hit wife, said to Lim as he I .IIIS about cater ink his Chaise, "Now doctor,' youl . driva - to !47/, w on't you'?" certainly ," ruNe t t.tike, dorto.: weekly publication un der this, -name to be devoted to fun and 'amoco meat, after the manner of "Punch," is said io be under waVin NeW York. . . TLIE AGGREGATE cost of the articles displayed in the Odd kellows proersion at Philadelphia on last,.is estimated at $lOOOOO. GOLD t imported to London from St. Peters burgh at the rate of half a million dollars month ;rrins of fluseiannte greatly on the create. , Turns ;are only 175 miles of Telegraph in ope ration in tnglancl, arid there are 1260 miles in successful operation in the United States..,' Tug WREAT CROP of Maryland is poor, also the tobaeco and potato crops are sitiall; but oats., rye, and lay are unusually promising. ''MOVST MITCRELT., in North 'Carolina : is the highest land in Norths.AmetiCit, east of the. Rocky Mountains, being 6470 feet above the level of the sea. SWEET FOTATOES.-11c Southern papers 'says that the sarcet potato crop will-be larger this year +than ever before. Toe New York: State Society of Cincinnati; have elected Gen. Tda-zon a meniber' oi their business done this fall, ht indication, and on terms 'sellers."' ;Two factories have lately ie now in course of tree ! - - cbanty, New York. An n county, is going tip with , ne erected some time ago which has been laying idle soon to go into operation. iwhig - papers cry .ing factories. . r: _. II 15 .CD 15 or 16 'years of age, eon of Mr. Blais of East - Boton, was run over a train of on the Eastern railroad, on Saturday afternoon, crushed to death. G. soN, of the Yucatanese expedition, has coneltufed to-tarry at New Orleans, and publish a Yankee Spanish newspaper there. Firmax Ruarewxr Sr.a.Taa.—We find the Rd owing in the Hagerstown Herald of.Freedona of he nth. • . Fifteen slaves, men and women, - belonging, to Alessrs Da Richard, the. Messrs. Clargets, and Dr. Rench, abscondectin a body on Saturday night last. They passed through Hagerstown about half-past 110 o'clock in -the night, on 'their way to Chamberiburg, mounted upon horses. with which they.-had! provided—themselves.- .We understand that nine, of the - fifteen runaways ~weie =este:l and *educed in the neighbothood of Chambeiaburg —the othernix are still at-large. == MMMI WO Ilinit- - -., Hon. Jon Mk•gir, who'nkrunniag for Co.ogress . us the Bedford district in this st4e-eVows his sem liirrenti on the Torii!' 4tiotion t iEl followtt: !t t .. .13.tia.otiviPer4iiit: Sek..l - -ith. 134 G. I'Tci Wit. 43', Esq':.' i • • I i request' Dsia..Sin'!'—ristri b letter'cif the 10tha.s been re- ... _ieb 'yo c'eivXl, in 'Wh. u' t' my opinron,nn the Tariff, to which .I cheerfully reply. I am, dud al ways have been, in favor of a tariff for Revenue, with proper discrimination, so as to; afford ample PROTECTION' to all the great interests of the Country,•.incruding the FA.R.MER. mad - the -ME CHANIC as well 'as - the :kfaiinfacturer. . ''' Should I. he elected toSongress, and it is Ascer tained that the. Tariff act. of 1846 does not afford such PROTECTION; and raise i'undssufficieyt to defray the ft4,ol3SeS . Of C.4ovOrtitcat, economically administrated, I will give my,•vote and, influence for..such modification thereof. a mriy;be.,required for the , nurposes above mentio ed. ' ' • . The Tariff Questidn being one lMost exclusive ly of a LOCAL: charaeter; it'is - he mot difficult thing ifr the world - to 'get enact passed. that Will meet the viewe iof ALL It is the opinion Of many .. well :unformed men that a. duty of 30 per pent. ismot a isaficient pro tection to the COAL. and IRON interests, of Penn sylvania,r and; should this prove to be the fact, (which I helievb will be the case)l will, ifftlected,' , use all honorable inesh.4 in my - power to have the l dirty irideased so as to atlbid FULL and AMPLE PROTECTION to these two great PennsylVania interests. _Whilst, however, ',would be in favor 8f increasing-the duty on these articles to-a standard that would meet tho approbation _of the people of the whole State, I would feelmyself 'called upon; by every•pridciple of JUSTICE, to sustain 'that part of the Tariff of 1846 which redUces the duti et ion other articles -used by the FARMERS, ME CHANICS, arid WORKINGAIEN of the Country, and raises thern on articles of LUXURY. and, also the increased dirty bucominon FOREIGN WOOL, -which I conceive to. he highly imPortant to the FAII3IING interests of the. Country. I am, Most respectfully, Pours, &c• ,Filsannu.---The- St. Louis Republican -of the 3‘.1 instant, says:- 7 The peopie of Icp!.va are turning their attention•to the cultivation of Flaxiecil, and, in a few years,.it will be one' ofthe Most. imliortant products. One individual has purchased two.htin.. dred tons, -which is in procesS of deli'very at Daveri; part. lie paid for it from fifteen to eighteen dol lars per ton.. It is to be prepared for use by a pat ent machine, and when ready for market will he shipped to Europe. relation to Eng - ii6 l / rnaUt4. - facturdrs, the wages of operative. in Botton are higher than in the United States. The report of the'Parliarnentary factory commissioner's state that, the average labor in'England is 69 hourS per week for 1:19. Or $2,61. In the United States, 70 for 10S., tit $:.44‘./. The average in Lowell ie. St,- 50 perweel:., and $1,15 tiord, being '2,75 or lls., Gd., per week. Those figures show that England has no a d va ntage over the United States in cheap. OEM . I PV3iFING TOE WATE . it OUT OF Li): C . Mielll- o.Ax.—By'an arrangement with the English bond hulderk the State of Illinois has given mer to them !the unfinished canal, from the water's of Lalze. , . [Michigan ;it Chicago to the Illinois,..tliver. They 'are about completing it, but the principal difficulty now is to supply it with water, owing to the loiel of the Lake being eight feet below the bot tom o•• the canal. To overcome this the present 1 1 comp ny, after various prepositions, finally be thought thentielves of raising thetwaterof the Lake so as tio.Fupply the canal, and have ordered sonie powclul.machincyy„for that purpose at I'iitsbuig. , cp - i- ire fad the abox e in a Baltimore paper, bat wiflimkt credit. We trait not heard of cirachinet, , being ordered in this city for the Inirpot•e.i*ified. ilf any of our citizens know arlything en the 51th .,;eFt, 1 e shall be happy to boar acorn them., ...,,,i, For Ife 1),;;12,1 Morning :rot. =Tr rr TOWXSIIIP trerC-1 accidentally. saw :a. , notice in the Despatth of the trith last., stating; that they, (the,publishers.) had been ‘'ilidalcd by I one of the officer:: of Pitt Toi,vr,ship." I hope they will be 'diddled" again, vr ben they "foolishly in sert, a r lvertisernents," for Which there is no occa don. The auditors took the tesponSibility urkra theranlelves to order. the Township Clerk tu 6.4 iri two of the city palicie for the receiving of prop4als to build coffins for the. paupers of. Pitt Town:ship. for which.they had :no right. The Su• perviver made a contract With Joiner Little, on the _'kith of April, for coffins. at three dollars per ] coffin find delivered, and had received several, when; on the 2.d of June, nearly two mouths afterwards, the auditors made a contract with,the satire man fur the some amount. Had they asked,for info! , ]matiOn at the proper source, they would not have ]done to. The Supenisors have their set days to meet upon, and always make out to remember the dap, bat the Auditors et:vim: l ed a than at a dol lar, tO send notices to the auditors to attend thesi,e I meetings, fur which there cerminly was no ccea ] slon. If Mr. Elelthaurn the horror lof being notified at Co er • ess'‘c meeting,let :,,115L_CC —4 him have the exquisite pleasure of paying it out 'of bis] own pocket.. I am sorry -the Despatch is is udilhiled," but Ipt him apply to thosA that order ]ed the aril crtisement. fur his pay. P. - oth bills, to be sure, are small, but Pitt Township ]has been sadly] ':diddled," and I went to see her Once more "crerti t Justice must be done. - TOMEII. • Ta:trritai, . On the inst., by Itoy.;l4'cin, \% u,; liffne n;i At.bis Slrol, this pity To - th Public e ! " the Cities el -Pittsburgh and fille ghe r ry and the .13oroegliTand Towns art , und Pte . burgh, and our Eastern,lrestern and JVcrthcrn Cites, Th; sub scriber having H i d in Pittsburgh about 45 years and been in Stores and Public Business tear 4tt, years—established a General' Agency and Intelligerce 'Mice soine 8 years ago—hai attended as wel . as he could to all Ertisiness entrusted to his kind rendered every passible accommodation me and attention to the Pmblie Interest and bu- care, by ti sine • - s: and within the- last tight years—published gap as,possible four different Business Direr of both cities=and'froen his moderate char. !confidence and unfortunate losses, has scarce be able to make a decent living for a large He has within the last see trecks been op. as c toric4 gc ly be, . . . in- both his Diqcto4:aini Officc ss by a firm of strangof4, .6.'no have, swindled nhlic and left our city suddenly last Sabbath posed to z i t the ii The Eubscribe'r now asiutes his friends and 1 abbe generally' he Will , rtrire to attend to interest and business,asJaithfully cold pronp e possible and moderate 'eliarge4 through his y and Intelligence (td 4k No. 12;,St. Chic i, near the Exchange 'llcite!; - and as early as bin next Spring furnish' ; til'e.'inhabitants with a (full and complete genend business ,Directorr •h cities, and neighboring townS,&e.,&c., at d oom for our own Merchants, .Manufacturers, panics, Attorneys at Law f Magistrate, , , l'hysi &c., &c., and for' c// ltusineEs tnen to adver. and insert their Card, &er,'&v. as Well as the kg Merchants Mannfaeturers;&c.,4 the East Northern and Western'citles, and in every pas; raY tomake a _kiln! full a n dcamptete .11usi , . ,inciory. .In tile . meatititne ;he can receive and tile the. Business Cards in his_ office, which is a very [public place, and will keep a general alpha. belickdly arranged Record Look," to record br paste in tha name,. cards and publicatiens, lie' will also keeplon hand for sale all -the daily and weekly Pittzburgh and Allegheny . .neWspapers—Sibbeit's Cougterfeit Detector—and shine Eastern and West- ern, newspapers, &c. . - cQ` . • He keeps on hand 'for geneial, accornmoda ' Kho Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Wash . City, Buffalo, Wheeling,-;Cincinnati, and &Senk's Business Directory for the 'lley, and four diffiercht edition. of Ilar va s - ittsbur”li and Allegheny Directories for ' the LC to when wanted. - [ I.SAAC HAULS., icy & Intelligence Office, No. 1.2; St. Clair it. itsbpr&b, Sept. 1.8,),516, -7' • ' tion, ingtd sissip ris 3 isea l , Pitt - , Oboc-rAw .Evecrior.-;-The4ollowing are the , returns of an election held in the . Choctaw Nation on the Bthl,nly,-1846-4 For Miff-1...C01: Thi3rnas .Liilote receiy.dd 300 votes; aeoirgeXtidsort, 411; Joel A. Vail, i 29. For Spetiker:—Jamei Piclzerr, 24G; Lawaeliubbee 211; .4tinkJetttbee ‘2lOl - .For .ilegse,,of .irprettn . tatives--GPG SY Harkins; Daniel Fulsom, , Allen Carney,lohn Lake, HolObbee; John Robertson, Forliis Leflore, Z. Harrison, Cole man Cole, Sibs Garland—elected. For Dirtrict Sitornry—Y olah. QZ? The Neiv'Yerk -Express 'states-its' belief that the - retluetibn of 'tolls ort railroads and' canals throughout the ciditry, iaberdier it has been adop ted, -ia productive 'of 'increased revenuer: In the ease' of the Erie Canal, this 'hes been mniforinly the faet.'' The reduction,'in }Tars past his been gradually, yet the receipts hame been steadily in creasing: •This - year the reductiod cent j and yet the collections show that Op td the second week. in. June, the !-• ', • - . I Receipts f. 770,84 5, • For the same'peried last year... :.r.....7313,031r.' Inerease of '1840: . :34,800 'And yet Wm. 13, Ekyster, Jr.:whom - the Locofo . cos of this State have; put in nomination for canal ConiMissiOner, for a second term, has hlindly, and , pertipacitisly.Persisted,in keepingup„the-Mlls on our State works, against the united and frequently [expressed opinibris of Mar' ablest merchants/and 'men of most sound judgement. Alttiough every reduction has hitherto been productive of tolls in other States has beenipiornotive oflthe best effects, yet this man obstinately,adlieres to his own judg ment, refusing even to try the, exishriinent. which: if it did not answer,rwould - he productive of no great evil, and which, it is, believed, would add mneatly to the:revenue of the State and .tlie.busq ess yf our. people!, Let, the peOple recollecf thisaea lhings t the eUunty,election. .. . . . The;above statement from the New York _Ex pref.: appears in the 'Pittsburgh .Daily Gazeile and .2,lroliser of the 4th i inst., accompanied' With the ungenerous. unjust and false conclusions, as stated bythe 'editors of . that paper,- respecting' the-course pursued by Wm.. B. P ri oster, Jr., the present able and ellicient President °flour Board of Canal tounnis bi ono rs. .3. stranneto the rend'ationi Which gov ern in carrying.ort the State improyernentsWould be led,to conclude that the whole was directed and conducted by Williain B. Foster, Jr., alone, instead' of three of the mostiatelligent and uprig4 citizens in the:commonweal pi selected-and elected bythe votes of.a large majo r ity of the citizens throughout the whole State; andi it is. well known that it re .quires the assent of two members of the;lioard ta carry any measure. Ilt must be known .4, those editors that the price of toll lon come articles was reduced in 1845 froM the prices of 1841, i and the result was an increase of tonage transported in 1515, and a decreasefin the am same untof tollireceiv ed the sae year 4. twenty thousand. dollars.— They also knowlhat the price of tolls on.the ca nals-and railroads have been very. considerably re duceti from what they were last year. Instance, the price of motive r ower on the railrodd.s is re duced 20 per cent. oevery article Of freight. The ,r canal tolls ia3t year n BaC6ll, Pork, Beef; Tallpiv, Lard, Butter, Cheese; &c., &c., was 1 mills per Mile per 1000 lbs., on thej canal, audfi.mills on the rail. road. This year the, samearticlespay onlY3 mills on the canal and 5 on the railroad, and 04 Mineral Coal the toll is reduCed 2 mills per 1000 lbs.; and yet the price of freight on these articlesdastlear from Pittsburgh to Philadel phia;was not more than from GO t0..G5 . centS. The . articles' of llour,. on which but little change in the ',price-of' lolls - has been made, except itt the priceiof toils , ' lr4s been made, except in the,l price. of motive potver, was carried last year for ;p5 to 73 cents per barrel. and r the present price is lone. dollar :per barrel. Last year-the-boatman. Was chargedls per cent on the amount of his freight, which was from ;DJ to 12 ' .dollars on each load,,as a commission for Procuring 'it for him. The present season ao conimissioas are charged the carrier. . .i., Now l„ask, can the editors of the anzeis explain the reason why all these changes-in the 'Fourse of business take place?: l _ The fact is they don't want 1 to tell the truth. The senior editor of thatpaper 1 was urged on to publish so many falsehoods during ithe Presidential and 'I Got crow's- canvasslin' 1814, I that it has Leconte a fixed disease on Lim ; rind he 1 i cannot help making mis:statements wheneverle attempts to write °Oa man in oilice, or a candidate for eke who is not of Ids own party. !And vet, I „ - .yeasoh White" is :;bid to be a . 't cry pions and hon ti Cat man in his own Way. I William B. roster, Jr., has been nominated by almost the unanirnons vote of w numerous Convert,. Lion of the De:lmo-ley of Pennsylvania, as their candidate for re-election to the office of Canal Com missioner, in October next. Here lies the whole cause of the false statement in the Gitzett:r. Well, now, I should like t hear what miricles, the Bea. con propoles to work out in the manageinent, of our public works, by the election of his Whig can didate of Mercer county, (Mr. ,Powers)! as Canal Commisioner. Is he to influence the decisions of the other two mernhers of the board byliii superior talents and eXperiedce in such business.' !Will he bring to their aid ni l t re experience, molt 'capacity, and more integrity t an Sir. Foster .possesses, who bat been employed Or twenty years on the. Various public works in Permsylvanin, Ohio and Kentucky? —all of which lie left with a high-character for ca. pacity and integrity And is it - likely that Mr Powers, who iris surd is a stockholder 'and mana ger in the company 7.Vhich now owns the' Beav - er and Erie Canal, would feel a deeper interest than Mr. Foster in the encouragement to bring freight along the State improvements?. Would he not in stead, be dispoted to direct it: rintit the Ohio river at Beaver by way of 'Pie TO N'evVoil. : l—ln 00n clitSion it may be liMrthY of notice, that'notWith standing the high el -ire or freiglrtTd'the east this season, three times he quantity. has been' shipped from here in 111.3 rnirtth of dmit! that was sent in , T nt , Junc . .l.s-13...-- . , I [ ] . - ra. JOB MA'.ltN /fradarites.---lie:uhichcs, no- matter from what cause; hme en uncoiling , remedy-in Clickner's Sugar . Coated Veg:etable- 'Port , ative - Pills. The most obstinate - nervous headache; 'or headache a rising from foulnes4of the stomach, yield tO'iteir operations in a fewihoure, end persons who use them as a.general opening medicine and Ipurifier of the blood will never be troubled with tip.; headache at all. The proprietor-gives his warrant. of this, and will return the money paid - for thenr if they do not. come up to his recommer.dationsi: . Nearly every regular physician in New York reeommends them for headacheoo the exclusion of all other remedies, and - upwards of thirty of them. have given the proprietor certificates to thiS effect.= Clickner's Sugar C4ated lienetable Pills prod* neither gripe .or nausea; and being co'ated. with sugar are us easily, swollowed as bits of candy, which gives them ah obvious advantegn over -all other medicine: -Persons subject to headaches Should never be without a box of them, for thus armed they will have but little, to fear from its at tdeks. field by Win...lVekson, corner eilVond and Lib city streets, who i itgeneral Agent for 1.4,,C1iet.-e -ner's Pills in .Pitteliitrgh and. vieinitv.. Choice ButidisitiListie, for Solo or ic!Lease: OUR Building Lois on Grantstreet nearly oppo JO site the new Ciiurt Muse, Bich 20 feet:front, and ertanding S 3 feet back to a.lO Also, four Building •Lots on Fourth st;, betweeir Cherry alley and Grant erect, each: 1 feet - 61.richcs front, (including th9nivilege or u. 3 that illeyi) and running back 110 feet to an alley of 20 feet in width. An indisputable title can be; given for {the above desirable property, Ivvhich be sold on lthe. most accommodating terms, orlot ob perpetual . Icase. at a moderato ground•rent. For particulars, apply to • 1 '; BAKEWELL &.PEARS, • Comes of Wood and Second streets; Or to: WILLIAM BAKEWELL, sep 21-Iw. IlakeUiell's Law Buildings, Grant 4t. VANTED TO for different parcels from $5O to &c. Places \note, clerk's, Salesmen, and boys for tradesl ployments. Wants' towns around Pittso Women for cOokin for steambaats, 111311 a number oftoloied: , and foi•na kinds of c tended to piomptly sep:2l-liv [Co3I~N ' cATEL.] , hORROW—On the beat security; ether's several sums cif money in $3OO, $5OO, stores, warehouses, &c., ,for }warehouse then, , schaulmtisters, [ 1 ; in stores, and for vhrious em 'd from the country and country ihrgh, about 100 good girls and housekeefing, chathberrnaids pes, fl!`Places ivanted - for I:men and women, boy's and girls, .;rork. All 'kinds of Ah'encies at for moderate. charges, ISAAC-HARRIS, acv and Intelligence Office;,_; • 1c0.112.5t. Clair:street. , ._ „ :., ~,. ~~e'. TREATRE. IVi.uiec~~,: - - - -..:Pricez of -,ldinission:- ;• • • ' Firstlie:t, 5Q Cents. Secondcents Third if l :;gti' 44 I Pit, • '.23 _ \'.rraverE imx, 75 crs. 1 of Mr..DIURDO_CIi MONDAY EvEl6 w, SEPT. 21, 1846., Will be acted 3 new Comedy in five Acte, celled the IN :C NI ST AN To conclude with the Farce of the WEATHERCOCK.. Doors to open 7 . 7 petfOimAnce to continence at 7: precisely. .1:: sept2l I,Vantod, for cash. . _ . 000 LBS coarsebagging in large pieces, for which r will pay llpents per pound, de livered at m 3: re 81 Wood Street, or at my rag room Lariy„"between Wood and Smithfield: . :JNO. %MELLOR, se 21 i ' SI Wood street. • • - - Za - ine,s BinUtley, •Alder Alan., 1 -- -irFictrio 'Penn st., opposite D. Leech &Co's., packetlirip officio. Of f ice hours from 7 o'elook A., Al;, toS ' L'Aidies Dross Good*. , have just received a fine assortment of the y y handsomest styles of Ladies dress goods that bare over heed pirered in this market, among which are new style . Cashmeres of epic:laid qtrality, Onabre Shaded and Satin striped Cashmeres; 0. most beautiful article; .splertdid. Cashmere: Rob es; Rich Fancy Silks; Cleinatintatid, California Plaids; also, , a fresh stock of Laines; French and Scotch. Ginghiths; Alpaocas, Chintzes, &c. &c., to all whic 'we would respectfully, invite the attention ufthe, Ladies as.-we are,confidcnt dithdir being pleased; ' - ALEXANDER S.: DAY No. 75Market street,. r sepl9 . cor ofthe Diamond. Watei.streei property ror MILE i3BqII.IBER will sell at ' bargain a lot of -grotifid on Water'stieht in the city of Pittsburgh adjoining' warehouse between 'Market 'and Ferry' streets, containiag. in front 35 feat and in depth 80 feet;:,the.purchaser can'get the-lot running to First streot; either by trading a part on the river bank, or by purchasing, at a fair value; a part'of the purchase money may remain' in the hands. of the purchaser if, required for ten years; by being secured byllond . fina' Mortgage on the property, with inter est: ..The' title is indisputable, for further particu, lam itsquirh of the subseriber on Water street between Grant and:RosS street. 4. ' WM. LIOLL.M.: :sePS'4 9 7 ,l lw• . . • Assignees Sale of Dry Goods , 1. atcount of former. purchasers; at Auction„at M'Kenna 3 s. I am.. auftibrised by Assignees 'to sell on aebhinit of -- purcliasers',.several lots of Dry boughtlat Asssgnees sale, on ':th, Bth, 10th, and 14th irtst4 at my Ahetrori Rooms;No 114 Wood street, 3d doorfroni sth; on Monday nest, Sept: 21st, at 10 n'tlock iu the forenoon, without - fartherhotice. unless t ey are settled for according to terms of sale before that time: thoso interested will please pay atteutiou to the advertiseinent... _ And immediately after, a largo assortment of Fah ey and l taple Dry Gtiods, of nearly every descrip,. P. 111, 7 K,EN14A, aePl9 Auctioneer. D rugs, Drugs - ,.Dregt,. AtCoinniereial Row, - Liberty street, "Big Got tden Mortar , ' - Dna - more.' • - TJ AYS &- ROCKWAY, thankful for the libbfal pa tiOnage, which they have heretofore received and wishing to merit an increased share of publie pa tronage4p'.wou7sl respectfully call the attention of the public- to • our stock of goods which we.arenowre ceivinglfor the fall trade. ,Among.,which may be found in-guantitics to suit purchasers, the, followiia,g articles! • Rhuchaid Roof, Liquoriceltoot, S i ialphur;. • • •,.. de: Ball, Gum A abic, • Refined Boras, CaPil Pdagnesia, . Sal Soda; • Carb Psfignesia, Spanish Brown, Gum AlOcs, Gum Copal; CreamiTarter, Roll-Brimstone,- Calomel, White Chalk, Sup-Carb Soda, ._,_Ext..l.4gwoods Kpsout t !4alts, .do. Glaube do. Illaddee ' • • TattariC, Acid, - - Yellow Ochre, Gum Scammony, 'Chioine Yellow, Bal Cogavia; • ' • •-', fdo. - Green, Salt Petre, -Rose Pink --;: rog,eoey with a generalassortment ofOils,Paiwts; Varnishltis, Paiist _Brushes" Dye- Wood 3, &e., all of which will he sold, '4ow as at any other house to the 410% - • • - • - Sherry 10 7 , Z..l:infr, Gordon S.: Coi , s brown Sherry Wines U do.' do. do. pale, do - do. , 5 44. 'Cortex ' - do ' ~ 4 , .ogethe with a general assortment of: other rielr old Wines. For sale at - the Wine store or ~--- -. STEIRETT Sr. 'CO.; --, cor Itfarket and Front eta.: EZ CILDIPORT WINES-70 cases superior '-Old Port XV,ine, for I.uvalitls,-fcii sale by the case or bot tle at the wine store of STERETT 4 Cot sepl" 61 Alarket street, cor.,-,Frortt,'_ CILAILET WINES-20 caies,"St. Julien Medoe " 16 do. family use androthbr brands. - For - safe; low at klie wine store of STERETT & CO., se No. 16 Itlarketzt.-cor Front.. , JCI L L I SIIERRY BRANDY- - --4n excellent -article 0.4 draught car tuedicine.or,•caber, purposes, for silo by 1 .. STERETT & Cll. SeplS . cor. Ataritet and l'r'ont... G' UPI GLITAC-2.p 1133 for sale by R.:E. SELLERS, • 57 Wood street l' BARB 1100T-41:case superior for sale by septS - • • R.•E. SELLERS. cinpistsr - for sale by I L/ "'PIS .R: E:SELLERS LL H DIfIIIPIiINE ~r4oi. for §SIOv ! • I,....SE.LLERS; . , - 57 N't ood street . _ _ FALL.GOODS.I 1 , 3 An'ilajw s tr E :NO. 46, AIAKT ST., ESPECTIVIZT- tall 'the attention of their ja,foeoils;ana 'DRY Goons purchasers generally, to thotr oxteusive assottnaent of : . FALL: GOODS.' • Which novromiifetelit'dtery dcpb:rmentT Purchasers are patticularlyinvitedto examine oar very choice eeiettion'Or DRESS' GOODS 4M?, - SHAWLS and:attention! ! has beeti''glYen tetheir selection, I and in point ofrichness.a.ndtierietr;we never before hose. .bcereabk to , .offer:griater rndutenents • .V 1 oolCashmer* • Cashmere !Reps; - • Cashmere D'Ecosse, - Mous De Lainesp• • . Farte. and, Staple Silks, &c. &c. Terkerkl, - Cashmere Broche. Enebraidereil:a.ML plairtClotk. do. Thibet Shaefls ! of entirely new •and fiat patterns--;rnevery variety of style--also; Blerine,:with Fancy Styles,! at: reduced` prices. r Ladiei'FaneS , Silk Velvete,•'l'. • - • ' Paris ltid'Gjoies;in all shades and "Nos, the different beieS ime'cleonfrprieini the different late styles choice patterns. Few•boies - . very tan sorrie . patterns at cents. - • --: Linen. CaMbric Ces,:to .• the best rn use" Fattmi..s.riP Seerkctr dirMitiorsol: - tery . dehira, ble ftnd qualities superior, ht low prices:._ • French Thibet Clothe, (in all' shades); •.!, - ' •': Alpacas, Silk•anctCott:: Warps; plain and fancy; - : 4.lonahazines, Lupine's -.test,: unusually.: low 4.--t Cashmeres; . . .;-. . • Embossed Table Covers;, • - Wo t.t st Ittiontris- - -42 ancfl4l.fancy - .betuad, 12-3 . twilled betted-MI: IoW costs: of different styles; all Of whiehr-tre offered at prices 30. per cent ‘`?•'pltlndid.CaliCeee,4tlo and 121, -- • dePartnientTs fell;Pessessingadyan,. thgas 16 the purchaser • rarely'' to' be - found. - • .. Slieetitiks,Yerd-Wtde;'cibif quality, 61. ! Da.' do7' - do: - :Extra heavy, Sc G . XLEILIEN please take notice, that at our number May he found- :at. all _times. French Broad Clothe, P. stuffs and !Yeitiege;iSatie and Sill: Scarfs, and GrriYati,tiew new' Linen•and •Silk•fidh : fe., Gloves; Ilokiery,•Gei Braces, Silk Elastics, Silk Umbrellas, ! I The; above • stock has. been perthaaed within the last 30 days since the great "depreciatiOri in priees in the Eastern. markets,-and will be disposed ol'.entire ly to the advantage of !the, purchaser, call.and see at the If:fr./joy:l . TM= bask House," . • , • ..• B 413.R0WS & tURNEA. . I 1 Class Books. UTHORS . —Virgii, Horace, -Cicero, Cmsar, Sal- Alint, 'Horner, Latin Lessons, Prose Composition, and LatintVersi6cation, Graca Majora, Minora, Ho race' mail Virgil ,Delphina, • Greek and. Latin Lesi eons aild Granamirs, - _ oc'sale by M. 8: BOSWORTH & CO., _ sepi6 43 Market steel: ONE ME • - - . J. Crawford, M. D.. R"FrCTFULLY. tenders his services to the rens •of Pittsburgh and vicinity. Office, St. .Clnir Street, opposite the Etchans , e Retch septl9.4l3ne . C. S.Poartit Henry:W. . TTORNEY AID COUNCELLOIL AT iLvit, (successgnic, .Lowrie & Williams.) Office at the, old stand, urth street, above Smithfield. - THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between Henry IV. Williams, Esq., and myself, in the prac tise of the law, was desolved by mutual consent on the 28th ult., and the business will hereafter be eon- - tinned - by Henry W. - Willie - pis; whoni r oat cheof fully recommend to all for whom I have honor to do business,' as 'a gentleman everroty worthy of their confidence: seplB-ly nocnnontovomits a co. r 4 6 m. - . BLiThELY NITC BEL -.tents: *.• • Iro EMITTANCES to, and Passage — to and from IL - Great Britain and; Ireland, by - the Mick Jail,or old Line, of Liverpoot .Priclicts. Sailing from "NeW - York and Liverpool on the Ist and - 16th of every - month. 'And by 'first elaiS - .Antericau:ShiPs ;. [Sailing Weekly.) Persons sending to . the '"Old -Country , for, their friends; can make the neceasery, arwingementri with the subscribers, and have them brought out in tiny - of the eight ships comprisingtheßlack.:Ball or Old Line of Liverpool Packensi (sailing. from Liverpool on the Ist and 16th of every month,) also: by first class ships, - 'sailing from that port . weekly, which our Agents,. Messrs. James D. ltd Che 'Co., there will send ottt Without dslay_. ".- - Should those scatfor not cone out the Monerwill be refunded without any deduction. , • The-" Black Ball, or old Line of Liverpool Packd ets, ,, comprise the following „magnificent ships, and will sail from Liverpool on their regular appointe- day, ris follows: • , Fidelias On, lot, Jan._lst May:' Ist Sept; Eur0pe,...:..:::.16th lath '" 16th New I st Feb,'.- - I st-June.- , Ist Oct, American, ... 16th:.":I6th 16th Yorkshire, „ • Ist Mar. -let July, let Nov. Cambridge,....... 16th ", 16th .16th Dec, Oxford, . Ist Aprit.list Aug._ let Montezumao" ....- 16th !.‘ . 16th, - 16th. 14-1 . 4 is . well.k,nowti, that the; Plank Bair is the very best conveyance for persons to get - out theit friends; - and as other, pasSenger agents advertise to, . briag out passengeiS Lifthat line the public are re spectfelly - notified by the owners lhat no - passenger agents, but Roche, Brothers iSr: Co., - and' BlakelY Mitchhl, are authorized to:advertise and to bring oat passengers by that Line; - • We all times for the Dials at Sight for an• amount, direct on the. Royal Bank of Ireland, Also on Messrs. Prescottt, GMte, Ames Fri,if Bankers, London,_which are paid free of - - charge, whatever, in all the . princie . - - throughout England, Ireland, Scotland Apply to, or address, if by Letter, e ROCHE BBL Or to myl4 'Bilelc Honise and Le . ' Or, in Exchange for Nails e . ...We are authorized to offer for salei , -tza , .q:_ for Window; Glass or Nails, a well finished 6 . stantial two story brick house and lot, 19 fe4 by 100 feet'deep, situated on the above the'Glasallouse. 'lt-Will be sold at a - • ble price title unexceptionable. . - Apply to _ BLAKELY& MITCHEL, sep. 17. - - Real Estate Agents. • - ATE will Sell the Lease of four lots of ground, V situate in Croghansville, &mating em.the gheny river, each 27 feet front by 200 feet 'deep,: making 103 feet front on the river, on which ie cruet= ' ed a neat two story: house and kitchen. This lots - are well fenced in, and well stocked with' ruittro6s, shrubbery, Sic. (\6 grOund rent, and taxes . 10 . w.) Price A°73. BLAKELY &MITCHEL: ' ' sept 16 - - - - • DR. SI.V.I.I"I4tE'S comrot - Bib SYRUP _ C If .1I.Y; - AND . GEINE 171LEPB-B.ITIOII - ! : . CONSPAIPTION. Coughs,Volds, Asthma,Bronchitis, Liver Complaint, Bpittieg Blood, Diffiulty - ofllyeathieg, Pain, in the:Side and Breast, Palpitation of the Hein,' Jane:laza, CrOup, Broken Constitution, Sore Throat, Nervous Debility . ; and all diseases or Throat, Breast and Lurvm the . most eftectual and - speedy cure ever ' -- known far • . the - . , Dr. Sw:vrom: - Pear Sir—ln October last, while-,. en gaged-M with r: Joseph Smith, in a - saw Wayneslirt, I was quacked kith a cough, from be ing exposed atnight,-svhich grudually increased,-at tended with spitting Of blood and a severe paid in the breast; loss oil-appetite,- fever, &c.-&c.,. *hich scarcely seppoitablc, I had a family -Who - Were' wholly dependent on my exertion's for inpport, yet . was :obliged to leave mybusiness and return home. I was then attended. by several Physicians, both still gr:ow, - worse, until my medical attendants gave me up as incurable. Subsequently, - my wife one- of the publie prints, an advert - Mime s - a . of Dr; Swayne'a Compound,Syrup of Wild Cheiry,,prectii ed use one bottle - from Francis :4l'Clere, your . agent itl-imwistown, which relieved me. I 'continued until I-had taken five bottles. lam now able to return to my work again. 'I 'write this to offer you my since-re thanks, and you are at liberty to make if knoWe,,lio that if any human being is -suffering have'been, he-May have recourse to your invaluable inedicine - Yours s 'JOHN l'. BOYNE, CONSUMPTION,' Whic.h has baffled; the skill of eminent Medical practi loners; "where invalids' have been given up hopeless, by having recourse to, and peisevering inohis-unequalled remedy, have been radically cured...: There are now. in it hands of the proprietor _numerous certificates:, of. cures,' which would -astonish - credulity itself, were Ahoy Made known .to the world. To those.'.who aro. afflicted with any of the above diseases, we say, give this medicine's fair trial; you will:then be:convieced this is no.miserable cempound, .bitt a safe and- powerful remedy, and thavits curative powers :stand alone and equalled by none. Dr. Swayne's syrup is the only,true and genuine articlo,ef :Wild Cherry before the public, and W 4 would gay to the afflicted, always look for the writ; ten signature iidTr. &WAYNE, on each bottle before yam:purchase; .:Beware;and be . not deceived Some persons may tell that some other prepa ration is as good. Heed theta not. 'One trial-of the genuine Dr. Swaynee Syrup of wild Cherry'will bolt vinct. You that 'it is the moat fahrible:medicinedieF ...Flom the increasing demand for the aboie Druggists, Merchants, and deafens generally - , will find it to their adeantrige to pave a full slApOr-of thig valuable medicine.- ' Remember to earptire !for' LG. swAy.Nps compQuNp ADP OF WILOCUER RY-,.as ;hero have - been some is liar luals.}sith;tlie assumed names of physicians making_ greaf_ el-Tore to push a spurious article -into the- market - utider,'-a fictitious name: - • - • - _ - '-The (orig'ina3 and OnlyYgenuine article is Only pE pUred . - by DR. SW..-IYN.R.[N.' WE corneti etydghth. and Roue streets, philaile:pina.. Let the advice be Topg4teci, do unt-neglnqo sqght cough;afyOu du, you mqv hive OccaSion l 0 regret t: Why run any rial. 7 has, and 'Masi ana.131.1 - aa to serious consequeenea. jAIPURITY' OF . THE 8L00D , ..---An excellent Spring Medicine; -Dr. &WAYNE'S COMPOUND SABSAPARILA.AND EXTRACT OF, AILPILLS; These ',cat - purgative and purifying:are cele brated 'for the cure of Dyspepsia ~Sick - Headache, Loss of Appetite , : low Blotches or Pimples onthe face, or any disease where a purgative or-puri fying Medicine is required. These pills, neither gripe; produce iianSea ' rir any other - Unpleasant sensation, and as'a Spring Medicine for purifying the blood and cleansing the body Of disease, they are unsurpassed by any medicine ever vet introduced to the public. I*" Manufactured and sold, wholesale and retail, by the sole proprietor, Dr. SWAYNE & SONS, N. W. corner. Race and Eighth streets, Phila'a. The only agents in. Pittsburgh for the sale . of tho genuine medicine' aro, Win. Thorn, tip Market Ogden tlx Snowden corner elf Wood and "hi st., an& S. Jones, 180 Lib erty st., where .it can obtain— ed genuine, wholesale and retail, at proprietor's prices. Said by John Mitchell, Allegheny city; R. R. Hininen, Cincinnati; Dr. Megoffin, Mercer; J. li. Burton & Co., Erie; J. S. Morris Et Co., Louisville; Dr. E. Easterly & Co., St. LQUiSjAndrew Oliver 4 Co., New Orleans; Denig & Son, Columbus; Boyd, Cam; & Co., Butler; Mackenzie Ea Haskell, Cleve land; Dr. Baker, Wheeling, Va.; W. R. Wood, Maysville, Ky.; Miller; :Brownsville; Dr. 11. Camp- bell Ex Co., Uniontown; R. E. Johnson, Cumberland; 'J. M. Sharp, Dayton; and ;by, agents all parts of the United States. -'" , sex) Pi._ . • , = WALTER H; Lowpar..-‘ No. 35,Fulion -street NWT': (Next door_ to thee , No. 75 Dublin str , "7" BLAKELKe_-,' Penn street, 7, Cure follow's Curo - MORE .. PROOF OF THE EFFICACY OF ,above diseases Air S - GOZIP.O.UND - SYRIIP OF WILD: CILFIRY, A. Cure 3, Lewistown, Del. 115112521=1