JUNIATA SESTIXEL MIFFLIN J OWN: Wednesday, October I, 1873. PEXtf'A. B. lTIME TABLE. Passenger trains leave MiBIin Station a follows: EASTWARD. rhisdelphi Kxprcss, 1 10 a m. Fast Line, 4 08 a ni. Southern Express, 6 57 a in. Harrisbtirg Acconimo., 1 1 28 a in. mail, 6 33 p in. Pacific Express, 10 1)7 am. Cincinnati Express, 8 60 p m. WKSTWABD. Pittsburg Express 1 08 a m. Cincinnati Express, 1 63 a m. Sotithwn Express, 4 10 a m. Pacific, 6 43 a m. Tav Passenger, 10 07 a m. Kaii', 8 88 p ni. rtst Linn, 6 Hi p in. 73. LOCAL ISTELLlGhXCB. lluntinsdon is to have a new Academy. David Sulouff is working lively on the Kevin lot. It is lawful to catch black bass, below the Jlillerstown dam. John Etka expect to open business in Patterson by and by. Residents ot Marysville, Perry county, are suffering witn ague. ML Union has a notary public. Frank II. Harrison is the man. There is a "horse chestnut" tree in Lcw istewn in full bloom. Rather late in the season. The gross receipts of the Pennsylvania Railroad this year are estimated at $23, 000,000. Recently, Franklin county was excited over the reported discovery of stone coal Tbey now understand that it is "lignite" The equinoctial storm was light. A weather-wise man says its lightness augers a ling and pleasant fall season. Hope he knows. They catch black bas9 tn large numbers now at Harrisburg, with " rod and line." The weight of the fish vary between one and four pounds. A citizen of Huntingdon named Michael McBride was killed while walking on tbe railroad by a train of cars, on the evening o! the 18th insL Squirrels are plenty. Some attribute their numbers to the enforcement of the law in the early part of the season. Most probably they are correct Donaldson, the aeronaut, has published a card expressing his determination to cros the Atlantic in the balloon made for that purpose, lie sars he will start in about a week. The editor of the Bedford Jn?irr vis ited the Cumberland, Md., agricultural fair, and came away in an unsatisfied frame of mini w ith the hotel accommodations of the town. When you hear a man assail the charac terof women by insinuation, you will be correct when you conclude in your own miud that the fellow himself is a libertine and a scoundrel If the Sentinel is a little slow in coming to time, think of the disadvantageous cir cumstances under which it is published, and modify your criticism accordingly. It will come in on time regularly again before loug. The National Banks have stood the shock of the money panic almost without a quiver. The country would Ire in calam itous circumstances, financially speaking, if it were not for our present National banking system. By and by the Sentinel ofliee will be oponid at the intersection of East Point and Cross street. The latter street ill also be opened , thereby opening communication from the McAlisiervillc road to the Cedar Spring road without going by way of 3Iain fctrct. There is a perennial nobleness and even sacred ne?g in work. Were he never so be nighted, forgetful of his high calling, there is il ways hope in a man that actually anil carnesily works ; in idleness alone is there perpetual despair. Blessed is he who has found his work; let him ask no other blecsedness. He has a work ; a life pur pose; he has found it and will follow it! Lalxir is life; God-given force, the sacred celestial life-essence breathed into him by Almchtv God : from his inmost heait awakens him to all nobleness, to all knowl- edge, "self-knowledge," and much else so soon as work fitly begins. Carlylt. A number of Democratic jiurjials un wisely are censuring the Republican ad ministration National for the present money panic and its results. Are these pa pers not acquainted with the money dis turbances of 1S37 and 1857 T The (roubles of to-day are not to be compared to the troubles of those days. Those were tbe days of Democratic rule. It would be un pleasant to thrust the record of the past into the faces of the geneiation of to day, but if it must be done it cannot be helped. You can have wai or peace on this subject, just as you elect, but if Davy Crocket were a living he would say to the Democrats, "You ain't right, boys. I guess you'd bet ter say, 'We'll take peace,' " On last Wennesdiy evening the bank of drain six feet deep, that George Baker, a citizen of Patterson, was engaged in dig ging on Railroad Avenue, from rennell's store to the railroad sewer, caved in and buried him np to his Deck. Twenty min utes time was consumed in extricating him. He was seriously hurt, bis collar Vine hav ing been biokea. He also for a time gave evidence of internal injury. At this writing be is, however, greatly improved, and his recovery ia expected. The next day a plumber and assistant were partially buried while at work in the same ditch by another portion of the bank falling in. The plum ber was so much hurt that he was kept from for several days. Frightful Leaf. A young girl from Wdd Cat Valley, this county, took passage on a train from Millerstown to go to New port, on Monday last When approaching the latter place ahe was seen to leave her seat, go out on the platform, and before she could be prevented, leaped therefrom. Tbe train was moving aboul 20 miles an Lour, and of course those who saw her jump, expected to find her a mangled corpse; but to the surprise of all, when the employees of the road ran back to where she was lying, they found her able to get up, having escaped with eonie severe bruises. She 6Uited that she had never been in the cars before and that a lady had told her that this was the place to get off Without waiting for the train to stop, she had followed the direction of tbe lady pas senger. We did not learn her name. Perry Cotmy Democrat of last wuk- TnocsAsm have been Changed by tbe i use of the Peruvian Syrop (a protoxide of Iron) from weak, sickly, suffering crea tures, to strong, healthy, mid happy men aud women, aud invalids Cuurmi reasona bly hesitate to give it a trial For Dys pepsia and Debility it is a specific. Real Estate fob Sale 3. Shelburn Robison, Executor of Catharine Cunning ham, deceased, will offer at public gale, at 2 o'clock P. M., on Thursday, October 16, 1S3, Twenty-eight acres ot Land in Mil ford township, havine Dwelling Huiiae. Bank Barn and other outbuildings theieon erected. See advertisement in another column. Tub Lewis town Gattttt says the bridge question in Mifflin county has been settled. The same paper further says : Elisha Gra ham, of Bratton township, having provi ded himself with the proper material, thought he might as well take a hunt on Thursday last. Hearing his dog bark in e in a field near the house he went to stx what was up, and found a coon had been treed, which he brought down. The dog again barked in another field, and this time Elisha brought down a ground hog. Mounting his horse he proceeded to the mountain back of Manayunk, and having secured the animal, he got on a large rock to see what was to be seen. Hearinu a noise in the brush below he kept his eye in that direction, and presently a four-horned buck appeared in view right before him. lie fired and lodged five buck-shot in his head the deer giving one jump and fall ing dead. Elisha couldn't manage his game alone, so he had to go for assistance to get it where It could be lugged home. It weighed about 140 pounds. Waream is a poor man, says the Di mo crr,t : Waream is a poor man, echoes the Sentinel: And so follows the Milflintown Register. Now if Waream is a poor man, we should like to know what these chaps consider themselves, as he is able to buy out the whole triumvirate, lock, stock and barrel, and have his nice pigton-box on tbe corner of Wayne and Market streets left ? Meeting of Juniata Scouts. Company met according to previous at McAlisterville, and on their arrival tne death of Join II. Funk, late a member of the company, was announced, when tho following preamble and resolutions were uoimously adopted : Wuereab, It has pleased Almighty God to remove from oar midst John 11. Funk, therefore be it resolved 1st. That in the death of John II. Funk our company bas lost one of its most active and exemplary members. 2d. That be colors be draped and the members wear the usual bauge of mourning for the space of six mouths. 3d. That we tender to the bereaved family and friends oar most heartfelt and sincere sympathy. 4th. That these proceedings be pub lished in the several coauty papers. Company then partook of a splendid dinner provided by Mr. Cyrus Sicber and JaJy, after which tbey drilled one hour arid a half, when the following or der was published : Special Order, No. 6, C. S. 1873 : 1st. Corporal L. W. Doty is hereby reduced to tbe ranks for non-attendance on regular drills. 2d. Private Kdward Kauffman is hereby promoted Corporal. He will be obeyed and respected accordingly. By order of J. K. ROMSON, Commanding Co. Company was then dispersed to meet at an hour's notice. September 27, 1873. Dedication. M'Willia ms Lodge No. 702, 1. 0. 0. F., will dedicate their new Hall with appropriate ceremonies at Richfield, on Saturday, October 4th, 1873. Major W. II. Dill, Prcf. D. S. Beyer and other ctuiuent speakers will be present and deliver addresses on that occasion. A cordial invitation is ex tended to the sister Lodges in the county and neighboring counties to be present and participate. A grand demonstra tion by the Order is confidently expected. Special Examinations of Teaclr ERS. Special examinations will be held in the Court House, at Mifflmtown, on Saturdays, October 4th, 11th and 18th, 1873, commencing at 104 o'clock i. m., for irregn'.ar applicants, bringing re. quests signed by not less than three members of tbe Hoard of Directors of their respective Districts, stating that tbey wish to employ said applicants. D. K. ROBISON, Sep 23, 1873-3L Co. Supt. If you have baDk cert i5cates of de posit and are tired of them and wish to exchange them for town Iota, call on the editor of this paper. MARRIED: LOGAN JEN KIN'S On the 24th nit., by Re. H. C. Pardo., Mr. James T. Logan and Miss Anua D. Jenkins, both of Phila delphia. SAILOR BART LEY On the 25th tilt., by the name, Mr. John C. Sailor and Miss Annie Bartl y, both of Fermanagh town ship, this county. DIED: PILE In Deleaware township, on the 22nd ult,, George Pile, in the 76th year of his age. FUNK After a brief but revere illness, on the 26th ult., John H , son of Samuel and Elizabeth Funk, of Walker township, aged 23 years, 10 months and 8 da) a. The deceased was one of those rare young men who possessed the qualities cal culated to constitute the gentleman and the christian. Kind, social and affable, he se- enred the respect of all who bacame acquain ted with him As a christian he entered with energy into all his duties. At the church, the prayer-meeting and Sabbath, school his place was seldom vacant, and his loss will be severely fe:t . He leaves a large circle of friends to mourn his sudden de parture. W. JkTOTICE TOIMIT CP. All persons indebted to the undersigned, cither by note or book account, are requcst 4 tn come forward and settle the sam without further delay. Office in Graybiil's Hall, immediately above the Hardware Store sep6,1873-tf. D. P. PALSTE A large assortment of Queensware, China ware. Glassware. Crockeryware, Cedar- ware, &c, for sale cheap by J. & U. A. BTAMBAUGTL COMNEnCI 41. WFLM ASB PATTERSON MARKETS Corrected weekly by the Miffiiu and Patter son Jtoard ol Commerce. MirvuMTOWH. October 1, 1873. " IHKETIxe Batter, prime roll Lard Tallow Eggs, per dot Vinegar, per qt POBK. Hams, lb.... Shoulders fc. Sides VABIETIfcS. Lk flerrlng Onions Beeswax, per ib Soap, dry Candies Wool, washed -. Rg RETAILED ABT1CLES Petroleum Fluid Cal Oil, pr gall Salt per aack.i , 20 8 8 20 10 12 7 4 50 00 25 8 12 65 3 40 40 225 1BAIX AND SEEDS. Corrected weekly by I). P. SuloufTwCo Wheat, red $1 8-5 Corn , 50 Barley 60 Oats, eld 3a " new 30 Clovsrseed 6 00 Timothy seed 2 5t flaxseed... 1 75 Potatoes 50 J. k H. A- Slambaniru'a Price Current, Corrected Weekly, Oct. 1, Prime Roll Sutter per pound 25 Efrgs, pur dozen- 25 Dried Apples per pound........... 8 Tallow 8 Lard, 8 Chickens, live 8 Bacon, Shoulder, " 10 Ram, " PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. Philadelphia, Stpt. SO. Flofr .The market is quiet but steady. The demand is mostly from the home con Burners. About 800 bbls sold, including Superfine 51 00a4 50 Extras 4 60a5 50 Iowa k Wis. ex. family 7 00a7 50 Minnesota do. do 7 75a8 U-5 Penn., Ohio k Ind. do. do.. . 7 2ra8 50 Fancy brands 8 JoalO 00 Gbain The market is dull, but without change. Sales or 2-VM bus red at $ 1 50al 38, amber at (I 6al 65, and white at $1 70 al 80. Kye is selling at t5a90c. Corn is steady, with sales 3HH) bus yellow at 67c ana 400 bus mixed at fttic. Oats are rather weak. Sales of 4000 bus western white at 49a50c and some mixed at 47a4Sc. PHILADELPHIA CATTLE MARKET. The market for Beef Cattle was dull this week, and prices were rather lower. Sales of choice and extra at bJiTc, fair to good at 6Cic ; and common at 4a5c.- Receipts 4000 head. Cows and Calves were dull and nominal at $ 40a75. Receipts 250 head. Sheep of good quality met a fair demand but com men m.ve slowly. Soles ol the former at 4a5c, and the latter at $2a3 per heal. Receipts 14,0i0 head. Hogs met a fair demand at $7 25 for corn fed. Receipts 7000 head. Sew Advertiscmenst. AUCTION IN PATTERSON, OX SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 4th 1873, OF GENERAL .MERCHANDISE A Reasonable Credit will be given. Don't fail to attend. LAIHD & BELL. PUBLIC SALE OF VOSK STATE CatVES ! L. R. B20ADES Will sell at JOHN A. GALLAHKR'S resi dence. Walker township, Juniata county, on the Pike, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1873, 07" FIFTY MEAD OFa SUPERIOR YORK STATE CALVES- These Calves have been selected from the best DAIRY COWS of Western New York, and of the best blood in the State, Durham, Devon, Ayreshire and Alderny. I was M)rrv to disappoint you in my sale advertised for Auiust; the Stock will be on this time without fail, and can be seen at J. A. Gallaher's from Tuesday, October'th, until the day of sale. Sale to commence at 12 o'cloca, noon. Xo postponement on account of weather. Li. K. KUUA1IL3. ALSO, at the same m will be sold ONE HUNDRED head of SHEEP, Feeders and Stock Kwra. C. TYSON. Sept. 24, 1873-ts VALUABLE PROPERTY AT ommv court sail IN pursuance of Order issued out of the Orphans' Court of Juniata county, the undersigned, Executor of Catharine Cun ningham, deceased, will offer at public sale, on the premises, in Milford township, Ju niata county. Pa., at 2 o'clock P. M., on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16th, 1873, The following described valuable real es tate, to wit : TWENTY-EIGHT ACRES OF LAND bounded by lands of Col. John K. Robison, John Cunningham and Orin Groninger, hnvicg thereon erected a new two-siory Frame DWELLING HOUSE. a GOOD BANK BARN and other out buildings. There is a FINE YOCNG ORCHARD of choice fruit upon the prem ises. This land is cleared and in a good state of cultivation, and is situated upon the main road leading from Miffiintown to Johnstown, two miles from the former and three miles from the latter place. CONDITIONS OF BALE: Ten per cent of the purchase money to be paid when the sale is confirmed by the Court ; one half of the remainder on the 1st day of Ayril. 1874, when a deed and possession will be given, and the remain der on the lt day ot April, 187J5, the last payment to be pectired by judgment note. J. SHELBURN ROBISON, Executor of Catharine Cunningham dee'd. Sept. 17, 1873. FiSTANTANEOUS RELIEF fc SOUND, Refbeshiko Sleep Gcabaxteed BY USING MY IXSrAXT RELIEF FOR THE ASTHMA, It acts instantly, relieving tpe paroxysm immediately, and enabling the patient tolia down ami sleep. I suffered from this dis ease twelve years, but suffer no more, and work and sleep as well as any one. war. ranted to relieve ia the worst case. Sent by mail on receipt of price, one dollar per box ; ask your vragg'si lor it. CHARLES B. HURST Rochester, Beaver Co. Pa. Feb. 21, 1878-y: - A tine assortment of cloths, cassimercs. eatings, &c, aiwrys on hand and Bir sate by - b. B. LOUDON. REPUBLICAN TICKETS. ELECTION, OCiOBER 14, 1873. JUDICIARY. Judge of Supreme Court, Isaac G. Gordon. STATE. btate Treasurer, Robert W. Mackey. couvTr. . Senate, John Irwin, Jr. Assembly, J. Beatty Henry. Sheriff, Jacob Lemon. Register, Recorder, &c. William W. Landis, Treasurer, Henry A. Statnbangh. County Commissioner, J. Banks Wilson. Jury Commissioner, John Motzer. Auditor, A. Y. McAfee. JUDICIARY. Judge of Supreme Court, Isaac G. Gordon. STATE. Stte Treasurer, Robert W. Mackey. COUNTY. Senate, John Irwm, Jr. Sheriff, Jacob Lemon. Register, Recorder, ke. William W. Landis. Treasurer, Henry A. Starobaugh. County Commissioner, J. Banks Wilson. Jury Commissioner, John Motzer. Auditor, A. Y. McAfee. JUDICIARY. Judge of Supreme Court. Isaac G. Gordon. STATE. State Treasurer. Robert W. Mackey. COUNTY. Senate. John Irwin, Jr. Assembly, J. Beatty Henry. Sheriff. Jacob LcuiOTi. County Commissioner. J. Banks Wilson. Treasurer. Kerry A. S'aiubaugb. Register and Recorder. William W. Landis. Jury Commissioner. Jobu Motzer. Auditor. A. Y. McAfee. Assembly, J. Beatty Henry. JUDICIART. Judge of Supreme Court, Isaac G. Gordon. STATE. State Treasurer, Robert W. Mackey. COUNTY. Senate, Jobu Irwin, Jr. Assembly, J. Beatty Henry. Sheriff, Jacob Lemon. Register, Recorder, Ac, - William W. Landis. Treasarer, Henry A. Stambaugh. County Corotrissiooer, J . Banks Wilson. Jury Commissioner, John Motzer. Auditor, A. Y. McAfee, Ket AihertiaeiHettfs. Iron in the Blood MAKES TBS WEAK STRONG. The Peruvian Sirtip, a Protect ed Solution of the Protoxide of Iron, i so combined as to have) the character of an aliment, am easily digested and assimilated with the blood as the simplest food. It increases the quantity of Suture's' Otcn Vitalizing Agent, Iron in the blood, antl cures "athousand ills," simply by Toning vp,lHvigorating and Vitalizing the System. The en riched and vitalized bloo'l per meates every part of the body, repairing damages and waste, searching out morbid secre tions, and leaving nothing for disease to feed upon. This it the secret of the won derful success of this remedy in curing Dyspepsia, Liver Com plaint, Dropsy, Chronic Diar rhoea, Boils, Nervous Affections, Chills and Fevers, Humors, Iioss of Constitutional Vigor, Diseases of tbe Kidneys and Bladder, Female Complaints antt all diseases originating in a bail state of the blood, or ac companied by debility or a low state of lite system. Being free from Alcohol, in any form, its energizing effects are not fol lowed by corresponding reac tion, but are permanent, infu sing strength, vigor, and neuf life into all parts of the system, and building up an Iron Con stitution. Thousands have been changed by the use of this remedy, from weak, sickly, suffering crea tures, to strong, health;, and happy men and women; and invalids cannot reasonably hes itate to give it a trial. See that each bottle has PERU VIAN SYRUP blown in the glass. Pamphlets free. SETH W. F0WLE & SONS, Proprietors, n. 1 BUItom Ple, Boston. Bold it Dacooisti hiiaili, VnABft MARK THE VICTOR SKATING MACHINE CO. want reliable and encrjrotic Agents in this county. The "VICTOR" is a Lo,;k-stu-h. Shuttle Machine, with Self setting Needle, best finished and most perfect Ma chine offered. An increase of over 300 per cent, on sie of 1S72 over 1871. For Terms &.., Ad.irciss, VICTOK SEWING MACHINE CO., 1217 Chestnut St., FhiUd'a, Pa. TO THE CITIZENS OF PENNSYL VANIA Your kticution is specially invi ted to the fact tuat Hie National Ranks are now prepared to receive subsc'iptions to the Capital Stock of tbe Centennial lioard ot Finance. The funds realized from this source are to be employed in the erection of the buildings for the International Ex hibition, and tne expenses connected wuh the rame. It is contMt-nily believed that the Kevstone btate v. ill ue represented liv the name of every citizen alive to patriotic commemoration of Hie one hundredth birth day of the nation. The shares ol stock are offered for $10 each, and sub scribers will receive, a handsomely steel cnt;rved Certificate of Stock, suitable for framing mid preservation as a national memorial. Interest nt the rate of six per cent per annum will be p'o'd on all payments of Centennial Stock from date ot payment to JaniiHry 1. 170. subscribers who are not near a rtion.i Bank can remit a check or post office order to the undersigned. FRE1VK FICALEY, .Trensnrer. tf 904 Walnut SI., Philadelphia. D, P. SILO IFF ti. CO, FORWARD ASD C0MJIISSI0X MERCHANTS, DEALERS IJI GRAIN, LUMBER, COAL, PLASTER, SALT C E M E N T, CALCINED PLASTEB jAMX'EL. B. LOUDEX, MERCHANT TAILOR, kevis's building on BRIDGE ST.IirfLINTOWN, PA. Desires to inform his friends and the public that he has just received a tine and fashiona ble stock of b PUING G(X IDS, consisting ot CLOTHS Plain Black, Blue and Brawn. CREP Dahlia, Brown and Blue. TRICOT Black, Blue and Brown. DIAGONALS Blue and Black. CHEVIOTS All Shades. SCOTCU GOODS All Styles. BLACK DOESKINS A Superior Quality. PANIS AND VEST PATTERNS Fine St'MMEK GOODS General Assortment. I will sell any of the above goods by the yard or pattern. Ql also keep on hand a full line Bb'iTt RICK'S PATTERNS, consisting o Men, Boys and Children's Shirts, Coats Panta and Vests. ?" t nill manufacture to ordrrali kinds of CUSTOM W'OKfcU PRICES KeaoDa blc to kuit (he times. arch tl, 1872. Caulina. ALL person are ucrt.!y ca'nioned jtjTiiiiit minting or oil:erviw irrrpus Siug ou lue If.uus ot tne undersigned ia Walker towiisliip. AH pere-ms offend ing wiil be d-aH with to tbe full exwat ot trie law. JOHX R KAtFFJdAK. From The Tiro STOHES IsjV OJVE! COME AND SEE TIi The Largest Lot Yet AT TiLTEN & ESPENSCKADE'S, ODD jJTIZjIjOWS' HALL, 332ldtg-o Oiroot, SCiflliiitowii, : DEPARTMENTS. Xo. 1. Domestics. No. 2 Prints and Ginorlwnia. No. 3. White Goods and Linelis. No. 4. Flannels and White Quilts. No. f. Silks, Dress Got ds and Sh.nvU No. 6. Cloths, Cassiineres and Suiting No. 7. Tweeds, Ermine, Jeans, tfce. No. 8. Notions and Fancy Goods. No. 9. Brussels,'. Wool, Ingrain, Venition and List Carpets. No. 10. Wool and Cotton Carpet Yarns. I. Ladies Serge Fr Kid Morocco and Goat Shoes. LL Misses Serge Fr Kid and Morocco Gaiters. m. Child Buff, Blue, Pearl, Colored Kid Gaiters. ALL GOODS CUSTOM MADE I WARRANTED AT E,W PBSSCES. . Glass and Queensware. Largest stock in the county. Stone and Rockingham Crockery. ). Table Cutlery and Oil Shades. J). TuMe and Floor Oil Cloths, I to 2 yards wide. , Largest and best stock of Fine Groceries. 1 Foreign and Domestic Cured and Cnnd Fruits, (x. Men and Boys Shoes and Boots. Alo a full line of GROCERIES, WILLOW-WARE, QUEENSWARE fc3, . At ILw Pricc for CJaIi5 r UoMrafry Produce Mifflintown, July 30, 1873 2m. TOE FALL OF 187B IN ALL ITS GLORY. AT J. & H. A. STAMBAUGH'S MAMMOTH STORE ! ! aVT IMMENSE Stock of Goods JUST MECEirH. PRICES LOWER THAN EVER. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, NOTIONS, HATSANDCAPSrTSAXDSIIOES' CARPETS, &C. &C. NEW CASH STORE LOCUST GROVE, MILFORD TWP., One and a half miles Bouth.west of Patterson. THE anbsenber would most respectfully inform the public that he has just opened a Store at the aliove place, where he is prepared f supply all who may fa.or ln.o with their patronage with the latest and most select assortment of DRY GOODS, HROCERIKS. QTEENIWARE, WOOD AXD WILLOW WARE, OIL CLOTHS, BOOTS A. SllOES. Also, with a f nil supply of HOME-MADE GOODS, YARNS, &C, All of which he offers to sell or exchange for country produce at THE "VERY LOAVFST PRICES, Much lower, in fact, than goods have been sold within the county for inanv years. He will pay the highest market price for Locust Posts, It.mro.t.l Tics aild Wont, either in cash or goods. Locust Grove, Aug. 8, !873-tf. WHET TO WEA3 A0 HOW TO WHES IL :0: Just step into SAMUEL ETliATER'S CLOTHING STOUE. Bridge street, Patterson' Pa., and he will tell yon all abor.t it. Having just returned from Philadeiphia and New York, he ran auppty yen with tbe La .est and Choisest Style, cf CLOTHING OF ALL KINDS, Uoais, Pants, Vests. TIata, Caps, Boots and Slioes, Watches and Jewelry, Notions. Fr.r mshing Goods in endless variety, Carpets, Flour Oil Cloth, Fnrnitnre, fcc., eheufer tbau the cheapest, tor the same quality ol goods. Call in and he conviuced. Measures Taken and Suits Made to Order. Patterson, May 16, 187S. S AMVEL STBATBR. Fire ilgain ! mmum I U mm Ma. A. J. HERTZLEIl Sew AdrertUemesits. EVf TAiiOR SHOP The nnderirTied tnl respe-t'iiHy in foriu the pnhiic that he Sj4 0(emd a TAILOR SHOP at his residence, on Bridge street, in th4 Parker Maii.iin, and is now prepared to d7 CUSTOM WORK ! short notice and in tbw irost durable and faTilonHh!e manlier. lie intend to ('it ou! noriC but pood work 2.V jff.i a sliare ot th public patronage. WILLIAM WISK. aej.t ,, 1573-tf HOOT A.D SSIOE UOP. Tha iihde'rsipnwr, fit'Mon.ihle Boot anr!" Shueinakur, new by rcspectrrH-mfornia lm pi.bhc that he tua removed his liOOT AND SilOtf STORE, to the new S tore room, on Main street ad joining his rtxirietiee, in I lie Bo.ouuh of l'.ilti-r.oiu, where he is prepared to accom modate the mint ia-!tidioi:s in GFXTS" FIXE & COAKSK BOOTS, LADIES' WEAR, CIIILDItESS WEAR, BROGAXS.&C., hCt MEXI'SXG clone in the neatest m.itfner and nptm the hhnrtest uotica. A liberal share iii!;1k patronage is respectfully solicited. Stis-'actiou guaranteed. J. W. DEAN. Patte rson, July H, lt73ti JN7 BANKS & HAMLIN, Main Street, DliiflintoiTB, Pa DRVaS AX jJr-.ftrCJNE-S, MIEVICAi., DYE STt'l'K. PAINTS OILS, VAKX13HE2 OLASS, Vl'TT Yj COAL OIL, LAMPS BL'UNEriS, CHIMNEYS, B P. L S II E lIAIlihhTKMES.TtHUll lsursiiEs, rr.R- PLMLIiy.COMUS, SOAPS. M AIR OlL,TiHAC CO, CItJAK:4 NOTIONS. ST AT loX E k Y LARGE V A R I E E Y 0 T PATE A T MEDICLNES, Selected with great car., and warranted ron high autlioritv. CT-S'iirest of WIXES AND LIOPOPS for luedieal purKeM. TyPKES'JKlPTlONS rtipffnnded wi.'k gre-at care. Jmie 1IIE4F JOHN'S POPULAR STOUT, IN WELLF.R'3 BUILDING, MAIN ST., M1FFL1J5T0WN, JUNIATA CO..PA. Great Attractions and Extra In ducements. Look at my prices and compare the in with others : Ladies Shawls at $!,", $J.llO np to $t;.i'' Bre.'kfast Shawls, Iroiu 50 cents np'-vards. Woolen Blankets. Sl.Wf to $-1. Conntorpanvs.. jSi-j, $1,1') and npuai Baliiinr.l ind Melt'tn Skirts w$l.i"' Ladies' Cotton Hose.. lL'J':, 1"' " Woolen Kk:, Im-, 2 , Pocket Handkerchiefs 8c, 4c, c lie, tlic ai upwards. Underclothing.... 5"c, !"c, 6.V, T V- Paler Collars, j-r box, ltlcts and npwai 'i Shirt I'littons, pt-r gross...... .."c Besl Luiep r-hoo Laces, per doz.... .. ... Linen Town 10c, UJe, -He II.iirSwiicl.es... IV. lioitatioii Buckskin tiloves -Mi Coate's mid t.'Ia'L's poo! Cotton...... i Other poo! Cotton f.-. Atold-eyed Needles ...,.'x U tm L-i Ladies' Pur, f cl variety, set, $,.") $,", $', !) an.l npvurdsv Accordcons. Jewelry t alt kinds, (joii. Silver and Plated Watches. Ribbons of all shade Neckties of nil styles. Lsdies' Oloves anrt Hamlkeri-lii -t'-; Ladies1 HihsIs and Sc:rrts Triiiinoiis .iv' Edgings id' all kinds, Ladies' limits, lidU I liderclolHing Knives and Pork,.S'u,o Butcher ami Pocket Knives. I am ! n. lined to sell, hence aiu en . vied to offer cxira indwceineiits. K70all and examine mf stock. Xov. V, l!72-tf. KMIL SCKOTT. ."OKTllERX CENTRAL KAILWAV. SPRING TIME SCIIEDU'K. rror and Dntet Routt to an i fn r Washington, Bullimorr, E'it. Eimtr;;, Buffula, Roihtsler, and Stagi'T.i lath. Five Train Dally to and from Wilmington and Baltmi ir", a: ' FOUR TRAINS DAILY to and from th North aI West Bi.-.m h Snsquehsftna, and TWO TRAIN'S DAILY, to and from Northern and Western "Ynr.- svlrania and New York. 0:i and alter HON PAY, July 21. V the trains on the Northern Central Kaiiwa? will run a lollo'.vs : NbRTnWARD. MAIL TRAIN, leaves Baltimore 8 :jo a ;. " Harrisluirs ! p " Willianup'.i lil'i p r arr.it Louira ! CINCINNATI EX, 'ra B larmore s in p u arr at Harrishurfr 12 FAST LINE loaves Baltimore I : . . " Ilarrisbnrg '. t" art at Wiiliamsport H u Northern Es leaves Baltimore 1 Dl a ;i r. Harri.sburjf Niagara Ei. h aves Baltimore, II rrri.-lmr? Wil'iamsport 4 7 t KM' '1 I Klmiia arrives Canandaigna Eric Mail reaves Ilarrisbnrg h-aves Sui leirv 4 I '. i i f OK ., I . h :; a ! 1- 1- pi J I i p i.' 5 if, .i - rt '.!.'.' i teavc. Wiiliaiusport leaves Suiirs arr at Can.ui4a:gua SOrTi'WABD. leaves Klmira SIAIL TRAIN Williams " Ilarrisb ; Z I" p arr at Baltimore i ( Fast line south leaves Ilarrisb.rjr ) 4: a arr at Baltimore ila Erie Express le. Willi.-imsp't Sun bury arrives flarrisburg Erie Mail lw Canandaigua Mmrra Williainsport Snnlmry ar. Harrisburjr PACIFIC E.X leaves llarristmr i a ' 9 4' a i i! ; . 4 n 4i ' ; o a v. arrives Baltimore '. X' v y Niagara Ex. leaves Caiiaudaiyna 11 : " a r Ehnira 1 oO i ,:: WiUianispori ; p n" Karriatturj H ; f arrives Baltimore 1- l" a .", Harrisb'g Aecoin, lev llarrisbni 6 0' a -i arrives Balliinore :" I', r. ; Marl Train north and son;!. rj-; L:i- nortb, Pacific Express south, Er'-? Exic:-; sonth, li.krriburg Accouiiii'id.'.'i mti no-t , ami s.miiIi, N ia ira Express nortu aud . ai. run ilaily except Sun-lay. E'ie Mail north, Cincinnati Kx press nor'b and sou ili, Western xpresr nurth aud Kas' Lin" south leave dady, i.rin Mail so mil. daily except M'-Iav. t or further inlurination apply a ti:.; Tic': et ijrher, Penusylvania Kailroa J Depot A.J. CASoATt, General Ma :3j(er. ILurisourj, Jidy 21, lf78. S uksenbe fot the Seotimd .