Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, October 08, 1873, Image 1

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NO. 41.
On. column 3u no 46 w mm
Work and Walt.
A kasbaadmaa, who niaay years
H .4 ploughed his flelds and aowa ia tears,
Cirw weary with his doubts and fears.
"I toil la Vila 1 These rocks sad aasds
Will yield a harvest te ny hands ;
TL heat seeds rotlajaarrea lands.
"My dro9plag viae is wltherlag ;
N j promised grspes its blossoms briag ;
o birds amoag its braaches slag.
"liv luck is dying ea the plain.
The beav.n's are brut. they yield a. rala ;
Tlis eartli is irua I toil ia vain."
While vet be spake a breath had .Hired
His drooping viae, like wing ef bird,
Aad from Us leaves a voice he heard :
"The germs aad fruita of life mast be
Forever hid la mystery ;
Vet aoae caa toll la vain for ate.
"A mightier hand, more skilled than tkla.,
Hast hang the clusters ob the vine.
And make the fields sad harvest sklae.
"Men caa bat work ; God can create ;
bat they who work, and watch, and watt.
Have their reward, though It come late.
"Look ap to Heaven ! behold aad hear
Tbe clouds sad thundering ia thy ear
A a answer to thy doubta and fear."
He looked, and lo ! a eload-draped car.
With trailing smoke and flames afar,
Wss rowhlng from a distant star.
Aad every thirsty flock and plaia
Was rising up to meet the rain
Tbat came to clothe the fleld with grsia. m
And on the clouds he saw agala
Tbe covenant of God with men,
Kf-writtes with bis ralabow peB :
"Heed time and harvest shall not fail,
Aud though the gates of bell assail,
sly truth aud promise shall prevail."
A Straus;? Hinlorr.
A enrious case, says the Pall Mall
tJazettc, was lately brought before one
of the French tribunals. Eighteen years
ago a young man named Eripe was con
demned in contumaciam to tea years'
penal servitude for forgery and embez
zlement committed in Paris. He had
misappropriated some fonr thoasand
francs, but he voluntarily confessed his
guilt a few days afterwards, making re
stitution, at the same time, of the sum
which still remained in his hands. The
manager of the office in which he was
employed, who entertained an excellent
opinion of him, was anxious to hash
the matter up, but the police insisted
upon his prosecution. Eripe avoided
arrest, and enlisted in a cavalry regi
ment under the name of Lemaitre, a
former school-fellow. He served for
three years, and bore the best of char
acters, but being offered a clerkship in
the Aisne, he deserted. The real
Lemaitre was arrested on this charge,
but he had no difficulty in proving his
innocence, and Eripe was again con
demned in contumaciam to ten years'
hard labor for usurping a name which
did not belong to him. He, in the mean
while, had been gaining the esteem of
his employer, at whose instance he con
tracted a marriage under the name of
Lamaitre, by which he was still known.
His wife died soon after their marriage,
but her parents were so much attached
to him that they bequeathed him some
property, and obtained for him a more
valuable appointment in a manufactory
at Fismes. Here he made a second mar
riage, which also proved a happy one,
aud he seemed on the high road to for
tune. One day, while he was talking
with the station-master on the platform,
a train arrived, the engine-driver of
which happened to be the real Lamai
tre, who recognized Eripe and de
nounced him to the police. He was at
once arrested, and it is needless to say
tbat the matter created immense ex
citement in the district. He was ar
raigned upon the charge of forgery, but
he did not attempt to deny his identity,
and he very wisely based his defense on
the ground that he had lived honestly
since the commission of his first fault,
eighteen years ago, asserting what was
the literal truth that be could not have
discontinued the use of the name under
which he had enlisted without betraying
himself. He moreover begged the
Court to remember that in two years'
time he would have been able to plead
the statue of limitations ; and his case
was strengthened by the presence of his
second wife and her family, who en
treated the Court to take a lenient view
of his conduct A petition was signed
by more than 1,200 inhabitants of
Fismes, who bore testimony to his ex
cellent character, and the jury returned
a verdict of acquittal, which was re
ceived with loud and unchecked ap
plause. How to Dlajrover One's Station.
Though it may be granted that the
words of the catechism, which require
a man to do his duty in the station te
which it has pleased God to call him,
to give an admirable definition of onr
obligation to ourselves and to society ;
yet the question remains, How is any
given person to find out what is the
particular station to which it has pleased
(rod to call him? A new-born infant
does not come into the world labeled
scavenger, shopkeeper, bishop, or duke.
One mass of red pulp is just like an
other, to all outward appearance. And
it is only by finding out what his facul
ties are good for, and seeking, not for
the sake of gratifying a paltry vanity,
but as the highest duty to himself and
to his fellow-men, to put himself in the
position in which they can attain their
full development, that the man discov
ers his true station. That which is to
be lamented, I fancy, is not that society
should do its utmost to help its capa
eity to ascend from the lower strata to
the higher, but that it has no machinery
by which to facilitate the descent of
incapacity from the higher strata to the
ray ins off the Indians.
Each one brings his little bundle of
sticks and presents it to the agent to
register. Sometimes dialogue like
the following occurs ; "How many have
you in your lodge ?" The Indian care
fully and with great ceremony counts
his bundle of sticks "Fifteen." "How
many men f" "Two." The agent lays
aside two sticks. "How many women?"
"Three." Three more sticks are sepa
rated. "How many children ?" "Eight"
Eight more sticks are added to the
heap. "What is the meaning of these
two sticks that remain ?" The culprit,
whose arithmetic had not served him to
carry out his deception, disappears,
amid the shouts and jeers of his com
panions, who are always well pleased at
the detection of any roguery in which
they have had no share.
Three new war vessels haws just been
added to the British navy, and twenty
five others are building.
"Miss Yiolet, will yon give this letter
to sirs. JHanoy 7
I had my hands full of drawing ma
terials, but I received the letter and
continued on my way to Mrs. Maltby'a
The drawings were little studies I had
made while down at the sea-side, where
l had spent my vacation made by Mrs.
Maltby, to whom I had been a com
panion for a year and Mrs. Maltby had
been interested in them, saying: "Touch
them up a bit, Violet, and I will get a
portfolio for them and keep them." I
usually sat with her in her dressing
room through the mornings, and thither
1 repaired to touch np the drawings,
while she sat with her slippered feet on
the fender, embroidering with purple
ana crimson wools.
I gave her the letter, and went to a
low seat in the deep bay-window. I
sharpened a pencil, and then happened
to glance towards my companion.
Her face was ashy white. Her profile
was turned towards me. In its irregu
larity and pallor it looked like a face
cut in stone. But I had never seen it
look so sharp and deathly.
The letter was clenched iu her hand.
I had brought her bad news,
I was shocked, but silent. I tried to
remember what I knew of her family
relations. She was a handsome, black
haired woman of fifty, who had been
early widowed, and returned to her
father's house. Her parents were dead.
Her mother had died in her infancy,
and she had been the mistress of Red
burn ever since. It was not long, how
ever, since her father's decease. She
never had a child. She had no brothers
or sisters whom I had heard of. I could
not surmise what had happened.
I saw her burn the letter, and she
rose and left the room.
Afterwards I guessed whom that com
munication was from.
A week passed. They were quiet and
comfortable but rather monotonous
weeks at Bedburn. But, though young,
I was less restless than most girls. I
was not nnhappy with Mrs. Maltby.
Only sometimes I wished for a little
It came a most startling episode.
We had company to dine Mrs.
Maltby'a lawyer and personal friend
from New York I was dressing her
hair, as I sometimes did, for she liked
my arrangements, pronouncing them
artistic. Suddenly, without knock or
warning, the door was flung open and a
young man walked in.
I felt Mrs. Maltby start under my
hands. I myself was frightened, the
intruder looked so bold and reckless.
He was very handsome, but he looked
to me to have been traveling long, or to
have come out of some revet. His linen
was soiled ; his long, clustering hair
nnbrushed ; his eyes bloodshot ; yet
his appearance was singularly attrac
tive. I had never before seen so high
bred and graceful a man.
Mrs. Maltby did not speak to him.
He seated himself before and not far
from her, however.
"Go on Violet," Bhe said.
"Certainly. Let the young lady pro
ceed with her task," he said, qnickly.
"What I have to say need not interfere
with her employment. I understand
that she is your companion and confi
dant, though I have not had the plea
sure of meeting her before."
The last sentence appeared to have
been quite mechanically spoken, for he
had fixed his eyes fiercely upon Mrs.
Maltby'a face, and seemed to see only
her. I went on piruing up the braids
of her hair as I had been bid, but my
hands trembled. I could not see her
face, but I think she met that look
"You refuse me," he said, in a far
different tone from that in which he
had first spoken low and concentrated.
"Certainly," she answered.
"Do yon want my blood upon your
head ?" he exclaimed.
"I washed my hands clear of you long
ago," she answered composedly.
"Long ago," he repeated, and a wave
of emotion that was inexplicable to me
went over his face. Then he was silent.
I don't know why, but from that mo
ment I pitied him.
He got np and commenced walking
tbe floor.
"I tell you, Winifred, I must have
this money," he said. "I must have it
to-night, to-night," he repeated.
Mrs. Maltby was silent. I caught a
glimpse of her face. Flint was not
"Let me have it, Winifred," he said,
pausing before her, "and I promise you
1 11 1 .1 - 1 .A A.'
11 snail ue we taut Mine.
She made no reply.
"The last time. I mean it, Winifred.
His voice faltered. She did not speak.
"Will you?"
"No," ahe replied, with no emotion
His face had been working with some
strong, deep feeling. But that mono
syllable seemed to strike him like a
blow. He stood looking at her, his
face still and desperate.
'1 did not think God could make
snch woman as you are," said he, at
I felt her shrink beneath the actual
horror with which he seemed to regard
her. But she spoke with her unaltera
ble composure.
"I told you more than a year ago that
I should pay no more debts of yours,
contracted at faro, or in any other way,"
she said. "I meant it; yon know I
meant it I have given yon fair warn
ing; I shall not change."
He did not speak; his head was
dropped upon his breast; he was
deathly pale.
"I have done my duty by you, Guy ;
yon know that I have," she added.
"Yes, you have been just, but you
have never been merciful," he replied,
"Oh God 1" He flung np his arms with
bitter cry that wrung my heart
I looked at her. She did not relent
or go to him. He had flung himself
into a chair, and with his head drooped
and his arms folded upon his back, was
the most hopeless figure I had ever
seen. Bhe rose, for I had finished her
hrir. Mid took sect nearer the fire.
Her lips were gray as if she were cold,
tnt her face was still as invincible as a
He gave a groan, and started up sud
denly. "I am going," he said. "I" He met
her eye, and asked : "Why did you not
kill me? I was altogether in your
hands once. Yon killed her, you well
A flush stained her cheek.
"Yon would have made her happy, I
suppose, if she had lived," she said
aaroastioally. But the sting did not
seem to reach him.
"If ahe had lived t Oh, heaven, if
ahe had lived ! Winifred Sedley, may
God deal by you as yon have dealt by
"I am willing," she answered.
He remained not a moment longer.
Vaenls. hia nlnava- ahnnt him. he staVC
her one look of reproach, and left the
room. I looked wistfully at her ; she
did not speak to me, and I, too, went
She was ill the next day, bnt on the
day following she appeared much as
Of all I thought and felt I, of course,
said nothing. The matter was no affair
of mine. I had not understood it; Mrs.
Maltby would make me feel it I un
derstood that the two were brother and
sister, that the young man was named
Guy Sedley ; that he was dissolute and
in disgrace ; that Mrs. Maltby had taken
care of him in boyhood, bnt now ignored
the relationship. I was in no way
allowed to learn anv more.
But on the second night I was awak
ened by a light shining into my cham
It was something unusual, for the
little clock on the mantle was chiming
After a moment I slipped out of bed
and glided towards the open door. The
long embroidered folds of my night
gown tripped me, but I made no noise
with my bare feet upon the deep velvet
of the carpet I don't know whom I
expected to see; certainly not Guy
Sedley, kneeling before a sandal-wood
chest with papers strewn around him
on the floor. A taper, burning in a
silver sconce upon the wall, showed his
face perfectly cool as he went on search
ing for something.
He must have come through my room
to reach this apartment for it had no
opening bnt into my chamber. I was
aware that the papers in the chest were
valuable that there was money placed
there. I saw that he was robbing his
1 saw, too, a dirk-knife on the floor
close at his side.
I looked at him an instant even then
I remembered to pity him then glided
forward, snatched the knife and leaped
back to the door.
I was mistress of the situation, for I
had come from behind him done all as
in a flash of lightning and as he rose
to his feet stood with my back to the
closed door, with a calmness that
showed that it was not my intention to
immediately arouse the house. .
With a presence of mind equal to my
own, he put the roll of bills he had been
searching for into the fob of his waist
coat and with a glittering eye regarded
me speculatively. I was petite, and I
had not screamed. I know now that he
was not much afraid of me, although he
appeared to be.
"You have been robbing your sister,"
I said, "but if you will put the money
back, 1 will let you go."
His intense attention of me changed
to a look of wonder.
"You, child, are not afraid of me ?"
he asked.
"No," I answered truthfully.
"But I watched you in your sleep a
moment ago, debating whether it were
necessary to kill you or not."
"You must have been glad to find
that it was not necessary," I answered.
He locked more astonished than be
fore, but I did not stop to think of that
"rut the money back, I said.
"No," he said firmly. "I will murder
you first"
"Uo not do that," said I. "l am
your friend. I was sorry for you that
He did not speak, but a troubled
look disturbed the pale fixedness of his
"How much monev have you there."
I asked.
"One hundred dollars."
"And you need it very much ?"
"Verv ranch " he renlied. with a bit
ter smile.
"Please put it back." I said. "She
has been just to yon. I would like to
be merciful. I wiu give you the money."
"I have it yes here in my room ;
let me show yon."
X flung open the door next to my
writing-desk and came back.
".t hese I will give you freely, 1 said.
opening the roll. "You said to your
sister it should be the last time, and 1
hope "
He had taken the bills into his hand.
looking at them in a kind, unbelieving
"lou may hope that you have saved
me," he said, in a low tone.
We were silent for a moment.
"You know now that I was very sorry
for you," I said with tears in my eyes.
"les, he said gravely. "And 1 love
yon for it"
Me put Mrs. Maltby s money back,
and rearranged the chest I began to
listen nervously for voices about the
honse, but all was very still He locked
the chest and gave me the key.
"ion know where it is kept ?
"Yes, in a drawer in her dressing-
room." 1 wondered bow he had ob
taired it
"Hurry and get away."
"There is no danger ; I paved the way j
carefully. Pure, brave little girl, how
fearless you are lor yourself.
He looked at me earnestly, as if be
wished to carry away a clear memory of
my features, then wrapped his cloak
about him, flung up the sash, and leaped
soundlessly out into the darkness.
I extinguished the taper and crept
back to bed. I did not hear a sound of
any kind about the honse until day
When I arose I saw the dirk-knife
dittoi-inr in the snnshine near mr writ
ing-desk, where I had laid it Then I
At eight o clock the watchman, who
was kept on the ground, was found
gagged and bound just inside Bedbnrn's
entrance. Yes, Guy Sedley had pr ved
his way coolly and surely.
A year later I was mistress of Bed
burn ; the beautiful honse, the spacious
grounds were all mine. Mrs. Aiaitoy
had died and bequeathed them to me.
On her dying bed she had said :
"Violet, you are my heiress. There
is only one living being who has my
blood in his veins; him I disown." She
paused, and then went on : "You have
seen my brother ; I loved him, I was
ambitious for him, bnt his natural bent
was evil. We had a cousin Flora a
love child, who was brought np with
him. They were engaged to be mar
ried, but I forbade it I revealed to her
his dissipation ; I told her of his debts
and deeds of daring. She loved him ;
she trusted him ; but she was delicate,
and died. He said I killed her."
fthn crew nale even oast her dying
pallor, but she went on :
"When I last saw him the officers of
justice were after him ; he was s de
faulter ; he had stolen money to pay his
gambling debts. He is probably in jail
now ; but I will have none of him, and
I will never forgive him."
So she died hard as a flint to the last
And I was mistress of Bedbum. .
Iwasvonne: I was fond of gay sty;
I had now the means at my disposal.
Evarr summer my home was filled with
fiesta. In the winter, I was in New
ork or abroad. And yet I lived only
en the interest of the money bestowed
upon me.
Three years passed. I had nei
heard a word of Guy Sedley ; when one
day the Bromleys, of New York, who
were coming to visit me, asked leave to
bring a friend. I extended the solicited
invitation, and Guy Sedley came. -
It was a shock, but he gave no token
of the past Reclaimed from his errors
he was so refined and manly that he
was the most distinguished of my guests.
1 loved him, but I thought : "He must
hate me, the usurper of his rights. He
is poor because I have his patrimony.
I have no right to Redbnrn, and I will
not keep it. I will give it back to him
An opportunity came. He was sitting
on the terrace one bright evening. I
went and took a seat near him.
"How lovely this view is 1" he ex
claimed, pointing towaids the distant
"Yes, and yon shall wish for your
right any longer, Mr. Sedley. Redbnrn
is yours. I have no claim upon it."
He did not speak, and 1 went on,
saying :
"Your sister was just, and she would
have made yon the heir had she lived
to see what you are to-day."
"But it was your mercy, and not your
justice, Miss Violet, that saved me.
Violet, I love you, and I will take Red
bnrn with your hand, not else."
I put my hand in his, trusting him,
loving him utterly, and proud, very
proud, to make him master of Redburn,
The Shah or l'erwla.
The Shah of Persia, the "King of
Kings," and we know not what else
besides, has visited Europe and gone
back to the Orient He has been pro
cessioned, and feted, and toadied to
generally, by high and low, in a way
that we thought Americans only were
capable of. Kings and queens have
delighted to do him honor, and the
common people have stared at him with
open-mouthed wonder.
Not that only the cold meats remain of
the feasts and the wax-tapers have burned
low, and the distinguished stranger has
taken his departure, with his numerous
retinue, and is fairly out of hearing.
we begin to find what manner of man
he is. It seems strange, knowing so
well from the tales of travelers what his
nation is like, that there should have
been any doubt or ignorance about the
matter. We are told that he is gross
in appearance and boorish in manners ;
in brief, the representative ruler of a
barbarous nation, which arrogates to
itself all the wisdom and refinement
and religion of the world, and looks
with contempt and hatred upon all out
Still, we hope that the Shah s Western
tour may not be unproductive of good
results to himself, and through him to
his people. Having seen Western civil
ization in its full tide, he may be emu
lous of introducing some of its material
advantages at least into his own country,
and from them may spring a spirit of
toleration which is now nowhere found
in Mohammedan countries. ' The rail
road which is to connect El Medina with
Mecca will do much toward breaking
down the barriers of Orientalism, and
it may yet be found, not only in Persia,
but in every portion of the world, thtt
the iron track will become the literal
representative of the bonds of fraternity.
Harper's Magazine.
Legend of the Cloek of BUrasbnrg
Many years ago there lived in Stras-
burg an aged and experienced mechanic
Buried in his arts, he forgot the ways
of the world, and promised his daughter
to his gallant young apprentice, instead
of to the hideous old magistrate, who
approached the maiden with offers of
gold and dignity. One day the youth
and damsel found the unworldly artist
weeping for joy before his completed
clock, the wonder of the earth. Every
body came to see it and the corporation
bought it for the cathedral. The city
of Basel bespoke another just like it.
This order aroused the jealousy of the
authorities, who tried to make the
rrtchamo promise that he would never
repeat his master-piece for another
town. "Heaven gave me not my talents
to feed your vain ambition," said the
man of craft ; "the men ot Basel were
quicker to recognize my skill than you
were. I will make no such promise."
Upon that the rejected suitor, who was
among the magistrates, persuaded his
colleagues to put out the artist's eyes.
The old man heard his fate with lofty
fortitude, and only asked tbat be might
suffer the sentence in the presence of
his darling work, to which he wished
to give a few final strokes. His request
was granted, and he gazed long at the
splendid clock, setting its wonders in
motion to count off the last-remaining
moments of .his sight "Come, laggard,"
said the prosecuting magistrate, who
had brought a crowd of spectators, "you
are taxing the patience of this kind
audience." "But one touoh remains,"
said the old mechanic, "to complete my
work ;" and he busied himself a moment
among the wheels. While he suffered
the agonies of his torture a fearful whir
was heard from the clock ; the weights
tumbled crashing to the floor as his
eyes fell from their sockets. He had
removed the master-spring, and - his
revenge was complete. Tbe lovers
devoted their lives to the comfort of the
blind clockmaker,and the wicked magis
trate was hooted from society. The'
clock remained a ruin until 1842, when
parts of it were used in the new one
constructed by &ehwigue.-Lippincott'9
Magazine. ,
The Prayer or Agassis.
The Clirintian VnionlVL W. Beeeher),
speaking of the speech by Professor
Agassiz, at the opening of the Anderson
School of Natural History, says : After
a few opening words, felicitously suited
to put all their minds into fellowship,
Agassiz said, tenderly, and with touch
ing frankress, "I think we have need
of help. I do not feel that I can call
on any one here to ask a blessing for
us. I know I would not have anybody
pray for ns at this moment I ask you
for a moment to pray for yourselves,"
Upon this, the great scientist in an
age in which so many other great scien
tists have conclnded that praying is
quite an unscientific and very useless
proceeding bowed his head reverently;
his pupils and friends did tbe same ;
and, there, in a silence that was very
beautiful, each spirit was free to crave
of the Great Spirit the blessing that
was needed. For our own part, it seems
to us that this scene of Agassiz and his
pupils with heads bowed in silent prayer
for the blessing of the God of Nature to
be given to that school then opened for
study of Nature, is a spectacle for some
great artist to spread out worthily upon
canvas, and to be kept alive in the
memory of mankind. What are corona
tions, royal pageants, the parade of ar
mies, to a scene iie uus t a aeraias
the coming of the new heavens and the
new earth the golden age when Na
ture and Man shall be reconciled, and
the conquests of truth shall supersede
the conquests of brute loroa.
- False AnUejnltles.
: -.
There has at all tunes been a prone.
ness. more or less developed, tor indul
gence in practical jokes or deceptions
called hoaxet ; sometimes through self
interested motives, but more usually
. - . . . . ... i.
springing I rum a, love oi iuu, witu a, uis
of malice in it Antiquaries have fre
quently been victimized in this way, by
the fabrication of articles purporting to
be interesting as relics of past times.
The readers of Sir Walter Scott's "An
tiquary" will remember the metal vessel
inscribed with the letters "A-D-L-L,"
which Monkbarns interpreted to meac
Akricola dicavit Ubena lubena;" but
which Edie Ochiltree boldly pronounced
to be "Aikin Drum, lang ladle." This
was a supposed instance of honest mis
oonstructtion by a learned man whose
zeal travelled a little too fast due to
Scott's imagination : but there was a
real instance in the case of Vallancey,
an Irish antiquary, who found a sculp
tured stone on the hill of Tara, and en
graved the six letters of inscription in a
costly work which he published ; he
made out these to mean, "To Belus,
God of Fire ; " but they proved to be
simply some of the letters in the name
of an Irishman, who, lying down lazily
on the stone, incised them with a knife
or chisel In 1756, a wit, aided by an
engraver, cut on a flat stone several
words which were really an epitaph :
"Beneath this stone reposeth Claud-
Coster, tripe-seller of Impington, as
doth his consort Jane ; but the seventy-
seven letters were so skillfully divided
into apparent words, syllables, and ab
breviations, as to look exactly like a
Latin inscription relating to the Em
peror Claudius. - For a long time, this
stone deceived antiquaries.
Uough, the celebrated archieologist.
saw at a curiosity-shop a slab of stone,
inscribed in a curious way, bought it
had it described before the Society of
Antiquaries, and engraved for the ue.n
tleman'f Magazine. It purported to
be, "Here Hardcnut drank a wine horn
dry, stared about him, and died." The
shopkeeper stated that the stone had
been discovered in Kennirgton Lane,
where the palace of Hardcnut, or Har
dicanute is supposed to have been sit
uated. The whole affair proved to be a
hoax. George Stevens, having a grudge
against Gough, procured a fragment of
a chimney-slab, -scratched an inscrip
tion on it in rudely-formed letters, and
got a curiosity-dealer so to manage that
Gough should see and buy the stone.
Italy is wonderfully fertile in modern
antiquities, articles made to imitate an
cient productions, and sold at a high
price to unwary art-connoisseurs.
Inghirami, in his costly work ou vases
("Vasi Fittilli"), has a most absurd en
graving of a vase, on which is depicted
an arcbioologist running alter fame:
the lady has her thumb to her nose, ex
actly in the way known to boys as
"taking a sight, while three engraved
Greek words represent her as saying,
"Be off, my fine fellow!" No such
vase existed ; a hoax had been perpe
trated by a rival connoisseur, which
Inghirami did not discover soon enough
to cancel his engraving.
There is no scarcity of instances at
the present day.and in enr own country,
of the manufacture of antiques more
for profitable deception than mere wag
gery. Roman vessels and coins are
every year coming to light which the
Romans never saw, and flint implements
which certainly were not fabricated in
the stone period. Numismatists and
coin collectors know, to their cost some
times, what rogues can do in one par
ticular department of fraudulent hoax
ing. A very old silver coin is worth, in
the antiquarian market, many times its
weight in pure silver, or even pure gold,
and hence there is a strong temptation
to manufacture modern antique coins,
producing, at the cost of a few shillings,
that which will bring many pounds.
There is reason to suspect that even in
old times such sophistications were
practised : for Roman coins have been
occasionally dug up, in which the good
specimens are found to be mixed with
others evidently plated, and others,
again, as evidently washed over with
silver. The Greek islands are known
at the present day to shelter men who
make false dies of ancient coins, as a
preliminary to the manufacture of new
specimens so doctored up as to pass lor
old. The trade is a lucrative one. A
certain engraver of these surreptitious
cues is said to have netted two or three
thousand pounds from the pockets of
English tourists alone, who bought the
counterfeits at high prices, under the
belief in their genuine antique charac
ter.. The dies were really well en
graved, and the coins put out of hand
in clever style. Chamber's Journal.
A Pinch of Salt.
George went to the meadow to carry
a bucket of salt for the cattle. "How
odd," said George, "that nothing can
live without salt ! What is salt ?" "Why,
salt is salt to be sure," said the Plow
man. That is so, but the answer did not
quite satisfy George.
There is a metal called sodium, wnicn
looks like little silvery globes, and it is
a sort of cousin to gold and silver. If
these little globes in their way over the
world meet and are breathed upon by a
yellowish-green vrpor, called chlorine,
they varnish in an instant ; and in place
of the two sodium and chlorine, there
is a grain of salt It is a happy thing
in nature that these do come together
very often, otherwise we should have no
salt, and salt is necessary for all sorts
of life.
It is found almost everywhere; It is
in the great oceans ; there are also salt
lakes, and salt springs, and salt moun
tains, and salt fields. Spain has a great
mountain of salt ; and Poland has some
wonderful mines. where you are let down
into a pit and come to workshops where
hundreds of men are hewing out blocks
of pure white -salt,' which shine and
sparkle in the lamplight like diamonds.
in America there is a famous lake.
Silt springs are very common. The sea
water is pumped into broad flat pans,
ana leu in we sun io oe anea np.
When it is dried up the salt is left in a
crust on the bottom of the pans. There
are also great salt works in England.
If water gives us salt so also does
fire. After an eruption, the cracks and
crevices of Mount Vesuvions are often
covered with a thick coat of salt Huge
blocks of it were once found very near ;
its burring month. The people of Ice
land, too, often carry whole wagon loads
of salt from their burning Mount Hecla.
There are plants likewise which can
yield a small supply. By the seashore
grows a gray, prickly, homely plant
called saltwort Our soda mostly comes
from the ashes of this very plant Do
yon know the curious and pretty ice-
plant t it sometimes grows in gardens ;
of tener in green houses. This is a great
treasure to the people of -the Canary
Islands, who raise it in large fields.pull
it np, burn it, and drive a good trade
with the sods which they get from its
ashes. What stores of useful things
are to be found in nature.
Animals which live on vegetation es
pecially delight in salt Wild beasts
on the plains, and deer, as well as cat
tle in our barnyards, are fond of it. in
deed, life would perish without salt
A man weighing one hundred and fifty
pounds has in him pound of salt at
least His body needs it in order to be
strong and healthy. If this is no longer
to be bad, his flesh falls away, he loses
his hair, his eyes grow dim, his bones
become soft nd his whole system
breaks down.
Long ago, even among the Arabs of
to-day, bargains are made binding Dy
the use of salt A tray of salt is put be
tween the two contracting parties, each
take a piece, and that means good faith
Yon remember the Lord Jesus tells
his people to be the "salt of the earth.
that is, to live so as to shed a pure and
wholesoms influence around where no
thinscorrupt can live. And St Paul
says our words must be "seasoned with
A pinch of salt is a very common
thing, We see it every day on the table,
and never think of it much less think
how curiously God has made the world
one great salt-cellar for our use and en
joyment !
The Fetrh, or the Doppelgaager.
I have known several instances of
persons who have seen the "fetch," or
apparition of a living person, called in
Germany the "Doppelganger ;" yet.
though such appearances are usually
supposed to portend the death or illness
of the person thus strangely "doubled,"
I have never yet heard of a case where
any unpleasant consequences followed.
For instance, an old friend of mine, a
gentleman of undoubted veracity, once
told me that on one occasion he entered
his house about five o'clock in the after
noon, and ran upstairs to his mother's
bed-chamber, where he saw her stand
ing near the centre of the room, clad in
a loose white gown and engaged in
combing out her long black hair. He
remained looking at her for some mo
ments, expecting that she would speak
to him, but Bhe did not take any notice
in any way of his presence, and neither
spoke nor looked at him. He then ad
dressed her, but, receiving no reply,
became indignant and went down stairs,
where, to his amazement, he found his
mother seated by the parlor window,
dressed and coiffce as usual. It was
some years before he would trust him
self to tell her of what he had seen.
fearing that she might consider it an
omen of approaching death, and indeed.
though not a superstitious man. he was
inclined so to view it himself ; but his
mother lived for many years after the
appearance of her wraith. I also knew
a young gentleman to whom the un
pleasant experience of beholding his
own double was once vouchsafed. He
bad been spending a quiet evening with
some young ladies, and returned home
about eleven o'clock, let himself into
the house with his latch key, and pro
ceeded to his own room, where he found
the gas already lighted, though turned
down to a mere blue spark. He turned
it up, and the full light of the jet shone
on his bed, which stood just beside the
burner, and there, extended at full
length, lay himself. His first idea was
of a burglar or some such intruder. But
his second glance dispelled that impres
sion. He stood for some moments gaz
ing at the prostrate figure with feelings
which must have been anything but
agreeable ; he noticed little peculiari
ties of Lis own dress and features, snd
marked the closed eyelids and easy
respiration of slumber. At length,
plucking up courage, he attempted to
pass his hand under the pillow to draw
out a small revolver which he usually
kept there, snd as he did so he felt the
pressure of the pillow, as though
weighed down by a reclining head.
This completely unnerved him. He
went out of the room, locking the door
on the outside, and spent the remainder
of the night on a sofa in the parlor. He
did not re-enter his chamber till broad
daylight, when, to his delight he found
that his ghostly visitor had vanished.
Lippincott's Magazine.
Growing Old In One Night.
The sexton of St Joseph's Cathedral,
Vienna, being a man of extraordinary
nerve and boldness, was accustomed to
stand on the pinnacle of the tower when
ever the emperor made a grand entry to
the city, and wave a flag as the pageant
passed by. When, however, Leopold,
who had just been chosen emperor at
Frankfort, was about to enter the city,
the loyal sexton, still anxious to be true
to the old custom, but finding that years
hai told against his nerve, declared that
any one who would take his place suc
cessfully should win his daughter.
Gabriel Petersheim, who was disliked
by the sexton, bnt loved his daughter,
at once accepted the offer, to the dis
gust of the sexton, who then arranged
with two villains to close the trap-door
of the upper stairway, while Gabriel
was above, thinking that as the emperor
was to enter toward evening, no one
need be the wiser, and the lad must
certainly fall before morning. The two
accomplices did their foul work, and
their intended victim, finding his way
down again barred, was confronted with
the alternative of clinging to the spire
through a cold, wintry night with his
feet resting on a surface hardly ten
inches in circumference ; or of precipi
tating himself to the pavement at once,
and thus ending the matter. Gabriel
was a youth of firm will and hardy con
stitution ; he clung to the cold column
till morning. But the story goes that
his rescuers were amazed to observe
that his curling locks were white ss
snow ; his wonted rosy cheeks were yel
low and wrinkled ; and his eyes, before
so bright, were now sunken and dim.
One night of horror had placed him
forty years nearer his grave.
Nataral Relations.
Wisdom will never let us stand with
any man or men on an unfriendly foot
ing. We refuse sympathy and intimacy
with people, as if we waited for some
better sympathy and .intimacy to come.
But whence and when? To-morrow
will be like to day. Life wastes itself
while we are preparing to live. Let ns
suck the sweetness of those affections
and consuetudes that grow near us.
Undoubtedly, we can easily pick faults
in our company, can easily whisper
names prouder and that tickle the fancy
more. Every man's imagination hath
its friends ; and pleasant would life be
with such companions. But if yon
cannot have them on good, mutual
terms, you cannot have them. If not
the Deity, but our ambition, hews snd
shapes the new relations, their virtue
escapes, as strawberries lose their flavor
in garden beds. Umeraon.
If we are cheerful and contented, all
nature smiles with ns ; the air seems
more balmy, the sky clearer, the ground
has a brighter green, the trees nave a
richer foliage, the flowers a more fra
grant smell, the birds sing more sweetly,
and the sun, moon and stars all appear
more beautiful.
The Dead AUve.
One of the most beautiful poems in
in memonam speculates upon the kind
oi reception me dead would meet with
from their re'atives, supposing that
they could resume their life once more,
with all their privileges of heirship and
of marriage. As for the writer, he avers
that whniAWAV trt.nara r Via vmm Kn.
wrought he finds not yet one lonely
A 1 1 . . . .
luougut was cries against nis wisn for
his flMui fViorwl . tint, wifti nMi? in
others, there is some reasonable doubt
"'Twss well, indeed, when warm with wine,
To pledge theas wits a kladlT tear ;
To talk them e'er; te wish them here ;
To nu their memorise half divine ;
"Bat If they earns who paas'd that way :
Behold their brides la other haada !
The hard heir atrldes about their lands,
Aad wUi not jlsld taea (or day."
And yet such resuscitations have hap
pened not once only, but very many
In 1685. a miller st Abbeville, nassinff
by the gallows where a robber had been
suspended on the previous day, per
ceived some signs of life in him. Being
movea with compassion, he managed,
with the assistance of his servant to
take him down and convey him home
in his cart Then he tended him care
fully until the felon was nnita mntnrArl
to health, with the intention of dis
missing him with a sum of money, in
order that the poor wretch might be
enabled to recommence hie in an honest
manner. Unfortunately, however, this
good Samaritan delayed the execution
of his design too long ; and on a certain
Sunday of all days in the week this
ungrateful scoundrel left the hospitable
mill with as much of the money and
valuables of the owner as he could lay
his hands on. Now. it so happened
thatthecurateof Abbeville had preached
an unusually short discourse, and the
miller and his men came home from
church in time to overtake the robber.
This they did; and, without wasting
any more valuable time in reforming
him, they took him to the gallows upon
which they had found him, with many
apologies for having disturbed him
in the first instance, and there they
hanged him with particular can
"pulling his wicked legs," adds the
chronicler, "to make sure that he should
thieve no moie." Nevertheless, the
doers of this most atrocious deed had
to flee the country until a pardon was
obtained for them from the most Chris
tian king.
This seems to confirm the poet's the
ory that in most cases dead people
should remain so, keeping in mind the
excellence of the saying, "Let bygones
be bygones." Nevertheless, here is a
case to the contirry : In the Church of
the Apostles at Cologne there is a large
Eictnre descriptive of the restoration to
fe of Reichmnth Adolch, the wife of
a counselor of that city, under circum
stances which have been borrowed for
materials to construct many fictitious
stories of a similar kind. This lady
was supposed to have died of the plague
which devastated Cologne in 1571 ; but,
being buried with a valuable ring on
her finger, the sexton of the church
thought it a pity such good jewelry
should be wasted, and opened her coffin
on the very night of her interment
This conduct she resented by sitting up
and collaring him on the instant, where
upon he fled with excusable precipita
tion, under the idea that he had irri
tated en inhabitant of the other world.
Mrs. Adolch, however, was far from
dead ; and, leaving the vault, sha at
once proceeded in her grave-clothes to
her own home. She was not however,
"out of the wood" yet, exoept in the
literal sense. The maid-servant, who
was roused by her ringing, declined to
let her in, although she narrated the
circumstances of her reappearance,
through the keyhole, in order to still
her fears. The girl was either really
too terrified, or preferred a situation
without a female head to it for she did
not open the door, but ran to her mas
ter's room, who informed her for her
pains that she was a mad woman ; and
all this time the poor lady was shiver
ing in her shroud, and almost wishing
herself back again under cover. At
length she was admitted, and by means
of proper treatment so entirely recov
ered that "she afterwards had three
sons who were clergymen."
Ministry or Angels.
Angels are our constant attendants
and intimate associates ; they enter into
and foster all our good affections, and
labor to repress or to moderete our evil
propensities. There is not a holy feeling
or an upright thought in human minds,
which they do not inspire ; in short, the
channels through which the Divine
mercy and grace are conveyed to man
kind, who, in their fallen state, could
not without treir means, be kept in
connection with the fountain of infinite
purity and inaccessible delight Indeed,
the life of man is supported by spiritual
association, for he could neither think
or will without the agency of conge
nial spirits. Man is, therefore, not
only attended by angels from Heaven,
but also by spirits from hell ; and, as
those from above give the power of
thinking and willing what is true and
good, so those from beneath give the
power of thinking and willing what is
evil and false. As a man of himself is
mere evil, in his unregenerate state he
draws into connection with himself snch
spirits only as a: e of a similar nature ;
and were these allowed to obtain entire
possession of the hjmaa. faculties, their
nnhappy subject must inevitably perish.
It is only, theiefoie, to the providence
of the Lord that we are indebted for
that angelic protection and influence
which we enjoy, which raises us, as it
were, out of hell into the midst between
the kingdon of light and the kingdom
of darkness, and preserves us in the
perfect liberty of turniBg to the one or
to the other. The vision which was
made to pass before the mental eyes of
Jacob, when reposing on his stony pil
low, is at once a clear proof and beauti
ful representation of angelic ministra
tion. A ladder is presented that reaches
from earth to Heaven, by which the
word is to be understood ; and while
God is above and man below it, the in
termediate steps are occupied by angels,
not in a state of rest but of activity,
ascending and descending, raising the
thoughts and affections of man to God,
and bringing down the gifts of God to
Italy la Snmnaer.
Most American travelers think that
Italy should be avoided in the summer.
They make a great mistake. They for
get that a large part of it is in a higher
latitude than our chief Atlantic cities,
and that westerly tmeses, which in the
United States blow over a hot conti
nent are here cooled by the Mediter
ranean. Barely is the heat so insuffer
able here as in those cities.
Coral ornaments, it is reported, are
again coming into fashion. Ear-rings
in the form of stars snd made to fit into
the ears like studs, will be much worn.
The Ohio Agricultural College has
one female student
Two women will occupy seats in the
next Wyoming Legislature.
Cholera is reported to be depopula
ting the Hanisburg chicken crops.
Sea anemones are used for food in
certain countries, and are even con
sidered delicacies. ; .
An ingenious Boston trirl has tancht
a squirrel in his revolving cave to turn
her sewing machine.
The frennencv in Smitprlan.l nt
criminals committing suicide iu their
cells is attracting attention.
Concord. Mass.. has a new public
library, erected at a cost of 75,000, and
the gift of William Manroe.
A herd of buffaloes recently passed
through Western Kansas, and tliev were
thirty hours in going by a giveu point.
General Custer's Indian cognomen is
the "little devil with much hair." That
is enough to make him commit hari
kari. A Texas man recently declined to re
ceive a telegraphic despatch from a
yellow fever locality, for fear he might
eaten the disease.
Jean Jaques Rousseau asserted that
man was naturally a quadruped, and
when not tanght otherwise, would walk
on his hands and feet
There is a mule owned by sharpers
traveling through Illinois that can trot
a mile in 2:28. Five minntes is con
sidered good time for this species of
Some farmers in California have es
tablished a bank of their own, and they
run it themselves. Their object is
mutual benefit aud independence of
A witness in a Mrmf.ronl nn1ia onnrf
recently ailmit.ttxl -it! emit f. jiflniln.
that he had first accepted a bribe of $15
not 10 appear, ana men made arrange
ments wherebv lift mifflir. her-
and brought into court.
Mention was recently made of the
fall of a large a-rolite in Indiana. A
farmer of Tippecanoe county, in that
State, has discovered the fragments ot
the meteoric stone, which it is esti
mated weighs upward of 1000 pounds.
Belts, with pockets attached, and
traveling bugs made of alligators' skins.
are said to be the caprice of the season
abroad. This leather is a light corn
color, with many irregular indentations,
and is mounted with gilt oxidized silver
or Russian leather.
At the bight of the season in Balti
more watermelons sold on the wharves
at from 5 to 20 cents each, the latter
price being paid only for small lots of
very fine ones, weighing in some in
stances as high as 50 to GO pounds.
Fifty thousand people attended a
recent exhibition at Bath of the Royal
Horticultural Society, and the receipts
for admission during the five davs ag
gregated 810,000. This argnes a devel
opment of the rural feeling in England
which it is pleasant to contemplate.
A recipe for perpetnal youth is to
stmly God's book of nature. Never be
idle. See the good in mankind, pass
by the evil. Love yourself least. Strive
to do some good every day of your life.
Speak only kind words. Thus your
heart will ever be young, and your
friends will not notice the wrinkles of
The Boston Transcript wants to know
what TTlJlllp T J if. H a l f t crn liailr n rmti Vin
men, and if she was discontented with
her Lot At the time we got onr big
gold medal for perfect Sunday-school
recitations it was our opinion that she
left him because she was an indepen
dent woman, and wanted to earn her
An old, rough clergyman once took
for his text that passage of the Psalms,
"I said in my haste all men are bars."
Looking up, apparently as if he saw the
Psalmist stauding immediately before
hiin, he said: "You arid it in your
haste, David, did yon ? Well, if you had
been here, you might have said it after
mature reflection. "
Often when traveling among tne Alps
one sees a small black cross printed
upon the rock or on the brink of a tor
rent, or on the verge of the highway, to
mark the spot where men have met
with a sudden death, that others may
shun the danger. So God in His work
has marked the spots where men fell,
and the sins by which they perished,
that those who follow after may know
where peril lies.
"Of all dreary places, deliver me from
the farm-houses which many people
call home. Bars for a front gate,
chickens wallowing before the door,
pig-pens elbowing the honse in the
rear, scraggy trees never cared for or
no trees at all, no cheering shrubs, no
neatness, no trimness. And yet a. lawn
and trees and a neat walk and a pleas
ant fence don't cost a great deal."
A poor German immigrant was
brought before the grand jury in Chi
cago, lately, charged with stealing some
old clothing. His excuse was that he
desired to sell them to obtain food for
his wife and five children, who were
starving. The grand jurors fonnd no
bill, and taxed themselves 50 cents a
head for the benefit of the family. The
wife and children, during the husband's
imprisonment, were fed by the jailor.
A certain person had a friend who was
a miser. One day he said to him, "I
am going on a journey ; give me your
ring, then I shall always have yon near
me, for whenever I look upon it you
will come to my remembrance." the
miser made answer, "If you wish to
keep me in remembrance as often as you
look at your naked fingers remember
that yon asked a certain person for his
ring, and he refused to give it to you !"
The Rochester (N. YA Union relates
the following strange incident : "About
six weeks ago, Miss Crowell, a ward of
Mrs. Pruyn, of Albony, mysteriously
disappeared from the residence of that
lady, and for a long time all efforts to
discover her whereabouts were unavail
ing. An uncle of the yonng lady as
sisted Mrs. Pruyn in the search. He
came westward, and, on reaching this
city, fell in with a Cleveland man, who
told him a remarkable story of a young
lady who had been fonnd on the stoop
of his residence in a sort of trance, who
had been sheltered, and who displayed
a number of accomplishments, though
still out of her mind. The description
was sufficient clue, and the girl's uncle
Eroceeded directly to Cleveland, where
e found his long lost niece in the con
dition stated. She was suffering from
aberration of mind. On being removed
to her residence in Albany, a terrible
fever set in and she has not yet re
covered. Miss Crowell is 15 years of
age, and was the daughter of a former
Philadelphia merchant, from whom she
inherited a large fortune."