The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, September 21, 1846, Image 1

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eorner,of I.Vogdsznft Fifth Ste. ...-
;-IPinei;s`z—Five dollars a year, Nyable in advithee;
..Six I be required,if,not raid
writbin thO year. . ,
Single Copies„.TWO ci.Nn—for sale at the counter
'of a Whee l -and:by News ' .
Is illiblisised at the same office, on a double medium
sheet, at IVO . DOLLARS 'a 'year, in advanCe; sin
gle`copies, sm. CENTS.
t t_
• •',
: .I'.
i --
.• . 1 . - Tbrxnus Of Aclveirticing, • ;
i ' , 'R SQV tail)F TWELVE'
Lllns OR VESS -
)Pii.O'intrerlitO, $0. 0 9 _One month, '0 00
. 0 „,,,,
.. ~ 015 Two do, 600
Thriee dii, ' 1 PO - Three do; 7 00
Ortelyieek, . , i ~5,` Four do, • 800
Twb do, 300 (.
O h. d''''') I° 13 °
Thrice do, • . . 4 401 e year', . V .. 1 - 4 00
1. ... • Yosirly Ativertinentcutg,
clt&ritt.s.tme ..klitt..tAsub.ri ,
quo Squares.
Sixreiodeffey s 2 . q °°
On` yhar; ' 50 00
. , .
in proportiod , . . . t .
I, rat DOLLARS.' ,year. ! .
~4'. •,',',4.';',t,•7,::;•
One Square.
Six month, 615 Od
"Oar year, • . 20.00
Idrertisements i
•- CARDS of fOur lines,
°~ ~:~;
P. C. Shannon. • .
TTOII,EY' AT LAW, Greensburg, Westmere
land county, Pa., wilt practice in the West
tut:lreland:lndiana and Carnbria:Courts. - deeS-y
.` '
~ ( 1 1 t
o f-- ,
-T x •! Willi it. Donnelly,
• --.-" h, Pa. °trice on.Pourtk st., between
Grant. marls-y
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117111legni 71.1plaihon,
TTORNEYLAW and Solicitor in ChaOpery.
Office in Bare's new building, Fifth street, be
en Wood and. Smithfield. augli
Itlng . raw 11.1 , Kidght, !
TTORISLEYS'AT LAW, Office removed to!the
residence at H. S. Dl'agraw; on fourth st.,ene
;,„:.. mn Cherry Alley. ap.2l-y
~_Vd.ixtund Snowdon,
LAW, office in the building on
asst corner of Fourth and Smithfield
Bruce, LL
LAW, olliqe North tide 0.
10 . tween Wood and Smithfield am.,
Made on reasonable
, s• 4 ,
n. 31arrow,
I. : ':FERMAN, office . north side of Fitth street,
'- . ..oetiveen Wuud and Smithfield, Pittsburgh:,
Andresv Barite,
TTOP.NF.Y AT LAW, office, Smithfield street,
between Fourth street and llimnond Alley,'op
te Mr. Geo. Viroyman's tobacco manufactory.
.1.6-y • ,
James Calta.n,
i_7lO,ll.l`lEY AT LAW, office in the chambers'
• 'oceirpied by Alderman Ili'lqmstera, on
erg Wood and Smithfield. • a
audless A. Welt:tee.
,Fourth sueet, dpposite R. & 11• IL
.'s Livery Stable, Pittsburgh:__ seplo-y
VOTTV ard „Ssvart zwelder,
)IINFSS AT LAW, Fourth street betw•een!,
tot and'Sruithfield, opposite Patterson's liv
George F. Galmore,
/RNILY AT LAW, Office in Breed's build
), 4th str., above Wood, Pittsburgh, Pa.
C. Orlando Loomis,
WIRY AT LAW, office Fourth st., Ai:we
`Removal. •
:ELEN has removed his commission and for-
Jarding business from the Canal Basin to his
new warehouse on Third street, nearly opposite the
Post Office. may3o.y
IC/Ohara Cowan
TTOILNEY AT LAW, office in StaarN
ings",-Foitith et.:. above Wood. . juncl9'-dwy
Sohn AV. Brtyrell,
Arroals,7Ey AT LAW, having returned from
hhi Euxopeon tofu has taken an , otEce oir the
north east corner of• Fourth and Smithfield sts. Per
sons having had , inisitiesz and papers iu the hanihs o
Satatitil Kingitozi, deceased, will call on the
atiorollis all the unsettled boldness of Mr. Kingston
has been left in his handl. , umrs.y
Uharlem HI
A TTORNEY AT LAW, Pittsburgh; Pa. tom
misA3ncrr to take the proef and acknowledge
ment of deeds; leases, contracts; deposites or other
writings, to be recorded er used .in the States of
Kentucky, Indiana and Tenittssee. Office No. SO,
Stuart , shuildingir, Fourth street. . ma.rl2-y
J .... $. cratt,
T.ToRN,F.Y;.couNsELLon ilfdi NOTARY,
i .Pittsburgh,.Pa.„ having resigned the office of
I rotary. P.. Nay. and Fire Ins. Co., will attend spe.
ly to .collectionti, and business connected with
ig,ation, insurance, accounts and real estate:- Bu
is; hours, 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. - Office, NO. 1,
'ait's buildings, (No. SO, Fourth st.,) secolid dii.oi
t or
6 Wood street. I lb 1134
: 'Edwin C. Willson,
Franklin, Vcnango county, Penna., will
raptly to all, business entrusted to.his cart
'oils made in:Warren, Clarisni and Jeff_ crew
• J: - A. Stockton 8: Co. • -I
• Murphy, Wilson. Ez Co. . Pittsburgh.
• John Bigler; r -
Hon. James Kinnear, Franklin.
lion. Alex. MiCalmont, ,
Hon. James Wilson, Steubenvi le, Ohio. jay23-y
'lin ii:.Parkinson,
. .
LOERAIAN, Fifth Ward, Penn street, betweee
. Walnut and O'Hara streets, where , hc May be
nd, t:all, times. Those having houses oil
,other sellor.reht, can have the same puectu
attended_tp; debts collected, and all the Iduties
an Alderman will receive prompt attention
N. I.lfolmen4 , SOD, .
noANKERS and dealers in Foreign and Dis!tnestic
Bills of Exchange certificates of deposit; bank
es and \ -flsecie. Drafts and notes collectitd, and
tretnitttnces -made to.any part of the United Etates,
N.. 55 Market street'. ljan7-y
Jokoston & Stockton,
KERS, No...ll4,Markot street. s4p 10-y
Scribes Scheibler,
II No. 115 Wood street, three doors belovi- Fifth,
tsbur _ h, Pa. , jan7-y
6iJames Patteigon, Jr., .
ORNER of First 'and Ferryi,,strocts, Pittsburgh,
I Fa., manufacturicr: of locks; hinges and bolts,
tobacco, fuller, mill. and timber , screws, housen
tic ewafor rolling mills, &c. s!cplo-y
Wink. A. Ward, I
ENTIST, has removed to the plaCe of his for
- U per residenee in Penn street, two deorA below
B. E. Constable,
BALER, in Fait?y and Staple Dry Dodds, 83
Markefatreet, ittsburgh. tiovlo.y
EdFar Thorn's .• .
- RUG and Family Medicine Store; corner ,
Penn and Han 4 streets; Pittibuigh; Pa.; Phy
lane prescription d accurately comp° undedJ Mcdi
es can be had at ail hours or the 'day or night.
an2l-y I
Brown!rville r lnninta Iron Wori,cs.
VIDWARD FiIiGILES manufacturer of iron and
.141 nailkovirebouse, Smithfield above Fourth at.
. 4000-9
. ~..- . ; ..... C.. 11:..3.1, , Anu1ty ek• Co.,
- -Canal Baaini•PittAburgbiPa. , .--- -. : mni3d
llfd*ttit'Lytle ,
GROCER, Smithfield strectivext iloor
to the Fifth Piestiyterian Church. jiihe6l-1
• - 7 7 ;:":
• - - .: 7 ""r ?
Georga Cochran,'
No. 26 Wood it. Irttsbu novf.l7-y
ArtF.O. S. SWARTZwonhrzespectfullOnforrri his
ll,Jf friends end customers that he has removed to
N0..106 Market streCt,b6ts;ie r en Fifth and Liberty sts.,
east side; where. he is - receiving a large and Well as
sorted stock of Spring gnods,to which he would re
spectfully invite their attention: . sp3-d6m
• ISt IN' li kik. Store. :" •
HS. BOSWORTH & Cot;Nol 43 market street,
next door to Third Effect, arc just opening al
new and extensive ussortnieht of Books and Station
ery, which•they will sell, wholesale and retal, at the l•
lowest-prices. • • • . ap2s-y
sAtztre.i. - • Gil). G. Dit'ovrlTE,
{SUCCESSORS: TO 1101.113 P. AND .1311,0Wrir.,)
TMPORTERS and ina l nitfacturers of Wall Paper
- 11 . • and- G eneral Paper I Warehouse, No.: 87 Wood
re ct, PitUtnrgh. I je2o
o , .ll.eira flobtusou,
LATE U. S. Attorno, hakremoved his office to
No.:8 Si. Clair st. 1 septl-y
LUMBER „MERCHANT, office on Penn street,
b et .„;.e.en
,Irtein and Hand ens., PittSburgh,, Pa.
All cornutissio:ls.will be proutptlY attended to :. ruardjy
ttiletl Book P-114 1 : Puper Warehouse. ,
Again, publisher, bookseller and
1 4 b et ibindi..,r; No. Woot:4Crecti Pittsburgh..
. warn-84
. . _
TurAnz , ,,TyFAer 2d,5
unED i l ola,nlitlesale and Iv
-11 taxi Smithfield Et' betiitzu 'Sixth 310 Virgin
• ••. At. Edey,
ANUFACTUriF.It of Last nit and tle:alet In
1.71. Star Candles, Fifth street, near I.arket, S. W.
iOl.lll r.;.I . iINGS. .7 MI. W. If .'4013.7.1.
COICMP.II4 1 Oilman itr. Co.,
ArAtitiFACTURFAIS of Carriage Springs and
111 Axles, A. 13., and }spring steel, and dealers in
coach trimmings of every description, inaultfactory
on St. Clair street, waretiouse,l3 Wood street, op
posite St-Charles Hotel: jan:n-y
Flint Glass Estribltslinicist.
jI.7I I yANY tc 1.F.411 , .. manufacture and keep
constantly ou hand cut, moulded and plain
Flint Glassware in all its} varietiei, at their warehouse
corner of Market and )Water streets, l'ittsbnrgh.--
Our works continue in }full operation, and are
constantly adding to our stock, which enables us to
till orders with promptness. Part:ha:lcm are iespect
fully solicited to call anti examine prices and terms.
Ott ol li.uritz, t
tV .k
ZLTACTURF.It CF licOnatrritu: TEETH, lihfieistieet.ltwo doors Colo. FitittiCe l
Pittsburgh, Pa. Atvay,
on hand a full assortment at
Plate and Pivot teeth, of a :variety of shades, as
simple Plate, - Molar‘ an Itiscuspidatoes, Gum teeth,
screw Pivot teeth, sze. i ,PT . .tli and blocks Made to
order; Dentists supplied tvAtit all articles in the pro-''
fessinn. All orders front abroad niubt, be aceompaa-
ied by the cash: : I
iCr Platina always on hand. tIONII,I
Dr. Doxi!lel 3.l•Meal. '
VFICF. on Smithfield three doors from Such id.,
- s' Pittsburgh. : jlecltt-y \
Dr. fileOrge Watt,
OFFICF., No. 77 Smithfield street, near ialli 9t.,
Pitisburgli. ! !air'l-v
\ F. Dlatur, ,
DIANO,FORTE manufacturer and dealer, in
sical 'instruments; No. 112 Wood street, near
Fifth. ~ : I
---------2,-______-, ------- -
' , Jettn , qa :11111er• !
. ,
pAINTER, Fifth, near Market st.,74lditair (laza ;
Banners, signs, designs fur steamboatl iV heel
hoaxes, amt tlimey`paintng of every, descripti:nn neat
ly executed at the 'hortest notice. jy'..117-ritim
Georgn Hailvy,
PLITAIBER, and mattulacturcr of Pumps find Ily
drants, which are 'superior to and cheaper than
anv in the city. Pleasri tO.s.all and examine for Your
selves, !Fourth street, between Smithfield aid i..7her
rT Alley.yd
Hrants auil pimps rtpaircti. jun 1-y
, - J. pryai,
F.CTII 7 IING DISIIILLEIt ond whoien4ledeal
er in Foreign and Domestic:Vines nud Liquors,
No. 114 Liberty street, 53 Diamond Aliciy, Pitt,-
burgh, Pa. x jv2l—y .
• lI.D. Sellers, AI. D.`.
F.SIOVED to Penn st., between Irsejn and Band
JR, streets, live doorslbelow Hand st. aplfry
CIIIRGEON "'DENTIST, HS Liberty strce a few
0 doors below St.:Clair Gt., Pittsburgh. up2S-y
Ogdan ,t, - Snowden, ..
kj ssloand retail druggists, and manufact revs or
white lead, red lead and Iniarge, corner o l f, Wood
and Second sty.. Pinslirglt. Pa. 10,.-1:1-y'
Martin & Smith,
SUCCESSORS to Irvine & Martin, wholeside gro
cern, produce and commission . merchants, and
dealers in Pittsburgh inanuflictured articles,iNo. 56,
Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. a pS-ir
John DI 3 Closkey,
rrIATLOR AND CLOTHIER., Liberty st., between
.1 Sixth street and Virgin Alley, south sides
Alderznan t 4 011ie°.
rip!ti undersigned begs leaveto say to hifrionas
.. .
I and the public generally, that he has removed
his office to Penn stiect, near thy canal bridge, oppo
iite the United States Hotel, I
0.A16.73 , • i.. ItrtIES BLAKIELY.
B. PilkOcostoar. & Co.,
VIETIIOLESALE and retail Druggists, co
and Wood streets.
- Thomas intllces
STORE, coiner of Wood aud-Fourtl
Pittsburgh . : -
..o"rett d. Co.,
WHOLESALE:and retail dealers in for ign and
domestic-Aloes and Liquors, esc usively,
No. TS Market street:
WHOLF.SALF , and, retail Grocer and d aler in
Foreign and Domestic Wines and ignore,
Foreign and Domestic. Fruit, Nuts, &c., No. U Water
street. beps.l
Lambert S. Shlpton;
- w il c O o L L S ,it i ro E n: G. l .R e O r
c C h E a li n rti'eoall.,l„VmAill N
(produce r' .
and Pittsburgh manufactures, Nos. 133 and ISS Wood
street, Pittsburgh, Pa. feb2-y
Merehatits,No. 7 Commercial Row Liberty
street, Pittsburgh. 1 al9-y
WiTOLESALE GROCERS, dealers. in produce
and Pittsburgh manufactures generally, No.
224 Liberty, opposite 7th street, Pittsburgh. np2B-y
Jolla 11. Mellor, I
WHOLESALE and retail dealer in Music and
Musical Instruments, Piano Forteal, School
Books and Stationery, No. 122 Wood street, Pitts
bur:h. janl-y
WHOLESALE GROCERS, importers of tin plate
and queeniware, and dealers in cojper and
Pittaburgh mantifa'etured articles,Nos. 1121 and 114
2nd st., between Wood and Smithfield eta. j914-nl4-y
Select School.
- VNT.M. MOODY" respectfully announces io his old
friends Olathe intends opening a Sele'et School
in this city, on the;lirst Monday of April ne,xt, in the
basement of the Third Presbyterian Church inar2l4
VIIOLESALE DRUGGIST, and dealer -in dye
stuffs, _paints, oils, varnishes, &c.,1 No. 57,
Wood street, Pittsburgh. - • oct3-y
J.i D..Wiltiame
110Virood 'street, corner of Wood
streets, Pittstiurgl4
L. "Vl,' ilinar tit,
flush Art ens,
P. V. Martin,
Jahn Scott dr, Co.,'
J. 4 J. 11191)evitti
Jame!' Pal*, Jr., & Co.,
R. E. SoHerm,
Dr. Wm. D. righty
DENTIST, Office and residence in.
st.; Clair st., n reW, doors below Lib
_erty, near the Enhance llotel.
, t . Frarthltratoutle Fourth street,
Between' Smithfield and Grant Streets,Pittsstrtirgh
SCHMBATZ, Pr-evictor,. respect
..fully informs his hi nds and the public general
ly, that he will open tho above splendid House on
the Ist day of May neat.i
The House being nei t (i and finished in she most
commodious and convenient 'iMnner; and having it
fUrnished with the newea and moat beutiful Style of.
furnlitirM natters himself that he will be able to 'ea
commodate his friends and the traveiling public, in a
manner hot inferior to any' similar establishment in
Oho . . . .
As the House is situatrid near th& Court Bruise, ar
'rangcnien4 have been wade-to serve up. meals at any
hour in gle day, this will be
. great ciontienicuce to
those. who emit' attendance at coda.
I):rliefreshments of all kinds call be had. Boar
ders taken by the week or day.
lgir Lunch every day at 11 o'clock, A. M.
Washington Hotel,
TAMPA' AII3ISTIIONG, Proprietor, Corner of St.
Penn *streets, Pittsburgh; the proprie
tor begs leave to return his most grateful thanks to
his friends and the public for past favors, and' hopes,
by attention, to merit a continuation of their patron ,
age., The,houise is pleasantly situated near the Ex
change; it has accommodations fur travelers, and a
large room for public meetings, dinner or supper par
Refreshments aura? ready, or prepared on the
shortest hotice, with the choicest the Ilarket will af
ford. Gysters atia Oyster Soup, also Fresh Shell
OygerS,lreceired every ;fay during the season. The
greatest i:.are. !las been taken in the selection or wines
and liquers. A variety of newspapers are regularly
in the establii.aient, - „
P. S. 'A Hot Lunch sery PI up everyday at 11, A.
ap IS-v.
Cairns/ Boat House.
BR. DOSS Err, l'enn street, Pittsburgh, Penna.
I) Boarding and lodging, by the day 'or week, on
the most reasonable tertns. Strangers will find it to
their advantage to patronize hint. Persons travelling
cast or West will hod this house a convenient loca
tion—it is within ono hundred yards of thin canal
basin, and convenient to the forwarding houses.
I , ,e.iv information giten to Iron Manufacturers iu
all branches of the bithineEs.
Iluine'brewed a!e can at all times be had at the
bar. ' nor 10-y
Lafayette Refreetory.
N 05.6 1 and 63, Wood street, under Lynd's Auc
tion store. The subscribers have lilted up the
above piece in superior style, and they feel ns.sured
will give comfort and WSUSraCiiUn to all ho may
visit thein: .
Arrange/dents have bean ionic to have a constant
supply or Fresh Oysters, which will be served up to
visitors and families on the shortest notice. Other
lusuries t candies., fruit and pastries of ,the choicest
hinds always on hand. Their Bar is flied with this 1
best braids the market ean afford; and Regalia, Can- i
tell°, Principe and Havanna Cigars of stipetior qual
ity. Ilv'pry attention paid to visitors. :Their molter
is, everY, luxury in its season. Priees Moderate.
sutler .y OGDEN & tilliSoll.
• Burnt District notaqs. 2
sA AC MURDUCK, formerly of the ;UnionHotel 1
I •
on Water street, leasing been burnt :out, bas hitiltt
a new iktid latithAnrit7 house expresv'.y I'M- the. SC.OOIII
- of travelers, at the corner of Second and
Smitlitic C d streets, ‘,liicli will Lc Lnoivii as the PAULA
District lintel. i
De. i s now prepared to ellor every acotitniodation
and every COIIII . OII to the tray tier, at very moderate
charges Ile is provided with ample and cotGenient
stabling, "ilvelii.,
.1.1t411 wr.Avrn
o'r 171: Err f., Co., wholesale and retail dealers in
h°ign Wines 2.11(1 Liquors, corner of Market
and Front streets, Pittsburgh. Pa.
!Were zcee—W sa. Holmes & Co., livery F. Schwcp
pt.. Win. Richt...lino, li. Weaver.
Their stock leas been selected with great care,arol
consists of the choicest qualitiessuitable for this mar
ket, to chid' they would respectfully call attentioa
and soli rit a share of public patronage. j it comprises
the frillwing in casks and bottles:
IVinet .
—3Liderias, Sherries, Lishons, TeneritTes,
Ports, TalagasCalabrnis. Liquars---til,ttltlit'a, Gins,
Rums, uvl Whiskies. augitri
[----- Exchassee lintel,
,i ,
r Li N BROWN, Pnorstrren.—Teima SIM per
day. ' iheu udersigned, formerly of the Merchants
41 .
Hotel, orner of Wood and Third streets, has leased
this nu eritir establishment, and furniShed it anew
through ut, with now beds, new bedding and nem;
furnitur . Great care has been Wien to fill his cel
lar with the choicest viands. A handieme omnibus'
and a h ggage Wagon ore provided for the use of his
guests, tid a Porter will be in attendance at all hours
to meet the demands of the traveller. , Thelong ex
perienc of the undersigned in this business, assures
him tha his curviest purpose to satisfy; all who call,
. 1 ;
cannot I e unsuccessibl, Ile !cols altogether at lib
erty to remise his visitors a comfortable and cleanly
.abode, iberal entertainment, and a hearty welcome,
at a- moderate eSpcnse. ALLEN it ROWN.
' . .a i3-dif
Co -Partnership..
a h xd a n d with,him Jas. ay
Ilailuiart and John F. Jennings, under the name and
style of 'Coleman, Hallman & co., will now have in
creased facilities for manufacturing Steel Springs,
hammered 'axes. American Blister and . Spring Steel,
to witich,the attention of dealers Is respectfully !
solicited, and hope by strict attention to business, to
merit a continuance to the new firth the thvors so lib
erally bestowed Upon him. Factory on St. Clair st.
—warehouse 43 Wood st. opposite the St. Charles
Hotel, where can 'he found a good assortment of
Springs, /isles, A. 11., and Spring Steel, and Coach
Trimmings of every description, together with. Iron,
Nails and Pittsburgh manufactured articles. The
highest price paid for scrap iron. jan22
l er Sixth
BELL AND BRASS FOONDER, has rebuilt and
commenced business °Oils old stand; No. 70
Second, between Market and s.Ferry streets, where
he will be pleased to see his "old customers and .
Church, steamboat, and bells 4,every size, from
10 to 10,000 . pounds, cast from patterns of the most
appro'ved Models; and warranted folic of the b6t.
. .Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, &c. &c.,
together with every variety of Brass Castings,if .re
ouired, turned and finished in the neatest 'manner.
A: F. is the solo agent for Babbitt'sAnti-Aitraction
Metal, so justly eeltwitted 11,r the reduction Of fric
tion in machinery. The boxes and composition can
be Vat{ of him' at all times. • mra.!7-y
I streets,
John Cartwright
CUTLER and Surgical Instrument Manufacturer,.
No. 140 Wood-street, two cloorS i'roni Virgin al•.
ley; Pittsburgh, Pa. Always on hand an extensive
assortment of Surgical and Dental instruments,
Bankers', Tailors', Hatters', Hair Dressers' and Tan
ners' Patent Shears, Saddlers"rools, Trusses, &c.:
j e 24
William illoktme.
TILL continues in his old business of rertnufactui . ,
ing Wagons,, Carts;' .Drays . , Timber Wheels,
Trucks; and Whcelbarrovia, on Fin Street, betwerin
Wood and SMitlitiold;'where he keeps constantly on
hand, or made to order in, the shortest notice, any.
=fount of work,' by the
.best of workmen and good
materials, Ind at prices' to suit the times :..,Those
engaged in the Santa Fe trade, and Furnace men,
are requested to give him a call before perchasing
elsewhere. ap7-y
:20 kegs Plug Tobacco;
5 " Ladies' Twist, do;
10 44 Va. 4 4 do;
10 " Cav'd, Is Lump, do;
In store and for sale by J. & J. M'DEVITT,
ap2o .222 Liberty at.
For Sale.
ALOT of Ground on sth street, 30 feet front by
120 feet deep. Also, 2 lots in . Pine 5t.,20 ft.
front by 'Ol feet deep. Also, 2 lots adjoining the
above on which is built 2.large end sribstantial 'frame
dwelling houses, Also, 5 frame dwelling houses on
Locust et.' Apply to
.R, No.
nd Fifth
-M.—Pimmium oil of Cincinnati=mu
facture for sale by GEORGE COCHRAN.
je26 . No. 26 Wood st.
_ .
..- i S .~.
A. Vialton,
N.PAY . -$:..1".T.Ei.1ER..2,-1..-...118,40:..
Oil at a Itedticeil.
subscriber would respectfully inform `his T"'
friends, and the public in general, that his new
- Factory is now completed, mid With a large addition
to.his machinery; he-is prepared to Make considera=
ble l.suantities -of as superior.article of Lard Oil,
*MO lie is determined to selkcheap,l fully apprecia
ting tlie old proverb, that “a. Sixpence ,is
worth more than aslow shilling > ito feels cone
Sent that consumers Would find it to their advantage
to give him a call and examine for theinielves. ,
Woolen manufacturUri, machinis6und others, are
respectfully invited tb examine`his superior oil, Filth
street, near Market, opposite!liiinker'il Confection
ary I store ; and Messrs. Samuel -11PGlurken & Co.,
Liberty street. - - M.,C, EDGY,
Pittsburg° Lard Oil Manufacturer.
superior quality of Star candles, always on hand,'
if DP- - -tett size - .thar24-y
,entzil Hair; Work - • . .
• MRS. RENTER,•Wig• 'Maker,
Allegheny City, six doors frorilhe
Aquednct, oppositel . the Collector's
Office, wishes to inform the pub
lic that she has jiist commenced
the Ornamental Ilair business,
and has a Very superior -stock, re
ceived from the EaStern Miles and,
Paris. ' and she is prepared to . till
all orders at the' shortest notice,
and in a manner 'that cannot be
excelled by uoy shinilar Manufaa
and intends keeping, a large as
(mita' Bair Work, such as Ladies'
Wigs, Bands, Braids, Curls, Necklaces, Guards,
Bracelets,' Finger Rings, &e. Gentlemens , Wigs,
'l'a prier, Scratchni, &c.
>t rs. It. has been for Many years engaged in the
bus ness in Franco and the United Suites, and from
her'long and experience, she feels confident in being
able to give satisfactiOn to all who will favor her
with their patronage. Her prices arc more liberal
than have been offered in this city heretofore.
mar 17-ly
Jame• Howard& Co
lifirAVE the pleasure to announce to their friends
that they again occupy their old stand at No.
' O :3, Wood street, tvltere they haxe opened an eaten
sive! WALL PAPER WAREHOUSE, and will have
co4antly ou hand 331 extensive assortment of Satin
g' ed and plain .PAPER HANGINGS, Velvet, and
Imitation Borders or the lateststylm and most hand.
soMe patterns for papering halls, parlors and chain
piny mannfiictitre,aml hare on hand at all times,
Printing, Writing, Letter, Wrappinr , and Tea Paper,
Bonnet 'and Failure Boards—all of they offer
for L eale on the most accommodating terms, and - to
whiff it they iuilte the attention of merchants and
orall kinds and the best qual
ity,lSchool Books, &c., always on hand and for sale
as alio% e. au g 25
L f auttret tea Warranted Garden . Seeds,
stilt Fltosl PHILADELPHIA. Each_paper
If hears the label arid warranty of DAVID LAN , .
oniint. For sale bl F. L. SNOWDEN, No. :.19 Water
Ft.,;at the bland formerly occupied by (Mo. A. Berry,'ract from the 6 8eport of the Visiting Committee
of the l'emullyania. Horticultural Society,' unani
t4ously adopted and ordered to be (Hinted.
_ - •
4A Nintr.Tirs 1c unsEiti ES AND GARDENS.
4 1'These exteualie grounds are on Federal street,
near the Arsenal,- rt , - • • • The earliest eollec
tioq of Camellias was made here. Some of those
now in pimosesiou of those distinguished nurserymen ;
Mel ten feet high. ' * • a The ocicction of I
GU iir..7,ltoust PLANT! , is %iduable and extensive.
. 1 , The Nurseries Are very correctly managed, sup
! plying every part of the Union, a detail of which
1 %% o Ad occupy too mach of our space, we therefore
co i lat te e : rs
o d u
i e n lv e c , ti e t it rl vl : : u_ s g tati e tg t
of growth,
h t the
consistingotock is
a collection of licrbacceous plants, fruit trees of the
bc.s kial and ut"st healthy eoudition, large beds of
seeding apples, pears, plums, Sc., as stocks for bud
ding and grafting; a plan very superior to that ,if
working upon suckers, which carry with thesis into
the'gratt all the discamis of the pareut stock. " •
4 G EN . AIIP Scans of the finest quality have been ;
sea tered over the country frorri these grounds, and
mai always be depended upon. The seed establish
ment of these Ilertieultutists is one of the most ex
tc4i ye in the Union, and its reputation is well austain
cd from year to year.
'4To obviate the chance of mixture of the farina of
the plants of the same thutily,they have established
anqther nursery at a suitable diStatice '
so that degene
ration cannot take place, and Which secures to the
part-laser a 'genuine article. , Knowing thus the
age„ quality and process of culture of every plant,
the supply from their groundais rectiMinentled with
great confidence: ,
•!. Since the date of the 'Report' from which the '
:thrive is extracted, the entire establishment has been
greittlY enlarged. The collection of Camellias em
brakes all the liner kinds, and consists of sonic thou
sands of various sizes; so.likewitio with Roses, and
othbr desirable plants, both tender and hardy; fruit
trees, &c.
T i tle Seed Gardens alone corer filly acres, and the
whale is, as it has been for more than half a century,
under the successive management of father and son,
the; most prominent in America.
f i r- Orders received by F. L. SNOWDEN, from
whom catalogues may be received gratis. inar9.3,
A Card.
r HE subscriber begs leave respectfully to return
his grateful acknowlegements for the liberal pa
tronage bestowed upon hint for years past, and par
ticidarly to those who so generously patronized him
since his misfortune by the late fire. flaying consid
erably enlarged his businea by associating with Wm.
It. ;Roberts as a partner, he would earnestly solicik r a
continuance of former favors to the new firm of
Roberts & Kane, rout he trusts that by prompt atten
tion to business they will give general satisfaction. -
The subscribers would respectfully inform their
friends and the public that they have removed to
their new warehouse on Third between Market and
Wood streets, south side, where they trusidby strict
attention to business, to merit a share of public pa
tronage. They solicit attention to their extensive
stock on hand, Which has been got up with great care,
in the latest style and most substantial manner, con-
Meting in part of the following articles, viz:
Mahogany Wardrobes,
"' Dressing Bureans,
" Book Case and Secretaries, •
cc Section Back Sofas,
" Plane do.,
" Divans,
" Ottomans,
" Victoria Chairs,
" French do, _
" Plain do,
" Centro Tables,'
" Card . 114,
- 4. 4 Bureaus of; every descrifition,
" End Tables
Marble Top Pier do,
• Centre do, _ ,
Sofa do,
Dressing Linreaus,
" Wash Stands,
lidalieganY Work Stands, ;
" • Hat Racke t
\," Rocking Chairs,
", • Sewing do,
" Music Steals,
\ Arm Chairs, •
French Bedsteads,
Butlers , Trays. . ;
. bialiegany;clierry and poplar bedsteads, warrant.:
ed proof against tings, and superior to any now offer
ed to the public.' - - Also, d variety of Windsor chaise,
of the best quillity,tind a new style of aim chair with
spring inat,*well ntiatited for offices or societies, with
a variety of other artieles too numerous to mention.
We have at considerable, expense introduced iuto.
our now factory on FroutStreet, a steam engine with
machinery, which will eanble us to eel', wholesale
and retail, at reduced prices,
The attention of Western Merchants, and persons
moving West, is invited to GUT new and extensiVe
establishment. Western Cabinetmakers are also re
quested to give us a call, as theit, will find they can
purchase from us for-less?. than they can Manufac
ture. .Orders from - a distilled will \ \ receive prompt
attention, and:the furniture will bo carefully packed.
Steamboats anithotele furnished etthe shortest no
tice and - on favorable teirie; ROBERTS SzIANE.
N. B. Undertaking in - all its branchei attended to.
ntaTIO-y & K.
\ ft
COT TON—A few bales;
sale low by -G
• , • - Gr, Ily, Biddle, Dclttist: - - •
FJVE doors abov, the : Canal
.. Bridge, Penn street, performs all
7 1 operations, on thexTnetli.satasfac
,. • . torily.! - I !
, - .. . . .. ..
p... . N. 8.-;-Ildving latily made'one
4" . "h, of the greatest iinprbreinents in
_ 1,. . foreeps that has evernppeared. he
, • , I fore.the'paihrre he has been able
- --
, to - extract teeth with' Mich' eMie
', as to astonish - all theffie who haie
availed themselves o . his services.
Pittsburgh, July 23,118164 y.
, No? 13G SI int)soil?ei I '
UST rec'cil: . ed a gcTral assort - it - rent of Seasorui
fancy arid staple ry Goods, boirglit from rir
ufacturers and importers., (Lunlmotrat Auction,) i.
the 10Wegt cash priciall of which will be warned
eel sound and pertirct.L .tea . .• .
. ,
Pyramidical Gradu - Role.s..
.Embroidered and Striped Tarlatan- .?.obes.
Figured , 4. !
Organdy Graduated
Sup. Sup. French •
Embroidered &rages. i'
Polka and Mazurka Beragcs• . ; -
French Gingham Lawns. I :
French, Scotch and lAmerican Ginghaairs.-
Black Satin Striper. '
Black and Colored Balwrines. I
Fancy Dress Silk's, Plaitt .I.l ,, ured and IStriped
Min Black Silks.
' -
Watered and Strikd Silks)
- •
Silk Warp Alpaead I
Boittbazi ties.
New style De Lanus.
Fine Chintzes. : I '
Swiss 3luslin. plainiign
and•red. I •'
Bishop Lawn, Jiicohet. - ; •
.Plain and Barred l• . • .
Nansook and VietrOil Lawns, .
Color d Bordefd Linen Cariihrie Fldkfs.
Revere 13ordered.Cambrie ifillas.• I • •
116rostiek Camtiriciliandizerchicfs. ;
Tape Bordeed •-•-•,,
Cooled I
Mull, Swiss, Jaconet and Thread E f ilgings
lio-ertings. ' I •
Linen Carnbrics. . I. ; •
Collars. 1 '
Outt4de ao
Rich Styles of Bonnet-Ribbons. • l• •
Shaekictord's IntriOrtation,.of Ligh Dark •
Gloves. . •' 1
, -1
Long and 'Short - Nett Gloves and
Lisle Thread and lOrttii•Oidered Silk Gloves.
SiIAWLS. .t I. '•
Plain TM be!, embroidered, new styhe Cas,htnere,
embroidered lie La4,printed, black fdlet Eireleha
and Berage Shawb,SCarfs and Cravat 4, black aid
colored &c.; - I .
to ordes,.-All the new and irtsPro , i'edStyl s,
of J.& M. SAUNDEIRS, Manufactine,
All the celebrated Makes Frenlk imd Eqg
lish Cloths - :;-4 and 6.-4 doe shin;.CassiMerei diap
nal cord Cloths;
'new stile impretsed Freneh
Cassimere, witfi i, a variety of 17;ngli6h
and American Cassimere; a general .*ortntent
Vestings. I
,Of the most improved makm-, - dressed and undre:s..
ed or soft finished, hand spun and graSs- bleached.
warranted all flax. I
Parasols, Paragolets and Stin Viatica.
Superior Checks, Cotton and Linen together with
a stock of domestic and. Staple Goods ; not surpas
sed by any other house in the west. Buyers -are
earnestly requested to call and examine the stack
previous to purchasing elsewhere.
myl:2-3m No. CAI Market st., Pittsburg:hi Pa.
, . .
Removed. •
T N: LOGAN, has removal
to .N 0.5.1, Wood
street, one door below Diamond Alley, to the .
steire lately occupied, by Clark & Catheion; where he
has opened a Wtiolesale.and lietnilDry.Goods Store,
and having just returned front therEastern Cities, [is
opening a new and 'welt Selected .'stock or poodi,
consisting of French, English and , AmerieaMlcloths,
(all colors,) a great variety of new style Cassimeres
and Satinetto; Cashmaretts, -(h style;) .Oregon
Cassimero, a good stock of 'summer cloths ;of all
. lato style Vestings; also, a great varietylof,
Lawns rind Gingliams; Pyramidical Graduates "and
other fancy patterns; a variety prints 6to
. 20 eetits_
per yard; a very superior lot of white goods, consist
ing of India Linen, Damask. Plaid, Striped Cambric;
Victoria Lawn, striped and Mull; Swigs Liee
and barred Muslin; figured an plain Dobinetsr blalck
and bind black Silks; plain, ;figured and striped; a
large assortment of
. .lrish Linens; bleached brown
Muslims; table Diaper; Marseilles Co unterpanes,
(large. Bizet) . Moreen; a' good supply of Umbrellas,
Parasols, Parasoletts and Sunshades; a very large.aa
sortment of men, women, and children's Hosiery; a
very fine article of Lisle Thread Hose and Gloves,
and many other articles not enumerated. He would
respectfully invite his former customers and the pub-
lie generally, to an examination' of his 'stock, to .
which lie expects to make additions regularly.
A hero lives,- and justly can r •
Exclaim—"ln me lithold a manP ,
A TRIAL of a, number of years; Dr.
IfThompson's PILLS have been found an Mr:li
nable remedy in cases of indigestion, bilious corn
plaints, for derangements of the digestive organs 'and
obstructioni, a sluggish action Of. the 'liver and bb‘V
els, which occasion .more_ or less the follnwing_symp
toms', viz: heartburn, giddiness, acidity, head-ache,
sickness, spasm, and flatulent distention or the' atom
ach and bowels,; drowsiness and dimness of•night,
an uncomfortable Sensation experienced at the, pit of
the stomach'soon after eating; with a feeling of weight
or oppression; appetite 'impaired, breathing...difficult,
tenderness about, the region of the liver, bowels ir
regular, sometimes' obitinately costive, with languor
and depression of spirits. Price 25
. centslier box.
Prepared by the sole proprietor,:
' EDGAR 'MORN, Druggiet,
• corner Hand and Penn sts., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Also sold by all the principal druggists in the city.
jel3 • . .
kerstreet„threedooriabove-Thirdd slreet,,Pitts
burgh, will, have constantly- ; on hand .a well selected
assortment .t• the best and freshest Medicines, which
'he will sell on the most reasonable terms:, 'Physi
cians sending orders will be promptly,attelided to,
and supplied with utiles they may rely upon as
Physicians' prescriptions : be accurately and
neatly prepared from thu best Materials, at any hour
of the day or night., „ . '
Also, tar sale, , a large stack of fresh' and good
erfumery , .dec..3od •
Et—MORGAN, Wholesale and Retail
Ali Druggist, No. 93 Wood street, one door South
of Diamond Alley, Pittsburgh.—The subScriher
has jest received from the Eastern cities, and is now
opening at the above stand, a full assortment of
articles in his line, consisting of Drugs of all kinds,
Dye Stuffs, Paints and Varnishes, Chemicals,
Sr.c., together wih all such articles as are usually
kept for sale at a wholesale and retail drug store.
His stock is entirely new, and has ken selected
with case. He is ronfident that his articles, both
as to quality and"price, will please such as may fa
vor him with a. eta'. Iny9-y.
'of Missiseippi Cotton 'for
, 25-Woo-d*:'
":11011r..A...MF ± . 7 -2 ca!ks iiri.7le hams foira t ay iIA
_ ,
_ i
I ~ ..
PLV , .
itydii [ tt,s,
'Which :lie! suptuo'r
l - to and4ficaper thin
Please to cFII and examine far youiselt;cs.
PCTWEEN ,surrtinpr.o#ND citnar 4x:um
drants arta Ptimps rbPair6tl. jau.l-w6Sdyl
"He who in pleasure's' downy arms
Neer lost his health, or yolithrid charnis,
John M. Townsend,
NtAv rirrig Storer
rJonlir nAi
lIAYS &,nnocKwAN,
c No. '2, eoinfne'reird Row, Libertil st.
A iRE now opening at their new wholeSile-aini
retail: Drug Warehouse, a splendid assortmen t
of gOOds and merchandise, which have be en selected
withihe'grOatest care in" Philadelphia; New. /York
and 'consisting of Drugs, - Medicines Paints,
,Oils; Varnishes, Rze., together ,witlia4plendid lot ; of
Perfunicry, Fancy ,Soaps,...Tootli; Hair. and Cloth
Trusties, 5r.c . ..".4c. Alljaf which, together' '‘Vith
geiital-dishittitent of:ell'sucharticles as'are usually
kept ina wholesale,and retail Drug store, we now of;
fer to yeti as low as 'any other house in this city,
We!have 'confidence in asking. the public to call
and lice our stock fbefore - .making purchases else-
where; and Judge. of the and price oux
. gaOilsifiern actual observation. . .
. - eduntrylvlerehantiand individuals corning-in . from
the country, by the.caual,-will find ourhouse. tnore
contlgious to the than any other Drug Ware
hoase, and inayprebably find it to their 'advantage,
(as utla.s? 'ours) to call at the:"Bio• GOLDEN 2t - iro-
Ordfirs accompanied bv the cash, promptly arid
choertully attended to. family and Physicians , Pre,;
scriii! allhours.. :Thar
stareliwhielt Air newly and neatly fitted pp, is in No.
2, ColniiieiciaThßoff, 'Liberty nt„ where we: rnaY - be
found at blitiirrenready , te wait upon our customers.
theiplacb, No. 2, Corn, Row f near.carial
Balln"! Je4-
EY, '
j Paper. Warehouse. . .
Frllk: ander4imied Tlaritie bought the paper ware
': house and wallpaper . manufactbry;' late of
Iloldsltip Browne,-hive enteredinto a co-partner,
ship, tinder, the name andstyle of llill k.Browne, for
the purposeOf carrying on the business inall its va
.rietie4. Theywill have 'always on hand a complete
assortinent PAPIiIIt.I.IANGLNGS AND 1301VDERS,
of their own manufacture, and their stock will be
impreved and enlavr 's ed with periodical additions
fretbe hest.Frenchfactories. ,
Agiints for .11le_well-known Clinton, Paper Mill,
Stiml4nville,- from which they will lie constantly
supplied- nith WJUTII G,. 111.1t4PPING,--
they Offer ,wholeshle and refill!, at their 'Store,-
37 Wood street; midway be tWeell ••Youggi.And:!pia
mond Alley, where country merchants and dealers
are inrited - .
j er>9-43,G1n
'DEAL - 10 StAT E r - AGgivev.: ,
rA3tr.9 - tmArrL7, ' niirciirc;
toattend to the Selling and-renting
k_./. Itcal .13state in the City ,ofFittsbargli atudvi
cinity. Having determined to devotee large portion
of 'their time to'thisbraneh sir business, they. with
confidence Uolicit a 'share .of the patronage or:the
public; from the facility they possess and the experi
ence they have (tile Senior partner having been en
gaged!in- thelteal Estate A.g-,eitcy for nees - 20 years,)
they beliere.tlMttliey will give generaltiatisfiacfton.
Office on Perm st., near the U. &Hotel, and Smith
field et., betwcoia Diamond Alley and Fifth street.
Now Boot a4d Shoe Store,
'lB6 LiCerly street,
A few dobrs - AOve Ike - lie:id of Wood st.
, .
-: , FOLLANSBBE- St-',HA,YWARDr.viouId
resPectftilly,antiounce to the. citizens of
Pittsburgh and vicinity -tliat they have a
pined a store at the :those named place for the
sale of Boots Zs Skies ()fall kinds and qualities; coin
prising an extensive assortment of Ladiesli Gentle
mens', Misses', Boys', Youths' and. Childress' - wear,
all of which goods they ire - detersiiined to sell very
low for cash; . - .., -' . : '
They would raspectfully solicit a call from all in
want of Bouts, Shoes, Trunks and Carpet Bags, &c.
lke:i or any - goods- that Art usually kept in a Shoe
Store, as they are confident that they will be enabled
to Please both lin the quality and price. - ies2o-tf
which stand unequalled by, any Medicine
known for the cure of-Liver Complaint, and other
diseases arising from a deranged state rif t the Liver.
This medicine ,has been in public uee for about S
years, and has acquired a. reputation for• curing
the liver Complaint *high has never been equalled
by any-remedy hete.toford Offered to the public.
As an Anti-bilious, or Purgative Pill, they are un
surpassed and should be used in place of the com
mon pills of the day. Give the a trig and the
truth will appear. Prepared and sold by:
- R. E. SELLERS ; ,::_
jyIW: " - 57 Wood sreet.
••• M. MCDONALD, Bell. and
•etaFau,ui , -
___ ...., ir., First street, near Market, is
Z prepared to make Brass . C.a.stings and
. 1 - Brass works generally ilii,the most
ITe . .---...- reasonable erms aiid - sortest notice.
• -•'' _ He invites t maelainists h and all those
. .
using; brass works to give.hirn it• call, as he is de
termined to do all work in his tide very low.
InaY 27- /Y
. ..
MUM subscriber offers forsale a tract of land abOut
three miles from theeity of Allegheny betiveen
- the Franklin and Beaver roads, ,containing one hun
dred and tbrtyLone acres, about 44 of which is clear
ed,: ;This laud is offered at reduced 'prices and will
be ssld either in'a body - or divided into Lots to suit
purchasers. From its convenience to market it-woad
he a v.ernicsirable location, either, for farming parr
poses, pasturing imiAle or for Gardening. •
Sevehty-fivehuilding Lots, on a credit of ten yearn,
Theie Lute are situated On : Grant, Wylie, Fifibi
Ross and Diamond streets:hi - the third ward Of - the
city ';of Pittsburgh, adjoining the flew Court House:
.Persnns - dispeed to.purcliasa will find these lots C 3.:
varably located es: to health, convenience to hue
ness, andvvill soon the centre, of the city. Fin
particulars enquire of J. C..eutrfrnius, - 'or ,1 -
B .
1 carton black second mourning satin stifyinAl
Berate Shanb3;.
carton beautiflil fancy Ilerngc Shawls; otnbre
1 carton brocha Darage Tatra
1 satin bordered f 5
1 ,! hernarii fwisi'd silk 4s•
" extranup. heruani • " /1.,• • ••
The above-hands9rnezoo!ilrhaye heen.piJrchn
sed latelrat auction, in New 'l'orkpnil Philadelphia,
at the elosing'isales of the Frelacd!Anportcri,, are
now offered at- a Small advance and. less than the
cost of iinportation, at the.ChealiCalli , ..tdre of
' _Jam Cavanagh. •
TMPORTER and Wholesaledealer frenchl;Ger'
, man and Briglish',Falicy Yariety Goods of cycry
description; such as Jewelry; table and pocket Cut
lery, silk Pqrsca, beadTßags, silver and German sil
ver Stionmt, told. and silver Pencils, silk and gum sua
penders,loo doz. of Germantown Hoed and half do.
Trimmings of. all kiria, and a general assortment of
tnys,eonstafitlY on hand at No. 61, Market Street,
betweeMThird and Fourth streets, s
Simpson's Row'
Pittsburgh. - myl3
, .
ijciaphrF, & tomnssioN NEitcmcnT,
-A L
Corner of Woodwind Fifth streets, pittsburgh,
is read to,reeeivo machandize of every description
on consignment for pfiblic or private sale, and from
long experience in the above busines, flatters himself
that he will he able to give entire satisfaction to all
who may taver him :with theitpatrooage.•
Regular sales on Mendays and Thursdays of Dry
Goods and. Fancy articles, at 10 o'clock,
Of groceries; Pittshurgh .Icnaniitliciureil articles,
beef and'seco'ndhand furnituic; tte.i'at twcro , eloCk,
P. M. ' •
Sales every evening at early gas-light. augl2-y
ECEIYED THIS DAY,-by Express, another I
JR) ofrich:black MANTILLAS, at the New York
Store,l9' Market atter. • '
anl7, ; - • W.. H. GA:HEARD.
EFINED BORAX-3`crises just received and
fot salOy R 3.-FAIINESTOCK, & Co.,
sep,.l corner or stn and :Wood ah-ebts:
mnry.. of Cnriitian Doctrine as used by the
German Rdri)tnied.Charcli, English and - German.—.
l iFor sale at our store, - No. 115 Wood st. Pittsburgh.
eII ! SCILEIBLE.It, Booksellers.
A. , pnocicirAy
5;1311: C. HILL."
atiarney at Laus
: . Vpreign .
- 100 EPPBLICATION OF. The '..PkadoorTQuarterly
1.10 Renieta t. the•Edinbnigh. Repuug th e For e ig n ,
Quartely. Review, TVesitisinster. Bening, din(
Blaikwood's. Edinburgh ;Lfa i gazinr.i4Thi
riodicals ate reptinted,im..Ne* - York; iffiinsdiately• •
lon their irrittat-ky. the Britilh. Steartiers;:in tteall. •
tifulcliar type, on fine white piper; sits!. :are faith:.
ful copies Magazine
heing an exact Tsc-sititil4 OfthiEdinblith
. ! The wicli•spread.finne:oftfiesersplerifiid
cals renders it needless
As literary :organfAhity4tanci , •far - :ilia:ice. of
any , works of a similaustappitow gobliedihd;vihile
the political ; curtlplgsiog , o! . c.ich,ll3 . :harked •a -
caafihrtind'fortearadOEo4:fftett found in
ivorks • "" ' 7 •
They embrace the.tte'weel the three gr,eat par
ties • In • Englandi-Alrhie; ..'rEnT, and- •RadiCal.— 3
ul3lnehirood" :and the , 'Loudon quaiffMit - nre
1 Tory; the "Edinburih ',Rosh:l4;ft ,Whit; anct the
uwestritintster,"-.4ladie4. *.
is , purely literFy, :being Jeyoted princi
tritictstus on foreign Conlidenlal Wor)os.. •
-The ihiCia'al•tho
third .of thise , of fOreign cdpies,•atsl'ishile they •
are.equalltibelYgot.upohey all'ord all•thstAdiiii. . '
tag's to the 40er.tefinISLY.eSthe English reader,
. 402;v1. — • • ; • • ,• • -
.•'• •' nifistitoi N.'
Ectragiiyonaurthis fouratviestl; . • $3,0(10t utiaum
For 'any . • 11:E-1:
For any three, • . _ 7,0 0
. .
lecitC4Spii. Reviews, r „-8,(9
For p'llllagazine,'. ..3,00 1
Foralickwood and tha4 Resdiw's,ll:l;Ob'"-
. CLUBBING.. -,.• •..
FourOpies t , .ln . y,gr t4e abncu works.will
xtsttS ; pay:Renter the, regular
litilisetritronfor4irio-Ltlie feirlk copy heing
s..7o:3•:Rernittancei and conraiunications;nltist
alakT .f;;.thi.publislt
irßfirpe firmer may ttlwnys done th.tough.p
Postmaster by liaittliiig . b46 the amount ie- • .
tifittbilzdalcing, his receipt and'foiwinliiii.ihiY
044' by mail,. Post-paid; oi.the• ihotAY• -may •
enclosed in a letter, Post-patii r the Dial;. • •:.
lishers • --. • : • •
". 73.. The Postai;•on all Perio~icels is
ieducitt by - the late Post Officelani,- to - abolittpise"
third; the former rates, tnalcing• a• vety • icitPorlant'the expense to caaiLitihscribere.t.o:i
rng the priticipat doer aud :monslltrottgh.•
out the Uni'ted States to
.tokieh..there„le..4 direct Nit-
Road or lytiter rinumtiniration front the eitfol2Ptis
York, these periodiealt Wilt 'be delivered FgEZ OP
POSTAGE,. : .: • :. • . .
. .
...t.I.X.TIARD SCOTT c Co:, publishori
V. 4 : 116111 • 1 1 .2 FilYPn St" New /WE
•• • Fir ard. LkEerjr-Stable t
• well' known' Livery Stable kept:'blC: :B;
Dety,aa • tile: irdui Ward, tespeetrulljeinfornililiii
friends and the public generally, that he will keep at
all .timcii a stock.of the best deacription.ocOding
horses; buggies, eirrsia,ge;fv;till kimln, and 'id kliert
every thing reciuireil, in his line of babies,—
A considerable portion of his new, 4444
igeonfideut that no fitcock in the eit3r - vVill beeuxerier
to Ids:. ". • • • ".. .•
• Liis tcnas . ll.ll bc moddta4ti . .-FahOtablci la oii.Litg ,
erty street, ..(ew. doors Atkov.i3 tlie...can4l,-bridge s
where( Ite
titr.He is also Rirovided with tin: elegant:linaiiti
which will be Catcall's:A who requitil. • oit2s-tf
. .
WholiialikShoe Stoic.;
- H. CHILDS & CO., ltria -now receiving
.springsuppßes,ioneliting.of one-of
the-largesti cheapest and beat as
/torment of Boots and Shoes that they, have
been able to.btiag to this . Ibarkk. • Alsa,,.l....adies and
Misses Florenee Braid, and Straw Bonn ets, of the
latest stile; together with a.splendid assortment of
Palin ; Loaf Hats, mans , and boys' summer , Cap - ,
Also, tlarge lot of New. York Tanned Sole Leathery,
all of which hiving bean purchased 'at this leitvenit
rates,. and selected with great care for e weitern
trade, will be sold at as.r.nall advance shor n and
charges. ' All merch.iriii wishing to , purchase .'
find it to their interest,to cell and examine theirstoclt
before purchasing elsewhere...,.
Alien . F.C.FfLukeri.,
ZClii 'BROKER; Corn 'ei , " j 'ircocl.aiid' 3cl
124 Ettreeta.,_ Gold,. sliver- and -'current- btinlc., tibia
bought, and cold., qieeks en.theT•eautern-eitiet
fur sale. Drafts;rares and collected:
• -
. • ' Refiner:eel. -
Co., - --,- •
.79h - it D. Davis,
Lerenze, p i;tsß tug , 1;;ii
J. Painter
Josep . .11 WoM.lwellf. , -
James MaY, - : : , _ • '-... :•-.::-,,,' ,C., •.:..-..::-
.Ailex - .lltonson'& Co., • }o— ..-..;.:. '
Johri. , H.' Brown ar. , C0,.i.,• ' - . . -
James M 7 Candless, Cincinnati, Co; -'
J. IL' .14.I'DniMid;.S. Louis, Mo.
W: 11.Tope,l'rel',t Bunk of lry
27eacii Hat nut!. CiniStgre.
r 43
POtaginti.k . Mid .hati4•opeded it N0..73, Wood streetinext,dop:i.
corner of Fourth; is -how inanlifantaiing and Feeek
iring,ft'oni the Eastorn. nitre:La. - very large ausuitanent
Of hats and'capa of-.every deseription,.ivariairted ;to
be the best planner, and of thehestmaterinkii
ofter; -Seal,- rine and edruirrott- - Minkrat,
Hair-Seal; Plush and Glared Cafia •-•-• - 7 '
..Also, a line asaortricnt • 'of, ladies ‘ , furnyfiritehiAti
:"Fitch,.Genet; and Galley Muffs: and: Tippets
and fin' kriromingt; - all he drag' foilsite it
Ceitent, ki,: bah .Aiholesil c. anti Tolailfr
Country ruerahants. will please- call , add ,o;orikitte
illy steek barte peteharsing
- 7 ;•-•:•• •
CIIAS. n. poupoit
-. N. B. The Pall PasMonfot Hats and Cain - tecert,
Franklin ..illar,ll4keAVprkg7k,
T4,,RE' subscriber haring been removederemovedy the
reat fire to filleg,heny; is-prepared - to make
Stearn and :Eire En.*tes,ltydraulic. and ,gerew.
Presses, for oil, tobacco or arrother irarPosA - and
machinery generally J S. OITYNNE,.
• •- Franklin Machine NVoiloi,.. -
On llebeeCa: strict ancl-Bank. lane, Nest of Federal
street; _Allegheny 'city:.
ith-der.l left,,P..iMburgit. with , Aft . :-:S.
in .111arita .gtreet, doQiit belikpit4
street,th w meet With'iiiornpt attention.
6rold arid S IverWsitches- ''"
the.bestanufactare, - both - of:Enje,and 'dna-
Geneva, in _large., variety arid .for Sabi, at the
lowest irr/reg- 7 -jaitternb, neW.emt of the Fatesti elY]e."
Alsty Diarntind-pointecttGold-Veimi`abOther , larigit
supply, just received of the best make:. :-.41,651; Sibrot
Ware, Jewelry, Fine,Table Cutlery - , §pectactes;Pem.
ells-, Tea Ware; Lamps,Goeds:t:4.
• . .
corner. of Fourth aryl..Marketst.-•
T"Eundersigned,would-respecyully frifortry the
citrzeiai, af Pittsburgh and its. vicinity, that 'he •
Jitls:purchasedfrom Mr. 3loseitary,Atis large and
splendid stock.of Dry Goods,
_No. 66 IVlarlf.,et
- street, hero iatends to keep a• general issort.
meet of seasenalaletbods;whiell he - will sell at very
reduced prices. Please call and judge foryciiirselvek,
- No. 66Market street.
aiag 18 WII 11431 dinfrEN—.
To my friend's and patrons I ace much'-obliged
and would respeCtfirlly recommend . Mr; . Williarit
Co)Ver, my supectisor.
• „,
I, Sparkling r.nd bright
- - lits liquid light
=And not only "sparkling and Valor-As
delicious flavor, hays S. Broc:kvray , s Mead and Atm.
eral Water is certainly *rivalled" and. thb syryips,
are.; equal to 'any that: ever graced Ihn - slindial
Fount. ••gra' tbromeiaiil
Liberty st. • •'; .
Alleghosay-Ctty Property-for 9,44 n.
XXTE :will sell ht Lot of ground, 23 feet.Cront.Vy 64
IVV feet deep, S tti ate on Perry street,i4Allegho , ,
ny City, on erected'aildOlnfianaOalWeVnia
Housti ELT. 'Terms easy. Apply 'to
j) . 4 , . BLARELY.Es.:I\Itrc.IIE
;ENOPEION , S I - ANABASlS—The„ ,, EirfabOsiiii-
Xeoophoo, chiefly according to the text4 ; l l ,
n Orf, with notesjor the use of schools and coal,*
ges. For rale by ' - LUKT... LOOMS.
oep7 . [Journal copy]
. A 01; •
.;'Liiiifsv . ille. '