The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, September 19, 1846, Image 3

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Perenttory. Sale of Building Lots.
A T 2 o'clock, P. Id., on Saturday the 19th inst,
will hi:timid without reserve on the premises,'
29 valuablitOtbd very handsomely i situated Lots of
Ground in he City District near lArthursville and
Sails Ward; nine of which have a 'front of 22 to 24
feet each on Duncan street - (now +al lane) and ex
tea back 120 feet. Twelve have a front of 24 feet!
each on De jViller street which is,so feet wide and I
extend back 101 feet. The other eight lots adjoin
the above, each'hiiing a front of 24 feet and extend
-back 103 feet.
A. plan may be -Seen at the Adction room and any
information.that may be desired will be given on ap
plication-toll the -Subscriber. Terins one half cash
and balance;payable in twelve months with interest,
seplo JOHN D. DAVIS; Auct,r,
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.7.llanna, G. Weyrrian' i T. S. Clark
repared and Corrected 'every. Afternoo
PORT OR P1TT01177.1.011.
1 I • 2 rzrz. • 9 /*MIES
Consul, Bowman,BroWnsville.
Michigan; Boles, Beaver.
Lake. Erie, Hemphil, Beaver.
Luis .ISf Lane, Bennett' Brownsville.
- rrow, Atkinson, Beave!.
Pacific Campbell, Cincinnati.
, America, - Calhoun, "
- Comet, Boyd, 1
Wilmington, Dawson, Wheeling.
Rhode Island,Dawson
Aland Packet Worly,,i u
Forth: Queen, Calbett, Wellsville.
Cineota,,Gorden, Beaver.
_ ••••Hevark, Herd, Zanesville.
Consul, Bowman, Brovnsville.
Louis Bl'Lane, Bennett' Brownsville.
Dichigan, Boies, Beaver..
•llJJake Erie, Hemphil; Beaver,
.Uncle Ben, List, Louisville,
Arrow, Atkinson, 13exiier.
America, Smith, Cincinnati.
Zanesville Packet, Scales, Zanesville,
Monon. hela Improvement—*er str Louis 2V_
Lane; 4 bbls flour, 2 bdls old copper, 181 bss
glass, 4 bdls , leather, 19 kegs nails, 5 sheets boiler
iron. I
Per str, Coesul;l24 bbls flow, 112 bush oats, 19
bxs glas4,, 1 lot pig metal.
At Bas yesterday, there' 'were 2 feet 9 inches
• water inrthe channel; the fain fon Thursday night
t caused a swell of a few inches.
-• • •
MITE subscriber is now receliiing a large and fine
- . 1 assortment of FALL sun Wistren DRY Coops,
recently purchased from the manufacturers and im
poyters, in the New York and Philadelphia Markets,
since therreatfal/ in prices, and will be sold twenty
Per cent cheaper than the same description of Goods
were erey before 'Alerted in this; market. All those
Wanting great bargains are requested to call at No.
65 Market street.
eiv Dress Ginghams.
WE hare now on hand'a full Assortment of beau
tiful Frenohaad Scotch diessGibgharns, twil
led and plain,at remarkable lou prices. Also, en
article oft em broiders! Gingham-Lvery beautiful for
Dresses, for sale by AIISAIIOM - MORRIS,
sep 5 j No. 05 Market street.
Six Cases New Fall Priatte.
JUST -RECEIVED this day,l embracing all the
new and desirable styles in the market; and will
be sold at reatly reduced prices; by
sepls - Piro. 65 Market st.
Lady's Dress Silks.
RECEIVED this day, several packages every
rich item style Persian — embossed Ombri, Bro
cade, Chamelion, Striped, Plaid and Pauli de Soie,
and Black] Satin, Striped Armodr and Dress Silks,
and will be sold cheap for Cash, lby
. sepl3 Igo. 65 Market at.
- -
ashmeres and ,
De ILainels.
LECEIVD, a beautiful assortment of new
''aria printed, Ombri stiaded, Rep Cordia
t'ashzteres and EoLains and for sale by
No. 665 Mar Let street.
style P.
and plain'
tLARGE and splendid assortment of rich and
magnificent SHAWLS, just (received this day
embracing all the new and desirable styles, viz: Paris
Printed Tetkeri,Cashmere and Brnclia, Embroidered
Black and Mode colored Silk, Fringe, Thibbet and
D , Laine, Chamelion Plaid, and Sttiped Silk, Merino,
and Persian, Plaid, Silk and Worsted, together with
a great varietyof Woollen Shawls, and will be dis
posed of at a small advance on ;the original cost,
seplri • A', o. 65 Market et.
I ran Goods..!
A. MASON, 62 Market street, has just recei
ed and now opening, a large stock of Prints.
Brown and bleached muslins, flannels, ticking, check,
stripes, chintzes, ginghams, cashinere and mons de
lains, shawls, cassinetts, cassimerds, broad cloth itc.,
all of which will be sold at exteremely low prices.
AA. MASON, 62 Market street, Simpson's row,
• invites the attention ofconntry merchants and
others, to his well selected stock of fall goods, which
is opening. Selling only for Cash, WC can offer
such advantages to purchasers as are seldom posses
sed by those who sell on the credit: systeth. se •16
A A. MASON, 62 Market steeet,lias just reed
.another case of those blue and orange prints,
selling at the low price of 61 cts per yard sepl6
'Hats and
! • Caps. i
THE subscriber would inform the
. ..914
public that he has received his fall
stock of Caps, all of which have been principally
made to his order, and as his *chases has been
made on the cash, system, Itc. is enabled to sell his
stock, of Heft! and Caps at unusually low prices for
cash. His Stock does not consist of the cuttings of ,
Eastern /Muses, but are all a Hesh manufactured
article: - Neither is his establishment replenished
with the cild stock from eastern markets. The
Proprietor `being a hatter and Cap manufacturer,
by trade, rta well as profession, he ls also daily man
ufacturing Hats and Caps of all idescriptions, and
far - their neatness and durability, cannot be sur
passed. Ail of which he offers at• wholesale and
retail, and at such' prices as cannot fail to please
the purchaser.
'No. 102, Wood street, third door below John D. Da
via' Commercial Auction Rooms.
F ---INNEvIS THEOLOGY.Lectures on System
atic Theology, embracing Lectures on Moral
- Government, together with Atonement, Moral and
_Physical Depravity, Regeneratidn, Philosophical
Theories and .Evidences of Regeneration; by Rev.
Charles G. Finney, Professor of Theology is the
Oberlin Collegiate Institute. Just' received and for
sale by [sepl lj . LUKE LOOMIS, Agent,
RHODES -8c ALCORN, (Late - of New York city,)
No. 27 Fifth at.; between Wood and Market,
Manufacturers 'of Mustard, Ground Spice's, Catsups,
•fte., ace., Will open during the present week a large
- assortment Of articles in their line; which they will
wholesale in n quantities to suit dealers, at Eastern
whialesale prices. All articles sold by them warran
ted. Merchants intending to'go east would do well
to call beforC leaving . the city. They may be found
at their warehouse, Ku. 27 Fifth utrect, in Ryan's
Building.. - sep7
BITE Fl SII AND TROUT-14.2 Barrels White
V - Fisll. l
GO Barrell Mickinais Trout;
Just received' on consignment and for sale by
OBACCO—:-50 packages ss, Bs, 12s & 16s, Lump
and Plug Tobacco; just received and for sale by
tation Molasses, on consignment and for sale by
• Notke. .
THE nada-signed have this day 'associated under
the firm of J. D. Williams St Co., for the per.
pose of carrying on a general wholesale and retail
grocery, forwarding, and commission business at No,
110, Northeast corner of Wood and' Fifth streets,
Pittsburgh, Slept. Ist., 1846: J. D I . WILLIAMS,
ay. 8. THOS. .111ILLE.11..
7 --Heavy
TTEAVY - Dlack Silk Shawls °ivory superior plan
11 ty, just., received by
75 Market it. N. W con of the Diamond.
sepl.3 ', - . I .
4 #
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Sonia ..ana and Coimnodore Coririei=Reported ;/1r
- mistice. -
The Norfolk Herald, of ThursdaY; last says:
"We have seen letter from the stjuidnari off
Vera era, which states that the English steamer
which took Gen. Santa Ana to Vera Cittz; was
boarded by a boat fmm the St. Mary's; but the
general sheweil the boonling officer a passport
signed by the President of the United States, and was
allowed to land. Santa Ana is said to be at his
seat near Vera Cruz; waiting forthe "sweetvoices
of the people" to reach him from the interior
pere seems to be a: pretty general belief in the
squadron, that the war will not last more than two
months longer. Perhaps suchis the wish among
'them, for they must lie heartily sick of such a ser
vice, under such a .naval administration as they
have had."
The Portsmouth New Era has a letter from on
board one of the gulf squadron, dated Aug. 23,
from which we select the following:
"About ten days since Santa Ana left Vera Cruz
for the city of Mexico, previous to which,however,
he sent a polite invitation to our commodore to
meet him on board the British frigate Endyrnion;
the interiiew'did not take place. A few days back
One of the English frigates boats came down in a
violent rain squall with a communication for the
commodore, the next), day a flag of truce was re .
turned, but no rumor of the business has transpi
The,Rumored .thmistice.—The Portsmouth New
Era states that it is informed that the cutter was di
rect from Brazos Santiago, with, it is supposed,
despatches to Com. Conner, "relating to an armis
tice of three months with the Mexicans."
Santa alna'S Paseport.—The Ne'w York Tele
graph states that they' have received the following
information exclusively, and that it is true:
"Gen. Santa An; when the Arab was boarded
by an officer of the St. Mary's. was in bed. His
handsome wife had risen a.few moments previous
to the officer's arrival, and sat in the cabin in a
loose wrapper. A pass was exhibited to the °ill
cer, signed by!the American Secretary of State,
and of course he allowed to proceed:'
THE STAUNCH low pressure,
i ship built Steam Packet, JULIA
having been put in complete condition for sea, will
run upon Lake Superior during the season, commence
Leg 3d August, , between the Sault de St. Marie and
the various ports, as business may warrant. The
J. P. is well furnished in erery particular, and is as
fine a heavy weather vessel as any ship that floats
the seas. Haszood upper cabin, state rooms and
family saloons, as also single berths,. ladies cabin
and steerage cabin. All well ventilated, and will I
accommodate 100 cabin passengers. Freight in large
quantities can be stowed under decks. Parties with
or without freight will be accommodated at the vari
ous landings upon the British and American sides
of the lake.
lit:r One or two voyages will be made to La Pontei
during the Indian payments, and two pleasure voy
ages will be made entirely around the lake coast
wise, during August and September, giving to plea
sure travel an opportunity of enjoying the most de
lightful, unique and interesting scenery is the known
world. State rooms or single berths can be secured
in advance by addressing
W. F. PORTER TAYLOR, Managing owner,
Sault de Ste Marie. Michigan.
July, 184 S. jy2o-3tas;3in
N. P. Property consigned to W.F. Porter Taylor
will meet with immediate despatch as ordered.
111 ICE-10 Tierces prime Rice, just received and
EL fir sale low, by
CATTY BOXES TEA Thirty 13 lbs. Catty Boxes
Young 'teen Tea;
Thirty 6 lbs. do. do.;
Just received and for sale by
ATACKEI - tEL-30 Barrels IS.rge No. 3 Mackerel;
in . just received and fur gale by
STURGEOri , S , OIL,-3 half Barrels Sturgeon's Oil
for sale by
THE Room on Third street, one door from the
corner of Wood, in the St. Charles buildings,
suitable fur an Office or Store, will be to let the Ist
of October. Enquire of J. S. Lowry, in the front of
the building.. se 17.3 t
AFEW barrels of a superior quality for sale low
to close consignment, by
No. 26 Wood street.
eep 17
AT M'Kennas , on Saturday evening next, Septem
ber 19th at 7 o'clock, will be sold at 111 , Kenna's
Auction Rooms, No. 114 Wood st., 3d door from sth.
1 single bbl'd shot gun ) stub and twist.
imp II
Brick flionse and Lot for Sale,
- Or in Ea - change for Nails or Window Glass.
We are authorized to offer for sale, or in exchange
for Window'Glass or Nails, a well finished and sub
stantial two story brick house and lot, 19 feet front
by 100 feet deep, situated on the Allegheny river
above the Glass House. It will be sold at a reason
ble price title unexceptionable.
sep. 17. Real Estate Agents. •
W E sit ' ll V a il t l e s i e n " C t r j O e gh L all e S a n of
ie tu n % l n o g t s o
n of t l e round
gheny river, each 27 feet front by 200 feet deep,
making 108fe;et front on the river, on which is erect
ed a neat CID story house and kitchen. The lots
are well fenc d in, and well stocked with fruit trees,
shrubbery, &c. (No ground rent, and taxes low.)
Price $,Vd.
sept 16
Wall Paper.
ASPLENDID assortment just received from the
East, eit entire new Patterns. They can be
had very low at the Wall Paper Store of
Smithfield street.
aug.2l-r1 I rn
I. 0 9 .00 i p , ff i E a S p e o r
I f
o Glazed
n and a
n U u p a g c l tu a c r e e d
on hand and or sale ut the lowest market price.
0.427.d1m Smithfield street.
AXTLNDON BLIND PAPER—one yard wide, for
Vl' sale by J. SIIIDLE,
aug27. Smithfield street.
' Lake guperiorr
DEOPLE v siting the copper mines of Lake Su
" perior acing the season; will find it to their
advantage to all at Hays lc Brockway's Drug store
where they c procure such remedies tis the pecu
liarity of the Ornate require, Any information
lative to the ountry will bo freely given/
No. 2 Commercial Row, Liberty at.
Pittsburg . Navigat
ranee C.
Offi c, .1V6,. 21,
Michael A en,
C. Anthut ,
Time. Bak well,
Robert Be r,
R. W. Pc
Roaster FINNST, Seel
11,716i100 1
111, receive
for sale at
septi No
Pittsbargb andCannellasillo Rail Road
OTICE is hereby given; that in purstranee of a
resolution of the Stockholders of the Pittsburgh
and Connelisillle Railroad Company, authorizing an
increase of the capital ofeaid Company,
and directing
an additional subscription, books will be opened for
receiving additional subscription to the stock of the
Company, at the oillee of Wm. Larimer, jr., in 4th
street, between Market and Wood streets, Pittsburgh,
on riday the 4th day of September. The books will
remain open f'om 9 A.M. until 3 Welock . P.M.of said
day; and fro
otherwzre ord
li * ll l i
To Let
Lard 011
un ill Auction.
Lion and Fire ilssu.
Market i Streit.•
William Ebbs,
Lewis Hutchison',
Fred. Loreni,
James May,
M. ALLEN, Pres't,
a large assortment of the above, and
12 Wood Streeti2nd deer above sth
I. day teday (Sundays excepted) until
, umber of share be subscribed, or Mail
' ked.' By order' of the Directors . ..
WI4.•RcIDDISON, Jr. Presl—
- ••
, - - • -•.; ; _
• %
pcir - tOtueiliatt
, .
THE:aplendid new and ligit drought
Passeliger ateanier SENATOR, Capt.
bl , Ciarat, will leave for the above and all intorinedi
ate ports, regularly. For freight or passage apply
on board. , geptBlm
For cinclanatl.
r.,WaThe new light draught packet Stearix
tirt CALIFORNIA, Captain Hutrter;will
leave fort e•nbove and all intermediate, ports thi.
day, regularlk. • •
For freight!or passage apply on boaid, or to
IV. BUTLER & BRO., Seeond st.
Tha Calif.:lolin was built expressly for the above
trade, and will make her trips regularly during the,
seasori. augls
For tinoinxisttl.
frr f t j i THE new and light draught passenger
steamer. WESTERN, Capt. BAKER,
will leave for ithe abo.e and till intermediate ports
reghliirly. The Western draws but 12 inches, and
was tinilt expressly to run in the Wide during the
low water season:
For freight dr passage . c luiting superior adconinio
dations, applien board.
The new and splendid galieifgir,elcairY
er TONNALEURA.; Capt. 3: K. Moody,
will run in thsi trade Rein Pittsburgh to Louisville,
during the selion of 1846. . . .
The Tonnaleuka was Wilt expressly fur the trade;
and is elegant* furnished In every respeet.
Forfreight or passage apply Oh board.
The well known fast running steamer
CAMBRIA, W. Forsyth, Master, will run
as a regular Packet, leaving every Wednesday Morn
ing at 10 &chick, and Wheeling, at 10, R. M.; the
same day. Returning, she will leave Cincinnati
every Saturday s at 10, A. M.
For freight or passage apply on board, or to
FORMES & Co., Agents,
No. 30, Water street. I
ap 16
The new and splendid passenger steam
er TOM CORWIN, Capt. Bugher, will
run in the trade from Pittsburgh to St. Louis, du.
ring the season jef 1846.
The Tom Chrwin, was built expressly: for the
trade, and is elegantly furnished in eve.iy respect.
For freight Cfr passage apply on board.
may lb.
sy ., Tlfe new and splendid passenger steam-
BEUNETTE, Capt. Perry, run in
the trade from Pittsburgh to St. Louis, during the
season of 1546.1!
The Brunettelkvas built expressly for the trade
and is elegantlylound in every respect.
For freight orlpassage apply on board. apt
For Cincinnati and St. Louis
, t Tke passenger steamer PALESTINE,
gittiCapt.',' Williams, will leave for the above
am al intertneCiate ports regularly.
For freight or passage apply on board. je9.
For Cincinnati and Louisville.
ILI:71A M . new and splendid passenger steam
. . f - 1,7, 4 er COLUMBI A, O'NEAL, Master, will
cave for the abOve and intermediate ports, regular
ly. , :,
For freight or passage apply on hoard, or to , a
I , D. WILKINS, Agent !
Tuesday Evening Paiket.
-•• The !new and splendid passeng rn
w,, boat rDECLARATION, Capt. Vorhecs,
ill run as a rcgildar packet between Pittsburgh and
Cincinnati, leaving this port every Tuesday evening
at 3 o'clock. lqfturning she will leave Cincinnati
every Friday evening at 3 o'clock.
The Declaration offers superior accommodations
to passengers. For freight or passage apply en
board. jet
Thtlregular mail anti passengersteamer
/ ... 714 2111 . 01C(*GAHELA, Capt. Stone, will run
as 4 regular Paclet between Pittsburgh and Cincin
nau, leaving tbisl port every Monday at 10, A. M.,
end Wheeling aUIO, I'. M., the same day. Return
ing, she will leave Cincinnati every Thursday, at 10.
A, M.
For freight or fiassage apply on hoard.
The Monongahela was built expressly for thin
trade, and offers to the passengers comfort, and su
perior accommodations. mar 31
TH F regular mail and pa ginger steam
e47 71: 41"-T er UNdO.N, Captain Maclean, will run as
a regurar packef between Pittsburgh and Cincin
nati, leaving this port every Monday at 6 o'clock,
P. M. Returning she will leave Cincinnati every
Thursday at 6 g M.
The Union wits built expressly fur this trade
and affords every accommodation.
Fur freight ciiipagrage appl
- - .
..45al i
TIII regular mail and passenger steam
•,--,,, •er 11111ERNIA, Capt. John Klinefelter,
wi run as a regnlar packet between Pittsburgh and
Cincinnati, leaving this port every Tuesday at 10 A.
M., and Wheeling at 10 P. M. of the same day.—
Returning, alto will leave Cincinnati every Friday at
10 A. M.
For freight or passage apply on board.
The Hibernia livas built expreanly for the trade
and offers to theipasaengera every comfort and au
perior aneommodationa. apt
_ . .
h, TIU regular mail and passengersteam.
NEW ENGLAND, Capt. S. 13. Page,
will run as a regular packet between Pittsburgh and
Cincinnati, leaving this port every Wednesday at 10
A. M., and Wheeling at 10 P. M. the same day.—
Returning, she will leave Cincinnati every Saturday
at 10 A. M. -I
For freight or passage apply on board.
The New England was built expressly fur this trade
and offers to the passengers every comfort and supe.
xior accommodatiemß• mar2b
la TIIE new U. S. Mail steamer ACADIA,
E. Lucas, Master, will run as a regu
lar passenger paeket between Pittsburgh and the
above port duringl : the season of 1846, leaving every
Thursday at 10 o'clock A. M.
The Acadia is bew and has superior accommoda
tions. For freigl4 or passage apply on board, or to
ap 9 J. NEWTON JONES, Agent.
THE regular mail and passenger steam
CLIPPER No: 2 3 Captain Crooks, will
run as a regular packet between Cincinnati and Pitts
burgh, leaving this port every Friday at 10 A. M.,
and Wheeling nt 10 P. M. the same day. Returning
she will leave Cin'einniiti every Monday at 10 o'clok,
For freight or passage apply on hoard.
The Clipper NbJ 2 was built expressly for this trade,
cod offers to her p assengers every comfort and ac:
aommodation. mar 23
nr f o The tegular mail and passenger steamei
ati ,.. ..;;,^4 4 -ICIRCASSIAN, Capt. Isaac Bennett, will
run as a regularl'Packet between Pittsburgh and
Cincinnati, leaving this port every Saturday, at 10,
A. M., and Whnlink at 10, P. M., the sante day.
Returning, she will leave Cincinnati every Tuesday,
at 10, A. M.
For freight or passage apply on board.
The Circassian Was built expressly for this trade,
and offers to her 'passengers every comfort and ac
commodation. mar 23
The regeldr mail and passenger steamer
w MESSENGER., Capt. Linford, will run as
a regti ar Packet between Pittsburgh and Cincinnati,
leaving thif port every Saturday at 10, A. M., and
Wheeling at 10, R. M., the same day.. Returning,
she will leave Cjncinnati every Tuesday, at 10
o'clock; A. M. i:
For freight or passage apply on board.
The MeSsAnger lAMB built expressly for this trade;
and offers to her passengers every comfort and ao.:
commodatiSM: 1 - mar 23
riIHE undersigned having disposed of his t stab
lishment,Noi.ll2 Market st., to Mr. Thom'as
A. Hinton, would ,cordiallyreeommend hini, to hie
friends and the public generally, as one every way
worthy of their patronage.
- •
The undersigned, haVing purchased the large and
extensive stock of Boots, Shoes, &c , belonging to
A. M'Cammon, No. 112 Market street, one door
from Liberty, willontinue to conduct the business
in all its branches; and trusts that by a strict atten
tion to business, and an ardent disposition to please,
he will meet a continuation of the patronage so
liberally bestowed upon his predecessor.
thre'e good workmen can have
faking. immediate application.
N. t.-Two-o
employrneitt, by
S ".
see 1
casks just received and . fer sale
con Sixth and Wood sta.
Townships eleven, twelve, and thirteen of range
Townships eleven, twelve, and thirtnen of range
three; -
Townships ten, eleven, twelve, andthirteen, of
rangi four.
. ,
Townships ten, eleven, twelve, and thirteen, 'of
range five.
Townships Townships eleven and twelve, and fractional
township thirteen, of range six.,
Township twelve, and fractional township thir- 1
teen, of range seven. 1
Fractional townships twelve and thirteen, of
range eight.
North af the base line and west of the fourth prfaci
my. 22
Townships twelve and thirteen, of range six.
Fractional townships twelve and thirteen, of
range seven. . ,
At the land office at GREEN BAY, corrinience
ing on Mcinday, the fourteenth day of December
nest, for the disposal of the public lands within the
undermentioned townships and fractional town
ships, viz:
North of the base line and east of the fo u rth
pal meridian.
Fractional township twelve, west of the Wiscon
sin river, of range nine
Fractional township twenty-two; east of Wolf
river, of range fourteen.
Fractional townships twenty-six and twenty-sev
en, east of Wolf river, of range fifteen-
Frtictional townships tWentpthree, twenty-four;
and twenty-six, east of Wolf river, and fractional
township twenty-seven, of range sixteen.;
Fractional sections two, three, time, and ten, the
south half of fraetional section twenty-one; the south
fraction of fractional section twenty-sixobe south
half of the south-west quarter, and the South half
of the south-east quitter of fractional section twen
ty-seven, section thirty-four, and fractional section
thirty-five contiguous to the former Menomonie
Mills reservation, in fractional township twenty,
(east of Lakes Winnebago and Little Butte des
Mortz,) township twenty-six, fractional township'
twenty-seven, and township twenty-eight, of range!
Townships twenty-six and twenty-seven, of range
Townships twenty-six and twenty-seven of range
Townships twenty-nine, thirty, and thirty-one,
of range twenty.
Townships twenty-nine and thirty, of range
Lauds appropriated by law for the use ofbchools,
military, or other purposi., will be excluded from
The sales will each be kept open for two weeks.
(unless the lands ate sooner disposed ot) and no
longer, and no private entries of land in the town
ships so offered, will be admitted until after the ex-
piration of two weeks from the commencementof
said sales.
Given under my hand, at the City of Washington,
this seventeenth day of August, Ann Domini one
thousand eight hundred and forty-six.
By the President: JAMES K. POLK.
Jana If. Po.r.n,
Even' person entitled to the right of pre-emption
to any land within this limits of the townships and
parts of townships above enumerated, is required
to establish the same to the satisfaction of the Reg
ister and Receiver of the proper land offke, and
make payment therefor, as soon as practicable aj
ier seeing this no:ice, and before the day appointed
for the commencement of the public sale of the
lands embracing the tract claimed; otherwise such
claim wilt be for:eited.
on born,. may{,
.Ic:in; Commissioner of the General Land Office.
. ,
fp At KF.EVIVS, to-morrow, Thursday August
cf , q,,tv
.7th, a peat and cheap article! of Pittsburgh,
manufacture can be had ut the above store, ahead of'
fashionable hats imported from the
No 132 head of Wood st.
ADUATED Stripe and Plaid 'Mate Muslin
BQlIe N'
GradiMted stripe white Muslin=;
Mull .Nluslins; Nainsook do. Jaconet do.
A large assortment just new to-day
No. 83 Market et.
white Linen Drill, for gent's pants;
Tweeds and Summer Cloths;
Gent's Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs ;
Do. Silk dn.
Do. Hernani and Silk Crayats.
An invoice of the above received this day by
je 27 B. E. CONSTABLE, 83 Market. at
ECL'ICED this day Parasollettes and Sun
11, Shades;
Ladic3 Corded Skirts;
do Sea Grass do;
Si!, Black Hernani Shawls;
Beregc Scarfs, and Shawls;
For silo at B. E. CONSTABLE,
je27 ; 83 Market st.
Allegheny Cemetery.
PERSONS desirons of purchasing lots •in this
Ceinetery are referred for information to the
Superintendent on the grounds; or to E. Thorn
Druggist, corner of Penn and Hand streets, Pitts
burgh. illy order of the Board. J. CHISLETT,
dee- I 1 Superintendent.
Musqueto Notts.
GDD. S. SWAitTZ has on hand a lot of very au
pprior white and colored Diusqueto Netts
which Will be sold cheap atNo. 100 Market street.
RECEIVED—Per Canal Thaat Great Western
-100 pcs Cherry Scantling-5:5 and 616-6000
Lights Window Sash suitable for the western trade,
12:16, 10:12 and 8:10. For sale by
For Stilett Ito Wharf:
JUST receivedper Canal Coat
-10;000 feet inch poplar;
IVIOO 44 # 44 seasoned;
45;000 44 4x4 Scantling. . . .
. Lawns Liwns :
GEO.!S. SWART,Z had on hand a lot of fino Lawns
which will be sold at the very low price of 181.
cents per yanlipersolfts who want a good article, at a
low price; ivottld do well to call 8 - 00t1.
Als6 On hind a good stock of Nansook muslin. for
Ladies Dresseit very cheap at
jclB' No. 106 Market street,
AND: tatLICIBLES-100 nests just received and
for Sale by . B. A. FAHNESTOCK& CO.,
sap 9 . ' corner 6th and Wood stk.
I b L:. SOAP-10 caeca just reed' veil arnq for'
sop 9 cor. 6th and Wood at:
EFINED LIQUORICE--100 Ibil 'just received
and for sale by
sep9 car. 6th acid Wood eta
QUININE -100 ounces just received and for sale
by B. A. FAH - NE:STOCK & CO.,
nepll. corner of 6th a`nd Wood sts.
BEST JAVA COFFEE,. ground and pat up int
pound packages, received add fdr sale at the
PEIUN Tr.a STORE, 72 Fotirth street, deal' Wood.
TTIE partnership heretofore existing between
Hunker 4- Dickson is thid day dissolved by mu
tual consent. The afairs of the late' firm will be
settled by P. R. thinker, who will continunthe Bak
eiy tend Confectionary, at the old stand irr Fifth, near
Market'street. P. H: HUNKER,
New Fashioned' Hate,
OF a very superior qiitaitY-i. for, sale by
bonier of Wood and Fifth ate,
. ,
' - '
- -
By the Presidetit ot-the Butted Stites.;
- TN pittance oflaw, ',JAMES K. POLK, Presi-
X dent of the Plaited States of America, do hereby
declare and mate linOwn that public sales will be
held at the undermentioned hind offices in the Ter
ritory of WISCONSIN, g the periods hereinaftir
mentioned, to wit: •
At the land office at MINERAL POINT, coil-,
rneecing, on'Monday, the thirtieth day of November
next, for the disposal of the public lands within the
undermentioned townships and fractional tows.
Ships, viz:
North of the base line and east of the fourth ininiipal
Townships eleven, twelve, and thirteen, of range
pal meridian
ToWnships twelve and thirteen, of range one.
Townships twelve and thirteen ; of range two.
s'pwriships twelve and thirteen, of range three.
T s ikisiiips twelve and thirteen, of range four.
Townships twelve and thirteen, of range five.
Cenioniszioncr (lilac General Land Cy re
FAH Fashion of lints
• - , Gtorge R. White & Co., '
~ •
IrriaLdispoi k e-of their chinco stook of Sttrages,
, V painted and Gingham .I.,iwns, stimmer Shawls
,3 1 .110
and ScarkAtredoeed prices,
~ ,
They ,will also dispose, of it ' entire stock of
Cloths, fancy Casiimeres, an Kentucky Jeans, at
original cost, as they intend r lingulibing this par
ticular tuanch of their business',
' .... jy22,2m ' (Chronicle pleas
Interesting , to : nyers. ' 1
WE invite the attention o all who wish tar
gains to a fresh arriva of seasonable tHry
Goode, bought since the reduction of the Tariff, at
i l lz
exceedingly low prices and wil be sold accordingly.
No. 81, Market at:, between 5 and tho Diataoncl.
o aug24-dlm.
TEMEANSOF PEACE.—A. Sermon delivered
_in the "Third Presbyterian Church" Julyi
by the Rdv.H. K. Riddle, and, üblished by the re
quest of the Congregation. Fo sale by
the Progress of Nations, in roductive Industry,
Civilization; Population and ealth; illustrated by
statistic of Mining, Agricul ure, Manufactures,
Commerce, Revenues, Rankin , Internal linprOve
meats, Mortality, Emigration and Population•l by
Ezra C. Seaman. I •
A few copies of the above wok for sale by
corner of larket and 3d sts.
Latsat Itikprov:
BEDSTEADS of different k
iron patent fastenings, sup ,
in use, for sale low at the furnit
angl. T. B. YOUNG •.
TABLES, -Pier, Centre and s)
ent:patterna. Iryou want
call at the Furniture Warehou:
Wood Street Proper y for Saler
THAT desirable lot of ground at the foot ofl
streCt, occupied at the tim of - the great
Messrs. King & Holmes, is are ed for, sale. 1
Enquire of J. . MOGRHE'
augB ; • I
Sugar and .11.10 asses. -
ITFIDS. Sugar, stri tly prime 1
4 P
-f 25 obis. Nos. 4 and Lo f;
10 cases "Layering's" D. . Loaf Sugar
118 bbls N. 0. Molasses ; •
In store and for sale by ,
133 and II
30n FAGS Green Rip, pa
5 " Old Governmen
Arriving this day and fbr sale i • LAMBEW
ri I IEAS--120 packages Y. 11..
PowChong, of late inSporta,
for sale by' LA3IBER
TOBACCO -10 bxs Flntchin
30 bxs Price & liarwoo
10 " J. R. Grinite
15 " Layton's is;
5.5 4 , Is., 125., 165., 321.
Ladies Twist; arriving this day;
F ISII-130 bbls No. 3 Larys
20 . 4 3 North
g, gg 1 gg
30 " - Herring (Alio
5 " No. Salmon;
sale by
Ign DALES Illisaissispi Cott
M. It
Cotton Yarn, •
45 00
1 n L
shortßS . assortedre elot to
. 1 ""
15,000 lbs. Carpet Chain.
10,000. 4 . Cotton Twine.
150 41.alea Common Batting
100 <• Extra lamily d
For sale low to city or country
rr 01113ACCO-25 kegs No. I si
j_ ceiveLl!and for sale by
M. B. I
V INEG 1,1,16 cider m B
vineka ß rl i n E sVr at e an c .: ( l ,. for
sate by
DALES ILIIR, suitable for Plasterers purposes,
for saleby M. ILI. RH EY & Co.
lJ I'ort Wine;
Madeira Wine;
Malaga do;
Rhenish doi—in half ar
and on draught warranted !pure;
Pale Brandy, of different
Dark do,
Holland Gin, fine flavor;
Peach Brandy, 8 y4ars of
do, 4 th l
Old:Rye Whiskey, 8 and
Part of the above Liquias fro
House Lock, for sale in gdantiti
P. C
Segars I S"gars! 2
J dit
UST received from Nei. York, tt large quantity
of IlaVauria and Prin9.pc Se;ars of the most
popular and superior brands now in use. Also, an
excellent article of chewing Tolacco and several
bales of quilcrior Cuba Leaf Tobnceo for sale.
No. 50, Third street, two doo from the Post
JIBLS. Pitch;
e.JA.I 50 g( Rosin;
150 Boxes Tobacco,
10,000 Seed leaf Cigars;
, On consignment and will
exchanged for Pittsburgh ml
seps TAJ
size) very fine Salina Sr
Dairies, for' sale low by
der Tor sale by
jy 20
LEMONS.-100 boxes
for sale by •
:Y 20.
11.ASTIS - WAls;Tfl}--2 — ''
2 Table : . makers;
$ hands to make other C binet ware.;
None need apply but first rate tv rkmen.
1 . 11. R. RYAN,
auS (Journal and Chrontcle'copy.)
LEMONS -75 Boxes Lemons; for sale very low
by •
jyl4 I.I'4IIIIES
TTIDES- 411 Missouri Hi ,
CORN -117 scks Corul totisale
TjaGMETAL.--4' ton Scioto Fu'
I sato by (j 026) •
New Bo
Minor, by Mrs. E. C.A. Sc
essay on the prospects of thti Beat
to them, by Rev. B. Schneider, , na
tiy.Rev.E. Reiner, A.M. PAMlista
Gutelius, Cha' mberdburgh, 1845..
PSALMS & HYMNS; for .e us
Refor&cd Church in'the U. S.
glish and German: For sale by
The attention of purehpsers
geral stock of these Goods. .1
44 superior Sea Island Shirting
15:16 " " "
7-8 "
12-411amilion Sheeting
9-S "
mar I'l
Stora_ .
trAVING, a very large and CO
I It house, we are prepared to
tion to freight for alaiptnent))tlarg,
duce, drc. on storage' -at low rites. -1
C. A; licAbi
:1923 I
g now
nds with Ga
for to anythin
;re warehouse
Co, Hand adi
d Tables of'
a good articici
e of
31 Hail;
rHE FALL ShiSSION oil this - department of the
Western University, will commence in the new
University Building, on the MONDAY Or SEP
TEEDEIt next, and the SPRING SESSION of 1847,
will Continence on the Frani AIONDAY or FED/WARY
following.l i I
This inStitutio4 having far recovered from the
effects of the great fire, of April last year, as to have
the new building' nearly; completed with increased
aecoremciaations or all its departments, it is hoped
that the Law Schdol will be feund to present increaS- 1
ed and ;attractions to thoSe who desire to
pursue a regular *id thorough course - of legal educa
tion, and to prepare themsulves creditably for ad
mittance to the bar.
There will be daily recite. dons by the.clas,ses on
assigned lessons,so arranged as to embraCe, within
a two years course, all the principal and most im
portant. branches jof the law. Occasional lectures
on law and equity, will also be delivered as part of
the ceurse. • _
THE Moor COL*, deSigilld for assisting students
in acquiring knoadedge and readiness in the prac
tice of the law will be resumed as soon as the num
tier of students will justiry:lrhe decree of BAtili-
LOR or LAW will, be confeTd on students of the
institution, according the rules usual in such institu
Any further infdrmation th4t maybe required can
readily be ebtaine4 on application - to the Professor,
Wntrra H. LowalE, who haa his office on 4th above
Smithfield street, pittsburgh.
'frerts--Seventy T five dollars a year, or thirty-sev
en and a half dollars a session. anger-d3rn
i o i'sti
I DI `
13 Woo 4 ELT.
Zet : L
Imill., G. li. — and
lions, arrivin. , and
OD 9 OS;
1 1
I • .3
Bah. plug,! and
And for sale by .
,i ves)
in store and, fOr
PILLS are the first and only Medicine ever
known'that will pediticely cure':
Headache, Giddiness, MeasleS; Salt Rheum,
Rheumatism, Piles, Heartburn, Worms,
Dispepsia, Seurvi , ; Choi ereMorhus,
Small Pux, Jaundice, Coughs; Quinsy;
Pains in the flite4; - Whooping Cough, .
Inward Weakness, Consumption, Fits,
Palpitation atilt! Heart, Li!ver Complaint
Rising in the Throat, Erysipelas, Deafness,
Dropsy, Asthotai Itahings a the Skin,
Fevers of 'all kirOht, Colds, Gout, Gravel,
Female Complaints, Nervous Complaints,
And all other diseases originating frcim impurities of
the blood. : I
fr They ' have ',Mired, since their introduction,
over 2,000 persons; who have been given up as hope
less cases, by the most eminent; Physicians. -
rr They are pntrouited and recommended by
men of the highestidistinction;amodg whom are--
Hon. David It. Porter, Hoh. Henry Clay,
Hon. John Q. Adatns, Hot. Daniel Webster,
Hon. Marti n Van Intert..:..,llon,
Gen. Winfield Sooti,: Col. It. M. Johnson ;
Hon. James K. Polk; Gen. Leiria Cass.
igr Their virtue arc so infallible that tke money
will be returned iu nll cases thy dOriot give univer
sal satisfactiOn. .Itlthough MI two and a half years
have elapsed since' these celebrated Pills were first
introduced to the public, the ;tale lof them in the
Eastern and: mid , e States has far exceeded Dr.
Clickenees Most sahgtiine expectations. During the
mist year, alone, nO less than 10,000 gross of boxei
hate been sold in the State ofiNewl York; 6,000 in
Pentsylvania,4,ooo in Marylaqd, 3,000 in New Jer
sey, 2,000 in Delaw • hrei and 9,000111 the New England
States, requiring the constant].employment ,of 27l
hands, exelnaive MI printers and engravers; In the
same i§eriod, upvlards of 200,000: copies of the[
"Family Dontor" have been ankred by agents ins
every section of the ccuiltry These, facts must
show, conchtsively; that Dr. Clkkenees Sugar Chat
ed Pills, besides bcrlg: the very] beftlmedicine in the
world; are held in the highestestimatibn by the public.
We might extend this publication to an indefin
ite length, if [we dOemdd if exniedient to infbliMi all
tersimonialswe, hale received; not Only from agents
but individaals and]families, whe Wive experienced
the benficial effects; of. Clickeneek Sugar Coated
Pills, but ye, dcedi uniteceS O
sarg The most in:.
comestible eriden4dur their unprecenteil success,
are the numberlesslnititaiiii6 acid Counterfeits which
have already'appeai-ed, notwithitinding the brief pe
riod they have beep before Mel public. Even some
of our staunchest gill makers have had the audacity
to imitate the Caps le of Sugar; in Order to disguise
the [ingredients of heir vile compoimds ' and palm
them off for the "feal simon purer' Such paltry
shifts cannot last long, without esppsing their hideous
deformity. Truth find honesty] must inevitably pre
vail over faicality rind deception: I ,
For sale in Pittehargh by WM. JACKSON, at Ms
Patent Medicine Warehouse, Nod. 89; Liberty street,
head of Wood St, IPittsburgh. I
] Prioe, Ific. per box.
Dr. Clickener's pit, ncipal office Sl Barclay street,
New York. !
ter. Beware of en imitation! article called Im
proved Sugar Coateil Pills, purporling to be patented,
as both The pills and the pretendedlpatent are fOr
genes, got up by ai - miserable quack in New York,
who, for the last four or five years;' ha§ made his
living by counterfeiting popular
0:1 1- Remember, Pr, C Y: Clidk enor isthe original
inventor of Sugar -Footed Pills; and! that nothing of
the sort was ever h eard i of until: he introduced them
in Jane, 1843; Purchasers should, therefore, alivays
61 for Clickener's Sugar CoateiVeghtable Pills and
take lie 'other, or they will be made the victims of a I
frau& I inav 9
n, for sale by
mbcrs, long land
Yarn. •
bide, by
'MEW ft Co.,
7 Wood street.
• 7 Water street.
twist tobacco re-
onsisting of
d quarter pipes,
11 years old,
under Custom
s to suit by ,
GO Water st.
for Castt, or
E by
bags (small
tide use and
Water st
r Crab Ci
"ater street
good order,
"ater street
TION is the only "medicine that will cure this se
very common and; troublesorrie disease. It not
only immediately !allays inffalanition; stops all
bleeding; subdues that intolerable itching; but ef
fectually enres, in 4 - very short itne;persons whose
lives have been reddered iniserublefor years. Its
application producCs no pain, butyather an agree
able and, pleasant ensatioit. If persons afflicted
will only call and I.e . ar, of the, greatnumbe.r of ca
ses that have been; cured,they gill be astetnished.
A gentle:itian of this eity, whd had been udder the
knife of the surgeon two of th:ree times , without
being cured, has, by 'using two bottles of this Eta-.
brotation, Veen raditally cured! i It sells beyond all
precedent! I - I
all Diseases'of the Otin, partictilarlY those that;are
attended with ilisagiveable and tioublesome itching,
are readily Cured by anointing the!Perts effected,
night and morning` with ,a small quantity of Dr.
Jackson's•Embrocetion.. AstOnishing cures have
been effected by 'this medicine. For sale by Dr.
D. Jayne;'No 8 South Third stl, Philadelphia.
For sale 1U Pittsbu!rgli at the PEKIN TEA STORE,
72 Fourth Iniiet, near Wood, and also at the Drug
Store or H. F.SchNfartt, Federal screed Allegheny
City. I aug2B4
sale low to close
nace pig iron fot
on BROOSA; Asia
neider, with an
I. en and our duty
an introductio.
d byßev: Sarnia'
or oak. by .
_ _
115 Wood st
or the German
of America; En-
115 Wood et.
n invited to our
lIE poisonbus dffeet on the skin of Coinmon pre
, parell chalk is pot, generally, kniawn by ladies;
how yellow rough and unhealthy it makes the.alf,in in
time; besides: what fa corpselike, palid look it,. gives
when" applied: They shiitild use a beautiful prepur
ation,purely vegetable, which gives the face. arini or
neck, a natural life-likd whiteness; and 'makes it
smooth. Ityis calli"d &mei' Spanish Lilly White,
and is sold at JACIASON,9 Patent Medicind Ware
house," 89 Liberty s4met, headof Wodd; at the same
place is sold Jones", Coral Mir Resterstive; Italian
Chemical Soap and unrivalled shaving soap. "
9 2 4 41 I I
receive (in addi-'
areolun of Pro-'
- ,
I TY Eis. CO,.
quality, for s
Ware Boom*, No: . t
- ~"•- X 'ss-'R+- fw'__ r s'rt Fuca>wd'T
1 .
w lit mossy 'Select. School,
\TORTE' t corner ,of Federal and Robinson
areeti l Allegheny,,l will Commence ite Fall
seision :on Monday the 3let
Pions Prsfilss7lll. - H. Let WashinitOn Coilegs, (in:3
. • ... . •
Havizig ,attedded an examination of
.the school
taught by . M.r. Williams, we take pleasure in bear
ing our,testimony to the evidence afforded by it' ef
the unusual &Di, andlabor of Mr. !The.
upierstandink t4'the principle of the subjects which
the ?scholars had been studying, shown by their
clear aniweriiiciquestions•iniked by others than the
teachers, prove the excellence of the New England
modes of teaching, in which Mr.Willianis seenat ,to
be proficient. I H. LEF.; .
• J. WISI-lART, E;;O:
Prom the AO. Mr. Drestati, Doctor Mint, 4;e:
I axing attended an examination' of the Select
School under thl care of Mr. Henry Williams, held
recently in his school reel:o, corner of Federal and
Robinson streets, 'Allegheny city, we wish to call
public attention to this institution. Wo were highly,
gratified with the progress and order o'liis school.--
Tbio manner ofi simplifying and illustrating the dif
ferent branches is peculiarly happy, and well calcu
lated to give interest to the pupils. His mode of
' teaching their to read struck us as novel, and one
that cannot fail tp make goOd readers. . •
From the knowlsdge that we have of Mr. WIN
Hams' character us a teacher, his zeal,' fidelity arid
success, we cordially recommend him to the patron
age of the puli4.• His location is elegible'for both
cities." 1 DAVID HUNT, •
Rlclll3o BEESON. •
I attended thiMiciv4 examination, and can truly
say I was much datified with the attaintment of -the
pupils. ' WAI. PRESTON
atrg24-53m •
Unir?matty is
Sec ur).ty to Puirchai3ers.
Saw. toissetag es set 5t5.......1n Itstas lets: hi C. V. =rhos, is .
Eshli.biti of GESVINE6I.7GAR. COAtEI) FILLS tr. up. It
n.......t0. - tlhiaihstippliElphrthiP
. ihthiq • . ...., .. su, .
eiptisisrs ..............n,„.......- 6 -„ mt ,4 •
et ths • ' •
s - • s r .
°sift* I 4, / il l . MUM;
//11.1401..- -- -7---...... : - .,lt_ __--- -. 7 Tzars''s.
VARNISHES, di the very best
at H. H. RYAN'S Cabinet
l'Elfth street. jyl6
DlarVii Invention* 67. 11 . 174 o'll o by Natur e. Ewa:, attract) DE WISE, ADD trst trATtnar, S GEEAT
THIS Oil is obtained from a well near Burkiirillp,
Rentrieky, tit the depth of 185 feet below the
l'ourthce of the earth, and 170 feet through solidreick;
!Its euratiVe properties are truly astonishing, and as
a Remedial Agent it may well be - proa:II/Ca wen
derfal, Sinee the discorery or this Panaeoa
ture, numbers of remarkable cures have beon,:tiffecti
ed by its use. It is Innocent—Powerful—SaTe:ur4
Certain iii'effects. It has been atsed. With nripar
.allel.leti sucoess itt
. the treatment Or the_ folluwitig
diseases: --Inflammatory Rhenniatism, Burns .and
;Scalds CEolic, Piles; Flatulence, Inflammation
the Kidneys, Deafness;,CoUsumption, 'Liver Con 1;
plaint, Fhthisid,, Sdald Read; Cancers, I , Yealt ated
Sore Eyes Bruises,: Fresh. Cuts and Wounds,
Sprains anciStrains, Dropsy, Pains the Breast aitti
Side; Tetter,- Influenza, Ulcerated Sore Thioet,
ConSureption, Bronchitis; •Spaams, Ulcers; Spinal
Affeetions, Scrofula or Kirig's , Fvil, Coughs, Syphilis,
Ringworm, 'all Bowel CoMplaints, all Chronic
eases, Repurities of the Blood find. General Dehility.
It is likewise very_beneflcial for Female Complaints.'
in generd; acts as a great Restorativefiom Languor,
Weakness Of Back and Chest, Lbw Spirits and -Facces.
sive ffebility: • _
Read the folloWin'g 'Certiffcates, all - of which ar.o
authentic; all the
therein named are now
'living; and 'well known inCincinnatir ,
-.• ' ' PITTSDURGE, Aug 2.2,.1810.,,
This is to certify that wdhave used the Americart
Oil for the whooping dough, among our children,- by
giving them from 20 drops to a small'teaspoonful at
night, which always,enabled theta to rest web through
the night. I also applied it to one of the Children
thatgot her anti burnt. by turning Oiern teacup of
hot coffee on it; the child seaied crying by the time'
the -arm; was dressed and bound up, and has never
complained of it since. I also wae afflicted with a
pain in my side ann breast, and hive -been so for IC
years. I commenced using the Oil by taking a tea
spoonful twice a day and in 3 or four days using or
the oil I have ben very much relievediand do really
believe that it is the best family medicirie. thatl hails
ever seen. I applied it:-to one of my neighbor's for
a strained ancle, which relieved her in a few minutes.
We have also used the oil for a strained joint in otri
own family, which gave ease in' a very short:time.
We live on the east side of Semi 5t.,3 doors south of
Walnut; lam now-as well as I ever 'my life.'
Prrreaurcor Aur , . 14 .184 G. -
This is to.certify, that ray son has had the•Plethisia
for seven years, and was-very bad with it; aMI - about
12 or 15 days since, I commenced giving to him
about 20 or 2d drops of the
_American Oil,twiee a
day. which relieved him in a day or two of his diih
culty of breathing, and he is now entirely. relieved
of his cough; our boy is 10 years of age. We lite iti
King's- - - NANCY ICING.
_of:TATI, Jul 1s ISM. •
Sir: Having been cured a very se y
vere t;
disease -
of the eyes and head by the use of the 'American
Oil, I feel it niy duty to the public, as well as to you,
to send you the following certiScatet
I hereby certify that I ,ryas severely afflicted onoyear ago last winter; with inflamed . sordevcs mid a
very severe paiitidmy head my eyes up to tho.
top of my head, and continued fbr several weeks.
My' eyes were so much inflamed and sore that I -
could not see lo attend any business, nor conlii.ltell
one object from another a few. - yards from tne. I
called in a physician, but still, got worse. I also .
tried a good many remedies that had Mired others; ,
but in my case they failed. In April, 1845, I heard -
of the Oil. I procured a bottle, and be
fore I had used a half a bottle I was entirely well,
aid still continue so. I will not be without itin my . -
house as long as I can get the genuine article. Inlso
gave it to one of my mEn that was working for Me, •
that had the tetter in his hands so bad that when he
wouldsrip anything tight in them the blood would •
burst out; and the use of Half a bottle cured .us botht
I would advise all that are afflicted - in any way. to
give the Oil a fair trial, and I think the, will .be
pleased with the effect it will have, ft.c. .
JON multt.
Sold at Ono Dollar per Bottle at H
J ackson's i
p t
ate nt
111ediaine Warehouse; 89 Liberty, h6ad of Wood
Pittsburgh. TUE (flirty starer. on Purbouttuff where
the Genuine Anittican Oil "CAN be obtained. - • -
Beware; of d Ceruhterfeit article. The SeneedOil.
put iti Alnerlean Oil Bottles, and labelled-"Amer. .'
It somewhat resembles the• American
Oil; but possesses none of its virtues or healing,po
ers: •
W. Jackson respectfully ihrorins the Poblic that
"). Bail & Co., the - proprietors of the..Ameriean Oil,
have appointed him their.SOLE AGENT for West
ern Pennsylvania.
AU persons wishing- Sabieg,er,cies will apply at 'S9
Liberty street, as above:
4: IL Sub-agents wanted for every - toWn in the
abOve District.
4_ercat_rauillier of ce:t.t.s......,—se...,hard_ustd
can be seen at the ornbc, SO Liberty street, head of
Wood. - . am,
astonishing fact; that a very
large. Class of diseases can only he cured by such
remedies as will enter into the BLOOD, arid circu
late with it, throngh every portion of the-body; for
only by this trtlgatis can the remedy be brought
into immediate. contact with the disease; and to this desikable.end, no prepaittion has been so
uniformly successful as DR.. JAYNE'S ALTER-.
TIVE. &weak, Kings' Evil, Caner,- and Cancer
ous Tfillibidt; TritheSiirllir g a , Enlargement of the
Bones, Chronic Rlicyrnatians and
.GO'ge, Eriiptive dis-
eases Skin, old and indolent UlcerS; Goitrous
SivelliniiB:f the Throat &c.: are Cared with a. certain
ty, that his astonished every beholder. It 15,...he- -
sides, one of - the Most pleasant articles that can be
taken into the stoinaelh Operating as a timic, and
removing Dyspeptic and Nervous affections, and
imparting -
a glow Of animation and health, lune
(planed by any thing in the whole .Afateria Modica.
For sale at No. 8 South Third 51.--Fhee s'l per
liottle, or $l O per dozen. . .
For sale in Pittsburgh at the N ,TEA STORE,
n Fourth street, near Wood, and. at the Drug Store
of H. .P Schwartz, Federal street, Allegheny City.
HE SKIN AND CO.DIPLEXION; fit this (and;
indeed; every other) season, is ofteri repulsive,
in appearance; caused, in eightcases etir Of ten, - by
I the atmosphere; and what persons suppose disease
of the bleed; is simply a disease - of the akin. If
some of the. thousands who take purgative medicine,
pills, and useless Sarsaparilla, were to use on their
skin a Softening . and clearing, balm; that opens the
pores, whitens the skin, and causes a healthy perspi
ration; that:* the skin never so
,diafignted, unheal
thy; or diseised with pimple's or freckles, sunburn,
tan and morphew, the true Mid gin - dine JONES'S
ITALIAN CHEMICAL SOAP never fails to t ear°
and dispel MUM, and to make the akin clear and
lovely. It acts so mildly and soothingly 'the .
skin, that physicians ute it on ladies and infants, in
old cases of scurvy, erysipelas, salt ihenin, sore head;
ringworm, and it (mind, the gennino Jones' soap)
has often effected a cure when every ether remedy
failed:. his indeed a blessed remedy.
Sold aCJACKSON'S.Patent Medicine Warehouse, -
89 Libertystreet, head of Wood—at the same place
is sold the Moorish Hair .Dye, Coral Hair Restora
tive; and Spanish Lily White. - ,
Pnmerest. Orrtet--Siktrof the American 'Eagle,
82 Chatham street, New York:
RnatovEn---The celebrated medicines of Di. T.
G. Evana of Brownsville, Pa., are now for sale
wholesale and retail, at Jackson's Medical Depot,
No. 89 Liberty sfrect, head of Wood, Pittsburgh.
Wholesale Dealers and Agents supplied.
Dr. Emote ~ Sorere.fgri Tonle and Grand Restora- -
tire, a certain cure for the Fever and Ague.
Dr. Evans' Vegetable dnd - Anti-pmcptie pills;
price 25 Cg 321.6 per box. . .
Dr. Evdne. Americali iTegetrate Vermifyge, price
-25 cents per.. bottle;
- Di': Leans , Tonle pie' Water, an infallible,cure
for sore eyes, price twenty -fir,, cents per bottle.
1?e1.3. Dr. James Esteps Black B.yrity, for the cure
of Coughs, Cold, -
.Asthma; CrOup, Bronchitis and
Consumption-zprice one dollar.
Remember Dr. Evans? only, Depot, is JACKSON'S,
No:89 Liberty streer, head of Wood. ly2.
SOFT; FINE AND CLEAN; to make the scalp
healthy, smooth, white and fruitful, so that'a
crOp May epring therefrom, 'persons have but to ex-
Fiend thirty seven and a half cents. And, reader,
our only object for selling thb article at that price, is
knoWing it to be all we state, that wheriyou once try
this you never will use aught else, whether it be
merely to embelish, to dress, beautify, and preserve,
to force growth, stop falling off, and cure scrufs or
TIVE will never fail to. do all this, as hundreds win"
tell you with gratitude: It dressestne hair beautiful
ly, and makes red or grey hair grow dark from the
SoltLat JACKSON'S Patent Medicine Warehouse,
S 9 Liberty street, head of Wood--price thirty seen
and a half cents, fifty cents and one dollar per. hunk
At the same place is sold the Italian Chemical Soap,
Spanish Lilly White and unrivalled sitaviag soap, .
T .
OBACCO.-75 large and 90 small box - es BilbtS94 4
-11.: Si tobacco, of prtrne quality, just received - on
consignment, and will be sold cheap cur Cask?. PI
Pittsburgh manufactures. - ••
august is 1.44,rri. o'comga.