JUNIATA SENT IX EL JUFFI.l.VTOWN. ! Wean?sIa, October I, j u. f. b c n v, i. 1 js 11 , n.iTcR and r;ipm(ii. KtPlULIC.l.lkTiTE TICKET SUPEKKE JIDGB, HON. ISAAC G. CORDON, o jtFPir.soN cocsty. STATE TI!E$UKEK, HON. ROliEHT W. M ACKEY, OP AtLfcUHENV COL.MV. DISTRICT TICKET. SENATE, JOHN IUWIN, JR, or centre ciKsrr. J. BEATTY HENRY, OF MIKfLIN COUNTY". COCITV TICKET.- KIIERIt'Pi JACOR LEjION, ESQ., OK MII.FUKD TOWNSHIP. EF.dlSTF.K AND KECORKER, iHLUAM X. LANDIS, ESQ., OF Tl HBLTT TOWXKiJIP. TREASIRER, HENRY A. STAMBAUGH, OP SHrTMNTOWN. CttVSTT COMMlSSUiSEfi, J. RANKS WILSON, ESQ., OF PAYETTE TOWNSHIP. JCItT C'MHWICNKS',' JOHN 110TZEU, ESQ., OP WALK Kit TOWNSIItP. AfDITOR, A. Y. 51 'A FEE, ESQ., OP TCP-IIEIT TOWNSHIP. CAPTArx Jack od a number of other Mcdoia will ba nanged on Friday, October 3rd. Bank suspensions are atmsOuSed from all sections of the State. They re chit-fly private lauks. On tiie 2Uh ult., Thomas 1$. Park er, a wealthy citizen of Philadelphia, shot Lis wile and killed himself. His wife if recovering. Cairo, 111., is afflicted with a fever -denominated ''congestive bilious fever." A number cf physicians of that city pronounce it toe yellow fever, modified by northern climate. There is a defalcation in the Pitts burg Post-office amounting to thirty odd thousand dollars. There are other grave irregularities existing in the of fice, for whiah the post master has been suspended, and criminal proceedings iu&tituted. The dedication of the new Masonic Temple at Pbilade lphia last week was a great ev jt among the fra;eruity. Fifteen thousand men weie in line en the day of the grand parade. The building dedicated is one of the finest structures in this country. Jay Cooke & Co., have published a statement nf their liabilities anl tfscts. It is a hopeful statement, aud puts a better face on the trouble than was ex pected. Their total assets are put down at $I5,9tiG.2l'2, and tbeir liabil ities at $7,039 40'J. A IESPAT(UI from f apcllo, Iowa, under date of 8eprember -0, toys : Prof. J. W. Kuiley made an OHcension in a bot-air ballo.m to-day from the fair grounds. Bailey left banging by Lis bands to a horizontal bar beneath. Just as it started it took lire near the mouth, and Uailey did not notice the fire until he was too high to let go with safety, But bang on until he reached sorae five hundred feel from the groaud, when the canvass that held the book from which he was suspended burned away, and he fell. His body was fright fully mangled, his legs being driven into tho hard ground up to bis knees. The Republican State Convention of New York on the 24th ult. adopted the following resolution : Retolreii, Thst tlie Rcpublica'is of the' Ftnfcnt Xew Vork. in common with the (treat body of their f. iiow-rcpicscutatives tiiro'Jh .ut ihe c mntrv, disapprove of the measure aduj, ted by the last Congress in creasing ihe compensation of i'.s nan mem ber -iptl.nnc ; .tut tliis convention re. gaols tnis mca-tnrc an one of the many wrongs v hie It was aiue to the system which authorizes the holding ot a session of Con gress alter the election of new Congress ; that, in the ju-lguieiit of this convention, no HTHun ought to be per.uilteif tu sit as incumber of a legislative bwdy after tlie sue-ccss-tr to his felt has been el-'cusl, anil that Congress and the ftato Legislatures ought to insfcc surii prevision tbit lh- wlmUj rec orti ol every tueiub t of Cougre-w shall bf biiore Ihe people wher. procechag to the I'cclion of a new Cong'ass. A WlLJ ram r was started some time pincc, by t;hcui wo do not know, that certsiu uieuibcrs of Corgreiis were ar tarri:ig a project to bfly ttp, at a very auiall figure, all the certificates of in debtedness i.-nued by the Confederate fctates, and then f rce a bill through Congress, devolving this entire flebt on the I'nitjd States Government. The pre.-iS North never deemed the subject worthy cf scr'.f.us thought. But at the 8onth the affair seems to be taken seri uusly, and vatioas journals are urging arauii!euts in favor of the Government asatiit:ig such do jts. Wc do not need to go over their M!ersl reasonR, chief cu:urg w'uioh were, that the Republi can party will gain in reputation by paying th debt. This way be true, but tke reputation it will gaa will be undesirable and unprofitable as well. Pittsburg Gazttte. Hon. Butler B Strang, f Tioga county, is Kpolceu of a the poib!e Republican can ciiUaletor Governor alter Jlwlrnult. The Financial PntlaoX j Th; VashiE2i..ii RrnMic writes on : ;H puMoet as fallows : The fail of t):e large banking houses ff Jsv Coofca & Co. is is oac view of! the event, a public calamity. It checks the progress towards completion of the great Northern Atlantic-Pacific thor oughfare, one of the most important enterprises of the age : it withdraws from banking-houses iu the interior and Northwestern States, with which they were connected, the amounts falling due to these minor establishments, and necessary for their own loeal business. 1 Id its sudden and unexpected precipi tancy, it alarms the financial world and Causes a large amount of circulating capital to be suddenly withdrawn from ks legitimate channels of circulation, Kending other exhausted banking firms to the wall, suspending the operations on important public- enterprises, and thus depriving contractors and their employees of work and wages. These results will, however, prove to be only temporary. The houses of Jay Cooke k Co., it is believed in the j best informed circles, will within a rea- sonable time be re-established with means to pay their indebtedness in full, and leave an ample surplus to carry on a legitimate business. Tbey were the owners of an independent fortune of about $15,000,000. This money has not been lost by stock gambling ; it has not been destroyed ; but it is locked ap in a great enterprise, whose profits from earnings and the sale of lands are in the future. The railway company has not' failed, nor should its bonds de preciate while it is sustained by a grant of 47,000,000 acres of valuable land, which Las been for a uuuiber of years attracting to the Northwestern States a very valuable class of immigration front Northern Kurope.- On the other band, this sudden col lapse will have a good effect in disco v. ering to the public and forcing out of rhe way those fictitious stock-gambling banking-houses which existed only to rob and ultimately ruin their victims,- and lower the confidence of the public' in legitimate and usef'al mediums cf exchange aud transfer of money and stocks. None of the banks doing a regular business with the merchants have failed, either ta New York or elsewhere. The Bank ot the Commonwealth, in New York city, was crippled by its cx-pres-dent before the financial storm, and its failure caunot be attributed to the tem porary excitement of the hour. Neither have tbe wholesale or retail merchants, or great or small inanuf-tcturiiig estab lishments, shown any signs of weakness or want of customers. Tbe best au thorities report the fall business to be unusually active iu New York and other large centres. Only a few days ago the New York jobbers went to Fall Kiver, and swept the warerooms of the manu facturers of all tbe goods they had on hand. In fact, manufacturing and min ing enterprises were never more remu. nerative thau at present, and both of these great sources of wealth show a development hitherto nnpreeedented, yet substantial, legitimate, and safe. The crop reports show a large average yield ; that of cotton alone being valued at $30,000,000, while the demand abroad according to present accounts, will be unusually large this year, and fully equal to all our surplus products. Immigration continues to increase, and the classes of immigrants to im prove, adding population aud wealth to tbe sparsely settled section of tbe sparsely settled sections of the coun try. And in further, forcible illustra tion of tbe prosperity of the people, it may be noted that during 1872 the enormous amount of JC747,664 or $3, 748,3:20 were sent from America nine tenths of if from the United States to relatives in Great Britain and else, where in Europe, to enable them to come to America. One and a half millions of dollars of this was sent in the shape of prepaid passages to the United States. Another point of sig nificant importance as indicating the prosperity and conservative tendency of the busitiess of tbo country is the fact that while our imports have been some what stationary during the last year, our exports have largely increased, and now nearly equal thj imports, being be tween five aud six hundred millions of dollars iu value. There is, in short, general prosperity throughout the country, and that of a permanent character ; a prosperity upon whuh tbe fall of one or two collossal bouses like those of Jay Cooke & Co. eaunot have any permanent effect, but will serve rather to add to the stability of the national growth, by purifying the financial atmosphere, aud increasing the public confidence iu those estab lishments wbicb prove their strength by resisting the financial storm. There is no parallel that would warraut a gen eral crisis between the f nsent pros perous condition of the country and tbe general prostration that preceded the crisis of 1824, or those disastrous times in 1837 and 1857. On those occasions our low tariff permitted the country to suffer under a surfeit of foreign goods, while our own manufactories and work, shops were in a languishing condition, and many of theui closed. Under these circumstances it wanted but the collapse of one or two establishments like those of Jay Cooke & Co. to npset the entire catalogue of banks, force the mercantile eommuuity into bankruptcy, shut op out manufactories, and i hrow millions of workmen out of employ- j nent. To-dat w aao sea the ooVos- i - .JJMtaL-Lja.jMatMfcAaaittMaMHM sal Look's of the hitherto most sub- stsritial Sims fall with a crash 3 unex- ! f:ctet) 2s a thunderbolt from a clear sky, carrying down their branches and iniinediate connections with them, and yet move on as if ootbiug had occurred to disturb the public confidence. PrcMident Grant's Advice. Wafhington, Sept. 28. Tht, fol lowing letter was written to-day : Exeoutivk Mansion, WasbiNoton, Sept. 28. 1X73. To iffitri. H. B. Clajh and Chat. L. Jn thony s Gentimen: In response to the views you have communicated to me touching the present stringency in the money mar ket of the country, and the necessary steps i to restore eonttitence ano leiritimate trade an I commerce, I have the honor to com municate the following: The Government is desirous of doimr all in its power to relieve the present unsettled condition of business affairs, which is hold ing back the immense resources of the country now awaiting trar.sKiriatioa to the seaboard and a market Confluence on the part of the people is the first thim; needed to relieve tiiis condition and to avert the threatened destruction of business with its accompanying disasters to all classes of the peoplo. "To re establish this feeling the Government is willimr to take all legal mea sures ill its command, h'jt it is evident that no Government efforts will avail without c,ive co-operation of the banks and v nil ine $!4,'hiu.oou aireaoy laiu oui in me purelta'ie of the Government indebtedness, and the withdrawal of their Inree deposits from the Treasury, the hanks are now strong enough loa.lopta liberal policy on their rtrt, and hv a gi!nrous systen of dis counts lo sosta;n the busines interests of the country. Shou'd such a course be pur sued, the $4,000,000 of reserve will be con sidered a3 money in the Treasury to meet the demands of the public necessity, as the circumstances of the country may require. Close at tentionr will be civen to the course pursued' by those who hsve the m'xns at tbeir command of rendering all the aid necessary to restore trade fn its proper chan nels and condition, with a view to strength ening the hands of those who carry out the measures above indicated. Orders have already been issued for the prepayment of the interest accruing in November. U. 8. Grant. A OCSpatcr from Brownsville, Texas, under date of September 24th, says: A series of robberies and murders have re cently been committed on United States citizens residing or traveling on Ihe Mexi can border of the State within a short lime. Mr. Montgomery was attacked, robbed, and left for dead in his own house in Montery, Joseph Ravesi was beaten In his store in Camargo, and lctt for dead,- his assailants being discovered in time to prevent rob bery. The Perdie family were robbed on the highway near San Fernando, and men, women, and children1 left to- starve' in an unfrequented spot. Mr. Henderson and two companies were robbed and one of them killed iu China. Two Americans were attacked and one wounded on the road near Maring, escaping only after a desperate fight, in which one of tbe as sailants was mortally wounded. Dr. 11 iceeny was killed in his house, and the premises robbed. The perpetra tors of tluse crimes were arrested and their guilt clearly established, except iu the Per die case, yet not one of them was punished, the authorities either being ini'iflefcnt or powerless. The tacts have been proven before the United States consul, and sent to Washington, in hope redress will be de manded. i A despatch from Louisville, Ky., under date of Sept. 24tli, s;iys : Yesterday morn inj Columbus and Reynolds Beam,- broth ers, went to Samuels' s'ation, three miles fmni Bardstovvn, Kj and attacked G. V. Samuels of that place with pUtols in front of his house. Samuels rctnrned tbo fire wi:b a shot-gun, killing Columbus Beam instantly. Reynolds Beam then fired sev eral shots at Samuels, when William Sam uels, his son, ran out nf the house with a double barrelled shot gun, and discharging its contents into Beam, fatally wounded l.'.m. Samuels and his son rode to Bards town and surrendered themselves to the authorities. The affair has created gen eral excitement around Bardstowo. It originated in too great intimacy between Samuels and the wife of Columbus Beam, and the shooting has been threatened lor some time by the Beams, who are highly respected parties. The Ashantees are one of the most pow. ert til of Af rican nations, numbering about three million, of which two hundred thou sand are fightinir men, described as athletic and warlikt. The goTcrnmant is a despot ism, the religion tetishism, modified by the tuachin-rs ot Africanism. The people are advanced in some of the arts, and the npr-cr classe re especially noted for a few of the amenities of more civilized nations. But their custom are of tbe cruel chaiactcr. Every twenty-one days a fete takes place, when, maddened by rum and wine made from a nattva palm, the natives commit the most horrible atrocities. They eat the hearts and drink the blood of their conquered ene mies, anil when a freeman dies, slaves arc killed to wet his grave.'' Wiien the king dies, human sacrifices, we are told, amount to thousands. Ip fact it is, as a traveler in tbe country has described it, a land of min der. A curious story of a dentist's revenge comes trom Paris. M. Sandre, while re turning from a visit to a patient, heard sounds of distress, and hastened to succor a person who was lying on the side of the road. This individual sprang up suddenly and rushed on Mr. Sandre, who knock4 him down with his forceps and tied hi hands. The malefactor soon recovered and asked to be released. The dentist told him that he could only escape on condition that he should sacrifice a tootb. After some dis cussion it was agreed that the tooth should be delivered to the forceps, and the den tist, having seated his victim en a stone, extracted aa enormous molar by the light oi the moon. A most distressing accident happened at Harper's JVrry on Saturday a week. A young man named Allison, together with a coiuraib named Reid, were fooling with a loaded gun near the house nf the father of Kcid. Young Reid walked away, and Alli son foolishly presented the gun at Keid's sister, w.':o had just stepjied on the porch of her tatlier-jliGu.ie, when the gun went off, the whole load of shot entering her stom ach, killing her almost instantly, the dis. timce between them being but a few feet. The young lady was about seventeen years of age, and this territli calamity has cast a shadow over her parents and family as well as the young man through whose foolish tiass she met her untimely death. Captain George, civil and war chid of the Onondaga- nation of Indians, died on Ououdaga reservation, nine miles south of Syracuse, on ,,e oitn nlt aR8& years. Captain George was with (ieneral -Scott at l.undy's Lane, and was bearer of despatches to the Oiiundagas for reinforce muuts. Of late years he has been the re cognlied head of the remains of the Six Rations. A "Society for the Protection of Useful Birds" has recently been organized in Mas- iclimett. Its members think that the present laws on the subject are beneficial, and that by active, persistant and sustained efforts. ILey cut in a good measure procure their eiwurvancc- SHORT ITEMS- Zannsvilie, Wis., has h id ice one-eighth of au inch thick. Tbe King of Asbaatce has 333 wires, and stiil he is not happy. About of the ladies' shoemakers ol New Tou are on a strike. A quilt exhibited at the Central Illinois Fair contains 28,517 pieces. Oranees measuring sixteen inches in cu cumfereuce are raised in California. Mrs. Toung No. 17 is going to tell all she knows of Morniomsra on tha lecture plat form. It is asserted that bracelets are rapidly going out of fa-nion, and iu a few months will seldom be seen. On the Isst day of the Vienna Exposition the gates were thrown open to the public, and the f air was visited by 100,000. An old lady, 80 years of age, recently joined a party of Mormon converts, about to leave Knglana tor aalt baae iity. A sufferer suggests an improvement in the orthography of the word panics. He thinks it would be bettar te spell it pay-nix. The wedding cake fur the marriage of the Duke of Edinburgh and the daughter of the EmjttTor of Russia will be 7 feet 6 inches in height and weigh f -(0 pounds. Horse-flesh is now generally consumed at Milan, where the cuisine is said to be so perfuct that it is impossible to distinguish it from the first quality of beef. We often live tinder a cloud, and it is well that we should do so. Uninterrupted sun shine would parch our hearts; we want shade and rain to cool and refresh them . From tluve castor-beans planted by Dr. Allen, of Montgomery county, Iowa, in 1871. and their yiuid in 1H72, their are new growing iu bis neighborhood one hundred acres. It is said that in Wales there are 800.000 people who still cling to tbeir native tongue, in spite of all the pressure which has been exerted to compel them to adopt the Eng lish language. Marshall, one of the inmates of tbe State Trison at Trenton, N. J., was shot by an under keeper, on the 34th ult., while at tempting to kill one Eastlack, who had been left in charge of the prison shops. A young man named George W. Leeping has been arrested at Caldwell Station, W. Va., for robbing the post office at that place. Nearly all the stolen money (about Bvehun. dred dollars) was recovered. The engineers on some of the Pennsylva nia railroads amuse themselves by carrying tame trout in the water tanks of their loco motives, where they are said to flourish, in spite of the constant motion to which they are subjected. A whole family named Walker were ar rested in Tremont, Aew York, on buuday a week, on a charge of counterfeiting curren cy aud stamps. A large quantity was fonud on the premises and material for the manu facture of more. The 'Tatrons of Tlusbandry" hare been so successful out West that some strong minded ladies propose to get up an organi zation to be called the "Patrons of Witery," the main object being to keep husbands from staying out late at night. A Brooklyn man has invented a life-pre. server, which consists simply of tw sleeves of India-rnhber, t? be drawn over the arms and then intialed by blowing in them. In this condition they will sustain the body in any position the wearer may choose to as sume on the surface of the water. Tbey can be fastened- on the arms aud adjustud in fifteen niiuutos. A new method of preparing cofTee is be coming popular in France. After roasting the cofte-e is ground to very tine Hour, which is then slightly moistened, mixed with twice its weight of powdered sugar, and pressed ioio tablets. Coffee prepared for use in this manuer is claimed, pound for pound, to be susceptible of far more com plete utilization. The Barnesville (Ohio) Enterprise says i An old gentleman and lady trom Pennsyl vania are visiting our fair whose life-history is somen hat singular. It appiMirs that a widow lady took an orphan boy to raise, and when he arrived at the age of eighteen she married him, she then being in her fiitieth year. Ten years ago thu-y took an orphan girl to raise. This summer the old lady died, being ninety-six years of age, and in nine weeks after, the old man mar ried the girl they had raised, he being sixty, eight years old and she eighteen. A daring and extensive plot to rob the Exposition at Indianapolis, Indiana, of dia monds and other valuables, has been dis covered. It was arranged that experienced burglars should be placed near the cases containing an immense amount of diamonds, jewelry and silverware, while confederates should cut the gas-pipe which supplies tho Lxposition and which runs through an open common. In the darkt.ess and confusion the raid was to be made, the cases smashed and the valuables secured. The guards have been strengthened, calcium lights pro vided, and all precautious taken to frus trate their design. A Keokuk (Iowa) lady, while engaged in the pursuit of her domestic duties, encoun tered a mouse in the flour barrel. She sum moned the hired man and told him to get the shot-gun. call the bull-dog, and station himself at a convenient distance. Then she climbed half way upstairs and commenced to push the barrel vigorously with a pole. Presently the mouse made its appearance and started across the floor. The bull-dog went iu pursuit. The hired man fired and the d. g dropped dead. The lady fainted and dropped don the stairs, and the hired man, thinking she was killed, lit out and has not been seen since. The mouse escaped. P. T. Bsrnura left New York for Europe en the 24 th ult., to investigate and arrange details for his contemplated attempt at a final solution of the aerial transatlantic passage questiou, the scheme to be car. ricd through at any cost, be says. He had a conference with Wise and other sailing-masters on the iJrd, during which he said : "I have got this matter cut and dried, and the first thing is to get over, and that I depend on you balloon men to do. I'll at tend to the rast. It I want you, Wise, I'll cable for you, and wish you had your bal. loon ready to beat those creeping s'eamers. No sea-sickness either, you see. I wish I was younger." Xew dverttsement. LFKED J. PATTERSON, ATTOENET-AT-LAW, MIFFLINTOWN, JUNIATA CO., PA. E7 AH business promptly attended to. Orr ics With Jeremiah Lyons, Esq. JOUIS E. ATKINSON, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, MIFFLINTOWN, PA. Uncollecting and Conveyancing prompt ly attended to. Orricz On Bridge street, opposite the Court House Square. GREAr REDUCTION IX TUB PRICES OP TEETH ! Fall Upper or Lower Setts as Low as $3 No teeth allowed to leave the office un less the patient is satisfied. Teeth remodeled and repaired. Teeth filled to last for life. Dental wo' k done for persons without them leaving their homes, if desired. Toothache stopped in five minutes with out extracting the tooth, at the Dental Of fice of G. L. Derb, established in Mifflin town in 1860. G. L. DERR, Jan 24, 1872. Practical Deuist. Large stock of Ready-made Clothing for sale by HABLEY&CO. LEGAL. PROCLAMATION. GENERAL EEECIiOlN . TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14th, 1873. j , Whereas, in and by an Act of the Gen eral Assembly oi" the Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act relating to the elections of 'his Commonwealth, p ss ed the 2nd dav of July, a. o. Iis:t9, it is made the duty o'r the Sheriff of every conn, ty within the Commonwealth to give public notice of tbe General Elections, and in such notices to enumerate : 1. The officers to be elected. 2. Designate tbe place at which the elec tion is o be held. I, JOSEPH ARD, High Sheriff of the count; of Juniata, do hereby make known and give this PUBLIC NOTICE to the El ectors of the Countv of Juniata, t'vit on the second TUESDAY OF OCT'' Sr. -K.T, (being the fourteenth day of tl..- rii -.ihl a Genera' Election will be held at the sen .al election districts established by law in said county, at which tuna they will vote by bal lot for tbe several officers hereafter men tioned, viz : One person to fill the office of Judge of the Supreme Court of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. One person to fill the office of Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. One person to represent the District com posed of the counties of Juniata, Centre, Mifflin and Huntingdon, in tne senate oi the Commonweal'h of Pennsylvania. One person to represent the District com posed ot the comities of Juniata and Mifflin in the House of Representatives of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania. One person to fill the office of Sheriff of Jnniata county. One person to fill the office of Register and Recorder and Clerk of the Oiphans' Court of Juniata county. Oue person to till the office of County Commissioner of Juniata county. One person to till the office of Jury Com missioner of Juniata county. One person to till the office of Treasurer of Juniata caunty. One person to till the office of Auditor of Juniata county. One person to fill the office of Coroner oi Juniata county. The said elections will be held through out the county as follows . At the Court House in the borough of Mifltintown, tor the borough of .MiHiiiitown. At the Court House in the borough ol Mifllintown, for Fermanagh township. At tbe School House in Mexico, for Walk er township. At Smith's School House, for Delaware township. At the School Ilonse in Thompson town, fer tbe borough of Thompsuntown. At the Public House ol Thomas Cox, for Greenwood township. At the School 1onse in Richfield, for Monroe township. At Frymojer's Hotel, for Susquehanna township. At the School House in McAlisterviile, for Fayette township. At tho School House in Patterson, for the borough ot Patterson. A tbe School House In rerrysville, for the borough of Perrysvilte. At the Locust Grove School House, near the residence of Mr. Stewart, for Miltord township. At Spruce Hill School House, for Sprnce Hill township. At the School House at Academia, for Beale township. At the School House near McCulloch's Mills, lot Tuscarora township, except that portion of it lying north-west aid of the summit of the Shade Mountain. At the Lick School House, near the resi- dence of benjamin Walls, liee'd., lor Lack township, except that portiou ol it, lying north-westward of trie summit of the Shade .Mountain. At the Centre School House, for so much of the townships of Lack and Tuscarora as lie north-west of the summit of the Shade Slou' tain. At the Church Hill School House, for Tnrbctt township. 1 ALSO .MAKE KNOWN' and give ro- tice, as in and by the 4.Inl sec ion of th aforesaid act I am directed, "mat every l-r- son excepting justices ol the peace, who shall hold any oiiicc ol trust unuer tne Uniled States, or this Slate, or any city or incorporated district, whether a commis sioned otticer or otherwise, a subordinate officer or agent who is or shall be employed under the legislative, executive or judiciarv department ot this State, or of the United States, or of any incorporated city or dis trict, and also that every member of Con gress and of the State Legislature, and ot the select or common council of any cityur commissioner of any incorporated district. is by law incapable ot homing or exercising at the same tleofliceorappointnicntul jude inspeciorur ciem 01 anv elections oi tins Commonwealth, and no judge, inspector or other officer ot such election shall be eligi ble to any office then to be voted tor. Also that by the 4th section ot the Art of Assembly, entitled "An Act n lating to exi-cutions and tor other pn poses," appro ved April 18, 1H40, it is enacted that the aforesaid 13th section 'shall not be construed so as to prevent any military officer or bor ough officer from serving as judge, inspec. tor or clerk of any general or special elec tion of this Commonweal. h." By the act of Assembly of 18.19, known as the Registry Law, it isprov.ded as follows : 1. Election officers are to open the polls between the hours of six and seven . M., on the day of the election. Belore 6 o'clock in the morning of second Tuesday of Octo ber the v are to receive from the County Commissioners the Registered List of Voters and all necessary election blanks, and they are to permit no man to vote whose name is not on said list, unless lajtshall make proof ot his right to vote, as follows : 2. The person whose name is not on the list, claiming the right to vote must pro duce a qualified voter of the district to sw ear in a written or printed affidavit to the residence of tbe claimant in the district for at least ten da s next preceding said elec tion, defining clearly where the residence of the person was. 3. The party claiming the right to v ote shall also make an affidavit, stating to the best of his knowledge and belief where and when he was born, that he is a citizen of Pennsylvania and of the United States, that ne has resided in the State one year, ot, if formerly a citizen therein and remov ed therefrom, that he has resided therein six months next preceding said election, that he has not moved into the district for the purpose of voting therein, that he has paid a State or county tax within two years, which w is assessed at least ten days belore the election, and the affidavit shall state when and where the tax was assessed and paid, and the tax receipt fust be produced unless the affiant shall state that it has been lost or destroyed, or that he received none. 4. If the applicant be a naturalized citi zen, ho must, in addition to the ton-going proofs, state in his affidavit when, w here and by what court he was naturalized, and produce liu certificate ot naturalization ii. K.v.pff !-.!ttin(r tn lu. n-!n-:t1 ized citiaeu, whether on lu Registry List, or producing affidavits as ktoresaiJ, shai ba required to produce his naturalization ccr tincate at the election b lore voting, except j w nere be nas been 'or ten years consecu tively a voter in the district where he offers to vote ; and on the vote of snch a person being received, the Election Officers are to write or stamp the word "voted" on his certificate with tbe month a.i-1 year, and no other vote can be cast that uav in vi.-te ot said certificate except where sons are enti. tled to vote upon the naturalization ot ilieir 1 liiotireal'u ot t ecisylvauui lit Guiieroi As father. J semoiy iu:.-t, md ii is hereOy enacted by tie 6. If the person claiming to vote who is authority of the a hoc, That the qualified not Registered ihall t-iake an affidavit that t vouts ol the several counties of this Coru he is a native born citizen ol the United ' nmuwealtb, at all general, tunnship, tr Statcs. or, if born elsewhere, shall produce ough ami special elections, are hereby here- evidence of his naturalization, cr that he is entitled to citizenship by reason of his fath er's naturalization, and further, that he is between 21 and 22 years of age, and has resided in the State one year, and in tho election district ten days uexl preceding the election, he shall be entitled to vote though he (hall col have paic taxes. 7. If any eiectiou officer shall refuse or negl'wt to require such proof oi th r.cLt vf suflrsge, as is descrioed by this law v laie j laws to which this is a supplement, from any person cfle;i-g to vote whose name fs "t il. l,t " i-esed Toters, or whorfe r;jrht to vote n ch i'leicd by any qualified j v.' icr present, and shall admit such person . L v --- ..n t jt r.M;i-r:i:? su' h pruof, everv j ... .. -. i;,...' tK;.!' iim.-.i com ictton. f be j;t.slt' ol hi-n uo-n iiieam.-r, and fhall b senl-nr.' '.. l-r eerv ich ott'ence, toay a Cne not b-Mxeding ..ne hundred dollars, r t niidc.io an io prisinneiit not more than oiu- vear, or either or both, at tne ais- cntioii of the court. j. Ten aivs preceding every election for electors of President and Vim Presi dent ot the Uuired States, it shall be the dutv of ths Assessor to attend at the place tlx'-d by la for holding tho election in each election district, and then and there hear all applications of persons whose names have been omitted from the list of assessed voters, and who claim the right to vote, or whose rights have originated since the same was made out, and shall add the names ol such persons thereto as shall show that they are entitled to the right or sullrage in such district, on the personal application of the claimant only, and lortbwiiu assess them with a prop 'r tax Alter completing tbe list, a copv thereof shall be placed on tho door of the house where the election is to be held, at least eight tiays before the elec tion ; and at the election the same couraa shall be pursued, in all respects, as is re quired by this act and the acts to which it is a supplement, at the general elections in October. The Assessor shall also make the same returns to the County Commis sioners of all assessm -nts made by virtue of this section ; and the County Commis sioners shall fnmiftb copies thereof lo me election officers in each district, in like man ner as is required at the general elections in Octi.ber. 9. The same rules and regulations shall apply at every special election, and at eveiy separate city, borough or ward election, in October. 10. The respective Assessors, Inspectors and Judges of the elections shall eacb bave the power to administer oaths to any per son claiming the right to be assessed or the right of satt'rage, or in regard to any of saal officers nnder this act; any wilful false swearing by any person in relation to any matter or thing" concerning which they shall be lawfully intetrogated by any of said of ficers, shall be punished as perjure. 11. The Assessors shall receive the same compensation for the time necessarily spent in performing the duties hereby enjoined as provided by law for tlie performance of their other duties, to be paid by the County Con-niissioners, as in othir cases, and it shall not be lawful for any Assessor to as sess a tax against any person whatever within ten days next prvcoding the election to be held on'the il Tuesday of October, in any year, or within ten d ya next before any election for electors of President or Vic President ol the United Mates; any viola tion of this provision shall be a misdemean or, and subject the otltcers so offending to a tine, on conviction, nut exceeding ont hundred dollars, or to imprisonment not ex ceeding three months, or bwtb, at the dis cretion of the court. And the Judges of the respective Dis tricts aforesaid, are by thesaul act requirca to meet at the Court ilonse in tbe Borough of Mifllintown, on tbe third day alter the said dav ot Election, being iKlDAi.tlie SEVEM'lEENTH dav of OCTOKKK, then and there to perioral the things tequired of them bv iaiv Pursuant to the provisions contained in the 67th section of the ct first si ore said, the judges of the aforesaid district shall re spectively take charge of tbe certificate of return ol the election ot mew respective districts and proflu e theiu at a meeting of the judges trom each district, at the Court House in the borough of Miltlint twa, on tho third uav alter the day of election, being the present vear on Friday, the Mb dav of rvoveinber, theii ami there touoand p-rlorm : the fluties required bv lavrot sai l iii.taes. Also, that whore a judge by sickness or un- avoidabli! accident is unable to attt nd said : mc-ttinj of judges, then the certificate of i ruturn aforesaid, shall be taken charge ot I DV one of the inspectors or clerks of the election of said district, who shall do and perform tne duties required of said judges unable to attend. Skctio.s 1. Be it enacted, Jtc, That tbe qualified voters of this Commonwealth shall choose by bail t, on she second Tuesday of October, Anno Domini one thousand eight hu. Hired ami seve ty-tbree, and on the Jay ! ot the ureteral election ertry second tear thei caller, one person to till the oltice ot ! State Treasurer, and until such officer is ; elected and a-tsumes the duties of his office ; according to tho provisions of this act, th present incumbent, upon his renewing his official bond, to be approved by the Gover nor, not later than the first Monday of May next, shall have all the powers and perform all the duties of State Treasurer. Sectiox 2. Anv person elected State Treasurer in pursuance of the provisions of this act, shall be commissioned by the Gov ernor of this Con-monweaith, and assume the duties nf the oltice on the first Monday of May next succeedi-ig his t lection, and , shall have mid possess all the oowers erant. , en, irloriu all ma amies aim De stthfect 'O all the penalties imposed by existing laws of Ihe Commonwealth relating to Slate Treas urer and the management ol the State treas ury. SscTtojt 3. The term of theoffiee of State Treasurer shall bi two years, from the Hrt Monday of May next succeeding his election. His salary shall be five thousand dollars per annum, payable quarterly, and no person shall be twice chosen in four years. Skctios 4. The election laws now in force forthe choice of Governor of this Common wealth, shall regulate the election of -Stat j 1 ruasurer ; and in case ot anv vacancy oc enrring in said office from death, resignation, failure to quahlv and assume the duties af ter election or otherwise, the Governor shall appoint some proper person to till such va cancy until the first Monday of May follow . ;ng the nextgeneral election ; and the qual ified electors shull, at the first general elec tion, which shall h ipiwn more than sixty days after such vacancy shall occur, elect. in the manner herein provided, a suitable person to till said office for the I nil term authorized by the provisions of this act. Section 5. That the election of any per son appearing to be elected Treasurer under the provisions of this act, may be contested on the petition of the qualified electors of this Commonwealth, by the same tribunal aud in the same manner and under the same resolutions and restrictions prescribed un der tbe act ot July second, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine, tor contest ing the election of any person as Governor ol this Lcni'uonwealth SECTfJif 6. Bef ore he enters upon the du ties ot his office, the suite Treasurer shall take the oath of office, or atfi laition of of fice, agreeably to the directions of the Con stitution ol the Tjnited States and this Com monwealth, and shall become Dound in an obligation with five or moru sureties, to be approved bj the Governor, iu the sum of one million ol dollars lawful money of tbe United States, conditioned for the true and laithtul performance ot th - trusts an 1 liutres enjoined and required by law, to be per. formed by such Treasurer ; and the execu tion thereof being duly proved, th satu-; shall be entered of record in tbe office of the Secretary ol the Commonwealth. Copies ot such obligation, duly authenticated muter the seal of said office, shall lie received as j !" '' evidence in any court of this Com J monwea.lh. : Approved 1 h ?"lh day of April, A. D, tons. Jr. HART KAN FT, Particular attention indirectcd to the first section ot the Act ot Assembly, passed tbe iSUth day ot Maich, A.D fStto. entitled "An Act regulating tbe manner of voting at all elections in the several counties of this Commonweal'h Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of licpresenta:ives of the Coro- alter authorized aud required to Vote by ticket, printed or written, or partly printed auu partly written, severally cl.vssiiied as follows : One ticket shall embrace tbe names vf all Judge of Courts voted tor. and to be labeled outside "JuJiciarj ;" une ticket shall embrace a!) tue names of State Olivers voted for, at.d hv labeled "State-" o le ticket gbtdl enoracwttie iiatBe oi all ounty ciucers voiea lor, inciutii'i vni. e or oeno- tor, ineiuber aud ueinoers ol Asseraoty, at tea for. aaC laocieu , - IhtlUmbr-e the names of all t.wnship of fers voted for. and be labeled "townsh p; Sne ticket shall embrace tbe names ot all borough officers tf, 'i "boro.gh ;" and each class shall be depos ited in separate ballot boxes. A so, tbat in the 81st section of said Act it is enacted that "when two or more conn tie, shall compose a district for the choice , . member r members of the bw.te of this Commonwealth or of the House ot Re presentees of the United Stales, or of this Commonwealth, tho jud-es of tbo elec tion in each county having met as aforesaid, the c) rks shall make out a lair statement ot all the votes which shall have been given at such elections within the county, for every person voted fer as snch member or mem bers, which shall be signed by said judges and attested bv the clerks, and one ol swM judges shall take charge of such certificate and shall produce the same at a meeting of one judge from each comity at such place in such district asis or may be appointed by law for the purpose. . The Return Judges for this Senatorial District will meet in Huntingdon on Tues day, October 2 1st, then and there to be and perform such duties as are required by law ot said Judges. The Return Judges for this Representa tive District will meet in Mirtlintnwn on Tuesdav, Oatober 21st, then and there fo dc aud perform stteo amies as aro ivi "j law of said J udges. Given under ray hand, at Mimintown, the first dav ot septemoer, j. i; - of the independence of the United Stal the ninetv-scveuth. JOSEPH ARD, Sheriff. Mifllintown, Sept. 1, 1873-te. LIST OF PREMIUMS TO BE awarded by tlie several Committee at the Junlioa County Agricalturitl I"'ir, lo w held at IVrrvsvllle, In said county, on Tl r. IV WKDSKSDAY nndTHUK!sDAY,OC TUBKK 7 th, Sth and h, IST : HORSES, ttL17S AND MI LES, For best Sitntlton over 3 yiars old $ W do Second do. do S M do Heavy Inifl Horse or Mare 6 0 to Second do. ilo.............- 3 JJ ilo HarprsM uorse or mare - 4 w do Hfeftnd do. do. do Pair harness horses or mares 4 W do Heeond do. ilo...- - 3 do Saddle horse or mare do Second do. do a ," do Hrood mare and colt 5 m do Second do. uo... . '' Alt t-olt. 3 vears old. horse or mare 3 OH do Second do. do . il.l do Two y ear old eoli th) Second do. In..-..- do Yearling colt do Second do. "to . do Sucking colt-. do Jae-a do Second to do Flitr mules. i in o 3 U -J no 1 Dtt 8 00 4 (10 3 0U i (l 4 ll do Second do. do. do Four horse team do hour mule team . do Mule colt do Second do. do 3 00 2 00 1 00 SPEED. For bet Trotting horse or mare raised in county - Srn For liesi eeoml do. do . I ' "O do Third do. do - W OU do Trottiim horse or mare rawed outside of county . 15 00 do Secoud do. do . 10 00 (A TTLK. For best Bull over 2 years . nn do Second no. no . 3 ll . J . 1 1 . 4 Ul do Ki.ll cnlf under 2 years - do Second do. tto no 1 'ow over 2 years - ilo Second do. do.... . 3 110 do Heifer calf under 2 years 3 OU do Second do. do 1 00 do Yoke of oxen 3 09 For best (Ine wooled buck or ewe over 1 year do Second do. do I 00 do wooled buck or ewe over 1 year 3 01) do Second do. do 1 OH do fen of lumlis (6 or more). 1 ) do Pen of ewes (6 or more; over 1 jr 3 Wl UOUH. For best Bonr over months $2 00 do Second dt. do t 01 do Breed im; sow and pigs . . 2 mi lo Second do. do . . 1 oo do I'uir irixs, for atce - 1 SO pouimr. For best pair chit kens (male nnd fc do Second do, do . .Vl do Collection (II or more) 1 U) do Scolid do. do .1k do I'uir turkeys tuiale A female)...... 3 i do Second ttK do i tm (to I'air geese .... 75 do I'air tlut-ks 50 do Pair ifiimvaH- Stl do Pair pen towis 7-5 AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT'S. For Iwd Kanninz Mill S3 Oil do Cultivator I Ul do (iniiiT seeder and cultivator.- 1 l) do Hay elevatir. I is) do Koad witKon, new 3 Ot) do (me and two horse wagon, new, eaeli 2 00 do Grain cradle, new- . 1 00 do Straw and fodder eulter 3 ) do Kenper and mower... 3 () do Harrow I u) do Plow on trial 2 On do Subsoil plow I (Ml do Corn plow 2 U do Hors- power and threshing ma chine 3 00 do Clover hnller, new . - on do I-Iors- rake, ne-.v 1 () do Corn sliel'er, new I Oil do tlinrn, new . I () do VattiiiK machine 1 CO do Vissl saw, elrculur or other saw, I 50 do Cora grimier. 1 uo MAXCrAVTURED ARTICLES. For Itest display of ealtinef ware ...$s 00 do display of Is-.-ts and shoes.......... 2 Wi do Suttof elott.itttf 1 no do t.oi of casting 2 oa do Lot of horse shoes and nails. 1 (W do Lot of corn brooms .. ft) do Tanne t ami finished harness 2 n) do Variety of upper and calf skins, 2 00 do Side of sole leather . 2 ") do Iluguy. new . a 00 do Family carriage- 4 (M do Spring wagon .. 2 in do sulky 1 00 do Hisplny of btiKKy and wagon har ness 2 no do Display of naltliery- 2 on do Cnokitig stove 1 art do Display f tinware 1 no do Bee !nv..... 1 uo FLOUR, GRAIN AXD HEEDS. For hest barrel of Flour $2 00 do second dn dtt . i Go do Buslu-I bockwheat flour 1 tt) do Corn meal..... ."jo do White wheat-.- 1 St) do Second do., do Hed wheat..... do Second do..... I W 1 ill 1 00 1 M0 50 do Kye.. do Second do do Corn in earn.. do Second do do OnO do Second lo do Barley do Second do . do CWtventeed 1 5U 1 IM 50 25 ZIZZ. 2 oi) do Second do.. 1 00 1 08 do Timothy .. llo Secoud tlo VFJIKTA HI,i:.1. For best bushel of Irish p-rtaten 40 . tl 00 oo iseconti uo. no.... 60 do Sweet potatoes 1 00 iill tui Mecnnit ilo. uo.... do bushels of turnips 50 do Pumpkins, cow or sweet each 511 do Lot of sweet or common kind..... 50 00 ii 01 ruta miga. sugar beets, cab bag, cauliflower or egg plant. each . 50 do Display of vegrtable..... J 00 FRUIT. For best Half has. apples, fall or winter, tl 00 do Second tlo. tlo 5,, do It of dried cherries....... am no 1 yd tr penra , . , oh do Display of dried frnit. on do Display of green frult...... 2 0U do Lot of uuineea j do Display of g rapes y no do Display ot peaches 1 ou PRODUCTS OF HOUSE, FARM AXD DAIRY. For beat Fruit cake, rusk, poundcake. Itghi cafceor litttf of hrrad.eaeh.J SO do Currant, blackberry or elderber ry wine, each 50 do Half gallon pure juice of grape, quince, peacu, tomato, apple or crab preserves, each a do Display of preserves 4 Jellies.... J on do Jar of annle butter.. 50 do Honey in comb and box. t tts.. do Second do. ilo do Five ponnds of butter In roll! I do Second do. do. ............. do Home made cheese """ . 2 (0 . 1 IS) . 2 OU . 1 00 . 2 00 DOMESTIC MAXUFACTURK. For best Flannel. 10 yards., do Second do. do....... do guilt do Second do............ do Coverlet do Second -lo .. .. tt on 2 IM 4 00 ( . 3 M 2 IM 3 no do Linen sheets do second do. tlo do Pnir iint-n table cloths.. ". do Hecojnl do. do do Pairwoolen hose...; "!"" do Second do. do . do Pair woolen blanketa..l""IIl." do Second do. do.... do Woolen carpet, lOysa-d!...!.!!. 2 Ul) 2 m 1 0U Si) 25 3ni) 2 ni 3 on no rneronu do. do jyn milieus, gioves, or ornamental needle work, max, rug, :iell work, wax fttwent, cushions and table cover. each NEEDLE WORK. GO For best Shirt 5) go do Seono. do s. fi) 00 Disn'ayof embroidery. 4 ou 00 Child's ireB,eb.tr tidy, ottoman cover, sampler, itair of slippers, stand, cover, bun 9 rag.Aceach. 50 D&A WINGS AND AixhxGX Fo best Display drawing 4 pr.lntings.J3 00 do Second do. do 2 aV do Drawings in architecture 2 00 MUSIC. For best Band, subject to order of exec utive committee for lest two days of t'ulr T3) 00 do Second do. do ... 10 00 RULES AND REGULATIONS. 1 Premiums will lie awarded on all mer itorious articles omitted in tbe above enu- mrNo"arttclo or animal on be admitted on the fi.ir sttrtinils nutil properly entered oa the tiooas 01 me seviei.tij. ;j a article or animal must )e removed niitll it ciose except by the permission of the managers. , , . 4 Hay and straw for all animals ft- of ClThe ring shall not be entered, either riding or driving a hot, hy any person in- '"Vlie'sveral committee will make tbeir report to t lie secretary I y o'clock, on Tbnr- '''JJL 'flowing match will occur at 9 o'ctock, A M., on Thursday, theDth. 8 Owners of auimida intending to com pete or the prize offered un-ter the head of fTa-ed will be expected to pay o for cow-ring; tlielr horses. O All article IntentJett ttrexhibltinn must be entered ty ten o'cbs-k.oo Wednesday, ths stli. as the secretary' books will be post' lively rttwrd at that time. in-Sp'-cial admission into in grounds for a single horse, one uol'J:r; fo.- n horse and veiilt le. oue d'!:r and a balf; for two horses and vehicle, two dollars, Mil will not be allowed to be on the ring daring the trial for speed. . II No article or sn-moil can compete for more tliua one premium. 12-The several committees are requested to return tlieir hooks to the Premium Commis- sion-rs alter tlv awards are determined to la' by thenr, corrected before said commit tee anil dbcharpet. The families of lltose tnktng one share of stock, enter free, and have also the right of exhibiting. The families of those taxing one share of stock eider free, but will le charged fifty cents for the right of exhibiting. Kainllr t-kel with the right of exhibit ing, one'dollar. Single tickets, twenty-Hv C"W" R. -W. JAMISON, Prtmdrnt. Sept-17, W5 31. BOOT AND SIIOE STORE We have opened ont in Jacob Thorns' parlor, one door north of the Juniata Hotel, tbe largest and beat stock of BQOTS AND SHOES, LADIES', MISSES AND CHiLDRENs T3-y t'l'MTlfis, ever brought to tbe county. We buy onr stock from Manufacturer and ia large lots. We pay tmk and expect to sell for ewh, which will enable ws to offer GOODS at PRICES far BELOW the AVERAGE. WORK MADE TO ORDER. This branch of the business will be super intended by A. B. FA.SIC, one of the best practical mechanic In the county. AU kind of repairing done. All Work WajTanted Cornelius Bartley. July 2, 1873 tt JUNIATA VALLEY BANK. Pomeroy, Patterson, Jacobs & Co. MirFLlSTOWTT, JUXZATa COCHTT, TA. CAPITAL, $110,000. JOSEPH POMF.ItOY, President. T. VAN 1KVOJ, CasLiur. directors: Joseph Pomeroy, !John Ralsbach, Jerome N. Thompson,-II. H. Bechtel, John J. Patterson, S. Frank Kaglo. George Jacoiss, I'r.itrd Stntn Securities, Jiumda, dec, bougtat and sold. Neern-lAirftr, exchanged far Firc-twtnlie at market rtes. I'uiu-d states coupon paid. Goitl fnui MitT bought at highest rate. Ih ptuntt rrerirrd, rotlecfunu noilr, draft, on . he pri t ip-U ritie, mtd a yrnrrul banking btui t .w trnwutttetL lion. Is ami other valuable paper received 111 special deposit. Jyla-tf lv JiuOT &. SHOE STORE IN RESIDENCE. ON CHERRY STI.ZET, MIFFLUiTOWX The nndontt-aictl, lute of tbe firm 01 Fsslc North, wtitd reHpc-u'ally announce to tho public that he- h:is oM-:ed a Hoot and shta ston; In said building, and keep on baud large and w ell selected slock of READY-MADE WORK, for MEN. WOMEN and CHILDREN. He I also pre pa ret! to manufacture, of tha best umttrmL, all kinds of BOOTS, SUOES AND GAITERS, for gents, Indies ami children. ALL WORK VUUHTIa Give me a call, for I feel confident that I ran furnish yon with any kind of work you may ties'! re. - Repairing done neatly and at reasona ble rates. Jc7-tf JOHN NORTH. QLOTHIKO! CLOTHING ! ! D.W.Hariey&Co. Men-, over Headquarters eoata. Youths', Dress FOR coats. and READY-MADE nuslne. Boyy CLOTHING, Pants, mu, HATS & CAPS, v"- NOTIONS, 8hlrt8 Drawers sew BOOTS & SHOES, VmieT. GENTLEMEN'S Fashion Glove. Fiirnishiiig Goods. H ,Bd O Caps, CORNER OF IT"' BRIDGE AND G.it., C" WATER Streets, and Carpet. MIFFLINTOWN. trmhrei- 1 Jan. 17, ttf72-te. Notion. th5 e,4e. nr Calami Set rk,-SB Measner taken and sntta and part t suite made to order at tne shortest notice. T OUI3 E. ATKINSON, ATTOR- -A NET AT LAW, Mlffllntoww Pa. Col 't1."ud tog V-ywswtaa promptly attended " BriJseatreet,emsef'Dr. Derr's dental omco. nole-tf M. B. GARVES, HOMEOPA thio PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, '"'T' " uwDomsuioi Tnompson towri,. offer his proanarervlie titho 'I :?" of that plaas-and vicinity. Omrsr J une'J'lls iT""1' empd by Dr. Bor T C. SMITH, HOMEOPATHIC A- PH YSICI A N and SURGEON, havinc perr.mneutiy located In the Bomugb of MlC mntown, offer hi Drolewiional terrier to the C.tiatnsof thia place and sarronndlnz Miintrv r.tHA- w.: a n . 7 Uaa.Ua's Drug-atoc tfeb7l-tf V v V leiMSlisTi