jXxMATA SENTINEL. ... -MIFFLIXTONVN: Wednesday. October 8, 1SY3. "pENNA. R. KTIME TABLE. Passenger trains leave Mifflin Station aa follows : EASTWAKD. r-.r-- Phixriwlphla Express, - 1 10 a m. Fast Line, 4 (Hi i m. Sonthern Express, 6 57 a in. .. Ilarrisburg Accotnmo., " 11 28 am. Mail, (S 3.1 p oi. Pacific Express, 10 07 am. Cincinnati Express, 8 iO p ui. wi:stab. Pittsburg Express, 1 08 a m. " Cincinnati Express, 1 93 a m. Southern Express, 4 10 a m. Pacific, 6 43 a m. Way Passenger, 10 07 a m. Mail, 3 38 p ni. Fast Line, 6 33 p m. Mifflin, May 25, 1P73. LOC.IL MTELLltSKSCE. Perry county has a cavalry company. Iliinlin?t!on Presbytery holds its sessions at Alexandria this week. Tanners of this State talk of establish ing an insurance company. Paper on the river alcove us note the in troduction of black bass iu the river. More rctt) J crop hay Las been made in hiscotinly this season than in many years punt. The cliief of police of Altoona shoots dog on the streets of that town with revolver. The pastor ol the Presbyterian church at JlcVcylowu gets thirteen hundred dollars per annum. A salmon weighing 13 pounds was caught in the West Branch of the Susquehanna at AVilliamsport some days ago. Two Lewistown children each had an arm broken hist t cek. The one fell off a "see-saw," the other out of a buggy. Marrying iu Pittsburg is lively, three hundred couples having withiu the past two mouths beeu married in one church Catholic. Perrysville is becoming quite belligerent On Saturday, G. V. Jacobs, a prominent ritizcH of that town, was knocked down liy a fellow citizen. A city biulier sent $ 4,000 in fractional currency to ltusBel'g bank at Lewistown. The banker of that institution sent it back. He woitldu't tuke the time tocouut it. f red. Esenschade, of the firm of Tilten & Espensehaile, has been prospecting for iron ore near Tucarora mountain, in Tur bctt township, and been fortunate enough to find a vein four feet in thickness. Advertisers who do not wish their ad vertisements to appear in the Sentinel and I.i:;'t i;i.! an should demand llieir dis continuance. If not ordered out they will be continued and charged for. Last Friday William Mcsserman, in woods in lieale township, before dinner shot eleven squirrels and a turkey. The Lewi-town Gazcllt hunter may put that in his pipcnn.l smoke a while at it. Two members of the Francis family in Arniair.lt township, Moilin county, died re cently from the efiects of crock poisoned npplcb'i'ter, eaten three months ago. The appM'tittcr was nnde one year ago. One night last wet k Dan Updegrnff while gigging in the river above D-jwart encoun tered a school of s iluiun and succeeded in capturing a dozen fine fish, two of them weighing over tec pounds each. Miltonian. If our pqtrons stop a moment for thought and reitlizc how we lost by the fire, and Low we have incurred heavy expense in the purchase of the Kkpit.i.ican, they will not be tardy in paying their subscriptions and other indebtedness. Xo is the time to help us. Dou't let us "dim." Two Lewistown boys left home last week without the consent of their parents. The Cuzttlt says it was the '"blood and thunder stories that the boys had leen reading that induced them to leave." It had better said it w as the mischief that led them away. Tl.e Democrat aud Register published the n-ime of a Tuscnrora man, last week, who had received that paper two years without paying for it, and then ordered it discontinued.- The only wrong in it was that they failed to put his name in larger and blacker type. If you wish to discontinue paper, do so by paying all arrearages, and no one v. ill object. Ttev. K. TV. Kirby has been restored to the mhi'fry in the M. E. Church. The Mclkoditt Home Journal, of Philadelphia, says: "A new M. E. Church bus been or ganized by Per. W. H. Elliott, presiding cider at the corner of Broad and Hunting don streets, to be called the Fourth Broad Street M. E. Church, and Rev. E. W. Kirby has been appointed pastor." On Inn Friday, " in the forenoon" be tween ile hours of 11 and 12 o'clock, Henry Xeiler, agd 73 years, latterly a res ident with Samuel Stiuu ling in this bor ough, fell dead while engaged in picking potatoes for Noah Elder. Mr. Elder saw liim fall and hastened to him and found him in the throes of death. He breathed only a lew times after Mr. Elder reached fun. A scaffolding on the new Methodist church gave way last Thursday, precipita ting to the ground John Kennedy, boss bricklayer of the building, and two other workmen. Mr. Kennedy was so much hurt that he was compelled to go borne to nurse his injuries. The others received but slight injuries. Rev. Mr. Tardoe was on the scaffolding at the time it gave way, but was caught by a man whose name we Lave not learned who was on an adjoin ing scaffold, and helped to a place of safe ty. The Reverend gentleman descended to the fallen party, and iu consoling words said they all should praise the Lord that things were no worse. Last Friday morning remaster Books met with a mishap thus: At the hour des ignated Mr. Books was preparing to go gunning for squirrels Hurrying across Mr. Smith's lot, which is adjacent to his own, he entirely forgot that Smith had made an excavation lor a cistern. Sud denly, however, he was brought to a reali zation of the forgotten fact by finding him self going headforemost into the hole. He reached the bottom, some seven feet dis tant from the surface of the ground, with out much trouble, but fortunately received no serious injury. The top of his head was cut in several places, which only wakened liini up and increased his zeal for the hunt. Cocalamus Lodge, No, 397 K of P, meets every Tues4aj evening at 7 o'clock, in the Odd Fellows Hall, in this borough, Jobs Laird, Esq, of .McCoTtvlUe, lhh county, is already making himself fell in his new position of Superintendent of schools in Patterson, N. J, as may be learned from the following paragraph, tak en troin the proceedings of the Board of Education of said city, aa published in the Patterson, Daily Presa of September 87lh : City SitjMjrintendeut Laird then read a brief hut exceedingly well-writien and ad mirable report in which be mentioned de fect he had noticed, suggested alterations, and gave his views and i.is inteutiona. He had louud lue classification of pupils very bad, 6ome being promoted to higlier grade before completing the work in the lower; the course of instruction and methods of many of the teachers can be and ought to be improved. He had consulted the Prin cipals, and had addressed the teachers upon the greatness of their work. He gave prompt atlentiou to every pupil reported to him. He had examined pupils for the High School who could not be examined at the regular time, and many front private schools, and admitted those cempetent There are 92 teacher and 4.70S scholars an excess of 555 pupils over September, 18G2. The Normal School has been organ ized and is beginning to do good work. It Is proposed that this school shall do the work for which it was designed, and a reg ular attendance on its sessions would be required, and teachers' record therein con sidered in making promotions. Three things he considered essential for the success of the schools unity, an entire sys tem of instruction, each teacher fitting pu pils for the next higher grade; 2d, method; 3d, life. He called the attention of the Board to several matters: that a plan be adapted to cure absenteeism ; that there be a better system ot marking recitations; that more blackboard surface be provided ; that there lie better ventilation in schools 1. 2, 3 and 5; that better walks be placed at No. 5 ; that a chemical 1800111107 is needed st Mo. 6, if chemistry is to be studied ; that vocal instruction and calisthenica be regu larly taught in the schools; that over crowded classes be divided, and that sub stitntcs be provided without injuring the A class of the High School. Report received and the various recommendations refeired to the respective committees. Dr. TTistar's XTii,d Cherry Bal sam. This ialsamiavmpound has be come a Lome fixture. Le.t all who suf fer, and have in rain attempted to care their coughs, eolds, bronchial or pul monary complaints, make use of this uueqnaled remedy. It can. be relied upon, the mass of testimony that has been published since its introduction, being ample proof of its efficacy. Public Sale Will be sold at pnb lio sale, at the residence of Francis Buckwalter, in Walker township, on Tuesday, October 21st, one cupboard, 1 bureau, 2 tables, 1 clock, chairs, bedsteads, desk, tinware, queensware, 3 copper kettles, 1 brass kettle, and other articles of household and kitchen furniture, Sale at 10 o'clock, TnE Crown Wringer advertised in this paper, is claimed to be the cheap est and best in the rcarket. Washing Machine dealers and the trade are of. fered special inducements. We re commend a trial. See advertisement in another column. Special Examinations of Teach ERS. Special examinations will be held in the Court House, at Mifflintown, on Saturdays, October 4th, 11th and 18th, 1S73, commencing at 10 i o'clock v m., for irregular applicants, bringing re. quests signed by not less than three members of the Board of Directors of their respective Districts, stating that they wish to employ said applicants. 1). K. ROBISON, Sep 23, 1873-3t Co. Supt, SI A It HI ED: MORTON RE.JR it the Lutheran par son ige, Perrvaville, Vt. 1, 1873. by Kev. II. C. Shindi'e, Mr. S. R. Morton, of Tusca rora township, and Mits .iuni C. Bear, of Beale. McELHENRT BURDGE On the 2d ult., at the I'pper Presbyterian Parsonage, by Kev. J. t. Kearns, Mr. T. G. McHlhenry, of Concord, Pa., to Miss CiceliaC. Burdge, of Kant Wateilord, Pa. HORNER McGONIGAL On the 17th nit , by the same, Mr. A. Horner, of Fan ncttsburg, Pa., to Miss L. Bell .McGonigal, of Concord, Pa. DOTY MOORE On the 2nd inst., at the residence of the bride's father in East, on, Pa , by Kev. Edward Townsend, Lucten W. Doty, Esq , of MifHintowc, and Miss Anna Moore, of Eastou, Pa. KILMER RICK At Loysville, Terry comity, Pa., on the 2nd inst., Philip J. M. Kilmer, of Juniata county, and Liziie S. Rice, Loysville. YOUNG SEIBERT On the 2d inst., by the same, Mr. D. J. Young to Mi.ss S. J. Scih-rt, all of Concord, Franklin co., Pa. KCMTZ MARTIN On the 2nd inst., by Kev. Mr. Hurley, Mr. H. C. Kurtz, of Thompsontown, this county, and Miss Maria L. Martin, of S tevens, Lancaster county. It I ED s THOMPSON On the 80th ult., in Pat terson, -Mrs. Annie M., wife of Jeremiah Th juipson, aged 15 years, 10 months and 3 dm s. G CSS On the 4th instM in Milford tvp., David M., infant son of William and Mary A. Guss, aged 2 months and 16 days. Tribute of Respect. At the regulur meeting of the lied Rock Singing and Debating Association, Friday evening, October 3rd, 1873, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted : WitEitEAS, It has pleased the alwine God to remove, by death, from our midst, our friend and fellow member, John H. Funk, therefore be it ltesolved. That while we recognize the hand of "Him who doeth all things well," we deeply lament that one whoe career was so promising should be cut off so early in life. Kesolved. That in his death this Society litis lost one of its most active, energetic and consistent memliera. Kesolved, That we extend onr heartfelt sympathy to the family and relatives in tiifir sore bereavement. Ili-solved, That these resolutions be pub lished in the several county papers, and a copy of them be transmitted to the family. HOLMES DYSINGER, ) ALICE S1EKER, Cose. ANNA ADAMS, ) Caution. ALL persons are hereby cautioned against hunting or otherwise trespas sing on the lands ot the nndcrsigned in Walker township. All persons so offend ing will be dealt with to the full extent of the law. JOflN R KAUFFM AN. A fine assoitmeut of cloths casoimeres, vestings, &c, alwrys on hand and for salt by b.K LOUDON. La'ge stock of Pry Goods at J. fc H. A. Staaibaugh's, Crytal Palace. Large stock of Ready-made Clothing for gale by HARLEY&CO. XIFFLU AKDPATTERSOJI BASKETS Curiw.ied weekly by the Mifflin and Patter son Board of Commerce. , y . ' ;) UirrutTowa October 8, 187J. " WAIKlrMS ' Butter, prime roll 20 Lard 8 Tallo (J Egga, per dos 2U Vinegar, per qt.. 10 roac. Hams, " lb... 12 Shoulderi fcSidos 7. vaaiETiics. Lake Herring 4 60 Onions 00 Beeswax, per ib 25 Soap, dry 8 Candles . 12 Wool, washed 6a Rg S RETAILED ARTICLES. Petroleum Fluid 40 CmI Oil, pr gall '40 Salt per saek 225 OKAI!) AND SEEDS. Corrected weekly by D. P. SulouffCo Wheat, red.'. 51 40 Corn... .......... .............. 60 Barley 60 Oau, old 86 new 80 Cloverseed 6 00 Timothy seed 2 6t flaxseed...... 1 75 Potatoes 60 J. tt H. A- SUmbana-h's Price Current, Corrected Weekly, Oct. 8, 1SV3 Prime Roll Putter tr pound...... 25 Ejrgs, per dozen- 25 Dried Apples per pound 8 Tallow 8 Lard, 8 Chickens, live 8 ; Bacon, " Shoulder, 10 Mam, PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. Philadelphia, Oct. 8, Flocb The market is quiet but stead;. The demand in mostly from the home con sumers. About 800 bbls sold, including ""'fcnperflne $4 O04 50 Extras 4 60a5 50 Iowa &. Wis. ex. family 7 0ta7 60 Minnesota do. do 7 758 25 Penn., Ohio k. lnd. do. do... 7 25a8 50 Fancy brands 8 75a 10 00 Gbain The market Is dull, but without change. Sales or 2500 bin red at (1 50a 1 58, amber at 91 60al 68, and white at $1 70 al 80. Kye is selling at 86a90c. Corn is steady, with sales 3000 bus yellow at 68c and 400 bns mixed at 06c. Oats are rather weak. Sales of 4000 bus western white at 52a53c and some mixed at 4951c. PHILADELPHIA CATTLE MARKET. The market for Beef Cattle was dull this week, and prices were rather lower. Sales of choice and extra at 6a7e, fair to good at 5aitc ; and common at 4a5c. Receipts 4OU0 head. Cows and Calve were dull and nominal at $46a5. Receipts 250 head. Sheep of good quality met a fair demand but common niove slowly. Sales ot the former at 4(ar4c, and the litter at $2a3 per heal. Receipts M,0"0 head. Hogs met a fair demand at $7 25 for corn, fed. Receipts 5000 head. Aeto AdvertUemenst. AUCTION IX PATTERSON, On Friday and Saturday Erenings October 10 & 11, 1873, OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE A Reasonable Credit will be given. Don't fail to attend. LAIRD k BELL. PUBLIC SALE OF YOBK STATE CALVES J L. B. RK0ADES Will sell at JOHN A. GALLAHEK'S resi dence, Walker township, Juuiata county, on tbe l ike, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1873, VCT FIFTY HEAD OFJ SUPERIOR YORK STATE CALVES. These Calves hare been selected from the best DAIRY COWS of Western New York, and of the best blood iu the State, Durham, ! T 1 . ' I" 1 1 Ti irMNhim anil Alrl.nv 1 was sorry to disappoint yon in my sale advertised lor August; the Stock will he on thin time without fail, and can be seen at J. A. Giillaher's from Tueaday, October 7th, until the day of sale. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock, noon. No postponement on account of weather. L. R. KHOADKS. ALSO, at the same tim will be sold ONE HUNDRED head of SHEEP, Feeders and Stock Ews. C. TYSON. Sept. 21, 1873-U VALUABLE PROPERTY AT ospHANSMJouaT sat. IN pursuance of Order issued out of the Orphans' Court of Juniata county, tbe undersigned. Executor of Catharine Cun ningham, deceased, will offer al public sale, on the premises, in Milford township, Ju niata county, Pa., at 2 o'clock P. M., on THURSDAY, OCTOKER 16th, 1873, The following described valuable real es tate, to wit : TWENTY-EIGHT ACRES OF LAND botiiided by lamia of CoL John K. KobUun, John Cuuninguam and Orin Groninger, having thereon erected a new two-story Frame DWELLING HOI SE. a GOOD BANK BAltN and other out buildings. There is a FINE YOUNG ORCII A RO of choice fruit upon the prem ises. This land is cleared and in a good state of cultivation, and is situated upon the main road leading from Mifflintown to Johnstown, two miles from the former and three miles from the latter place. CONDITIONS OF SALE: Ten per cent of the purchase money to be paid when the sale is confirmed by the Court ; one half of the remainder on the 1st day of AyriL 1874, when a deed and possession will be given, and the remain der on the 1st day ot April, 1873, tbe last payment to lie wnred br judgment note. J. 8HELBURN ROBISON, Executor of Catharine Cunningham ilec'd. Sept. 17, 1873. GREAT REDUCTION PRICES OF TEETH! Full Upper or Lower Setto as Law as $5 No teeth allowed to leave the office un less the patient is satisfied. . Teeth remodeled and repaired. Teeth tilled to last for life. Denial wo'kdonc for persons without them leaving their homes, if desired. Toothache stopped in five minutes with out extracting tbe tooth, at the Dental Of fice of G. L. Debb, established in Mifflin town in 1860. O. L. DERR. Jan 24. 1873. Practical Dentist. REPUBLICAN TICKETS. JUDICIA2Y. Judge of Supreme Court, Iaaao G. Gordon. STATE. State Treasurer. Robert W. Mackej. COUNTY. Senate, John Irwin, Jr. Assembly, James Beatty Henry. Sheriff, Jacob Lemon. Register, Recorder, &.O., William W. Landis. Treasurer. Henry A. Stambaugh. County Commissioner, J. Ranks Wilson. Jury Commissioner. John Motxer. Anditor, A. Y. MoAfee. JUDICIARY. J ndge of Supreme Court, iaaao G. Gordoii. STATE. State Treasurer, Robert W. Mac key. COUNTY. Senate. John Irwin, Jr. Assembly, James lieatty Henry. Sheriff, Jacob Lemon. Register, Recorder, 4c. William VY. Landis, Treasurer, Henry A. Stambangh. County Commissioner, J. Banks Wilson. Jury Commissioner, John Motxer. Anditor, A. Y. McAfee. JUDICIARY. J ndge of Supreme Court, Isaac G. Gordon. STATE. State Treasurer. Robert W. Mackey. COUNTY. Senate, John Irwin, Jr. Assembly, James Beatty Henry. Sheriff, Jacob Lemon. Register, Recorder, 4c, William W. Landis. Treasurer, Henry A. Stambaugh. County Comtrissioner, J. Banks Wilson. Jury Commissioner, John Motier. Auditor. A. Y. McAfee. JUDICIARY. Judge of Supreme Court, Isaac G Gordon. STATE. gtate Treasurer, Robert W. Mackey. COUSTY. Senate, John Irwin, Jr. Assembly, James Beatty Henry. Sheriff, Jacob Lemon. Register, Recorder, Ao. William W. Landis. Treasurer, Henry A. Stauib&ugh. County Commissi met. J. Backs Wilson. Jury Commissioner, John Motxer. Auditor, A. Y. MoAfee. JUDICIARY. J ndge of Supreme Court, Isaac G. Got don. STATE. State Treasurer, Robert W. Mackey. COUNTY. Senate, John Irwin, Jr. Assembly, James Beatty Henry. Sheriff. Jacob Lemon. Registei, Recorder, 4o., William W. Landis. Treat nrer, Henry A. S'ambaugb. County Commissioner, J. Banks Wilson. Jury Commissioner, John Motxer. Anditor, A. Y. McAfee. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IE0N' NAILS, GLASS, PAINTS, 1 OILS. BUILDERS HARDWARE A SPEClALTf. : THE PLACE FOR 5U$K$MtT8$ JlJmB Si ECKHN -:o:- Hffl THE FALL OF 1873 IN ALL ITS GLORY. AT J. & H. A. ST A MBA UGH'S MAMMOTH STORE ! ! IMMENSE Stock of Goods JUST RECEIVED. PRICES LOWERTHAN EVER. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, T QUEENSWARE, NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPTS AX SIIES CARPETS, &C. &C. NEW CASH STORE .A.T LOCUST GROYE, MILFORD TWP., One and a half miles south. west of Patterson. THE subscriber wonld most respectfully inform the public that ho has just opened a Store at the above place, where he is prepared to supply all who may i'ai-orhiin with their patronage with the latestaud moat Hdcct assortment uf DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QCEENSWARE, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, OIL CLOTHS, JioOTS & SHOES. Also, with a full supply of HOME-MADE GOODS, YARNS, &C, AU of which he offers to sell or exchange for country produce at THE "VERY LOWFBT 3?HICES. Much lower, in fact, than goods have been sold within the county for many vcars. He will pay the highest market price for Locust l'usts, Railroad Tits atid Wood, either in cash or goods. . . A B19., f A. J. IIERTZLER. Locust Grove, Ang. 8, 1873-tf. CMfSTAfi Yoti can gel any STOVE you want at FKAXCISCl'S'. HEATERS A SPECIALTY -:o:- T0VE WAMEBIOCMI S WHAT TO WEAR ftl0 Juat atop into SAMUEL STRATER'S CLOTHING STORE, Bridge atreet, Patterson' Pa., null h will tll t-jiu ull alu.i i Havine iust returned from PhiliH1nhi - 1 Latest and Choicest Styles c f CXOTHING OF ALL KINDS, Coats, Pants, Teats, Ila'ta, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Watches and Jewelry, Notions. Fi.r Mislnnfc Goods in endless variety, Carpets, floor Oil Cloih, Furniture, fcc., cheaper thau the cheapest, for the same quality ol goods. Call in and be convinced. Measures Taken and Suits Made to Order. Patterson, May 16, 1873. SAMUEL STRATER. "THE AMERICAN PIANO," WING & SON, 417 BROOME ST J. Y. -UISUItPASSEI- First premiums whenever exhibited Prices low for the quality Large prices allowed for Second-hand Instruments iu Exckmgu. from Mr. Edward Hoffman, the Celebrated Piauitt. I conscientiously believe that your Piano is in every respact a moil magnificent in. ttrument. From the "Independent." The American Piano has deservedly bfecme a very popular Instrument. DT'Responsible Agents wanted for unoccupied territory. - Send for circulars to Feb. U, I873-6m. WDiO t SON, 417 Broome St N. Y. 'mm 3 PALACE ! HOW TO WESS IT. anH Vow T. h ... i.. ..u .w.. " - .viA,iieiwiBUnji IVU .IIU UIV yew nivertiemmfs. fUU EL It. LOI DO, .MERCHANT TAILOR, RKVlx'a BlUDINU 0.1 BRIDGE ST , MIFFLINTOWN, PA. Dexires to inform his friends and the public that he has jmtreceived a fine and la.sliionu lle stock or S PR1NG GOODS, consisting ol CLOTHS Plain Black, Blue and Brown. CRF.P Dahlia, Brown and Bluo. TRICOT lil.K-k, Blue ami Browu. MAOONAI.S U!uu and Black. CHEVIOT"! All Shades. SCOTCH GOOD AH Styles. ' BLACK DOESKINS A Superior Quality. PANTS A SI) YF.ST FATTEKNS Fine. SUMMER GOODS Guttural Assortment. I will sell any of the above goods by the yard or piltern. TT" 1 also ki-ep on hand a full I'Vi? BUTTEURK'S PATTERNS, conistiiig o Men, Boys and Children's Suirt.y Coals Pant;: ami Vests. Uy I ill niiinnfactnre to ordirall Kinds ol" CUSTOM WORK. PRICKS Reasona ble to suit the times. itareh "J7, 1S i. "UXIATA VALLEY EAIsK. Pomcroy, Patterson,Jacos Co. X I r V L I N TO W S , i C I A T A CC V TYt I1 A. CAPITAL, 110,000'. .TOSFFTT rOtraOY. President. T. VAN IHV1S, CaiLlr. Joseph romfrov, I.Toltn lialsiwr!!, Jttroine N. I iHHupson, !1. H. itttlttl, i!iu J. is. i-'rank Uniicft NT'.i Securitir, Hand, tc.t bought r.;i'l Httid. fr-rrti-thirtir oxhaiiirol lor Flre-hcntie at m;irki'I rt. t itiltti stjit oUmhs jiti. wtitl unri NJrrr Iutit :.t hiilust nts. Lhfmit rrpir-i, fi'.r.'iwa tmuir, ttrutfji an ihr prtnci;Mti nfrs, and a 'jenei ai O'Mtkmy buti nr irmiMtctftU );intlHiuii othr vulimlile pnpt-n vhI ouhx-cial tU-pttit. jyiM-tf D. I. SI LOITF CO, FORWARD ASD COMXISSIOS MERCHANTS, DEALERS VH GRAIN, LUMBER, COAL, PLASTER, SALT CEMENT, CALCINED PLASTEE 100T A.0 SHOE SHOP. Ti,n ...i..-cin-.i t ...1JA I?.v..f I SlioeniKker, livieliy resjeetttil!) inloruis the puunu mai ne nns renioven ins BOOT AND SHOE STORE, to the ni-w St-re room, on Main street, sd juiiiiiig his reskieiiee, in tin- lio;oii;li of l'attersit, Hhere he is pruj-arcd to accom modate the most fastidious in GENTS' FINE & COARSE BOOTS, LADIES' WEAK, CHILDREN'S' WEAR, BROGANS, fcC, iC. MENDING done in the neatest manner and upon the shortest notice. A lilv-ral share of public patronage is resjH-cllully soiicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. J. V. DEAN. Patterson, July 2i, lijTJ-ii TO THE CITIZENS OF PENNSYL VANIA Your al'.enlioii is specially invi ted In the fitct that the Nation.-:! Uui.ks are now prepared to receive suiisci iptions to the Caiilsil St"K-k uf the tVnleiiniiil Board ol Finance. The funds realized from tins source are to he employed in the erection of the buildings for the Internationa! Ex hibition, nmt the expenses ciiin- ! d with the fame. It is confidently believed that the Keystone Mate will be reptesented by the name of every cilizeu alive to patriotic commemoration ot the one hundredih hill h day of the nation. The slmres of stock are oilered for $10 each, and snl fcriliers w ill receive a hundvmely steel encraved Certificate of trtock, suitable for framing and preservation as a national memorial. Interest at the rate of si per cent, per annum will be paid on all payments of Centennial Stork from date ot payuieut to January 1, 1S70. Subscribers w ho are not near a National Bank can remit a check orpot office order to the nn'leri'ned. FKEIVK FI5ALEY, Treasurer. tf 04 Walnut St., Philadelphia. JN EH TAILOR SHOP. The undersigned would respectfully in foruj the public that he has opeuid a TAIL Oil SHOP at his residence, on Bridpe street, in the 1 urkcr junsiou, and is ue.v prepared to do CUSTOM WORK at shoi-t notice and in the most durable and lashmnuble manner. Zlti iiit.iMl. til tmr out non halt .ntul n.V and asks a share of thu public p:ilronn. sept 3. 1870-tf. ;JI 4LL FIRM AT lRI VATE J Sale. The undiThiL'ne l oftirs st nrivate i1iv lh.. small Farm on which he now resides, situ ate about one mile No. th uf Perrvsville. coulaiiiiug about TWENTY-FIVE ACRES. The improvements are a two sti.rv F It A 31 E IIOUS U And otherout-bnildings. There is a Young ORCHARD of Apple and otheri-hjice fruit ..via uu pi i. II1I.1.-3 A R it'll VEIN OF IRON ORE Runs through the preinU.-a which hus h-.;en pronounccu oy goon jmigee Ul.icK-tosoil The vein has leeti opened and wiil pay well f..r working For t;r:ns, 4i.i;., Inch iil be vt-ry reasonable, apply to the uudersijrned O i the premises, or to 1V. M. AtLiso.i, Kea! I.sialo A- ut. Mitlti.iiown. Pa. April I, l7y-tf. JOHN CillallOLM. DIi!SOLETI05l NOTICE Notice is hereby git en that the irtneiship heretofore existing between the undersigned under the firm and style of G S. Mills &. Co., in tne Dry Goods business, in Thomp gontown. has this day been dissolved by mntual consent. Tbe books and notes of the tirm are in the hands of J. S. Lukens, Esq., of Thoiupaontown. for settlement. GEORGE S. MILLS, L. A J. B. WILSON. Anj 25, 1873-31 - It?t tines Cttril: DATIJJ II. CR 41ft, BA:;i;i:ii and i!ii dresser. shop In the bi!iMin formerly ocinj-icd hy R'. E. Parker,a'an oflice, ou Bride Streel, Miflitiitown.- Jl-l'. LOCIIIEXi KOTEU 1 1 A R K 1 S F'l'K(7, PA. Tills note! is only two itrH fom th D st. a:tt does not nin a Free Coach. G Et KG W. IIC NTER, Proprietor ss-tr. 1 OflS E. ATKINSON," ATTORN E Y-AT-LA W, JUffluiiowH, JuniaU Cuunfu, renn't Otliee on Brih:e street,- next d-xr to that ol Dr G. L. l:rr.- April. ISTi-y. jLFUEIv J. PATTERSON, . Ittohney-at-law; MIFFLINTOWN, JCN1ATA CO., PA. t7 AH business promj tlv attfhiL-i't'j. I IrriCK With Jeretiiiiih Lyont,'Esi. V. R. nE.4I.OR. A IIC T I0 3i EER, rtrrijxvUlt; Juniata County, renn'a CiTIiankful for' past, favors,- he solicits the i'r.:ronaec 4f (he pui!ic. Perrj-svilie, Hay 17 ly. A ICTIOJEER. iV. !. i. SNYDER, PERRYSVILLE, PA. Tenders hU services to llierit:ens of In ni:ita ard adjoining connties .is Auctioneer. Charges mixleral-:. For wtiMaciion give the Dutchmun a t: i:il J'ost Oitiee address. Port Royal, Juniata countv, Pa. cb 7, 1n72-!v gO II OA SEIiJER, Will visit Miflfin and PattTon every Tuesday, Thurl:iy and Suturdiiy mornings and wi:l fiin.ih the -iwZeiiH v Ibesf hor oiUfhs wit i the be-a of BEEF, VEAL, MUTTON, PORK, fcc. at th-j very lowest x ices'. He respectfully solicits the p:itron.igj of ffte puiilic. Aril 3, 1 y. E. W. H. KKEIDEK, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, MIFFLIN TOWN, PENN 'A. Will attend promptly to ail business en trusted to his cu e. Can be found at ail times at the Rr.ri dlic .t ofli.-e. IOMGAhDNER HOUST, Near Pa. R. R. and Reading R. R. Depot, IIARRISBUKG, PA. A. II. LANDIS. of Kiehfleld. this conntr, his purchased the ahve Douse, and ro-titte-i it so as to m.-tke a lirst-e.hiss liotei. lie solicits the palronago of tlin public. Oct 4. ISTl-lv ILL113S GIVSJI AUCT I O X K K R , Respeettuily ollors his rerrif js to th ub lie of this and adjoiuiiig. counlios. H iving had a larrfe experience in the btt.vinosswl Vendue Crying, he feels confident tlu he can render general siiiislartion. lie can be consulted at his resideteu in Ferir.nagi: township, or s.itisfact..rv .irraneeiuent cac bo made at Will a Hotel. .MiMiii.to u. S TATE CAPITAL HOTEL. Cor. Third and Valmit ftrcety, UAKKISBUR6, I'E.N-V'A., HM. G. I HGMPSOX, Fnpncfor. With a Bar and Tahlu unexcelled hy any other Hotel in the City. Ch-i-jrvs ?s "uiikI ernte ami a situation so coiiv.i'i:-iit to liter Capital. It preseipts rare inducements to the pnbtio tu tor it with their patrcnajra l'b'. ' r6y E.4 RS ACTITE PkAiicic t,. L. Derr, yVVs. briiive s!ret, ; Vliltl ii.tonu, in- tfvA? serts the handsomest Ferc.-iaiu TXi-C Teeth end (jiuius mi-ii'ited upon all the va rious ha.-es iu use ami e.t prices to suit all. Teeth plugged, repaired, exi-h.mgi.-d or r. modeled. Tooih ache cured permanently without pain, and done in kn niiuuiu. Per sons having teeth that t'.oy rsiiuol eat with are requested to call, L. DriRR. Jan. 3, 187.1. Practical Demist. I! .41 KILE Si. CO, JI WUOLESALE HIAUU IU C'ariictn, Oil C IoCih, MjatiS, Urooma, Carpet ( haiu, Batting, Wadding, Twines, &c, AND A TIME ASSORTHEMT Or WOOD & WILLOW WARE, fo. 40 .Market tMroet, above 4rh, PiflDADELPUIA, PA. June 27, 1873-tf. AOA, X IX THE FIELD. '1 he undersigned desires tn inform his ofcf trieiiils aod tlie public gi-nwraljy that he ha re-opened his CAUlilAGE WOItKS In the borough of PERRYSVILLE, and is now prcpaied tu do all kinds ol work in his line, ut short notice and u- Ui most rea soiwbhi U riM. Ila-ing had a number of 'year s experience in the Ousiness, he feels confident that his worK will compare favorably with any dontr in the county. Repairing Buggies r Specialty. April 2-3, le7;i-if. J. B. TUOM?So.V. jEW Dillli STORE. BANKS & IIAMLIX, .llaln Street, Mitilinto wn, r DEALEiU- IN DRUCiS AND MEDICINES, CHEMICAL?, D.E STI FF, PAINTS OILS,VAl:NlSifI-:.,GLA.S,Pt'TTY, LUALOiL, LAMPS, Itt'KNEKS, CHltlNUYS, BRUSHES, HA lit KhL""IIES,TMTH BRI'SHES, l'KR Fl VI.!! Y, COMBS, SO VPS, HAIR OIL, TOBAC CO, CIGARS, N O T I O N a, S I A T 1 1 1 N E k Y LARGE VARIEEY OK PATENT MEUiCLXES, Selertrd wiin gretil, car, anl warranted rom liifh ailth'rrifv. !T7l'ii.-est of WINES AND L1QU0R3 lor in:dii-al ptiry-se. CJr"l'Ki KlPTIONS cmpoonde.i with great care. June 2i-tl. INSTANTANEOUS kEI.IEF . SOUND, Kt.raLsui.- c SL::r.r Giasaxteku UV ISING MY IXSTA.M EELILF I OK TH E ASTTIUl. It m . .s inst.nti.' . relict i:ig the pimxysm iniineiiiately, and etiahlirg the p-i.H-nt to Ho tloun and oleep. 1 suli'e: ed trout this dis easo twelve years, bul uiI';t rr more, and work and slee; ao wtii u auy oh j. War. ranted to relieve im Ih- wo-st Sent hy iH'ti! ou receipt of price, one d jllar per box ; as'c Jour iwungisr fir .t. CUAKLES B. HURST Koe'.et.'er, iwaver Co. Pa. Feb. 21, 1873-yi A lare assor'.nscnt -f ljueeuav. are. 'hinat ware, (Glassware, C'rockeryw;ue, Cetlar ware, itc., for sale cueap lv J. ic il. A. STAMBAUGIL S ubscribo iVr the Settinel aew.