Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, September 10, 1873, Image 1

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ghe mtuitd Sentinel
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THE JI SIATA SENTINEL i published every
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NO. 37.
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Wailing Tor Lark.
Ho! ye who listless and moping
Kit dismally twirling yoor thumbs.
And gloomily watting and watching
For something that thna never comes ;
Van might Jut at well, foolish morula.
Expect you'll by lightning be struck ;
One will happen aa aooa aa the other!
Don't stand aronnd waiting for lack !
There's a aaying a goad and true one
(Take courage, yon poor one who delvea
With a atont heart so brave) that "Heaven
Will help those who (rat help themselves ;"
And you'll find. If yon wl.h for good fortune,
A pretty good way Is to tnck
Up your shirt-aleeves and start oat a&d find it ;
Don't sit around waiting for lack.
Y.te may pine and mope on forever
Kind fanlt and deplore yoor bard fate
Bat yoa'd better remember the proverb.
And act on it ere it 'a too late ;
Toa may pout and gramble forever
Just so long yoa will find yoa are stack
la the mire of sloth and abasement
Don't sit around waiting for lack !
There is wealth to be had go and aeek it!
And w ith It get honor and fame ;
By the sweat of yonr brow yoa can gain them.
And carve for yourself a proud name ;
But to do thia takea tact and ambition.
Persistency, hope and some pluck.
Are you ready? then lose not a moment!
Don't sit around waiting for lack.
A MidKUiiinier Idyl.
Within the shade by willows made.
In softest summer weather.
We aat beside the rippling tide
My love and I together.
Through clouds of white, with softened light,
The harvest moonbeams shimmered ;
And on the stream a silvery beam
With diamond luster glimmered.
The snmmer breeie, from fragrant trees,
Delicious odors brought us ;
While Bounds from o'er the farther shore
la blended sweetness sought us.
And so we, too, as In us grew
The sense of peace so geotle
Attuned oar song to Nature's throng,
Beneath the evenings mantle.
We talked not much, bat the soft touch
of hands, and eyas oft meeting.
Told more by far than worda declare.
As heart to heart have greeting.
Then, midnight come, we loitered home,
Like brother now and sister,
"Ts choat surprise and prying eyes"
Till at the gate I kissed her.
Snibtttr't M:ithl).
3 1 i ! c ? 1 1 a .
What American girl would be equal
to the following ?
From a single feat, performed by a
youug lady of the aristocracy, aa English
paper concludes that physical degene
racy cannot be imputed to the present
Feneration of our transatlantic cousins.
Lady Blanche Somerset, the daughter
of the sporting Duke of Beaufort, a
young girl not yet eighteen, who was
sojourning with her father in London
on Derby Day, snddenly expressed an
puiiotis longing to witness the great
national race. Epsom was, however,
twenty miles distant ; the race was to
le run at three o'clock ; and Lady
Blanche expressed her wish at half-post
twelve. There were no trains, and the
duke had no carriage at hand ; so, at a
quarter before one, the young lady,
escorted by her papa, started for Epsom
Downs on korBeback, and reached the
scene of the race in an hour and forty
minutes, well in time to witness the
winner bound past the goal. Certainly
no prettier feat of horsemanship could
be performed, and the event speaks well
for the vigor and pluck of England's
daughters. If sporting ladies, daring
to rashness in the chase, and perfect
mistresses of frisky steeds on Rotten
How, are an indication that the stand
ard of physical soundness is kept up,
it is a just conch sion ; for, as the paper
referred to says, "our women ride harder
across country than their grandmothers.
It is a trite remark that English women the first words
are the lustiest and healthiest in the myself up, ami collected my shattered
world ; the only divergence of opinion senses. "Who gave you permission to
begins when the causes of this are ' clutter up my cabin, turning it into an
sought. Some.meteorologically inclined ; office? I au strongly tempted to kick
A number of years ago, almost at the
dawn of mv natnrs.1 mrepr. T ioined the
owners were old friends of my father,
through whose influence I obtained the
I had been married but a short time
when the order arrived, which forced
me to leave the arms of my fainting
bride and hurry to the city, where the
ship was in readiness to proceed to sea.
The captain came on board when we
were well down the bay, and as he
stepped over the rail the pilot bade us
farewell, and the last link that bound
us to onr native land was severed.
I felt a strange thrill, a feeling of
disappointment, when I recognized in
the captain an old schoolmate and for
mer lover of my wife's. I had disliked
him from a boy ; in the village, and at
school he bad the name, character and
characteristics of a bully. He had tried
in vain to win the hand of Helen May,
who repulsed him with a loathing that
could scarcely be concealed. It was
said that he uttered threats of venge
ance against ns both, when I had suc
ceeded in capturing the prize ; but I
paid no attention to the gossip, as I
never supposed that our paths in life
would bring us in contact.
A deep, dark scowl rested on his
handsome, reckless features, as advanc
ing toward me, he said
"In what capacity are you aboard of
tins snip :
"Supercargo, Captain Watson."
"Very well. Jack Richmond. I am
captain, remember that fact ; perhaps I
shall have occasion to remind you of it
before this voyage is over. I feel that
I am in debt to you."
I knew what he was driving at, but I
would not allow him to think for an in
stant that I felt uncomfortable, so as
suming a careless air, I replied :
"Fate, Captain Watson, has thrown
ns together ; it was none of my seeking,
I assure you ; but I know my duty, and
shall discharge all the requirements of
my office, looking to the owners of this
vessel, and not to you, for approbation.
As for matters that are past and gone,
if yon choose to treasure up hard feel
ings, of course I am not to blame. I am
competent to take care of myself, and I
neither care for your friendship nor
"Bold words. Jack Richmond, bold
words. Take care, or we'll have trouble
before our jackets are wet with salt
"No, sir ; I shall not quarrel."
"A wise conclusion."
I could see the devil lurking in the
depths of his large dark eves, but his
attention was called away by the mate.
For a time he was busy with the Sultan,
being anxious to gain an offing before
The manner in which he cursed the
men, raving and stamping aronnd the
quarter-deck, convinced me that my life
on board the Sultan would be anything
but pleasant. Had it been possible, I
would have cancelled my engagement
and left the ship ; but it was too late,
and the hills of my country were rapidly
receding from view.
The voyage proceeded without any
incident occurring worthy of note, un
less tt was tlie rounding of the cape,
and favored with good winds, together
with fair weather, the Sultan bid fair to
make a passage that would reflect
credit on all concerned. Captain Wat
son seldom addressed me except when
absolutely compelled, seeming to avoid
and shun me, with which behavior I
was secretly pleased, thinking that so
long as we remained apart there was
but little possibility of our having any
trouble. I was watchful and guarded
in all my actions, being convinced that
Watson only lacked the opportunity to
wreak his vengeance and hate upon me.
The weather was warm and sultry, so
much so that I was forced to move my
desk from the state room I occupied to
the cabin. I was busy with my accounts
papers, etc., never once dreaming of
giving offense, when a quick heavy step
sounded behind me, and the next in
stant my desk was sent spinning in one
direction, while I was whirled iu
"Confound yonr impudence !" were
1 beard as J. gathered
attribute it to the moist yet not mias
tuatic climate, which acts as a preserva
tive of the forces imparted by Nature
to the hnman constitution ; others, who
may be supposed to have a genealogical
turn, and who pronounce Air. Oalton a
philosopher, refer it to "race," "blood,"
health, and strength, inherited through
long generations from hardy Norman
and Saxon ; yut others say that it fol
lows fiom the fashion and custom of
persistent out-of-door exercise, and the
permanent taste for the vigorous sports
of the field, the river, and the hunting-
you on deck, you sneaking, quill driv
ing, good for nothing laud crab."
I found myself confronted by Watson,
who was fuming and frothing in impo
tent fury. His breath was almost ex
hausted after delivering this beautiful
harangue to which I listened, my blood
boiling with rage.
Completely losing my temper, forget
ful of all rules of caution, 1 planted a
blow full in the bully's face that caused
him to reel aud stagger while the blood
spurted forth as sufficient evidence of
the force of my attack. With a cry like
park. Perhaps it is .combination '
these causes which produce the robust.
rosy-cheeked Englishwoman, who is so
wholesome to the eye of every foreigner
who sets foot on English ground ; per
haps, too, the plain, hearty, wholesome
rooking which obtains there has some
thing to do with it.
A Ghostly ViHllallon.
TheDavenport (Iowa) Gazette vouches
for the absolute truth of the following:
A citizen of North Davenport had an
only daughter who was betrothed to a
young man of fair promise, a clerk in
Dubuque. Arrangements had been
made for an immediate union when the
bride-elect died. The young man re
turned to Dubuque. Nervous fever set
in, and an hallucination seized him that
his lost one was present in the room,
draped in the same garb which had en
veloped her clay. He minutely des
cribed her and her position ; even when
his friends wonld sit or stand where he
and snatched up a chair, bringing it
down on mv head with crushing vio
It must have rendered me insensible,
for when next I was able to think, act
and see for myself, I was lying in my
stateroom, with a dull, aching sensation
in my head, I attempted to lift my
hands, but to my intense indignation,
they were handcuffed. The rascal had
put me in irons while I lay insensible.
A week passed by, during which he
had the effrontery to place me on bread
and water, all of which indignities I
inwardly resolved should be resented
when I had the opportunity.
One night I was awakened by the
tramping of men as they hurried to and
fro, while the oaths of Watson, the
thumps of a heavy sea under the coun
ter, and an occasional pitch and roll of
the Sultan were sufficient indications
that a gale of wind was blowing. With
caution and considerable maneuvering,
declared her to be, he saw her glide 1 1 finally succeeded in gaining the cabin
awav and take another place. This went
on for weeks, and the patient was gradu
ally sinking when a friendly ruse was
Coming to Davenport, his mother
found that the funeral garments were
purchased at the store of C. A M., and
made by Mrs. B. She procured the
material, had it made np in fac-simue,
and returning, a young lady as near in
height and appearance as could be
found, was dressed to resemble his
deceased love, and during one of his
fevered and brief slumbers was intro
duced into the room, taking her seat in
a shaded corner.
His awakening was anxiously watched.
He woke, and turning bis eyes in the
direction of the pious fraud, stared with
fixed eyeballs for a few seconds, then,
raising himself almost upright in his
bed, flung his arms aloft, and shrieking
in an unearthly voice: "My God, there
are two of them," fell back and expired.
Tennyson has consented to accept a
baronetcy, but he will find it a barren
door, and standing in the narrow com
panionway glanced cautiously forth.
The heavens were entirely obscured ;
not a star or a ray of light was visible,
except the vivid flashes of lightning
which lit np the dark background with
an intense glare followed by the low
mutter and growling of the distant
thunder, and darkness ten times more
profound than before the flash. The
sea was rising rapidly, and occasionally
the white crests of an angry billow could
be seen looming np in the darkness as
it hissed and frothed alongside. With
an anxious ear I listened to the howl
and rush of the gale, as it whistled
through the rigging, and the mournful
creaking of the spanker gaff as it swung
to windward.
Both officers and men were busy tak
ing in sail, while the Sultan darted for
ward, rushing at a mad pace through
the darkness and gloom. As I half
crawled, half reeled back to my state
room, I thought with a shudder of the
awful fate that wonld await me in ease
of an accident happening to the ship.
My mind was haunted with strange
forebodings as I again sought my pillow,
which the soothing effect of slumber
could scarcely drive from my brain.
I was suddenly aroused by a shock
which threw me with violence from my
berth, while the crash of falling spars,
mingled with cries of agony and shrieks
for help, penetrated even to mv state
room. A series of sudden jars followed
one another in rapid succession, and
with difficulty I succeeded in forcing
back my state-room door. As I did so,
a vast column of water poured down
through the cabin skylight, causing me
to scramble hastily across the cabin,
and crawl up the after campamonway,
As I reached the door, a terrible spec-
tacle was before me. By the awful
glare of the lightning I was able to
snatch momentary gbmpses of the scene.
The Sultan, while running before the
gale, had struck on a coral reef, the
whole forward portion of the ship being
forced over the narrow neck upon which
the after part was resting. All three
masts had gone by the board, and the
watch on deck, being forward at the
time, as well as the unfortunate men
who were below in the forcastle, were
swept into eternity without a moment i
With an anxious eye I peered through
the darkness, but could see naught but
the white crests of the mighty rollers
that chased one another in quick suc
cession, while the boom and roar of the
breakers fell upon my ears, as though
rejoicing over the havoc and ruin they
had helped to bring upon the once
staunch and noble Sultan.
I rushed back to the cabin, which was
rapidly filling with water. My only
thought was to free myself from the
infernal bands that rendered me inca-
pableof helping myself. I was well
aware that the irons, arms, etc., were
stowed away in the captain's room for
safety, in case they should be wanted,
therefore, I naturally supposed that the
key must be there also.
After a great of trouble I succeeded
in lighting a candle (not without stop
ping at times and listening to the dread
sounds raging about me) ; then com
menced the search upon which de-
pended my life or death. Keys I found
in profusion, but not the right one. I
well nigh despaired of success, when I
espied a small dark object hanging from
a hook over the bead of the captain s
berth. It proved to be the key I was
after, and with renewed hope tugging
at my heart, I made haste to insert it
in the socket. I worked with patience
and caution, spurred on by fear. By
means of my teeth I succeeded finally
in turning the instrument, the spring
new back and 1 was free.
I again rushed on deck and lashed
myself securely, waiting anxiously for
daylight to dawn. Each minute I ex
pected the shell would go to pieces, and
my body be dashed with irresistible
force upon the sharp, jagged edges of
the rock. But, fortunately for me, the
gale had reached its height, and 1 could
perceive that it was growing less intense
in its fury.
As morning dawned, the breakers
gradually died away to a low moan, and
the gale had calmed down to a stiff but
steady breeze.
With a prayer of gratitude trembling
on mv lips at my narrow escape, I cast
myself loose, and cautiously groped
aronnd, hoping to find some one who
had been as fortunate as myself.
Stumbling over something near the
bumpkin bitts, I found, on examination.
that it was a man, and as it grew lighter
1 was at last enabled to make out the
features of Watson.
Although he deserved but little care
or pity at my hands, still I could not
see a human being suffer and die while
1 was able to render any assistance.
even if that hnmau being was my worst
enemy. I chafed his hands, brought
some brandy from the cabin and poured
it down his throat, which had a salutary
effect, and seeing he would soon re
cover, I left him, while I surveyed the
situation on all sides.
The reef was narrow, bnt of consider
able length, and the stern of the Sultan
was wedged firmly in between two walls
of c'oral. Away, as far as the eye could
reach, a long, low, black streak was
visible. To an inexperienced eye, it
would have passed for a cloud hovering
ou tue hon.ou, but I knew that it was
laud, uiiti as I turned toward the poop
again, my eyes suddenly rested on the
light, fast-sailing gig that was lashed
firmly to the eye-bolts along the break
of the house.
It was comparatively an easy job
to swing the light boat over the side by
! the means of tackles, which I rove for
the purpose. Watson was sitting up,
watching me with a listless apathy.
His spirits, nerve and brute strength
apjieared to have deserted him. In an
swer to my question as to how he felt,
he replied that his head ached, and his
body was so sore that he could scarcely
To my intense satisfaction, I soon
had the boat in the water, floating
lightly along side. The mast was soon
stepped and a sail rigged, while two
pairs of oars lay ready for use. In as
few words as possible I told Watson my
plans, pointing out the loom of the land
in the distance.
With a wild, eager expression, he
glanced earnestly in the direction
pointed out, and as I descended to the
cabin for the purpose of attempting to
save some provisions and water, in case
of need, I left him leaning on the taff
rail watching the boat as it grated under
the counter. I stowed an armful of
packages away in the boat, leaving
Watson standing in the same position,
he not offering to assist me.
Returning to the cabin for a fresh
supply, I was soon busy searching for
whatever I could find uninjured. Sud
denly I fancied that I heard the flap of
a sail, as though the sheet, which was
slack, was hauled off.
Listening for an instant, I strained
my ear to catch the chafing of the boat,
occasioned by the light swell, but not a
sound could I hear. All was silent as
the grave, exeept the occasional swash
or thump of a sea as it ran alongside.
A hoarse shout which came floating
through the confined space of the cabin,
caused me to scramble madly toward
the companion-way, my heart beating
wildly with undefined fear. Gaining
the stairs I was soon on deck, and at a
little distance from the wreck sat Wat
son, in the stern sheets of the gig, hold
ing the sheet in his hand, while a mock
ing smile of triumph played around his
"Ah, Mr. Jack, allow me to thank
yon for the kindness and forethought in
fitting out this boat, I am about to
leave for a more desirable location, and
I trust you will be able to pass some
kind of an existence nntil I send yea
assistance. By the way, I may have the
pleasure of seeing yonr wife before I
return. Have you any word ?"
"Fiend 1" I shouted, "will yon leave
me here to perish ?"
A load laugh was the answer that
maddened me beyond all control. With
one foot on the rail, I was on the point
of leaping into the water, with the des
perate hope of overtaking him by swim
ming, when I caught sight of a small
triangular fin, moving slowly through
the water. It was a large shark, and,
with a shudder, I drew back, giving np
my wild undertaking. Watson, satis
fied with his revenge, had hauled the
sheet aft, and the light breeze filling
the sail, the boat glided rapidly away
in the direction of the distant land,
Bitter and awful were the feelings that
surged through my breast as I watched
that villain receding from my view. My
last hope was gone. I must die alone
and deserted.
Watson, in token of a last and final
farewell, stood up in the stern sheets of
the gig, waving his hat derisively above
his head. At the same time a flaw of
wind struck the frail craft, causing it to
shoot up into the wind with a sudden
jerk. The wretch lost his footing, striv
ing in vain to recover his balance, and,
in his efforts, the gig careened, pitching
the occupant headlong into the clear
blue waters. A long, dark shadow
passed swiftly along, a wild shriek of
mortal agony rang out upon the air, a
tinge of crimson streaked the blue
water, and all was over.
Captain Watson had received the re
ward he so well merited for the
treachery he had practiced upon me.
With eager eyes I watched the course
of the boat, as it slowly drifted before
the wind, and soon found that it would
pass close under the stern. Lowering
myself into the water, I watched for a
favorable opportunity, and with a few
strong strokes, gained possession of the
coveted prize. At a late hour the next
day I hauled the gig up on the beach of
the distant land I had seen.
It Droved to be one of the manv
islands composing the Maldives, and
the natives treated me with great kind
ness. Through their aid I was enabled
to reach 'Ceylon, and from there em
barked for home, which closed np the
disastrous voyage.
Chill and FeverA Sanitary
The successful cultivation of agne is
possible in the healthiest of neighbor
hoods, and thousands are nightly en
gaged in that unprofitable occupation
without knowing it. Take a stroll any
where in our city suburbs any evening
of a sultry day. The sun has gone
down in splendor. A light breeze be
gins to stir the air into life, and every
body is out to enjoy it. Children run
up and down the garden-walks : and at
every door is a group of children, larger
grown, arrayed in cool linen and ghostly
muslins, mingling the fragrance of Ha-
vanas with the odor of roses, laughing,
chatting, flirting, heedless of falling
due and more rapidly falling thermom
eter. '
All day the ladies have been panting
in the inner rooms, praying for a breath
of fresh air, and sighing for thought of
their husbands, brothers and lovers,
sweltering in the sun-scorched city.
These, as the day declined, have per
spiringly rushed from their shops and
oinces to catch the evening train or
steamer, and are now slowly recovering
from the fatigue and debility due to
hard work, dead air and pitiless sun.
J. he evening is delightful. The dewy
grass and flowers give off a faint per
fume like that of Paradise, in compari
son with city stenches. The fire-flies
dance over the dark meadow across the
way, and the beetle drones among the
leaves overhead. Evening fades into
night, while the unheeded thermometer
against the door post records a steadily
decreasing temperature, which chills as
it refreshes.
Washington's Birthplace in 1873,
From its associations, and from its
natural beauties as well, the place was
doubly interesting. Standing half a
mile from the junction of Pope's Creek
with the Potomac Kiver. it commanded
a view of the Maryland shore and of the
course of (he .Potomac lor many miles.
The house was a low-pitched, single-
storied frame dwelling, with four rooms
on the hrst floor, and a huge chimney
at each end on the outside the style of
the better class of houses of those days.
A stone, placed there to mark its site by
u. VV. I'. (Jnstis, bore the simple inscrip
tion :
"Hebe, on the 11th of February
(O. 8..) 1732, Georob Washdjotos was
Such was its appearance in 1834 or
1835, when Howe visited it. Its present
condition may be gathered from what
the writer of the letter in response to
the London querist has to say about
the site itself, that being all that is left
of a place so memorable and so deserving
of perpetuation
"I have had no opportunity to obtain
the sketch I promised you. Indeed,
there is virtually no material to make a
sketch of. The birthplace is now simply
an old field lying waste, with indistinct
vestiges of a human habitation. An old
chimney stands which belonged to an
outhouse (kitchen or laundry) some
remains of a cellar, and the foundations
of a house in which tradition states
Washington was born. There was a
stone slab, with a simple inscription.
placed on the spot some sixty years ago
by u. w. 1'. fjustis, to denote the place,
but it was long ago removed from its
original position, mutilated and broken,
so that only a fragment remains."
That a place of such interest one
might call , it sacred should be left to
decay and obliteration is no new thing
in Virginia. Enemies might well de
clare that neglect of her mighty dead
is characteristic of the old common
wealth. The truth is, she has a great
many dead to care for, and of late years
all her time has been absorbed in the
care of her living. But something has
been done, or attempted to be done, to
rescue Washington's birthplace from
oblivion. As far back as 1858 an act
was passed by the General Assembly of
Virginia, accepting from Lewis Wash
ington a grant of the "site of the birth
place of George Washington, and the
homes and graves of his progenitors in
America," and appropriating five thou
sand dollars "to inclose the same in an
iron fence," etc. Hon. Henry A. Wise,
Governor of Virginia at the time this
act was passed, entered with zeal and
alacrity upon the work, the execution
of which was entrusted to him by the
legislature went in person to West
moreland, examined carefully the sites,
negotiated with the owner of the adja
cent farm for right of way, adopted a
plan for the inclosures and tablets, and
began a correspondence with mechanics
and artisans at the North with a view
to the speedy completion of the work,
and just then his term expired, the
war soon followed, and the matter was
of course dropped.
The money appropriated, together
with the accrued interest, is now in the
treasury of Virginia, and although
Governor Walker in his late message
did not bring the subject to the attention
of the legislature, the long-delayed work
will be consummated sooner or later,
and "a neat iron fence" with a few plain
slabs will be erected on the hallowed
spot. But it strikes the present writer
that hve thousand dollars, or even ten
thousand dollars, form rather a small
sum for such an object, and that "a neat
iron fence
Simplicity in Living.
To live simply to master and control
our expenditure, is a sore need in all
classes. The influences which surround
us, the habits which we fall into as a
second nature, all sway us in the same
direction. Every family and every
class seems to have caught hold of the
skirts of the one above it, and be des
perately holding on. Well, as Mr.
Goldwin Smith says, the best thing that
they pan do is to let go the only thing,
indeed, which will give themselves any
comfort, or make their lives of real use
in their generation. The moment they
will do so, and begin resolutely to live
without regard to what their neighbor
on the right spends on carnages, or
their neighbor on the left on upholstery
they will find themselves rich for all
good purposes. From that moment it
can no longer be said of ns with truth
that we dare not trust our wits to make
our houses pleasant to our friends, and
so we buy ice creams. And this most
needed of all reforms is just the one
which every soul of us can carry through
for himself or herself. We cannot
sweep our whole streets. No doubt.
But every one of us can sweep our door
step, and if he will do it quietly and
regularly, anon his ngnt-hand neigh
bors follow, and before long the whole
street is swept. And in this way, and
by this means, can almost all these so
cial tangles which we have been glanc
ing at casually this evening be set right.
Simple living 1 To it even the great
household question, at once the most
harrassing of social troubles, will in the
end yield, will begin at once to look
not wholly insoluble and hopeless
Speaking of this sore question in the
Nation the other day, one of the witti
est of American essayists took up the
cudgels lor .Bridget against her numer
ous accusers. "My good friend." he
urged' "what else have you any right
to look for? The things which Ameri
can life and manners preach to her are
not patience, sobermindedness, faith
fulness, diligence and honesty, but self
assertion, discontent, hatred of superi
ority of all kinds, and eagerness of phy
sical enjoyments ;" and the words come
home, I fear, with singular force to us
islanders also in those days. Let ns
hope that the picture of the good com
ing time which he goes on to draw may
prove true for us also. "Whenever the
sound of the new gospel which is to win
the nations back to the ancient and no
ble ways is heard in the land, it is fair
to expect that it will not find her ears
wholly closed : and that when the alter
of duty is again set up by her employ
ers, she will lay on it attractive beef
steaks, potatoes done to a turn, make
libations of soup, display remarkable
fertility in sweets, an extreme fondness
for washing, and learn to grow old in
one family." Thomas JIugcs.
right in saying that "every woman is at
heart a rake," he wonld have spoken
perfect truth had he said that every
woman is at heart an aristocrat, more
especially where her children are con
cerned. Xcw i'ork World.
Colorado Park.
The Park itself is 9812 feet above the
sea-level, or half as high again as Mount
Washington. The surrounding rim is
some two thousand feet higher, while
in the distance, north, south, and west,
may be seen the snowy summits, four
teen thousand feet high, of Gray's Peak,
I'ike s 1'eak, Mount Lincoln, and
Other Titans, without muse or name.
The South Park is sixty miles long
and thirty wide, with a surface like a
rolling prairie.and contains hills,groves,
lakes, and streams in beautiful variety.
It formerly abounded with buffalo and
other game, and was a favorite winter
hunting-ground of the Indians and the
white trappers.but since the great influx
of miners the buffalo have mostly dis
appeared. Such, however, is the excel
lence of the pasture that great herds of
cattle are driven up here to feed during
the summer. Several towns and villages
have sprung up aronnd the mines in
this vicinity, such as Hamilton, Fair
play, and Tarry all, to which a stage
coach runs three times a week from
Denver. j
In our old atlases, forty years ago, I
we used to see the Rocky Mountains
laid down as a great central chain or
Tortoise-shell jewelry is said to be
increasing in favor.
Lobe or stud ear-rings have largely
superceuea pendents.
There were nineteen wrecks of Ameri
can vessels during July.
Iu Paris, bull-frogs are a dainty.
Here they are a nuisance.
Gifts from the hand are silver and
gold ; bnt the heart gives that which
neither silver nor gold can buy.
Three letters, instead of the custo
mary six.will make the name of the most
eminent of .trench naturalists, to wit.
Q V A.
A wag who saw seven clergymen at
the Saratoga races inquired if the races
were to be opeued with prayer, but he
was hustled off the grounds.
A society for the "dispersion of dark
ness" has been starting a newspaper in
Japan. They oneht to have named
their paper the Sun.
Somebody says the planet Mars is
fading out. There have been so many
wars and rumors of wars during tli
past few years, no wonder the sangui
nary god is inclined to hide his head.
A coal vein, about two feet in width,
embedded in sandstone, and yielding
specimens of fair quality and free from
sandstone, has been discovered in the
hills of Selano county, Cal., about six
miles from Vallejo.
T . 1 -
backbone of the continent; but they are CS wn some JJ cattle at
rotho- . . i the Home Farms at W indsor. and uu-
vii.irv ,1 , 1 : ...... , ,. . .
miles in """"""'UK "ley naa been led on
rather a congeries of groups scattered i
n n Af 1 1 1 - 1 :
nu sics ui si, uuuureu null's u i :i u. . . ' . . , . . . . .
width, and a thousand miles long ; I ,c; hah1pew ?lute an'nlate.J.
among them are hundreds of thew n,J.8?lJ to,th.e nt, 'Ask if oil-
parks, from a few acres in extent to the j Llu"5 goou Ior w,ve8'
size of the State of Massachusetts. The Italians are said to exhibit bc-
These mountains differ so entirely from ! cimens of dead human bodies pre-
those usually described by travelers, j served according to the Bmnetti method
the Alps, the Scottish Highlands, and which are as hard as stone, retaining
the White Mountains, that one can I the natural shape Derfectlv And heinc
scarcely believe that this warm air and 1 equal to the best wax models.
rich vegetation exist ten thousand feet
It is stated that silk mav be nrmlnnnl
of different colors by feeding the worms
on various leaves. Worms fed on vine
leaves are said to produce silk of a
bright red color, while those fed on let-
above the sea. In climate the Colorado
mountains approach more nearly to the
Andes, where the snow-line varies from
fourteen thousand to seventeen thous
and feet. Here snow begins at twelve tuce produce emerald green silk.
thnnaanJ font pj. k,i'u'
vuuumuu WW illUIOSOCa IU qUtSIikllJf
to the extreme height of the tallest
peaks, about fourteen thousand two
hundred and fifty feet, though even
these are often bare in August. In
these parks the cattle live without shelter
in winter, and the timber is large and
plentiful at eleven thousand feet eleva
tion. Glaciers are wanting, but instead
we have the rich vegetation, the wide
range of mountains, the pure, dry, and
oaimy atmosphere, and a variety, a
depth and a softness of color which can
hardly be equalled on earth. Lipjiin
cott's Magazine.
The American Department oflhe
Vienna Exposition.
A Charming View.
last some one less vigorous- of i., ,i , ,t a
habit or more airily clad thau the rest
rises, with a shiver, and exclaims, "Why
how chilly it grows !" The shiver goes
round like a yawn, the family group
breaks up, and each member goes to
bed feeling a little stiff in the knees,
the result apparently of long sitting.
.Multiply this scene by the number of
suburban residences, and you have
rough estimate of the amount of ague
culture that goes on around us every
warm summer evening. That the crop
does not always come to maturity is
purely accidental.
Whether malaria is chill, and chill
only, as Dr. Oldham argues with such a
cogent array of fact and observation ;
or whether miasmatic emanations really
do arise from stagnant water, newly
disturbed illuvium, and so on, it does
not matter ; repeated exposure to chilly
night air especially with those of deli
cate habit, or those whose system is
debilitated by deozonized air, profuse
perspiration, and other conditions at
tendant on summer heat in citv streets
and offices is almost sure to result in
intermittent fever, or some other of the
so-called miasmatic diseases. To similar
alternations of temperature Dr. Oldham
for many years superintendent of one
of the largest sanitariums of the British
army in India attributes very much of
the prevalence of choleric diseases in
hot seasons and hot climates.
Persons who spend the heat of day in
the city and the coolor nights in the
suburbs have double need to be careful.
The contrasts of temperature are inten
sified in their case, and they are noto
riously more subject to malarial affec
tions than those who live constantly in
the country.
ihe proverbial ounce of prevention is
worth a pound of cure. In this case an
ounce of flannel may be worth many
doses of quinine. Avoid chill and you
will not be troubled with chills. This
Dr. Oldham s theory, and to prove
his faith in it he slept without harm in
the open air and close to the ground
every night for three months, in the
midst of one of the most malarious
swamps in India. His only precaution
was an abundant supply of blankets. '
j.o seekers 01 suburban comfort the
moral is don't sit out of doors at night
in the garb of noonday. At least put
on a thicker coat, or throw a shawl
around your shoulders, when the color
begins to fade in the western sky how
ever grateful the increasing coolness
may seem. Frank Leslie.
Authors Contrasts.
The Saturday Review points out the
contrasts between the public character
and the private being of most authors
thus : "The lively novelist is a taciturn.
morose kind of person, ever ready to
start topics of a grave and depressing
nature. The poet whose songs are full
of that delicious melancholy that makes
them so divinely sad is a rubicund,
rosy-gilled gentleman, brisk, middle-
aged, comfortable, particular as to his
wines, and prone to personal gossip and
feeble humor. The lady novelist who
sails very near the wind, and on whom
the critics are severe by principle, is as
quiet as a Quakeress in her conversa
tion, and as demure as a nan in her
bearing. The soar female essayist, who
finds everything wrono and nothintr in
its place, has a face like the fall moon,
ana looks at if she fed on cream and
batter." It is conjectured that the
lady who aat for the last etching was
Miss Frances Power Cobbe,
But not a dollar more may be expected
of Virginia at this time. She owes too
much, and has too little. If one of the
many Northern gentlemen who are
lavishing their hundreds of thousands
on colleges and other charities would
come to Westmoreland and pnt some
thing a little better than a "neat iron
fence" around the birthplace of Wash
ington, he would do a noble deed for
himself and for both sections of his
lately estranged country. Lipjtincott's
Seeing "Koblnson Crusoe."
Apropos that's French, but I don't
think the spelling is right Paris is a
nice place. You can have a good time
in Pans. We did. One day, Sun no,
Tuesday, we went out to Robinson.
You don't pronounce it that way ; I'll
tell yoa how when I get home. Robin
son is called Robinson because De Foe
wrote "Robinson Crusoe" there. They
say De Foe wrote R. C. sitting in a large
tree. He was a great ass if he did. We
sat in the same large tree, but it does
not follow that we wrote Robinson Cru
soe or were great asses. We had our
dinner in the top of the large tree, not
sitting along a limb and dangling our
legs, but in a sort of bird-cage reached
by steps from terra Anna. Our bird
cage was the favorite, and had to be
secured beforehand. We had a jolly
dinner ; the dumb waiter was a basket
hauled up by a rope. We had lots of
champagne, which accounts for old
giving the Widow 1,000 francs to let
him squeeze her hand, and accounts
for his pouring red wine down his white
vest to make him look as if he had been
in a duel.
When we found our cage sinking
rapidly towards the ground we left. On
our way down old , the Widow, and
I stayed back, and as we passed a lower
cage a pretty r rench girl sang "Cham
pagne Charley is my name," Ac Old
said : "D n it all right, old fel
low American go to the d-1 !" The
young French girl said, "I thought so."
The Widow sat on the steps, and said,
"He ! he !" and I said, "Ha ! ha !" for
only then we realized that old was
drunk !
I will do one side of the American
department in the exhibition stern jus
tibe. It commences with a long picture
placed there by the Tork Packer's Asso
ciation of Cincinnati, descriptive of the
processes which millions of American
hogs are subjected to before being con
verted into pork. There are hogs going
iu long procession to be killed, and
going, too, in a determined sort of way,
is if they knew it was their business to
be killed. Then came hogs killed, hogs
scalded, hogs scraped, hogs cut up into
shoulders, hams, sides, jowls ; hogs
salted, hogs smoked. Underneath this
sketch were a number of unpainted
nuggy ana carnage wheels ; next, a
pile of pick handles ; not far off, a little
mound of grindstones ; after the grind
stones, a platoon of clothes-wringers ;
next, a solitary iron wheelbarrow com
muning with a patent fire-extinguisher ;
following these a crowd of green iron
pumps sewing-machines in full force.
Such is a bit of the American depart
ment. It is the fashion here that every one
should have a growl at the general slim
ness and slovenliness of our department.
Every one gives our drooping eagle a
kick. This is all wrong. We can't
send our greatest wonders and triumphs
to Europe. There is neither room nor
opportunity in the building for showing
off one of our political torch-light pro
cessions, or a vigilance-committe hang
ing, or a Chicago or Boston fire, or a
steamboat blow-up, or a railway smash
up. Were the present chief of the com
mission a man of originality and talent,
he might even now save the national
reputation by bundling all the pumps,
churns, patent clothes-washers, wheel
barrows, and pick-handles out of doors,
and converting one of the United States
rooms into a reservation for the Modocs,
and the other into a corral for buffalo
and grizzly bears. These, with a mus
tang poet or two from Oregon, a live
American daily paper, with a corps of
reporters trained to squeeze themselves
into door-cracks and key-holes, might
retrive the national honor, if shown up
realistically and artistically. Lippin
cott's Magazine.
Tippecanoe county, Ind., is to have a
baby show as one of the attractions of
its annual fair. The judges are to con
sist of three bachelors and three ma
trons, each of the latter to be the
mother of not less than ten children.
The Tribune says : "It is pleasant to
know that we are faster and faster in
onr plastic art drifting away from the
old classical improprieties, and that
nobody would now try to make a mar
ble Washington as like as possible to
Jupiter Tonans."
There was a man in Yankee LanJ,
Who was co wondrona Wise,
Hejnmped into a big balloon
And mounted to the skua.
But when he came to England s shore.
And found Ihe enrrent nl.in
He soared into another drift,
Anil) came back agai a ! '
A sure friend is best known in an ad
verse state; we know not whem we
trust till after trial ; there are some
who will keep ns company while it is
clear and fair, who will be gone when
the clouds gather. That is the only
friendship which is stronger than death;
and those the friends whose fortunes
are embarked in the same bottom, who
are resolved to sink or swim together.
There is in Cayenne a fly, called the
LwHia hominirorax (man-eater),
which commits great havoc among the
convicts sent out to that colony by the
French Government. M. Charles Co-
thfl Q'lerel says that this fly lavs its ee-o-s in
blue sky and wears a picturesque grace mouth or nostrils of a sleeping con
not to be accounted for by the roman- v'ct especially a drunken one, and that
tlo beauty of its surroundings and its t,ie offspring in their larval state usu
perfect harmony with the scene in which j "Hy bring about the death of their vic
lt is so prominent an object. Far away ! l'm-
across the waters in front stretches the Seventeen years aeo. Miehnpl Tinrr.
The Isle of Shoals correspondent of
the Springfield Republican says that i
the visitor who arrives at night, and :
first views the scene at Appledore by
the light of an early morning sun, mnst
of necessity, be deeply impressed with
its loveliness. There are, upon the At
lantic coast, but few fairer pictures than
that which is presented from the hotel
porch when the last shadow of the night
has disappeared behind the western
horizon. In the foreground a little cove
indents the rocky shore of the island,
and here a navy of pretty boats rides
at anchor, tossing gracefully upon the
crests of the waves, and tugging rest
lessly at the cables, as if eager to be
gone. Away to the left White Island
rises boldly from the billows, the high
est summit crowned with a light-house
which stands clearly out against
New Hampshire coast line, hazy and
indistinct in the morning light ; while
beyond this and to the northward the
mountains of Maine raise themselves in
in a dreamy, misty ontline of blue and
makes the tender background of the
picture. They say that sometimes when
the atmosphere has exceptional clear
ness the sojourner at Appledore can
trace against the horizon the faint out
lines of Mount Washington and Mount
Jefferson, distant many a mile from the
A Mysterions Xolie.
A correspondent recently heard a sne
aker ot l'ottstown, lost a SJD note while
engaged at work. I he other day an in
mate of the Alms House, thinking he
was about to "shuttle off this mortal
coil" sent for Michael, and upon visit
ing him, said that he had found the $
which he pocketed at the time. "That
money," said the old man, "never done
me a bit of good, and I have worked
and begged until I raised sufficient to
pay you back, and here it is." Taking
; irum his put-KPt an oiii wallet.he handed
j Mike the snm he lost seventeen years
! ago. li fewh r.
Some Japanese fishermen recently
killed a huge cephalopod, their boat
naving oeeu seized bv its tentarW
cession of strange, crackling noises out! ir,lT ffu "el'a 3 tentacles,
of doors at night, and hod great dim- b j " ! hl? modern
cnltv in finding the cause. The sound from the ''"M" the insertion of the ten-
False Gentility.
Rome is now the chief seat of the art
of cameo cutting, two of which are pro
duced those cut in hard stone and
those cut in shells. The stones most
valuable for this purpose are the oriental
onyx and the sand onyx, provided they
have two different colors in parallel
layers. The value of the stone is greatly
increased for this purpose if it has four
or five different colors in parallel layers,
if the layers are so thin as to assist in
making the device ot the cameo. For
example, a specimen of stone, which
has four parallel layers, may be useful
for a cameo of Minerva, where the
ground would be a dark gray, the face
light, the bust and helmet black, and
the crest over the helmet brown or gray.
All such cameos are wrought by a lapi
dary's lathe with pointed instruments
of steel, and by means of diamond dust.
Shell cameos are cut from large shells
found on the African and Brazilian
coasts, and generally show two layers,
one white anil the other a pale coffee
color or deep red orange. The subject
is eat with small steel chisels oat ot the
white portion of the shell. Stones
adapted for cameo ratting are dense,
thick, and conaiavt usually of three layers
of different colored shell material.
A gentleman occupying a respectable
position in a mercantile house observed
the worn looks of a lad who had been
lately engaged. Addressing him kindly
he asked if he were ailing. The lad re
plied that he was merely overfatigued.
As there was nothing in his work at the
office to induce this his interrogator
made further inquiries, which elicited
that he only reaeived $6 a week ; that
his board and lodging in Brooklyn ab
sorbed $5 of this, leaving $1 for ferries
and all other expenses ; that under
these circumstances he had cast abont
for night employ, but after the most
active effort could only succeed in pro
curing 50 cents a night as super at a
theatre. But this alas, he had now been
compelled to give up. He found that he
could not stand the burning of the can
dle" at both ends. He had been obliged,
on leaving the office at half-past five, to
rush over to Brooklin for his supper.
then recross to New York and run, with
the thermometer at eighty and ninety
for he couldn't afford the car to an up
town theatre. He reached it panting
and running down with perspiration,
donned his fantastic attire, aud then
remained for hours in a heated atmos-
Ehere. It is not very remarkable that
e had found this process exhaustive,
but he was,nevertheless, greatly pained
at having to give it np. Moved with
commiseration, the gentleman who had
questioned him availed himself of his
confidential position to suggest to his
principal that $6 a week was an inade
quate salary. The principal admitted
this, and bv consenting to raise it to
910 made the poor boy happier than a
IT 1 , , . T". 1 . 1 1 .
v anaeroiif or lrew wcea uiey puvittn
a million. But in extenuation of such
small remuneration he observed, and
very truly. "'Remember the crowd of
applicants we had who wonld have been
thankful to come for five." Now a chief
cause of fiis enormous supply of needy
clerks is their mothers' rage for gentil
ity. The fathers don't care much abont
culty in finding the cause. The sound
came from some fallen walnut tree
leaves, and he naturally expected to
find that some species of insect caused
the leaves to rustle.
"At the next spot where I examined,
I closely watched the modus operandi,
and saw the dry, brown leaves gradu
ally curling open, moving like little au
tomata ; one opening wonld touch an
other, and that in turn rolled open, with
the peculiar rustling sound that had at
first attracted my attention. But there i hands, and mont of them are disagree
was no worm there. What then was the able ones. There is the fishy way, the
power that carried on this general more- snubbing way, and the pumping 'way,
ment? Upon meditating a little, the I and, the worst of all, which is the hearty
truth flashed upon me ; it was simply way. When a friend is so glad to see
that the day had been remarkably warm you that he crushes your hand in his
for an April day, and the heat of the joy, aud ren lers you incapable of man
sun had warped the leaves, curling them ual labor for eleven years, it is nearly
up like a voluta ; but as the sun set,the time that friendship should become a
northeast wind had blown the clouds lost sentiment. This is what happened
and moisture from the Atlantic, and, i to a poor fellow in New Hampshire
tacies, was abont sixteen feet ; one of
the arms, from the junction of the body
to the sucker at the end, measuring five
feet in length. The readers of Hugo's
"Toilers of the Sea" have not yet for
gotten the "devil-fish," the marine hero
of the story, and may have their confi
dence in the author restored by this
actual discovery of an eqnally hideous
and powerful monster.
There are many ways of shaking
coming in contact with the dry leaves,
had caused them to uncurL Thinking
that some motion wonld accelerate their
movement, I stamped upon the ground,
and immediately the whole garden
seemed alive with motion. The occur
rence seems oLsmall account, but it il
lustrates in a perfectly natural way the
force and effects of variations in tem
perature." Honest Iago.
A Canadian paper repeats the fol
lowing anecdote with great nnction:
Five years ago a gentleman in the
United States got up a railroad
speculation, for which it was thonght
necessary that there should be a
Government subvention. The affair
was duly submitted to Congress, and an
engineer of high character, who was
without a wit, was appointed on the
part of the Government to report on the
scheme. This scientific man visited
the country, returned, and was one day
sitting in his hotel, with a friend lying
on the sofa, when one of the railway
promoters entered and addressed the
engineer in a low whisper. Speak out,
said the engineer. Accordingly, after
ascertaining that the other party pre
sent was a friend.he said in a loud voice :
"Mr. Smith, if yoa will fix that report
to suit us, we will give yoa 130.000 of
the stock." "Mr. Jones," was the re
ply, "when yoa want to bnbe an honest
man an honest man, mind yon come
right down with your tpondnlics : darn
it, bat whether Pope was or was not yoor stock 1"
r i ..
uose suu case snouut serve as a warn
ing to the American people the most
inveterate and unreasonable hand-shakers
in the world.
The MarseilL-us, who enjoy excellent
opportunities for acquiring a taste for
shell tish, since the Mediterranean sea
board produces edible mollusks of sur
passing quality, have established kiosks
all along the approaches to the old har
bor, in which oysters, mussels, cockles,
and other bivalves, are displayed for
sale. It is enrious to see the passers
by, going to and from their business,
stop before the shelves on which they
are displayed, getting them opened,
sprinkling them with lemon, devouring
them, paying for them, and darting off
in all haste, to repeat the snack on their
rerun This goes on from morning till
The Chicago Superintendent of Pub
lic Schools has hit upon a device which
appears promising. Ho recommends
the establishment oi an ungraded
school, o which the bad scholars the
boys who swear, are obscene, rowdyish,
or who flagrantly violate any rule, which
offence is ordinarily pnnished by sus
pension or dismissal, and the girls who
are of the same sort shall be sent from
all the other schools, there to remain
until they become fit for associating
with the properly-behaved scholars in
the graded schools. By this plan the
evil disposed will not be deprived of an
education, but will be educated in a
school of manners as well as mental, instruction.