Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, October 08, 1873, Image 2

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Wednesday. October 8, 1473.
11. Y, SCII WE I Ell,
nrros sn raoraiETon.
state treasurer,
or allkuihsny coiM'V. - i
or .vim.ix county.
coi xi "tscklt."
or un.Koiuj townwui.
Tor-khin news indicate troublous
times iu France.
The State Fair held at Krie ha been
pronounced one of the finest exhibitions
of the kind ever held iu this State.
The army worm and flood have near
ly entirely destroyed the cotton crop in
the lower valley of tlie Itio Grande,
It is reported that tho President Las
tendered the oflicc of Chief Just bo to
Siiiat"r Conkiing, of New York. The
report is premature.
An exchange is of opinion that the
tirajhic folk have already pulled wool
enough to construct a number of bal
loons. Captain .Ja'-k, 15.jston Charley,
liliirk Jim and Sriionehin wore hung
at 10:15 on the 3d iiist, Five hundred
Indians witnessed the execution,
A despatch from ltaleigh, X. C,
under date of Oct. 1st, says : The first
Ku Klux trial before the State courts
raine off before Judge Watts, of the
Jolmsou county Superior Court, this
week, aW resulted in the conviction of
the guilty parties of murder. Two men
ou white aud the other colored, on the
Ctb of September, went in disguise to
the house of a coloied man, dragged
him out and whipped hiiu to death.
The murderers were sentenced to be
banged on the 13 ill of November.
A writer who professes to know
writes thai the Mentionite prospectors
who were in this couutry in the early
part of last summer submitted oo their
return to Russia an exhaustive report
on tbe western States of the Union.
Among the recommendation to their
people the; report in. favor ef Texas
f r cattle raising, Kansas for the growth
of fruit end Minnesota for the culti.
vation of wheat. Some of these Men
unnite agents are still wandering about
through the northwest, looking for good
lauds to colonize.
Os last Friday afteruoou there was
a government sale at (Jray'i Ferry road,
liCir the Schuylkill of $1,000,000
worth of Viorti-o'it or discardol uniform
and c:uiip equipage, was c'osed at the
army clothing dpot on Gray's- Ferry
road, near the SvLuylktll. The cata
logue of sale comprised 1)5,639 uniform
cr.ats, 115,031 cavalry and light artil.
lory jaekets, 04,505 pair assorted chev
rons, 2! ,10 hat and cap ornaments,
together wit Si a promiscuous assortment
of knapsacks, blankets, f:c, which was
sold iu job lots. The uniform coats
sold at from 7t) to 75 cents apiece, the
jackets at from 50 to 57 cents, mount
ed great eoats at i 37 i, foot great
coats at $2 'lit, lined sack coats at $1,
aud uniiued grct coats at 51c.
John II. Holey, the unfortunate
victim of the terrible " balloon acci
dent" at Wapello, Iowa, was a native
:f Allegheny ewuiity. lie moved to
Alleusville, Vinton county, O., leaving
that place last June (25th), for Aledo,
III. His age is about 31. He made
twenty-eight ascensions before going
west, at;J has made twelve since. He
leivcc a wife and four children iu des
titute circumstances. His wife has
L. en sta it'g iu Ohio, and the three
oiliest children are now there. Recent
ly she beeaci.e so uneasy about bun that
she felt she n ust cuum soon or never to
see him again. She wa here and en
treated lam several times (Taring the
inflation not to make the nsecusiou, as
she felt he would never come down
alive, a, id at last, when everything was
ready she bade him adieu and told him I
to kits the baby for the last time. Her ,
presentiment seems to have beeu too
true. His rctuaius were taken to Ale.
do III., for iiikrxcut Piff&vrz Gu-
William M, Almsok, Eq, u tbe
founder of the Juniata Republican ia
18(36, After the lapse of some time,
on a proposal having been made to Liui,
he sold tbe establishment to an associ
ation of prominent peniletneo of tl.i
county, ia the summer of 1872 lie
bought a controting interact in tbe pa
per and associated in its ownership and
in its editorial management, Mr, 11, II,
We have bought all stock controled
and owned by Messrs. Allison and Wil
son, which comprises all issued except- j
ing that owned by Professor David Wil- j
nn. of Airv View Aeademv. and D. li. !
, ... . , ,
Spanogle, Ksq, of Waterford, who have
also signiGed their willingness to sell to
ns, When it suits their convenience to
sell we are ready to buy,
The purchase includes all the mate
rial of the concern with subscription
and advertisement list, and good will of
the outgoing management,
Our next issue will appear on the
J2nd inst, and instead of appearing
under the head of Juniata Sentinel it
will appear under that of Jitniala St it.
tinel and Republican,
Vote for Gordon for Supreme
Jii'le, because, there bhouli be
no mistake about tbe sound
ness oi' the views ol the men
who constitute that great tri
bunal on all of the leading fea
tures in the form of civilization
that won in the war against
rebellion, and because by so
doing you keep Ju Ige Ludiow,
where he now is, on the bench
of the Court of Common Pleas
in Philadelphia. lie should be
kept there, lor if he is remov
ed by this election, our Demo
cratic friends would never get
through scolding that they
have no representative on the j
bench of that Court in Phila
delphia; all know how they
pcold when they have a th.idow
of an excuse that permits them
to do so Remove the shadow
bv voting for Gordon.
Miss Clara Louiea Kellogg, recognized
as the most gifted and cultured of Ameri
can prima donncs, is filling an engagement
in Philadelphia, this wee!;, at tbe Academy
of Music. Last Friday we chanced to be
in the same car that carried Miss Kellogg to
the city, and in the seat immediately in
fiont of the one in which the distinguished
lady sat alone. In the future if we are to
have one, if our days are not soon ended
we shall write among our reminiscences of
travel, of how on Friday morning of Octo
ber 3rd, 1873, a well preset ved old gentle
man, of perhaps sixty years, employed the
ingenuity at It is command to press his at
tentions on a lady in a seat buck of ours,
and how the refined manner in which she
repulsed his efforts to form acquaintance,
induced us to look bark and so familiarize
our eyes with the cist ot her features that
when we pot into the city and esw the
picture of Miw Kellogg in shop or store
windows, we instantly recognized it as
having beeu taken from the face of the
lady who sat in the seat b ick of ours in
the car. We'd ride or drive a dozen ol
miles to witness tiie looks of lhat old goose
of a fellow when informed of the name of
the lady upon whom he attempted io show
er his attentions that morning.
Vote for Mackcy for State
Treasurer, because, the State
finance is in a wholesome con
dition, and it is be.-t to. kt ep it
so, and because, all the charges
against him have been fabrica
ted by his enemies for political
In a case of breach of promise of mar
riage iu Brooklyn, recently, a lady recov
ered (15,001). The case was some hut
pec-.iliar. The woman admitted that her
beau bad not in words asked for marriage,
and that she had not in words promised to
marry him, but that he bad been courteous
and on divers occasions squeezed her band,
and tl vrefore she inferred he meant mar
riaje. Tbe judge charged iu substance,
that "actions speak louoer than words,"
and l.iereou the jury found for the woman.
The man could not think nt submitting to
such a verdict, coustqueutl- hecanied the
case up to I lie "Courl of Appeals." That
tiibunal sustained the court below, mid
now there is no rimed,- for the beau but to
pay oi marry. The case. - it stands, may
throughout be Correct. Be it so or not, so
the veriiict is tbe same, and the question
naturally coni-i up. If it cota so many
thousand dollars to squeeze a woman's
band iu Brooklyn, what would it cost him
to kiss a woman's hand ? and what would
the courts there pronounce on a man for
kissing a Woman's lips? If we were a
lawyer we'd bve the opinions c.l the
Brooklyn courts in that case if it took a
year's practice. It is so very important,
und eft'ec's such a !rge circle of people.
Vote f..r Irwin for the Senate
because, he is a man of solid
worth, and no political jobber.
Donaldson started in his balloon to
Europe on Monday at 9 o'clock, from
New ork, Contrary winds prevented
him from even getting to the ocean.
The air-ship was overtaken by atorm
down in Connecticut, and having been
worked near enough to the ground to
permit Donaldson and his two com
panions to jump out, they leaped out
and left the balloon goto, no one knows
Vote for Henry, because, by
so doing you vote for the best
interest of this and other Lcgis
attve districts.
Two carrier pigeons that were turned
loose (rum I'rof. Light's balloon during his
recent ascension li-oiu .f Itoona alter ho had
reached an altitude of 7,'W feet, returned
to their cote in Philadelphia within ten
hours afterwards, each bearing a message
attached to its wing.
The real old cpiiootic has just got to
British Columbia, and all the horses and
mules on Victoria Island arc laid up with it.
Vote for. Lemon, because,
be is competent and was a good
soldier; enlisted at home and
gave his credit to Juniata coun
ty ' without bounty; while Mr.
Knouse enlisted where he got
the most bounty and gave his
credit to Buck's county.
Beading has bad a new sensation.
This tinia it comes from Alasce town
ship, and relates to tbe domestic affairs
of a wealthy farmer named Isaac Uan-
er, who some yeara ago met a pretty
match girl, with whom be fell in love
and induced her to become Mrs. Beckia
Ganser. He furnished ber with every
thing that the heart of woman could be
supposed to desire, an4 a'l weut as
happy as a whole string of marriage
bells, and the uuiou was blessed with
one beautiful little girl named Katie.
But alas, for the perversity of woman
kind. The wife for some reason be
came dissatisfied, and soou it became
apparent that Eeckie and Isaac were
out, and cn Sunday night of Ust week
she left, and uow the Heading Eage is
informed that Beckie has taken refuge
iu the city of Philadelphia, where she
will in future rsst coutent to live a life
of single blessedness. It has also been
made known that she loaded up all her
clothes and worldly effects on a wheel,
barrow, Sunday night, aud actually
wheeled them the eutire distance
from Alsace to Beading, and up 7th
street, where she remained until ber
departure for the City of Brotherly
Love. She attributes ber action to ill
treatment on tbe part of ber husband.
Vote for IStambaugh for
Treasurer, because, he will
make an old fashioned, orthodox
treasurer, as sure and steady to
the trust as "the needle to the
The Sunbury Daily says : It is only a few
days since a lovely child of a Sunbury Tarn
ily was givun a few drops of laudanum, and
it went to sleep never to awake. On Sua
dar another like case was made known tons,
only the child happily recovered. On Sat
urday its parents, who reside in Sharuokin
township, came to visit same friends here
where tbe child took diarrhea badly, mong
the remedies applied was laudanum, which
had been a very long time iu the lious,
from which the liquid had evaporated, leav
ing it nothing else than concentrated opium,
which proved so fatal iu the first incnliondd
Vote for Wilson, for Com
missioner, because, there should
be a balance in the office. It
is is too heavy on the side of
our Democratic inends.
We said above that Judge
Ludlow should not be taken
out of the Court of Common
Pleas, because, the Democrats
would scold that their balance
is lost m that Court. Vote
for Wilson to keep us Repub
licans lrem scolding and give
us a balance in the commis
sioners' office.
The food of the French workman Is, aa a
general rule, substantially inferior to thai
to which the Kncliiihman is accustomed.
Many a French factory hand never lias any
thing better fur his breakfast than a large
slice of common sour bread, rubbed over
with an onion, so as to give it a flavor. For
dinner, some soup, potatoes or carrots, and
sometimes a small piece of pork, which
costs aliout ten pence a pound ; and for
their last meal they eat the meat of which
their soup was composed. With this frugal
tare some drink ouly water, others halt a
bottle wf cider, ber or wine. Bread, veg
etables and Iruit are generally to be obtain
ed in France both cheap and good, but
meat is bad aud dear.
Vote for Motzer. Vote for
Landis.. Vote for McAfee. Vote
Iowa is ripening 1,500,1)00 pigs for pork
this winter.
The Shah is back in Persia, and already
ground ia broken for a railroad.
Reading has raised a head of cabbage
which weighs twenty-nine pounds.
J gloomy view of the English harvest of
this year is indulged in by the Loudon Echo.
A Dubuqne congregation has asked its
cleigyman not to wear his diamond pin in
the pulj.it.
A Berks county boy while driving a large
boar out to pasture, was attacked by the
b.-ast and probably fatally injured.
There are Ave vacancies in the next
House of Kepresentatives, all eaused by
deaths of members-elect since the adjourn
ment of Congress in March.
.1 sword was found at a dopth of sixteen
feet from the aiirtac-j of the ground, an
near the stump of a tree, by some men dig
ging a well in Eric.
The IVnnsylvauia School Laws says.
"The Scriptures come snJer the head of
text-books, and they should not be omit
tetl fioni the list."
The Supreme Court of Illinois has de
cided that telegraph companies air bound
to transmit mesaages correctly in the ttrst.
instance, and that tn additional ch irge for
repeating to insure com-ctness is a fraud
upon tbe public. A similar decision has
b.-cn given in Ohio.
A Detroit man went into a telegraph of
fice and wrote the following message : To
the Lord in heaven Where shall I go next?
The world is growing worse every day.
There is not an honest christian in Amer
ica." He was informed that the lines didn't
A correspondent of the Country Gentle
man feeds his turkeys in a trough covered
by a board, with oenings Mt so that the
birds can just get their beads into it. The
corn is put in this and kept in good supply.
Thus the turkeys can always get at it and
grow fat.
The shanteea believe In a life after
death, as we believe in the existence of
tanas beyond theses. . Their hades or sheol
is situated under ground. There this life
is coutinued, and becomes eternal. The
king resumes his royalty, and tbe slave re
mains a slave. Dea'h, 'therefore, for them
is ouly a migration, and they depart from
life with equanimity. J woman slave, who
no as vne oi inose conaeninea to die,
was stripped according to enstum and
knocked on the head. Being only stunned
by the blow, she recovered her senses, and
saw herself surrounded by dead bodies
She ran into the city, found the nobles sit
ting in council, told them she bad been to
the laud of the dead, and that she had been
sent back because she bad no clothes. Tbey
must dress her finely and kil her over
again, which accordingly was don.
2tH0f0 AfMfYtawMiafat.
aaeUtoi"! Notice.
THE undersigned, appointed aa auditor
by the Court of Common Pleas of Ju
niata county to apportion X'm money now
in the hands of Henry M. Groninger and
Calvin 3. Horning. Assignees of George
G.Tslien, among the several creditor of the
said George Goshen, will attend to the do-
tie of said appointment, at his omce in
Mifflinlown, on Monday, the 3rd day of
Novehbrb, 1873, wiien and where all per
sons interested will please attend if they
think proper.
J. A. CHM9TT, Auditor.
Oct 8. 1873-td
Aadltor'a Hotlce.
THIS tindersianed, duly appointed by the
Court of Common Pleas of Juniata
county an auditor to appropriate or dis
tribute the money in the hands of William
Given, Assignee' of Ambrose H. Bentley
to and among the creditors of the said A.
H. Bentley, according to law, will attend to
the duties of said appoint-nent. at his of
fice io Mifllintown. on Ftudav, the 31st
day of October, 18TS. when and where all
persons interested wi'l nleasenttend.
J. K. CHRISTY, Auditor...
Oct. 8, 1873-td
THE undersigned or!rs at private sale, a
valuable farm of 1 11 acres, sitna'ed in
Milfoid township, S miles west or Mifllin
town, adjoining lands of Isaac Ouss and
others, on lh road from Patterson to Johns
town, having thereon erected
Two Good Dwelline Houses,
a Rank Barn, Spring House, and other out
buildingsa stream of water rarning near
Ihe house, ar.d a never-failing spring of wa
ter in the spring house. There is a good
Orchard on the premises. Fifteen seres of
the above farm is meadow land Eightv
acres arc in a good state of cultivation and
the balance in good timber. Will be sold
at low price on application to the under
signed. The farm is serrounded by iron
ore land, and doubtless plenty of ore could
be found on the. premises.
Oct 8, 1873-4w
Fourth Grand Gift Concert
voa the lESirrr or trc
13,000 Casta GIFTS ftl.50O.OOO
$250,Ofjofbr $50.
The Fourth Grand Oift Concert author
ised by special act of the Legislature for
the benefit of tbe Public Library of Ken
tucky, will take place in Public Library
Hall, at Louisville, Kyn
Only sixty thousand ticket will be sold.
The ticket are divided into ten coupons or
At this concert, which will be tbe grand
est musical display ever witnessed in this
countrv, the unprecedented sum of
divided into 12,000 cash gifts, will be dis
tributed by lot among the ticket-holders.
One Grand Cash Oift $2tO.OOO
One Grand Cash Gift 100tfO
One Grand Cash Gift 60,000
One Orand Cash Gift 25,000
One Grand Cash Git 17J-00
10 Cash Gifts $10,000 each ... 100,000
30 Cash GiHs 6,000 each... 150,000
50 Cash Gifts 1,000 each... 50,000
SO Cash Gifts 501 each... 40,000
100 Cash Gifts 400 each... 40,000
ISO Cash Gifts WW each... 45,000
2-V) Cash Gilts 200 each... 60,000
325 Cash Gifts 100 each... 32,500
11,000 Cash Gifts 60 each... 650,000
Total, 15,000 Gifts, all cash.. $1,600,000
The distribution will be positive, whether
all the tickets are sold or not, ar.d the 12,
000 gif ts all paid in proportion to the tickets
Whole tiekets $50 ; Halves $25 ; Tenths,
or each coupon, $5 ; Eleven whole tickets
for $500 ; 22 tickets for $1,000; 113 tick
ets for $5,000 ; 227 whole tickets for $10,
000. No discount on less than $500 worth
of tickets at a time.
Tickets now ready for sale, and all orders
accompanied by tbe money promptly filled.
Lideral terms given to those who buv to sell
again. THUS. E. BRMbETTE,
jfgent Public Libr. Ky., and Manager
Gift Concert, Public Library Building,
Louisville, Ky.
Prof Fowler's Oreat Work,
On Manhood, Womanhood and their
Mutual Inter-relations; Love, Its Laws,
Power, etc.
Agents are selling from 15 to 25 copies a
dav, and we send a mnrassinir book free to
anv bonk agent. Address, stating experi
Philadelphia, Pa.
. 1 "YORKER, the Kreat lllustra
tisl Agricultural and Family Weekly, is the
Standard Authority upon practical subjects,
and a high-toned literary journal. Only $2.
50 a year less to clubs. Great Premiums
or Cash Commissions to agents. Thirteen
numbers (Oct. to Jan.) on trial for only St)
cents! Premium Lists, fcc., sent free to
ail trial subscribers. Address D. D. T.
MOORE, New York City.
Why " Housekeeper's Manual n Sells
A successful agent says : Unlike all
other books, it has a claim on woman's at.
tention A house-to-house canvass pays !"
$70.00 in one week was made by a single
For terms and territory apply to J. B. Foan
& Co., New York, Boston, Chicago or San
Columbia Classical Institute,
A Boarding School for Young Hen and
Boys. For circulsrs address Rev. H. S.
AtiXASDEB, Columbia, Pa.
NEW BOOK0", ry ?enI"-
Home Life in the BiMe. By
Daniel March, D. D , author of Night
Scenes in the Bible," and Our Father'a
House," of which nearly 100,000 copies of
each were sold. Send for circular. Z1KG.
LKR fc M 'CURDY. 618 Arch at., Philadel
phia, Pa.
1 AA Farmers and Farmers' Sons during
the Fall aud Winter montha to do
business in then; own and adioininr town.
ships. Business respectable, easy and pays
well. For particnlarr address S. S. Scaaa.
to Jt Co., Hartford, Conn.
The SciES-riric AhebK4 is tbe cheapest
and best illustrated weekly paper published .
Every number contains from 10 to 15 origi
nal engravings of new machinery, novel in.
ventions, bridges, engineering works, ar
chitecture, improved farm implements, and
every new discovery in chemistry. A year's
numbers contain SHI pages and several hun
dred engravings. Tbousanda of volume
are preserved for binding and reference.
Tbe practical receipts are well worth ten
times the subscription price. Term, $4 a
year, by mail. Specimens sent free. Mav
be had of all Newsdealers. PATENTS oo
taitied on the best terms. Model of new
inventions and sketches examined, and ad
vice free. All patents are published ia the
Scientific American the week they iasue.
Send for pamphlet, 1 10 pages, containing
laws and full directions lor obtaining pat
ents. Address for tbe paper, or concern
ing patents, KUNN fc CO., 37 Park Row,
N. Y. Branch Office, corner F and 7th St.
Washington, D. C
Sew Advertisement.
The cheapest and beat in the market. War
ranted truly self-adjusting. Special in
ducements to Washing Machine agents and
the country bade. Liberal terms. Agents
wanted. Send for circular. Amebica
Macaws Co., Manufacturers ami Patentees,
office, 430 Walnut St-, Philadelphia, Pa.
UUj-XO RETAIIj. Double Guns.
and npwanls ; Breuch-Loadcrs, $-10 to $;i5',
Rifles, Revolvers, Dart Guns and Cap Uirtea.
Goods sent to all rt of the country by
express C. O. D., to be examined before
paid for. We send a genuine W. 4c C.
Scott & Sons' Muzzle Loader, with flask,
pnneh and cleanine rod, nicely boxed, for
$35. Send stamp for Price List. SMITH
Jt SQUIRES, Broadway and 50 Chat
ham street, N, Y.
(No Tar used), for outside work aud inside,
instead of plaster, Felt Carpetir.gs, &.e.
Send two 3-cent stamps for circular aud
samples. C. J- FAY, Camden, X. J.
rllVfiOlLJ!i fok SIN CHIMNEYS,
made by PLUM C & AT WOOD, pro
duces the largest liht. Can be used ou
any coal oil lamp. For sale by all lamp
Good Cider all the Tear B und
The Neutral Sulphite of Lime, as pre
pared by BILLIXGS, CLAPP 4 CO., Bos
ton, formerly J. K. Nichols Co., keeps
cider sweet ail tbe year round. New York
ottiee, 9 College Place.
933. Money Made Fast 91,000
By all who will work for us. If upon writ
ing yon do not find us all square, we will
give you one doilar for your trouble. Send
stamp for circulars to
O. H. BUCKLEY t CO., Tekonsha, Mich.
Fourth avenue, N.Y. Best references. No
pay until cured. Send for circular.
MEN. Girls and
Bovs wanted to sell
our French and American Jewelry, Books,
Games, Jtc, in their own localities. No
capital needed. Catalogue, terms, Cite.,
sent ibee. P. O. V1CKERY & CO., Au
gusta, Maine.
to to 120 ! t?eut wanted !
All classes of working people,
of either sex, young or old, make more
money at work for us in their spare mo
ments, or all tbe time, than at anvthing else.
Particulars free. Address G. "STINSOX
Jt CO., Portland, Maine.
which can be cured by a
timely resort to this stand
ard preparation, as has been
proved by the hundreds of
testimonials received by the
proprietors. It is acknowl
edged by many prominent
physicians to be the most
reliable preparation ever in
troduced for the relief and
cure of all Lung complaints,
and is offered to the public,
sanctioned by the experience
of over forty years. "When
resorted to in season it sel
dom fails to effect a speedy
cure in the most severe
cases of Coughs, Bronchitis,
Croup, "Whooping Cough,
Influenza, Asthma, Colds,
Sore Throat, Pains or Sore
ness in the Chest and Side,
Liver Complaint, Bleeding
at the Lungs, &c. "Wistar's
Balsam does not dry up a
Cough, and leave the cause
bchindj as is the case with
most preparations, but it
loosens and cleanses the
lungs, and allays irritation,
thus removing the cause of
the complaint.
BETH w. TO VIE 4 8058, Boston, If am.,
Ab4 sold br Dragalsts aad Dsalm gsnsrally.
t'O. want reliable and energetic Agents
in this county. The "VICTOR" is a Lock,
stit-h, Shuttle Machine, with Self setting
Needle, best finished and most perfect Ma
chine offered. An increase of over 300
per cent on sale of 1872 over 1871. For
Terms Jtc., Addresss,
1227 Chestnut St., Philad'a, Pa.
tLA Collecting and Convevailinir rwnmnt-
ly attended to.
OrrKE On Bridge street, opposite the
Court House Square.
All person indebted to tbe nndcrsicned.
either by note or book account, are reaucat-
ed to come forward and settle tbe same
without f urther delay. Office in Hr.vhiiiv
Hall, immediately above tbe Hardware Store
eepo,i5,3.tl. p. p. PA1STE.
" 111
New Advertisements.
Whereas, in and bv an Act of the Gen
eral Assembly of the Commonwealth ot
Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act relating to
the elections of liis Commonwealth, p ss.
ed the 2nd day of July, A. 9. 1839, it is
made the dutvof the SheritT of every conn,
tv within the t'oiumonwealth to give public
notice or the General Elections, and iu such
notices to enumerate :
1. Tho otttaers to be elected.
2. Designate the place at which the elec
tion is o be hold.
I, JOSEPH ARD, High SheritT of tho
count of Juniata, do b'.-reby make knwn
and give this PUBLIC NOTICE to the El
ectors of the Conntv of Juniata, that on tbe
(being the fourteenth dav of tbe month) a
Genera' Elec tion will le held at tbe several
election districts established by law in said
county, at which tinw they will vote by bal
lot for the several officers hereafter men
tioned, vis:
One person to till the office of Judge of
the Supreme Court of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania.
Cue person to fill the office of Treasurer
ol the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
One person to represent the District com
posed of the counties of Juniata. Centre,
Mifflin and Huntingdon, in the Senate of
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
One person to represent tiie District eom
posed of the counties of Juniata and Mifflin
in the House of Representatives of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania.
One person to till iho office of Sheriff of
Juniata coumy.
One person to fill the office or Register
and Recorder and Clerk or the Oiphana'
Court of Juniata county.
One person to till the office ol County
Commissioner or Juniata county.
One person to till the office of Jury Com
missioner of Juniata county.
One person to fill the office of Treasurer
of Juniata cauntv.
One person to 811 the office or Auditor of
Juniata county.
One person to fill the office of Coroner oi
Juniata couuiy.
Tbe said elections will be hel4 through
out tbe county as follows -
At the Court House in the borough of
Ji lit) into wn, lor the borough of Mifllintown.
At the Court House in tbe borough ol
Mittlintown, for Fermanagh township.
At the School House iu Mexico, for Walk
er township.
At Smith's School House, for Delawaro
At tbe School Honse in Thompson town,
for the borough of Thoinpsotitown.
At tbe Public House ol Tbotuas Cox, for
Greenwood township.
At the School House in Richfield, for
Monroe township.
At Frymoyer'a Hotel, for Susquehanna
At the School Honse in McAlisterviUe,
for Fayette township.
At the School House in Patterson, for the
borough of Patterson.
At tbe School House in Perrysvilhf, for
the borough of Perrysville.
At the Locust Grove School House, near
tlie residence of Mr. Stewart, for Miiford
At Spruce Hill School House, for Spruce
Hill township.
At the School Honse at Acadcmia, for
Beale township.
At the School Honse near McCnllocli's
Mills, roi Tusearora township, except that
portion or it lying north-westward or the
summit or the Shade Mountain.
At the Lick School House, near the resi
dence or Benjamin Walls, dee'd., tor Lack
township, except that portion of it lving
north-westward of the summit ot tbe Sliade
At the Centre School House, for so much
of the townshijis of Lack and Tuscarura as
lie north-west of the summit of the Shade
At the Church Tlill School House, for
Tnrbett township.
I ALSO MKE KNOWN and give ro-
tice, as in and by the 43rd section of the
aforesaid act I am directed, "thatevcrv per
son excepting justices of the peace, who
shall hold anv omce ol trust under tbe
United States, or this State, or any city or
incorporated district, woollier a commis
sioned officer or otherwise, a subordinate
officer or agent who is sr shall be employed
under tbe legislative, executive or judiciarv
dejiartnient ol this State, or of the United
States, or of any incorporated city or dis
trict, and also that every member of Con
gress and ot the State Legislature, and ot
the select or common council ot anv citvor
commissioner of any incorporated district,
is by law incapable ot holding or exercising
ut the same theotticenrappointnientof judge
inspector or cleik of any elections ot this
Commonwealth, and no judge, inspector or
other orhcer ot such election shall be eligi
ble to any office then to be voted tor.
Also that by the 4th section of tho Act
of Assembly, entitled "An Act rt luting to
executions and for other pu poses," appro
veil April IS, 1S40, it is enacted that the
aforesaid Kith section 'shall not be construed
so as to prevent any military officer or bor
ough officer from serving as judge, inspec
tor or clerk ot any general or special elec
tion or this Coniniouweal.h."
By the actor Assembly of I&t".9, known as
the Registry Law, it is provided as follows :
I. Election officers are to open the poll
between the hours of six and seven A. M.,
on the day ol tbe election. Before 6 o'clock
in tbe morning or second Tuesday of Octo
ber they are to receive from the County
Commissioners the Registered List of Voters
and all necessary election blanks, and tbey
are to permit no man to vote whose name is
not on said list, unloss he shall make proof
ol his right to vote, as follows :
2. The person whose name is not on the
list, claiming the right to vote must pro
duce a qualified voter of the distri.-t to
swear in a written or printed affidavit to the
residence of the claimant in the district tor
at least ten da s next preceding said elec
tion, defining cl.-arly where the residence of
the person was.
3. Tbe party claiming the right to t ote
shall also make an affidavit, alating to the
best of hia knowledge and belief where
and when he was born, that he is a citizen
of Pennsylvania and of the United States,
that ne has resided in the State one year,
oi, if formerly a citizen therein and remov
ed therefrom, that ho has resided therein
six months next preceding said election,
that be has not moved into the district for
the purpose of voting therein, that he has
paid a State or county tax within two years,
which wis assessed at least ten davs before
the election, and the affidavit shall state
when and where the tax was assessed and
paid, and the tax receipt pust be produced
unless the affiant shall state that it has been
lost or destroyed, or that he received none.
4. If the applicant be a naturalized citi
zen, bo must, in addition to tbe foregoing
proofs, state in his affidavit wbtn, where
and by what court he was naturalized, and
produce his certificate of naturalization.
t. Every person claiming to be a natural
ized citizen, whether on the Registry List,
or producing affidavits as aforesaid, shah be
required to produce his naturalization cer
tificate at the election before voting, except
where he has been lor ten years consecu
tively a voter in the district where he otters
to vote ; and on the vote of such a person
being received, the Election Officers are to
write or stamp the word "voted" on hi
certificate with tbe month and rear, and nn
other vote can be cast that day in virtue of
aaid certificate except where sons are enti
tled to vote upon tbe naturalization of their
6. U the person claiming to vote who
not Registered shall make an affidavit that
he is a native born citizen ot the United
States, or, if born elsewhere, shall nroduee
evidence of his naturalization, or that he is
entitled to citizenship by reason of bis fath
er's naturalization, and further, that he is
between 21 and 22 years of age, and has
resided in tbe State one year, and in the
election district ten days next preceding
the election, be sbail be entitled to vote
tnougn be suall not have paid taxes.
7. If any election officer shall refuse or
neglect to require such proof ot the right of
uuragc, as is uescriuea oy mis taw or the
laws to which this is a supplement, from I
m- .,,). who ao name is
VJZSLi voter, or whose
right to To I i. rehired by any qualified i
"' l . .rf.hall admit such person
to voti Without requiring such proof, every
r.on so offending Ml, upon; eoovjc lion
be cuilty of a high niisditneanor, and shall
.Seed, for every rich offence to j ay
. fine not exceeding one hundred dolla s,
ortonndergo an mprnmen t no , m, m
than one vear, or either er both, at the dis
cretion of the court. i...,;.,
6. Tea davs preeeamg tj
for electors of President and se Presi
dent ot tbe United States, it
duty of the Assessor to attend at tbe place
fivi by law for holding the election in each
elation district, and then and there . hear
all applications of persons whose naims
have been omitted from the list ot assessed
voters, and who claim the right to vote, or
whose rights have ori-inated since the same
a.ndcout,.Wlaid;l the names of
such persons thereto as shall show that thev
are entitled to the right of suMrago insueh
o'istrict. on the persons! application ot tlw
claimant only, and forthwith assess them
with a proper tax. After completing he
i... . ,-m.v thereof shall be placed on the
doo'r f tlie house where the election is to
be held, at least eight iays oeu.re .u
tion ; and at tbe election tho same courts
shall be pursued, in all respects, aa lis re
quired bv this act and the acts to winch it
i a supplement, at the general elections m
October. Tbe Assessor shall also make
the same returns to the County Commis
sioners or all assessm-nts made by virtue
or this section ; and the County Commis
sioners shall furnish copies thereof to the
election officers in each district, in like man
ner as is required at tbo general election
in October. ,
9. The same rules and regulations sliall
apply at every special clectio,and at eveiy
separate city, borough or ward eb-ction, m
10. The respective Assessors, Inspectors
and Judges of the elections shall each have
the power to administer oaths to any per
son claiming the right to be amessed or the
right of suffrage, or iu rtf, rd to any of t
officers nider this act; any wilful false
swearing bv any person in relation to any
nutter or thing concerning which they sfwfl
bo lawfully interrogated by any of said of
ficers, shall lie punished as perjury.
11. The Assessors shall receive the same
compensation for the time necessarily spent
m performing the duties hereby enjoined as
provided by law for the performance of
their other duties, to be paid by the County
Commissioners, as in olhir cases, aud it
shall not be lawful for any Assessor to as
sess a tax against any person whatever
within tea days next preceding the election
to be held on the 2d Tuesday or October, in
any year, or within ten d ys next before any
election for electors of President or Vico
President ot t'ae Unifc.il St lies ; any viola
tion of this provision shall be a suisdemean
or, and subject the officers so ottettding to
a tW, on conviction, not exceeding urn
hundred dollars, or to iiaprisomuent not ex
ceeding three months, or both, at the dis
cretiou of the court.
And the Judges of tbe respective Dis
tricts atorcsaii, are by the said act required
to meet at tho Court House in the Borough
of Mifllintown, on the third day after the
said dav Election, being FRIDAY, tha
and there to perform the things jeqnired or
them by law.
Pursuant to the provisions contained in
the 67th section or tlie Act first aforesaid,
the judges of the aforesaid district sliall re
spectively take charge of the certificate of
return ot thw election oi tnear rcspuctive
districts and produce tlxni at a meeting of
the jiwlges trein each district, at tbe Court
House in tbe borough of Mittlintown, on tho
third day alter the day of election, being
the present year vn Friday, tbe Mb day ot
November, then and there todoautpcrforu
the duties required by la of suid judges.
Also, that whore a judge I"a- sickness or un
avoidable accident is unable to attend said
nieetl iff of judges, then tins certiticate ut
return aforesaid, shall tc taken charge of
by one of the inspectors rrr ch-rks of thw
election of said district, who sliall do anl
perform toe duties required of said jnrigrs
unable to attend.
Skctio 1. Be it enm-ted, fcc.. That the
qualified voters of this Commonwealth shall
choose by bull t, on she second T tie-day ol
Octoler, Anno Domini one thousand eight
hundred and seventy-three, and on the Jay
ot the general election every second year
there-alter, one person to nil the otlice of
State Treasurer, ami until such olliewr is
elected snd assumes the duties of his oflic".
according to the provisions of thus act. th
present incumbent, upon bis renewing bis
official bond, to be approved by the Gover
nor, not later than the first Monday of May
next, shall have all the powers awl perform
all the duties ot state 1 reasurer.
Sectios 2. Any person elected State
Treasurer in pursuance of the provisions of
this act, shall be commissioned by the Gov
ernor of this Commonwealth, and assume
the duties of the olli-e on the Hrsl hond iy
of Miv next succeeding his election, ami
shall have and possess all the powers grant
ed, perform all tho duties and be suiiject to
all the penalties imposed by existing laws of
the Commonwealth relating to State J reas
urer and the management of tbe State treas
ury. Ssctios 3. The term of the office of State
Treasurer shall b-i two years, from the first
Monday of.May next succeeding bis election.
His salary shall be live thousand dollars per
annum, payable quartern, and no persou
shall be twice chosen in four years.
Section 4. The election laws now in force
for tbe choice of Governor of this Common
wealth, shall regulate the election of Stat
Treasurer; ai d in case ot any vacancy oc
curring in said office from death, resignation,
failure to qualitv and a-wiliim the duties af
ter election or otherwise, the Oorernor shall
appoint some p-oper petsou to till nueli va
cancy until the first Monday of May follow .
jug the next general elwtion ; and the qual
ified electors shall, It tbe first general elec.
tion, which shall happen more than sixtv
days alter such vacancy shall occur, elect,
in the manner herein provided, a suitable
person to till said office for the full term
authorized by ihe provisions ol this -t.
SECTiok 5. That Ihe election of any per
son appearing to be elected Treasurer under
the provisions of this act, may be contested
on ihe petition of the qualith-d electors of
this Commonwealth, by the same tribunal
and in the sane manner and under the same
resolutions aud restrictions prescribed un
der the act of July second, one thousand
eight hundred and thirty-nine, lor coutcst
iug tbe election or any person as Governor
of this Commonwealth.
Section 6. Before he enters upon the du
ties of his office, the State Treasurer sliall
take the oath of office, or affirmation of of
fice, agreeably to the directions ol the Con
stitution ot tho United States and this Com
monwealth, and shall become bound in an
obligation with five or nioro sureties, to be
approved by the Governor, in the sum or
one million ot dollars lawful money of the
United States, conditioned for the true and
faithful performance of the trusts and dut'es
enjoined and required by law, to be per
formed by such Treasurer ; and tbe execu
tion mcreol being duly proved, the same
shall be entered of record in the office of
the Secretary ot the Commonwealth. Copies
of such obligation, Inly authenticated under
the seal uf said office, shall be received as
legal evidence in any court or this Com
monwealth. ArraovED The 28th dav or April, A. D
1873- J. F. HAliTKANFT.
Particular attention isdirected to the first
section of tbo Act of Assembly, passed the
30th day of March, A.D. l..eniitled "An
Act regulating the manner of voting at all
elections in the several counties . thi.
Sectios: I. Bo it enacted bv the Sn.i
mi nouse oi nepresentatives of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania in Geueral As
sembly met, and it is hereby enacted by tbe
authority of the same, That the qualified
votcis ot the several counties of this Com
monwealth, at all general, township, bor
ough and special elections, are hereby here
after authorized aud required to vote by
ticket, printed or written, or partly printed
and partly written, several! -u...nu.i
follows : One ticket shall embrace the namea
of all Judges of Conrt voted lor, and to be
labeled outside "Judiciary;" one ticket
ahall embrace all the names of State officers
voted for, and be labeled "State;" oie
ticket shall embrace the names of all county
officers voted lor, including office of Sena
tor, member aDd members of Assembly, if
votfcd for, and members of Congress, If vo
ted ror, aad labuled "county ;" ono 'ticket
shall embrace the names or all township of
ficer voted for, and be labeled "township-
one ticket shall embrace the nan f k.l
borough officer voie iur, . w wuewi
"borough ;" and each class shull be depos
ited in separate ballot boxe.
. .i... ;.. th 31 t section of said Aet
J . BO , llv. - - -- -- -- .
it is enacted that "when two or more coun
ties shaft compose insnrie. mc ennce
i - tiMniler4 of the Senary if
io a nieinw. Jt -
this Commonwealth or or tha House of Re
preentitive of tne United States, or of
this Commonwealth, the judges of the elec
tion in eacn coumy na mj. -- -mw,
i. . -i --- i.i .ke out a lair statement ot
all tho votes which shall have been given at
such elections withiu tbe county, tor every
person voted for as such member or Mem.
... 1... II I... u;..nuH litr M-iirt ii I.. .
ber, wnic swan w oijL.,..- -j - j f
K- th.. rlerk- and one ot
aim micMi.
judges shall take charge ot such certiti. ate
anit snail proouce ui - .......8
one judge from each county at such j iace
in silen owirw " ""v
bv law for the purpose.
-' The Return ' Judgirs for this Senatorial
win Mn.t in Huntingdon cn Tn"4-
lyi.Milt.t "it. - -- -
day, October 21st, then Snd there to be and
perform sitcli utiles as arc i'"-"
of said J udges.
The Kclurn Jiitigvs lor nn ni 'ic.ivii?ii.
fi:..u-t &ill mett in MitTlintown on
Tnesdav, tVtolwr 21sl, tiieu and there to do
and perform such duties as are required by
hiw ot said Judge.
Given under niv hand, at Miifiintown, the
- -' i . le-.i
flrsl dav ol septemDtr, .-v. v-
ol tke Independence of tbe United States
tire ninctv-eoveiith.
JOSEPH ARD, Sheriff.
MiffiintowD, Sept. 1, l73-te.
v o a t s .
Furrdstiiig Goods.
WATER Streets,
Jan. IT, ISTi tf.
Ac. Jkc.
MW Measuera taken ami suits and rtf.rri
of suits made to order at tlie shortest notice,
very reasonable.
We have opened out in Jacob Thomas,'
parlor, one door north of the Juniata llotct,
the largest and best stncS: of
ever brought tn the eonnrr.
We buy our stock from M.iuti&tctureraanil
in large loia. We pny easA and expert to
sell for rcuA, which will enable us to offer
Tills branch of tlie bw.!nes will lie super
intended by A. B. FA SIC, one of thrt best
prnctirsl mechanic In the county. All
kinds t?f repairing done.
All Work Warranted
Cornelius Baitley.
July 2, lf7S-tf.
FoKxtRLT Wood Mawxj;
The Best & Most Complete Assort
ment in the Market.
These engines have alwavs maintained
toe very hiKhnt standard of exeelience.
" me iimnuiaeiureol Engine, Boll-
era and daw Mills a specialty. We have ih
mnrest ahi miMt ifim .!..,. ... i.
kind In the country, wlih machinery espe
cially u.lupted to the work.
V e ke p constantly on hand lanre num
hers of Kiieinm, which we furnish at thw
very loet priees und on the shortest no-
5 T;. """ tnicioee specialir wUptrd
to Mines Saw Mills. UriHt Mills, tanneries.
Cotton Oina, Threshers and all eiantes of
mannfact uri .
Wearenowb.lldlng the elehrated lane
Cln-ulHrHttw Mill, tne Iwsf and Most com
p.ete mw mill ever invented.
w make tlie maDufueturc of Saw vtll
outnts a H,ieeiiil feature of our bulne"i. rmt
can lurtiUli complete on the shortest notice
Unr aim in all -asn Ik to furnish the let.
rnarhinery In the market, and work abso
lutely uneqnaierl for beauty of desiin. econ
omy nrol strength. '
Bend for rlmihir aod Price List
Way 7, 1878 eow tit.
TliA n nH.i tl .1 i . . ... -
A K rfk iTi ' " Tno nrm oi Fa e
DnWtI,jrSidh"pwtra,,r announeo to th.
Sr llheKT'..opene,, a u"t and Shoe
besTmaUM klndTof anatu'
for gents, ladles and children.
ble,raa,tln5 done neatly and at reason.,