jVgricultural. What Cattlk to Bkeeb. To raise rattle for beef, the Short-horns are pre ferable. They attain large size, take on flesh readily, mature early, and make most excellent beef. They need good feed and good attention, and will reward one for bestowing it. 'o other breed equals this for beef purposes. On account of their tendency to take on fat so readily, they are not gonerally good milkers, though there are excep tions to this. Some kinds of Short horns are said to lc fine milkers. If the object is to obtain quantity of milk to sell by the gallon or to make cheese, the Ayrshire is the breed yon want. Their milk is nt as rich as some breeds produce. Tf tlm lwst butter cow is wanted, the little Jersey stands at the head of the class. What she lacks iu quantity, she more than makes up in quality. Nearly ..tiP.fonrth of her milk is pure cream. Tl-.e butter is golden yellow, of the hmliest flavor, and commands the highest price. Their disposition nniot. ami tliev are naturally pets. Tor working cattle, the Devon, head the list. They are a very Hardy race, give rich milk, and make nice beef. Tor hilly countries and scant herbage, no breed surpasses this. If the object is to make money by breeding ;t r, select any good breed, obtain tha very lest breeding animals of that breed, give them the best rare ami attention, and try to get ahead of everybody else in raising them, ami your success will be certain. Every breeder should strive not to be surpassed iu his line. He must, to the care of his stock him self, and not trust to others, for they will neglect many things that are very -ssenti.il to the highest success. ?" Jf'iiin:. To maku Wiue Fence. I will give my fashion of wire fence, that. will stop sheep, cattle and horses. f set the posts 32 feet apart, and put staples on the wire at each post, but. do nt drive them tight, at every twentieth post (having a post with a wide, flat side, and have it well braced.) I bore through with half-inch bit and put the wire through it instead of the staples. I cut the wire at this iost, and I have some cuts off a hard wood round stiek ; each cut " inches long. I bore two holes 11 1-lii inches, one in each end, so the holes will be at right angles to each other ; then lorc one hole in the middle of the cut. : inch. 1 have two iron rods ; of an inch thick, and 21 inches long ; now put the wire through the hole iu the post, then through the small hole in the stick, as cut, and turn so as to form a lock ; then with the two irons 1 can tighten the win- as tight as tut Mr. Olaisher testifies to have heard 1 please, and when it is taut, put in a j this matter when 22,000 feet np in the short pin in one of the holes and leave Bjr ; the barking of a dog and the re it. The strain comes on the whole wire, 1ort of a gun rise each to t,00 feet ; the and in LMvmIht he can let back these ! ni10uts of a crowd of people, the crow round cuts or rollers, and so loosen the ; ;nff ,,f . em-k. the tolling of a bell to wire for winter. Last, I put live or six upright Ktirks or slats in every spare t :t:t) f.ft. lwtwecn Mists. The sticks are live feet j - lung and fplit from some durable I Fishes fkom the Cansel Cou of timlxT. .((mo. In these fishes every scale and I drive a staple over each wire on each tin rsy is shown ; and the whole animal wint or stick, and drive it tight. I let is exited with a thin film of sulphide of the lower end of the slats rest on the j iron and thus gilded." Sharks' teeth ground, UMiig a notched In.ard to keep ' and spines, scales and teeth of large tliomir. in place hile putting in staples. ! ganoids, and skeletons of many carniv I think it is Ix tter this way than more j orons salamanders are found all pre-po--M ; I nse six wires, and the spaces served iu the same beautiful manner, way lx- as follows ; t, i inches ; -J, j The ditTereut strata which compose the "niches; :il, 7 inches ; 1th. '. inches ; geological column have been divided .".th, 11 inches; ;th, 1:1 inches; this ; into several groups orsystems, of which i.l make a fence inches high, lie the base is formed by the old crystalline can varv this as iie pleases. This is 1 rocks called Laurentian and Iluronian. the best wy to make a fence so as to ease up on the mires in winter. I'm-nl A. " ) . . Thk iuoMTii or Titr.Ks. As the result .f oli rations and from the testimony of reliable men, the following is about i tourth, a mixture of mechanical and or tlie average growth in twelve years of ; ganic sediment, the Hudson, llclder tlie leading desirable varieties, when ; burg aud the coal measures. Each of planted in belts or groves, and eultiva-! the circles of sediments was formed by ted : White maple, one foot in diameter ! an invasion of the land by the sea, p ro und thirty feet high ; ash-leaf maple, j ducing, first, a sheet of sea beach sand one foot "in diameter and twenty feet and gravel ; second, the offshore depos high; white willow, one and a half feet j its following and covering the first; in diameter and forty feet high ; yellow third, the oien sea calcareous organic willow, one and a half feet in diameter and thirty-live feet high ; Lombardy poplar, ten inches iu diameter aud forty leet high ; blue and white ash, ten inches in diameter and twenty feet high ; chesti lit, ten inches in diameter and twenty feet high : black walnut and butternut. Un inches iu diameter and twenty feet high ; elm, ten inches in diameter and twenty feet high ; white walnut or hickory, eight inches in dia meter, and twenty-five feet high. The different varieties of evergreens will make an average growth of eighteen to twenty inches in height annually. FoncKiN Pi, an with Focxtuv. We have three or four houses mounted on low wheels (abo.it the size of those on a reaper) holding from 50 to 100 hens each. They are kept out in the fields all the year, moving theiu upon fresh crrolltid olionr. olw c week We find that the hens do just as well, if not j affects the anterior lobes, which he re beiter, than when allowed to range gards as being the seat of the highest around the barnyard. They do not i faculties of the mind. Education, he strav far from tlie'housc and invariably ' remarks, does not only render man bet deoosit their circs there, nests lieintr ! ter, and enable him to make the best provided for that purpose, and they go into the houso at night without any ditliculty, ro all you have to do is to go round aud lock the door. Wo found them very handy iu the giaiu fields after the grain was cut, as they would pick up alt that was scattered, thus saving a good deal of grain that would otherwise have liccn wasted. Another way they can be made useful is to have them in a field when it is lieing plowed, as the wy they follow the plow for the grubs and worms is n fine sight for a lover of freh eggs. lloi:-i:s ix Stoi:v. -Avoid, as far as possible, eiosing horses to storms. When on a journey aim to feed at the regular hours. If nothing more can be done, take along some corn meal, and put a quart iu a pail of water, aud stir it up while the horse is drinking. It will greatly refresh and strengthen him. Many horses suffer from dyspepsia ; and one great cause of it is irregularity in feeding, and giving too much grain when the horse is fatigued. When a horse has been exposed to a storm, and comes home iu an exhausted condition, give him a warm bran mash. Fnt two or three quarts of bran iu a pail, and pour on two or three quarts of lioiling water, and stir it up ; then add co'.d water sufficient to cool it to tho tem lerature of new milk, and give it to the horse. Blanket the horse, and rub his head, ears and legs dry, and afterwards run lnni dry all over. Near Lawrence, Kansas, Messrs. Sprague ic Akers have established a farm for - breeding fine horses, and among them is the famous Ethan Allen. In all there are over 100 horses of the best breeds in the country. One of our citizens consoles himself that he can get ahead of the moon "every day in the week." A few even ings ago he was meandering homeward, after having his nsual potations of the ardent, and observing the full face of the lunar orb, burst out in indignant soliloquy: "See 'ere, old feller, you don't 'mount to mnch, anyhow ; yer can t get full but once a month, and I can get full every night." A Parisian lady recently called on her milliner to inquire the character of a servant. The morality of the latter was lieyond questioning. "But is she hon est ?" asked the lady. "I am not so cer tain of that," replied the milliner ; "I have sent her to yon with ,my bill a dozen times, and . she lias merer yet given me the money." Scientific. trr , s,,vnvir r (TH 111- enificant as is the spot we inhabit the zone of life the area which not only all that lire and breathe and move ana inhabit but in which all vegetation ia contained is still more limited. From the submarine forest in the lowest depths of the sea to the highest altitude to which the condor soars above per petual 8 iow, is but t welve miles ! Within those scanty limits, six miles of air above ns, six miles of water beneath, everj thing that has vitality is confined. If the salamander lives in the central fire, the exception is so small as scarcely to be worth mentioning. The air presses upon the earth with a force equal to thirty-throe feet of water, and npon every average human body with a weight of fifteen tons, which onlv does not squash ns flat as pancakes, because the air surrounds ns on all sides, including our inside, and thereby the weight is balanced. To most of ns, nature is one vast mir age suggesting infinite delusions ; and even to the learned, many things still remain to be cleared np by slow-moving science in future ages. Who would imagine, upon the face of the matter, for instauce, that, in an airless world, not a sound could ever be heard ! On the contrary, in still and silent space, one would conceive that we might hear a pin drop from the moon. Hawkshee demonstrated the contrary of this fact in a memorable experiment before the ltoyal Society, one hundred and eighty years ago. lie placed a clock under the I receiver oi an air-pump, iu sum that the striking of the clapper woum continue after the air had been ex hausted ; while the receiver was full of air, the sound was quite audible ; when it was empty, all was sileut. Again when the air was introduced, there was a fee ble sound, growing in intensity as the air grew denser. At the top of Mount Wane, the re port of a pistol is no louder than that of a common cracker let off at the level of the sea. "Above two miles," says Mr. Olaisher, who.as every body knows, is an aeronaut of considerable experi ence, "all noise ceases. I never en countered a silence more complete and solemn than in the heights of the at mosphere in those chilling solitudes in which no terrestrial sound reaches." Ou the other hand, clouds absolutely facilitate the transmission of sound. Altove a great city, to a height of fru:n l.tNM) to 1.5)0 feet, there is always a noise, "immense, colossal and indescrib able." The whistle of a steam engine is heard at HI. OH) feet, the noise of a train at HJiHI, says M. Flammarien ; . .-(oiio ; ami the shout of a human leiiig ' F.ach of these systems consists of circles of deitosition ; first, sandstone, l'ots dam, Medina, etc ; second, mixed mechanical and organic sediments, the ealciferons, Clinton, etc. ; third, a linie- : stone, the Trenton, Niagara etc. : and ' deposit a limestone ; fourth, a mixed . sediment shale and limestone, or an j earthly limestone the product of the retreating sea. Between these submer gences perhaps millions oi years ! elapsed, in which the fauna of the sea ! and the flora of the land were changed, Hence the differeut fossils of the ditTer eut geological systems. The Ukain and Eurc-ATioN. M. Paul Broca publishes a series of researches he made some years ago upon the rela tive size of the heads of the inlirniiers and of the internes of the Bicetre. He gives a series of comparative measure ments, which he contrasts with those obtained some years ago by Farchappe ; and he believes he has demonstrated that, on the one hand, the cultivation of the mind and intellectual work aug ment the size of the brain ; aud, on the other hand, that this increase chiefly use oi tho faculties with which lie is endowed, but it possesses the wonderful power of making him superior to him self, of enlarging his brain and perfect ing its form. Those who insist that education should be given to all have both social and national interest to support them ; but if the brain really enlarges with education there is an additional motive the evolution of the human race. Fi!OirTio.N or Vegetahle Tissue. It has been ascertained that an ethereal extract of green leaves, which hns been separated by hydrogen chloride in two layers, a yellow and a blue layer, con tains in both portions phosphoric acid, iron, potassium and calcium. He has further observed that a mixture of so dium phosphate and iron protosulphnte in presence of water is able both in light and darkness to reduce carbonic acid to carbonic oxide. From these observa tions it appears probable that the for mation of a solution of a phosphate of iron protoxide may be a preliminary stage towards the production of vegeta ble tissue from the element of carbonic acid, water and ammonia. Formic acid, it is well known, may be formed by the direct combination of carbonic oxide and water. M. CiiAMCoriLLON recommends the use of the silicate of soda in the treat ment of all superficial wounds and abra sions of surface. It acts, he says, not only as an antiseptic, but also protects the surface from the action of the air and of any genus it may contain. He also states that excellent results have followed its use as an injection in cases of ulceration or purulent discharge from all mucous membranes. The strength of the solution is to be varied according as it is applied to the skin or to cavities lined with mucous membranes. Srrih ncr's Monthly. Of all cereal grains rice is the most extensively cultivated, and feeds the greatest number of human mouths. If we were to classify the human inhabi tants of the earth according to their preference for particular cereal grains. the rice eaters would hold the first place. The second would be disputed by the consumers of maize and of wheat. The population whose staple grains are rye, oats or barley, would ocenpy the fourth place. The latest news in the poultry world ia that a turkey ia setting on a neat of quail's eggs. Should the establishment hatch, the sight will be worth an ad- mission fee. Domestic lOMI.NO oTTI(E Jl AUluiuu uiuueo it is hardly time to speak definitely, only one thing being assured. The promise of plainness, made in the early Summer, will be strictly kept. Super abundant flounces and furbnlows will take an unlimited leave of Winter ward robes, and artistic simplicity reign in their stead. How our weary and over dressed women have sighed for this change, they only are aware ; and that they will hail the new order with de light ia undoubted. It is hinted that the prospective styles will require not more than Hall the quantity oi tue past; but this is a dream that seems impossi ble of realization. It is not improbable that the newly modeled garments may have a "skimpy" annearanee. but familiarity will soon arrange that, and once accustomed to it weary eyes will be thankful they are no longer compelled to wander over vast fields of flutinsrs and hedgerows of hes dines. Vhii nness of fabric, no less, than of fashion, is to be the rule. New goods. different from any yet produced, will soon be shown, and new colors, or rather new shades, are imminent The tints and" double-distilled shades of last year were so unbecoming to Americans that dry-goods houses are importing only novel hues, which it is expected will satisfy the most exacting. ficrio ncr's Monthly. To KEEr Sweet Potatoes. They can not be carelessly thrown in the bin in the cellar and left like Irish potatoes with any certainty of finding them when wanted. They must be gathered with great care, and kept dry and warm. Some pack them in barrels of dry sand or dry leaves, and keep them in the warm kitchen chamber. Others just put them into barrels or bins in the Kitchen. Many of the kitchens of New Jersey are furnished with long, low boxes on one or more sides of the room, which serve us seats, and in which the supply of aweet potatoes keep safely until midwinter. Uut they are dug on a dry day and put away dry and sound ; for if they are cut or bruised they are almost sure to decay and injure their neighbors. The methods of keeping them are now so well understood, that the New York market is abundantly supplied with them nntil the following May or June, IJut the market-men are not careful in handling them, and they decay very soon after purchase ; so that many families purchase what they want for one meal only. If a bushel or more is brought home from market at any season, spread them on the floor of a dry open attic, and, watch them care fully from day to day. If they decay faster than they can be used, cook and dry .them. Etaoeke Oaiidens. Ftnutrm are very common in the parlors, living rooms and dressing rooms of Americans. They are usually tilled with couchologi cal.niineralogical, geological, ornitho logical, etc., specimens, vases of ever lasting flowers, pretty keepsakes, souve nirs of travel, etj. The newest idea (and the best, perhaps,) is to convert ttnynet into gardens of plants aud flowers, in ornamental pots. We saw one the other day in a sunny room, and thought it the prettiest thing we had found in a home in a long while. The best of it was, the plants had been well taken care of, and were healthy. Where people have conservatories, it will be an easy matter to keep these rtarjrrr filled with blooming plants the whole year round. Grj"e Jelly Pudding. This should lie made in a pipkin or other closely covered disli. To three gills of rice take one quart of grapes stemmed and washed, place a layer of the latter on the bottom of the pipkin, sprinkling upon tbem sugar enongb to sweeten them, then a thin layer of rice, making them spend alike, and finishing off with the rice. Handle carefully, so that the rice shall not mostly settle to the bottom. After it is set into the oven, put in water enough to cover it, and cook slowly two or three hours or until the rice is very tender. Serve cold, with a dressing of sweetened milk or cream, or grape juice if wanted. A Usefcl Soap. The following is commended by those who have tried it for scrubbing and cleansing painted . floors, washing dishes, and other house hold purposes : Take two pounds oi white olive soap and shave it in thin slices ; sdd two onnces of borax and two quarts of cold water ; stir all to gether in a stone or earthen jar, and let it set upon the back of the stove until the mass is dissolved. A very little heat is requited, as the liquid need not simmer. When thorojghly mixed and cooled, it becomes of the consistence of a thick jelly, and a piece the size of a cubic inch will make a lather for a gal lon of water. Watermelon Vinegar. Perhaps it is not generally known that a very fine white vinegar can be made from the juice of water melons. We had a quan tity of melons last season, and after we had cut out their crimson cores for eat ing, scraped the shells from which we obtained considerable juice. This we strained and put into jugs with small class bottles in their mouths. We set the jugs out iu the sun, and in time had a fine-flavored, clear, strong, white vinegar. The vinegar at a certain stage will be very bitter, but, when perfected, loses tins and acquires true vinegar taste. Offensive Bueatu. "What is the cause of strong, offensive, and unpleas ant breath which is met with in so many persons?" I lecaying teeth, impure blood, and foul secretions, and such habits as to bacco-using, liquor-drinking, over eating, etc. : and probably constipation is an immediate cause of more cases of fetid and offensive breath, than all other causes combined. Avoid the cause, and yon will certainly avoid the effect. The same may be said of offen sive perspiration. A cement of great adhesive power may be made by rubbing together, in a mortar, two parts of nitrate of lime, twenty-five of water and twenty of powdered gum arabic, this forming transparent cetoeut of wonderful strength, and applicable to wood, por celain, glass and stone. The surface to be united should be painted with the cement and hrmly bound together until the drying is completed. lo soften hard water, ion can soften the water by adding carbonate of soda washing soda as long as a whitish precipitate is formed. Let it settle and draw off the clear water above. Sometimes simple boiling will render the water after setting fit for washing. To Eemove Mildew. Take the mil dewed fabric when dry, wet trorouglily with soft soap and salt mixed. Let it lie a short time, then wash it in good suds and lay out to bleach. Repeat, if necessary, Or soap thoroughly and scrape chalk on the spots and lay in the sun. Bbcises. "What shall be done for braises on the head or other portions of the body ?" If there is, with the swell ing, heat, apply cold water, with brisk robbing ; if not, fomentations or warm water with rubbirg, then apply cold wet bandages. To Clean Chboiios. Moisten a soft cloth, gently wash the face of the chromo and wipe it dry. The varnish on the anrface of the picture protects the colors. 3Iiscellany. XJCb IlUb LUJ - part of thy income ; see thy provWicms be solid and not far-fetched fuller of substance than art ; be widely frugal in thy preparation, and freely cheerful in my entertainment , ioo luiu-u o enough, a feast. ' Tpe Worm ! - Tape Worn ! Removed In a few hours with harmless Vegetable Mcla-luc. So fee sake i uotil the entire worm, with head. maw. Refer those afflicted to reiddeuta of PhiU.lrli.hia whom I have cured, that had been an iwcrwtiUiv treat.! at the Jettenoai Medical College, ou Tenth street : had takeii in vain tun-"tine, the polled iiwM-ib, aud all known remedies. Dr. fc. K. Knnkel, No. g North Ninth street, f hiladeiphia. The Ouctor ha leeu in business Cor over twelity-nve years, and ia perfectly reliable. Call and see. Advice free. KemoveJ taiw worm from a child aix years old nieasnriwi 3u feet. At his oBlce can be seen sjie cimeus, some of them over 40 feet in length, which have Iwen removed in leas than three hours by taking one d.ste of hia medicine. Dr. Hunkers treatment a aim4e, safe and perfectly reliable, and no fee until the wmi. with head, passes. Ir. t. r. K antes, SVH North Ninth street, l'hiWcllUia, Pa. Consulta tion t.v mail, or at office free. Tits It. A Tonic and Alterative medicine, the invigorating and regnla- i i . 1 1 ting properties oi wnicn act, nam lengthen life, and add to the capacity tr,r ita oninvment is within the reach of every member of the community. No invalid who lias nan recourse to uu. Walkee's Vineoab Bitters will hesi tate to concede to it these invaluable qualities. It is a stomachic and a cor rective of unrivaled efficacy, yet being free from alcohol, it is not an excitant. Its anti-bilious operation is more direct, speedy, and certain than that of any of the dangerous mineral saiivants, and as an aperient, it gently removes any ob structions that may have accumulated in the lower intestine, without produ cing either irritation or pain. In fact, its wonderful remedial effects are unac companied by any drawback. Of all mo.liei'nes it is the most harmless and salubrious. As an appetizer, it is far ahead of any of the alcoholic nostrums that momentarily stimulate the palate ; wrhila a a means of renovatintr a weak and torpid stomach, it stands alone among modern remedies. o To t'onsnmpHvea, The advertise, having been permanently cured of bat dread disease, Consumption, by a simple remedy la anxious to make known to hia fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, be will send a copy of llie prescription usea, (tree n coarser, wws the directions for preparing and using the seme, wnicn tnev will una a sijhb mm iw wtp.w.r.n,., AsTHwa, UsoxcBiTia, and all Tuboat and Leva dlf- Dcultiee. Parties wishing the prescription will pleas address OOVA-ly an. KuwAsua wiuws, IM Fenn street. WUilamaborah, m. I. Advertisements. ..wwAivtYMe Pr,LTS. & O O O ooo Or Sna-ar-Coatrd, Concentrated, toot and Herbal Juice, Anil llillons Uranalca. THE "LITTLE ;l.T" C ATHARTIC, or TlalMssa In Parro Physic. The novelty of modern Medical, Chemical and riiarmarentiral hcienee. No use of any longer taking the la.i;o, repulsive and nauseous pills, cinnposed of cheap, crude, and bulky ingredients, when we can by a careful application of chemiral science, extract all the calitartic and other medi cinal pnniertire from the most valuable roots and herbs, aod cmireutrate them into a minute Gran nie, kearcely larger than a mustard swed, that can be. readily swallowed by thoee nl the mo-t-en!itive stomachs and iaetidioae tastes. Kacbliitlr. Purgative Icllct renresvnte. in a inoH concentrated form, much catnanic power a-. t einlnHli.il in anv of the Urce pills found lor ! sale in the dnn; shops. From their wonderful ca- tharlir power, in pruoortiou to their size, people who have not tried tbem are apt to suppose that i thev are harsh or d.-atic in eflect, hut such Is not i at all ihe case, the different active medicinal prin ciples oi WIllCU lllV are COnipoeeu neinj; m ur- monized aud mo( filed, one by the others, as to pr-Hliieu a mo't nearchlna and Ihor. on li, yet gcu.ly uud kindly operating cathartic. 500 Reward is hereby offered by the pro prietor of thwe Pellets, to any chemist who. upon analvis. will htid in them any Calomel or oilier loruia of mercury or any other niieral jioieii. f Be i no: rut I rely vegetable, no particular care is required while uing thera. They ope rate without disturbance to the constitution, diet, or occupation. For Jaundice, Headache, Coiihtipation, Impure Blood, Pain in the Shoulders, TigUliiei.il of the riicHl. Dizzincan, Sour Eructations' of the Stomach, Had taste In moiiih, Hilioua attacks. Pain In reel on of KiducyH, Internal Fever, Bloated feeling; about stomach, ltu-ih of Blood to Head, High Col. orcd t rine, I noociabillty and cloomy forebodings, take Dr. Pierce's Flraoant Pit rgatlve Petleta. in expl:wai ion of the remedial power of my Pnr .'stive I'ellets over so great a variety of diseases, 1 wi-h to eav that their action npon the animal economy Is) universal, not a glaud ortioKue escaping; their sana tive Impress). Ai.ro does not impair them ; their sil-'ai -i ttiiir and being enclosed in glasa lwiilles preserve their virtues unimpaired for any Irnsth ol time, in any climate, so that they are ai vavs fresh and reliable, which is not the case wlih the pills found in the drug stores, put np in chin wood or juisie-lioard boxes. Kecollect that for all diseases where a Laxative, Altera tive or Purgative is indicated, these little lvllrts will cie the. most perfect sat is lac lion to all w ho uoc them. They are sold by all enterprising urassisls at 4i cents a berttle. P'j not allow any dmrist. to induce you to take anvlhiiiir else that be ay say is just as trod as lay l'ell.-ls because be makes a large proiit on that which he recommends. If yolr drtirist cannot sapply them, enclose 25 cents anii r.-ceive them by return mail from It. . VI Elect., M. D., Prop'r, BUFFALO, K. V. gX EXT. U.T.Helmbold. KEARNEY'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, Is the only Known Keniely for Briht't Di eae and has curvd every cmpp of Diabetes in which it ivm been pi veil. Irritation of the Neck or the Bladder and Inflammation of the Kidney, Vleeration of tin Kidneys and Madder, Reten tion of Urine, Dieaf3 of the Prostate Gland. Stone in the lllad-ler. (travel. Brick Dnt Deposit, and Miiroiia or Milky Discharges, and for Eu fVeM-d and Detinue 4 'ontitntions of both Sexes, attr-nded with the following pytnptom?: Loss of Power, Li5 of Memory, Difficulty of Breath inr. Weak Nerves, Wakefulness, Pain in the Rick. Flushing of the Body. Eruption on the Face. 1'itliid 'ountcuince, Lat-situde of the By stem, etc. 1 d by persons in the decline or chance of life; after confinement or labor pains, bed-wet-tin:: in children, etc In many affections peculiar to ladies, the Ex tract Kucha is unemiafed by any other remedy As in Chinroftis or Retention, Irretrularity. Pain fulness or Suppression of Customarf Evacuations, I'icerated or srhirnis state of the V terns. Lea corrhra or Whites, Sterility, and for all com plaints incident to the sex. It ia prescribed extensively by the most eminent Physicians and Midwivcs for enfeebled and delicate constitu tions of both sexes and all ac-a. KEARNEY'S EXTRACT BCCHlv Cittf Hnv AririnQ frrm Imprudence, li tbit of I'tp-ttii-n, Etc. in ail their eUgea, ml little expense, little or ni change in diet.no in convenience, and no exposure. It cause a fre quent desire, and cives strength to urinate, therehv removing Obtriitions. Ifreventing and nrin"STrt tim-s of the I'rethra, Allaying Pain and htflfimmatiim, so frequent in this class of dis eases, and expelling all poUonoua matter. KEABXEY'9 EXTRACT BCHF, 1 100 per bottle or six bottles for $5.00. delivered to any addsess, secure from observation, bold by druggists everywhere. Prepared by KEARNEY A CO., 104 Doane St, N. Y. to whom all letters for information should be addressed, AVOID QUACKS AMO IMFOSTER. Co Charga for Advice and ConsniUtiom. 7r. J. It. Dyott, Graduate of Jferm MttHral Cofrg. Philadelphia, author of several valuable works, can be consulted on all diseaaea of tha Sexual or Urinary Oreana, (which he has made an especial study), either in male or female, bo matter from what cause originating, or of how long standing. A practice of 30 years enables him to treat diseases with success. Cores guar anteed. Charges reasonable. Those st a dis tance can forward letter describing aymptosas, and enclosing stamp to prepay postage. bend for the Guide to Hmith. Price MccbU. J, fi, mVTT, m. D., PhjstdM sad Stugssa, WWW Advertisements. $10 Breslau Lots. 6,000 LOTS O 25x00 Jeet, for SaU in th 3ITY OF BRESLAU, oi 9:0 per Lot, 2,000 Garden Plots 0 tO Lots each, at ft 00 per Tlot. The City of Breslau (a located on the South Sid BuItmkI of Long Island, ud ia knows to b th most enterprising pUoa in tha State, having threa churches, schools, saver Urge manufactories, hotels, stores, eta, tta, and population of aereral thou sand inhabitant. Every one Knows Breslau, And those who don't, please call for particular on THOS. WELWOOD, 15 Willoughby Street, Brooklyn. REMEMBER, $10 PER LOT. Title perfect and warrantee deed given free of incumbrance, street opened and surveyed free of extra charge. Apply to THOMAS WHLWOOD, (5 Willoughby St., Brooklyn, L. I., t No. 7 Beekm&n St, Rooms 5 ft 8, Hew Tork City. Or to EDWABD SALOMON. 612 614 Chestnut St, . Hl-ly Philadelphia, Pa. THE NEW DISCOVERY la fCwaairsI mm 7I4ical Scteara. Dr. E. F. GARVIN'S SOLUTION AND COMPOUND ELIXIR or FIRST AND ON'T.T ROLTTTOV erer made in une mixture of ALL. THE TWELVE Tahmhls active principle oi tbe well known curative agent, THEE TAR. CX EQUALLED in Oturh, Colda, Cstarrn, Asthma, Hnmrbitia, anl 'onsuntptiua. cnai without fail A rrtfnt M in throe to si hours; snd aim. by it VII AI.1.1NU. I'l KlFYIXli and STIMULATING ettt-cta upou the tftuerai system, ia rtmarkablj eHita t'iuUH in all 1MMF.ASKS OP THE BLOOD. Inulmiuifr SvrutnU anl Lruiitton of the kin, Dya pepnia, IHaeawof the Livtr aod Kidneys, Uetirt iha ease, and i-ural lh-lnlitv. ONE TRIAL. CONVINCES DR. CJAKVIVS VOLATILE SOLUTION of TAR rlKDICATKD FOR I. HALATION. WA remarkably valuable disroverr, which posi tively cares CATAKKII. BROXCIHTIS, ASTIlvi A. nnd all Disease of the XOE, TIIKOAT unl LIXttS. THE COMPOUND TA It A X I MA XltltAKE TILL, tor use in connection with the ELIXIR TAR. is, combination of th TWO most valuable ALTERA TIVE Medinnes known in five Profession, and ren tiers this Pill without exception the very best evel oK-red. Solution and Compound Elixir, j JJ ,Bo,..,k Tat awl Mandrake Pills, 23ctg per Box. Medicated Inhalation. .'t.iKi per Faekag. Send for Circular of POSITIVE CIRRI tc four Xhruirjftat. uf to L. F. HYDE & CO., SOLE PROPRIETORS 19S St-reufh Ave.. Sew York, GET THE BEST. WEBSTER UA BPJDCED DICTIONARY. 1 0,000 Wurdi and Itnmingi net in otter Didiowrin S000 Engravings. 1840 Pages Ouarto. Glad to add mj tsstimonv in itrfavor. ; fPrss'l Walker of Harvard. 7srj scholar know, 11, value ' T . , lw- Prescot! the Historian.1 ha most cnu.lete Dictionary of the Lanauaxe. Dr. Kick, of Scotland. The best guide of students of our lanitrua. John li U hitl1 Hs will transmit his name to latest posterity , , . , K'banvelKa-Kent.l E'tymnioirlcal parts surpasses anything by earlier E, laborers. iieorge Bancroft. Bearinc- relation to Language Prlnrij.la does to philosophy. fKilh Bn i Excels all other, in defining scientific terms, , i President Hitchcock. (T tar as I know, best defining furtinnarv. T1 .. . (U.s-acsMann.1 aks it altogether, the rarpassinc w.rk. rnart, tlx Kn.-Uh Orthceplit A necessity tor every intelligent tam.lv, student. . "iu "im feiorary m cons- plsts without the bert English Dictionary t a TOKB-S SATCSal KCTCKiX TICTSjtajt I00 Pages Octavo, 00 Engrolngs. Pries 18. Tbs work i. mil. - ..r . i... . ; . 9 thing tor the eolh-su ter, tiUlmMl thnlMf MHwmi oj v. m u. 31 KKKIA M, SpringAe).!, Mass. Sold by all Bc-hcllTs. SHOW CASES ! SHOW CASES T AU styles. Surer Mounted and Walnut, uew aid "c9.nn1- Keciirely packed for suippitue COUNTf.Ha, BAKVftHELVISO. s'toKE X It It KM, fcc. ??U!,EA25D E FUHMTrRE all kinds. The largest and bast assorted stock, new and secoud baud In the City. i,,-iVIM V BtlO.. tM.lv IQil, 10SL 10 ssd IIW RIIMitiVK Phils. JW. SHERWOOD, FL0RI8T. BOUQUETS AND FLOWER BASKETS MADE TO ORDER. Also WREATHS AND CROejgES FOR WEDDINGS AND FUNERALS. Bhkubs ako P lasts Cokotaxt'i.t ow UAiin. Xo. Id SOUTH BEVEHTH STREET, below Chestnut, Pliusiugu. DLANXG ntATLX PBDTTEP AT THIS OPTIC. Advertisements. DYSPEPTIC CONSUMPTION. Can Dyxpeptie Consumption be Cured W answer, TESt First. Removt all tbs anhsslthy mneooi that rmthers about th walls of ths stoma from indigestioa. Second. Produce sa sciive eonu...v- Liver and Kiiaeys witkeut depleting tho 7,tenl- ... Third. Supply or aid nature in furnunMf k. ar soma af the component parts that compose health luids. We, from thousands who have been eured, assert that euro eaa be performed on this theory. REHEDIES USED, Apart from our Office Practice. FIRST. THE GREAT AMERICAN DYSPEPSIA PILLS, BemoTO the fungus matter from the stomaeh, and restore it to a healthy condition. SECOND. THE PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL I Aets on the Liver, heals the Stomaeh, aad sets on ths Kidneys sad Nervous System. for further advice, sail or writ 08.t.Q.C.WlS8ABTt 2 32 JVort Stcond Street. ADMONITION. It is known to all readers that sine Da. L Q. C. WISHAKT has followed tho cans and sort of diseases, aad tho (rent value of TAR as a curative remedy, ss directed by Bishop Berkley and Rev. John Wesley, that many have attempted to make TAR pra. paratioa for THRU AT Aav ii.w via- BASES. Be U known that urn, u. vj. WIS HART'S PIIIE TREE TIR CORDIAL Is ths only remedy, from long experience, used by our most skillful physieisns for Diptheria, Ulcerated Throat, Lung, Kidney, Stomaeh, Asthma, aad General Debility, as well as for Coughs, Colds and Lung Affec tion. DR. L. Q-C. WISHART, CONSULTI27Q BOOHS AND STOSE, No. 232 N. SECOND ST , PHII.tnEMMIt A. Dr. i. Walker's California Vin egar Hitters are a iun-ly Vei;et;illo preimr.itiou, iu.kIp rliii'tly from t lie ua tive herls I'oitixl on the lornr raneps f tLe Sierra Ncvaila iiioMiitaiu.ttf t 'ulifor nia, the medicinal nirties of bi-li are extracted then from niibout the use of Alcohol. The tit:ni in alnwKt daily asked. "What is tint raue of the unparalleled aiuvrMi of VtNEii.tR ItiT i'ers!" (ur answer w, that they remove the cause of disease, ami the Kttieut re covers his health They are the great blood purifier uud a lile-jtiv invf principle, a perfect Kenuvator and Inviorutor of the system. Never U-fore in the history of the world bits a mmliciue Imu compounded pus-sensiug- the rvuinrkublu qualities of Vi.nkoas Hittkhs in bealine tho sick of every disease rutin is heir to. They are a gentle Purgative as well as a Touie, relieving Congestion or Iiifluiiunitiini of the Liver and Visceral Orjaus, iu i.ilious Diseases. The properties of Dr. Walkee's Viseoak IJiTTERs are Aperient. Diaiihoretic, Carminative, Sntritious, Laxative, binretic, Sedative, Counter-Irritant, Sudorific, Alter ive, and Anti- F.ilions. H. H. NrMMALD V CO., Dnurpists and irn. Acts.. Son Kmncix-o. California, tl I'm """"'" "'Mi .nanin ts.. . V. mv "j ai arsigBl(s IM Urali alcrs. FOR WHEAT ADD GRA USE BARNYARD MANURE, with a liberal hand as far as your a SI-PH.Y Will go. THEN FINISH OUT WITH BAUGH'S UAW-UONE Super - Phosphate. Wit will pa, wU sv. at present prices of Prclor lttth Year of Constant Use. BAUCH & SONS, Sole Manufacturers. STOKES: 20 South VelavareAre., ThiMa. and OS South Street. 2Salt,More. Ml-Sm STATION ARi, 1,. STABLE AND AGRIClir.TlTT? a r - . luijj STEAM ENGINES. Osssrsl Aassis tetr EritSKI.T. aV rn I - nm v. 4 Massillon Separators HORSE POWER?;. nA&, HORSE KAKES, .., iIAY CUT1ERS A K la A'FTT'n'n . FARM TVT A oiitvtt,,,,. "..uuil Cjll 1, HARBERT it RAYMOND. 1000 market Street. THEA-UECTAB ja rtiAS, BLAfK Ttr a 1 wttb Us Groen Tea Ssvor. ar ranud to suit all tastes, ror sal. STsrrwhere. And tut sals static A radac Tea Co., 1st il ton St., and! at ChanVVlf XecuretrcitUc -tu Eugene Schoening't SWEDISH BU TERS. OF PERUVIAN J-iRK. As Basis, fce tMs BIMers wss fseai aawaf a, sassrs td s Swssilsk saystslsa, a slala aaa. wk. kikls Usa, wasa I0 years si, sy a 6U1 at. bMsa. Sals Mia. tkn ha4 sua sept a rrsfomaS assist hy Ms taaUh; f avsr. tasa tars, swtarisa arla aU this Haas tt.7 frsqaaat aas ( U, BUUrs, whlsh mtaiM tksaa a stroa aa4 Urn, Uvlaf sat s SMpls, aj.ylai " Orlfftaally the mtV sas assrsaasrfalstWts. wss sbtalae ijatWIktti Ma, wMl. sartlpatlac la las sarll. a . sWIUsa. f the Isaalares la Aawrtoa, atlsr s sskau snaa kM, ansrt. lvslfs U s.1 vs Us s srlaaa sal kale. THIS GENUINE 8WEDISE BETTERS as It Is B.W sails, ksa si ass nM.'UHU si aatoalsits I svres si sa HsbIs alrsssty flvsa ss ky aasa I lyatslaaa, aa ka. yrsrW ltaslf aash a sowsrfa isrMtv. aa srsssrvstlvs KssaWy, Ua las assSa as farUat laslvUaai rassaiaisssatl i sr ,rala HOW IT OPERA VXa Tss.fsstsrUs lws41U lHUrs Mtmsb ttsssf. la las Srst slsM, SS Ik. asTvssslks4ltssUvs sriaas Urssakeat Uslr satlrs sxUat.kat avals! y as la. Uavask aaa Ik. slssstal tnast. It asraaallsrs iksu fsastloaa. saa Iksrsrsrs, BM.rlat ss tke aatare s azlMlaf lrralarttlss se reaaovss .kstrasUjas sa nustteass all kls4, s stay. Dlarrtaaa, - - . ssry, sreUsraaaasolesa 4lsskv(sa aasl sSlssl.. By rsfalatlaf Us aMasrfaal srfai st wklsk is yeaS U a.riisissl Us usssf isttea aa Us v.Uymsat mt Us kaataa ksay w tws4iak Bia ssrs lavlf sistss Us aarvas aaa US vtsal sswsrs, .Larasa.lk.asaM.sa4 U. lassllest. sssn.es u. btaskUacWlka liaise. Us seUHy. tk. kwals. aasMsa, sa4 ssJa. mt Us saesusk. layeeeea as 4t gestlv. rsemlUas, a.4 la aa saeelisat rseyaylssus aa4 IssaWy aalMS serves tirtUMIMy. Vlata leaey, Ckeila, Wsrsaa. Dressy, ka If toksa la aeakl. seees. It sTsles aa a saw a. set sat. la a aU14 aa4 aaialaas way. Ia ssssss.ii.il sf lkee s.aal!Uss mt Ue tweStsk aistsea H ka. kssssas ss mt tk. smsS MlskraeaS naillil seslsst 4tis ss s Ik. erf sas sewsiseS ta Us asaesses, w4 mt sSeeeleea Ual kslhll aa hla4 ta seseeejaeae. mt mt lsssss Tkse sv wWlsh BlUsrs ka. aa aasarysns rea ti Set sartaf LrvsvCsaylalataaf lesf elaaaiaf . ia.a4is. ysysysla, DkMr4sra mt Ik. Seleea. mt Us Psa srsas, sf Ik. Mssaral. fllaasa, aa4 ala. 41sst4se si Ik. B'seya, sf tk. Ciiaary sa4 Seassl Oraaaa, BaslSsstkMS ska Iws4lsh Sillers earee Ikes. la. a.wsrskH si,i.s, ee seaf eatlT. ASeeUeaa a.4 Plssssss, wklsk srlgUst. trass sal4 as4esilaa 4lstarkaaess, ss r-Cafssalsa mt tk. Laas, Us Isart, a.4 tk. Iralaa, Cesf ks, Astkaa Bsaaaska, Bsaralfflaa, la 4 1 fecal paits sf th ke4y. Cklerests Iteraal Hsaierrkolss aa4 PUes, Bsal, repay Ssaeral DslUlty, Hyyeekesartaais, Xelaaekely, ks., . Offrsat seaeSlUs Iws41sk BUUrs k als. beea Ibaad la Ue keflaalaf, mt Oaatrl. aa4 la. Ursallleat-P.vwa Bat tkto la aaly sas sloe of IU lassllwakle sewer st prmttctimf Uee isA at) n rtfulmrlp mfintt ml satsasaatts asa sptosssie diatmt. Tk Swe4i,k Bitters bsa ky Issf sapsrlsas. la avaay Uo.aaaS sans siala.!asdlts great rsasws ssls iks west reUakle rilllBTATITI ABB PBOTBTLACTIC 1IK BBT ABAIIfT Typhus, Orienttl Pest, Ship-FeFer, Yellow-Ferer, ABB ASIATIC CHOLERA. Tk. saperier preteettve aaJ MaaUv. vtrlass d Ik. Sve41sk Bittsre afalasl Halarlea Isvers, yseatery, aa4 Ck.l.ra, wars aioet apyareaUy teste la Ik. lata wan k Fraask aa4 lagllak sky alslaaa, wke, ky srssertblsf tk. saaia te Uelr re rpeetlve truose, sassss4e4 la rWsela( tk. sMrailty 1st sf spi4sal. 41smm nsai as U 1 per seal. DIRECTIONS SSV All pares sa wk. kav. ta perfsrai leaf a4 kar4 labor, aa4 wkll. 4laf It, ars .As. szpuaeS le sa44sa sksaf ss ef teaiperslere, sv Ue araR er sir, srsbselaaa4osta. sawlla, er vapurs, skeal4 eel fall U ase Ue w4lak BUUrs, utfet 4rps si It, a44W to Uelr 4rlak, are saBalsal to preserve Ikm U UesUmakls kealtk aa4 vtf er. Tkass wk. an aeeastowW to drtak Us wster 4arts Ue saa svar, skal4 aevsr salt te 44 sssu lw.4lsk Bl tors te It. Ssk,Pereeae flvsa Is s4sstary Ufa tksal4 ss ke Swsdlak Bltaers. B will seatralls Us k4 si sssts ef Uelr waat sf zerslee ta opea air, a4 keep lasat ta (m4 kealtk aa4 m4 spirit. AV T. tk. Laales tk. Iws41ak Bluer. Bsst espseUlly k. rMswam4s4. kVeaasa iu . trlkstos saost sssenUally to preserve tke resalarllv sfU. pkyatolsftoal fuetlesa, pesallar to lb. 4eli Mt. f.aiai. sesstltstlea aa4 Uss prsvM sa ef tortaal sarrter salos Ueee Uossurakle Berveaa 4 Blao4 Dlisim erklek - s. a... . m freqaeat. aa te selakeaky aaay tmw Bes s aalaral lusrnaassk tJSS, Bat tk. Bwealsk Bttton 4om set esly sesare tr k sails. It alss sfhsta Us fall 4.vslspsu.l ef Ik. haul. soar. aaef Ua keaatv kv serf eel a.r. sad la soaipleetlea ao4 eeler. tk. Bw4lsk Bttton kaa kseems sa. sf Us afeet aa4 BSt sB sisal COSMETIC AND TOILET ARTICLES, Bar Paiaisrs aa4 tkstr PaaUltss, wao kav. trl4 wsdisk BlUera, prefer It to all alallar srtleles. Psr tksai It provM Maslslal ia varleas waya. f MStawr, wksatk.tr sslllsf req aires Uea" to ftsa saaare tk. la tease beat of Us saa, walls ser pormla( ksr work, Usy an lad ase to be set raBdeatly astlas la aallafylac tkstr karaiaf Iklret by water, r la tla( frail at yet rip, A Tkas faratlnf pMpl. an very liable to sufsr tt.m mmm mum, r.var, Dymtrntn-i, Ckolsra. ks.. uwiegaiaraMOl aaeswsaisk BlttonsMks hesUese saaisroas lala.asee an kamles. In Wtnttr, 4arlag tke time ef rest, waay ssaatry peepie, iryiaf i ladsmsiry tksaisslvM for pirsneaa, an very .pi ts .fisa sverles4 i stosucka aad tkas laiaalr tkele ji.ui.. .... tkelr to. r .ts ef tk. tree. Tke aes mt tk. Iwestsk Bu sts prsvssto 4lasase frost Uat saase. Aa a siatter sf Mans, la mm ef slebsees, to patlsat skoal4 a.i4 fosa aet af reela( wllk kla sr sack, aa la kaowa, U ss 4iasl to 4lssl r sa, nltabl. to tk. 41ms. la fssstloa Tk.ral.: "BssasetsnaevaaMpMl.AVsas sr 4e," Is strlstly to k. sbMrvsel. HOW TO TAKE SWEDISH BITTERS n twsdlak Bttton sk.ll Mly ke UkM b tke sbsrsss mt lalaaajatoiy sywptoaw. nwapsnsas tak. aa Ukl.sp afal tkree nam 4ay, kfsrar aftor seals, pan sr 4Uato4 WIU watos, rnaoB. aa4at B ran, Iwe-tklr. tkat s.aatlty 2 1 " ssvkalf - . " eee-esarlsv Ckll4na trB S yssn apwarSa, sse-etrbU of Ual taaetlty, Fsmu aerastoBMd to sk.w tobseee, aks14 sk stala frost It aa aask sa s,.mm. .ui. . Ish Bitters; they way soketltato eoaM fewws sf aanmomlls sr root ef saUaiaa, ksl Use swallow Us salvia, lastead ef .ptttlaf It away. IaUesaeM way nckiaff mt lobSM. akal4 oaly BM4nl.ty a prastteaa. . ' . Psrsoas felisto4 vritk Jmenrf. , ... v kna4 or sakss, sr fat or salt aMata. kat skeaU Uk. BodrraUaierelss U free air voMlaf all se,i shaasM si leapnaton, all lsteaiperaaee U estla( ' '-fc nu an, awaial szslUsuet, by wklsk tksy will eoatrlbato largely I Us slkstlva. aan si Us IwWlak Blttora. BT. B. BkraI4th. Swedi.k ai.. ... .... taatoa. It Buy bo takeawlU sobm nar, sr saa be "f "walsr sr syrap. viae S4.Blrs4bVeer.ku. Ik. s.v. BVMtv. tl, k mt pnparla, tk. Oaly QmbIm wsdisk Blttora. ksntefon w- . kMalaf, lata V. a. Amy m Hn to frastrate fraa4 aa4 4epUss.la aaavs mt LSsksMUf karat lato the glan af sak bonis " wo eorvsMBBanaaa n .m. w e tBfs sa4 by SBTowa aasM. BooUm wlUe.4 1 DENIEL 4 CO., sM Bsrtk TWt4 Btnst, Pkllaidpkla. "e Bstlto, IB Mass. Ball .4ms MfcU Wkotaala ky iska Bultoav) fcw SSI Ank Barest, Plflsiibjlla tor Pals s 1 irrnTti. isisasssa