U II li 44itopot..toiciwi':gi . iiit:., 'leilance Portable Boat Llne. • - . , 1846. $O4: oR transporting good between Pittsburgh and the 12 Eastern cities without transhipping. This old established line (being the oldestportable boatline on the canal) is now prepared to receive produce • and merchandire for shipping either East or West. The boats by this lino are commanded by skilful, expe rienced and sober captains, and provuled with, good crews. Boats and cargoes are transferred from and to canal and railroad, saving all removal and separa tion - of goods. Trips made in as. short time,: and goods carried on as fair terms as any other line. Thankful . for, and respectfully soliciting a contain anCe of the very liberal and growing patronage here- tofore bestowed upon this line, we with confidence' assure those merchants disposed to favor us, thattheir business' shall be done to their entire satisfaction., Goods carried by us, consigned to either of our' houses, will be shipped to their destination free of ' charge for ,ildpping, storage or advance of charges. As we hold no interest in steamboat stock, merchants may depend upon their goods always being forwarded without . delay , upon good boats and at the, lowest rates of, freight.. Produce consigned to our house at Philadelphia for 'tale, will be sold on liberal terms, and advances Made either at Pittsburgh or Philadelphia. JOIIN MCFADEN .&• Co., Penn • st., • - Canal Basin, Pittsburgh.,- " JAMES M. DAVIS & Co., 249 and 251, - - aprlo-tirri , Market st., Philadelphia. • Pitttbargh Portable Boat Line, [MMI 1.846. - efiF RP* IL -10R the; transportation of freight between Pitts ': burgh and the Atlantic cities, via Pennsylvania Improvement/3 and Baltimore and Susquehanna =rail- road. • The Proprietors of this old established line, having. completed their arrangements, are prepared to for ward goods to and from the East (on the opening of the canal navigation,) on as reasonable terms as any other respensible line, and are determined that no care or attention on their part shall'be wanting to se cure a continuance of that patronage so liberally be stowed nponthem for several years past. The decided success of the portable .. boat system, so manifest in the regularity and despatch experienced in the delivery of goods, the absence of all risk of delay, breakage or other damage, incident to the old system, - where goods have to be hurriedly transhipped three times on the way, and the merchantable order in which produce has been avowedly delivered by them, has induced the proprietors' to increase their' .atock considerably this season. Their extensive warehousea at each point, (uneaqualled by any other line,) affords them facilities to conduct their busineis with despatch; and to shippers the convenience of free storage, if required, until their arrangements are complete whiletheir long experience in the carry ing trade, it is .presumed, will be sufficient guarantee to their patrons and the public that they will success fully exert themselves to give general satisfaction. Produce; received forwarded, steamboat charges paid, and bills lading transmitted free of charge for commission', advancing or storage, and all communi cations to the following agents proMptly attended to: TA..IFFE &c , O'CONNOR., Car. Penn and Wayne sts., Pittsburgh. 'momAs IiaRBIDGE, • 27 Market htro.lt, Philadelphia. 0' NON & Co., mar3o.l Trannport Inc g'10:-:1)17t;TED on strict Sibt:Ett4-keerin , j - pr:ne.' . .p.ks, ittto thal it 4 conducted The pr,prtifttir:s this old hove ii r ut *1 , 3 , d: in the most comit!rn 0 order. and are tiv.i. , )nizhiy przepareA to forward an.l tnerehoeaize.to andiron the Ea,tern eine. ,n the or clung cii Vre tress that •Pir 1 0 .3117, r; en pc in tie: , carrytr... , Itt,Ellion to the altereia of cuF.- turners, ertil aecnre t.o V. 3 a continuance and increase or the patioaage heretofore bestesveci on ,13inghatn,s 'Qur arrangements will enable ins to carry freight wit:lx-the utmost despatch; and our prices shall always he as low as the lowest charged by, other responsible Producelaud merchandize will he received and for warded east and west without any charge for adverti sing, storage or commission. Bills of lading forwarded, And; every direction promptly attended to. Address; Or apply to : Wl r. BINGHAM, Canal Basta, cor. Liberty and Wayne sts., Pittst:ag, BINGILAMS, DOCK & STRATTON, No. 276 Market si., Philadelphia, JAMES WILSON, Agent, No. 122 North Howard st., Baltimore, WILLIAM TYSON, Agent, No. 10 Weet st., New. York sprlO-y • - Independent Portable Boat Line. -'''''- 1846 ;- aV.ftd a ` --; Q t . FB the transportation of produce and merchan dire to and from Pittsburgh, Baltimore and Vhiladelphia; Dwithout transhipping. . Goods COD• signed .to Ora care, will be forwarded without delay, at the lowest current rates; Bills of Lading trans mitted, and all instructions promptly attended to, free from any extra charge for storage or Commis sion.. Address . . C. A. McANULTY & Co., Canal Basin, Pittsburgh . I ROSE, MERRILL & Cu., Smith's Wharf, Baltimore MEARS, RAYNOR & Co., jy23 i - Broad st., Philadelphia Plektvorthva Way Freight Line. 1846. "EXCLUSIVELY for the transportation of w•ay IP freight between Pittsburgh, Blairsville, Johns town, liollidaysburgh, Water Street, and all inter mediate places. One boat leaves the Warehouse of C. A. McAnul ty & Co., Pittsburgh, every day (except Sundays) and Shippers Can always depend on having ...their goods fonvardeil : without delay and on accommodating terms. ' We respectfully-solicit your patronage. • PROPRIETORS' J. PicksVorth of boats, Nile, ExChange, Paris and Pacific. J. IL Barnes of boats, Push and Exoine. John Miller of:cars on Portage Rail Road.; AGENTS. J. PICRWORTH, Canal Basin,lJohnstown, JOHN MILLER; " Hollidaysburgh, C. A. BPANULTY & CO, : Pittsburgh. jy23 . , • DIONONGAHELA R9I7TE, =M! TO BALTIMORE, in 32 hours—fare $lO. TO PHILADELPIIIA in 40 hours—fare $l2. °Nur '73 M uss s - rAoixo! 1 .Ir,r . U. S. MAIL. The Great Speed, Regularity and high Reputation already attained by this pleasant 'passenger Route, has induced the Post Master General, to place the New York Lind Philadelphia mails to Pittsburgh, el - on it. The superior and swift steamers CONSUL and LOUIS M'LANE, leaves the MOnongahela Wharf'! precisely at 8 o'clock every morning, and at 6 o'- clock every evening, except Sendays. Splendid Coaches await theii arrival at Brownsville, to trans port Passengers and Mail, only 73 miles to the Rail Road at Cumberland. The preparations on this route are ample, and the connections complete, so that disappointment or'de lays will be unknown upon it. By our tickets, passengers can delay at Cumberland or at Baltimore; during their pleasure, and continue their journey either by steamboat or cars to Phila elphia. Office in the "St. Charles Hotel," Wood st. Pitts- Curgh. J. MESKIMEN, Agent. European and American Agency. MBE undersigned Ewropenn Agent having again arrived in America at the regular time, will leave Pittsburgh, Pa. early in September next, and sail from New York on the first day of October, ma king - a THIRTEENTH tour.through ,England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and returning to America in hiay, 1947. By this agency money ; remittances call be Made by drafts for' large and small suuth„payable at sight in every "Part of Great Britain, Ireland, &c.; iegacies, debts, rents, real estate and claims collect ed and recovered; searches of all kinds Made; pies of wills,lieeds and documents procured; and the usual business appertaining to this Agency trail meted as_ heretofore. Innumerable references en. Apply personally or adrclesspostpazd, . • . H. KEENAN European Agent and Attorney at ;Law, Pittsburgh. Mr. J. S. May will attend to ill European' busi ness-in my absence: - - -telg C`a~~.". : #C'at'?'a+.7"`L , "F yG:y'!;r Vt~agf. inigration ROCHE. BROTHERS & CO. ARRANGEMENTS Yon. 444 • l B'4 • BL.IIKELY MITCHEL, -Igents. REMITTANCES to, and Passage to and from Great - Britiin and Ireland, by the Black Bali;or old Line of Liverpool Porkets. Sailing from New York -- rind Liverpool on the Ist and 16th of every month. And by.firet class American Stripa [S•illing Weekly.] • - Persons sending to the "Old Country” for their friends; can - make the'necessary - arrangements with the subscribers, and haveihem brought - out in any of the eight ships cqe . priahrg the Black ,Ball ar Old 'Line of Liverpool P4Ckete; (sailing from Liverpook at the Ist and 16th breiltry month,) also by first class chips, sailing from . that 'port weekly, which our -Agents, Messrs:jamea D. Roche & Co., there will send out without deli): , Should - those sent foinot come out the money will be refunded - without any. deduction. The "Illardc.Ball; or,old Line of Liverpool Packd ets," comprise:the following magnificent and will sail (from Liverpool on their regblar appointe day, as.follows: .:.::,`....0n Ist Jan. Ist May: Ist Sept. 'Europe, ' 16th " 16th " 16th " New York,. .. ... lit Feb. • lst Jane. Ist Oct. American, 16th. " 16th " 16th " Yorkshire, "Ist July. lstNoi. .Cambridge, ,16th:." 16th " 16th Dec. Oxford, Ist Aprill let Aug. Ist " Montezuma, • 16th " 16th " , 16th ' " Notice.—lt is well known, that the Black Ball is the very best conveyance for persons to 'get opt their friends, and as other passenger agents idveitise to bring out passengers by that Line, the public are re spectfully notified by.the owners that no . passenger agents, but Roche, Brothers & Co., and - Blakely & Mitchel, are authorized to advertise and to bring out I passengers by that Line. We have at all times for the Drafts at Sight for any I amount, direct on the Royal Bank of Ireland, Dub lin. ,Also on Messrs. Prescottt, Grote, Ames & Co., Bankers, - London, whiclr are paid free of discount; or any charge, whatever, in all the principal towns throughout England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Apply to, or address, if by Letter, (post paid.), ROCHE, BRO'S & CO. • No. 35, Fulton street New York. (Next door to the Fulton Bank. . JAMES D. ROCHE & Co's Office, No. 20, Water street, Liverpool.... Or to BLAKELY& MITCHEL, Penn street, near the Canal Sridgii, myl4 and Smithfield at, near sth TapseoWs General Emigration Wilms. tiuREMITTANCES and passag to and from GREAT BRITAIN AND gbh IRELAND, by W. Sr. J. T. Tapscott 75 South street, corner of Maiden Lane, New York, and 96 Waterloo road Liverpool. The subscribers having accepted the agency' of the above house, are now prepared to make arrange ments upon the most liberal terms with those desi rous of paying the passage of their friends from the old Country, and flatter themeseives their character and long standing in business will give ample as surance that all their arrangements will be carried out faithfully. Messrs. W. & J. T. Tapscott, are long and frA•ora bly known for the superior class, accommodation and sailing qualities of their Packet Ships. The QUEEN or THE WEST, SHERIDAN, ROCHES TER, GARRICK, HOTIIT GUER, ROSCIUS, LIV ERPOOL, and SIDDONS, two of which leave each Port monthly, from New York the 21st and 26th and from Liverpool the 6th and 11th, in addition to which they have arrangements with the St. George and Union Lines of Liverpool Packets to insure 'a doper , tore from Liverpool. every fir edays being thus demi mined, their facilities shall keep pace with their in creasing patronage, while Mr. W. Tapscott's constant per-senal superintend:ince of the business in Liver is an additional security that the comfort and accommodation of the passengers will be ',anima.: !arty attended to. The subscribers being (as usual) extensively enga in , Jic Transportation Business between Pittsburg ,nd Ilay,tic Cities. sae thereby enabled to take charge of and forward passengers immediately on their landing, without a chance of disappointment or delay. and are therefore prepared to contract for pas sage iYum any sea port in Great Britain or Ireland to this City; the nature of the business they are engaged in giving them facilities for carrying passengers so tier inland not otherwise attainable, and will, (if nej cessary,) forward passengers further West by the host mode of conveyance without any additional charges for their trouble. Where persons sent for decline coming out, the amount paid for passag6 will be refunded in full. REMITTANCES The subscribers are also prepared to give drafts at sight, for any amount payable at the principal Cities and Towns in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales; thus affording a safe and expeditious mode of Remitting funds to those Countries, which persons requiring such facilities, will find it their interest to avail themselves of. Application (if by letter post paid) will be prompt ly attended to TAAFFE & O'CONNOR, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, mar 27 d&wy. Pittsburgh, Pa Remittances to England,: Ireland, scot• land and Wales. IDERSONS desirous of remitting money to any o E the above countries, can do to through the sub scribers on the most easy terms. We are prepared to issue drafts for any amount over L'l,oo sterling,— Remittances made through our house any day before the 23d of May, will be received in Ireland; by the 20th of June. BLAKELY & 'MITCHEL, Pittsburgh, Agents for Roche, Bro's & Co., my I 1 New York Extqn:Hilon of Pittsburgh. RARE CHANCE FOR GOOD INVESTMENTS! The subscriber has laid out, and now offers for sale at reasonable prices and on accommodating terms, one hundred and ten building lots, on that handsome level ground between Braddock street and the Monongahela river. They are about one-third of a mile from the city line, and are situated in. that part of the city district which will probably soon be annexed to the city as the Seventh Ward, No pro perty in the suburbs possesses superior advantages, nor has any heretofore been laid out with so liberal an allowance of wide streets; Braddock-is from one hundred and twenty ,to about one hundred and ninety feet wide, and Beaten, Commerce ? Brady, Columbus and Water streets, all wide avenues. Most of the lots have two fronts, and as they are of various sizes, and will be sold one lot, with the priuilege of four or five, early applicants can be accommodated to suit their own views of improvement. Persona who de sire to build or to make 'secure investments in pro lerty that isaure tfradranee in value, and particular y those who intend to erect manufactones, would do well to view these lots and examine the draft be fore purchasing elsewhere. The survey for the Bal timore and Ohio railroad and the railroad survey by the State of Pennsylvania'were both made alongside of this property, and it is generally considered that Braddock street, or the ground immediately alongside of it, affords the only eligible route for a railroad from Pittsburgh to the /East. Coal can be delivered on this property at a much less cost than on the Al legheny river, and there is always deep water at this part of the river. E. D. GAZZAM, aug2s-tf Office, Market, between 3d and 4th sta. Fifth Street Furniture W arereonte. THE subscriber would most respectfully call - the attention of the public to his stock of Cabinet Ware, possessing advantages over any other manu facturing establishment in the city. Ho is enabled to sell his Wares at much lower prices; therefore, he would remind those who want good Furniture at a air price not to forget the right place, No. 27, Fifth street. (mar 23-d&wy) H. H. RYAN. Scotts Vegetable Pills. JUST received a fresh supply of those. In valuable Pills, to those who know them, no thing need be said in their favor, for by their in trinsic merit they can speak for themselves, but to the afflicted who have never used them we recom mend a trial, for they have been the means (under the blessing of God,) of imparting health .and strength to thousands who were apparently draw incr near to the gates of Death, the Inveterate Cancer and scrofula have been effectually cured by them, also, Dyspepsia, Fever and Ague, Inilarn ati on, Drop sy in the head, Jaundice, Asthma, Sores of twenty years'standing, Croup, Measles, Worms and even cases. considered Consumption have all yielded to their highly renovating powers. They arealso un surpassed in their purifying properties,when taken as_an occasional physic by, old-or young, being as well suited for the infant of one day as for the man matured in life. Ey the express command , of the. Proprietor,.they are' sold at 12} cents per box of 25 pills, with full directions. Sold wholesale and retail 'by SAMUEL LINDSAY, No, 104 Liberty at. jyl7-d2ln • BEDSTEADS-;-.l.lahogany, Birch, Maple, Ch arty . and Poplax high , and low post bedsteads al ways .on hand and - for.. sale low at the Futtaiture warehouse of , T B. YOUNG ! & go, ,- 31 Hand st r r- 3nsurctiirc tompaitito. The b:'ratahlta Fire insurance Company or PHILADELPHIA. • CHARTER PERPETUA L. $400,000 paid in of fice 1631, Chestnut at., north side, near'Fifth.-- Take Insurance, either permanent or limited, against loss or damage by fire, on property, and effects of , every description, in town or country, on the most reasonable terms. Applications, made either per sonally or by letters, will be promptly attended to. . .C. N. BANCEER, Prest. C. G. Batecitra, Sec , y. • DIRECTORS: Charles N. Bancker, Jacob It. Smith, Thomas Hart, George W. Richards, Thomas J. Wharton, • Mordecai D. Lewis, Tobias Wagner, • Adolphi E. Boris, Samuel Grant, David S. Brdwn. - PITTSBURGH AGENCY WAnatcx MARTIN . ; Agent, at the Exchange Office of Warrick Martin, &CO, corner of Third and Mar ket streets. • Fire risks taken on buildings and tfieir contents In Pittsburgh, Allegheny and the surrounding country. No marine or inland 'navigation risks taken. aug4.y. - • Fire ,and Illarkne Insurap.c.o. , THE Insurance Company of North ,American of Philadelphia, through its duly authorized Agent, the subscriber, offers to make permanent and limited Insurance on property, in this city audits vicinity j and on shipments by the canal and _rivers.. DIRECTORS Arthur G. Coffin, Preen. Samuel Brooks, Alex. Henry, .. - •, Charles Taylor, .. . I Samuel W. Jones, . , . Samuel W. Smith, . I Edward Smith, t Ambrose. Whiter John A. Brown, . Jacob M. Thomas, .. . John White, . John R. Neff, Thomas P. Cope, Richard D. Wood, Wrn. Welsh, Henry D. Sherrard , Sec'y, This is the oldest Insurance Companyin the Urli. , ted States, having been chartered in 1794.. Its char. ter is perpetual, . and from its high standing, long experience, ample means, and avoiding all risks of an extra hazardous character, it may be considered as offering ample security to the public. .... _ . _ At Counting Itoorn.or Atwood, Jones & Co., Wa ter and Front streets, Pittsburgh. 0et231. NATIONAL FIRE. AND MAIUNE INSURANCE COMPANY, New Voris. THIS well known and respectable company is -pre pared through - their PITTSBURG AGENCY, to make insurance of every kind connected with risks of transportation and Inland navigation; to insure against loss or damage' by Sre, Dwelling Houses, Warehouses, Buildings in general, Goods, Wares, and Merchandise; and every description of personal property on the most .favorable terms. ApplicatiOns for Insurance attended to without de- lay at the office, No. 31 Water and 62 Front sm., by SPIRNGER lIARBAUGIi Ag't. At an Election held at the office in N. Y.; May 12th, the following named gentlemen were chosen Directors of this Company, for the ensuing year, viz: Joseph W. Savage, Stephen Unit, John Browner, John McChain, William G. Ward, Wm. W. Campbell, John Newhouse, Jacob Miller, William S. Slocum; Marcus Spring, John F. Mackie, Joseph S. Lake, John J. Herrick. And at a subsequent meeting of the Board, JO SEPH W. SAVAGE, Esq., Was unanimously re-elee ted President for the ensuing year. WM. JAMES BOGGS, au 4-1 y. Secretary. Insurance. MERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of; J Philadelphia—Charter perpetual—Capital 000,- NO paid in. Office in Philadelphia,. No. 12 Walnut street—Wm. Davidson, Neal; Frederick Finley,! Sec'y. This old and well established Company con tinues to insure Buildings, Merchandize, Furniture, and Property, not of an extra hazardous character,'! against loss or damage by Fire. Applications for Insurances in Pittsburgh and its neighborhood will be received, and risks taken either perpetually or for limited periods, on favora ble terms, by GEO. COCHRAN, Agent, dec 2 , 1 No. 26, Wood street. JOSIAIt RING KING & FINNEY, Agents at Pittsburgh, for the Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Company of Phihufelphia. Fm.: RISKS upon Buildings and Merchandize of every description, and Marine Risks upon hulls or cargoes of vek - sels, taken upon the Roost favorable terms. Office at the warehouse of King & Holmes, on Water st., near Market street, Pittsburgh. N. 11. King & Finney invite the confidence and patronage of their friends and community at large to the Delaware M. S. Insurance Company, as an insti tution among the most flourishing in Philadelphia— as having a large paid in capital, which, by the oper ation of its charter, is constantly increasing—as yielding to each person insured his tine share of the profits of the Company, swithout involving him in any responsibility whatever, beyond the premium actually paid in by him; and therefore as possessing the Mutual principle divested of every obnoxious feature, and in its most attractive form. nov I-tf Agency of the Franklin Fire Insurance Company of Philadelphia. N. E. corner of Third and Wood streets, Pittsburgh. rpHE assets of the company on the first of Janua ry, 1845,as published in conformity With an act of the Pennsylvania Legislature, were Bonds and Mortgages, 8600,615 93 Real Estate, at cost, 100,967 77 Temporary Loans, Stocks and Cash, ... 203,499 72 Making a total of $009',683 42 Affording certain assurance that all losses will be promptly met, and giving entire security to all who obtain policies from this Company. Risks taken at as low rates as are consistent with security.•. ,oct WARRICK MARTIN, Agent. IV llsonis Pills ric WILSON PILLS, as a remedy peculiarly adapted for headaches and dyspeptic affections, are pretty generally knotyn and esteemed in this community; and the proprietor, so often as he has occasion to write or speak of them, can scarcely re frain from an expression of his grateful acknowledge ments to his friends for their patronage and kindness to him. His feelings are the warmer from observing the "beginning and the ending"—thrown almost in juxtaposition—or so many. nostrums and kindred pre pal-stains egually loud in their pretensions, and much A pron industriously presented to the public ; whilelis preparation noiselessly advances, even to remote places, soothing and comforting the afflicted, and permanently graflingitself upon the affections of new friends, thus continually widening the- circle of its usefulness. Although well satisfied that his medicine Iras, as it were, a principle of perpetuity in it, yet he is obliged to his friends for the most sub stantial evidence of the fact. In its natural history, if you please, the Wilson Pill differs. from most other preparations in not being originally made for sale r or with a view to pecuniary profit; while as every body knows, the greatest tyro (as a general thing) no sooner begins' to (Ribble in drugs than he caste about for some cheap prepara tion, or must 'get up,' as the phrase is, something-- anything that will sell. Olen ho attemnts it under an assumed or fictitious name. as though conscious his own were insufficient to sell it. The difference then between the Wilson Pill and the preparations a have just indicated, would appear to he this: The consciousness of the value of my pill originated the idea of putting them on sale for money, and at I price. The consciousness of the value of money originates in most instances the many preparations I have alluded to; and the price most likely 'to take' is always first carefully considered„and the pill. or otherpreparation made and graduated to suit it. The one is a DISCOVERY, and comes from the groat Arcana of Universal Nature; the other a trick or invention, and comes from a• not very, popular quality of INDI VIDUAL Nature. t Reader! the difference here is great. In one instance the value attached to the PILL is the starting point; in the other,the MONEY. But it is not probable that some of the . Many prepara tions having even such paternity were acackntally good, but that .possibliby this process of "getting up" as the'y call it, by puffing and 'blowing, as we clean wheat, they have been "got up" too high be fore their specific gravity had been carefully ascer tained, and have, blown off never, to be heard of, with other chaff—some lighter, soe heavier.. Whatever maybe the rationale , I must repeUt it, that I am most profoundly thankfu to my friends for, their discrinlination itinot eonsigning DIY discoTery to that compenduous category of "inventions that did not answer"—of "tricks that won't Win.." • The Wilson Pißeare useful as a .oErrra..u. remedy, and may be kept and taken, in proper doses, imfam- . ilies, as a preventative cifieneral ill health, or, ease of whatever name, by any member of the fam ily, without any fear of:thb consequences of.expe sure in the ordinary pursuits of business. , • ;Cr They !nay alwayi be bad in any quantity of the proprietor, in Pen natreet, below Marhury, and of th principal Druggists of- this city and Allegheny. iY 224lB cw. 7M; NEW qR.I4ANS.S wait. -20hhde Q.., Sugar for sale by dc26) . JAMES MA Y. A CURE,F;OII. CONSUMPTION. Seven. Thousan d eases of obstinate .fulmonary Conn We ,nak the attention of the candid,to a feiv con eideratione. , Nature; in every part - Oiler works, has left indeli ble marks of adaptation and design. The constitution of the animals end vegetables Of the forest, is such that they could not endure the cold of the frigid zone, and vice Team. In regard to diseases and its cure, the adaption is mere or less striking. The Moss of Iceland, the Wild Cherry and Pines of Northern latitudes