II El 11 I 13 11 , . 141.1.atic d Portably Mont ; •tr.: , ' '1:7 1 OP. tr4tisporting good lie tween Pittsburgh and, the .• EastPrn cities 'without !transhipping: This.old •establishea lint (being the oldestportable boat line on -the cattail is now prepared to receive produce and "ntercliandize for 'shipping eider' Cast of\Vest: The -boats 'by- this line are ; comirtattdcd ,by eiPc 'rienced- and sober ciptaina,iaud'provided with good crews': 1 oats and cargoes are tranferred. from and to canal aud railroad, saving lull -removal and separa. lion' of gpods. made in as short bate, and `goodsicarried on as fair tends as any other line. Thankflil - fur, and respectfully soliciting 'a contiriu :anct of the'very liberal and !growin'g patronage here, .I.ofore bOtowed upon this line, we, with confidence :assure thse merchants disposed to favor uS, that their businessshall be'fione ' to their entire satisfaction. Goods carried by us; consigned to either of our houses,' Atli bo shipped to !their destination free of •chargefo shipping storage! or adVauce of charges. as we no interest in stdamboat stock, merchants may depand upon their go 4s always being forwarded without delay, upon good iboats, and al the lowest rates of fret ht: ; • Produ e consigned to ourihouse at philadelphia fo'r tale, will be sold on liberal trans, and advances made either atlPittsburgli or Plarlphia. JOHN McF.S.D N & Co. Penn it., anal Basin Pittsburgb. MES M. DAVIS j& Co. 249 land 251. -: Zaltrket st. Philadelphia . .• aprlO-ti Pittsburgh POrtftble Boat Line, . ' I ' ' W- , *• - - 184 . 6 - It-' -- - -4 , ....... _' . -'• , . -.. F°4 , . . , r• I dle transportationlof deight between Pitts - - r-bui , th and the Atlantic cities via Pennsylvania Improvements and Baltimore and Susquehanna rail .road.: • . . . .- - . The Proprietors of this o d established line, having ,completed their arrang,emhnt?, are prepared to for -.wardg Vs to and from thh. Last ioli the opening of .1 the c , n navigation,) ou Oa reasonable terms as any 1 other r sponsible line, anti arc determined that no . care or attention on their part shallbe wanting to se cure a donti of _nuancethal patronage so liberally be stowed upon them for several years past. The - decided success of ithe portable boat system, so loanirest in the regularity and despatch experienced in the d,elivery of goods ' 'the absence , of all risk of delayilireakage or otherdhmage, incident to the old -system,' where goods have to be hurriedly transhipped Ihren tines on the way, mid the merchantable order in which produce has ben avowedly delivered by them, :has induced the prhprietors to increase their stock 'bonsiderably this iseason. Their extensive warehouses at each point,; (oneaqualled by any other line;) lords them facili6e2 to conduct their business with'd spatch; and . to sh t lppers the conyenience of free storage, if required, ntil their arrangements arc corn Ate—while their tofig experience in the carry ing trade, it is presumed, will be sufficient guarantee to thei.4 patrons and The phblic that they will success fully Oart themselves to give general satisfaction. Produce' received foragarded,.' Steamboat charges paid, :..nd bills lading traisraitted free of charge for commission, advancing of storage, and all communi cationti to the following, agents promptly attended to: -TALIFFE .I , z O'CONNOR, Cot. Penn anil Wayne sts., Pittsburgh. - , THOMAS BORBIDGE, 27S Market street; Philadelphia. . IO'CONNORS & Co., . North y - t st.„ Baltimore. ingbam's Tenktuportatian Line. 184,6 , mar3o, . __ .00POCTED on strict Sabbath-keeping principles, i tiloygh not claimind to be the only line that is so ' 'conducted. The, propriktors of this old established line live put their stockn the most complete order, ' _and ate thoroughly prep &r ed to forward produce and mercliandize to and frota the Eastern cities on the la gof navigation. 1 IV trust that our long experience in the carrying basin 84, and zealous elution to the interests of cus- tome s, will secure to u a continuance and increase 'of VI patronage hcretotore bestowed on 'Bingham's LitieJ 1 • Ou . arrangements will enable us to carry freight with e utmost despatch; and our prices shall always be.as low-as the lowest r har g ed by other responsible lines Pi- duce and inarchanliize will be received and for ward d east and west without any charge for adverb sing,, tOrage or commisdion. . 11l ' s of -lading forwsrded, and every direction ~... proralptly attendedie. I Address, or apply to __l 'WM. BINGIIAIII C.....4-3swara, - cor - . Libiiily-rind wayne - sts., - PittSh'g, BINGIIA3IS, rDOCK & STRATTON, No. 270 Market st., Philadelphia, . • JAMES WILSON, Agent, N 0.125 Ndrth Howard st., Baltimore, WI.TiLIASI TYSON, Agent, No. 10 West st., New York 1 . _ ME Independent Oort able Boat Ltnr. 846 aiViiaa. it the transportation of produce and merehan dize to and front Pittsburgh, Baltimore and delphia; irrvrithoht tianihipping. Goods con .d to our carc, will be fort arded without delay, r lowest current kates; Bills of Lading trans d, nrid• all instrubtious promptly attended to, Ifrom any extra charge for storage or Commis- Address C.i A. MCANULTY & Co., . Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. WISE, MEBMILL & Co., 1 Smith's Wharf, Baltimore. MEARS, ItAYNOR Sz. Co., 1 Broad st., Philadelphia. Fi 'Phil sign ac t.l) mitt fr. ee inon '---.. 41ekevorth's kv ay Freight Line. • .....=--•.4. 4 .....41_ ..1,3 1 , i F 44 6. .w- ~,,p,.,---2 . .. . .. .-. :, XCLU.SIVELY fo the transportation of 'way ' &eight between Pittaburah, Blairsville, Johns-, to, Hollidaysburgh Water Street, and all inter mate places. i 'I L e boat leaves the Warehouse of C. A. MeAnul ty Co., Pittsburgh, eery day (except Sundays) and shi p pers can alwas depend on having their goods for- arded without . dglay and on accommodating terms. • W' '- !which v- We reapectßo., tiicit your patro... t , i I - ' raornrcrons. , . J. Pickworth of baits, Nile, Exchange, Paris and Pa4ifie. - I . -.X.J1.. Barnes of boats, Push and Bxobie., oho Miller of carsion Portage Bail Road.: . ._ lactmrs. : - , 1 . PICKWORT,B, Canal Basin, Johnstown, JOHN MILLER, I I.: *g Bollhlaysburgh, _. C. A. APANULTiI& CO, " Pittsburgh. " Sy23 . --1, lIONONG -TO BALTIMOP. , TO PIULADELI "LY I The !Great Speed, .1 already attained by t, has induced the Post ) New Yorkand Philad ori it. .. , .'' . -The superior and swift steamers CONSUL and LOUIS M'LANE, le ves the I , donortgabela Wharf -precisely. at 8 o , cloc every morning; and at 6 o>- clock every evenin g _except Sundays. Splendid .Coaches await their a rival at Brownsville, to trans port Passengers and Mail, only 73 miles to the Rail • Road at Vumberland.L The preparations o this route are ample, and' the connections complete'," so that disappointment or (le laysWill be unknowit 'upon it. . -By our tickets, passengers can delay at Cumberland - or at Baltimore, di:l66g their pleasure., and continue . . -their journey either by steamboat or cars to Phila . delphia. 1 Office in the “St. Charles hotel ,» Wood et. Pitts burgh. , 1 J. MESICIMEN, 1 jy3l-Agent. European and American Agency. undersigned-;European Agent having again arrived in Anierica at the regular time, will leare Pittsburgh, Pi.l early in September next, and sail from New Yorld On the first day of October, ma king a THIRTEMTTIIiiour through England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and returning to America in May, - 1847. By this agency money. remittances can be • nutde•by.drafts for large and email sums, payable at eight in every-pare - of Great Britain, Ireland, &c.; _Legacies, debts, rents; real estate and claims collect .,ed and recOvered;. - unarches of all kinds made; co pies of wills, deeds! and. documents procured, and ...he usual business appertaining to this Agency trau sacted as heretofore, . Innumerable references giv -en. Apptv personally or adrdesspost paid, II KEEN I.Nt European Agent an Attnaney at Law, .Pittsburgh. .1 Mr.-. 8. May will attend to all European-bosi 'mess Lamy - absence,: - jel9, - tril• r • 1' . 9 . . nocun, BBO , IIIIEAS dr. CO:'' , . I # . B EL Alt EDi ENTS I: OS - _k•-,s3Kci 1 8 4,6 tvw BLAKEIS4- .2111TeilEL, Svgs. .;" - O:3IIIttANCES to and "Passage to , and, frptn Great Britain and Ireland, ,by the Mash Eat, Pr old Lige of Liverpool Pail cis 1 . . 5 . 0144. from' New , 'Y ork. M i Liverpool on _the Ist and 16th. every month. 'And by first class American Ships [Sailing Persons Sending to ,ili"Old Country" for;their friendskean make.the'nece:siary arrangements with the subscribers, dila have them brought out: in any of tit:et:tight ships Comprising the Black,llalßor - Old Line of Liverpool Packets;*(sailing' froth LiVerpool on the ,Ist and IGth of every month,) also by.first class Ships, sailing from that port weakly, which our Agents, Merisrs. James D. Roche & Co., there 'will: send Out without delay. Should .thoke sent for not come out tlien"Yorierwin be refunded without any deduction:— , • ; . 'The "Black Ball, or old Line of Liverpool Paolid compriee the following inagniticentships, and will sail from Liverpool. on their regular appninte da.Y; as follows : . : Fidelia, On :fut Ist May. Ist Sept. Europe,... .. .. .16th " • 16th " 16th New York,: Ist Feb. Ist Juue. Ist:Clet• 516th '" 16th " , 16th' " Yorkshire, lit Mar I-t July. Ist Nov. Cambridge,— .... 16th " 16th " 16th Dec. Oxford," . ..... let April. let Aug. lot " Montezuma,— •,• • 16th " 16th " 16th " :Notice. 7 —lt is well known., that the Black Ball is the- very best torwevanee for persons to get out their friends, and as other passenger agents ;advertise to 'bring out passengers by that Line ' the public are re spectfully notified by . the owners that no passenger agents, Lot Rocha - Bruthers & Co., and :Blakely & Mitchel; are authorized to advertise and to bring out passengers by that Line. We have at all times for the Drafts at Sight for any amount, direct on the Royal Bank of Ireland, Dub lin. Also on Messrs. Prescottt, Grote, Ames & Co., Bankers, Londoo, which are paid free 'of :discount, or any charge, whateter, in all the principal towns throughout England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Apply to, or address, if by Letter, (post paid.) ROCHE, BRO 4 S & CO. No. 35, Fulton street New Yea.. (Next door to the Fulton Bank. JAMES D. ROCIIF. & Cols Office, No. 20, Water street, Liverpool. BLAICELY MITCHEI„ Penn street, near the Canal Bridge. aud Smithfield at, near sth, Sr= BLA 11OUTE, F=l! t , :, in 32 hours—fare $lO IiIA in 40 hours-fare $l2 73 AMES 6TAGI2VG! U. S. MAIL. egularity end high Reputation is .pleasant 'passenger Route, taster General, to place the Oplaia mails to Pittsburgh, a .F'. ~...z .. .. , I= Or to . 115113 Tiaxiscott , s Greiter.4l rilusigrattoia Office .r REMITTANCES and passag, to ff-r-r -t,lv.). and from GREAT BRITAIN 4.2:13 IItELAND, by W. &J. Tapspott 75 South street, corner ofMaiden Lane, New York, and ..96 Waterloo road Liverpool. The subscribers having accepted the agency of the above house, arc now prepared to Make arrange ments upon the most liberal terms with those desi-1 roes of paving the passage of their friends from the old Country, and flatter therneselves their character! I and long standing in business will give ample as surance that all their arrangements will be carriedi out faithfully. Messrs. \V. tic J. T. Tapscott, are long and favora bly known for .the superior class, micommoilat:on and qUalities of their Packet', Ships. The I QUEEN or THE WEST, SHERIDAN, ROGUES-1 TER, GARRICK, HOTTINGUER, ItCSCIUS, LI V-1 EItPOOL, and, SIDDONS, tWO of which leaVe each! Port monthly, from New York the 2lat and 213th sad ' from Liverpool the 6th and 11th, in addition to wh:cli they have arrangements with the S(. Geiiige end Union Lines of Liverpool Packets to insure n depar: ture from 'Liverpool. every fir 'edays being thug of:ter! Imined, their facilities shall keep pace r with their in icreasing patronage, while Mr.W.Tapseott's constant per-sonalsuperintendance of the business in Liver , pool is an additional security that the comfort andi I accommodation of the passengers wail be particu larly attended 'to. The subscribers being (as usual) extensively enra ged in the Trangportation Business between Pittsburg and the Atlantic Cities, are thereby enabled to take charge or and, forward passengers iininediately on I their landing, Without a chance of disippointinent or delay; and are therefore prepared to ciintracr, for pas -1 sage from any sc . a port in Great Britain or Ireland to this City; the nature of the business they are engaged ' in giving theta facilities for carrying passengers ao far inland not otherwise attainable, and will, (if reli t cessary,) forward passengers further West by the best mode of conveyance without any additional charges for their trouble. Where persons sent for decline coming out, the amount paid for passage will be refunded in full. 11E.MITTCES. The subscribers are also repared to give drafts at sign r, Tor ararimount payabie tile principal Cities and Towns ,in England, Ireland,: Scotland and Wales; thus affording a safe and eapeditious,mode Remitting funds to those Countries,' which persons requiring such facilities, will find it their interest to avail thernseltes of. Application (if by letter post paid) 'ill be prompt ty attended to TAAFFE Ft O'CONNOR, For;aard:rig and Commissitin Merchants, mar. 27 ctbzrt'v. ;Pittsburgh, Pa Remittances to England, Ireland, Scot land and Waled. TIERSONS desirous of remitting money to any o r the above countries, can do so through the sub scribers on the most easy terms. We are prepared to issue drafts fur any amount over .t 1,00 sterling.— Remittances made through our house any day bcfurc the 23d of ?tray, vvill bo received in Ireland, by the 20th of June. BLAKELY S MlTCEEL,Pittsburgh, Agents for Rocße,' Bro's & Co., New York MC Extcuilon of Pittsburgh. RARE CHANCE FOR GOOD INVESTMENTS! The subscriber has laid out, and now offers for sale at reasonable prices and on accommodating terns, one hundred and tea building dots, on that handsome level ground between Braddock street and the Monongahela river. They are :about one-third of a mile from the city line, and arei situated in that part of the city district which will probably soon be annexed to the city as the Seventh Ward. No pro perty in the suburbs possesses superior advantages, nor has any heretofore been laid out with so liberal an allowance of wide streets; Braddock is from . one hundred and twenty to about one !Mildred and ninety feet wide, and Beelen ' Commerce, Brady, Columbus and Water streets, all wide avenues. Most, of the lois have two fronts, and as they ard,of various sizes, and will be Sold one lot, with the priuilege of four or five, early applicants can be accommodated to suit their own views of improvement. Persons who de-, sire to build : or to make .secure investments in pro perty that is sure to advance in value, and particular ly those who intend.to erect, manufactories, would do well to view these lots and examine the draft be fore purchasing eleeivhere. The survey foX the Bal timore and Ohio railroad and the failroad survey by the State of Pennsylvania were both made alongside of this property, and it is generally considered that Braddock street, or the ground immediately alongside of it, affords the only eligible route for zi railroad from Pittsburgh to the East. Coal:can be delivered on this property at a much lees cost than on the Al legheny river, and thereds always deep water at this part of theriver. D. GAZZAM, aug2s-tf • Office, Market, between 3d and 4th sts. Fifth Streit Furniture 'CV nreroorns. MHE subscriber would most respectfully tall the attention of the public to his stock of Cabinet Ware, possessing advantages over any other manu facturing establishment in the city. Ile is enabled to sell his Wares at much lower prices; therefore, lie would remind these who want good Furniture at a air price not to forget the right place, No. 27; Fifth street. (mar 23-d&wy) H. 11. RYAN. LTScotts Vegetable r tits. UST received a fresh supply of those In valuable Pills, to those wile know them, no- thing reed be said in their favor, for by their in trinsic merit they can speak for themselves, but to the afflicted who have never used them we recom mend a trial, for they have been the means (under the blessing of God,) of imphrting health and strength to thousands who were apparently draw ing near to the gates of Death, the Inveterate Cancer :and scrofula have been effectually cured by them, also, Dyspepsia,Pever and Ague; Intimation, Drop. sy in the head, Jaundice, Asthma, Sores of twenty years standing, Croup, Measles; Worms and even cases considered Consumption have a.II yielded to their highly renovating powers. , They are also un surpassed in their purifying prOperties, when taken as an occasional physic by old !or young, being as ivellsuited far the infant of one day as for the man matured in life. By .thc capresi COIllthaII . ( 1 of the Proprietor, they arc soldat 12i cents.pei. box c 4. 25 pills, with fail directions: Sold wholesale and retail by ' - .SAMUEL LINDSAY, N 104 liberty st. jyl7-d-...n IDEDSTFIA t,lS—Mahi - pgany, Birch, Maple, Cherry .0 and Poplar. high , and Joa • post bedsteads al ways oa hand and foe sale low at the Furniture Will:choose of ' T..B.IyOUNG SD Co; • jeG ' ' 311tandit.: MI .. LeFranklin Fire insnrkuou.,Coirtpany ' TIIIARTP.I2.=PP.RP.P.TEA: 7 . J' flee icli; c)iestaut st.,-nortbiside;ltearFt.fth. --- Take insurance; either permanent erlinifte4;ugitinbt loss or damage by: fire, on property.antf . effects of every description in. town.or C011.111Sy; On the otoSt reasonable terms. Applicatiotis,itnade .either - per serkally.or by letters, vv ill • be. proto„'ptly attended., to. ! . . Prest. C. G...llA.Nczna, Spd'y; . - - ...3)1.1112.CTOILq:1 Chaffee N. .11ancher, Jacob 31-Srilltb, . , Thomas Hart, George WT.32ichards,. I. Tlionias J.. Wharton, kai D. Lewis ) Tobids.Wigne . r, Sacnikel Prant j - David Brovi4. • PITTSI3I:IWIT - AG NCY , • WArittes NLkterric Anent, t the Exchauge Office of Warrick of Third and .2 Fire risks taken on huildinas their content sin Pittsburgh, 11.11eglieny„ and the surrounding country No marine or inland navigation taken. ang4-y. I And Iquique lusitr since. MLLE Insurance company of 'North America, of .1 Philadelphia, through:4:3,day authorized Agent, the subscriber, offers to make permanent and limited insurance oh property, in this iniy and its vicinity, and onshipments by the canal and rivers. DIRECTORS. Arthur G. Coffin, Preet. Samliel.Brooks, Henry,, Charles Taylor, Samuel W. Junes, Saintiel W. Smith, • • Edward Szhith, Amhkose White, John A:Brown, Jaboli M. Thomas, John White,, John] Neff, Thomas P. Cope, Richiird D. Wood, • Win. Welsh, lien& D. Sherrard,See , y. This is the oldeist Insitratiee Company . itt the Uni ted States, haring, been charterld in 171 A. Its Char ter is perpetual, and froth ligh standing, Bang experience,. ample mean:4, and avoiding all risks of , an extra hazardous character, it may he considered as offering ample security to the public. USES ATWOOD. At Counting - Ileum of Aviele.l, Jones & Co., Wa ter and Front -streets, Pittsburg . oct23-y„ • • NATIONAL 11l AND 'MARINE INS tIit.AIVICE. COMPANY, NCAV I' or t. THIS well known and respm table company is pre pared through their PITTSBURG AGENCY, to 'mike insurance ef every kind connected with rudis of transportation and inland 'navigation; to Moire against loss or damage by Bit:, Dwellit"r Houses, Warehouses, Buildings glom), Goods, Wares, and Merchandise; and every d scription uf personal pro:se:ly un the most • fieurabl} terms. foritourance nttended to without -de lay at the office, N0..11 Water'kud 6.2 Front Ste, by SPIIINGER .11.11tBAUGH At an Election hell at the ,iiffice in N. Y.; May I.2th, the following named gentlemen were chosen Directors 'ef this Company, or the ensuing :sear, uz Joseph W. Savage, Stephen Molt, J elm Brun nor, .1% M he cCham, William G. Wald, Vi tn. W. Campbell, John Newhouse, .14cob William S. Slocum; I‘.t.ircus Spring, John F. MacLic, Jeseph S. Lake, John J. I lerrick. And at a subsequent meetieg of the Iliard, JO SE:NI 'W. SAVAGE, Esq., wah ummimously re-elec ted Pre:iideut for the ensuing py WM: au y - - i 4, MI . ..RICAN FIRE INSUR.A.NCI: COMPANY of 1 - 1 Philadelphia—Charter perpetual—Capital 00,,1 nal paid in. thrice in PirilzO l eiphia, No. 72 Walnut! street—Win. Davidson, Pre.}t; Fre,lerick Fraley, Sec'y. This old and well c - i•liblislied Company con tinues to insure 'Buildings, 7tterellainlize, Furniture, and Property, not of an e:trj hazardous character, {. against loss or damage by Fir . Apphcations far lasurance• in Pittsburgh and its neighborhood will be TVCCi ed, and risks taken either perpetually or for limited periods, on faiora bin tern., by CEO. COCHRAN. Agent, dcc 21 No. 26, Wood street. J. inv.vtr„, in. INNEY, • the Jklaware lirirtunt :74 , , of Philadflphla. rigs and Merchandize of l qartne Risks upon hulls. ipon the most favorable - G to: , 1 7 1 agents e l'illsLurgh, for S ic! y lantrunce ComprD 1 - "iIIit:.R.ISICS upon 11uP.4.10 every' descripubn, and or cargoes of rosse:s, Office at the warehouse Water st., near Market s Balser:l of Wild Cherry,''i which relieved me almost immediately. Alter I had used some live or six bottles I solar recaered as to be up and about. My cough Ceased, and my lungs were restored to a lim'ilthy state—all tiom the heal ing and balmy influence and poixerfal Medicinal vir fuss of Wistar's Balsam. Were it not front the external injury I received in my shoulder and arm by the explosion, I feel contid dent that I might have been working at my trade' (which is blacksmithing,) but this basipruvented. Br exposure, I base since taken . several severe colds, and my only rr - mcdy has Leett "the balsam." And 1 now most cordially recommend the genuinei Wistar's Balsam to ail who are afflieded with Colds,! Coughs, or Lang Complaints. 'I consider it an inyal-1 sable medicine—a real blessing to the world. Any person desiring further information, may call on rite any Line. yours truly, ! • curdt;Tprrno. City of Dayton, Z . Montgomery co. ; Statc,of Ohio 5 Subscribed and sworn to, before rac, Justice of the PCZEC, this Ilth day or Feb. ISIS. • EBENZIIII. row LER. Testimony of Mace highly' creditable Cii 1 - I;elS3 cf . - Dayton, in roalimation of the above. We. the undersigned, being intimately acquainted with l'dr.S myth, and having, seen and watched over him during his late, illness, do not hesitate to say that the foregoing is 'by no meaus .an exaggerated statement, but is entitled to full credit. ; •A. L. STOUT, J, IL It. I)ODSON, It. Sllll - 11. irrThe true and genuine "Inslar's Balsam of Wild Cherry," is sold at established agencies in all pal is or the United States. Sold in Cinicnnati on the corner of Fourth and IValnut streets, by SAN FORD & PARK. General Agents for the Western States. For sale by L WILCOX Jr., E. cur. Market st. and the Diamond Pittsburgh. may9-y. I?ranhila rledical Coilege of Plalader r firbt annual couilseVelectures in thidinetitn j_ tion, will bo opened on INlonday, the twelfth day of October next, c ‘ the eecond Monday in Oetuber,) and will be continued until the end of the ensuing February. =l3 PAUL BECK GODDARD, M. D.—Anatomy and C. C. VAN WYCK, M. D.—Principles and practice of Surgery. MEREDITH CLYMER, M. D.—Principles and practice of Medicine. JOHN BARCLAY DIDDLE, M. D.—Materia Med ico. and Therapeutics. DAVID lICNTER TUCKER, M. D.—Obsterichs and diseases of women and children. LEVIN S. JOVNES, M. D.—Physiology and legal hledicinc. JAMES B. ROGERS, M.D.—General and Organic Chemistry. JOIIN BARCLAY BIDDLE, M. D.—Dean of the faculty. JOSEPH LEIDY, M. D.—Demonstrator of An-' atoiny. I'hc Franklin Medical College was incorporated . iu the Legislature of Pennsylvania by an act ap proved 2Sth January, IS 16, and is at;thorised by sec tion third of its charter, "to grant tho degree of Doc -tor of Medicine to any such persons as shall possess the qualifications now usually required of candidates in other Medical Colleges in this State.,, For each course of lectures,. ....... hlarticulation fee,-to ho paid once only, '5;00 Diploma fee, - 10,00 Additional intlirmation respecting the course of in struction' or other' matters connected with the Facul ty, can be obtained upon application, personally, or by letter, to J, B. BIDDLE, hl. D., Dean of the Faculty, N. E. 'dome/ . of Quince and Spruce streets, Philadelphia. mar 11-d6iu .13MVEL OR SUMMER •COMPLAINT.---We confidently recommend ant could refer to hpn dreds of our citizens who have used JAYNY.'S CARMINATIVE DALSAM, as a certain, safe and effectual remedy for Dysentry, Diarlpra, or Looseness, Cholera Morbus, SLIMMER COMPLAINT, Colic, Griping Pains, Sour Stomach, Sick aid Nervous Headache, Heartburn, &c. This is one of the most efficient, pleasant, and safe compositions ever offered to the public fur the cure Of the various derangements of the szonactz and nowtt?. and the only article Worthy of the leaSt confidence - ler curing CHOLERA INEINTUM or SUMMER COMPLAMT; and in all the above dis eases it really acts like a charm; CERTIFICATE Rom the Rev. Ata Shinn, of the Protestant Iffethod- ist Church The undersigned having been 'afflicted during the past winter With a disease in the stomach, sometimes prodcing severe pain'in the stomach for ten or twelve hours without intermission, and .having tried various remedies witl?. little effect, was furnished with a bot tle of Dr. JAtICT.'S CAMMINITIVE BALSAM. This lie used according to the directions, and found invaria bly that this .medicine caused the pain to abate in hree or four "minutes, and in fifteen or twenty min utes every uneasy sensation was entirely quieted. The medicine was afterwards used whenever indica tions of the approach' ef `paiii were perceived, and the pain was thereby prevented. , , Ho continued to use the medicine every evening, and sometimes in the morning, and in a few weeks healthl was so . flr re: stored, that the sufferer was relieved from a large amount of oppressive pain. From experience, there fore,'-lie can confidally recommegd Dr. D. Jayne's Carminativaleacn, as a salutary - medicine fur dis eifses—or the stomach and botvel.S. A. Slime. Allegheny citY, July 1843. For salti in Pittsburgh at the PERINTEI STORE, 72„ 1.6 . 1.1ith sticet„. near Wood. 'Price 2.5 - . and 50: cents per bottle. jelS-iltzw ==l ' - t/oAitstes"a A lletiiiiiiifg r sOlztteuen. INSENSIBLE tralsminTioN; - :-......,- -..,,,._ - --- , - . THE preceding figure ' ls ca:, _ ~..... ' 117;--- iventerepresent the In q'''' 4 SC.`,:' ' t T,,..5!',.5W.- 'SENSYBLCP.E&SCIRATIONS:I : I 'V, :,,a-='-,f, It is the great eta . cuationl ~.._, - A.-- -t '. ••.,•.-T . -'7 - "X - 4 - A for the impurities - of the -!--'' z : 1 '' 4s-- .P l '' b d , it will beneficed .---...... -AM :--,--..., 0} > , 1 . _ - ----.V4= , lis•;: , . -S ----- that. a thick cloddy nus -7,-74.. ' tiss 5....r1 issues from' all points of ,- 5 ",....; • - s . ‘ -,...-____- ssii. the surface,. which min "'`'..S '!- - W cites that this' per I t _,.Ce * ' !" ..Z . tints flosei Uninterrupted s s _........,.-!'---.:-. ly when we are inhealth, . -- --9, - z --- , . but cosset When We are T-s--------'''' * *si 1.- Life- cannot be sus ' ained without it.. It is thcowooff from the blood and other juices of the body, and disposes by thisraeans,of nearlyall thelmputities within us- Thelanguage .of Scripture is"in.the .If/oodis the Life." If be -Oestreea impnre, it may he traced directly to the itepl fine of the insensibleperspiration.. Time We see, alt that, is necessary when the blood isstagnant, or in fected, is open the pores, and it relieves itself limn : all impurity instantly. Its own heat andeitality are suflieient,without one particle of medicine, except to 'Open the pores upon the surface. This we see the folly of taking so. muchinternal remedied: All - practioners, hoWever, diient:iheirefforbi to 'restore the Insensible Perspiration. The* Thompionian, for instamce;steems, the Hydropathist shrouds 'us in wet' blankets, the Homopathist deals*mut infinitissimals, the:Allopathist bleeds - and deans us with - mercury, and the blustering Quack, gorges us with pills, pills, pills. . To gleesome idea of the amount of,the insenses ble .Perspiration, we will state thatthe. of Dr..'' LeVeenhock; ascertained that five-eights of all weres .ceive ipto the stomach, passed off bylhis means. ,is I other words, if we eat -and drink eight,pounds per day, we evacuate five intends of ithy the Insensible. Perspiration. !. This is "none other than the used up particles of. the blood, and ther juices giving place to the new and fresh ones. To check this,heeefoiesis to re , tain in the system five-eights of all the, virulent matter that nature demands should leave the body: By a sudden transition from heat to cold, the pores are stopped, the perspiration ceases, and disease be gins at once to develope itself. Hence, a stoppage of this flow of the juices, originates so many com plaints. It is by stopping the pains, that overwhelms man kind with coughs, colds, and consumption. Nine , tenths of the world die from diseases induced by a stoppage of the Insensible, Perspiration. . ! Let me ask, now, every candid mind, what course smiles the most reasonable to pursue, to unstop the peces, after they are closed- Would you give physic to tziwtop the pores? Or would you apply. something that would du this upon the surf:tee, where the clog - 1 gieg actually is? And yet I know of no physician ! who makes any external applications to effect it. Under these circumstances, I present to physicians, and to all others, McAlister's Alt.:Reding Oindment,l I or the World's Salie. " It - has power to restore per- I '! spiration on the feet, on the head old sore:, upon the I chest, in short, upon any part of the body, whethei !diseased slightly or severely. I I I It 'empower to cause all external sores, scrofulous i Minion, skin diseases, poisonotis wounds, to dm ! charge their putrid matter, and then heals them. ;1t is a remedy that sweeps off the whole catalogue 1 of cutaneous disorders, and restore the entire euitele its to healthy functions. , It is a remedy that forbids the necessity of so many and deleterious (hues taken into the stomach. - llt is a temedy that neither sickness, gives inconte ; :deuce, or is dangerous to the intestines. - It preserves and defends the surface from all de rangement of its Ihnetions. The surface is the ont- I let of five-eights of the bile and used up matter with ! in. It is pierced with millions of opeuiegs to relieve the intestines. Stop up thede pores, and death knocks lat your door. It is rightly termed All-Healing, for 1 there is scarcely a disease, external or internal, that it will not benefit. I have used it fur the last fourteen years for all diseases of the chest, consimrption,liv or involving the utmostdanger 9 . 0 responsibility,and I I declare before Beaten and titan. that not in onel I single case has it failed to benefit, when the patient I was within the reach of mortal Means. I have had physicians, learned in the profession; I have had ministers of the Gospel, Judges on the I bench, Aldermen and Lawyers, gentlemen of the highest erudition and satillitudei of the peer, use it 1 hi every variety of way, and there has been but (141 .. 0 I voice—ono united and universal "Mc -1 Allister, your Ointment is good. . i CONSUMPTION.—It can hardly be credited that a Salve can have any effect upon the lungs, seated as ! thief are.within the system. mit if placed upon the chest, it penetrates directly to the lungs, seperates the poisonous particles that are consuming them,' and expels them from the system. 1 need not say that it is curing persons of consump- , 'lion continually, although we are told it is foolish. tress, I care not what is said, so long as I can cure several thousand persons yearly. I . HEADACHE.—The Salve has cured persons or ' the Headache of ten years standing, and who had it ! regularly every week, so that vomiting often took place. Deafness and Far Ache are helped with like am ! vets. I . COLD rttt.—Consumption, Liver complaint, l' pains in the chest or side, falling off the hair, one or the other always accompanies cold feet. , The Salve will cure every ease, • In Screens Erysipplas, salt Rheum, Liver com ! plaint Sore iyes, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, ' Broken or Sore Breast, Piles, all Chest Diseases, such as Asthma, Oppresaion,P ain, also Sore Lips; Chap ped Hands, Tumours, Cutaneous Eruptions, Nervous Diseases, and of the Spine there is probably no med -Mine now known so good. ‘• -, • BUT,NS.—It is the best thing in the world for Burns. (Read the Directions around the hos.) - ' PIMPLES ON THE FACE—:Alasculine Skin gross surface. Its first action is to: expel all heeler; It 'will not cease drawing till the faceis free frosa!any matter that may be lodged under the skin, and fre-, quently breaking out to the surface: it then heals I:\:hen there is nothing but grossness, or dull repul sive surface, it begins to soften and soften until the skin becomes as smooth and delicate as a childs. 1 ! WORMS.—If parents knew how fatal most medi- I eines were to children taken inwardly, .they would ',':lie slow to res - ort to them. Especially "mercurial clozenges" called "medicated r .lozenees," "venni' feges" pills, &a. The truth ie:, - . no one can tell, in variably when worms aro preseut. Now let me say to parents that this Salve will always tellif a child has worms. It will drive every vestige of thein a way. (Itead the direction's around the box.) , . .. There is probably no medicine on the face of the earth at once so sure and so safe in the exPulsioit.ol worms. TOlLET.—Although I-have slid little about it as a hair restorative yet I will stalte it against the world? They mac bring their Oilsfitr and near, and mine will restore the heir two cases to their one. OLD SORES.e--That some Sores are an outlet to the impuritios of the system, IS, because they cannot pass offthrough, the natural channels of the lesensi- ! ble :Perspiration. If such sores are healed tip the I impurities must have some otheroutlet, or it will en- danger life. This salvo will always provide for I such emergencies. . ' . - ! 1 IHIEUMATISM.—It removes almost immediately! the inflammation. and swelling, when the pain 'of' course ceases. I , FEVERS.—In all cases of fever;the difficulty lies ' in the pores being locked up, so that the heat and perspiration canned - para off.! If the least moisture could be started the crisis has passed and the danger over. The All-Healing Ointntent will in all cases or fevers almost instantly unlock the skin and bring .forth ' the perspiration. I SCALD HEAD.—We have , cured cases that actu ally defied every thing known, as well as the ability', of fifteen or twenty doctors. - One man told us he had spent $OOO on his children without arty, benefit, when a few boxes of the !ointment cured them. CORNS.—Oecasional use of the Ointment will al-, ways keep corns from growing. People need never I be troubled with them if Itheyi will _use it. - , AS -A FAMILY MEDICINE.—No Man can meas . ueits value. So long as the stars roll along Ores ' the Heavens—so long as, man treads. the earth, sub ject to all infimities of the flesh—so' long as disease and sicknesd is known—just so long will this good Ointment be used and esteemed. When man ' ceas es from off the earth,.then the demand will cease, and not till then. JAMES McALISTER &-Co. Sole proprietors of the above Medicine. Price 25 cents per box. . . CAUTION.—As the :Jill-Healing Ointment * his been greatly counterfeited, we have-given this Cau tion to the public that "no Ointment wilt be genuine -unless the tarries of James McAlister, or James Mc- . .Alister 4- Co., are wnix-rett with a rune upon EVERY label." Now we hereby offer a reward of $5O to be paid on conviction in any of, the constituted courts of the !United States, for any individual coun terfeiting our name and :Ointment. ' PRICE 25 CENTS. PER BOX. -. . . , AGENTS IN PITTSBURGH—Braun & ileil , er, corner of-Liberty and St. Clair sts, are the whole sale agents, and L. Wildox, jr. ' corner Market st. and the Diamond; Hays & Brockway, (Druggists No 2, Commercial Row, Liberty et; 3. H. Cassel, corner of Walnut and Penn streets., sth ward, and sold at the Bookstore in Smithfield at., ,3d door from Second se; and in Allegheny city by . H P. Schwartz, and I. Sar gent, and by 3: G. Smith (Druggist) - Birmingham; and 'D. Negley, East- Liberty- 11. Rowland, hleffeesport; Samuel Walkers Elizabelh;.3. Alexander & S i gn, Mo, nondahelaCity; N.B. Bowman & Co.; .1. T. Rogers- Brownaville, Pa; . Dr. S. Smith, Bridgewater" and John - Barclay, Beaver Pa. 'skit 20. BID $%l - t . .5J... - 14 . .....(:- .~ i .-._. I ' - lledical. acid 'Surgical. Office. ~, Health is the cliaxrn of life, withoutit gold, Loves letters, friends, all, all; ate unenjoyed ~... ' DOCTOR BROWN, a ~4 ( . 7 ; :-... ` , .. t ,, regularly educated physi - .' - ._..1-::li - V.;,.., - pt. cian from the' astern cit r4.:,.....'"-'7 .., -...i , i ice, would respectfully-an; 4,7-- , , , ,--.--4 flounce, to the citizens of c„.......4 7 - ---,,, , ./7-3.'.-.4W41:4.:"....iiF5i9,:), Pittsburgh, Allegheny andl 5 3, .",:gay:i - ,...IZAF:Vh: \ vicinity; that he can be i'..;''''''r'4'-`4.... 1 ? , `- 4 :IL \ consulted privately ' and 7 1""1T7, , ,:iyr,... rth i :d ' 'lO, N'4,,,--ci,-;11,,,t; co dentral , every , ay vk' , :?'/ -,-.-„ evening. at hit office' on '‘ ... L ...5.- -, V•;yie Dia.morid, Alley, a few „ ..--1.---- , - doors flora Wood: street, toWailis the Market. . ' ' • Dr. Brown gives his particuiar attention 'to the reatrnent Mid mvestigation of the folloWing disea ses. , 1 All-disease arising froni Impurittesof the Blood scrofula, Syphilis," seminal Ireekness; implketicv, Salt rheum, diseases of- he eye and ear; Thema - lit:l4n 'Piles;palsey. - ! 1 ,' ' • . . 0 .4: i Dr. BrOwnl has Much-pleasure in announcing to the public, that he is in possession of the latest in formation. -ati!d-- irnproVernent in the treatment of secondary syphils,praetised at the Paris Lock Hos pital. The modern researches on syphilis, its complication and consequenceS . , and the improved modes off pr ctiee which have been made known 1 to'the public but'recentley, -and to those Chiefly i‘lo make tl is branch of Medicine, their particu ar stddy'and practise. Many new and. Valuable remedies haveteen late ly introduce 4, which secures the patientheing mer curialized odtof existence Strangers are apprised that DoctorZtown has been educated in every branch of editine, and regularly admitted_ to practise, ancithat'he now confines himself to the study andpr l ,ctice of this particular branch,togeth er with all dtseases of a private'or delicate nature, incident to the humanfrnme. No cure, no Pay.. Recent ca*es are relieved in a short time; with out interiupiion from business. - • cr, - Oflice pn,Diamond Alley, a few -doors from Wood street toivards the market. Consultations rictly confidentint myl2-d&wy. 1' ' Preserve the Teeth. . _. AR better is,it to cure the toothache in cue min. ,1 1 ate, by using Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth Weill, than to suffer the aching; also to cure soreness of the gums, cure kofiAess of the gums, stop bleeding of the gums, Ind always , keep the teeth, gums and mouth pleas nt, and in the best state of health. r , Whilst il • troducing W.LIEELER'S . TEABERRY TOOTH W Sll to the public, it is the painful duty of - the propriet r; to state that this article, which is the original, nail oriligenuint Teaberry Tooth Wash, has been imitatid by numerous Teaberry Tooth Washes, Tealierry Tooth Pastes; and a variety of articles with the name leaberry annexed to them, when, in fact, this article lis the first that ever bore the name of Tery, and is the only, one which possesses the realertue cif the planfiand established all the celeb rityh (brit, Ai filch induced ethers to make - use of its name, then 4, they never did present its intrinsic vir tues to the, üblic. As evidence that it -is the first preparation] of Teaberry for. the Teeth, the copy of the certified records of the. United States District ...e i li Court is pu fished: 3". LI .r,,. . Eastern District of Pennsylvania, to, ..5.- , % P . wit: Be Wremembered, That on the .7 . .. t second day of February, Anno Domini, v. YAlvt one thousand eight hundred and „forty •',,..4'" ~.+2l two, 4 411 4 ' I •-• W. WHEELER, Of the. said District, bath dephsited in this Office the Title of a (Book, the title of which is in the words following, , o wit: - ITEABERRY TOOTII WASH. The right whereof he claims as Proprietor, in clan , - formity with the Act of Congress, entitled 44 - An Act to amend the several Acts.respecting'Coriy_Rights - i" lb ' • FItA , S. 110Pkils:SON, ' • Clerk of the Dist. Court. 1842, Fe . 2d. Copy deposited. 1 ' - CHAS. F. HEAzltrr. . The nbo e COpy Richt for the Wrapper of the Bottle, sh wing the Title of the Article in legal Jan guage, an granted hi the legal form, will prove this to be the phial TEABERRY TOOTH WASH, and all others re but imitations; which has gone out of, use where •or the Genuine Teaberry Tooth Wash is Th n, remember, none in ,gennine but WHEELER'S Certificate of ,the, Magistrates of tte City of Phila- delphizt: • • Having nade riee.oryour much celebrated-Tea berry Toth Wash, .I - feel convinced .that it inthe best articl I bave ever•knoivn, and hereby mr,rmly recomme d its use to the public in general, as a pleasant ad efacacious - article for preserving the Teeth an. Gums. ROBERT E. JOHNSTON., . For a ',mbar of years my Teeth and Gums were so much •ut of onler as to prevent Me from- eating With any leaiure, and closed =fell 'pain., • Having! heard ofWheelees Teaberty Tooth Wash; . I. do cer tify that Itried one bettle.of it, and in less than two weeks in3l teeth and Gums were sound and good; I believe that the use of it would be an advantage to many othirs.' ' - , , - .T. DRAZER. .P. 7 Certifur-t6 of ltler&rs iftlie Pliiladelphia Bar, Flaying used. Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth Wash and powder, . have found them to possess cleansing and parifOng properties, and while they whiten and beautify e Teeth; they have a li*eficial affect upon the Guth , by. imparting to - them free and he:althful action: - F. A. RAYIiOLD. I have scd Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth Wash, and its effec upon my Teeth and Gums has given to me a high inion of its merits. I cheerfully recom- - mend it i the general use... IL It. KNEASS: - —4 - _, _ My danghier - bai used Whenlerfa Tealserry Tooth Wash-(mici powder) and has found - its effects to be eleansim 4 and purification of the Gums, and a sweet ening off the I have no hesitation in recom mending it as thnmost beneficial preparation for the Teeth I •asel ever seen. C. J. JACK," Certified es of Ladies and gentlemen qj "It is ,vith gratitude that I send the following cer tificate, hoping that many Who suffer will be led, by a perusal of it, to obtain Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth Wash, which article I used, and it • has effectually cored tOoth-ache, soreness of the gums, removed seurf train my teeth, and I-fully believe has entirely arrested all decay 'althorn. .I trust that all who mil" Mr, haviiig either of the same species of cornplaint, will as' soon; as possible use Wheeler , a-Teaberry. Tooth Wash that they may be relieved. • JULIANA CUTLIRAL. "Otvir g , to having taken cOld,but mostly in manse quenee bfthe acid of a'paint used in coloring prints, my Teeth becatie very much'injured; giving excru ciating painiat intervals for between two and three years. - Wheelefs Teaberry Tooth Wash was used, and hasi entirely nured them, which in certificate form I send, that those whia wish a perfect-remedy for painful teeth', and also desire - a pleasant Tooth wash, may with confidence try Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth Wash. • MARY A TAYLOR.:' I . "Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth Wash" having-re moved scurf and cured soreness of the gums, Which had troubled me for two yearn it is my belief that it is a highly useful article, anethat it is advisible to those who suffer with the Teeth and Gums to mike use of 4t. MARY SULLIVAN. "Your Teaberry Tooth Wash cured tho tooth-ache andvbso sorenowof the gums in my 'family, and I send* you this certificate, that those who suffer-with tooth-tiOe or soreness of the gums, may know that it is a remedy for them,- and' .e=very pleasant Tooth Wash. • FRAS. PREVOST, W. •eelet. No. 148,Tatharine street. Feler's Teaberry Tooth Wash”.having cured . of the gums, and effectually stopped bleed ; e gums,' deemit a debt of gratitude for the blek it atlf:irded me, and a duty, owed, to my cings, to say, that it is my firm, conviction, .se who will use Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth or the Teeth and Gums, will find - thiititis an nt article: .1110ItIAS J. M'CURDY, No. 235, Callowhill st. "Wh nOrCrleS• oft relief fellow 1 dint till IN ash, impor . . . much severe affliction of myself, and others fly, with-decayed Teeth and sure Gumsi . • Many respectable testimonials highly in favor }MU:WS TEA.I3ERItY TOOTH WASH, • I aced 'so give it atrial,-after which tuy-Snmily rejoice - teaay• that it 'did perform • a .ffand effeetual - eure .fcii4llttri is: the:best hat I ever-knew:of., 1 would recommend its hose Whotuay. be :suffering. • •,• ' • ; - • - :::TE.SSE•IIIOORE„. Na; 127, Market street. Fro diny end th WI sus in. boron, ticle sc to szEm kmore testimonials are existing approving of leraTeaberry Tooth Wash.". • ' - at WM. JACKSON'S Store, No. 89 Liberty Pittsburgh, head of Wood street. ipal Office, No." S 6 Chesnut at., Philadelphia. Man! Ono Sold treet Prin an 2, 11111.11AD.--A.large assortment, together Shoe Findings and .Kitt of all kinds, justre, - .JOHN W. BLAIIt. 120:Wood street 1;1 HO wg cel ved m v 2 Ari Acrostic 'JUST IN TIME. FOR • . mum , . BARGAINS?. Just received, a-splendid assortment'of Spring and and Sumvier goods, - -Unsurpassed- for q . laetity, quality er Style, •The Proprietor el this establishment Takes great pleasure in informinghis friends and the public In general, that he -is. new prepared to fill all orders that his , , , Numeifouscustomers May favor him Vviihr-fitmnters Travelers would do well,in visiting the Iron City, to call and biamine his .exterisive.and i~ ell Made stock of. ready4eade clothing. lie has a com plete assortment of . . • English cloth, to-which he would invite -attention, French cloths of every color and qualityivvich he is Offering tita very arsall'advanCe on.elatern prices. Remember at this store you are riptasked two prices, Concinceil thitt email profite wits is the best way to-securecustern. Having in his employ the best we4kruen, lie Ein , WaS. - Every article made at his establishinent to fit welt: , And to be, of-the hest materials;' lie, would again In- Vito Purchasers generally to give him a call • Before purchasing in anyother Place, As ho is Confident that he can Sell:Bien% as good good Seasonable prices is any house in this city,- • Going so fui as to say a little cheaper. All his gobds are new', and of handseme pattenis, purchased :e. in the the east but a few . weeks since. - - The silbscri: .ow returns his thanks to his friends and the public Solicits a continuance of their favors. • /370 n City Clothing Storp, N0..132 Libertil street. • max 7 . AtTLOSKEY: Three Dig. Doors .Clothing Store. N0..1.51; liberty street: rpHE Proprietors of this old and highly populat es stablishment infotini hie - friends and the public • at large that a portion of his •Spring and Summer Stock_ 11 - E .A.Dt CLOTHING, Is now prepared for their inspection, and he respeet fully invites-all'who contemplate purchasing articles in his line to pay hiina visit. His steckthisbetison is peculiarly rich; comprising all the latcserashions and Patterns; and all his Goods, having been select ed by himself in the eastern markets, he can with confidence recommend them to his customers is be hag- of the very best_quality.; His lege assortment ot DRESS COATS-, Is made in the rnoitmodern and improved style, and the'workivanship,mumot be Excelled. Pants of - ery desariitiwz, Satin 4- Fancy Vests.. He has a rare and beautiful assortment of • VESTTNGS,,''' To which he would call the attention of public ache believes them to. .be more Dea.utiful and Cheaper, Than anything of.the kind that has becii3Offered' heretofore. Tweed and other coati, for Summer:veer In great Nsalriety and made in every style,•Fashimiatle Shirts, Latag Style of Stocks, Sospctukto oflviorg:, descriptions, Handkerchiefs, and every other article' ' necessary fora FashiOnabie Dress: He has a very large and excellent assortment of Rubstantial Clothing. which ;will be sold lower that' ' it can beparchased at any other place in the city—lo whir li he would invite the attention of workingmen and others who wish servicable clOthing for - every -day , ,s near: • - /laving in hia employ some the bestCuttei . jand Workmen. that Ihe Country can produce, arid being` .provided with a stack of Goods, which for excel lence and variety cannot be equalled, he is ,prepar '" ed TO MIKE CLOTHES,TO ORDER, At the Shortest notice, and in a style that Cannot be. Surpassed. - DO NOT PASS THE THRE BIG DOORS. It is not considered-auy Trouble to show. Ciothing, and the proprietor feels confident that after an ex amination of his Stock; all'whe. desire to purchase will 'find it their interest to - deal at his The proprietor would takethis opportunity to-ten der his sincere thanks to the public for the nnprece dented patronage bestowed upon 'his establishment, .and as the success helms met -with isbn indication that hieefforts to plc;as patrons, have not' been unavailing, he pledges himself that nothing shall be omitted on his part to secure their kindness for the future. JOHN McCLOSKEY; inarl7-d&w .1. S. Loivry, 311.irchnnt Tailor. . ANTOULD inform his friends- and the public - in - general, that be has removed to Woad street, in the. Sr. Clustr-s doerti below the entrance, where he is ready to execute all orders in thencatest and.most fashionable manner; having en-, gaged the services of Mr. Jerux CAIMPELL as cut.' ter, whose attention will be devoted to that branch ofthe trade and whose well known abilityinthis . ti pni cular-- haring long been establisherthi the ftisluen able community „of this city, induees the belief; that. by close ittention to business,' he able to give general satisfaction to all. wlio may favor him with a call—having also made arrangements to }mei constantly on band a general assertreerrt - mf every thing adapted to gentlemen's wear, such as Cloths, Cassimeres;Vestings, Shirts, Draviters, Bosoms ' Sus ponders, Glovesi•Cravats,-and - every article pertain ing to, a g.entlnrnan's wardrobe, he will be ready at • all times to supply any demand in his line: Thesubscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, that having- entered it:U.4lre above arrangemer.t the establishment ablestd furnish any article in the Tailoring line, s tvith'a , pllllC.w tuality a.nd despatch scarcely equalled - by any - other in the city, and for . stylo and workmanship nor stir- - passed by any in the states. • aug.22-d3m JINTO. M. CAMPBELL tUST` SECETVED—.A splendid assortment. of Summer' Cassirrieres,' Ginghams, and Gam broans; suitable for coats and pants; a large stock of fancy Summer Stull's; fancy. Cotton Cloths, a new ar ticle;Oregon Caesimeres;" Gold Miffed Tweeds and Berkshire; 10'dozen white shirt Linen . .Bosomaquad Collars. Also, a great rariety_of fancy shift striped'Ghig hams' &c.; a Splendid assortment of Summer • Cr avats; Marseilles; Silk, Satin 'rind - other VOW - rgs - ot superior styles and quality; Socks, Handkerchiefs, Stocks Bosoms Collars, Lisle Gloves, and all kinds of. ge ntlem en's wear, ready .-trade, or got 'up to order at the shortest notice, and at the lowest prices; by • W.• B. SHAFFER, _ . . - • .. Pittsburgh • Clothing - Store,' . e 3 corner of Wood - and Water stir., Can't be Scat I WHITE. , has just received at his large cf, establishment, fronting. on Liberty and Sixth streets, •O. splendid assortment of TWEEDS for summer; also, a superior lot of French Satin V.ESA TLNGS, all of which be is ready to make up la the latest fashion and on the most reasonable, tenets as usual. Obqerve the corner, 'No 1t57 Liberty and Sixth streets. - • • - myl4 J. N. WHITE, Tailor, Proprietor. To Arin.sl To Arznu:: r A THREATENED INVASION OF WEST... ERN PENNSYLVANIA by Col._ Swift with 10,000 . men, -notwithstanding s .which, J. *M. , White will. continue to sell clothing cheaper.than aity has heretofore offered in the western-coun try, .having the largest esmblishment in. the , city, &eating an .Liberty and Sisth _streets. He is now prepared to show to his , numerous patrons the great est variety of cloths, eassimeres, vestiegn, and clo thing 'of all descriptionS, suitable for the approaching season, that has ever been offered in this marher, to which all can have. the Right - of Way. . 013 serve the corner; No.l6l,_Lihertrand Sixth streets.: J. M.- WHITE, Tailor . • Proprietor. Ina/25 Vonitlan•B/indli. A WESTERVELT,'the old and well.knOwn Yenitian Blind Maker, formerly - of Sestina and Fourth sts.:, takes this method to inform his many friends of the: fact that Ins Factory is now in full op eration on St. Clair st., near the old Allegheny Bridge, where a constant supply of plinds hilarious colors and qnalities, is coastantly kept on hand and at - all prices, frehi twenty-cents up to suit_eustomers N. B. If required, Blinds mill be-put up so that in-caseof alarm by fire, or otheswise,they :may be removed without the aid of a screw-driver, and with the same facility that any: ther piece of furaitttre can be removed, and xvithoutany extrh expenie. llats l - flatsS: 41SPRING PASSION.--Just - received byg• terpress from New York, the .. . Spring Style of Hats. All those in want of a: neat anpenor Hat are respectfully invited to call. S. - 3100ItE, N 0.93 Wood at., 3 doors below Diemond marl 1-dw • ytTARDROBES-11 you want' to purchase a Iry good wardrobe .cheap call at the :furniture warehouse of T. B. YOUNG -ez CO, jyl7 , .31 Hand at Steamboat for Sala. TIME staunch, Well , built, light' dzaugbt steamer I Revenue Cutter will be sold low and on 'good erme. Apply to je24.. • JAS. MAY. 0 Three -Big Doors, 151 Liberty et,