The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, September 17, 1846, Image 3
COHMERCIAL_RECORE PITTSBURGH I BOARD — OF TRADE. COILVITTET. FOII FISPTEMBEIt. 0 IrVeynlail, • - 'T. S. gift& J.Hanna, Prepared and corrected every Afternooni PORT:OP!; IT,T,SBILrIiGiI: '2 FEST '4 i2r . CEIES : 47IiTiICIIff THE . CIIA ARRIVED , Consul,' _Bowman, -Brownsville. Michigan, Nies, Beaver. Lake ,Erie, , Hemphil, Beaver. ' Louis:Nl - Lane, Bennett, Brownsvill - American, Smith; Cincinnati. Ormota ' Gorden, Beaver.:;" Dispa(ch, Nelson, Monongahela Cit DEPARTED. Consal, BONVITIan, Brownsville. Louis IYPLane,,Bennett Michidan, Boies, Beave Lake Erie, Dernphil, Beaver, Harlem, Hazlett, Cincinnati. Senator, Dean; Cincinnati, - Diligence, Beery, Cincinnati. Onenta 'Gorden, Beaver. DispatCh, Cit' Arrow,.Atkinson, Beaver.:,. • Wilmingtoni 52 bxs glass ware, 100 bales cotton batting,.3o4 obls4lour, 400 sks wool, 1 bx mds 164 hush Oats. I ' .516innigaheitt Improvement—Per str, Louis 31% Lane; 12 bbls. flour, 1 - 2 bbls apples, 14 bbls fish, 16 bush" barley, : 13sks rags, 15 6. 7 8 Per ate Consul; 4 kegs nails, . 9, tons pig metal, S 3 bbls flour, 151 br.s glase, 1 lot sundries _ . Per str Arena;.3 his `radi 1 hoise.l2ai bis glass 81 bush_oats, 1 moving : Pet att . Dispatch, 118 bu sh outs, SUMMARY OF -MARKETS: Intsisville, v Sept, 11, 1846 RE:sinr.s.—We note but few changes in staple articles. • Flout has advanced frOm last quotation; sc. per brl, oosale by, the,quantity. Bacon.--Tbens is still, a fair supply of Bacon coming in. Sides still command from 4 a4} ets, Hams 3i; Shoulders 2 a - Sales of Sides from stores 44 and in some instances a less price has been submitted for rather infeiior lots. Shoul ders sell .slciulv 34 a Ifams from 4 a sc,ac cording to quality.'• Coal.—A plentiful supply of Dittsburgh, selling at 10c by the ,boat load, and 12ic per hundred bushels, delivered. A large quantity of Cannelton Coal has arrived and is retailing at 124 c ` Flour.—Demand for Flour light. It is now sel ling at . 53,00 by - drarload ; $3,'.15 at retail have no chande to note this week. But little coming in. We quote $2,50 a $2,00 per cut, for a good article-of dew, Totted; Water rot ted commands frorn $lOO to $1:40 per ton. lifolasses.—Sugarhowe is selling at 40 a 42; Plantation, 29 a 30c. • Cotton.—No change at all in cotton; stock very light. A. few sales at our prices below. - We con tinue - former quotations, viz: North Alabama at from' 6i to 7e.; Mlssissippi 61- a 7lc; reeeipts light; Tennessee 51 a 31. Heard of sales of 60 bales Al-. abama-et 7c., cash. Whiskey.—Last sales common 17 a 17/ et& per gallon; Rectified 16/ a 17c. per gallon. o change in figures.—Dem. St. Loi n s Rcpt-, Hemp—There has been nothing doing in' Hemp, and none arriiinti.. Lend—Small Jots, embracing 12:30 pigs, have been sold at $3 a $3,25 fur the Ohio river. and for manufactories here. These figures, however, are above the market prices, and have been caused by a temporary shortness in stock, and an increased- demand consequent upon a rise in the Ohio.— Large lots cannot be quoted over $3 a $3,05. Re ceived; 4,255 pigs. F/our—There an improved feeling in Flour, and though transactions are not extensive, the price has risen, or at least remains firm at our high est quotation of last week. We note sales of best country, arfollows 35, 95, 175, and. 229 bbls Quincy Mills, at $2,75. Received, 978 bbls. Wheat—The market is heavy, though a good deal of prime new has been sold at 50c per bushel. Some inferior lots have gone `.IS low as 374 c. Received 2,011 sks and 61 bbls. Corn—The_ demand is active and the supply quite short. A lot of 82 sacks4old at 24c; anoth er of 503 sacks at 22ic (not choice,) ant another of GG sacks at 25c., in'each case, the sacks includ al Received, 711 sacks. Oats—A good. deal of oats has come forward, and the demand continues pretty active. Among the sales noticed, are the following: 117 and 158 sack's* 273 t; 174 at 27c; and 71 sacks at 28c— sacks included.' Received, 1,558 sacks. Whiskey—There is a diminished demand, but no change in figures. We quote raw 103 c, and recti tfied at 15] a, 17c.; per gallon. Received, 88 bbls. Bacon—k lot of 9 cks clear sides sold for 4 c— an advance. Country hams are worth from 4to 4ic; and shoulders from 1 to 24c. Receipts amount to 27 cks. New York, September the 12th Flour and/Veal—The receipts of Western Flour since our last hhve continued light, and as there has been an active demand for export, prices have fur ther advanced 12,icents per bbl. The market was rather heavy, and on the part of some holders there was a dLposition to accept S-1,43i, and we , believel some parcels were sold at that price; we now quote as the closing rate, $4,43i44,50 for all Western. Holders of Southern asefirm,bm there has been no sales of importance. Rye Flour is in a very mod. crate supply, and commands $2,87.i. Jersey Corn Meal,is wanted for export. Gritin---The market for the various descriptions has been less animated since our last, but prices of those for which there is a demand for - export have been'well sustained. - The transactions in Wheat have been less extensive, partly owing to the small supply- Northern Rye has, continued in request for shipment. Northern Oats are rather higher, and may now be quoted 20a31 cents for Ri'ver and Canal. For Corn, there is a fair demand for export and distilling. and prices have hither advanced3a 4 cents per 'bushel good at the close was very scarce. The Cotton market continues quiet, without any sales of note. A lot of 4 bales, 71CLO crop, was sold ut S3c per lb. 11l Tobacco we notice sales of 10 hhds Refused, from 11. a Qic per lb. Small sales of Sugar at former rates. Nothing doing in Molassec Flour.—The sales of Flour to-day Were to a moderate extent, amounting' to about 700 bbls., in cluding 237 Illinois in two lots, not in very good order, at $3,40; 75 Ohio at $3,60; and about 200 bbls Ohio and Illinois at from $3,023 a $3,73 per barrel. Pronisions—We could learn of no large sales of Pork. The business for the ''past few days has been confined to retail lots from store, at from $B,- 85 a 8,876 fcr mess,snd $0,75 forprime. In bacon we notice the follOWinglranSactions: 30 caskssides at 51b; ti do. at si; 20 do at si; 36 tierces covered Hums at Sc. and - small lots oftthontders at lie per lb; In Lard, 800 kegs choice were taken . for the Havana market at ac per Ib. ' Cont,—The Sales of Corn - to-day .were4mall, and at an advan'ee' on yesterda'y's prices. We notice 400 bags Whits,at 44; .110,do.Yellow at 433; 174 Mixed, slightly touched by weerel, at 40, and 125 do at 420. per busliel: , - In Whiskey the transactions were; in small lotd at from 103 a-200; 30 bbls -Raw brOught 2.00 per gallon. ' „ " Fieur—The market to -day-has exhibited a good deal of briskness,.the-trade !manifesting a disposi tion to operate freely at the .pte.sent going rates.—. The - sales have been chiefly-or-stored lots, compri sing about 2000 Ibis Genesee; good common 'brands at s4,l32l:cents: 1000 do do extra do at 4;75 and 500 do fang) , at $0 peebbl; some parcels Southern at $4,37i -. • ' Grain—The 'absence of expected supplies has caused some further slight improvement in the market for White`and - Yellow Corn; sales of' the latter at 63a64e per bushel, measure, and the other Gthi62c do do: ; SouthernOatsdic•nt 25c; Delaware do,-d0•28c.. and Norther 31a34c7c10. 731175 c Per-bush.—Post, EMI rTr. 4 1-t -• ~ . 4 -1 SI r7, r , 4.! " y. •=.!,- .= 4 -4 24.1% • ' _ _ c TS LATEST FROM THE ARMY IN MEXICO . _ Tlie Steamship McKim, Capt Page, arrived at New Orleabs on the sth inst., bringsus lettersfrom Our correspondents at Camargo and Matamorasf of late dates. The foll Owing letter from mix cones. . Pendent at Camargo, says the Baltimore Sun, brings intelligenCe Of considers:it : de interest `1 [Correspondence of. the Baltimore Sun.] Camargo, Mexico, 4ugtutr 15, 1846. We - have so many rumors here that one is apt,, very,. id mistrinit hireself wren. - There is one thing; however, acknowledged on all hands now, I believe to'be a moral Certainty; and that is,we areto have a "big fight" at or near Monterey: The rumor of yesterdayWris . that Gen.:' Taylor had sent a runner to Gen. Wool, at St. Antonia, directing him 'to push milts - Unlined in 'Wet direction-so as to meet him there, and that another was to start this morii ing again on surnething of the. same' business.— l 'These runners I believe are pretty generally relied Upon es correct. There is no doubt of the -first runner hiving gone, which fact of itself indicates nn-entssua/ anxiety on -the part'of Gen: Its further stated that this anxiety on -his part" is produced by 'information received frorri a German gentleman of the enemies forte." This gentleman has informedbirn that "unlets he takes a large force - he mustbe cut to- pieces." Capt.' Duncan rt staed - be a tour of reconnoisance a' few days since. - A letter Was received iti, - camp -yesterday from an officer'of biacommand, stating they were close on to Canales; and would no doubt make him prisaner; Capt. Duncan knew his whereabouts, and had taken'proper steps to surpried him, in ar resting and making prispners every one he came across, thereby precluding the passibility of Canales discovering, his approach. The force under Capt. Duncan consists of rano ' urs belonging to 'lllcCul lough's company, about 100 strong. ,The -proba ble strength of the enemy is abOut 15,000. We received orders a few days since—rather a circular ,--orderirig the army to hold itself in readiness to March in eight days.. - . Gen. Taylor, I understand, intends to have about 16,000 men with him at Monterey: This I tbelieve is' about all the army news I have. I forgot; the intermsdiate depot is to be at Chin; about 60 miles distant. McCullough's cOmpanywas in this town last week; it had been garrisoned by about 150 men., but on his approach ! they fled. It is now reported that a force of 5001 is occupyinz it. N ORTH East corner of Federal "and Robinson Nstreets; Allegheny, will commence its Fall session on Monday the 31st inst. • From Professor R. 11. Lee,! Washington College, and Having attended an examination.ef the school taught by Mr. Williams, we take pleasure in bear- l ing our testimony to the evidence afforded by it of the unusual skill acid labor of Mr. Williams. The understanding of the principle of the subjects which the scholars had been studying, shown by their, clear answers to questitms asked by others than the teachers, prove the excellence of the New England j modes of teaching, in which Mr. Williams seems to be proficient. It. H. LEE, J. WISHART, From the Rev. Mr. Preston, Doctor Hunt, 4-r. Having attended nn examination of the. Select School under the care of Mr„Henry Williania, held recently in his school room, corner of Federal and Robinson streets, Allegheny city, we wish to call public attention to this institution. We were highly gratified with the progress and order ofhis school.— This manner of simplifying and illustrating the dif ferent branches is peculiarly happy, and well calcu lated to give interest to the pupils. His mode ofj teaching them to read struck us as novel, and one that cannot fail to make good readers. From the .knowledge that we have of Mr. Wil liams' character as a teacher, his zeal, fidelity and success, we cordially recommend him to the patron age of the public. His location is elegible for both cities. DAVID HUNT, I attended the above examination, and can truly say I was much gratified with the attaintment of the pupils. WM. PRESTON. New Goods S New Goods I S At No. 62 Market street, Simpson's Row. A. A. MASON, IS now in receipt of and is constantly receiving new DRY GOODS of every description, from the eastern Manufacturers and Importers, to which he calls the attention of the public, 62 Market st. sep9 J. D. WILLIAM, .1. D. 'Williams & Co WIIOLESALE and retail grocers Forwarding and commission merchants, and dealers in country produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures. No. 110, Northeast corner of Wood and Fifth streets. sep. 8. rEAS, SO Packages fine and extra tine green and black teas. For sale by sep. 8. J. D. WILLIANTS & Co. QUCIAII., 6000 lbs, prime 0. Sugar. 1.) - 1000 44 Loaf, crushed; Pulverized and clarified, do. For sale by sep. 8.. J. D. WILLIAMS t. Co- HAMS, Prime sugar cured. For sale by sep, 8. .7. D. WILLIAMS & Co 1 - 1 COA, chocolate, cocoa paste and broma of the U best quality. For sale by sep. 8. .1. D. WILLIAMS 14 Co. Wall Paper. A SPLENDID assortment just received from the East, of entire new Patterns. They can be had very low at the Wall Paper Store of J. SHIDLE, aug27-dlm. Smithfield street. INDOW BLIND PAPER—one yard wide, for sale by J. SITIDLE, aug27. Smithfield street. 1 0 9 000 PIECES of Glazed and Unglazed Wall Paper, oftny own manufacture, on hand and for sale at the lowest market price. ettg27.dlm Cotton Yarn. .1.1. c. LBS. assorted numbers, long and 45 000 short reel Cotton Yarn. 15,000 lbs. Carpet Chain. 10,000 4 . Cotton Twine. 150 Bales Common Batting. 100 " Extra family do. For sale low to city or country trade, by M. B. RIiEY .I.r. CO., augls 57 Wood street. New Orleans, Sept. 3, RECEIVED this day Parasollettes and Sun- Shades; Ladies. Corded Skirts; do Sea Grass do; • 8; Black Hernani Shawls; Be - rege Scarfs, and Shawls; For sale at B. E. CONSTABLE, je27 • 83 Market st. Lake Superior. 1 - )EOPLIi visiting the copper" mince of Lake Su perior during the season, will find it to their advantagdto "call at Hays & Brockway's Drug store where they can procure such remedies ce the pecu liarity of the - climate require. Any infcirrnation v e to the country•will be freely given. HAYS & BROCKWAY, je2l No. .2 Commercial Row, Liberty et. commodiousTAVlNG a very large and ware !! houseolie are prepared to receive (in addi tion to freigliMfor shipment) large amount of Pro duce,. &c.on storawr at low rates. • • . . .C. McANULTY & CO, jy23 , • Canal Basin, . . . . ZUH E partnership ,lisretofore. existing between Hiux - ker§.- Dickson is this day dissolved by teal cUnsent. .The,.afrairs of the. late firm Will-be settled by 1 , , H. Hun* ' who will continue the Bak ery and ConfectiOuarY, at the old stand in , Fillh f near rket git,rept. P. .u. HUNKER, 2eP/ ROBERT DICKSON. Boston, SePteniber,ll fiLOYES-1241bs just received antrfoisule by It. E. SEI;LERS,- sepl4s7 Weed street. RACE EINDEIt 7 - -- XO6 ItuTjust received and for sale by • , E..SELLERS; seplst • • ' . 57 wood street: INI?.!9151).1118 Manilla, prime, fc c .E . LIEF I t 7, - Be N 4 - - 57 Wood street trIREN'Eft.6CHRE—,6IB just received and for ealeLly - . R. E. SELLERS, , sag*, - . 67 Wood etrder,s . EIS H. Williams' Select School, TESiItioNIA LS. others RICI-PD BARD, RICH'D BEESON J. SIIIDLE, Smithfield street Storage. 'Dissolution. - . . THE. Splendid new and light drought passenger steamer 6 ENATOR 7 Capt. ' sffidi 14 , Csvan, wilt leave:lot-the above and'all•intennedi ate ports, regularly: .; Foi !height. or passage apply onboard. " ' ' - , '":" - - ' = saplaltn': \ • For Cincin,iitt.' ' Tbt new light, draught packet-steam er CALIFORNIA, 'Captain - Hunter, will cave to the above and, all intermediate ports ri.e r tt 1 - day, reg . ar y. . , . • ... :. For freteht orpassage apply on board, or to ,S, t Mr: BUTLER& BRO., Second at. The California was built expressly.for the above trade, and will flake her trips regularly during the season. auTl5 re Otneinnati. Anon AIL PACKET. THE ne and light,draught passenger - steamer Vir s Es T ERN , Capt. BAKEE, will lento for rho aboie \ and yell intermediate ports regularly; The Westerndrawisbut 12 inches, and was built .exprosely- tu ritri,Nit the trade during,. the low water adason: For freight or passage] having miperior deeommn datiorts, apply on board, FOR . LOUIEVILLE--REGUNLYI PACKET, 04 7(4,.. The new and splendid`passenger steam= eV TONNALEUKA, Capp.k K. Mandy, will run in the trade from -Pittsburgh \tp Lodievillei during the season of 1846. \ The Tonnalenka was built expressly far the trade, -and is elegantly furnished in every respedt. "-For freight or passage apply on board. my 22 FOP. CINCINNATI. .; The;well known fast running sthamer CAMBRIA, W. Forsyth, Master, wilPrun as a regular Packet, leaving every Wednesday morn ing at,.10 o'clock, and Wheeling, at 10, P. 14., the same day. Returning, she will leive Cincinnati every. Saturday, at 10, A: M. 4 . , For. freight or passage apply on lboard, or to FORSYTH & Co.; Agents,- ap 16 No. 30, Water street. SAINT LOUIS PACIEBTS. FOR ST. LOUIS-REGULAR PACKET The new and splendid passenger steam er TOM CORWIN, Capt. Bugher, will run in the trade from Pittsburgh to St. Louis, du ring the season of 1840. The Tom Corwin, was built expressly for the trade, and is elegantly furnished in every respect. For freight or passage apply on board. may 19. FOR ST-.LOUIS—REGULAR PACKET. The new and splendid passenger steam , er BRUNETTE, Capt. Perry, wth run in to trade from Pittsburgh to St. Louis, during the season or Luc, f • • The Brunette was built expressly for the trade, and is elegantly found in every respect. For freight or passage apply on hoard. apl4 For Cincinnati and St. Louis „tetoThe passenger eteamer PALESTINE, 4 -- Capt. Williams, will leave for the above an 11 n termediate-ports regularly. • - For freight or passage apply on board. je9. For Cincinnati and Louisville. REGULAR PACKET. IN The new and splendid passenger steam- C 0 L M DI A, O'NEAL, Master, will leave or the above and intermediate ports, regular ly. For freight or passage apply on board, or to jet D. WILKINS, Agent. Tuesday EveningPaoket. „ Ire iy„ The uew and splendid passenger steam - boat D}CLARATION, Capt. Vorhees, will run asa regular packet between Pittsburgh and Cincinnati, leaving this port every Tuesday evening at 3 o'clock. Returning she will leave Cincinnati every Friday evening at 3 o'clock. • The Declaration offers superior accommodation: to passengers. For freight or passage apply on board. jel CINCINNATI PACKETS MONDAY PACKET. r n " The regular mail and passenger steamer MONONGAIIELA, Capt. Stone, will run as a regular Packet between Pittsburgh and Cincin nati, leaving this port every Monday at 10, A. M., and Wheeling at 10, P. M., the same day. Return ing, the will leave Cincinnati every Thursday, at 10, A. M. For freighf or passage apply on board. The Monongahela was built expressly for this trade, and offers to the passengers comfort, and so. perior accommodations. mar 31 MONDAY 1 . 1 CltxT. THE regular *1 and pasenger steam ..t-te-t li er UNION, CtlptSin Maclean, will run as a regular packet between! and Cinein nati, leaving this port eve • Monday at 6 o'clock, P. M. Returning she will i jeave Cincinnati every Thursday at 6 P. M. The Union was built expressly for this trade. and affords every accommodation. For freight or passage a ply on bond. may 9 THE regular mail and passengersteam v,,,-- er HIBERNIA, Capt. John Klinefelter, will run as a regular packevbetween Pittsburgh and Cincinnati, Leaving this port every Tuesday at 10 A. M., and Wheeling at 10 P. M. of the same day.— Returning, she will leave Cincinnati every Friday at 10 A. M. TIIOS. MILLER For freight or passage apply on board. , The Hibernia was Pink expressly for the trade, and offers to the passengers every comfort and su perior accommodations. apt r T N H E E l r v eql ,. .rz. rG mail a p n , ddiz t s . en s g . eßr.titLagme riltrun as a regular packet between Pittsburgh anj Cincinnati, leaving this port every Wednesday at 10 A. M., and Wheeling at 10 P. M. the same day.— Returning, she will leave Cincinnati every Saturday at 10 A. M. For freight or passage apply on board. The New England was built expressly for this trade and offers to the passengers every comfort and sups• lior accommodations. mar 26 . THE new U. S. Mail steamer ACADIA, M. E. Lucas, Master, will rim as a rep ar passenger packet between Pittsburgh and Ole above port during the season of 1846, leaving every Thursday at 10 o'clock A. M. The Acadia is new and has superior accommoda tions. For freight or passage apply oh board, or to ap9 J. NEWTON JONES, Agent. Mlb THE regular mail and pairsenger steam f e- , ...w , E 4 Acer CLIPPER No. 2, Captain Crooks, will run as a regular packet between Cincinnati and Pitts burgh, leaving this port every Friday at 10 A. M., and Wheeling at 10 P. M. the same day. Returning she will leave Cincinnati every Monday at 10 o'clok, A. M. For freight or passagelapply on board. The Clipper N 0.2 was'built expressly for this trade end offers to her passengers every comfort rind ac. aommodation. mar 23 _M._iy The regUlaynail and passenger steamer CIRCASSIAN, Capt. Isaac Bennett, will run as a regular Packet between Pittsburgh and Cincinnati, leaving this port every Saturday, atslo, 4. M., and Wheeling at 10, P. M., the same day. Returning, she will leave Cincinnati every Tuesday, at 10, A. M. For freight or passage apply on board. The Circassian washuilt expressly for this trade, and offers to her passengers every comfort and ac commodation. mar 23 I N , The regtilar mail and passenger steamer j 47 _,....L.., 14MESSE14GER, Capt. Linford, will run as a rcgu)ar Packet between Pittsburgh and Cincinnati, leaving this port every Saturday at 10, A. M., and Wheeling at 10, P. M., the same day. Returning, she will leaVe Cincinnati every Tuesday, at 10 o'clock, A. M. For freight or passage apply on board.' The Messenger was built evreasly for this : trade, and offers to her - passengers - every' comfort and ae commodaticin. Mai 23 rirlHE undersigned having disposed of his Estab lishment, No, 112 Market et., to Mr. Thomas A. Hinton, would coidiallyreeommend hirq, to his friends and the public generally, as one every way worthy of their patronage. aug22 A. M'CAMMON. The undersigned, having purchased the large and extensive stock of, Boots, Shoes, &c, belonging to A. M'Camnnon, No. 112 Market street, one door from Liberty, will continue to conduct the business in all its branches, and trusts that by a strict atten tion to business, and an ardentdisposition to please, he will '.meet a continuation; of the patronage so liberally. bestowed upon his Predecessor. 'THOMAS A. ITINTON. N.ll:—Twd or three good workmen can have employment, by making immediate application. A SAFOETIDA-1 cascquetrearired and ter age A - - R. Es SELLERSi sepl4 . 57-Weadiareeta, • 4, ; • - • r For IClnoinnatt. TUESDAY PACKET WEDNESDAY PACKET THURSDAY PACKET FRIDAY PACKET SATURbAY PACKET SATURDAY PACKET Notice Latest. I uspironsiSnenti BEDSTEADS or different hint% witb dazzonVe Won patent fustunings, wipefinite anything now in use, for sa!edow attaeiilrnitire Nvarehonse or - • YOUNG & To,s-Iland Street. LEACHED SHEETINGS AND SIIIRTIHGS.- 1.11 The attention Of purehaSera is'lnvited to our geral stock of these Goode. • 4-4 supetior'Sea Island Shirting Muslim; . • 7-8 !' 12-4 Hamilton. Sheeting; 6-4 as 44 mar 17 SHEA- Br. -PENNOCK. EST JAVA COFFEE; ground and . put- %lint B 'pOiindOackages,, received !and Air sale at the Pzitut'TC,l STORE, 72 Fourth stiect, near Wood: je29 J r WINES.-rA few dozen 7 , Family . use," U. and Chateau "Ponitet Canet" brands- also fifty , Cases "medoc t; Julien" and other brands—at the wino .store of .. _ (aug29.) STERETT it Co. CORN -117 eeke Corn, for sale by je26 JAMES 'MAY. Barrel superior Crab Ci V der foi sale by C. MARTIN, jy 20: • ' GO Water street CLARET WINE.We will' tap lit Mt iofher.slt' of Claret this morning; persons in *alit of the arti- 1 cle on draught can therefore be supplied. Call early at the Wine Store of STERETT cor Market and Front sta."' seps CECKS AND TICKINGS.—An excellent ato• sortment of checks and tickings, just received and for sale very low.. aug,3 ALEXANDER & DAY, \ 75 Market st , N. W. cor. of the Diamond. Mackerel; Shad, Salmon, and Balt. & ana -1 \ led Herring. For 'tale by ecla t S. - J. I). WILLIAhIS & Co. F I . —l5O bbls No. 3 Lary's Mackerel; flo " 3 \lO " " 1 " " Herring (All rives) No. 1 Salmon; in store and for sale by \ LAMBERT Sc SHIPTON. au. l s FLOUR--25 bbls superfine family flour in store ..12 and, for sale by \ MARTIN & SMITH, sep2 s6AVood street. - VINE SALINA TA.4.,P. SALT-40 bags (small size) very fine SalinOalt, fit for table use and Dairies, for sale low by \I. c. MARTIN, i.Y 27 \ ; 60 Water st. GRADUATED Stripe and 'Plaid white Muslin Robes; \ Graduated stripe white Muslin 4, Mull Mullins; Nainsook do. A large assortment just new Th-daN\ B. E. COIVISTABLE, je27 No. 83' larket at. 'lnstinct° Netts. - i EC,. S. SWARM has on hand allot o very su ix' perior white and colored Musquet. Netts which will be sold cheap at No. 10G Market street. "1 jel3 T pants; , 1 EAVY white Linen Drill, for gent's pants; , _Li Tweeds and Summer Cloths; Gent's Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs; Do. Silk , do, : • Do. Hernani and Silk Cravats.. iAn invoice of the above received this day by . je 21. B. E. CONSTABLE, 83 Market, at. Er ANDS WAN T ED--2 Bedstead makers; 2 'fable makers; 8 hands to make other Cabinet ware; None need apply but first rate workmen. i H. H. RYAN itttB (Journal and Chronicle copy.) -4- TIDES -411 Missouri Hides, for sale low to close .1,1, consignment. 'je26 . JAMES MAY. llock SlNES—ltulisizehner, Steinberger, and Haut Sauterne brands for sale by iug29 STERETT & Co. For Sale at the Wharf. JUST received per Canal Boat -10,00 feet inch poplar; 10,000 " " geasonea; 45,000.. 4a4 Scantling. WILMARTII ri eNV Books T UST RECEIVED—Ls - runsm ra Baeoss, Asia' T Minor, by Mrs, E. C. A. Schneider, with an. essay on the prospects of the Heathen and our duty to them, by Rev. B. Schneider, and an introductio.• by Rev. E. !Feiner, A. M. Published by Rev. Samin Gittelius,.Chambersburgh, 1846. 'For sale by SCRIDA & SCHEIBLER, 115 Wood at LAWNS ! LAWNS ! !—Great Darg,lins in Lawns arc now to be had at Alexander & Day's, No. 75 Market at., as they are selling off their stock of these good at a great reduction of prices, so now is the time for Persons to suit theniselves at a comparative. ly small expense. ALEXANDER & DAY, No. 75 Nfarketst., iF I3 N. W.;corner of the Diamond. LAWNS—(r,isv coLoas).l—Another lot of Lawns just opened at A. Morris's, No 63 Market st.—: warranted fast colors—which we are selling at 12in per yard, j e t E.,"IIONS--73 Boxes Lemons; for sale very low, LA by ' jyl4 : JAMES MAY. EmoNs.-100 bats lemons in good order, for sale by P. C. MARTIN, ./ 20. 00 Water street. EADEIRA WINK-10doz Blackburn Madeira— the.most celebrated brand imported—to be bad ai the wine store of STERETT & CO,, aug29 N 0.16 Market et. cor Ptent. NETTS.—A large lot of rimpqni /TX to netts on hand and for sale .unusually low aug:l ALEXANDER & DAY, 73 Market st., N. W. cm - . attic Diamond. New Fashioned Bats, (IF a very superior quality, for safe by It•CORD & KING, ecp3 corner of Wood And Mafia r Allegheny Cemetery PERSONS desirons of purchasing lots in this Cemetery are referred for information to the Superintendent on the grounds, or to E. Thorn Druggist, corner of Penn and Hand streets, Pitts burgh. By order of the Board. J. CHISLETT, dee 11 Superintendent. ORT, MADERIA and SIIF.RRY WINES, — of P superior qualities, on draft, for medicine and other purposes, for sale at the wine store of STERITT ¢ Co. ang29. 61 Market street, cur., Front. 13SALA1S & HYMNS, for the usa of the German Reformed Church in the U. S. of America, En. glish and German. For sale by, SCRIII.I & SCHERMER, jell 115 Wood st. POT .ASH-15 casks Potash, No. I article, on hand and for sale by MARTIN & SMITH, 56 Wood st. PRINTS AND MDSLINS.--4nst opened a large assortment of low priced prints and a variety of different makes of brown and bleached muslins. aug3 ALEXANDER & DAY, 75 ,Marker Et., N. W. cor. of the Diamond IDirGMETAL.—r ton Scioto Furnace pig iron for elle by (je26) JAMES MAY. QUININE--100 ounces just received and for sale. by B. A. FAIINESTOCK & CO., sepll. corner of 6th and Wood sta. New Fan alright's:us. • ECEIVED by Express last evening, tie Invoice' XV, of super French Dress Oinghams, many of them entirety new style and patterns very desiralile, at No. 96 Market street. aug26 BARROWS & TURNER.. ECEIVED—Per Canal Boat Great Western— it 100 pcs Cherry Scantling-5:5 and 6:6-6000 Lights Window Sash suitable for the western trade; 12:16,10'12 and szlo. For sale by jo6 ' L. WILMARTH. D EFINED LIQUORICE-100 lbs just received JAi 'and foe sale by . B. A. FAIINESTOCK & CO., . . ' sep9 cor. 6th and Wood sts Removal. STERRETT-ic CO., have removed to the corner of Market and Front streets, No: 16, one door below their former stand, where as usual, they will be happy to wait upon their friends, aug/5 Notice. TSr. undersigned have this day associated under tho firm of J. D. Williams & C 0.,. for the pur , pose of carrying on a general wholesale and retail grocery, forwarding and commission business at No. 110, Northeast corner of Wood-and Fifth streets; Sept.. Hit., 1840. J.:O.:WILLIAMS; sop. 8. THOS. MILLER. L[►t or:Letters 'REMAINING:. in the Poat Office,-Ct.Pittibitrgh, Sept. luthy 1846.-Persons calling-for letters; whose narneer are , on. this list, Will i:ilease say titfly are advertised. ..• • - Agnew" John t- .. Allison 'Jane Ainsworth Edwd S Annie Johrt •• - Adams John S • • AppletonJlicob Adams Emmett B 'Anderson A;35.-: - . - Mama R S • Anderson Abr Allison Ebeline Miss • Arrodfong Elizabeth 'R Aston -William . .2 Argyle John Allvin Mary Angry Isaac A' - • • Allison Jamed Ashworth Robed Baker Charles Boston John. Baker John: , Bostick Edmund , Balletic] Jacob - • Bowman H A Baird W Vapt - Bonner Nilljatd, , Bailey George Boveird John Barclay Rachel Bogert Htmiali Barnett Joseph - Brown Sarah . Barrett Mrs . Brovvo Henry S Bartley A 13 Brown Julia A , Barna Elizabeth ' Brown Alexr - - Barber C W. - BroWn William( Barton J .. • . Brooks Robert Barlett G W Breachly Geo Barker Legrand Bradj James. Baxter William -Rev Bradford•JarnesD Bell Williafia Brice Louisa - Bell Elizabeth Brooke Stephen Benyhill Thomas - Brouster Stunuel - Bodo Rosannah ' • Brockway Relief Mrs - Beltzhoover David Bracy Geo Bennett J M Braden Lettice Beall John I - Bundall P. ' Best Alezr - 2 Bulger John . S Beach Susan Burta A P ' • Bengough Ann I Byron It S - Bernas'Sames M • Butler Thomas Blazon Matilda Byringtim Jeaptha. Black William Burke John Black Mary A Butler.Alary J Mrs - Black Thomas 'Burns .1 Bossart William Burnside Robert Bostick John , 5 Burrell John W Boggs Maria Burdon William 2 Dorm Matthew Rev Casey Mitchell • 2 Coffin GIV Carson John • Cunningham John Carson William - Connor'James L Catz Oliver Cook Jessee Carothers James Cocks M A CaveoNathaniel . Cowles H B. Caskoy William . 'Cordell Allan Carlisle ,Daniel Cook John Casey Edward Cook Lewis Carson Thomas . Cook' Br. Jones Campbell Julin Cameron Cornelius Chester William Rev 2 Costen 7.,11 Rev Charles William Crawford Chapman William Crain Nehemiah Chollar London • Cranston John Chalfan John, Crispin Peter H Chamberlain Brown B ,Culp Mrs Mary Clark Thomas Cunliffe Charles Clark Isaac Rev Cunningham James V Clark Edward Cummins Robert Clark Isaac Curran Dlanissus Cooper Franklin Collins Thomas Cooper William Collins B F Colhurgli George Coats Peter Davison Christina Misr Doyle W Dawson William Dobbins Eliza Mrs Darts Silas Davis Daniel DavtsJamos D De:vin Francis J lionill P E DeOker Jicob Delihr John 'Deny Levi Dunlap Thomas Dill em 'John Durley dr. Evans Deihl /3Miiiii Donaldson Eliza J Dickinson James T Rev Dorsey Thomas G Dougherty Murtha Mrs Dougherty John Esenfilder Catharine Miss Evans Owen Elleott William Eyman Jacob Ellwirttiz Isaac Evans J Fagg John Faismat Thomas Varies James Ferguson Andrew Ferguson N H - Flanigan Frances C Fleisher Andrew J Fitch Roswell 2 Flanigan John Fleming Mary Jane Fisher James Fuller Oliver Galenor James Glenn Alexander Galbraith Geo Rev diem, J G Gaurble Thomas Gold G Garwood Elizabeth Gormly William Garwood Samuel Goodbreak C David - Garret Edward Gordan Maria _ Gates William Gooch S T, Gallagher M Rev Green Andrew T Gardner Nathaniel Griffin Sarah Gelaton Samuel C . Goblin° A J 2 Galbraith James Grooves Elizabeth Gilbert Ilezekiah 2 Griffin Sarah Gibson William Oribine Mary Miss Gilmore Archibald Graham John 2 Gillespee Samuel Graham EC Mrs Glendenning Robert Gray David Glenn William Greiser Jacob It Hamilton Caroline Harriet John W Haile A Harris N Haings Richard Harkin Joseph Hadley Urban Ilaigu John Magee Fredrick Harrier G W Hackett Julia Miss Ilevland John Hampton Caroline Hashleep John %V " lingarty Mary Hawthan Moses' Hagarty William Hazlett E C Heaney Jane llays John B Barris E Bays John flare Adam Hays S B Bartline George Bays James W Hurdle John Herriett James I lurillett lethel la Hath George Hartley Groge Henderson Matthew Harden Sarah flurry Bridget Hartley George 1 lutson Ales Hill A Y . 3 Hunt B L Hines Elizabeth Habemtin Jacob !Jerkin Charles Hulenp Susan Ililands John Hugh Mrs Histo Rebecca Hughes Thomas nibler Arthar H Hunter R M Hobut & Thompson Hunter David Hodgsen Mary! Humes Jane Hocking Jane Hurd W J Hoirmeyer Gustavus Howser Abraham Holmes A H Horner John ' Hollenback William Howenstein Andrew Howard Thomas Hopper Hanson • Hood Allan Irons A S Irwim Robert 2 Irwin James II Capt Irwin Alex Irwin John H Inglis)) James Ingram A P Jnmison Robert Jenkins Mary Mrs Jack Robret Johnson James Jackman Nancy Johnson G W James Joseph Johnson Robert 2 Jackman Citation° Johnson David Jack A Jones Junes Jeffries Ann Jones Isaac II Jeffries John Rev Jones David Jordin James Jones Robert W 4 Jenney Snrah Jones J H Johns Mira Jones Samuel Jewell James - Jones Thomas Jeffries Margnrcrta Kane - Mary Miss - Kerr James A Kitler Joseph Kelly John Koine Henry Kelly T L Kntcheon Isaiah Kerr Mrs Karney Garrett Kerr John S - - Kennedy Capt M Kline Ellen Miss Kaye Jusqh Kirkpatrick Edward Kemmett Alfred • Kiretrue Jacob Kennedy John ' Knox E Mrs. Kelley Joseph - - Kuhns Daniel Kelly Catharine• Mrs 3 L Lamborn I - sarte J' Lidn Jolm La Motto W Capt Livingston Samuel Lappe Martin Lincolm Lyman ' • Larkins Owen • Lemons Daniel Little James Lillywhite Banjainin Little Margaret E Lilly George' Lathrop Alfred • g Litchfield John ' Larimore E Miss Long Andrew Levington Archibald_ Longhrey 11110 I. Leonard Mary Anne Lockhort Olt Leonard Mary Anne Logan George, Lewis William Lyon Capt ' • Leonard Mary Mrs Lowry William Little James Lndwick hPelellitnd - • Little Jane Lummer Matthews Robert It - Miller John 2 'Mackey James' A 2 Miller Willitun Maher Charles C Rev Miller`lereiniab Maeky James IL Miller - I B Mack Thomas - Mitchell W,l • t• Mahorney Sarah Maberly Thomas - - • Madison Ottis , Moorhead R Mann - Peter, Morris Themtiat ;Matthews /Alai' ;Moodie J W i% In==M Dougherty John Denning John Drippy John Dunlap William 4 Durand IV Diluter D Capt :- Dunlap Julia Ann Flynn Thomas Findley Samuel Rev Falwell F W Fester H D Porgy James 2 Frew William Franks Margaret A Freeman Geo E Freeman N Stances John K Fulton John 11 ESE Martin Elizabeth Morrison .Mr • Martin Polly • - Mere Joseph J Martin John L Myers Margaret , Miss Meta Henry ' Am, Mrsighan Henry. - Menu John Middlemess Andrew Miss ]lfite Samuel j -itifyer'John Mulligan -John ' Murray-John slitehell Margaret 1 Murphy James .1) Miller, Lefty Mira Murray Annie Mrs, , 1 hI?A•Voy 'Michael _ M , Garr Hliinbeth' Mrs M , Dride MlntYre Mr. M>Bride A -It ' ',lll4.ittyre' William . rilride Andrew , „ - _ M , Callorigh Wm Rev M , M,'Callough James' h.f., , ,lllwaine Andiew ht , ClingAzigetini'Mrs, i 34 , 1i - devBr William • Ill'CSbe James H . : M+lCerdehan 4- Co NPClintort Jahn j Mary Dies MiCloskey Leeward' .W.Rillen Amanda- 11,taa1en MlCelvy Samuel W Irt , Cann Ihigh IrPlrenna CbarleS: rearm George .. WlCennen Henry APCreeiy'llugh -! ltdsßelson .jamCs lioCuttly 1.. IVPLain - W, W Rev lit' Cormich Win . , .W.Lean: Capt J. M'Cormick Ec Dravoo - M 3 Claren 11'Donald Nancy'- APl.aughlin MISS. M'Donald John . frl?Donald Michael_ - 'Charles M , Dowell Blizahetli - W.Mastera M'.Gloite, David ~. . ADMullan John ° Rebecca Mrs .M 9 Matmui - Mr . . . , . I: - Nii Newland Maria Miss Nickle Simpscm Nash JOsePli ' Niblock Aim Newill BA I . Nichol John Nevin Margaret . , Nolte G H: . Nlcke John Noble Arthur 0 Owens Winne&ied-Miss Oros David A Ddel M J hlns OWentt:Owee' Clqtrien Joseph ' - °altos Isaac „ - Orr Mary' Mrs • Orr Rohert - Obey John Olfallertm: Bridget MN . Glilshoe Doct ' - • Palmer :Henry Pike Emma Hlla'Miss , Payne Seines - Piper Lneitida Mrs"' ' Padgett Ebenezer S • I) F Palmer Franklin ; ' Phillips William Pattersonloseph E , Pryor Silas ' - ' Pnrker E - Porter WA , Parke Thos C i porter John 3 Patterson Nancy . Price George Pititerion John.; Potts Mary Anne Perkins Hiram. 1 Powell C S Plufirmer Davis & Price George D Phillips Augustus Pryor Silas D Q'uinnDirß uiun Ilinhop Rev Ranson WiUiacjt niter Hanna C ] Ridley Jacob ] . .RockifellerMaryD Misa Ralston Joseph j Roney John, - R],eddy James :] Robb Chesterfield Rheyman John ;j Rockafiller.J keMis James , goss'Emaline Reed Bridget ]. ]ohs rke Ow n e' 11.]eed.Julia A - . ;John Rieitin,DennisW , RowawiLl W - Richardson W 2 Rowe Thinnai T Rind A C ' Rodebaug.h John Richeson Hugh ) Robinson C L RiClia.rds William :1 Robinson James H Richardson. Lavina p Rogers Frances Richard John 1 Rupell James Richardson Georgat Robinson Mary Mrs - Riley David A i/ Robinson Ebeneazer Rink Joshua l San Campbell j Sanders Chase A Sainple ,Catharine I Scott Walter ,I Scarborough Sedges' Scott Elija A Senn Margaret Suly C C Capt Sharp Margaret 1 Shaw George Slim-pleas A J j Ship, Thomas Shook John Shnrman Shelby.,Rachel Shinharger George - Shimei Michael ! ShuUk John Shuck Catharine E.l Slater Josiah . 1 Simmons William Smith Robert , B 1 Smith Robert bruith Samuel ~ Smith 11 Sinith David Sherry Patrick Spence E Snook Peter: Springer C W Tack'aberry Thomo; Tanner Isabella 'Mai Taylor. Mary; A. MR Thompson Josiah SI Taylor , Jeremiah Taylor Joseph . B Tharp Roderick ,1 Thayer G F , ‘.l Thomas Thomas - I4k, Thornburg Thommo Teeltera Marshall :1 Teeitera Samuel M Thompson J,dseph Thompson James jj Zpillnran Mary Speer J ,Spargo Snyder Nichoiay ck Spargo Mary Squire Horatio - W 2 Steele: Pi:oche • ,Stedman Samuel Steele Riche! V - Stearns Stevens William Stewart Campbell Stewart Margaret Stewart Samuel 2 Stewart James Sturgis S D Lt J It Strong E D Sturgeon Juba P Stoner A Strickland William Stimmell Charles A Stoops George Swain Morris L :2 Swearenger W D fistich Margaret • ornersPhillip Sweazy C • B 2 Summers WV F Spratt William T • Thempson Mrs Thompson Robert .3 Thompsiin,Williarn 2 Thomp - son Andrew • Tilden B F Torley J Tomer Jueob 2 Tomer Aden Trelevan Richard • Trainor - Indiana Miss Trimble Theodore • Trimble Margaret TuokerGeorge • [firing 3 Venal dames V Verolegrift Joseph Vickers Smg.' WalkerJaob Whitesides Robert Walker William [ - White John. Walker Alezander - Williams Samuel Wallaee.Ernaline ITiss Williams Jane K-Mrs Walter F A Mrs ilYlll4ins William Walter George Glsbn James Waldron John . Wilson G A Copt Ward Mary Mrs Wilson James 13 Ward Elevia Mrs t ' Wilson James W Watson Mr I Wilson. William Rev Watson Pherbe A 2 Wicks Elizabeth Mrs W,'atterson Wm. , [ Wicks Lewis Watkins Elimore Wickline Samuel Watt David J Wigam John' C Weiz Thomas [ Willis John A Webster Henry Williamson Richats);ff West Minerva aWm Williamson J II• ,Wells J T Winkett Samuel . Wells Abraham .I 2 Winton. James Welsh George Winter Mary Miss Webb Elizabeth Miss ;Woods Patrick W:eir William Woods Mr. WellsJaines Dr Woodburn James harmell Alesander Wright Sophia Mrs Whittaker James . Simes Young Otis yancy George 3. Young H Miss garnell David 2'„ Z Zigler George N Maj M D I C. MIKIBBEN, Postmaster Eept 115-d 2.taw • DEEM 3 DRUGS. C.antharides; Cochineal; Pow'd Colocynth; Eussian Castor; Blake Manna; Oil Cloves; • Guru Mastte; Gum Landrac; Oil Cinnamon; litsvreceived and Tiir sale by It. E. SELLERS, _ fikpl4 ;• • 57 Wood street. TOBACCO- 50 packages ss, 89, 12s &16a, Lump 1 and Plug Tobacco; jut received and for sale hp seplil 4. MILLER & RICKETSON. ICE-10 Tier4s prinie Rice, just recclved.- and 'for sale low, yy sep l r hIILLER § AWELTSON. AT3I BOX - E.,111141.: iThirty;l3 Ibs. Catty Boxes 11, Young Hyson Tea; j Thirty 6 lbs. - do.; Jut received aid for sale by 8415 .1' ;MILLER &: L[CKET UN. - 11/"A.C,KERE!..—'-30 Barc'els large Nu. 3 Mackerel; 111 just receire4 and cur sale, by sepls MILLiIR 3-, RICKNTSOc. , -- TVANTATIONWOLASSES---100 Barnsls Plan tation!milli's, on consignment and for sale by setils MILLEIt 4- RICKETS'ON. Rublied Calomel, in 1 1,_," lb bottleir, juni received and for sale by Sepl4. R. E. SELLERS, BRITISH LUS RE-4 case just received and fur - sale by ' i - It. E. SELLERS,. reply _ ' 57 Wood street. TURGEON'S flair Barrels Sturgeon's Oil; o.for sale by. I setils MILLER la RICRETBOIC. rixr HITE FISHIVND iltollT-142 Barrels. White Fish, f 60 Barrels Mackinaw Trout; _ Jtist received col' consig'nment end for sale . sep 16 MILLER ft. ftICKEFtiOX. AITHITE NAV NNA iSLIGAR-40 Boxes White - • RarainaStigar, jpiti received. and for sale by .seplls MILLER & RICKETBON, . _ SHOY774. Akgs.Sotisslorted Nos. for sale by JAMES MAY. ;;:~;I ; ATIN -S.IIIITED DE .LAINES.,—,Jast reCelve,l /7.5 ti to of hflck and colored Satin • Striped de 1....:.ce5,-wMeh we are selling very cheap. - • - ALEXANDER & DAY; ao2;:t -': 5' Afarket st, N Wcd of the Diamond." ARDINESE and HOLLAND few t,) cases awl kegs, a superior article: for sal() - try,, . • STERETT '& CO;: ' aug 29 • 15 blark et st., cor Iteeetved'liisst.*.tv'etatng dtC Oat r ITILIE fifth . and last let of .ilterrindekpi . ngliat, prints, style the same, brown Mad pcsplci.plaid:! and patterns beaCtifit!, at the Dry.Godds cash .1-Leur.q. of (so4 ) . . BARROWS &.TrittiS'rE.-. MHE PROGRESS OF NATIONS.—An the Progress of Nationsin Proilic i Indostr± 4 , Civilization Population and Wealth;_ illutrtratedl.;/ s statistics.-of: Mining.; Agriculture, .Marilifacturc . Corrimercoi merits,. Mortality, ;Emigration and Population, ly, A few copies of the above work for dale by "JOII,NSTON & STOCKTON, augSe ' -- Corner of Market and:3d sti: T AIILES—Pier, Centre:and card Tables of (Karl pattiffia. It you wantAgood article cheap: call ai the }urniture Warehouse of . - - . - Wood Street Property' fOr s TrlHAT'dediimblelot of ground at the foot of Woo l 'streetsocciMieil at the time of the greet re by Itiessrsilinglt Holmes, is offered:l'hr salt; *: "Enquire of J. K. MOORFfEAD.''. - augB pqck;ages" Y. II.; Imo.; G: an 1 Powctioug, of late inaportations,:arrivingSattd foitiale_by _ • ",,_ ...:LA_INIBERT 'SHIPTOISP,:j kIRME.A.NSOF PEAChi.—A Sermon deliimred. • in. the “Third Rtesbyterian Church" by . tile Re*. D. K, Riddle, and published by tlig questa did Coneegrition. For sale by • t JOHNSON STOCKTON.'' To Leti nornar of‘Food and Fourth 2 streets,pasnssion giyen . immediately, enquire, °file subscriber on the promises. - • , nu k 2. - • , • • rIIIOI3A.CCO--r ri b c : & s_ puteliinson's 'ss; • Harwebd's ssi "r a g 131 . 4 ts 31 R. Gr.inte 5. 3 ; 15 d I,4tolis 13 . s., 3 Balt. plug, and this day. and for sale by : augt).s Ladies Twist; arriviit t ANT s BERT & SHIPTON. • • ,• •. . tIIOIIISACCO--2 kegs No. rsix. twist tobacco re? . ceivdd and flir sale jay • • •-- . B. , sep2 N 0.5 - Water street. - t - Homers Odyssey.' IFHP. Odyssry ofHomer, nccOrcling to the, text or Wolf; with notes; Tor the use "or 'Schools imp.' Colleges:" by John J. Owen, Principal of the ns liistitute,. For :Isle' by Lan: LOO.MIS, . - sep7 (Journal copy.) Yd: Twist Tobacco-19 kgs Va.- tobacco, N0..1 article, - in store and for sale by • . • MARTIN erSMITH, - sep2 56 Wood street. VSNEERS AND VARNISHES, of the very best - quality, - for sale at H. H. RYAN'S Cabinet Ware.Rootns, N 0.31 Fifth street. jyl6 IiTINEGAR-50 bbls cider vinegar in store and for sale by M. B. RIMY & CO: eep•'_ George R. White S. Co., WTILL dispose of their choice stock Cr Barages, painted and Gingham Lawns, summer Shawls and Scarfs at reduced prices. - - They will' aiso dispose of their entire stock of ,Cloths, fancy Cassiinerez, and Kentucky Jeans, at original cost, as they intend relinquishing-this par ticular branch of theftbusiness: jy2.2,2in (Chronicle please copy.). GOODS—A large assortment Y of, White dress goods, such as Nansook, Jaokonett, Mull and Swiss Muslins. Just received` and for sale very cheap by - ALEXANDER & 7.5; n:.-crest con Diamond OLE AA TINES AND LIQUCRS.—STEIIETT C0.,N0 16 IV Market street ; cor. Front, would respectililly invite attention to their Iprge aesortzneut of Wipes and Liquors. would do well to call and examine,them before vurchasing elsewhere., - . aegd9 Int6ierbling to Buyers AvrE invite the attention of who wish bar- V gains to a fresh arrival of seasonable 'Dry Goods, bonglit since the reduction of the Tariff, at exceedingly,low prices and will be sold accordingly., PRESTON ft. 110SK1NSON, No. 81, Market st., between 6thand the Diamond. aug24dlin, EICOPHOIsT'S CYROPAEDIA: The. Cyropaedia, _LX, of Xenophon, according to the tell of L. Din d withnotea; fortho Cod of schools-and colleges', by J. Owen, principal, of the Cotnelina Institute; for sale by' LUKE .LOWILS:Agent. sep 7, • Jouraalcop.t. X BALES HAIR, suitable for Plasterers 13Urposes, for sale by - M. R. RHEY & Co. 12171t=1 1:30 .DA L ES ttni!nh'filorEsyaletbtvo aug-29 • (LLD. WINES & LlQUORS—consisting of Ur Port Wine: - -11Iacleira Wine; , - Malaga do; - " Rhenish do ; -in half and quarter pipegi and on draught n'airinted pure;"- - -Pale Brandy, of clifierent .brands , Dark do, - ws Rolland Gin fine fla-or . Peach Brandy, B,years old; Apple do, • 4 tdo, do; Old Rye Whiskey, S and 11 years old, Part.of the above" Liquors from •under Cus,tonl House Lock, for sale in quantities - to suit by P. C. MARTIN, jy:2o . 60 Water st. Copartne*ship. THE undersigned have - entered into partnership. under-Abe firm of Stracpr & Co.,as Wholesale and Retail dealers in Foreign Wines and E tquors, at the corner-of Mail:et...and Frent streets. - BENJAMIN:T. STERBTT, JACOB WEAVER., EMI Pi Goo de: tcEnrED to-day at No. 46 Market street .AL Another case of those rich Gingham prints, in brown and purple plaids, beautiful patterns. ALSO, sCLpieces white .and colored Musquitoe Netting of superior quality, for, sale cheap at 'BARROWS 8: TURNER'S„ 3$ Market st. CBI Segorm Segars 2 1 JUST received from New - York, a large quantity of Havanna and Principe Segars of the most popular and superior brands note in use. Also, an excellent article of chewing tobacco and several bales of superior Cuba Leaf tobacco far sale. B. E. WINCHESTER . No. 60, Third street, tw - o doors from the -Post Office. Sugar and Molasses.. .- • gLIDS. N. O. Sugar, strictly prime'. t!..5 bbls. Nos. 4 and G Logi; • ' -• 10 eases . - , Loverin's' D. Loaf Sugar Ils bbl N. O. Molasses; In store and for tale by LAMI3ERT SIIIPTQN, 133 and ;135 Wood street, ME .ft;11 13BLS. Pitch: elk" 5D • ltosin; 150 Bozos Tobacco, various sil.Cel 10,000' Seed lcaf Cigars; On consignme.nt and will he sold low fur Cash, or exchanged for Pittsburgh manufactures, by seps TAAFFE Fa' O,CONNOIIi CoWeet 3 o 00 G ltrLt`',..Pm'ern, tPPrin‘n; Atriving thii day and for sale by ung.2s LAMBERT .: &- SE{IPTON 111110DE.48t IRN, (Late of New , York eity,) . Filth 1.1.1, between Wood and 'Market, Manuthetnrers of Mustard,,Ground,Spides, Catstips, &e., will - open - during the - present 'week a large assortment of artieles it, their tine which they will. wholesale in quantities to 'fiuit dealers, at ‘ Easterti wholesale prices. All articles sold by them warran ted.' lterchants intending'to go east would doVell to call before leaving the city. - .:TheYtnirj be fund at their, warehouse, \0." 37 Filth' street, in Ryan Buildin sep7 OAL.:scrp.A.— • =4 casks, -received. and by B. A. FABNE,STOPII. ; aepll cot. Sisth and Wood sta. " .