Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, July 16, 1873, Image 3

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    lt Juniata Sentinel.
after Monday, May i!6, 1873, Passenger
Train will leave Mifflin Station aa follow :
Philadelphia Express 1:05 A. M.
Fast Line 1:68 A. ii.
$ouihern Express 6:07 A. M.
Pacific Express 10:07 A. M.
Hsrrishurg Accommodation 11:28 A. M.
M.il Train 6:12 I. M.
Cincinnati Express 8:50 P. M.
rittsburg Express 1:C8 A. M.
Cincinnati Express 1:58 A. M.
Southern Express- 4:10 A. M
Vacific Express- 5:13 A. M.
Wav Tasscnger 10:07 A. M. '
Mail Train 3:38 P. M.
fast Line n.33 P. M.
The following scale of prices for announce
ments of candidates, in the Sexti'kl, for of
6ce t the approaching election to be pub
lished weekly until the Primary Election
will be rigidly adhered lo : Senate, $15;
Legislature, $10; Sheriff, Register and Re
corder, Commissioner and Treasurer, $5
etch. Communications recommending can
didates for office, 25 cents per line.
No announcement or communication will
be published unless accompanied by the
Date is filling.
Fiue corn weather.
Politics is a brewing,
ricntj Black bass in five years.
Slim Valley may be rich a dozen years
A case or two of clnlera is reported
from Altoona
The building of the Presbyterian par
sonage is progressing finely.
Patronize your home paper in prefer
eence to those of distant places.
Jealousy and envy are the patents of
many bad thoughts, feelings and di eds.
There are specimens of iron ore in
almost every store and public house in
the county.
The monotonous green of eatly sum
mer is broken ; different colors now dec
orate the landscape.
The people of Path Valley, Franklin
ronuty, believti that anthracite coal has
Ik en found along Dry llun.
The largest and best assorted f-tock. of
Goods in the Juniata Valley at the store
of the Suuibaugh brothers.
A common question heard on the street
ii, "How have the geologist and engineer
of the Reading Railroad reported ! ' and
the common echo is, ' (low !"
The United Brethren will LoU a camp
meeting one and a half miles from limit
iogdon, on the line if the Broad Top
Railroad, commencing August 14th next.
Conglomerate nick.' the basis of coal
baeius, may be seen iu the ' g:pa" of the
bade mountain. The tirt-t geologist
that rieits the village thould be taken up
into the mountain.
Wasted An ap; n-ntice at this office
to learn the printing busineft. An ap
plicant from town preferred.
Proposals will be received at the
Comsiiii'sioncrs's office fur the erection of
a new Court House. See advertisement
in another column.
CLEAN up. and be careful iu diet
Cholera is coursing along the great tbor
oughfares of travel, and may pop in on
us when we least expect it
Thus far eeven liquor dealers of this
city have been placed nnder bail to an
swer the charge of dealing in the ardent
contrary to law. Aftoona Tiitune.
Miss Anmb Wisr, of this place, will
instruct twice a week iu instrumental
triune in the Juniata County Normal
School, at Thompsoutown, this couuty.
A Greenwood township boy aud a
Mifflin blood had a " stand up fist fight"
on show day. Greeny came out ahead,
and the blood adjourned to sober up.
A youth, aged twelve years, named
Howard Kane, a scholar at Cassville
Soldiers' Orphan School, was drowned in
the creek at the above place on the 5th
A BESIDENT of Julian Furnace, Cen
tre county, banged himself in bis stable
on the morning of the 9th inst. He was
a well to-do farmer, and leaves a family
to mourn Lis death.
Threb hundred varieties of weighing
machines are manufactured by the Fair
banks Scale Company." Of one vatiety,
for Grocers' use, 7,000 scales were turned
off last year.
Icb Cbkam'. All lovers of good Ice
Cream will find a most delicious article
at Wise's Ice Cream Saloon. Also cakes
of different kinds. Ice cream and cakes
served every afternoon and eveuing.
Guss.of the Huntingdon Globe, has
received a present of a pair of young
prairie wolves from Rev. Samuel Aughey,
Professor of Natural Sciences in the
University of Nebraska, at Lincoln, Ne
braska. This show of last week was one of
largo proportions outside. Tom, Dick
and Harry, with their wives and an in
numerable host of children, were in at
tendance, as well as other folks. For
several days afterwards stray dogs of
different colore and sizes were hanging
about town, generally making the Court
House yard their resting place. A num- j
ber of our sportsmen suggested a grand ;
gunutDg expedition for the animals, nnder j
an order of Council, but it was not asked.
On the 5th inst.. a JeanataV
directed to Wm M. Allison and A mo. Q.
Bonsall, editors jwpeetively of the Re
pvhlican and Democrat and Rrguter, was
received by Mr Allison, stating tnat, by
authority of the Fish Commissioners, a
number of black basa. caught at New
port, Terry county, had been consigned
to them, to be put in the river at this
place, and might be expected here on the
afternoon mail train westward bound.
All of which statement Mr. Allison prop
erly and duly announced, and, as a con
sequence, when the train arrived quite a
crowd had collected to "see what was to
be seen."
A peculiarly shaped can, gotten np to
suit the views of fish men, contained the
precious stock of. font teen fishes, that
will in time replenish the stretch of river
between this place and Lewistown dam
with a w Loiesome aud deliriously flavored
fish, was quickly handed out of the ex
press car to Mr. Allison, who, by virtue
of the despatch, had become Master of
Ceremonies for the occasion. By his
direction the can was laced nnder the
stream of the water plur, aud thereby
the warm and foul water in which the
fish had been from the time they left
Newport, was expelled. After thus
treating the fUh to fresh water from the
hills above Patterson. Mr. Bonsall not
being present, the w hole management de
volved on Mr Allison. The onerous
duties were considerably relieved by
clever attaches of the Railroad company
bringing a whole locomotive, trembling
with steam, to the work. The can was
lifted on the engine and speedily con
veyed to a point on the river shore, be
low the track, just above the railioad
warehouse, west of Patterson, and oppo
site the once well known shad fishery on
Bell's Island. A number of people were
present to witness the introduction of the
fib into the river, and so great was the
curiosity to see the bass that they came
near crowding Mr. Allison, his assistants
can, fish and all into the usually blue,
but then muddy, river. Brother Allison
will be kind enough to pardon us for
noting the only visible defect in his man
agement just here. He should have had
his programme so perfected that all could
have seen what took place ; he did not so
have it. He should have taken the pre
caution to have had arms, such as pike
poles, cutlaeaes, fish gigs, harpoons, torn
xhawks, or any. weapons that be might
have deemed sufficient, placed in the
hands of his assistants, to hare repelled
the heathenish rush that was stimulated
by a morbid curiosity, which, before ap
peased, might have drowned him in the
waters he was doing so much to re-stock
with " Bas ! oh ! the beautiful bass !''
It would have been a big fishing to have
fuhed Allison out of the river. We
haven't fished iu many days, but we
would have done some tall fi.-hing to
have fished him out. It is probable,
however, that he will ironically say we
would have done no such thing, but left
him to drown
In consequence of the rush to see, no
one saw the lUh distinctly ; mere glimpses
of them were caught by the eye as they
emerged from the can and swam away
through the muddy water, and some eyes
didu't even get a glimpse, and the peo
ple retired, highly pleased that the fish
were in the river, hut not satisfied at
their failure to sen them, which was in
the main their own fault the conse
quence of their crowding.
When Brother Allison has passed
away from this mischievous and trouble
some world to another, a celestial sphere
of action he is orthodox, we trust, and
not troubled with pythagorean transmi
gration notions, which, if true, might
consign him to the "Narrows," to splash
aud splunge as a linge black bass, and
be angled for by those who are to come
posterity here will ever keep his mem
ory fresh and green by association with
the enterprise that gave the people of
tliese valleys the wholesome and pleasant
food from the waters of the " Blue J u
niata." Don't shoot the man who takes the
first black bass out of the river and uses
it on the table, as Governor Dix said
should be done with the man that would
attempt to haul down the American flag,
but sue him. All are so directly inter
ested in the success of this enterprise
that all should willingly wait for the ex
piration of the few years required by
law to abstain from using these fish.
Those who will not wait, should te
made to wait under the law.
About 7 o'clock yesterday morning a
fire originated among the chemicals in
tbc studio of Joseph Hess, the village
artist, a few doors east of this office.
Mr. Hess was not in at the time. People
on the street saw smoke issuing from his
room, gave the alarm, bursted open the
doors and extinguished the fire before he
arrived on the scene of disorder. The
discovery was made in time to prevent a
destructive fire, as there was air enongh
astir to have driven the flames through
the whole block in which it originated.
It was another narrow escape for the
Wherb is Jcdok Lynch 1 On Sun
day uieht, the 6th inst., some scoundrel
or scoundrels placed a tie on the track
of the railroad about a mile below Lewis
town. It was caueht up by the passen
ger train due at 1:30, and lodged some
where in the running gear or tne tram,
scattering large splinters from there to
the Granville bridge, a distance of over
two miles. The company is putting
forth everv exertion to find the villians,
and should they be discovered it will
perhaps be the dearest job they ever
undertook. Jjwittotcn Uazctie.
U. T. McAlistbi, Esq., of Fayette
township, furnishes the following inter
esting statistics relative to the popula
V ' 1850. 1860.
Whit. Col'd White. Col'd
Beale 734 10 43 10
Delaware 890 .. 1524 83
Thompsontown 232 ...
Fayette ... 1541 9 . 1971 85
Mifflintown...... 483 2 766 11
Greenwood 1648 8 636
Richfield- 130
Lack 1146 ... 1839 1
Milford 1081 14 1083 19
Patterson . i ... 680 . 4
PerrysviUe 265 18 605 13
Monroe - ; . 1021 , ...
Spruce Hin t... ' - 855 22
Surqoehanna- 820 ...
Turbett.... 1398 1 701 2
Tuscarors 1170 6 1296 7
Walker. 1471 22 1683 8U
Mexico 195 16
Fermanagh 839 48 1053 4$
Part of old Greenwood previous to 1858.
t Part of Turbett previous to 1854.
j Part of Greenwood previous to 1868.
Native Foreign White. Cord
Beale 1035 4 10006 83
Delaware 1004 15 1074 4
Thompsont'wn. 280
Fayette 2044 7 2')4 2
Mifflintown .... 845 12 841 16
Greenwood-... "19 25 744
Richfield 131 ... 13!
Lack... 1252 88 1290
Milford 1140 18 1121 29
Patterson 633 26 658 1
PerrysviUe .... 557 2 552 13
Monroe 10f.2 16 K78
Spruce Hill 95 4 874 25
Susquehanna... 881 890
Turbett 711 8 70 11
Tuscarora 1470 22 1491 1
Walker- 1603 6 1525 83
Mexico 6 3 91 8
Fermanagh-... 984 9 980 13
The population of Juniala county was in
'.840, 11.080; in 1850. 13,366; in I860, 16,
986 ; in 1870, 17,623.
Thk show last week did not get on
the ground that had some days before
bcea enca:ed for it. John Kiser gal
lantly came to the rescue, and turned the
whole concern. bag aud baggage," into
an oats field. It didu't hurt the ehow a
Prof. J. P. Wickeksham was at Mo
Aliatervilh? on the 11th inst., and con
ducted the examination of the Soldiers'
Orphan School in person. Mr. Wicker
sham's management of the Orphan
Schools is as satisfactory as his manage
ment of the Commou Schools has been.
The Anuual Meeting of the stock
holders of the Juniata Valley Bank of
Mifflintown will be held at the office of
the Bank, on Momdav, August 4, 1S73,
at 1 o'clock, P. M.
T. V. IbwiS, Cashier.
July ie-3t
The other night a young man got off
his propriety, and got on his impropriety,
and became quite annoying on Cherry
street, between Main and Third streets.
A citizen look the matter in charge and
lodged the "blood' in jail shout mid
night, to the s itisfaction of the neigh
Tiilrk were no fpread eagle perfoim
ances here on the 4lh. Thompsoutown
iudulged in a grand pic nic on that day.
Numbers of our young people returned
from it in the evening happy as an even
ing zephyr. Others returned not thus
moved. There was a hop in Graybill's
1111 in the evening.
Some time ago the Lewistown Gazelle
got off a huge snake story. For a time
it squelched all snake stories. Latterly
the Reading Times published one that
clouds the Gazelle entirely. It says a
Berks county man killed a black snake
sixteen feet long and eighteen inches in
circumstances. Mifflin county must give
up the champion snake killer's belt.
The hen roosts and poultry .yards of
onr agricultural friends along Hominy
Run, iu Turbett township, have recently
become the '-nocturnal visiting gronnds"
of a mink, that has, within a few nights,
destroyed between one and two hundred
fowls, such as chickens, ducks, &c. That
mink must be a veteran poultry thief. It
is as destructive as chicken cholera.
Cavp Mektinos. People wishing to
attend the teveral camp meetings this
season would do well provide themselves
with camp stools. W. F. Snyder, in Mif
flin, has a full and complete stock, neat,
cheap and durable. Don't forget to call
and examine the stock. He has also a
full line of Lounges of the very best aud
latest styles. Dou't forget the place, on
Main street, Mifflin, Pa.
Bbbuy and Wilson had quite a time
to get their cattle through the crowd on
Bridge street on show day. The people
stood in the way as oblivious as statuary
to everything going on except the ap
proaching show. It would have required
a party of mounted Modocs to have
cleared that street. It's a pity Bergy
and Wilson didn't have one or two to
whoop. They, however, succeeded iu
getting their cattle safely carred.
Jcxiata County Normal School.
The Fall term of this institution will
open July 21, 1873. For particulars
call on or address the Principal, D. A.
Herman, Thompsontown. Pa. Refer
ences David E Robinson, County Su
perintendent, Port Royal; G. W.Lloyd,
Ex. Co. Sunt., Thompsontown ; Dr. P. L.
Greenleaf, Thompsontown, or Prof. J. M.
Garman, Patterson, Pa. , .
IRON has reached an enviable position
among medieines as a cure for Liver Com
plaint, Dyspepsia and all diseases arising
from a disordered liver or stomach. It
costs but little, purifies the blood and
gives tone to the stomach, renovates the
system and prolongs life. Try this val
uable Tonic. For sale at Banks & Ham
lin's Drug Store, Miffliutown, Pa.
Notice to Tax Patrrs amd Col
LfcCToas. All persons paying their
State and County tax for the year 1873,
in full, on or before the first 'day of Sep
tember, 1873, will be allowed an . abate
ment of ten per cent. All delinquents
will be required to pay the full amount
of their taxes as charged in the dnpli
All Collectors for 1873 are required to
collect and settle their respective dupli
cates in full, on or before the April court
All Collectors are hereby notified not
to collect the Militia Tax assessed for the
year 1873. By order 'of ihe Board of
Safe and speedy horses, clean and
comfortable bugg$ee wjd' carriages for
hire at the New Livery Stable, just
opened in this borough by
Samuel RionE.BAcan.
Tuosb afflicted with Pains and Aches
ER, a valuable remedy. For sale at
Banks Sc Hamlin's Drug Store, Mifflin
town. A new Piano, fresh from the manu
factory, can be bought at an advanta
geous price, by calling at, or addressing
this office.
Tli 3nrl:ets.
Prices of Board of Commerce.
Reported weekly for the Jdhiata Sestirel
by tbe Doard of Commerce of Mifflin and Pat
terson. Butter "b tb
Eggs, $) dot -
Lard, lb
Country Soap
Wool, washed
Dried Apples
" Peaches, pared
" Peaches, unpared
" Cherries, pitted -
" Raspberries
Country Hams-
Sides and Shoulders
Potatoes, bus
Onions "
Ground Alum Salt, "J? sack
Railroad Ties
Locust Posts, mortising -.
" " for board fence.. .
... 16
... 18
... 8
.... 8
... 25
... 8
... 3
... 60
... 10
... 15
... 10
... 16
. 12
... 7
o 05
" 60
J. & H. A. Stambaugh's Prices Current.
Corrected Weekly.
Crystal Paiack, Mifflintown, 1
July 16, 1873.
Prime Roll Butter, per lb- 16
Eggs, per dozen 18
Lard, per lb ...... -. - 08
Tallow, per lb . 03
Beeswax 30
-Dried Apples, per lb......... ..-... 08
" (.berries, seedless, per lb UU
" " unseeded 00
Blackberries - 00
" Raspberries : W
Walnuts, per bus - 00
Shellbarks - 00
Potatoes 00
Chickens, live, per lb- 08
II ami " - on
Shoulders " 07
Sides " . 06
Liverpool Ground Alum Salt, per sack 2 00
D. P. Sulouff & Co.'s Prices Current.
Reported Week!.
Wheal, tf) bus $1 25
Corn- .r0
Oats 37
Clovorseed 0 P0
Timothy seed 0 00
Prepared Coal, "j? ton $5 25
Nut " " - 4 25
Pea " " - 3 10
Bituminous" " - - o 00
Run of Log, 4 4, $ 1000 ft $35 00
5-g( 25 00
8-4, " ....25 00to40 00
" 6-4, " 2500to4000
Hemlock Frame, " : 20 00
Boards, " 20 00
Whitepine worked Flooring 35 00
" German Siding 35 00
Panel Doors .'..2 00 to 3 00
Window Bash, 8x10, window- f5
" " 9x12, " 75
10x12, " 80
" " 10x14, " 90
PuiLAPSLPhiA, July 15, 1873.
Flour. The maiket is quiet, but prices
are unchanged. Sales of 900 bbls inclu
ding Superline $4 C04 75
Extras $4 50g5 00
N. W. Extra Family u $7 O0(a,7 53
Ohio & Ind. do. do $8 009 00
Penna. do. do. - $7 25f,8 50
Fancy Brand...- $9 2511 00
Grais. Wheat meets a fair demand and
comes forward more freely, at $1.581.65 for
red. $l.C5al.C7 for amber, and $1.85 for
white. Corn attracts more attention- Silos
at 57a5Sc for yellow, 40a45o for damp, and
55c for Western mixed. Oats more with
much freedom at an advance. Sales at 47a
50c for white, and 39a40o for mixed.
Mosdat, July 144 P. 31.
Beef Cattle. The market for Beef Cattle
opened decidedly strong under tbe influence
of a diminished supply, and with a good de
mand from the butchers holders succeeded in
realizing an advance. 8ales of choice at 7J-
73c ; fair to good at 6a7e, and common at
4ja5jo. Receipts 2,000 head.
Cows and Calves attracted very little at
tention, and the tone was rather soft ; sales
at $45a70.
Sheep meet quith a lively demand, and
with light offerings prices favored the selling
interest ; sales of - fair and choice at5a6o per
lb., and common at $2. 50a 3 50 per bead.
To all u Aow 1 may concern :
The School Board of Walker township
met May 31st, 1873, at Flint Hill. David
Divcn, Treasurer of Walker School District,
for 1871, in account with same, as follows :
Balance due Diatriot at last settle
ment $178 16
Amt. of Orders lifted................... 117 14
Due township..".....''..... $56 02
Due bill given for same by Diven.
William Hetrick, Treasurer for 1872, in
account, (aud.) as follows:
Gross amt. of Duplicate... .....$2156 90
State appropriation 217 34
$2374 24
Ant of orders lifted $1879 21
Collector's fees 83 81
Exonerations 63 33
2026 35
Due bill given by Hetrick for ,
Due bill given by Diven
$347 89
66 02
Gross amt. due Twp. on settlement
May 31, 1873.. , $403 91
N. D. Vaudieb, Ste'g.
Jane 18, 1873.
A FINE assortmeat of Cloths, Caasimtres
Testings, CO., just received and for sals
by S. B. L0BD05.
Harried t
BR1NBR SWARTZ On the 2nd inst.. by
Rev. J. A. McGill, Mr. William B. Brine
and Miss Amanda J. 8wartx, both or Ihe vi
cinity of Pleasant View, Juniata county.
CLECK At his residence at Vanwert, in
Walker township, on the 4th inst., of spotted
fever, Mr. Jacob M. Cleck, aged 38 years.
Mr. Cleck was a worthy citizen in civil
life. lie was ais at the outer post of duty
during a long period of the time when the
existence of the nation was put in jeopardy
by the slaveholders' rebellion. He enlisted
on the Uth day of August, 1862, as a pri
vate in Captain B. Beerbower's Company I
102nd Ohio Volunteers, commanded by
Col. Given, and was honorably discharged
oa the 30th or June, 1866, at Nashville, Ten
nessee. -
WILSON On the afternoon or the I lib
inst at his residence iu Fermanagh township,
about one mile north or this borough, Mr.
David Wilson, aged 8 1 years.
Mr. Wilson was a native or York county
this State, and was born in the year 1789.
When the war with Great Britain broke out
in 1812 he enlisted as a volunteer in 'he town
or York Pa., and held the office or Corporal.
He participated in the battlo of Norih Pjint
Md., after which his company was disband
ed and he returned to the pursuit of his bus
iness or trade that of a tanner. In the year
145 he came to this oouaty where he has
ever since lived as an exemplary citizen.
He was a most fnithful supporter or the
National cause during the late Rebellion,
and willingly, patriotically, encouraged four
or his sons to enter tbe army which they
did. One of whom David, a Lieutenant, in
in the lstTenn. Cavalry never returned alive,
he was killed at the battle of Cold Harbor.
He did not murmur but like a Roman father
deemed the National cause worthy of the
sacrifice of his son.
gnv glflwtiisfraftitis.
is a substitute for Soap for all Household
purposes, except washing clothes.
for Cleaning your House will save the labor
of one cleaner. Give it a trial.
for Windows is better than Whiting or Water.
No removing curtains and carpets.
cleans Paint and Wood, in fact the entire
bouse, better than Soap. No flopping.
Saves labor. You can't afford to be without it.
for Scouring Knives is better and cleaner
than Bath brick. Will not scratch.
is better than Soap and S:ind for polishing
Tinware. Brightens without scratching.
Polishes Brass and Copper utensils better
than Acid or Oil and Rotten Stone.
for Washing Dishes and Glassware is invaluable-
Cheaper than Soap.
removes Stains trum Marble Mamies, Tables
and Statuary, from Ilarl-finished Walls, and
irom China and Porcelnin.
S apolio
removes Stains and Grease from Carpets
and other wovtn fabiics.
There is no one article known that will
do so many kinds of work and do it as
well as Sapolio. Try it.
a new and wonderfully effective
Toilet Soap, having no equal in
this country or broad.
as an article for the Bath,
"reaches the foundation" of all
dirt, opens Ihe pores and gives
a healthy action and brilliant
tint to the skin.
Cleansesnd Beam ifies the Skin
instantly removing any stain or
blemish froiu both hands and
is without a rival in the world
for curing or preventing rough
ness and chapping of cither
hands or face.
removes Tar, Pitch, Iron or Ink
Stains and Grease ; for workers
in Machine Shops, Mines, 4c.
is invaluable. For making the
Skin White and Soft, and giving
to it a '-bloom of beauty," it is
unsurpassed by any Cosmetic
costs 10 to 15 cents per cake.
and everybody should have it
You will like it.
Bay it or yonr merchant if he has it
or will procure it Tor you. If not, then
write for onr Pamphlet, All Aboat
Sapolio," and it will be mailed free.
July 16, 1873-ly
(Successors to D. K. Sulouff k Co.,)
Grain, Luml)or7Coal,
Hfilt, 3?lstei
The Highest Cash Prices Paid
for all kinds of Grain.
Lnmber. Coal, &c, Sold at ihe
Lowest Prices.
Having boats of oar own we can freight
Grain, Lumber, Coal, Ac, cheaper than any
other parties. We therefore defy competi
tion. Qf-Yop ean make money by calling on ns
before selling or baying elsewhere.
Gbaih will bi biccivid in STWBI TO HI
SOLO BT TBI 1st or JoiB, 1878.
P. S. Oar grain is not elevated on men's
Mifflintown, April 20, 1872.
JA H. A. STAMBAUOH always keep np
their stock ofJROCERlE3 and will not
be exeelled either in the quality or priea of
their goods in this lino. Give them n call
before going elsewhere.
$rnr Q&vtttlsmMs.
JS pursuance of an order issued out of the
Orphans' Court of Juniata coua'y, and
to the undersigned directed, will be exposed
to public sale, on the premises, in Fayette
township, Juniata county. Pa , at 1 o'clock
P. M , on
SATURDAY, JULY 26ili, 157?,
The Following Real Estate, to wit :
situate in Fayette township, ane-fourth mil
from the main road leading from Mifflintown
to McAlisterville, and one mil from tbc lat
ter place, containing
more or less, bounded by lands of John Mus
ser, William Thompson, Samuel Myers, E. A.
Margrits and others, having" thereon erected
a Frame
and out-buildings. There is also a
on the premises. This is a Tery desirable
One Hundred Dollars or the purchase
money to be paid when the property is struck
down ; oba-fourth or the whole purchase
money to be paid on the confirmation or sale
by the Court ; one fourth on the first day of
April, 1874, when Deed will be made and
possession given ; and the balance to be paid
in. two equ kl annual payments thereafter,
with interest, to be secured by bond and
mortgage, or by judgment.
For rurther information inquire or the un
dersigned, residing in Mifflintown.
Adm'r or John Robinson, dee'd.
June 2"), 1873.
It costs less than $300 to make any $000
Piano sold through agents, all or whom
make $100 per cent, profit. We have no
agents, but ship direct to families at factory
Wejnake only one style, and have but one
price, '
net cash, with no discount to dealers or com
mission to teachers. Our lumber is thor
oughly seasoned. Our cases are
Double Veneered with Rosewood,
have front round corners, serpentine bottom
and carved leg. We use the full iron plate
with overstrung bass French Grand Ac.ion
wiih top dampers, and our keys are of the
best ivory, with ivory fronts. Our Piano has
seven octaves is G feet 0 inches long, 3 feet
and 4 inches long, and weighs, boxed, 95o
pounds. Every Piano is fully warranted for
five years.
Send for illustrated circular, in which we
refer to over 700 Bankers. Merchants, Ac ,
(some of whom you may know,) using our
Pinnos in forty four States and Territories.
a Please elate where you saw this no
tice. TJ. S. PIANO CO.,
June 25, 1873.
Main Street, UiJJliutown, Pa.
Chemicals, Dye Stuff.
Oils, Paints,
Varnishes, Glass,
Tutty, Coal Oil,
Lamps, Burners,
Chimneys, Brushes,
Infanta Brashes, Soaps,
Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes,
Perfumery, Combs,
Hair Oil. Tobacco,
Cigars, . Notions,
and Stationery.
selected with great care, and warranted from
high authority.
Purest of WINES AND LIQUORS forMedi
oal Purposes.
J-PRESCRIPTIONS compounded with
great care, mal6'72-ly
A Large assortment of Queensware, China
ware. Glassware, Croekerywaro, Cedar
ware, Ac, for sal chtap by
J. & H. A. BTAMBACGirS. t
'djlcrrliandisf, if .
Crystal Palaou -"j'-CrjSal Palace.
The First,
The Best,
The Cheapest
' The Largest
Stock of fioods
To Offer to the Public
Just Received from Eastern
? Markets.
Seeing TLem will Guarantee You
June 9, 1873.
Bridge Street, Mifflintown, Pa.
"ITfE have opened out in Nevin's Block,
" one door west or Tilten & Espen
schade's Dry Goods Store, tbe
TinnTS ATm STrmns
Jb 'r 4b M A A .A. v m M m -a- f
ever brought to this county.
We buy our stock from manufacturers and
in large lots. Vit pay eath, and expect to
sell for eaih, which will enible us to offer
goods !
Work Made to Order.
This branch or the business will be supir
intended by A. B. FASICK, one or the b.r
practical mechanics in the county. All
kind or repairing dune. All work war
July 1, 1873-tr
tFpaJinELr Wooa Mas.
Steam Engines.
The Best & Most foiniW .U'sn: ! :n-nt
i:i the MarLct.
Them Knpinca h.ire lwr. mnin':-.! '- mt
hijfhmt mxti.Wr.1 i.f fciv. w in!c tl.
nutnufivtur" of Kntinis it"I Sm.MiI'-
p.liltv. V hnve rht fcirx-'t on.l mm' mmnW
vnrks of fliokin.t in th'tomitrj, ni.a uu-iary
apefiAl!r adapuM to the work.
W kwp rnst!UitlT in rmr lnTTTP tliitn Vt of
Knirux, whic:i w fnn-h attli' v-rv kwTt mwi
mai on the liortit fcoikv. "K haiM KneinM
npciiUlf adr.ptnl to Mint-. Saw Mill". Cifc.1 JIilN,
Tiuuierien, 'ittnn tiim, 'i'hrviJu.T nd a.l i la.-.-
of manufacturing. .....
We are now hiiiHin; tne wtrbrntol Law rirrn
Inr 8w Milt. Ue but out wt ruu.n'i.'tu mw UlUl
tpt hi wnted.
We mke the mirnitfwfnw of Pnw M il oirtflt
special frnturn of onr hu-imiM, n l fctfi furniJl
eomplt- on Ux' I.oi t'-st iio'v b.
Our aim in all emws w to furnWi th tvnt ma
chinery in the market, aud wotk ahunluttlv un
ijnaledfovbaantyoI'dfiini.Mnnonij unjatrengtb.
Bend for Circulur and Price Lut.
trricA, w. y.
Cucnnbar YTooi Panp.
Tastt'lefS, Durable, Kflieiwii.
Z jJJ nnd Cheap. The best l'iiut
Ilr toe least mftuej. aurn
,iion in epeciaily invite l to
Mlatchley l atent Improve'!
Bracket and New Drop Check
B Valve, which can bo wiih-
diawn without removing Ihe
; pimp or disturbing the joints.
Also, the Copper Chamber.
which never cracks or scales, and will outlast
ny other. For sale by dealer everywhere.
Send for Catalogue and Price-List.
Chas. O. Platchlev, Manuracl r,
506 Commerce St., Phitada., Pa.
Administrator's Hotioe.
Ettatt of Anitrton Pmt; dictated.
LETTERS of Administration having been
irranted to the undersigned upon the
estate of Anderson Pines, late of Delaware
township, deceased, all persons indebted to
said estate are r?qaeled to make payment.
ant) those having claima against the sane,
to present them properly authenticated for
settlement to
A dmirattrator.
LARGE stock of Heady-made Clothing for
ale by HARLEV A to.
fa Handbills for pnMio salt printed on
short notice at the SaiTixt Orrics.