The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, September 18, 1846, Image 3

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d. Hanna;-!
"4 0 7
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2 FEET i 3. Cut
'-'• -:, i ' . ARRIVED •
Consul, Bowman, Brownsville.
•' ' rvli4liig'an, Boles, Beaver.
Lalse Erie llemphil, Beaver.
Lorii,lrlllne, Bennett, Brownsville
„ . Arrow, -Atkinson, Beaver.
Uri le Been; List Louisville,
- , Co sul, Bowman, Brownsville.
- ' Lo is It Lane; Binnett Brownsville.
Xi igan, Boies, Beaver,
- , Lillie Erie, Herriphil, - Beaver,
Mr9r•Ann,Dennison, Louisville.
- - Pio eer, Poe, St. ' Louis..;
Arr w Atkin.Son, Beave r
- .Leuiseitli—Per str Uncle Ben; '3 bxs E pee ip, 20
paper,lls . bbls 0i1,'22 cks bacon, 1 bbl a bxs
rnds, 1 bx books, 1 chet, 100 pigs lead
• 1119nong,qtela Improremou —Per str Cons4l; 10
kegs nails„ 140 bbls flour, 170 bush oats, Slbags
trodden Pins... •
.Pet str Louis Arlearie; ISS bxs glass, 131 tons
pig petal, 140 bush oats, 20 bbls flour, 2 liss rnds
. _
. .. ..
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The Louisville Democrat of the 17th says:; The
river has fallen 3 inches within '24 hours. There
is now 4 leek tj inches water in the mouth of the
- A
Tlie river! at St. Louis is on .n stand, with 3.3 feet
water in t 4 channel to Cerro. I
In the Missouri, the last boat down report's 34-
• •
..':.:!':. - . .•" . 1;7.:';',i,; . :'t* : i,
feet Water ifs the channel from Weston down
In the titter Mississippi there is 2 feet water on
the Rapids, With 3 feet in the channel from that to
Cris port t
0n the prlncipal bars of the Illinois river there
are' about 210 inches water.
AcetnErrs .—The Cincinnati :'Commercia_ or
Tuesday sags ~T he '56, on her trip up from LOU
_ isville, was inagged. One lady, a passenger
hadly . iujui4. The boat. arrived here, in due time.
We hear of komplaints about the treatment of this
passenger ulhicht, if true, require seeing to." 1
• OEFite• of the IWorinking Poet.
', • • Thursday. Srpferaber 17, 18443.
Boslxassihas improved for the last week bu t
'slightly and! will continue now daily to become
More animated until the fall business is fairly under
way; the trimsacted business of the week being
necessarily limited—there are few changes of iany
- • I
importanceichieh we note; and we confine ourself
principally tit the nominal market rates.
The river, kre very low---at six o'clock last even
ing there being but two feet three inches watdr in
the channel ll Jand recelling slowly. The dry scion
- has too far advanced for the rivers to remr:ll long
in there preskt low stage and they will doubtlet be
np again in few days. The amount of goods s
ed since our fast report, has been large, and ourllow
Water craft liave been doing a pretty fair business.
The canal islin excellent order, and the amount of
haziness tratisacted on this portion of the State
woras during the present season, notwithstanding a
couple of breaks, has been very heavy.
!Assns.—The demand this week has been better
than for several weeks preceding, but owing tri the{
small quantity on hand the sales have necessarily
been , limitedi We continue to quote l'ots at
Pearls; 4cts Cash; Schorchings are sold at 2iris3;
Saleratus brings 40)1}...
DEA-NS—lfo new arriving—small white, $1:.?$1.
25, very little doing.
BEr.swsxi s —Nothing doing worthy of notes we
• quote 24005 c for good yellow as the norinnal
Bnoosts4The market is very well supplied laud
but little doing, we quote 75 to $2 per doz., owing
altogether to quality.
Do.rrzn--+Guoil fresh roll has been selling in the
market for 13 cts. per lb., from store at IS23isik ,
Enns—God fresh eggs ace scarce and base
been sellingisat from 10 to 10 cts. per doz.' , we
cannot name any certain price as it changes from
day to day,'
Cumre--4We still continue to- give former F i nn
thtions, 5rc53 and 53 for - good Western Reserve;
tire demand icontinues very light andis principally''
for City use/ -
'l 7 n - iiir—terrion's are scarce. sales of a few small
lots by theca at from -$2 to $5, owing entirely
to quality and order. Apples have not been corn
ism in very fast from below and sell freely at frorn
50 cts, to 1 per bbl., owing to size and quality.
Cranberries )have been selling, from store at $1,30
$1,73-per e ibusii." We have been unable to hear
of any sal of dried fruit; we note the receipt
from below! of -a pretty considerable quantity of
dried peach4s.
FEED—Aparge quantity of bran sold readily
this week at Beta. per bushel.
Ftotin A s Misc.-- , -Owing to the large amount
bought up alai sent eastward for the purpose of ex
porting to Fairope, flour still continues to advance,
and we scatcely dare qtuite any nominal prices--:
On Tuesday,sales by the wagon load were effected
at $3,00, bl. since then it has been selling read
for $303,98, and yesterday a large lot of ex
tra good-s*ad went of readily at $3,121. IThe
market is at present pretty bare and butlittle com
ing in, contlequently we should not be the least
surprised, teilear of transactions to day of fresh
ground at $3,25; sweet old has been selling froni
store at $35 . a.,12-b in a retail way, and fresh ground
• was • bed)yesterday at $3,23. - The amount on
hind held by our merchants is extremely small.—
Sales of unsifted corn meal from store have been
effected at Stets, sifted brings 40cts:
Farrnam--Are not in very fair demand; the
quantity arriving is principally for re-shipment.—
We . quote 2*B as the nominal price.
'FOE PLiEK.—The demand for_SOliver's is fully
equal to the!, snpply. Common remain dull.
GRAF:C.—Me receipt of wheat has been very
small;"we hive still to quote 30cts si bush. as the
nominal price; Sales of shelled corn have been
Made this week, by weight, at 30032cts buShel.
We hear of a pretty large sale of Oats being effected
at the Monocgahela river wharf boat at from 20 to
23cts busli, the receipt of oats during the last',
twoslays his been pretty heavy. In Rye the re
neipt has been trifling, we still continue to quote
.310 , 33 bilsh. as the price.
• Gums:mi.—Crude has been selling in small lots i l
ht 29 ets.`The amount arriving is scarcely Wor.
thy 'of note.l
Har—Lo6se Timothy brings $709 per ton de
livered • • "
-Horrax-4Good Comb has been 'selling the
market for sra2o per bbl.
-Craocsarks.—There is considerable actillity,
confined' principally to the city trade, there being
buffeW loafers. in from the country—coffee is in
fair- requewt'sst for good grades Rio say, 804 not
many 'transactions. Sugar is very fair at advan
neirpriets, S cents by the hhd has been refused for
a conshiershirs lot, yet we 'heard of small sales at
that-rate, it l t comaiands 8+ in bbls. The supplies
of teas in this market was never better than at
present, erribracing•the usual range of grades from.
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loanuTTFx. ran , SZPTEMBSII
and 'corrected every. After
;10 = te , 80 cti - and princi recent
7 composed p
importations. There is rio-change in the price of
molasses—the supply is good, aid we continue to
iitiote 30032 cts.
Scat —A fame quantity of mindard seed has
beensbld rpadily, at $202,90 is , bush. and the-de
mand still. Continues good. Flaxseed is in liberal
demand - at 62Acts.v bush. and Timothy will bring
SALT Delivered9o cts. boat price SOcts. very
, 2 .
little doing
, and the market generally dull.
Wnrins-r—Cornnon: is still held at 17cts. la-
gal. Rectified brings .19.
Pro l‘fraer.—The•feelihg in. the market during'
the past week has been decidedly better than for
several weeks' preceding; the panic it'appears has
not hail the, effect on pig mttal wished for by dis
honest specnlators;and buyers are now coming for
ward pretty freely. Sales have been made durin ,,
the last few days in pretty large quantities of the
different qualities of pig - metal at from $25p30 to
$3l per ton, on time: -•- '
Wom.—still continues at former quotations—
the demand has not been quite so good this week,
owing principally to the slight depression in the
Easton: market.
. .
, • THE - STAUNCH low pressure,
ship built Steam Packet JULIA
-airAtsgi 13 A Q
r.ru3 k,TANNARD,
having been!put in complete condition for sea, will
run upon Lake §:uperior during the season, commence
log 3d August, between the Sault de St. Marie and;
the -various ;ports, - as business' ay warrant. The
J. P. is well furnished in every particular, and - is as
fine a heavy weather vessel as any ship that floats
the seas. Has good upper cabin, state rooms and
family saloons, as also single berths, ladies cabin
and steerage cabin. All well ventilated, and will.
accommodate 100 cabin passengers. Freight in large'
quantities can be stowed under decks. Parties with
or without fteight will be accommodated at the vari
ous landings upon the British and American sides
of the. lake.;
it:rOne or two voyages will be made to La Pontei
during the Indian payments, and two pleasure voy
ages will be made entirely around the lake coast
wise, during August and September, giving to plea
sure travel an opportunity of enjoying the most de
lightful, unique and interesting scenery in the known
world. State rooms or single berths can be secured
in advance by addressing
W. F. PORTER TAYLOR, Managing owner,
Sault de Ste Marie, Michigan.
July, IS4S. jy.2o-3taS:3in
N. B. Property consigned to W. F. Porter Taylor
will meet with immediate despatch as ordered.
ll' - Fish.
GO Barrels Mackinaw Trout;
• Just-received on consignment and for sale by
sopls ;. MILLER & RICKE TSOic.
MOBACCO.-50 packages ss, Bs, 1 s 16s, Lump
and Plug Tobacco; Just received and,for sale by
lI TZE r - 8 1:1 1 T o i , e . rc 1 7: pritnelqcc,just received and
ATTY BOXES TEA. Thirty 13 lbs. Catty Boxes
Young Ilyson Tea; •
Thirty 0 Ihs. do. do.;
Just received and for sale by
ATACKEREL-30 Darrela large Nu. 3 Mackerel;
ill just received and for sale by
tation . . , Nlolasses, on consignment and for sale by
_sepls 1 MILLER ¢ rucKETsoN.
TURGEON'S OIL-3 half Barrels Sturgeon's
0 for sale by
glue undersigned have this day associated under
j_ the firm of J. 1). Williams & Co., fur the pur
pose of carrying on a general wholesale and retail
grocery, forwMrding and commission business at No.
110, Northeast corner of Wood and Fifth streets,
Pitts.hurgli, Sept. Ist., !Ski. J. 1). NV IL LIA
rep. S. TIIOS. MI LI.}:11.
J. D. 'WMlams itz, Co.
\ITIIOLESALE and retail grocers, F.rwardirm
rr and commission merchants, and dealers in
country produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures. Nu.
110, Northeast corner Of Wood and Filth streets.
Sep. S.
91EAs, Pat:l,.. g e. lint! and c.lla tine greetaald
1 black teas. Fur sale by
SUGAR, 6000 lbs, prime 0. Sugar.
WOO 46 Loaf, crushed, Pulverized and
clarified, do. For sale by
sep. S. J. D. & Co.
Wl:4 Primo sugar cured. --
For sale by
sop. S. J. D. WILLIAMS & Co.
COFFEE, l 0 Bags of Prime Rio Colfce.
20 .• Old Gov.JavaandLaguairado.
For sale by
aep. S. J. D. WILLIAMS & Co.
Wall Paper.
4 SPLENDID assortment just received from the
11,_ East, of entire new Patterns. They can be
had very low at the Wall Paper Store of
aug27-d lin. Gmitbileld street.
1 0 000
PIECES of Glazed and
Wall Paper, ofmy own manufacture,
on baud and for sale at ilte lowest irWket price.
aug2.7.dlm Smithfield street.
Lpke Superior.
ntOPLE visiting the copper mines of Lake Su
l: perior during the season, will find it :o their
advantage to call at Hays ft. Brockway's Drug awry
where they can procure - such remedies as the: pecu
liarity of the climate require. Any information re
lative to the country will be freely given.
ja Ne. 2 Commercial Row, Liberty to.
-HAVING a very large and commodious ware
house, we ore prepared to receive (in addi
tion to freight for shipment) a large aniount of Pro
ducer &c. Cu storage at low rates.
D..... 0...
T"'iartneiship heretofore existing between
Hunker ¢ Dickson is this day dissolved by mu
tual consent. The affairs of the late firm will be
settred by P. H. Hunker,.who will continue the Bak
ery and Cnnfectionary, at the uld stand in,Fiftli, near
rket sheet. P. 11. HUNKER,
Fifth Street Property for Sale
WE offer for dale a Lot of ground on the north
side of Fifth street, 30 feet front by 120 feet
deep, with improvements renting at $502, per ann.
price, cash 83,000
Also, a Lot of grotind on Penn and Locust sts.,
40 ft. front on each street, by 122 deep, with im
provements, ranting at S3SO per ann.,price $3,500
Terms—ons sixth in hand; and the balance in live
Also; two tot ofgreund adjoining the above, 20 ft.
front by CI R. deep, price, each $350
Also, two 2 story BriCk Houses Mid one Franie
hcnise and lot, on Canal Basin, renting for $4OO per
year, price 8,4000
Also two
. 3 story Brick Houses arid Lots, on the
corner of Penn st, and Stocenson , s alley, on the Ca
nal ,Basin, price 84,000.
Also, a Lot of ground on Butler street, in the
boreugh of Lawrenceville, containing near ;,of an
acre, with seven Brick and Frame Houses; will be
sold low and on flivorable terms. Apply to
Splendid Bargafn.4lltouse and Lot.
;141" WE have for sale, a neat two story
brick house, with finished basement, Ygi,
van t, 4.c., situate on Fifth street, near the new Court
House. The house is new, containing seven com
fortable Rooms, and will tent for $l5O per annum.
Price low and payments easy. Persons wishing to
see the house and learn particulars, will please apply
sep9 Smithfield et. near sth.
Blakely and 111itekell,
Offices on Penn and Smithfield sta
AGENTS for the Old Black Ball Line of Liver
pool and New York Packeti.
Remittances Made as usual to England, Ireland,
Scotland and Wales, in sums of one pound sterling
and upwards—payable in any town of importance
in Great Britain and Ireland.
Persons wishing to send for their friends can have
tbem brought out by the above splendid line, on the
13th and 16th of any month. :3Y7
THE undersigned have entered' into partnership
under the firm of Stmar.t.r & Co., as Wholesale
and Retail dealers in Foreign Wines and Liquors, at
the corner of Market and Front streets.
aug2s .14C011' WEAVER.
J. 1). 4 ‘VILI,IA:kI.3 & c.
Canal Basin
. . .
THE apjeuclid. - Aisw and light. drought
passenger steamer SENA T QR., Capt.
M , CcurtE, will leave for the above and all intermedi
ate pcirti, regularly. For freight or passage apply
. ' sepltilm
For Cincinnati:
, The new light draught packet steam-
CALIFORNIA, Captain Hunter, will
leave 4 - or: the above and all intermediate ports this
day, #gularly.
For freight . or passage apply on board,:or to
T. W. BUTLER & BRO., Second at.
The CalifOrilla was built expressly for the above
trade, and will make her trip revlaily during the
season. augls
For Cincinnati.
Ar:lit THE new and light draught passenger
I ste ' - amer - WES T E .11N , Capt. BaxEn,
will c iare for the abo.e and all intermediate ports
regularly. The Western draws but 12 inches, and
was built expressly to run in the- trade'-iluring the
low water season. • I I
For freight or passage, having superior accommO
dationS, apply on board. • Jyls
_ - •., ____
The new and splendid passenger steam
, - or TONNALEUKA, Capt. ;Lit. Moody,
will run in the trade from Pittsburgh to Louisville,
duringgeason of 1846.
Thp!Toihrlaleuka yvas'built expressly for the - trade,
and is elegantly furnished in every respect.
For freight or passage apply on board.: my 22
The *ell known fast running steamer
CAMBRIA, W. Forsyth, Master, will run
as a regular Packet, lea wing every Wednesday morn
ing at o'clock, and Wheeling, at 10, P. M., the
same day. Returningt she will leave Cincinnati
every Saturday, at 10, A. M:
For I freight or passage apply on board, or to
.I , ORSYT,II & Co., Agents,
apl6 No. 30, Water street.
, ffsk et The new and splendid passenger steam
er TOM CORWIN, Capt. Bugher, will
run in IRtrade from Pittsburgh to St. Louis, du
ring the season of 1816.
Thei Torn Corwin, was built expressly for the
trade, 4nd is elegantly furnished in every respect.
For freight or passage apply on board.
may 10.
The ne w and rg r' W o i gp td t i . P dP ey ,
a r7 e i e l r i B r
t u e
e r in
to trade from Pittsburgh to St. Louis, during the
season i of 1846.
The Irunette was built expressly for the trade,
and is elegantly found in every respect.
For freight or passagEapply on board. npl4
'For Clinetnnittl and St. Lortiii ---
~. 4 The passenger steamer PALESTINE,
ok- Capt. Williams, will leave fur the above
anc 'intermediate ports regularly.
.....d i
For freight or passage apply on board. je9.
Eiot• Cincinnati and Louisville.
REGULAR rnot-r.
i ATLI & The new and splendid passenger steam.
C L 11l A, O'NEAL, Master, will
leave for the above and intermediate porta, regular.
For Ireight or passage apply on hoard, or to
jel 1). WILKINS, Agent.
Tuesday Evening Packet.
•_, N t• p i , The new and splendid passenger , steam.
4...-; boat DECLARATION, Carit. Vortices.
wit run an a regular packet between Pittsburgh and
Cincinnati, leaving tins - port every Tueminv evening
at 3 o'clock. ,Returning she rill lease Cincinnati
every Friday evening at 3 o'clock.
The Declaration offers enperior a rconanoila tionv
to pasaengere. For freight or passage apply on
board. jet
Arr'e, , s The regular wail ara4 pamiengerateamet
MOiSni‘ti.llll.l.A, Capt. Stone, will run
as a regular Packet l i et,n ern Pittsburgh and Cinein
natl. leaving add port every Monday at 10, A. M.,
and Wheeling at 10, I'. Al., the same day. Return
ing. elle %sill leave Cincinnati every Mari:day, at 10,
A. M.
For freight or p3slage apply on hoard.
The Monongahela was huilt etprersly fur this
trade, and offers to the passengers comfort, and su
perior accommodations. mar 31
THE regular mad and pasenger steam
r UNION. 'faptain Maclean, will run as
a rezular packet be , .%; cen Fitt,,butgli and Orlon
nati. lea% tug this port every Monday at 6 clock,
F. M. Returning ~h e will leal,e Cincinnati e , ,er:*
Tlitinday at' P.M.
The Union was built expressly for This trade
and aMirds e‘ery accommodation.
For !might or pas Page apply on bond. may(
regular mail and passenger steam•
111111MVIA, Copt- John Klinefelter,
will run as a regular packet between Pittsburgh and
Cincinnati, leaving this port every Tuesday at 10 A.
M., and Wheeling et 10 p. M. of the .I , le day.—
Returning, situ will leave Cincinnati every Friday as
10 A. NI.
For freight or passage-aptdy on board.
The', Ihbernia eras 141,1 t expreealy for the trade,
and otfOra to the pasavagers every comfort and su
perior itccomrricidatioriii. apt
~..p i i THE regular mail and p.ielienzer steam
....-i •''' cr NEW ENGLAND, Capt. S. B. Page.
Wt run as a regular packet between Pittsburgh and
Cincinnati, 'cavit" , this port every Wednesday at 10
A. M., and Whee ling at 10 P. M. the same day.—
Returning. she tsill leave Cincinnati every Saturday
at 10 A. M.
For freight or pas s age apply on hoard.
The New England was built raper-mil v f.r this trade
rnd offers to the passengers every, coatort and wip e .
Dior ac6ormnodatlons. tnar26
THE new U.S. Stail strarner ACADIA,
,e'''vt7r,Ta M. E. Lucas, Master, will run as a rept packet between Pittsburgh and the
above port during the season of 1916, leaving every
Thursday at 10 o'clock A. M.
The 'Acadia is new and has nttprrinr accomraNia
lions. For freight or passage apply on board, or to
3119 J. NEWTON JONES. Agent.
TIIE regular mail and pasrengersteani
-er CLIPPER No. 2, Captain Crooks, will
run as a regular packet between Cincinnati and Pitt,-
burgh, leaving this port every Friday at 10 A. M.,
and Wheeling at 10 P. ➢l. the same day. Returning
she 3vio leave Cincinnati every Monday at 10 o'clok,
A. M.
For freight or passage apply on board.
The Clipper No. 2 was built expressly for thistrade,
cnd Wre' to her passengers every comfort end no.
camom ()dation. inar2:3
The regular mail and passenger steatnei
1- 4 7 . ...,,...C1RCA551AN, Capt. Isaac Bennett, will
run as a regular Packet between Pittsburgh and
Cincinnati, leaving this port every Saturday, at 10,
Wb'ecling at 10, P. N., the same day.
Returning. she will leave Cincinnati every Tuesday,
at 10, A. M.
For freight or passago apply on board.
The pi T cansian was built expressly for this trade,
and offers to her passengers every comfort and ac
commodatinp. . mar 23
I ffreL . i i ,' The regular mail and passenger steamer
Capt:LinfOrd, will run as
a regaiir - PaCket between Pittsburgh and CiiMinnati,
lenritig this fort every. Saturday at 10, A. M., and
Wheeling at 10, P. M. ? the same day. Returning,,
she will leave Cincinnati every Tuesday, at 10
o'clock, A. M'.
Fur freight oe piessage apply on blizird;
The" Messenger was built . expressly for this trade,,
and °Weis to her paiiengers every comfort anti ac:
commodation. Mar 23
MHE undersigned having disposed of his Estah
lishment, No, 112 Market st., to Mr. Thomas
A. Hinton, would cordially reroMmend him, to his
friends and the public generally, as one every way
worthy of their patronage.
The undersigned, having purchased the large and
extensive stock of Boots, Shoes, &c, belonging to
A. M'ammon, No. 112 Market street, one door
from ;Liberty, will continue to conduct thebusiness
in all its branches, and trusts that by a strict atten
tion to business, and an ardent disposition to please,
he will meet a continuation of the patronage so
libetraly bestowed upon:his predecessor.
N. B.—Two or three good workmen can have
emploYment, by making imine,liate applicaticin.
AXTINDOW BLIND PAPER—ono yard wide, for
VIV teal° by SHIDLE,
augg7. Smithfield street:
... _ ?"~
evident of - the; United Statei.
, ce
.011aW, L. JAMES K. POLK,
of the United States of America, do
Ire and 'make known, that ptiblic sates
at the undermentioned-Lend Offices in
of lOWA, at the periods hereinafter
By the
IN pursu.l
hereby decd
will be held
Lid Office at DU DUQUE, commencing
the twenty-third day of November
disposal of the public..lands within
rationed townships, to Nviti •
base line and west cf thefifth principal
nwridials. •
is eighty-seven and eighty-eight, of
,Atthe L
on Monday,
next, for th , ,
the underme"
North of the
range eleve
Is eighty-four, eighty-five, eighty-six,
, and eighty-eight, of range twelve.
is eighty-four, - eighty-five,. eighty-six,
and eighty-eight, of range thirteen:
),s eighty-four and eighty-five, of range
eigh ty-deve s ,
At the Lai
signated by .
August, 184
com mencin
vember ucs
within the u
Mirth of the'
!. d Office at lOWA CITY, the site de
e President, under the act of eighth
~ for the office of the lowa district,
on Monday, the thirtieth day of 310- -
for the disposal of -the public lands
.dermentioned.townships, to wit:
base line and west of tier fifth principal
eighty-two and eighty-three, of range
: eighty, eighty-one, eighty-two, and
of range thirteen.
- 'fownshi
three, of ra.
eighty-one, eighty-two, and eighty
rge fourteen.
seventy-seven and seventy-eight, of
range sixtee.
'Sections o'
ter of sectio I
sive, the n.
the north I\
northeast qu i
northeast qui
ie to six inclusive, the northeast gnar
-1 seven, sections eight to fifteen inclu
beast quarter of ,section seventeen,
tall of section) twenty-two, , sections
Itwenty-four„ and twenty-five, the
rter or section twenty-six, and the
ter of section Thirty-six, in township
td townships.seventy-seven, and se
.l range seventeen.
The north
ty-six; town
nineteen, twl
thirty-on; 111
the sou th wes
township se
half of section one, in township seven
hip seventy-seven, (except sections
nty, twentyeight, 'twenty-nine thirty,
irty-two; thirty-three, thirty-four, and
quarter of section thirty-five) and
renty-tight. of range eighteen.
t office at FA DIFIELD, commencing
he seventh day of December next, for
.f the public lands within the under
wnships and parts of townships, viz:
base line and west of the fifth principal
inn -idiom.
seventy and seventy-one; township
((except section one, the north half
quarter of section two, the northeast
Lion three, and the north half of see
the west half of section eighteen, sec-
At the la
on Monday.
the disposal
mentioned t
North of the
seventy-two, I
and southeas
quarter of se'
tion twelve;)
tion nineteen
twenty, sect I
and thirty-tm
quartcr of ae
three, of ran]
Tom nshi,
two; towitsbi'
half and soot
northeast go
half of secti
tion thirty, s,
three, the w
lion thirty-fo I
tion thirty (1% 1
I the southwest quarter of section
uns tweitty.nine, thirty, thirty-one,
o, and the Kest half and southeast
tion thirty-tbrce, in township seventy
e si cteen.
set.enty, seventy-one, and seventy
. seventy-three h (except the north
east quarter or/Section one. and the
rter of section twelve) the south
twenty-nine, the south half of sec
ctions thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty.
.t half and southeast quarter of see
n., and the southwest quarter of see
, in township seventy•four, of range
and reventy
sections six,
ter of seek
fifteen, Fectil
iv% enty, men
west quarter
eight, twist
- in township ,
Lands app
mi itary. or t
the sale.
The Sale,:
(unless the 1,1
longer, and n
ships ft) (Jet
expiration of
of said tales,
Given under
this lourtn.l
By the I
Jaxcs. 11.
Feventy, Feventy one, teventy-two,
lime; the tooth half of action the.
seven and eight, the southweet tom.-
nine, the toultimstquarter of tvetion
tiu tio, entreat, eighteen, nineteen,
y-one, and twenty-two, the
f teetion twenty-three, and teetiont
t went y-eix, twenty-iteven, twenty
-nine, Thirty, thirty-one, thirty -N:0,
iliirtydhe and thirty-ain,
'tvei t iy.fiiiir. of range eighteen.
Lyn:llea by law for the tvo of school: , ,
Cher popoLe+, will be exelotleil from
iil each 1,..e kept opcn for two weeks,
;Ids ate A(Knler dinptmed of) awl no
1,6% ate e itriesot land in the town
t.d. adttuttted maid atter the
t lA° 'necks from the commencement
lily hand, at the City of Worthington,
nth day of Aug u st. Arno Domini one
chi htindred and forty-six.
i-et , itleat: JAMES K. POLK.
anitssii.,,cr of //a. Gentrat Land Offire.
.tn entiiled to the right of pre-emption
ithin the tomilltlip abme enumera.
d to e-etabhAh the same to the sati,
l ltegismtr and Recer Net of the proper
nd ttiaLe payment there or, or rood no
I .r . rt seeirtg thit ragier and before the
Mr the commencement of the public
enthracing the tract claimed; oth
tilaint Ktll he Mt feitnl.
fl•io,ler'c : f Mr Genera Lead Offi.r.
Estry pc •
to au lands s
led, is foquit
Ito lion of 61.
Land Otiiro,
day amw3ntt
sale of Owl,
erwite !•itch
Art lag Cenrsh i
nog 25-1 W 1 1
iall Pashto of Hats.
111 At Kll s) E
V IL'S, to-morrow, Thursday August
ell'Als 27th, a'neat and cheap article of Pitt:burgh
manufacture an be had at the above store, abeadsof
fashionable hta imported from the East.
aitp„26l No 1;', head of Wood at.
f I RADUAt ED S 1.
tripe and Plaid white Muslin
it,...1 .
Rot.. ; I
Graduated ktripe white lqualins;
Mull ;qua*, Nainsook do. Jac onct do.
A large aasbrtment just new to-dav
_ 4 No. li3 Market at.
1T EAVY +kite Linen Drill, for gent'a pants;
1 . Tweede and Summer Cloths;
GPM'S k.inen Cambric Handkerchiefs;
i ilk do.
Do. crowd and Silk Cravats.
An invoice of the above received this day by
Jo 47 B. E. CONSTABLE,S3 Market. at.
ECEIVIA) this day Parasollettes and Sun-
Ladies !Corded Skirts;
du Sci Grass do;
S; Blat Hernani Shawls;
Berego 'cads, and Shawls;
For sale ati 11. E. CONSTABLE,
53 Market st.
Allegheny Cemetery.
T)ERSONSI desirons of purchasing lots in this
Cemetery are referred for information to the
Superintentleht on the grounds, or to E. Thorn
Druggist, co6er of Penn and Hand streets, Pitts
burgh. By otder of the Board. .1. CHISLETT,
dec 11 i Superintentant.
lllluscroeto Netts.
EO. S. NWARTZ has on hand's lot of very su.
perior !white and colored Musqucto Netts
which will bd sold cheap at No. 106 Market street.
_ -
RECEIV4)--Per Canal float Great Western
-100 pep Cherry Scantling-5.0 and 60-6000
Lights Window Sash suitable for the western trade,
12:18, 1021 . 26 d Bxlo. For sale by
Fbr SEVIO at the Wharf.
JUST received per Canal 13oat
-10,000 tent inch poplar;,
10,000 16 1 seasaatidi .
95,000 Scantling• -,.. •
1.513 ; L. I,VILMARTII
. . ' Lawn• I LaAVIIEI I 1
riEO.l. S VARTZ has on hand a lot of fine Lawns
k_T which ‘•ill be sold at the very low price of 131.
cents per yard, persons who Want a good article;at a
low price, would do well 1p eallsoon.
. Also on hand a good stock of Nansook muslins for
Ladies DressOs Tory cheap at i • .
jelB 1 Nci. 10G Market street.
Cl AND CR CIBLES-!—*lD nests just received
A. 7 for sale* B. A. FAtpIESTOCK & CO.,C .
sep9 corner 6th and %Vaud sts
CASTILE I SOAP-10 caseeluct received and lot
lade by B: A. FAHrIyATOCK & CO.,
eop9 dor. 6th and Wood at.
REFINE LIQUORICE-4OG lbs just received
and forbiale by . .
cor. 6th and Wood sts
QUININES-100Ounces just received and for sale
sepll. corner of 6th and Wood sta.
casks just. received and for sale
cor.Siatliand INT_otid sts:
sepl 1 •
7 - .
ILL dispose ofAbeir choice. stock.or:Darages;
painted and Gingham Lawns; ' ,summer Shawls
and Scarfs, at reduced prices. - -
c ` io T th he 9, y . n
fancy e ls a o s. d im is cr o e P x 6 ;
n o n f a th ic e e ir ol i u d e n k il y re " a of t
original:e . ost,, is they. intent' relinquishing this jr.a
ticalnt brancli t r c f hr '
Qnicicle opyl
2ra •
• • Interesting to Bitreis.
WE•invitt, the attention .of all who Wish bar
gains' ;to:it. fresh arrival .of seasonable Dry
Goods, bought since the reduction of the Tariff, at
exceedingly 16w prices and will be sold accordingly.
No. 81, Market et., between stb and the Diamond.,
aug24-4:11m. ,
TE MEANS OF 'PEACE.; , :4 Sermon deliverPd
in the "Third 'Presbyterian Church" July 12,
by the Rev. D. IC. Riddle, and publitaidd by the re:
quest of the Congregation.'' For sal* by
,Essay on
the Progress of Nitions '
in Produetiveinflustry,
Civilization,Population. and Wealth; illustrated by
statistics of Mining,, Agriculture„ BlanufaCitires,
Commerce, Revenues, Banking, Internal Improve
ments, Mortality, Emigration and Population; by
Ezra C. Seaman.
A few copies of the above work for sale by •
aug2o corner of Market and 3d ats.
FLOUR-2b bbls superfine family flour in store
_U and for sale by
Tr A. Twist TobaCco-19 kgs Va. tobacco, No. 1
V article, in store, and for sale by
sep2 56 Wood street.
- DOT ,ASII—IS casks:Potash, No.; I article, on
hand and fur sale by
56 Wood tit.
BEDSTEADS of different kinds..with Gazzain , s
iron patent fastenings, superior to anything now
in use, fur sale low at the furniture Warehouse of
T. B. YOUNG & Co, Hand street.
angl. ,
TABLES—Pier, Centre and Card Tables of differ
ent patterns. if you want a good article cheap
call at the Furniture Warehouse of
'Wood Street Property for Sale.'
TILT desirable lot of ground at the foot of Wood
street, occupiddat the time of the great ftro•by
Messrs. King & Rotates, is offered for sale.
Enquire of
45 mins. N. 0. Sugar, strictly prime
25 bbls. Nos. and G Loaf;
10 eases ‘l..,overinws" D. R. Loaf Sugar
116 bbls N. 0. Morasses;
In Store and for sale by
aug2s. 133 and 135 Wood street
3fin BAGS Green .Rio, part prime;
VAJ 5 Old Government Java;
Arriving this day and,for sale by
IllE.'s—iso packages Y. IL, IMO., G. P. and
Poweliong, of late importations, arriving and
for sale by LAMBERT & SIIIPTON.
TOBACCO -10 las Hutchinson's ss;
30 bas ('rice kc Hartvocxi's .ss;
Grante ss;
IS " Layton's fir,;
" Is., tls., 10s, 324., Balt. ping, and
Ladies TwiSti arriving this day. and for sale by
NO. 3 Larfs Mackerel;
20 3 North
14 " " 44
21) Herring (Allwives)
No. I Salmon; in store and for
1 BALES mssissi v i Cotton, for Kale by
L _
M. B. IEY & eiP
MoItBACCO-25 keg s No. six twist t obacco 10-
ceivetl and for safe by
DI. IL 1.111111" & CO,
sep2 N 0.57 Water street.
V lNEr ie •A b ß y -50 bbls eider m cin xn. u ega l r t i i n iE st i o , re t an c r o l for
AZ BALKS HAIR, suitable for plasterers purposes,
V for sale by M. IL MIME' & Co.
OLI) WINES & LlQUORS—consisting of
Port Wine:
Madeira Wine;
Malaga do;
Rhenish do;—in half and quarter pipes,
and on draught warranted pure;
Pale Brandy, of different brands;
Dark do,
Holland Gin, fine flavor;
Poach Brandy, S years old;
Apple do, 4 do do;
Old Rye Whiskey, S and 11. years' old,
Part of the atone Liquors frinn under ,Custom
House Lock, for sale in quantities to suit Ly
n() Water at.
lUST received from New York, a large gnantity
of Havanna and Principe tlegars of the most
popular and superior brands now in use: Also, an
excellent article of chewing Tobacco and several
bales of superior Cuba Leaf Tobacco for sale.
No. 50, Third street, two duora from the Post
xn MILS. Pitch;
...1V 50 " Rosin;
150 Poxes Tobacco, various sizes;
10,000 Sccd IcarCi,, , mrs;
(In consignment and will be sold low for Cash', or
exchanged fur Pittsburgh manufacturea, by
sir.e) very fine Salina Salt, fit for table use and
Dairies, for sale low by P. C. MARTIN,
iY2I 60 Water st.
CRAI) CIDER.-19 Barrels supenor Crab Ci
der for bale by P. C. MARTIN,
jy 20 Go Water street.
LE.3toNs.-100 boxes lemons in good order,
for bale by P. C. MARTIN,
lI. A.NDS WANTED-2 Bedstead makers;
2 Table makers;
8 hands tO make other Cabinet ware;
None need apply but first rate workmen.
wig (Journal and Chronicle copy.)
LEMONS -75 Boxes Lemons; for sale very lovr,
if/ 4 JAMES MAY.
T_T WES-411 Missouri Hides, for sale low to close
XI consignment.
je26 - JAMEIS MAY.
CORN -117 icks Corn, for silo by
TIIGAIETAL.—r ton Scioto Furnace pig iroa for
IT sale by (1°26) JAMES MAY:
TUST RECEIVES--Ixitixts nom Ibiapta,
t) Minor, by Mm. E. C. A.,Schneider, with an
essay on the prospects of the fleathert.and our duty
to them, by Rev. 13.echneider, and an tritro'ilit'etio.
by Rev, E. litaner, A.M. Published by,Rev.:Saznln
Onto Chaniborsbuygh, 1846. l'or solo fq
jell . . 115 Wood et
PSALMS & HYMNS, for the use of the German
ltefornied Church in the U. S. of America, En
glish and German.. For .s.
jell • • 115_Wood at.
The .attention of purchasers is invited fo our
geral stock of these Geodi.
4-4 superior Sea Island Shirting littudirisi
15-16 c.. a is a ",
7-8 44 44 4(
12-4 Hamilton Sheetine
8-4 6. 44
9-8 . 6
BEST JAVA COFFEE, griiiird -- ind - f;UCiiiiiit
pound packages, received, and for sale at the
Re i m 7. r... t S‘rottE., 72, Fourth dr cot, near Wood;',,;
kr. "r$ .*;
George R. White &,Co,
56 Wood street.
Latest Improvemenf.
T. B. YOUtG & Co,
31 Hand st
Sugar and Molasseg.
Segarai Segura 1
60 Water street
Niw itooks
- - .
' - --- - ;IL, lilltillimest - Istsc.t, School, - .-
'Batt me of Peilaral and Robinson
street„sAll4leny; - will' -commence' its Fall
session ottMondayltbe 31st.hist: . .
'' .. - 1
. 1 ' -, : ITEstistofixts,. .
From professor ..a: .4. ~.Lee, :IViishington Col eye, and
:.... 4 r ::1 ;others ..
', , . .: .... ...
Having .attendedlan -: eiamination, of-the. school
; taught lby.Mr..lVilhatos, we take pleesiire - in teat-
Jlig - our testinicisiy - tO• tile evidCnce affoidad by it of
-the mitisual'alrill- Mill labor cif
.Mr; - 'Williarns.'. The
understanding of AS irihziiple of the which
the acholare had' - bOen - Studying,' shown; by :their
clear answers to Mentions aeltid by others' than the
teachers, prove the lexcellene'e of the New England
Modeslof teachingi, in Which Mr. Wllliarns .seems to
be proficient.' • I -1 - R. II: SEE,
- ' , 1 J. AVISHART, .Eze:
. . .
'Prom the Rei,.. Mr. Preston, Doctor: Hunt, 4C.'.
Having. attendedj'an examination of the Select
School underthe C re of Mr. Henry Williams,' hold
recently in his ache' I. room, - Corner of Federal and
Robinson streets, l'' leghe.ny city, we wish. to call
l ii
public attention to is institution. WewerO.highly
gratified with the progress and- order Ofhis school.-
This nianner of ahriplifying and illustrating the d,if-'
feretit branolles isimeultarly-liappy, and well:Calcu
lated to give interest' to the pupils. Hiii Mini's- of
teaching them ,to read struck us as novel, and one
that cannot fail to make good readers. - - ; .--: •
FrotP - the knewlidg,e that we have of-Mr. Wil-
Laths , character aid a teacher his zeal-, fidelity and
succeas ' we , cordiallY recoMmend him to the patrou,
age'. of the ptiblic. 1 Biel ide - ation is elegible for both
cities: I 1 DAVID HUNT;
RICI-PD BEESON'. - t-- -
iicivc • examination, and can trillY
liSed, with the attaintrneut ot , the
1 ' ' ' - 12V,M. PRESTON: - -
attended the a.
say / was much Gra
'aug24-2m. ,
Untverility!.ti Law Sohool.
/111.1.EPA.1.L 'SESSION of this department of the
j Western Univeteity; will Co*mence ! in the new
University Building, hin the - FIRST MorgnAv SEP.'
TEEBEII next, and !the !WRING' SESSION of 1847;
will commence on the Fins? AIONDAY OP FErAtIAIiF
following. !
This institution lqving ao far' recovered:Tram .the
effects of the great fire of April last year, as to have
the new. building nearly completed with, increased
accommodations Ali- 4/11 its departmenta, it is hoped
that the Laiv!School , lvill-be.fouad to pre/teat increas
ed facilities and attilactions to, those who desire to
pursue a regular and ihorOugh course of legal educa
tion, and to pre'pain theitmelves creditably for ad
mittance to the bar 3
There twill be daily vccitations by the classes .pn
assigned lessons, shlarrange.d as to embrace, Nvithiu
a_two. years eolirse,lall the principal and most im
poLtant branches of 'the Occasional lectures
ofigaw and equity, !WA also bo delivered as part ol
the course.
TIME MOOT Counvj designed for assisting students
in acquiring [knowledge and: readiness in the grafi
tice of the hisv 'will; lie re/Mined ns soon as the num
ber of students Willyustilv. ;The degree of BACHE
tog or I.Aw will tie" ciaiilhrreil.nn studn - uts, of the
institution, according the rules usual in such institu
, Any further ieformation.that may be required can
readily be obtained* application to the - Professor,
WALTER 11.L0Wma.,3 who has his office:on 4th above
Smithfield street, Pitiburgh. -
Tguals—Seventy-'five dollars a year, or tlirty-sev
en and a half dollars a session. nug6-d3m
ticettrit* to Parohltsere.
each box GENIIIifFT:UGAR. COATEI) PILLS tuka upon ss
ibe u;!l, , /,!!r!j 9 t1tt40;.!.44 4 .414.4.4, 7 } , , KAL,,,,,,.. ALL
24 " .. " .-.0 :10 4 PAl l ' araf i llitee . ' of/WS •
Oriiin 4 i I u. , 3111'
PILLS are the 1 hist and only Medicine ever
known that will positzecly cure
Headache, Giddineks, Measles, Salt Rheum,
Itheuinatism,Pilesl Heartburn, Worms, •
Dispepsia, Scurvy, Chide= Morbus, -
Small , PoX, Jaundice, Coughs, Quinsy,.
Pains in the Back; 1 Whooping Cough,
Inward WeaknessA Consumption, Fits, •
Palpitation of the peart, Liver Complaint,
Rising in the ThroS , t, • Erysipelas, .Dealheis,
Dropsy, Asthma, I • Itchings of the Skin, -
Fevers of all kinds', • Colds, Gout, Gravel,
Female Complaints, : Nervous Complaints,
And all other disease k originating from impurities_ of
the blood: ' • I
L I • •
They , .
have c red, since their introduction,
over .2,000 persons, have been given up as hope
less eases, by the moat eminent Physicians.
Err They , .arg pateonized and recommended by
men of the highest dilstinction, among whom are-, -
11011.'David R. Portee, lion. Henry Clay,
Hon.:John Q. Adamsi . Hon. Daniel Webster,
lion. Martin Van Ihieen, lion. J. C. Calhoun,
Gen. Winfield Scott, i Col. It. M. Johnson,
Hon. ;James K. Polka Go3l. Lewis ' Cuss.
;nit Their, virtues; are so infallible that the money
will be returned in all cases they do notgive univer
sal satisfaction-. Although but:two and a half years
have :elapsed since 'these celebrated Pills were first
introduced to the the sale of them in the
Eastern and middlel States ,has far exceeded Dr.
Clickenkes most sang uine expectations. During the
plat year, alone, no less than 10,000 gross of boxes
bait!. been sold in tlid State 'of ,New. York, 6,000 in
Penuirylvania, 4,000: ib Maryland, 3,000 in New Jer
sey, 2,000 in Delaware, and 9,000 in the New England
States, requiring the' constant employment of 27
handii exclusive at lir:inters and engravers. In the
same . ; period, upwards of '200,000 copies of the
"Family Dieter" have been Ordered by agents in
every , section of thh eGuntry. These facts must
show; conclinsivelv„: that Dr. Clickener's Sugar Coat
ed Pills, besides t;einl; the very best medicine, in the
world, are ht l d in the hi gliestestimatio n by thC public.
We migh extend this publication to hn indefin
ite length, if we deemed it expedient to puhlish all
tersimoninle we haveireceived, not only froni agents
but individuals and l l:Willies, who have experienced
the benficial effects" of Clickener's Sugar Coated
Pills; but we deem it unneciessary— :The
comestible evideneetf their unprecedented success,
• re the numberless It Rations and Counterfeits-which'
ave already appeared, notwithstanding the brief pe
riod they have been efore the, public: ; Even some
of our staunchest pill makers have had the audacity
to imitate the Capra of Sugar, in order do disgaise
the ingredients of 'their vile compounds, and palm
them off for the meal." 1 Simon pure itch paltry
shills cannot last long without exposing their hideous I
defiarmity. Truth Sad honesty must inevitably pre
vail over rascality nail deception. • : • I
For sale in Pittsburgh by WM. JACKSON, at.his I
Patent Medicine IVotehouse,No. 89, Liberty street,
head of Wood st., Pittsbur g h. • Price, 25c. per box. l
Dr. Clickenee.s principal office is 81 Barclay street,
New York . • • i
04!:• Beware of ad imitation article called rm. i
proved Sugar CoatedlPills; purporting to be patented,
as bcith the pills and the pretended patent are for
geries, got Up by a miserable- quack in New york,
who, for the last four or five years - , has Made bis
living by counterfeiting popular medicines.
0:7" Remember, Dr. C. V. el ickener is the original
inventor or Sugar chated Pills, and that nothing of
the sort was ever heard of until tie. introduced thorn
inJune, 1843. Purchasers should, therefore, always
ask for Clickener's Shgar Coated Vegetable Pills, and
take Co other or they will be Made the victims'of a
fraud. 1 - • may 9
TioN is tbe only ,Medicine that Will, cure ttlis so
very common and 1 troublesome disCaSe. It not
only immediately apay . s inilarnmation, stops all
bleeding, subdues thax intolerableitchinibut ef
fectually mires, in a NerY short tima,Peta o l 34 _4flose
lives have been rendered miserable for.years.. Its
applicationlproduCeS no pain, but rather an agree
able and pleasant knsation.,/ If. persons afflicted
will only call and hbar of the great nurnber,of ea
ses' that have been bung they will be aAenished.
A gentleman of tbiS city, who had been under the
knife! of the surgeon two eir three times, without
being cured, has, 'W I using two bottles of this Em
birocatio7l, been tactically Cured! It sells'beyond all
-precedent! - • . . -
• .TETTER,' itiNq*CtßM, SALT and
all Diseases of the skip, particularly those that are
attended with diseg,rea,ble and troublesome itching,
lire readily. .cured,i by anointing.the parts effected,
night and snorniiig with a small quantity of Dr.
Jackson's Embrocation... Astonishing cures have
been effected by - Oa medicine._ For sale by Dr.
D. Jayne, No..S SOrithiThint at., Philadelphia .
For sale in Pittabtigh at the PEKIN TEA STORE,
72 Fourth street, near Wood,' end also at the Drug'
Store . of H. p. SchWartt, Federit street, Allegheny
City. .. , .
lIE poisOnous effect op the„skin-of common
pared Chalk is not „generally known by ladies
how yellOw,rCtigli Mid Unhealthy it makes the skin
time; besides: what a cqrpze like, palid leak itgif4
when applied. They sbould'use a beautiful prepai
ation,purely.vcgetable, which gives the faCe arms or
fleck, "a iintur life-like whiteness, 'and makes it,
smooth. lt is called Jones'i Spanish Lilly White,
and is sold at JACKSON'S Patent • Medicine Ware,
himse, 89 Liberty atieet,headof Wood; at the same,
place is sold lonea , iCoral Hair Restoratiye, Italian
Chemical Soap and:Unrivalled shaving soap. .
VARNISHES, of the very best
ale at IT. H. RYAITS C3binet
Fifth jyl;'6
for, s
Igo: 3
" quality
N ic *warns
• • -
--rutuu , s friveutlaus thertgloue try-Nature:
REFLECT,. ~.Arrts mm trait-can's arrant ,
• _
-• .. A ,1 , -IDDICI.‘''4.F.:DF. NATURE,
is obtained from a well near liurksTille,„
Kentneky, at the depth- Of:185-feet ,lielow the
surface.of the earth, and 770 reet threugh ealittrook.
Its curative properties are truly astonisliink,"arnlan .
Remedial"a Agent it iiifly 'well - be. prOrit , tineed,, Wan..
derful. - Since the diseoyerjr of this Pa:naceri.of
ture, numbers of remarkable ctireiliavetmen efteet;
ed its use. - It is Innueent..L.Nweiful,q-Sefo and:
Certain in its cfrects. -It his-bent used,wifb imphr,ll
- success in the treati*t of the following ,
- diseases: Inflammatory Rheum:diem, Diume,,,and,
Scalds; Chellc, Piles, Flatulence, Inflam m ation,OP -
the Kidneys, Deafness, Consumption; Liver Cons-,
Plaint,Plithisic; Scald Head, Cancers, Weak end ?
Sore'-Eyes; Bruises, Fresh Cuts and _Wounds,
Spralns and Strains, Dropsy, Pains in the BA-saki and s ,
Side, Tetter, Influenza,. Ulcerated. Sere Throat„;.;
COnsumption, Bronchitis;. - Spasms, Ulcers, Spinal
.Affeetions,Scrofela or Ifing!s F "41, Ceughi, Syphil is
Itingyrifink all Men - el Coreplaints„ all, Cl.kieruc
eases, Impuritica of thoßlood-dail General Debility:::
It is lihewise very , beneficial fer-Fernale conaplaints" -
in.generali aetsas a great Restorative from banpor;
s.eakness'of Back arid Chest; ../..-ewSpiribi and aces
sire l)ebdxty -.
Read the folloWing 't!ertißptes, all' of whieti,ard
anthentic,• all' the persons therein, nutlet] - ere novi -
Brink.; and - well ltnewrriit Cincinnati:
• • -Psrt3ytraarl, Au 422., 1846.,
This is to certify that Svc have. used the Anieripare
Oil foitheAvhoopins cough;aritong our children, by
'giving the* from .20 drops to a small tea spoonful at
night, which alwajys enahledihere to rest well throug'..
the • I also' applied it to one of the Children:
thatgot her arm burnt by turning over aitFe
hot coffee an itkthe child sensed Crying by the ' -,Limo
the urru:was-iirgrand end, bound hp,
_and has never'
complained ofit.vince...l,alsc; was " afflicted witl4
pain in- my side anci breast,-and have> been so'for
years, ,I.cominenced using the Oil,taking„a
spoonful twice a_dity. and is 3.05 Gupr,dr,y-S using
have i;cll,vet - y,mttett relieved, A O do really
believe t.hii it is the beet fansilyfriedicine that I btivo
ever seen..., I applied it to. On of my neighbors for.
a,strained ancle, wldch relievedher in a few udnates,,.
Wer inive . Talgo for a strained joint in . ..our:
nienrenii.l3?, xhuili Ova ease in every ahorttiate
W :.-
e - tiiv: - OA the __east side of Penn 5t.,,3 cicwaLeSenth
walnut ; I,* now as yell as I ever was
' ,
- . .
• P-127S . DUAG-4r, -
gilds is fd eertify, that iny sonihaa bad the Ile!ldefe:
for seven years, and -was ,very had...l;4th, it, andstiut...
12 or 15 dais sinee,__l.enrrnered ,tlisingto
about 20;,0f,25 - 41folas of Ihd...g.raeriean. Oil,. twice
day_ iolievefl _Win in, a day. iirtsv.4,or, his diffl-ff,
erifiY of breathing, and he is now eniiroly:ielieceA,
of hie :Fonghi onchoyts . lo years of age.
KineiAlleyNANCY -
•• ,Cznens - DiNti 546,;
Sir: Having been enred ofa. ;very, sexere,..dineiteil
of the eyes and head by the _ilia of theAnteriemy
air I feelit ut:y duty to tSie"pubiin t o i'ol4
- , 3
to s eild you:die, fidtOwing, "certificate:':.-
- • - . . „
I hereby certify. L that .was severely affileted_ ono,
Year ago Mit winter, withinflanted sore eye's Midis :
very severe pain:in my' head from toy .eye5.,0141.4::,
top of any heg;:and continuell'so forseveral weeks;.
my, eyes were. so much inflamed sore that-J.
could not see to attend any business, nOecoultil tell,
one object. froni.another lbw' yards from me. . 1
called in a physician„. but Still got worse. I also ,
tried a goad manY.remedies that had cured istli:Orsi'
but in my case they, • In -April, 1895, Llicaril
of the - American Oil. I. piocureics. bottleiaMl be.;
fore I hat wsed.a half a, bottle.N:qau entirely 16*.iz
and siill.-Continue:so. I will not he without din ay
house as long as I can get the genuine article, litho
save one onny men that was working - foe me,
that had the totter in his bands so bad that. wheit. he
would grip anything tight in .thein the: hlood.,,Wralrl
burst-out and.the use .of half a bottle-ouind tislintW
I.would aihise all 4 that -:34.
give the Oil a, fair trial, and I think :they 'bri
pleased with the effect it will have, &c;' 3:;. "
t •
Sold at One Dollar per Bottle at Ja4ksonts Patent.
'Medicine Warehouse, b 9 Liberty, bend of-Wood
Pittsburgh., TUE ONLY PLACE.Z.N. EittbSURGII whero
the GenztineAtizerican Oil caN he obtained.-
Beware or a Counterfeit
put, in, American Oil Bottles, anti.labellid , (SAnier-.
icau snmewhat resembles the -Aul:Rican'
Oil; but possesses none of its virtues or licalingpow,:.
W. Jackson yespectffily in fbrrits - the Publics that'
D, Bail &
,F.o.i.tho . preprietors. of the Auierieart
have appointed hen their SOLE AGENT ler West:•:
eve Penneytreitie„ •
All.persons will apply at sa
Liberty,, as above.. • - •,-.
N4-13...5ub-agents wanted, for - everj , town
above District.--
A great number of, certificates are. on hand and
can be, seen at the office, 89 Liberti. street, head of'
Wood. , wag 17,871 y
1.. .80DY,,- 1 -ft ys aiiaitoriishing . fact, that a very
hike class of,discases can:cmly be.,ented by such
rertredies as.wiy. enter into ;the Btoon„ and circus
late with it,. through every Portnarinf.the body, for
only 1;ly this,means -can the remedy be brought
into immediate contact with the disease; and to at.
tain this desirable end, no preparation has been so,
uniformly successful ns DR. JAYNE,'S, ALTER-
TIVE. Soroficto; Kivie EitU contei• Ond-Canirr
nos Tumours, Mau. Entargeirient"'of the
Bones,Chrknierßitrukiat,isin Goat, truptive dis
eases of the Skin, old . nd imlolent Ulcers, goitrous
Sirellin , oof the .Throef &C., are cured with a cert.ain.:,
ty, that has astonished every. behohler. i4 -be.,
sides,one of the rrpst pleasant articles that, can be
talcen.into the stomach,: operating, as a tcinicand
removing Dyspeptic and Nervous affections, and
imparting a glow of animation' and health, lino"
quailed 1) - y- any t4ing, in the whole .4aleria Medics,
For,sale at No; 8 south Third it.—Price $1 per
bottle,orslQ perilozen.
.• . •
For iale iji ritiOnrill at the PtKIN TE4STORE,
on Fourth etroet, near . Wood, and at the Drug Storq
of ki...P.Salmarts; Federal street, Allehenjr City: =
ity , gB•4l . -
MHE_SKIN &N 1 camPLExml.i;, - ;Lt...t4-1 (aruli
indeed, every other) season, is often. repulsive
. in,appgaraAcc, caused, in eight cases out often,by
the atmosphere; and what persons suppose disease
of the _blood, is . siniply a_ disease, of the -skip._ If
some of tlicthonsa.nds who take purgativejpecliaine,
pills, and
,ifscle§s Sarsaparilla, were to use.qm their
.skin asottening opd , clearing balm, tJiat,ppeii the
pores, whitens the skin, and causes a healthy perspi7
ration, that., be the skin never so disfigured, unheal
thy, or diseased with-pimples or freeklcs; sunburn,
tan and morphew, the true and genuine dONES , S
ITALIAN CHEMICAL SOAP never fails to cure
• and dispel them, and -to' make . the_ skin deli : mid acts so mildly and • soethingly. on- the
skin, that physicians use it op ladies and infants, in
old cases of seurey,crysipelas, s dprhennr;sorg head,
ringworm and it (mind, tkr genuine; Jone'Sl. , toap)
liar ollen,:mffected a our when every..other _remedy.
failed. , It is indeed ablessed remedy.
Sold at, JACESON , S Patent Medicine . Warehouse,
S 9 Liberty Street, heist of Wood—at -the sarnefplace
.is sold the - Mocirish }fair - Dye, Cer-Z . 'tali: Restora
tive, -and Spanish . Lily TARE,: ' -,Orpc'e7§iga of
,the American • Eagle;
S 2 Cliatham, Newyork; - ;,-,,E, KITICFI A.LL 'MK PF.OPLP,Aanneir
-RE3II.OVED -- ..The celebrated medicines ef.Dr.
G. airatis: of Brownsville, Pa., ardirow. s
wholesale add, retail,- at JacksonlslUelilleil - DeVol:,
No. 89 Diborty stieet;lieltd df :Wood, .Pitburgh f
WholesaleDealerstind Agents -
Dr: Endrie. SOrereifm Tonic and Grand Raeford.
t lye ' rt
ceain' ciirefiir.ilie Fever and .
Dr. .Fvf44347 Yegctable dad Anti-Dysiieptic4+4lls;
pried 25 cents per box. ... -
Dr.. Diane American Vegetable reidiftige; pride
25 cents per bottle. • . .
Dr. 'Evans ,- Tonic Eye Yf'afer, all infallibl e core
for sore eyes, price twentptive _cents per - bottle.
"Rev. Dr. James Est ePs 'Dtitek, S:yrup, for -the care
of coug4s, cow, 48tIMP-, Croup, Bronchitis and
Consumption—price one dollar. • •
ItemembeiDr.Bians , only,Depot,isJAClCSON*
No, 89-Liberty.stroet,: bead, of Wood.
. SOFT, FINE AND CLEAN; to realte.the . sculpt
healthy, smooth white and fiuitful, ao that a:..gtioA
crop may spring. therofrou)s„perscona .have buf-tin
PcruLthirty .seven and a lair 'cents. And j 'reader,
our. nly object ror'selling the article at that,piee;iir
.knOwing it to be all we state, that when you onicelry
'this you never will
.use aught yibetliet it bo
,to embeli ; sl4 - to dress. beititily,iandffdservu,
'to force growth, stoifhlling'ofr; ana cure krura
t datulruifs; the JOSF.S , CORAL HAIR R . ESTOIL-1.-
TrVE never thil' do all thja; atillnindredn
tell :mu - with giatitncle.., St dresseshiafitifia
dy, and rigtes red or gin fa* grow- dark from the
Sold iii3h.CF:4IDIOS PateAt I , l`dinine Warehonse,.
SaLiberyy a:tieet;head 61 - Wo - 64 7 .4niiee eleveik
anda' . ha.lecents, fifty, cents and onil4l6llar - pei botile.
At the name place issoldthp - Itilian Chemical
panish Lilly Vali° and medialled,ehayinzanap.::
iy2s-tr -
: . .
M08.A.000.-70-large and 90 Eirten-hexes.Mi43olt
j.„ri tobacco; of prime sinalitY,iust:T9 o eiled:.ert,
consignment, and. - will be aold for e,;;,ah l
Pittsburgh, niantrtheturca. -
august . - o'C'vsNEP:'